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The Development of A Low-Cost, Open Source Spirometer

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The development of a low-cost, open

source spirometer
Jeremy Glynn 1 , Andrew Dias 1 , Jeremy Schaefer 1 , Andrew Bremer 1 and David Van
Sickle, PhD 2

Background: Chronic respiratory diseases affect middle-income countries. Further development

over 500 million people worldwide, and up to 80% and human testing will improve the accuracy of
of the fatalities occur in low- and middle-income the design to the standards of the American
countries. Despite the importance of spirometry in Thoracic Society.
diagnosis and management of respiratory disease,
the high cost of equipment has significantly Key Words: Spirometry, global health, chronic
impeded its adoption in developing nations. respiratory disease

Objective: We assessed the technical feasibility of Introduction

a low-cost spirometer and developed a functional Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
prototype. (COPD) is currently the fourth greatest cause of
death worldwide, and it is estimated that over 600
Methods: Prototypes with a variety of sensor and million are afflicted with the disease.1 Spirometers,
flow-tube arrangements, utilizing either a Venturi, which are tools that measure respiratory air flows and
Fleisch, or Lilly pneumotachometer, were volumes over time, are tools used to diagnose and
developed and evaluated against American monitor numerous lung disorders, including COPD.
Thoracic Society and International Standards Unfortunately, health care providers in developing
Organization standards, and assessed for countries are unable to purchase spirometers because
reliability, affordability and ease of manufacture. they frequently cost over $1000. As a result, millions
of people with COPD are not effectively monitored
Results: Laboratory bench test results indicate or treated.
that a Fleisch pnuemotach-based design and single Spirometry is also essential in the diagnosis
pressure sensor yielded the best balance of design and treatment of asthma, a chronic respiratory disease
criteria. A key feature is an internal capillary that affects an estimated 300 million people
system to nearly linearize (R2 = 0.988) the worldwide. The severity of asthma is especially
relationship between flow and pressure and prominent in low and lower-middle income countries,
maximizing the open area of the spirometer where approximately 80% of asthma fatalities occur. 2
capillaries relative to wall thickness. Additionally, The disproportionate amount of deaths in these
the open-source Java software can perform countries is in no small part due to the lack of
calculations for respiratory function assessment, essential diagnostic and monitoring equipment
display graphical results and provide patient available. Providing spirometric equipment at a price
motivation. Despite the high function of the design affordable to physicians practicing in low and lower-
relative to its cost, the current embodiment does middle income countries will help address problems
not meet American Thoracic Society standards for of under-diagnosis and under-treatment and raise the
accuracy. quality of care for millions of people with chronic
respiratory disease. A team from IIT-Bombay has
Conclusion: A spirometer capable of preliminary attempted to provide a low-cost spirometer to address
respiratory assessment can be manufactured for this problem.3 However, this device uses expensive
under $100. This device would make spirometry technology, such as Bluetooth capability, that
more accessible to practitioners in low and unnecessarily increases the cost of the device. The

University of Wisconsin-Madison Biomedical Engineering Department
University of Wisconsin Department of Population Health Sciences
Circuitry Computer Software

Differential Analog to
USB Patient
pressure digital
connection information
sensor conversion

Signal Data
conditioning acquisition

Flow and
Microcontroller volume Start/Stop Test

Graphs and

FIG 1. The user blows through the spirometer body which contains a differential pressure sensor. The sensor
connects to the iLite chip, which performs analog to digital conversion and signal conditioning before sending data
to a microcontroller. After receiving a start signal from the software, the microcontroller sends data to a computer
via Universal Serial Bus (USB) where the software parses the data. Software also calibrates the spirometer, saves
patient data, and displays graphs and the incentive screen.

