ECE5018 Module 1n PDF
ECE5018 Module 1n PDF
ECE5018 Module 1n PDF
Reference Books
1. Y.P. Tsividis and Colin McAndrew, Operation and Modelling of the MOS Transistor,
Oxford University Press, US, Third Edition, 2011.
2. M K Achutan and K N Bhatt, Fundamental of Semiconductor Devices, McGraw Hill
Education, US, 2017.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT / Assignment / Quiz / FAT
• CAT-1 15 %
• CAT-2 15 %
• DAs/Quizzes 30 %
• FAT 40 %
• Fermi distribution
• Density of states
• Carrier Concentration
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
• Conductivity in between those of metals and insulators.
• Conductivity can be varied over orders of magnitude by changes in
temperature, optical excitation, and impurity content (doping).
• Generally found in column IV and neighboring columns of the periodic table.
• Elemental semiconductors: Si, Ge.
• Compound semiconductors:
Binary :
GaAs, AlAs, GaP, etc. (III-V).
ZnS, ZnTe, CdSe (II-VI).
SiC, SiGe (IV compounds).
Ternary : GaAsP.
Quaternary : InGaAsP.
• Si widely used for rectifiers, transistors, and ICs.
• III-V compounds widely used in optoelectronic and high-speed applications.
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
Applications of different types of Semiconductor Materials
• Integrated circuits (ICs) SSI, MSI, LSI, and VLSI.
• Electrons in solids also are restricted to certain energies and are not allowed at other
• Difference in the solid, the electron has a range (or band) of available energies.
• The discrete energy levels of the isolated atom spread into bands of energies in
the solid because
i) in the solid, the wave functions of electrons in neighboring atoms
overlap, thus, it affects the potential energy term and the boundary
conditions in the schrödinger equation, and different energies are
obtained in the solution, and
• In metals, the outer shell is filled by no more than three electrons (loosely
bound and given up easily) great chemical activity and high electrical
• Coulomb attraction force between the ions and the electrons hold the
lattice together.
Typical band
Structures at 0 K
• For electrons to move under an applied electric field, there must be states
available to them.
• With thermal or optical excitation, some of these electrons can be excited from the
valence band to the conduction band, and then they can contribute to the current
transport process. Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
• At temperatures other than 0 K, the magnitude of the band gap separates an
insulator from a semiconductor, FOR e.g., AT 300 K
Eg (Diamond) = 5 eV (insulator),
Eg (Silicon) = 1.12 eV (semiconductor).
• In metals, the bands are either partially filled or they overlap thus,
electrons and empty states coexist
great electrical conductivity.
Energy Gap
• Distinguishing feature among metals, insulators, and semiconductors.
• Unique value for each semiconductor (e.g. 1.12 eV for Si, 1.42 eV for GaAs)
function of temperature.
Isolated atoms
Nearby atoms
The LCAO when 2 atoms are brought together leads to 2 distinct "normal" modes—a
higher energy antibonding orbital, and a lower energy bonding orbital.
Note that the electron probability density is high in the region between the ion cores
(covalent "bond"), leading to lowering of the bonding energy level and the cohesion of
the crystal. If instead of 2 atoms, one brings together N atoms, there will be N distinct
LCAO, and N closely spaced energy levels in a band.
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
Energy Bands
Splitting of individual
energy levels to energy
bands as atoms are
brought closer together
Atomic number: 14
Electronic Configuration:
* As isolated atoms are brought together to form a solid, the electron wave
functions begin to overlap.
* Various interactions occur, and, at the proper interatomic spacing for the
crystal, the forces of attraction and repulsion find a balance.
* Due to Pauli exclusion principle, the discrete energy levels of individual atoms
split into bands belonging to the pair instead of to individual atoms.
* In a solid, due to large number of atoms, the split energy levels for essentially
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continuous bands of energy.
Energy levels in Si as a function of interatomic spacing
The core levels (n = 1,2) in Si are completely filled with electrons. At the actual atomic spacing
of the crystal, the 2 N electrons in the 3s subshell and the 2 N electrons in the 3p subshell
undergo sp3 hybridization, and all end up in the lower 4N stales (valence band), while the
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higher-lying 4 N states (conduction band) are empty, separated by a band gap.
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Semiconductors
• Can be added in precisely controlled amounts.
• Can change the electronic and optical properties.
• Used to vary conductivity over wide ranges.
• Can even change conduction process from conduction by negative charge carriers to
positive charge carriers and vice -versa.
• Controlled addition of impurities doping.
n-type Si p-type Si
Intrinsic Si with acceptor (B)
with donor (P)
Three basic
bond pictures
of a
Electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 1s2 2s2 2p1
• No carriers at 0 K, since the valence band is completely full and the conduction band is
completely empty.
• For T > 0 K, electrons are thermally excited from the valence band to the conduction
band (EHP generation).
• EHP generation takes place due to breaking of covalent bonds required energy = Eg.
•The excited electron becomes free and leaves behind an empty state (hole).
