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Sap'S: Guidelines ON Maintenance of Road Rollers 1984

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IRC Special Publication 25

Published in July 1984

(The Rights of Publication end Translation are reserved)

Published by
The Indian Roads Congress
Copies can be had by V.P.P. from the
Secretary, Indian Roads Congress,
Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi-hO 011
Price Rs ~~OO
(Plus packing & postage)

Edited and Published by Ninan Koshi, Secretary, Indian Roads

Congress, New Delhi. Printed at PRINTAID, New Delhi-hO 020.

Contents Page
1. What is a Road Roller ... 1
2. General 2
3. Do as You like—But Do This 3
4. Do as You like—But Don’t Do This .. 4
5. Action—Every Morning 5
6. Action—Every Evening .. 6
7. Preventive Maintenance just means
Periodic Effort ... 7
8 Hourly .. 8
60 Hourly ... 10
125 Hourly ... ii
250 Hourly ... 12
500 Hourly ... 13
1000 Hourly ... 14
1500 Hourly ... 16
2000 Hourly ... 17
8. Oils and Lubricants •.. 18
9. Safety ... 19
10. Trouble Shooting other than Engine ... 20
11. Trouble Shooting—Diesel Engine ... 22
12. Mobile Field Service Unit .. 26
13. Storage of Fuel ... 28
14. Guide to Good Rolling ... 29
15. Proforma of Log Sheet ... 33
16. Inspecting Officer’s Check Sheet for
Maintenance “. 34

Members of the Highway Construction and Mechanization Committee

1. G, Viswanathan Chief Engineer (Mechanical), Ministry of Shipping & Transport

2. JK, Dugad Superintending Engineer (Mechanical), Ministry of Shipping &
(Member-Secretary) Transport
3. V.M. Bedse Chief Engineer, PW.D. Maharashtra
4. R.S. Bhatti Superintend ing Engineer, Rajasthan P.W.D.
5. M.L. Dhawan Managing Partner, Industrial & Commercial Corporation,
Amritsar-143 004
6. B.L. Dutta Superintending Engineer (Mech.) P.W.D. Roads, West Bengal
7. S.K. Gupta Superintending Engineer(Mechanical). P.W.D. B Er ft. Haryane
8. V.P. Gangal Superintending Engineer, New Delhi Municipal Committee
9. V.P. Kemdar Managing Director, Gujarat State Construction Corporation Ltd.
10. S.K. Kelavkar General Manager (Marketing), Marshall Sons & Co. India Ltd.,
hi. S.B. Kulkarni Chief Consumer Er Bitumen Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.,
12. M.R. Malya 3, Panorama, 30, Pali Hill Road, Bombay-400 052
13. Somnath Mishra Superintending Engineer, Orissa P.W.D.
14. J.F.R. Moses Technical Director, Sahoyak Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Hydarabad
15. P.M. Nadgauda Pitri Chhaya, 111/4, Erandavane, Puna-411 004
16. K.K. Nambiar “RAMANALAVA”. 11, First Crescent Park Road, Gandhinagar,
Adyar, Madras
17. G. Raman Director(CIvil Engg.). Indian Standards Institution
18. G. Rath Superintending Engineer, Orissa P.W.D.
19. 5.5. Rup Scietjst, Central Road Research Institute
20. Satinder Singh Superintending Engineer, Punjab P.W.D.
21. O.P. Sabhlok Chief Engineer, Himechal Pradesh P.W.D. B&R
22. ~Joginder Singh Superintending Engineer. Haryana P.W.D.. 8&R
23. S.P. Shah Tata Engineering Er Locomotive Co. Ltd., Bombay-400 023
24. H.N. Singh Superintending Engineer (Mech.) P.W.D, Bihar
25. Prof. c.G. Swamjnathen Director, Central Road Research Institute (Retd.)
26. L.M. Verma Superintending Engineer (C). Directorate General Border Roads
27. Sushil Kumar Director (PR), Directorate General Technical Development, Govt.
of India, Ministry of Industry
28. R.K. Khosla Asstt. General Manager (Mining), Sharat Earth Movers Ltd.
29. M.N. Singh Chief Manager (PM), Indian Road Construction Corporation,
New Delhi
30. Brig. Jagdish Narain Chief Engineer, Udhampur Zone, P.O. Garhi, Udhampur—182121
31. The Director General (Road Development) Er Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of lndia—Ex-officio
Members of the Working Group

