13-IoT Article
13-IoT Article
13-IoT Article
parameter displays that can track and display continuously monitor the patient’s vital parame-
many different parameters at once. The measured ters using IoT, the various objectives of the sys-
parameters consist of pulse oximetry (amount of tem are to simulate bio-signals like Respiratory
saturated oxygen percentage in blood referred to signals, Pulse signal, Temperature signal and Oxy-
as SpO2 measured by an infrared cuff), ECG gen Saturation, the measured signals are inter-
(electrocardiograph of the PQRS waves of the faced with Lab view and are transmitted to the
heart with external pacemaker or without an exter- centralized monitor through IoT, thus transmiss-
nal heart pacemaker), blood pressure (either non- ion of vital signal to Doctor console using IoT and
invasively with an inflatable blood pressure cluff creating an alert in case of emergency.
or invasively with an inserted blood pressure
transducer), and temperature measurement thro-
ugh a thermoelectric transducer. In critical situa-
tion, other important parameters can be measured
and monitored such as output of cardiac (through
an Swan-Ganz catheter), respiration (through air-
way respiratory rate or through a thoracic trans-
ducer belt, an ECG channel), capnography (CO2
parameter referred to an End-Tidal Carbon Diox-
ide concentration), etc. Also, the tracking of biolo-
gical parameters along time (X axis) digital medi- Fig 1: Block diagram of Planned System
cal have automated digital readouts of the average The Bio-signals from the sensors such as Pulse,
and peak parameters displayed on the monitor and Temperature, Respiratory and Pulse Oximeter are
high/low alarm levels can be set and also alert the interfaced with Arduino. The Arduino board is
staff when some biological parameters exceeds connected with Raspberry Pi controller. It acts as
the lower limits using emergency signals. Several a server for IOT in transmission of Bio-signals.
models with latest technology have the multipara- The Bio-signals of the patients are transmitted to
meter monitors with network connectivity i.e., it the doctor in case of alert using IOT technology.
can send their biological output to a central inten- The Lab VIEW is interfaced with Raspberry Pi
sive care unit monitoring station where a single Controller using RS-23 communication. The Lab
staff can able to respond the several patient moni- VIEW software is used as the front-end panel, the
tors simultaneously. Telemetry Ambulatory can doctor console for the display of detected Bio-
also be attained by battery-operated models with a signals. The Hardware design includes various
portable type which are carried by the patient and hardware such as the Temperature sensor (DHT1-
which transmit their parameters through a wireless 1), Respiratory sensor (MQ sensor), Pulse sensor,
data communication. Pulse Oximeter, Arduino, Raspberry Pi 3, RS232,
Defibrillator/Monitor: Some EMS services digi- Ethernet shield. Initially all the four sensors are
tal biological patient monitors especially those connected to a bread board, from which they are
used an incorporate defibrillator into the patient connected to the ground and the supply. From the
monitor itself. These defibrillators typically have bread board, all the sensors are connected to the
the competences of an ICU monitor, but have Arduino board, which acts as a node between the
manual defibrillation capability. This is particul- sensors and the controller Raspberry Pi, the
arly precise for EMS services who needs a comp- controller acts as a mini computer. It also acts as
act and very easy to use defibrillator and monitor the server from which the Ethernet shield is conn-
also have the capability of pacing like adhesive ected and the output from the sensor is processed
pads which often can be used for defibrillation, and the output is given. From the Arduino board,
pacing and monitoring that are useful to the pati- the RS232 communication port is connected
ent in a frontal subsequent configurations. The de- which acts as the bridge for the communication of
fibrillator monitors often have a dedicated moni- sensors to the graphical display of the Lab VIEW
toring parameter such as, invasive BP, SET pulse results. From the Raspberry Pi controller, the
oximetry, and waveform capnography. keyboard, mouse and the monitor are connected.
PLANNED SYSTEM: The main aim of the plan- This controller has the python operating system
ned system is to design a patient monitoring sys- which has the internet website domain where the
tem, which overcomes the existing problem which data of the patient are transferred and saved.
requires doctor’s attention over the patient conti- ZigBee: It is an open global standard wireless
nuously by interfacing all the biological parame- technology developed to address the unique needs
ters through Lab VIEW. The doctors now can
Vol. 14 (3) 20167 IoT based patient monitoring …… 339
of low-power, low-cost wireless Mobile to Mobile The output of the sensor is an analog resistance.
networks. The Authors [Myung et al., 2011] uses
the Bluetooth based blood pressure monitors. Phy-
sical radio specification Standards operates on IE-
EE 802.15.4 and operates in unlicensed bands inc-
luding 900MHz, 2.4GHz, 868MHz and 900 MHz.
Loop: After setup has been initialized, it will exe- sensor which will detect the temperature and
cute the function loop in the main program repea- transmit the digital signal.
tedly. The board is controlled until the board is
powered off or reset. Now a day the LED light
and a load resistor between ground and pin 13 to
perform board test and program functions. The
Integrated Development Environment contains a
text editor for message area, writing code, a text
console, a toolbar with buttons for common func-
tions. It connects the Genuino and Arduino hard- Fig 11: Functional Block of the Raspberry Pi
ware to communicate upload programs to the Power source connector: It is the small switch
board. placed on shield. It will connect the external
Raspberry Pi Controller: The Raspberry pi is a power source to the board.
credit card size and a single computer board that Display: There are two types of connections such
can be used as a computer to perform the tasks as Composite and HDMI. Either LCD or LED TV
like spreadsheets, Word processing and games. are connected with the low-cost HDMI cable for
display purpose.
• CPU: 64-bit Quad-core ARM Cortex A53
clocked with 1.2 GHz.
• GPU: Video Core IV multimedia
• Memory: SDRAM 1GB LPDDR2-900
• USB ports: 4.
• Video outputs: Composite video
• Network: Ethernet and 802.11n Wireless
Fig 10: Blocks of Raspberry Pi LAN. 10/100Mbps.
Memory: The model A board is designed with Software Description: Lab VIEW is a virtual ins-
SDRAM of 256MB and model B with designed trumentation tool which incorporates graphical
capacity of 51MB. It is a small credit card size PC programming for research process laboratory and
compare with other Personal Computers. In rasp- also in industries for simulation and controlling
berry pi board, the RAM memory is available the process. (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engi-
from 256MB to 512MB. neering workbench). It is the most powerful tool
CPU: The brain of the raspberry pi board is the and instrumentation software and multipurpose
Central processing unit where the instruction and analysis for automation and measurement. Its gra-
commands to be carried out through the logical phical programming user interface called GUI
and arithmetic operations. programming is very easy to build a block of the
GPU: It is the specialized chip in the raspberry pi process instead of coding which makes errors
board to speed up the operation of image calcula- while compiling. This tool eliminates the errors in
tions and it supports OpenGL. an easy manner. It is more flexible than standard
Ethernet Port: It acts as a main gateway for rasp- laboratory instruments because it is software
berry pi for communicating with the interface based. Using this LabVIEW tool, the programmer
devices. simulates the instrument need for the particular
GPIO Pins: This pin is used to accept the input applications and can change easily with the help
and output commands based on the program of GUI tool, it can also be called virtual instru-
functions. It also accepts digital GPIO pins. These ments because any type of instrument can be used
pins are used to connect other electronic compo- with the help of GUI tool. We can easily trouble-
nents. For example, the pin can connect to the shoot the program and modify the program in a
very easy manner.
342 Mohanraj K. et al., Pak. J. Biotechnol.