Thermodynamic Modelling of A Single-Effect Absorption Cycle
Thermodynamic Modelling of A Single-Effect Absorption Cycle
Thermodynamic Modelling of A Single-Effect Absorption Cycle
The MS was received on 5 April 2004 and was accepted after revision for publication on 23 September 2004.
DOI: 10.1243/095440805X8656
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to develop a computer program for design and thermo-
dynamic analysis of a single effect absorption chiller using LiBr–H2O solution as working fluid. The
conditions of hot water entering and leaving the desorber, cooling water entering the absorber and
leaving the condenser, chilled water entering and leaving the evaporator, as well as the approach
temperatures in condenser, evaporator, desorber, and absorber, the effectiveness of solution heat
exchanger, the chiller refrigeration power, and the ambient temperature are used as input data.
The program then gives the thermodynamic properties of all state points, the design information
of all heat exchangers in the cycle and the overall cycle performance. The results deduced from the
computer program are used to study the effect of design parameters on cycle performance. For
example, increasing the evaporator and generator temperatures or decreasing the condenser
and desorber temperatures can improve the second-law efficiency of the cycle. It is also noticed
that the temperatures of hot water, cooling water, and chilled water, respectively, at the inlet
of the desorber, condenser, and evaporator have a great effect on cycle coefficient of performance.
The results of this program can be used either for sizing a new refrigeration cycle or rating an exist-
ing system. It can also be used for optimization purposes. The predictions of the present program
are compared with other simulating programs and qualitative agreement is achieved.
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the cooling water connected in parallel to both mass transfer correlations. A new model was intro-
absorber and condenser is more efficient than duced for representing the absorber. Simulta-
series connection. The coefficient of performance neous heat and mass transfer were considered in
was between 0.68 and 0.72. the absorber instead of heat transfer alone.
Eisa et al. [2] determined experimentally the flow The model described in Joudi and Lafta [8] was
ratio (the ratio of the mass flow rate of the solution applied to an actual commercial absorption refriger-
from the absorber to the mass flow rate of the ation plant manufactured by Mitsubishi-York [9],
refrigerant) and COP for all possible combinations model ES-2A4-MW working on LiBr –H2O and using
of operating temperatures of the evaporator, hot water as a heat source with a capacity of
condenser, absorber and desorber, and the concen- 211.1 kW refrigeration power.
tration in the absorber and the desorber up to the Heydari et al. [10] used entropy generation for-
crystallization limit. mulation to develop a thermal – hydraulic model for
Eisa and Holland [3] performed an experimental analysing the performance of a single effect absorp-
investigation to study the effect of changes in operat- tion chiller. They also presented a systematic
ing conditions on the performance of LiBr–H2O optimization technique based on second-law analy-
absorption cooler for optimization purposes. They sis of the absorption cycle.
found that the most significant parameter affecting Feuerecker et al. [11] developed a new method
COP is the desorber temperature. An increase in des- which was especially convenient to measure
orber temperature increases the COP. The flow ratio is vapour –liquid equilibrium and calorimetric proper-
also an important design and optimizing parameter. ties of concentrated aqueous LiBr solutions. They
Increasing flow ratio decreases the required desorber then deduced enthalpies and entropies in the con-
temperature at the expense of reduction in COP. centration range 40– 75% LiBr and temperatures up
Eisa et al. [4] conducted more experiments on to 190 8C. The data were presented as polynomial
the same system of Eisa and Holland [3] to study and diagrams including experimental accuracy.
the effect of operating temperatures of the absorber Mostafavi and Agnew [12] and [13] studied the
and condenser on performance. It was noticed effect of ambient temperature on component geo-
that as the temperature difference (Tc 2 Ta) is metry and performance of absorption chillers.
increased, the COP and the cooling capacity are The present study involves developing a com-
decreased. They also found that the COP is more puter program to evaluate single stage absorption
sensitive to the absorber temperature than to heat pump performance using water as the refri-
the condenser temperature. gerant. The program performs the cycle calculations
Waleed [5] developed a computer program to for single stage cycles based on the polynomial
design heat exchangers (desorber, condenser, and expressions developed to correlate experimental
evaporator) and to predict their performance for a vapour –liquid equilibrium and specific enthalpy –
7 kW capacity LiBr absorption machine under work- concentration data for LiBr – H2O solutions. This is
ing conditions different from the design conditions. the distinguished superiority of this program as com-
Mclinden and Klein [6] constructed a modular, pared with other simulations which suffer from lack
steady-state model for simulation of NH3 – H2O of accurate thermo-physical data.
absorption heat pumps. The model was based on
detailed mass and energy balances and heat and
mass transfer relationships for the components of
the cycle and was applied to a prototype unit and
compared with experimental data.
