978 3 86644 904 6 PDF
978 3 86644 904 6 PDF
978 3 86644 904 6 PDF
Sascha Michael Schweitzer
Dissertation, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 24. Juli 2012
Referenten: Prof. Dr. Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Prof. Dr. Stefan Seifert
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
KIT Scientific Publishing
Straße am Forum 2
D-76131 Karlsruhe
List of Tables xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Multi-item Auctions: Applications and Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Research Questions and Structure of the Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Multi-item Auctions 9
2.1 Common Valuation Models in Auction Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Evaluation Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.1 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.2 Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.3 Price Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Static Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.1 Uniform-price Sealed-bid Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.2 Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4.1 English Clock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4.2 Simultaneous Ascending Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.4.3 Package-clock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3 Methodology 41
3.1 Comparative Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.1.1 Control in Economic Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.1.2 Testbed Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1.3 Traditional Experimental Instructions and Software . . . . . . . . 46
3.2 Insights from Learning Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2.1 Approach and Background of Cognitive Theory . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2.2 Multimedia Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.2.3 Processing Constraints and Counter-measures . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.3.1 Video Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.2 Comprehension Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.3.3 Software and User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6 Conclusion 157
6.1 Efficiency, Revenue, and Price Signals in Multi-item Auction Applications 157
6.2 Advancement of the Experimental Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Bibliography 181
List of Figures
3.1 Domains of economic experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2 Germane load through alternative representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3 Signaling through fade-out effect (screenshot) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.4 Individual video player for cognitive load management (screenshot) . . . 67
3.5 Unified user interface of static and dynamic auction designs . . . . . . . 71
4.1 Study 1: Proposed auction schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.2 Study 1: Structure of the treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.3 Study 1: Sequence of the auctions in one session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.4 Study 1: Number of units of Items A and B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.5 Study 1: Example for one set of value functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.6 Study 1: Relative allocative efficiency by treatment axes . . . . . . . . . 95
4.7 Study 1: Relative allocative efficiency by sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.8 Study 1: Adjusted revenues by treatment axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.9 Study 1: Adjusted prices by treatment axes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.10 Study 1: Prices of Item A by auction and auction sequence . . . . . . . . 104
4.11 Study 1: Prices of Item A by auction and auction type . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.12 Study 1: Exemplary benchmark corridors and bids for Item A . . . . . . 109
4.13 Study 1: Percentage of bids in the benchmark corridor by treatment . . . 110
4.14 Study 1: Bidders clustered by mean distance from the benchmark corridor
and by auction sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.15 Study 1: Bivariate bid distance from the benchmark corridor . . . . . . . 113
5.1 Study 2: Sequence of the auctions in one session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
5.2 Study 2: Number of units of Items A and B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.3 Study 2: Slider for estimating the uncertain CV component . . . . . . . . 131
5.4 Study 2: Relative allocative efficiencies by treatment and auction . . . . 141
5.5 Study 2: Revenues by treatment and auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.6 Study 2: Prices Item A by treatment and auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.7 Study 2: Prices Item B by treatment and auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
B.1 Study 1: Bid positions relative to the benchmark corridor in the last
auction round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
B.2 Study 1: Bidders clustered by mean distance from the benchmark corridor
and by auction type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
D.1 Study 2: Screen shots of the experiment software . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
List of Tables
1.1 Overview of the experimental studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Example of the exposure problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Micro-rules of the SAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3 Valuations in Example 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1 Cognitive principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.2 Implementation of cognitive principles in the instructions and software . 60
4.1 Study 1: Example of a marginal values table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.2 Study 1: Example of an absolute values table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.3 Study 1: OLS regressions of relative allocative efficiencies . . . . . . . . . 97
4.4 Study 1: OLS regressions of relative and unadjusted revenues . . . . . . . 100
4.5 Study 1: OLS regressions of relative adjusted and unadjusted prices . . . 103
4.6 Study 1: OLS regressions with secondary market treatments . . . . . . . 106
5.1 Study 2: Basic values table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
5.2 Study 2: Welfare maximizing allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
5.3 Study 2: Marginal and mean marginal values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5.4 Study 2: Allocation SFTB strategy SAA in Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5.5 Study 2: Allocation SFTB strategy SAA in Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5.6 Study 2: Allocation alternative strategy SAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.7 Study 2: Clock stage allocation SFTB strategy PCA . . . . . . . . . . . 138
5.8 Study 2: Final allocation SFTB strategy PCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.9 Study 2: OLS regressions of revenues by auction design . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.10 Study 2: OLS regressions of overall revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.11 Study 2: OLS regressions of prices by auction design . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5.12 Study 2: OLS regressions of overall prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.13 Study 2: OLS regressions of common value component estimates . . . . . 154
6.1 Overview of the experimental results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
B.1 Exemplary table of aggregated values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
D.1 Study 2: Social surplus and relative allocative efficiency . . . . . . . . . . 179
D.2 Study 2: OLS regressions of overall prices without interaction terms . . . 180
1 Introduction
Auctions of multiple items are of increasing importance. Two prominent auction appli-
cations are the sale of radio spectrum rights and the sale of emission permits. The latest
versions of these auctions incorporate advanced features such as proxy bidding, which
allows bidders to predefine their actions for alternative scenarios; or package bidding,
which allows bidders to express wishes for packages of items. For a long time, most
of these advanced features were only the object of academic debate. In recent years,
though, new and innovative auction designs have gained some traction in the field.
For example, in 2008, the British regulator employed a package auction for the sale of
radio spectrum rights in the niche band of 10 to 40 GHz, in 2010, the Austrian regulator
employed a package auction for the sale of spectrum in the significant 2.6 GHz spectrum
band, and in 2012, the Swiss regulator employed a package auction for the simultaneous
sale of spectrum in the 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.1 GHz, and 2.6 GHz bands. The
results of these spectrum auctions have shaped the future of the wireless communications
industry, which plays a vital role in society’s development. The value of the radio
spectrum is suggested by the fact that, by the end of 2011, the total auction revenue for
the sale of spectrum rights by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) alone
exceeded US$78 billion.1
Auctions for the allocation of greenhouse gas emissions permits have been imple-
mented in the USA and Europe, and in future the Australian government plans to
auction a substantial number of emissions permits in the Carbon Pollution Reduction
Scheme. Emissions permits enforce the reduction of climate-damaging emissions by cap-
Details on past FCC spectrum auctions are available at http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions.
1 Introduction
ping emissions at an amount that corresponds to the number of permits issued. The
auctions help to channel emissions permits to the “right” emitters, charging emitters
whose emissions would be too expensive to avoid, while forcing other emitters to carry
out affordable abatement measures.
The design of appropriate auctions has been the subject of political and academic
debate. Klemperer (2002b) noted that “auction design is not one size fits all.” Rather,
the optimal design of an auction very much depends on the specific market situation at
hand. So, what is the right auction design for a given application?
The Uniform-price Sealed-bid Auction (USBA) relies on a simple pricing rule (Sec-
tion 2.3.1). Basically, the auctioneer determines a price at which demand equals supply,
and all units of an item are sold for that price. However, for heterogeneous items, the
USBA does not provide appropriate heterogeneous prices. Furthermore, bidders who
want more than one unit of an item may be incentivized to bid below their true values
in order to obtain a lower item price.
The open, dynamic version of the USBA, the English Clock Auction (ECA), modifies
the USBA by breaking down the submission of bids to a step-wise bidding process
that is relatively simple as well as transparent and generates intermediate price signals.
Similarly, the Simultaneous Ascending Auction (SAA) and the Package-clock Auction
(PCA) both apply an open, ascending bidding process. In contrast to uniform-price
auction designs, bidders bid on individual units in the SAA and on packages in the
PCA. Package bidding allows bidders to express interdependencies between items.2
In the terminology of auction theory, auctions employing package bids are called combinatorial
1.1 Multi-item Auctions: Applications and Designs
The main chapters of this thesis investigate economic laboratory experiments on two
applications of multi-item auctions: Study 1 and Study 2. Study 1 deals with the auc-
tioning of emission permits in the context of the Australian Carbon Pollution Reduction
Scheme. A white paper by the Australian government estimated that the emissions trad-
ing scheme would cover around 1,000 firms (Commonwealth, 2008). Although smaller
firms may not participate in the auction—instead, they purchase permits on secondary
markets—the potential number of participants is in the range of tens to hundreds of
firms. Compared with typically more specialized multi-item auctions, such as for the
allocation of radio spectrum rights, this is a high number of participants. Indeed, most
auction experiments that were reported in the literature featured between two and six
bidders. To emulate a larger market, the emissions permits experiment featured 14 bid-
ders, which was the maximum laboratory capacity at the Karlsruhe Institute of Tech-
nology (KIT).
In order to allow firms to plan ahead, the regulator intended to sell permits simulta-
neously for several years in advance These are called vintages. The multiple vintages in
the real-world application were represented by two items in the experiment. For each
item, multiple units were sold, representing the single permits of a vintage. In the real
world, the firms’ valuations of the emissions permits stem from the costs of the emis-
sions abatement measures. Permits can be used alternatively to conducting abatement
measures. Naturally, firms will first replace the most expensive abatement measures
with emissions permits. Therefore, their valuations of the first emissions permits, which
they purchase, correspond to the costs of the most expensive abatement measures, and
the marginal utility function for the permits is typically decreasing. The experimental
design of Study 1 employed a simple linear function to represent the decreasing marginal
utilities. Thus, in economics terminology, the units exhibited the characteristics of (im-
perfect) substitutes (see Section 2.1).
Study 2 deals with the application of multi-item auctions for the sale of radio spectrum
rights. These high-stake auctions shape the telecommunications industry, which is one
of the key industries of the current innovation cycle. The specific motivation for Study 2
were the German 2010 and the Austrian 2010 radio spectrum auctions, which were the
first in an upcoming series of European spectrum auctions. Although both auctions
happened in the same year in neighboring countries and both included the sale of 2.6
1 Introduction
GHz spectrum rights, the regulators used fundamentally different auction designs. The
aim of the spectrum auction experiment was a structured comparison of the auction
designs used in the two countries.
The 2.6 GHz spectrum band consisted of two different sub-bands which were intended
for different technical uses and could not be combined. In the experiment, these two
sub-bands were represented by two items. In the real-world application, within each sub-
band, the spectrum was divided into blocks of 5 MHz. These blocks were represented
in the experiment by multiple units of each item. Since a telecommunications service
provider needed to acquire several spectrum blocks in order to offer a technically attrac-
tive service with a sufficiently high bandwidth (for instance for realizing a broadband
internet connection), the units within each sub-band were modeled as complements in
the experiment.
Table 1.1 provides an overview and a comparison of the two studies presented in this
thesis. Both studies deal with large-scale auctions of multiple units of two types of
items. Also, in both applications, governments conduct auctions, in order to allocate
scarce natural resources. On the other hand, the number of bidders and the bidders’
values of the items differed between the studies. For this reason, the auction designs
tested in the experiments differed as well, which is why two separate experiments were
conducted. However, both experiments presented very similar challenges with respect
to their design and implementation.
Moreover, in both applications, uncertainty about the values of the items played an
important role. In the emissions permits case, the uncertainty was mainly due to the
unknown prices of the permits on future secondary markets. In the spectrum rights
case, the uncertainty stemmed from the unknown development of the new technologies
and markets the radio spectrum will be used for. Historically, these uncertainties were
the primary reason for the employment of open, ascending auction designs that generate
intermediate price signals (e.g. McMillan, 1994). Therefore, the experiment in Study 1
included a treatment with secondary markets and the experiment in Study 2 featured
an explicit uncertain value component.
1.1 Multi-item Auctions: Applications and Designs
Study 1 Study 2
Emissions permits Radio spectrum rights
Substitutes vs.
Substitutive Substitutive items,
items and units complementary units
Exchange value markets No secondary
(treatment) markets
Sequential / Sequential /
Compared USBA ECA Simultaneous / Simultaneous /
auction designs Simultaneous / Simultaneous / SAA PCA
1 Introduction
Research Question 1:
How do the auction designs proposed for two specific large-scale applications
differ with respect to efficiency, revenue and price signals?
First, from the perspective of a social planner, items should be allocated to the bid-
ders who value them most. This is equivalent to maximizing the sum of the market
participants’ values, the so-called social surplus. When the social surplus is maximized,
no participants in the market can improve their situation without making some other
participants worse off. The corresponding allocation is called efficient.
A second criterion is the generation of revenues for the auctioneer. A rational, profit-
maximizing auctioneer seeks to maximize the auction revenue. If the auctioneer is the
state, social welfare may be more important than revenue. However, social welfare may
exceed the scope of an auction. For instance, the auction revenues allow the government
to redistribute some part of the bidders’ surplus to the society and, in return, to reduce
distortional taxes (cf. Section 2.2.2).
A third criterion for the evaluation of auction designs is whether and to what extent an
auction provides price signals to the market. Firms use price information for planning
and accounting purposes, and the exchange value of an item is approximated by its
market prices. Further, in the course of the auction process itself, if the auctioneer
calculates and publishes prices during the auction, bidders gain information on the
valuations of the opposing bidders. They can then incorporate this information into the
estimation of the market value of the items and improve their bids accordingly.
Readers familiar with the basic concepts and auction designs may want to skip Chapter 2 and focus
on Chapters 3, 4, and 5.
1.2 Research Questions and Structure of the Text
Chapter 3 is devoted to the methods of experimental economics which are required for
answering Research Question 1. As the core of this thesis, Chapters 4 and 5 report
the experimental Studies 1 and 2 on emissions permits and spectrum rights applications
of multi-item auctions. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes by providing a summary of the
results, stating open questions and pointing out aspects of future research.
Studies 1 and 2 are also an example of the limits of the experimental approach in
economics, and of how these limits can be moved. Factors like the substitutive or com-
plementary nature of the auctioned goods, the presence of uncertainty and sometimes
elaborate auction rules complicate an experimental situation. In order to answer Re-
search Question 1, Chapter 3 develops several extensions of the toolkit of experimental
economics. This leads to a second, methodological research question.
1 Introduction
and psychological research, the proposed instruments seek to improve and control the
subjects’ comprehension. The proposal includes modularized video instructions, com-
prehension tests, a software integrated learning platform, a graphical one-screen user
interface and comprehension-based group matching.
2 Multi-item Auctions
For the investigation of multi-item auctions, the bidders’ values structures for the items
are crucial. In particular, the criteria of efficiency and price signals (Sections 2.2.1
and 2.2.3) are meaningful only against the background of a given values structure. In
the following sections, the basic concepts of substitutes and complements, and three
major strands of valuation models from the auction literature will be summarized.
In this case, the bidder’s valuation of a bundle of the items is higher than the sum of
the individual values of the items. One example of complements is left and right shoes.
In contrast, two Items, A and B, are substitutes if a bidder’s values of these items are
In the case of substitutes, a bidder’s value of a bundle is lower than the sum of the
individual values of the items. A typical example is butter and margarine.
2 Multi-item Auctions
The same set of items can be complements to one bidder, but substitutes to another
bidder. For example, consider a spectrum auction with an incumbent and a new entrant.
The entrant might need several lots in a certain frequency range to build an efficient
network, whereas the incumbent might be satisfied with only one of the lots in order to
enlarge his already established network. In this example, the lots represent complements
to the first bidder, but substitutes to the second bidder.
In the case of complements, one major challenge of auction design is the exposure
problem. The exposure problem can occur in sequential auctions, as well as in simul-
taneous auctions in which package bids are not allowed (e.g. Kwasnica et al., 2005).
In particular, the exposure problem was a crucial design element of the experiment in
Study 2 (Chapter 5). In order to win a package, bidders might feel the need to bid above
their values of an individual item. In this case, not winning all of the desired items will
result in losses. The fear of the exposure problem, can motivate bidders to hold back
bids and may therefore affect the allocation and revenues of the auction.
Bidder 1 and Bidder 2 might outbid one another—Bidder 2 trying to obtain both
items and Bidder 1 bidding on one item, the one with the lowest price. At some point,
2.1 Common Valuation Models in Auction Theory
the prices of both items reach e50, and bidder 2 holds the highest bid for at least one of
the items. Now, Bidder 1 continues to bid on one item, but Bidder 2 reaches her budget
limit for her desired package and has two options. Either she stops bidding and ends up
paying e 50 for an item she has no use for, or she keeps on bidding, in the hope that she
can lower her losses if Bidder 2 drops out of the auction soon. However, in both cases,
Bidder 2 would suffer a loss.
If Bidder 1 dropped out in the next bidding round, Bidder 2 would win both items,
suffering a loss of e10 (e100 - e50 - e60 = - e10). However, this will not happen,
as Bidder 1’s value for either item is e200, so that she continues to bid. When the
price of the items reaches e100, Bidder 2’s loss will increase with every further bidding
round—even if she wins both items.
Vickrey (1961) based his seminal work on the formal analysis of auctions on the Independent
Private Values (IPV) model. This model assumes that the bidders’ values for an item
are drawn independently from a common and commonly known probability distribution.
The term private refers to the assumption that a bidder knows her value of an item,
but does not know the values of the other bidders. In this sense, the values are private
In the IPV model, differences amongst bidders’ values stem from actual differences
in their tastes. The assumption of private values is applicable for auctions in which
non-durable consumer goods, as for example food, are sold or if the value is derived only
from using the item. In that case, it is plausible that the value is known only to the
bidder and that the bidders’ values depend entirely on their personal taste (Milgrom
and Weber, 1982). Another popular example of the applicability of the IPV assumption
is the selling of a painting, since personal taste plays a decisive role in this context.
However, Krishna (2002) notes that the example is questionable, since it only works
under the assumption that the painting is viewed as a consumption good only and not
as an investment that is likely to be resold.
2 Multi-item Auctions
Remarkably, in a single-unit auction,1 theory predicts that the expected revenue and
the price will be the same in all standard auctions.2 This result, known as the revenue-
equivalence theorem, was first presented by Vickrey (1961) and then generalized by Riley
and Samuelson (1981) and Myerson (1981) to cover a broad class of auctions. The
theorem rests on the assumptions that the bidder with the highest value always wins
the item, that the surplus for the bidder with the lowest value is zero, that the bidders are
risk-neutral, and that the bidders’ private values are drawn independently from the same
distribution. With respect to multi-unit auctions, Maskin and Riley (1989) extended
the theorem to situations with multi-unit supply, but single-unit demand. However, for
most situations with multi-unit demand, Krishna (2002) demonstrated that the theorem
does not hold, because under multi-unit demand different auction designs tend to deliver
different allocations.
Seifert and Ehrhart (2005) remarked that the IPV assumption is quite common in
the literature on multi-item auction experiments. Aside from the argument that most
of the literature related to spectrum auctions assumes an IPV model, the authors also
gave a practical reason: Because in a private values model the bidders receive only a
single, one-dimensional piece of information which their value for the item depends on,
this model “is easier to present and for the subjects to understand” (p. 234). In the
present thesis, IPV models were employed in Study 1 and in some of the auctions in
Study 2.
The Common Value (CV) model was first introduced by Rothkopf (1969) and Wilson
(1969, 1977). The textbook example of a CV situation is the selling of oil drilling or
mineral mining rights. The exact amount of oil or minerals in the ground is not known,
but it is the same to all bidders, and bidders do have at least some information that
allows them to estimate the real value.
Here and in the following, the term “unit” was used to refer to the homogeneous units of an item.
Standard auctions include the first-price sealed-bid auction, the second-price sealed-bid auction, the
Dutch auction and the English auction. The revenue-equivalence theorem also holds for many
non-standard auctions where the same set of valuations of the bidders leads to the same
equilibrium allocation.
2.1 Common Valuation Models in Auction Theory
Observing the bids of the other bidders or the development of prices can provide the
bidders with useful information about the actual value. Bidders can incorporate this
information into their estimation of the value and improve their decision making. This
is especially relevant with respect to a phenomenon known as the winner’s curse. Since
the actual value is unknown to the bidders at the time of the bidding, the bidders need
to estimate the value. Some estimates will be too low, others will be too high. The
winner’s curse is caused by the fact that by design the bidder with the highest bid—
which is likely to be the bidder with the highest estimate—will win the auction. If the
bidders do not condition their bids on the event of winning the auction and discount
their bids accordingly, they may win at a price that is higher than the true value, which
implies a negative profit. Capen et al. (1971) first observed the winner’s curse in the
oil drilling industry. Kagel and Levin (1986) listed further examples of the winner’s
curse in Outer Continent Shelf lease sales, cooperate takeover battles and auctions for
book publication rights. In laboratory experiments, Kagel and Levin showed that the
winner’s curse persists and even experienced participants cannot elude it.
As Thaler (1988) pointed out, even if the bidder is aware of the danger of overes-
timating the value, it is still very difficult to estimate it correctly. For example, in a
first-price auction, the participants must bid more aggressively with an increasing num-
ber of bidders, but at the same time the bidders should bid less aggressively since, with
more bidders, the probability increases that the winner will overestimate the value. It
is unclear, though, whether the provision of price signals during the auction provides
helpful orientation to the bidders or whether it increases the cognitive load.
Neither the IPV model nor the CV model adequately describe the value structures that
are observed in reality. Typically, real goods may exhibit characteristics of both models.
In the oil-drilling example, companies might have different costs of production, different
capacities and different opportunities in the oil market. Analogously, in the art auction
example, a bidder might use the work of art to decorate her home. In this scenario, it is
very likely that the appreciation of the object by the general public is an important part
of the bidder’s own valuation. Study 2 of the present thesis dealt with a similar situation
and explicitly modeled these interdependencies in the design of the experiment.
2 Multi-item Auctions
For the single-unit case, some models incorporate uncertain value components and
interdependencies between the bidders’ values. Pioneering the research on value inter-
dependencies, Milgrom and Weber (1982) introduced the affiliated-values model. Here,
the item has a different value to each bidder, but the values are affiliated. The IPV
model and the CV model are special cases of the more general affiliated-values model.
Coining the term “almost common value auction,” Bikhchandani (1988) extended
the classic CV setting by an IPV component. In this line of research, experimental
studies investigated the explosive effect of slight private values advantages predicted by
Bikhchandani’s theory. For example, Avery and Kagel (1997) studied almost common
value auctions with a second-price sealed-bid mechanism, and Rose and Levin (2008)
investigated the explosive effect in an English clock auction. In contrast to the theoretical
predictions, in the experiments, bidders tended to bid proportionally to their values.
Goeree and Offerman (2002) took an approach different from Bikhchandani by us-
ing a two-dimensional signal. The authors noted that “by focusing on the ‘extreme’
cases, the literature has inadvertently spread the belief that auctions generally lead to
efficient allocations” (p. 625). Goeree and Offerman argued that, when bidders process
two-dimensional information on separate private values and common value components,
inefficient outcomes should be expected. The author suggested that “a bidder with an
inferior private value but an overly optimistic conjecture about the common value may
outbid a rival with a superior private value” (p. 625). In this sense, auctions with pri-
vate and common value components need to cope with the efficiency concerns of the IPV
world as well as with the winner’s curse of the CV world. In their experiment, Goeree
and Offerman found that the observed bidding behaviour was roughly in line with the
theoretical predictions. Yet, in contrast to theoretical predictions, the provision of more
information did not increase the allocative efficiency of the auctions.
Two further issues related to uncertainty and interdependency of valuations are bid-
ders’ risk aversion and cognitive limitations. If bidders are asymmetric in their risk
attitude, in the theoretical equilibrium rational bidders will act asymmetrically. This
can result in inefficient allocations (Kagel and Levin, 2002b). Also, uncertainty is likely
to increase the challenge to the cognitive capabilities of the bidders, since uncertainty
requires bidders to estimate values and to incorporate stochastic components into their
2.1 Common Valuation Models in Auction Theory
In the case of multi-unit auctions, under uncertain and interdependent values, general
equilibrium results do not exist and might be difficult to develop. Engelbrecht-Wiggans
and Kahn (1998) remarked that auctions in which individuals can purchase more than
one unit of the good being sold differed in striking ways from multi-unit auctions in
which individuals may purchase only one unit. A major addition in the case of multi-
unit demand is the incentive for strategic demand reduction. Bidders may be inclined to
understate their demand in order to influence the price of the items purchased. However,
Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Kahn report equilibrium results only for the IPV case.
Uncertain, common value components induce additional incentives for demand reduc-
tion in multi-unit-demand auctions. This is due to the effect of a bidder’s bid on the
value estimation of the opposing bidders. When a bidder reduces her demand on an item,
she provides information on the common value component that the other bidders will
include in their own estimation. Thus, bidders can influence the bids of their opponents
by influencing their opponents’ estimates.
Consider an example known as Klemperer’s wallet game. In the wallet game, the
auctioneer sells a common value item in an English auction with n = 3 bidders i =
1, 2, 3 ∈ N .3 Each bidder i obtains a signal si . The bidders’ signals are uniformly and
independently drawn from [0, 1] ⊂ R. The value v ∈ R of the item is identical for all
bidders and calculated as the mean of the bidders’ signals as defined by the formula
v= si (2.3)
n i=1
With K denoting the set of Bidders k that have dropped out of the auction revealing
their signal sk , Bidder i’s equilibrium bid bi ∈ R is given by Equation (2.4):4
bi = (n − |K|) · si + sk (2.4)
In the original wallet game by Klemperer (1998), only two bidders were considered. An extension
to multiple bidders was introduced by Bulow and Klemperer (2002).
Bulow and Klemperer’s (2002) notation differed from the notation used here in not using a closed
form expression.
2 Multi-item Auctions
Analogously to calculating her equilibrium bid, Bidder i can also calculate her es-
timated value vest,i ∈ R of the good, improving her guess every time a bidder drops
1 X 1 n − |K| − 1
vest,i = · sk + · si + · 0.5 (2.5)
n k∈K n n
By the same token, a bidder’s action influences the estimation of the opposing bidders.
If she drops out early, the estimation of the opposing bidders will be lower than it would
be if she dropped out later. Yet, in this example with single-unit demand, a bidder
cannot exploit her influence on the opposing bidders’ estimates. Because, once she
reduces her demand, she drops out of the auction and cannot benefit from lower prices.
In the case of multi-unit demand and supply, however, lowering the opposing bidders’
estimates can lead to lower prices that affect the bidder’s profit.
Secondary Markets
The impact on the value structure in the primary market may even call into question
the principle benefit of secondary markets. In a Coasean world without transaction costs,
secondary markets will establish efficiency (Coase, 1960). However, when trade entails
transaction costs to the participants in the secondary market, not all beneficial trades
will take place and efficiency will not be obtained. Due to their distortional effects on
the primary market, it is then unclear whether secondary markets do actually increase
overall efficiency, or whether they may even decrease overall efficiency. To the author’s
knowledge, no study that explicitly addresses the question of combined primary and
secondary market efficiency is reported in the literature. In order to isolate the effects of
2.2 Evaluation Criteria
2.2.1 Efficiency
The allocation of scarce resources, the generation of welfare and the distribution of
the generated welfare belong to the most fundamental questions of economic activity.
Therefore, auction efficiency and auction revenue are essential measures for evaluating
auction performance. While revenue is defined simply as the sum of payments to the
auctioneer, auction efficiency is more difficult to grasp.5 In micro-economic theory, one
notion of efficiency is Pareto efficiency. A situation is Pareto efficient if nobody’s utility
can be improved without making another individual worse off. Note that in an auction
situation, a social planer judging the Pareto efficiency of an allocation needs to evalu-
ate the situation under the assumption that alternative transfer payments are possible.
Otherwise, virtually every allocation would be Pareto efficient, since re-allocations would
always deprive some bidders of their value without allowing for compensation.
Holmström and Myerson (1983) apply the Pareto concept to double auctions, and
in the early experimental literature on auctions, further examples of the application of
this concept can be found (Kagel and Levin, 2002a). However, Pareto efficiency offers
only a binary measure of yes or no without allowing for a more gradual judgement
of the level of efficiency. Furthermore, in a sufficiently complex situation, it may be
practically impossible to fulfill the criterion. Therefore, the experimental literature
frequently reports efficiency in terms of relative allocative efficiency which is measured
in terms of utalitarian social surplus, also called welfare (e.g. McCabe et al., 1990).
Social surplus is defined as the sum of the cardinal utilities of all members of society and
therefore assumes interpersonal comparability of utilities. Relative allocative efficiency
See Section 2.2.2 for the discussion of auction revenue and its relation to auction efficiency.
2 Multi-item Auctions
is defined as the percentage of social surplus that is created relative to the social surplus
that could have been created in the best case. Note that from a relative efficiency of
100% follows Pareto efficiency, since the utility of single individuals can be improved
only by redistributing from other bidders.
With respect to the valuation models introduced in Section 2.1, efficiency concerns
are most relevant under the presence of IPV components. Indeed, in the pure CV
case, any allocation leads to the same social surplus—as long as all items are allocated.
Therefore, IPV components must be included, in order to investigate efficiency in a
laboratory experiment.
The efficiency measures used in this thesis are defined as follows. There are n bidders
i ∈ N ⊂ N bidding for m items k ∈ M ⊂ N. The supply of item k is restricted to
a quantity of sk ∈ N units, while each bidder’s demand is restricted to a quantity of
dk ∈ N units. An allocation q = (q1 , q2 , ..., qi , ..., qn ) ∈ A ⊂ Qn defines the quantity
vectors qi = (qi,1 , qi,2 , ..., qi,k , ..., qi,m ) ∈ Q ⊂ Nm allocated to each bidder i. The realized
allocation is denoted with q̂. Bidder i’s value for a given quantity vector qi is denoted
with vi (qi ) ∈ R.
