The Motivation of Students of Programming
The Motivation of Students of Programming
The Motivation of Students of Programming
a thesis submitted to
The University of Kent at Canterbury
in the subject of computer science
for the degree
of master of science.
Tony Jenkins
September 2001
List of Figures x
Abstract xii
Acknowledgments xiii
More Acknowledgments xv
Publications xvi
Trademarks xviii
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 9
2.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1 The Value of Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.2 Expectancy and Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1.3 Factors in Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.4 Locus of Control and Personal Causation . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.5 Learned Helplessness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Experiential Learning and Constructivism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Learning Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.1 Deep and Surface Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.2 Operational and Comprehension Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.3 Engagement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Conceptions of Learning and Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.4.1 Level 1: what the student is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.4.2 Level 2: what the teacher does . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4.3 Level 3: what the student does . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 Theory X and Theory Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5.1 Theory X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.5.2 Theory Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.6 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.7 The Changing Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.7.1 Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.7.2 Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.7.3 ‘Full-Time’ Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.7.4 The Institution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3 Learning to Program 41
3.1 Experienced and Novice Programmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.2 The Programming Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.1 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.2.2 Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2.3 Language and Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.3 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.4 Learning Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.5 Conceptions of Learning and Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.6 Theory X and Theory Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.7 Metaphor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.8 Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.9 The Difficulty of Learning to Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.9.1 Multiple Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.9.2 Multi-layered Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.9.3 Multiple Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.9.4 Misleading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.9.5 Educational Novelty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.9.6 Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.9.7 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.9.8 Reputation and Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.9.9 Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.9.10 Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4.1 Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.4.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.4.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.3.11 Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.3.12 John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.3.13 Nigel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.3.14 Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.3.15 Lizzie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
5.3.16 The Novices’ Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6 Conclusions 174
6.1 Teaching (and Learning) Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.1.1 Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.1.2 Aptitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.1.3 Expectation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.1.4 Control and Learned Helplessness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.1.5 Programming in Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6.1.6 “Boring and Difficult” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
6.1.7 Learning Styles and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
6.1.8 Educational Novelty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
6.1.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6.2 The Motivation of the Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
6.3 Motivating the Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
6.4 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6.5 Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
6.6 The Final Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
References 196
A Class Questionnaires A1
C Individual Questionnaires C1
D Leeds and Kent Results D1
E Detailed Results E1
List of Tables
D6 Halfway Through the Module – Attitude to Studies (By Institution) . D4
D7 After the Module – Looking Back (By Institution) . . . . . . . . . . . D4
D8 After the Module – Attitude to Programming (By Institution) . . . . D5
D9 After the Module – Attitude to Career (By Institution) . . . . . . . . D5
D10 After the Module – Attitude to Studies (By Institution) . . . . . . . . D6
E1 Before the Module – Motivation for Degree (Responses) . . . . . . . . E2
E2 Before the Module – Motivation for Programming (Responses) . . . . E2
E3 Before the Module – Attitude to Studies (Responses) . . . . . . . . . E3
E4 Halfway Through the Module – Looking Back (Responses) . . . . . . E3
E5 Halfway Through the Module – Looking Forward (Responses) . . . . E3
E6 Halfway Through the Module – Attitude to Studies (Responses) . . . E4
E7 After the Module – Looking Back (Responses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . E4
E8 After the Module – Attitude to Programming (Responses) . . . . . . E4
E9 After the Module – Attitude to Career (Responses) . . . . . . . . . . E5
E10 After the Module – Attitude to Studies (Responses) . . . . . . . . . . E5
List of Figures
A2 Questionnaire – The Halfway Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3
A3 Questionnaire – After the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4
C1 Questionnaire – The Veterans’ Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2
C2 Questionnaire – The Novices Before the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . C3
C3 Questionnaire – The Novices’ Weekly Experience . . . . . . . . . . . C4
C4 Questionnaire – The Novices After the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . C5
There are many people I need to thank for their help during this work and so I make
no apology for the length of this section.
First, thanks go to Janet Carter and Ken Brodlie. Without you I wouldn’t have
finished this. Thanks. Thanks also to Janet for lending me the corner of her office
when I was in Kent and thanks to Janet and Mark Wheadon for lending me their
spare room and making sure I was fed and ‘watered’. A special nod goes to Mark’s
quite extraordinary garlic bread.
My supervisors, Ursula Fuller and Stefan Kahrs, provided many useful ideas, much
advice, and (successfully) challenged my initial ideas. Thanks also to others who
helped at Kent: Ian Utting kindly distributed the questionnaires and sent them back
to me with quite amazing speed, Sally Fincher and John Slater started the whole
thing off, and Simon Thompson provided encouragement and travel money. Roger
Boyle and David Hogg at Leeds also prodded things along. Karim Djemame, John
Davy, and John Hodrien tolerated interruptions to their lectures in Leeds and helped
with collecting the questionnaires.
Thanks also to the proofreading team – in vague order of pedantry, Stan Jenkins,
Simon Myers, Janet Carter (again), Dave Ansley, and Rik Wade. Any errors that
remain have presumably been inserted by my enemies.
Jemma Pauley kindly did most of the things that I should have been doing this
summer. And she didn’t get too upset when I got grumpy. Ta – you’re a star.
This work would not have been possible without Stacey Lewis, Clare Viner, Ian
Fletcher, Jill Shutt, Ozzie Thomas, Rachel Wottge, Simon Cubitt, John Kelly, Dan
Sherburn, Richard Whitefoot, Lucy McGregor, Sophie Cottam, Liran Kessler, Neil
Meikle, Roni Chakrabarti, Caroline Wells, Phil Mellor, Shane Seddon, Adam Rideout,
Herry Basuki, Leanne Freedland, Simon Perry, and (last and far from least) the twins
– Louise Manley and Tessa Price. They may recognise themselves in chapter 5.1
Thank you all – I don’t deserve you.
Much the same goes for all the students at Leeds and Kent who kindly completed the
questionnaires. Many thanks for your time.
Thanks also to Dave Ansley and John Wallace for selflessly agreeing to consume large
amounts of fine ales and beers so that I didn’t spend too much time worrying about
the last full stop. 251 – not bad. Dave also provided the document solution.
Much assistance with the mysteries and black arts of LATEX was received from Henry
Bell, Nick Efford, Sarah Fores, Chris Goodyer, Chris Needham, David Pashley, Rick
Peterson, Qef Richards, and Mark Walkley. Thanks. LATEX is indeed, as Rick noted,
“a worthy adversary”. Chris, Chris, and Mark also sorted me out with the intricacies
of gnuplot. Sarah frequently lent me her ruler.
Carlos Fandango, Steve Harris, and William Towle helped with a tricky reference [125].
Thanks, chaps.
If I’m allowed a dedication this is for Dominique and Stacey. Diolch yn fawr i chi’ch
Tony Jenkins
Leeds, September 2001
There is actually a trick to working out who’s who (I would have gone mad without one) but it’s
a secret.
More Acknowledgments
I must record thanks to my examiners, Pete Thomas and David Barnes, for their
constructive comments on the first version of this thesis. Thanks are also due to David
for his prompt help and advice while I was carrying out the required corrections.
I now realise that I forgot to acknowledge the Staff and Departmental Development
Unit at the University of Leeds for partly funding this work. Thanks and apologies.
Thanks are now due to former feedback-meister Matthew Hubbard for his in-depth
knowledge of the UNIQoLL project.
Mark Conmy provided some singularly arcane Perl to deal with the thorny problem
of the ‘Oxford commas’ in the references. It seems a shame that I eventually put
them back in.
Mark Wiggins sorted me out with some useful information about juggling.
Thanks once again to the proofreading team – (once more in order of pedantry)
Heather Gulliver, Stan Jenkins, Simon Myers, and Dave Ansley. Special thanks to
Dad, Smylers, and Dave, who all did the job for the second time. I blame the errors
that remain on the printer elves. Dave also once again supplied a document solution.
I never did find out whether I was allowed a dedication but just in case this time it’s
for Heather. Ta. You is a star.
Tony Jenkins
Leeds, July 2002
While none of this thesis has been published elsewhere in its present form, work based
on that presented here (and some preliminary findings) has been published, as follows:
More Publications
Since the first submission of this thesis the work presented here has formed the basis
of a few conference papers and other presentations as follows:
• This work, especially the reflections on Dijkstra’s classic paper, also inspired
On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Programming, which was presented at the
2nd LTSN-ICS One Day Conference on the Teaching of Programming at the
University of Wolverhampton in March 2002. Enthusiasts can find the slides
from this talk at
The following trademarks are used in this thesis and are acknowledged. It is possible
that other trademarks, of which the author is not currently aware, may have been
unintentionally missed.
• Unix was a trademark of Unix System Laboratories Inc. and is now registered
to the X/Open Consortium.
Chapter 1
Experienced teachers are all too familiar with the struggles of new students as they
attempt to come to terms with this most basic area of expertise. Many teachers
will have seen students choose course options (or even change degree programme)
in order to avoid more programming and most will have been faced with final-year
students approaching a project or dissertation determined to avoid undertaking any
programming at whatever cost.
The overall objective of this study is to learn more about the experience of students
learning to program in today’s higher education system. Much has been written about
the best language, paradigm, or environment for teaching programming but relatively
little has been done so far to form a solid understanding of the problems, pressures,
and experiences faced by the students as they attempt to learn to program. It is odd
that so many innovations in teaching programming seem to have taken place with
little or no reference to the group that the change arguably affects the most – the
students. Few proposals advocating a change in language, paradigm, or environment
(and there are many) offer any compelling evidence that the argued-for change would
represent an educational advantage for the students.1
The key issue in this study is motivation. In essence, students will not learn if they
are not motivated and they will not be motivated unless they believe that they will
succeed. Little is understood about the reasons why students take programming
courses (or indeed computing courses in general) and there must be a suspicion that
the institutions teaching them have failed to appreciate that the motivation of the
students has changed (or have perhaps failed to understand it in the first place).
Perhaps it is no longer safe to assume that students enrolled on a computing course
have any particular interest in computing, or that students taking a programming
course have any particular interest in learning to program. It may well be that their
main reason (their motivation) for choosing their course is that a degree will give
A similar observation has been made in the field of mathematics education [138] – “Study after
study in the math-ed literature produced ‘promising’ results, where teacher and students alike
were happy with the instructions, but where there was little evidence, if any at all, of improved
problem-solving performance.”.
them access to a lucrative career and that they see the programming course as simply
one among the many courses that they are required to pass. A teacher faced with
such a class and failing to motivate the students to value the learning is unlikely to
succeed in teaching them to program.
Very little is known in general terms about what motivates students to choose to
start a degree course or to choose a particular subject [72]. A recent study in the
School of Computing at the University of Leeds [28] appears to confirm the suspicion
that a (perhaps the) prime motivator for students taking a computing degree is the
prospect of a highly paid job as a programmer. It certainly appears to be the case
that there are differences in the motivations for choosing different subjects [72] and
in the current social and economic climate it is not an unreasonable hypothesis that
the prospect of a financially rewarding career is a strong motivator for any student
choosing to study computing.
Learning to program can often appear, from the outside at least, to be an extremely
stressful experience. At times it seems to take over the lives of the students as they
lurch unhappily from one summative assessment to the next. At present this view is
anecdotal, and indeed largely personal, albeit based on experience over several years
and confirmed by many teachers at many institutions in many countries [102]. In order
to teach programming better teachers must understand more about the experience of
their learners and more about what motivates these learners. While there is plentiful
research on students’ ‘learning styles’, and the effects of the academic environment on
these styles, there is much less written about what actually happens when students
The work presented here takes two complementary views of the students’ learning.
The first is a wide view (the experiences of an entire cohort of students) and this is
then complemented by a more detailed view (the weekly experiences and feelings of a
much smaller group). Specifically, this study presents the results of an investigation
into the experiences and attitudes of students studying the introductory computer
programming courses at the University of Kent at Canterbury and at the University
• To understand how the students’ motivation for and attitudes towards their
programming course alter as the course proceeds.
But this seems very narrow. Merriam-Webster [108] is scarcely any better, with the
only promising definitions on offer being:
Programming is indeed a difficult thing to define! Indeed, one of the examples of usage
given in the OED includes “The final stage of programming must therefore consist in
the translation of the flow diagram into actual coded orders which the machine can
understand” (italics added for emphasis) – a clear implication that there are other
stages involved in this mysterious process.
Programming is thus a set of processes that together form an identifiable skill. It can
be described as ‘doing-centred’ [136]. Acquiring this skill requires the development of
a range of abilities of different types and requires a great deal of practice. Applying
such a skill usually becomes much easier and natural after significant practice and
The acquisition of this skill requires that the learners do several things. They must
master the syntax of a particular programming language and they must understand
the semantics conveyed by the syntax. They must be able to understand and analyse
a problem, devise a solution, and then express their solution in the programming
language. They must be able to demonstrate that their solution is correct and that
their implementation of the solution is correct. Experience shows time and again that
these are difficult things to achieve.
This is a study about motivation. The motivation for carrying out this study comes
from the experience of several years devoted to teaching the various incarnations of
the introductory programming courses in the School of Computing2 at the University
Pedantically, for only two years in the School of Computing but for several more in the School of
Computer Studies.
For my first delivery of the module the language I taught4 was Pascal in a Unix
Since this first outing I have spent many hours thinking and writing about the ways
in which I teach programming and have, I think, achieved some modest success in
devising effective ways to learn and teach. The work described here is largely the
result of the opportunity presented by the chance to take a year’s break from teaching
programming and the resulting chance to see the course once more from the outside. I
have now told several groups of students over several years that teaching programming
is, to me, “the best job in the world”. This is something that I still believe. I doubt
that they believe me but I have missed doing it for a year. Being able to write this
To avoid many awkward sentences in what follows the author hopes that he may may be permitted
to use the first person briefly. He will not use it again until the final chapter.
I confess. I taught a language. I did not teach programming. Only now do I appreciate the
thesis has helped and I hope that this work has enabled me to become a better teacher
of programming. I also hope that others may find something in it that might improve
their own teaching.
In the thesis that follows chapter 2 presents some of the relevant background issues
and the educational theory. These are made specific to the learning of programming
in chapter 3 which also considers the peculiar features of programming that make it
so difficult to learn. The results of the questionnaires presented to the whole class
are described and discussed in chapter 4 and the experiences of the small group of
individuals is the basis of chapter 5. Finally chapter 6 reflects on what the study has
shown about the learning (and teaching) of programming.
A few specific details of my involvement with the programming course at Leeds follow,
and will help with the understanding of this work as a whole (particularly chapters 4
and 5). I have been involved in teaching the course since the 1994/95 session. The
session in which this work was carried out (1999/2000) was the first for several years
when I had had no direct involvement. During this year I helped out (in a strictly
unofficial capacity) with some of the practical sessions but was not directly involved
with any of the more formal teaching. I was, therefore, only slightly better known to
the students at Leeds surveyed in this work than I was to those at Kent (although I
was presenting a different module to some of the Leeds students).
I had taught the course during 1998/99 and so was able to select the students whose
experiences form the basis of the first part of chapter 5 from my recollections of the
course. They were chosen as names I remembered or recognised from the class lists
and thus represent a true range of experience.
The individual novice programmers in chapter 5 formed my first year tutorial groups
in the 1999/2000 session (there were three groups). I had no direct responsibility for
teaching them programming but they did seem to call by with their C++ problems
from time to time. They were effectively selected from the whole class at random.
The students whose experiences formed the basis for this work were all students of
programming. During their time on a programming course they faced a range of
challenges, not all of which were directly related to their course or to programming in
particular. Other students on other courses were also trying to come to terms with
the usual problems and pressures of student life and of the first year of a university
course. They too were very probably presented with difficulties quite peculiar to their
own chosen disciplines.
It is not claimed that all the experiences of the students recorded here are unique
to students of programming. Far from it. However, the subjects of this study are
programming students and the focus is on all their experiences.
Chapter 2
2.1 Motivation
The motivation (or otherwise) of students is the key issue in this study. There is an
intentional double meaning here. The two issues are motivation as an attribute of
students (that which makes them want to succeed or makes them work and learn) and
the teacher’s crucial rôle in motivating a class of students. To succeed in any academic
task students must be motivated and they must want to succeed. Biggs [14] neatly
defines a teacher’s motivational rôle as “getting students to agree that appropriate
task engagement is a good idea”. If the teacher can devise suitable teaching (or
learning) tasks, and can then persuade the students to engage in them, the students
will learn (or will be unable to avoid learning).
While it may be reasonable to assume that all the students studying a course are
motivated to succeed1 (at the outset at least), it is unreasonable to assume that
they are all motivated for the same reasons. Certainly it is completely wrong to
assume that they are interested in learning the content of the course for its own sake!
An understanding of what motivates students is essential if they are to be taught
effectively and if they are to learn [29].
This is probably debatable (but a student who had no motivation to succeed would almost certainly
soon drop out).
subjects are telling the truth and can never be completely sure that the inferences
made on the basis of the questioning are correct. Even if the answers given are
completely honest there still remains the need for some speculation on the part of the
questioner and therefore some uncertainty always remains.
As a starting point, Fallows and Ahmet [53] propose a rather informal list of reasons
(presented in no particular order of importance) why a student might value learning:
• incentives and rewards which are expected to accrue from the learning.
Clearly some of these factors will be stronger than others (and some are unlikely in a
higher education context where it is hard to imagine many students setting out mainly
to please their lecturer). The degree to which each factor will have an influence over a
particular student’s motivation will be different in each case. It is also likely that for
some students some factors will be completely absent. The key task for the teacher
faced with this complex situation is to inspire the students by maximising the positive
effect of each of these factors for each individual.
Entwistle [50] takes a more general view and so describes three rather more generic
types of motivation (or reasons for valuing learning):
• extrinsic – the desire to complete the course for some expected reward.
It is clear that students motivated primarily by any one of these three types of factor
will have very different approaches to their studies. A student motivated primarily
by extrinsic factors, for example, would probably do very little for which there was no
summative assessment credit. Students with intrinsic motivation could be expected
to read around the subject and form their own views on the material that they were
learning. If achievement is the prime motivator the students will adopt whatever
strategy they think will gain the best rewards, or the approach that will allow them
to perform ‘best’ (as measured in the final summative assessment). All these students
will engage and will probably learn. It is their reason for engaging (and learning) that
is different.
These three examples represent stereotypes. Each of these three factors will exercise
an influence over each learner to some extent, although for most learners one factor
will be of most importance [53]. In computing in particular it is hard to see that
extrinsic motivation would be totally absent for any student but until some evidence
emerges one way or the other this must remain a distinct possibility.
Entwistle’s list omits the “desire to please to teacher” proposed by Fallows and Ahmet.
While it is unlikely that students will be motivated first and foremost to please their
lecturer, as suggested by Fallows and Ahmet, it seems quite likely that they would
be motivated to please some other party whose views are important to them or to
whom they feel in some sense accountable (their family or sponsor are the obvious
possibilities). Biggs calls this social motivation [14].
Social motivation might also include to some extent the fear of failure (a very strong
motivator for some (especially women [60])). In any case, some students may be
highly motivated simply because they do not want to fail and so be a disappointment
to someone whose opinions they value. They may even be responding to threats of
dire consequences should they fail [113]. Biggs’s social motivation, as a factor that
makes a student value a learning experience, can therefore be extended to include the
fear of failure and its possible consequences. This also adds to the more specific list
of Fallows and Ahmet and to Entwistle’s more general offering.
There remains the final (rather unhappy) possibility that there will be students who
are completely lacking in motivation. This might be for a variety of reasons. They
may just be disenchanted with education or they may believe that they are taking
the wrong course. Hopefully there are very few such students but it is a possibility.
To account for this eventuality a fifth category, null, will also be used in this study
to cover those students who have no particular motivation at all.
• extrinsic – the primary motivation is the career and associated rewards that
will follow from the successful completion of the course.
• social – the primary motivation is a desire to please some third party whose
opinion is valued.
It is important to emphasise that programming students falling into the first four
categories all value the learning to be gained from a programming course. Even
students in the final category attach some sort of value to it but it is reasonable to
suppose that this is in some sense less (in both magnitude and desirability) than the
students in the other four. This study will argue that in many ways it matters not
why students value a learning opportunity (and its outcomes) just so long as they do.
This list is somewhat simplistic but this is only to be expected with any taxonomy of so
abstract a concept as motivation. It must be emphasised that it is likely that students
will derive their motivation from more than one of these categories. A particular
example might be a deep interest in a subject (intrinsic motivation) developing as a
result of expected eventual rewards (extrinsic motivation). Nevertheless, the present
taxonomy will serve to identify a student’s dominant motivation.
These views of motivation attempt to define how or why a learner values a learning
opportunity. This is only one part of the story. For students to be properly motivated
they must also be able to expect success. There is no point in students being highly
motivated to succeed in something that they also view as impossible. A task may well
be viewed as very difficult (indeed, this could be an additional motivator for some
who may relish a challenge) but a student must always regard the learning task as
The recognition of the existence of these two interacting factors leads to the popular
expectancy-value theory of motivation (for example [81]). This theory provides a
view of the extent of motivation as a function of two connected factors:
These two crucial components2 are said to multiply rather than add:
They must both be positive (and non-zero) for there to be true positive and effective
motivation. It follows that if either of the factors falls to zero so does the product.
Students who do not expect to succeed will not be motivated no matter how much
they value the potential outcome. Similarly, students who attach no value to the
outcome will not be motivated no matter how much they expect that they might
If it is safe to assume that all students who start a course of study have some sort
of motivation that makes them value the outcome of their learning the question of
expectancy then becomes critical. Students must believe that it is possible to achieve
a reasonable result (with ‘reasonable’ defined as that standard which meets their own
expectations or aspirations). Their initial views on their likely chances of achieving
this will come from the teacher – academic success may not be easy to achieve but
it should not be impossible. This message must be conveyed to the students but
with care. This also has clear implications for the way in which assessment, and
feedback on assessment (which contains the important message about a student’s
likely success), is carried out. A teacher has a crucial rôle to play in ensuring that
the students expect success.
A few writers include a third factor in this equation, affect. This covers a student’s emotional
response to the learning experience. This factor is more usually omitted, as in this work.
An attempt to answer these questions can be based on the existing wide body of
literature on motivational factors in employment. This can reasonably be applied to
student learning since, effectively, a student’s employment is learning [49].
Applying this observation to learning, there are factors that can be affected by the
teacher (‘the way the students are taught’). Equally, many factors cannot be explicitly
addressed by the teacher, such as the students’ level of interest in the material being
taught. At the same time a teacher can still attempt to exercise some influence over
the internal factors. Teachers who appear enthusiastic, and who appear to enjoy their
subject, can hope to pass some of their enthusiasm and enjoyment on to students. A
less enthusiastic teacher is unlikely to have the same inspirational effect.
In the 1950s Herzberg [66] argued that the factors affecting motivation fall into two
distinct categories. The first of these, which he called motivator factors, brings great
satisfaction, while the second, hygiene factors, can lead to dissatisfaction. He argued
that each set of factors functions over only half of the motivational scale (this has
since been disputed [49]). The absence of motivator factors, for example, would lead
to a neutral state of motivation rather than an unmotivated state. In the case of
students the most significant hygiene (negative) factor is generally held to be a lack
of preparation for summative assessment (and is therefore closely linked with the
expectancy part of the motivation equation).
When considering the factors that have an influence on motivation (and also when
attempting to identify those that a teacher or manager can hope to influence) a
popular view in management science is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs [99]. Maslow
holds that individuals will not be interested in satisfying their higher-level needs
(such as achievement, recognition, and advancement) until their lower-level needs
(for example food and warmth) have been met.
Elton [49] applies this hierarchy to the case of students who “cannot be expected to
be interested in learning for learning’s sake until they are satisfied that their needs to
learn in order to pass the examination have been met”. It follows from this that one
of a teacher’s key responsibilities (perhaps the key responsibility) must be to ensure
that students believe (expect) that they will pass the course’s final assessment. This
is something that seems to be more an aspect of a tutor’s pastoral support rôle rather
than of a teacher’s instructional rôle.3 Once this basic need has been met the teacher
can move on to attempt to stimulate higher-level factors. This involves inspiring the
students with a genuine interest in the subject. They will hopefully then engage more,
but only after their most basic need has been satisfied.
Of course, many other factors will have an impact on a student’s motivation. The
list of possibilities is practically endless – personal life, financial pressures, family
problems – and a teacher can probably hope to address only the academic side to
any significant extent. It is crucial to ensure that the students value the learning and
expect success in the assessment. The teacher must, therefore, attempt to influence
the behaviour of the student and thus exercise some sort of control.
There is the possibility that a student is in a position where there is simply no possibility of success
because of previous performance. In this case a teacher should surely not lie. The key is to make
sure that the student never reaches this state (which should be possible if it is accepted that all
students are capable of passing at the start of the course).
efforts. Thus, internally oriented students will believe that they will succeed if they
work hard whereas externally oriented students will see success as a gift bestowed
randomly by the teacher.
This idea is closely connected to the concept of personal causation [39]. In this
view individuals are either identified as pawns (whose behaviour and objectives are
determined by others) or origins (who are more in control of their actions).4 The
feeling of being a pawn can lead to rebellion [49] and eventual drop-out or failure.
For effective learning, students must feel in control or else they will quickly become
disillusioned. They must feel as if the locus of control lies firmly with them and not
the teacher, and also that their success (or otherwise) depends on their own efforts
rather than on the perhaps arbitrary decisions of the teacher. In personal causation
terms students must be origins in that they must take responsibility for their own
learning. This necessity (or expectation) often comes as a shock to students used
to the school environment where they are much more like pawns. The teacher has
an important rôle here. The students must be persuaded to take control and accept
responsibility for their own learning. Some teachers may also find this difficult as
they may not be prepared to relinquish control (or even power [48]).
In a teaching relationship the teachers clearly have some power over the students,
essentially because they control the students’ assessment. Internal orientation (or
origin behaviour) is clearly preferable for a student from a learning perspective. A
teacher’s challenge becomes to ensure that the students feel in control of their own
destiny. A powerful and aloof teacher is unlikely to be able to achieve this easily.
Seligman [124] has identified the concept of learned helplessness, which is connected
to pawn behaviour. This term describes a feeling that develops when an individual
A similar concept to the pawn is sometimes expressed as amotivation [40]. This is a state where
individuals can see no link between their actions and the outcomes that result from them.
Keller’s example will strike a chord with any teacher who has been faced with a final-
year student approaching a final-year dissertation determined to avoid programming
because of a firm conviction that they “just can’t do it”. Programming is based on
a series of fundamental concepts. It is all too easy to see how it would be quite
impossible for a student to write a program requiring functions with parameters
without a knowledge of variables and data types, or a program including conditional
statements with no concept of even the simplest Boolean expression. The learned
helplessness response provides a convenient explanation for a student’s failure to
succeed. It is for many an attractive and reassuring explanation. They may have
failed in something, but they have failed in something that was quite impossible for
them to pass.
The learned helplessness response is, like motivation, a deeply personal thing. As
with motivation it is possible for an observer to suspect that a subject is experiencing
learned helplessness, but it is never possible to be sure. Moreover, subjects displaying
this type of response will be unaware that this is the case. The problem is simply
and genuinely that they “just can’t do it”. It is only when the subjects are closely
questioned (and perhaps even receive some form of counselling) that the observer’s
suspicions can start to approach a certainty.
Sometimes the student will have missed the basic material through some omission or
unexcused absence. In many cases, though, there will have been a good reason such
as illness. The progress of some topics in mathematics and computing can often be
seen as relentless. Concept builds upon concept as the teacher heads inexorably to
the end of the syllabus. In this situation it is not surprising that some students feel
lost and helpless. Learned helplessness is a difficult condition to reverse, but it is not
impossible to do so. In attempting to reverse it the teacher’s crucial rôle is that of a
motivator, providing comfort, reassurance, and encouragement [1].
It is widely argued that learning comes about through a complex process based around
experience [43] and reflection [139]. The prevailing view of this process is summarised
by Kolb’s Learning Cycle Model [86] (figure 1). In this model a student undergoes
some learning experience, reflects on it, forms abstractions from it, and is then able
to construct and carry out experiments. These experiments in turn produce more
experiences which can be the basis for further reflection and abstraction.5
Experiment Reflection
Other work by Kolb [87] adds four distinct learning styles to the cycle of figure 1. One
is placed in each quadrant, as shown in figure 2 on the next page. The position of each
style in the cycle illustrates the learning strengths of that style. A diverger excels in
the process of reflecting on an experience, an assimilator has a strength in forming
Kolb’s model has been widely applied and cited in similar studies to this (for example [21], [27],
[69], [73], and [91]).
abstractions from this reflection, a converger can develop practical experiments from
these abstractions, and an accommodator is able to adapt existing knowledge on the
basis of an experiment.
Accommodator Diverger
Experiment Reflection
Converger Assimilator
Kolb also associates personalities with each of these rôles. A diverger is a ‘people
person’, an assimilator likes to work with detailed and logical information, a converger
does not enjoy working with people (and prefers situations where there is just one
answer), and an accommodator is able to adapt quickly to new information.
A complementary view of education (and one that has clear parallels with Kolb’s
cycle) is constructivism. According to this view each learner’s knowledge is built
up (constructed) as a result of experiences and reflection. Lectures and textbooks
have only a passive rôle in this – the process of learning is very much a personal
one. It follows that each learner’s epistemological view is personal and, as such, is
unique to each learner. A teacher’s task in a constructivist setting is to facilitate the
learner’s building of this view. In Kolb’s terms this means that the teacher guides the
students as they progress round the cycle. This view of the teaching process is similar
to Laurillard’s model of teaching as conversation [89] or indeed the classic Socratic
approach of teaching by participation in debate.
Ideal students would pass through the phases of Kolb’s cycle as a natural part of
every learning experience. Their rôle in this is what Schön has called a reflective
practitioner [139]. The rôle of an ideal teacher, teaching ideal students, is simply to
guide them through this process. The task of teaching is to guide the student through
the four learning styles in Kolb’s model.
Kolb’s cycle highlights the fact that different students learn best in different ways (or
at least that different people will excel in different quadrants of Kolb’s cycle). Some
can learn effectively from reading books while others prefer to learn by discussing
material with other learners. Some learning tasks may be best approached in a
particular manner. (The alphabet, for example, is something that can only be learned
by rote and memorised.) More complex learning requires a more complex process, the
development of an understanding. For example in history it is possible to memorise
the dates of the events leading to some battle but it is far more complex to develop an
understanding of the causes of the battle. The transition to more complex learning
is a process which will develop in any learner over a period of time (and will develop
over a student’s course, becoming more specific to the chosen area of study [117]). In
the early stages of any educational endeavour simple learning by rote is likely to be
considered acceptable and a necessary precursor to more sophisticated learning.
