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Description of parameters, Engine Control Module (ECM)

B4204Tx 2014-

Description of parameters, Engine Control Module (ECM) .......................................................................... 1
General/Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................. 4
Vehicle speed (via CAN) (km/h) ............................................................................................................ 4
Engine speed (rpm) ............................................................................................................................... 4
Engine coolant temperature (ECT) (°C) ................................................................................................. 4
Electric coolant pump (rpm) ................................................................................................................. 4
Electric coolant pump, requested speed (rpm) .................................................................................... 4
Thermostat, electric heating (%)........................................................................................................... 4
Engine oil temperature, calculated (°C) ................................................................................................ 5
Engine oil temperature (°C) .................................................................................................................. 5
Engine oil level (mm)............................................................................................................................. 5
Engine oil pressure (Pa) ........................................................................................................................ 6
Control valve, engine oil pump (%) ....................................................................................................... 6
ECU power supply (V) ........................................................................................................................... 6
MECU power supply (V) ........................................................................................................................ 6
Power supply mode (status) ................................................................................................................. 6
Sensor power supply 1 (V) .................................................................................................................... 7
Sensor power supply 2 (V) .................................................................................................................... 7
System relay (status) ............................................................................................................................. 7
Starter relay (status) ............................................................................................................................. 7
Battery relay (status)............................................................................................................................. 7
Secondary Battery Relay (status) .......................................................................................................... 8
Engine Control Module (ECM), temperature (°C) ................................................................................. 8
Outside temperature (°C) ..................................................................................................................... 8
Load (%) ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Calculated load (%) ............................................................................................................................... 8
Time since engine start (s) .................................................................................................................... 8
Atmospheric pressure (Pa).................................................................................................................... 9
Engine cooling fan (FC) (%) ................................................................................................................... 9
Air conditioning (A/C) pressure (Pa) ..................................................................................................... 9
Air conditioning (A/C) compressor (%) ................................................................................................. 9
Ignition advance (°BTDC) ...................................................................................................................... 9
Misfire counter catalytic converter damage, total ............................................................................... 9
Misfire counter emissions impact, total ............................................................................................... 9
Misfire counter cylinder x, average .................................................................................................... 10
Camshaft shift angle, intake (CA) ........................................................................................................ 10
Camshaft shift angle, intake desired value (CA) ................................................................................. 10
Camshaft adaptation, intake (CA) ....................................................................................................... 10
Camshaft position, intake (CA). .......................................................................................................... 10
Camshaft shift angle, exhaust (CA) ..................................................................................................... 10
Camshaft shift angle exhaust, setpoint value (CA) ............................................................................. 11
Camshaft adaptation, exhaust (CA) .................................................................................................... 11
Pedals/Throttle ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Brake light switch, status .................................................................................................................... 11
Clutch pedal position (via CAN) (%) .................................................................................................... 11
Clutch pedal switch, 75% (status) ....................................................................................................... 11
Accelerator pedal (AP) position (%) .................................................................................................... 11
Accelerator pedal position (via CAN) (%) ............................................................................................ 12
Position gear selector (status) ............................................................................................................ 12
Position gear selector (via CAN).......................................................................................................... 12
Neutral Position Sensor 1 (%) ............................................................................................................. 12
Neutral Position Sensor 2 (%) ............................................................................................................. 12
Throttle position (%) ........................................................................................................................... 12
Throttle position, desired value (%) .................................................................................................... 13
Throttle position, circuit 1................................................................................................................... 13
Throttle position, circuit 2................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel level (via CAN) (%) ....................................................................................................................... 13
Fuel pump low pressure side (status) ................................................................................................. 14
Fuel pump low pressure side, workload (%) ....................................................................................... 14
Fuel pressure low pressure side (Pa) .................................................................................................. 14
Fuel pressure low pressure side, setpoint value (Pa) ......................................................................... 14
Fuel temperature low pressure side (°C) ............................................................................................ 14
Fuel pressure high pressure side (Pa) ................................................................................................. 14
Fuel pressure high pressure side, setpoint value (Pa) ........................................................................ 14
Fuel temperature high pressure side (°C) ........................................................................................... 15
Fuel flow control valve (CA) ................................................................................................................ 15
Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve (%) .................................................................................. 15
Evaporative emissions system (EVAP) flow (g/s) ................................................................................ 15
Intake ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Mass Air Flow (g/s).............................................................................................................................. 15
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) (°C) ....................................................................................................... 16
Compressor clutch, requested position (status) ................................................................................. 16
Compressor control valve bypass (%) ................................................................................................. 16
Compressor control valve bypass, requested position (%)................................................................. 16
Boost pressure (after compressor) (Pa) .............................................................................................. 16
Turbocharger (TC) control valve (%) ................................................................................................... 16
Relief valve (status) ............................................................................................................................. 16
Boost pressure (after turbo) (Pa) ........................................................................................................ 17
Charge-air temperature (°C) ............................................................................................................... 17
Air pressure, intake manifold (Pa) ...................................................................................................... 17
Exhaust .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Front heated oxygen sensor, signal bank 1 ........................................................................................ 17
Front short term fuel trim, bank 1 ...................................................................................................... 17
Front long term fuel trim, bank 1 ....................................................................................................... 18
Rear/middle heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), signal (V) ....................................................................... 18
Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), signal (3 probe version) (V) ....................................................... 18
Rear/middle heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), heating (Ohm) .............................................................. 18
Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), heating (3 probe version) (Ohm) .............................................. 18
Vehicle speed (via CAN) (km/h)
The value regards the current vehicle speed and is derived from a signal that is sent to the Engine
Control Module (ECM) from the Brake Control Module (BCM) and Transmission Control Module (TCM)
via CAN.
Measurement range: 0 - 260 km/h.