Grossman and Michelson [7] developed a modular
The schematic diagram of a single effect LiBr – H2O
computer simulation program for absorption sys-
absorption chiller is shown in Fig. 1. The aim of the
tems, which makes it possible to simulate various
program is to calculate the UA values of the heat
cycle configurations. The program has been tested
exchangers and the thermodynamic properties of
on single and double stage absorption heat pumps
the working fluid at state points shown in Fig. 1.
and heat transformers with LiBr –H2O and NH3 –
The input data for the program are:
H2O solutions as the working fluid. The results have
been compared with experimental data from tests (a) temperatures of hot water entering and leaving
of a LiBr – H2O heat transformer and good agreement the desorber (T11 and T12);
has been achieved. (b) temperatures of cooling water entering the
Joudi and Lafta [8] dealt with a continuous absorp- absorber and leaving the condenser (T13 and
tion refrigeration LiBr – H2O system. They carried out T16);
a steady-state simulation based on mass and heat (c) temperatures of chilled water entering and
balance equations, as well as fluid flow, heat, and leaving the evaporator (T17 and T18);
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T9 ¼ T10 (5)
h9 ¼ h8 (6)
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the solution concentration at point 1 using the P5 is already known (equation (8)); x5 can be
Duhring diagram [11] calculated from
It should be noted that in the Duhring equilibrium Enthalpy at point 5 is either calculated from
equation, the solution concentration is an indepen-
dent variable. Numerical methods along with fixed h5 ¼ cp T5 (23a)
point iteration are used to evaluate concentration
when pressure and temperature are known. The or
program also calculates the enthalpy of LiBr – H2O
solution when temperature and concentration are h5 ¼ hsat (T5 ,x5 ) (23b)
known from the experimental charts incorporated
in the program A heat balance on the solution heat exchanger gives
the enthalpy at point 3
h1 ¼ hsat (T1 ,x1 ) (15)
Qshx ¼ (mcp )h (T4 T5 ) ¼ (mcp )c (T3 T2 )
The program now moves to point 4, whose pressure
is known from equation (8) and whose temperature ¼ m4 (h4 h5 ) ¼ m2 (h3 h2 ) (24a)
is worked out using the input data m4
h3 ¼ h2 þ (h4 h2 ) (24b)
T4 ¼ T12 DT124 (16)
The ratio m4/m2 can be expressed in terms of
The program now reads the solution concentration solution circulation ratio which is defined as
and enthalpy at point 4 using the Duhring diagram
and enthalpy chart, respectively m3
f ¼ (25)
x4 ¼ xsat (P4 ,T4 ) (17)
The solution enters the desorber with concentration
h4 ¼ hsat (x4 ,T4 ) (18)
x3. Heat transfer to the desorber makes the solution
boil and water evaporate. As a result of this, a
It is assumed that the solution concentration at point strong solution will leave the desorber whose
3 (desorber inlet) is equal to that at point 1 (absorber concentration is
outlet), meaning that
x 3 m3 x3 m3
x3 ¼ x1 (19) x4 ¼ ¼
m3 m7 m4
The solution pressure is increased in the pump, which leads to
while its temperature and concentration remain con-
stant. The work done on the working fluid in the x3 m4
pump is very small, making the enthalpy change in ¼ (26)
x4 m3
the pump negligible. The solution entering the
pump is in saturated liquid phase, while leaving the According to equation (21a), we have
pump is in compressed liquid phase. Assuming no
temperature rise during pumping process, we have m7 m4
¼1 (27)
m3 m3
T2 ¼ T1 x2 ¼ x1 h2 ¼ h1 (20)
Combining equations (25) –(27) results in
Temperature at point 5 is now calculated using the
effectiveness of solution heat exchanger. The hot x4
fluid has a lower mass flow rate, because a mass f ¼ (28)
x4 x3
balance on the desorber gives
Knowing that m2 ¼ m3, the ratio m4/m2 is now
m3 ¼ m7 þ m 4 ) m 4 , m 3 (21a)
expressed in terms of solution circulation ratio
Q (mcp )h (T4 T5 ) T4 T5
1¼ ¼ ¼ (21b)
Qmax (mcp )h (T4 T2 ) T4 T2 m4 1
¼1 (29)
T5 ¼ T4 1(T4 T2 ) (21c) m2 f
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Equation (24b) now becomes As the liquid phase at point 5 changes to liquid –
vapor mixture at point 6, we have
h3 ¼ h2 þ 1 (h4 h5 ) (30)
f m5 x 5 ¼ m f x 6 (38)
x4 and x3 are known from equations (17) and (19),
The quality of mixture at point 6 is
respectively; f is then calculated from equation (28).
