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International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology

Multidisciplinary : Rapid Review : Open Access Journal e-ISSN:2808-6422; p-ISSN:2829-3037


Manuscript received May 18, 2022; revised August 20, 2022; accepted August 12, 2022; date of publication August
25, 2022
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.35882/ijahst.v2i4.96
Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This work is an open-access article and licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License(CC BY-SA 4.0)
How to cite: Deby Anggraeni, Isnanto, and Ida Chairanna Mahirawatie, “The Relationship Between Knowledge Of
Dental And Oral Health And The Number Of Functioning Teeth In Indonesian Elderly People ”, International
Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 232–237, Augustus. 2022.

Design and Build a Ventalitor Tester With

PIP and PIF Waveform Displays As
Validation (PIF)
Rusdi Pratiwo Hadi1, Her Gumiwang Ariswati1, and Dyah Titisari1
Department of Dental Health, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya

Corresponding author: Rusdi Pratiwo Hadi (e-mail: rusdi00@gmail.com).

“This work was supported in part by Department of Dental Health, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya”

ABSTRACTThe ventilator is a supporter of respiratory needs which is very important for the patient so that there are
several parameters that must be monitored specifically, such as the measurement of pressure and flow rate used in the
ventilator system, the accuracy of which must be in accordance with the accuracy of the respirator. One of the important
parameters to monitor is PIF (Peak Inspiratory Flow) which is the peak inspiratory flow rate given through the ventilator.
PIF that is too high or too low can cause adverse effects on the patient. PIF monitoring can be seen through the PIF value
and waveform on the PIF. Monitoring the waveform of the PIF will be very useful to improve the results of using the
ventilator. The purpose of this research is to get the accuracy and precision of the sensor to display the waveform of the
ventilator output. The procedure carried out is to use the F1031V sensor to detect the flow generated by the ventilator and
then detect the PIF value and PIF waveform. From this research, the measurement of accuracy and precision of the F1031V
sensor to detect PIF and generate a waveform graph is said to be good. This is because the highest error value is ±2.04% at
the 20 LPM setting. While the value of the largest standard deviation at the 30 LPM setting is 1.517 and the greatest
uncertainty value at the 30 LPM setting is 0.061. Then, the largest correction value is found in the setting of 20 LPM and 30
LPM, namely 0.4. PIF monitoring is carried out to maximize patient care and reduce the breakdown time on the ventilator.

INDEX TERMSPIF, Signal, Sensor P1031V

I. INTRODUCTION breathe. Ventilator is used to help the patient's breathing by

Respiratory activity is an involuntary activity and supports pushing air into the lungs with the aim of increasing oxygen
respiratory function in humans [1]. Patients will need levels. Because the ventilator is a very important support for
respiratory support for certain conditions, such as during breathing needs, the ventilator must always be in good
surgical operations involving general anesthesia or because condition and condition. So there are several parameters that
normal breathing cannot support the body's oxygen needs. In must be monitored specifically, such as the measurement of
this condition the patient requires ventilator assistance[1][2], pressure and flow rate used in the ventilator system, the
There are two types of medical ventilators: such as accuracy of which must be in accordance with the accuracy
mechanical ventilators and non-invasive ventilators. For the of the respirator [6][7]. Some of the parameters that must be
ventilator is needed. in the case of the covid 19 pandemic[2] considered include, Tidal Volume (TV), Respiratory rate
[3], the virus causes damage to the lungs. And cause a (RR), Ratio I: E, Peak Inspiratory Flow (PIF), peak
decrease in SpO2[4][5] because the patient is difficult to inspiratory pressure (PIP), and Positive end-expiratory

Vol. 2 No. 4, August 2022, pp:232-237

Homepage: ijahst.org

International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology
Multidisciplinary : Rapid Review : Open Access Journal e-ISSN:2808-6422; p-ISSN:2829-3037