1. G. Viswanathan Chief Engineer [Mechanical], Ministry of Shipping Er Transport

2. Lt. Ccl. C.T. Chari Superintending Engineer, E-in-C Branch, Army Headquarters

3. JR. Cornelius Superintending Engineer, Highways Er Rural Works, Tamil Nadu

4. N.K. Jha Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Ministry of Shipping Er Transport

5. U. Mathur Britannia Engineering Co.

6. V.B. Pandit Chief Engineer (Mechanical), Maharashtra

7. S.S. Rup Scientist, Central Road Research Institute

8. V.K. Sachdev Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Ministry of Shipping Er Transport

9. S.S. Yechury Superiritending Engineer (Mechanical), Ministry of Shipping &


The art of compaction as the key to increased strength and improved perfor-
mance were know to man since early ages. This technique has since been refined
and perfected with the use of road rollers. Today in the field of road constructions
road rollers hold the key not only to quality construction but also improved mainte-
nance, helping in the creation of durable assets.
To meet the growing needs of traffic, there is a persistent demand to add
new lengths to our existing road network and strengthen or widen the important
arterial routes. The task is colossal and the funds inadequate calling for the high-
way engineers to utilise their ingenuity in meeting the demands. Road rollers play
a vital role in accomplishing this task and in order to get the maximum return from
the existing fleet of road rollers through systematic and timely maintenance under
well trained operators and mechanics is a must.
In keeping with this need, the Indian Roads Congress through its Highway Con-
struction and Mechanization Committee has prepared guidelines with essential
tips on operation, maintenance and repair of road rollers. These guidelines were
approved by the Executive Committee and the Council in their meetings held on the
7th December, 1983 and the 8th January, 1984 respectively.
It is hoped that this document would serve as an useful guide to the Highway
Engineers engaged in road construction.

New Delhi Director General (Road Development) a
July, 1984 AddI. Secretary to the Govt. of India

Guidelines on Maintenance of Road Rollers 1

What is a Road Roller

Different types and capacities of road rollers are
required for different job-specifications depending
upon the typo of soil, moisture content,. lift thickness
and output. These include smooth wheeled rollers,
which are more commonly used, pneumatic tyred
rollers, vibratory rollers, tractamount rollers and
sheeps foot rollers. Though a particular type may
have a few special features/components like pneu-
matic tyres, vibrating mechanism etc., most of them
have several common features like:

prime mover (Generally diesel engine)

power transmission system (clutch, gear box,

differential, etc.)

control system


As such. the general maintenance aspects to be con-

sidered for one type of roller are not very different
from others.

2 Guidelines on


You are interested in putting extra life into your road

roller. Thats why you have started reading this
manual. Well, thats half the battle won. Now don’t
put this down unless you have some urgent reason to
do so. This is no ordinary compendium of facts and
figures. It has been specially Written for you, an
overworked operator, for you, a tired technician, for
you, a harassed supervisor and you, a busy manager.

Much money has been spent on the purchase of your

roller. If it keeps running~the investment is worth-
while. If it is idle due to any reason, your project
suffers. If it is damaged and idle, the project suffers
even more. Repairs are always costly and time
consuming. Remember. neglect causes more failures
than honest wear.

We can help you run your roller without trouble,

without tears and that too, with no extra effort.
Interested? Well, read on.
Maintenance of Road Rollers 3

Do as You like
But Do This
Do carry out the maintenance instructions.

