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Method of For Machinery: Efficient Vibration A Decision

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International Journal of Rotating Machinery ( 2000 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V.

2000, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 19-27 Published by license under

Reprints available directly from the publisher the Gordon and Breach Science
Photocopying permitted by license only Publishers imprint.
Printed in Malaysia.

An Efficient Method of Vibration Diagnostics for Rotating

Machinery using a Decision Tree*
aSchool of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea,"
bResearch & Development Center, Korea Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Changwon, Korea

(Received 15 May 1998," In finaljbrm 17 July 1998)

This paper describes an efficient method to automatize vibration diagnosis for rotating
machinery using a decision tree, which is applicable to vibration diagnosis expert system.
Decision tree is a widely known formalism for expressing classification knowledge and has
been used successfully in many diverse areas such as character recognition, medical
diagnosis, and expert systems, etc. In order to build a decision tree for vibration diagnosis, we
have to define classes and attributes. A set of cases based on past experiences is also needed.
This training set is inducted using a result-cause matrix newly developed in the present work
instead of using a conventionally implemented cause-result matrix. This method was applied
to diagnostics for various cases taken from published work. It is found that the present
method predicts causes of the abnormal vibration for test cases with high reliability.

Keywords: Vibration, Diagnostics, Expert system, Decision tree, Rotating machinery

1 INTRODUCTION tion is critical to operation of high speed rotating

machines. So the necessity of vibration diagnostics
A number of rotating machines are installed in for rotating machinery is gradually increasing.
power plants and petroleum refinery plants. Vibration diagnosis require deep knowledge on
Malfunction of a rotating machine due to some dynamics of the rotating machines and operation
defects may cause shutdown of the plants resulting principle, because vibration signals are very compli-
in high maintenance cost. It has been considered cated and the causes of abnormal vibration are
very significant to detect the defects of the machines interrelated to one another. However, operators in
at an early stage. The defects can be detected early the plants are usually not experts on the vibration of
by using vibration signals, since vibration signals the rotating machines. Thus a lot of research has
contain current dynamic characteristics of the been done to make it possible for even an operator
rotating machines. Moreover, the abnormal vibra- who is not an expert can diagnose the cause of

This paper was originally presented at 1SROMAC-7.

Corresponding author. Tel." +82 5l 6206450.
20 BO SUK YANG et al.

abnormal vibration using automatic diagnosis case belongs. Each attribute measures some impor-
system. An expert system is a system that represents tant features of a case, and may have either discrete
the knowledge of a special domain expert. Every or numeric value. All information about one case
expert system is composed of an inference engine must be expressible in terms of a fixed collection of
and a knowledge base. attributes. A set of training cases with known
In this paper, the decision tree will be introduced classes is called a training set. Training cases from
to acquire the structured knowledge in the form of which a classification rule is developed are known
concepts and to build the knowledge base which is only through their values of a set of attributes, and
indispensable for the vibration expert system. The the decision trees in turn are expressed in terms of
decision tree is a technology that builds the knowl- these same attributes. In order to correctly classify
edge-based system by the inductive inference from each case in the training set, we start at the root of
cases and the decision tree itself can play the role of the tree, then evaluate the test, and take a branch
a diagnosis tool (Mui and Fu, 1980). The induction appropriate to the outcome. The process continues
task is to develop classification rules that can until a leaf is encountered, at which time the case is
determine the class of any case from its values of asserted to belong to the class named by the leaf, i.e.
the attributes. These classification rules will be the successive division of the set of training cases
expressed as a decision tree. Since the decision tree proceeds until all the subsets consist of cases
is induced from cases, a set of cases relevant to the belonging to a single class. Thus the classification
special domain is needed for decision tree (Safavian rules are assigned to each node.
and Landgrebe, 1991). This set is called the training The above process is represented graphically in
set. Each case in the training set is described in Fig. 1. Let T be a training set. If T is empty or
terms of a collection of attributes and has known contains only cases of one class, the simplest
classes. Therefore, considering induction tree for decision tree is just a leaf labeled with the class.
vibration diagnosis, we first have to construct a Otherwise, if X is any decision rule on a case with
training set relevant to the vibration diagnosis, and possible outcomes O1, O2,..., On, each object in T
then induce the decision tree. The training set is will give one of these outcomes for X. Thus, X
generated using a result-cause matrix newly devel- produces a partition {T1, T2,..., Tn} of T with Ti
oped in the present work, instead of using a containing those cases having outcome Oi. If each
conventionally implemented cause-result matrix. subset T; could be replaced by a decision tree for
Of algorithms for induction of decision tree, the the result would be a decision tree for all of T.
algorithm developed by Quinlan (1986; 1987; 1992)
is basically adopted in this paper. The method 2.1 Selection of Test
developed is applied to a variety of cases taken from
rotating machines to verify its reliability. The structure of the decision tree highly depends on
selection of test (X) as a root. As a criterion for