Engine speed (rpm)

The value regards the current engine speed. The Engine Control Module (ECM) calculates the speed
using signals from the directly connected engine speed (RPM) sensor.
Measurement range: 0 – 10 400 rpm.
Normal value: 850 ± 50 rpm with hot engine.
Hint: Idle speed varies depending on engine temperature.

Engine coolant temperature (ECT) (°C)

The value indicates current engine temperature. The Engine Control Module (ECM) calculates the
temperature using signals from the directly connected coolant temperature sensor.
Measurement range: -40 - 125 °C.
Normal value: With heated engine at idle the temperature must rise to between 85 –108 °C depending
on ambient temperature.
Hint: Temperature regulation can be demand controlled using thermostat heating. In situations with
high load and/or extremely high ambient temperatures the temperature is regulated to approx. 15 °C
lower than the above normal value.
Hint: The engine is considered to be cool at least 10 hours after being switched off. The temperature can
then be compared with the ambient temperature and the difference must not be greater than ±5 °C.

Electric coolant pump (rpm)

The value indicates the actual speed of the electric coolant pump which is connected to the Engine
Control Module (ECM) via LIN.
Measurement range: 0 - 5900 rpm.
Normal value: Approx. 2800 rpm with hot engine at idle and maximum requested passenger
compartment heating.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Electric coolant pump, requested speed".

Electric coolant pump, requested speed (rpm)

The value indicates the actual requested speed of the electric coolant pump which is connected to the
Engine Control Module (ECM) via LIN.
Measurement range: 0 - 5900 rpm.
Normal value: Approx. 2800 rpm with hot engine at idle and maximum requested passenger
compartment heating.

Thermostat, electric heating (%)

Note! The parameter is incorrectly named "Air pressure manifold intake" in VIDA 2013D.
The value indicates the actual requested power to the directly connected heater by the thermostat.
Measurement range 0-100%.
0 % = no heating.
100 % = full heating.
Normal value: 0 % with hot engine at idle.
Hint: Temperature regulation of the coolant temperature can be demand controlled using thermostat
heating. In situations with high load and/or extremely high ambient temperature, the heater is activated
to protect against too high coolant temperatures.

Engine oil temperature, calculated (°C)

The value regards a calculated signal and provides information about the engine oil temperature. The
temperature is calculated using signals from the engine oil temperature sensor and the coolant
temperature sensor.
Measurement range: -40 - 160 °C.
Normal value: 90 – 95 °C with heated through engine and hot coolant.
Note! Even in the event of a fault with the oil temperature sensor, a plausible value may appear on this
Hint: Also use the parameter "Engine oil temperature" when fault tracing oil temperature related faults.

Engine oil temperature (°C)

The value regards current engine oil temperature. The signal comes from the directly connected engine
oil temperature sensor (combined with the engine oil temperature sensor), which is located in the
engine's oil pan.
Measurement range: -40 - 160 °C.
Normal value: 90 – 95 °C with heated through engine and hot coolant.
Note! During the engine's heating up sequence the signal from the sensor can vary considerably. The
engine should therefore be heated up before the temperature from the sensor can be trusted.
Hint: Also use the parameter "Engine oil temperature, calculated" when fault tracing oil temperature
related faults.

Engine oil level (mm)

The value regards the current oil level. The signal comes from the directly connected engine oil level
sensor which provides information about the oil level in the engine's oil pan.
Measurement range: 0 – 65 mm.
Normal value: 35 – 60 mm, which corresponds to the total oil volume of 4.0 – 5.0 litres.
Note! The levels above include the 0.4 litres in the oil filter and apply if the oil temperature is
approximately 20 °C. At 50 °C corresponding volumes are 3.9 – 4.9 litres. At 80 °C corresponding
volumes are 3.8 – 4.8 litres.
After oil service/oil change the level must be 60 mm (5.0 litres). After filling the engine must first be
started, to fill the oil filter with oil, then the oil must be allowed to run back down into the oil pan.
Hint: 1 dl of oil corresponds to about 2.7 mm on the level, not completely above the entire pan, but a
good guide mark.
Note! The vehicle must be located on a level surface and with the engine off for a while so that the read
out value is reliable. The time depends on the current oil temperature as hot oil runs down into the
trough quicker than cold oil. The longer the engine is off, the more reliable the value from the sensor is.
If the oil temperature is below 80 °C read off after 5 minutes minimum.
Hint: An oil level of 32 mm (4.0 litres) corresponds to the limit for low oil level (yellow information lamp)
and 24 mm (3.7 litres) corresponds to the limit for very low oil level (red warning lamp). The parameters
apply at oil temperatures of 20 °C.
Note! The value from the sensor is updated with a new value every ten seconds.
Note! Read out values of 0 mm must not be interpreted as the engine has no oil. Levels between 0 –
25 mm, and above 60 mm, are from a measurement technology perspective unsafe areas and indicate
that the control module is to be able to monitor the level when the vehicle is on a slope, with oil
temperature different from 20 °C and/or when the oil has not yet had time to drain into the pan.