Do read the engine maker’s instruction book.

Do make sure you are using the correct grades of

fuel and lubricating oils.

Do use clean fuel and lubricating oil.

Do keep the correct level of engine oil in the air


Do keep battery topped up to correct level,

Do check all oil levels and grease points regularly.

Do check adjustment of brakes, clutches and fan-

belt regularly.

Do lock up starter switch when leaving roller un-


4 Guidelines on

Do as You like —

BUt Don’t Do This

DON’T leave water in radiator or tank during cold
weather, if in freezing zone.
DON’T attempt to change gear unless clutch hand-
lever is in centre position.
DON’T leave roller in gear with engine running
DON’T try to engage automatic decompressor
while engine is running.
DON’T leave the differential lock engaged after
wheel slip has been eliminated.
DON’T leave Kigass fuel open after engine has
DON’T shut fuel supply tap when stopping engine.
DON’T leave roller unattended without applying
hand brake, use stops while parking on inclines,
DON’T allow any unauthorised person to climb into
drivers cabin.
DON’T move roller without releasing brakes.
DON’T march the roller on own power to work
sites beyond 25 km. It should be transported on
DON’T stop roller during rolling to avoid occurrence
of indentation.

Maintenance of Road Rollers 5

Action — Every Morning
You start work each morning and before the roller
goes for duty, it would be time well spent if you
ensure that these points are acted upon:

* Check fuel oil, fill up tank, bleed fuel systems if

* Check cooling water and fill.

* Check lub oils in all reservoirs and top up if defi-

* Start engine as per laid down procedure.

~ Check readings of all gauges.

* Look for obvious leaks.

* Check for any unusual noise or vibration.

6 Guidelines on

Action — Every Evening

By the time you finish work for the day, the roller
would have operated for eight to ten hours. Before
you go off duty, it is essential that these points are
acted upon:
* Fill up fuel tank before parking.

* Report defects noticed during operation.

* Check for leaks.

* Carry out frost precautions—if necessary.

* Check alt bolts, nuts and linkages for tightness.

* Clean machine and lubricate all points.

* Cover ports and exhaust pipe to avoid rain, dew


* Record entries regarding hours run and fuel/oil

<< consumed in tog books and machine history card.
Maintenance of Road Rollers 7

Preventive Maintenance
just means Periodic Effort
Thats no exaggeration. believe us. The emphasis is on
periodicity, which is every:
* 8 hours
* 80 hours
* 125 hours
* 250 hours
* 500 hours
* 1000 hours
* 2000 hours

These could vary somewhat depending on the make

of the machine, but that is no big worry. Let’s look
at each of the Periodic Tasks.
Note: The hourly schedule of maintenance prescribed above
needs Implementation and it must be ensured. A check
sheet has been provided at the arid of this book for
recording the same and should be checked by inspecting

8 Guidelines on

8 Hourly
(i) General (a) Check oil, water or fuel
for leaks.
(b) Check for exhaust
smoke colour, noise, or
(c) Check all bolts and nuts,
joints and connections,
if loose or deficient.
(d) Read all guages and
(ii) Engine sump Check and top up oil.
(iii) Transmission Check oil level and top up.
(iv) Fuel tank Drain sediments and water
from sediment trap drain

(v) Fuel filter Drain sediments and water
from sediment drain plug.
(vi) Cooling system
(a) Top up coolant level.
(b) Chock fan belt. adjust
tension or replace.
(vii) Air filter Keep oil level up to groove
in level. Use new engine oil.
(viii) Final drive Check for oil leaks and
(ix) Oil pressure Check oil pressure. Normal
working pressure is (40 to
60 psi) 2.8 to 4.2 kg/cm2
(x~ Dynamo charge Check dynamo charge rat-

