Foi NTC 703279650600
Foi NTC 703279650600
Foi NTC 703279650600
Series of 1948)
September 22,1948
Pursuant to the provisions of the Radio Control Law, Act No. 3846, as
amended by Commonwealth act Nos. 365 and 571, the following rules and
regulations governing commercial radio operatons are hereby promulgated to
take effect on September 22, {948. All rules and regulations which are in
conflict herewith are hereby revoked.
Sec. 5. General Qualificafibns of Applicant. An applicant for commercial
radio operator license must possess the following qualifications:
(a) He must be a citizen of the Philippines; Provided, however, That
operator licences issued to american citizens prior to the date of
effectivity of these regulations shall be valid and operative the terms of
such licenses: Provided, further, That a holder of a pilot license issued
by the Civil Aeronautics Board may be considered qualified to take an
examination for third class commercial radio-telephone operator
license irrespective of citizenship;
(d) He must have completed the high school course prescribed by the
Department of Public Instruction; Provided, however, That experienced
radio operators in the government service who have not completed the
high school course, may be considered qualified to take the
examination if for each year deficiency of high school they possess two
years satisfactory service as government radio operator; and
Sec. 12. Special Provision. - An applicant who fails in the examination for
the class of license applied for may be granted a license of a lower class if he
obtains a general average of at least 70o/o on the elements required for that lower
class. An applicant who qualifies in an examination, but fails to secure a license
within one (1) year from the date he is advised of the result of his or her
examination, will not be issued a license without re-examination. (As amended by
Dept. Order No. 82, date July 5, 1951.)
Sec. 17. Receiving lesf Procedure. - Receiving code test shall be wriften in
longhand and either in ink or in pencil, provided that in the case of the twenty-five
words per minute code test a typewriter may be used when furnished by the
applicant himself.
(a) That applicant has had at least 90 days' satisfactory service during the
term of the 6-month prior to the date the application for renewal of license
is due to be filed 30 days prior to the expiration date, or
(b) The applicant has had at least 6 months' satisfactory service during the
term of the license prior to the date the application for renewal of license
is due to be filed, and
(c) Provided, further, That holders of commercial radio operator licenses who
are in the government service as radio operators may be exempted from
renewing their licenses while in the government service as such radio
operators and their licenses renewed upon separation from the
government service, provided that a certificate of satisfactory service
signed by their employers is presented with the application for renewal
license. (As amended by Dept. Order No. 82, date July 5, 1951.)
(a) Radiotelephone thitd c/ass opemtor license. * - Any station while using
type A-0, A-3, A4, F-0, F-4, F-3 emission: Provided That
(1) Such operator is prohibited from making adjustments that may result
in improper transmitter operation.
(3) Any needed adjustments of the transmitter that may affect the proper
operation of the station are regularly made by or in the presence of
an operator holding first or se@nd class license, either telephone or
telegraph, who shall be responsible for the proper operation of the
(1) The license is not valid for the operation of any of the various classes
of broacasting stations othert than a relay broadcast station.
(2) The license is not valid for the operation of a coastal telephone
station or a coastal harbor station.
(b) Radiotelephone second class operator license. - Any station while using
type A-0, A-,4, A-5, A-9, F-3, F4, F-5, or P-3 emission, but holders
thereof are not authorized to act as chief operators in standard broadcast
stations, international broadcast stations, or high frequency and
television broadcast stations, or ship stations licensed to use power in
excess of 100 watts (output) and type A-3 emission for communication
with coastal telephone stations.
(d) Radiotelegraph third c/ass operator license. - Any station while using
type A-0, A-1, A-2, A-3, A4, F-0, F-1, F-2, F-3, F-,4, or P-3 emission:
Provided, That in the case of equipment designed for and using type A-3,
A.4, F-3, F4, or P-3 emission.
(e) Radiotelegraph second c/ass operator /icense. - Any station while using
A4, F-0, F-1, F-2, F-3, F4, or P-3 emission, but
type A-0, A-2, A-3,
holders thereof are not authorized to act as chief operators on
passengers vessels or on cargo vessels in the international trade or in
broadcast stations other than relay broadcast stations, and
radiotelephone stations licensed to use power in excess of 100 watts
(0 Radiotelegraph first class operator license. - Any station while using type
A-0, A-1, A-2, 44, A-3, F-0, F-1 , F-2, F-3, F-4, or P-3 emission, except
broadcast stations other than relay broadcast stations, and
radiotelephone stations licensed to use power in excess of 300 watts
(b) Subject to the limitations set forth herein the holder of any class
radiotelephone operator licnese may operate a radiotelephone point-
to-point station, a coastal harbor station or a coastal telephone
station using A-1, A-2, F-1, or F-2 emission for testing or other
transmission entirely secondary and incidental to the service of such
Sec. 25. Posting of Licenses or Verified Statement. The license of each
station operator, except aircraft radio station operators, and operators of a portable
mobile station, shall be posted in a c-onspicuous place in the room occupied by such
operator while on duty. The holder of a radiotelegraph or radiotelephone first or
second class operator license who is employed as a service and maintenance
operator at stations operated by holders of their class operator license shall post at
such station his operator license or a verified statement from the Department of
Public Works and Communications in lieu thereof. In case of a lost license or a
license which has been submitted for renewal, the application for duplicate or
renewal shall be exhibited by the license.
Sec. 26. Examination and Lrbense Fees. - The following examination and
license fees shall be paid to the Radio Gontrol Board:
(a) For examination:
(1) First class, radiotelegraph or radiotelephone
P 12.00
(2) Second class, radiotelegraph
radiotelephone 8.00
Sec. 27. Aviation Seryice Endorsement. - lf the operator has conducted the
operation of more than three stations in the aviation seryice, the service may be
shown by giving the name of the aviation chain or company, in lieu of listing the call
lefters of the several stations.
(b) Making any false statement in the application for license or in any
reports required to be submitted by these regulations.
(c) Failing to comply with the conditions under which a license is issued.
(d) Maliciously and intentionally causing damage to the radio equipment
in a radio station.
Sec. 29. Penalty Provisions. - Section 12 of Act No. 3&46, as amended,
provides that any person who violates any provision of this Act, or any regulation
prescribed by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications or any piovision
of the International Radio Regulations, shall be punished by a fine of not-more than
two thousand pesos or by imprisonment for not more than two years or both, for
each and every offense. (As amended by Rep. Act. No. 584, approved Sept. 18,