Engine oil pressure (Pa)

The value regards the current oil pressure. The signal comes from the directly connected engine oil
pressure sensor (combined with the engine oil temperature sensor) and provides information about the
oil pressure in the engine.
Measurement range: 50 - 1050 kPa.
Normal value: 150 – 270 kPa at idle with heated through engine and hot coolant. For shorter periods the
pressure can be 450 kPa.
Hint: During cold starts the oil pressure, shortly after startup, can be as high as 1000 kPa. This is normal.

Control valve, engine oil pump (%)

The value regards the current control signal to the control valve engine oil pump. The signal controls the
valve, which, in turn, affects the pump housing size to allow the pump to create a greater flow and thus
greater engine oil pressure.
Measurement range 0-100%.
0 % = The control valve is not activated (return sprung position), high pump flow, high oil pressure.
100 % = The control valve is fully activated, low pump flow, low oil pressure.
Normal value: 50 – 70 % at idle with heated through engine.

ECU power supply (V)

The value indicates current voltage feed to the Engine Control Module (ECM).
Normal value: Same as battery voltage, i.e. 12.2 – 15.5 V when the alternator charges.
Measurement range 0 - 28.8 V.

MECU power supply (V)

The value indicates the actual power supply to the Central Electronic Module (CEM) , which in turn
sends the information via the CAN to the electronic control module (ECM).
Normal value: Same as battery voltage, i.e. 12.2 – 15.5 V when the alternator charges.
Measurement range 0 - 28.8 V.

Power supply mode (status)

The status indicates the vehicle's power supply mode. The Central Electronic Module (CEM) collates
information from the relevant control modules and sensors and creates the parameter. The information
is stored in the Central Electronic Module (CEM) and is distributed to other control modules via the
communication network that connects the Central Electronic Module (CEM) and the current control
module, e.g., CAN.
The following status modes are available:
 Key removed
 Key recently removed
 Key approved
 Ignition off after Accessory position
 Accessory position
 Accessory position after Ignition on
 Ignition on
 Combustion engine running
 Combustion engine in auto-stop
 Combustion engine in start attempt
 Combustion engine in start attempt at manual start

Sensor power supply 1 (V)

The value indicates the actual power supply from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to the components
that are internally connected to "power supply terminal 1".
Normal range: approximately 5 V.
Hint: The following components are connected to terminal 1: camshaft sensor intake and engine oil
pressure and temperature sensor.

Sensor power supply 2 (V)

The value indicates the actual power supply from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to components that
are internally connected to "power supply terminal 2".
Normal range: approximately 5 V.
Hint: The following components are connected to terminal 2: boost pressure sensor (after the
compressor), engine speed (RPM) sensor, fuel pressure sensor high pressure side, camshaft sensor
exhaust, throttle unit, compressor control valve bypass, fuel pressure sensor low pressure side, A/C
pressure sensor, brake vacuum sensor, neutral position sensor, Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
sensor as well as boost pressure and charge air temperature sensor (after turbo)

System relay (status)

The status indicates the actual control signal from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to the system relay.
On = the control module activates the system relay.
Off = the control module does not activate the system relay.
Normally the system relay is engaged as soon as the Engine Control Module (ECM) is powered by KL15
or "wake-up" signal from the Central Electronic Module (CEM) . The relay releases when the Engine
Control Module (ECM) is to be shut down, after completed run-on.

Starter relay (status)

The status indicates the actual control signal from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to the starter relay.
On = the control module activates the starter relay.
Off = the control module does not activate the starter relay.

Battery relay (status)

Note! This parameter first occurs in VIDA 2014A.
Indicates the actual control signal from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to the battery relay (for the
main battery).
On = Relay switched, circuit closed (the vehicle's electrical system is powered by the primary battery).
Off = Relay not switched, circuit open (the vehicle's electrical system is not powered by the primary
Hint: The power supply to the starter motor is always from the primary battery.
In a normal and trouble-free system the battery relay must be engaged, except during the start
sequence (when the starter motor is running) from the autostop position. The secondary battery relay is
then engaged instead.
Hint: The Central Electronic Module (CEM) can, depending on THE actual charge status of both
batteries, determine which of the batteries is to be used to supply the electrical system whilst the
starter motor is running. The control module can, under extraordinary circumstances, allow both the
batteries to work together to ensure a start without any interference in the electrical system. In some
versions normal start (start with start button) can also mean that the electrical system is supplied by the
secondary battery if the Central Electronic Module (CEM) calculates what is optimal.