This technology for building knowledge-based

systems by inductive inference from case histories
is a typical algorithm used for construction of a
model of the knowledge used by a human expert.
Because a decision tree executes supervised
learning, classes and attributes must be established
beforehand. The class is a category to which each FIGURE A decision tree structured with case in T.

selection, we use the information-entropy evalua- also represents quantity of information provided
tion function (IEEF) based on the information by X in a training set. Thus, we select an attribute
theory (Quinlan, 1986) proposed by Shannon. The or test of the highest GR value as the root of the
calculation procedure of a IEEF is as follows: decision tree.
Step 1: Calculate the average amount of informa-
tion, info (T), needed to identify the class of a case
2.2 Evaluation of Unknown Attribute Values
in a training set T.
In the previous section, if an attribute value is
-i__ {freq(Cj,
T) x
1g2\ (.freq_(C, T)
IT} )} unknown, the outcome of a test cannot be
determined since every test is based on a single
attribute. In real world, occasionally one may not
obtain necessary data, which requires special
treatment. Problems coming from the unknown
where TI is the number of cases in T, Cj. is the j-th attribute values can be classified into three cate-
class, k is the number of classes, freq(Cj, T) is the
number of classes belonging to Cj in T. gories, and are solved through the following
Step 2: Calculate the expected information, processes.
info(T), required for a test X to classify T.
2.2.1 Generalization of the Gain Ratio
infox(T)-- { info(T;)}
(2) Selection of a test on which the training set is
partitioned is made on the basis of heuristic criteria
where n is the number of outcomes of X, Ti is a such as the gain or the gain ratio. If the attribute
subset of Twhich is divided due to the i-th outcome. values are unknown in the tests, one may not know
relative desirability of the attributes due to shortage
Step 3: Calculate the mutual information,
of information. Therefore, generalized gain ratios
gain(X), obtained from classification of T
should be computed taking into account the
depending on X.
shortage of information.
gain(X) info(T) -infox(T). (3) For an attribute, let Fbe the ratio of a cause with
known attribute values to total cases. The general-
Step 4: Calculate the split information, split ized gain(X) is calculated by Eq. (6). The number
info(X), obtained from classification of T into n of outcomes becomes n + considering that a case
subsets. of an unknown attribute value be another set of
attributes. Thus, the generalized gain ratio is

split info(X)-
i=l { x lo82 ()} (4) obtained from Eq. (8).

gain(X) F x {infO(Tknown) infoX(Tknown)},

where n is the number of outcomes of X. (6)
Step 5: Calculate the ratio of the mutual infor-
mation to the split information, GR(X).
split info(X) -Zi=1
x lo82 (7)
GR(X) gain(X)/split info(X). (5)
GR(X) gain(X)/split info(J() (8)
The gain ratio, GR(X), makes up for a short-
coming of the gain, gain(X), which biases to an where Tknow is a set of cases with known attribute
attribute of larger attribute value. The gain ratio values.
22 BO SUK YANG et al.