The social surplus w(q) ∈ R is defined as the sum of the bidders’ and the auctioneer’s
surplus. Since the prices p = (p1 , p2 , ..., pi , ..., pn ) ∈ P ⊂ Nn are mere transfer payments
from the bidders to the auctioneer, they are canceled out by the auctioneer’s revenue,
and the social surplus depends exclusively on the value of the allocation.
w(q̂) = vi (qˆi )
2.2 Evaluation Criteria
and ∀i ∧ k, qi,k ≤ dk
In the experiments reported in Chapters 4 and 5, all induced values are non-negative.
Therefore, the lower bound for efficiency in the experiment is zero and the space of
potential efficiency results e(q̂) is E = [0, 1].
2.2.2 Revenue
The auction revenue is probably the most tangible result of an auction. It is therefore
prominently reported in the media and is the subject of intense political debate. For-
mally, the revenue equals the sum of the prices that the bidders pay to the auctioneer.
From the perspective of welfare economics, revenue is a transfer payment from the bid-
ders to the auctioneer. It determines the split of the social surplus without changing the
total surplus.
2 Multi-item Auctions
of this type of auctioneer. Yet, in the large-scale auction applications reported in Chap-
ters 4 and 5, the auctioneer is a government agency. Ideally, the government assumes
the role of a benevolent social planner. In contrast to a profit-maximizing auctioneer,
the social planner seeks to maximize social surplus, instead of auction revenue. In fact,
revenue does not matter to the social planner, since it is a mere transfer payment which
cancels out in the calculation of social surplus.
As defined in Section 2.2.1, an efficient allocation of the items maximizes social sur-
plus. Indeed, governments tend to stress the goal of efficiency. For example, the US
Congressional Budget Office has stated that spectrum rights auction “goals include en-
suring efficient use of the spectrum, promoting economic opportunity and competition,
avoiding excessive concentration of licenses, preventing the unjust enrichment of any
party, and fostering the rapid deployment of new services, as well as recovering for the
public a portion of the value of the spectrum” (Congressional Budget Office, 2000, p.
117). This statement downplays revenue goals and emphasizes efficiency-related objec-
tives (with respect to allocative and overall market efficiency). Most economists agree
that efficiency should be the primary goal in spectrum auctions (for example McMillan,
1994; McAfee and McMillan, 1996; Cramton, 2002).
However, given the existence of secondary markets, some economists consider efficiency
less important and identify revenue as a primary objective. The sale of emissions permits
presented in Chapter 4 is an example. Cramton and Kerr (2002) stated that auctioning
was to be preferred to grandfathering, because it generated higher revenues.6 Ockenfels
(2009) challenged this opinion with the argument that firms should pay as little as
possible for emissions permits in order to keep costs for environmental measures low.
Following this argument, some economists may even consider revenue minimization as
a legitimate goal of auction design.
Grandfathering is an alternative allocation mechanism that awards emissions permits to some past
polluters for free.
2.2 Evaluation Criteria
argued that auction prices are fixed costs to the communications provider and do not
affect consumer prices, since a profit-maximizing firm bases its prices on its marginal
costs. In McMillan’s opinion, even potential increases in the capital costs of the firm
due to higher borrowing for the acquisition of spectrum rights, can have only a minor
impact on consumer prices.
Another argument in favor of raising revenues is the necessity of financing the state
and its social system. Governments soften inequalities and raise money in order to
redistribute wealth and to fulfill their public duties. Cramton (1997) argued that auction
revenues were preferable to taxes, because one dollar of revenue raised through taxes
resulted in 17 to 56 cents of welfare loss due to distortional effects (Ballard et al., 1985).
Therefore, in some cases, increases in revenue can justify slight decreases in auction
Further, public opinion is typically opposed to giving away public resources to wealthy
firms for a very low price or even for free. For instance, Mueller (1991) reported the
case of the first spectrum auction in New Zealand. The auction resulted in a media
disaster, since spectrum rights were allocated at ridiculously low prices. This example
emphasizes the political nature and relevance of the auction revenue.
“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today, if they know when
the Price is Right!”
When publishing auction prices, an auctioneer provides information to the bidders and
their stakeholders in the market. This information increases the transparency of the
auction process, increases the trust in the auctioneer and helps bidders estimate the
market value of the items. If prices are published during the auction process, the bidders
can incorporate this information into their estimates of the values of the items and adjust
their bids accordingly. If prices are published after the auction, they are often used as
an indicator of the “objective” value of an item for resale and accounting purposes.
2 Multi-item Auctions
Prices can be referred to as signals because they provide a proxy of the bidders’
valuations. Prices are good signals if they reflect the valuations closely. Quantitatively,
“reflecting valuations” closely means a high positive correlation between the valuations
of an item and the item price. Yet, since the value of an item can be different for
different individuals—while prices are aggregated to the level of one item—measuring
their correlation is not always a straightforward process. For example, the correlation
can be measured with respect to the average valuation, the minimum or maximum
valuation or virtually any other aggregation.
Cramton (2009b) stated that “in the case of spectrum auctions, there is much un-
certainty about what things are worth.” Further he suggested that bidders can gather
“collective market insights, which can be revealed in a dynamic auction process.” De-
pending on the informational characteristics of the auction design, these market insights
can stem from intermediate prices, final prices or even details on the opponents’ bidding
activity. As Goeree and Offerman (2003) showed, theory does predict inefficient results
for auctions with uncertain value components. The provision of price signals by the
auctioneer can reduce this uncertainty.
For CV auctions, Milgrom and Weber showed that policies of revealing information
increase the average seller revenue. This principle is known as the linkage principle and
it constitutes an incentive for the auctioneer to facilitate information discovery in the
auction. For example, McMillan (1994) based his argument for conducting an open,
ascending auction for the multi-unit sale of spectrum rights on the linkage principle.
However, Perry and Reny (1999) showed that the linkage principle does not hold for
multi-unit demand.
McAfee and McMillan (1987) remarked that situations with asymmetries of information between
buyers and sellers are also those when auctions are typically employed.
2.3 Static Auctions
When the presence of secondary markets induces an uncertain common value compo-
nent, price signals become more important in the primary market. As pointed out above,
revealing information helps to mitigate the winner’s curse (Milgrom and Weber, 1982).
Also, future participants in the secondary market who do not participate in the auction
may rely on the auction prices for planning purposes, and initial prices are relevant for
the functioning of secondary markets by setting a first anchor point for the market price.
However, price signals might be less crucial in the pure IPV case than in the CV or
in the mixed case. Since bidders are in possession of complete information when they
act on their valuations, they do not need to acquire additional information during the
auction. Note that even if a bidder knew the opposing bidders’ values, the value she gave
an item would not be influenced by this knowledge.8 Therefore, in order to investigate
the role of price signals in a laboratory experiment, uncertainty is an important design
The static auctions presented in the following two sections are one-shot games. All
bidders submit their bids simultaneously, and are not allowed to communicate with each
other. After the submission of the bids, the auctioneer determines the allocation and
the prices.
The idea and the academic discussion of the USBA date back to Vickrey (1961).
Vickrey proposed a USBA with a Highest Rejected Bid (HRB) pricing rule for the sale
However, price signals may be relevant to the auctioneer and other market participants.
2 Multi-item Auctions
For the case of two-unit demand, Noussair (1995) reported equilibria of the USBA with
a HRB pricing rule under independent private values.9 Noussair showed that bidders
tend to bid lower than their true valuation for the second unit. The bidders’ incentive to
under-reveal their true values stems from the case when a bidder’s higher bid is served,
while the bidder’s lower bid is the highest rejected bid, which determines the uniform
price. It can be shown that under multi-unit demand a uniform-pricing rule cannot
induce demand revelation (Vickrey, 1961; Green and Laffont, 1977).
While the theoretical literature discussed in this section analyzes and recommends a HRB pricing
rule, in actual applications the Lowest Accepted Bid (LAB) rule is more common (Cramton et al.,
2009). With risk-averse bidders, Cramton et al. mentioned higher expected revenue as an
advantage of the LAB rule. Also, the LAB rule appears to be more intuitive.
2.3 Static Auctions
Despite the theoretical disadvantages described above, the USBA is certainly relevant
in practice, and it was included in the experiment in Study 1. Two advantages of the
USBA are its relative simplicity (Noussair, 1995), and its ability to state scarcity prices
for items. With respect to final prices, unlike the VCG mechanism, the USBA provides
item-wise scarcity prices. However, the one-shot design of the USBA does not provide
any intermediate price information to the bidders.
As the original USBA was intended only for the sale of multiple homogeneous units of
the same type of item, a modified version featuring two separate prices was developed for
the sale of two different items in the experiment in Study 1.10 In principle, the auction
consisted of two USBAs that were conducted simultaneously. In order to keep the sim-
plicity of the original mechanism, the experiment design did not allow for combinatorial
bids. Details on the implementation are provided in Appendix A, and the experiment
software is available for download from http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/co2.
Vickrey (1961) demonstrated that in a single-unit auction, if the bidder with the highest
bid obtains the item at the second highest bid price, the bidder maximizes her profit
by reporting her true valuation of the item. This is independent of how the opposing
bidders bid. In the terminology of auction theory, in the second-price auction, truthful
bidding is a dominant strategy. The dominance of truthful bidding is due to the fact
that the second-price rule guarantees that a bidder’s bid will not affect the price she has
to pay if she wins the item.
2 Multi-item Auctions
is to decouple a bidder’s bid and the price she has to pay if she wins a bundle. Again,
a bidder’s price is calculated solely based on the opposing bidders’ bids. As there is no
single second highest bid in the multi-unit case, the price is calculated as the opportunity
costs that her winning imposes on the opposing bidders.11
The following model describes the VCG mechanism in the multi-unit case. Analo-
gously to Section 2.2.1, the notation refers to the case of multiple homogeneous units of
multiple items. An item represents a type or a class of goods with approximately identi-
cal characteristics. There are n bidders i ∈ N ⊂ N bidding for m items k ∈ M ⊂ N. The
supply of item k is restricted to a quantity of sk ∈ N units, while each bidder’s demand is
restricted to a quantity of dk ∈ N units. An allocation q = (q1 , q2 , ..., qi , ..., qn ) ∈ A ⊂ Qn
defines the quantity vectors qi = (qi,1 , qi,2 , ..., qi,k , ..., qi,m ) ∈ Q ⊂ Nm that indicate how
many units of each item k are allocated to a bidder i. The value function vi (qi ) : Nm 7→ R
maps a quantity vector qi to bidder i’s valuation for the given quantity.
The VCG mechanism asks each bidder to state her bid price for every bundle. Bidder i
maps a quantity qi to a bid by the bidding function bi (qi ) : Nm 7→ R. The auctioneer
decides on the allocation q of goods by choosing the binary decision variable γi (qi ) ∈
{0, 1} for all bidders i and all quantity vectors qi . The variable γi (qi ) takes on the value 1,
if qi is allocated to bidder i, and 0 otherwise. A complete set of decision variables is
denoted by γ.
The auctioneer calculates her decision γ ∗ by maximizing the sum of all reported bid
prices. Equation (2.6) states the maximization problem (following Krishna, 2002, p. 230).
The condition in Equation (2.7) ensures that bidder i gets at most one of the quantity
vectors qi she bid for. Equation (2.8) ensures that the supply restrictions for all items k
are met.
max bi (qi )γi (qi ) (2.6)
i∈N qi ∈Q
s.t. ∀i, γi (qi ) ≤ 1 (2.7)
qi ∈Q
Remarkably, Green and Laffont (1977) showed that—under the assumption of rational
bidders—the VCG mechanism is the only auction design that both admits dominant strategies and
results in a Pareto efficient allocation.
2.3 Static Auctions
∀k, γi (qi )qi,k ≤ sk (2.8)
i∈N qi ∈Q
To calculate Bidder i’s price, the auctioneer needs to determine the opportunity costs
of the opposing bidders according to their reported values (also called social costs). First,
the auctioneer calculates the reported value of the opposing bidders under the decision
γ ∗ . Then, by solving the maximization problem given by Equation (2.6) for N \i instead
of N , she calculates the reported value that the opposing bidders would have obtained
if Bidder i had not participated in the auction. This hypothetical decision is denoted is
denoted with γ 0 . The price pi ∈ R Bidder i has to pay equals the difference of these two
values, described by Equation (2.9).
At first glance, the rules and calculations of the VCG mechanism seem complex. Yet,
for bidders, the effect of the mechanism is quite the opposite, once they know their
dominant strategy. Since truthful reporting of their valuations is the dominant strategy
under VCG, bidders do not need to perform elaborate calculations. Therefore, despite
its complexity, VCG offers bidders a certain simplicity.
Despite its advantages, the VCG mechanism comes with some serious pitfalls. Reviews
of theoretical and practical disadvantages were given in Ausubel and Milgrom (2006)
and in Rothkopf (2007). A potential problem with respect to efficiency and revenue
generation is the mechanism’s susceptibility to various forms of cheating. Rothkopf
(2007) listed not less than four different kinds of cheating, three of which may be relevant
in the types of auctions considered in this thesis: conspiracies between the bidders,
cheating by bidder through false names and cheating by the auctioneer. In the first two
cases, revenues decrease and the allocation becomes potentially inefficient. In the case
of cheating by the auctioneer, revenue increases without changing the allocation. But on
the long term, the third form of cheating erodes trust into the auctioneer, undermines the
dominance of truthful bidding, and finally results in lower participation, lower revenues
and inefficient allocations.
2 Multi-item Auctions
With respect to information provision and price signals, the static VCG mechanism
performs poorly. Because it is a one-shot auction design, a VCG auction does not
provide intermediate price signals. Seeing this shortcoming, Ausubel (2004) proposed
an open, ascending version of the VCG mechanism. However, in all variants of the VCG
mechanism, the final prices are bundle prices, making it difficult to attribute market
values to individual items.
In the course of an ascending auction, the prices of the items increase continuously or
over multiple rounds. An auction is called an open ascending auction, if the bidders
obtain information, such as the bids of the opposing bidders, during the course of the
auction. The main advantage of open, ascending designs (compared with static designs)
is the provision of intermediate price signals. Milgrom and Weber (1982) strongly recom-
mended an open auction, since “[. . . ] that maximizes the information made available to
each participant at the time she places her bids.” After each round the participants are
able to update their own valuations of the items and their estimates of the final prices.
In the following round bidders can adapt their bids based on the new information.
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions
The English Clock Auction (ECA) employs an open, ascending bidding process. The
auctioneer posts a price and bidders indicate the quantity of an item they are willing
to buy at the given price. As long as the aggregated demand exceeds the aggregated
supply, the auctioneer increases the price, either continuously or in discrete steps. When
the clock stops, the final price is calculated either according to the Highest Rejected
Bid (HRB) or to the Lowest Accepted Bid (LAB) pricing rule, analogously to the USBA
described in Section Cramton et al. (2006) recommended the use of an ECA for
the sale of emissions permits, which was also the subject of the laboratory experiment
in Study 1 (Chapter 4).
Theoretical insights into the ECA were provided by McCabe et al. (1990), who identi-
fied equilibria under multi-unit supply and single-unit demand under independent private
values. For single-unit demand, the auction is incentive-compatible and yields efficient
allocations. McCabe et al. also reported experimental data that showed no significant
difference between the bids predicted by theory and the bids observed.
Empirical evidence in favor of the open auctioning of a single-unit item under affili-
ated private values was provided in the experimental study by Kagel et al. (1987). The
authors reported that the ECA leads to behavior closer to the equilibrium strategy than
the USBA. However, an increased risk of collusion is attributed to open auction designs.
Yet, contrary to these apprehensions, Kagel and Levin (2001) reported that in an ex-
perimental comparison of a USBA and an ECA under non-increasing two-unit demand.
Despite both auction designs having identical normal form representations (which was
also true for the USBA and the ECA without revelation of aggregate demand designs in
Study 1), the open auction performed much closer to equilibrium. The authors reported
further increased efficiency results when employing a dynamic VCG auction. Kagel and
Levin (2005) reported similar results for two-unit demand with synergies between the
two units. Again, the open auction performed closer to equilibrium, obtaining higher
efficiency values than the sealed bid version of the auction.
2 Multi-item Auctions
types of items was employed. In principle, the auction consisted of two ECAs that were
conducted simultaneously. In order to take into account interdependencies between the
items, and to provide sufficient flexibility, bidders were allowed to shift their demand
from one item to another during the course of the auction. Details of the implementation
are provided in Appendix A. Please use http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/co2
for downloading the experiment software.
In 1976, William Vickrey suggested the use of multiple simultaneous ascending auctions
for the sale of multiple items. In the early nineties, Paul Milgrom, Robert Wilson and
Preston McAffee designed the first full-fledged version of the Simultaneous Ascending
Auction (SAA) for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sale of paging li-
censes. In 1994, the FCC conducted this auction successfully and exceeded revenue
expectations (McAfee and McMillan, 1996). Since its introduction, many regulatory
authorities worldwide have used the SAA for the assignment of spectrum (see Study 2,
Chapter 5), and for the auctioning of divisible goods in other markets, for example the
electricity market (Cramton et al., 2006).
The SAA generalizes the single-unit English auction for the sale of multiple units.
The main characteristics of the SAA are the following. First, the auctioneer auctions all
units of all items simultaneously. Second, the bidding process takes place in in multiple
rounds. A bidding round lasts for a period of time defined by the auctioneer and allows
bidders to debate with their teams and calculate their next bids. The bidders are not
allowed to communicate with the opposing bidders and do not gain any information on
the opposing bids submitted in the current round. Third, the bidding process is open,
meaning that the bids are published after each round. The level of detail provided can
vary. In the “most open” auctions, the auctioneer announces all bids including the bids’
values and the bidders’ identities, while in the “least open” auctions, the auctioneer
discloses only the value of the highest bid without revealing the bidder’s identity. Last,
bidders bid on individual units. Package bids are not allowed.
In addition to the basic properties, there are a number of micro-rules that need to be
defined. Table 2.2 provides a summary of the most relevant micro-rules.
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions
Table 2.2: Micro-rules of the SAA. For an elaborate description see Cramton (1997).
Micro-rule Description
Stopping rule The stopping rule determines when the bidding phase of the auction ends.
Minimum bid The minimum bid increment dictates the minimum amount by which bid-
increment ders have to increase their bids. It is implemented to keep the duration of
the auction within certain limits. The auctioneer can adjust the minimum
bid increment according to the advancement of the bidding phase. Typical
increments are in the 5 to 10 percent range (Cramton et al., 2006).
Activity rule The activity rule is installed to prevent the bidder from waiting to bid until
the last minute, which deprives her opponents of valuable information. The
activity rule forces the participant to bid in a consistent manner and with
a certain level of activity. The level of activity determines what percent,
depending on the advancement of the bidding phase, of her current eligibility
the bidder must be active on. This can range from the simple requirement
that the activity may not increase from round to round to more complicated
versions that include comprehensive restrictions.13
Bid information Bid information is the information that is published before, during and
after the auction. The amount of released information can vary from only
little—e.g. the identities of all the bidders before the start, the highest bid
after each round and in the end the winner is revealed—to full transparency
about the identities of the bidders and the deposits they made beforehand,
the highest bids and who made them and all the bidders’ eligibility after
each round.
Bid withdrawal The possibility of bid withdrawals in return for withdrawal penalties can
be implemented in order to mitigate the exposure problem. The penalty
amounts to between 0 and the difference between the withdrawn bid and
the final bid.
Tie-breaking rule Ties occur, when several bidders bid the same highest price on the same
unit. One solution for this instance is to award the unit to the bidder
who submitted her bid first. These time-based rules come with the (often
welcome) side-effect that bidders have an incentive to submit their bids
faster. Alternatively, ties can be solved by a random draw.
There have been several different versions installed by the FCC. In some auctions the bidders were
in possession of a certain number of waivers that could be used in a round like a “time-out” in
which they were not required to submit a bid.
2 Multi-item Auctions
Auctioning the items simultaneously eliminates the uncertainty about future prices of
substitutional items, that occurs in sequential auctions, and allows the bidders to bid
more aggressively. It also enables the bidders to shift their bids to the most beneficial
items (Cramton et al., 2006).
If bidders have complementary valuations, allowing only individual bids on the units of
the items can inflict the risk that bidders will acquire only a subset of a desired package.
This is called the exposure problem. This problem is especially prominent if the items
are complementary. Allowing bids on packages solves the exposure problem. Yet it also
increases the complexity for the auctioneer and the bidder and additionally bears the
risk of the so-called threshold problem. This problem describes the difficulty of a group
of bidders to outbid a global bidder, when every single bidder in the group seeks to keep
her contribution to the total bid low. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of
package bids, in 1994, the FCC saw the danger of the exposure problem as the lesser
evil relative to the complexity and the potential threshold problem (Cramton, 1997).
Milgrom and Weber’s (1982) argument for open auctions also holds for the SAA. As
in the ECA, after each round the participants are able to update their own valuations
of the items and their estimates of the final prices. Therefore, Cramton et al. (2006)
identifies the SAA’s price discovery performance as the auctions design’s key success
factor for its predominance in certain applications.
Yet the advantage of intermediate price signals comes with an increased risk of col-
lusion. For instance, bidders may try to communicate through their bids by entering
characteristic numbers that represent the desired number of spectrum rights or the postal
code of a desired region. This maneuver is called bid signaling. In order to prevent collu-
sive bidding through bid signaling, most recent spectrum auctions—notably the German
spectrum auction analyzed in Chapter 5—have made use of so-called click-box bidding.
With click-box bidding, the bidders can only bid on a predefined selection of values
above the minimum bid increments. This prevents bidders from communicating their
preferences disguised as numbers in their bids.
Although the SAA is well established in practice, the theory on this auction format is
less developed. Milgrom (1999) showed that for settings with more than three bidders,
if at least one bidder has demand in which items are not mutual substitutes, no compet-
itive equilibrium prices exist. Remarkably, Kagel et al. (2010) stated the lack of SAA
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions
Due to its practical relevance, there is a large body of empirical literature on the SAA.
Cramton et al. (2006) saw practical proof of the SAA’s efficiency in the fact that the
resale of spectrum rights is uncommon. In an experimental comparison of the SAA with
the VCG mechanism, under independent private values, Brenner and Morgan (1997) did
not find significant differences in allocative efficiency. Between the SAA and variants of
a so-called Anglo-Dutch Auction, under independent private values with an uncertain
common value component, Abbink et al. (2005) did not find significant differences in
allocative efficiency. All in all, the empirical evidence suggests that the SAA leads to
efficient results which are on a par with, albeit not better than the efficiency results
shown by competing auction designs.
Referring to the US spectrum auctions, Cramton et al. (2006) stated that revenue
expectations had often been exceeded. Klemperer (2002a) analyzed the revenue results
of the SAAs that took place in several European countries in 2000 and 2001 for the sale
of spectrum rights for so-called 3G (third-generation) networks. Klemperer criticized
the majority of these auctions for not living up to their revenue potential.
Klemperer identified a gap between the actual spectrum values and the auction prices.
The estimates before the auctions and the promisingly high prices in the British and
the German 3G auctions indicated values of 400–650 euros per capita, while countries
like Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark and Greece received embarrassingly low
revenues of 100 euros or less per capita.
Klemperer identified several flaws in the auction designs and in the supporting policies,
which he blamed for the low revenues. Since the bidders participated repeatedly in very
similar market situations, bidders learned to anticipate the auction outcomes and to
behave collusively. The increased danger of collusion was further facilitated by the open
design of the SAA. Furthermore, smaller firms were frightened away from participation,
reducing competition in the auction. The auctioneers, on the other hand, failed to learn
from the high revenues in the early auctions and did not set sufficiently high reserve
2 Multi-item Auctions
prices. To sum up, revenue and the quality of price signals in the SAA seem to depend
crucially on the specific market situation. Repeated auction events and a small number
of bidders are problematic in this respect.
Cramton (2009a) proposed the Package-clock Auction (PCA) for the sale of radio spec-
trum rights.14 In a “best of both worlds approach,” the auction design merges a clock-
bidding stage with a package-bidding stage—the first stage being similar to the ECA
described in Section 2.4.1 and the second stage being similar to the VCG mechanism
described in Section 2.3.2.
In recent years, the PCA has gained some traction in large-scale field applications.
Cramton and Ausubel used the auction design to conduct several auctions in the gas
and electricity sector as well as in a spectrum allocation context, the Austrian regulator
employed the PCA in the 2010 spectrum rights auction of the 2.6 GHz spectrum, in 2012
the Swiss regulator employed the PCA for the sale of multiple spectrum bands, and
further auctions are planned in other European countries (e.g. Ireland). The ascent of
the PCA points to the importance of an experimental investigation of this new auction
design, and Study 2 (Chapter 5) contributes to this exercise.
In the first stage of the PCA, the auctioneer posts a clock price for each item. This
clock price is increased until the demand does not exceed the supply for each item.
In contrast to a traditional clock auction, the auctioneer interprets the clock bids as
package bids. This guarantees that no incomplete subsets of the quantity combinations
bid for in the clock stage are allocated. In the second stage of the auction, the bidders
submit conventional package bids. By sequentially conducting these two stages of the
auction, the PCA combines an open and dynamic design with package bids.
Auction Process The clock stage consists of multiple rounds. At the beginning of a
round, clocks for each item announce the current price for one unit of an item. After
a round, the prices increase for those items for which the demand exceeds the supply.
Predecessors of the PCA auction design were presented in Porter et al. (2003) and Ausubel et al.
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions
The increment of the increase is determined by the auctioneer. The clock stage ends,
if there is no excess demand for any of the items. As in the SAA, the bidding rounds
are discrete, giving the participants time to react to the new information. Since the
demand vector of each bidder is interpreted as a package bid in each round, the bidders
indirectly bid on packages in the clock stage.
The main purpose of the clock stage is the provision of price signals. As discussed
in Section 2.2.3, price signals are particularly relevant with respect to uncertain value
components. Also, it is helpful for a bidder to learn about the preferences of her oppo-
nents, since the items received by the opposing bidders can have a positive or a negative
impact on the bidder’s valuation of the items. The bidders are supposed to use the
information on prices and quantities acquired in the clock stage to improve their bids in
the supplementary stage (Ausubel et al., 2006).
In the supplementary stage, bidders get the opportunity to revise their bids from the
clock stage or to bid on additional packages. For example, a bidder who bid on two
units in the clock stage is able to express her demand for a single unit at a lower price
in the supplementary stage. The supplementary bids are sealed bids and all made in
a single round. At the end of the supplementary stage, the auctioneer calculates the
value-maximizing allocation according to Equation (2.6) presented in Section 2.3.2 on
the VCG mechanism.
Activity Rule In principle, bidders can bid on any valid bundle. However, there
is no obvious reason why bidders should make the effort to submit bids in the clock
stage—revealing their demand—if they can also wait to submit their bids until the
supplementary stage. Therefore, bidders could be inclined to refrain from bidding in the
clock stage and bid only at the very end of the auction, a behavior called “bid-sniping.”
To prevent this behavior, an activity rule requires all bids to be consistent between the
clock stage and the supplementary stage. The activity rule is a critical, though also a
complex part of the PCA.
The original revealed preference activity rule was introduced by Ausubel et al. (2006).
In every bidding round Bidder i’s bids must satisfy the following formula:
pti − psi · qit − qis ≤ 0, (2.10)
2 Multi-item Auctions
in which s and t (s < t) are two points in time, psi and pti the price vectors and qis and qit
the demand vectors at these times.15 This means that at any point t in time Bidder i can
switch from a package qis to the package qit , only if qis is relatively more expensive. Since
the activity rule also applies to the supplementary round, the bids made in the clock
stage constrain the bids that the bidders can submit in the supplementary round. So,
in order to be able to bid up to their true valuation for a package in the supplementary
stage the bidders must bid according to their true valuation in the clock stage.
In order to reduce the complexity and the restrictiveness of the original revealed
preference rule, Cramton modified the original activity rule including fewer constraints.
The modified rule is called the simplified revealed preference rule, and implemented in
the present experiment. In the clock stage, it is possible to bid on packages of the
same size or smaller without any constraint. Bids on larger packages have to satisfy the
following inequation:
This means that in order to switch at a point t in time to the bigger package qit , this
package has to become relatively cheaper than the package qit−1 .
The rules for the supplementary stage are also simplified. Let bi (qif ) be the final bid
of the clock stage on the package qif . Then, all bids bi (qi ) in the supplementary stage on
packages qi of the same size or smaller then qif need to satisfy the following constraint:
For the derivation see Ausubel et al. 2006.
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions
and all bids in the supplementary stage on packages larger than qf the constraint:
where s is the round in which bidder i bids for the first time on a package qis smaller
than qi . Since the bidders cannot know which round in the clock stage will be the last,
they have to bid consistently with what they intend to bid in the supplementary stage.
Otherwise they will not be able to submit their intended bids at the end of the auction.
Cramton (2009b) also tested the simplified version in a series of experiments. Those
experiments support the suggestion that the desired properties of the original rule carry
on to the simplified version of the rule. The simplified version of the activity rule was
used in the Austrian spectrum auction in 2010, and was also used in the experiment
reported in Chapter 5.
Pricing Rule The PCA pricing rule modifies the VCG pricing rule discussed in Sec-
tion 2.3.2, in order to avoid a notorious problem associated with the original rule. In
the case of complementary items, situations can occur in which the sum of the prices
charged for a subset of units is below a price offered by an opposing bidder or a coalition
of opposing bidders. In the terminology of game theory, the prices are not in the core.
In a renegotiation of the auction outcome, this result would not be stable.