Secondary Battery Relay (status)

Note! This parameter first occurs in VIDA 2014A.
Indicates the actual control signal from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to the secondary battery relay.
On = Relay switched, circuit closed (the vehicle's electrical system is powered by the secondary battery).
Off = Relay not switched, circuit open (the vehicle's electrical system is not powered by the secondary
Hint: The power supply to the starter motor is always from the primary battery.
In a trouble-free system the secondary battery relay must be engaged, only during the start sequence
(when the starter motor is running) from the autostop position. Thereafter the battery relay (for the
primary battery) is engaged instead.
Hint: The Central Electronic Module (CEM) can, depending on THE actual charge status of both
batteries, determine which of the batteries is to be used to supply the electrical system whilst the
starter motor is running. The control module can, under extraordinary circumstances, allow both the
batteries to work together to ensure a start without any interference in the electrical system. In some
versions normal start (start with start button) can also mean that the electrical system is supplied by the
secondary battery if the Central Electronic Module (CEM) calculates what is optimal.

Engine Control Module (ECM), temperature (°C)

The value indicates the actual temperature inside the Engine Control Module (ECM). The temperature
sensor is integrated in the control module.
Measurement range: -40 - 140 °C.
Normal value: Less than 80 °C. At temperatures above 105 °C the Engine Control Module (ECM) stores a
DTC because the temperatures at this level can be damaging to the control module.

Outside temperature (°C)

The value indicates the current ambient temperature. The temperature is calculated by the signal from
the directly connected outdoor temperature sensor which is located in a door mirror.
Measurement range: -40 - 215 °C.

Load (%)
Indicates the engine's filling ration where 100% corresponds to 100 kPa air pressure in the intake
Hint: When the engine is not overcharged the value can reach a maximum of 100 %. During
overcharging, e.g. using the turbo, the value can exceed 100 %.
Normal value: 80 % at idle.

Calculated load (%)

The value indicates how much of the available load is currently used. Measured in percentage of
maximum available torque at the current speed.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Normal value: 15 % at idle.
Hint: The value at idle varies depending on which electrical loads (power consumers) are active.

Time since engine start (s)

The value indicates the time in seconds since the engine was started in the given operating cycle.
Hint: Autostop does not mean that the counter is reset, it only regards the starter with starter button.
Measurement range: 0 – 65 535 s.

Atmospheric pressure (Pa)

The value indicates the actual atmospheric pressure. The value is calculated by the signal from the
atmospheric pressure sensor which is integrated in the Engine Control Module (ECM).
Measurement range: 0 - 255 kPa.
Normal value: At sea level the pressure is 101.3 kPa.
Hint: Greater heights produce a lower atmospheric pressure.

Engine cooling fan (FC) (%)

The value indicates the actual control signal to the engine cooling fan and its control unit.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Hint: The engine cooling fan is off up to 7 % on the control signal.

Air conditioning (A/C) pressure (Pa)

The value indicates the actual A/C pressure on the climate unit's high pressure side. The value is
calculated by the signal from the directly connected A/C pressure sensor.
Measurement range: 0 - 3200 kPa.
Normal value: 550 – 1 000 kPa at idle, depending on cooling demand (the difference between the
ambient temperature and the requested temperature in the passenger compartment).
Hint: The pressure refers to absolute pressure.

Air conditioning (A/C) compressor (%)

The value indicates the actual control signal to the A/C compressor.
Measurement range: 0 - 100%
0 % = A/C compressor is off.
100 % = A/C compressor at full power.
Normal value: 35 – 80 % depending on demand from the climate units.
Hint: A/C compressor is off up to 30 % on the control signal.

Ignition advance (°BTDC)

The value indicates the actual ignition advance and is calculated from the engine speed (RPM) sensor
Measurement range: -20 – 62° CA before top dead centre.
Normal value at idle varies with coolant temperature.

Misfire counter catalytic converter damage, total

The value indicates the number of misfires with negative affect on the catalytic converter that are
registered during the current operating cycle.
Normal value: 0, i.e. no misfires.
Hint: The value is reset every operating cycle.

Misfire counter emissions impact, total

The value indicates the number of misfires with emission impact that are registered during the current
operating cycle.
Normal value: 0, i.e. no misfires.
Hint: The value is reset every operating cycle.
Misfire counter cylinder x, average
The value indicates a calculated average value of the number of misfires registered during the last 10
operating cycles on the relevant cylinder. Both misfires with impact on the catalytic converter and
emissions are included in the calculation.
Normal value: 0, i.e. no misfires.
Hint: The value is reset when the DTCs in the Engine Control Module (ECM) are erased.

