Ojfd 2013120416111032
Ojfd 2013120416111032
Ojfd 2013120416111032
Received September 4, 2013; revised October 4, 2013; accepted October 11, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Takafumi Morisaki, Yasuyuki Ikegami. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system is a promising solution to provide stable electricity supply. Al-
though the available temperature difference in OTEC systems is small, an ammonia/water mixture as working fluid is
expected to decrease irreversible losses in the heat exchangers and to improve system performance. However, in actual
heat exchangers, an adequate temperature crossing does not occur in the condenser but in the evaporator. Therefore,
clarification of this characteristic is important. To date, the logarithmic temperature difference (LMTD) method is used
in performance evaluations of OTEC heat exchangers. This method is of limited use if physical properties of fluids vary.
A generalized mean temperature difference (GMTD) method is introduced to perform this evaluation. As changes in
fluid property values can be considered in the GMTD method, method dependencies on heat exchanger characteristics,
effectiveness, and system characteristics can be studied. In particular, GMTD and LMTD using a pure substance were
found to be almost equal. Mean temperature differences using mixtures as working fluid were higher in the evaporator,
but lower in the condenser, from the GMTD method than from the LMTD method. For higher ammonia concentrations
in ammonia/water mixtures, the mean temperature differences from both methods are different.
Keywords: Ammonia/Water Mixture; Evaporation and Condensation Pressure; OTEC; GMTD; LMTD
Several theoretical and experimental investigations have process between hot water and supercritical carbon di-
reported that thermal efficiency of such Kalina cycles is oxide as a working fluid. As a result, validity of the
higher than that of the Rankine cycle using pure ammo- GMTD method was proved. The GMTD is believed ap-
nia [10-15]. Other studies have reported that the effective plicable in the evaluation of heat exchangers using am-
temperature difference and heat transfer coefficient de- monia/water although properties of the mixture are quite
crease with changes in concentration in the boundary distinct. It is not clear whether the GMTD method is
layer during evaporation and condensation [16-18]. Pre- valid for heat exchangers using non-azeotropic mixtures
vious studies have investigated the operating conditions as working fluid.
and equipment of an experimental apparatus using am- In this paper, clarification is obtained on the charac-
monia/water mixtures to improve system performance. teristics of heat exchanger using ammonia/water mix-
Ikegami et al. [19] performed experiments to investigate tures in improving cycle performance, achieved with the
the influence of system performance on ammonia con- available methods of evaluation heat exchangers. A com-
centration in the mixture. The experiments were per- parison is made between LMTD and the recently devel-
formed to assess the stability of the ammonia/water mix- oped GMTD calculation methods as performed on the
ture power cycle [20]. The results from these experi- heat exchanger using ammonia/water mixture and the
ments showed that it is critically important to enhance applicability of the GMTD method is assessed.
the performance of the condenser in increasing the per-
formance of the total OTEC system. Furthermore, the 2. Temperature Change in Heat Exchangers
characteristics of the ammonia/water mixture cycle have with Ammonia/Water Mixture
not as yet been thoroughly clarified experimentally.
To enhance the ammonia/water mixture cycle, clarifi- In Figures 1(a) and (b), the distributions of the fluid
cation of the heat exchanger performance is extremely temperature within the heat exchanger is given as a func-
important. The traditional and effectual evaluation me- tion of distance (Δx) and heat flow rate (ΔQ), respec-
thod of heat exchanger performance is the logarithmic tively. The temperature variation of the ammonia/water
mean temperature difference (LMTD) method but appli- mixture changes in the heat exchanger owing to the large
cation of this method is limited to heat exchangers using difference between its boiling point and its dew point.
working fluids having constant heat transfer coefficient Consequently, an increase in available exergy of the sys-
and thermal properties. The generalized mean tempera- tem is expected with this mixture as working fluid. From
ture difference (GMTD) method however enables varia- Figure 1(a), the improvement in heat transfer perform-
tions in thermal properties in heat exchange processes to ance and the ratios of the working fluid temperature to
be included. Utamura et al. [21] first proposed the GMTD the heat source temperature in the evaporator and to the
method, and applied it to evaluate the heat exchange cold In Figures 1(a) and (b), the distributions of the fluid
30 14 30 14
Ammonia concentration : 0.95kg/kg Ammonia concentration : 0.95kg/kg
Evaporator Evaporator
Warm source Warm source
Working fluid Working fluid
28 12 28 12
Temperature at condenser TC [oC]
26 10 26 10
24 8 24 8
22 6 22 6
Condenser Condenser
Working fluid Working fluid
Cold source Cold source
20 4 20 4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Length ratio x/x0 [m/m] Heat flow rate ratio Q/Q0 [W/W]
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Temperature change in heat exchangers. Relationships between temperature and (a) length ratio and (b) heat-
flow-rate ratio for evaporator and condenser.
