Hurtado2019 Article Non-invasiveContinuousRespirat PDF
Hurtado2019 Article Non-invasiveContinuousRespirat PDF
Hurtado2019 Article Non-invasiveContinuousRespirat PDF
Respiratory rate (RR) is a key vital sign that has been traditionally employed in the clinical assessment of patients and in the
prevention of respiratory compromise. Despite its relevance, current practice for monitoring RR in non-intubated patients
strongly relies on visual counting, which delivers an intermittent and error-prone assessment of the respiratory status. Here,
we present a novel non-invasive respiratory monitor that continuously measures the RR in human subjects. The respiratory
activity of the user is inferred by sensing the thermal transfer between the breathing airflow and a temperature sensor placed
between the nose and the mouth. The performance of the respiratory monitor is assessed through respiratory experiments
performed on healthy subjects. Under spontaneous breathing, the mean RR difference between our respiratory monitor and
visual counting was 0.4 breaths per minute (BPM), with a 95% confidence interval equal to [− 0.5, 1.3] BPM. The robustness
of the respiratory sensor to the position is assessed by studying the signal-to-noise ratio in different locations on the upper
lip, displaying a markedly better performance than traditional thermal sensors used for respiratory airflow measurements.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
2.3 Statistical analysis
RRi,TRMS − RRi,ref
Errori [%] = 1 (1)
(RRi,TRMS + RRi,ref )
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Fig. 4 Signal-to-noise ratio map during sensitivity test. a Guided breathing at 6 BPM. b Guided breathing at 15 BPM. Solid black line shows the
level set that corresponds to SNR = 0 dB
Accuracy of the RR estimated by the TRMS and by a The respiratory signals for one subject under guided and
thermistor was computed for all locations in the grid con- spontaneous breathing are reported in Fig. 6. Bias, preci-
sidered in the position sensitivity study. Continuous maps sion and accuracy values for the sample group under guided
were generated by means of interpolation for the cases of breathing at 6, 8 and 10 BPM are reported in Table 1 for
guided RR = 6 BPM (Fig. 5a) and guided RR = 15 BPM nasal breathing and oral breathing. The mean error for nasal
(Fig. 5b), both for the thermistor and the TRMS. In the breathing and oral breathing was 0.1 and − 1.6 BPM respec-
case of the TRMS, the accuracy was less than 5% for most tively (Fig. 7). In these controlled experiments, the absolute
of the area under study, with the exception of a very small bias (average error) was less than 0.2 BPM and 2.0 BPM
region in the bottom right corner. In contrast, the ther- for nasal and oral breathing, respectively. In general, error
mistor only achieves accuracy values less than 5% in a measures for the case of oral breathing are larger than in the
reduced region directly under the nostril, out of which case of nasal breathing.
accuracy rapidly increases up to values of 40%. The time evolution of the RR for a representative subject
(subject 10) under spontaneous breathing, measured both
Fig. 5 Accuracy map during sensitivity test. a Guided breathing at 6 BPM. b Guided breathing at 15 BPM
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Fig. 6 Respiratory patterns of a volunteer. a Guided breathing at 6 BPM. b Guided breathing at 8 BPM. c Guided breathing at 10 BPM. d Spon-
taneous breathing
Table 1 Error analysis for guided breathing tests. Absolute error is expressed in BPM, relative error reported in parenthesis
RR [BPM] Nasal Oral
6 8 10 6 8 10
Bias 0.1 (1.8%) 0.1 (1.5%) 0.2 (1.5%) − 0.9 (− 27.4%) − 1.9(− 39.4%) − 2.0(− 34.8%)
Bias 95% CI [0.06, 0.16] [0.06, 0.18] [0.11, 0.20] [− 1.86, 0.06] [− 3.11, − 0.75] [− 3.50, − 0.49]
Precision 0.2 (3.4%) 0.3 (3.3%) 0.3 (2.8%) 2.3 (61.0%) 2.8 (60.2%) 3.6 (62.7%)
Accuracy 0.2 (3.8%) 0.3 (3.6%) 0.3 (3.2%) 2.5 (66.9%) 3.4 (72.0%) 4.1 (71.7%)
CI confidence interval
by the TRMS and by visual counting, is reported in Fig. 8a. is − 0.04 BPM, the standard deviation is 0.4 BPM, and the
The TRMS closely follows the reference values during the 95% confidence interval is [− 0.8, 0.7] BPM.
entire time frame of the spontaneous breathing experiment. Bland-Altman analysis was also performed for the
To assess the agreement between the TRMS and the visual- whole sample of volunteers ( N = 20 ) under spontaneous
count reference, a Bland-Altman plot for the representative breathing, whose results are included in Fig. 9. In this
subject is included in Fig. 8b, where the mean RR difference case, the mean and standard deviation of the RR difference
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Fig. 7 Bland Altman plots for guided respiration tests. a Nasal breathing. b Oral breathing
Fig. 8 Results for the spontaneous breathing test for a representative subject. a Respiratory rate evolution in time for the TRMS and the refer-
ence method (visual counting). b Bland-Altman plot for assessing the agreement of RR [BPM] measured by TRMS and the reference method
between the TRMS and the reference method for the group flow was held, whereas the SpO2 was above 98% during the
was 0.4 BPM and 0.45 BPM, respectively. The 95% con- entire time frame analyzed.
fidence interval for the average RR difference was [− 0.5, During the spontaneous breathing study of subject 6,
1.3] BPM. apnea events not directed by the examiner were captured
The time evolution of the TRMS signal and RR, and the both by the TRMS system and by visual counting when
peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) measured by pulse oxi- the patient fell asleep. The TRMS signal and RR, and the
metry in subject 7 for the erratic breathing test is reported in peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) measured by pulse oxi-
Fig. 10a. From the respiratory signal, a plateau is found in metry for subject 6 are reported in Fig. 10b. Three apnea
the time interval [60,90], which corresponds to a breath hold events were recognized from the respiratory signal, where
of roughly 30 s. During that time frame, the RR measured plateaus are clearly identified. The RR measured by the
by the TRMS reached 5 BPM only 15 s after respiratory TRMS fell down to 6 BPM during the three apnea events
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Fig. 10 Results for erratic breathing conditions. a Time evolution of Time evolution of TRMS signal amplitude, respiratory frequency and
TRMS signal amplitude, respiratory frequency and pulse-oximeter pulse-oximeter SpO2 for subject 6 during a spontaneous apnea event
SpO2 for subject 7 under simulated apnea (controlled breath hold). b
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
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