• Since these carriers are created in pairs, the electron concentration (n/cm3 ) is always
equal to the hole concentration (p/cm3 ), and each of these is commonly referred to as
the intrinsic carrier concentration (ni).
• Note: ni = f(T).
• At equilibrium, ri= gi , where ri and gi are the generation and recombination rates
respectively, and both of these are temperature dependent.
• Most common technique for varying the conductivity of semiconductors. By doping, the
crystal can be made to have predominantly electrons (n-type) or holes (p-type).
• When a crystal is doped such that the equilibrium concentrations of electrons (n0) and holes
(p0) are different from the intrinsic carrier concentration (ni), the material is said to be
extrinsic. Doping creates additional levels within the band gap.
• In Si, column V elements of the periodic table (e.g., P, As, Sb) introduce energy levels very
near (typically 0.03-0.06 eV) the conduction band.
• At 0 K, these levels are filled with electrons, and very little thermal energy (50 K to 100 K) is
required for these electrons to get excited to the conduction band.
• Since these levels donate electrons to the conduction band, they are referred to as the
donor levels.
• Thus, Si doped with donor impurities can have a significant number of electrons in the
conduction band even when the temperature is not sufficiently high enough for the intrinsic
carriers to dominate, i.e., n0>> ni , p0 n-type material, with electrons as majority carriers
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
and holes as minority carriers.
• In Si, column III elements of the periodic table (e.g., B, Al, Ga, In) introduce energy
levels very near (typically 0.03-0.06 eV) the valence band.
• At 0 K, these levels are empty, and very little thermal energy (50 K to 100 K) is
required for electrons in the valence band to get excited to these levels, and leave
behind holes in the valence band.
• Since these levels accept electrons from the valence band, they are referred to as
the acceptor levels.
• Thus, Si doped with acceptor impurities can have a significant number of holes in
the valence band even at a very low temperature, i.e., p0>>ni ,n0 p-type material,
with holes as majority carriers and electrons as minority carriers.
• The extra electron for column V elements is loosely bound and it can be liberated
very easily ionization; thus, it is free to participate in current conduction.
• Similarly, column III elements create holes in the valence band, and they can also
participate in current conduction.
• Rough calculation of the ionization energy can be made based on the Bohr's model
for atoms, considering the loosely bound electron orbiting around the tightly bound
core electrons. Thus, where is the relative permittivity of Si
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
Direct & Indirect Bandgap
Direct and indirect
transition of electrons
from the conduction band
to the valence band: (a)
direct - with accompanying
photon emission, (b)
indirect via defect level
• Since the periodicity of most lattices is different in various directions, the E-k diagram is a
complex surface, which is to be visualized in three dimensions.
• Direct band gap semiconductor: the minima of the conduction band and the maxima of the
valence band occur at the same value of k an electron making the smallest energy
transition from the conduction band to the valence band can do so without a change in k
(and, the momentum).
• Indirect band gap semiconductor: the minima of the conduction band and the maxima of
the valence band occur for different values of k, thus, the smallest energy transition for an
electron requires a change in momentum.
• Electron falling from conduction band to an empty state in valence band recombination.
• Recombination probability for direct band gap semiconductors is much higher than that for
indirect band gap semiconductors.
• Direct band gap semiconductors give up the energy released during this transition (= Eg ) in
the form of light used for optoelectronic applications (e.g., LEDs and LASERs).
• Recombination in indirect band gap semiconductors occurs through some defect states
within the band gap, and the energy Dr.
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the form of heat given to the lattice.
Variation of Energy Bands with Alloy Composition
• The band structures of III-V ternary and quaternary compounds change as their composition is
• There are three valleys in the conduction band: (at k = 0), L, and X.
• In GaAs, the valley has the minimum energy (direct with Eg= 1.43 eV) with very few
electrons residing in L and X valleys (except for high field excitations).
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
• In AlAs, the X valley has minimum energy (indirect with Eg= 2.16 eV).
Conduction Band Minima in AlxGa1-xAs
(a) Conduction and valence bands in Si and GaAs along [111] and [100]
(b) Ellipsoidal constant energy surface for Si, near the 6 conduction band
minima along the X directions. Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
Shapes of constant-energy surfaces for electrons in Si and GaAs.
For Si there are six ellipsoids along For GaAs the constant-
the (100)-axes with the centers of energy surface is a
the ellipsoids located at about sphere at zone center.
three-fourths of the distance from
the Brillouin zone center.
• This statistics accounts for the indistinguishability of the electrons, their wave
nature, and the Pauli exclusion principle.
• This gives the probability that an available energy state at E will be occupied by an
electron at an absolute temperature T.
• EF is called the Fermi level and is a measure of the average energy of the electrons in the
lattice an extremely important quantity for analysis of device behavior.
• Note: for (E - EF ) > 3kT (known as Boltzmann approximation), f(E) exp[ - (E- EF)/kT]
this is referred to as the Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) distribution (followed by gas atoms).
