DLP in Math 4 Week 1 Second Quarter
DLP in Math 4 Week 1 Second Quarter
DLP in Math 4 Week 1 Second Quarter
II. CONTENT NO CLASSES Dividing 3-4 digit Number by 1-2-Digit divisor With and NO CLASSES Dividing 3-4 digit Number by
Eid’l Adha Without remainder Bulacan day 1-2-Digit divisor With and
Without remainder
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material Math in a Challenging world 4 pages 86-93 Math in a Challenging world
pages pages 86-93
3. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Division flashcards and word problems involving divission Division flashcards and word
Resources problems involving divission
A. Reviewing previous Drills on basic division facts. Drills on dividing basic Drills on dividing basic
lesson or division facts division facts
presenting the new
B. Establishing a purpose Show word problem Review the steps on how to Review the steps on how to
for the lesson involving basic division facts. divide whole numbers divide whole numbers
Read and solve problem with
the pupils.
C. Presenting Show these problems on the Show problems on dividing Provide problems on the
examples/instances for board and call on pupils to whole numbers on the board on dividing whole
the new lesson solve the problems. board . Show and explain numbers and call on pupils to
222 ÷2= how to solve it solve.
125 ÷ 5 =
2004÷ 16 =
D. Discussing new What are the steps on how to What are the steps on how How do we divide whole
concepts and practicing divide numbers 3-4-digit by to divide whole numbers? numbers?
new skills #1 1-2-digit divisor with and
without remainder?
G Making How do we divide 3 – 4 digit How do we divide whole How do we divide 3 – 4 digit
Generalizations and numbers by 1-2-digit divisor numbers? numbers by 1-2-digit divisor
obsterctions about the with and without remainder? with and without remainder?
H. Evaluating learning. Answer Build you skills set A Answer Build your skill set B Answer Discovering Together
page 88 , Math in a and II page 88-89 , Math in a page 87 in your Math 4 book
challenging world 4 challenging world 4