CMES -04
Proceedings of the First Cappadocia International Mechanical Engineering
14-16 July 2004, Cappadocia, Turkey
Code: AKI
Roots and liquid ring compressors have not investigated. For this study, a computer code was
been widely used in water-vapor compressor developed to calculate COPs, pressure ratios,
applications. Some advantages including smaller compressor outlet temperatures of the
size, easy construction, low noise level, and refrigerants, and evaporator temperatures above
reasonable price, etc. have been reported for ring which water as a refrigerant has a higher COP
compressors by Hackensellner and Jurisch [12]. than the other refrigerants. A commonly
Stene [13] has given information about special available refrigerant library was used to calculate
projects related to Roots and liquid ring the thermodynamic properties of the refrigerants.
There have been several studies in the THERMODYNAMIC MODEL
literature including the theory and The model used to compare water as a
experimentation involving cycloid compressors refrigerant with R717, R290, R134a, R12, R22,
and jet ejectors Madsboll et al. [2]; Grazzini and and R152a is based on a theoretical vapor
Albero [14]; Sheer and Mitchley [15]; Nyvad and compression refrigeration cycle consisting of
Elefsen [16]; Huang [17]. compressor, condenser, thermostatic expansion
Furthermore, there have been some studies in valve, and evaporator. This refrigeration cycle is
which water as a refrigerant has been compared shown in Fig.1.
with other refrigerants in some aspects including In this theoretical vapor compression cycle, the
COP, refrigeration capacity, compression ratio, refrigerant enters the compressor at state 1 at
and compressor outlet temperature. By means of low pressure, low temperature, and saturated
a computer program, which has been developed vapor state. From state 1 to 2, the refrigerant is
to determine the thermodynamic properties of compressed by the compressor and is
some working fluids used in vapor compression discharged at state 2 at high pressure, high
refrigeration cycle, water has been compared temperature, and superheated vapor condition.
with other refrigerants de’ Rossi and Mastrullo At state 2, it enters the condenser where it rejects
[18]. The study also has shown that water and heat to the environment.
ammonia are the best choices regarding the
latent enthalpy. Orshoven et al. [19] have
compared water as a refrigerant with other
Suction line
refrigerants including R12, R22, R502, and R717 Evaporator
in respect to COP by using several commercial 4 1
programs. They have used a simple refrigeration
TEV qr Comp. w com
cycle model consisting of assumptions of no
pressure drop through the cycle, no subcooling
between the condenser outlet and expansion 3 2
valve, and no superheating between evaporator Liquid line Condenser Discharge line
outlet and compressor inlet. Madsboll and
Elefsen [20] have compared cooling plants using qc
water as a refrigerant with traditional NH3 cooling
plants by means of a dynamic computer model Fig.1. Schematic of one stage vapor compression
that they developed. They also mentioned that refrigeration system
energy saving in the cooling plant with water as
refrigerant is 50% more as it is compared with It leaves the condenser at state 3 at high
traditional NH3 cooling plants. By using a pressure and saturated liquid state. From state
numerical simulation model, Chen [21] has 3, the refrigerant enters the expansion valve
analyzed a thermal storage system of an air- where its pressure is reduced in a throttling
conditioning system with water as a refrigerant process from high pressure (condenser pressure)
and also compared the COPs of R718 (water) to low pressure (evaporator pressure). After this
and R22 under different evaporator and it is at state 4 and enters the evaporator where it
condenser temperatures. absorbs heat from the refrigerated space; and it
The objective of the present study is to leaves the evaporator at low pressure, low
compare water as a refrigerant (R718) with the temperature, and saturated vapor state. In the
refrigerants R717 (ammonia), R12, R22, R134a, theoretical cycle, it is also assumed that there is
R152a, and R290 (propane). The comparison is no superheating in the suction line, no subcooling
based on coefficient of performance (COP) in the liquid line and no pressure drop throughout
obtained by the refrigerant in the refrigeration the cycle.
cycle, and various cycle parameters: specific Figure 2 shows a pressure-enthalpy diagram
volume, pressure ratio, and discharge with the above described states for the theoretic
temperature. The effects of temperature lift and simple vapor compression refrigeration cycle.
polytropic efficiency on the COPs are also
During the throttling process in the expansion
P T=cons. valve, it is assumed that there is no heat transfer
to the environment, which results in
s=cons. h3 = h4 (4)
Pc Tc
The refrigeration capacity of the cycle can be
calculated from the rate of enthalpy change in the
q r = (h1 − h4 ) (5)
TD=5K, np =0.9
shows the best COP spreads out to low
R12 R22
53 temperatures. The evaporator temperatures
R290 R152a above which COPabs of R718 is higher than that
2.26 51.8
R717 R718 of the other refrigerants are
1.32 50.6
34˚C for TD=30K, 30˚C for TD=10K, and 20˚C for
0.38 49.4 TD=5K. Below these evaporator temperatures,
R717 produces a better COP. However, despite
-0.56 48.2 the fact that ammonia does not deplete the ozone
layer (ODP=0) and does not directly contribute to
-1.5 47 the greenhouse effect, it still has a sharp, rank
0 10 20 30 40 50
smell, is toxic, and is explosive in certain
Te (C)
mixtures with air. Water (R718) is free of these
a) serious disadvantages. For certain operating
conditions at the lower evaporator temperatures,
TD=10K, np=0.9 R718 still has advantageous over some of the
1.8 25.4 refrigerants. For example, above 9˚C and for
R12 R22
R290 R152a TD=5K, COP values of R718 are better than
1.27 24.92
R717 R718 R12, R22, R290, and R134a.