heat transfer coefficient are constant. Hence, the fluid in Therefore, the GMTD is calculated by:
the heat exchanger undergoes temperature changes as M
shown in Figure 2 with the horizontal axis conceptually TGMTD M 2 T j T j 1 . (6)
representing the length. The LMTD method is expressed j 1
as follows:
3. Comparison between Pure Ammonia and
T Ammonia/Water Mixture
THI Figure 3 shows the correlation between GMTD and
TH (x) LMTD for the evaporator and the condenser calculated
for both pure ammonia and ammonia/water mixture as
working fluid. The evaporator and the condenser are
THO ΔTj+1 counter-flow-type heat exchangers; both warm and cold
ΔTj TLO sources are water; for the warm water, the inlet tempera-
ΔT0 TL (x) ture is 28˚C, and the outlet temperature is 25˚C; for the
cold water, the inlet temperature is 5˚C, and the outlet
TLI temperature is 8˚C. For pure ammonia, the evaporation
temperature varied from 27.5˚C to 26.0˚C; the condensa-
tion temperature varied from 5.5˚C to 7.0˚C. For the am-
x monia/water mixture, the temperature at the evaporator
Figure 2. Fluid temperatures in the counter-flow heat. inlet varied from 27.5˚C to 26.0˚C, and at the evaporator
5 1 5 0.58
1 0.2 1 0.5
TCSI = 5 [oC] TCSO = 8 [oC]
y = 0.95 [kg/kg]
0 0.48
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Flow rate ratio of working fluid on warm source Flow rate ratio of working fluid on cold source
(=mWF /mWS) [-] (=mWF /mCS) [-]
(a) (b)
31 31
Warm seawater Warm seawater
State A State A
30 State B 30 State B
State C State C
Y = 0.80 [kg/kg] Y = 0.95 [kg/kg]
Temperature T [oC]
Temperature T [oC]
29 29
28 28
27 27
26 26
25 25
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Heat flow rate ratio Q/Q0 [W/W] Heat flow rate ratio Q/Q0 [W/W]
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Temperature change in the evaporator. (a) Y = 0.80 kg/kg; (b) Y = 0.95 kg/kg.
× 10−2. A similar path at the evaporator inlet and outlet, condenser, the working fluid is high temperature fluid,
defined as “State B”, has mass-flow-rate ratio of 1.64 × and the cold water is low temperature fluid. A pinch-
10−2, and the mean temperature differences from the point appears as a consequence of convex downward
GMTD and LMTD methods are minimal. The path be- variation in the working fluid temperature compared with
tween the working fluid inlet temperature and warm that for the cold water temperature. Similar to the con-
source outlet temperature is defined as “State C”. The vexity in the working fluid temperature in the evaporator,
variation in the maximum pressure is constant because at the temperature in the condenser changes when the tem-
evaporator inlet the working fluid is saturated liquid. The perature difference of the working fluid between the con-
mass-flow-rate ratio for “State C” exceeds 1.64 × 10−2. denser inlet and outlet increases. Therefore, the minimum
The mean temperature difference is lower from the pressure decreases gradually with decreasing mass-flow-
GMTD method than from the LMTD method at low rate ratio. The mean temperature differences from the
flow-rate ratios in the condenser (Figure 4(b)). For the GMTD and LMTD methods are almost equal at high-
flow-rate ratios, that is, 5.0 × 10−2 or more with these show the dependence of the maximum pressure in the
calculation settings, because the working fluid temper- evaporator on the mass-flow-rate ratio of working fluid
ature difference between evaporator inlet and outlet is to warm source. Similarly, Figures 8(a) and (b) show the
small. dependence of minimum pressures for the condenser on
Figures 6(a) and (b) show as a further example with the mass-flow-rate ratio of working fluid to cold source.
property variations in the working fluid, the cold water The same calculation settings as describe above in Sec-
temperatures in the condenser against heat-flow-rate ratio tion 3 are used. The mass-flow-rate ratio of the working
at ammonia concentration of 0.80 kg/kg and 0.95 kg/kg, fluid with heat source varied from 1.0 × 10−3 to 5.0 ×
respectively, when the temperature difference of the 10−2. Again, the working fluid is saturated liquid at the
pinch-point is 0 K. The path between the working fluid evaporator inlet and saturated vapor at the condenser
outlet temperature and cold source inlet temperature is outlet. The physical properties of ammonia/water mixture
defined as “State A”. The variation of the minimum are evaluated using the M-PROPATH database [8]. The
pressure is constant from the assumption that the work- ammonia concentration in the mixture varied from 0.99
ing fluid is saturated liquid at the condenser outlet. The to 0.80 kg/kg in Figures 7(a) and 8(a). The warm water
mass-flow-rate ratio for “State A” is 4.4 × 10−3 or less. temperature at the evaporator outlet varied from 27˚C to
Similarly, the path between the working fluid outlet 24˚C in Figure 7(b). The cold water temperature at the
temperature and warm source temperature in the con- condenser outlet varied from 6˚C to 9˚C in Figure 8(b).