Cramton (2009a) tackled this problem modifying the Vickrey prices to conform with
a set of side conditions. These conditions guarantee that the final auction prices are
in the core. In the first step of the price determination, the auctioneer calculates VCG
prices. She then determines the final PCA prices by choosing the prices with the smallest
Euclidean distance to the VCG prices that still fulfill the core-conditions. This modified
pricing rule is called Closest-to-Vickrey (CtV) pricing. The principle idea behind this
procedure is to minimize the incentives for deviating from truthful bidding.
Advantages and Disadvantages A major advantage of the PCA over the SAA is
the elimination of the exposure problem through the use of package bids. A second
advantage over the SAA is the PCA’s speed, since clock bidding is faster than bidding
on individual units. The SAA is especially slow toward the end of the auction, because
few bids are then placed on the units and it takes several bidding rounds to increment
2 Multi-item Auctions
the price on all units. As a third advantage over the SAA, the clock stage is easier to
oversee and clearer in its structure than the plethora of individual bids in the SAA, since
the bidder only needs to answer an easy demand query: “how many units to purchase
at the current price.”
Ausubel et al. (2006) named limited information as another advantage of the PCA.
The current price and the excess amount of each item is the only information released
to the bidder after each round. This prevents the bidders from using bid signaling to
communicate with other bidders, from retaliating with bids and from excessive strate-
gizing. However, the exclusiveness of this advantage is disputable. One could argue that
the SAA can be designed to provide as much or as little information.
The PCA is not without potential disadvantages. The complexity of the activity rule
can be problematic for the bidders. This may require more intensive training sessions
than in the SAA. An analogous problem for the auctioneer is the complexity of the
winner and price determination. There are several optimization problems to solve, which
means the PCA needs more computational time than the SAA.
Also, since the PCA is a relatively new auction design, potential auctioneers and bid-
ders do not have much experience with it, whereas the SAA has been conducted countless
times. This concern played a major role in the decision of the German authorities against
the PCA in favor of the SAA in 2010 (Bundesnetzagentur, 2009).
The incentive to deviate from a straightforward bidding strategy under CtV pricing
can be very pronounced. For a continuous, incomplete-information environment, Goeree
and Lien (2009) showed that core-selecting auction formats yield lower and less efficient
outcomes further from the core than do Vickrey outcomes.16 An example analogous to
the one described by Goeree and Lien is provided below.
Example 2.2 (Incentives for deviating from truthful bidding in the PCA)
The following example illustrates the nature of deviations from truthful bidding under
CtV pricing in a complete-information environment. Two units of an identical item are
auctioned among three Bidders i ∈ {1, 2, 3}. ki ∈ {0, 1, 2} denotes the number of units
purchased by Bidder i and vi (ki ) denotes the value Bidder i places on her purchase ki .
Although Goeree and Lien’s (2009) result sounds drastic, it does not mean the end of the PCA.
The PCA solves an important political issue and competing auction formats like the SAA do not
look much better from a theoretical perspective.
2.4 Open Ascending Auctions
Bidder 1 places a value of 100 on the purchase of both items, but no value on the
purchase of a single item. In contrast, Bidder 2 and Bidder 3 each place a value of 80 on
the purchase of a single item, while the purchase of an additional item does not increase
the bidders’ valuations. While the two units are complements for Bidder 1 they are
perfect substitutes for Bidders 2 and 3. This situation is depicted in table 2.3.
Provided that all bidders bid according to their true valuations, the auction outcome
in the PCA is as follows. No unit is allocated to Bidder 1 who accordingly pays zero.
Bidders 2 and 3, who jointly hold the highest value for the two units auctioned, each
obtain one unit. The price for a unit is 50. The original Vickrey price is 20, while the
additional 30 stem from the CtV-pricing-rule which imposes an increase on the original
in order to meet the core criterion. If both bidders did pay only 20, the total payment
would be only 40, which is less then Bidder 3’s bid of 100. Due to the symmetry of the
situation the increase of the price is split equally between Bidders 2 and 3.
Indeed, all splits of the CtV total minimum price for Bidders 2 and 3 of the total CtV
price of 100 represent an equilibrium, with the only symmetric equilibrium being the
equal split of 50-50. In any equilibrium, the reported total valuation is 100, which is
well below the actual valuation of 160.
3 Methodology
“If a mechanism does not work acceptably in a simple case created in a labo-
ratory, then there may be no reason to think that it will work in the complex
cases found in a field application.”
(Plott, 1997, p. 607)
Informal experiments are an integral part of children’s everyday life. They put things
into their mouths to compare their feel and taste, or they throw objects from the table
to observe their behavior under the laws of gravity. The goal of those experiments is
to fight boredom, to observe nature and to learn about the relationship of cause and
effect. Exploring similar questions of cause and effect, scientists perform experiments in
a systematic way. The tradition of comparative experiments goes back as least as far as
the 10th century, when the Arab scholar Alhazen employed experiments for his inquiries
in optics (Alhazen, 1989).1
The environment in the field is often complex and a whole plethora of variables changes
between the single observations. It is usually impossible to hold all variables—other than
the treatment variables—equal. Even more troubling, it is usually not possible to identify
all relevant variables and to measure their change. An illustrative example is provided
by the German and the Austrian spectrum auctions conducted in 2010 (Chapter 5). In
both cases, the respective regulator auctioned spectrum in the 2.6 GHz band. Since
the two regulators employed two fundamentally different auctions, the auctions’ designs
could be compared on the basis of the available field data.
Indeed, as the auctions in the example took place in a very similar technological and
cultural environment in neighboring countries, the conditions for a comparison seem
favorable. Unfortunately, however, there are still so many differences between the two
situations that a direct comparison of the two real-life auction events is almost infeasible.
First, the researcher’s knowledge of the participants’ valuations and their motivation is
incomplete. Second, different bidders with different business models participated in the
auctions, additional spectrum bands were offered in the German auction, the markets
differed in size and structure, and the geological environments differed. And third, when
the Austrian auction took place, the participants were able to incorporate the knowledge
of the earlier German auction.
Experimental economics gains control over the relevant variables by conducting the auc-
tions in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Vernon Smith, the founding father
of experimental economics stated: “Control is the essence of experimental methodology”
(Smith, 1976, p. 275). This section presents several existing instruments for guaranteeing
control in the economic lab.
3.1 Comparative Experiments
these variables are equal between the treatments (or that they differ in a controlled
A second instrument of control is the use of identical procedures for all treatments.
For instance, the laboratory hardware, the interface of the experiment software and the
instructions should be identical between the treatments. Yet, the extent to which these
and other procedural parameters can be controlled is limited. In contrast to experiments
in the natural sciences, experiments in social sciences are limited in the control of humans
and their complex environment. Also—as will be explained in the following sections—
control over the physical content of instructions and software does not automatically
imply control over the perception of these media and over the experiment situation in
the human mind.
The subjects in an experiment are (usually) individual humans who participate in the
experiments voluntarily. In principle it is not possible to hold these subjects constant
across treatments. If the same subjects participate in all treatments (within-subject de-
sign), they will be biased in the later treatments due to their experience of the earlier
treatments. If, on the other hand, different subjects participate in the separate treat-
ments (between-subject design), they will also be different in personality, cognitive capa-
bility and other human traits. One mechanism for controlling for sequence and learning
effects in within-subjects studies is varying the sequence of treatments within one exper-
imental session—for instance, for Treatments A and B, two alternative sequences could
be ABBA and BAAB (Friedman and Sunder, 1994, p. 26).
3 Methodology
Smith (1976) stated two central functions of experimental economics. First, “laboratory
studies can serve as a rigorous empirical pretest of economic theory.” And second, the
“results of experiments can be directly relevant to the study and interpretation of field
data.” Plott (1994) saw an additional role for economic laboratory experiments. He
suggested that experiments should serve to test markets designed by economists and
intended for actual applications. Plott coined these experiments testbed experiments.
Plott (1997) distinguished between several types of testbed experiments. First, ex-
periments serve to test the “broad rules that might be implemented” (p. 605). A broad
comparison of rules and auction designs is also the main goal of the experimental stud-
ies in this thesis. Plott mentioned two more functions of testbed experiments, which he
encountered when consulting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on the
choice of an auction design for the sale of radio spectrum rights. After the FCC had
decided on the broad rules of the auction design, experiments were employed in order
to test the detailed rules. These experiments were run with the actual software that
was developed for the auction, and “at this stage, the experimental methods were, in
a sense, part of debugging” (p. 608). In addition, during the actual operation of the
The author’s personal experience with requests for instructions is negative. In some instances, the
instructions were claimed to be lost or burnt. To ensure reproducibility, it would seem appropriate
to require the publication of the instructions and the software along with a research article.
3.1 Comparative Experiments
FCC auction, insights from the experiments were used to adopt details of the running
auction process. For instance, during the auction, the experimenters contributed their
experience to adjust the speed of the auction by setting appropriate bid increments.
Any form of testbed experiment is typically more specific to a given situation than
a traditional theory-based laboratory experiment. Furthermore, in contrast to stylized
models, real large-scale applications are typically more complicated and more obscure.
First, real bidders and items are worlds of their own with a plethora of attributes and
unique features. The real world is never homogeneous and one usually does not know
all of its properties and conditions. Second, there are additional aspects—apart from
bidders and items—which are interwoven with the market. For instance, law, politics,
and emotional aspects might play a role and affect the market situation.
To some degree there is a trade-off between internal and external validity. The more
closely the experiment situation represents a real market, the more complicated the
experiment will get. But a more complicated situation is also very likely a situation
which is more difficult to control. When deciding on this trade-off, one might keep in
mind that internal validity is a prerequisite of external validity. Therefore, it may not be
possible to obtain an arbitrarily high level of external validity without losing the internal
and therefore the overall validity of the experiment.
Despite their long tradition in psychological research, the concepts of internal and
external validity were not introduced in experimental economics until the 1980’s and
1990’s (Heukelom, 2009). And still, the issue of external validity is not clear cut. Al-
though there may be many differences between the inside world of the laboratory and
3 Methodology
the outside world, it may also be true that the two worlds have more in common than
they have differences. For instance, Plott (1982) stated that “laboratory markets are
‘real’ markets in the sense that principles of economics apply there as well as elsewhere.
Real people pursue real profits within the context of real rules” (p. 1520).
One condition for internal validity is that the subjects understand a given task. For
example, Fiore (2009) stated that an experiment is considered internally valid—“in the
sense that the causal relations derived from it can be considered as fundamentally true
and replicable” (p. 26)—if the following conditions are fulfilled: “adequately motivated
subjects, put in a controlled environment, where they are not deceived, but rather are
The idea of this figure was adopted from Sugden (2005).
3.1 Comparative Experiments
given the opportunity to understand properly the task they are required to perform and
given the opportunity to acquaint themselves with it” (p. 25–26, emphasis added). This
section discusses how experimental economists traditionally ensure subject comprehen-
sion and how their instruments develop.
What cannot be found in Davis and Holt’s textbook (or in any textbook on experi-
mental economics) is a discussion of the insights provided by psychology on learning and
cognition in complex environments. One reason might be that typical instructions for
traditional theory-based experiments include only a few pages of text, which does not
require overly sophisticated training instruments. A second reason may be that, even
if more sophisticated instruments could improve comprehension, their implementation
would require dedicated effort.
3 Methodology
tions are published along with the experiment instructions, experimenters usually do
not systematically document or report the questions that were posed by the subjects.
For example, Cramton (2009b) provided his student test subjects with 38 pages on the
rules of his Package-clock Auction (PCA) experiment. The PhD-student subjects could
handle this task, as they were given as much time as they wanted to read the instructions
at home and prepare for the experiment.5 Unfortunately, the number of observations for
this type of experiment is naturally limited by the size of the potential subject pool and
the level of control is much lower than in a traditional experiment, since communication
and collusion cannot be prevented completely. Also, experimenter demand effects can
be more prominent in the familiar environment of the PhD-student subject pool, making
it necessary to monitor this issue very carefully.6 An alternative would be to employ
regular students and to instruct them in the controlled environment of the laboratory.
Yet, given the extent of the instructions in the case of Cramton (2009b), it seems likely
that the subjects would be overwhelmed by the amount of material they had to learn
and understand in the limited time available in a traditional laboratory experiment.
After receiving the experimental instructions, the second major instance of information
and interaction in an economic experiment is usually moderated by the experimental
software. The issue of software and interface design is similar to the one of instruction
design, and most of what has been said about the design of the instructions might also
be said of the interface. The didactic requirements are basically the same, and in fact,
a major task of the instructions is to explain the interface.
Source: Private correspondence with the experimenter in February 2010.
The experimenter demand effect occurs when subjects try to act according to the behavior that is
supposedly desired by the experimenter.
3.1 Comparative Experiments
Friedman and Sunder (1994) emphasized that “[s]oftware is the key resource in a com-
puterized economics laboratory in terms of both the time and money it takes to develop
and maintain” (p. 66). Nevertheless, neither Friedman and Sunder’s, nor Davis and
Holt’s (1993) textbooks provided detailed guidelines for the design of experimental soft-
ware. Since the publication of these popular textbooks, software and interface standards
have been driven mainly by the development of software toolkits by the community of
experimental economists—such as Multiple Unit Double Auction (MUDA) by Charles
Plott (Plott, 1991), Multistage by Thomas Palfrey, Python Experimental Economics
Toolkit (PEET) by Ben Saylor, Willow by Jaap Weel and Kevin McCabe, and z-Tree by
Urs Fischbacher (Fischbacher, 2007). This list is far from being complete, which is also
the case for the process of software standardization for economic laboratory experiments.
One of the most popular tools for the development of experimental software is z-
Tree—on February 26, 2012, Google Scholar indicated 2,727 citations of the correspond-
ing journal article Fischbacher (2007). Also, both of the studies reported in Chapters 4
and 5 were programmed and conducted using z-Tree (plus custom plug-ins). The soft-
ware toolbox provides a graphical interface which facilitates the development of simple
programs, and it also offers the opportunity to write additional program code and to
include external programs.
Besides the practical advantage of simplifying software development and saving some
of the software costs, as stated by Friedman and Sunder (1994), z-Tree also had a big
impact on the standardization of the user interfaces of experimental software. All stan-
dard interface elements, such as buttons and input boxes, are provided by the toolbox
and do therefore look the same across all experiments. Furthermore, the client interface
always runs in full-screen mode, features a characteristic neutral grey color scheme, and
requires interface developers to use one-screen designs that do not involve multiple levels
of menus. These restrictions lend every z-Tree program a visually similar appearance.
Also, they force developers to use well-structured, tidy designs.
From a historical perspective, the standards for instructions and software tools for
economic experiments evolved over time to enable the fulfillment of the scientific re-
quirements of control, reproducibility and validity. The basis for the development of
most of the discipline’s instruments were common sense and experience. “To some
extent and from a given perspective, experimental economics seems to be still a disci-
3 Methodology
The evaluation of design science artifacts relies mainly on the experience reported by
the software engineers and the test users of the artifact. As Hevner et al. (2004) put
it, “knowledge and understanding of a problem domain and its solution are achieved
in the building and application of the designed artifact” (p. 75). This learning by
doing approach (plus the establishment of a more or less tacit consensus) resembles the
evolution of scientific methods.
The following sections will develop several (at least partly) new instruments for the
effective instruction of subjects and the running of experiments. Yet, since some of the
proposed changes may exceed the scope of evolutional development—quite naturally
provoking all kinds of caution and resistance—it seems advisable to provide a stronger
theoretical and empirical basis than is usually devoted to advances in experimental
instruction and software design. Therefore, although no validation of the overall imple-
mentation can be provided within the scope of this thesis, the following sections will
provide a foundation for the individual instruments, mostly reverting to the comprehen-
sive results of cognitive research.
3.2 Insights from Learning Theory
The science of cognition is a well established and self-contained discipline with a strong
theoretical and empirical foundation. Much of the literature in this field focuses on the
design of instructions, and the study of this literature is of interest to anyone involved
with the systematic teaching of learning objectives. In principle, the findings of cognitive
learning theory also apply to the instructions in economic experiments—even more so
since the empirical evidence in cognitive research is mostly the result of laboratory
As bad weeds grow tall, so the training industry offers an abundance of myths and folk
wisdom. From edutainment to discovery learning, most of these practices have not been
empirically evaluated and some have even been proved wrong through scientific evidence
(cf. Clark, 2006). The goal of the following sections is to present a short survey of the
scientific literature on the working of the mind and the principles of instruction that
can improve learning under the constraints of the laboratory situation in an economic
Cognition is the science of the mind—concerned with the mind and its processes, such
as perception, memory and reasoning. The methods of the cognitive sciences include
the construction of theory and the empirical validation or falsification of the theoretical
predictions. Although many of the great philosophers—such as Plato, Descartes, and
Kant—engaged, over the course of centuries, in the study of the workings of the human
mind, the modern discipline of cognition emerged only in the second half of the 20th
3 Methodology
Emphasizing the necessity of causal models for the understanding of learning, Mayer
(2005a) stated that the design of instructions is inevitably connected with a cognitive
concept of the mind. “Decisions about how to design a multimedia message always
reflect an underlying conception of how people learn—even when the underlying theory
of learning is not stated” (p. 32). Further, the understanding of that concept improves
the design of instructions, as “instructional messages that are designed in the light of
how the human mind works are more likely to lead to meaningful learning than those
that are not” (ibid.).
The dominant role of the cognitive sciences within psychology today can be traced back
to the cognitive revolution. Before the rise of cognitive science, behaviorism prevailed
in the analysis of behavior and learning. Behaviorists saw learning as a black box that
mediates between a stimulus and the behavioral response. The process of learning itself
was considered as out of the reach of research, since it occurs in the covert world of the
mind and cannot be directly observed. Indeed, radical behaviorism ignored any causal
role of the mind in human behavior (Paivio, 1986).
In the 1950’s, behaviorism was challenged by authors like George A. Miller, Noam
Chomsky and Donald Broadbent. These authors drew some of their inspiration and of
their arguments from the young disciplines of information science and from the research
on artificial intelligence, which naturally require conceptual models of the mind. Steven
Pinker (2002) summarized the core ideas of the cognitive approach. He stated that “[t]he
mental world can be grounded in the physical world by the concepts of information,
computation, and feedback” (p. 31) and that “[t]he mind cannot be a blank slate
because blank slates don’t do anything” (p. 34).
3.2 Insights from Learning Theory
explain this phenomenon, this set can be narrowed down by empirical observations and
the subsequent elimination of incompatible models.
Multimedia learning refers to the learning through multiple channels, such as pictures
and words. Note that (somewhat counterintuitively) the term multimedia learning usu-
ally refers to the multiple channels of perception and cognition rather than to actual
physical media. In this sense “words” include text as well as narration and “pictures”
include still pictures as well as animations.
In a survey of multiple empirical studies, Mayer (1997) emphasized the evidence that
the effect of multimedia learning does not depend on the actual media that the learning
material is presented in, but rather on the engagement of multiple cognitive processes.
Nevertheless, the requirements of control in economic experiments—such as the limited
amount of time and the necessity to document and to reproduce the learning materials if
required—may advise against some media. For instance, methods employing human in-
structors are generally difficult to control due to the learning processes of the instructors
themselves and due to the interaction between instructors and subjects.
Mayer (2005a) stated that “People learn more deeply from words and pictures than
from words alone” (p. 31). Exploring the question why one should expect the multimedia
principle to work, Fletcher and Tobias (2005) referred to the philosophy of the 18th -
century bishop, George Berkeley, who suggested that words and pictures evoke different
thought processes. While the word “tree” makes one think of the abstract concept of
a tree, a picture of a tree evokes a concrete image in one’s mind. The verbal concept
may also be associated with different attributes and images for different people, while
the image of a tree implies a very specific and strong meaning.
Paivio (1986) extended this thought by suggesting the dual coding theory which as-
sumes that the mind processes visual and verbal information differently and along dis-
tinct and mostly independent channels. Evidence for the independence of the channels
is provided by so-called dual-task experiments, in which subject have to accomplish a
secondary task, while working on a primary task (Clark et al., 2006, p. 34). For ex-
ample, the subjects listen to a series of numbers which they are supposed to remember,
3 Methodology
while they also wait for a signal tone, at which point they have to press a button. These
experiments showed that performance in the primary task suffers considerably, if the
secondary task occupies the same channel as the primary task, while secondary tasks on
different channels imply only a minor decline in performance.
Independent channels can also complement each other (e.g. Fletcher and Tobias, 2005).
For example, images can facilitate the recall of nouns. Furthermore, the capacity re-
strictions described in Section 3.2.3 apply channel-wise. Therefore, the overall process-
ing capacity increases, when more channels are employed. This is one of the primary
reasons why multimedia instructions lead to improved learning results (e.g. Low and
Sweller, 2005).
With respect to the verbal channel, there is strong evidence that narration (acoustic
information) is easier to process than printed text. Clark et al. (2006) cited not less
than 17 separate studies that were conducted in several countries and contexts which
support this statement. Remarkably, the advantage of narration is most pronounced for
complex learning materials, while it vanishes for very simple topics.
Learning requires information to pass from working memory into long-term memory.
Yet, long-term memory works much differently from the memory on a computer disk,
which just receives and stores information as it is. Instead, the human mind needs
to actively construct and (re)generate the information (Wittrock, 1989). “Instruction,
then, does not involve the transmission of intact ‘chunks’ of information from teacher to
students, but rather the transmission of cues that students use to construct, verify and
modify their models of the world” (Fletcher and Tobias, 2005, p. 119). The reason for
this somewhat cumbersome storage process lies in the structure of long-term memory.
A well established model of the human memory structure is provided by the schema
theory, which goes back to Bartlett (1932), and—in a modern, cognitive variant—to
Chi et al. (1982). As Sweller (2005) put it, “[s]chemas are cognitive constructs that
3.2 Insights from Learning Theory
The dual coding theory, the schema theory, and the constructive nature of learning
are key assumptions of both major theories of multimedia learning—Richard E. Mayer’s
cognitive theory and John Sweller’s cognitive load theory. Another, and perhaps the
most crucial element of those theories is concerned with the capacity and the limits of
the learning process, in particular with respect to working memory. Capacity issues are
the main obstacle that an effective instruction design needs to overcome. The following
section presents the most prominent of those issues and ways to overcome them.
One of the early and most robust findings of cognitive research is the limited capacity
of the human short-term memory and processing. Miller (1956) suggested that the
processing capacity of the human mind is limited to four to ten single items or chunks
of information. The author based his conjecture on a survey of numerous experiments.
For example, Pollack (1952, 1953) asked subjects to listen to tones and identify their
frequency by assigning numbers to them. While for up to four different tones mistakes
were very rare, a greater number of tones led to frequent confusion. For the design
of instructions, these findings imply that the instructor should avoid high numbers of
similar chunks of information.
The capacity restriction of four to ten chunks applies only to one-dimensional informa-
tion. Empirical research showed that increasing the number of dimensions increases the
overall capacity (Miller, 1956). For instance, Miller cited Klemmer and Frick’s (1953)
experiment on the judgement of points in a square, which represented a two-dimensional
problem.7 In the presence of a second dimension, the number of distinguishable positions
increased from 10 to 15 to about 24 positions.
As a remarkable aside, many of the studies Miller referred to in his seminal 1956 paper originated
from non-university and also non-psychological research. For instance, Pollack (1952, 1953) were
both published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and the study by Klemmer and
Frick (1953) was conducted at a US Air Force base and previously classified as military research.
3 Methodology
Klemmer and Frick’s and later studies indicated that an increase in the dimensions
of information increases the number of processable items. For instance, the human
mind can easily identify one out of thousands of faces. This is possible, because face
data provide several metrics, such as distances, shapes, and colors. Inferring some
advice for practical instruction design, organizing the input into several dimensions may
increase the number of processable chunks. For instance 20 bullet points sorted into
a two-dimensional framework may be easier to overview at a glance than a long, one-
dimensional list.
Miller (1956) suggested overcoming processing limitations through the use of recoding.
Miller gave the example of memorizing a 18-digits binary number, which is almost an
impossible task within the scope of working memory. Yet, recoding the binary number
into 6 octal digits transforms the task into a problem that is easily trackable by the
human mind. The trick behind this recoding procedure is that the human mind seems
to possess long-term memories of complex concepts (such as higher numbers) which
the short-term memory can access through a single reference. Sweller et al. (1998)
fleshed out this concept and defined conceptual chunks of information as schemas (cf.
Section 3.2.2). As the working memory interacts with the long-term memory, it employs
existing schemas in order to enhance its capacity.
In a quite extensive research program, John Sweller and his colleagues further refined
Miller’s work on cognitive capacity by focusing on the load side of the capacity problem.
Sweller et al. (1998) identified several distinct categories of load and proposed technics
for their management. Roughly, cognitive load theory distinguishes between relevant
and non-relevant load. Examples of non-relevant load—or in Sweller et al.’s terminology
extraneous cognitive load—are unnecessary pieces of information, distracting graphical
effects, and the crossing of cognitive channels (e.g. the choice of a verbal description of
graphical information).
3.2 Insights from Learning Theory
Sweller et al. distinguished between two types of relevant load. First, intrinsic cog-
nitive load stems directly from the difficulty of the learning materials. For example,
single-item auctions are intrinsically simpler than multi-item auctions. The instructor
can manage this kind of load—for instance by breaking down the information to a se-
quence of smaller parts—however, the essential difficulty of a topic cannot be reduced
3 Methodology
Second, the signaling principle is that graphical or acoustic cues can help to guide the
subjects’ attention to the most relevant information. This principle was supported in
three out of three studies collected by Mayer. Third, the redundancy principle states that
duplicating information increases the cognitive load on short-term processing. Therefore,
Mayer advised abstaining from the use of on-screen text that duplicates the narration of
a video. Note that the principle does not affect long-term memory and processing—for
instance, the distribution of previously narrated information in the form of printed text
(after the learning has taken place) may not have a negative effect on learning. The
redundancy principle was supported in ten out of ten studies.
Fourth and fifth, the spatial and the temporal contiguity principle are that correspond-
ing information is provided spatially and temporally close to each other. For instance,
explanatory text to the elements of a picture should be printed right next to the corre-
sponding elements, and graphics should be shown with the words explaining them. The
reasoning behind this advice is that any spatial or temporal separation of interrelated
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
information requires the mind to bring the information together for itself, increasing cog-
nitive load. Again, each of the two principles was supported by multiple experimental
The spatial continuity principle—also known as the split attention effect—is one of
the most prominent findings of cognitive load theory. Indeed, the second term may be
more accurate, since it seems that instructors can avoid the splitting of attention as well
by means other than spatial contiguity. For example, Mazarakis (2007) provided exper-
imental evidence that alternatively to joining graphical elements spatially, connecting
lines between the corresponding elements or enclosing frames around them are equally
effective in supporting the task of merging the relevant information.
Due to the complexity of the market situations investigated in this thesis, the instruc-
tions and the software of the experiments are even more crucial than in many traditional
laboratory experiments. This section seeks to advance the toolkit of experimental eco-
nomics by applying the empirical and theoretical results of cognitive research to the
design of those instruments (cf. Section 3.2). Its main contribution is the proposal of an
experiment environment that enhances control, reproducibility and validity in complex
market situations.
In order to fulfill the scientific standards defined above, two principles guide the design
of the proposed experiment environment. First, it seeks control on the overt or outer
level—the level of what is presented to the subjects, in what form and at what time.
Second, the experiment environment seeks control on the covert or inner level—the
level of how the subjects understand the situation and what pictures they form in their
minds. Traditional experimental instructions and software as introduced in Section 3.1.3
typically achieve a sufficient level of control on the overt level, but are limited in achieving
control on the covert level. The covert level is where the principles of cognitive research
come into play, and should be implemented without sacrificing control on the overt level.
3 Methodology
Table 3.2 provides an overview of the cognitive principles from Section 3.2 and their
implementation in experimental instructions and software. All of these features were ac-
tually implemented in the spectrum rights experiment, and most of the features were also
implemented in the emissions permits experiment. In the following sections, examples
from those experiments will illustrate the details of what the implementations looked
like and how they supported successful learning and participation in the experiment.
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
3 Methodology
While a cognitively founded design applied to the experimental instructions and soft-
ware can mitigate some of the complexity issues of testbed experiments, there are still
natural limits to what is feasible, and the overall experiment should stay within these
limits if possible. The crucial issue is less one of a single detail of the design, but
rather whether the subjects can realistically cope with the general design with all of
its elements—the market mechanism itself, the instructions, the software, etc. All the
details and design decisions together decide on whether an experiment can or cannot be
conducted successfully.
In the preparation of the emissions permits experiment in 2009, the author’s exper-
iment team faced the challenge of designing and communicating a multi-item auction
with an elaborate two-dimensional values structure and corresponding bidding rules. De-
spite the fact that they collaborated with several experienced experimental economists
to design the experiment, they had to abort the first pilot sessions because the sessions
turned out not to be doable in the time allowed by the experimental session. One reason
for this failure was that the experiment software required bids in the form of marginal
values which had to be inserted into a textual list of contracts. Although in principle
providing the most direct way to bid according to theoretical predictions, this form of
bidding was unfamiliar and confusing to most of the subjects. Further, it was difficult
to graphically overview and administrate the resulting list of bids.