Maintenance of Road Rollers 9

(xi) Lubricating Points

a) Differential shaft bearing Oil
b) Hind roll bushes Oil/Grease
c) Front roll bushes Oil/Grease
d) Clutch shaft bearing Grease
e) Brake shaft Oil/Grease
f) Trunion pinion rear Oil/Grease
g) Universal joints Grease
h) Steering head Remove cap nut.
adda few drop
of oil into hole in
i) Steering worm gear Oil/Grease
j) Clutch side and operat- Oil/Grease
ing fork
k) Fuel drive pinion :Oil
I) Engine control Clean mud or
dust from all
working pins and
pivots, of all con-
trols and operat-
ing rods, and
lubricate using
oil can.

Notes: (I) Service air cleaner at earlier intervals under adverse

working conditions.
(ii) Check all bolts, nuts, set screw and split pins whore
fitted, including engine, gear box transmission and
(iii) After the days work fill Driver’s Log book as in the
proforma provided at the and of this book.
10 Guidelines on

60 Hourly
(i) General Carry out 8 hours task.
U (ii) Fuel pump chamber Drain the fuel pump
chamber (or when
the fuel spills from the
tell tale hole).
(iii) Battery Top up to ~“ (6 mm)
above plates with dis-
tilled water.
(iv) Sliding ballast weight Check rope for ten-
sions and rope grips
for tightness.
(v) Lubricating Points
(a) Starting handle shaft :Oil
(b) Starting spindle :Oil
(c) Clutch driver and Pour a little oil in one
casing of the four holes in
clutch casing also into
one of the two holes
in clutch drivers.
(d) Steering worm Grease
(e) Hydro steering ram :Oil
Note: After attending to the maintenance enter the date of
maintenance in maintenance check sheet.

Maintenance of Road Rollers 11

125 Hourly
(i) General Carry out 8 hours and
60 hours tasks.

(ii) Fuelfilter Change the filter ele-


(iii) Engine oil Change engine oil and

filters if working under
adverse conditions.
12 Guidelines on

250 Hourly
(i) General Carry out 8 hours, .60
hours and 125 hours

(ii) Lubricating oil filter Replace filter.

(iii) Fuel filter Remove drain plug at

bottom of filter bowl
and allow fuel to flow
through until clean
fuel appears. Replace
drain plug.

(iv) Prefilter Remove bowl and

(v) Dynamo Refill grease cup on


(vi) Water pump belt drive Fillgreate cup.

Note: Inspect drained engine oil for metal particles. If any

found, suggest holding unit to report to workshop
Maintenance of Road Rollers 13

500 Hourly
(i) General Carry out 8. 60. 125
and 250 hours tasks.
Drain, remove sump
(ii) Engine oil sump
and clean strainer.

(iii) Lubricating oil filter Change element.

(iv) Injector Remove injector and

test set injector pres-

(v) Transmission Remove top cover and

inspect for:
(a) Oil supply from
sump to gears
(b) Correct meshing of
bevel gears

Notes: (i) Change oil filter early hours under adverse working
(ii) No attempt should be made to adjust the injection
pressure without a proper testing equipment.

14 Guidelines on

1000 Hourly
(i) General Carry out 8, 60, 125. 250 and
500 hours tasks.

(ii) Engine Decarbonise and inspect valve.

Remove cylinder head and
examine inlet and exhaust
valve. Grind in valves as re-
quired. Decarbonise cylinder
head, tops of pistons and
exhaust manifold. Clean out
water spaces in cylinder head.

(iii) Fuel pump Check and calibrate if neces-


(iv) Valve and Adjust valve and tappet clear-

tappet ance when the engine is hot as
clearance per engine manufacturers re-

(v) Spill timing Check timing.

(vi) Cooling system: Flush out the system,
(vii) Starter and Inspect commutator and brush
generator and carry out necessary re-

Maintenance of Road Rollers 15

(viii) Gear box Drain oil and refill.

