Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Different Organic Rankine Cycles To Generate Power From Renewable Energy Resources
Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Different Organic Rankine Cycles To Generate Power From Renewable Energy Resources
Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Different Organic Rankine Cycles To Generate Power From Renewable Energy Resources
Organic Rankine cycles (ORCs), are promising technologies for generating power from low and medium grade of heat
resources such as geothermal fluids or the synthetic gas from biomass gasification, that have received lots of attention during
past twenty years. In this study, thermodynamic evaluations were used based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics
to compare different organic fluids and different configuration of Rankine cycles. Energy and Exergy analysis of different
configurations of ORCs including basic ORC, basic ORC with Internal Heat Exchanger (IHE), Regenerative ORC and
Regenerative ORC with IHE for four dry organic fluids including R113, RC318, iso-pentane and n-hexane, in various ambient
temperatures, were simulated using Engineering Equation Solver (EES). In addition, environmental performances were
evaluated using the sustainability index method which was resulted from Exergy analysis. The results indicated that the
Regenerative ORC with IHE has the best thermodynamic performance with thermal and second law efficiency of 0.217 and
0.642, respectively. It was concluded that the n-hexane which has the highest boiling point and critical temperature is the most
efficient working fluid for the cycle. The results indicated that a reduction in ambient temperature causes an increment in both
thermal and second law efficiencies and makes the system more sustainable due to an increment in the sustainability index.
Received: June 8, 2015 / Accepted: June 18, 2015 / Published online: July 8, 2015
@ 2015 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY-NC license.
* Corresponding author
E-mail address: (A. Ataei)
32 Abtin Ataei et al.: Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Different Organic Rankine Cycles to Generate Power from
Renewable Energy Resources
economically viable. Some new methods have been proposed R236FA, iso-butane, R600A, R245fa, HFE7000, R123, R113
for overcoming this challenge such as a value-based planning as working fluids. The results indicated that a fluid with a
method for combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) higher boiling point showed a better performance in the cycle.
placement based on the energy hub concepts or Feed-In- It was shown that using IHE and regeneration may affect the
Tariff (FIT) policies which are regarded as one of the performance of the system [8]. Cammarata et al. [9],
efficient strategies in stimulating renewable energy presented a numerical simulation of ORC which was
development [3,4]. powered by geothermal energy resource with iso-butane and
In case of ORC's, an appropriate fluid should be used to iso-pentane as working fluids. It was shown that a reduction
in temperature of condenser increased the thermal efficiency.
obtain the maximum thermal efficiency and minimum exergy
It was also seen that iso-butene works better for conversion
destruction rate in the process. As seen in Fig. 1, The slope of
saturation curve in the T-S diagram of the cycle depends on of geothermal energy into power due to its higher boiling
type of the fluid which is deployed. Dry fluid has a positive point.
slope; wet fluid has a negative slope and isentropic fluid has However most of the comparisons have been conducted
almost infinite slope. The dry fluids with lower critical points under certain predefined temperatures, the effect of the
are vaporized in lower temperatures and not condensed after ambient temperature have not been considered. In addition,
passing the turbine because of their overhanging coexistence the environmental sustainability has not been studied for
curve in T-S diagram and this, results a better thermal ORC's alongside other thermodynamic indicators yet. In this
efficiency [5]. article, various aspects of the cycle's thermodynamic
performance including energy, exergy and sustainability
analysis in different ambient temperatures were studied
together and the most efficient working fluid was chosen
with a comparison between four different working fluids with
different physical properties.
2. System Description
ORCs work like steam Rankine cycles but with an organic
fluid instead of water. As shown in Fig. 2, an ideal basic
Rankine cycle has 4 steps including an isentropic
compression in pump, evaporation at constant pressure in
evaporator, isentropic expansion in turbine and constant
Fig. 1. T-S diagram for wet, dry and isentropic fluids [2]. pressure phase change of the expanded steam in condenser
with air cooling stream. These configurations of ORC are
The literature shows extensive analyses and comparisons shown in Figs. 2 to 5. Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5 show basic ORC,
among different thermodynamic cycles and working fluids basic ORC with IHE, regenerative ORC and regenerative
for ORCs. Hung [6], investigated the thermodynamic ORC with IHE, respectively. In regenerative ORC with IHE,
performance of a simple ORC by using different working the working fluid is preheated before the evaporator and pre-
fluids. Those results indicated that, among those fluids, p- cooled before the condenser in IHE. Then, it is heated more
Xylene showed the highest efficiency while benzene showed in a closed feed organic fluid heater by extracted vapor from
the lowest. Chen et al [3], presented a comparative study of the turbine. In this study, these four configurations were
an ORC and trans-critical CO2 cycles to convert low grade simulated with some feasible operational parameters. Four
waste heat into power. Saleh et al [2], presented a different dry organic fluids including n-hexane, iso-pentane,
thermodynamic performance of 31 working fluids for ORC R113 and RC318 were used for this simulation.
using BACKONE equation of state. Those results showed
that, the highest efficiency are obtained for the highest
boiling point substance in a process with IHE. Mago et al. [7], 3. Thermodynamic Analysis
presented the second law analysis for ORC with R134a,
In this part, energy and exergy analyses via thermodynamic
R113, R245fa, R123, iso-butane, and propane. Those results
equations for each component based on first and second law
demonstrated that the ORC using R113 works with the
of thermodynamics are presented. The assumptions for the
maximum efficiency among other working fluids in a
system were as follows;
temperature below 430 K. Yari, studied the exergy analysis
for different organic Rankine cycles with R227EA, RC318, • Systems simulated under steady state conditions.