absence of affordably-priced spirometers combined via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) connection to a
with an increasing prevalence of chronic respiratory computer which converts pressure data to flow and
diseases has created a massive demand for low-cost integrates the signal to yield volume measurements.
spirometry equipment. A Java-based graphical user interface can display the
To adequately perform lung function flow and volume data in real-time with an
assessment, various pulmonary function indices accompanying incentive animation. The Java-based
should be measured including forced vital capacity software also allows calibration of the device using a
(FVC), forced expiratory volume after 1 second standard 3-L syringe.
(FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and forced
expiratory volume after one second to forced vital Hardware Design
capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio 4. Graphical displays of A pneumotachometer is a device containing
flow and volume data are known as spirograms, and some resistive element that generates a pressure drop
their shape can be used by physicians to differentiate as fluid moves across the resistance. The pressure
between lung abnormalities.5 Some low-cost devices difference exerted by the fluid before and after the
currently on the market only measure one or two encountering the resistance is proportional to the
parameters such as PEF and do not provide all of the velocity of the fluid. Common pneumotachs used in
functions to detect mild diseases6. A low-cost spirometry include the Fleisch-type, which uses a
spirometer that measures a variety of parameters and system of capillaries as the resistive element, and the
graphs data in real-time is necessary for thorough Lilly-type, which uses a fine mesh screen for
respiratory assessment. resistance. These models aim to linearize the
relationship between air flow and the differential
METHODS pressure to facilitate simple and accurate pressure to
We developed a low-cost spirometer and flow calculations. The linear relationship is realized
accompanying software interface for respiratory by achieving laminar air flow, characterized by a
assessment, depicted in Figure 1. The spirometer Reynolds number (Re) less than 2000. Reynolds
hardware functions as a Fleisch-type number is calculated according to
pneumotachometer which measures air flow by
detecting a pressure drop across a system of internal 𝜌𝑉𝐿
𝑅𝑒 =
capillaries. The analog signal output from the µ
pressure sensor is transmitted to a ZMD31014 iLite
signal conditioner which performs signal where 𝜌 is the fluid density, V is fluid velocity, L is
amplification and analog to digital conversion with the length traveled by the fluid, and µ is dynamic
14-bit resolution. A microcontroller relays this data viscosity of the fluid. Venturi meters and fixed orifice
Pressure vs. Flow
flow meters are also employed in spirometers, though 120
these have a quadratic relationship between fluid
flow and pressure. 100

Pressure (Pa)
We constructed various pneumotachometer y = 9.9998x + 2.8264
configurations and evaluated them based on cost, R² = 0.9964
linearity between air flow and differential pressure, 60
ease of cleaning, and ease of manufacture. Linearity
was considered highly important to ensure a single 40
pressure sensor could accurately measure the
differential pressure generated by air flows up to 14
L/s while maintaining adequate low flow sensitivity. 0
Maintaining a low resistance to air flow was also
0 2 4 6 8
important to prevent the design from impeding the Flow (L/s)
patient’s ability to generate his/her maximal air flow. FIG 3: Graph depicting the average pressure values
recorded by the pressure sensor (sample rate = 100 Hz)
over a 10 second period at a fixed flow value.

air flows between 0 and 14 L/s. The pressure

averages were plotted against the air flow and fit to a
linear trend line. The linear regression coefficient for
the Fleisch-type design was >0.98, as can be seen in
Figure 3. The increasing variation at higher flow rates
was a function of a turbulent air supply used for
testing and not due to the sensor’s stability at a given
pressure, which was separately assessed (data not
FIG 2: SolidWorks model and actual embodiment of shown).
low-cost spirometer design.
Based on these criteria, a Fleisch-type Software Design
model with a system of capillaries 3.81 cm (1.5 in) The software package for the spirometer was
long and 3.81 cm in diameter with a capillary density programmed using Java to facilitate its use on any
of 400 cells per square inch yielded the best results. operating system without modifying the underlying
We constructed Fleisch-type model (Figure 2) and code. The back end of the software performs data
assessed linearity by averaging ten seconds of acquisition from the microcontroller and calculation
pressure measurements from the spirometer at fixed of flow and volume. We used a low-pass, 4th order