(ix) Water Inspect pump (if fitted) for

sprinkler smooth functioning and clean
filter element.

(x) Lubricating Points

(a) Starter :Oil
(b) Dynamo : Grease

Notes: (I) Inspect drained gear oil for metal particles. If any
found, suggest checking by mechanic. DO NOT RUN
(ii) Do not attempt to adjust the FIP and governor in the
absence of proper testing equipment.

16 Guidelines on

1500 Hourly
(i) General Carry out 8, 60, 125, 250 and
500 hours tasks.

(ii) Engine (a) Check the general mechani-

cal condition of the road
roller and report/rectify if
any defect in engine or
(b) Check engine oil pressure
and cylinder cpmpression.
(c) Clean all lubricating pipes
thoroughly with flushing

(iii) Fuel tank Thoroughly clean out fuel

tank and gauze strainer.
Maintenance of Road Rollers 17

2000 Hourly
(1) General Carry out 8, 60, 125. 250, 500
and 1000 hours tasks.

(ii) Clutch Clean and grease splines with-

coupling drawing splined tailpiece.

(iii) Check engine comprosssion. If required remove

cylinder head. check cylinder bore and if neces-
sary replace now cylinder liner and piston ring.

(iv) Examine main and big end bearing, refit or review

if required.

18 Guidelines on

Oils and Lubricants

The right grades are imperative. Check that your fuel
dumps have the right grade stored in well marked
containers. Make sure you are using the grade speci-
fied by the manufacturer. We think this general
guide should help you:

Engine, Air Cleaner

Above 30°C SAE 30/F-ID 30
0°Cto 30°C SAE2O/HD2O
Below 0°C SAE1OW/HD 10

Above 30°C SAE 140/HD 140
Below 30°C SAE 90/HD 90

Above 15°C Grease No. 2
15°Cto 10°C Grease No. I
Below 10°C Grease No. 0

Multipurpose grease is also suggested~ so as to

eliminate separate storing of three different types of

Maintenance of Road Rollers 19

Life and Property. Rules observed and enforced
contribute to safety. They are:
I. Read the manufacturer’s literature.
2. Only a qualified/licensed operator is allowed to
control the roller.
3. Unauthorised persons are not permitted on the
roller while in operation.
4. After starting the engine, before moving off,
look to both sides. rear and forward.
5. When working under the roller, engine must be
switched off and machine braked.
6. When travelling on gradients. gear changes shall
be done with roller stationary and braked.
7. When roller is parked, apply brakes. Choose
level ground for parking.
8. While turning the roller, it is preferable to engage
first gear.
9. Always keep close in to the near side of the road
when travelling up or down. It can help stop the
roller should something unforeseen happen.
10. When dismounting from the roller, the operator
should make it a habit to walk around it before
getting back on and starting it.
20 Guidelines on

Trouble Shooting other than Engine


1. Slipping of clutch a) Worn clutch plate lining a) Adjust distance between the
clutch and pressure plate.
b) Oiled clutch plate lining b) Flush kerosene in the clutch
plate and allow it to dry.

2. Frequent and sharp Broken gear teeth Disassemble gear box and
knocks in power replace broken gears by new
transmission ones. Remove broken teeth
from casing if any.

3. Speed cannot be Defective gear shifting Inspect gear shifting mechanism

changed mechanism and adjust.

4. Front rolls do not turn a) Jamming in worm a) Adjust the worm

transmission transmission.
b) Damaged bearing b) Replace damaged bearings
by new ones.
Maintenance of Road Rollers 21

a) Replace brake shoe lining.

