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Math 5 DLL wk3

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Learning Area: Mathematics Date: September 5, 2022 (Monday)

Grade Level: Five Inspected by:

Quarter: First
Teacher: Felmar M. Lamac VILLALUZ V. PAHILAGMAGO/Head Teacher III

I.OBJECTIVES 1. Solve routine and non-routine problems involving factors and

multiples and divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
2. Analyze routine and non-routine problems involving factors and
3. Work cooperatively in group activities.
A. Content Standards 1.Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 10 000 000.
2. Demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations,
factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving
B. Performance Objective 1. Is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in
various forms and contexts.
2. Is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples,
and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical
problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies Solves routine and non-routine problems involving factors, multiples,
( Write the LC code for and divisibility rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12.
each) M5NS-Ic-59


( Subject Matter) Direct Instruction

A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 5 p.57
2. Learners Material Pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Math for Life V pp. 104-107
from LRDMS
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Pre-Assessment (Activating Prior Knowledge)
A. Presenting the new Work in Pairs
lesson Is the number to the left of each number divisible by the number at the
top of each column. Write YES or NO in each box.
2 3 4 5 6 9






B. Establishing a purpose of Watch a video about factors and multiples

the new lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCGdGielcBs
C. Presenting Examples/ Answer:
instances of the new 1. What have you seen in the video?
lesson( Presentation) 2. How did they define the word multiple in the video? Factor?
3. What are the multiples of 3?
4. What are the factors of 10?
D. Discussing new concepts a. Divide the class into 5 groups and let them analyze the problem
and practicing new skills by answering the guide questions.
no.1 b. Recall the Standards in having a group activity.
( Modeling) c. Discuss the rubrics in assessing their group performances.
Joseph sells newspapers and bottles to earn money to buy a gift for her
mother. He earns P11 per day. He will buy a blouse amounting to P319.
How many days will he sell newspaper and bottles to buy the blouse for
her mother?

E. Discussing new concepts Work in Pairs

and practicing new skills 1. Which of the following is true?
no.2 I. 50629240 is divisible by 4 & 8
( Guided Practice) II. 2062923 is divisible by 6
III. 6290524 is divisible by 8
A) Only I B) Both I & II C) Only III D) I, II & III
2. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 2 by not by 3?
A) 5233 B) 6721 C) 2033 D) 6022
3. What is the number of integers between 101 and 199 which are
exactly divisible
by 5 or 7?
A) 32 B) 31 C) 30 D) 29 E) None
F. Developing Mastery Read and answer the following problems.
(Leads to Formative 1. There are 2,024 books that need to be kept in racks. There are 8
Assessment 3.) racks. Mike wants to put the same number of books in each rack. How
( Independent Practice ) many books will fit into each rack?
2. Sunny bought 28 plum cakes and distributed equally among 7
children. How many plum cakes did each child get?
3. Mrs.Smith wants to divide 27 chocolates equally among 9 children.
How many chocolates should she give to each child?
4. Sandra wants to place at least 8 fruits in a bowl. Find the maximum
number of bowls required, if she has 42 fruits.
5. Chris had 22 chocolates. He shared equal number of chocolates with
his brother. How many chocolates did each one get?
G. Finding practical Read and analyze the following problem.
application of concepts and 1. A school collected 360 by selling tickets for a stage show. If the cost
skills in daily living of each ticket was P8, how may tickets were sold?
( Application/Valuing) What is asked: _______________
What are given: ____________
What operation is to be used: _____
Number Sentence: ___________
Answer: _________________
2. Henry bought twice the number of balloons that Andrew bought, to
decorate their houses for Christmas. How many balloons did
Andrew buy, if Henry bought 262 balloons?
What is asked: ___________
What are given: ________________
What operation is to be used: ____________
Number Sentence: _______________
Answer: _____________________
3. Marissa wanted to decorate her house with beautiful posters. She
bought 36 posters altogether. How many can she paste in each of the 12
What is asked: ________________
What are given: _____________________
What operation is to be used: ___________
Number Sentence: ______________
Answer: _____________
4. Francis wrote a novel having 12 lines in each page. Total number of
lines in the complete novel is 6600. Find the number of pages in Francis's
What is asked: _________________
What are given: ______________
What operation is to be used: ______
Number Sentence: ____________
Answer: ______________________
5. Lydia went shopping along with three of her friends. In a store they
bought a box with 92 shades of nail polish. If they divided them evenly,
then how many would each of them get?
What is asked: _________________
What are given: _______________
What operation is to be used: ______
Number Sentence: ______________
Answer: _______________________

H. Making Generalization How do we solve routine and non-routine problems involving factors and
and abstraction about the multiples and divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12?
( Generalization)

I. Evaluating learning Read and analyze the following.

1. Eggs come in packages of 12 and English muffins come in packages of
10. What is the least number of packages of each that can be bought
to be able to make egg sandwiches with no muffins or eggs left over?
2. If Mary inspects every sixth calculator and Nancy inspects every fifth
calculator, which calculator will be the first that they both inspect?
3. Rebecca has 20 table tennis balls and 16 table tennis paddles. She
wants to sell packages of balls and paddles bundled together. What is
the greatest number of packages she can sell (with no leftover balls or
paddles and one ball per paddle)?
4. Carl has a soccer game every 4th day, Matt has one every 5th day.
When will they have a game on the same day?
5. If every time Tomas eats a cookie it gives him 5 points and very time
Miguel eats a cookie it gives him 15 points. When are they gonna have
the same amount of points?

J.Additional activities for A vet gives the dogs in her office 8 bones each. She used 240 bones. How
application and remediation many dogs got bones?

A. No. of learner who earned

B .No. of learner who scored

below 80% ( needs

C. No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson

D. No of learner who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share w/other teacher?

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