As TD increases, the pressure ratio increases
0.74 24.44
and, in turn, the compressor power.
0.21 23.96 Simultaneously, with increasing pressure ratio
the refrigeration effect decreases. These actions
-0.32 23.48
together result in a reduced coefficient of
-0.85 23 performance for all refrigerants as can be seen
0 10 20 30 40 50 by comparing the plots in Fig. 3.
Te (C) The variation of COPabs values with respect to
the evaporator temperature for three different
b) polytropic efficiencies and constant TD=20K is
shown in Fig. 4. Isentropic efficiency is mainly a
TD=30K, np=0.9 function of pressure ratio and polytropic
1.3 7.2
R12 R22 R290 efficiency. Isentropic efficiency can be
R717 R718 determined as a function of the compressor outlet
0.95 7.14
temperature as the pressure ratio is held
constant at constant evaporator temperature. As
0.6 7.08
polytropic efficiency increases at constant
0.25 7.02 evaporator temperature, compressor power and
compressor outlet temperature decreases. The
-0.1 6.96
COP of the cycle increases. Comparing the plots
-0.45 6.9
in Fig. 4 for constant TD, at a constant
0 10 20 30 40 50 evaporator temperature value, in other words, for
Te (C) constant evaporator and condenser
TD=20K, np=0.5
0.4 6.16
Fig.3.COP abs as a function of evaporator
temperature for different TD values a) 0.14 6.08
b) TD=10K, c) TD=30K
-0.12 6
TD=20K, np=0.7 TD=20K, np=0.9
0.9 8.96 90 142
COP 134a
COP abs
0.22 8.704
T2R718 (C)
62.8 117.2
T 2(C)
-0.12 8.576
49.2 104.8
R12 R22
-0.46 R290 R152a 8.448 R12 R22
R717 R718 35.6 R134a R290 92.4
R134a R152a R717
-0.8 8.32 R718
0 10 20 30 40 50 22 80
Te (C) 0 10 20 30 40 50
Te (C)
constant temperature lift. But the ratio of the compressor efficiency. This encourages very
increase in evaporator pressure to that of much the further development of high quality
increase in condenser pressure is always greater compressors for R718.
than 1. Therefore, the ratio of condenser The disadvantages of water as a refrigerant
pressure to the evaporator pressure decreases are its high specific volume, the required high
with increasing evaporator temperature. R290 pressure ratio, and the resulting high compressor
has the lowest pressure ratio, while R718 has the outlet temperature. It has been demonstrated
highest pressure ratio. R22 and R12 as well as that these technical challenges can be overcome
R134a and R152 respectively show almost the with specifically developed compressors,
same pressure ratios in the lower mid range in especially multi-stage turbo compressors with
Fig. 6. intercoolers between stages. While in today’s
Table 1 summarizes the evaporator world a high COP is a key target, it is not the only
temperatures above which the theoretical cycle value that decides the choice of the refrigerant.
calculation gives a higher COP for R718 than for Environmental parameters like ozone depletion
the other considered refrigerants for a polytropic potential (ODP) and global warming potential
efficiency np=0.9 and temperature lifts (GWP) become more and more restrictive.
TD=5…40K. Further price and safety properties of refrigerants
are also heavily taken into consideration. In all
Table 1. Evaporator temperatures above which R718 these aspects, water is the superior refrigerant.
gives a better COP than R290, R22, R134a,
R12, R152a, R717. TD=5…40K.and. NOMENCLATURE
np=0.9. COP coefficient of performance
cp constant pressure specific heat
Evaporator Temperature (˚C) (kJ/kgK)
R718 h1 specific enthalpy of refrigerant at the
TD R290 R22 R134a R12 R152a R717 compressor outlet (kJ/kg)
5K 0 3 6 7 12 20 h2 specific enthalpy of refrigerant at the
compressor outlet valve (kJ/kg)
10K 7 10 14 16 23 29
h3 specific enthalpy of refrigerant at the
15K 10 14 16 20 26 33 condenser outlet (kJ/kg)
20K 11 15 16 21 26 35 h4 specific enthalpy of refrigerant at the
25K 11 15 15 20 26 35 evaporator inlet (kJ/kg)
30K 10 14 14 19 25 34 K ratio of constant specific heats
35K 8 13 11 17 23 33 ηis isentropic efficiency of the compressor
ηp polytropic efficiency of the compressor
40K 6 11 9 15 21 32
qc condenser capacity (kJ/kg)
qr refrigeration capacity (kJ/kg)
P pressure (kPa)
CONCLUSIONS PR pressure ratio
Water as a refrigerant (R718) is compared with s specific entropy (kJ/kgK)
current refrigerants including R717, R290, R ideal gas constant (kJ/kgK)
R134a, R12, R22, and R152a by using a created T temperature (ºC)
computer code for calculations of a simple vapor T2 compressor outlet temperature (ºC)
compression refrigeration cycle TD temp. lift (Temperature difference
The computed results show that the use of between condenser and evaporator)(K)
water as a refrigerant can result in a higher w specific work (kJ/kg)
coefficient of power (COP) than if the other
refrigerants are used. From the presented Subscripts
results, it can be concluded that for evaporator c condenser
temperatures above 35˚C the highest COP can comp compressor
always be obtained with R718. The COP is then e evaporator
even greater than if R717 (ammonia) were used.
Also, at lower evaporator temperatures the
use of water can result in a higher COP than if
other refrigerants were used. This is especially
true if the temperature lift (temperature difference
between condenser and evaporator) is either
relatively small (< 10K) or if it is relatively high
( > 30K). The temperature range at which R718
gives a better COP than other refrigerants
increases with increasing values of polytropic
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