With reference to your Notice dated August 17, 2018, may I explain each item accordingly:
I must admit there are/were occasions when I used my gadgets for personal use like Facebook
including chats and video streaming. This I understand are prohibited during office hours but
there were instances when there was a need to communicate with family and friends and the only
means available to them is through social media. Likewise, there was also the need to check my
Viber every now and then as my superiors and co-workers send messages and documents through
this application which needs to be printed or cascaded to each other.
Again, I only recall one time when I had to take lunch at my desk. I was unwell then and I needed
to take medicines after meals. Inasmuch as I know it is mandated to take lunch only at the
cafeteria, the odor and atmosphere there was not conducive to me at that time considering that
I was under the weather. In order not to worsen my condition and ensure I will be able to take my
medicines, I was forced to eat at my desk. It was an inadvertence on my part to have failed to ask
permission from my superior/s.
Please do not take these instances as willful disobedience to the rules and regulations of the Company.
Rest assured that I shall be mindful of the policies at the workplace and should there be a need to defer
from them, I shall make sure that I seek permission first from my superior.
Thank you very much for subjecting me to due process by allowing me to explain these allegations.