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Research Study

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A science investigatory project submitted to the Junior High School Faculty of Quezon City

Science High School

Junior High School Science Department



DEL MUNDO, Phoebe Christiene L.

FABROS, Ace Marion A.
GREEN,Hans Erjam P.
OMELAN, John Paolo L.
REYNOSA, Clarissa Antoinette T.
RODRIGUEZ, Jhayzerynne Khyla Mawey M.


March 2018

The investigatory project entitled Feasibility of Potassium Hydroxide extracted from

Biodegradable Lansium domesticum-Linn’s (Lanzones) peelings as pH Increasing Agent,
prepared and submitted by Phoebe Christiene L, Del Mundo, Ace Marion A. Fabros, Hans
Erjan P. Green, John Paolo L. Omelan, Clarissa Antoinette T. Reynosa, and Jhayzerynne
Mawey M. Rodriguez, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Research II B.

Date Ms. Ma. Pilar P. Carmona
Research Adviser

Approved and accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Research II B.

Ms. Ma. Pilar P. Carmona

Research Adviser

The proponents would like to thank the following for their valuable contributions for the
completion of this project:

The continuous support and patience from the Hydrolab team, especially to Mr.
Catalino Santiago, Richard Bacuetes, and Neil Karl Ariamo, who gave their unconditional
effort, time and counsel for this study.

To Mr. Randel Estacio, who also gave aspiring knowledge and constructive criticisms
about this topic.

To our Adviser, Mrs. Pilar Carmona , who patiently supported our research all
throughout the way.

To Mrs. Mhadelle Lugod with her distinctive talent and expertise in advanced chemistry
which gave us multiple and refined methods for this research.

To Mrs. Edna Bañaga who inspired us to do better with her never ending support to our
project and letting us excel with the betterment of science

To our Parents who continued to support, inspire, and believed for this topic, rain or

This research is ultimately dedicated to Our Lord Almighty who blessed us with
strength, perseverance, and team spirit which will always remain in us.

May all glory be His.


Water sources and sanitation in the Philippines have become inadequate when it comes

to the people's necessity. It turns acidic due to changes in the environment. There are certain

agents that reduce the acidity of acidic solutions. In addition, these agents are not common

because of their high cost. The study focused on the feasibility of Potassium Hydroxide extracted

from reusable (Lansium domesticum - Linn.) Lanzones’s peelings to increase the pH level of

acidic solutions.

Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) was obtained through the ash from Lanzones (Lansium

domesticum - Linn.) then mixed with Calcium Hydroxide, and the resulting solution produced

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH).The solution with the compounds Potassium Carbonate and

Calcium Hydroxide was thoroughly filtered and processed to assess the main chemical--

Potassium hydroxide. To determine the accuracy of the produced KOH, it was flame tested

(Purple flame indicates Potassium presence), pH was recorded using pH meter, and tested on

various acidic solutions. The results confirmed that naturally derived Potassium hydroxide from

Lansium domesticum-Linn. produced similar effects on various types of aqueous acid solutions.

Three strong, concentrated acids were tested, Hydrochloric acid (HCl ) had 1.66 pH, Sulfuric

acid (H2SO4 ) that had 1.61 pH and Nitric acid (HNO3 ) that had 1.71 pH. The pH meter test

accurately showed that KOH’s pH is 12.56 where this level in pH categories is considered as a

base solution. Results indicated that all acids became an alkaline solution in different amounts of

KOH and thus this made the possibility on solving common natural calamities.

Keywords: .Lansium domesticum-Linn’s (Lanzones) peelings, Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Carbonate, Calcium

Hydroxide, pH level, acids.


Title Page

Approval Sheet



List of Tables

List of Plates

Table of Contents


Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem


Research Hypothesis

Statistical Hypothesis

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations




General Procedure





Background of the Study

Majority of the Philippine waters are affected due to the different environmental factors
that can change the composition making it acidic1, and cleansing costs a lot of effort and
funds, however there are certain forms that could be alternatives to improve the quality of our
natural resources.