American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 31-38 33
The two main equations were used for analysis in this study,
are the first and second laws of thermodynamics that can be
Fig. 5. Schematic for regenerative ORC with IHE.
expressed respectively as follows[10];
3.1. Component Analysis
∮ ∮ (1)
3.1.1. Pump
∆ (2)
Pumps derive ORC and their power can be obtained as
These two are the main principles for energy analysis of the follows [11];
cycles and with the assumptions for a steady state condition; #$%,' *+",-.+/0'1/% .
!" (5)
() ()
Where !",2 is the isentropic power of the pump. Note that
For exergy analysis, rate of exergy loss can be written as
follow [10]; numerical subscripts specify the conditions in Fig. 5. For
example, 3" and 342 are the enthalpies of the working fluid at
34 Abtin Ataei et al.: Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Different Organic Rankine Cycles to Generate Power from
Renewable Energy Resources
Where, A is the high temperature of heat source. This CFOH in this study is a way to regenerate energy from the
expanded steam at turbine's outlet for preheating the liquid
temperature is equal to ; +∆ B so that ∆ B is 15 degrees of
pumped from the circulation pump without any mixing. With
Kelvin and specified via mago et al. [7]
balancing the mass and energy, the following equation is
3.1.3. Turbine used to calculate the mass fraction extracted from the turbine;
Turbine generates mechanical power by expansion of the (/R , /S )
7 = (/ (22)
saturated or superheated working fluid and depressurizes it R , /S )T(/U , /%: )
by turbine blades. Turbine's power, actual outlet, specific And, the exergy destruction rate in CFOH is;
enthalpy and exergy destruction rate are expressed,
respectively as follows; VWXA = [(1 − 7) Y +7 " −7 C − (1 − 7)( O )] (23)
second law efficiency. Furthermore, as seen in equation (24), regeneration and internal heat exchanger on the system so
the reduction in heat supply with same turbine inlet that the rate of exergy drstructed in the regenerative ORC
conditions occurs in higher thermal efficiencies. As seen in with IHE is 25.05 kJ/kg less than that of the Basic ORC.
Fig. 6, the ORC with IHE shows a 26% increment of thermal
efficiency in comparison with the basic ORC.
Fig. 6. Thermal and second-law efficiencies for different configurations of
The second part of the results is about a comparison between Third part of the results is about the effect of ambient
the different organic fluids and relations between their temperature on efficiencies. The results in Figs. 9a and 9b,
properties and performance. Fig. 8a and 8b show the indicate that the thermal efficiency increases with a
variation of the thermal efficiency of basic ORC and basic decrement of the ambient temperature. This is because, as the
ORC with IHE with the turbine inlet pressure, respectively. ambient temperature decreases, the mean temperature
Four organic working fluids including n-hexane, iso-pentane, difference of condenser and evaporator decreases as well but
RC318 and R113 were considered. The results indicated an a reduction in heat rejected to the environment, is more than
increment in the turbine inlet pressure follows with more heat of the heat supplied to the cycle. Therefore, the thermal
supply and more network in the turbine, but the percentage of efficiency increases. It has also been shown that the second
the increment in work is more than that of the heat supply. As law efficiency slightly decreases with an increment of the
a result, the thermal efficiency increased. This Figure also ambient temperature.
demonstrates that fluids with a higher boiling point and a The last part of the results is about system's sustainability
critical temperature show a better performance in ORC's.
which is measured by SI. Fig. 10 indicates that the lower
Among these fluids, n-hexane has the best performance and
temperatures slightly cause a better environmental
RC318 has the worst. According to Table 2, it can be
performance and a higher SI for the system. Hence, with the
concluded that the boiling point and critical temperature of temperatures between 283 to 313 K, SI decreases slightly
the organic working fluid have a direct relation with the from 2.42 to 2.34 and depletion factor (Dp) increases from
system's thermal efficiency.
0.412 to 0.426.
5. Conclusion
This paper presented a simulation for different configurations
of organic Rankine cycles powered by low grade heat
resources in feasible operational conditions based on first and
second law of thermodynamics to find the efficient
configuration, working fluid, ambient temperature and
environmental condition. A comprehensive analysis for these
systems was performed for all operational indicators which
have not been investigated together before. Working fluids
used in this study were R113, RC318, iso-pentane and n-
hexane. The main results from the simulation are summarized
(b) as follows:
Fig. 9. Variation of thermal and second law efficiencies with the ambient • Internal heat exchanger and regeneration increase both
temperature for different configurations of ORC. thermal and second law efficiencies and decrease the
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