The issue was resolved in the redesigned version of the experiment. Instead of freely
configurable marginal bids, the software finally included a list of prices ranging from 1
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
to 30 with a graphical slider on the side of each price (Figure 3.5). The slider allowed
subjects to set a quantity between 0 and 15 units of an item for each of the given
prices. While the previous version of the software required subjects to understand every
detail of the design in order to bid reasonably, the new version used familiar interface
concepts, relieved the subjects of as many cognitive burdens as possible, and delegated
the compliance to less crucial rules to the software. For instance, when a subject moved
one of the sliders, the experiment software automatically adapted the prices above and
below in order to ensure monotonicity. It was not necessary to explain the details of the
monotonicity requirement as it was built into the software.
In the emissions permits experiment example described above, the software relieved
the subjects of the burden of manually ensuring the monotonicity of their bids. In prin-
ciple, the automatic monotonicity adaption of the bids by the software is intuitive and
easy to understand. Yet, the verbal explanation of the idea in the textual instructions
required explaining all of the possible cases and successive steps that were involved. The
accumulation of similar verbal chunks of information confused the test readers.
The main problem with the task was that the principle of the slider movement was
essentially of a graphical modality. Indeed, if a graphic display of the setting and the
movement of the sliders was provided, the concept became clear and self-explanatory.
Only in verbal form did the concept need to be cumbersomely constructed by forming a
mental image from the verbal chunks, because there exist no single well-known term for
the concept in common speech. Therefore, the solution for the instructional problem was
3 Methodology
Menge A
0 1 2
0 0 10 40 Menge A
0 1 2
Menge B 1 3 12 41
12 10 10
12 18 44 Menge B 1
Figure 3.2: Germane load through alternative representations enforces robust schema
to employ the modality principle by depicting the slider concept in a video demonstration
of a working example.8
The values structure table was first introduced in a two-dimensional view (left box of
Figure 3.2). After explaining the meaning of the rows and the columns, the animated
video slowly tilted the two-dimensional table into the third dimension and explained the
values and their properties in the three-dimensional version of the table (center box of
Figure 3.2). Besides offering an alternative view in order to accomplish a more robust
construction of the values structure schema, the three dimensional display also allowed
a more intuitive and graphical depiction of sub- and super-additivity.
Finally, for explaining further characteristics of the table, the video switched back to
the two-dimensional view (right box of Figure 3.2). Later in the instructions, another
version of the two-dimensional values table reappeared in the video demonstration of the
software interface. Although the principle of the table was the same in the software as in
http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/co2/treatment 6/video 1.
http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/spectrum/pca/video 1.
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
the first part of the video instructions—since the table stood in the context of the soft-
ware interface and had to include some additional features—it looked slightly different
in terms of its size and colors. Yet, this additional perspective further contributed to the
forming of a general schema of the values table. By switching between two-dimensional
and three-dimensional views, different layouts and contexts, germane cognitive load was
admitted in order to help the mind construct a robust schema of the values structure.
When summing up the explanation of the values structure table, the instruction video
employed another advice from cognitive research by reverting to previously existing
schemas.10 The super-additive nature of two units of an item in the auction (cf. Chap-
ter 5) was summed up by telling the familiar proverb: “The whole is greater than the
sum of its parts.”11 This proverb evoked a concept deeply stored in most subjects’ long-
term memory. The hint also helped the subjects to associate the new values structure
schema with existing knowledge, which served as a catalyst for sorting the new schema
into long-term storage.
The spectrum experiment instructions also made generous use of signaling by visual
cues, while thoroughly complying with the principle of temporal contiguity to avoid the
split-attention effect. For instance, for the explanation of the software interface, the
relevant areas of the screen which were currently explained were highlighted, while the
other parts were faded out in order to focus attention on the relevant information. A
screenshot of the fade-out effect is provided in Figure 3.3.
Intrinsic and germane cognitive load were further managed by segmenting the video
instructions into several modules of about ten minutes each. After showing each module
completely once, subjects had the opportunity to navigate through the chapters of the
module and to replay any part of a module as often as required.12 While the initial
obligatorily presentation of the complete modules ensured that subjects did not skip
parts of the videos, their personal video player enabled subjects to adapt their cognitive
load to their individual optimum.
Figure 3.4 shows a screenshot of the video player which was embedded in the compre-
hension test. In the lower left section, a navigation area allowed the subjects to choose a
http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/spectrum/pca/video 1.
Translated from the German instruction text: “Das Ganze ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile.”
In order to allow the subjects to listen to different parts of the video without disturbing each other,
they were equipped with headphones.
3 Methodology
part of the video module by chapter, and below the video window, controls for playing,
pausing and resuming the video were provided.
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
Figure 3.4: Individual video player for cognitive load management embedded in the
comprehension test (screenshot).
3 Methodology
other, full control on subject comprehension can only be achieved on the level of the
independent groups. Forming groups on the basis of their members’ comprehension can
help to isolate the effect of issues of comprehension. For example, in the spectrum exper-
iment, subjects were distributed into groups of four, according to their comprehension
level. Within each group a homogeneous level of subject comprehension was obtained.
Alternatively, it could also be relevant to investigate different levels of heterogeneity or
any other comprehension structure. The decision on this structure is a design choice
and may also depend on the real market situation that the experiment is modeled after.
In order to cluster subjects by their comprehension and to include a control variable for
comprehension in the statistical analysis as proposed above, it is necessary to calculate
a quantitative comprehension measure. Some relevant proxies for subject comprehension
are the count ans(1) of questions that have been answered correctly at the first try, the
count ans(2) of questions that have been answered correctly at a later try, and the time t
that was required for completing the test. To rank the subjects by their comprehension,
these proxies can be aggregated to a one-dimensional indicator. For example, in the
spectrum experiment, the aggregation was chosen such that the order of indicators was
first determined by ans(1) , second (in the case of ties) by ans(2) , and third (in the case
of further ties) by t.
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
The user interface is the primary representation of the experiment situation to the
subjects. Usually, it provides all necessary information during the experiment and it
also serves for data input and interaction. Being such a prominent device, it is natural
to expect the user interface to have a considerable impact on the behavior of the subjects
and on the outcome of the experiment, and to affect overt as well as covert control.
Most of the cognitive principles presented in Section 3.3.1 apply just as much to the
design of the user interface as to the design of the instruction videos. For instance,
the modality principle recommends to present information in the “appropriate” cogni-
tive channel. For the user interface, this means that graphical information should be
presented by pictures, shapes or color, rather than text.
Further, schemas taught in the instructions should be made recognizable in the in-
terface by employing an arrangement of their elements and a design language similar
to that of the instructions. An example of the recurrence of both aspects is provided
by Figure 3.2. It also seems advisable to reduce extraneous cognitive load as far as
possible by abstaining from additional non-essential interface elements (coherence prin-
ciple), placing graphical elements and corresponding textual information close together
(avoiding the split attention effect), and using visual cues for highlighting important
information (signaling principle).
Besides enhancing control on the covert level by complying with cognitive principles,
a well-thought-out design of the user interface can also reduce the variance within and
between the treatments on the observable level. Within a treatment a simple maneuver
for reducing uncontrolled leaps and bounds in the subjects’ attention is the employment
of a compact one-screen interface. While this is the state of the art in traditional
laboratory experiments, some testbed experimenters tend to employ original software
which was designed with a plethora of sub-screens and pop-ups. These gimmicks should
be reduced to the necessary minimum.
3 Methodology
for the designs been developed independently—the resulting interfaces would certainly
look different from each other in many ways. For example, in the emissions permits
experiment, static and dynamic auction designs were compared. Naturally, the first
drafts of the software looked like completely different computer programs.
Two simple tricks helped to considerably unify the user interface. First, the dynamic
auction was supplemented by proxy bidding which allowed for the submission of complete
bidding schedules in advance—just as in a static auction. Second, the static auction
employed the same proxy bidding interface as the dynamic auction. Even the auction
process of the dynamic auction was simulated in the static auction—with two functional
differences. First, more time was provided for the initial bid submission. And second,
after the initial submission, the bids could not be changed, while the dynamic auction
process was conducted in time lapse mode. The screenshots in Figure 3.5 illustrate the
similarity of the resulting software screens.
3.3 New Instruments for Large-scale Applications
Figure 3.5: Unified user interface of static and dynamic auction designs in the emissions
permits experiment.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits
4.1 Background
“The Government has decided that a large proportion of permits will be auc-
tioned, highlighting the importance of auction design.”
Most of the recent increases in global average temperatures—which threaten the en-
vironmental stability of many places on earth—were very likely caused by increases
in human-made greenhouse gas concentrations (IPCC, 2007). In Kyoto, in 1997, 37
countries agreed to commit themselves to the reduction of climate-damaging emissions
(United Nations, 1998). One of the instruments stipulated in the Kyoto Protocol is a
cap and trade emissions trading system. This system constrains the emissions of climate
damaging pollutants by capping them to a limited number of permits which are issued
by the respective governments.
Some economists—for example Jensen and Rasmussen (2000), and Cramton and Kerr
(2002)—argued that auctions allocate emissions permits to their best possible use, that
they provide flexibility in the distribution of costs, and that auction revenues may con-
tribute to reducing distortionary taxes. The EU emissions trading system, the US
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and the (proposed) Australian Carbon
Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) followed this advice by prescribing auctions for a
proportion of their (prospective) permits allocation.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
The present experimental study investigates several alternative auction designs pro-
posed in the literature for the auctioning of emissions permits. The experiment was
designed and conducted by a team of researchers, including the author, at the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW), in order
to advise the Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE)
on the primary allocation of emissions permits in an emissions permits trading scheme.
Parts of this chapter were published in the final report prepared for the Australian
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (Betz et al., 2010).
Details and plans for the Australian CPRS were laid out in the governmental White
Paper Commonwealth (2008), which drew heavily on Evans & Peck (2007), commis-
sioned by the National Emissions Trading Taskforce (NETT). The scheme was intended
to cover about 75% of all greenhouse gases emitted in Australia. The majority of the
affected companies already have to report their emissions under the Australian National
Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (NGERA) of 2007 (Commonwealth, 2007). In
March 2012, in sum, these companies reported an estimated 344 megatonnes of direct
CO2 emissions for the financial year 2010-11, roughly 80% of which were accounted for
by 40 businesses.1 Besides emitting firms, financial institutions and professional dealers
would be allowed to participate in the auctions and the secondary permit markets.
Each permit would have a date stamp (vintage), indicating the year in which it became
applicable. Permits could be banked without restrictions (used in later years), while
borrowing (using permits earlier) was to be limited to a small amount (up to 5%). The
majority of the permits were supposed to be auctioned off in advance, up to three years
before the relevant vintage. There would also be a “wrap-up” auction after the end of a
financial year, to sell permits of the current year one month prior to the final surrender
date, thus allowing “liable entities to reconcile their permit requirements after emissions
data are finalised each year” (Commonwealth, 2008, p. 9-16). All in all, in one auction
event there could be up to five vintages auctioned off simultaneously—permits for the
previous year, the current vintage, and three future vintages.
Figure 4.1 shows the auction schedule as proposed in the recent 2012 Position Paper by
the Australian Government. The table shows the way the sale of emissions permits for a
Further information and data is available on the regulator’s website:
4.1 Background
Compliance Year
Vintage 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
15 million
2015-16 -15 million 50.0% 12.5%
15 million
2016-17 -15 million 12.5% 50.0% 12.5%
Figure 4.1: Proposed auction schedule (data from Commonwealth, 2012, p. 10).
The proportions (cells) refer to the proportion of units of a given vintage (rows) that
would 26 in a given compliance year (columns).
be auctioned
14 to auction events in consecutive compliance years. The
given year would be distributed
proportions expressed (cells) refer to the proportion of units of a given vintage (rows)
that would be auctioned in a given compliance year (columns). In turn, within one
compliance year, there would be multiple auction events, since the proposal suggested
an auction frequency of four auctions per year.
The 2008 White Paper proposed that the preferred auction type would be a simulta-
neous multi-vintage English Clock Auction (ECA) with proxy bidding. The goal of the
experiment described in this dissertation was to test the proposed simultaneous ECA,
and to compare it with a simultaneous Uniform-price Sealed-bid Auction (USBA), as
well as with sequential auctioning in an ECA, or in a USBA. The key objectives of
the government were to “promote allocative efficiency (...) with a minimum of risk and
transaction costs,” to “promote efficient price discovery,” and to “raise auction revenue”
(Commonwealth, 2008, chapter 9-2). The first two objectives were given priority over the
last one. Consistent with these goals, the criteria of the present experimental comparison
were auction efficiency, revenue and price signals (cf. Section 2.2).
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
As the experiment was motivated by the discussion on the CPRS proposed in Aus-
tralia, some specifics of the experimental design were related to this specific situation.
However, the advantage of an economic experiment is that it is able to abstract many
particularities of the natural environment. This study did not model any (transitional
or permanent) price caps, reserve prices, international permit markets, product market
decisions, abatement investments, compliance checks or penalties. Rather, it incorpo-
rated all these features into bidder preferences which were induced in a controlled way.
This feature of a laboratory experiment makes it possible to come to conclusions about
causal relationships. It may naturally limit the external validity of the results obtained
in such a controlled environment—a caveat of any laboratory experiment—but at the
same time it makes the results more general, and also relevant for other permit markets,
and multi-unit auction designs in general.2
Shortly after the present study’s completion, in April 2010, Kevin Rudd’s labor gov-
ernment deferred its original CPRS proposal due to the loss of the liberal party’s sup-
port for emissions pricing. Paradoxically, in 2011, the succeeding government of Julia
Gillard—which initially was strongly opposed to any form of carbon pricing—had to
perform the opposite of Rudd’s move, in order to gain the Green Party’s support, and
finally introduced the “Clean Energy Act” emissions trading system to Australia (Com-
monwealth, 2011). In March 2012, the present study’s proposal for the auctioning of
the permits (Betz et al., 2010) made its way into the DCCEE’s position paper for the
implementation of the future auctioning of emissions permits (Commonwealth, 2012).
A firm’s abatement costs for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are specific to
that particular firm, and therefore may be best captured by an IPV model (Section 2.1).
However, as there will typically be a liquid secondary market for emissions permits, the
resale value of the permits may also be of high relevance to emitters and to resellers alike.
However, especially in the beginning of an emissions permits trading scheme, the resale
value is highly uncertain. Price signals obtained in the primary auctions can help to
Confer with Chapter 3 for a more elaborate discussion of validity in economic laboratory
4.2 Price Signals in Emissions Permits Auctions
mitigate this uncertainty (ibid.). Therefore, governments may want to publish the prices
generated during the emissions permits auctions and they may be concerned about the
quality of these price signals.
The two most prominent auction designs within the class of uniform-price auctions are
the Uniform-price Sealed-bid Auction (USBA) and the English Clock Auction (ECA)
(Chapter 2). By revealing aggregate demand during the course of the auction, ascending
clock auctions support the convergence of aggregate demand to supply, and therefore
are said to have superior price discovery capabilities relative to sealed-bid auctions. This
may be especially important in the beginning of a permit trading scheme when secondary
markets are not yet operating efficiently (see Holt et al., 2007; Mandell, 2005; Ockenfels,
2009, for a corresponding argument that this advantage becomes less important once
secondary markets exist).
With the exception of Goeree et al. (2009) and Shobe et al. (2010) who found in their settings that
an ECA performed worse than a discriminatory auction with respect to revenue and efficiency.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
study incorporating a rich environment with permit banking, secondary markets, and
compliance penalties, Burtraw et al. (2009) compared clock auctions and uniform price
sealed bid with and without an opportunity to chat, and found that clock auctions yield
lower revenues than sealed-bid auctions in both environments, but the presence of an
opportunity to chat reduced revenues under both formats.
In a similar design, Mougeot et al. (2011) assessed the effect of the presence of spec-
ulators on the ability of bidders to collude in ascending-clock and a sealed-bid auctions
with a pre-auction chat. Speculators are essentially bidders with no private values for
the permits, who buy only in order to sell later in the secondary market. Again, sealed-
bid auctions led to higher revenues and less collusion than did ascending clock auctions.
The inclusion of speculators increased revenues further by making the auction more
competitive, but led to lower allocative efficiency (including spot trading on secondary
markets). In contrast to the collusion experiments, Porter et al. (2009) found that when
demand is relatively elastic, clock auctions are superior to sealed-bid auctions in terms of
revenue (but not different in their efficiency properties).4 No differences were observed
with inelastic demand.
One means to curb collusion in clock auctions—while at the same time keeping their
simplicity—might be to limit the information provided to bidders, i.e. not to reveal
aggregate demand after each price step. Shobe et al. (2010) tested this assertion by
comparing clock auctions with and without demand revelation in a “loose cap” environ-
ment, in which the number of auctioned permits was a high percentage of the demand
at the reserve price. In this setting, the authors did not find any significant differences
with regard to revenue or efficiency, and thus no indication for more or less collusion in
any auction type.
In sum, as Holt et al. (2007, 2008) pointed out, there seems to be a trade-off between
the effects of more information in promoting price discovery on the one hand and fa-
cilitating collusion on the other. The majority of auction designers seem to weigh the
collusion argument more strongly. For example, in the 2004 Virginia NOx auction ag-
gregate demand was not revealed because of concerns that it would facilitate demand
reduction (see Porter et al., 2009), and Holt et al. (2007, 2008) proposed a uniform-price
sealed-bid auction for the RGGI scheme.
Note that, for the single-unit case, Holt et al. (2007) could not replicate these results.
4.3 Multiple Vintages
The present study compared the USBA with the ECA, both with and without rev-
elation of aggregate demand. Furthermore, it investigated the impact of subsequent
secondary markets on all three auction types.
Real-world permit schemes typically issue several vintages of permits, and sell these
vintages ahead of time. For instance, the Australian CPRS planned to auction vintages
up to three years in advance.5 The auction schedule presented in Figure 4.1 (Section 4.1)
stipulated that the auctioning of a vintage be distributed over several compliance years,
and to hold auctions of several vintages in the same year.
When only one vintage is sold, the units of this vintage are indistinguishable and
homogeneous. Most of the experimental studies discussed above dealt with this case,
and were concerned with multi-unit auctions of a single vintage. However, when multiple
vintages are issued at once, these vintages must be considered as multiple items that
differ in their properties. With the exception of Porter et al. (2009), in the context
of emissions permits auctions, this case has not been studied yet. The present study
contributes to a systematic investigation of the multi-item case.
A particular question that arises in the multi-vintage case concerns the auction se-
quence. Should multiple vintages be sold simultaneously, as in the simultaneous USBA
or ECA, or should they be sold sequentially, in a sequence of single-vintage auctions?
A prominent conjecture in the market design literature is that simultaneous procedures
outperform sequential procedures with respect to allocative efficiency whenever the val-
ues of multiple auctioned items are related, either as substitutes or as complements. For
example, the different vintages of a pollution permit scheme can be described as partial
substitutes, if banking (using a permit later than vintage time stamp) is allowed but
borrowing (using it earlier) is restricted.
The advantage of the simultaneous approach is that it allows bidders to shift demand
from one vintage to another during the course of the auction. This gives bidders the
The purpose of these early auctions is to reveal abatement costs, to promote price discovery, and to
reduce transaction costs, volatility of prices and risks of bidders (Sections 2.2.3 and 4.2, and Betz
et al., 2010; Benz and Ehrhart, 2007; Ockenfels, 2009).
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
flexibility to react to price differences and to adjust their demand accordingly. Through
this flexibility, the simultaneous format facilitates more efficient outcomes. On the other
hand, a major concern in practice is that multiple simultaneous auctions may be too
complex, which may either confuse bidders or deter them from participating in the
auction at all. This was one of the reasons why the Virginia NOx auction was finally
implemented as a sequence of clock auctions and not as the recommended simultaneous
clock auction (Porter et al., 2009).
When multiple identical items were auctioned sequentially, the earlier items were ob-
served to yield higher prices than the later items (Ashenfelter, 1989; McAfee and Vincent,
1993). This phenomenon is known as the declining price anomaly or afternoon effect.
Ashenfelter reported the phenomenon for auctions of fine wine of identical vintages and
products of art sold by traditional auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s.
Yet, the empirical finding of declining prices in sequential auctions contradicts auction
theory under the assumption of risk-neutral bidders, in the case of private values as well
as in the case of affiliated values. In the first case, prices should be identical across
all auctions. In the case of affiliated values, referring to an unpublished manuscript by
Paul Milgrom and Robert Weber, McAfee and Vincent (1993) argued that prices should
actually increase due to the information released in the earlier auctions which reduces
the so-called winner’s curse.
Ashenfelter explained the finding of declining prices with risk-averse bidders who are
willing to pay a premium in the earlier auction in order to secure an item. McAfee and
Vincent provided a formal model of this concept. Beyond that they showed that the
logic of Ashenfelter’s explanation rests on the assumption of nondecreasing absolute risk
aversion. If this assumption is not fulfilled, McAfee and Vincent predicted inefficient
outcomes in sequential auctions.
To sum up, there are theoretic reasons for auctioning multiple vintages simultaneously
rather than sequentially. Yet, it is unclear if these theoretic advantages transfer to actual
auction situations. Further, higher prices in the early sequential auctions could have a
positive effect on auction revenues. In order to explore which of these arguments prevails
in real auctions, the present experiment tested the performance of both auction sequences
for all auctions types.
4.4 Experiment Design
The experiment tested the effect of different auction designs and auction sequences on
the resulting allocative efficiency, revenues, and price-signals in a multi-item multi-unit
environment. From January to March 2010, 54 experimental sessions were conducted at
KIT and UNSW. Each session included only one group of bidders with 14 participants.
Therefore the total number of independent auction groups equals the number of sessions.
For all treatments, two sessions were run at the UNSW, and four sessions were run at the
KIT. Participants were university students, recruited from the ASBLab subject pool at
UNSW using the online recruitment system Online Recruitment System for Economic
Experiments (ORSEE) (Greiner, 2004), and from a corresponding subject pool at the
KIT. Sessions at the UNSW were conducted in English, sessions at the KIT in German.
Each participant participated only once in the experiment, so all sessions and conditions
involve different subjects.
Figure 4.2 displays the treatment structure and the number of independent groups
who participated in each of the nine treatments (depicted in the cells).6 The experiment
featured two main treatment axes. First, it compared the Uniform-price Sealed-bid Auc-
tion (USBA) with the English Clock Auction (ECA). Second, the experiment compared
the sequential auctioning of the two items with the simultaneous auctioning of the items.
These treatment axes resulted in four main treatment categories. For each category six
independent auction groups, with 14 bidders each, participated in the experiment. Ad-
ditional treatments served to isolate the potential effects of information revelation in
the clock auctions and the effect of secondary markets. Both aspects are particularly
relevant with respect to the price discovery performance of the auctions.
The project included treatments that featured pilot runs of the main treatments, single-vintage
auctions and auctions with a large number of bidders (Betz et al., 2010). Yet these treatments are
not comparable, as they stand outside the systematic analysis. For example, a large group
treatment was conducted after the main study, and only for the “best-performing” treatment, in
order to test the practical feasibility of the design with a large number of participants. Therefore,
these treatments are not reported in the present analysis.
Übersicht Treatments
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
English clock
Sealed-bid No demand Demand
revelation revelation
The sequence of auctions within one session is summarized in Figure 4.3.7 All bidders
participated in six auctions—two for training and four according to treatment. The
training auctions did not involve proxy bids or sealed-bid procedures, but rather a simple
clock auction design. After two auctions, the auction design switched to the actual
treatment design.
The initial training auctions allowed all bidders to gain the same initial experiences
in a minimalistic clock auction setting, which may have been very instructive for the
bidders. For instance, Harstad (2000) observed in his second-price auction experiments
that subjects who had bid in an English auction before participating in a second-price
auction design bid closer to the dominant strategy. Similarly, in the present experiment,
it may have facilitated the subjects’ comprehension of the basic auction situation to
participate in several clock auctions before the sealed-bid auctions, and before the clock
auctions with proxy bidding.
Before the first training auction, instructions for the training auction design were dis-
tributed in written form and were also read aloud by a research assistant. Questions
could be asked throughout the instruction phase and the experiment, and were answered
privately. After all questions had been answered, participants completed a short com-
The entries “Shock” and “Discount” in the figure denote characteristics of the induced values
tables, and will be explained in Section 4.4.3.
Auctions CO2
4.4 Experiment Design
puterized comprehension test. Then the two training auctions were conducted. During 2 types of i
the experiment, no communication with other participants was allowed. (Vintage
To explain the change in the bid submission procedures after the last training auction,
3 Sascha M. Schweitzer – Bastelstunde März 2012 Institut für Wirtschaft
participants were shown a video on the computer screen which was tailored to the
relevant treatment, with the audio channeled either through headsets (UNSW) or via
loudspeaker (KIT). Participants in the USBA received the additional instructions in
written form as well, since they had to submit their bid function in advance, without
the opportunity to revise. Then Auctions 3 to 6 were run according to the relevant
At the end of the experimental session, one of the six auctions was randomly selected
for payoff. Then participants were paid privately in cash and left the laboratory. During
the experiment we used E$ (experiment dollars) as the currency. For the randomly
selected auction, participants were paid their profits/losses from the auction, plus a
lump-sum of E$150, which also covered potential losses. The E$ were converted at a
publicly known exchange rate of AUD$0.15/E$ at UNSW and e0.10/E$ at the KIT. On
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
average, sessions lasted about 2 hours, and participants earned AUD$31.77 at UNSW
and e21.02 at KIT, including an additional fixed show-up fee of AUD$5/e5.8
In each auction, 100 units of Item A and 80 units of Item B were sold. Item A represented
the current vintage, which covered the present year’s emissions, while Item B represented
the next vintage, which covered the following year’s emissions. No bidder was allowed
to bid for more than 15 units of Item A and 10 units of Item B. Figure 4.4 compares
the resulting numbers of units of items A and B that could be demanded at most with
the numbers of units supplied. For both items, the maximum demand clearly exceeded
the supply.
In each auction, individual heterogeneous demand functions were induced with the
help of individual redemption values for each possible bundle of A and B that could
be purchased. The sets of value functions (values structures) differed between sessions
within a treatment, but the same six different value structures were implemented in
every experimental treatment.
To create the six values structures, marginal value functions for Item A were generated
by randomly drawing the height and length of value steps. The marginal values for
Item B were either defined as being the same as for Item A (discount factor of 1), or
were proportionally discounted by a factor of 0.8. A discount factor smaller than one
may represent technology improvements or simple discounting of future profits. The
same series of discount factors was used in all sessions of all treatments.
4.4 Experiment Design
Items CO2
Supply Maximum aggregated demand
Item type A
(earlier vintage)
100 units supplied Maximum of 210 units demanded
Item type B 26
(later vintage)
80 units supplied Maximum of 140 units demanded
in the form of a two-dimensional values table. An example for the layout of the table
4 Sascha M. Schweitzer – Bastelstunde März 2012 Institut für Wirtschaftst
as it was distributed in the experiment is given in Table B.1 in the Appendix. In the
following example, a simplified (shortened) version will be used for the convenience of
the presentation.
Assume that a bidder is emitting carbon dioxide and would ask for at most 2 permits
in the first year and 2 permits in the second year. In the first year, his abatement costs
would be $15 for the first unit and $20 for the second unit. Therefore, his valuation
for permits usable in the first year is $20 for the first permit and $15 for the second
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
Table 4.1: Example for a marginal values table (cf. Betz et al., 2010, p. 35).
Table 3.4: Example marginal value table
Marginal value
Number of Vintage B permits
Vintage B
Marginal value
0 1 2 3
vintage A
16 12 0 0
Vintage A permits
20 20 20 20
16 12 0 0
Number of
16 15 15 15
15 12 0 0
15 12 0 0
12 0 0 0
12 0 0 0
1 20 A can36be used
48 in48Year481 or in Year 2, while permits
Number of
16 12 0 0
20 20 20 20
vintage A permits
16 12 0 0
Number of
16 15 15 15
15 12 0 0
15 12 0 0
12 0 4.40 Experiment
0 Design
12 0 0 0
Table 4.2: Example for a absolute values table (cf. Betz et al., 2010, p. 36).
Table 3.5: Absolute values in the example
Vintage A permits
Number of 1 20 36 48 48 48
2 36 51 63 63 63
3 51 63 63 63 63
4 63 63 63 63 63
value of a second permit of Vintage A is the maximum value at which it can be put
into use. If this second Vintage A permit was used to cover emissions in Year 1,
then its value would be $15 (the value of a second unit of emissions in Year 1).
However, if the second Vintage A permit was used in Year 2, this would bear a
value of $16. The marginal value of one more Vintage A permit is the maximum
of those values, i.e. $16.
3. Assume the bidder owns two permits of Vintage A and zero permits of Vintage B
(row 2/ column 0 in Table 4.1). We know that if the bidder owns two permits of
Vintage A, then he will use one of these permits to cover a first unit of emissions
in Year 1 (value $20), and the other permit to cover a first unit of emissions in
Year 2 (value $16). Now, if the bidder receives one more unit of Vintage A, then he
will use it to cover a second unit of emissions in Year 1 (a value of $15). However,
if instead the bidder purchased one more unit of Vintage B, he would not use it
to cover a second unit of emissions in Year 2 (a value of $12). Rather he would
allocate his permits efficiently, such that the additional Vintage B permit is used to
replace the Vintage A permit which previously covered the first unit of emissions
in Year 2. This way, the freed-up Vintage A permit can be used where its value is
highest: for a second unit of emissions in Year 1. Thus, in this case the marginal
value of a first vintage 2 permit is equal to the value of a second unit of emissions
in Year 1, $15.
From Table 4.1 it is easy to derive the absolute value for each possible bundle of
Vintage A and Vintage B permits. Table 4.2 displays the results of that transformation.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
Bidder 1
Bidder 2
Bidder 3
Bidder 4
Bidder 5
Marginal Bidder 6
value Bidder 7
Bidder 8
Bidder 9
Bidder 10
Bidder 11
Bidder 12
Bidder 13
Bidder 14
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Quantity of Item A
Figure 4.5: Example for one set of value functions (Session 3, Auction 1).