Although the modernisation of the community solved a great of problems, it created new
obstacles affecting our environment. The search for affordable and obtainable solutions is
still ongoing among civilians and scientists alike2

One of the effects is the occurrence of acid rain and the contamination of our water
resources3. It also causes great consequences on sanitation and livelihood, like agriculture
where in soil could get acidic and make crops detrimental. Moreover, natural circumstances
affect it somewhat, manmade products have the most contributed factors in making our
bodies of water acidic through the reckless dumping of trash and neglect to dispose

The Philippines is immensely abundant to tropical fruits5, one of which is the famous
Lanzones6. Even so, the mass production of this fruit has seemingly increases every year,

1 "The state of water resources in the Philippines," October 2007.

2"Philippines Water Crisis - Clean Water In The Philippines," Water.org, , accessed October 10, 2017, https://water.org/our-

3Rubin, Ken. "Reply to ASK-AN-EARTH-SCIENTIST." Acid Rain and Tap Water. Accessed October 10, 2017.

4Claudio, Lormelyn E. "Waste Management in the Philippines." April 23, 2015, 1-69.

5Espino, Rene Rafael and Marco Rafael C. Espino, "THE STATUS OF THE FRUIT INDUSTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES," ,
accessed October 2017, http://www.fftc.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20150810090507.

6Espino, Rene and Marco Espino. “FRUIT INDUSTRY” October 2017,

fundamentally, peelings and leftovers have become increasingly unmanageable 7, that also
causes great contribution to mass production of total waste in the Philippines8.

Potassium Hydroxide is considered as one of the strongest base chemicals where in its
majority purpose is to turn acidic substances or any type of solutions basic in every type of
environ9. Most of the time it is widely used in cleaning or for mixing solvents.

For instance, Lanzones’s peelings do have the potential on making the component—
Potassium Hydroxide, which it was produced from Potassium Carbonate where majority of
the peelings have. Potassium Carbonate bears the ability of bonding to other elements
making Potassium Hydroxide possible. 10

With this discovery, Potassium Hydroxide from Lansium domesticum-Linn’s peelings

can decrease acidic solutions or even different substances that causes great change in living.

7 FRUIT WASTE UTILISATION, , accessed October 10, 2017, http://www.daenvis.org/technology/n%20fruitwaste.htm.

8 Claudio, Waste Management, April 23, 2015, 1-69.
9 Potassium Hydroxide, , accessed July 2017, https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/potassium_hydroxide
10 “POTASSIUM CARBONATE." National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Database. Accessed

October 10, 2017. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/potassium_carbonate#section=Top.

Statement of the Problem

Can Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) be extracted from Lanzones (Lansium domesticum -

Linn.’s )peelings ?

Objective of the Study

General Objective

 To determine if Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) from Lanzones (Lansium

domesticum - Linn.’s)peelings can be extracted

Specific Objectives
 To extract Potassium Carbonate (KCO3) from Lansium domesticum - Linn.’s
peelings in ash form
 To convert Potassium Carbonate (KCO3) into Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) using
Calcium Hydroxide
 To increase the pH level of acidic solutions

Research Hypothesis

Potassium Hydroxide can be extracted from Lansium domesticum-Linn.’s (Lanzones) peelings

and can act as a pH increasing agent.

Statistical Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis: Potassium Hydroxide extracted from Lansium domesticum – Linn. peelings has no
significant effect with the pH level of acidic solutions. (HCl, H2SO4, HNO3)

Alternative Hypothesis: Potassium Hydroxide extracted from Lansium domesticum – Linn. peelings has
a significant effect with the pH level of acidic solutions. (HCl, H2SO4, HNO3)
Significance of the Study

Many people discard its peelings. These peelings then decompose or can add to the

waste in our environment. What people do not know is that these Lanzones (Lansium

domesticum - Linn.) peelings contain Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) which can be derived to

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) that is a compound that is a strong chemical* when used correctly

can produce numerous benefits. One of which include increasing the pH level of acidic

substance. Lanzones (Lansium domesticum - Linn.) ash, water and Calcium Hydroxide (CaOH2)

can make a strong base that is Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) in which can be made easily and

most of all, derived from nature which makes it cheaper and environmental friendly than

chemically manufactured products. This research can cover a wide range of problems concerning

acidity by which a simple discovery like this can solve.