Camshaft shift angle, intake (CA)

The value indicates the actual shift angle on the camshaft on the intake side. The control module
calculates the value using the signals from the engine speed (RPM) sensor (crankshaft position) and the
camshaft position (CMP) sensor (camshaft position).
Measurement range: 0 - 100° CA.
Normal value: Approx. 0° CA with hot engine at idle.
The value indicates how much the camshaft is deployed. When the camshaft is in its 0-position
(camshaft not deployed), the angle is 0° CA, when the camshaft is fully deployed, the angle is approx.
50° CA.
Hint: The value must follow the parameter "Camshaft shift angle, intake setpoint value".

Camshaft shift angle, intake desired value (CA)

The value indicates the actual requested shift angle on the camshaft on the intake side.
Measurement range: 0 - 100° CA.
Normal value: Approx. 0° CA with hot engine at idle.
The value indicates how much the camshaft is deployed. When the camshaft is in its 0-position
(camshaft not deployed), the angle is 0° CA, when the camshaft is fully deployed, the angle is approx.
50° CA.

Camshaft adaptation, intake (CA)

The value indicates the camshaft deviation from the basic setting by calculating the position of the
camshaft in relation to the reference positions from the crankshaft. The value is 0° when the camshaft
position (angle) corresponds to the crankshaft position (angle).
Measurement range: 0 - 100° CA.
Normal value: 44° CA (±8° CA).
Hint: The value is updated following adaptation of the camshaft position. The adaptation is carried out
when the camshaft control is not active (fully returned camshaft).

Camshaft position, intake (CA).

The value indicates the camshaft's actual angle. The value is used to calculate the difference between
the camshaft position and camshaft adaptation which then indicates the camshaft's shift angle.
Normal value: 44° CA (±8° CA).

Camshaft shift angle, exhaust (CA)

The value indicates the actual shift angle on the camshaft on the exhaust side. The control module
calculates the value using the signals from the engine speed (RPM) sensor (crankshaft position) and the
camshaft position (CMP) sensor (camshaft position).
Measurement range: 0 - 100° CA.
Normal value: Approx. 0° CA with hot engine at idle.
The value indicates how much the camshaft is deployed. When the camshaft is in its 0-position
(camshaft not deployed), the angle is 0° CA, when the camshaft is fully deployed, the angle is approx.
30° CA.
Hint: The value must follow the parameter "Camshaft shift angle, exhaust setpoint value".

Camshaft shift angle exhaust, setpoint value (CA)

The value indicates the actual requested shift angle on the camshaft on the exhaust side.
Measurement range: 0 - 100° CA.
Normal value: Approx. 0° CA with hot engine at idle.
The value indicates how much the camshaft is deployed. When the camshaft is in its 0-position
(camshaft not deployed), the angle is 0° CA, when the camshaft is fully deployed, the angle is approx.
30° CA.

Camshaft adaptation, exhaust (CA)

The value indicates the camshaft deviation from the basic setting by calculating the position of the
camshaft in relation to the reference positions from the crankshaft. The value is 0° when the camshaft
position (angle) corresponds to the crankshaft position (angle).
Measurement range: 0 - 100° CA.
Normal value: 74° CA (±8° CA).
Hint: The value is updated following adaptation of the camshaft position. The adaptation is carried out
when the camshaft control is not active (fully returned camshaft).

Brake light switch, status
Shows actual status of the brake lamp switch. The status corresponds to the signal from the directly
connected brake lamp switch.
Active = the brake pedal is depressed enough to close the brake lamp switch.

Clutch pedal position (via CAN) (%)

The value indicates the actual position of the clutch pedal. The signal comes from the clutch pedal
position sensor which is directly connected to the Central Electronic Module (CEM) and is sent to the
Engine Control Module (ECM) via CAN.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Approx. 0 % = fully released clutch pedal.
Approx. 99 % = fully depressed clutch pedal.

Clutch pedal switch, 75% (status)

The value indicates the actual position of the clutch pedal. The signal comes from the clutch pedal
switch 75 %, and is directly connected to the Engine Control Module (ECM).
Active = clutch pedal switch is closed.
Inactive = clutch pedal switch not closed.
In a trouble-free system, status should switch between Inactive and Active when pedal position passes
75% of full pedal movement.

Accelerator pedal (AP) position (%)

The value indicates the actual position of the accelerator pedal. The value comes from the accelerator
pedal position sensor which is directly connected to the Engine Control Module (ECM) and whose signal
is a PWM signal.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Approximately 7 %= the accelerator pedal (AP) is completely released.
Approximately 70 %= the accelerator pedal (AP) is completely depressed.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Throttle pedal position (via CAN)".

Accelerator pedal position (via CAN) (%)

The value indicates the actual position of the accelerator pedal. The value comes from the position
sensor which is directly connected to the Central Electronic Module (CEM) and whose signal is
analogue. The signal is forwarded to the Engine Control Module (ECM) via CAN.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Approximately 7 %= the accelerator pedal (AP) is completely released.
Approximately 70 %= the accelerator pedal (AP) is completely depressed.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Throttle pedal position".

