Aslaug Warrior
Aslaug Warrior
Aslaug Warrior
Initiative: +9
Sensory Traits: Listen and Spot +8
Languages: Nordheimer, Cimmerian, Brythunian
(apprentice), Aquilonian, Aquilonian (Literate).
Special Qualities: Adaptability (Knowledge – Rumors, Sense Motive), Weapon Familiarity – Great Swords,
+1 Racial bonus to Fate points, Background Skills (Knowledge – Local, Gather Information, Hide, Listen,
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 23
Special Qualities: Sneak Attack Style (Poniard), Sneak Attack (+2d6/+2d8), Trap Disarming,
Trap Sense +1.
Feats: All Simple Weapons, all light and one-handed martial weapons, Light Armor Proficiency,
Eyes of the Cat, Stealthy*, Combat Expertise, Parry, Weapon Focus (Arming Sword), Intricate
Swordplay, Fencer’s Finesse, Weapon Panache (Arming Sword).
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +8, Bluff +6, Climb +3, Craft (Cloth) +8, Diplomacy +6, Escape
Artist +7, Gather Information +7, Hide +13*, Intimidate +6, Jump +3, Knowledge (Local – Varis)
+5, Knowledge (Local – Dornik) +5, Knowledge (rumors) +4, Knowledge (Warfare) +4, Knowledge
(fencing: Zingaran School) +9, Listen +8, Move Silently +8*, Open Lock +7, Perform (Dance) +5,
Search +4, Sense Motive +8, Ride +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Spot +8, Survival +3, Tumble +6, Use
Rope +4.
Master Valerio’s Fencing School (Kordava) – Teaches these maneuvers to his students: clarity (1st
rank), move away from the attack (5th rank), light on my feet (10th rank), improved feint (15th rank),
knock him of balance (20th rank), masterful point control (25th rank), and impressive lunge (30th
❖ Clarity: This student is taught logic and alertness to an amazing degree. The character
gains a +2 bonus to listen and spot checks while in combat – this stacks with the
alertness and skill focus feats.
❖ Move Away from the Attack: Zingaran fencers know the best way to avoid an attack
is to not be there when the attack happens. Those who choose this technique can
defend against critical hits. By making a successful Knowledge (fencing – Zingaran
School) check against a DC set by the critical confirmation roll, the fencer only takes
normal damage from the attack instead of critical damage.
Analyst (
Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise.
Benefits: After 1 round of combat, you can designate one opponent and try to figure out his fighting
style. You use a move action and make an Intelligence check (DC 15) with a bonus equal to half your
level. If the check succeeds, for the rest of the combat you add your Intelligence modifier to all
attack rolls against that opponent as you notice weaknesses in his fighting style.
Fencer’s Finesse
You wield a finesse weapon like a scalpel.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (fencing Zingaran School 5+ ranks, Balance 2+ ranks)
Benefit: You use elegance and speed to make exacting, deadly, cuts on your opponents. Apply your
dexterity modifier to damage, rather than your Strength modifier.
Possessions: Masterwork Arming Sword (+1 bonus to attack), metal plate bikini, targe shield, poniard,
knife, crossbow, quiver with 20 bolts, winter clothing, extra clothes, masterwork leather gloves,
leather boots, flint and steel, costrel-leather, backpack, beadroll, precious gems (worth 2500 sp), 350