2.2.2 Partitioning of the Training Set And let N and E be the sum of total leaves of S
and the sum of errors, respectively. In this case, the
Once a test has been selected, training cases with
pruning assumes that, for unseen cases of N, the
unknown values of the relevant attribute cannot be
number of misclassifications would be -]E + L(S)/
associated with a particular outcome of the test, and
2, following the continuity correction for a bino-
so cannot be assigned to a particular subset Ti.
mial distribution. The standard error, for the errors
We introduce a weighting factor, w, representing
probability of a case to belong to a subset. If the
se(E), is defined by the following:
case with seen outcome Oi is assigned to a subset Ti,
probability of belonging of the case to Ti is 1, while
probability to remaining subsets is 0. However, if
the case is with an unseen outcome, the probability
will be between 0 and 1. In this case, the subset Ti If the leaf has error not larger than E + se(E)
becomes a set of probabilistic cases. after S has been replaced by the best leaf, the
subtree is replaced with the leaf. This procedure
2.2.3 Classification of Unseen Cases makes the decision tree the simplest and the lowest
error for given training sets.
When the decision tree is used to classify a case, the
outcome will not be decided if the case has an
unknown value for the attribute tested in the
current decision node. Similarly as in the previous 3 APPLICATION AND RESULTS
subsection, the system explores all possible out-
comes and combines the resulting classifications Based upon past experiences on vibration of the
arithmetically. That is, since there can be multiple rotating machines considered, we divided causes of
paths from the root of a tree or subtree to leaves, a vibration into 14 classes, and divided vibration
classification is a class distribution rather than a phenomena into 20 attributes, which are summar-
single class. A class with the highest probability ized in Tables I and II. These classes and attributes
becomes the class of the unseen case. are enough to represent vibration characteristics of

2.3 Pruning
TABLE Class of the decision tree
Pruning is a simplification process of the decision
tree. For a set with unseen cases, capacity of the No. Class (cause of vibration) Symbol
classification is decreased and evaluation is not Mechanical unbalance Unbalance
feasible. Pruning strengthens the classification for 2 Misalignment Misalignment
3 Partial rub Partial rub
the population, and evaluates the decision tree to 4 Crack Crack
classify unseen cases, with reasonable degree of 5 Mechanical looseness Looseness
reliability. This evaluation presents reliability of the 6 Ball bearing damage Ball bearing damage
7 Foundation distortion Foundation distortion
decision tree, and is called predictive accuracy. The
8 Critical speed(1 resonance) Critical speed
inverse of the predictive accuracy is called predic- 9 Subharmonic resonance Subharmonic resonance
tive error rate. The following way (Quinlan, 1987) 10 Oil whip/oil whirl Oil whip/whirl
in which the recursive partitioning method can be 11 Vane passing vibration Vane passing vibration
12 Clearance induced vibration Clearance induced vib.
modified to produce simpler trees is used in the 13 Static eccentricity of air gap Static air gap
present work. or stator damage
Let S and L(S) be a subtree of a decision tree and 14 Dynamic eccentricity of air gap Dynamic air gap
or rotor damage
the number of leaves belonging to S, respectively.

TABLE II Attribute and attribute value of the decision tree

No. Attribute Symbol Attribute value Symbol
What is the predominant frequency’? Predominant frequency x component 1x
2 x component 2x
x and 2x like same
harmonics of x multiples
higher components higher
more than x
lower components lower
less than x
2 Is there a natural frequency? Natural frequency yes yes
no no
3 Is 0.4-0.48x component predominant? 0.4-0.48 x yes yes
no no
4 Is 0.5---1 x component predominant? 0.5-1 x yes yes
no no
5 Is bearing damage frequency predominant? /fbearing yes yes
no no
6 Is vane passing frequency predominant? /fva yes yes
no no
7 Is subharmonic predominant? Subharmonic yes yes
no no
8 Is there harmonics of l,/2x component? 1/2-multiple yes yes
no no
9 Is there intense noise at the high frequency area? High frequency yes yes
no no
10 Is there line frequency? f0 yes yes
no no
11 Is there two times frequency as large as line frequency? 2f0 yes yes
no no
12 Is there a pulsation component, Pulse yes yes
no no
13 Do phase and amplitude of x component change? x -change yes yes
no no
14 Do phase and amplitude of 2 x component change? 2x -change yes yes
no no
15 Does runout vector change? Runout change yes yes
no no
16 Is axial amplitude larger than lateral amplitude? Axial amplitude yes yes
no no
17 Is orbit shape leaning to one side or eight shape? Orbit shape yes yes
no no
18 What is direction of orbit? Orbit direction forward direction forward
backward direction backward
19 How is amplitude change during shut-down? Shut-down almost constant stays same
decrease at the same ratio decrease
temporary pause temporary pause
drop out suddenly rapidly drop
20 What is predominant location of vibration? Location shaft shaft
bearing bearing
pipe system piping
casing casing
coupling coupling
24 BO SUK YANG et al.