Scope and Limitations

In this study, there are strict regulations that must be followed before, during and after the

experiment, if not, certain risks or accidents may occur. Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) is not a

combustible substance, which means it does not explode instead it decomposes. In addition,

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) is a strong base that could corrode metals, and has a reaction with

water which results to heat production. Handling this chemical must in strict precaution to avoid

accidents. The researchers should always wear necessary safety gloves and laboratory coats

while doing the experiment and must always follow the basic rules for handling chemicals with

utmost care.
Review of Related Literature

Lanzones, or so called by its scientific name LansiumDomesticum, has been well

known by its nutritional value. Lanzones has 100g edible parts per fruit per serving,
mostly, it contains large amount of protein-86.5 g, carbohydrates-9.5 g , and fiber-
2.(Cabie, 2012). In addition Lanzones belongs to one of the most highest potassium
content in fruits11Potassium had left great effect in our daily intake, more over Potassium
has different types that have also different reaction to nature. Potassium hydroxide is one.
This type is very sensitive to water or to gas, potassium hydroxide is known for being a
very strong base that makes acidic substances turn basic. when it comes to food safety, its
purpose is to be an acid regulator, it is also used by consumers through cleaning agents,
and water treatment products.12

An experimental design was used to study the influence of pH (1.5 and 2.0),
temperature (80 and 90 °C) and time (1 and 4 h) on extraction of pectin from banana
peels (Musa AAA). Yield of extracted pectins, their composition (neutral sugars,
galacturonic acid, and degree of esterification) and some macromolecular characteristics
(average molecular weight, intrinsic viscosity) were determined. It was found that
extraction pH was the most important parameter influencing yield and pectin chemical
composition. Lower pH values negatively affected the galacturonic acid content of pectin,
but increased the pectin yield. The values of degree of methylation decreased
significantly with increasing temperature and time of extraction. The average molecular
weight ranged widely from 87 to 248 kDa and was mainly influenced by pH and
extraction time.13

Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) Initial Assessment Report for SIDS Initial Assessment Meeting (SIAM),
November 2001.
12. The Chemical Data Reporting under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

13Characterization of pectins extracted from banana peels (Musa AAA) under different conditions using an experimental design
(Science Direct)
On the other hand, Filtration systems has been modernized through time,
additional media were used for cleaner water, at some point some cleaning or filtration
systems were hazardous to human’s health, most popular example is chlorine, it is widely
used substance yet it makes irritation to either humans or animals. According to APEC
Water, rainwater is actually acidic because of pollutants, and through this acidity, it
makes water forms change pH balance. In addition, more of boiling processes were used
to make rain water cleaner, unfortunately we cannot tell how clean it is. Just like what is
mentioned earlier, potassium hydroxide can be used in water treatment products,
Potassium hydroxide can be obtained through filtering off precipitated calcium carbonate
and boiling down the solution itself, nowadays electrolysis of potassium chloride is used
to achieve.
Gathering of Peelings

Drying and Burning of Peelings

Extraction of KOH

Testing KCO3 using

flame test

pH Testing of Acids and

Plate 1. Peelings of Lansium
domesticum. Photo taken by J, Plate 2. Oven for Plate 3. Blender for powdering.
Omelan drying. Photo taken Photo taken by J, Omelan
by J, Omelan