The manner in which material is conveyed or taught can have a strong influence on
the learning strategies adopted by students [104]. If material is covered as a litany
of dates or facts then students will be encouraged (perhaps implicitly) to concentrate
on memorising those facts, especially if the assessment focuses on the ability to recall
them quickly and accurately. On the other hand, if a subject is taught in a more
discursive or analytical way, and this is mirrored in the assessment, students will
focus more on understanding.
While learning style is very much a personal attribute of a learner, a teacher can
exercise some influence, perhaps by stealth [97], over the learner’s activities. This in
turn can influence the way in which the learner learns. Students given lists of dates
will memorise them, while those engaged in more complex activities will come to
achieve an understanding. “To assume that one must teach to a particular learning
style misses the point that a given student may be best taught by one method early
in learning and by another after the student has gained some confidence” [104].
It is too simplistic to suggest that any single activity will promote a particular type
of learning [149]. The same applies to any particular form of teaching [155]. Learning
is a highly individual concept and each learner can be expected to take something
different from each learning experience. What is important is that all learners are
encouraged to engage in the activities that result in the best and most appropriate
learning for them.
There is no implied quality judgement here that more complex levels of learning
are in some sense better than learning by rote. The way in which learning will be
assessed has a significant influence on the sort of approach that is best in any learning
situation. If a learner is to be assessed in a way that requires precise recall of facts
there is no point in the learner aiming for an understanding.
The following sections describe the most popular models of student learning. It is
important to emphasise that none of these models provide convenient pigeon-holes
into which a student’s preferred learning style can be slotted. Rather they provide a
framework for understanding how and why different learners learn in different ways.
The classification of learning styles into deep and surface learning (first described by
Marton and Säljö [98]) is well known and is reputed to be the most widely cited work
in education. A surface approach is characterised by attempts to memorise material
so that it can be repeated verbatim in assessment. Deep learning, on the other hand,
concentrates on understanding, which leads to knowledge that can then be applied
to new situations when called on or assessed.
It is important to realise that Marton and Säljö did not did not identify generic types
of student. There is no such thing as a ‘deep student’ or a habitual ‘surface learner’.
They identified learning styles and showed how students tend to adopt the style most
suited to the assessment at hand (a so-called strategic approach). Nor do the styles
offer a simple black and white classification – rather they each represent a range or
scale of approaches [104].
Ramsden and Entwistle [128] have shown that deep approaches are more likely to
be adopted in disciplines that have a fairly low formal workload (notably arts-based
courses). Conversely, students are much more likely to adopt surface approaches
where the workload and contact time are higher – in broad terms this points to
disciplines in science and engineering. They also showed that departmental culture
can significantly affect students’ approaches. For example a deep approach is more
likely to be fostered in an open and friendly teaching department.
It has also been observed that some teachers may tend to teach to a preferred learning
style [104] or can tend to teach to accommodate the style that they believe their
students prefer. It is a mistake to do this and also a mistake to believe that all
members of a class of students have the same style. This approach can lead to a
vicious circle of events [156] where students are almost coerced into the learning style
expected of them, which in turn reinforces their teacher’s expectations.
Some teachers may be tempted to view deep learning as necessarily good and surface
learning as always bad. Further they may come to believe that academically able
students will always use a deep approach and weak students a surface approach. This
is not the case. There are some things that are best learned by rote or simply have
to be memorised (for example the alphabet). A student should be encouraged to
use the style that is most appropriate to the subject that is being learned. This
encouragement does not, of course, come in the form of some florid exhortation to
a class to “learn deeply!”. It comes from the activities and assessments devised by
the teacher. Activities and assessments can be developed that encourage a student
to engage in a way that fosters a particular form of learning.
A similar but less well known view of learning is that developed by Pask [122]. This
identifies two learning strategies: the serialist (operation learning) and the holist
(comprehension learning). The serialist approach focuses on detail and often overlooks
the overall picture whereas the holist works on a wider front and looks for general
patterns in a problem. The holistic approach therefore makes more use of analogies
and previous experience (and is close to Kolb’s cycle model). These forms of learning
appear, in fact, to be specific forms of the learning styles identified by Marton and
Säljö. The serialist is a form of surface learning (with the focus on memorising detail)
and the holist is similar to deep learning (with the focus firmly on understanding).
There is no such thing as a student who will always adopt, for example, a holistic
approach. While students may tend to prefer a particular approach it is their teacher’s
responsibility to make sure that they engage in learning activities that promote the
type of learning that is most appropriate to a particular learning task.
2.3.3 Engagement
Writing from a firmly constructivist standpoint, Biggs [14] describes the concept of
students’ levels of engagement in their learning and shows how the teaching context
can impact on this engagement. The higher levels of engagement are associated with
students taking the knowledge they have gained and using it in new situations, while
low levels are associated with simple rote learning. The close parallels between these
levels and the deep and surface forms of learning are clear. Biggs writes that high
levels of engagement promote deep learning and lower levels tend to promote surface
learning. The relationship between these levels of engagement and teaching methods
is presented graphically in figure 3 on the next page.
Biggs argues that a student’s level of engagement will increase as the teaching method
used becomes less passive and more active. Passive teaching consists of activities such
as the traditional lecture6 while active methods include problem-based and discovery
learning techniques. He also suggests that this is the case for all students, whether or
not they are particularly well motivated to learn the material being taught, or whether
“Traditional Lecture” here refers to that quaint (yet surprisingly popular) activity where one
person enters a room and there displays a series of notes for a large number of other people to
copy down.
note taking
or not they are particularly academically able. Some students (Biggs calls them
“academic”) will naturally function at higher levels of engagement (deep learning)
even if the teaching is totally passive. They are probably academically able and are
interested in the subject. They are well (probably intrinsically) motivated. Their
less well motivated (and perhaps less academically able) peers will tend to operate
at the lowest level they believe they can get away with and will tend to rely on the
simple memorising of notes if at all possible (surface learning). What is needed is
active teaching that requires these latter students to engage at a higher level. The
two types of student will never engage at the same level but, according to Biggs, the
gap in their levels of engagement is the smallest when the teaching is the most active.
Biggs’s levels of engagement are similar to the stages in another model – Bloom’s
taxonomy of educational objectives [15]. Bloom suggests that an individual learner
passes through a series of stages, each one of which represents a different form of
engagement. This is in contrast to Biggs’s model, where a student operates at only
one level. Bloom uses a series of six sequential stages to model the way in which
a learner develops: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and
It follows that a teaching environment and learning activities must be devised that
effectively coerce students into a high level of engagement (or to operate at the highest
level possible). The teaching methods used and the overall environment and culture
(not least that of the teaching department and the institution itself) have a very
strong influence on a student’s level of engagement. If they are suitably directed all
students can learn in the most effective way.
Students learn in different ways and teachers teach in different ways. Schmeck [137]
observes that “the way we go about accomplishing learning will of course depend on
what we conceive learning to be”. It is easy to see that the students approach to
learning (or their level of engagement) will depend on how they view the activity
and on their motivation. Similarly the main factor that determines how a particular
teacher teaches is that individual’s view of what teaching is.
Biggs [14] argues that teachers will change in the way in which they think about
teaching as they progress through their career. He provides a framework of three
levels to describe this development:
These levels are presented in order of complexity and depth, with level 3 the most
likely to promote good learning. Biggs’s model of career development suggests that
a novice teacher will tend to start at level 1 and will move steadily towards level 3 as
a result of more experience, reflection, and professional development.
Prosser and Trigwell [126] present a similar list (written from a less constructivist
standpoint than Biggs) of teachers’ views of teaching in terms of what they call
conceptions. These are:
This list is complemented with a further classification of how teachers can view the
learning of their students:
Both these lists are presented in order of depth. Prosser and Trigwell have also
demonstrated that a teacher holding deeper views of teaching is more likely to hold
deeper views of learning and vice versa.
This entry and the previous one call to mind extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and seem to imply
that the latter is preferable.
The work of Prosser and Trigwell drew on that of Dall’Alba [35]. Dall’Alba undertook
one of the earliest studies into teachers’ conceptions of teaching and identified seven
views (again presented in order of complexity):
Dall’Alba also suggests that the deepest conception is “focused on the relationship
between teacher, students and content”, a systemic view that has clear parallels with
Biggs’s level 3 and Prosser and Trigwell’s deepest levels. Similarly, the shallowest
views in each classification are effectively the same, viewing teaching as simply the
one-way transmission of information from the teacher to the student for eventual
verbatim reproduction.
While they use different terminology, there are clear parallels between these three
models. The lower levels in each focus on facts and memorising (surface learning) and
the higher levels introduce more complex notions such as understanding. In presenting
his model Biggs argues that many teachers will pass through the phases as they
develop their teaching. There are many recorded examples of this (for example [116]),
although they are not always written in Biggs’s terms. It is not unreasonable to
suggest that the same is true of the other models and that teachers will also reflect and
gradually develop deeper conceptions from the other schemes. It would be unrealistic
to claim that there is such a thing as a ‘level 1 teacher’ who cannot change but there
certainly do seem to exist teachers who see their rôle (perhaps subconsciously) simply
as presenting information to students for them to memorise.
The following sections consider Biggs’s levels in more detail. This discussion provides
a suitable framework for a consideration of how a teacher’s conceptions of teaching
programming may develop.
This view is based on the fundamental assumption that some students are in some
sense naturally academically able and well motivated while others are not. The basic
actions required of students are to attend lectures, to take sensible notes, to learn
these for the examination, and to repeat them for the summative assessment. Some
students will engage in these activities and some will not. The best students (and
Biggs writes that the assumption here is that some students are simply ‘best’ by their
very nature) will engage in these activities, will do additional work outside lectures,
and will eventually score the best marks. There is little or nothing the teacher can do
to influence the behaviour of the students. In effect the students’ success or failure
is determined before the course starts. This view clearly corresponds with the lowest
views in the models developed by Prosser and Trigwell and Dall’Alba.
This view sees the teaching activity as simply the strictly one-way process of the
communication of information (or, worse, the communication of facts). It can be
characterised by the old cliché of the transmission of information ‘from the lecturer’s
slides into the students’ notes passing through the minds of neither’. Material is
‘covered’, not taught [156], and the teaching objective is to “transfer the knowledge
from the textbook to the minds of the students” [116]. The final summative results
are seen as depending solely on a student’s application and aptitude.
It follows that student failure is effectively a preordained event. Students have failed
because they are bad students, as a result of attributes they possessed before the
teaching started. Those students who have done well are simply good students and
were good students before the course began. The teacher’s rôle has been merely to
communicate the appropriate information (or to cover the required material) – the
teacher has had no influence on the students’ results. It appears that the teacher is
effectively taking the view that both parties are a pawn in the process, both unable
to exercise any influence.
Biggs writes that this view of teaching is far too simplistic and yet it remains an easy
and attractive explanation (particularly in a course, such as programming, when very
many students appear to struggle [102]). But there are flaws to this explanation. It
seems reasonable to assume that no-one starts a course at university with the intention
of failing and presumably admissions systems (and previous summative assessments)
are such that everyone starting the course has the intellectual ability to succeed. It
simply cannot be the case that some students are doomed to failure before they start.
This view is likely to be taken by a new teacher presenting a course for the first time.
It is a straightforward explanation for the variation in student performance in the
class. The students who fail will always fail – the worker blames the raw material.
After some reflection, and probably a few more years’ experience, a teacher will move
on to this view (and the corresponding middle conceptions in the other models) [31].
The reason for the failure of some of the students is that the teacher (now thinking as
an origin rather than as a pawn) has failed in some way or, perhaps less self-critically,
that the teacher was teaching in an inappropriate way. This thinking leads to the use
of more active teaching techniques. The teacher hopes that these changes will help
the students to engage more and so learn better. They may inspire the students or
may provide more motivation. The worker seeks some better tools.
The first two levels in Biggs’s model attempt to attach the blame for the students’
failure to either the students or the teacher. Level 2 thinking shifts this blame from
the students to the teacher. Reflective teachers operating at this level will consider
what went wrong in a course. They will collect feedback, analyse it, and from this
they will plan how to teach their courses differently next time. After all, it must
always be possible to do things better. However, one problem remains. The students
are the same and will negotiate the same academic course. It is highly debatable
whether or not changes in the teaching methods can make any significant difference
to the overall performance of the students.
So the teacher can change the presentation of a course and can introduce exciting new
activities, assessments, or assignments. But the teacher soon discovers that there is
scant evidence that all this effort has had any significant impact on the learning of
the students. After time for some more reflection the teacher will progress to level 3.
The first two levels in this model are disjoint. They both look to allocate the blame
for student failure to one of the two participants in the learning scheme and succeed
in nothing more than shifting it around. This final view ignores blame and instead
focuses on how teaching activities can promote learning in students. What can be
done to make sure that the students learn? More to the point, what can be done to
make sure that they cannot avoid learning?
devised that will reliably ascertain whether or not this level has indeed been attained.
• What does the teacher have to do to assess whether or not these skills are indeed
This view sees the learning process as a combination of many things – as a system.
The effectiveness of the learning will depend on many factors. These do indeed include
the nature of the students but the system also encompasses the teaching activities, the
organisational context, and perhaps the course’s place in the wider curriculum. There
are more – for example the personalities of all concerned and the relationship between
the students and the teacher (Where is the control? How is it to be exercised?). This
is far from an exhaustive list but it does begin to hint at the complexity of the teaching
Biggs’s deepest level corresponds with the deeper levels in the other classifications.
At this level of thinking the students and teacher are engaged together in what might
be called a systemic relationship. Teachers are no longer simply communicating the
necessary information to the students – the teachers’ rôle has become much more
that of facilitators. They must facilitate learning by devising suitable activities for the
students to engage in and learn from. They must motivate the students to engage [75].
The students then become active and reflective learners.
Building on this systemic view of teaching Biggs [14] argues that the climate within
which teaching and learning takes place is crucial. Drawing on management science
he applies the theory X and theory Y ideas of McGregor [103] about different forms
of trustworthiness in the workplace to an academic environment so as to characterise
what ought to constitute a good teaching climate.
2.5.1 Theory X
The basic premise of theory X applied in an academic climate is that the teacher
does not trust the students. The underlying assumption made by the teacher is that
the students are wholly unmotivated, that they do not want to learn, and that they
will cheat if at all possible. They will have to be forced to work. Deadlines will
be strictly enforced and regulations relating to such matters as plagiarism will be
ruthlessly enforced. This view is characterised by statements such as “I have to give
them plenty of assessed work, or they won’t do anything at all”. This would lead
naturally to regular summatively assessed exercises, specified in minute detail and
held perhaps as often as weekly. These exercises would be examined zealously for
evidence of plagiarism. Taken to extremes the exercises would be reinforced with
regular supervised examinations to verify that the students understood the work that
they had submitted and that it was thus their own.
A theory X view of the teaching and learning system has clear similarities with the
lower-level conceptions presented in the preceding sections of this study. The teacher
and the student are not working together in a productive system to the extent that
it is almost as if the two are in direct conflict. They certainly do not have the same
aim. Control in this relationship clearly lies very much with the teacher.
2.5.2 Theory Y
This is, not surprisingly, the opposite view. Applying the theory once more to an
academic setting, a theory Y teacher assumes that the students can be trusted and will
work. There is an implicit assumption that students are well motivated. Moreover,
it is believed that the students will work better if they are trusted and given more
freedom. In this climate assessed assignments will be fewer (although there may still
be the same number of assignments some will just not be (summatively) assessed)
and will be loosely specified. There will be more freedom with deadlines. Plagiarism
will not be an issue as the students will be trusted not to cheat in assessments.
This view is similar to the higher-level conceptions. Here the teacher is taking much
more of a facilitating rôle and is quite happy to let the students learn in their own
way. Control has thus passed somewhat to the students. Provided that the students
appreciate this, and respond to it, the two parties are working much more together
towards a common goal.
There are many reasons why a theory Y approach seems preferable to one based
more on theory X. For one thing the climate offered is much more open and friendly
and the idea of students happily working away on interesting and loosely specified
assignments is very appealing. However, in practice a totally theory Y course would
most probably be a disaster. Then again, much the same can be said about a totally
theory X course. The ideal climate needs to draw on both but probably draws more
from theory Y than theory X.
2.6 Assessment
Assessment has many purposes [20]. It provides feedback, allows a teacher to classify
students, provides a formal record for various external bodies, and much more. The
classification of assessment into two basic types – summative and formative – is
well known. Summative assessment provides some (probably numeric) measure of a
student’s success that is then used in some classification. This typically contributes
to some end-of-course score. The main usefulness of this form of assessment lies in
the information it conveys to, for example, a future employer. Formative assessment
is different in that the main purpose is to give students feedback on their progress.
This feedback can be far more useful (in the short term at least). Of course, some
students will be motivated very much by their scores in the summative assessment
(achievement motivation) and these scores also provide feedback (but often in only a
very crude form).
Assessment has a powerful motivational rôle although the relationship is not always a
happy one. At the simplest level students who perform badly in summative assessment
can quickly lose motivation. Even the way in which results are published (for example
whether publicly or privately) can have a powerful effect [135].
Assessment also has a part to play in learning. The feedback from assessment, whether
in the form of a simple grade or a more detailed report, can trigger the reflection that
is such a vital phase of effective learning. Even a low grade can have merits since it
can prompt the students to consider where they have made errors, perhaps to seek
advice or help, and hopefully to perform summatively better in the next assessment.
At the very lowest level the prospect of assessment can coerce a student into working
and hopefully learning. The process of working towards an assessment can be as
important, in terms of learning at least, as the grade awarded.
There must be assessment and its positive effects are welcome. At the same time
there should not to so much assessment that it detracts from the learning. Above all
assessment should not be conducted (or the results reported) in such a way as to risk
damaging the motivation of any of the students.
The preceding discussion has shown that in an educational setting the teacher and
student are working together within a system. They are, however, only a small part
of the larger system provided by the learning environment. The physical environment
and aspects of the institutional environment or culture in which they operate all have
a rôle to play. These three factors – student, teacher, and environment – together form
the overall learning system. Things are changing rapidly in the UK higher education
system of the early 21st century and the impact of these changes on teaching and
learning cannot be overlooked. The following sections briefly discuss some of the more
significant changes.
2.7.1 Expansion
In the 1980s about 15% of school leavers went into higher education. Today the
number is closer to 40% and there are calls for it to increase beyond 50% [7]. There
is no sign of an end to this trend, especially in computing courses. The most obvious
result of this is that class sizes are now much larger [110]. At Leeds in the mid-1980s
there were some 120 students in the introductory programming class whereas in 2001
there will be over 300 [74]. Expansion brings obvious pressures of scale [32]. More
facilities of all kinds are needed, lecture rooms are bigger (and more crowded and
uncomfortable), tutors are busier, and support is harder to find. The modern student
is often made to feel anonymous [48] and can be just an insignificant name on a list.
Much learning requires easy access to an expert. This is a rôle traditionally filled
by the lecturer or tutor. With a large class the teacher is not going to be able to
provide time and guidance to all students. Worse, it has been suggested that the
culture of anonymity may well mean that students can sometimes feel threatened if
such help is offered [48] (although this suggestion is contradicted in a more recent
study [59]). Moreover, many staff report [70] that the expansion in numbers has
driven them back from innovative teaching (perhaps using problem-based techniques)
towards the traditional lecture-based approaches, with assessment designed for ease of
marking rather than learning value. Consequently, expansion seems to drive teachers
away from deep conceptions of teaching towards lower conceptions and the hoped-for
economies of scale.
2.7.2 Diversity
This expansion in numbers clearly leads to increased diversity in the student body [96].
Obviously, universities are now recruiting lower into the ‘A’ level pool8 and are thus
enrolling less academically able (in terms of previous summative results) students.
At the same time, as access widens, there are more students from non-traditional
Either by lowering offers or by ignoring the popular belief that ‘A’ levels have become easier.
backgrounds, many of whom will have taken a break from studying (and there is
government pressure to increase the numbers of students from such backgrounds [8]).
All the students in a more diverse class will be asked to negotiate the same course (it
is rarely possible to tailor a learning experience to individuals when operating at this
scale [63]). The class will include students who prefer to learn in different ways and
who learn better in different ways [77]. This raises the question of whether or not it
is sensible to believe that a single course can suit all students. While the answer to
this is probably a resounding negative there is seldom any practical alternative for, if
nothing else, purely economic reasons.
A more diverse population of students means that students have a greater diversity
of motivation for choosing and following the course [114]. Some will undoubtedly
still come with a genuine interest in their subject but many (perhaps, in the case of
computing, most [28]) may well be more interested in the potentially lucrative career
they expect to embark upon after graduation. In 1997 The Independent newspaper
(quoted in [114]) wrote of what it described as the “disturbing picture” of students
who had set aside the traditional student activities of “sex and drugs” and become
“ambitious, materialistic individuals”. This surely points to a change in motivation.
There is little evidence that these changes have been properly appreciated or reflected
in any changes to the ways in which the students are taught or assessed, or indeed in
any of the teaching institution’s (or wider society’s) expectations and procedures. The
expectation remains that universities will produce graduates irrespective of changes
in the students.
Today’s students are expected to spend the same amount of time on their studies as
were their predecessors in the 1980s. Herein lies a problem. The financial conditions
under which the two groups operate are very different [9]. In the 1980s few students
had part-time jobs, while today most do [10] and many (in computing at least) are
running their own businesses. Students in 2001 need part-time jobs so that they can
eat [6] and so the job is often more important to them than their studies (in Maslow’s
terms it provides the means to satisfy a lower-level need). If students have less time
to devote to their course they will do less and it follows that they will learn less. They
are also likely to be pushed towards a short-term surface learning approach.
At the same time, and also usually for financial reasons, an increasing number of
students choose to attend a university near their home [83]. Some of these students
will miss part of the whole culture of university. They will not be members of the
community. In practice the students of the 1980s were students all the time whereas
today this is definitely not the case.
Many aspects of the institution’s rules, regulations, expectations, and procedures have
failed to react to these changes. It is still assumed that students are devoting all their
time to their course when they are not [47]. Academic institutions and departments
may bemoan the financial poverty of their students but they seldom change their
procedures to alleviate the pressure or show much consideration. Some staff appear
to be unaware of the reality of student existence today. They do not make allowances
and appear to see the rigorous enforcement of rules and regulations as more important
than student learning (theory X).
The present environment in higher education in the UK is very far from conducive
to improvements in learning and teaching [85]. With the increasing emphasis on
research, and bearing in mind the often uncomfortable relationship between teaching
and research [134], teachers often have more work and are under considerably more
pressure to produce high quality research. There is thus little time to reflect on their
teaching or to plan improvements. The institution itself is driven by many concerns
(mostly financial in origin) and the well-being of the students can sometimes be
overlooked. While higher education has undoubtedly come a long way from a system
that “mostly worked by the age old method of putting a lot of young people in the
vicinity of a lot of books and hoping that something would pass from one to the
other” [125], there is still a great deal of need for change.
2.8 Summary
This chapter has discussed various issues and models related to teaching and learning
so as to provide a framework for a discussion of the way in which programming is
taught (or, equally, the system or climate in which programming is learned ). The
environment in which students operate in today’s mass higher education system in the
UK is indeed very different from that of only a few years ago and, perhaps importantly,
is very different from that which most of their teachers would have encountered and
remember. The effect of this on the students, or on the way in which they approach
their studies, is unclear but it is apparent that the cohort is now much more diverse
and is faced with many more challenges and pressures outside their studies.
The next stage is to take these ideas and to attempt to apply them to the learning
and teaching of programming. Programming is an activity with its own distinctive
features, so these concepts must be applied with care.
Chapter 3
Learning to Program
This model is so widespread that it seems reasonable to assume that at some point
in the past it worked or, at least, that the students learned to program (although
perhaps not as a direct result of the teaching). Now, however, evidence abounds, in
the form of students who simply cannot program, to suggest that this tried-and-tested
scheme does not work. What has changed?
One obvious change is the place of computing in the academic world. Computing is
still very much a new subject with a short history. In many traditional universities
a computing department has almost evolved rather than having been deliberately
created. In the last decades the importance of the subject has increased as it has
moved from a niche subject taken by few students to one of the mainstream subjects
with almost all students having the opportunity to study computing in some way.
While there have been many changes that have affected all students (outlined in
section 2.7) the nature of the students who choose to take computing degrees has
also changed. Even as short a time ago as the 1980s those who chose to study this
relatively new subject probably had of necessity a strong interest. It is likely that
these students had computers at home (when this was a rarity) and had spent many
hours programming them. Today, computing is a mainstream and expanding subject
with students coming from a variety of backgrounds. There will be some who have
spent many years working in the IT industry and others who have never used a
computer before. Many of those who have a computer at home will have used it to
do no more than run packages and play games – they will rarely have written any
programs. The audience to which programming is taught has changed and a first
programming course now has to be able to meet the needs of a highly diverse set of
environment, and paradigm to use, and the trade-off between choosing a language
based on its pedagogical suitability or on the extent of its use in industry. There is an
increasing literature on innovative techniques to support introductory programming
– suggestions have included the use of visual props [2] such as Frisbees
and Icky
, participative theatre [73], and even singing [144].
These entertaining teaching methods have their place. They serve as what Keller
has called an educational novelty and can have a short-term beneficial effect on the
students’ motivation [81]. They are popular with students, who claim1 to remember
more from the teaching sessions delivered with their aid than from more traditional
lectures [111]. Yet there is precious little tangible evidence that they improve the
students’ learning (although there may be some indirect effect as they may well make
students more likely to attend).
The language and paradigm debate is interesting (and at times fierce) but there is
little evidence that any particular language or paradigm is best suited for teaching.
There exist languages designed specifically for teaching (for example BASIC, LOGO,
and Pascal) but few higher education institutions would seriously consider using them
due to their lack of industrial application.
Even with these changes and debates the underlying way in which programming is
taught remains largely the same. A typical programming course still begins with a
consideration of the nature of the task and then introduces programming concepts
(in whatever language and paradigm) in sequence. Students are then expected to
practise by undertaking exercises. An alternative top-down approach based on data
structures and design has been proposed [131] but has not gained wide acceptance.
Lectures are an ineffective way of teaching programming. This was argued as long
ago as 1971 (albeit by a psychologist) [154] and it is surprising that it is a method
apparently still in widespread use some three decades later. It has also been argued
(and this time at least in a computing science education setting) that this approach
They claim to. It is unclear how this claim can be measured. This highlights a problem with
much research describing innovative ways to teach programming – it is difficult to evaluate.
Of course, the best way to learn how to program will be different for different people
but any scheme must surely involve elements of:
• hands-on practice – programming is a skill and the only way to acquire and
develop such a skill is practice.
• access to, and advice from, a programming ‘guru’ – an effective way to acquire
a skill is by an apprenticeship.
To set the context, this chapter first considers how an experienced programmer would
go about learning a new language and contrasts this with the experiences of a novice.
The theory from the previous chapter is then applied to the particular case of learning
to program and the chapter concludes with a discussion of what precisely it is that
makes learning to program so difficult.
Before considering and investigating the process (or indeed the processes) by which
a novice will learn to program it is useful to start by considering the processes that
an experienced programmer would follow in order to acquire a level of proficiency in
a new language. An understanding of these processes may well provide the basis of a
discussion of the difficulties facing novices as they attempt to learn to program.
Experienced programmers have relatively simple needs when they come to learn a new
language. They simply need to know how their existing mental model of programming
translates into the new language. For example at the lowest level they know what
a conditional statement is and so just need to know how to implement one in this
new language. A reference text will be sufficient, a guru would be useful but not
essential, and the rest will come with some hands-on activity. Such learning is often
driven by commercial considerations [154] and so may well take place ‘on the job’.
This process would not take place in the traditional order of a programming course
(variables, statements, program flow, procedures, and so on). It is a holistic process
of changing, almost translating, existing chunks of knowledge.
Experienced programmers also possess some sort of mental model of the mysterious
inner workings of the computer. They will understand at some level at least how
computer memory is organised and how instructions are executed. This knowledge,
even if it is only at a superficial level, can be invaluable in tracing errors in programs
or in understanding why a program does not appear to work. Moreover, much of this
knowledge is quite independent of a programming language and it is more knowledge
that can be readily mapped to a new environment. In addition the programmers will
have some level of understanding of the workings of a compiler – how the program
source is parsed, compiled, and linked to give an executable version. They have
learned the rules of the game.
This is perhaps not the best example. Java is a pure object-oriented language while C++ is
essentially a hybrid between an object-oriented and a procedural language (or perhaps a procedural
language with some object-oriented features added). Many C++ programmers use the language
as what amounts to a procedural language with some additional object-oriented facilities. Such
programmers would have to learn to think in a more object-oriented manner when approaching
Java and this would represent a not insignificant paradigm shift. Java programmers coming to
C++ may well find similar problems in programming in a less object-oriented way.
An interesting side issue here is whether this is a situation where a novice with no prior experience
has some sort of advantage over an experienced programmer. A novice learning to use an object-
oriented language knows of no other way to think or program – is this a better situation than
being proficient in a procedural language?
Novices generally lack any concrete starting point for their programming. They have
never programmed before and so do not have any library of templates or program
code from previous experience. The novice is lost without these chunks of knowledge
or libraries of programs. A side issue is that the programming process is so natural
to the experienced programmer that novices struggling with the same problem can
sometimes see the expert in action and quickly become disheartened. They cannot
adapt knowledge that they do not possess and it all seems so easy for the expert.4
A mental model of the inner workings of the computer is something else that a novice
often lacks. Without such a model some of the most basic elements of programming
seem arcane and mysterious but with a model they make perfect sense. The process
of compilation will seem equally arcane and mysterious as the compiler takes the
novice’s code and then spits forth error messages that are quite unintelligible to the
novice. The novice is playing a game without knowing the rules.
The process that an expert would use to learn a new language is not going to map
directly into a scheme for teaching novices but it throws some light on what novices
must be taught or on what they must somehow acquire before they become in some
sense experienced. They must acquire the all-important chunks from which they can
build programs, they must acquire some sort of mental model of the workings of
the computer and of the programming process, and, perhaps above all, they must
acquire confidence. Some of these things will be acquired during an introductory
programming course while others will come over a number of years and probably only
A good analogy here is juggling. Imagine watching a skilled juggler juggle five balls [141]. The
balls are handed over for a novice to try. . .
When devising a system in which a novice learns to program the most important
element is arguably the programming environment – the language, operating system,
editor, and compiler. There is an immense (and still expanding) literature on the best
language for teaching and a smaller, but still extensive, amount on the best platform.
More recently this has been extended to include discussion of the best paradigm5
and whether this ought to be strictly procedural or object-oriented (and in the latter
case whether ‘objects first’, ‘objects last’, or ‘objects at all’ [33]). In some cases a
functional approach has been proposed but acceptance of this is not widespread.
3.2.1 Language
It is important that a distinction is made (in the minds of both teacher and student)
between learning to program and learning a particular programming language. It
should always be first and foremost the skill of programming that is being learned.