Position gear selector (status)

The status indicates the actual position of the gear selector. The signal comes form the directly
connected cable between the Transmission Control Module (TCM) and the Engine Control Module
P/N position connected = P/N position on the gear selector is active.
P/N position disconnected = P/N position on the gear selector is not active.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the status follows "Position gear selector (via CAN)".

Position gear selector (via CAN)

The status indicates the actual position of the gear selector. The signal comes from the Transmission
Control Module (TCM) via CAN.
P/N position connected = P/N position on the gear selector is active.
P/N position disconnected = P/N position on the gear selector is not active.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the status follows "Position gear selector".

Neutral Position Sensor 1 (%)

The value indicates the current position of the gear selector shaft in to the gearbox. The signal comes
from the directly connected Neutral Position Sensor, sensor 1.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Normal value: approx. 45 – 55 % with unaffected gear selector in neutral position.
Hint: The Neutral Position Sensor sends two signals to the Engine Control Module (ECM) about the
position on the gear shaft control.

Neutral Position Sensor 2 (%)

The value indicates the current position of the gear selector shaft in to the gearbox. The signal comes
from the directly connected Neutral Position Sensor, sensor 1.
Measurement range 0-100%.
Normal value: approx. 36 – 44 % with unaffected gear selector in neutral position.
Hint: The Neutral Position Sensor sends two signals to the Engine Control Module (ECM) about the
position on the gear shaft control.

Throttle position (%)

The value indicates the actual throttle position. The signal comes from the directly connected position
sensors in the throttle unit.
Measurement range 0-100%.
0 % = the throttle is shut.
100 % = the throttle is fully open.
The throttle is set to the open position with the ignition on.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Throttle pedal position, setpoint value".
Hint: Also see "Throttle position, circuit 1" and "Throttle position, circuit 2".

Throttle position, desired value (%)

The value indicates the actual requested opening on the throttle.
Measurement range 0-100%.
0 % = the throttle is shut.
100 % = the throttle is fully open.
The throttle is set to the open position with the ignition on.

Throttle position, circuit 1

The value indicates the actual throttle position. The signal comes from the directly connected position
sensor, sensor 1, in the throttle unit.
Measurement range -3 - 130%.
0 % = the throttle is shut.
100 % = the throttle is fully open.
Normal value: Approx: 12 % corresponds to closed position, approx. 80 % corresponds to open position
(mechanical limit positions).
Hint: In a trouble-free system it is the position from the sensor in circuit 1 that is used by the Engine
Control Module (ECM) for inter calculating and regulation. If the control module detects a fault with the
sensor in circuit 1 the position from the sensor in circuit 2 is used instead.

Throttle position, circuit 2

The value indicates the actual throttle position. The signal comes from the directly connected position
sensor, sensor 2, in the throttle unit.
Measurement range -4 - 140%.
0 % = the throttle is shut.
100 % = the throttle is fully open.
Normal value: Approx: 30 % corresponds to closed position, approx. 85 % corresponds to open position.
(mechanical limit positions).
Hint: In a trouble-free system it is the position from the sensor in circuit 1 that is used by the Engine
Control Module (ECM) for inter calculating and regulation. If the control module detects a fault with the
sensor in circuit 1 the position from the sensor in circuit 2 is used instead.

Fuel level (via CAN) (%)
The value indicates the actual fuel level in the fuel tank. The signal, which comes from the fuel level
sensor which is directly connected to the Central Electronic Module (CEM) , is sent to the Engine Control
Module (ECM) via CAN.
0 % = empty fuel tank.
100 % = full fuel tank.
Fuel pump low pressure side (status)
The status regards the signal that the Engine Control Module (ECM) sends to the Central Electronic
Module (CEM) via CAN with the request to supply voltage to the fuel pump control module and the fuel
pump for the low pressure side.
On = Request for voltage supply is active.
Off = Request for voltage supply is not active.
Normal value: On. In a trouble-free system the request is active when the combustion engine is running.

Fuel pump low pressure side, workload (%)

The value indicates the actual control signal to the fuel pump control module for the low pressure side.
Measurement range = 0 - 100%.
Normal value: 50 % (±10 %) at idle with hot engine. Operating range is 10 – 85 %.

Fuel pressure low pressure side (Pa)

The value indicates the actual fuel pressure on the low pressure side and is calculated by the signal from
the directly connected fuel pressure sensor on the low pressure side. The pressure refers to absolute
Measurement range: 0 - 1000 kPa.
Normal value: 500 – 530 kPa with hot engine at idle in neutral. In the event of extreme heat, the
requested pressure can be as high as 720 kPa.
Hint In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Fuel pressure, low pressure side, setpoint value".

