Manuel, Phoebe Grace 11-GOLD Portfolio Output 25: Career Wheel
Manuel, Phoebe Grace 11-GOLD Portfolio Output 25: Career Wheel
Manuel, Phoebe Grace 11-GOLD Portfolio Output 25: Career Wheel
Being able to
I know that I understand
have the ability and visualize
to teach and myself in my
guide students student’s
who are in situations,
College and enabling them
show them a to feel I bet that my
My family unique and comfortable is future students
supports my friendly way of one of a skill will be
every decision teaching that I have. Cordillerans like
and they even me, so I know
help me achieve that I could
“NO MAN IS AN it blend in with
ISLAND” is a very them well.
popular phrase that I
can relate to. I came from a very
Without my family, I religouos community, so
cannot dare to dream I know that I can teach
high and achieve my FAMILY CULTURE my students some of our
goals. beliefs.
1. “HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF”. I have always been faithful and courageous that
my actions will bring me great results. In naming the events, situations, needs
and facts about myself, I had great confidence in all my answers. I have not
doubted even a bit in naming them. As I was going through this activity, the only
challenge that I encountered was there are a lot of positive answers that I could
write, though I cannot choose one for there are many options.
2. My Personality and Interests, and my Family are the major considerations that
greatly affect my career choice. As a Family-Oriented daughter, my family are
the ones that I really think of first. Whatever decisions I make, I consult them and
ask for guidance. Given the fact that I take them seriously, it helped me maintain
a good connection to them and to my inner self. Of course, my interests and
personality is also a great consideration when it comes to my career. No matter
what I do, if I really don’t have interest in that thing, I will never be productive
with it. Being able to experience and enjoy my most desired work will help me
progress and succeed in life.