Plate 6. Spatula for

Plate 4. Stove for Burning. Plate 5. Hot plate for heating
continuous ashing. Photo
Photo taken by J, Omelan K2CO3. Photo taken by J, Omelan
taken by J, Omelan

Plate 7. Mixer for mixing Plate 8. Funnel and Whatman Plate 9. Whatman 40, funnel
CaOH solution. Photo taken 40 for Filtration. Photo taken and flasks. Photo taken by J,
by J, Omelan by J, Omelan Omelan

Plate 10. Litmus Paper for Plate 11. Acid samples with Plate 12. pH meter test for
Acid test. Photo taken by J, respected amounts. Photo accurate results. Photo taken
Omelan taken by J, Omelan by J, Omelan

Table 1 pH Levels Obtained from KOH Added with Acidic Solutions


0 10 15 20 25 30 35

Hydroclauric 1.66 pH 1.95 pH 2.13 pH 2.32 pH 2.58pH 3.00 pH 7 pH

Acid (HCl)

Sulfuric Acid
(H2SO4) 1.61 pH 1.79 pH 1.90 pH 2.01 pH 2.14 pH 2.26 pH 2.38 pH

Nitric Acid
(HNO3) 1.71 pH 2.03 pH 2.23 pH 2.48 pH 3.01 pH 4.88 pH 10.17 pH

In Table 1, it showed the pH levels obtained from KOH added with acidic solutions. As the KOH
amount increased every 5 mL, the pH also increased indicating that the accumulated KOH from
Lansium domesticum-Linn (Lanzones) has reacted on the acids and made them alkalized
solutions. However, Sulfuric Acid differed. It only turned to a basic solution when the KOH
amount reached to the 60th mL.



pH level

6 H2SO4

0 10 15 20 25 20 35 Amount of KOH added (mL)
Figure 1. pH levels of Different Acid Solutions
Figure 1 indicated the trend of pH levels of different acid solutions. The same as Table 1 results,
the first four amounts of KOH added (10, 15, 20, 25 mL) have only small difference or gap in
between. The results have also shown that each acid has different reactivity towards the KOH
solution. Nevertheless, the KOH solution made the pH of each acid increased and transformed to
a basic solution.

Table 2 Amounts of Potassium Hydroxide Extracted from (Lansium domesticum – Linn.)

Lanzones Peelings to the pH of Acidic Solutions (HCl, H2SO4, HNO3)


0 10 15 20 25 30 35
MEAN(pH) 1.66 1.92 2.09 2.27 2.58 3.38 5.97

0.05 0.24 0.33 0.47 0.87 2.62 7.79

Table 2 showed the means of each acid in different levels of KOH. It is discernable that the mean
has changed as the amount of KOH increases, as well as the range. The results indeed illustrated
great difference when it comes to the acid’s reactivity.

6 5.97

3.38 Mean
2.09 2.27
2 1.92

0 10 15 20 25 30 35 amount of KOH
Figure 2. The Effect of different amount of Potassium Hydroxide extracted from (Lansium
domesticum – Linn.) Lanzones peelings to the pH of acidic solutions (HCl, H2SO3, HNO3)

The effect of different amounts of Potassium Hydroxide extracted from Lansium domesticum –

Linn. (Lanzones)’ peelings to the pH level of acidic solutions is summarized in Table no. 1. The
data showed that the KOH naturally derived from Lanzones peelings increased the pH level of
the acidic solutions namely Hydrochloric, Sulfuric and Nitric Acids. In varying amounts, as the
KOH increases, the pH also increases. The data supported the hypothesis that Potassium

Hydroxide from Lansium domesticum - Linn.’s peelings can be produced to increase the pH

level of acidic solutions (HCl, H2SO4, HNO4).

Figure 2 displayed the mean difference between different amounts of Potassium Hydroxide
extracted from (Lansium domesticum-Linn.) Lanzones’s peelings to the pH of acidic solutions.
Same discussion as Table 1 and Figure 1, there’s only few modifications or changes of each
acid’s pH ( in the first amounts of KOH added (mL)). However, it completely increased when
KOH also increased its amount. The mean of all acids reached up to 5.97 in the 35th mL of
Potassium Hydroxide solution.