Fuel pressure low pressure side, setpoint value (Pa)

The value indicates the actual requested fuel pressure on the low pressure side. The pressure refers to
absolute pressure.
Measurement range: 0 - 1000 kPa.
Normal value: 500 – 530 kPa with hot engine at idle in neutral. In the event of extreme heat, the
requested pressure can be as high as 720 kPa.

Fuel temperature low pressure side (°C)

The value indicates the temperature of the fuel on the low pressure side. The temperature is a
calculated temperature.
Measurement range: -40 - 120 °C.
Hint: When the engine has been switched off for at least 10 hours it is deemed to be cool. The
temperature can then be compared with the ambient temperature and the difference must not be more
than ±5 °C.

Fuel pressure high pressure side (Pa)

The value indicates the actual fuel pressure on the high pressure side and is calculated by the signal
from the directly connected fuel pressure sensor on the high pressure side. The pressure refers to
absolute pressure.
Measurement range: 0 - 200 MPa.
Normal value: 3 – 8 MPa with hot engine at idle, in neutral. When the engine is switched off the
temperature increases in the fuel rail. Thereby, the fuel pressure also increases.
Hint In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Fuel pressure, high pressure side, setpoint value".

Fuel pressure high pressure side, setpoint value (Pa)

The value indicates the actual requested fuel pressure on the high pressure side. The pressure refers to
absolute pressure.
Measurement range: 0 - 200 MPa.
Normal value: approx. 3 – 8 MPa with hot engine at idle, in neutral.
With ignition on the requested pressure is 12 MPa.

Fuel temperature high pressure side (°C)

The value indicates the actual temperature of the fuel on the high pressure side. The temperature is a
calculated temperature.
Measurement range: 0 - 160 °C.
Hint: When the engine has been switched off for at least 10 hours it is deemed to be cool. The
temperature can then be compared with the ambient temperature and the difference must not be more
than ±5 °C.

Fuel flow control valve (CA)

The value indicates the actual control signal from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to the directly
connected fuel flow control valve on the fuel pump for the high pressure side.
measurement range: 0 – 360° CA.
Working range: 0 – 180° CA, lower value gives greater fuel pressure.
Normal value: 130 – 150° CA with hot engine at idle in neutral.

Evaporative emission system (EVAP) valve (%)

The value indicates the actual control signal to the directly connected EVAP valve. The control module
opens the valve when the conditions to be able to drain the canister of hydrocarbons are met.
Measurement range: 0 - 100 %.
0 % = closed valve.
100 % = open valve.
The valve is normally closed immediately after the engine has started. It is closed while waiting for fuel
trim to start, which requires the engine to be hot among other things. If fuel trim does not need to
adjust the fuel amount, the valve opens, on the condition that the pressure on the intake manifold is
less than the atmospheric pressure, which is the pressure in the fuel tank and canister.

Evaporative emissions system (EVAP) flow (g/s)

The value indicates the calculated flow through the EVAP valve. The value is calculated by the control
module using the EVAP valve's actual position, as well as the difference between the pressure in the
tank and the intake manifold. Measurement range: 0 - 1.5 g/s.
Normal value: 0 g/s when the EVAP valve is closed.
Hint: Greater opening of the valve, and greater pressure difference between tank and intake manifold
gives a greater flow.

Mass Air Flow (g/s)
The value indicates the actual mass of air that passes through the Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor in the
intake. The signal comes from the directly connected mass air flow meter (with integrated temperature
Measurement range: 0-655 g/s.
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) (°C)
The value indicates the actual temperature of air that passes through the Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor in
the intake. The signal comes from the directly connected Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor
(integrated in the Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor).
Measurement range: -40 - 130 °C.
Normal value: Same as outdoor temperature, possibly a slight increase depending on the impact from
the engine temperature.

Compressor clutch, requested position (status)

The value indicates the actual requested position of the directly connected compressor clutch, i.e. the
position that determines whether the compressor is to be active and rotated.
Connected = the compressor is connected.
Disconnected = the compressor is not connected.
Normal value: Disconnected with hot engine at idle in neutral.

Compressor control valve bypass (%)

The value indicates the actual position of the directly connected compressor control valve for bypass.
Measurement range 0-100%.
0 % = the valve is closed, all air is routed into the compressor.
100 % = the valve is open, no air is routed into the compressor.
Normal value: 100 % with hot engine at idle in neutral.
Hint: In a trouble-free system the value should follow "Compressor control valve bypass, requested

Compressor control valve bypass, requested position (%)

The value indicates the actual requested position of the compressor control valve for bypass. The value
performs the control signal that is sent to the damper motor in the valve.
Measurement range 0-100%.
0 % = the valve is closed, all air is routed into the compressor.
100 % = the valve is open, no air is routed into the compressor.
Normal value: 100 % with hot engine at idle in neutral.

Boost pressure (after compressor) (Pa)

The value indicates the actual boost pressure after the compressor. The value is calculated by the signal
from the directly connected boost pressure sensor after the compressor.
Measurement range: 12 – 296 kPa.
Normal value: With ignition on the pressure is the same as atmospheric pressure.