Heterogeneity of the bidders’ value structures was obtained by randomly drawing the
slope and the intercept of the value functions (cf. Section 4.4.2). Figure 4.5 shows an
exemplary set of 14 value functions that was used in one of the experimental sessions.
In this example, the bidders’ marginal values of the first unit ranged between 11 and
22 monetary units, and the bidders’ number of units with positive marginal values ranged
between 8 and 15.
For reasons of experimental control and in order to facilitate data analysis, a stationary
replication of the one-shot auctions was employed. Therefore, the same set of value
functions was used in all six auctions in a session. So that no bidder received the same
value function more than once, the individual functions were rotated after each auction.
4.4 Experiment Design
This way, from the bidders’ perspective, the values tables were different between the
auctions, while at the same time the overall market values structure stayed constant.9
Further, in order to prevent bidders from focusing on the price of the previous auction,
and to further explore the robustness of the auction mechanisms, constant exogenous
value function shocks in each auction shifted all values up or downwards. That is, in the
marginal values table, the value shock was added to every value, while in the absolute
values table, the number of units multiplied with the value shock was added to every
value. In theory these constant shocks would only shift the resulting auction prices by
the same amount. Therefore, in equilibrium (after controlling for the shock) the shocks
would not affect market prices, seller revenues, or bidder profits.
Bidding in all auctions was restricted to prices between E$1 and E$30 (the maximum
marginal value including value shocks). If, at the price of E$1, the aggregate demand
had been lower than the supply, the auction would have been considered to have failed.
However, in none of the experimental auctions did this happen, and in none of the
auctions did the price rise to E$30.
In each session, the first two of the six auctions were implemented as simple clock
auctions with no proxy bidding. The auctions started at a price of E$1 and asked for
quantity bids at this price. The default bid at the beginning of the auctions—which was
set by the software and bid automatically, if the bidders did not change their entries—
was the maximum demand of 15 and 10 units of Item A and B, respectively. If the total
group demand of an item over all bidders at the last price was higher than the number
of units offered, the item price of the following auction round was increased by E$1, and
new quantity bids were elicited. Each price step lasted 30 seconds (except the first and
second step which lasted 60 and 45 seconds, respectively). If no new quantity bid was
submitted within this time, the previous bid was automatically repeated. This procedure
continued until, at a given price, the aggregated demand for an item was equal to or
lower than its supply. Then the price clock of this item stopped. If aggregate demand
The subjects were not informed about this procedure or about the distribution of the values. The
instructions stated only that the tables were “different” between different auctions and between
different bidders.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
increased again (which was possible in the simultaneous auctions due to switching of
demand from one item to the other), the price clock started to tick forward again. Once
the aggregate demand did not exceed supply for both items at the same time, the auction
was over. Auction history tables for each item showed the personal bidding history over
previous bidding rounds. In the treatments where aggregate demand was revealed, this
demand was also displayed in the tables.
In Auctions 3 to 6 of each session, the actual auction type according to the experimen-
tal treatment was implemented. The treatments featured either a USBA, or a (proxy)
ECA with or without revelation of aggregate demand—denoted with ECAr and ECAn
respectively. In the USBA treatments, the simple change with respect to the introduc-
tory clock format was that now a complete bidding plan had to be determined before
the auction started. The auction history table of the first two rounds became an “Auc-
tion History and Planning Table,” and sliders at each future clock price allowed bidders
to select a bidding plan for the remainder of the auction. Bidders had five minutes to
choose a plan, after which the auction ran automatically according to the bid function
submitted, with no opportunity for participants to intervene. Figure 3.5 in Chapter 3
depicts screenshots of the proxy bidding interfaces.
The implementation of the ascending clock auction in treatments ECAn and ECAr
allowed for proxy bidding. That is, as with the sealed-bid mechanism, the change be-
tween the Training Auctions 1 and 2 and Treatment Auctions 3 to 6 was that bidders
could now submit a bidding plan for current and future prices. This plan, however, was
not binding and could be revised at any time during the auction for current and future
prices. Each price step now lasted 30 seconds (with 180 seconds for the first step).
Designing and implementing auctions (both in the real world and in the laboratory)
involves a high level of detail. For this particular experiment additional rules for each
type of auction had to be specified, which are partly still a matter of debate in practice,
with no unambiguous recommendations from the economic literature. Appendix A ad-
dresses the details and reasons for the specific design choices. In sum, in any auction,
the total demand of a bidder was not allowed to increase from one price step to the next.
Excess demand at the final price was proportionally served, with non-integer fractions
of supply being rounded according to the largest remainder method. In sealed-bid auc-
tions, bids were sorted so that the auction would not result in a price reversal, and the
4.4 Experiment Design
price was determined by the lowest accepted bid. In multiple clock auctions, bidders
could increase demand for one vintage at a specific price step if they decreased demand
for the other vintage by at least the same amount. However, if total demand for one
item would drop below supply purely because of switching, it was adjusted ex-post by a
proportional reduction of the switch such that a complete allocation of the supply was
ensured. Finally, in the sequential auctions, the earlier vintages were auctioned first.
Two important motives, which might affect bidding behavior, are (1) obtaining a desired
bundle of items and (2) paying as low a price as possible. With respect to the first motive,
bidders seek to obtain the bundle of items that maximizes their profits at given prices
according to their personal values tables. With respect to the second motive, they seek
to keep the prices low, which requires the submission of a lower bid, also known as bid-
shading. How relatively pronounced these motives are depends on the value schedules
and prices (which determine the profits in the case of an award), and on the number of
bidders and the distribution of values (which affect the likelihood of submitting a pivotal
In the experiment, only in the ECA with demand revelation did the bidders obtain
additional information during the auction. The lower the aggregated demand of an item
dropped, the more likely it might appear to the bidders that the price clock of the item
would soon stop. Once the excess demand dropped to the demand of an individual
bidder, that bidder was able to end the auction unilaterally by decreasing her own bid.
Yet, she would not know whether, at the same time, an opposing bidder was decreasing
her bid, ending the auction anyway. In the latter case, the first bidder could profit
from the fact that her opponent had halted the price clock without increasing her own
In the experimental market with 14 bidders, a single bidder, was unlikely to submit
(the only) pivotal bid and thereby determine the final price. Further, the bidders in the
experiment knew only their personal value schedules; they did not know the distribution
of the opposing bidders’ value schedules. Therefore, it seems likely that bidders found it
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
difficult to guess the position of their values table relative to that of the other bidders,
which may have further promoted a heuristic bidding approach.
Given the high number of bidders, the small probability of influencing the price and the
principle problem of calculating probabilities, a “Walrasian” Straightforward Truthful
Bidding (SFTB) strategy would have seemed to be a good heuristical bidding strategy
in this case. Using this strategy the bidders simply bid the quantities that maximize
their profits at the given price combination, without any further strategic considerations
to influence the price. Section 4.6.5 will show that most of the bidders in the experiment
followed this strategy.
In the analysis of the experimental results in Section 4.6, the Walrasian benchmark
was also employed to normalize the data, and to derive a measure of the theoretically
predicted market concentration under the specific values schedules. For each of the
six schedules, there was a vector of 14 predicted quantities that corresponded to the
number of items allocated to the 14 bidders in an auction. In order to serve as a
control variable in the data analysis, the data vector was aggregated to a one-dimensional
concentration measure. For reasons of simplicity and comparability, the well-established
Gini coefficient was used for the aggregation. The value of the Gini coefficient generally
ranges between zero and one. At a value of zero, all bidders receive the same number
of units, while at a value of one, a single bidder receives all units of an item. In the
experimental design, for both items, the Gini coefficients of the Walrasian allocations
ranged between 0.25 (Session 1) and 0.43 (Session 3).10
4.5 Hypotheses
Based on the existing literature on the relevant auction designs (cf. with the previous
Sections and Chapter 2), the main hypotheses of this experimental study were as follows:
Detailed tables of the allocations and the respective Gini coefficients are available for download
from http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/spectrum.
4.6 Results of the Experiment
2. Sealed-bid auctions lead to higher prices and revenues than clock auctions without
aggregate demand revelation, which in turn result in higher prices than open clock
auctions with demand revelation.
3. Open clock auctions exhibit better price discovery than clock auctions without
aggregate demand revelation, which in turn exhibit better price discovery than
sealed bid auctions.
Before the presentation of the experimental results in the following sections, some para-
graphs will be devoted to a short summary of the data structure and of the transfor-
mations and adjustments of the data that were applied in the analysis. All adjustments
were conducted in order to increase the comparability of the data, and to eliminate con-
founding effects between the sessions and the auctions—without changing the primary
nature of the data.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
ical differences (leaving only differences that were due to deviations between theoretical
and empirical effects).
For the analysis of the main treatment parameters—auction sequence and auction
type—the data was adjusted further, in order to increase comparability. First, sub-
tracting the demand shocks described in Sections 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 served to eliminate
theoretical differences between the auctions. Second, restricting attention to auctions
3 to 6 in each session seemed reasonable, since the first two auctions per session did
not implement the actual treatment design and were solely intended to allow subjects
to become familiar with the auction situation and to learn proper use of the auction
In the first step of the statistical analysis, the data was aggregated to the mean values
of the independent sessions—fulfilling the independency assumptions of the statistical
tests, while ignoring the micro-level information of the individual auctions. As the
main treatment parameters are measured on a nominal scale, an Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) with the factors auction sequence (sequential vs. simultaneous) and auction
type (USBA vs. ECA with no demand revelation vs. ECA with demand revelation—
denoted with ECAn and ECAr respectively) was employed for the identification of the
factors’ potential effects.
In the second step of the analysis, session and within-session variables were included.
Relevant explanatory variables on the auction level were the time-component of the auc-
tion, which captured potential learning effects, and the induced demand shock, which—
although theoretically irrelevant—may have empirically influenced the auction results.
The first of these variables was measured on an ordinal scale, while the second one re-
quired a ratio measurement. An approximative representation of these measures was
provided by a linear regression model. In the regression, all nominal variables were
dummy coded. Further, the dependence within the sessions was taken into account
through the use of robust clustered standard errors on the level of the individual ses-
For the sake of clarity, the following text will contain only a selection of the most rel-
evant data, statistics and graphical displays. The complete data and the computer
program scripts that were used to obtain the results presented are provided under
http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/co2. At the same place, interested read-
4.6 Results of the Experiment
Relative allocative efficiency
Sequential (n=72)
Simultaneous (n=72)
USBA (n=48)
ECAn (n=48)
ECAr (n=48)
Figure 4.6: Relative allocative efficiency by treatment axes.
ers will also find further details and additional materials that may help them to gain
4.6.1 Efficiency
In general, relative allocative efficiencies (as defined in Section 2.2.1) in all experimental
treatments were very close to each other. The values ranged from 70.0% of the maximum
potential social surplus to 98.8%. Figure 4.6 shows the box plots of the relative allocative
Session 1 (SY, n=24)
efficiency by the treatment parameters auction sequence and auction type. The box plots
largely overlap and the interquartile range looks similar along all box plots. An ANOVA
showed no effect of the treatment factors auction type (USBA vs. ECAn vs. ECAr),
Sequential (n=72)
Simultaneous (n=72)
USBA (n=48)
ECAn (n=48)
ECAr (n=48)
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
● ●
Relative allocative efficiency
and auction sequence (sequential vs. simultaneous) on the relative allocative efficiency.11
Therefore, from the present data, it was not possible to conclude that any of the auction
designs was inferior to any other auction design with respect to efficiency.
Complementing the analysis of the aggregated data, the regression analysis (Table 4.3)
included the session variables isSydney indicating the laboratory where the sessions were
conducted (Sydney or Karlsruhe), SessionNumber indicating the chronological order of
the sessions, and GiniCoefficient measuring the market concentration, as well as the
within-session variables AuctionNumber, ValueShock and isDiscounted. While none of
the within-session variables showed a significant effect on efficiency, the regression re-
vealed significant effects of the session timing and of the Gini coefficient. With respect to
ANOVA: model: F =1.51, p=0.25 (model not significant); auction type: F =0.06, p=0.95; auction
sequence: F =0.20, p=0.66; interaction auction type/sequence: F =0.20, p=0.82.
4.6 Results of the Experiment
(1): Estimate
(standard error)
isECAn 0.0068
isECAr 0.0106
isSequential 0.0118
(0.0054) *
AuctionNumber -0.0004
ValueShock -0.0005
isDiscounted 0.0001
isSydney 0.0168
GiniCoefficient 0.1980
(0.0707) **
SessionNumber -0.0572
(0.0034) ***
Observations 144
R2 0.850
R 0.840
AIC -577.8
the latter—in line with the intuition that more pronounced differences in the valuations
of the bidders led to an easier coordination of the allocation—a higher Gini coefficient
clearly facilitated efficiency.
Figure 4.7 depicts the effect of the session timing, which consisted in an efficiency
decrease from Session 3 to Session 6. The first two sessions, which were conducted in
parallel in the large laboratory in Sydney, and the first session in Karlsruhe showed
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
roughly the same efficiency. Yet, the later sessions which were conducted one after an-
other in Karlsruhe (usually within one week on subsequent days) exhibited a strong
downwards trend in efficiency. However, as the same value schedules were always em-
ployed in the same order, it is not possible to conclude ultimately, whether the decreasing
efficiency is due to interactions within the subject pool or caused by the particular value
With respect to the auction sequence, the regression revealed a significant effect of
about 1.2% efficiency gains when auctioning sequentially rather than simultaneously.
However, this effect should be interpreted cautiously, as it was not revealed by the more
conservative ANOVA on the aggregate level of the independent groups. Indeed, 1.2% is
small relative to the inter-quartile range of 12.8%, and even smaller relative to the total
value range of 28.8%. Therefore, this difference could not be considered economically
significant, even if it was statistically significant.
4.6.2 Revenue
The auctions yielded between 60.7% and 109.3% of the revenues that would be predicted
by the Walrasian equilibrium, i.e. by efficient prices reflecting marginal costs. On aver-
age, revenues were clearly below the predicted values. Figure 4.8 shows the box plots of
the relative revenues in the treatment parameters, auction sequence and auction type. An
ANOVA on the aggregated session level did not reveal significant differences in auction
revenues between auction types (USBA vs. ECAn vs. ECAr).12 However, the analysis
revealed higher revenues when auctioning sequentially rather than simultaneously.
Again, complementing the above analysis, the regression analysis (Table 4.4) included
the session variables isSydney, SessionNumber, and GiniCoefficient, as well as the within-
session variables AuctionNumber, ValueShock and isDiscounted. The significant effect
of the auction sequence revealed by the ANOVA was confirmed by the regression. The
revenue increase when auctioning sequentially rather than simultaneously was estimated
to be about 7.4%. Also consistent with the above analysis, the regression on the adjusted
data revealed no effects from the auction type.
ANOVA: model: F =3.24, p=0.02; auction type: F =0.194, p=0.83; auction sequence: F =11.52,
p<0.01; interaction auction type/sequence: F =2.14, p=0.14.
4.6 Results of the Experiment
Adjusted revenue
● ●
Sequential (n=72)
Simultaneous (n=72)
USBA (n=48)
ECAn (n=48)
ECAr (n=48)
Figure 4.8: Adjusted revenues by treatment axes. ●
In contrast to the pronounced session effect on relative allocative efficiency, the regres-
Adjusted revenue
sion on the relative revenues revealed no significant session effect. This speaks against
● ●
the conjecture that the efficiency losses reported in the previous section stemmed from
collusive behavior within the subject pool.13 Collusive behavior would imply decreasing
With respect to the within-session variables, the regression on the adjusted data
showed some pronounced effects. In particular, a significant effect was detected from
the value shocks. As the adjusted data was corrected for the value shocks predicted by
Session 1 (SY, n=24)
theory, this effect should not have occurred, given that bidders were expected to behave
as predicted. Instead, the auction revenues did not completely reflect the value shocks.
Note that although “smart” collusion should not have led to efficiency decreases, not knowing the
above findings on auction revenues, one could have speculated that uncoordinated forms of
collusion, or unilateral demand reductions were responsible for the observed efficiency decreases.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
Table 4.4: OLS regressions of relative (1) and unadjusted (2) revenues.
(·,*, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1% level. Robust standard
errors are calculated at the independent group level and are given in parentheses.)
The unadjusted data (without correction for value shocks) provided insights into how
the revenue actually reacted to value shocks. Regressions (2) on this original data
demonstrated that value shocks did have a significant effect in the way predicted by
theory: A value increase of one monetary unit should result in revenue increasing by
180 monetary units (the number of items multiplied by the monetary increase). The
4.6 Results of the Experiment
actually estimated slope was 155.89, meaning that roughly 87% of the value increase
was reflected in the revenue.
As in all auctions, all units of both items were sold successfully; the revenue data com-
pletely mirrored the combined price data. Section 4.6.3 on prices and price signals will
provide details on this underlying data and may also help to make clear the composition
of the revenue data.
Figure 4.9 shows the box plots of the relative prices of items A and B in the auction
sequence and auction type treatment parameters. Consistent with the results for alloca-
tive efficiency and revenues, the ANOVA on the independent session level revealed no
trends in the prices of Item A and B with respect to the auction type.14
In the price regressions (Table 4.5), the estimated coefficient for the binary dummy
parameter isSequential indicated that the price of Item A was almost 11% higher (and
thereby closer to the Walrasian benchmark) if it was auctioned first rather than simul-
taneously with Item B, while no significant effect on the price of Item B was revealed.
ANOVA price Item A: mode: F =2.48, p=0.07; auction type: F =0.39, p=0.68; auction sequence:
F =20.85, p<10−4 ; interaction auction type/sequence: F=0.16, p=0.86.
ANOVA price Item B: model: F =1.19, p=0.40 (model not significant); auction type: F =0.02,
p=0.98; auction sequence: F =1.64, p=0.21; interaction auction type/sequence: F =7.11, p<0.01.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
Adjusted prices
● ●
Sequential (n=72)
Simultaneous (n=72)
USBA (n=48)
ECAn (n=48)
ECAr (n=48)
Sequential (n=72)
Simultaneous (n=72)
USBA (n=48)
ECAn (n=48)
ECAr (n=48)
Item A Item B
If the price signals generated by the auctions were “good” price signals, the prices
should have reflected the value shocks. In this context, the adjustment of the data for
the value shocks played a role in the interpretation of the effects. For the adjusted
data (which was corrected for the value shocks), under perfect price discovery, the value
shock variable should show no effect on the prices. Theoretically, an increase of the value
should just shift the price upwards by the same absolute amount, and after deducting
the shock from the resulting prices (as was done by adjusting the data and calculating
Session 1 (SY, n=24)
Item A Item B
4.6 Results of the Experiment
Table 4.5: OLS regressions of relative adjusted (1, 2) and unadjusted (3, 4) prices.
(·,*, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1% level. Robust standard
errors are calculated at the independent group level and are given in parentheses.)
the same absolute amount as item values were increased, bidders discounted the increase
in their bidding.
To what extent price discovery occurred becomes more transparent when looking at the
unadjusted data. Under perfect price discovery, there should be a significant effect from
the value shock and the coefficient for this variable should equal 1. The regression on the
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
Price of Item A
(The Tukey box plots represent the observed price data, while the grey
bars indicate the Walrasian benchmark. The number of observations is
denoted by n.)
Price of item A
unadjusted data revealed a significant positive effect, meaning that prices in principle
reacted to value shocks in the desired way. The estimated slope of this reaction is 0.87
for Item A and 0.86 for Item B. Therefore, most of the value shock was mirrored in the
price (with a lag of 13–14%).
Figures 4.10 and 4.11 illustrate the price discovery performance, clustered by the
treatment parameters auction sequence and auction type. It is interesting to note that
the visible differences between the simultaneous and the sequential treatments were not
USBA Auct. 3 (n=12)
due to interactions (which were not significant in the regressions and would actually
decrease the quality of the model in terms of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
and R ). Instead, the price adoption itself was very similar across the treatments, while
the whole graph itself was shifted by a constant offset.
Seq. Auct. 3 (n=18)
Price of Item A
Under the presence of secondary markets in the simultaneous auction treatments, the
principle results showed no difference from those presented above. Table 4.6 shows the
regressions on the adjusted data from Tables 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 when the three secondary
market treatments are included. All estimated effects of the secondary markets were
negative—on efficiency as well as on revenues, on prices of Item A and on prices of
Item B. However, these findings were (weakly) significant only for revenues and for the
prices of Item B.
It is interesting to note that efficient allocations in the primary auctions were not a
pre-requisite for overall efficiency, as the bidders could realize any mutually beneficial
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
trades on the secondary markets. Despite this option, the primary markets did not
suffer a significant loss of efficiency, but rather efficient allocations had already been
obtained on the primary markets. This indicates that bidders did not regard the goods
4.6 Results of the Experiment
as exchange goods for later trade, but rather focused on their private values to guide
their bidding.
With respect to prices and revenues, under the presence of secondary markets, a
(weakly) significant decrease of between 4% and 5% occurred. Yet, although the level of
revenues and prices was slightly lower in the secondary market treatments, the estimated
correlation coefficients of value shocks and prices did not change significantly, indicating
that the price discovery function of the auctions stayed intact in this situation.
All in all, the secondary markets seemed to have no noteworthy impact on the primary
markets. However, as the influence of secondary markets was investigated only for the
simultaneous treatments, it would be interesting to see if the price and revenue decrease
under secondary markets would transfer to sequential auctions.
The previous analysis focused on the aggregate results of efficiency, revenue and prices.
This section seeks to explain the observed effects by investigating the underlying bidding
behavior. For this purpose, the following section will provide several visual displays and
corresponding explanations to make clear and understandable what has happened in
the auctions on the micro-level. The focus of the analysis will be on the comparison
of sequential and simultaneous auctions, which is the only treatment parameter that
showed consistent significant effects with respect to all measures on the aggregate level.
Further, as the aggregate effect was mainly driven by the first item, the analysis will
focus on Item A.
Before presenting the results on bidding behavior, it may be worthwhile to spend the
first paragraphs of this section explaining how the adjustment of the individual bidding
data differs from the aggregate case. As with the aggregated data (which was normalized
by the Walrasian equilibrium benchmark) the individual data needed to be adjusted in
order to obtain comparability. Comparability was a complex issue on the individual
data level, because the differences in the value schedules, auction designs and specific
price developments imply different bids in the theoretical benchmark.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
In contrast to the Walrasian benchmark used for the aggregated results, the benchmark
for individual bidding behavior depended on the particular price combination that was
valid when the bid was submitted. For the critical bids at the end of an auction, these
prices could be different for different auctions, which made it necessary to correct for
these differences in order to obtain comparable data (as these differences stemmed from
the aggregate market situation and were not part of the individual bidding behavior).
The baseline of the comparison was a SFTB strategy (cf. Section 4.4.5). In the SFTB
strategy the bidders bid the quantities that maximize their profits at a given price com-
bination. The bids are called truthful and straightforward, because the bidders do not
make any further strategic moves—such as, for example, shading their bids to influence
the price or to coordinate with other bidders. These theoretic benchmark bids served
to normalize the data. Yet, the result of this optimization was not necessarily unique,
since several combinations of A and B could be optimal. Therefore, the benchmark took
on the shape of a corridor—defining an upper and a lower value—rather than a single
benchmark value.
A further issue of comparability between the treatments was raised by the information
available to the bidders in the sequential vs. the simultaneous treatments. While the
bidders in the simultaneous auctions knew the current prices of both items, bidders
in the sequential auctions needed to rely on their expectations for the future auction
development. Since the bidders’ beliefs on future prices and quantities were unknown,
the liberal benchmark corridor used for this analysis permited the whole spectrum of
valid assumptions.15 The highest number of units of an item should have been purchased
if a bidder expected to obtain no units of the other item at the end of the auction. By
the same token, the lowest number of units should have been purchased if the bidder
expected to obtain the full amount of the other item (limited by the quantity cap). In
order to maintain comparability, the same benchmark was used for the simultaneous
auctions, although more information was available to the bidders in that case.
Figure 4.12 shows three examples of typical benchmark corridors of Item A. Further,
the figure depicts the bidding behavior of three corresponding bidders. The bidder in
Alternative benchmarks were investigated and, in principle, they yielded the same results.
4.6 Results of the Experiment
● ● ● ● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ●
Quantity bid Item A
Quantity bid item A
● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ●
5 510 510
15 10
15 15 5 510 510
15 10
15 15 5 105 15105 201510 252015 2520 25
Price item
A item A Item A
Price Price item A Item
Price Price
A item A Price
Price Item A item
A item A
Figure 4.12: Exemplary benchmark corridors and bids observed in the experiment for
Item A.
The upper and lower lines indicate the upper and lower bounds of the benchmark
corridor, respectively. The circles indicate observed bids.
(a): Sequential ECAr, Session 4, Auction 6, Bidder 3; (b): Sequential ECAr, Session 4,
Auction 6, Bidder 4; (c): Sequential ECAr, Session 2, Auction 5, Bidder 3.
part (a) bid perfectly within the benchmark corridor. The bidder in part (b) lowered
her bid early in the auction, but submitted a bid within the benchmark corridor in the
critical last auction round. This kind of ideal behavior was observed quite often, and for
Item A (Item B) more than 50% (more than 60%) of all bids in the final auction round
lay within the benchmark corridor. Only a minority of all bids resembled the example
in part (c), where the bidder failed to meet the benchmark corridor with her final bid.
Figure 4.13 gives a graphical overview of the percentage of Item A and B bids within,
below and above the benchmark corridor in the last auction round. Exact percentage
values and further details on the nature of the deviations from the benchmark corridor
are provided in Figure B.1 in the Appendix.16
Since the exact shape of the benchmark corridor depended on the particular development of the
item’s price, the corridors differed slightly. In order to make this difference transparent, Figure B.1
in the appendix adds the mean width of the benchmark corridor in parentheses. Although the
average benchmark width was slightly higher for the simultaneous treatments, the percentage of
bids in the corridor was higher in the sequential treatments. Note, too, that although the
benchmark corridor for the simultaneous treatments was inflated in order to maintain
comparability, there were still fewer bids in this corridor. Therefore, it is clear that the choice of
the benchmark could not be responsible for the difference in the results. Rather, a tighter
benchmark would make the difference even more pronounced.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
Item A Item B
For the sequential treatments, in the case of Item A, the proportion of bids within
the benchmark corridor was higher than for the simultaneous treatments—a difference
of about nine percentage-points. While 36% of all bids in the simultaneous auctions
lay below the benchmark corridor, the same was true for only 21% of all bids in the
sequential auctions. By the same token, more bids lay above the benchmark corridor
in the simultaneous than in the sequential auctions. Even more strikingly, the ratio of
bids below and above the benchmark corridor was almost one to one in the sequential
treatments, while in the simultaneous treatments more than twice as many bids were
below the benchmark than above it.
ANOVA on percentage of bids for Item A within the benchmark: model: F =3.38; p=0.02; auction
type: F =2.26, p=0.12; auction sequence: F =11.76, p<0.01; interaction auction type/sequence:
F =0.32, p=0.73.
4.6 Results of the Experiment
for the percentage of bids within the benchmark corridor as well as for the ratio of bids
below the benchmark corridor. The percentage of bids above the benchmark corridor
was very volatile between the bidder groups, which is why the test could not reveal an
effect for this measure for the given number of observations.
While the analysis to this point considered all bids without attributing them to in-
dividual bidders, Figure 4.14 gives an overview of the individual bidders’ deviations
(in quantity units) from the benchmark corridor for Item A. The bidders were sorted
by their mean deviation and two black vertical lines indicate three bidder types. The
bidders on the left side of the first line bid below the benchmark corridor, the bidders
between the lines bid within the benchmark corridor, and the bidders on the right side
of the lines bid above the benchmark corridor (on average). Clearly, most bidders in the
sequential auctions bid within or above the benchmark corridor, while a majority of the
bidders in the simultaneous auctions bid below the corridor.
About 30% of all bidders showed a somewhat erratic behavior by changing between
bids below and above the benchmark corridor. This share of “erratic” bidders was
surprisingly stable across all treatments, indicating that—in contrast to most other
measures—erratic behavior did not depend on the treatment configuration. It also sug-
gests that confusion was not higher or lower in any of the treatments and was probably
not the cause of the observed effects.
While the previous analysis focused on bidding on Item A, Figure 4.15 provides an
inkling of how the bivariate bidding for both items looked. Before knowing the actual
results, one intuitive conjecture could be that—for psychological reasons—bidders who
shaded their bids for one item were inclined to compensate by bidding on a higher
quantity of the other item. An alternative and equally intuitive conjecture could be that
bidders were either over- or under-bidding types, which applied to both items in the
auction in the same way.
The second conjecture turned out to be true. The bivariate plots of deviation for
Item A and B depicted in Figure 4.15 show some pronounced patterns. Negative de-
ANOVA on the percentage of the bids for Item A below the benchmark: model: F =4.91, p<0.01;
auction type: F =0.97, p=0.39; auction sequence: F =22.10, p<10−4 ; interaction auction
type/sequence: F =0.24, p=0.79.
ANOVA on the percentage of the bids for Item A above the benchmark: model: F =1.20, p=0.33
(model not significant); auction type: F =0.15, p=0.86; auction sequence: F =4.69, p=0.04;
interaction auction type/sequence: F =0.51, p=0.60.