most rotating machines. The classes taken can TABLE III Result-cause matrix of classes to attributes
be divided into three groups, depending upon Predominant frequency
sources of the vibration. The first group includes Vibration cause lx 2x Almost Multiples Higher Lower
mechanical unbalance, misalignment, partial rub, same
crack, mechanical looseness, ball bearing damage, Unbalance 30% 30%
foundation distortion, and critical speed. These Misalignment 50% 70% 30%
are mechanical faults. The second group is related Partial rub 13% 8% 13% 10% 20%
with fluid flow in the machines, and includes sub- Crack 30% 13%
Looseness 38%
harmonic resonance, oil whirl/whip, vane pass- Ball bearing 13 % 30%
ing vibration, and clearance induced vibration. damage
The third group is related with electrical faults, Foundation 12% 15%
and includes static eccentricity of air gap or stator Critical speed 13 %
damage and dynamic eccentricity of the air gap or Subharmonic 20%
rotor damage. resonance
Oil whip/whirl 5% 6% 25%
The attributes taken are frequency, amplitude, Vane passing 13% 30%
phase, trend, and location of vibration. Since vibration
vibration spectra usually contain such information Clearance induced 2O%
for diagnostics, the frequency is divided into several vibration
Static air gap 30%
components as shown in the tables. The classes and Dynamic air gap 13%
attributes are represented with corresponding
symbols for implementation in the expert system.
We utilized the cause-result matrix (Sohre, 1980)
in order to construct training set for decision tree.
Sohre’s cause-result matrix has been utilized in For an example, we take the case #2 in the table.
most automatic vibration diagnosis system. But this This case represents an excessive vibration of a
decision tree using Sohre’s cause-result matrix was centrifugal fan with 24 vanes running at 3360 rpm.
short of reliability. So, both attribute and class were The vibration spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. From the
defined again, and a new result-cause matrix spectrum, we see that the vibration is higher at
improving its reliability was developed to induce 1344Hz than at the running speed (56Hz). The
vibration diagnosis decision tree. Table III shows a vane passing frequency is the product of the
part of new result-cause matrix. The values in the running speed times the number of vanes, which
table implies probability of frequency components is 1344 Hz (56 Hz 24 1344 ttz). For this case,
for the vibration causes. Figure 2 shows the decision the decision tree first searches for condition of
tree inducting throughout this training set. the predominant frequency, resulting in "higher".
The decision tree was applied to diagnostics for Then, the next step decides if the high frequency is
various rotating machines. Sample cases were taken originated from the ball bearing damage or the vane
from published work. Results of the diagnostics are passing vibration. In this case, information on ball
summarized in Table IV. The table compares bearings are not available. Thus, the final diagnos-
diagnostic result from using the present method tics results in 90% probability of the vane passing
with those obtained from the conventional cause- vibration instead of 100% probability.
result matrix proposed by Sohre (1980). As shown For another example, we take the case #4 in
in the table, the present method is found to predict the table. This case is an excessive vibration of a
causes of vibration more reasonably than the centrifugal pump due to misalignment. The pump
conventional method. runs at 3600rpm. In Fig. 4, vibration amplitudes

yes (
lower higher like



el Subh21maon’i’c
Oil whip
yes ( __



| vibration
] [Unbalance
Partial rub yes
n -y

yes (

r ys

1 Partial rub

Foundation d’istortion be
FIGURE 2 Decision tree for vibration diagnostics.