It is to be hoped and expected that a competent student could then easily move to
a new language. Nevertheless a novice will naturally have to get to grips with the
syntax of a particular language as a first step. There are two basic factors to consider
when a language is chosen:
• pedagogy – the language’s suitability for teaching. Languages that rely heavily
on symbolism or neat tricks are unlikely to be suitable for novices.
A hideously misused word.
more as a first step towards securing a lucrative job they demand to be taught
current commercially relevant skills. To some extent the industry itself adds to
this pressure.
There are some other technicalities to consider. For example the language must be
available on the appropriate platforms, it must support the paradigm to be taught,
there must be suitable textbooks, and so on. Nevertheless pedagogy and commercial
use are the most important even if they are sometimes at odds.
In 1971 Wirth [159] recognised these issues in his original paper describing the Pascal
language. He identified a vicious circle whereby industry dictates the most commonly
taught programming language. The most popular language in industry will be the
most used and therefore the language most in demand. In response to this demand
the most taught language will be the one most used in industry. He deprecated what
he called “this stagnation” and as a solution proposed Pascal as a language designed
specifically for teaching.
Pascal still has something to offer as a language with which a novice can learn the
basic principles of programming. It is a small language but it neatly illustrates all the
fundamental concepts of programming using an English-like syntax. A programmer
with a sound knowledge of Pascal should be able to abstract the basic principles and
move on to other similarly structured languages with a minimum of difficulty.
Current development environments derived from Pascal such as DelphiTM and Turbo
PascalTM offer the potential for interesting and inspiring graphical assignments carried
out using an interactive development environment. Of course, the language remains
only a small part of the overall system in which a novice learns and the novice will
have to be able to abstract the principles learned from Pascal and apply them in
other languages, but Pascal would still seem to offer a reasonable setting in which to
learn these principles.
However, a survey in 1996 [18] noted that use of Pascal in teaching was decreasing in
favour of C or C++. The reasons cited are partly technical and concern Pascal’s lack
of support for data abstraction. Significantly, a prime reason cited for the change given
is Pascal’s “failure as a real world language” but this is a purpose it was never intended
to fulfil! Data abstraction is supported in the latest language in the Pascal family,
Oberon [51], but the use of this language is also limited by the rush to use industrially
popular tools. Anecdotally, Java is today becoming the dominant language used for
teaching. This is a change driven to no little extent by the increasing use of Java in
industry – Wirth’s vicious circle prevails!.
Many institutions teach more than one programming language. There is an initial
language, used as a vehicle for the introductory programming course, and then other,
perhaps more specialised, languages used in later courses. It was once quite common
to learn Pascal initially and then to move on to learn C for more serious programming.
This structure (where it is used) means that, in theory at least, the first language
taught could be chosen for its pedagogic suitability. Later languages could be chosen
for their appropriateness to a real application and would, by implication, be more
focused on real world considerations.
This is an appealing idea. Critics would argue that it is foolish to teach one language
and then another but these critics would be mixing the teaching of a language with
the teaching of programming. Students might also complain about being asked to
learn an additional language – it does seem rather like extra work. The increasing
use and ubiquitous nature of Java also mitigate against this approach.
It is possible to make arguments for and against all other languages (and indeed
all combinations) and it is certainly most unlikely that any particular language or
combination will ever gain universal approval. In essence the problem is insoluble
and it seems likely that, for the foreseeable future, educators will be driven largely
by the ‘flavour of the month’ in industry. At present this appears to be C++ or Java
although an interesting case has been made for HTML and JavaScriptTM [107].
This process – where an HTML file is written, the results are viewed in a browser, and
the file is then changed if necessary – is very broadly equivalent to the central part
of the programming process where a program file is written, compiled, tested, and
then perhaps altered. Moreover, the basic tools that are used (text editors, operating
system commands, windowing environments) are the same in each case.
As part of their induction process all the new entrants to the School of Computing’s
degree programmes at Leeds are asked to complete a short questionnaire about their
previous programming experience. Many of the 2000 intake responded to this question
with the comment that they had programmed in HTML. This raises two issues:
• On entry the students have little idea of what programming is in the context
that they are about to learn it.
However, the idea of using HTML (with or without JavaScript to introduce some
procedural elements) to teach programming to mainstream computing students is
unlikely to be widely acceptable. It is too drastic a change in practice. For the
moment the trend will continue to be to choose from the languages most in demand
in industry. It is a huge shame, and an additional unnecessary obstacle for students,
that these languages were designed for commercial use by experienced programmers
rather than for use by novices in education.
3.2.2 Platform
Novices not only have to master a language. They also have to learn how to use the
platform provided for them to develop their programs. This involves learning how to
enter their program, compile it, and find the output. Indeed, in their classic book
describing C, Kernighan and Ritchie [82] considered these mechanical problems the
first “basic hurdle” in learning to program and then optimistically suggested that
everything else is “comparatively easy”.
This issue will be discussed in more detail later.
The choice between these is not obvious. There are undoubtedly many more skills and
ideas for novices to master in the first case but the second may well make them feel
too secure and may not prepare them for further programming in a less protective
environment. In many ways the environment in which programs are written is as
important as the programming language itself. For example it is senseless for a
programmer to be able to develop using C++ in a particular visual environment if
that programmer cannot use C++ on a Unix platform using a standard text editor.
At the same time the complexities of using such a Unix environment can often get
in the way of the process of learning the language and learning to program when a
more visual environment is probably to be preferred.
The ideal choice is clearly somewhere between the two. There are versions of vi
(for example VIM [62]) that can be configured to function as rudimentary IDEs and
the use of these can readily support the novice. The choice of Microsoft Windows
is attractive not least because it is reasonably safe to assume that most students
arriving at university will already be familiar with it. Conversely a Unix platform is
more flexible and powerful and provides students with a skill in demand in industry.
Most commercial compilers and program development environments have been, very
reasonably, designed for commercial use by experienced programmers7 (and this also
includes most available on a Microsoft
platform). It is surely curious, then, that
many of these same tools are often used to teach novices. These systems often produce
Although some vendors have started to expend considerable efforts on marketing some of their
commercial development products and environments to the academic community (for example
Metrowerks’ CodeWarrior
error messages that are incomprehensible to the novice, sometimes perhaps because
the novice makes errors that an experienced programmer never would. A case in
point is the use of a reserved language word as a variable identifier [92] where very
few compilers manage to produce a meaningful message (although an experienced
programmer would quickly realise what was wrong even without a meaningful error
message). Even when an experienced programmer does not immediately understand
an error it is normally a reasonably simple matter to find out what is wrong. These
systems offer power and flexibility way beyond what a novice learning the language
could possibly need and with this power comes more scope for confusion.
A recent innovation has been the emergence of various IDEs developed with the needs
of novice programmers firmly in mind. The most prominent of these at present is
probably BlueJ, described as an “integrated Java environment specifically designed
for introductory teaching” [88]. BlueJ offers an easy-to-use graphical environment
that is tailored to the sort of programming and tasks that novice programmers are
usually asked to complete. Objects can be created, called, and tested all in the same
simple interactive environment, which consists of an integrated editor, compiler, and
debugger. This is an attractive option (although only available for Java at present).
The criticism might be that BlueJ is not going to be widely used in industry (the
same criticism that is levelled at Pascal as a teaching language!) but this is not its
purpose. It remains to be seen how widely BlueJ will be adopted in those institutions
currently teaching Java and whether similar projects for other languages will emerge.
As new programming languages are developed many are accompanied by claims about
their suitability for teaching. A recent example of this is Python with its ‘Computer
Programming for Everybody’ project [151]. Although a relative newcomer, Python
certainly seems to have something to offer as an introductory language – it is fully
object-oriented and useful programs can be written in a very few lines of code. As
with BlueJ it remains to be seen whether or not Python will gain widespread use
as an introductory language – it is certainly starting to gain widespread use in the
commercial world, which is a promising development.
As with the choice of language the choice of platform is not straightforward. There
are advantages and disadvantages to both extreme approaches described here. But
both the sackcloth and cosy approaches are extremes and so the ideal choice probably
once more lies somewhere between the two.
The choice of language and platform is not easy. Pascal (or more realistically one
of the more recent languages in the Pascal family) remains attractive as an ideal
language for teaching novices but commercial pressures mean that its use is unlikely.
A similar problem has restricted the use of Ada [18] which promises many of the same
advantages as the Pascal family. It has, sadly, to be accepted that the most taught
language will be one of those used in industry and that pedagogical considerations
are secondary. Wirth was quite correct.
There is more control over the platform. A medium ground must be found between
environments that are too basic and too protective. Commercial products do not
seem to offer very much since their purpose and market are very different to the
needs and characteristics of novice programmers. It may well be that the ideal future
platform will emerge from current initiatives such as BlueJ and Python.
Much has been written about the advantages and disadvantages of many languages
and platforms. Precious little of this research presents any concrete evidence that
any particular environment is better than any other or that there are any significant
advantages to be found in any particular combination. Since many institutions teach
programming using different environments, and students still appear to fail to learn,
the suspicion must be that the programming environment has very little, if any,
influence on the effectiveness of the students’ learning. The cause must lie elsewhere
in the system, perhaps in a less tangible, more psychological, area.
3.3 Motivation
Students will not learn to program if they are not motivated. They must attach some
sort of value to learning to program. On one level it matters not why they value
learning to program just as long as they do. A teacher might hope for some intrinsic
interest in the subject (and many students will indeed have this) but extrinsic or other
forms of motivation are equally valid. It is fundamentally important that the teacher
appreciates how the class is motivated and manages to tune in to their motivation.
This issue will be investigated in chapter 4.
The expectancy-value model of motivation (section 2.1.2) shows that students must
also believe that they will succeed in the final assessment of their programming.
This is a more personal concept than value and will be investigated in the study of
individual students in chapter 5. For the moment it is sufficient to emphasise that
motivation is essential if a student is to learn to program.
It is very difficult to pin down the most appropriate learning style for the learning
of programming. The deep and surface classification (section 2.3.1) seems to work
well for a subject which is essentially a body of knowledge but programming is rather
more complicated than that. On the one hand it might appear that a deep approach
is essential to provide understanding that can be applied in new problem areas. On
the other it could equally be argued that programming can be learned as essentially
a process that amounts to not much more than simple pattern matching (with the
patterns closely corresponding to the expert’s chunks of program code) where common
problems are spotted and known working sections of code applied. This sounds very
much more like a surface approach.
new situations. This might appear to be crucial factor for successfully learning to
program where the key skill that is being taught (or learned) – the ability to apply
programming concepts and ability to new problem areas – is indeed highly generic.
Then again it is perfectly possible to produce working programs without ever fully
understanding how they work, perhaps by nothing more than simple trial and error.
A programmer might remember that the C++ code:
produces a loop that executes ten times. It is not necessary to understand how
this loop works to use it in a program. While this tactic at first sight resembles a
surface learning approach it is also close to the experienced programmer’s strategy of
remembering chunks of working programs (a decidedly desirable tactic).
Once again it seems that the best strategy for learning to program lies between these
two extremes. Surface learning can be useful for remembering syntax or issues such
as operator precedence but elements of deep learning (and hence understanding) are
crucial if an understanding of the semantics of the language is to be developed together
with a genuine competence. This complexity begins to hint at the complexity of the
process of learning to program.
The application of Pask’s serialist and holist styles (section 2.3.2) is equally confused.
Is it essential that a programmer takes an overall (holistic) view of a problem or is
the more detailed (serialist) approach to be preferred? It is surely possible to see the
advantages of both approaches. Perhaps a more complex approach is needed where
the programmer can switch between activities that employ the various styles and take
the complementary views offered by each.
If the importance of at least some activities that involve a deep approach is accepted
the work of Ramsden and Entwistle has some implications for the environment in
which programming is taught. An open and friendly environment with plenty of
support is required together with an assessment regime that provides an amount that
does not drive the students towards a potentially catastrophic surface approach. In
any case, given the importance of access to a guru, presumably in the form of a
lecturer or tutor, an open and friendly environment is essential.
The overall context within which programming is being taught and learned must
also be considered. If a surface learning approach is proving to be successful (and
is perhaps even being encouraged) in other parts of the students’ course it will be
difficult for them to work in a different way for their programming. If it is proving
successful in most other parts of their course it will be very difficult indeed. Students
may be tempted to try to memorise syntax without concentrating on an understanding
of the underlying semantics. Students do not make a conscious effort to engage in
deep or surface learning but habits are hard things to break.
If the ideal approach lies somewhere between deep and surface learning (or at least
combines elements of each) Biggs’s diagram of levels of engagement (figure 3 on
page 26) provides a promising model with a scale of intermediate points. A reasonable
argument would be that the learning of programming requires engagement at least
at the applying level and ideally above. A student must learn the required concepts
sufficiently well to be able to apply them to new situations and problems. Biggs’s
diagram suggests that to promote this the teaching cannot be totally passive (and also
that it need not be totally active). A teaching environment that coerces the students
into a reasonably high level of engagement is therefore required. It also follows that
students must be motivated if they are to engage in any learning processes. Recall
Biggs’s neat definition of a teacher’s motivational rôle as “getting students to agree
that appropriate task engagement is a good idea” [14].
A similar observation has been made about some problems in geometry [100].
Bloom’s taxonomy of learning styles and activities has been convincingly applied
to programming [95]. The lower levels correspond to reading, understanding, and
interpreting given program code. The middle levels correspond to the development
of small programs or code fragments. It is not until the higher levels are reached
that complex and original programs can be developed. Since learning to program is
seen as a sequential process of passing through these stages there is much to be done
before original programs are being written.
Using Biggs’s three levels (section 2.4) it is immediately apparent that the level 1
view is far too simplistic an explanation for the problems in teaching introductory
programming. It surely cannot be the case that a significant proportion of the student
intake of today can never hope to become competent programmers. It can be argued
that the expansion in the number of students learning to program and the resulting
diversity of the intake have made the students less well prepared [78]. A related
suspicion (but by no means a unanimous view) is that the lower levels of mathematical
attainment and ability of the students makes them less able to learn to program [21]
– they have less aptitude.
Level 2 thinking in this area brings with it the introduction of innovative instructional
techniques. These can serve some purpose but as usual there is little convincing
evidence of their value beyond that of simply providing a somewhat diverting novelty.
The discussion in section 3.4 started to identify that the ideal academic climate for
learning and teaching programming was a friendly and open teaching department.
This immediately points to a theory Y model. The theory X and theory Y views
both represent extremes – the ideal climate for teaching introductory programming
lies somewhere between the two but probably does indeed draw rather more from
theory Y than from theory X.
A theory X programming course produces a recipe for stress (for both the students
and the teacher). Students will be driven exclusively by assessment. They will learn
to complete introductory programming exercises, which is a quite different thing to
learning to program. If they retain any motivation it will be to complete the exercises
and gain the reward of marks. They are most unlikely to do any additional work on
their own. Many will probably cheat, sometimes simply through desperation.
Write a program that accepts a single positive integer greater than one
and displays that number in binary. An example executable is available;
the output of your program should be exactly the same in every respect.
Submit your program before 5pm on Friday 14th April.
For the teacher a theory X approach would bring with it an immense amount of work
in marking programs (and in devising programs that would be easy to assess) and
processing marks. This workload is increased further by the task of monitoring for
plagiarism and dealing with consequent investigations and punishments. However,
a glance at the amount of work published describing convenient automated ways of
marking large numbers of identical assignments and detecting plagiarism suggests
that this theory X view is not uncommon.
Write a program that uses all the C++ statements we’ve covered so far. It
can do anything you like. Hand it in some time before the end of semester.
This appears more attractive at first sight but surely an introductory programming
course based solely on the theory Y view would also be a disaster. At the very least it
is difficult to see how the teachers (or their superiors or any other stakeholders) could
have any confidence whatsoever in the validity of the summative assessment. It would
certainly be a less stressful experience for all concerned and teachers would probably
find that they have more time to help their students. The element of discovery
learning that can be introduced by vaguely defined assignments would motivate and
enable students to learn better and at their own pace [3]. Valid assessment remains
the stumbling block.
Students will learn better if they learn in an informal, theory Y-style, environment.
The potential is there in such an environment to improve their confidence and to
promote questioning and discussion [91]. In such an ideal climate the students should
want to learn to program. The teacher’s rôle will simply be to facilitate this by
providing support and a framework. Some assignments will have to be assessed for
summative purposes but not all of them need be. All the assignments set should give
the students as much flexibility as possible to work on interesting projects. Students
are much more likely to want to program if they are interested in or even inspired by
what they are doing.
Work at Monash University in Australia [65] has reinforced this by showing how
students of programming can benefit from enjoyable informal discussion classes. In
these classes the students work in small groups to solve various problems or carry
out exercises. The academic content is always present but the informal (theory Y)
atmosphere promoted is found to be of great benefit.
The question of the ideal environment for learning to program is based around the
notion of trust [75]. The teacher should be able to trust the students to do their best
and not to cheat. At the same time the students should be able to trust the teacher
to make every effort to catch the students who do still cheat. Students can work
on more interesting problems by being allowed to tackle assessments that are loosely
specified within some sensible limits. This situation is based more on theory Y than
on theory X but is still far from pure theory Y. It is, however, attainable.
3.7 Metaphor
The question of the use of metaphor when teaching programming has been raised in
passing in a number of the preceding sections. Many of the innovative techniques
proposed for teaching programming involve metaphor in one form or another (either
in the use of physical props or in other forms of analogy). The discussion of levels of
thinking about teaching raises the question of how much the use of metaphor in this
way is desirable in teaching programming. This appears to be a level 2 concept, so
should it be allowed to intrude on level 3 teaching?
At the most basic level a computer program is a set of instructions that manipulates
binary digits. A programmer’s task is essentially simply to create a functionally
correct set of instructions from a specification. Unfortunately, humans find it hard
to think at such a low level and so some higher-level model is needed. This is why
experienced programmers use Java rather than machine-level code. At the same
time the experienced programmers have some mental model of what the program is
actually doing. There is some sort of understanding of registers, program counters,
and memory management. They could program at the lower level if they needed to.
Attempts to achieve this have considered the use of physical props such as Icky Poo [2],
acting out algorithms [56], other forms of physical participation [73], and paper-based
models of the computer [100]. All these focus to an extent on the use of metaphor to
illustrate some basic concept. Variables can be modelled as boxes and the boxes can
have labels (for identifiers) and can be a certain size (a data type). Pointers can be
explored using physical means to establish linked lists between students in a lecture
room and parameter passing can be illustrated by a deft throw of the Frisbee [2].
Proponents of these techniques report that students enjoy them and later give good
course feedback when they are used but there is (as always) little tangible evidence
of their effectiveness.
Keller [81] advocates the use of such physical methods as a technique to be used when
designing teaching programmes that will motivate. However, he also warns against
their over-use and suggests that extensive use will limit their effectiveness and simply
confuse the audience. The value of these novelties depends on what Keller calls their
“judicious use”. There is another danger in the use of metaphor. Novices may come
to rely too much on the metaphor at the expense of a true understanding [45]. At
some point every metaphor breaks down (even a good metaphor) and the novice
must be made aware of when this has happened. Metaphors can be dangerous things,
especially if they are relied on.
No less an authority than Edsger Dijkstra [44] has argued strongly against the use of
such physical approaches, calling them “infantilization” and accusing those who use
them of “contempt of the student body”. In a response to the article in which Dijkstra
made this comments David Parnas [121] agrees that no teacher of engineering would
seriously consider describing “how much the electrons want to get to the opposite side
of a capacitor”. Dijkstra’s suggestion is that programming should be taught as the
process of arriving at a formal mathematical representation of a problem using some
suitable symbolic language. As it is a mathematical representation it will be possible
to test the program for correctness. The final part of Dijkstra’s suggestion for teaching
programming is that the language used should be one for which no implementations
are available. He argues that this would properly emphasise the task of programming
as that of producing error-free code.
Even though Dijkstra was setting out his views over 20 years ago his ideas are still
relevant today. The higher education system in the UK, and the place of computing
in it, has changed almost beyond all recognition, but the fundamentals of computer
programming are still the same now as then. Teaching programming using one of
today’s high-level languages and environments can often cloud or (worse) totally hide
the fundamental underlying principles. These principles – the very concepts that
would be so closely addressed by Dijkstra’s approach – are the key to a truly deep
understanding of programming.
Dijkstra’s view is extreme and (like much of his other writing on educational matters)
probably deliberately intended to be provocative. It does raise a worthwhile caution
about the use of metaphor and reinforces Keller’s view that it should not be over-
used. Metaphor and other out-of-the-ordinary techniques have a place in teaching
programming but they are not a panacea. Rather their use adds to the smorgasbord
of instructional possibilities for a teacher. Their main purpose should be to aid in
the establishing of common ground between the teacher and the learner. After all,
the learner will have to come to share the teacher’s model at some point and there
is nothing worse than having to ‘un-learn’ something as a metaphor is set aside. A
level 3 teacher must not be afraid to dabble with level 2 ideas but must be prepared
to stop at dabbling.
3.8 Assessment
Assessment has again been a recurring background theme in many of the preceding
sections. To summarise:
• There must be a realistic amount. Too much simply leads to stress and has
little summative value anyway.
A programming course has two distinct objectives. From the teacher’s perspective
the most important intention of the course is hopefully that the students will learn to
program. This aim can be characterised as a learning objective. At the same time the
students must be assessed and allocated a grade for that part of their degree. This
is an assessment objective. Many students will quite naturally regard this second
objective as the more important of the two.
It is not uncommon for these two objectives to conflict [49]. For example a student
will be expected to complete various summative assignments during a course. If one
is found to be particularly difficult and results in a low grade the student may well
seek help from the teacher. The teacher then has a dilemma. It is possible to teach
this student to program but it is also possible to provide coaching to a stage where the
assessment can be successfully passed (in a summative sense at least). The teacher
should value the first of these options more highly. The problem is that the student
is unlikely to engage (or be motivated) unless convinced that the assessment will be
successfully negotiated [49]. The student will thus be more interested in the teacher’s
second option.
As long ago as 1938 Dewey wrote that “all genuine education comes about through
experience” [43], a statement that neatly sums up the constructivist view. It follows
from this that the only way to learn how to program effectively is for the learner to
gain as much experience as possible of writing programs. This process must not be
driven by assessment (or at least not by summative assessment). A theory X model
where students are given weekly tasks to complete for summative credit (“or otherwise
they won’t do it”) is a sure recipe for disaster. Theory Y would also bring chaos but
of a different type. A middle ground is needed. As students learn at different speeds
(and will have different pre-existing skill levels) surely it makes sense to leave all
summative assessment until the end of the course.
To take this idea further students can be allowed to define their own assignments,
provided that the end results meet some set of criteria specified by the teacher [61].
The teacher provides some sort of framework, probably by giving a list of features
that must be included, and perhaps vets the students’ ideas to make sure that they
are reasonable and possible with the language being taught. The students can then
write a program in an area that interests them to show off the programming they
have learned (as an aside, this also neatly defeats the problem of plagiarism). Surely
this will be more interesting.
It is sometimes argued that the students who find programming difficult are simply
those for whom programming is difficult. The argument is simply that some students
have no aptitude for programming. The required skills often cited are problem-
solving ability and mathematical ability but there is little evidence that either has
any significant effect (although a recent study in Ireland [21] has once again hinted
at some connection between programming aptitude and experience in mathematics
and science). An attempt to address the diversity of the class at Leeds [77] employed
simple aptitude testing aimed at these two skills but the final results of the course
showed no significant correlation between the calculated aptitude and the final grade.9
The focus must then turn to cognitive factors such as learning styles or motivation.
It has been demonstrated that students who fail programming courses are likely to
be more extrinsically motivated than their peers who excel [143] but there is no study
More recent work on the diversity of the programming class at the University of Southampton [36],
building on that at Leeds, appears to show that the students’ own assessments of their feelings
about the course is a reasonable predictor of their final performance.
that shows anything more than possible links between success in programming and
preferred approach to learning or observed learning style.
Perhaps the root of the problem lies in the subject itself. Is it the case that there is
something inherent in programming that makes it difficult to learn? The following
sections consider some of the reasons why this might just be the case.
Figure 5 also includes life skills which is appropriate only for students. Experienced
programmers do indeed require some life skills, of course, but the skills are rather
The skills required for programming are not applied in isolation. They are applied in
the context of a particular problem or problem area. A programmer must understand
the problem and probably some aspects of the domain in which the problem exists
before these skills can be applied. This introduces even more skills into the picture.
The precise nature of these skills will be different in each case and so the programmer
has to be flexible.
Programming, then, is not a simple single skill (and it is certainly not a discrete body
of knowledge). To become a competent programmer a student must master many
things. Some of these are taught at the same time as programming, some may not be
explicitly taught (for example a teacher may assume that students will simply pick
up the use of an editor), and some are probably regarded as outside the direct remit
of a teaching department. To compound the problem (and somewhat curiously) some
of the skills will be taught after programming. Nevertheless, a student must master
them all.
Of course, some of these skills are required by all students no matter what subject they
have chosen to study. All students need to develop their life skills during their first few
weeks at university so that they are able to adjust to life in a new environment. Many
subjects require problem-solving ability and skills in mathematics. The important
point is that programming students require all these skills and so find themselves in
an unusual situation.10
Figure 5 (on page 69) showed the skills needed for programming in a flat structure.
In reality these skills form a hierarchy (or chain [145]) and a programmer will be
using many of them at any single point in time [112]. When faced with learning
a hierarchy of skills a student will generally learn the lower-level skills first before
progressing upwards [12]. In the case of coding this implies that students will first
learn the details of syntax, then semantics, then structure, and finally style. Teachers
will be familiar with students who produce programs with no indentation, intending
to add indentation once the program works, or with no modules, intending to split
the program when it works. No experienced programmer would do these things but
these are bad habits that it is hard to leave behind (as well as habits that make
programming and debugging even more difficult).
It has been shown [94] that novice programmers tend to concentrate on syntax and
that this approach is reinforced by the way in which the topic is presented to them
in both lectures and in textbooks. This approach leads to an unwieldy collection of
knowledge and often almost random attempts to form the remembered syntax into
a working program. Without a knowledge of the higher-level issues of algorithms
students can never hope to write a program in any sensible and structured way.
Programming requires the mastery of many skills and it is far from obvious which is
best learned first.
From the teachers’ perspective it is surely very difficult to devise a lecture that can
deal with skills or information at several levels. For example lectures that focus on
details of syntax cannot really address the higher-level skills of understanding [19].
This multi-layered aspect to the programming skill is not merely a problem for the
A first year student at Leeds once pointed out that the only other discipline that required all these
skills in such profusion was Medicine.
The process of transforming a specification into working program code is not linear
but probably consists of three distinct transitional phases between four identifiable
stages (figure 6).11
Starting with the specification (normally written in plain language) the programmer
must first draw on an understanding of the problem domain to devise an appropriate
algorithm. Loosely, this involves the programmer in re-writing the specification in
a precise way that is closer to an implementation. This is the hardest part of the
task and is something that draws heavily on abstraction skills. The final algorithm is
then translated into programming concepts or building blocks. This is a simpler task
for an experienced programmer who has probably seen similar programs before and
has a mental library of code chunks. Finally this design (or recipe) is translated into
actual program code. Given a correct recipe this final stage is trivial and is the only
one completely determined by the programming language being used.
Obviously an experienced programmer would not pass through these phases in a particularly linear
manner. This admittedly simplistic view is just intended to illustrate the fact that programming
requires the application of several processes.
A student must master these three distinct phases. It is therefore unfortunate that
teaching can often concentrate on the low-level minutiae of syntax (something that
is perhaps encouraged by the use of highly symbolic languages and that is definitely
encouraged by many textbooks) at the expense of the higher-level, more complex,
processes of devising an algorithm. The issue arises of whether or not it is sensible
to teach syntax before the whole process has been understood and practised. This
recalls Dijkstra’s suggestion that programming should be taught in an environment
where the programming language is not implemented. There certainly seems to be
very little point in lecturing on syntax to students who do not understand how to
generate an algorithm from a specification.
Students will also tend to learn syntax first. They might therefore be expected to
have some chance with the third transition (given a correct design) but they will never
get there without some skill in the first two transitions. Again this calls to mind the
student hopelessly trying to compose a program by combining what appears to be
completely random syntax.
3.9.4 Misleading
A novice may well at first find the entire concept of programming alien. However,
hidden within this strange world will be some things that look familiar. An example
might be the everyday concept of ‘or’ [147] which has a linguistic meaning as well as
its meaning in Boolean logic and therefore in a programming language. Drawing on
this apparent analogy a novice’s attempt to code the statement ‘if the answer is y or
Y’ in Pascal might well be:
This statement can make perfect sense to a novice programmer because when read
aloud (“if the answer equals a lower case y or an upper case y”) it appears to be
exactly what is required. Worse still is the C++ version of this:
While this is almost certainly semantic nonsense it is syntactically valid, will compile,
and will appear to work in certain cases.
This also raises the problem that programming as an activity is far removed from
much day-to-day activity and hence prior experience. The basic building blocks and
tools of programming have no counterpart in day-to-day experience in any meaningful
sense and, worse, the nearest parallel worlds – arguably mathematics and language
– contain many instances of this negative transfer [112]. Students writing code such
as the Pascal and C++ in this section have simply transferred the semantics of a
linguistic ‘or’ to the domain of programming. It is not unreasonable that they find
this misleading.
Dijkstra [44] takes the view that learning is in general the process of transforming the
“novel to the familiar” in a slow and gradual process based on metaphor and analogy
(constructivism again). He argues that programming represents a “radical novelty”
in which this comfortable tried-and-tested learning system no longer works. Further,
adjusting to such a radical novelty is an unpopular activity because it requires a great
deal of hard work. The crux of the problem, according to Dijkstra, is that radical
novelties are so disturbing that “they tend to be suppressed or ignored to the extent
that even the possibility of their existence . . . is more often denied than admitted”.
Dijkstra agrees with this and observes that a feature of programming is that the
“smallest perturbation” [44] of a single bit in a program can render the program totally
useless. This has a lot in common with mathematical proof (and this is the direction
from which Dijkstra comes) and many engineering disciplines but it highlights the
difficulty. There are few everyday situations where this level of precision is required.
Students who start a programming course in higher education have come from their
own familiar academic setting. In this comfortable environment they were studying
topics with which they were, on the whole, happy and familiar and which they had
been studying for some years. They were most likely used to performing quite well
academically and had developed a set of tried-and-tested study skills and approaches
to learning. To arrive in a setting where they are confronted with a totally new
topic (and one that does not respond to their habitual study approaches) must surely
represent a radical novelty in Dijkstra’s terms. It is perhaps no longer study skills
that are required but coping skills.
3.9.6 Language
Any teacher of programming must be sure to draw a clear distinction between learning
to program and learning a particular programming language. Most teachers would
agree that the purpose of an introductory programming course is the former with
the latter providing no more than a convenient vehicle. It is hard for students to
appreciate the higher-level, more abstract, concepts of programming while they are
being taught to deal with the idiosyncrasies of a particular programming language.