In addition to this, the values of enthalpies at points mg
2, 4, and 5 are known (Equations (20), (18), and (23b)) q6 ¼ (39)
therefore h3 is deduced from equation (30). T3 is then
calculated from
The enthalpy at point 6 is known, because the pro-
h3 cess in expansion valve is iso-enthalpic, and h5 is
T3 ¼ (31) given in equation (23a)
The vapour temperature leaving the desorber is As T6, x6, and q6 are unknowns, a fixed point iteration
approximately equal to the arithmetic mean of is required to determine them. In this procedure, x6 is
solution temperatures entering and leaving it [14] guessed, T6 is calculated from equation (42), hf from
the Duhring diagram, hg from the steam tables, and
T3 þ T4 q6 from equation (41). In order to check the accuracy
T7 ¼ (35)
2 of x6, the value of mf is evaluated first
The refrigerant vapour entering the condenser is
mf ¼ (1 q6 )m6
assumed to be saturated vapor at the condenser
temperature [8], whose enthalpy is the saturated
vapor enthalpy at the condenser’s temperature and then x6 is worked out from equation (38) for
the purpose of comparison. The calculations are
h7 ¼ hg (T8 ) (36) repeated until the final value is close enough to the
initial value.
We have now the properties of all the state points We realize that the whole process is based on the
except 6. The solution entering the absorber falls first guess for T14 (equation (13)). It is now time to
on the absorber tubes through the nozzles and check the accuracy of this initial value. This is con-
experiences a pressure drop. In practice, there is ducted in the following manner. The heat balance
not an expansion valve between the solution heat on the absorber and condenser gives
exchanger and the absorber and the pressure drop
between the desorber and absorber is provided in Qabs ¼ m10 h10 þ m6 h6 m1 h1 (43)
the nozzles at the absorber entrance. The expansion
Qcon ¼ m7 (h7 h8 ) (44)
valve in Fig. 1 is just for modelling the pressure drop
between the desorber and the absorber. As a result of
As the cooling water leaving the absorber enters the
pressure drop in the nozzles, the subcooled liquid
condenser, we have
entering the nozzles becomes saturated liquid and
may even change phase. In this case, we may write
Qabs þ Qcon
m13 ¼ (45)
m6 ¼ m f þ mg (37) cp (T16 T13 )
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The temperature of cooling water at absorber outlet It should be noted that the vapor temperature at the
is then inlet of absorber has been ignored when calculating
LMTDabs. This is because its mass flow rate is
Qabs much lower (about 1/15) than the solution mass
T14 ¼ þ T13 (46)
m13 cp flow rate entering the absorber. In fact, the vapor is
not involved in heat transfer, while heat is transferred
This temperature is now compared with the value between the solution (shell side) and cooling water
guessed in equation (13). The calculations are repeated (tube side).
until the final value is close enough to the initial value. Qdes is obtained from a heat balance on the
Once the calculation of thermodynamic properties at The LMTD and UA are as follows:
18 points of the cycle is carried out, the design specifi-
cations can easily be obtained. The heat load, logarith- (T11 T4 ) (T12 T7 )
LMTDdes ¼
mic mean temperature difference and conductance ln(T11 T4 )/(T12 T7 )
for the evaporator, condenser, solution heat exchan- Qdes
ger, absorber, and desorber are calculated according UAdes ¼
to the following formulation. Each unit is assumed
to be a counter flow heat exchanger, so that the It is worth mentioning that, in calculating LMTDdes
logarithmic mean temperature difference is used. the solution temperature at the inlet of desorber
Qeva is known from the input data; the LMTD and has been ignored. This is common practice in kettle
UA are reboilers and provides a lower value for LMTD.
When the heat duty of desorber is fixed, a higher
(T17 T10 ) (T18 T9 )
LMTDeva ¼ value for UA is obtained and avoids underestimating
ln(T17 T10 )/(T18 T9 )
the desorber conductance.