5. Brake does not hold a) Worn brake shoe lining
roller on the gradient b) Loose brake shoe fixing b) Tighten fixing.

6. Increased or decreased Wearing plate out of Adjust wearing plate.

clearance between adjustment
sections of front rolls

7. Scrapers do not clean a) Defective fixing of a) Fix properly.

rolls scraper blades
b) Worn blades b) Replace blade by new ones.
8. Sprinkling water does a) Lack of water a) Fill the sprinkler tank with
not flow on to the rolls water.
b) Soiled communications b) Scavenge communications.
9. Head tights do not a) Burnt out head light a) Change bulbs.
operate or light dimly bulbs
b) Damaged wiring b) Repair the wiring.
c) Switch inoperative c) Repair the switch.

22 Guidelines on

Trouble Shooting Diesel Engine


1. Engine fails to start Electric starting

Engine will not rotate a) Low battery. loose a) Replace or repair as

starter connections or necessary
faulty starter
b) Defective starter motor
b) Replace

c) Internal seizure c) Hand crank the engine at

least one complete revolu-
tion. If engine cannot be
rotated through a complete
revolution, internal damage
is indicated and the engine
must be disassembled to
ascertain the cause of

Engine turns over No fuel is injected into the Check for air leaks. flow obstruc-
freely but does not fire cylinder tions, faulty fuel pump or faulty
installations. Check for water
in fuel; if found. drain the
system till alt water is

Maintenance of Road Rollers 23

2. Engine fails to come Fuel Suction PI~Oof fuel Clean as necessary.

upto speed or engine filter clogged
fails to develop power

3. Engine speed is a) Water in fuel pipes a) Drain system until all water
irregular and dirt is removed.
b) Air in fuel system b) Bleed the fuel system free
of air.

4. Engine overspeeds a) The governor sticks in a) Shut down engine at once

the full load position and inspect governor mecha-
nism for broken or interfering
b) The fuel by-pass may be b) Shut down engine at once.
clogged or the mechanism Inspect fuel by-pass and
not properly adjusted clean if necessary.

5. Engine stops suddenly Lack of fuel

Air lock in fuel system,
sticking valves in fuel supply Correct as necessary.
pump, lines blocked with
scale or dirt or fuel
filters clogged.
Water may be present in Drain system until there is
fuel. assurance that all dirt and
water are removed.

6. Smoky exhaust Engine is overloaded. Reduce the load.

(Overloading not only
increases the maintenance
cost but also shortens the
life of the engine)
24 Guidelines on


NOTE: The relation between the colour of the smoke and the conditions responsible for
the same are:
White smoke a) Low combustion temperature which occurs with a low
compression pressure.
b) White smoke due to steam may be caused by water leak-
ing into system.
Grey smoke (light Result of poor combustion due to causes mentioned above.
grey to black)
Bluish smoke Indicates burning or lubricating oil, or due to fuel oil impinging
on the walls of combustion chamber due to plugged up fuel
nozzle holes.

7. Overheating of the a) Flow of cooling water is a) Increase flow

engine insufficient
b) If water circulating b) Adjust belt
pump is belt-driven, belt
is slipping
c) Lubricating oil is poor c) Renew oil
dirty or diluted with oil
d) Clogged lub. oil filters d) Filters must be cleaned and
elements replaced where
8. Engine begins to a) Loose anchor bolts a) Tighten nuts of foundation
vibrate or mounting bolts, This
should be done periodically.
b) One cylinder is missing b) Locate missing cylinder and
eliminate cause.
Maintenance of Road Rollers 25

9. Water in crank case a) Cracked cylinder head

b) Leaky cylinder head
c) Cracked or leaky cylinder Do necessary repairs.
d) Lower seal of liner is

26 Guidelines on

Mobile Field Service Unit

The unit may be a jeep, a pick-up or a truck. For rugged terrain, a 4-wheeled drive
unit is preferable. It should have a good set of hand tools. sledge hammer hydra-
ulic jack. tow cable. etc.

The service unit normally comprises the following

Air compressor to supply high and tow pressure air for tyre inflation and other

High pressure air operated grease dispenser pumps for pressure greasing. (Three
hand grease guns for each group of 10 machines could also be kept as stand-by).