This level of understanding comes only when programmers becomes proficient in many
languages and can reflect on their learning so as to pick out an overall pattern and the
more general context. It is only then that someone can truly claim to have learned
to program.
3.9.7 Interest
Learning (or perhaps here ‘being taught’ is better) programming can be very dull.
Lectures covering the details of syntax are never going to be especially inspiring and
exercises that involve simple mathematical manipulations of collections of student
marks, stock levels, baseball statistics, or bank account details can never claim to be
interesting. At its best programming can be an enjoyable and creative occupation but
this only comes when a certain level of proficiency has been attained. It is not difficult
to see how a novice programmer could quickly form the view that programming was
simply rather boring.
Several teachers have published work describing ways to introduce more interesting
exercises into programming classes (for example [54], [61], and [112]) and also work
on approaches to make the presentation of programming concepts more entertaining
and dynamic (for example [2], [73], and [144]). It is claimed that these ideas make the
learning of programming less dull but, sadly, there is as usual little concrete evidence
to suggest that the students learn any better when exposed to such innovations. Still,
any attempts to make learning to program more interesting must be encouraged.
Students will not engage if they are not inspired.
hours of the day and night producing arcane and unintelligible code (they have been
called “code warriors” [153]). It is hard to imagine many students aspiring to this
If students approach a course with an expectation that it will be very difficult, and
with a negative image of those who excel in the subject, it is very hard to imagine
them being especially motivated.
3.9.9 Peers
The students’ teacher will also make programming appear easy in a lecture setting
and during practical demonstrations. Novice students often report that they find
lectures easy to follow and can understand the programs that they see there. However,
when it comes to applying the higher-level skills [12] and writing their own programs
from scratch they are at a total loss. They cannot understand how something that
Hence the work carried out at Leeds [78] and Southampton [36] intended to remove these students
from the mainstream teaching into alternative classes more suited to their experience.
Working in groups can, of course, be beneficial. Hence the work at Leeds and Southampton again
which also aimed to group students of equivalent experience and background together so that they
can find support and encouragement from others with similar expertise working at a similar level.
appears so easy to someone else is totally impenetrable to them. Their motivation and
confidence may well be increased by the experience of following a programming lecture
but the later inability to translate this understanding into practical programming is
a sure recipe for lowered motivation.
3.9.10 Pace
3.10 Summary
This chapter has considered some aspects of the environment in which students learn
to program. They need to acquire the skills possessed by experienced programmers
and a teacher’s primary rôle should be to facilitate this. It is probably safe to assume
that the students are reasonably well motivated before they start to learn to program
(but this will be investigated in the next chapter) and arguably it does not matter
particularly what their motivation is. Nevertheless, this motivation is crucial and
must be maintained. Its nature and development are the focus of the next two
chapters and of the remainder of this work.
Chapter 4
The first stage of the empirical part of this study examines the overall views and
motivations of a cohort of students as they follow an introductory programming course
in a traditional UK University. The aim is to gain an overall impression of the
motivation of a class of students studying an introductory programming course and
of the development of that motivation as the course progresses. In the terms of
the expectancy-value model of motivation the focus here is primarily on the value
component. Why do these students attach value to success in this course?
The classes surveyed were those at the School of Computing at the University of
Leeds and at the Computing Laboratory at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
The two institutions recruit students from roughly the same pool (the main difference
is geographic with Kent taking more students from the south of the country and vice
versa) and have comparable ‘A’ level entry requirements. The main difference in the
teaching of programming is that Java is taught at Kent whereas Leeds teaches C++.
Nevertheless, for the purposes of this investigation the two classes were treated as a
single cohort. The students included were all those taking the programming course
in the first year of their degree programme. These included both those following
single-subject and joint-honours programmes. All the students were studying for first
degrees. The differences in the backgrounds and learning experiences of the students
will be considered in section 4.1.3.
The students were surveyed by brief questionnaires presented in lectures at three key
points in their course. The first questionnaire was presented at the start of the course
before any programming had been taught and the others followed at the midpoint
and finally at the end. For the purposes of this study and in the interests of simplicity
the whole first year programming stream is treated as one course (in reality it is two
separate modules at Leeds and a part of one module at Kent). The questionnaires
used are included in appendix A.
A somewhat similar study to that described in this chapter was carried out in 1998 at
Middlesex University [34]. This work surveyed students taking programming across
the first two years of their course (and so is not directly comparable to the present
study) but its results are nevertheless interesting. The survey was also carried out
by questionnaires which first asked the students to respond to a free-form question
to express their motivation and secondly asked them to select from a predetermined
list to express the same.
At the start of the course at Middlesex four motivations clearly dominated in the
answers to the unprompted part of the survey. These were:
• to learn to program.
Over the next two semesters these remained dominant with the proportion selecting
all but the second appearing constant. The exception, ‘to become a professional
programmer’, decreased in popularity from some 20% to a negligible 2% during the
lifetime of the survey. At the same time a fifth motivation ‘because you have been told
to do it’ increased in popularity from only 1% to 19% (another ‘to get the credits’ also
increased from 1 12 % to 9% over the same time). This clearly points to a significant
change in the students’ motivation from extrinsic and intrinsic factors to what might
well be classed as null motivation.
When the students were asked to select from a predetermined list two motivations
dominated throughout:
The first of these choices points to intrinsic motivation while the second indicates
more extrinsic factors. Intriguingly the number selecting ‘because you have been told
to do it’ from the predetermined list remained small throughout in this survey.
The final conclusions from the work at Middlesex stated not unreasonably that the
majority of students approaching a programming course see some future career in
programming as an attractive possibility and are, therefore, (in the terminology of
the present study) extrinsically motivated. This interest decreases as they progress
through their course. The students’ motivation changes and gradually tends to null
factors. It will be interesting to see whether these findings are reproduced at Leeds
and Kent.
4.1 Methodology
The surveys were carried out by means of a series of three short questionnaires (shown
in sequence in appendix A). There were potentially over 400 students to be surveyed
and this method was expected to produce the greatest possible rate of return. With
many potential responses it was not really feasible to rely on other techniques such as
interviews or focus groups. The questionnaires were distributed in lectures in order
to maximise the coverage.
One question was included on all the questionnaires in order to identify the dominant
motivation of the class (as defined in section 2.1.1). It asked the students to choose
from a set of statements the statement that which most accurately described their
motivation for their degree course:
These answers guide students to identifying their main motivation (in categories that
correspond to those already described in section 2.1.1) but without making explicit
mention of them. The students chose the most appropriate statement simply by
ticking the box next to it.
These five statements correspond to the types of motivation already identified and
categorised as follows:
Two statements were used for social motivation because the possibility of a student wanting to
please their teacher seems sufficiently different to a desire to please their family (and much less
It was expected that evidence of the final category of motivation (intrinsic) would
emerge in the answers to other questions on the questionnaires although achievement
motivation is effectively a particular form of intrinsic motivation2 (deriving from the
results of learning in its own right rather than directly from the subject itself).
The questions on the remainder of the questionnaires were different for each and
were chosen depending on the point in the course reached (they are described in
the appropriate sections). Where open subjective responses were required, they were
always asked for in the form of a single word. It was hoped that this would be
preferable to a selection from a list which might guide students to particular answers or
to the answers they might think the investigator wants to hear [118] (a possible cause
of some of the rather incongruous findings from the Middlesex study). The words
can be sorted, categorised, and sets of words taken to indicate the same essential
motivation (for example ‘money’, ‘career’, and ‘salary’ would all indicate that the
motivation lies in the expected financial rewards from some future career). The choice
of categories can also be guided by the words given to allow a highly unrestricted
analysis. The following sections describe the categories that emerged and provide
examples of the words assigned to each. A full list of the words received for each of
the questionnaires is included as appendix B.
The questionnaires were anonymous and included only basic demographic details
from each student. These details allowed analysis by different institutions and degree
programmes. It would also have been possible to analyse the results based on gender,
age, or country of origin but such analyses are beyond the scope of the present study.
The results should be interpreted in the light of the differences in the way in which
programming is taught at Leeds and Kent. It is also recognised that distributing the
questionnaires in lectures will restrict the study to responses from those students who
actually attend lectures. In particular it is to be expected that the later surveys will
have a lower return rate as more students are absent from lectures. Nevertheless,
A statement directly addressing an interest in computing was not appropriate due to the range of
joint-honours degree programmes included.
the ‘in-lecture’ approach offers the highest possible return rate especially as it was
arranged that the responses would be collected in the same lectures as they were
Before presenting the results of the questionnaires the following sections describe the
programming courses and Leeds and Kent and consider whether or not there are any
significant differences that may affect the results.
The School of Computing at the University of Leeds is one of the largest university
computing departments in the UK. In the 2000/01 session there were approximately
800 undergraduate student FTEs3 and 32 teaching staff FTEs. The School offers four
single-subject degree programmes and has a significant stake in many joint-honours
degrees. The past few years have seen a significant increase in student numbers at a
rate well above the overall figures for the University.
The four single-subject degrees cover rather different aspects of computing and so
provide a broad range of options. Computer Science takes a very theoretical view,
while Information Systems is based much more on applications and human issues.
Computing has recently been introduced to provide a third option in the middle
ground between these two. Finally, Cognitive Science gives students the opportunity
to study artificial intelligence together with courses in psychology and philosophy (as
such it is very much more like a joint-honours programme than a single subject).
All degrees run for three years although many students choose to take an optional
placement year between the second and final years to make a four year course. The
degree programmes are modular with each year consisting of 120 ‘credits’, normally
made up of twelve equally weighted modules. Most modules are taught over twelve
weeks either before or after Christmas. There are usually two lectures for each module
An FTE is a ‘Full Time Equivalent’. One single-subject student is one FTE and a joint-honours
student is less (the proportion depending on the amount of their time that they spend studying
computing). A similar definition applies to staff FTEs.
each week and these may be backed with examples classes. University-wide rules
require a student to spend 75 hours on each module. In addition to their module
commitments students are expected to attend a one hour small group tutorial with
their designated Personal Tutor every week during their first year.
The class size for introductory programming is around 300. The module is taught by
two members of staff and the majority of the formal teaching is by the two lectures
each week. In addition a supervised lab session [38] is provided where students carry
out a practical assignment with immediate support available.
The consequences for an individual of high coursework marks and low marks in the tests are
unpleasant since this phenomenon is generally taken to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the process
whereby the coursework marks were achieved.
but each exercise is set at a series of levels so that each student may work to a chosen
level depending on ability or inclination [38].
A matter of some concern in recent years has been the apparent diversity of the
class [77]. A first attempt to address this has been the establishment of a ‘fast track’
group of students. These are taught separately on the basis that they have significant
prior programming experience. They have only one formal timetabled hour each
week and follow a different assessment regime. The benefit here is that a number of
experienced programmers are removed from the main class and this hopefully makes
that class more homogeneous. At the same time these fast-track students benefit
from working with others of similar experience.
The School of Computing is proud of its friendly atmosphere and students are always
encouraged to seek help directly from staff. Students are also frequently urged to
seek advice and additional help and support if they find the programming module
particularly difficult. The module staff generally form ‘extra help’ groups of these
students who are given the opportunity to attend an informal extra hour’s tutorial
each week. Experience has shown [22] that, for a variety of reasons, these additional
classes are taken mostly by the female students so other support mechanisms are in
place to address the needs of the male students who appear to tend to prefer electronic
and impersonal support. Those provided include module-specific newsgroups [17] and
an anonymous question-asking facility modelled on that used at Kent [5].
Success in the first semester module is a prerequisite for entering the second year of
all degree programmes in the School (and thus for the vast majority of the class). The
second semester module is a prerequisite for all the single-subject programmes and
also for the majority of the joint-honours programmes. Thus failure in either module
will probably prohibit a student from entering the second year of the course.
The most recent Teaching Quality Assessment rated the teaching in the Computing
Laboratory at University of Kent at Canterbury as ‘Excellent’. It is a somewhat
smaller department (in a rather smaller university) than the School of Computing
with about 600 undergraduate FTEs and 405 teaching staff FTEs. There is only one
single-subject degree programme, Computer Science. There are also joint-honours
programmes that include computer science but there are far fewer than at Leeds.
The content of Computer Science is less theoretical than the course with the same
name at Leeds. In emphasis and content the Kent course probably lies somewhere
between the Computer Science and Computing courses at Leeds.
The Computer Science degree programme runs for three years with the optional
industrial placement year between the second and third years providing the four year
option. The programmes are modular with each year consisting of the usual 120
credits. Modules are taught over the whole session with most assessment taking
place in April or May. Students are expected to spend about 40 hours a week on
their studies (slightly more than at Leeds).
The approach is ‘objects first’ with simple objects being used in the first assignment.
The platform is Windows NT
using what amounts to a simple IDE consisting of an
This is actually higher than the number at Leeds since a higher proportion of the staff at Kent
are involved in teaching.
editor with a simple development environment added. All the required software is
available free-of-charge and many students install it on their home machines. Early
exercises involve altering or extending existing programs and many are graphical (for
example using method calls to move a small graphical object around the screen).
At present all students take the same route through the module. There are a small
number who arrive as highly skilled programmers for whom the programming course
offers little and many students with little or no experience who find the programming
extremely challenging. The examination-style assessment is carried out towards the
end of the first term and is used as the basis for some streaming for the practical
classes in the second term. The students who perform better are allocated to groups
that may tackle some more complex aspects of programming while those who struggle
are grouped together in other classes. The assessment regime remains the same for
Staff knowledge of Java is good and there are many more staff involved in teaching
the course than at Leeds. Many staff supervise the classes and the atmosphere is
informal. Students are free to approach staff for help and many do. Support is also
available through bulletin boards and from an anonymous question-asking system
presented from a web page (in fact the original system that has been adapted for use
at Leeds).
4.1.3 Comparison
The students from the two departments in the study are on the whole comparable.
They have been recruited from basically the same pool of applicants and they then
go on to follow similar degree programmes. There is no particular reason to believe
that the geographical difference in catchment area would make any difference to the
ability or learning of the students.
Other work carried out at Leeds and Kent [16] has demonstrated statistically that the
cohorts at these two institution can reasonably be treated as a single one for a study
such as this and they have been treated as such in similar studies [24]. However, there
are some differences which may have an influence on the present study. The main
attractions to students at Leeds are said to be the nightlife in the city while students
choosing Kent are attracted by the sporting facilities [130]. This shows something
of a different motivation for choosing an institution but should have no impact on
intellectual ability or ability to learn to write computer programs.
The main difference in the programming module is that Java is taught at Kent as
opposed to C++ at Leeds. The computing environment is also different. That at
Kent is based on a Microsoft operating system and in this way uses a platform with
which the students are much more likely to be familiar before the start of the course.
The Unix-based system at Leeds is much more likely to be unfamiliar and thus has
a steeper learning curve. This means that students at Leeds are learning to use a
new computing environment as well as learning to program. This is something that
might be expected to cause them extra difficulties. However, there is scant evidence
anywhere in the extensive literature that the language or platform used has much
influence on the effectiveness of the learning. Both Java and C++ are high level
object-oriented6 languages and they each have their own peculiarities and foibles.
There are more students in the class at Leeds but this is not particularly important in
a lecture setting. Both teaching schemes include smaller group activities with plenty
In the case of C++, just about object-oriented.
The larger class at Leeds appears to be more diverse if only in terms of the number
of degree programmes represented. The great majority of the students in the class at
Kent are studying a single-subject programme while almost half their counterparts
at Leeds are reading a joint-honours degree. The Kent class is thus somewhat more
homogeneous in terms of chosen degree programme at least.
It follows that the measures at Leeds to provide extra support to strugglers and extra
challenges for experienced programmers have no formal counterpart at Kent. They
would be uneconomical (or at best less economical) with the smaller class and the
streamed lab sessions may well render them unnecessary. Equally, the need for them
has never been seen to arise.
While both departments have modular degree structures that in place at Leeds is
rather more compartmentalised with modules being very much free-standing with
limited interfaces to others. Modules at Kent are somewhat broader. A particular
issue is that programming is a part of other modules at Kent whereas at Leeds it is
confined to its own modules. This means that programming is a much more integral
part of the degree at Kent and has much closer links with other subjects. This is
possible mainly because there is only one programme and no ‘softer’, less technical,
course to correspond with Information Systems at Leeds.
There are other differences. The module at Leeds is currently taught by two staff
who have responsibility for all lectures, classes, and assessment. Rather more staff
are involved at Kent where one presents the lectures and many more act as class
supervisors in the lab sessions. The assessment regimes are very different. Leeds
relies on 100% coursework as opposed to 80% formal examination at Kent. The
fortnightly exercises (with little summative value) used at Kent have no equivalent at
Leeds except perhaps the exercises carried out in the weekly lab sessions (but these
have no summative assessment value at all).
Overall it is reasonable to treat the students at Leeds and Kent as a single cohort
when a study does not deal with the intricate details of the course that they are
following. Their motivations will have been influenced by a range of issues before
they started their course and these are quite independent of their chosen institution
or of the precise degree course they have chosen. During the course they will have
much the same experience with much the same material being covered and assessed
in similar ways. A Kent student would certainly recognise the experience of a Leeds
student, and vice versa.
While the institutional differences between the two groups of students can be ignored
there may remain differences in the other factors that impact on their motivation. A
thorough investigation of this would require a highly fine-grained investigation into
the activities and cultures of the two departments and is beyond the scope of this
study. A brief informal investigation, in the form of an hour spent chatting with
some students from Kent, seemed to confirm that the two groups of students were
comparable. The students at Kent had undergone experiences and had developed
attitudes that would certainly not have been out of place at Leeds.
Even though the two classes will be treated as one throughout the following surveys
and discussion, the different responses from the two institutions will no doubt be
of interest to some. For one thing they will show whether the decision to treat
the two cohorts as one was correct! For this reason the key tables of data in the
following sections are reproduced showing responses from Leeds and Kent separately
in appendix D and a complete set of results (broken down by degree programme as
well as by institution) is included in appendix E.
The aim of this part of the study is to establish the dominant motivations of the two
classes at the earliest possible point and certainly before any serious programming has
been started. The students have all made the choice to start on a computing degree
programme and, as part of this, have enrolled for a programming module. Why have
they chosen to do this? What is their motivation?
The following sections, and also those for the subsequent surveys, present summaries
of the data gleaned from the questionnaires. The raw results may also be of interest
and are included in appendix E. The questionnaires themselves can be found in
appendix A.
4.2.1 Survey
• Please write here the one word that best describes your reason for taking your
degree programme:
• Please write here the one word that best describes your reason for taking this
programming module:
A total of 365 valid responses were received, consisting of 226 from Leeds and 139
from Kent. The return rate (in terms of the number of students registered for the
modules) was around 70%.
4.2.2 Analysis
The words given by the students in answer to the free-form questions were sorted and
categorised (using dictionary and thesaurus when necessary) to group synonyms and
other combinations of words reflecting similar motivations (there was no attempt at
all to prejudge the categories or to work from any predetermined list). The categories
that emerged from this process formed the basis for a numerical analysis of the results.
A full list of the words together with the categories to which they were assigned is
included in appendix B. Since the questionnaires were anonymous it was not possible
to confirm the meanings behind the answers. As many as possible were assigned to
categories that seemed to be the most appropriate but the few totally impenetrable
responses that remained were assigned to a don’t know category.
The categories that emerged for the first question (‘Why are you taking this degree
programme?’) were:
• achievement – the main motivator is success for its own ends. Typical words
were satisfaction, challenge, and ambition.
• enjoyment – the motivation is found in the enjoyment derived from the process
of studying. Enjoyment, fun, and stimulating were typical.
• learning – words that indicate that the very act of learning was a motivator.
Typically curiosity, enlightenment, and learning.
• passage – there was no clear motivation other than studying for a degree being
seen as the next step in the stages of education. Continuation, progression, and
• programme – the motivation lies in some aspect of the degree programme itself.
Typical words were consolidation, relevant, and technology. One had chosen the
programme because it was easy.
A similar process for the question specific to the programming module produced
slightly fewer categories. The full list of words and categories is again included in
appendix B.
• career – the motivation is to acquire a useful skill that will be used in a future
career. Typical words were career, job, and money.
• content – the motivator is in some or all of the module syllabus. Words used
included Java, OOP, and skills.
• compulsory – the module is simply part of the degree course that must be
negotiated and there has been no element of choice involved. Compulsory,
force, and required.
• learning – it is simply the process of learning something new that is the main
motivation. Typical words were curiosity, interesting, and knowledge.
• don’t know – words that seemed to indicate no motivation at all. Some of the
answers were somewhat surreal, including elderberries. Other answers seemed
to indicate that the student had no idea why they were studying programming.
All the responses were classified under these headings to determine the dominant
motivations among the students.
4.2.3 Results
The results from the two free-form questions are tabulated in tables 1 and 2 on the
next page. The results from the standard question about general motivation are
presented in table 3 on page 97. The slight variations in the total numbers for each
part of the survey are due to a small number of incorrectly completed questionnaires
or blank answers to some questions. The presence of some rounding in the percentages
means that the percentages do not always add up to exactly 100%.
Frequency Percentage
achievement 13 3.78
aspiration 141 40.99
enjoyment 20 5.81
learning 123 35.76
passage 5 1.45
programme 29 8.43
university 4 1.16
don’t know 9 2.62
Table 1: Motivation for Degree
Frequency Percentage
career 23 6.74
content 47 13.78
compulsory 174 51.03
employment 16 4.69
learning 66 19.35
don’t know 15 4.40
Table 2: Motivation for Programming
4.2.4 Discussion
Two factors are clearly dominant in the students’ motivation for their degree courses
(table 1). The aspiration for some future gain (presumably in the form of a financially
lucrative career) is the most important factor. This is closely followed by the desire to
learn. The closeness of these two values is surprising. Many now assume that students
are taking computing degrees largely (even solely) as a route into a lucrative career
in the IT industry (a result already found in Leeds [28]) but these results certainly
seem to indicate that a significant percentage of students claim to be committed to
learning for its own sake.
Frequency Percentage
own satisfaction 168 48.98
please family 1 0.29
please teachers 0 0.00
get a good job 164 47.81
just pass 1 0.29
don’t know 9 2.62
Table 3: Attitude to Studies
The low figures for passage and university are also of interest. Universities often try
to sell themselves to potential students on the strengths of their surroundings or of
the city in which they are located. The relatively small number of references to such
contextual factors suggests that this does not appear to be especially important to
the students. Nor do many see a degree as simply the next step after school.
These results indicate that the almost half of students are extrinsically motivated
(aspiration) and that this is the most popular motivation. Slightly fewer students are
motivated intrinsically (learning) but this seems to be more to do with the process of
learning itself rather than with an interest in computing or programming. It is hard
to separate this satisfactorily from achievement motivation and it may be that the
value derived from learning is more to do with the resulting sense of doing well.
The responses to the second question (table 2 on the previous page) show that the
majority of the students perceived the programming module as simply a compulsory
part of their degree. This is worrying, especially when taken with other findings at
Leeds and Kent that show that students do not expect to study programming [25].
The staff of most university computing departments would regard programming as
a fundamental skill that underpins the whole degree and it is disappointing that the
students do not seem to think in the same way. There is a clear danger here that
teachers will find themselves addressing the 20% or so who are interested in learning
to program and will fail to motivate nearly half the class. If departments truly believe
that programming is important they must pass this view on to their students.
The low number of students pointing to career aims as a reason to learn programming
is surprising and somewhat at odds with the previous work at Leeds in which students
identified programming as a vital skill in demand by industry. This may suggest that
students are now approaching programming from an ill-informed position in that
they do not now have a clear idea of the marketable skills they need to acquire.
The responses to the first question certainly seem to indicate that this would be of
interest to them and thus would be an important motivator. The answers to these
two questions taken together seem to show that many students are interested in a
lucrative career in the IT industry but do not plan to work as programmers.
The results of the final question concerning the students’ overall attitude to their
degree programme (table 3 on the previous page) are striking. Two motivations are
dominant as the basic motivations of roughly the same number of students. These
represent achievement motivation and extrinsic motivation. The slight dominance of
achievement motivation that emerges here is a surprising finding for those teachers
used to dealing with tactical or strategic students. The fact that very few students
chose the other three motivations suggests that these are effectively absent at least
at the start of the course.7 It will be interesting to see how this motivation develops
over the course and, in particular, whether the interest in achievement is maintained.
These were students in the first week of the first semester of their first year. Their
attitudes will obviously change as they go through their course and these changes are
investigated in the following sections. It is possible that some students will discover
a genuine interest in programming or computing and from this will come to develop
an intrinsic motivation. When they are better informed some may come to value
the learning of programming more for more extrinsic reasons. During this time it is
also to be expected that the poverty of student life will lead some to become more
interested in the possibilities of future financial gain and less inclined to learn for its
own sake. However, it seems that there is very little evidence from any question in
this first survey that any significant number of students are motivated by an intrinsic
This also confirms the suspicion that no students are motivated primarily to please their lecturer.
This is a great shame.
interest in the subject itself. This is surely a somewhat depressing observation for
computing educators.
Students will not learn about computing at all unless they are taught to (or somehow
otherwise come to) value the outcomes. While this survey suggests that they are not
motivated by an interest in the subject, it does show that they are motivated for
other reasons. In a sense it matters not at all what these reasons are. Students will
engage and participate in the activities devised for them as long as they are motivated
for some reason. It appears that at the outset the value part of the expectancy-
value equation is just about present and correct. The implication is that a teacher
approaching a first-year programming class cannot afford to assume that the students
are motivated to learn to program. Students have a set of aims – an agenda – that
means that they are in a programming class. It is not always the case that they want
to learn to program or even that they are at all interested in the skill. A teacher
must be aware of this motivation and must attempt to address and develop (or at
least maintain) it.
This study now moves on to investigate how the students’ attitudes and motivation
have developed after their first semester’s work. The focus remains very much on the
value that they attach to success in this work.
The halfway point in the programming courses was reached at both institutions after
about eleven weeks just before the Christmas break. At Kent this was simply a break
in the single programming course but at Leeds it represented the end of the first
programming module (although the vast majority of the class would go on to study
the second module in the following semester). The material covered to this point was
much the same at each institution with the notable exception that the students at
Kent had been programming with objects from the outset while those at Leeds had
not yet used them. However, both groups of students would have been expected to
have spent about the same amount of time on their programming. The aim of this
second survey is to investigate the effect of this first semester’s work on the students’
motivations. The focus is naturally on any possible changes.
4.3.1 Survey
The survey mechanism from the first part of the study was not entirely satisfactory.
The ‘one-word answer’ approach provided responses that were straightforward to
analyse and categorise but there were clearly instances where it was too crude. There
were a few questionnaires (no more than a handful) where the students had tried
to select more than one option, had written more than one word, or had otherwise
managed to convey that their motivation could not be adequately described in a single
The basic design of the questionnaire was retained in spite of this. In retrospect a more
flexible design would have been better but any dramatic changes would have made
comparison with the results from the first questionnaire extremely problematical, if
not impossible.
The second questionnaire was once again distributed to the students in a lecture at
the two institutions. The lectures were at the same point in the courses – the last
possible before the Christmas break. This time the two key free-form questions aimed
to look back to the part of the course just finished and at the same time forward to
the next semester’s work. They were:
• Please write here the one word that best describes your attitude today towards
the C++ or Java programming course you have done this semester:
• Please write here the one word that best describes your attitude today towards
the programming course you will take next semester:
The questionnaire also included the standard question about the students’ overall
attitude to their degree programme. The full questionnaire is included as figure A2
in appendix A.
There were fewer valid responses this time. Lecturers at Leeds and Kent both reported
a great deal of absenteeism (something which appears to be an increasing problem and
not just a problem in programming classes). There were 262 responses, consisting of
165 from Leeds and 63 from Kent. This still represents just over 50% of the registered
4.3.2 Analysis
As before, a great deal of variation was to be expected in the answers to the free-form
questions. The same collation process was used as for the first questionnaire. The
answers were grouped and synonyms were removed to allow some general classes to
emerge. At an early stage in the analysis it became apparent that two very broad
categories were appearing. One related to the experience or expectation and another
focused more on the difficulty or otherwise of the material itself. Each of these
attracted answers at the extremes as well as more neutral views. The four extremes
provided final categories as did the more neutral responses. As expected, a don’t know
category was also needed.
The same categories were used for both questions although the interpretation for each
is slightly different. The complete lists of words and their categories are included in
appendix B. For the first question they were:
• positive – the student has in some sense enjoyed the module or has found it
interesting. Typical words were enjoyable, happy, and rewarding.
• negative – the opposite. This category includes a variety of reasons for the
negative experience and a range of strength of feeling. It includes words such
as boring, confusing, hateful, and useless.
• easy – the material in the module had been straightforward. Words such as
intuitive, comfortable, and logical were all used.
• difficult – again the opposite. The response indicated that the main feeling
about the course related to the difficulty of the content. Complex, taxing, and
impossible all featured.
• neutral – the programming module had been no particular problem and so the
student appeared not to have any particularly strong feelings about it. Words
used included alright, compulsory, and reasonable.
• don’t know – a final category for answers that were blank, surreal, or otherwise
largely impenetrable. These included money, templateless, and compromising.
There is possibly some potential overlap between the positive and easy categories and
equally the negative and difficult. They are kept separate for the moment since it
seems too simplistic to argue even in an educational context that an easy experience
is of necessity a positive one or that a difficult experience is negative.
The same six categories were used for the responses to the question looking forward
to the next semester’s work. The words provided were rather different and in this
case the categories are interpreted as:
• negative – the opposite. The same variety of reasons for this was represented
by words such as horrified, despair, and boring. The words expressed a range of
strength of negative feeling ranging from uneasy through to obscenities.
• difficult – the course is expected to be hard. The words used were difficult,
hard, and tough.
• neutral – words that seemed to express no particular opinion either way. These
included alright, forward, and (once again) compulsory.
• don’t know – the usual category for the answers that defied classification. This
time they included undecided, no idea (which is actually two words), and ahhh.
Once more there is some potential overlap between these categories. In this case some
of the don’t know words could perhaps have been interpreted as neutral and the same
observation about the possibility of combining pairs of the first four categories still
4.3.3 Results
The results are shown in tables 4, 5, and 6. The slight variation in the total number
of responses to each question is as before due to the small number of incorrectly
completed questionnaires. For reasons that are unclear this time several students
answered only the final question about their attitude to their course as a whole.