UAeva ¼
Qcon is evaluated using equation (14), the LMTD and
UA are The cycle performance is designated by:
(T8 T16 ) (T8 T15 ) (a) the chiller refrigeration capacity;
LMTDcon ¼ (b) coefficient of performance;
ln(T8 T16 )/(T8 T15 )
Qcon (c) solution pumping power;
UAcon ¼ (d) total conductance of the component;
(e) circulation ratio;
It should be explained that T7 is replaced with T8 (f) highest and lowest temperatures in the cycle;
when calculating LMTDcon. It has been seen that (g) highest and lowest pressures in the cycle;
LMTDcon based on T7 is much higher than the (h) highest and lowest concentrations in the cycle;
actual temperature difference and therefore results (i) ambient temperature.
in underestimating the condenser conductance.
The chiller refrigeration capacity is defined as the
Qshx is calculated using equation (24a); the LMTD
evaporator heat duty, which is given as an input data.
and UA are
The coefficient of performance for the refrigeration
(T4 T3 ) (T5 T2 ) cycle is
LMTDshx ¼
ln(T4 T3 )/(T5 T2 )
Qshx COP ¼
UAshx ¼ Qdes
Qabs is calculated using equation (43); the LMTD and The pump is assumed to perform reversibly. The
UA are pumping power is small compared with the heat
duties of the heat exchangers and can therefore
(T6 T14 ) (T1 T13 ) be ignored. It is, however, from the first law for
LMTDabs ¼
ln(T6 T14 )/(T1 T13 ) steady-state steady-flow process
UAabs ¼
LMTDabs Wp ¼ m1 (h1 h2 )
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Once the conductances of heat exchangers are calcu- DE2con is the exergy loss due to heat transfer
lated, the total conductance is determined as a per- irreversibility of cold stream,
formance criterion. The circulation ratio is calculated
from equation (25). Highest and lowest temperatures, DE2con ¼ m15 (e15 e16 ) Qcon (1 T0 /Tcon )
pressures, and concentrations in the cycle are part of
the response of the program when calculating the ther- and DE3con the exergy loss due to temperature rise of
modynamic properties of the state points. The ambient the cold stream; this is, on the other hand, the exergy
temperature is given as input data. gain of the ambient
The program calculates the exergy at each state point DEshe ¼ DE2shx ¼ DEhs þ DEcs
of the absorption cycle according to the above
equation. Based on such information, the individual where DEhs is the exergy change due to heat transfer
components of the cycle can be analysed from the irreversibility of hot stream
second law point of view.
DEhs ¼ m4 (e4 e5 ) Qshx (1 T0 /Tshx )
5.1 Evaporator
and DEcs is the exergy change due to heat transfer
The total exergy change in evaporator consists of irreversibility of cold stream
three terms
DEcs ¼ m2 (e2 e3 ) þ Qshx (1 T0 /Tshx )
DEeva ¼ DE1eva þ DE2eva þ DE3eva
Summing up the above equations gives
where DE1eva is the exergy loss due to internal
irreversibility of cold stream DE2shx ¼ m4 (e4 e5 ) þ m2 (e2 e3 )
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5.5 Desorber where DEloss is the sum of exergy loss due to internal
irreversibility, exergy loss due to heat transfer
The total exergy change in desorber consists of three
irreversibility, and exergy loss in the expansion valve
DEdes ¼ DE1des þ DE2des þ DE3des DEloss ¼ DE1 þ DE2 þ DEsev þ DEeev
where DE1des is the exergy gain due to internal The cold water leaving the evaporator is usually used
irreversibility of LiBr –H2O solution to cool the water leaving the condenser. Therefore,
exergy given to the chiller in the evaporator, is
DE1des ¼ m3 e3 m4 e4 m7 e7 þ Qdes (1 T0 /Tdes ) returned to the water in cooling tower and is reduced
from DEloss .
DE2des is the exergy loss due to heat transfer DEgiven is the sum of exergy given to the chiller in
irreversibility of LiBr –H2O solution the evaporator, desorber, and pump
DE2des ¼ m11 (e11 e12 ) þ Qdes (1 T0 /Tdes ) DEgiven ¼ DE3eva þ DE3des þ DEp
and DE3des is the exergy gain due to temperature rise putting all these together, the second law efficiency
of the hot stream; this is, on the other hand, the reads
exergy gain of the ambient P P
DE1 þ DE2 þ DEsev þ DEeev DE3eva
DE3eva þ DE3des þ DEp
_ 11 (e12 e11 )
DE3des ¼ m
T11 T12 T13 T16 T17 T18 Qeva DT8 – 16 DT18 – 10 DT12 – 4 DT1 – 14 1 T0
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Table 2 Thermodynamic properties (SI units) of state points corresponding to input data in Table 1
h 1023 m P 1023 q T x s 1023 e 1023
Heat duty 351 685 496 650 106 670 514 068 368 000
LMTD 3.04 8 22.07 9.44 3.96
UA 115 552 62 119 4835 54 511 93 252
351 685 0.684 0 330 269 15.88 81.4 6.8 7150 988 58.63 55.1 20
Table 5 Exergy analysis (SI units) of the cycle corresponding to input data in Table 1
conductance. The solution heat exchanger con- 7. When the approach temperature in the evapor-
ductance is most seriously affected by T18. ator (DT18 – 10) varies, the biggest changes
4. The absorber and solution heat exchanger geo- belong, respectively, to evaporator and solution
metries are seriously affected by the water temp- heat exchanger geometries.