FIG 4: The graphical user interface displays real-time flow vs. time and volume vs. time graphs,
an incentive animation, predictive and recorded spirometric parameters, and a screen to enter
patient demographic information. Software also calibrates the spirometer and saves patient data
to text files.
Butterworth digital filter to reduce background noise The incentive animation consists of a boat
of flow data. The filter maintains a gain of 1 for which users attempt to blow toward an island.
frequencies up to 15 Hz, above which the signal is Encouragement is provided by billowing sails and the
attenuated. This design follows the criteria set by the motion of the boat toward the island. Following each
American Thoracic Society and should not affect the maneuver, a pop-up window allows the user to accept
integrity of the data. or discard the maneuver if it was influenced by sub-
The graphical user interface is divided into maximal effort, coughing, taking a second breath or
two main screens, each possessing useful spirometry any other source of error. Test data is also saved in
functions. The first screen allows for input of various organized text files for future retrieval and analysis.
patient demographic data such as age, height, sex, Data acquisition is automatically stopped after one
and race, which are necessary to establish expected full second of flow measurements below 0.10 L/s.
pulmonary function indices established by
Hankinson7 based on the National Health and Calibration Algorithms
Nutrition Examination Survey III. The spirometer’s calibration procedure
The second screen allows the user to utilizes the mathematical methods described in Tang,
calibrate the spirometer using the standard 3-L et al.9 Briefly, pressure data from multiple plunges of
syringe. The software contains an initial set of a 3-L syringe are stored in a matrix where each row
calibration coefficients, although a 3-L syringe contains the pressure values recorded during a unique
should be plunged multiple times at a fast (peak flow plunge stroke. Although the pressure-flow
>7 L/s), medium (peak flow >3.5 and <7 L/s) and relationship is quite linear, Tang, et al. has shown
slow (peak flow <3.5 L/s) speeds daily to update the that fitting a 3rd order polynomial function relating
calibration as recommended by the American flow to pressure can improve the accuracy of
Thoracic Society.8 After a desired number of calibration by allowing for small non-linearities.
calibration plunges, the user can click a “calibrate” Thus, if pt is the pressure at time t, then the
button to update the coefficients used for flow and corresponding flow Ft is given by:
volume calculations.
The second screen also serves as the main 𝐹𝑡 = 𝑏1 𝑝𝑡 + 𝑏2 𝑝𝑡 2 + 𝑏3 𝑝𝑡 3
testing screen viewed by the user as he is performing
a test. Two real-time graphical displays are displayed where b1, b2 and b3 are the constants referred to as the
in two frames within the test screen as shown in calibration coefficients. The volume V for each
Figure 4. The user has the option of configuring the syringe stroke can be calculated using rectangular
screen to show flow-time, volume-time or flow- integration as
volume time curves or the incentive animation in
either of the two frames. A full list of functions the 1 1
user may perform is shown in Table 1. 𝑉= 𝐹𝑡 × = (𝑏1 𝑝𝑡 + 𝑏2 𝑝𝑡 2 + 𝑏3 𝑝𝑡 3 )
𝑓 𝑓
TABLE 1: List of functions available in the spirometer interface
where f is the frequency of the measurements in Hz.
Function Description
Using matrix notation, the volumes for the syringe
Enter patient Patient name, age, sex, race, height, ID,
information and smoking status, asthma status, and COPD
plunges can be written as Y = XB + E where Y is the
calculate spirometric status are entered for spirometric array of volumes for each measurement, X is the
parameters parameter prediction and as useful matrix of pressure data summed for the duration of
information for the physician. Spirometric the measurement with columns in decreasing
parameters calculated include FVC, FEV1,
PEF, and the FEV1/FVC ratio.
exponential order, B is the array of calibration
coefficients, and E is the array of errors of each
Start recording Begins the data collection process and measurement. When using the syringe, the volume
spirometric maneuver graphically displays graphs or incentive for each plunge is known to be 3 L, and one can
or calibration plunge animation to accompany procedure.
estimate the calibration coefficients by assuming E =
Stop recording Ends data collection process and displays 0 for each plunge and using least squares regression
spirometric maneuver calculated spirometric parameters next to to solve 𝐵 = (𝑋 ′ 𝑋)−1 𝑋′𝑌. By using pressure data
recorded ones. The user is given the option from plunges at various speeds, B yields accurate
to save or discard the trial.
coefficients for a third order polynomial to relate
Calibrate Calculates a new set of coefficients used pressure measurements to units of air flow.
for flow and volume calculations based on
the number of plunges the user has
After constructing a prototype providing the
maximal balance of design criteria described above,
the software’s interface design and calibration
accuracy were independently evaluated. The interface
design was assessed using a survey given to a
respiratory technician highly familiar with spirometry
equipment. The evaluation was designed to compare
the functionality of the low-cost spirometer with
other commercial devices and assess the value that
additional features would add to the interface.
Calibration accuracy was determined with data from
2 independent sets of 30 plunges using a Jones 3-L FIG 5: The calculated volumes from thirty plunges of a 3-L
Calibration Syringe. The Jones syringe is different syringe are plotted in a histogram. The number of plunges at 0.2 L
intervals from 2.3 to 3.7 L is shown.
from other 3-L calibration syringes because it
displays values for PEF, FVC, FEV1 and other
indices for each plunge. The first set of thirty
The calculated peak expiratory flow (PEF)
plunges, with 10 plunges each at slow, medium and
rates were also compared to the values measured by
fast flow rates, was used to calibrate the spirometer
the Jones syringe. A plot of the values calculated by
while the second set of plunges was used to assess
our spirometer vs. the values displayed on the Jones
how close flow and volume measurements were to
the values recorded by the Jones calibration syringe. syringe is displayed in Figure 6. Because both values
should ideally be the same, more accurate
calculations are those closer to the line y=x.
Interface Design
After watching a short demonstration, a
local respiratory technician provided feedback on the
user interface. The technician had been performing
pulmonary function testing for 5-10 years and had
experience using 2-3 different commercial
spirometers. The technician felt that it was “easy” to
navigate the interface, enter patient data and
start/stop a test. Furthermore, she felt the spirometry
results were presented clearly. Additional value
would be given to the software if it possessed the
ability to overlay multiple curves, and incorporating a
“ghost” version of the boat at the end of a maneuver