Frequency Percentage
positive 96 38.55
negative 44 17.67
easy 9 3.61
difficult 42 16.87
neutral 51 20.48
don’t know 7 2.81
Table 4: Looking Back
Frequency Percentage
positive 107 46.52
negative 62 26.96
easy 4 1.74
difficult 14 6.09
neutral 29 12.61
don’t know 14 6.09
Table 5: Looking Forward
Frequency Percentage
own satisfaction 146 55.73
please family 4 1.53
please teachers 0 0.00
get a good job 97 37.02
just pass 11 4.20
don’t know 4 1.53
Table 6: Attitude to Studies
4.3.4 Discussion
Table 4 on the previous page shows a healthy proportion of the students with a
positive attitude to the course they have just finished. This must be taken in the
context of a survey of students who had attended a lecture since it is possible that
those who were absent would have had different views. Less than half as many had
had a negative experience and slightly more than this remain undecided. It might be
suggested that these responses may be linked to prior experience and expectations
but that cannot be demonstrated with any confidence from the present data.
It has been suggested that positive and easy are aspects of the same experience which
might be characterised simply as satisfactory. Similarly it is possible to aggregate
negative and difficult into an unsatisfactory category and to include neutral and
don’t know under a more general neither category. This gives the distribution shown
in table 7.
Frequency Percentage
satisfactory 105 42.17
unsatisfactory 86 34.54
neither 58 23.29
This again shows a high proportion of students for whom the experience has been
satisfactory but this is still less than half the class. The contrasting view on this is
that over a third of the class have had in some sense an unsatisfactory experience.
This may again be linked in some way to previous experience but the proportion in
the unsatisfactory category is worryingly high.
With this summary of the students’ views of the course just finished in mind, table 5
is intriguing when compared to table 4 (both on page 103). A few more students are
looking forward in a positive way than are looking back in a similar way but many
more are looking forward negatively (27% as opposed to 18%) than looked back. These
two increases are explained by decreases in the easy and difficult categories and by
rather more don’t know responses. There is clearly a heady mixture of optimism and
trepidation in the air!
These two extremes can be examined further. The categories from table 5 can be
combined using the same rules that produced table 7 to produce table 8. This table
shows whether the students’ overall expectation is for a generally satisfactory or
unsatisfactory experience. It is now apparent that almost half the students in the
survey are reasonably optimistic about the next course while the proportion looking
forward with trepidation is still about a third.
Frequency Percentage
satisfactory 111 48.26
unsatisfactory 76 33.04
neither 43 18.70
These figures would probably make reassuring reading for the teachers preparing for
the second semester. It appears that more than two-thirds of the class are at worst
neutral about the second part of their programming course. This is also surprising
given the interpretation of the students’ views of the first part of the course.
Table 6 on the previous page shows once more that the two dominant motivations for
the students are personal satisfaction and the job prospects associated with successful
completion. The other factors remain insignificant and these responses may in fact
represent little more than noise in the system. It is interesting at this stage to compare
these results with the equivalent findings taken before the course began (shown in
table 3 on page 97). The change is shown in table 9.
The large difference in the two sample sizes (some 80 students) means that any
direct numerical comparison between the numbers choosing each option would be
meaningless. However, in percentage terms a change in the two dominant categories
is immediately apparent. The percentage choosing own satisfaction (essentially a
form of intrinsic motivation) has increased by almost 7% while that for get a good job
(extrinsic motivation) has decreased by an even more significant 11%. It certainly
appears that the experience of the course has made more students determined to do
well mainly for their own satisfaction. This is in line with the Middlesex study and
seems to confirm the finding that experience of programming makes many students
lose their enthusiasm for applying it in a future career.
It might be argued that the extrinsically motivated strategic students who are keen
to get a good job are more likely to be absent from a lecture, busily completing some
assessment, while the intrinsically motivated (associated with own satisfaction) are
more likely to be conscientious attenders. However, there is no evidence for this view
and the change is so marked that this cannot be the sole cause. It is clear that some
students have changed their views.
The numbers choosing the other four categories of motivation remain very small (and
the lecturers will be disappointed to see that it is still the case that no student is
setting out mainly to please them) but the change in the just pass category cannot be
allowed to pass without comment. The proportion choosing this has remained small
but the absolute number (this time from a substantially smaller sample) has increased
more than ten-fold from one to eleven. It is not unreasonable to suggest that these
students have had an experience that has had an effect on their motivation. They have
presumably moved from a category suggesting some more positive value component
of motivation into this essentially motivation-free category. There are many other
factors at work here (and the final question refers to the students’ degree programme
as a whole) but it must be a concern that the number of students confessing to this
largely negative form of motivation has increased to this extent.
This second survey shows that at the halfway point the majority of the class remain
motivated to succeed. The reason seems to have shifted slightly to the extent that
more emphasis is now being placed on intrinsic motivation. This is pleasing reading
for any teacher about to embark on a follow-on course with these students. The
value component of the motivation equation is in good health even if the reasons for
attaching the value appear to have shifted somewhat.
As regards their programming in particular there are signs that the first semester
course has not been a universally satisfactory experience. There is, however, certainly
plenty of evidence that it was that for many in the class and that on the whole the
students are positive about their forthcoming second semester’s work. It remains to
be seen whether this will change as they go through that second semester.
The programming courses at Leeds and Kent both finished at the end of the second
semester (or term at Kent). This final survey set out to investigate the students’
views once the teaching had ended. For some of the students this would be all the
programming they would study but for most there would be more programming in
future years of their degree programme. The focus of this part of the study remains
on any changes that are apparent in the students’ views.
By this time the content covered in the courses was essentially the same. The Leeds
students had spent the second semester learning about objects and classes and the
Kent students had continued to build on their earlier work. The expectation would
be that both sets of students had now reached the same level of expertise and had
spent roughly the same amount of time on programming.
4.4.1 Survey
The final questionnaire was distributed and collected in the final lecture at the two
institutions. There was just a single one-word answer question on this questionnaire.
This was intended to generate a straightforward summary of the whole programming
• Please write here the one word that best describes your attitude today towards
the C++ or Java programming course you have done this year:
To complement the usual question about the students’ overall attitude two other
questions were added. The first asked the students to choose a statement that best
described their attitude to programming from the following list:
This question attempts to evaluate the overall effect of the experience of the module
on the students’ motivation. In an ideal situation a teacher would hope that most
students would choose the first option and that very few would choose the last (these
two options represent the extremes of opinion). The second option was intended
to sum up a more neutral attitude that many students seem to have after their
programming course and it might be expected that some would choose it instead of
the first. Nevertheless, most teachers would still hope that there would be very few
students choosing the final category. The students made their choice by ticking a
The final question simply asked the students to indicate whether they could see
themselves working as a programmer in their future career. Some previous work at
Leeds [28] had shown that at the outset of their course many students saw this as
their intended (or at least expected) future career and it remained to be seen whether
they still believed this at the end. This question would also serve to verify the key
finding from the Middlesex study – the finding that following a programming course
tends to make students less inclined to aspire to a career as a programmer.
As might have been expected there were once again fewer valid responses received
with few students attending the final lectures. This time there were 208 responses,
consisting of 167 from Leeds and only 41 from Kent. However, this is still almost a
third of the class.
4.4.2 Analysis
The one-word answer free-form question produced the expected variety of responses.
The words used closely matched those from the responses to the equivalent questions
in the halfway survey and so the same categories (positive, negative, easy, difficult,
neutral, and don’t know ) were used. The answers to the other three questions were
simply counted and collated.
4.4.3 Results
The results are shown in tables 10, 11, 12, and 13 (all on the next page). The slight
variations in the total number of responses are as usual due to the small number
of incorrectly or incompletely completed forms. Curiously this time several students
failed to answer the free-form question but answered the other three.8
This phenomenon becomes worthy of future study in its own right.
Frequency Percentage
positive 58 29.29
negative 36 18.18
easy 4 2.02
difficult 46 23.23
neutral 38 19.19
don’t know 16 8.08
Table 10: Looking Back
Frequency Percentage
“fine, I can do it” 96 46.15
“OK, but I don’t enjoy it” 69 33.17
“never again” 41 19.71
don’t know 2 0.96
Table 11: Attitude to Programming
Frequency Percentage
yes – would work as a programmer 79 37.98
no – wouldn’t work as a programmer 125 60.10
don’t know 4 1.92
Table 12: Attitude to Career
Frequency Percentage
own satisfaction 101 48.56
please family 6 2.88
please teachers 0 0.00
get a good job 81 38.94
just pass 12 5.77
don’t know 8 3.85
Table 13: Attitude to Studies
4.4.4 Discussion
The results shown in tables 10 and 11 seem to show very much the same story. In
their reactions shown in table 10 almost half of the class gave a positive or neutral
answer and this is reflected in the similar response to the question about programming
(table 11) where almost half the class consider programming to be fine. Just under
a quarter of the class recorded the difficulty of the course as their first reaction but
it remains debatable whether this is a good or bad thing. It is striking that hardly
any considered the module first and foremost easy (even those who presumably had
prior programming experience). Only 18% gave a wholly negative view of the course.
This figure is unsurprisingly close to the 20% who never want to program again and
a reasonable speculation would be that many of them are be the same people.
As it turns out it is not that simple. A brief further analysis of the responses of
those students who never wanted to program again sheds some light on their reasons
(table 14). Their views on the module focus on negative aspects (34%) or on difficulty
(46%) (the solitary positive response is an intriguing anomaly). This reveals that 14
of the 36 negative views (or 39%) in the class as a whole never wanted to program
again. The dominant reason why these students want to avoid programming in the
future is the perceived difficulty of the activity.
Frequency Percentage
positive 1 2.44
negative 14 34.15
easy 0 0.00
difficult 19 46.34
neutral 3 7.32
don’t know 4 9.76
Table 14: Never Again
If the categories are once more combined into broader satisfactory and unsatisfactory
groups a less happy picture emerges (table 15 on the next page). The students are
now much more evenly split across these three categories. This is largely due to an
increase in the difficult category. This is certainly less reassuring since it seems to be
the case that almost 40% of the class are having some sort of unsatisfactory reaction
to the course.
Frequency Percentage
satisfactory 61 29.81
unsatisfactory 82 39.42
neither 64 30.77
The responses to the second question (table 11 on page 110) also appear to show
that the programming courses have been successful as a learning experience. Almost
80% of the students consider that they can program reasonably well (even if many of
them do not enjoy it). This is a very pleasing outcome even it it must be taken in
the context of representing 80% of the students who attended the final lectures.
There are some less pleasing outcomes. It appears that over 60% of the class now
have no intention of working as programmers in the future (table 12 on page 110).
Something has clearly changed since the earlier work at Leeds indicated that at the
outset the vast majority saw their future career in programming.
This finding is of course in line with the similar study at Middlesex and, when taken
together, these two studies show that the experience of following a programming
course changes students’ attitudes to programming. The change itself may be due to
many influences of which the experience of the programming course is only one – one
suggestion would be that the students may have become better informed overall about
the range of careers in computing – but the change is marked. Especially noticeable
was that not a single student taking the Leeds Information Systems degree or its
joint-honours variants (some 50 students) said that they would consider a career as
a programmer. This is a particularly interesting finding since it was this exact group
whose predecessors had expressed precisely the opposite view in the earlier work.
Of course, the experience of working as a professional programmer is very different
As would have been expected, the same two factors (own satisfaction and get a good
job) remain dominant in the students’ overall attitude to their course (table 13 on
page 110). The relative importance of these factors has also remained roughly the
same. The number of students choosing the just pass option has increased once more
in percentage terms but not significantly. The staff will doubtless be disappointed
that once again not a single student is motivated mainly to please their teacher. There
remains very little evidence of this or of any form of social motivation.
A healthy proportion (in fact almost half) of the students still claim to be intrinsically
motivated. This is another nail in the coffin of the belief that all today’s students
choose computing solely for the career prospects. However, this extrinsic motivation
does indeed still account for almost 40% of the class. These are clearly very much the
two dominant motivations, with the social aspects in particular continuing to score
very low.
The picture that emerges here is of a group of students who are looking back on
their course with very mixed emotions. Some have had a positive experience and
are enthusiastic about programming. Others have had a much more trying time and
are glad that that part of their academic career is, they hope, over. It is easy to see
the early signs of the students determined to avoid programming at all costs in their
dissertations. At Leeds these students tend to be in the less technical degree subjects
(as is probably to be expected).
As an aside, this finding about the Information Systems programme rekindles to some
extent the debate about the desirability of a mathematical background for a student
starting a programming course. These are the students who would be expected to
have the lowest level of formal mathematical attainment (there is no mathematics
entry requirement beyond GCSE). They appear to have formed strong views about
programming and they are determined never to do it again. They have achieved the
same entry standards (albeit very probably in very different subjects) as have their
peers who chose Computer Science but these latter are clearly much more comfortable
with programming. Although far from conclusive this does indeed raise once again
the issue of the importance of a mathematical or scientific background. While there
is no firm evidence here that mathematical ability has any impact either positively
or negatively on programming ability the case for or against is distinctly not proven
either way.
The closing news is that at the end of this part of the study almost all the students
surveyed still appear to continue to attach some suitable value to success in their
course. The nature of this value has changed only slightly since the halfway point
(suggesting that the changes took place during the first semester). There is little
evidence that many of the students have lost their motivation. It merely seems that
its nature has changed. Happily this change continues to be from extrinsic to intrinsic
4.5 Summary
The students at Leeds and Kent have been surveyed at three key times during their
introductory programming course. A picture of their motivation has emerged at each
stage and it is now possible to combine these into an overall view of the development
of (or the changes that have taken place in) their motivation through the course. The
focus in this chapter has been firmly on the value that the students attach to success
in the course. The good news is that all seems to be well. The vast majority of the
students continue to value success for various reasons and the rather negative ‘I just
want to pass’ attitude has attracted very few.
Most of the students in the surveys have now successfully negotiated the first year of
their course. There will have been some included in the first survey who have left the
course for some reason and these will have had a very slight influence on the results.
Also, since the surveys were distributed in lectures, they represent the views only of
those students who attended these lectures. This too may have had some influence.
It might be suggested that the students who fail are those who do not attend the
lectures but the effect of this is probably slight. It could equally be argued that
those who felt that they had already done well and passed the course (at the time
of the final questionnaire all the summative assessment had been completed at both
institutions) would not bother to attend a final lecture9 but the influence of this is
probably also slight. In any case the two possibilities would seem to cancel out each
other’s influence. There is no reason to believe that the views are not representative.
One question has been used on all three surveys. The students were asked to choose
from a list the motivation that most closely matched theirs towards their degree
programme. Table 16 shows the responses from the three surveys in sequence.
Before Halfway After
own satisfaction 48.98 55.73 48.46
please family 0.29 1.53 2.88
please teachers 0.00 0.00 0.00
get a good job 47.81 37.02 38.94
just pass 0.29 4.20 5.77
don’t know 2.62 1.53 3.85
Table 16: The Students’ Attitude
I am indebted to Simon Myers for this observation.
The other three choices (it seems reasonable to ignore the don’t know responses) have
attracted few students but in every case the proportion choosing them has slowly
increased. The null motivation category (‘I just want to pass’) in particular has
increased from virtually zero at the start to some 6% at the end. This most probably
corresponds to students who have become disillusioned with their course and no
longer have any positive form of motivation to succeed. A similar comment may
apply to the less dramatic increase in the family component of the social motivation
category (‘I want to do well to please my family’) which has also increased. This could
represent disillusionment on the part of some of the students but with an emerging
determination to persevere so as not to be a disappointment to their families.
It is clear that a significant majority of the class continue to value the outcome of
their course. The dominant motivation is, perhaps surprisingly, rather intrinsic (being
based on achievement) but that surprise is a pleasant one. The rather smaller number
consistently choosing extrinsic motivation will be a surprise to many of those familiar
with tactical or strategic students.
The free-form questions used in each survey show a less consistent picture. Some
three-quarters of the class were motivated by either aspiration or learning at the
start of the course. At the same time almost half viewed the programming course
as simply a compulsory part of their degree. Most computing educators would argue
that programming is a fundamental, important, part of the whole discipline. There
is perhaps a failure here to convey that to the students.
By the halfway point most were having a satisfactory experience and expected this
to continue. Therefore, the programming courses were addressing the needs of about
half the class while the other half was having a less productive time. The second
survey also showed that there had been a noticeable shift from extrinsic to intrinsic
motivation. It might be hoped that this is evidence of an increasing interest in the
subject but this can be only conjecture.
At the end of the course fewer students were able to see the course as satisfactory.
This change may be caused to some extent by ‘end-of-year blues’ but it is none-
the-less worrying. However, a pleasing number of the class thought that they were
reasonable programmers at the end of their courses and so the courses were working
on an academic level at least.10
This is a key point. It appears that the courses were teaching the majority of the class
to program.11 The estimations of the students are reinforced by the pass rates of both
modules (few students failed outright). The problem is that the experience of learning
to program is being less than satisfactory (or even enjoyable) for a significant part of
the class. They are learning to program but at what cost? A negative experience can
surely have a negative impact on a student’s expectancy.
It is worth emphasising again that this study has confirmed the findings of the similar
work at Middlesex University. Students seem to approach a programming course
with an interest in learning to program as a route to a career as a programmer. As
they learn to program (or as they follow a programming course) and as they learn
more about programming this interest wanes. For many it disappears entirely and
programming becomes something that must be avoided. The experience of learning
to program is indeed powerful.
This observation does not and cannot take into account the views and experiences of those students
who were competent programmers before the course.
Although how many of the students included in this survey could sensibly and practically have
been employed as professional programmers at the end of their course is a matter of some concern.
At least most had successfully gained a basic understanding.
An apology is in order. The discussion in the chapter is littered with words such as
‘probably’, ‘perhaps’, and ‘conjecture’. This is a problem inherent in any investigation
into so abstract a concept as motivation. It is only ever possible to listen to what
the students say and from this to infer their motivation and the reasons behind it.
The raw data that form the basis of these discussions and the resulting inferences are
included in appendices where they await alternative interpretations.
This part of the study is more fine-grained and ‘close-up’ than that described in
chapter 4. It works on a more personal level and thus facilitates a concentration on
the expectancy component of the expectancy-value motivation equation. Expectancy
will be strongly influenced by the day-to-day experiences of learning. This point
cannot be emphasised too much. If students are to be motivated to learn they must
expect to succeed. The definition of success is closely linked with the summative
assessment and the students’ lowest-level academic need. They must believe that
they will pass.
5.1 Methodology
The following sections focus in close-up detail on the experiences of students taking
the introductory programming course in the School of Computing at the University
of Leeds. Two distinct sets of students are included. The more significant (and
the subject of the finer-grained study) is a group of first year students taking the
programming course in the 2000/01 session. The experiences of this group were
followed on a weekly basis throughout their first semester course. A shorter survey
with a second group consisting of ‘veterans’ from the previous year’s class is also
included to place the experiences of the first group in a suitable context
The students all agreed to take part at the start of the study and all gave permission
for the publication of the results (suitably anonymised). The students’ names have
been changed in the sections that follow so as to preserve their anonymity and save
them embarrassment.1 As far as possible their experiences are described in their own
words and as they described them at the time.2 The methodology used for each group
is described in more detail in each of the two sections.
The students whose experiences are described in this section are all veterans of the
programming courses at Leeds (students who had taken the modules in the previous
session (1999/2000)). They were interviewed individually during the first few weeks
of their second year when their memory of learning to program was hopefully still
fresh. The interviews all followed the same structure and were recorded on the same
form (figure C1 in appendix C).
These students had all successfully negotiated both the programming modules in the
School of Computing but at different levels of (summative) attainment. They were
thus intentionally chosen so that they would represent a range of experience and
attainment. The majority had started the programming course with no experience
of programming but one who had had significant experience (and in fact followed the
Although the false names that some of them chose are still quite embarrassing.
Only the spelling has been changed, hopefully for the better.
fast-track scheme) was included as a control. The students, who all happily agreed to
take part, were drawn from a range of degree programmes, including joint-honours.
Some details of the course that these students followed are necessary as background to
what follows. The course was a fairly traditional introduction to C++ programming
as might be found in any comparable higher education institution. The approach
was ‘objects last’ with the first semester devoted to a procedural subset of C++.
This subset was presented in the traditional order and closely followed a standard
textbook [41]. The course started with variables and assignments and then moved
through conditional statements, loops, and so on. There was also plentiful coverage of
testing and debugging techniques. The second semester introduced objects (classes
in C++) and with them some more advanced features of C++. The presentation
was by three lectures each week and practical work was supported by a hands-on lab
session each week. The students would have been expected to spend about 75 hours
on their programming course in each semester.
The courses in the two semesters were administratively separate modules. Each was
assessed separately and each was worth one twelfth of the assessment for the year.
Success in the first semester was notionally a prerequisite for the second semester but
this cannot be enforced until the end of the year. All the students interviewed were
required to pass in the first semester for progress into the second year of their course
and all the single-subject students needed to pass in the second semester.
The grading system used in the modules is somewhat curious and merits a brief
explanation. The final grade is first calculated, as would be expected, on a scale of
0 to 100, where 37 represents a pass mark. This number is then mapped into a scale
running from 20 to 90. This has the effect that very high and very low grades are
altered. It is impossible to score more than 90 or less than 20.3
The theory of this system is that it prevents a single very poor or very good result having a
disproportionate impact on a student’s overall average. No attempt is made here to justify or
defend it!
In the interview the students were asked to reflect on the experience of learning to
program and to explain whether they felt they had successfully learned to program.
They were asked for their feelings about the ways in which the course was taught and
for any words of advice that they would give students on their degree programme
starting the programming course this year. Finally they were asked to provide a one-
word summary of the experience of learning to program. Figure C1 in appendix C
illustrates the structure of the interview.
5.2.1 Nikki
The Computing course at Leeds was Nikki’s second attempt at a degree. She had
started a course in European Drama and French at another university but had
dropped out. Some work experience using computers had aroused her interest and
so she had decided on this somewhat radical change of direction. At the start of
the module she considered herself a complete novice. She managed to achieve a final
grade of 59 although she did not consider that she was by any means a competent
Nikki felt that the programming course had been proceeding reasonably but had
suddenly and without warning become much harder. She had found this a “scary
experience” and felt that she had panicked. Some time reading the textbook seemed
to have helped but she had the feeling of being behind for the rest of the module.
The learning curve was too steep and was not consistent.
Her biggest problem during the module was (in her own words) “motivation”. She felt
that programming represented a “lot of effort for little return” and disliked the way
that C++ was so “pedantic” about “annoying little details”. Nikki’s advice would be
“don’t get left behind by not keeping up to date, and it’s fatal to miss a lecture”. Her
summary was that learning to program had been an “experience”. This experience
was not a wholly negative one but was certainly far from wholly positive.
During the first semester of her second year Nikki changed course to Information
Systems. The main reason for her change was to avoid the programming modules
in the Computing course (she actually struggled with the first one for a few weeks
but eventually had to admit defeat). Whether she was capable of completing these
courses is uncertain. What is certain is that she believed that she could not.
5.2.2 David
David went on to add that he had no intention of studying programming further and
certainly did not intend to pursue it as part of a career. He felt that he had spent
too much time on it in his first year and that this had been to the neglect of his other
subjects. He thought that writing serious programs would be “drudgery” and would
bring no new challenges. It was these challenges, rather than the content, that had
made the module enjoyable. David’s reaction perhaps starts to throw some light on
the phenomenon of students losing interest in programming as a career.
The lectures had been effective for learning or at least had been effective as part of
an overall learning strategy. David’s strategy had been to listen to the lecture and to
then go and try out what he had seen in the lab. He had some sort of mental model of
the programming process and the workings of the computer and felt that this evolved
over the module as he learned more (constructivism at work). The practical part of
the module was definitely the most interesting and rewarding. David saw many of his
peers who “just wanted to get the answer” and would very soon give up and approach
staff as an alternative to working out the program themselves. David preferred to
work on the program on his own and admitted that sometimes he was perhaps too
stubborn about asking for help. As advice David would tell students to “go at it and
go to the lab, but don’t get too wrapped up in it and spend too much time – and go
to the lectures!”.
David approached learning to program with a mature attitude and was successful.
He relished a challenge and it is this that made him enjoy the module. It is a little
disappointing to find a student who has succeeded in the learning aims of the course
but who is at the same time determined to avoid programming in the future.
5.2.3 Kelly
Kelly, like David, had chosen to study a joint-honours degree in Information Systems
and Management Studies. She expressed her views on programming in emotional
and forthright terms to the extent that her brief summary of the experience has four
letters and is not reproducible. Thinking about the programming module gave her
“nasty thoughts” and made her feel “sick”. She attributed this to her background
and the fact that she “didn’t have that way of thinking” (perhaps evidence of learned
helplessness at work again). She had started the module as a total novice and had
achieved a reasonable pass standard with a final grade of 52. She was quick to thank
the extra help classes for her success. While she certainly did not want to do any
programming ever again, Kelly admitted that she could probably write some basic
programs if she were forced.
Kelly had learned most from the workshop hours and the extra classes. She thought
that the lectures had been counter-productive for her – “a waste of time, I just got
into more and more of a state”. The assessment had been “relentless” and had
taken far too much effort. She had become more and more worried and had become
disillusioned with her degree programme as a whole. The biggest help had been access
to a sympathetic expert4 for one-to-one help at a level she could understand and the
relief of the extra classes where she met others who were also struggling. Her advice
would be “don’t leave it too late – it won’t go away – and ask for help when you need
Kelly has clearly not had a pleasant experience in her programming course but at
least she has survived. She now believes that programming is simply something that
she cannot do and she attributes this to something in her background. Kelly had
encountered an “educational novelty” [44] and, as predicted by Dijkstra, had not
enjoyed it and had been unable to cope.
5.2.4 Mike
Mike had some programming experience from his ‘A’ level course. This should have
been an advantage even though it was in a very different environment (Microsoft
Visual Basic
) to that which he would meet in his Computing degree course. After
being unsure of what route to take in the module Mike eventually decided to join
the fast track after having also attended the standard lectures for the first few weeks
while he found his bearings. He was pleased with his final grade of 84 and considered
himself a competent C++ programmer.
The impression of the fast track was of “being thrown straight in”. C++ was not
straightforward to learn and was “unforgiving” of small errors. There was added
pressure because failing the module had significant implications. Mike did not enjoy
programming the “trivial” tasks of the standard coursework where “everyone was
Modesty forbids.
writing the same, and there’s no creativity”. Programming would be much more
rewarding and more motivating if he were developing a program for himself. This
problem was addressed to an extent in the fast track where the assignments were
“not as boring”. He estimated that he would have needed 10% of the material from
the standard lectures and his advice would be to consider very carefully which route
to take through the module and then to “buy a really simple book”.
After some initial uncertainty while he found the best way for him to learn Mike
has had a positive experience. It is interesting that the enjoyment from the module
comes to him (as it did partly for David) from the creativity of the programming
process rather than anything more directly related to the academic content. Mike’s
is a clear success story although it is debatable how much of this success was directly
due to the programming course itself and how much can be attributed to Mike’s
previous programming experience. This experience certainly seems to confirm that
prior programming experience is a distinct advantage.
5.2.5 Josh
Josh is included in this study as a form of control. He started the Computer Science
course after many years of programming various Acorn
home micros and before
the course was able to claim extensive experience in BBC BASIC, some machine
code, a little C, and some C++. He naturally followed the fast-track route through
the module and achieved a final grade of 90 (the maximum possible). Josh would
probably not be too offended to be referred to as a ‘typical computer nerd’.
The fast track had been a good thing. It had meant that Josh had not been forced
to sit through lectures dealing with the basics. He felt that there would have been
a strong temptation to miss all the lectures and then miss those rare concepts that
would have been new to him. The process of learning C++ was simply a case of
“picking up the syntax”. While he had been “left to get on with it” there was always
support available if he needed it. It was especially good to be working with similar
people to himself. He described them as “people on the same wavelength”.
Josh considers programming “great fun” and held this view before the start of his
course (he claimed to have started programming at the age of six). He “supposed”
that he was now a competent C++ programmer. He had still found the programming
module a “challenge” and Josh’s advice would be “don’t leave it all to the last minute”
(both these comments must be taken in the context of the demanding fast-track route
that Josh had chosen).
Josh’s fast-track experience reinforces the description in section 3.1 of the process
whereby an experienced programmer acquires a new language. It had simply (and
that is an important word – it was simple) been the process of learning a new syntax.
Most of this could be done from a textbook and then by experimenting by writing a
few programs. Any complications could be resolved with quick access to some guru.
Josh had probably gained little from the course that he could not have picked up
unaided on his own.
5.2.6 Keera
Keera (another student studying Information Systems and Management Studies) was
relieved to reach the end of the programming course. She had started as a complete
novice and was relieved to find that she had achieved a final grade of 52. She felt that
it was an “achievement to have survived”. Her main problem was that programming
was a very “different thing to learn” from anything she had experienced before (in fact
an educational novelty). There is a lot to cope with and it “has to click”. Although
she did not consider herself a competent programmer she thought she could probably
“have a good shot” and “get quite a long way” if called on to write some C++.
Programming had not come easily to her. A major problem was that “you have to
believe you can do it” (expectancy) at a time when you are overloaded with many
other things (the problems of transition to university).
The large class size had been especially intimidating and something of a shock after
school. Keera had at first failed to realise that extra help was available but she made
much use of it when she found out. The fact that the extra help was available in a
much smaller group made programming much more “approachable”. Keera’s advice
to students like herself is “don’t think of it as a nightmare – stick together, work at
it and go to the lectures”. She had found learning to program “scary”.
Keera seems to have coped better with an educational novelty. She seems to have
had a rather more positive and determined attitude than some of her peers and it
is this that has pulled her through. Importantly, she comments that students must
believe that they can succeed if they are to succeed – they must expect to pass.
5.2.7 Harri
Harri is one of the single-subject students in these sections. He had chosen the
Information Systems degree. His main memory of the programming module was of
“hours and hours spent in the lab”. He had started the module as a complete novice
but had managed to achieve a respectable result largely through determination and
sheer hard work (he was disappointed that his final grade of 69 very narrowly missed
the 70 first class boundary). At the end of the module Harri felt that he was a
competent C++ programmer. He remembered the module as enjoyable “as long as
you stay on top of the work”. The lectures were well taught and useful but the
practical sessions were not long enough. It would have been less stressful if he had
had access to his own computer so that he would not have had to spend so much time
in the labs. The greatest help was a textbook and access to an expert for occasional
assistance. The advice for new students was to “keep up with all the examples given,
and don’t leave this subject to the last minute (or even two or three days before)”.
Harri has had a satisfactory experience. He has succeeded in the academic aims of the
course but was still unsure of whether he would want to program in a future career.
Nevertheless, he seems to have come through the course in a solid position to take on
further programming should he choose to do so. The only criticism that can perhaps
be made of his strategy is that he should have been a little more willing to ask for
help when he needed it.
5.2.8 Kirsty
Kirsty started the programming module with some experience of computing but none
of programming. She achieved a reasonable final result of 50. Her memories of
learning to program were of stress and constant deadlines. Her main reaction was
that she was glad she no longer had to do it and at the end of her first year she decided
to transfer from Computing to Information Systems to avoid more programming
modules. Nevertheless, she did consider herself to be a reasonable programmer and
now found programming enjoyable.