pressure (PEEP) etc. . PIF is the peak inspiratory flow rate, made previously. This study aims to obtain the accuracy and
PIF is the maximum flow given through the ventilator. Most precision of the sensor to display the waveform of the
modern ventilators can provide flow rates between 60 and ventilator output so that the data obtained can be used as a
120 L/min. Flow flow should be titrated to meet the patient's support for making calibration tools with sensors that have
inspiratory needs[8][9]. If the PIF is too low for the patient, been studied. pressure sensor to measure and display PIP and
the patient may experience dyspnea, patient-ventilator PIF waveforms.
asynchrony, and increased work of breathing. High PIF This study aims to analyze the waveform generated from
increases PIF pressure and lowers mean line pressure, this the flow sensor output as a flow sensor and the appearance of
can lead to decreased oxygenation. In most patients, a peak the waveform on the Ventilator Tester Design with PIP and
flow rate of 60 L/min is sufficient. Higher flow rates are PIF Waveform Displays as Validation (PIF).
required in patients with higher ventilator requirements.
Higher PIF may also be required in patients with obstructive II. METHODHOLOGY
pulmonary disease to reduce inspiratory time [8], thereby Data retrieval on the Ventilator Tester module was
increasing expiratory time and reducing the risk of auto- carried out using Ventilator 1 which was carried out at
PEEP. Lumajang Hospital. The research design used in making the
In the appearance of the PIF parameter there is a waveform module is Pre-experimental with the After Only Design type.
to determine the timing of respiration on mechanical In this design the researcher only uses one group of subjects
ventilation, in this waveform the timing of the patient's and only sees the results without measuring and knowing the
breathing will be known according to the settings given by initial conditions, but there is already a comparison group.
the nurse, monitoring the waveform from PIF will be very The independent variable in this study is the PIF module
useful to provide further treatment for patients, this has the used. the dependent variable is the flow sensor used, namely
potential to improve the results of the use of the ventilator P1031V. and the controlled variable is the microcontroller
[10], thus making the waveform an important parameter for board used, namely arduino.
This study uses a P1031V flow sensor as a flow input,
monitoring in order to determine the accuracy of the
then the data flow will be processed using an Arduino
waveform detected by the ventilator, in the last few studies
microcontroller, and the flow results will be displayed on the
discussing the ventilator tester module it provides
LCD Display [21].
information about the ventilator output but not the waveform
which is output by the sensor [11], with these shortcomings
The measurements of each parameter, flow from 20 – 40
the researcher wants to discuss the appearance of the PIF
LPM, and pressure were all repeated 5 times. The average
parameter waveform as a ventilator output validation.
value of the measurement is obtained by using the mean or
In 2014, Fred Duprez et al., conducted a study entitled
the average by applying equation (1).:
"Accuracy of Medical Oxygen Flowmeters: A Multicentric
Field Study", this study aims to determine the accuracy of B. (1)
medical flow to determine the error rate generated from
medical flow meters, and obtain conclusion if the number of
use of flow meters will affect the accuracy of the output [12]. where x denotes the mean (mean) for the n-measurements,
x1 denotes the first measurement, x2 denotes the second
Then, in 2020, Natsumi T. Hamahata et al., conducted a flow
measurement, and xn denotes n measurements. Standard
curve study when patients received assistance from
deviation is a value that indicates the degree (degree) of
mechanical ventilation. In this study, the researchers
variation in a data set or a measure of the standard
concluded that flow waveform shapes need to be considered
deviation of the mean. The standard deviation (SD) formula
when giving mechanical ventilation, giving attention to flow can be shown in equation (2):
waveforms can To improve the outcome of therapy,
researchers hope that further research on flow waveforms
when providing mechanical ventilation to patients [10]. C. (2)
Then, in 2021, Tomy Abuzairi et al., conducted a study on
the manufacture of an accessible ventilator tester so that
ventilator checks can be carried out to maintain the accuracy where xi indicates the number of desired values, x indicates
the average of the measurement results, n indicates the
of the device. Researchers expect further research on certain
number of measurements. Uncertainty (UA) is a doubt that
sensors so that the design of the Low Cost Ventilator Tester
appears in each measurement result. The uncertainty
can be used accurately [11].
formula is shown in equation (3):
Based on the research that has been done previously, the
author will make a study entitled "Design of a Ventalitor
Tester With PIP and PIF Waveform Displays as Validation
(PIF)" which is the development of research that has been

Vol. 2 No. 4, August 2022, pp:232-237

Homepage: ijahst.org

International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology
Multidisciplinary : Rapid Review : Open Access Journal e-ISSN:2808-6422; p-ISSN:2829-3037

Data retrieval on the Ventilator Tester module was

D. (3) carried out using Ventilator 1 which was carried out at
Lumajang Hospital.
Error or error indicates the difference between the
where UA indicates the uncertainty value of the total actual value coming out of the Ventilator and the measured
measurement, SD indicates the resulting standard deviation, value from the Ventilator Tester module, with the LPM
and n indicates the number of measurements. %error pressure for PIF measurements. It can be seen in the table
indicates a system error. The lower Error value is the below that the smallest error value from the measurement
average difference of each data. Errors can indicate of the Ventilator Tester module with Volume mode on
deviations between the standard and the design or model. Ventilator 1 is in the PIF 40 LPM setting, while the
The error formula is shown in equation (4). smallest error value for Ventilator 2 is in the PIF 20 LPM
Comparison Value of Module Measurement Error on Ventilator
1 and Ventilator 2
where xn is the measured value of the machine calibrator.
X is the measured value of the design. Setting Flow Ventilator 1 Ventilator 2
III. RESULT 20 LPM 1.01% 2.04%
In this study, the module has been tested using a
calibrator, namely the Ventilator. Designs featured in 30 LPM 0.64% 1.29%
FIGURE 1. 40 LPM 0.47% 0.48%