denser is defined as “State B”. The pinch-point for “State The convexity of the working fluid temperature
B” is transferred from the cold water condenser outlet to changes strongly when the ammonia concentration in the
the inlet when the mass-flow-rate ratio decreases. The mixture increases (Figures 5(a) and (b)). For “State A”,
mass-flow-rate ratio for “State B” is from 4.5 × 10−3 to the maximum pressure decreases gradually at low am-
1.96 × 10−2. The mean temperature difference from the monia concentrations compared with high ammonia
GMTD method is a minimum when the mass-flow-rate concentrations as mass-flow-rate ratio decreases. In con-
ratio is 1.53 × 10−2, but the minimum from the LMTD trast, the mass-flow-rate ratio for “State B” increases
method occurs when the mass-flow-rate ratio is 1.85 × with increasing warm water temperature difference be-
10−2. The path between the working fluid inlet tempera- tween evaporator inlet and outlet.
ture and warm source outlet temperature is defined as Like convexity for the working fluid temperature in
“State C”. From the GMTD method, the mean tempera- the evaporator, that in the condenser changes when the
ture difference is lower for “State B” in the condenser. ammonia concentration in the mixture increases, (Fig-
The mass-flow-rate ratio for “State C” is 1.97 × 10−2 or ures 6(a) and (b)). Therefore, the mass-flow-rate ratio
more. for “State B” increases with decreasing ammonia con-
centration. The slope of the cold water temperature curve
5. Ammonia Concentration and Cold Source is steep when the cold water temperature difference be-
Temperature Dependencies from GMTD tween the condenser inlet and outlet increases. The range
and LMTD Models for “State B” increases as the cold water temperature
Obtained using the GMTD method, Figures 7(a) and (b) difference increases because the pinch-point at “State B”
10 10
9 9
Temperature T [oC]
Temperature T [oC]
8 8
7 7
Figure 6. Temperature change in the condenser. (a) Y = 0.80 kg/kg; (b) Y = 0.95 kg/kg.
1.2 1.2
0.8 0.8
State A
State A
0.6 0.6 GMTD method
TWSI = 28 [oC]
GMTD method y = 0.95 [kg/kg]
0.4 TWSI = 28 [oC] 0.4
TWSO = 25 [oC] Pmax TWSO [oC]
Pmax Y [kg/kg] Pmax Y [kg/kg]
0.2 0.99 0.85 0.2 26
0.95 0.80 25
0.90 24
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Flow rate ratio of working fluid on warm source Flow rate ratio of working fluid on warm source
(=mWF /mWS) [-] (=mWF /mWS) [-]
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Maximum evaporation pressure. (a) Ammonia concentration; (b) Warm source outlet temperature.
0.6 0.6
0.55 0.55
Minimum Pressure Pmin [MPa]
Minimum Pressure Pmin [MPa]
State C
0.5 0.5 State C
State B
0.45 0.45
State A State A State B
Figure 8. Maximum condensation pressure. (a) Ammonia concentration; (b) Cold source outlet temperature.
is transferred from the cold water condenser outlet to the GMTD and LMTD methods when the ammonia concen-
inlet. tration in the mixture increases.
The correlation between the mean temperature differ-
ences from both GMTD and LMTD methods plotted in 6. Conclusions
Figures 7(a) and 8(a) is presented in Figure 9; the bro-
ken line refers to an ammonia concentration of 0.99 To obtain reliable data on the characteristics of a heat
kg/kg, the chain line to 0.90 kg/kg, and the two-dot chain exchanger that uses ammonia/water mixture as working
line to 0.80 kg/kg; the circles refers to a mass-flow-rate fluid, the recently developed GMTD method, which is to
ratio of 5.0 × 10−2, the black circle 3.0 × 10−2, and the replace the traditional LMTD method, was assessed for
rectangle 2.0 × 10−2. The convexity of the working fluid validity in application. The conclusions are as follows:
temperature changes strongly when ammonia concentra- 1) Mean temperature differences between pure ammo-
tion in the mixture increases (Figures 5 and 6). There- nia and water obtained with the LMTD and GMTD
fore, the mean temperature difference differs between the methods are almost equal. In contrast, the evaluation of
TWSI = 28 [oC] condenser inlet and outlet increases. The range of “State
TWSO = 25 [oC] B” increases with increasing the cold water temperature
Evaporator [-]
TCSI = 5 [oC]
TCSO = 8 [oC]
5.010-2 difference because the pinch-point for “State B” is trans-
3 2.010-2 ferred from the cold water condenser outlet to inlet.
Y [kg/kg] Hence, the GMTD method can be applied to cycle cal-
0.99 culations of power plants and refrigeration systems using
0.80 ammonia/water mixture. Further research into compati-
2 bility conditions and accuracy of the GMTD method will
be carried out.
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