She had learned most from the practical workshops (mostly, she felt, because the class
sizes were much smaller) and rated the lectures as effectively a waste of time. The
biggest program with the practical work was getting started and getting used to the
Unix system. Advice to students learning to program was “don’t panic”. Overall,
learning to program had been a “stressful” experience.
Kirsty found programming stressful but coped well. It is perhaps a shame that she
chose to avoid further programming courses. She might well have enjoyed them and
would probably have performed and learned well.
5.2.9 Siân
Siân was another joint-honours student, having chosen to study a combined degree in
Accounting and Information Systems. She had done a small amount of programming
before (as part of an ‘A’ level course) but rated herself as a total novice at the start
of her degree. Her final grade for programming was a reasonable 57. She had joined
the extra classes at the earliest possible opportunity.
Siân’s views about programming were set in rather emotive terms. She “hated” the
programming module and “pitied anyone who had to do it with her level of aptitude”
(perhaps learned helplessness once more). She was adamant that she never wanted
to do programming again but admitted that she could probably write some simple
programs if she had to. The main reason for her problems was, she thought, that
she had failed to understand the first few lectures of the module and had then been
totally lost for the rest (clearly learned helplessness). There was no way she could
catch up and the relentless assessment meant that there was no chance of a respite.
Beyond pity, Siân’s advice was to “go to the lectures and listen, read the book a bit,
and go and find help straight away”. In a word, learning to program had been “hell”.
This summary does not paint a happy picture of Siân’s experience but it is probably
accurate. For some reason she had missed some early material and was then in a
quite hopeless position. The additional classes helped to some extent but there was
no way she could ever hope to catch up. It is not especially surprising that she was
determined never to do programming again.
The students in this section have clearly had a range of experiences in their first
programming course at university. The only common experience appears to be that
they passed (and this is only because those who failed were unavailable for comment).
Experiences range from that of Josh which appears to have been highly enjoyable to
Kelly’s which she can hardly bear to remember. This is a small sample but there
is no reason not to believe that these are typical experiences and that each example
presented here represents the experience of a group of their peers.
It is noticeable that the language used by some, especially those who struggled, tends
to be emotive. Siân “hated it”, Keera was proud to have “survived”, and Kelly’s
description of her experience could not be recounted in polite company. These are
interesting words to be used about an educational experience. It is hard to imagine
the same students using the same words about a course in databases or professional
issues. It seems that programming has the power to evoke powerful responses from
those who try to learn it.
These students have come from a very wide variety of backgrounds. The diversity is
obvious. Josh has been programming since the age of six, Nikki has previously started
and left a degree course in Drama and French, and Mike has come from an IT ‘A’ level.
Nevertheless, they have all managed to meet the entry requirements of their degree
programme. They were all judged suitable to start the programming course and were
thus all expected to succeed. There is little compelling evidence here that students
with no previous experience will always struggle – David had none and has done very
well. However, Kirsty, Siân, Keera, and Kelly have indeed all struggled but they
have at least passed. David is also a counter-example to the suggestion that joint-
honours students will struggle more than their single-subject counterparts. There is
no evidence of that here. Mike and Josh confirm the not unexpected notion that
students with previous programming experience will perform better in programming
Kelly attributes her struggles to something in her background. For some reason
programming was simply something that she could not do. There is no evidence of a
similar view from any of the others but some do make the point that programming
requires special learning skills. For example Keera says that programming “has to
click”. This is at odds with the view set out in section 3.9 that aptitude has little
impact on final results and indeed the view that aptitude for programming does not
actually exist. This may well be a manifestation of a form of learned helplessness
where the students seize on a convenient explanation for their failure to learn or their
All these students were learning to program at a time of transition. Keera made the
point that she found it difficult to adjust to learning at university after her experiences
of school. There is so much going on in the first semester of the first year that it
is difficult to devote as much time to programming as it appears to demand. Siân
and Nikki both had the experience of coming to a point in the semester when they
no longer understood the course. They adopted different strategies to cope (both of
which seem to have been effective) and at least they were in a position to notice and
took some effective steps. Failure to do so could well have been academically fatal.
There are clearly some shared experiences. The issue of help seeking is a common
theme. David and Harri both suspect that they may have spent too much time
struggling alone before seeking for help. Nikki, Keera, Siân, and Kelly all joined the
extra classes. This would seem to confirm previous experience [22] where such classes
have been seen to be much more popular with the female students and confirms the
suggestion that male students tend to prefer to work alone [23]. Another general point
is that of the advantage of studying in a group of similar ability. Josh reported this
as the best part of the fast track route and Kelly, Siân, and Keera all found comfort
in working with other strugglers. The experience in the help classes confirms the
findings at Monash [65] of the benefit of informal discussion classes. There are also
clearly advantages in working in a more general sense with others of similar ability.
All the students report that they have spent significant amounts of time on their
programming. Most of this has naturally been concentrated on the assessment. This
appears in most cases to have been well beyond the prescribed 75 hours (which is
expected to include all the time devoted to the module including lectures). Moreover,
many clearly believe that these demands have been such that their other work has
suffered. Words such as ‘stress’ are common in their descriptions and it is surely
significant that the most common theme in their advice is the need for good planning
and a prompt start to assessments.
There are conflicting views on the effectiveness of the various teaching methods. There
is general approval of the practical lab sessions but there is much less agreement on
the lectures. David seemed to find the lectures sufficient to learn new concepts (as
did Harri) but others found them far from helpful. This is especially true of Kelly
who seems to have found them entirely counter-productive. It is apparent that the
students who seem to have gained most from the lectures are those for whom the
whole experience of the module was more straightforward. It is the strugglers who
are being let down (and at times almost intimidated) by the lectures.
The language and platform used are mentioned by many. For Josh the learning of
C++ was simply a case of picking up a new syntax – it is safe to assume that his
programming and debugging skills were already well developed. Others had to learn
much more, including how to ‘drive’ the computer. The basic practical steps of how
to get the program into a file, compile, and run it seem to have troubled many. Kirsty
found the intricacies of Unix a problem and both Nikki and Mike found the platform
unforgiving and pedantic. This confirms the view that a sackcloth (section 3.2.2)
environment is not ideal for novice students, at least in the sense that it can get in
the way of the business of learning to program.
David was clearly achievement motivated. This is also a strong motivation for all the
other students. Their motivation was, as expected, to do well (to pass) in whatever
terms they defined. There is no evidence that any of them ever ceased to value the
outcome of the module. However, there is plentiful evidence that some of them did at
some time not expect to succeed, largely because they started to feel that they were
not in control. Some of Kelly’s, Nikki’s, and Siân’s comments clearly show this point
of view. It must be assumed that this would sometimes have caused their motivation
to drop dramatically and it is to their credit that they have persevered and eventually
did succeed. The worry is that there must have been students (it is interesting to
speculate on how many) having similar experiences to them who did not persevere
and succeed.
None of these students have had a first programming experience from which they
will not recover. Josh has enjoyed himself learning a new language. Mike and David
have done something that interested them and have gone about it in a way that they
found satisfying. Harri has worked hard and got a good result. Nikki, Kirsty, Siân,
Kelly, and Keera have all succeeded in passing the module and appear to have done
themselves no permanent academic harm.5
In conclusion it is interesting to pause and consider how many of these students could
genuinely program at the end of the module. They had all passed a programming
course but were they programmers? David could certainly program and most of the
others were prepared to confess that they could have done if they were forced too.
Only a few – perhaps David, Mike, and Josh – could have hoped at this point to work
effectively as professional programmers or even to be of any interest to potential
employers. This highlights a problem. These students are passing an introductory
programming course – they are not learning to program. That will come later (and
then only for some).
The focus now moves on to the class of 2000. These students will be following much
the same programming course under much the same regime. They will enter the same
university and department and will have been recruited against the same standards.
It will be interesting to see if they have much the same experience.
The striking gender split in these two lists cannot be passed over. This observation (and the
preceding discussion) confirms the pattern noted previously at Leeds [22] that men and women
seek help in different ways in programming modules (accounting in part for the predominance
of women in the extra help classes). It also hints that men and women tend to have different
experiences in a programming module in a more general sense. This should be the focus of further
study. This is particularly important in light of the continuing alarming decline in the proportion
of female students in cohorts enrolling for computing degrees ([24] and [25]).
This part of the study turns the attention to the personal experiences of a group of
students following the introductory programming course in the School of Computing
at the University of Leeds as part of their first year. The students all professed
themselves to be complete programming novices at the start of the course but their
experience with IT as a whole varied. The restriction of this part of the study to
novices6 ensures as far as possible a consistent and definable starting point for all the
The students were interviewed individually before the start of the course to ascertain
something about their background and expectations. Weekly questionnaires followed
through the first semester and the whole process was completed with a final interview
just before the start of the second semester. The results from these interviews and
questionnaires can now be interpreted in the light of the students’ final results in the
programming module.
There were three groups of students, representing three of the four single-subject
degree programmes in the School of Computing. There was one group from each of
Cognitive Science, Computing, and Information Systems. The modules taken in the
first year by the students on the last two programmes are the same but those taking
Cognitive Science would be taking fewer computing modules (with the rest of their
time allocated to modules in philosophy and psychology). The entry requirement for
all three degrees is the same in that the same ‘A’ level grades are required for each
and none require ‘A’ level mathematics or any previous computing experience.
The students were chosen at random within some slight constraints imposed by the
School of Computing’s tutorial system (in effect this meant only that there would
be about five students in each group, that the students would all be standard post-
eighteen ‘A’ level entrants, and that there would be a mix of men and women). No
account was taken of previous academic achievement or, specifically, mathematical
ability or attainment [16].
About half of the cohort at Leeds claim to be complete programming novices each year.
There were seventeen students in the group at the start of the study and all agreed
to take part. However, during the semester the numbers fluctuated somewhat. One
of the Computing group dropped out early on (in fact it has to be said that he made
no discernible attempt to attend anything), one of the Information Systems group
dropped out in the middle of the semester, and one of the Cognitive Scientists hardly
attended (although he remained registered throughout). The Cognitive Scientists also
gained an extra member (a transfer from a joint-honours degree) in the third week.
A further member of the Computing group dropped out over the Christmas vacation
but this was after the completion of most of the present study and he kindly agreed to
complete the final interview by email. One of the Cognitive Science group left at the
start of the second semester in order to return in the next session on the Information
Systems programme but this too was after this study was complete. These comings
and goings give a final total of fifteen students who were followed throughout their
There is both a qualitative and quantitative element to this part of the study. The
main part is obviously qualitative, based on what amounts to a series of structured
interviews (mostly carried out by means of brief questionnaires). A small quantitative
element is introduced by asking the students to forecast their expected final grade on
a simple scale in order to gain a crude numerical estimate of their expectation.
The preliminary interview collected some basic demographic data and then asked
the students to explain their reasons for choosing their degree programme and the
University of Leeds in particular. They were then asked whether they felt they had
the skills to become a good programmer (and to define what they believed these skills
were) and to say whether they expected that they would find learning to program
easy. The interview ended with a one-word summary of their initial feelings about the
programming module. The form used to record this interview is included as figure C2
in appendix C.
Each week following this (as a small part of their weekly tutorial) the students were
asked to record any particular successes or problems in the programming module
in the previous week. They were also asked to record a one-word summary of the
experience of the module, and to estimate their final grade on a simple scale (figure 7).
This scale deliberately makes no mention of actual grades because the students were
Most students responded each week but some gaps were caused by illness or other
absences. A ‘half-term’ break in teaching around week seven caused something of a
hiatus in the responses from the Information Systems and Computing groups when
they missed their weekly tutorial. A linear change in the numeric forecast has been
assumed where there are gaps in a student’s responses (it is clear from the charts
where this has happened). The form used for the weekly reports is in figure C3 in
appendix C.
The mean grade in the 2000/01 session was in fact 58.
The complication of the scaling of grades from a 0. . . 100 scale to a 20. . . 90 scale was ignored when
interpreting the students’ responses.
The final interview was conducted just before the final module results were made
public and summarised the students’ experience. They were asked about their feelings
about programming in general, the programming course in particular, and to look
forward to the following semester’s programming. The interview was again ended
with a one-word summary of the course. The form used to record this interview is
available as figure C4 in appendix C.
These activities were deliberately kept very separate from the students’ normal weekly
tutorial (during which the programming modules were often the topic of much heated
discussion). Their responses were filed, unread, immediately they were completed and
were not to be examined until the end of the semester. The original intention of this
was to avoid their providing answers that fitted in with their group’s view and to
avoid the common phenomenon in such studies of the subjects responding with the
views that they think the interviewer wants to hear [118]. When the forms were finally
examined it became apparent that several students were recording views that were
at odds with, or at least were not expressed as strongly as, those that they expressed
more openly in the tutorial. The privacy of the weekly reports was maintained by
ensuring that the forms were completed by the students themselves.
The course that these students would follow was in most respects the same as that
experienced by the veterans in the previous year (described in the previous sections).
The only change of any significance was that a substantial amount of material on
testing was brought nearer to the start of the module. The intention of this was to
provide a more gentle introduction to the course by leaving hands-on programming
until slightly later. For example the first assessment required the students to test a
provided executable program and did not require them to undertake any programming
at all. Apart from this the presentation, organisation, assessment, and progression
requirements were unchanged.
This leaves a C++ programming course still arranged on fairly traditional lines (with
an amount on testing as an introduction). The textbook was in a new edition [42]
(and some students preferred an alternative [106]) but the order was unchanged.
The topics for the first few weeks were variables, assignments, and so on, followed
by conditional statements and the various types of loop. Built-in and user-defined
functions appeared around week seven and the course concluded having covered a
fairly comprehensive procedural subset of C++.
A few more details of the assessment regime followed in the module will no doubt
help in understanding the descriptions of the novices’ experiences that follow. There
were four pieces of assessable coursework. After the first, on testing, the other three
involved practical programming activities. The specification for each assessment was
presented as a number of ‘levels’. The first level was a basic introduction to the
task and the second and third represented what an average student should achieve.
The fourth was intended only for the more competent or experienced but was often
attempted by the less able as part of their insatiable quest for marks. Each level
carried with it a different number of marks. Successful completion of the first two
levels was a pass standard, the third level was sufficient for ‘first class’ marks, and a
few bonus marks were available for the final level. There were also two tests carried
out in lecture times. These represented 25% of the weight of the assessment, with the
rest coming from the practical work. It was necessary to achieve a pass standard in
both practical work and tests separately in order to pass the course overall.
The final grading of the module required, as before, a grade of 37 for pass standard,
with the raw marks conflated onto a scale running from 20 to 90. The final process of
moderating the assessment scaled the raw marks downwards slightly to compensate
for the fact that most students had scored very high marks on the assessments.
The initial enrolment on the module was over 300 students. 266 lasted the course
and of these 62 secured a first class result. 24 failed.
5.3.1 Lenny
Lenny described his Cognitive Science degree as “inspiring”. He had a mainly arts
background at ‘A’ level and had also taken an Advanced GNVQ. His results were
good. Lenny’s view of a programmer was someone who “likes sitting in front of a
screen for hours” and he was sure that this was definitely not him. He did not expect
learning to program to be easy but expected to be “fair [or] competent” at it. At the
start of the course he was “scared”.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Lenny’s prediction of his grades (figure 8) started with a figure exactly at the mean
but then tailed away. He described the first week as “painful” and added that he
had “not much confidence at the moment”. The following weeks were no better –
“help”, “confused”, “nightmare!”, and “clueless”. In week four he recorded that he
did not “get the variable thing”, which seems scarcely a sound basis on which to build
a knowledge of C++. By the fifth week he was “turning up to lectures in body but
not mind”. Things improved after this low point to be “bearable” (this corresponds
with the slight upturn in Lenny’s predictions). At the end of the module his final
grade of 56 was exactly his original prediction.
Lenny described the course as a “struggle” and was adamant that he was by no means
a competent programmer. He felt that the lectures had moved too quickly and that
he had become lost due to not understanding the basic material (the symptoms of
learned helplessness). The biggest problem was being left to work alone on reasonably
complex programs and the greatest help was when he was able to get help on a one-
to-one basis. He thought he might just pass in the second semester but was far from
It is worth noting that the story shown by Lenny’s reports during the module is
rather at odds with the public face he was showing in tutorials. He did indeed seem
to be finding the course difficult but he seemed to be coping reasonably well. He
certainly did not appear to be having a nightmare. Presumably he found it difficult
to articulate his problems, or was unwilling to do so, in front of a group all of whom
seemed to him to be coping better than he was. Even so, he succeeded in passing at
a level that should have pleased him. However, it is clear that his expectancy of his
chances of doing so was variable.
5.3.2 Jackie
Jackie found the course difficult from the outset. She found that she was able to
complete only the most basic parts of the assessments and her predictions of her final
grade fell away (figure 9 on the next page). Week four was “horrendous” and the
following week was “atrocious” when even the most basic concepts proved impossible
to grasp. There is a clear sense that she felt that she was losing control of her progress.
Nevertheless, her persistent efforts meant that she was still performing well enough
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
to pass and she was especially pleased with her result in the first test. Her predictions
after this gradually increased (perhaps a beneficial effect of summative assessment on
her motivation).
Jackie continually found the whole process of programming “frustrating” and reported
finding the intricacies of getting her program into the computer as difficult as those of
writing it in the first place. This hints at the problems of mastering a multi-levelled
skill. It was very difficult to know where to start with each assignment and weeks
when a new one was to be started were “terrible”.
Her final result of 60 was something of a surprise for her but a fair reflection at
least of the effort that she had put in. It was certainly well above anything Jackie
herself had forecast. She was simply “thankful to have passed”. Programming was
“difficult and frustrating” and she had only “a vague understanding” of the basics.
The understanding that she had managed to acquire had been gained largely from
the lab sessions because she had followed very little in the lectures. A downside at
the end of the semester was a poor performance in her psychology modules. This
was something that she blamed squarely on the amount of time she had spent on her
Jackie’s experience had not been a pleasant one and is something that she describes
in often emotive terms. Her main problem seems to be that she failed to grasp the
basic concepts (as did Lenny) and thereafter had nothing to build on when she was
faced with more and more complex assignments. The difficulties were made even
worse by her lack of understanding of the mechanics of making her programs compile
and run. She was understandably thankful that the course was over.
5.3.3 Will
Will had chosen to attend a university close to his home. He lived at home (some 30
miles away) and commuted for the first few weeks but found this too much of a strain.
The main problem was evening access to the labs for his practical work. Information
Systems seemed a logical progression from Will’s ‘A’ level in IT, a subject in which
he had excelled. Will thought that he had the skills to be a good programmer and
expected to be good at it. However, he was prepared to admit that he expected that
some parts of learning to program would be difficult.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Given this attitude it is surprising that Will’s original forecast of his result was only
slightly above the class average. The first few weeks of the course went well with
good results being achieved in the coursework. Will began to describe the work as
“challenging” towards the middle of the semester but still had no real problems.
This changed quite suddenly in week nine which Will described as “frustrating”.
This was due to the introduction of overloaded functions, a concept that Will found
very difficult to grasp. Will’s expectation of his result from this point on decreased
(figure 10 on the previous page) as he encountered more advanced topics.
Will was quite relieved at the end of the module – “it was difficult but I passed”.
He felt that he “was not by any means” a competent programmer and he had found
it “very boring”. Overall, programming was “definitely something I don’t intend to
pursue”. His advice to other students would be to “attend all the lectures and lab
sessions” and to “start the coursework early”.
It is clear that, while Will had passed the module (with a high grade – 64 – well above
any of his forecasts), his initial expectations have not been met. The initial picture
is of an interested student who is expecting to learn something and to be good at
it. By the end of the module he is disillusioned and determined to avoid any more
programming. This appears to be quite a disappointing outcome even if the module
itself has been a success in purely academic terms.
5.3.4 James
James transferred into the Cognitive Science degree during the second week of the
semester, having originally chosen a joint degree in Computing and Philosophy. His
progress through the course was steady and his predictions of his grades (figure 11 on
the next page) show high expectations and a steady increase in his confidence. His
initial predictions were just below the first class border but he became more optimistic
as his confidence increased. His final grade of 68 was a fine achievement especially
given his late start.
James worked steadily through the course without encountering any real problems.
His late start did not seem to be any significant handicap at any stage. Most weeks
were “manageable”, “normal”, or “good” and he was even prepared to confess to
being “interested”. There was a slight problem when functions were introduced and
the course became “hectic” but even then it seemed “pretty mathematical (i.e. do-
able)”. This was only a brief problem because the next week “it’s all starting to come
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
together”. There was still some stress caused by the assessments (the final one was
“frustrating”) but James progressed well. There was never any question of whether
he would pass. The only issue was merely how well he would do.
James’s story is one of success and as such is a contrast to the experiences of many
of his peers. He has understood the material as it was presented to him and, apart
from a few hiccups which he addressed quickly, he has progressed steadily. At the end
of the course he felt that it had been “pretty alright” and was “quite easy once you
get your bearings”. His advice would be to “think like a machine – methodically” (a
mental model of a computer). He was looking forward to the next semester’s work
as more of the same. In the second semester he chose to take the fast-track route.
This was quite an achievement for someone who had not programmed at all only four
months previously and demonstrated James’s high level of confidence.
5.3.5 Steve
Steve took a year out before starting his degree. He chose to study Information
Systems because of his interest and for the future career prospects (more extrinsic
motivation). He chose Leeds for its reputation and surroundings. He had clear views
of the skills required for programming – “clear head, logic, ability to relax” – and was
confident that he possessed these skills (“otherwise I wouldn’t be here”). He did not
expect that learning to program would be easy but he thought he would be reasonably
good at it. He was viewing the programming course with a sense of “anticipation”.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Steve’s prediction of his final grade, shown in figure 12, remained reasonably constant
consistently about halfway between the average and first class throughout the module.
This reflects his experience. Steve initially found that the course was “comfortable”
with testing and the basics of programming both “managed well”. It became less
comfortable in week six when the coursework became somewhat more difficult and
was more difficult to start but the overall impression is of steady progress throughout.
At the end of the course Steve “could see the use [of programming]” but had yet
to call on it. He thought he was a competent C++ programmer and was satisfied
with his final grade (even if at 55 it was slightly lower than his expectation). His
comments on the course itself focused on the teaching style and on the organisation
of the course. He felt that it could have been pitched at a higher level (something
with which many of his colleagues would certainly have disagreed).
Steve’s experience was a good one and one that should have pleased him. He had
achieved a reasonable level of competence and had done so mainly on his own with
the aid of the lectures and course notes. The course had been “complicated” but he
had coped well and with maturity. He expected to succeed in the next semester’s
programming but confessed that he was “nervous”.
Steve was a year older than most of the other students taking the module and this
appears to have had an impact. He coped well with a challenging course. It seems
reasonable to suppose that he was facing fewer challenges in adjusting to university
life. His experience was entirely satisfactory and reasonably free of stress.
5.3.6 Karen
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Karen’s initial experiences with the programming were positive and she was able to
cope well with the material on program testing. Unfortunately, in the early weeks
of the semester she was ill (corresponding with the blanks in her grade predictions)
Clearing is a process that takes place in the summer in the UK to allow students still requiring
places at university to make late applications.
and missed several lectures. These lectures happened to be those that introduced
the basics of C++. From this point on her assessment of her likely final performance
decreased (figure 13 on the previous page) from her early above-average expectation.
She found that week five was especially “stressful” as she struggled to cope with the
lectures and the coursework. From here on the module was “hard” or “difficult” and
all Karen’s comments focused on the difficulties of completing the coursework.
In the circumstances, Karen’s final result of 49 was creditable. After the module she
thought it had been “hard and boring”. The biggest problem had been the completion
of the coursework. Nevertheless, she felt that she was a competent programmer.
The biggest help had been the discussions of the coursework in her weekly tutorial.
Her advice to other students would be to “start the coursework early and listen
in lectures”. She was expecting the following module to be more of the same and
It is hard to say how much her illness affected Karen’s result in the module (and, more
importantly, her learning of programming). She was certainly ill at a crucial moment
in the module (just as the emphasis changed from testing to development). There
seemed to be no way in which she could catch up as more and more new material was
presented (especially as she was having to catch up in five other modules at the same
time). However, there is no particular evidence that she was experiencing learned
helplessness. It seems more that the module simply became a continual struggle to
complete the coursework.
Karen’s final attitude to programming is clear. It is hard and she was not looking
forward to studying it further. This was why she chose to transfer to the Information
Systems degree in order to avoid the second year programming courses.
5.3.7 Michelle
requirement. Leeds was her preferred university because of the social life. At the
start of the programming course Michelle expected that learning to program would
be difficult but also expected to cope reasonably well because of her “logical mind”.
Nevertheless, she felt “apprehensive”.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Michelle’s predictions of her grades are quite consistent (figure 14) but there is a
noticeable increase toward the end. She made steady progress through the first few
weeks (even following James and describing one week as “interesting”) but there
were some problems when functions were covered in week four and a coursework
using them had to be started. This was “terrible” and corresponds with a slight dip
in her predictions. However, by the next week the course was “interesting” again
and the coursework was completed. All was well until the last week when the final
coursework was “horrible” but this too was completed well and Michelle carried on
her way to an impressive final grade of 66.
At the end of the course Michelle described programming as “easy now, but wasn’t
at the time”. She thought that she was probably a competent programmer “in some
respects” but would benefit from more practice. The most useful part of the teaching
had been the practical sessions in the laboratory and the practical demonstrations in
Michelle’s experience of the module was, in her own words, “varied” but overall it
was a success. Each new coursework presented new challenges but she coped well
and overcame them. Her advice would be to “expect the worst” in the hope that
“it might get better”. At the end of the first semester Michelle decided to leave
the university temporarily in order to return the next session to study Information
Systems. She had enjoyed the computing element of her chosen course (and especially
the programming) and wanted to study it as a main subject – a success story.10
5.3.8 Cynthia
Cynthia chose to study Cognitive Science. Her reasons for choosing this degree did
not, perhaps, bode well for success in the computing part – “computers are essential
in this day and age, but too boring to study on their own”. Her original choice of
degree course was English Literature. She had clear views on the skills required of
a good programmer (“patience, practice, calm”) and was equally sure that she did
not possess them (“I’m very impatient and easily flustered”). She was unsurprisingly
“worried” at the prospect of starting the course but still hoped to succeed “if I practise
enough”. On the whole the omens were not good.
Cynthia’s predictions of her grade decrease steadily (figure 15 on the next page). Even
at the start she was “terrified of failing the courseworks”. She also recorded that she
“had been given the impression” that her lack of previous knowledge in some sense
“limited” what she might achieve. In the third week she was “scared” and thought
she would fail. The week after she was in despair because of a perceived injustice in
the assessment of her work (“my effort was pointless”).
Matters did not quickly improve. The fifth week was “frightening” with the comment
“feel I am sinking . . . hope I get through this”. Week six paints a happier picture with
the latest coursework complete – “amazingly, I understand my completed program
A postscript to this is that Michelle returned in the 2001/02 session and successfully completed
the first year of the Information Systems degree. Ironically her programming grade was slightly
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
and have learned lots” – and an attempt to “get more hopeful (although I probably
shouldn’t)”. Cynthia managed to miss the test in week seven and once more despair
set in (with the slight dip recorded in figure 15). After the validation test problem
had been solved (or at least the effects ameliorated) with a resit Cynthia started to
become more cheerful (“understood the lectures pretty well”) even though “I’m sure
the coursework will destroy me soon enough”. The final assessments were in fact
negotiated with only limited suffering (“hectic”).
Cynthia’s comment at the end of the module were, not surprisingly, rather negative.
The course had been “pretty hard and confusing” and she was looking forward to the
follow-on course with “dread”. She described her problem as having been “thrown in
at the deep end”. This had meant that “there’s nothing you can do but drown”. She
would not advise others to take the course – “don’t do it unless you’re desperate to”.
She did not expect to pass the next module.
In retrospect Cynthia should probably be rather pleased with her final grade (41).
This was at least just a pass. She seemed to approach the module with the view
that she would find it difficult and would fail (not a good expectation to start with)
and almost seemed to be determined to fulfil this prophecy. She undoubtedly worked
reasonably hard but could have directed her efforts better. Her occasional brushes
with authority and her failure to attend the test certainly did not help. The overall
impression is that she was almost working against the system and would pass (if at
all) in spite of the teaching rather than because of it. It is far from certain that she
was ever particularly motivated to succeed. Both value and expectancy must be in
serious doubt.
5.3.9 Anne-Marie
Anne-Marie’s choice of Computing was an extension of her most enjoyable ‘A’ level
subject. As well as being a subject in which she did well, she saw the course as a
route into a highly paid job (more extrinsic motivation but this time with obvious
evidence of intrinsic motivation). Before the module she had little idea of what skills
would be required but “hoped to be good at it”. She confessed to being “worried” at
the prospect.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Anne-Marie’s attendance at tutorials during the semester was sporadic as she was
frequently absent for (genuine) hospital appointments. Her forecasts of her result
(figure 16) show a consistent view of slightly above the average grade and this is in
fact exactly what she achieved. Her reports of her weekly experiences are all largely
negative and are sometimes expressed in often quite emotive terms – “stressful”,
“frustrating”, “despairing”, and “numbing”. These reactions all appear to be based
mainly on the experience of trying to complete the coursework to her satisfaction.
There is evidence that Anne-Marie drew much satisfaction from her eventual success
(“I actually managed to do it!”). By the end of the course she was prepared to admit
to “understanding [the course] a bit more”.
At the end of the course Anne-Marie summarised the course as “extremely hard and
boring”. Programming itself was “boring” and Anne-Marie felt that she was “not
really” competent. The biggest help to her was making contact with an “expert”11
who could help her when needed. Her advice to future students was to seek out and
adopt such an expert at the earliest opportunity. Looking forward, she experienced
“despair” but still hoped to pass.
Although she may not have realised it Anne-Marie made good steady progress through
the course and had achieved a solid result (55). She tended to worry when she did
not understand the lectures and often sought help immediately afterwards (which is
certainly no bad thing). The coursework was always started as soon as it was set and
was usually completed in good time. Her (largely misplaced) lack of self-confidence
prompted her to seriously consider changing to the Information Systems degree in
order to avoid more programming but it seems unlikely that she will do so.12 Overall,
this is a success story in terms of learning if not in terms of Anne-Marie’s reaction to
the subject.
5.3.10 Ieuan
Modesty once again forbids.
As it turned out she did not and in fact managed to complete the second year programming course
reasonably well.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ieuan found the first few weeks of the course straightforward and he consistently
reported that it was “going well”. This is reflected in his predicted grades, which are
consistently above the mean. This confidence seems to have persisted until the end
of week eight.