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
• The probability that an energy state at EF will be occupied by an electron is 1/2 at all
• At 0 K, the distribution takes a simple rectangular form, with all states below EF
occupied, and all states above EF empty.
• At T > 0 K, there is a finite probability of states above EF to be occupied and states below
EF to be empty.
• The F-D distribution function is highly symmetric, i.e., the probability f(EF + E ) that a
state EF above is filled is the same as the probability [1- f(EF - E )] that a state EF below
is empty.
• This symmetry about EF makes the Fermi level a natural reference point for the
calculation of electron and hole concentrations in the semiconductor.
• Note: f(E) is the probability of occupancy of an available state at energy E, thus, if there
is no available state at E (e.g., within the band gap of a semiconductor), there is no
possibility of finding an electron there.
At T= O K,
(i) When E= EF ; f(E) = ½
(ii) When E > EF ; f(E) = 1/ (1 + ) = 0
(iii) When E < EF ; f(E) = 1/ (1 + 0) = 1
* At temperatures higher than 0 K
For example,
At T = T1 There is some probability f(E) that states above EF are filled, and there is a
corresponding probability [1 - f(E) ] that states below EF are empty
* The Fermi function is symmetrical about EF for all temperatures; that is, the probability
f(EF + E) that a state E above EF is filled is the same as the probability [1 - f(EF - E)] that
a state E below EF is empty.
* The symmetry of the distribution of empty and filled states about EF makes the Fermi
level a natural reference point in calculations of electron and hole concentrations in
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
Intrinsic material n-type material p-type material
• For intrinsic materials, the Fermi level lies close to the middle of the band gap (the
difference between the effective masses of electrons and holes accounts for this small
deviation from the mid gap).
• In n-type material, the electrons in the conduction band outnumber the holes in the
valence band, thus, the Fermi level lies closer to the conduction band.
• Similarly, in p-type material, the holes in the valence band outnumber the electrons in
the conduction band, thus, the Fermi level lies closer to the valence band.
• The probability of occupation f(E) in the conduction band and the probability of
vacancy [1- f(E)] in the valence band are quite small, however, the densities of available
states in these bands are very large, thus a small change in f(E) can cause large changes
in the carrier concentrations. Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
• Note: since the function f(E) is symmetrical about EF , a large electron
concentration implies a small hole concentration, and vice versa.
• Similarly, in p-type material, the hole concentration in the valence band increases
EF as moves closer to EV ; thus, (EV - EF) gives a measure of p.
• Using the solution of Schrödinger’s wave equation under periodic boundary conditions, it
can be shown that
• Similarly, the probability of finding an empty state in the valence band [1 - f(E)]
decreases rapidly below , and most holes occupy states near the top of the valence
• Thus, a mathematical simplification can be made assuming that all available states in
the conduction band can be represented by an effective density of states NC located at
the conduction band edge and using Boltzmann approximation.
• Note: as (EC -EF ) decreases, i.e., the Fermi level moves closer to the conduction band,
the electron concentration increases.
Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
• By similar arguments,
where NV is the effective density of states located at the valence band edge EV.
• Note: the only terms separating the expressions for NC and NV are the effective masses
of electrons ( mn* ) and holes (mp* ) respectively,
• Thus, as ( EF - EV ) decreases, i.e., the Fermi level moves closer to the valence band
edge, and the hole concentration increases.
• These equations for n0 and p0 are valid in equilibrium, irrespective of the material
being intrinsic or doped.
* For intrinsic material EF lies at an intrinsic level Ei (very near the middle of the band
gap), and the intrinsic electron and hole concentrations are given by
• This equation gives an expression for the intrinsic carrier concentration ni as a function of
NC, NV , and temperature:
• These relations are extremely important, and are frequently used for calculations.
• Note: if NC were to be equal to NV , then Ei would have been exactly at mid gap
(i.e., EC-Ei = Ei - EV = Eg/2).
• However, since NC NV , Ei is displaced slightly from mid gap (more for GaAs than that for
• Similarly, the hole concentration p0 varies from ni to larger values as EF moves from Ei
towards the valence band. Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20
Schematic band diagram, density of states, Fermi-Dirac distribution, and the
carrier concentrations for (a) intrinsic, (b) n-type, and (c) p-type
semiconductors at thermal equilibrium
• With ni and T given, the unknowns are the carrier concentrations and the Fermi
level position with respect to Ei one of these quantities must be given in order to
calculate the other.
• At very low temperature, negligible intrinsic EHPs exist, and all the donor electrons
are bound to the donor atoms.
Carrier concentration
vs. inverse
temperature for Si
doped with 1015
• Thus, n0 remains virtually constant with temperature for a wide range of temperature
(called the extrinsic region), until the intrinsic carrier concentration ni starts to become
comparable to Nd .
• For high temperatures, ni >> Nd , and the material loses its extrinsic property (called the
intrinsic region).
• Note: in the intrinsic region, the device loses its usefulness => determines the maximum
operable temperature range. Dr. Gargi Raina Fall 2019-20