are summarized for each location of measurement. known, the same principle is applied, as in the
The vibration amplitude is the highest at the inner previous step. In the final step, the location of the
bearing, with 40.665 mm/s. The highest frequency most severe vibration is checked. The diagnostic
component is 120 Hz, i.e., 2 x revolution vibration, result shows that misalignment is the primary
as shown in Fig. 4. In diagnosing the vibration, the source of vibration with probability of 47%. In
present method first asks the frequency compo- this sample case, since known data are very re-
nent and then 2 is selected. In the next step, the stricted, the probability is not so high although the
run-out vector is checked. For this case, since data primary source of vibration is correctly diagnosed.
on the run-out vector is not known, the more Thus, when one diagnoses the vibration of the
probable branch is selected, based on probabilistic rotating machines, one has to acquire as much data
branching by the branching algorithm of the as possible, including not only steady state and
present method. In the next step, amplitude change transient vibration data but also data on operation
during shut down is checked. Since data is not of the machines.
26 BO SUK YANG et al.

TABLE IV Diagnostics result of rotating machinery

Machines Vibration cause Diagnosis result
Result-cause matrix Cause-result matrix
Induction motor, Wowk (1991) Looseness Looseness 50% Unbalance 36%
the others 50% the others 64%
Centrifugal fan, Wowk (1991) Vane passing vibration Vane passing vibration 90% Bearing damage 67%
Ball bearing damage 10% Seal rub 33%
Centrifugal pump, Mitchell (1993) Vane passing vibration Vane passing vibration 90% Vane passing vibration 75%
Ball bearing damage 10% the others 25%
Centrifugal pump, Miguel (l 996) Misalignment Misalignment 47% Misalignment 45%
Foundation distortion 53% the others 55%
Draft fan, Wowk (1991) Misalignment Misalignment 54% Vane passing vibration 90%
the others 46% Seal rub 10%
Fan, Wowk (1991) Unbalance Unbalance 29% Unbalance 36%
the others 71% the others 64%
Steam turbine, Mariano (1993) Misalignment Misalignment 100% Misalignment 100%
Turbo-blower, Maegawa (1990) Oil whip Oil whip/whirl 72% Oil whip 59%
the others 28% the others 41%
Air compressor, Maki (1993) Oil whip Oil whip/whirl 53% Oil whip 59%
the others 47% the others 41%
10 Centrifugal pump, Maki (1993) Misalignment Misalignment 51% Foundation distortion 80%
the others 49% Misalignment 20%

0.2 (a)
Vane )assing

(b) Location Direction Velocity(mm/s)

56 V 2.210,
H 3.175
V 3.429
H 3.91
A 3.175
V 27.203"’
H 40.665
V 19.355
1000 2000 H 15.443
Frequency, llz A 2.438

FIGURE 3 Vibration spectrum of centrifugal fan (Wowk, (C) 40

1991). Frequency Amplitude
IxRPM 6.35 mm/s
2xRPM 36.58 mm/s


A method of vibration diagnostics for rotating

machines has been developed, using a decision tree
8.35 92.4
with a result-cause matrix. The method was 193.2 294.0
394.8 495.6

applied to a variety of rotating machines. It is

FIGURE 4 Vibration spectrum of centrifugal pump (Wowk,
found that the present method diagnoses vibration 1991). (a) Measuring points; (b) Overall vibration level; (c)
causes of the rotating machines relatively well. Vibration spectrun at the location 3H.

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PAMI, 2-5, 429-443.
k number of classes Quinlan, J.R. (1986) Induction of decision tree, Machine
number of outcomes of test X Learning, 1, 81 106.
Quinlan, J.R. (1987) Simplifying decision trees, International
Oz possible outcome of T,. Journal ?f Man-Machine Studies, 27, 221-234.
split info(X) split information Quinlan, J.R. (1992) C4.5. Programs jbr Machine Learning,
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Safavian, S.R. and Landgrebe, D. (1991) A survey of decision
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X any decision rule with possible Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York. Ch. 5.
outcomes O1, O2,... ,On

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