In week nine there is a marked change. The module changes almost overnight from
“easy” to “hard”. This seems to have corresponded with the covering of functions and
function prototypes in the lectures.13 In the following week Ieuan’s predicted grade
decreases slightly but still remains above the mean. It is clear that at this stage he
was having serious difficulties understanding the module content. The line in figure 17
clearly shows how his predicted grade increases gradually during the first weeks of
the course and then tails off after the eighth week as the material became harder.
The start of the downward trend corresponds with the introduction of functions and
function prototypes.
Ieuan effectively left the course at this point. This was the result of an accident that
resulted in a serious back injury which required bed-rest. This period away from his
studies produced a large backlog of work in all his modules and this backlog was
sufficient to convince Ieuan to leave the course. At the time he felt that the first half
Although other students mentioned this earlier Ieuan’s problem was presumably sparked off by
starting an assessment.
of the semester had been “reasonably successful” but that this had been undone by
his absence. He formally left the university during the Christmas vacation.
Just before he left Ieuan described the programming course as “a good experience
which I originally enjoyed, but towards the end of the semester I found out it was
not my cup of tea”. Programming was “interesting” but “beyond my grasp”. Ieuan
felt that he could “do a fair bit”. The biggest problem with learning to program was
simply that he did not enjoy it.
After Christmas Ieuan realised that his decision to leave had been somewhat hasty.
His experience in the first semester had demoralised him academically and convinced
him that he was not the sort of person who could “expect” to study for a degree
with any success. On calmer reflection he realised that this was probably not so and
applied to return to Leeds to study a Management Studies course.
Ieuan had indeed had a reasonably successful start to the course. He had successfully
negotiated over two thirds of it and was achieving good marks. At this point he seems
to have come up against some material that he simply could not grasp (functions and
prototypes are notoriously difficult for novices to learn) and was not able to cope. His
accident made the situation worse and led to his hasty decision to leave. The main
reason for this was probably the need to avoid failure and to retain control of his own
academic destiny (there are possibly also elements of learned helplessness too). Had
he persevered he would probably have succeeded at a reasonable level.
5.3.11 Carol
Carol chose Leeds as it was one of the few universities at which she could study
Cognitive Science. She had no real idea of what was involved in learning to program
but was “anxious” at the prospect. She was unsure as to whether or not she would
Carol’s prediction of her final grade (figure 18 on the next page) is remarkable. After
an initial estimate exactly on the average level all subsequent weeks were bare passes.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The first week was described as “stressful” with most of the others “terrible”. The
weeks in which there were coursework deadlines were worse. There was only one
slight respite in week eight when the first part of a coursework was completed easily.
Her final grade, just below the average at 55, was, by her own admission, more than
slightly the result of her seeking out all the possible help available.
After the course Carol was able to reflect on a “terrible experience”. She did not
consider that she was a competent programmer and was “not very positive” about
programming as an activity. She thought that she had passed as a result of the
amount of help available and particularly in the lab sessions. Her advice would be
“don’t miss lectures [or] lab sessions”. Looking forward, she hoped that the following
course would not be as bad and hoped to succeed but expected to struggle. In a word
she was “scared”.
Carol certainly worked hard during the module but seemed to discover that the
lectures could not be missed (by her own admission she had been absent on more
than one occasion but this was much less of a problem in her other subjects). She
did not find programming by any means easy but was not afraid to seek help and
can attribute her success largely to this. Her predictions reinforce the view [75] that
students’ expectations should be interpreted in their own terms. Effectively, Carol’s
aim and expectation were simply to survive and pass and this was achieved.
5.3.12 John
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
At first, John found the course “simple” and had no real problems. By the fourth
week (when C++ itself was introduced) it had become more “challenging” and his
expectation of his final grade decreased slightly (figure 19). From this point on he
described the course as variously “hard” or “difficult” but maintained his prediction
of his grade in roughly the same area (slightly above the average).
John’s final result was actually slightly below the class average at 51. He thought that
the module has been “quite hard” and thought programming was “hard and boring”
(as did Anne-Marie). The biggest problem had been completing the coursework to
an adequate standard. John’s advice would be to “ask for help if you have any
difficulties”. His expectation for the next semester was that the module would be
“dull” but he hoped to “scrape a pass”.
John was a quiet student who seemed to find it difficult to ask for help when he
needed it. It is to his credit that he did so and, indeed, he rated personal help from a
tutor as the greatest help to him during the module. He had worked steadily through
the module and had achieved a reasonable final result. It is worrying that he was
approaching the second semester with a negative attitude of hoping to merely scrape
a pass when he was capable of achieving a lot more. It is hard to be certain that he
was expecting to succeed even if he did continue to value the outcome of the module
to a reasonable extent.
5.3.13 Nigel
Nigel was rather vague about his reasons for choosing Computing. His ‘A’ level results
were exactly the entry requirement but he had not studied computing at any level
before. Nigel recorded that his main reason for choosing the University of Leeds was
the city’s reputation for nightlife. The course itself simply “sounded interesting”. He
had applied to study a range of degree subjects at various universities – a distinctly
odd situation.
Nigel did not expect that learning to program would be easy but expected to be good
at it because “I pick things up easily”. Before the module he was “curious” about
what it would involve.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nigel’s initial forecasts for his grade were slightly above the class average and he was
pleased that programming was “not as hard as I thought”. This carried on until week
five when he suddenly discovered that he had failed the coursework (probably due to
having spent too much time on the local nightlife and not enough on his academic
work). As time went on he discovered that he had unwisely failed the easiest of the
coursework exercises and so had to score even better on the later exercises. At this
point his predicted grade fell below the mean (figure 20 on the previous page) and
fell away slightly thereafter.
At the end of module Nigel had managed a bare pass (40). This was a considerably
worse result than he had forecast and well below his original expectations. He was
another that thought programming to be “boring” and “hard”. However, he did
imagine that he was “just about” a competent programmer. The biggest problem he
had encountered was doing enough of the coursework in order to pass and the biggest
help had been the practical sessions.
Two other comments made are rather worrying. Nigel recorded his attitude to the
following programming course as “hate” and his advice for students following his
degree in the next session was “do something else”. Both of these are emotive negative
reactions (it is hard to see how he would expect to succeed in the subsequent semester
with this attitude) but Nigel nevertheless expected to succeed.
Nigel’s academic work suffered in the first semester, as it did later (and spectacularly,
as it turned out) in the second, because of too great a concentration on the social
side of student life (this concentration in fact eventually led to the highlight of his
eviction from his hall of residence). He found himself in a position where he had to
do coursework of a high standard in order to pass, and probably to a higher standard
than he would have done otherwise. This experience had left him disillusioned and
rather negative about programming as an activity. It is not surprising that he decided
to transfer to the Information Systems degree. His reasoning for this was that he could
avoid programming while remaining in Leeds.
5.3.14 Max
Max chose the degree in Cognitive Science as he was attracted to its mixture of useful
disciplines and its “alternative nature”. His ‘A’ level results were average for the entry
requirement but had required a resit. At the start of the programming course Max’s
views were mostly negative. He did not expect that learning to program would be
easy and did not expect to be good at it. He felt “queasy”.
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Even so Max’s initial assessment of his likely achievement was just about above the
average. At first he found the course “interesting” and experienced no real problems.
However, at the same time his forecast of his final result moved to below average. An
explanation provided in week three for this was that “everyone’s cleverer than me”.
As the semester went on Max appeared to become more and more negative about
the course. He became “confused” and found the course “hurried”. His coursework
marks still remained good and were a source of some pride.
Disaster struck in week seven (corresponding to the remarkable dip in Max’s forecasts
in figure 21). Max managed to miss the first test in the module through oversleeping.
In principle this could have meant that all of his hard-won coursework marks to date
would have been lost as well as a zero mark on the test. This provoked the comment
“gonna get 0 – gonna fail – gonna die” and the only occasion where any student in
the study forecast a clear fail grade. Happily by the following week a resit test had
been successfully negotiated, the coursework marks had been secured, and Max was
again more positive.
In the following week the final coursework was described as “tortuous” and a marginal
fail grade was the forecast. By the time this work had been completed the forecast
was at least back in the pass zone.
At the end of the course Max had interesting views about programming – “I detest it
– but I really want to like it”. The course had been “intimidating” (a reaction which
might reasonably be traced back to the missed test or possibly to the view that he was
in some sense less clever than all his peers). Max would have preferred more practical
teaching rather than lectures and was another to consider the lab sessions to have
been the most helpful form of teaching. In spite of his experiences he was positive
about the next semester’s work, describing his feelings as “hopeful” and saying that
he was “approaching [it] with a better attitude”.
Max’s final grade was a bare pass (at 38). After an uncertain start he had made
reasonable progress until the disaster of the missed test. This experience seems to
have affected him deeply. He felt that this was very unfair (it was an honest mistake)
and should not be allowed to have such a drastic effect on his final result. In essence
he saw himself losing control over his destiny in the course. The fact that the missed
test could jeopardise his hard-earned coursework marks was especially difficult to
accept. Even when this had been resolved it is clear that Max’s attitude was much
more negative even if he did claim a positive attitude to the following semester. As
matters turned out he failed the following semester’s module very badly, attending
and attempting very little. Partly this was caused by his realising that a pass in
programming was not essential for his progress into the second year but there was
clearly also an element of believing that programming was simply something he could
not do – a clear failure of motivation.
5.3.15 Lizzie
Predicted Grade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Lizzie found the course challenging from the outset but her estimate of her final
result increased steadily through the semester (figure 22) even if it was never greater
than the average (some confusion over attendance accounts for the missing forecasts
from the first four weeks). Her weekly reports all rated the course as “difficult” or
“challenging” with all the problems being caused by the pressure of completing the
coursework. Her final result of 68 was well above her expectations but was probably
a fair reflection of a lot of effort put in through the course.
At the end of the course Lizzie had very strong views about programming. It was
(once more) “difficult and boring” and she was convinced that she “didn’t like it”. She
did not consider herself a competent programmer (which is surprising given the grade
she achieved) and would tell next session’s students that the course was “nasty”. Her
expectation for the next semester was that the course would be “more difficult” but
that she hoped “to pass it at least”.
It is difficult to reconcile Lizzie’s negative views with the rather more optimistic
impression given by her steadily increasing forecast of her grade. She seemed to
worry a great deal about her progress and required a lot of help from staff. However,
much of this help was simply reassurance or confirmation that what she had done was
correct. Lizzie made a very successful start to learning to program even if it seems
that she has not quite appreciated that herself.
The most striking thing about this collection of narratives is that so many of the
students appear to have had a largely negative experience. Few of them are looking
forward to the second semester’s programming with any great positive feeling. It is
all too easy to see in many of them the signs of final-year student determined to avoid
programming at all costs. The positive aspects are that they have all acquired some
knowledge of programming (even if they do not all seem to realise how much), have
all passed, and have hopefully not done themselves any lasting academic harm.
This is not to suggest that these novice programmers and their experiences are of
necessity representative of the entire class. They were chosen because they were
complete novices and so their experiences must be typical of those students on the
course who had done no programming before. Most students negotiate the course
successfully (there were only 24 failures out of 266 students) and many go on to
study programming in various forms at higher levels. Nevertheless, the students in the
study were selected randomly from among the novices and their experience has been
sufficiently consistent to suggest that they are representative of that particular type
of student. Other students who had some prior experience (which can be expected
to be an advantage [64]) will have had a less negative experience.
Some of the experiences make rather depressing reading. There is the recurring theme
of initial enthusiasm being gradually eroded until the course is viewed in a wholly
negative light. The language used at this point is strikingly emotive with words
This may seem to be an attempt to target the blame for the students’ difficulties on
the students themselves. It could equally be argued that the course is badly taught
or is simply too demanding in terms of time and content. The truth may well be that
all these things are partially to blame and that the problem is systemic in nature.
Perhaps students who are poorly prepared and apprehensive are being called on to
negotiate a course that is simply too demanding.
James, and to a lesser extent Steve, are the exceptions to the general rule. They
both seem to have had much more positive experiences (James even chose the fast-
track route in the second semester). Both have followed the module in the manner
expected and both have achieved creditable results. There is no sign that either
of them found the programming module anything other than ‘just another course’.
Michelle is another exception, with her enthusiasm leading her to choose to drop out
in favour of starting a more mainstream computing course in the next session. But
these are three students out of fifteen – only a fifth.
The students’ predictions of their final grades give a general impression of how well
they that felt they were doing in the course. It is noticeable that the majority showed
a decline in the prediction as the semester went on. This is surely a sign of a gradual
decrease in enthusiasm and expectation. While students cannot be expected to be
able to forecast their grades accurately (particularly in the first semester of the first
year) the consistent downward trend is nevertheless surely significant.
It is also noticeable that for some reason the programming course (or simply ‘learning
to program’) has a clear reputation. The students have the view that it is difficult (or
worse) before the start. Before the course had even started Michelle said that she was
“nervous”, Cynthia and Anne-Marie were “worried”, and Max felt “queasy”. While
some uncertainty is to be expected it is hard to see this as a positive attitude. From a
motivational perspective the expectancy component appears already to be worryingly
low even at the start of the course.
There is worse to be seen in what follows. There is scant evidence that the students’
expectancy increases very far from this low starting point. Their views of the course
seem at best to remain constant or, if anything, to become more negative. Only Steve
and James appear to have remained confident of success throughout – only two out
of fifteen.
The impact of assessment and coursework cannot be ignored. The most obvious point
when this came into play was Max’s missed test but the majority of other comments
relate to assessment and problems completing the assignments or the tests. It is
almost as if the students felt driven by the assessment, making it appear to them
to be the module rather than simply one aspect of it. The assessment regime they
were following is not unusual (and is indeed rather less intensive than that used at
Kent) but it appears to have had a profound impact on the students’ experience and
a detrimental effect on their motivation.
Assessment is thus shown to be the most important factor in the novices’ experience.
It dominates their experience of the module and hides from them the learning on
which it would be hoped that they were concentrating. Cynthia’s comment (and the
language she uses) is powerful. She was pleased at some success but expected that
the next assessment would “destroy me soon enough”. Even where assessment is not
mentioned it is a background theme. The novices’ initial feelings about the course
(“queasy”, “nervous”) surely have more to do with their expectations of successfully
negotiating the assessment than with the nature of the subject material.
Perhaps the course that they were following had too much assessment or perhaps the
assessment itself was too demanding. But there were only four summative assessments
and only three of those involved any actual programming. This would seem to be close
to the minimum possible to allow meaningful final summative results to be arrived at.
These assessments were all specified to various levels of complexity so it should have
been possible for the novices to find an appropriate level. Assessment is necessary in
any module but should it really be allowed to dominate to the extent that it appears
here that it does?
Closely linked with assessment is the question of workload. The course that these
students were following was nominally to occupy them for 75 hours but there is ample
evidence that many spent much more. This excessive workload was produced by only
four assessable exercises and two tests. The problem seems to be that the students
are expending a great deal of effort, are experiencing an immense workload, but are
not getting the results that they believe they deserve. It is inevitable that this will
have an adverse effect on their motivation.
Overall, though, almost all of the students in the study should be satisfied with
their first semester’s work even if they do not themselves see that. James, Michelle,
and Steve have worked well and have, to varying extents, taken to programming. The
others have all worked well and have achieved reasonable results. Apart from Cynthia
and Nigel the only real disappointment is Ieuan who could perhaps have persevered.
5.4 Summary
Nothing much appears to have changed. There are many clear parallels between the
experiences of the two groups of students. For example David and James were both
in some sense ‘natural’ programmers and both were able to learn effectively from the
lectures and classes with occasional advice from an expert. It is worrying that they
appear to be such a minority. The others all struggled at times but at least they all
succeeded (or would have in Ieuan’s case) in the end.
There are a number of instances where the students experienced a sudden change in
the difficultly of the material in the module and felt that they were suddenly unable
to cope (both Nikki and Ieuan reported this as a major problem). They struggle from
this point on, perhaps experiencing some of the symptoms of learned helplessness. A
slight variation on this phenomenon is provided by Karen who experienced a similar
situation but as a result of classes missed through illness.14 A course that proceeds
relentlessly and quickly is bound to risk this effect.
Nikki’s suggestion that the learning curve was inconsistent is connected to this notion
of a sudden change in difficultly. This is shown again with this year’s class able to
cope at first but then becoming suddenly lost. It can be assumed that this is not
intentional on the part of the instructors and so presents a clear issue. Experience
shows that some topics (parameter passing, functions, arrays) are most likely to
cause these discontinuities. It follows that they must be taught with care. Their
introduction (and, worse, the teacher’s carrying on without verifying the students’
understanding of them) can have a profound effect on motivation and expectation.
Some of the veterans (Kelly for example) seem to attribute their struggles to a lack
of aptitude. Some of the novices felt that they did have an aptitude, while others did
not. There is no compelling reason from these results to believe that aptitude has a
significant effect (or even that it exists in any meaningful way). This is in line with
Cynics would, of course, question whether Nikki and Ieuan had actually attended the relevant
lectures but there is nothing to suggest that they did not.
other findings at Leeds and Kent which have shown that academic background has
little impact on final performance [16] but is at odds with recent findings in Ireland [21]
which suggested that a mathematical background was indeed an advantage.
A comment made consistently by those among the veterans who had struggled was
that an enormous help had been finding others who were similarly struggling (Kelly,
Keera, and Siân all reported this as did Josh at the other extreme). The extra help
classes that had facilitated this were available to the novices and several chose to join.
At the same time several informal pairings emerged (Lizzie and Anne-Marie, Jackie
and Carol, Cynthia and Max) who worked together. Such arrangements, whether
formal or informal, appear to provide much needed support to the novices and should
be encouraged (although not to the extent of encouraging or condoning plagiarism,
of course), perhaps by the use of methodologies that promote group working (such
as Extreme Programming [157]). Interest in such approaches to programming is
increasing [115] and working on programming assignments in a pair has already been
shown to promote effective learning [158].
Programming is best learned in a positive social context [152] and this can best
be provided in a social group of students at a similar level. This observation also
provides strong support for the streaming of the programming class to account for
prior experience at as early a point as possible, as is currently practised at Leeds [77]
and Southampton [36]. Josh and Mike also reported that this arrangement also has
clear benefits for the more experienced programmers.
The work at Leeds and Southampton is based around the idea of dealing with the
diversity of the student intake by making available a different, more tailored, learning
experience for certain groups. For example experienced programmers can be expected
to learn with little formal teaching while those with no previous experience will need
more formal contact hours. The form of teaching is based on a classification [77] of
aptitude and experience. It is now possible to devise a similar classification (but this
time of actual experience rather than prior experience) from the present study. Seven
distinct groups can be identified (table 17).
There are clear connections between this new classification and that already in place
at Leeds and Southampton. The Leeds classification used four broad groups [78]:
• Copers – those who would find the module challenging but who would cope and
eventually pass reasonably well.
• Strugglers – those who would find the module difficult and who would not pass
without significant extra support.
• Competents – those who remain, who will pass with limited support provided
when needed.
These can readily be mapped to the student types identified here, as shown in table 18
on the next page. The mapping between the two extreme groups (Rocket Scientists
and Strugglers) is as expected and it follows that the students’ experience could to
some extent have been forecast from some knowledge of their background. This study
has described the experiences that students in the other two classes are likely to have.
From this it should be possible to refine the methods currently in place for dealing
with the student diversity.
Moreover, the work carried out at Southampton [36] has shown that the students’ own
description of their feelings before the module is related to their final outcome. This
work used a scale of six categories ranging from ‘I am an experienced programmer,
and will not learn much from this course’ to ‘I have no experience of computing, and
I am worried’. The Southampton work has shown that it is possible to predict the
outcome for these students. Although its sample size is small, this study has shown
that it may also be possible to predict the experience. And it is the experience that
most strongly influences motivation and expectation.
Is it possible to draw further on this concept of relying on the students’ own perception
of their abilities to forecast their experience from their feelings before the start of the
module? The evidence here is inconclusive but it is interesting enough for it to be
worth studying more in the future. Certainly if some basic background information is
added it is possible to make some general comments. For example the Strugglers were
all joint-honours students15 with a limited mathematical background. The Worriers
were all single-subject students who had studied some IT in the past. Also of interest
is the remarkable fact that all the Silents are male and all the Worriers are female.
This again reinforces the previous work at Leeds and Kent on gender differences in
learning to program ([22], [23]). There is clearly something going on.
The question of access to some expert appears in the description of each of the
categories and echoes a common comment from the students. Ready access to some
sort of sympathetic expert is essential. Most of the students in this study preferred
to consult the expert in person (even if for some, like John, this was something of
a struggle) but it is equally possible to make such expertise available by electronic
means. Several students attributed their success in the module to this help above all
other things (a view that probably demeans their own efforts to some extent). With
Here including Cognitive Science.
ever-increasing class sizes it is difficult to see how this can be provided for all students.
Perhaps the teacher’s personal attention should be focused on those struggling while
other students rely on electronic means (which are at least relatively cheap to run)
but this seems hardly fair. As well as providing technical help the expert can have
a crucial motivational and reassuring rôle, as witnessed by Lizzie’s need to be told
frequently that her program was correct.
In their different ways Harri and Lizzie show the qualities that are needed to succeed
in an introductory programming course – determination and the willingness to put
in the hours needed. Others (notably Nigel) seemed to realise that this is what is
required only when it was too late. This fits with the concept of learning to program
as an educational novelty and something that requires skills and application that are
not exercised in previous (or indeed current) academic work. In particular last-minute
cramming before an assessment deadline is a recipe for disaster. These demands also
do not fit well with the popular perception that the first year of a three-year university
course is easy and simply a question of fitting in before the real work starts in the
final two years. Some education (and motivation) is needed before the course starts!
The advice given by the veterans was not available to the novices and this is a shame.
There are clear indications that they made some of the same mistakes and that they
too have come to the same views about the best way to approach a programming
course. This should surely become part of induction programmes in all Computing
departments. The novices could learn some useful lessons (and meet survivors) before
they start the course.
An issue that is specific to the degree programme structure (more accurately to the
relationship between the four degree programmes) in the School of Computing, but
which is nevertheless interesting, is that many of the students chose to change degree
course at the end of their first year. Their main reason (in many cases the only reason)
for doing this is to avoid the higher-level programming modules (Kirsty and Nikki
took this route and were followed the next year by Karen and Nigel). It may be that
these changes reflect a genuine change in interest and perhaps poor initial research
into the degree programmes but the suspicion must be that this is largely a purely
tactical move. Again it might be suspected that elements of learned helplessness are
at work here or it could just be a case of trying to avoid ‘hard’ modules. In either case
the first programming experience has clearly made a powerful and lasting impression
on the students’ self-belief and motivation.
The view that the impressions are powerful and lasting is reinforced by the highly
emotive language used by the veterans and novices alike to describe their experiences.
Negative words such as ‘hell’ and ‘nightmare’ suggest that the experience itself is very
powerful and is making lasting impressions. It is not difficult to imagine the effect
this is having on the students and it is not difficult to imagine them passing this on
to the following year’s class. Programming thus acquires an unwanted (and hopefully
undeserved) reputation and it is a reputation that perpetuates. This reputation
incorporates a dislike of programming and it is easy to see how this could lead to a
vicious circle including poor performance in programming [57].
This study has confirmed much of what was previously anecdotally believed. The
students have a highly varied experience during their first programming course. For
many their expectations and motivation are on a roller-coaster as their morale goes up
and down due to assessments. It is a strong word but many seem to genuinely suffer
during the course as they become increasingly anxious and desperate to succeed.
There has been little change over the two years covered here and the class of 2001/02
will very probably contain students who have the same range of experiences.
The double meaning in the title of this thesis emphasises the two main themes that
have underpinned this work:
A picture of the motivations of the students has emerged from chapter 4. They are
motivated for a range of reasons embracing a variety of both intrinsic and extrinsic
factors. Chapter 5 showed how a student’s motivation can be influenced by the teacher
and the teaching. Sadly the evidence here is that the effect is often negative. The
overall conclusion must be that, taking the expectancy-value model of motivation, it
appears that the value component is in good health but there are problems with the
• To understand how the students’ motivation for and attitudes towards their
programming course alter as the course proceeds.
The first of these objectives was addressed in chapter 5 where the focus was on the
experience of various individuals as they followed a programming course. The news
in that chapter was not, on the whole, especially encouraging. At the very least
there are strong indications that the experience is not a pleasant one. Chapter 4
addressed the second objective by investigating the motivations and attitudes of a
substantial cohort of students at two institutions and showing how these motivations
and attitudes changed as the programming course progressed. The final objective has
been more of a background theme. There is evidence that students are not actually
choosing to take programming courses. A programming course is simply a compulsory
part of a degree programme and is seen as nothing more than an academic hoop
through which the students must jump in order to get a computing degree. These
objectives are considered further in the sections that follow.
At the same time as presenting the main investigation of motivation this thesis has
of necessity considered in passing many other issues surrounding the teaching and
learning of programming. This chapter begins with a discussion of what this study
has shown about the experience of learning and teaching programming as part of a
degree course in the UK’s higher education system in the early 21st century. The
question of the students’ motivation, and of their teachers’ crucial rôle in supporting
this, is crucial to understanding the students’ experience and to making it as profitable
for them as possible. After a discussion of the nature of the students’ motivation and
of the teachers’ rôle in ensuring their motivation the chapter ends with some general
concluding remarks about the experience of undertaking this study. There are also
some ideas for future work that might be undertaken in this area and some more
general reflections.
Teaching programming is a problem. This study has confirmed this and has also
confirmed that learning programming is a problem. Chapter 5 showed the range of
experiences that a student can have when studying programming. These range from
the experience of those students who start the course already competent programmers
(classified as Programmers), through those who pick programming up quickly and
easily (Naturals), to those who struggle severely (Strugglers). This dramatic range of
experience is surely a reflection of the increasing diversity of the student population.
Computing continues to expand as an academic subject and expansion inevitably
brings more diversity as more and more students are taken from more and more
backgrounds.1 Problems associated with this will worsen in the future.
The following sections consider some of the factors that seem to lie behind the system
of teaching programming. They are, as always, in no particular order and certainly
not in any implied order of importance.
It is noticeable that the student population is more diverse at Leeds than at Kent. This is
presumably because of the range of degree programmes available at Leeds.
6.1.1 Diversity
6.1.2 Aptitude
of their year the novice programmers in section 5.3 certainly seemed to believe that
there was some sort of aptitude and many were very sure that they did not have it.
It is hard to see too much evidence of the existence of aptitude in this study. The
students who struggled have little in common and some of the strugglers had much
the same educational background as those who excelled. It is worth noting that all
the students passed and that even those who had struggled had achieved some level
of competence (even if some had competence but lacked confidence). It may have
taken them longer to achieve this competence but achieve it they did. The evidence
for aptitude remains at best inconclusive.
A particular (and popular) candidate for determining aptitude or likely success (or
failure) is a student’s previous experience with mathematics. As before, it is possible
to find work that shows that mathematical background has no influence on success [16]
and work that shows equally convincingly that it does [21]. Confusingly, recent work
at Kent [26] appears to once again show some slight connection (this time between
success in programming and mathematical ability (measured in terms of success in
mathematics at university) rather than mathematical qualifications). The present
study appears at first sight to add some weight to the former view. There is little
evidence that those of the students with a more mathematical (or indeed scientific)
background found learning to program any easier. The doubt comes from the final
survey in chapter 4 which showed a remarkably unanimous view about programming
from the Leeds Information Systems students – they did not want to do it. These
are students who would not necessarily have had a mathematical background so
there may be some influence. Overall, the influence or otherwise of mathematics on
programming ability is decidedly ‘not proven’ as is the case for even the existence or
otherwise of aptitude for programming.
6.1.3 Expectation
A diverse student body approaches a degree course for a range of reasons and with a
range of motivations. It is clear from chapters 4 and 5 that the potential for a future
career is a strong motivator for some but increasingly students choose computing as an
extension of the IT that they have studied previously. Herein lies a problem. The IT
that they have studied in schools and colleges (in Wales and England probably as part
of the National Curriculum) is very far removed from the subject that they encounter
at university. Other work involving students studying at Leeds and Kent [24] has
shown that many arrive expecting to study a degree that involves learning to use
various packages and creating spreadsheets and databases. They are not expecting
and so are not prepared for the subject that they actually meet. And worse, they are
not prepared for programming in particular. There is a clear need to provide much
more detailed information in the schools about the subject of Computing in higher
education [25] so that students understand what it is that they are applying to study
and arrive more suitably prepared.
There is also an expectation among many teachers that today’s student is studying
for a degree solely for future financial gain or “to acquire a piece of paper that would
make them eligible for certain jobs” [142]. Chapter 4 of this study has thrown serious
doubt on this popular view. It seems that many students are actually motivated by
achievement and learning.
Students must always feel that they are in control of their own destiny and of their own
success or failure. Chapter 5 showed many occasions when this was clearly not the
case. Max’s missed test and Cynthia’s problems with the marking of her coursework
are clear cases in point. On both occasions these students no longer felt that they
were in control. They felt that their success or failure depended solely on the whim
of some other person. They did not think that this was very fair. There is also the
sense at times that some of the students appear to believe that they are engaged in
some sort of battle with the computer. Its pedantry and refusal to co-operate appear
calculated to frustrate rather than to encourage. Perhaps here the students sense
control passing from them to a machine.
The question of learned helplessness is closely linked with the question of control.
Signs of learned helplessness are common in chapter 5 when students seem to arrive
at the view that programming is simply something that they personally cannot do. In
one case (Karen) this was largely because of illness but in many others (for example
Ieuan, Lenny, and Siân) it seems to have been simply because of the pace of the
course. They each failed to follow some basic material and were totally unable and
unequipped to cope with what came afterwards. The picture is one of students happily
negotiating the course and then suddenly coming upon a mental brick wall that they
simply cannot pass – everything on the other side is a total mystery.
While the ‘brick wall point’ in the module will obviously be different for different
students, some of the likely points can be predicted. Experience shows that loops,
functions (and especially parameters), and arrays are all likely candidates. A teacher
must make sure that the students have understood these topics (perhaps with a simple
formative test) before carrying on. After all, what chance is there of understanding
C++ class methods without an understanding of functions and parameters? Or
complex data structures without understanding arrays?
The control is clear in a traditional academic setting. Here the teacher is in total
command and dictates the pace of the class. This somewhat authoritarian system
presumably works when the subject being taught is essentially a body of knowledge.
Unfortunately this simple model appears to breaks down when a more complex subject
is being learned. For programming to be taught and learned effectively the control
must pass to some extent from the teacher to the students. The students must be
trusted to decide how they will best learn (theory Y) and must be trusted to engage
in the tasks set them. The traditional approach is far too relentless and unforgiving.
It leads inexorably to a loss of control and learned helplessness.
The experience of learning to program at university does not take place in isolation.