Rata-rata ( 0.71% 0.09%

From the measurement results in TABLE 1, the overall

error value obtained from the Ventilator Tester module can
be said to be good with the highest error of ±1.01% on
Ventilator 1, which is at 20 LPM setting, while on
Ventilator 2 it is ±2.04% at 20 LPM setting. And for the
smallest error value in the measurement of Ventilator 1,
which is ±0.47% at 40 LPM settings, while in Ventilator 2
GAMBAR 1. Ventilator Tester Display
it is ±0.48% at 40 LPM settings as well.
The digital part consists of the Arduino From the overall error value and the average error value
microcontroller[22] which is the main board of the device on the two ventilators used, it can be seen if it does not
and the P1031V flow sensor. exceed the tolerance range so that the Ventilator Tester
module is fairly accurate for detecting the PIF value on the
Comparison Value of Standard Deviation Measurement Module
on Ventilator 1 and Ventilator 2

Setting Flow Ventilator 1 Ventilator 2

20 LPM 0.707 1

30 LPM 1.517 1.34

40 LPM 0.894 0.894

Rata-rata ( 1.039 1.078

Based on TABLE 2, it can be said that the standard

GAMBAR 2. Design Ventilator Tester deviation value of the Ventilator Tester module
measurement results is good, this is because the standard
deviation value does not exceed the average value of the
Ventilator Tester module measurement results. Thus, the

Vol. 2 No. 4, August 2022, pp:232-237

Homepage: ijahst.org

International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology
Multidisciplinary : Rapid Review : Open Access Journal e-ISSN:2808-6422; p-ISSN:2829-3037

average value of the Ventilator Tester module Rata-rata ( 0.2 0.067

measurements can be used as a data representation of the
entire measurement.
The standard deviation value indicates that there is an
The correction value is an additional value given to
oscillation or standard deviation in the measurement. From
compensate for the addition of errors systematically. The
all measurements, the largest standard deviation value on
correction value in this study proves that there are still
Ventilator 1 is found in the 30 LPM setting, which is 1.517,
errors or inequalities between the setting value and the
while on the Ventilator 2 there is also the 30 LPM setting,
which is 1.34. The standard deviation value is said to be
From the table above, it can be seen that the correction
quite good, which means that the data distribution or
value indicates an error in the system from the module. If
deviation is not too large, so it can still be said that the
the correction value is smaller, the better the performance
Ventilator Tester module measurement results are quite
of the module will be.
Based on TABLE 4,it can be seen if the correction value
in the measurement results of the Ventilator Tester module
Comparative Value of Uncertainty (UA) of Module on Ventilator 1 is the same, namely 0.2. Meanwhile, in the
Measurements on Ventilator 1 and Ventilator 2 Ventilator 2 measurement, the largest correction value is
Setting Flow Ventilator 1 Ventilator 2 found in the settings of 20 LPM and 30 LPM, namely 0.4.
If it is seen from the largest correction value and the
20 LPM 0.028 0.04 average correction value of the module, it can be said that
30 LPM 0.061 0.054 the error caused by the module is relatively small.
Therefore, the system module performance is considered
40 LPM 0.036 0.036 good.
A measuring instrument can be said to be good if it has
Rata-rata ( 0.041 0.043 high accuracy and precision. Not all measuring instruments
that have good precision also have good accuracy. In
addition, the measurement also requires good sensitivity or
Based on TABLE 3, we can see the uncertainty value of good response to small changes in the input signal.
the measurement results of the Ventilator tester module
which is used to see how close the measured value is to the
actual value. This uncertainty is also used to see how much INPUT PROSES OUTPUT
accuracy the Ventilator Tester module is, it can be stated
that the smaller the uncertainty, the higher the accuracy. In
this study, the greatest uncertainty value in the
measurement of Ventilator 1 is found at the 30 LPM
setting, which is 0.061, while in the Ventilator 2 there is a
Sensor Flow
30 LPM setting, which is 0.054. The results of this Mikrokontroller Display Modul
uncertainty can still be said to be good, so the accuracy of
the Ventilator Tester module is also said to be good.
Measurement results or readings that have random
results are said to have no good stability. If it is associated
with data reading, it does not change during the
measurement, the graphic measurement does not change up
or down and the values that appear do not change GAMBAR3. Diagram Blok Sistem
The block diagram in FIGURE 3 has 3 main parts,
TABLE 4 namely process input and output, the input consists of a
Comparative Value of Module Measurement Correction on flow sensor F1031V which is the source of input data on
Ventilator 1 and Ventilator 2
the microcontroller, the process section consists of a
microcontroller which functions to receive data from the
Setting Flow Ventilator 1 Ventilator 2 sensor, the microcontroller will process the output from the
20 LPM 0.2 0.4 sensor into PIF, so that the sensor value can be displayed as
PIF on the display, in the output process there is a display
30 LPM 0.2 0.4 that serves to display data that has been processed by the
40 LPM 0.2 0.2

