Reagents. Equilibrate all components to room temperature. Keep
thawed Enzyme Mix in a refrigerator or on ice. The substrate may 0.4
have precipitates. Prior to use, vortex tube to dissolve precipitates; R2 = 1.00
gentle swirl the Detection Reagent bottle.
Sample preparation. Ideally samples are assayed fresh. When stored
frozen, α-amylase is stable for one month. Ascorbic acid, heparin,
EDTA, EGTA, citrate, SDS, Tris (> 8mM) and ethanol (>0.4%)
interfere and should be avoided in sample preparation. If glucose is 0 10 20 30 40 50
present in the sample, treat the samples as described in GENERAL
CONSIDERATIONS. It is prudent to perform a pilot test with samples α -Amylase (U/L)
at various dilutions. Recommended dilution: serum 50-fold, saliva
2,000-fold in Assay Buffer prior to assay. Standard Curve in 96-well plate assay
1. Prepare 400 µM Glucose Standard by mixing 10 µL of the provided
(300 mg/dL) standard with 406 µL Assay Buffer. Transfer 10 µL
Assay Buffer, 10 µL 400 µM glucose, and 10 µL of each sample LITERATURE
into separate wells of a clear flat-bottom 96-well plate. 1. Gullbault, GG and Rietz, E.B. (1976). Enzymatic, Fluorometric
Assay of a-Amylase in Serum. Clin. Chem. 22(10): 1702:1704.
2. Prepare an appropriate Working Reagent for each well. For
Standards and samples: mix 40 µL Assay Buffer, 0.5 µL Substrate, 2. Mashige F, Ohkubo A, Kamei S, Yamanaka M. (1982). An enzymic
method for urine and serum alpha-amylase assay. Clin. Chem.
1 µL Enzyme A, 1 µL Enzyme B.
Transfer 40 µL working reagent and blank control reagent to the 3. Marshall JJ, Iodice AP, Whelan WJ. (1977). A new serum alpha-
appropriate sample and blank wells. Tap plate to mix. Incubate for amylase assay of high sensitivity. Clin Chim Acta. 76(2):277-83.
15 min at room temperature (25°C).
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