Three low pressure air operated oil dispenser pumps for light-medium oils. These
pumps are mounted on drum sleeves suitable for accommodating standard 45
gallon capacity drums.

Hose reels. Six reels are mounted at the rear of the unit to accommodate hoses
for various services. These reels are provided with brake device to prevent uncoil-
ing during transit.

Hoses. These are reinforced, oil and grease resisting rubber hoses.

Drawers for spare adopters and drip trays.

Sheet iron trays, say about 60 cm square and 10 cm deep for use when draining
the oil sump. washing filter elements. etc.
Maintenance of Road Rollers 27

10 litres, 5 litres and 1 litre. ~ litre measures with pour spouts for filling fuel and oil.
Oil cans.

Funnels with strainers for fuels and lubrication oils,

A working table fitted with a bench vice.

A team of five persons, including a senior person, namely, Chargeman or Foreman,
is normally recommended. This will include a driver and a two or more lube men,
It may take 10 to 15 minutes only for the maintenance work to be done on one
machine with a mobile service unit, if this work is properly organised.

It is suggested that:
The Unit move as per a planned programme.

Special Lubricants/Grease which may not be available in the field. be carried.

The Unit carry fast moving spares like fan belts, clamps. hoses. fitters of various
types. etc. so that those can be replaced on-site.

The Unit carry out periodical adjustments/checks like fan belt, brake and clutch
free play. tappet clearance, efficiency of injector, etc. and record the same in the log
book of the roller.
The Unit carry out preventive repairs in addition to checking maintenance.
The Unit act as a watch dog on maintenance and serviceability of rollers in the
sector of responsibility.

28 Guidelines on

Storage of Fuel
It is necessary that diesel oil is stored in a storage tank and all the sediments are
allowed to settle for 24 hours before it is pumped out into the fue Itank of the
machine. In case of rollers, the storage tank may be 45 gallons barrels and the
pumping done with the help of semi-rotary hand pump with filter fitted near the
outlet. In no case the buckets and funnels should be used for refuelling in the field.
Two suggested methods for mounting the drums properly are given below:

1~ 2

Maintenance of Road Rollers 29

Guide to Good Rolling

Now let us talk to the most important man on the compaction job — yes. you, the
roller operator. Remember, this manual is compiled to help you fulfill your respon-
sibility towards greater durability and better quality. So read this you must. and
benefit you wilt, in the very vital task that you are required to perform.

Roads must be smooth. safe for traffic, durable, economical and provide a comfor-
table ride. Materials and mixes alone do not guarantee quality and precision. What
is the use of good stone, of the best asphalt, of the most accurate laboratory
technique, of the most advanced mixing equipment if at the end, incorrect rolling
is applied and compaction is poor. Therefore, compact correctly with suitable
rollers and apply proper rolling procedures. This will guarantee level and durable
surfaces. Remember, everything depends on your skill and care when putting your
machine to work.

Before starting on a new job, think about the following:

Number of passes?
Rolling speed
Rolling pattern ?

Let’s discuss each of the questions, turn by turn.

The number of passes will obviously depend upon the material to be compacted.
Sand and gravel in base and sub-bases will require four to six passes. For bitu-
minous work. this will depend upon the layer thickness.

30 Guidelines on

25 to 50 mm will require 5 to 8 passes

50 to 100 mm will require 6 to 9 passes
100 to 150 mm will require 6 to 10 passes

The speed of rolling affects the degree of compaction. For a particular level of
compaction, the higher the speed, the more the number of passes required. So
remember, the rolling speed will depend upon type of mix, thickness of layer, den-
sity requirement. surface finish and number of passes. Normally rolling speed
would be 5 to 7 km per hr. On a thin hot layer you may run faster—sometimes
upto 10 km per hr. Tender mixes, on the contrary, may require very low rolling
speeds. On thick layers on harsh mixes a speed of 3 to 5 km per hr is recom-

Now let’s come to the rolling pattern. You must decide on this aspect carefully so
that uniform compaction is obtained over the entire width.