● ●
● ●
● ●● ● ●●
● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ●● ●● ●
● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ●●
● ●●● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●●●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●●●●● ●
Sequential ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
● ●
●●● ● ●
●● ● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●●●●●●●
● ●●●●●●●●●●
● ●● ●
●●● ●●●● ●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●● ●●●●● ●●●●●●● ●
● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ●●●●●
●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● ●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●● ● ●● ●●● ● ●● ● ●●● ●
● ● ●●● ● ●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●
● ●●●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●●●●●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●
● ● ●●●● ●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ●
5 −15 10 −10 15 −5
●●●● ● ●
● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ●
●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●
● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ●● ● ●
● ●
Distance from the benchmark corridor
● ● ●●● ●
● ●
● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●● ●
●● ●
● ●
● ●● ● ●●
● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●
● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ●● ●● ●
● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ●●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●●●● ●●● ●
● ● ● ●● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●●●●● ●
● ●●●●●●●●●●
0 ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
100 ● ●
●●● ● ●
●● ● ●
● ● ●●●
●● ●●●
●● ●
●● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●●●●●● ●● ● ●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●
●●●●●● ●●●●●●
●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●
●● ●●●●●
●●● ●●●● ●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●● ●●●●● ●●●●●●● ●
●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●● ● ●● ●●● ● ●● ● ●●● ●
● ● ●●● ● ●●●●●●●
● ●●●●●●●●
●●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ●● ● Bidder ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●●●●●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●
● ● ●●●● ●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ●
● ●●●
●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ●
●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ●
● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ●● ● ●
● ● ●●● ●
● ●
● ● ● ● ●
●● ●
● ●
15 −15
● ●
0 50 100 150 200 250 ●
Distance from the benchmark corridor
Bidder ●
● ● ● ● ●●● ●
● ● ● ● ●
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5 −15 10 −10 15 −5
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Distance from the benchmark corridor
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0 ●
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50 ●
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●●● ●●● ●●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ●● ● ●
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●●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ● ●Bidder ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
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●●●●●●●●●● ●● ● ● ● ●●●●● ● ●● ●● ● ●● ●●●●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●
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Figure 4.14: Bidders clustered by mean distance from the benchmark corridor and by ●
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auction sequence.
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For each bidder the four final bids in the treatment specific Auctions 3 to 6 are depicted
● ●
● ●
● ●
by the blue dots and connected with a dotted vertical line for visual convenience. The
●● ●●● ●
●● ● ●● ●
viations from the benchmark for Item A went along with negative deviations from the
benchmark for Item B.18 Therefore, bidders have engaged in bid shading as well as in
overbidding in a consistent way.
In all 36 groups, the number of deviations into the same direction (over-/underbidding) was higher
than the number of deviations into opposing directions (compensating).
Sign test on the number of groups in which the frequency of over-/underbidding was higher than
the frequency of compensating: s=36, p<10−10 .
There were no treatment effects with respect to the ratio of over-/underbidding to compensating.
4.6 Results of the Experiment
Sequential Simultaneous
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Distance Item B
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−10 ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Distance Item A Distance Item A
Figure 4.15: Bivariate bid distance from the benchmark corridor for Item A and B.
The areas of the circles indicate the number of observations at the coordinates of the
center of the circle. The areas are comparable between both plots. The total number
of observations represented in each plot is n1 = n2 = 1008.
The differences between the simultaneous and sequential auctions were as pronounced
in the bivariate case as they were in the univariate case. In principle, the same effects
reoccurred. For instance, the number of bids that were within the benchmark corridor for
both items at once (the big circle in the center of the graphs) was higher for the sequential
auctions.19 Also, the plot in the sequential case is more symmetrical, due to the more
balanced distribution of over- and underbidding in comparison to the simultaneous case.
4.6.6 Summary
The results of the experiment gave no evidence that the simultaneous auctioning of two
vintages yielded higher efficiency than a sequential procedure. Quite to the contrary,
ANOVA: model: F =0.52, p=0.76 (model not significant); auction type: F =0.60, p=0.56; auction
sequence: F =0.23, p=0.63; interaction auction sequence/type: F =0.59, p=0.56.
ANOVA on the percentage of bivariate bids within the benchmark for both items per group:
model: F =3.34, p=0.02; auction type: F =1.34, p=0.28; auction sequence: F =13.91, p<10−3 ;
interaction auction type/sequence: F =0.06, p=0.94.
4 Study 1: An Emissions Permits Application
the sequential auction tended to slightly more efficient allocations. Thus, Hypothesis 1
had to be rejected.
The analysis did not reveal significantly stronger bid-shading in the clock auctions
than in a sealed bid auction. In general, the USBA, the ECA without revelation of
excess demand, and the ECA with revelation of excess demand all performed rather
similar with respect to efficiency, auction revenues and price discovery. Therefore, there
was no support for Hypothesis 2.
With respect to price discovery, all auction designs performed well, as more than 80%
of the induced value shocks were reflected in the prices. However, the sequential auctions
clearly yielded higher auction revenues and better price signals (closer to Walrasian
equilibrium prices). Yet, as no significant differences were revealed between the three
auction types USBA, ECAn, and ECAr, there was no support for Hypothesis 3.
The pronounced effects of the auction sequence on auction revenues and prices were
driven by the bid-shading behavior for Item A. While in the simultaneous auctions,
systematic bid-shading was observed for both items alike, in the sequential auctions
there were no indication for bid-shading for Item A.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights
5.1 Background
A leading role in the advancement of new combinatorial auction types is taken by the sale
of radio spectrum rights. Often cited as one of the breakthrough applications of auction
theory (e.g. McAfee and McMillan, 1996; Klemperer, 2002b; Kagel and Levin, 2002a),
spectrum auctions gained a high public visibility. In the wake of the new economy,
the worldwide auctions of 3G radio spectrum rights alone raised about 100 billion US$
(Klemperer, 2004). More than just a means of revenue generation, spectrum auctions
are of high general economic relevance. In particular, they influence the course of the
telecommunications industry, which is one of the key industries of the current innovation
cycle (Freeman and Louçã, 2002; Freeman, 2009).
In 1959, Coase introduced the idea of a spectrum auction. More than three decades
later, spectrum auctions were established in the Western world. The first spectrum
auction was conducted by the New Zealand government in 1989,1 the first one em-
ploying a Simultaneous Ascending Auction (SAA) was conducted by the U.S. regulator
The New Zealand auction employed a sealed-bid, second price type of auction design (Mueller, 1993).
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1994,2 and the first European SAA was
conducted by the German Federal Ministry of Post and Telecommunications in 1996.3
These auction events heralded the ongoing prevalence of auctions for the sale of spec-
trum rights. Since then, variations of the SAA have dominated the field of spectrum
The present experimental study compares two prominent auction designs for the sale of
radio spectrum rights in a controlled lab environment with respect to efficiency, revenues,
and price signals. Chapters 1 and 2 discussed the relevance of these criteria. The latter
criterion was primarily discussed by scholars (e.g. McMillan, 1994, also see Section 2.2.3).
Regulators tended rather to emphasize the criteria of efficiency and revenue generation.
For instance, the Statutory Guidelines for FCC Auctions listed the goals of “ensuring
efficient use of the spectrum, promoting economic opportunity and competition, avoiding
excessive concentration of licenses, preventing the unjust enrichment of any party, and
fostering the rapid deployment of new services, as well as recovering for the public a
portion of the value of the spectrum” (Congressional Budget Office, 2000, p. 117).
Other countries likewise regarded efficiency as the primary goal of spectrum auctions.
For instance, the German Telecommunications Act (Bundesamt für Justiz, 2004) men-
tioned efficiency several times (§2, §21, §28, etc.), and prescribed auctioning as the
obligatory default mechanism for awarding spectrum rights (§61). Note that in the
present study, other criteria related to the sale of radio spectrum—for example, the en-
couragement of competition—were not included, either because they were not directly
related to the choice of an auction type, or because their inclusion would have exceeded
the scope of a single study.
Although apparently, the SAA has served the auctioneers’ economic and political goals
well enough to establish itself over the last decades as the main device for spectrum sales
around the world, the design also suffers from some weaknesses—such as susceptibility
to collusion and insufficient accommodation of interdependencies (e.g. Cramton, 2009a,
for further details on the SAA and its shortcomings also compare with Section 2.4.2).
For example, a typical feature of spectrum sales is the presence of complementarities,
The auction followed a proposal by McMillan (1994). Paul Milgrom, Robert Wilson and Preston
McAfee developed the first full-fledged SAA design. The very idea of conducting multiple ascending
auctions simultaneously was proposed in Vickrey (1976).
See Keuter and Nett (1997).
5.1 Background
The present study compares the SAA with one of its most likely successors, the
Package-clock Auction (PCA), by the means of a laboratory experiment. The PCA
has gained considerable traction in field applications. For example, it was implemented
in the Austrian spectrum auction 2010 for the auctioning of 240 MHz in the 2.6 GHz
band used for the mobile broadband standard Long Term Evolution (LTE).4 In 2012, the
Swiss regulator employed the PCA for the sale of spectrum in the 800 MHz, 900 MHz,
1.8 GHz, 2.1 GHz, and 2.6 GHz bands. According to the British regulator Ofcom, the
PCA will also be used for the UK spectrum auction, and similar proposals have been
made in other European countries, such as Ireland and Denmark. For further details
on the PCA’s development, its theoretical advantages, and potential disadvantages see
Section 2.4.3.
Fourteen paired blocks of 2x5 MHz and ten unpaired blocks of 5 MHz were sold.
Indeed, in the Swiss case, which featured essentially the same goods as the German case, the PCA
was employed.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
In the comments on the proposal for the German spectrum auction, Deutsche Telekom
AG, the incumbent telecommunications service provider, recommended the PCA as a
“theoretically and practically tested” alternative to the SAA (translated from the Ger-
man original Deutsche Telekom, 2009, p. 2). However, due to concerns about the com-
plexity and lack of experience with the PCA, the German regulatory agency refused to
adopt the new auction type (Bundesnetzagentur, 2009, p. 124). Instead, a classical SAA
was conducted. The regulator named the lack of practical experience as a main reason
for not choosing the PCA (ibid.). As discussed in Section 2.4.3, the PCA might indeed
suffer from potential disadvantages, even from a theoretical perspective. The current
study contributes to the discussion of the PCA by empirically testing the performance
of this auction type against the benchmark of the more traditional SAA.
A particular focus of the current study was the comparison of the SAA with the PCA
with respect to their price discovery performance. As argued in Section 2.2.3, price
signals are especially relevant in the presence of uncertainty. Indeed, in the context
of spectrum auctions, there is a high degree of uncertainty. Many of the high revenue
auctions (such as the European 3G auctions) introduced new technologies to the market
and sometimes created entirely new markets. Yet, by definition, the market development
in a new area is uncertain. The technological development, the customer demand and
also the speed and costs of these developments can only be estimated roughly. In contrast
to the emissions permits sale presented in Study 1, radio spectrum rights purchases
involve higher stakes, as the available radio spectrum is scarce, the license prices are
often high and there exists no liquid secondary market where licenses could be resold.
Therefore, uncertainty might play an even more pronounced role in a spectrum rights
auction than in an emissions permits auction.
Both auction types, the SAA as well as the PCA, seek to address uncertainty by
their dynamic nature. Both formats feature bidding in multiple rounds with increasing
prices that can be observed by all bidders. Often, the preliminary allocation of the
items can also be observed. The information gained during the auction helps bidders
to determine the value of the spectrum. Cramton (2009a) suggested that bidders could
gather “collective market insights, which can be revealed in a dynamic auction process”
(p. 49). The present study seeks to verify Cramton’s proposition in a specific spectrum
5.2 Price Signals in Spectrum Auctions
In a way, the present study also provides an example of how far experimenters can
go in bringing complex situations to the lab, and explores the limits of this approach.
The experiment situation was complicated by the combinatorial nature of the auctioned
goods, by the presence of uncertainty and by the elaborate auction rules. In order to
tackle the complex market situation of the present study, it incorporated the experience
of the earlier Study 1 (Chapter 4) and the experimental methodology introduced in
Chapter 3.
“In the case of spectrum auctions, there is much uncertainty about what
things are worth.”
In the course of an ascending auction, the auctioneer repeatedly calculates and publishes
prices, preliminary allocations, and related information. This process allows the bidders
to observe and process the published information. As Cramton (2009a) has put it, in an
iterative auction, bidders can gather “collective market insights, which can be revealed in
a dynamic auction process” (p. 49). Bidders can adopt the estimation of their individual
and the market value according to the information revealed.
Price signals are particularly relevant in situations where bidders are uncertain about
the actual value of the items at auction. Clearly, participants in a spectrum auction
typically face a high degree of uncertainty, because the future development of technology,
as well as the adoption of the products by the consumers and the development of the
market environment are (to some extent) uncertain.6 In the case of the European UMTS
auctions in 2000 and 2001—which coincided with the peak of the New Economy hype—
the market for mobile broadband internet was virtually non-existent before the auction
Less relevant is the influence of secondary markets, as resale is often excluded by the regulator (as
in the German case), and as the usage of spectrum rights is closely connected with the physical
installation of the technical infrastructure.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
event. Even crucial technological components, for instance handsets, were still at a very
early stage of their development.
A rough, but publicly available proxy of the value of radio spectrum is provided by
expert estimations of the expected auction revenue in the preparation of an auction
event. However, note that revenues are not identical to bidders’ valuations, but tend
to be lower bounds for the respective values. Before the German spectrum auction in
2010, the revenue estimations published in the media ranged between e2.5 billion and
e8 billion. The lowest estimation known to the author was given by the consultancy
Arthur D. Little,7 while the highest number was announced by KPMG.8 Remarkably, the
midpoint of these two extremes is pretty close to the actual auction revenue of roughly
e4.5 billion.
The uncertain value components outlined above are often identical or similar for all
firms in the market. If this is the case, they are also called Common Value (CV)
components (Section 2.1). However, the individual overall valuations also depend on a
firm’s market share, its technology and other factors specific to the firm. In this text
the individual differences between valuations (although not perfectly separable from the
CV components) are called Independent Private Values (IPV) components (Section 2.1).
Since both value components are of high relevance in the context of a spectrum auction,
neither a pure CV model nor a pure IPV model represents the spectrum situation well.
This notion was shared by Kagel and Levin (2002a) who remarked that “Spectrum
licenses typically involve both common-value and private-value elements” (p. 65). Note
that the presence of IPV components is also a necessary condition for evaluating the
As reported in the Handelsblatt on December 7, 2009,
rundfunkfrequenzen-droht-debakel/3320504.html, copy available from the
As reported in the Wall Street Journal on April 20, 2010, not available online, copy available from
the author.
5.3 Experiment Design
relative allocative efficiency of the auctions in the experiment, since under a pure CV
model it would not matter to which bidder the goods are allocated.
Despite being employed mainly for their price discovery potential, in laboratory ex-
periments, ascending spectrum auction designs have been investigated mostly under the
pure IPV assumption (e.g. Jehiel and Moldovanu (2001); Seifert and Ehrhart (2005),
also see Section 2.1). The only exception known to the author is Abbink et al. (2005)
who experimentally compared two hybrid forms of an English and a sealed-bid auction,
on the one hand,9 with a pure English auction, on the other. In contrast to Abbink
et al.’s study, the present study deals with the currently particularly relevant SAA and
PCA, and also investigates the price-discovery performance of the auction designs and
the bidders’ abilities to estimate an uncertain value component (Section 5.3.4).
The experiment compared the SAA with the PCA in a controlled laboratory environ-
ment. In each experimental session, only one auction design was implemented in a
between-subject design. Overall, 96 individuals participated in the experiment. For or-
ganizational reasons, the experiment was conducted in eight sessions, featuring twelve
participants each. The participants in each session were divided into three indepen-
dent groups of four bidders.10 Therefore, each session resulted in three independent
observations and the eight sessions resulted in 8 · 3 = 24 independent groups.
One auction featured a discriminatory-price rule, the other featured a uniform-price rule.
The groups were formed after the comprehension test (see Section 5.3.2). As the bidders always
stayed in the same group, any dependencies between groups could be due only to the bidders’
collective participation in the comprehension test and their physical presence in the laboratory.
Auctions Spectrum
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CV:15.25 CV:17.75 CV:13.50 Expo
42 m
Independent private values
Independent private values + 68 m
uncertain common value component
26 m
Video instructions
70 m
on the CV component
The focus of the analysis was on the comparison of the auction designs with an un-
certain CV component, rather than on the effect of the CV component itself. In order
to make the experiment feasible, the CV component was introduced only in the second 2 types of item
half of the experiment. By segmenting the learning into two stages, cognitive load was (Vintages)
reduced to a manageable level (cf. Chapter 3). Very likely (and supported by pilot runs),
5 Sascha find
the subjects would M. Schweitzer
it easier– Bastelstunde
to processMärz
additional complexity of the CV scenario
Institut für Wirtschaftstheo
All experimental sessions were conducted in February and March 2011 at the Institute
of Information Systems and Management (IISM) economics laboratory in Karlsruhe,
Germany. Subjects were recruited randomly from a Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT) subject pool using the Online Recruitment System for Economic Experiments
(ORSEE by Greiner, 2004).11 Sessions lasted about three hours in the PCA treatments
and four hours in the SAA treatments.12 Subjects earned on average e38.06 in the PCA
During the comprehension test, bidders were physically isolated by divider walls, so that there was
no interaction of any kind.
Readers of Study 1 may be confused, as the subjects in the first study were recruited from the same
subject pool, but without the use of Online Recruitment System for Economic
Experiments (ORSEE). Indeed, ORSEE was introduced in Karlsruhe after Study 1, and before
Study 2.
The relatively long session time was necessary in order to conduct the video instructions, the
comprehension test, and the auction in a single fully controlled session. This was an intentional
5.3 Experiment Design
and e46.58 in the SAA treatments, including the e20.00 payment for participation in
the video instructions and in the comprehension test.
In a remarkable aside, after describing the strategic options and pitfalls in the SAA
treatment of their spectrum auction experiment, Kagel et al. (2010) stated in the textual
instructions: “What should you do? If we knew that we would not have to run the
experiment” (Kagel et al., 2010, p. 3). A potential reason for this kind of statement
could have been to prevent the subjects’ confusion, in case they could not find a robust
strategy by themselves. In the light of the findings of cognitive research presented in
Chapter 3, however, the instructions of the present experiment abstained from similar
statements. According to cognitive research, each additional statement can increase the
subjects’ confusion, and increase the extraneous cognitive load unnecessarily, rather than
reducing confusion. In general, the instructions of the present experiment provided only
the relevant information in the form of multimedia instruction, and in a neutral framing.
The distribution of bidders into groups was based on the results of the comprehension
test that followed each part of the video instructions (cf. Section 3.3.2). In order to
prevent strategizing during the comprehension test, the bidders were not informed of
this procedure. The experiment software ranked all bidders according to the number of
their correct answers in the first try, the number of their correct answers in the second
try, and the time they took to complete the test, applying a lexicographical order. A
bidder with more correct answers in the first try was always assigned a higher rank than
a bidder with fewer correct answers. In case of ties, the number of correct answers in the
second try became relevant, and in the case of further ties, the completion time became
decision to avoid a multi-session design with intermediate loss of control when subjects leave the
laboratory between sessions. It seems that initial concerns about fatigue were not realized, as the
subjects became agitated rather than tired during the unusually interactive experiment. Actually,
some subjects even remarked that the experiment was more interesting or exciting than other
experiments they had participated in before.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
with ans(1),i denoting the number of answers Bidder i got right at the first try, ans(2),i
denoting the number of answers Bidder i got right at the second try, and timei denoting
the completion time of the test for Bidder i.
After evaluating the bidders’ comprehension, the software ranked the bidders accord-
ing to their scores. As discussed in further detail in Section 3.3.2, the clustering of the
bidders by their comprehension score served to increase control on the effect of the sub-
jects’ comprehension. The four bidders with the highest score participated in Group 1,
the four bidders with the lowest score participated in Group 3, and the remaining four
bidders participated in Group 2.
the SAA and the PCA did not have the same number of training modules. Second, the
questions themselves differed due to different auction rules. Therefore, for the analysis in
Section 5.5, a binary measure of comprehension level hi was calculated.13 For all bidders
whose comprehension score h
f was equal to or greater than the mean comprehension
score of all 48 bidders who participated in the treatment, comprehension level hi equaled
one. For all other bidders, hi equaled zero. The same categorization was applied to the
individual groups, based on the mean comprehension score of all bidders in the respective
Although a measurement in finer steps would have been possible, a binary measure seemed
reasonable after inspection of the data. Roughly two thirds of all bidders yielded a high number of
correct answers in the first try, between 35 and 40. The other third of the bidders showed a broad
dispersion of between 15 and 35 correct answers in the first try. The binary measure served to
reflect this apparent dichotomy into “good” and “bad.”
5.3 Experiment Design
Spectrum auctions typically feature multiple items and multiple units of each item. The
experiment implemented the simplest case of a multi-item auction, a two-item auction.
The two items represented two spectrum bands and were called Item A and Item B
(in line with the neutral framing of the experiment). The multi-unit demand observed
in real spectrum auctions was simplified to a demand of two units of each item in
the experiment. Typically, in spectrum auctions, at least two bidders are awarded
considerable quantities of spectrum blocks, but the supply does usually not suffice to
provide all bidders with the full quantity of spectrum blocks that they desire. The
structure of demand and supply in the experiment is illustrated in Figure 5.2.
The relation of demand to supply was chosen in analogy to the 2.6 GHz spectrum
band in the German and in the Austrian spectrum auctions. In order to establish a
realistic level of scarcity in the experiment, the supply was set to seven units of Item A
and four units of Item B, and the maximum number of units that could be demanded
by all bidders together was eight units for each item. Item A represented the paired
spectrum, which was offered in fourteen blocks. A technically sound service required
around four blocks. Therefore, the resulting demand-to-supply ratio was about eight to
seven. Item B represented the unpaired spectrum, which was offered in ten blocks and
required about five blocks for a technically sound service, implying a demand-to-supply
ratio of around four to two.
Besides simplifying the demand schedules, the restriction of demand to two units per
item and bidder in the experiment can also be seen as a representation of decreasing
marginal values, when a certain number of spectrum blocks is reached. When exceeding
the technically feasible bandwidth, additional spectrum blocks contribute no additional
utility. Another parallel to real spectrum auctions in the current experiment is a spectrum
cap often imposed in spectrum auctions. Thus, the design choice of restricting demand
to two units per item and bidder simplified the value schedule, while at the same time,
it emphasized some of the characteristics of actual applications.
Unfortunately, the concise valuations of the companies bidding for radio spectrum were
(and are) not fully known—and, thus, could not be used in the experiment. Rather, it
was desirable to design the valuation schemes as simple as possible without giving up
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Items Spectrum
Supply Maximum aggregated demand
Item type A
7 units supplied Maximum of 8 units demanded
24 mm
Bidder 2
Bidder 1
Bidder 3
Bidder 4
38 mm
26 mm
Item type B
4 units supplied Maximum of 8 units demanded
68 mm
Bidder 2
Bidder 1
Bidder 3
Bidder 4
the essential characteristics of the real-world example, which will be explained in the
following paragraphs.14
Radio spectrum is typically auctioned in blocks of several MHz. The blocks within
the same spectrum band are of a strongly complementary nature. For physical and
technological reasons, a single block cannot be used efficiently. Therefore, additional
blocks add disproportionably to the value of the spectrum acquired—up to a certain
maximum number of blocks. For instance, for LTE, the scalable channel bandwidths—
which can be used for a single user and which determine the peak uplink and downlink
rates—are 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz (Agilent, 2009, p. 4). In contrast, on the
Cf. Chapter 3 for a discussion of the experimental methodology in complex market situations.
5.3 Experiment Design
level of spectrum bands, the items are substitutes rather than complements, as separate
spectrum bands that are available for mobile communications cannot be combined to
obtain a higher bandwidth. However, the bands can be used in a similar way and,
thus, (imperfectly) substitute for each other. For example, in Germany, two of the four
GSM operators—the market leaders Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone—mainly use the
900 MHz spectrum band, while the two smaller operators O2 and E-Plus mainly use the
1800 Mhz band. Although there are some technical differences in the capacity and the
reach of these bands, all operators offer roughly the same GSM services.
The values were presented to the subjects in the form of a two-dimensional 3x3 matrix,
which was called basic values table, and is depicted in Table 5.1. The nature of the values
table was explained to the subjects in a three-dimensional animated video.15 All subjects
in the experiment received the same basic values table and were informed about this.
A firm’s valuation for a spectrum block is influenced by multiple factors, such as its mar-
ket share, its technology, and its historical spectrum endowment. Thus, the valuations
typically differ from firm to firm. In the German mobile communications market, the
largest firm in terms of subscribed customers is Vodafone with a yearly revenue of e9.3
billion and a customer base of 37.6 million customers, while the smallest player in this
market is O2 with a yearly revenue of e5.0 billion and a customer base of 18.4 million
See Section 3.3 for details on the training concept, Figure 3.2 for screen captures of the values
table, and http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/spectrum for the complete instruction video.
Revenue data from:
http://www.vodafone.de/unternehmen/umsatz.html, year of 2010/2011
http://www.telefonica.de/ext/portal/online/22/index, year of 2011
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Quantity item A
0 1 2
0 0 10 40
Quantity item B 1 3 12 41
2 12 18 44
The market shares are likely to be correlated with the companies’ valuations of a
spectrum block. Due to their larger customer base and existing infrastructure, larger
companies might gain a higher profit from a given quantity of spectrum. Therefore,
the asymmetry of company sizes implies a similar asymmetry of valuations for the spec-
trum.17 The real-world companies’ sizes—as indicated by their revenues—served as a
proxy for modeling the bidders’ valuations in the experiment.
Roughly in line with the revenue data presented above, the size or signal si of a
Bidder i was drawn independently for all bidders from a uniform distribution from
{10, 11, ..., 19, 20}. For each auction in the experiment, a new company size was drawn
5.3 Experiment Design
and communicated to the bidders at the beginning of the auction.18 This procedure and
the distribution of the signals were common knowledge.19
A company’s (bidder’s) size determined its final values table. In order to obtain the
final values vi (a, b), every cell vib (a, b) in the basic value table (Table 5.1) was multiplied
by si
vi (a, b) = vib (a, b) · si . (5.2)
By the linear transformation (5.2), the relative values and the complementary and
substitutive characteristics of the items were kept identical for all bidders; but the levels
of the valuations varied, reflecting the bidders’ sizes. On their bidding screen, the bidders
saw only their individual final values table and their private signal si .
The first four auctions of each experimental session employed the independent private
values model described in the previous paragraphs. After Auction 4, an additional
instruction video was shown to the subjects. The video introduced an extension that
enhanced the valuation model by an uncertain CV component. This extension—with
the purpose of investigating the information discovery performance of tested auction
designs—stayed valid during the last three auctions.
The uncertain CV value component was introduced in addition to the IPV structure,
and its implementation was based on Klemperer’s (1998) wallet game. Again, the basic
values table (Table 5.1) was multiplied by a factor. However, in the modified auction,
the factor was s0i , instead of si
The factor s0i did include the additional CV component and was calculated by the
1 X
s0i = si + sj . (5.4)
|{z} n j∈N
IPV | {z }
For the sake of a neutral framing, in the experiment, the number representing the company size was
called multiplicator.
With respect to external validity, an argument in favor of informing the bidders about the
distribution of the signals is that, in real-world spectrum auctions, bidders can typically roughly
judge their relative strength, rather than being completely unaware of their relative position (which
would correspond to a model of ambiguity).
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Table 5.2: Welfare maximizing allocation. (i) denotes the bidder with the ith highest
signal s(i) .
The values model of equation (5.4) combines a private values component with an
uncertain common value component. As in equation (5.2), the individual values differed
in the first term si on the right hand side of the equation. Now, however, the second
term on the right hand side (the sum) was identical for all bidders in an auction. The
exact value of this sum depended on the other bidders’ signals which were unknown to
the individual bidders.
The basic values table (Table 5.1) and the vector of the bidders’ private signals s =
(s1 , . . . , s4 ) were designed in such a way that they always led to the same principle
constellation, under all realizations of s (for the strategic implications, see Section 5.3.6).
Therefore, in the welfare maximizing allocation (Table 5.2), which was derived from the
values tables, the bidder with the highest signal would always obtain two units of both
items, the bidders with the second highest and third highest signals would each obtain
two units of Item A and zero units of Item B, and the bidder with the lowest signal
would obtain one unit of Item A and two units of Item B. This design was intended to
reduce the variance of strategic situations that could occur during the experiment, in
order to keep the auctions and sessions comparable.20
Another major feature of the experimental design was the provision of an estimation
slider to the bidders (Figure 5.3). The slider was a UI element that allowed bidders
to select a value from {10, 11, ..., 19, 20} that represented their estimation of the CV
component. The value of the slider set by the bidder was also used for the calculation of
the final values table and the preliminary calculation of profits displayed by the software.
The reasoning behind this is similar to the motivation of the stationary replication of the one-shot
design employed in Study 1, as described in Section 4.4.3. Note that there was a trade-off between
generality, control, and feasibility, and it seemed advisable to put the main focus on control and
5.3 Experiment Design
Figure 5.3: Screen capture of the slider for estimating the uncertain CV component.
(Translated from the German original.)