At the same time as they attempt to come to terms with the intricacies of C++ the
students are studying other topics (sometimes in completely different subjects). It is
clear that the immediacy of the programming (and in particular the feedback from
its assessment) is making many students neglect these other subjects, especially those
that will not be assessed until the end of the semester. This cannot be a good thing.
A worrying thought is that this neglect may encourage the teachers of other courses to
(in true theory X-style) set more summative assessments to prevent students ignoring
the other subject. This potential spiralling in the amount of summative assessment
could be disastrous.
The students are also trying to find their feet in a new environment as well as trying
to deal with the academic demands of their course. Many are coming to terms with a
new city, are making new friends, and are getting used to living away from home for
the first time. This is clearly a stressful time of transition and the additional stress
from the academic demands cannot be a good thing.
Section 3.2 raised the possibility of using HTML or JavaScript as part of some more
gentle introduction into programming. Given the extremely widespread and persistent
nature of the problem in teaching ‘traditional’ programming, surely this is worth
investigating further? A short course in HTML would exercise many of the same
skills and would surely be less stressful (not least because HTML is much more likely
to be familiar to the students). Such a short course could provide a useful confidence-
building introduction to programming. It would exercise skills and processes (the
compile-edit-test cycle and the use of editors are two examples) that are not dissimilar
to those that will be needed for programming in a more general-purpose language.
When asked about this, a learned academic of high repute in a prestigious computing school in a
prestigious university once said “It has to be taught first. Otherwise the students wouldn’t get to
use the new computers in the new lab we showed them on the Open Day.”.
This study has tried to consider some of the key issues surrounding the difficulties
of teaching and learning programming in higher education. Section 3.9 considered
some of the reasons why the subject itself is difficult to learn and the study itself has
highlighted some factors which exacerbate this basic difficulty. The title of this section
is a quotation. The most common feeling of the students after their programming
course was that programming was “boring and difficult” (or slight variations on this
theme). When questioned, they were generally not sure whether it was boring because
it was difficult or difficult because it was boring but they were adamant that it was
indeed both. It is easy to see how this feeling could lead to a determination to avoid
programming in the future.
It is hard to argue that learning to program is not difficult but does it have to be
boring? Lectures on programming syntax are certainly unlikely to be particularly
inspiring (especially for a student who is struggling) but do assessments have to be
boring? A cursory glance through some programming textbooks reveals an extensive
range of uninspiring exercises and examples – class grade averages, examples based
on libraries and shops, and students and lecturers as examples of objects. Some of
the students mentioned that for them an enjoyable part of programming was the
creativity. This is something that could be easily be fostered with more open, theory
Y, examples and assessments.
The students are correct that learning to program is difficult but that is not to say
that it has to be boring. But does it have to be so difficult? Is it perhaps the case
that the way in which it is taught (relentlessly, first, with dull examples) makes it
appear more difficult than it actually is?
Section 3.4 considered the difficulty in identifying the most appropriate learning style
for learning to program. It seems that a range of styles is required – a superficial view
might be surface learning for syntax and deep learning for applications – and that a
student must therefore engage in activities that promote a range of types of learning.
The traditional view of learning styles seems to break down when confronted with a
subject as unusual as programming.
The students in this study have certainly adopted a range of learning approaches and
have engaged in all manner of activities. Some chose to spend hours in the laboratory
poring over their programs while others sought help at the first sign of difficulties
(some probably too soon). Many chose to work in pairs, perhaps to double the brain-
power or else to share the suffering. It is very hard to see any of them engaging in
learning in a particularly deep or surface manner. Nor is it easy to see a particularly
serialist or holist approach.
The only model that appears to even come close to describing how a student learns
to program is the Kolb Learning Cycle. A student must have some sort of experience
by writing a program and must then reflect. This reflection involves adapting the
student’s mental model of programming in the light of the new experience before
passing on to more experiences. This view, which sounds rather like constructivism,
is visible in some of the students (David is a fine example) but others seem to have
been spending so much time on assessments that they never paused to reflect. It is
as if the teaching (or particularly the assessment) is designed to prohibit reflection
and learning.
The term ‘educational novelty’ is Dijkstra’s [44]. He argued that programming was
difficult simply because it was beyond the immediate experience of those who learned
it. This means that the study skills that they have used before (and that have served
them well) no longer apply. There is ample evidence of that in this study. Many
students reported that their strategy for debugging code involved reading a textbook.
This is a strategy that might conceivably work but one that is far from ideal.3
Herein lies the problem. Programming is such a novelty that the students do not have
the learning skills required. However, they have learned many things in the past and
have acquired learning strategies that have served them well. They naturally tend to
try to apply these. The problem is that they do not map to the new domain and the
system breaks down.
Therefore, teachers do need to understand more about the ways in which students
learn to program. If students are wrong to try to learn programming in the way that
they have learned other subjects in the past teachers are equally wrong to try to teach
them in the way in which these other subjects are taught. While programming courses
at different institutions are, of course, different in their detail the underlying way in
which programming is taught (mirrored in the mountain of programming textbooks)
appears to vary little between institutions.
6.1.9 Summary
There are many problems and issues surrounding the teaching of programming, of
which the key theme of this work – motivation – is only one. A cursory glance at the
submissions to any conference on computing education shows many papers describing
new approaches to teaching programming or bemoaning the various problems. The
problem is international [102]. There is nothing special about the universities of Leeds
and Kent.
The ideal strategy that would be used in industry is, of course, to show the code to some other
programmers and to ask them to point out the error. In an academic context such an approach
would be considered by some a dangerous first step on the road to plagiarism.
Even though the main focus has been on an examination of motivation, this study
has shown once again some of the reasons why some students, even if apparently well
prepared and well motivated at the start, find learning to program difficult. There
are so many facets to this problem that it is difficult to know where to start but there
is, perhaps, one common theme. In general the students do not enjoy the experience
of learning to program. If they do not enjoy it they will not engage in the activities
required of them. If they do not do that they will not reflect and they will not learn.
It follows that a (perhaps the) key factor lurking behind the issues described in this
section is the motivation of the students.
If nothing else has been achieved this study has certainly confirmed the suggestion
that motivation is an extremely difficult concept to investigate. The students have
answered questions about their motivation, and these responses have been interpreted,
but it is not possible to be sure that the interpretation is correct. There remain
the possibilities that students would be tempted to give the answers they believe to
be ‘correct’ or even that some would through mischief give deliberately misleading
answers. Nevertheless, if the interpretation is accepted a picture of the students’
motivation has emerged.
The two essential components of motivation – value and expectancy – have been
treated separately. The study of the entire class in chapter 4 throws light on the
value students attach to their course while the more focused small-group study in
chapter 5 looks more at their expectations. Both these components must be present
for a student to be motivated and on the whole the news is good.
As regards value it is not a surprise to discover that the students do indeed value
success in their studies. The surprise perhaps comes more from the reasons why
they seem to value it. The initial survey showed that many (surprisingly many) were
motivated by achievement, a fact that rather goes against the current stereotype of
the strategic students interested only in a future career. These students clearly exist
(and future career was indeed the second most popular motivation) but they are
far from the majority or norm. The later surveys showed something of a change in
the reasons why the students valued success but there were no signs that they were
ceasing to attach value in some form. The change was (again surprisingly) away from
future career and toward achievement. This change was partly maintained in the final
survey when achievement motivation was again the most popular.
So the students are motivated largely by the sense of achievement that they derive
from doing well. While this is not related directly to their subject, it is essentially an
intrinsic form of motivation, and a good thing. If they want to learn they will learn!
It is clear that the value part of the motivation equation is at least positive (or, in
slightly more mathematical terms, positive and non-zero). A slight concern is the
increase over the study in the number of students claiming to just want to pass. This
choice seems to reflect a lack of motivation or perhaps a problem in the expectancy
It could be argued that the different types of motivation used in this study are less
than comparable. For example it might be suggested that achievement represents a
short-term objective while motivations relating to a future career are clearly more
long-term. These two may even represent different levels of motivation, with some
forms of motivation corresponding to lower levels in Maslow’s hierarchy. This said,
at least the students are motivated in some way.
If the students are motivated it follows that a Biggs level 1 view of teaching (which
holds that the students are basically unmotivated and lazy) is completely untenable.
The problem in teaching programming has therefore moved at least to level 2. Lack
of motivation (at least in terms of value) is not an issue.
Expectancy is more of a problem. There were clearly times in the module when some
of the students did not expect to succeed. Max’s “gonna get 0 – gonna fail – gonna
die” is the most obvious case in point but there are many more. Overall there is a
feeling that most of the students started the course with high hopes (or at the least
with a reasonable level of expectancy) even if some were a little nervous. During the
course many (but happily not all) found their confidence gradually eroding until they
no longer believed that they would pass. Assessment, and in particular feedback on
assessment, has a crucial rôle here. There are clear signs that each assessment and
the workload associated with it knocked back confidence and expectancy further and
further. There are, of course, exceptions but enough of the study group showed this
pattern for it to be taken as a significant issue.
If expectancy or value fall to zero the value of the other component does not matter
and the student will not be motivated. Chapter 4 has shown that the value component
is constant and positive (even if the reasons do seem to shift). However, chapter 5
has highlighted some clear problems with expectancy. A teacher must motivate a
programming class. It follows from this that a teacher’s primary focus should be the
expectancy of the class. The teacher must be sure to satisfy the students’ lowest level
need. The students must believe that they will pass. This done, they can get on with
the more important business of learning to program.
There are few books about learning to program.4 One of the few is Oh! Pascal!
by Doug Cooper and Mike Clancy. In the preface to the third edition [30] Cooper
wrote “when I lecture I encourage any student who isn’t so confident to make a smart
friend, and to stick by her for the term.”. This is an interesting quote. The student
is lacking in confidence, not intelligence, and the lecturer’s job is to encourage. This
quote highlights the rôle that a teacher must adopt. The didactic instructor must
become a sympathetic motivator.
If this approach is to work there must be a particular relationship between the teacher
and the students. This relationship must be based on trust and, perhaps as part of
There are many books about programming languages and some of these claim to be books about
learning to program. They are not.
this, mutual respect. Unfortunately, many staff and students would prefer to operate
in a ‘them and us’, theory X, climate. This might well be possible or even appropriate
in some subjects or disciplines but surely it is not in programming. Programming is
an unusual subject. It is best learned when the learners have ready access to a skilled
programmer (presumably their teacher) for advice and support. This will not be the
case in a theory X climate.
But how is a teacher to motivate a class? The first stage is obviously to acquire
an understanding of the students’ reasons for taking the course. Almost half of the
students in this study saw the programming class as simply a compulsory part of
their degree. It was little more than an academic hoop through which they were
required to jump. This does not point to motivation to learn or to any form of
interest. The teacher must explain why the students should be interested and must
gain their enthusiasm. Above all, this must happen before anyone goes anywhere
near any programming syntax.
The idea that programming can be taught in lectures is a quaint one. Experienced
programmers approaching a new language do not immediately seek out a lecture
course. They acquire a book, try a few simple programs, perhaps chat to an expert,
and gradually the book becomes a reference. Why can student programmers not learn
in the same way? There is no reason at all. The ‘lecturer’ could easily take on the
job of choosing a book, prescribing some weekly readings, providing some suitable
examples, and would then take on the expert rôle. This is a tried-and-tested scheme
in the commercial world so why should it not be used or at least tried in universities?
In such a model the teacher’s rôle is very much that of a motivator. Yes. Learning
to program is difficult but it is not impossible. A teacher’s job is to reassure students
(to address expectancy) and to provide occasional help. This rôle involves no-one in
entering a lecture theatre.
If teachers are to teach students to program effectively they must become motivators.
Motivation is not taking place in lecture theatres.
This study has raised some interesting questions and many of these could and should
form the basis of future work.
The data collected, especially that for the two classes at Leeds and Kent, could be
analysed in different ways to address questions such as:
• Are there any differences between the attitudes of male and female students?
Appendix D presents a very brief comparison between the results at Leeds and Kent
(which might form a start in considering the first question) and more of the raw data
is presented in appendix E.
The students followed in chapter 5 have now just completed the second year of their
courses. It would be interesting to revisit their experience of programming with them.
Do the feelings that they revealed about programming during this study persist?
Do they now seem to think in the same way as the veterans did here? All these
students were studying the same course at the same institution. It would certainly
be interesting to follow other groups of students to investigate whether or not the
experiences at other institutions were comparable.
This work has touched once again on the thorny issue of whether or not mathematical
skills or attainment have any influence on programming ability or on the ability to
learn to program. It is possible to find studies that hold that mathematical ability is
a good measure of aptitude for programming and equally possible to find studies that
present quite the opposite opinion. This is certainly worthy of further investigation,
not least to inform admissions procedures and requirements.
There has been no attempt in this study to separate the factors that are generic to
all students from those that are more specific to programming students. It would
be interesting and informative to try to identify these and separate them out. The
UNIQoLL6 [150] project (started in the School of Computing at the University of
Leeds) considers student well-being using a variety of metrics [37]. This project has
These are universities that were, until 1992, polytechnics or similar colleges. They tended to offer
more vocational courses and usually had lower entry standards than universities.
University National Initiative on Quality of Life and Learning.
now been extended to the entire university and it is now possible to separate trends
in student well-being according to degree programme. It would be interesting to
combine the results from this study with the UNIQoLL data for the same cohort of
students. Such work might seek to provide answers to questions such as:
• Are programming students in any sense worse off than students not studying
The teaching of programming at both Leeds and Kent continues to evolve. It would
be very interesting to repeat this study after the teaching has been refined in some
way. For one thing this would serve as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the
change. This work has been in many ways only a start.
6.5 Reflections
The end of any substantial piece of work such as this presents a fine opportunity for
some reflection. There follow some thoughts on the process of carrying out this work
and what, perhaps, could have been done better. It will not be a surprise that these
are not presented in any particular order of importance.
The questionnaires delivered to the complete classes were designed for ease of analysis.
They were indeed easy to analyse but this was not without its costs. The method
was at times too crude and it was sometimes evident that some students had a more
complicated tale to tell than the questionnaire was allowing them to record. Some of
them indicated this and there were no doubt others who did not. A more free-form
approach, perhaps by providing some factors to rank rather than to choose from,
would have provided a richer set of primary data.
The questionnaires were anonymous. This meant that it was not possible to follow up
any of the particularly interesting responses. It was also not possible to compare the
responses to the students’ final grades (something that might have formed the basis
of an interesting comparison between motivation, attitudes, and final result). Less
anonymous questionnaires would have allowed each student’s changing views to be
tracked through the course but it is possible that less anonymous questionnaires would
have produced different responses if the students felt in some sense more accountable
for their answers.
The distribution of the questionnaires in lectures may also have skewed the findings.
The detailed results (appendix E) clearly show how the number of responses decreased
with each questionnaire (especially at Kent). However, it is hard to think of an equally
convenient method that would have provided better numbers of returns.
The process of following the novice students through their course was an interesting
one. It is fascinating that several of them were recording on their weekly sheets
experiences and emotions that were quite at odds with those they were presenting in
public. If only each could have seen what the others were writing! This is perhaps
understandable since during the first semester at university most students are trying
to find their feet and are not sure where they fit in. Looking at their private thoughts
during the semester would to an extent have defeated the object of the study by
introducing an artificial intervention but it certainly might have meant that they
would have got the help they needed sooner.
This work has involved the study of a great deal of literature. There is an immense
amount of educational literature and so much of it seems to be so relevant. It is
disappointing that so much of it seems to be rooted firmly in theory and is so far away
from the practicalities of UK higher education today. There was at times depressingly
little that was directly relevant to the issues at hand. There is also, of course, an
increasing literature in computing (some call it computer science) education. So
much of this is also disappointing. It rarely draws on the educational theory and
many papers amount to little more than descriptions of courses or novel methods of
assessment. There are honourable exceptions but they are exceptions.
I7 talk to many students during their first year. If I mention their academic progress
the talk will always turn to programming. More often than not the programming
course is seen as a nightmare that has (hopefully) passed and the students are keen
to see how they can avoid programming in the future. I have on several occasions
seen students leave the university simply to avoid programming. Every year I see
students spending untold hours on their assignments. I see misery and suffering.
I confess that I had formed the view that these students were the norm. During this
work I have met other students. My teaching rôle in the programming course has
always been ‘Master of the Novices’. I look after the strugglers and persevere with
the hopeless cases. This work has given me the chance to meet other students. I have
met some who take to programming quite easily and enjoy it. I had heard rumours
about these people but I am not convinced that I believed in them. It was something
of a relief to discover that they did indeed exist.
The author is afraid that he is going to lapse into the first person again.
This said, though, I have also found many more students who matched only too well
my previous experience. There are more than a few of them (the number is impossible
to determine) and they genuinely suffer. This cannot be right. One topic should not
dominate the curriculum and the student experience to this extent. It has to be the
case that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way in which we teach
programming. One step (and I do not claim a panacea) is to appreciate the crucial
rôle that motivation has to play in teaching programming. Students will not learn
unless they are motivated. It must be a teacher’s main task, therefore, to ensure that
all the students are properly motivated.
Undertaking this study has been an interesting experience. For the first time in many
years I have been able to take an outsider’s view of the programming course (even
if I could not resist joining in with the occasional lab session). My views have been
challenged and have been changed. I started this work two years ago with the idea
that the students were not motivated to learn programming (yes, level 1!) and that
what was needed was some new instructional techniques. I planned to throw Frisbees
in even more interesting ways. I think that I now realise just how wrong I was. I have
learned much about the ways in which students learn to program and I have thought
much about the ways in which they are taught. I can only hope that in some way I
am now a better teacher.
I am, the students tell me, no longer ‘Master of the Novices’. I am now their ‘Morale
Officer’. We will see what happens.
Thanks for reading. This was fun. Like history [140], this work has now also come to
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Class Questionnaires
The following pages contain the questionnaires distributed to the classes at Leeds
and Kent as they progressed through their course. They were distributed as they
are presented here and with no introduction or instructions. The responses to these
questionnaires formed the basis of the discussions in chapter 4.
The elephant is something of a mystery, its origins clouded in the mists of time.
Understanding the First Programming Experience
This project aims to understand the experience of learning to program for the first time.
Programming is an unusual academic subject in that different people learn it best in very
different ways. By better understanding the ways in which different types of people learn, we
hope to be able to provide a better learning experience for all.
Thanks for your time. Any queries on this work can be sent to
Please provide the following information about yourself by circling the answer that applies:
Please write here the one word that best describes your reason for taking your degree
Please write here the one word that best describes your reason for taking this programming
Which one of these statements best describes your attitude to your degree programme?
Please tick one.
Understanding the First Programming Experience
A long time ago you probably complete a questionnaire with an elephant on it. Would you mind
too much filling in just one more? Many thanks.
This project aims to understand the experience of learning to program for the first time.
Programming is an unusual academic subject in that different people learn it best in very
different ways. By better understanding the ways in which different types of people learn, we
hope to be able to provide a better learning experience for all.
Please provide the following information about yourself by circling the answer that applies:
Please write here the one word that best describes your attitude today towards the C++ or
Java programming course you have done this semester:
Please write here the one word that best describes your attitude today towards the
programming course you will take next semester:
Which one of these statements best describes your attitude to your degree programme as a
whole? Please tick just one.
Understanding the First Programming Experience
This project aims to understand the experience of learning to program for the first time.
Programming is an unusual academic subject in that different people learn it best in very
different ways. By better understanding the ways in which different types of people learn, we
hope to be able to provide a better learning experience for all.
Thanks for your time. Any queries on this work can be sent to
Please provide the following information about yourself by circling the answer that applies:
Please write here the one word that best describes your attitude today towards the C++ or
Java programming course you have done this year.
Which one of the following statements best describes your attitude to programming now?
Yes ❒ No ❒
Which one of these statements best describes your attitude to your degree programme as a
whole? Please tick just one.
The key to the analysis of the one-word answer questions used in the surveys of classes
at Leeds and Kent (described in chapter 4) is the category to which each word was
assigned. The questions were completely free-form and so there was a wide variety of
responses. This appendix lists all the words given in responses and the category to
which each was assigned.
The following sections list all the words corresponding to the categories of response
to the first question (‘Why are you taking this degree programme?’) in the survey
of the class before they had started their course. This is a complete version of the
description in section 4.2.2 on page 93.
Don’t Know Words – Boredom, Confusion, Date, Fish, Love, Madness, Stupidity,
The analysis for the question on the same questionnaire specific to programming
produced the following categories. This was also summarised in section 4.2.2.
The full lists of words for the survey halfway through the module (section 4.3.1 on
page 100) are below. The first describes the students’ attitude to the programming
course that they had just completed.
Negative Words – Arghh, Bad, Bored, Boring, Confused, Confusing, Crap, Dull,
Exhausted, Exhausting, Flippant, Frustrated, Frustration, Grr, Hate, Hateful, Hatred,
Infuriating, Lazy, Nasty, Nightmare, Painful, Stressed, Struggle, Struggling, Tedious,
Time-Consuming, Tiresome, Tiring, Too Much Work, Trying, Unhappy, Useless,
Finally these words were used to answer the question at the halfway point about the
students’ attitude to their programming course in the following semester. This was
also discussed in section 4.3.1.
Don’t Know Words – Ahh, Blank, Don’t Know, Holiday, Indifferent, Inevitable,
No Idea, Opaque, Templateless, Undecided, Understanding, Unknown.
Appendix C
Individual Questionnaires
The following pages contain the forms and questionnaires used to investigate the
individual students’ experiences. This formed the basis of chapter 5.
The first questionnaire (figure C1) was used as the basis of structured interviews with
the veterans. It was completed by the interviewer.
The novices were given one questionnaire before they started their course (figure C2),
one every week (figure C3), and one when the course was over (figure C4). They
completed the forms themselves with no guidance.
‘SO11’ (mentioned on the forms) is the School of Computing’s code for the first
semester programming module. SO12 is the second semester module.
Understanding the First Programming Experience
Please provide the following information about yourself by circling the answer that applies:
Looking back, what do you think about SO11 and SO12 now?
Would you say you were now a competent C++ programmer as per the stated aims of SO11?
Can you pinpoint anything that was especially good or bad about the way SO11 and SO12
were taught?
What do you think was the biggest problem for you in SO11?
What advice would you give people on your degree starting SO11?
Form 3 - Veterans
Understanding the First Programming Experience
This project aims to understand the experience of learning to program for the first time.
Programming is an unusual academic subject in that different people learn it best in very
different ways. By better understanding the ways in which different types of people learn, we
hope to be able to provide a better learning experience for all.
Thanks for your time. Any queries on this work can be sent to
Please provide the following information about yourself by circling the answer that applies:
What do you think are the main attributes of a good computer programmer?
What one word summarises how you feel about SO11 today?
Understanding the First Programming Experience
This project aims to understand the experience of learning to program for the first time.
Programming is an unusual academic subject in that different people learn it best in very
different ways. By better understanding the ways in which different types of people learn, we
hope to be able to provide a better learning experience for all.
Thanks for your time. Any queries on this work can be sent to
Name: Week:
Have there been any particular problems for you in SO11 this week?
Have there been any particular successes for you in SO11 this week?
On this scale, how well do you think you will do in SO11? Draw a line.
Understanding the First Programming Experience
Would you say you were now a competent C++ programmer as per the stated aims of SO11?
Can you pinpoint anything that was especially good or bad about the way SO11 was taught?
What do you think was the biggest problem for you in SO11?
What advice would you give people on your degree starting SO11 next year?
What are you expecting from SO12? Are you expecting to succeed in it?
The following tables show the results from the surveys described in chapter 4 with
the results separated into those from Leeds and Kent. The two groups of students
were treated as if they formed a single cohort throughout the main body of this study.
This appendix provides the raw data which could be used to determine whether this
was a justified approach. The tables are presented with some brief comments but any
firm conclusions would require some detailed statistical work.
Table D4 is a complete version of table 4 on page 103. The only significant difference
seems to be that the Leeds students were a little more likely to be negative, while
those at Kent were more likely to be neutral. This may be because there had been
less summative assessment at Kent.
Table D5 is a complete version of table 5 on page 103. It seems here that the Kent
students are slightly more optimistic at this point in their course. Again it might be
that they have at this point experienced less potentially demotivating assessment. The
expected workloads of the two groups have been the same (or at least comparable)
up to this stage so this should not have had a significant effect. The only other
potentially interesting difference seems to be that a rather higher proportion of the
Leeds students are focusing on the difficulty of the course – this could also be related
to assessment. Very few students at either institution are reporting the course as
primarily easy.
Table D7 is a complete version of table 10 on page 110. Here the pattern first seen
in table D4 is again apparent, with the Kent students more likely to be neutral while
those at Leeds were more likely to focus on difficult. Of course, at this point the Leeds
students had completed their assessment, while the Kent students were still awaiting
the majority of theirs in the examination.
An emerging trend is that the students at both institutions are now less likely to be
positive – the situation is the same at both. The closeness of the proportions of don’t
know responses is intriguing.
Table D8 is a complete version of table 11 on page 110. The Kent students seem
to be significantly more positive about their programming. Just under 10% of them
never want to program again while the figure is some 22% at Leeds. The other figures
also seem to indicate that the students at Leeds are much less confident about their
programming abilities.
Table D9 is a complete version of table 12 on page 110. Once again the story is the
same and the Kent students have a significantly more positive attitude. The different
stages reached in the assessment regimes means that these figures are not directly
comparable (it is possible that the Kent students’ enthusiasm would wane after the
examination or specifically the results of the examination) but this does hint that
there may be some differences in the cohorts. One reason may be the wider range of
degree programmes represented in the Leeds students and the remarkably unanimous
view of the Information Systems students at Leeds (page 112).
It is also noticeable that the Kent students are very much split on this issue with
precisely the same proportion choosing each of the two main options. At Leeds, on
the other hand, there is a very clear majority.
Finally table D10 is a complete version of table 13 on page 110. The trend in the first
two tables in this sequence (D3 and D6) seems to have changed. The Leeds students
are still more likely to have chosen own satisfaction but the proportion has dropped
slightly from the previous 57%. At the same time the proportion of students at Kent
choosing this option has increased by some 6%. Apart from this the only phenomenon
of interest is that all the Kent students now have an opinion.
This brief look at the results from the two institutions shows that there may be some
differences between the attitudes of the two groups of students. As well as the hard
data, there is a general sense that the students at Kent are more positive about their
experience and about programming. This may well be because they have experienced
less summative assessment, or there may be other causes. It would be interesting
to investigate the differences, their causes, and their effects, in more detail than has
been possible here.
Appendix E
Detailed Results
The tables in this appendix show the detailed breakdown of the results from the
various surveys described in chapter 4. The tables show the actual number of students
choosing each option for each question on each questionnaire.
The abbreviations used for the degree programmes at Leeds are Cognitive Science
(CG), Computer Science (CS), Computing (CT), and Information Systems (IS). The
students are divided into the single-subject and joint-honours variants of each of the
last three of these programmes. There are far fewer degree programmes at Kent. The
results from Kent are split into just two groups – Computer Science (CS) and Others.
The first three tables present the results from the first questionnaire (figure A1 on
page A2). Table E1 shows the students’ attitude to their degree programme, table E2
shows their motivations for following a programming course in particular, and table E3
shows their general motivation for their studies.
The next three show the results from the second questionnaire (figure A2 on page A3)
presented halfway through the programming course. Tables E4 and E5 show the
students’ attitudes to programming as they look back on the course just ended and
forward to the next semester respectively. Table E6 once again shows the students’
attitude to their studies and can be compared with table E3 to show how this attitude
has changed.
Finally the remaining tables present the results from the final questionnaire (figure A3
on page A4). Table E7 shows the students’ final view of programming and the final
two tables (E8 and E9) show how they plan to approach programming in the future
(if indeed they do). Table E10 completes the series of tables E3 and E6 to show the
final state of the students’ attitudes to their degree.
In all of these tables the don’t know category has been used to include responses that
were largely impenetrable or clearly flippant as well as more explicit choices for this
option. The total numbers of responses within each questionnaire differ because of a
small number of incorrectly or partially completed responses.
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
achievement 0 2 1 1 2 2 0 2 3
aspiration 0 15 23 14 8 10 14 38 19
enjoyment 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 2
learning 6 20 16 9 8 6 5 35 18
passage 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0
programme 2 3 2 1 2 4 2 9 5
university 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
don’t know 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 3
Table E1: Before the Module – Motivation for Degree
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
career 1 0 6 1 0 0 2 7 6
content 0 6 3 9 1 8 1 9 9
compulsory 8 28 25 16 16 12 18 36 15
employment 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 7 3
learning 0 7 10 0 4 4 2 24 15
don’t know 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 7 2
Table E2: Before the Module – Motivation for Programming
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
own satisfaction 5 21 20 17 12 16 12 40 25
please family 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
please teachers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
get a good job 5 23 25 12 7 10 12 45 25
just pass 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
don’t know 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 0
Table E3: Before the Module – Attitude to Studies
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
positive 2 28 16 5 8 5 7 21 4
negative 3 5 9 9 1 5 3 7 2
easy 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 0
difficult 3 2 5 10 3 1 6 6 6
neutral 1 6 10 2 4 7 4 11 6
don’t know 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0
Table E4: Halfway Through the Module – Looking Back
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
positive 5 21 17 3 10 9 5 28 9
negative 6 7 10 11 2 3 10 11 2
easy 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
difficult 0 1 4 2 0 1 4 1 1
neutral 0 5 4 6 1 4 1 6 2
don’t know 0 4 2 1 0 1 3 3 0
Table E5: Halfway Through the Module – Looking Forward
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
own satisfaction 4 30 21 19 10 12 11 31 7
please family 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
please teachers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
get a good job 5 16 19 6 7 6 9 20 9
just pass 1 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 2
don’t know 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
Table E6: Halfway Through the Module – Attitude to Studies
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
positive 1 14 15 1 6 7 2 10 2
negative 4 7 6 4 3 2 4 4 2
easy 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
difficult 1 1 6 12 4 6 10 3 3
neutral 0 8 11 1 3 4 1 6 4
don’t know 0 2 3 4 1 0 3 2 1
Table E7: After the Module – Looking Back
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
“fine, I can do it” 2 26 21 1 9 8 5 18 6
“OK, but I don’t enjoy it” 1 7 15 8 6 9 10 7 6
“never again” 3 1 6 15 2 4 6 3 1
don’t know 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Table E8: After the Module – Attitude to Programming
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
yes – would be a programmer 3 19 23 0 6 8 0 15 5
no – wouldn’t be a programmer 3 15 20 25 9 13 20 13 7
don’t know 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1
Table E9: After the Module – Attitude to Career
Single Subject Joint Honours Kent
own satisfaction 4 15 15 10 9 13 12 17 6
please family 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 0
please teachers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
get a good job 2 15 24 11 5 7 6 7 4
just pass 0 3 1 2 1 0 0 2 3
don’t know 0 1 3 1 2 0 1 0 0
Table E10: After the Module – Attitude to Studies