If you are rolling gravel, start from the edges and proceed towards the centre. with
an overlap of atleast half the width of roller in the longitudinal direction.

If you are roIling macadam. roll from edges with roller runnig forward and backward,
until the edges are firmly compacted. The roller is then moved gradually from edge
to the centre, parallel to the centre line. The overlapping is done uniformly with
rear wheel track by half width and this is continued until the entire area is rolled.
There should be no creeping of aggregates visible on rolling.

What follows next is the rolling of bituminous mixes.

Start by compacting the joints, first transverse, then longitudinal. Start by rolling
the lowest edge, which generally would also be the outside edge, and roll rest of
the pavement running forward and backward in parallel paths with 10 cm to 20 cm
Maintenance on Road Rollers 31

Follow -the paver as closely as possible, keep running forward and backward in
same rolling lane. Change to another roIling lane only on an already compacted
area. Turning movements on a hot mix will leave impressions and even lead to
cracks. If you have to change speed. do so smoothly. And should you need a
break. never park the roller on hot mix—now that’s obvious, don’t you think?

Well, rolling of joints requires special care and some expertise. Remember, rolling
is always done in the direction of joints.

Unless manoeuvring space prevents transverse rolling, roll transverse to the

driveway, the roller so positioned that only 100 mm of the roller is on the uncom-
pacted mix. The major portion of the roller runs on the already finished and cold
pavement, going step by step in increments of 10 cm to 20 cm on the new mix until
the full width of the drive roll is on the new pavement.

For rolling longitudinal joints you have two options,

The joint could be compacted with the roller working on the cold lane and with a
10 cm to 20 cm overlap on the hot lane, or
The joint could be compacted with the roller working on the hot lane with a 10 cm
to 20 cm overlap on the cold lane, This is specially suitable when traffic is heavy
and space is restricted.

For finish rolling, run one or two passes on the surface after the asphalt mix is
cooled somewhat. Finish rolling is performed only to smooth out the last rolling

And now for some general tips. Should you be on a slope, keep front roll ahead.
You must see that during rolling, no interruption occurs due to any reason. When
you change direction, let the roller glide to a final stop and then start smoothly into
the other direction without toss of time.
32 Guidelines on

Let~snow sum up alt that has been said, with ten basic rules:
1. Follow the paver as closely as possible.
2. The joints should be compacted first.
3. Start compaction of the lane at the lowest edge.
4. White rolling on steep slopes, keep front roll ahead.
5. Change the rolling speed smoothly.
6. Run forwards and backwards in the same rolling lane.
7. Change rolling lanes on the cold side, avoid lane changes
where the mix is hot. ~
8. Run in parallel rolling lanes. Reverse at another section
than in adjacent rolling lanes.
9. Keep the drums sufficiently wet to avoid pick-up,
but not more than necessary.
10. Do not let the roller stand stilt on hot mixes.

Maintenance of Road Rollers 33



Date Driver’s POL USED TIME Details Driver’s Signature Remarks!

name Diesel Engine From To Total of work signa- with desi- remarks
hours done ture gnation of inspect-
run of the ing officer

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

34 Guidelines on Maintenance of Road Rollers



SI. Schedule of Date of Signature Signature of Signature of Inspecting

No. maintenance mainten- of driver Sectional S.D.O. lncharge~ Officer’s
ance Officer verifying the remarks with
carried out incharge maintenance signature
every 125 Hrs. and date
and above

1. 60 Hrs.

2. 125 Hrs.

3. 250 Hrs.

4. 500 Hrs.

5. 1000 Hrs.
Maintenance 4

Records of
6. Engine Oil
Note.~ This sheet must be kept with each road roller operator and produced on demand.
This sheet provides maintenance check for 1000 Hrs and should be changed as and
when complete.

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