would encourage the user to beat that attempt on
future trials.
FIG 6: The peak expiratory flow (PEF) values calculated by the
spirometer plotted against the values output by the Jones syringe.
Calibration Accuracy The solid green line represents the actual values the calculations
The volumes calculated for each of the thirty should achieve, dotted lines represent ±10% of the Jones syringe
plunges is shown below in Figure 5. All plunges were values.
from a calibrated 3-L syringe, thus a calculated value
closer to 3-L demonstrates a more accurate Finally, the forced expiratory volume after 1
calculation. The mean value of the thirty calculations second (FEV1), which is a common measure of
was 3.04±0.2588 L. respiratory function, was compared between the
Jones syringe and the low-cost spirometer. The plot
of FEV1 values calculated by the spirometer vs. the
values output by the Jones syringe is shown in Figure
7. Similar to the graph for peak expiratory flow, a
point closer to the line y = x indicates a more
accurate calculation.
thorough analysis of the user’s pulmonary function
can be established. By encouraging maximal effort
from the user through an incentive animation, the
software provides a more standardized experience
between users. The combined function of all the
described features give the device considerable value
when considering the end cost is under $100.
Moreover, open-source availability of the software
package will allow programmers and others familiar
with spirometry to improve and add on to the current
feature list.
Although the device provides many
functions that no other similarly-priced device
currently offers, there are notable limitations to its
FIG 7: The forced expiratory volumes after 1 second (FEV1) use. As noted above, the design in its current
values calculated by the spirometer plotted against the values embodiment does not meet ATS standards for
output by the Jones syringe. The solid red line represents the actual
values the calculations should achieve, dotted lines represent ±10% accuracy and thus could not form the sole basis for
of the Jones syringe values. any respiratory diagnosis. In this form, 28 out of 30
plunges were within 0.5 L of 3 L, but only 19 out of
DISCUSSION 30 had FEV1 calculations within 10% of the accepted
The low-cost, open-source spirometer value. The accuracy is likely limited by the current
described above fulfills its intended purpose by 1) hardware configuration. By properly placing all
measuring respiratory air flow and volume data for circuitry components on one well-designed printed
up to 8 seconds 2) providing a graphical user circuit board, and by professionally manufacturing
interface to display the data and calculate pulmonary the spirometer body, the accuracy of the design
function test parameters 3) including a method to would improve significantly.
calibrate the spirometer using the industry standard 3
L syringe 4) providing an incentive animation to Future Work
encourage maximal user effort and 5) maintaining Additional improvements to the design
low materials and development costs. could be made in a few areas, especially in the
hardware layout and construction. Currently, not all
Performance of the circuitry components are connected as
The low-cost spirometer measures lung seamlessly as they would be on a printed circuit
flows and volumes to a sufficient accuracy to serve as board. Connecting the components via board traces
a preliminary screening for respiratory disease. and placing them all on a single board would
Furthermore, the ability to visualize the shape of the significantly reduce the noise cause by electrical
flow and volume data allows a trained respiratory interference. If the spirometer body were to be
technician to make an informed, qualitative manufactured as a single piece, or as a set of pieces
assessment of the patient’s lung function. Although with well-designed connections, the design would
the accuracy of the current embodiment is not able to support a more homogenous air profile. The
meet clinical accuracy standards, the device shows combination of these two refinements would greatly
the potential of a Fleisch-type pneumotach utilizing a reduce the variability between measurements.
single pressure sensor to function as a basic Although the function of the design was
spirometer with minimal calibration. With assessed by multiple criteria, no human subject
professional manufacturing, such a design could yield testing has yet been completed with this hardware or
a device capable of meeting ATS standards without a software. After refining the hardware construction,
significant increase in price. future studies should be conducted with human
Much of the value of the current package is subjects to evaluate the device’s ergonomics and
due to the software since it allows for visualization, safety. Additionally, human testing would give a
analysis and interpretation of the respiratory data. By better indication of the incentives screen’s capability
providing quantitative comparison of a number of to motivate the user to maximal effort.
pulmonary function indices against the established
NHANES predicted values, the technician can Cost and Global Utility
quickly become aware of a potential problem. When The significance of the current design is the
the numeric values are combined with a qualitative high number of functions it achieves while
assessment of the flow and volume curves, a maintaining a comparatively low cost. The significant
reduction in cost allows the device to potentially be
implemented in many environments throughout the 7
Hankinson JL, Odencrantz JR, Fedan KB. Spirometric
world that have never had the chance for any kind of Reference Values from a Sample of the General U.S.
pulmonary assessment. Population. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999;159:179–
A potential means of implementation for our 187.
design would be to incorporate it into the new Miller MR, Hankinson J, Brusasco V, Burgos F, Casaburi
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) R, Coates A et al. Standardisation of spirometry. Eur
Respir J 2005;26:319-38.
Centers of Excellence which are aiming to perform 9
Tang Y, Turner MJ, Yem JS, Baker AB. Calibration of
research on chronic diseases in numerous locations pneumotachographs using a calibrated syringe. J Appl
worldwide10. As described previously, spirometers Physiol 2003;95:571-76.
are key tools for diagnosing and monitoring chronic 10
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. NHLBI Funds
respiratory diseases such as COPD and asthma. Research and Training Centers Aimed at Prevention and
Recently, the Global Alliance for Chronic Disease, of Treatment of Chronic Diseases in Developing Countries
which the NHLBI was a founding member, came out and Collaborates with UnitedHealth Group’s Chronic
with specific plans for combating chronic disease Disease Initiative. NIH News. 2009.
worldwide. One of these plans was the creation of a
“toolkit” to expand chronic disease monitoring. Our
spirometer design would fit ideally into this toolkit
due to its ability to work as a frontline assessment of
chronic respiratory disease with a minimal cost.

