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MC 26-73

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NO. ______26______________

SUBJECT : Prescribing Guidelines for Qualifying and Special Examinations

for Currently Employed Unlicensed Radio Operators or Persons
Actually Operating Government-Owned Radio Stations.

Pursuant to Presidential Letter of Instruction No. 13-A dated Sept. 29, 1972 and
the provisions of Act No. 3846, as amended, and with the end in view of
professionalizing the operation of all radio stations in the country, the following
guidelines for Qualifying and Special Examinations for currently employed unlicensed
radio operators or persons actually operating government-owned radio stations are hereby

Type & Class of Radio
Length of Service as Operator/Exam. Elem. Power & Emission of Govt.
Govt. Radio Operator to be taken Radio Stn. to be operated.

6 months to 1 year in 3rd Class Radiotelephone Radiotelephone stations w/

Radiotelephony Elements I & II only power of not more than 50

Above 1 year to 5 2nd Class Radiotelephone Radiotelephone stations w/

years in Radiotelephony Elements I,II & III only power of not more than
200 watts

-do- 1st Class Radiotelephone Radiotelephone stations w/

Elements I, II, III & IV power above 50 watts

Above 5 years to 10 1st Class Radiotelephone Radiotelephone stations w/

years in Radiotelephony Elements I & II only power above 50 watts

Above 10 years in 1st Class Radiotelephone Radiotelephone station w/

Radiotelephony Element I only power above 50 watts

6 months to 1 year in 3rd Class Radiotelegraph Radiotelephone and radio-

Radiotelegraphy Elements I, II & Code telegraph stations with power
of not more than 50 watts

Above 1 year to 5 years 2nd Class Radiotelegraph Radiotelephone and radio-

in Radiotelegraphy Elements I, II, VI & telegraph stations w/ power
Code of not more than 200 watts
except broadcast stations

Above 5 years to 10 2nd Class Radiotelegraph Radiotelephone and radio-

years in Radiotelegraphy Elements I, II & Code telegraph stations with power
of not more than 200 watts
except broadcast stations

Above 10 years in 1st Class Radiotelegraph Radiotelephone and radio-

Radiotelegraphy Elements I only telegraph radio stations
except broadcast stations

Radio Operators of government stations in the broadcast service must have the
required length of experience in the broadcasting field as prescribed above to be eligible
for the qualifying examinations.
An applicant for any of the above qualifying examinations must be a Filipino
Citizen, at least a high school graduate, must be of good moral character and should be at
least 18 years of age if taking the examination for radiotelephony and 21 years if

The application using RCO Form A-E-ROL, shall be filed with the Radio Control
Office, Quezon City, accompanied by two (2) copies of recent 2” x 2” ID photo and a
duly certified Service Record or a Certification. Employment from the Government
Agency where employed which shall include a statement of the length of experience in
the operation of a government-owned radio station. The examination fees for the above
examinations shall be as follows :

1. First Class Radiotelephone or

Radiotelegraph P 12.00

2. Second Class Radiotelephone or

Radiotelegraph 8.00

3. Third Class Radiotelegraph 6.00

4. Third Class Radiotelephone 3.00

An applicant who may qualify in any of the above examinations shall be entitled
to the issuance by the Radio Control Office of the appropriate type and class of
Commercial Radio Operator License upon payment of the required fee in accordance
with the rates prescribed in Department Order No. 5, series of 1948.


For those who may not want to avail themselves of the qualifying examinations
prescribed in Part I hereof may apply for Special Examinations which will also be given
by the Radio Control Office, covering pertinent radio laws and regulations as well as
radio operating practices applicable to the radio stations of their agencies, to qualify them
for the issuance of Special Radio Operator Permits. The Special Radio Operator Permits
that may be issued under this paragraph are not valid to be used in the operation of radio
stations other than those operated by their present agencies.

An applicant for the Special Examination must be a Filipino citizen, 18 years of

age or over, at least a high school graduate, and must be of good moral character. The
application for said examination using RCO Form A-E-SROP, shall be filed with the
Radio Control Office; Quezon City, accompanied by an examination fee of P 3.00, two
(2) copies of recent 2” x 2” ID photo and a duly certified Service Record or a
Certification of Employment from the Government Agency where employed which shall
include a statement to the effect that the applicant is operating the radio station of said
government agency.

A permit fee of P 5.00 per annum or any fraction thereof shall be charged for the
issuance of a Special Radio Operator Permit, renewable anuually for the same fee.

Only those who are actually employed in the government service and performing the
duties of radio operator, either by regular appointment or by designation, as of the date of
issuance of this Circular are eligible to take the above Qualifying and Special
examinations. Applications for said examinations shall be accompanied by proper
recommendations of the agencies of applicants.

The qualifying and special examinations shall be conducted by the Radio

Operator Examination Committee on such dates and in such places as may be designated
by the Radio Control Office.
This Circular shall take effect immediately and, any order, circular, instruction or
memorandum or any part thereof which is inconsistent herewith is deemed amended
and/or superseded accordingly.

Acting Director

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