In all values settings, the software screen displayed only one values table—in the IPV
setting representing final values, in the CV component setting representing estimated
values. The slider offered the subjects a tool for supporting their decisions on submitting
For the analysis of the experimental results, the slider also generated helpful data
for the analysis of the subjects’ estimation behavior. To the author’s knowledge, this
data is the most immediate data on the value discovery process for this type of auction
available so far. Still, as with any design element, the slider itself was not free of pitfalls
as it had the potential to affect the subjects’ behavior. For instance, subjects might
have become more aware of the process of estimation, and this required the calculation
of a number, which would not have been required without the existence of the slider.
Although certainly interesting of itself, the investigation of the slider’s influence on
bidding behavior was not a part of this study. Hence, the same slider was used in all
treatments in order to maintain comparability.
A graphic example of the way the slider was integrated into the software screen is
provided by Figure D.1 in the Appendix. The purpose and use of the slider was explained
to the bidders in detail in the training video introducing the CV component.21 In
addition to the elicitation of their value estimate during the experiment, bidders were
also asked about the formation of their estimate in a survey after the experiment.
http://www.sascha-schweitzer.de/download/spectrum/saa/video 4.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
General descriptions of the auction designs in the experiment are provided in Chapter 2.
The following section details the specific auction rules.
• Stopping rule: The bidding phase ended with the round in which there was no new
bid on or withdrawal of any of the items.
• Minimum bid increment: In order to speed up the bidding process, the minimum
bid for all units of an item increased by at least one minimum bid increment in
each auction round (as long as there had been at least one bid on one unit for that
item in the previous auction round). By this procedure, the timing of the SAA
became more similar to the PCA, ensuring that the auctions would not run longer
than feasible in a laboratory experiment. The minimum bid increments are given
in Appendix C.
• Activity rule: For reasons of simplicity, a strict activity rule was used that did not
allow bidders to increase the total number of units they bid for.22
• Bid information: The highest bidders were published after each round. Bidders
were identified only by a number that did not give any hint about the name or the
seat of the participant in the experiment.
• Bid withdrawal: Analogously to the German spectrum auction in 2010, bid with-
drawals were allowed. However, withdrawn units were reallocated only when the
withdrawn bid was overbid. Otherwise the original bidder had to pay the bid price
without receiving the object.
• Click-box bidding: A click box with four predefined bid values for each unit was
used. In addition to the minimum bid, for Item A, voluntary increments of 10, 50
There have been several different versions installed by the FCC. In some auctions the bidders were
in possession of a certain number of waivers that could be used in a round like a “time-out” in
which they were not required to submit a bid.
5.3 Experiment Design
and 100 Money Units (MU) were allowed. For Item B, the voluntary increments
of 5, 10 and 50 MU were allowed.
The PCA rules used in the experiment were identical with those of Cramton’s (2009b)
proposal as summarized in Section 2.4.3.
The auction started with the clock stage. For every item a clock announced the current
price for one unit. After each round the prices increased for items in excess demand.
The increments of the clock price increase are given in Appendix C.
In Cramton’s (2009b) proposal, the generic assignment of abstract lots was followed
by the specific assignment of the particular frequency lots. In the present experiment,
however, where the items were simplified, this procedure was rendered unnecessary and
was not implemented.
In both auction designs discussed in this study, equilibrium strategies are not generally
known (cf. Chapter 2). However, a basic approach to understanding the auction situation
of the experiment, and to anticipate potential bidding strategies of the subjects in the
experiment, is the analysis of Straightforward Truthful Bidding (SFTB) in the context
of the specific configuration of the markets in the experiment.
Under SFTB, the bidders bid for those items that maximize their utility at the current
prices. Profit calculation is performed under the assumption that all units a bidder bids
for are allocated to the bidder at the bid price. In every single round of an ascending
auction, it is assumed that bidders are shortsighted, that they will not anticipate future
developments, nor act strategically. When prices rise at the end of the auction, SFTB
implies that the bidders bid up to their true marginal valuations and stop bidding when
prices exceed their valuations.
Table 5.3 summarizes some metrics that are helpful for calculating SFTB bids. In the
upper left part, the basic values structure from Section 5.3.3 is repeated. In the upper
right part, the marginal values for Item A, and in the lower left part, the marginal values
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
item B
1 3 12 41 9 29 19
2 12 18 44 6 26 16
1st 3 2 1
mar. val. B
2nd 9 6 3
mean 6 4 2
for Item B are listed. The mean marginal values for Item A are given in the very last
column, and the mean marginal values for Item B are given in the very last row. Note
that the actual values for Bidder i were calculated by multiplying her table with i’s
signal si or s0i , respectively (Section 5.3.4).
In the following analysis, in both auction designs, prices for all units of one item are
assumed to be equal. Indeed, in the clock stage of the PCA, prices for all units of
an item are identical by construction. Also, in the SAA the prices tend to equalize,
since rational bidders tend to bid on the unit with the lowest price. In the experiment,
the price equalization in the SAA was further fostered by increasing the minimum bid,
which enforced an average increase of one bid increment per auction round for all units
(Section 5.3.5).
Also, note that the SFTB strategy in the following analysis can only be an “approx-
imate SFTB strategy.” There is a large difference between the marginal values of the
first and the second unit of an item, but because the prices for all units of a given item
are assumed to be equal, bidders cannot express those two different marginal values for
two individual units. If bidders desire to “bid up to their values,” the best they can do
is bid up to their total values of the bundle, splitting their bid equally between the two
units. However, if at some point in the auction it becomes more favorable (and thus
straight forward and truthful) for a bidder to bid for only one unit of an item at a lower
price, the bidder will not be able to express this bid, as the activity rules in both the
SAA and the clock stage of the PCA do not allow for decreasing bids. Therefore, it is
not obvious what SFTB means in the given situation of the experiment.
5.3 Experiment Design
In the following analysis, a SFTB approach for the given experiment situation will be
outlined. The bidders’ signals are s(1) ≥ s(2) ≥ s(3) ≥ s(4) , and (i) denotes the bidder
with the ith highest signal s(i) . In the opening round of the SAA, and the PCA alike,
the bidders bid on two units of both items, since this is the profit-maximizing bundle
at the (low) opening prices. In the following auction rounds, the bidders continue to
increase their bids until certain price points are reached. These price points are defined
by the bidders’ indifference between whether they keep to the last bid or choose between
reducing demand on one of the items, reducing demand on both of the items, or switching
from one item to the other.
In the SAA, the first price points of interest are pA = 26s(4) and pB = 2s(4) , at which a
reduction of demand for either Item A or Item B becomes relevant. For Item A, bidders
cannot decrease their demand by more than one unit, as there is a total supply of seven
units, while the opposing bidders can demand a maximum of six units, leaving one unit
that no opposing bidder will overbid on. Therefore, the marginal value of the second
unit of Item A determines the price at which bidders should reduce their demand for
Item A from two units to one. For Item B, on the other hand, it is possible to reduce
demand on the bundle of two units; and the exit price, at which bidders reduce their
demand to zero units, is determined by the mean marginal value of two units of Item B.
Which of the price points is reached first depends on the increment configuration, on
the signa s(4) , and on the competition for an item. In the increment configuration of
the experiment and SFTB, it will always be the second case—pB = 2s(4) —being reached
first, since the prices for Item A increase slightly more slowly than for Item B. In the
following, both cases will be presented.
In the first case, when pA = 26s(4) is reached first, Bidder (4) abstains from bidding on
the second unit of Item A. From then on, pA comes to a halt, while pB is still increasing.
When pB reaches bidder (3)’s mean marginal value for Item B of 2s(3) , she abstains
from bidding on Item B. Price pB increases further, until it reaches Bidder (2)’s mean
marginal value for Item B of 2s(2) . After that auction round, Bidder (2) abstains from
bidding on Item B and the auction ends. The resulting allocation is given in Table 5.4.
In the second case, when pB = 2s(4) is reached first, Bidder (4) abstains from bidding
on both units of Item B. Since all bidders keep on bidding on two units of Item A and
three bidders keep on bidding on two units of Item B, the prices of both items increase
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
further, until pB is 2s(3) and Bidder (3) abstains from bidding on Item B, bringing pB to
a halt.23 In the following rounds, only pA increases until it is 30s(4) forcing Bidder (4)
to stop bidding on the second unit of Item A. With that, the auction ends and the units
are allocated as presented in Table 5.5.
As a comparison with Table 5.2 confirms, in the first case, the SFTB SAA allocation is
efficient. But in the second case (which is the relevant case under the bid increments in
the experiment), the SFTB allocation is not efficient. Bidder (4) has a higher valuation
for the bundle of two units of Item B than Bidder (2). In both cases, Bidder (4) falls prey
to the exposure problem (Section 2.1) and receives a single unit of Item A. Depending
on the specific signal configuration, the other bidders may also face severe losses. For
example, in Case 2, even Bidder (1) (who has got the highest signal) could suffer a loss
of up to -400 monetary units. Therefore, using hindsight, most (if not all) of the bidders
would not have participated in the auction at all, if their only option was SFTB.
As demonstrated, SFTB is not a very good bidding strategy in the experiment. With
respect to Item A an alternative strategy—in particular, for the weakest bidder, who
Due to the relative speed of the price increases of pA and pB , this price point of Item B is reached
before pA reaches 30s(4) .
5.3 Experiment Design
will end up with only one unit of Item A—would be strategy σ: “Bid only on one unit
of Item A, up to the marginal value of a single unit. Also, truthfully bid on two units
of Item B.” The resulting allocation, if the weakest Bidder (4) applies strategy σ while
the opposing bidders keep to the SFTB strategy, is presented in Table 5.6.
Table 5.6: Allocation alternative strategy SAA. The minimum bid for Item A is de-
noted by dA .
In the new situation, the prices for Item A equal the minimum bid, improving all
bidders to a profitable situation. In this example, with the weakest Bidder (4) applying
strategy σ, the allocation is efficient and identical to the allocation in Case 1. More
generally, ex-post, all situations in which three bidders bid truthfully on two units of
Item A, one bidder bids only on one unit of Item A, and all bidders bid truthfully on two
units of Item B constitute an equilibrium of the auction game. No bidder can improve
herself by deviating from her strategy: With respect to Item A, if the bidder who bids
according to strategy σ were to deviate by bidding on two units of Item A, she would
end up in the less favorable situation of Case 1 or 2. If, on the other hand, any of the
other bidders deviated by bidding on fewer units of Item A, they would obtain a less
valuable bundle, without affecting the price. With respect to Item B, a bidder who
abstained from bidding on both units would lose her chance to obtain these units, and
would therefore not profit from the price effect of her demand reduction. On the other
hand, a bidder who abstained from only one unit of Item B, would be outbid by the
opposing bidders, as the marginal value of one unit is always clearly lower than the mean
value of two units.
In the clock stage of the PCA, the first price points of interest are pA = 16s(4) and pB =
2s(4) . Which of the price points is reached first depends on the increment configuration,
on the signal s(4) , and on the competition for an item. As in the SAA, the prices of
Item A increase slightly more slowly than the prices of Item B when all bidders bid
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
If pA = 16s(4) is reached first, Bidder (4) reduces her quantity of Item A to zero.
From then on, pA comes to a halt, while pB is still increasing. When pB reaches the
price of pA − 28s(4) , Bidder (4) is indifferent between continuing to bid on two units of
Item B or switching his demand to two units of Item A. From then on, Bidder (4) begins
switching between the two items causing both prices to increase at a constant relation
of pB = pA − 28s(4) . At pB = 2s(3) Bidder (3) stops bidding on Item B and at pB = 2s(2)
Bidder (2) also stops bidding on Item B. From then on the price of Item B does not
increase anymore, Bidder (4) settles with two units of Item B and the clock stage ends.
The resulting preliminary allocation is given in Table 5.7.
In the second case, when pB = 2s(4) is reached first, Bidder (4) reduces her quantity
of Item B to zero. From then on, pB comes to a halt, while pA is still increasing. When
pA reaches the price of pB + 28s(4) , Bidder (4) is indifferent between continuing to bid
on two units of Item A or switching his demand to two units of Item B. From then on,
the auction takes the same course as in Case 1. Bidder (4) begins switching between the
two items, causing both prices to increase at a constant relation of pB = pA − 28s(4) . At
pB = 2s(3) Bidder (3) stops bidding on Item B and at pB = 2s(2) Bidder (2) also stops
bidding on Item B. After that, the price of Item B stops increasing. Bidder (4) settles
with two units of Item B and the clock stage ends. The resulting allocation is identical
to case one as presented in Table 5.7.
After the clock stage, there is one orphaned unit of Item A left. However, in the
supplementary stage that follows the clock stage, the bidders bid their true bundle value
for each of the eight bundles. This allows Bidder (4) to express her valuation for a
5.3 Experiment Design
bundle containing the orphaned unit of Item A. The final allocation is identical for both
cases and can be found in Table 5.8.
A comparison with Table 5.2 confirms that the allocation is efficient. Furthermore,
SFTB is an equilibrium strategy in the PCA.
Summing up the findings of these simulations, there were two major effects. First, the
electronic agents’ profits were higher when they continuously updated their estimations
of the CV component and adjusted their bids accordingly. Second, the agents’ own
behavior influenced the opposing agents’ estimations of the CV component and their
behavior. When an agent submitted lower bids, the estimations of the opposing bidders
were lower as well, and the auctions resulted in lower prices. This increased the agents’
incentives to submit low bids.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
5.4 Hypotheses
Roughly speaking, from a theoretical perspective (Chapter 2), the PCA should be su-
perior to the SAA. This expectation was even stronger in the experiment situation,
which strongly favored the PCA, letting the said auction design play out its strengths
by imposing a pronounced exposure risk (Section 5.3).
Therefore, the main hypotheses with respect to the evaluation criteria efficiency, rev-
enue and price signals were as follows:
2. The PCA leads to higher prices and revenues than the SAA.
3. The PCA exhibits a better price discovery performance than the SAA.
If the bidders can express interdependencies between the items in combinatorial bids
and thus avoid the exposure problem, Hypothesis 1 predicts that the PCA will yield
a more efficient allocation than the SAA. Further, if bidders fear and seek to avoid
the exposure risk and if collusion is facilitated by the SAA’s rich opportunities for
interaction, the SAA should lead to lower prices (and revenues) than the PCA, as stated
in Hypothesis 2. According to Hypothesis 3, prices (and revenues) should reflect the
induced valuations and the CV component more accurately when using the PCA, which
possesses a SFTB equilibrium. Note that Hyptheses 2 and 3 are not independent of each
other, as they both refer to prices. However, they aim at two different aspects of the
prices. Hypothesis 2 refers to the price level, while Hypothesis 3 refers to the correlation
of the induced values with the prices.
5.5.1 Efficiency
Figure 5.4 gives an overview of the social surplus and the relative allocative efficiency
in Study 2, arranged by treatment and auction number (for detailed data see Table D.1
in the appendix). Similar to the findings in Study 1, allocative efficiencies in both
experimental treatments were very close to each other. The mean relative efficiency was
5.5 Results of the Experiment
Relative allocative efficiency
● ●
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
96.0% in the SAA and 95.8% in the PCA, ranging from 85.4% to 100% in the SAA and
from 84.1% to 100% in the PCA. In the SAA, six out of 84 auctions, and in the PCA
five out of 84 auctions were efficient in the sense that their relative allocative efficiency
equaled 100%. In the SAA, the standard deviation of the relative allocative efficiency
was 2.9%, and in the PCA, the standard deviation was 3.2%. To sum up, efficiency
values were very close to each other.
The impression that there were no strong differences in efficiency between treatments
was also supported by a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test on the level of the in-
dependent groups, which did not indicate significant differences.24 Also, a regression
analysis on the auction-level data did not yield a significant model,25 implying that nei-
ther the auction number nor the presence of a common-value component, nor indeed the
comprehension score showed significant effects on efficiency.
Mann-Whitney U: n=24, W =85, p-value=0.48.
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression: F-statistic=1.63 on 4 and 163 degrees of freedom,
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Given that the structure of the values induced in the present experiment was con-
structed to give the PCA a clear advantage, the similarity in the efficiency values ap-
peared as a surprise. The PCA had two advantages (cf. Section 5.3.6). First, in the
SAA, the induced values inflicted a strong exposure problem that did not affect the
PCA. Second, at the end of the auction, one bidder was supposed to switch to a larger
package, which was possible only in the PCA. While in the SAA, the bidders handled
the first issue better than expected (cf. the discussion of prices in Section 5.5.3), the
second advantage did not play out for the PCA, either. In the PCA, bidders did not
bid sufficiently sincerely on the low value packages, which in theory should have been
allocated optimally only in the PCA.
The efficiency values were not only very close to each other; inefficiencies also arose
from the same sources in both treatments. The main sources of inefficiencies were alloca-
tions to bidders with low valuations and the allocation of single units instead of bundles.
Again, when suboptimal allocations were observed, they were suboptimal in a similar
way in both auction designs. Beforehand, the experimenters had been concerned about
the option of bid withdrawals in the SAA, as they can facilitate inefficient orphaned
units (units not sold). Still, these orphaned units accounted only for a small part of the
inefficiencies. Surprisingly, in the PCA orphans could be observed almost as often as in
the SAA.
A reason for the unexpected occurrence of orphaned units in the PCA was that the
bidders tended to bid only on a subset of the available bundles, and in some cases, there
was no combination of bundles that included all units for sale. Even those bidders who
bid on all bundles, often entered very low numbers for low value bundles. A potential
explanation of this behavior may be that bidders were reluctant to buy any low-value
bundles, unless they could really make “a good bargain.”
Although the measure of relative allocative efficiency is helpful for comparing two
auction designs, with respect to a single auction, a number above 90% does not say a
lot, as long as there is no benchmark to compare it with. One possible benchmark is
the worst possible allocation of units (without orphaning any unit). Reassuringly, the
observed efficiency was generally greater than the worst-case benchmark.
At the first glance, the results on efficiency may seem odd. However, these results are
consistent with the findings on efficiency in Study 1 (Chapter 4), and also with other
5.5 Results of the Experiment
studies on complex auctions—such as Holt et al. (2007) and Porter et al. (2009)—which
report very similar efficiency values across treatments, while they observe significantly
different revenues and prices. A potential reason for these observations may be that the
efficiency results strongly depend on the variance of the bidding behavior, while revenues
and prices mostly depend on the level of the bids. It seems that the choice of auction
type affects the behavior of most bidders roughly in the same way, but it contributes
rather little to the dispersion of the bids.
5.5.2 Revenue
Figure 5.5 depicts the revenues in the experiment arranged by auction and treatment. In
the SAA, the revenues lay between 92 and 5099 MU, and in the PCA, the revenues ranged
between 0 and 3345 MU, averaging 1304.51 and 704.39 MU respectively for SAA and
PCA. A Mann-Whitney U test on the data aggregated to the level of the independent
groups confirmed the significance of the revenue differences between the treatments.26
As the analysis of prices in Section 5.5.3 did not reveal significant differences between
the mean session prices, the lower revenues in the PCA must have stemmed from the
Closest-to-Vickrey (CtV) pricing rule, which caused a considerable gap between the
clock prices in the first auction stage and the final prices in the second auction stage.
Although the mean revenues per session did not differ, the visual impression of Fig-
ure 5.5 suggested that there might have been learning effects which differed between the
two auction designs. In order to first gain a better understanding of the effects within
the single treatments, two separate analyses for the SAA and the PCA were conducted
before performing an overall analysis of the complete data set.
For the SAA, the regression of revenues in Table 5.9 revealed a (weakly) significant
positive effect of the auction number and a significant negative effect of the groups’
comprehension level. In stark contrast, for the PCA, no significant effects of these
variables were revealed, and the coefficient of comprehension even had the opposite sign
relative to the SAA. These findings suggested that good comprehension and learning
led to lower revenues in the SAA, while they did not affect revenues in the PCA. A
potential explanation for these results is that experience and a good understanding of
Mann-Whitney U: n=24, W =123, p-value<0.003.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the auction situation helped the bidders to avoid the exposure trap in the SAA, which
was not relevant in the PCA. From this perspective, understanding and experience may
be more crucial in the SAA than in the PCA.
For the PCA, the regression showed a significant positive correlation between the
mean signal s and the revenues. This effect could be explained by the price discovery
performance of the PCA which will be discussed in Section 5.5.3. As in most auctions,
all units of both items were sold successfully, and the revenue data mostly mirrored
the price data. The investigation of this underlying data was helpful when it came to
understanding the composition of the revenue data. For detailed explanations, please
refer to Section 5.5.3.
For both the SAA and the PCA, the separate regressions revealed a strong, significant
effect produced by the CV component. In the last three auctions, revenues were generally
5.5 Results of the Experiment
higher, reflecting the presence of the additional common value component, as the bidders’
valuations were on average twice as high in the CV auctions.27
The separate analysis of the two auction types in Table 5.9 provided relevant in-
formation for the formulation of a regression model for a combined regression of both
treatments in Table 5.10. In the separate regressions, the effects of the independent vari-
ables seemed to be different and partly opposite across the auction types. In particular,
the coefficients of a high comprehension level h were opposed across the auction types
(though only one of the effects was significant). The effect of the auction number a was
significant for the SAA but not for the PCA, and for the effect of the mean signal s the
opposite was true. This suggested an interaction between auction type t and the other
The reason for the difference in the values level was a design decision to keep the same distribution
of signals over all auctions, without applying a normalization factor, thus avoiding any unnecessary
increase in the subjects’ cognitive load.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Table 5.10 shows the regression on the combined data set of both treatments. To
accommodate diverging effects, interaction terms with t were included in the combined
model. In Model (1), all interactions between auction type t and each of the other
variables were included (Table 5.10). The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) as well
as the adjusted R were slightly higher in Model (2) than in Model (1) (Akaike, 1974).
Both model specifications returned similar results with consistently lower p-values in
Model (2). All in all, Model (2) seemed superior to Model (1) in explaining the data.
The opposing effects of the comprehension level between the two treatments that was
revealed in the separate regression was confirmed, as the regression revealed a significant
interaction between auction type and comprehension level. On the other hand, with
respect to the diverging effects of the auction number, there was only weak statistical
evidence for a treatment interaction.
For the PCA, the item prices after the clock stage in each auction were investigated.28 In
order to operate on comparable data sets, the 7+4 prices in each SAA were aggregated
by taking the respective mean values for Item A and B. This way, both analyses were
conducted on the same level of depth. Checks for robustness with different aggregations
(maximum, minimum, median) were performed and are provided in the Appendix. As
it turned out, the principle results were robust against the aggregation method.
A Mann-Whitney U test of the price data at the level of the independent groups
did not reveal systematic differences between the treatments, neither for Item A nor
for Item B.29 Yet the visual impression given by Figures 5.6 and 5.7 suggested that, at
the level of individual auctions, there were pronounced differences, and opposing trends
in the price development over the subsequent auctions. The statistical analysis at the
Comparing prices between the two auction designs was a somewhat delicate task, since the SAA
and the PCA designs represented fundamentally different mechanisms. In the SAA, there were
seven individual prices for the units of Item A and four individual prices for the units of Item B.
These prices were final prices that were paid by the respective winning bidders. In contrast, in the
PCA, there was one clock price for Item A and one clock price for Item B at the end of the first
stage of the auction. The final prices, however, were only determined after the supplementary stage
and referred to bundles instead of individual units.
Mann-Whitney U on Item A prices: W =67, p-value = 0.80; Mann-Whitney U on Item A prices:
W =45, p-value=0.13.
5.5 Results of the Experiment
Table 5.10: Results from OLS regressions of SAA and PCA revenues.
(·,*, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1% level. Robust standard
errors were calculated at the independent group level and are given in parentheses.)
As the time trends were opposed to each other, on average there was no difference. An analysis at
the level of independent groups could not reveal such effects. However, the regressions in Table 5.12
pointed to a significant interaction between the auction design and auction number.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Mean price item A
● ●
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Prices in the SAA ranged between 1 MU and 738 MU for Item A and between 1 MU
and 94 MU for Item B. The mean price was 169 MU for Item A and 30 MU for Item B,
with standard deviations of 175 MU and 17 MU respectively.31 Within a single auction,
prices of the units differed considerably, in particular for Item A. This was mainly due
to single high bids, which may have been submitted with the purpose of signalling or
deterring other bidders.
The regression in Table 5.11 revealed a strong, significant effect from the CV com-
ponent. In the last three auctions prices were generally higher, reflecting the presence
of the additional common value component (cf. Section 5.5.2). The regression further
showed a significant negative impact from the auction number on the prices for both
items. The later the auction within the sequence in one session, the lower the price. This
tendency could be attributed to learning as well as to fatigue. However, the subjects’
feedback after the experiment and the following results on the effect of the comprehen-
sion level pointed to learning as the primary reason. For Item A, the regression revealed
a significant negative effect of the comprehension level h. This supports the conclusion
A table containing all SAA prices is available in Appendix D.
5.5 Results of the Experiment
Mean price item B
● ●
● ●
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
that comprehension and learning were driving prices lower in the SAA. Bidders learned
to coordinate on a low price level and to avoid the exposure trap early in the auction.
For Item B, the comprehension effect was not significant, yet the regression coefficient
was still negative.
In the SAA the regression did not reveal a significant effect of the mean signal s (equal-
ing the CV component in the last three auctions). There seemed to be no correlation
of mean price and mean value. These results cast some doubt on the price discovery
performance of the SAA.
Prices in the PCA ranged between 1 MU and 1001 MU for Item A and between 1 MU
and 369 MU for Item B. The mean price was 185 MU for Item A and 52 MU for Item B,
with standard deviations of 204 MU and 65 MU respectively.32 In contrast to the SAA,
by definition, there was no dispersion of item prices within the single auctions.
In contrast to the SAA, the regression of PCA prices in Table 5.11 showed a positive
correlation between the mean signal s and the item prices. However, this effect was
A table containing all PCA prices is available in Appendix D.
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
mean A mean B price A price B
Auction -41.3 -3.2 -13.5 -7.4
Number a (24.5) * (1.5) ** (12.5) (5.1)
Observations 84 84 84 84
R 0.17 0.14 0.39 0.21
significant only for the more valuable Item A. In terms of price-discovery performance,
this was a favorable result for the PCA.
The regression coefficient for a high comprehension level h in the PCA was positive,
in stark contrast to the significantly negative effect in the SAA. However, in the isolated
PCA regression, the effect was not significant. Nevertheless, it seemed plausible that
better comprehension lead to bidding closer to the equilibrium strategy, resulting in
higher prices.
Again, the separate analysis of the two auction types provided relevant information
for the formulation of a regression model for a combined regression of both treatments.
The effects of the comprehension level, the auction number, and the mean signal seemed
to be different and partly opposite across the auction types. Therefore, in Model Con-
figuration (1) for Item A and Item B, all interactions between auction type t and each
of the other variables were included (Table 5.12). For both items the AIC as well as
5.5 Results of the Experiment
the adjusted R were slightly higher in Model (2) than in Model (1).33 For Item A,
both model specifications returned similar results with consistently lower p-values in
Model (2). For Item B, after the AIC minimization some of the original independent
variables were omitted and no additional effects were identified. At the same time, for
Item B, the unadjusted R was lower in the second model. To sum up, for Item A,
Model (2) was superior to Model (1) in explaining the data, while the choice between
the two models for Item B was less clear cut, with intuition voting in favor of Model (1).
The resulting regression of prices over both auction formats in Table 5.12 supported
the findings of the separate analyses. For Item A, the regression revealed significant ef-
fects from all conditional independent variables. The negative effect of auction number a
indicated that prices decreased over time in the SAA, while according to the interaction
t:a, in the PCA, the effect decreased. Similarly, a high comprehension level h went
along with a negative effect in the SAA, but decreased or even became positive in the
interaction t:h with the PCA. For the mean signal s the effect was generally positive.
The stronger price discovery effect of the PCA suggested by the separate regressions
could not be identified in the interaction t:s (although the coefficient in Model (1) was
consistent with the findings of the separate analyses). The presence of a CV component
c had a strong positive effect on auction prices, in line with the results of the separate
For Item B, the only significant effect revealed in Models (1) and (2) was the strong
positive effect of the CV component (which had to be expected by definition). In the
PCA, this effect was even stronger. Additionally, in Model (1), the regression revealed a
significant negative effect from auction number a. In contrast to the prices for Item A,
for Item B the decrease of prices over time seemed to be equally pronounced in SAA
and PCA.
To sum up, the findings of the combined regression support the proposition that
learning as well as good comprehension were correlated with lower prices in the SAA,
but with higher prices in the PCA. While experienced bidders learned to avoid the
exposure trap in the SAA, experienced bidders in the PCA—who did not need to care
For comparison, the regression tables without interaction terms are given in Appendix D. With the
treatment interaction terms omitted, the explained variance decreased from 33% to 26% for Item A
and from 29% to 21% for Item B. For Item A the regression did not reveal the effect of auction
format f and comprehension level h (which was directed in opposite directions from one auction
type to the next).
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
Table 5.12: Results from OLS regressions of SAA and PCA prices.
(·,*, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.1% level. Robust standard
errors were calculated at the independent group level and are given in parentheses.)
R 0.29 0.30 0.24 0.25
5.5 Results of the Experiment
about exposure risks—learned to bid closer to the profit maximizing equilibrium strategy.
With respect to price discovery, the difference between the auction types observed in
the previous analysis did not show up significantly in the interaction term (although the
interaction coefficients at least pointed in the “right” direction).
An important element of the experiment was the presence of an uncertain common value
component which could be estimated by the bidders at any time during the auction.34
The estimation slider offered values between 10 and 20 with a preset value of 10. During
the course of a session, 89 out of the 96 bidders in the study (or about 93%) made use
of the estimation slider. On average, the values estimated at the end of an auction were
1.85 units lower than the actual values of the CV component. In 74 of 288 occasions (or
26 %), the value was guessed correctly.