erature at absorber inlet (T13). 8. When the approach temperature in desorber
5. When the solution heat exchanger effective- (DT12 – 4) varies, the biggest changes belong,
ness (1) varies, the solution heat exchanger respectively, to the solution heat exchanger and
conductance experiences the biggest variations. desorber geometries.
The desorber conductance is also slightly 9. When the approach temperature in absorber
affected. (DT1 – 14) varies, the biggest changes belong,
6. When the approach temperature in the conden- respectively, to solution heat exchanger and
ser (DT8 – 16) varies, the condenser conductance absorber geometries.
is mostly affected. The solution heat exchange 10. The ambient temperature (T0) has a significant
conductance also varies considerably. effect on the second-law efficiency of the cycle.
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Fig. 4 Effect of water temperature at the outlet of Fig. 8 Effect of approach temperature in evaporator
evaporator on second-law efficiency on coefficient of performance
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Fig. 12 Effect of solution heat exchanger effectiveness A computer program has been developed to predict
on geometries of heat exchangers the geometry, performance, and second law
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efficiency of a LiBr – H2O absorption refrigeration 6. The evaporator conductance is not affected by
cycle. The conditions of hot water entering and leav- the approach temperature in the condenser.
ing the desorber, cooling water entering the absorber Increasing this temperature difference increases
and leaving the condenser, chilled water entering the absorber, solution heat exchanger, and
and leaving the evaporator, as well as the approach desorber conductances. Increasing this temp-
temperatures in condenser, evaporator, desorber, erature difference decreases the condenser
and absorber, the effectiveness of solution heat conductance, the coefficient of performance,
exchanger, the chiller refrigeration power, and the and the second law efficiency.
ambient temperature are used as input data. The 7. The evaporator conductance, the coefficient of
program then gives the thermodynamic properties performance, and the second law efficiency are
of all state points in the cycle, the design information decreased when the approach temperature in
of all heat exchangers in the cycle, the overall per- the evaporator is increased. The absorber, sol-
formance, and the second-law efficiency of the ution heat exchanger, desorber, and condenser
cycle. The results deduced from the computer pro- conductances are increased when the approach
gram are used to study the effect of input parameters temperature in the evaporator is increased.
on geometry, cycle performance, and second-law 8. The evaporator conductance remains constant
efficiency. The program can be used either for when the approach temperature in the desorber
sizing a new refrigeration cycle or rating an existing is varied. The absorber, solution heat exchanger,
system. It can also be used for optimization pur- and condenser conductances are increased when
poses. Some concluding remarks from the analysis the approach temperature in desorber is
performed in this paper reveals the following. increased. The desorber conductance, coefficient
of performance, and second-law efficiency are
1. Water temperature entering the desorber does not reduced when the approach temperature in the
have any effect on evaporator, absorber, solution desorber is increased.
heat exchanger, and condenser geometries. It 9. The evaporator conductance remains
does not affect the coefficient of performance. unchanged when the approach temperature in
Increasing this temperature decreases the deso- the absorber varies. The absorber conductance,
rber conductance and also decreases the the coefficient of performance, and the second-
second-law efficiency. law efficiency are decreased when the approach
2. Water temperature exiting the condenser does temperature in the absorber is increased. The
not have any effect on evaporator geometry. solution heat exchanger, desorber, and conden-
Increasing this temperature increases the ser conductances are increased when the
absorber, solution heat exchanger, and desorber approach temperature in absorber is increased.
conductances and decreases the condenser con- 10. The ambient temperature does not have any
ductance. Increasing this temperature decreases effect on geometry of heat exchangers. The
the coefficient or performance, but may increase coefficient of performance is not affected by
or decrease the second law efficiency. the ambient temperature, but the second-law
3. Increasing the water temperature exiting evapor- efficiency is reduced when the ambient temp-
ator increases the evaporator conductance, the erature is increased.
coefficient of performance, and the second-law
efficiency. Increasing this temperature reduces
the absorber, solution heat exchanger, desorber, REFERENCES
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