We have developed a low-cost spirometer
with associated open-source software suitable for the
preliminary assessment of pulmonary function. The
device is capable of measuring respiratory flows and
volumes which are displayed in real-time on a
graphical user interface. The software is capable of
calculating the expected pulmonary test values based
on user input for a comparison to the values achieved
during a test, as well as encouraging maximal effort
through an incentive animation. Although the device
does not currently meet ATS standards, it possesses
more features than any other similarly priced
spirometry instrument and has the potential to
become more accurate with more refined
manufacturing methods.


National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. New Survey
Suggests Growing Awareness of COPD, Nation's Fourth
Leading Killer. NIH News. 2008.
World Health Organization. Asthma. Fact sheet N°307.
Agarwal, V. and Ramachandran, N.C.S. Design and
development of a low-cost spirometer with an embedded
web server. Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and
Technology. 2008;1: 439-52.
Crapo RO. 1994. Pulmonary-function testing. The New
Engl J Med 1994;331:25-30.
Gascoigne AD, Corris PA, Dark JH, Gibson GJ. The
biphasic spirogram: a clue to unilateral narrowing of a
mainstem bronchus. Thorax 1990;45:637-38.
Ferguson GT, Enright PL, Buist AS, Higgins MW. Office
Spirometry for Lung Health Assessment in Adults.
CHEST 2000;117:1146-61.

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