The numbers reported above differed across the two auction types. Only 29 correct
estimations were observed in the SAA, compared with 45 correct estimations in the
PCA. Correspondingly, the mean distance of the estimate to the actual value of the
CV component was -2.25 units in the SAA, compared with only -1.56 units in the PCA.
However, there was virtually no difference with respect to the adoption of the slider by
the bidders. Forty-four bidders in the SAA and 45 bidders in the PCA actively estimated
the CV component.
Table 5.13 gives the results of the regression of the estimation error defined as the
difference between the actual value of the CV component and the estimated value of
a bidder at the end of an auction. In addition to the signed difference, the unsigned
absolute value of the difference was included in the right-hand part of the table. Also,
for both response variables, a regression model (2) minimizing the AIC was included in
the table (Akaike, 1974).
A potential problem was that, in addition to their actual estimation, the bidders also expressed their
risk aversion through the slider. Although the regressions controlled for the risk aversion measures
of the the survey after the experiment, for future experiments it may be advisable to introduce two
separate sliders (which, however, on the downside would complicate the user interface).
5 Study 2: A Spectrum Rights Application
R 0.37 0.38 0.25 0.25
the auction type t. Other effects revealed by the regression were a positive effect of a high
comprehension level h and a negative effect of a high risk-aversion index r on absolute
estimation errors. The later two effects were not revealed for absolute estimation errors.
This indicated that the effect was relevant for the height of the estimation, but not so
much for the actual exactness.
The significant effect of s meant that the higher the actual CV component, the larger
the absolute estimation error. This was due to the fact that bidders generally tended
to give low value estimations. Some bidders always bid a low, fixed value independent
of the information they acquired during the auction. Therefore, estimations for high
CV components were generally farther away from the real value. Also, since the bulk of
5.5 Results of the Experiment
the estimation errors was negative, the signs of the effects changed when moving from
signed to absolute values.
A particularly interesting effect was the negative impact of auction type t on the ab-
solute estimation error. If the auction was conducted in the form of a PCA, estimations
were closer to the real value. This was in line with the possibly superior price discovery
features of the PCA suggested in Section 2.4.3. The relationship between the CV com-
ponent and the price was stronger in the PCA than in the SAA. The improved price
discovery seemed to carry on to improved value discovery.
5.5.5 Summary
The results presented above did not point to a general superiority of the PCA over the
SAA. In the PCA, the subjects did not make full use of the opportunity to bid on
all valid bundles, and in the SAA, subjects were able to handle the potential problems
surprisingly well, provided that they were sufficiently experienced.
With respect to absolute prices and revenues, the session averages did not differ sig-
nificantly. Yet, for those bidders with a good understanding of the auctions, the prices
in the SAA were lower. Furthermore, the prices tended to decrease in the sequence of
the auctions in a session, probably due to learning effects. This trend was in line with
Hypothesis 2.
With respect to the quality of price and information discovery, the PCA did play out its
advantages. For Item A, the clock stage prices of the PCA reflected the mean valuation
and the CV component better than SAA prices did. Apparently, this advantage carried
on to the bidders’ value estimation performance in the two auction designs, as more
accurate estimates were observed in the PCA. These results favored Hypothesis 3.
6 Conclusion
Table 6.1 provides an overview of the findings of Studies 1 and 2 with respect to the
performance criteria, efficiency, revenue, and price signals. One surprising finding was
that there was no indication in either study of a difference in the allocative efficiency of
the auction designs. But at the same time, the auction designs did differ significantly
with respect to revenues and price signals.
Prices and revenues reflect the level of the bids. However, allocative efficiency does
not depend as much on the level of the bids as on the position of the bids relative to each
other. If all bids are multiplied by the same factor—possibly due to different behavior
caused by differences in the auction situation and time—the allocation does not change.
Only a change in the relative order of the bids can cause a reduction in efficiency. It seems
that, across the different auction situations modeled in the experiment, which facilitated
different general tendencies of all bidders, the spectrum of the behavior remained similar.
Klemperer (2002b) seemed to anticipate the weakness of the connection between auction
design and efficiency when he argued that parameters other than auction design should
be taken into account in order to obtain efficient results. He emphasized the role of
competition and incentives to participate in the auction, as well as the design of the
items. Study 1 supported Klemperer’s advice, as the value structure indeed seemed to
affect efficiency. Therefore, the configuration of the items on sale and the encouragement
of bidder participation may be worthwhile further investigation.
Although in complex situations, the auction design may have only a small impact
on efficiency, it seems to affect other parameters more strongly. In the experiment,
6 Conclusion
Study 1 Study 2
Sequential ~
Efficiency Simultaneous
Sequential >
Revenue USBA ~ ECA SAA > PCA
Sequential >
Price signals USBA < ECA SAA
< PCA Export Rän
4 mm
110 mm
changes in the quality of the price signals and the revenues yielded by the auctions were 48 mm
dependent on the auction design. In Study 1, sequential auctioning led to significantly 50 mm
higher prices and revenues. In Study 2, the use of a combinatorial auction design led
to lower revenues, but also to a better correlation of price signals and the bidders’
valuations. These findings may help auctioneers in their choice of an auction design.
In both studies the theory-based predictions and expectations were not completely
fulfilled. In Study 1, the theoretically inferior sequential auctioning of two items led
to higher revenues, and no evidence was found for higher efficiency when auctioning
simultaneously. In Study 2, the theoretically superior Package-clock Auction (PCA)
was observed to better reflect the bidders’ values. However, even in a situation designed
specifically to give an advantage to the new combinatorial auction design, the new
design was not able to beat the inferior design with respect to auction efficiency. In
M. the bidders’
Schweitzer risk aversion
– Bastelstunde may be a plausible explanation for the
März 2012 disparity
Institut für Wirtschaftstheorie und Statis
in the auction results and the predictions of the theoretical benchmark. Intuitively
speaking, the bidders’ fear that they might not obtain units in the second auction may
have incentivized them to bid more sincerely in the first. In Study 2, on the other hand,
the most likely reason for unpredicted efficiency losses of the PCA was the bidders’
apparent laziness in the selection of bundles.
6.2 Advancement of the Experimental Methodology
From the two specific examples presented in this thesis, it is not possible to draw
general conclusions. However, the studies showed that the obvious is not always true
and complex auction situations may lead to unexpected outcomes. Thus, before imple-
menting a specific complex auction design, it may be very insightful to conduct a testbed
experiment, in order to check for any unanticipated effects. One challenge of future re-
search will be to establish standards that increase control and also comparability across
the various testbed experiments reported.
Chapter 3 showed how the insights of cognitive research and the recent advances in
computer software can be employed in order to increase control in economic laboratory
experiments. In this context, control refers not only to the outer, visible elements of an
experiment, but also to the perception and understanding of the experiment situation
by the experiment subjects. Studies 1 and 2 provided examples of how the proposed
instruments were used to conduct testbed experiments of large-scale auction applications
in the laboratory. The feedback of pilot subjects and actual participants in both studies
indicated that, in principle, the experiment concept did work.
There are some indications that elements of the proposed experiment concept have
already established themselves in the experimental community. For instance, at the
Institute of Information Systems and Management (IISM), after the present studies
were conducted and presented at the institute, several experimenters started to record
the instruction texts and play them to their experiment subjects, instead of having
them read out by human instructors. At the Technische Universität München, a group
of researchers in the field of combinatorial auctions, started to employ video instructions
in their auction experiments, after they had participated in a demonstration of the
present studies in mid-2010. Besides these direct consequences of the present work, it
seems plausible that the progress in several related fields (computer science, consumer
electronics, psychology) will naturally lead to development in line with the proposals
made here.
There may be two major hurdles for the introduction of the new instruments: the
missing evaluation of the instruments, and the effort associated with their technical im-
6 Conclusion
plementation. The first question, the evaluation of the new instruments, appears to be
the most prominent one. Yet, a systematic evaluation of the proposed instruments may
face some serious methodological challenges. In particular, it will be necessary to define
precisely the nature of a good experimental result. Is a result better if the subjects
understand the experiment situation better, if more of the variance of the data can be
explained, or if the observed behavior is closer to the theoretic predictions? Some of
the answers may be less obvious than they seem at first glance. From an evaluation
perspective, failures in the model and other factors could question the validity of a
methodological comparison. Internal validity, subject comprehension, and a high coef-
ficient of determination are important elements. However, the issue of evaluating the
basic elements of the present proposal has already been tackled in theoretical and empir-
ical studies in the field of cognitive research (Section 3.2), and experimental economics
can benefit from the employment of those findings.
In practice, the effort required for implementing the proposed instruments may have
a strong impact on their adoption by the community of experimental economists. The
preparation of the animated video instructions in Study 2 required several months in
which one PhD-student invested most of his working time into the design and imple-
mentation of the experiment software and the videos. While the experiment software
itself exceeded the complexity of many traditional examples, requiring an increased time
to develop, the videos consumed a much greater share of time. The making of the
experiments required knowledge in several fields, such as graphics, sounds, animation,
and cognitive research. Also, the fine-tuning of the cognitive concepts of the videos and
details like the timing of the sound tracks consumed a considerable amount of time.
In order to broadly use the methods presented in this thesis, the community of exper-
imental economists would need a toolbox-like system (similar to z-Tree for the program-
ming element in experiments) that reduces the effort involved in learning and imple-
menting the new techniques. This toolbox could offer complete pre-defined instruction
videos for standard market situations and economic games. Because the fluid nature
of research disagrees with static solutions, these pre-defined standard elements would
need to be technically open and easily extendable or modifiable. The development of
a standardized solution that fulfills these requirements could be achieved in a research
project, and might contribute to the increasing success of experimental economics.
A Micro Rules Study 1
The following description of the micro rules has been adopted from Betz et al. (2010).
Clock auction
In this section the general format of a single-item clock auction is introduced. Consider
an auction situation in which s units of an item are auctioned. The quantity s of available
units is also called the supply. There are n bidders participating in the auction, and the
set of bidders is denoted by
N = {1, 2, . . . , n}.
To simplify the later description, the notions of a marginal bid, a bid schedule, and a
bidder’s demand at a particular price, as well as the demand function of a bidder are
introduced. A marginal bid (p, q) is characterized by a price p and a quantity q. It
indicates the willingness of the respective bidder to acquire up to q units of the item if
the price is not larger than p. In the auction, a bidder does not submit a single marginal
bid, but defines a bid schedule (the bid schedule is also referred to as a bidding plan)
which consists of a set of li marginal bids. Thus, the bid schedule (bidding plan) of a
bidder i ∈ N is given by the set
The joint set of bid schedules of all bidders constitute the aggregate bid schedule
A Micro Rules Study 1
B= Bi .
The demand of a bidder i ∈ N at a price p is denoted by di (p) and refers to the total
quantity the bidder seeks to buy at this price. The demand can be calculated from the
bidder’s marginal bid schedule. The bidder’s demand function, which maps any price p
to his demand at this price, is given by
di (p) = qi,k
(pi,k ,qi,k )∈Bi |pi,k ≥p
The aggregate demand of all bidders at a particular price is the sum of the bidders’
demand at that price. Thus, the aggregate demand function D(p) is given by
D(p) = di (p).
Auction Clock
In a clock auction, a so-called auction clock shows the current price at all times. The
clock starts at a reserve price p0 and bidders respond by specifying their demand d(p0 )
at this price. The reserve price constitutes the lowest possible price. If the aggregate
demand at the reserve is smaller than the supply, the supply is not completely allocated.
If, however, the aggregate demand exceeds supply, the clock ticks forward by increasing
the current price and, again, bidders respond by specifying their demand at the new
price. This process continues as long as aggregate demand exceeds supply.
Formally: The price increase from round t to the next round t + 1 is given by an
increment ∆ > 0, i.e. pt+1 = pt + ∆.
To speed up the auction, the increment can also be set dynamically. In large scale
auctions it is typical that the increment is set as a percentage of the current price, and
the percentage decreases over time. In the experiment, the increment was always one
monetary unit.
A Micro Rules Study 1
Activity Rule
In a clock auction, bidders may not increase their demand as the price of the clock rises.
Formally: A bidder who demands d(pt ) at a price pt may not demand more than d(pt )
in the further course of the auction, i.e. d(pt0 ) ≤ d(pt ) ∀ t0 ≥ t.
This activity rule is typical for multi-unit auctions. In the (non-clock) simultaneous
multiple-round ascending auction, the number d(pt ) is usually called a bidder’s bidding
rights. In any round a bidder cannot submit more bids (bid on more items) than he
has bidding rights, and if he submits fewer bids than he has bidding rights, the bidding
rights are reduced accordingly.
Formally: The auction lasts as long as D(pt ) > s and stops if D(pt ) ≤ s.
The lowest price of a winning bid, also referred to as Lowest Accepted Bid (LAB),
determines the closing price of the auction. The closing price is the price that all bidders
have to pay for all units of the item they receive.
In the experiment, an auction that ended with D(p) < s was considered as failed. However, this
never occurred.
A Micro Rules Study 1
Allocation of Goods
If, at the end of the auction, aggregate demand equals supply, all bidders receive exactly
the amount of their demand at the closing price. If the closing price of the auction is set
to the second-to-last price, bidders receive their demand at the last price of the clock,
and in addition a share of the residual supply in proportion to their unfulfilled residual
demand at the closing price.
Formally: If in the last round t∗ the total demand exactly equals supply (D(pt∗ ) = s),
then each bidder i receives the quantity di (pt∗ ) she has requested in her last bid. If,
alternatively, total demand in the last round t∗ is lower than the supply (D(pt∗ ) < s),
the final price p∗ is set to the price of the second-to-last round t∗ − 1 (p∗ := pt∗ −1 ). In
this case D(pt∗ ) < s, but D(p∗ ) > s, i.e. the demand at the closing price is larger than
the supply and, thus, bids must be rationed.
Again, all bidders are awarded the quantity di (pt∗ ) they have demanded in their last
bid. In addition, the residual supply s −
i di (pt∗ ) is allocated to the bidders in equal
proportions to the residual demand with respect to the bids di (pt∗ − 1) in the second-to-
last round. This means that a particular bidder j receives, in addition to dj (pt∗ ) units,
an amount given by
s − i di (pt∗ )
(dj (p t∗ −1 ) − dj (p )) P
i i t∗ −1 ) −
d i di (pt∗ )
If the above formula resulted in fractions smaller than one unit, in the experiment,
the largest remainder method was used (also known as Hare-Niemeyer rule which is
commonly applied in proportional representation voting).
Information Revelation
If at the end of each round t, the aggregate demand D(pt ) is revealed to all bidders, the
auction is referred to as an open clock auction.
A Micro Rules Study 1
Proxy Bidding
In a clock auction with proxy bidding, a bidder can instruct the computer to bid on
his behalf rather than responding to each current price individually. The bidding rules
for the computer are called proxy bids and represent a bidder’s demand function (or
schedule of marginal bids, depending on the interface; a complete proxy bid schedule
is identical to a bid in a sealed-bid auction). At any price of the clock, the computer
will automatically—in the name of the bidder—demand the respective quantity that is
determined by the bidder’s proxy bids.
During the course of the auction, bidders can update their proxy bids insofar as the
demand at the current or a future clock price is affected, i.e. a bidder can change his
demand function for the current and all higher prices.
Proxy bidding does not impact the pricing or allocation rule. The formulae given
above for the calculation of the closing price and the allocation of goods also hold in a
clock auction with proxy bidding.
Sealed-bid Auctions
Technically, clock and sealed-bid auctions are very similar. Both the price determination
and the computation of the allocation can be performed by the same algorithm. In a
sealed bid auction, each bidder submits a non-increasing demand function.2 The system
then calculates the marginal bids as well as the aggregated demand function D(p), i.e.
D(p) = di (p).
Pricing and the allocation of items is analogous to the clock auctions described above.
If the user interface is based on marginal bids, the bidders’ demand functions are calculated by the
A Micro Rules Study 1
Consider an auction in which m different items are auctioned. The set of items is denoted
M = {1, 2, . . . , m}.
s = (s1 , s2 , . . . , sm ).
The demand of a bidder i ∈ N for item j ∈ M at a price p is denoted by dji (p) and
refers to the total quantity the bidder intends to buy at this price. The bidder’s demand
function, which maps any price p to his demand at this price, is given by
dji (p) = j
qi,k .
( pji,k ,qi,k
) ∈Bij |pji,k ≥p
Sealed-bid Auctions
In the CPRS context this is the amount of available permits of a particular vintage.
A Micro Rules Study 1
In the experiments, a modified version of Holt et al. (2007, addendum) bid sorting algo-
rithm was applied. The revised version avoids not only price reversals, but also allocation
reversals. The modified algorithm works as follows: If an independent evaluation of the
auctions would result in an inverted price structure, a fraction of the demand for the less
valuable item is shifted to the more valuable item. The quantity of the shift is calculated
such that the resulting auction prices of the two items are equal. Bidders who had bid
for the less valuable item (i.e. the later vintage) will be awarded the more valuable item
(i.e. the earlier vintage), in accordance to their proportional share of the shift. Fractions
of the minimum contract size are resolved by a random approach or the Hare-Niemeyer
In a multi-item extension of the clock auction, several items are auctioned simultane-
ously. Thus, there is a separate clock for each item. Bidding for all clocks proceeds in
synchronized rounds. At the end of each round, the aggregate demand for each item is
determined and all clocks at which aggregate demand is larger than supply tick to the
next current price. Clocks at which the aggregate demand does not exceed supply keep
their price for the next round.
The advantage of the simultaneous approach is that it allows bidders to shift demand
from one vintage to another during the course of the auction. This gives bidders the
flexibility to react to price differences and to adjust their demand accordingly. By this
flexibility, the simultaneous format facilitates efficient outcomes. Note, however, that
switches of demand from one item to the other imply that a bidder increases his demand
at this item. Thus, the activity rule needs to be refined: In a multi-item clock auction
(suited for the case of auctioning emissions permits) the total demand of a bidder over
all items is computed in each round. The activity rule requires that the total demand
of a bidder may not increase from round to round.
Some more details have to be considered: The postulate of efficiency requires that for
every vintage the following holds: if at any time during the auction (i.e. in at least one
auction round) the demand for a vintage meets or exceeds the supply of this vintage, the
A Micro Rules Study 1
supply of this vintage must completely be sold in the auction. Moreover, no bidder must
receive more permits than the activity rule allows, i.e. her total demand at the closing
price of the auction, either the last or penultimate prices.4 As a consequence, demand
switches have to be restricted in a certain way. Several solutions are possible. For the
experiment we designed and implemented a rule that fulfills the above requirements.
The rule is described in the following section.
In the first step of the ex-post adjustment rule, X(t) and Y (t) are offset against each
other by calculating the planned net demand switch from A to B
as well as from B to A
Z BA (t) = max {0, Y (t) − X(t)} .
Note that Z AB (t) > 0 induces Z BA (t) = 0 and vice versa. In case of X(t) = Y (t), which
implies Z AB (t) = Z BA (t) = 0, the demand switches do not need to be ex-post adjusted.
Only if one planned net switch amount is positive, an ex-post adjustment of the larger
demand switch may become necessary. For the following, let us assume Z AB (t) > 0, i.e.
the planned total demand switch from A to B is larger than the planned switch in the
opposite direction.
The latter is particularly crucial if bidders have a limited budget.
A Micro Rules Study 1
In the second step, the ex-post reduction amount RAB (t) for the planned switches
from A to B has to be calculated:
n n oo
RAB (t) = max 0, min Z AB (t), sA − (DA (t − 1) − Z AB (t)) .
The reduction amount RAB (t) is given by the minimum of the net demand switch Z AB (t)
and the (virtual) excess supply sA −(DA (t−1)−Z AB (t)), which is caused by the planned
net demand switch Z AB (t) from A to B. Only if RAB (t) > 0, an ex-post adjustment of
the planned demand switches becomes necessary. Note that in case of sA ≥ DA (t − 1)
the ex post reduction amount RAB (t) is equal to the planned net demand switch Z AB (t).
That is, if an excess supply of A already existed in the previous round t − 1, the total
demand for A is not allowed to be reduced by demand switches from A to B in round t.
In the last step, if RAB (t) > 0, the individual demand switches have to be ex-post
adjusted by proportional reductions of bidders’ planned demand switches. That is,
instead of her planned switch xi (t), bidder i’s demand switch from A to B is ex-post
reduced to
xri (t) = xi (t) · (1 − RAB (t)/X(t)).
i.e. the planned total demand switch X(t) is ex-post reduced by RAB (t).
In the example above, X(t) = xi (t) = 10 and Y (t) = 0, which leads to Z AB (t) = 10
and Z BA (t) = 0. Applying the ex-post adjustment rule, we get
That is, the aggregated planned demand switch from A to B has to be ex-post reduced
by 5 units. Since only bidder i intends to shift demand from A to B, it is only his
planned switch which is reduced by the adjustment, i.e.
A Micro Rules Study 1
That is, bidder i’s planned demand switch of 10 units is ex-post reduced to 5 units.
Therefore, the actual aggregated demand for A in round t is equal to the supply of this
vintage, i.e. DA (t) = sA = 100. If the auction ends with this constellation, bidder i
receives 10 units of A at the price pA (t) and 5 units of B if, as before, the total demand
for B is assumed to be completely fulfilled. Hence, bidder i receives exactly the number
of allowances he demanded at the selling prices, namely 15 units.
Note that the necessity for ex-post adjustments of demand switches has to be checked
before pure demand reductions for the vintages are considered. Let us illustrate this by
extending the example above. As before, in round t, bidder i intends to shift 10 units of
his demand from A to B. Moreover, assume that he additionally intends to reduce his
demand for A to zero units. Thus, in round t, bidder i plans to demand 10 units of B
only. We now notionally separate between demand shift and pure demand reduction and
firstly take demand switches into account. Then, without considering bidder i’s demand
reduction for A, the situation is same as in the example above. Therefore, the ex-post
adjustment of bidder i’s demand switch has to be the same too, i.e. instead of shifting
xi (t) = 10, he is only allowed to shift xri (t) = 5 units from A to B. By additionally
taking his demand reduction of 5 units into account, bidder i then demands 5 units
of A and 5 units of B. As a consequence, the aggregate demand for A in round t yields
DA (t) = 95 < sA = 100. Thus, if the auction ends with this constellation, the excess
supply of 5 units of A in round t has to be proportionally allocated to the bidders (with
respect to their demand reduction for A in round t) who have generated the excess
supply. Since only bidder i reduces his demand for A, the total excess demand has to
be allocated to him. That is, he receives, as before, 10 units of A but now at the price
pA (t − 1), because this was the last round in which the demand for A meets or exceeds
the supply of this vintage.
B Additional Tables and Figures
Study 1
Seat No. X Bundle values Auction X
Value Quantity Item B
(E$) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 0 22 44 66 88 107 126 145 164 183 201 230
each auction.
1 27 49 71 93 115 134 153 172 191 210 228 257
2 54 76 98 120 142 161 180 199 218 237 255 284
3 81 103 125 147 169 188 207 226 245 264 282 311
4 108 130 152 174 196 215 234 253 272 291 309 338
B Additional Tables and Figures Study 1
5 132 154 176 198 220 239 258 277 296 315 333 362
6 156 178 200 222 244 263 282 301 320 339 357 386
7 180 202 224 246 268 287 306 325 344 363 381 410
8 204 226 248 270 292 311 330 349 368 387 405 434
9 228 250 272 294 316 335 354 373 392 411 429 458
Quantity Item A
10 250 272 294 316 338 357 376 395 414 433 451 481
11 272 294 316 338 360 379 398 417 436 455 473 504
12 294 316 338 360 382 401 420 439 458 477 495 525
13 316 338 360 382 401 420 439 458 477 495 513 546
14 338 360 382 401 420 439 458 477 495 513 531 567
15 360 382 401 420 439 458 477 495 513 531 548 588
16 382 401 422 445 468 488 508 528 548 568 588 606
Table B.1: Exemplary table of aggregated values as handed out at the beginning of
B Additional Tables and Figures Study 1
Item A
● ● ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ●
21% 36% 29% 26% 31% bids below benchmark
Sequential (n=1008)
Simultaneous (n=1008)
USBA (n=672)
ECAn (n=672)
ECAr (n=672)
Item B
Simultaneous (n=1008)
USBA (n=672)
ECAn (n=672)
ECAr (n=672)
Figure B.1: Bid positions relative to the benchmark corridor in the last auction round.
(For the sake of a detailed view of the actual deviations, zero-deviations
are not included in the Tukey box plots. The number of observations is
denoted by n.)
B Additional Tables and Figures Study 1
● ●
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0 50 100 150
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0 50 100 150
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0 50 100 150
Figure B.2: Bidders clustered by mean distance from the benchmark corridor and by
auction type.
The horizontal axis represents individual bidders sorted by the mean distance of their
bids from the benchmark corridor. For each bidder the four final bids in the treatment
specific Auctions 3 to 6 are depicted by the blue dots and connected with a dotted
vertical line for visual convenience. In addition, the black dots indicate the mean
values of a bidder’s bids.
C Bid increments Study 2
• 5 Money Units (MU) (10 MU) at clock prices smaller than 100 MU (200 MU) in
the auctions without (with) a Common Value (CV) component
• 10 MU (20 MU) at clock prices from 100 to 149 MU (200 to 299 MU) in the
auctions without (with) a CV component
• 2 MU (4 MU) at clock prices from 150 to 399 MU (300 to 799 MU) in the auctions
without (with) a CV component
• 100 MU (200 MU) at clock prices greater than or equal to 400 MU (800 MU) in
the auctions without (with) a CV component.
• 2 MU (4 MU) at clock prices smaller than 40 MU (80 MU) in the auctions without
(with) a CV component
• 6 MU (12 MU) at clock prices from 40 to 119 MU (80 to 239 MU) in the auctions
without (with) a CV component
• 60 MU (120 MU) at clock prices greater than or equal to 120 MU (240 MU) in the
auctions without (with) a CV component.
C Bid increments Study 2
• 5 MU (10 MU) at clock prices smaller than 100 MU (200 MU) in the auctions
without (with) a CV component
• 10 MU (20 MU) at clock prices from 100 to 399 MU (200 to 799 MU) in the
auctions without (with) a CV component
• 100 MU (200 MU) at clock prices greater than or equal to 400 MU (800 MU) in
the auctions without (with) a CV component.
• 2 MU (4 MU) at clock prices smaller than 40 MU (80 MU) in the auctions without
(with) a CV component
• 6 MU (12 MU) at clock prices from 40 to 119 MU (80 to 239 MU) in the auctions
without (with) a CV component
• 60 MU (120 MU) at clock prices greater than or equal to 120 MU (240 MU) in the
auctions without (with) a CV component.
C.3 Explanation
The increments in both auction designs were chosen such that the auction speed was
maximized, while at the same time allowing bidders to bid according to a Straightforward
Truthful Bidding (SFTB) benchmark strategy. Therefore, the price increase slightly
slowed down at relevant price points. As the values in the auctions featuring a CV
component were higher than in the auctions under pure Independent Private Values
(IPV), the increments were also higher in the CV auctions. Subjects were not informed
of this procedure, but they were told that the auctioneer would determine the increments.
In the feedback forms, no subject made any remarks on the bid increments.
D Additional Tables and Figures
Study 2
D Additional Tables and Figures Study 2
Figure D.1: Screen shots of the experiment software (top: SAA, bottom: clock stage
D Additional Tables and Figures Study 2
D Additional Tables and Figures Study 2
Table D.2: Study 2 results from OLS regressions of SAA and PCA prices without in-
teraction terms in model (2). *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10%,
5%, and 1%-level, respectively. Robust standard errors are calculated at
the independent group level and are given in parentheses.
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List of Abbreviations
AIC Akaike Information Criterion
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
AV Affiliated Values
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CPRS Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
CtV Closest-to-Vickrey
CV Common Value
DCCEE Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
E$ Experiment Dollars
ECA English Clock Auction
ETS Institute of Economic Theory and Statistics
FCC Federal Communications Commission
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
HRB Highest Rejected Bid
IISM Institute of Information Systems and Management
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
LAB Lowest Accepted Bid
LTE Long Term Evolution
MU Money Units
NETT National Emissions Trading Taskforce
NGERA National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act
NOx Mono-nitrogen Oxides
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
PCA Package-clock Auction
IPV Independent Private Values
Ofcom Office of Communications
ORSEE Online Recruitment System for Economic Experiments
RGGI Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
SAA Simultaneous Ascending Auction
SFTB Straightforward Truthful Bidding
UI User Interface
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UNSW University of New South Wales
USBA Uniform-price Sealed-bid Auction
VCG Vickrey-Clarke-Groves
In recent decades, multi-item auctions have been established as an essential
instrument for large-scale government sales of natural resources and for va-
rious other applications. For example, since the 1990s, radio spectrum rights
auctions have been shaping the wireless communications industry, which plays
a vital role in society‘s development. Further, since the beginning of the new
millennium, greenhouse emissions permit auctions have been helping to chan-
nel emissions permits to the “right” emitters, charging those emitters whose
emissions would be too expensive to avoid, while forcing other emitters to
carry out affordable abatement measures. In both auction applications, there
has been a lively academic and political debate on various design aspects, such
as the choice between open vs. closed, simultaneous vs. sequential, and com-
binatorial vs. non-combinatorial designs. This book presents two experimental
studies that deal with the comparison of several multi-item auction designs for
two specific applications – the sale of radio spectrum rights in the 2.6 GHz band
in Europe, and the sale of emissions permits in Australia.
ISBN 978-3-86644-904-6
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