HO: X =X2
H1: X≠X2
t-test for dependent samples
Level of Significance: 0.05
Df= 4
Reject null ≥ 2.132
Accept null <2.132
Table 3. pH levels of Different Acids

X1 X2 D D2
1.88 pH 7 pH 5.34 28.52
1.61 pH 2.38 pH 0.77 0.59
1.71 pH 10.17 pH 8.46 71.57
∑ 14.57 ∑ 100.68

𝟏𝟎𝟎.𝟔𝟖 𝟏𝟒.𝟓𝟕 𝟐 𝟑.𝟏𝟎

𝑺𝑫 = √ −( ) SD = t= 4.86/2.19
𝟑 𝟑 √𝟐

= √𝟑𝟑. 𝟓𝟔 − 𝟐𝟑. 𝟔𝟐 =2.19 =2.22

= 3.10

Reject Null
Table 3 showed the Different pH levels of each acid reacted from adding Potassium Hydroxide
(KOH). The t-test result which is 2.22 as specified above rejected the null hypothesis, and as
expected the results gathered were precise and supported the expected outcome.
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the significant effect of the extracted
potassium hydroxide (KOH) from Lansium domesticum – Linn. (Lanzones) peelings on the pH
level of the given acidic aqueous solutions (HCl, H2SO4, HNO3). As the amount of extracted
KOH added to the solution increases, the pH level of the solutions also increases. Lanzones
contains potassium which is needed for the chemical reaction in order to extract potassium
hydroxide. The research data supports the hypothesis that it. This study successfully produced an
organic neutralizer that could possibly help several problems related to our environment.

Additional studies could be conducted to determine the effect of Potassium Hydroxide

(KOH)’s capability as a reducing agent to increase pH level of different acidic soil samples
within the range of 2-4 pH with different volume and methods of application.

The study could also be applied to the areas which are affected by low pH level caused
by contaminated rainwater through different systems of application gathered from different areas.

 Claudio, Lormelyn E. &quot;Waste Management in the Philippines.&quot; April 23,

2015, 1-69.
 Dunn, Kevin M. &quot;This is the old Caveman Chemistry website.&quot; Caveman to
Chemist Projects:
 Elvers, Barbara.Ullmanns encyclopedia of industrial chemistry. 7th ed. New York:
Wiley-Interscience, 2002.
 Maletsky, Franklin H. "Save The Rivers in the Philippines. They are Dying." Save The
Rivers in the Philippines. They are Dying - Universal Stewardship. Accessed October 10,
 October 10, 2017. https://www.soest.hawaii.edu/GG/ASK/acidrain2.html.
 Philippines.&quot; Asian Development Bank. June 05, 2017. Accessed October 09,
2017.https://www.adb.org/features/robert-baffrey- dealing-manilas- dirty-water.
 Potash. Accessed October
10,2017.http://cavemanchemistry.com/oldcave/projects/potash/.&quot;High Potassium
 POTASSIUM CARBONATE.&quot; National Center for Biotechnology Information.
PubChemCompound Database. Accessed October 10,
 Robson, A. D., and L. K. Abbott.Soil acidity and plant growth. Sydney: Academic Press,


 Rubin, Ken. &quot;Reply to ASK-AN- EARTH-SCIENTIST.&quot; Acid Rain and Tap

Water. Accessed
 Wastewater Management and the Pasig River in Manila, Philippines Bank, Asian
Development. &quot;Wastewater Management and the Pasig River in Manila,

Appendix A. Consultation

Consultation in Quezon City Polytechnic University with Mr. Randel Estacio

The experiment took place in BGR Hydrolab with the management of one the Chemical
Engineers in the lab: Mr. Catalino Santiago Jr.

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