Vol. 2 No. 4, August 2022, pp:232-237

Homepage: ijahst.org

International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology
Multidisciplinary : Rapid Review : Open Access Journal e-ISSN:2808-6422; p-ISSN:2829-3037

measurement of Ventilator 1, which is ±0.47% at 40 LPM

Start settings, while in Ventilator 2 it is ±0.48% at 40 LPM
settings as well.
The largest standard deviation value on Ventilator 1 is
found at the 30 LPM setting, which is 1.517, while on the
Ventilator 2 it is also found at the 30 LPM setting, which is
1.34. The standard deviation value is said to be quite good,
which means that the data distribution or deviation is not
too large, so it can still be said that the Ventilator Tester
Mulai? module measurement results are quite precise. Meanwhile,
the greatest uncertainty value in the Ventilator 1
measurement is in the 30 LPM setting, which is 0.061,
while in the Ventilator 2 it is at the 30 LPM setting, which
is 0.054. The results of this uncertainty can still be said to
Pembacaan sensor be good, so the accuracy of the Ventilator Tester module is
also said to be good.
For the correction value in the measurement results of
the Ventilator Tester module on Ventilator 1, the value is
Pengolahan output
sensor sebagai PIF the same, namely 0.2. Meanwhile, in the Ventilator 2
measurement, the largest correction value is found in the
settings of 20 LPM and 30 LPM, namely 0.4. When viewed
from the largest correction value and the average correction
value of the module, it can be said that the error caused by
the module is relatively small. Therefore, the system
module performance is considered good.
End The implications of this research are used to test and
prove the accuracy and precision of the sensor to display
GAMBAR 4. Diagram Alir Sistem the waveform of the ventilator output.
Due to various factors, the module made by the author
is still far from perfect, both in terms of planning,
Turn on the ON button after the module is turned on then manufacturing, and how the module works. So that there
the process will initialize after the initialization process is are several shortcomings that have been analyzed from the
complete it will continue in the next section, namely the tool that the author made. The first is that the display on the
selection of starting conditions, when the condition starts to hardware can use other applications or interfaces so that it
value false then the process will return to initialization and can be clearer and the value of the results from the module
if the condition starts to be true then the process will can be stored. Then it is necessary to discuss the MPX5010
continue on sensor readings flow and continues on sensor and its effect using 1 input or 2 inputs to identify the
processing the flow sensor value to get PIF after data suitability of the conversion value.
processing is complete, the process will continue on the
appearance of data that has been processed by the
The purpose of this research is to test and prove the
accuracy and precision of the sensor to display the
IV. DISCUSSION waveform of the ventilator output. The measurement
After testing the Ventilator Tester module, data accuracy and precision of the F1031V sensor to detect PIF
collection and analysis of the results are carried out to and generate waveform graphs is said to be good. This is
determine the performance of the module manufacture. because the highest error value is ±2.04% at the 20 LPM
This research also aims to obtain the accuracy and precision setting. While the value of the largest standard deviation at
of the sensor to display the waveform of the ventilator the 30 LPM setting is 1.517 and the greatest uncertainty
output. Then the results obtained on the ventilator are as value at the 30 LPM setting is 0.061. Then, the largest
follows: correction value is found in the setting of 20 LPM and 30
In reading the PIF value on the Ventilator Tester LPM, namely 0.4. Furthermore, the F1031V sensor reading
module in volume mode, the error value obtained from the program and conversion to PIF values are designed using
Ventilator Tester module can be said to be good with the the Arduino IDE Application, as well as delivery to the
highest error of ±1.01% on Ventilator 1, which is at 20 TFT LCD to display graphs and read PIF values. Based on
LPM setting, while on Ventilator 2 it is ±2.04% at 20 the testing of the ventilator tester module that has been
setting. LPM. And for the smallest error value in the carried out by comparing the measurement results with a

Vol. 2 No. 4, August 2022, pp:232-237

Homepage: ijahst.org

International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology
Multidisciplinary : Rapid Review : Open Access Journal e-ISSN:2808-6422; p-ISSN:2829-3037

calibrated ventilator device and the results obtained are said

to be good and can carry out their work functions.

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Vol. 2 No. 4, August 2022, pp:232-237

Homepage: ijahst.org


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