Turbocharger (TC) control valve (%)

The value indicates the actual requested opening of the directly connected turbo control valve
Measurement range: 0 – 100 %.
0% = fully open valve.
100% = closed valve.

Relief valve (status)

The value indicates the actual requested position of the directly connected relief valve. The valve is
controlled to the open position when there is greater pressure in the turbo compared with the
requested boost pressure.
Open = the valve is open.
Closed = the valve is closed.

Boost pressure (after turbo) (Pa)

The value indicates the actual boost pressure after the turbo. The value is calculated by the signal from
the directly connected boost pressure sensor after the turbo and charge air cooler (with integrated
temperature sensor).
Measurement range: 20 – 300 kPa.
Normal value: With ignition on the pressure is the same as atmospheric pressure.

Charge-air temperature (°C)

The value indicates the actual air temperature after the turbo and the charge air cooler, ahead of the
throttle. The signal comes from the directly connected Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor (integrated
in the boost pressure sensor).
Measurement range: -40 - 130 °C.
Hint: When the engine has been switched off for at least 10 hours it is deemed to be cool. The
temperature can then be compared with the ambient temperature and the difference must not be more
than ±5 °C.

Air pressure, intake manifold (Pa)

Note! The parameter is incorrectly named "Air pressure manifold intake" in VIDA 2013D.
The value indicates the actual air pressure in the intake manifold, after the throttle. The signal comes
from the directly connected air pressure sensor.
Measurement range: 12 - 292 kPa.
Hint: With the ignition the pressure is the same as the atmospheric pressure.

Front heated oxygen sensor, signal bank 1
The value indicates the actual lambda at the front probe. The signal comes from the directly connected
front heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) which is of the linear probe type.
Measurement range: 0 – 2.
Normal value: 1.
Lambda >1 = lean mix.
Lambda <1 = rich mix.

Front short term fuel trim, bank 1

The value indicates the actual compensation factor for the fast part of fuel trim.
Measurement range: 0 – 2.
Normal value: 1.
The value is used to increase or reduce the injection time, depending on the deviation, to achieve
lambda = 1.
Hint: The control module uses the fast and the slow compensation factors together i.e. total fuel trim is
the value of "Front fuel trim slow" multiplied by "Front fuel trim fast".
Front long term fuel trim, bank 1
The value indicates the actual adaptation factor for the slow part of fuel trim. Measurement range: 0 –
Normal value: 1.
The value is used to increase or reduce the injection time, depending on the deviation, to achieve
lambda = 1. there are 36 adaptation ranges. The active one depends on the actual load and speed. The
value indicated is the value that applies in the relevant range.
Hint: The control module uses the fast and the slow compensation factors together i.e. total fuel trim is
the value of "Front fuel trim slow" multiplied by "Front fuel trim fast".

Rear/middle heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), signal (V)

The value indicates the actual voltage in the circuit to the rear/middle heated oxygen sensor (HO2S),
which are binary probe types.
Hint: In vehicles with two probes, this value corresponds to the signal from the rear probe. In vehicles
with three probes, this value corresponds to the signal from the middle probe.
Measurement range: 0 - 5 V.
Normal value: 0.5 – 0.7 V, which approximately corresponds to lambda = 1.

Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), signal (3 probe version) (V)

The value indicates the actual voltage in the circuit to the rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), which are
binary probe types.
Hint: This value only applies to vehicles with three probes. For vehicles with two probes, "Rear/middle
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), signal" must be used instead.
Measurement range: 0 – 5 V.
Normal value: 0.5 – 0.7 V, which approximately corresponds to lambda = 1.

Rear/middle heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), heating (Ohm)

The value indicates the actual resistance in the circuit to the heater for the rear/middle heated oxygen
sensors (HO2S).
Hint: In vehicles with two probes, this value corresponds to the resistance in the circuit to the rear
probe. In vehicles with three probes, this value corresponds to the resistance in the circuit to the middle
Measurement range: 0 – 100 000 Ohm.
Normal value: After initial heating at maximum power (>800 Ohm) during a cold start heating transfers
after a minute (or minutes) to maintenance heating, corresponding to 50 - 150 Ohm in the circuit.
Hint: During a cold start heating starts after a few seconds. This is to first reach the dewpoint with
heating only from the exhaust gases.

Rear heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), heating (3 probe version) (Ohm)

The value indicates the actual resistance in the circuit to the heater for the rear heated oxygen sensors
Hint: This value only applies to vehicles with three probes. For vehicles with two probes, "Rear/middle
heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), heating" must be used instead.
Measurement range: 0 – 100,000 Ohm.
Normal value: After initial heating at maximum power (>800 Ohm) during a cold start heating transfers
after a minute (or minutes) to maintenance heating, corresponding to 50 - 150 Ohm in the circuit.
Hint: During a cold start heating starts after a few seconds. This is to first reach the dewpoint with
heating only from the exhaust gases.

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