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L-PRO 4000: Transmission Line Protection Relay

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L-PRO 4000

Transmission Line Protection Relay

User Manual
Version 2.3 Rev 0
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
© 2013 ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of
ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd. is strictly forbidden.
This manual is part of a complete set of product documentation that includes
detailed drawings and operation. Users should evaluate the information in the
context of the complete set of product documentation and their particular
applications. ERLPhase assumes no liability for any incidental, indirect or
consequential damages arising from the use of this documentation.
While all information presented is believed to be reliable and in accordance
with accepted engineering practices, ERLPhase makes no warranties as to the
completeness of the information.
All trademarks used in association with B-PRO, F-PRO, L-PRO, ProLogic,
T-PRO, TESLA, TESLA Control Panel, Relay Control Panel, RecordGraph
and RecordBase are trademarks of ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd.
Windows® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
Procomm® is a registered trademark of Symantec.
HyperTerminal® is a registered trademark of Hilgraeve.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Modicon.

Contact Information
ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd.
Website: www.erlphase.com
Email: info@erlphase.com

Technical Support
Email: support@erlphase.com
Tel: 1-204-477-0591

D02706R02.20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual i

Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................i
Contact Information ...................................................................i
Table of Contents .................................................................... iii
Using This Guide .................................................................... vii
Version Compatibility ...............................................................xi
PC System Requirements and Software Installation ............. xiii
1 Overview ................................................................. 1-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 1-1
Front View........................................................................ 1-3
Rear View ........................................................................ 1-4
Model Options/Ordering................................................... 1-6
2 Setup and Communications.................................. 2-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 2-1
Power Supply................................................................... 2-1
IRIG-B Time Input ............................................................ 2-1
Communicating with the Relay Intelligent Electronic
Device (IED)..................................................................... 2-2
USB Link .......................................................................... 2-3
Network Link .................................................................... 2-5
Direct Serial Link.............................................................. 2-6
Modem Link ..................................................................... 2-7
Using HyperTerminal to Access the Relay’s Maintenance
Menu ................................................................................ 2-9
Firmware Update ........................................................... 2-12
Setting the Baud Rate.................................................... 2-13
Accessing the Relay’s SCADA Services........................ 2-14
Communication Port Details .......................................... 2-15
3 Using the IED (Getting Started) ............................ 3-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 3-1
Start-up Sequence ........................................................... 3-1
Interfacing with the Relay................................................. 3-1
Front Panel Display.......................................................... 3-2
Terminal Mode ................................................................. 3-7
Relay Control Panel ......................................................... 3-7
4 Protection Functions and Specifications ............ 4-1

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual iii

Table of Contents

Protection and Recording Functions................................ 4-2

Communication-Aided Scheme ..................................... 4-47
Recording Functions ...................................................... 4-51
Event Log....................................................................... 4-54
Fault Log ........................................................................ 4-55
5 Data Communications ........................................... 5-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 5-1
SCADA Protocol .............................................................. 5-1
IEC 61850 Communication .............................................. 5-7
6 Offliner Settings Software ..................................... 6-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 6-1
Offliner Features .............................................................. 6-2
Offliner Keyboard Shortcuts............................................. 6-5
Handling Backward Compatibility .................................... 6-6
RecordBase View Software ............................................. 6-8
Main Branches from the Tree View.................................. 6-9
Settings From a Record ................................................. 6-29
7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide ...... 7-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 7-1
Acceptance Testing ......................................................... 7-1
L-PRO Acceptance Test Procedure Outline .................... 7-4
8 Installation .............................................................. 8-1
Introduction ...................................................................... 8-1
Physical Mounting............................................................ 8-1
AC and DC Wiring............................................................ 8-1
Communication Wiring ..................................................... 8-1
Appendix A IED Specifications..................................... A-1
Distance Element Operating Time Curves at Nominal
Frequency ........................................................................A-7
Frequency Element Operating Time Curves....................A-9
External Input Pickup Filter ............................................A-11
Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges ......................... B-1
Settings and Ranges........................................................B-1
Appendix C Hardware Description ...............................C-1
Appendix D Event Messages .......................................D-1
Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol .... E-1
Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile ................................. F-1
Appendix G Mechanical Drawings ...............................G-1

iv L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Table of Contents

Appendix H Rear Panel Drawings................................H-1

Appendix I AC Schematic Drawings ............................. I-1
Appendix J DC Schematic Drawings ............................J-1
Appendix K Function Logic Diagram............................ K-1
Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example ............................ L-1
Switching Setting Groups................................................. L-2
79 Auto-recloser Examples.............................................. L-9
Appendix M Failure Modes ......................................... M-1
Actions ............................................................................ M-1
Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation ........................N-1
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
(PICS) ..............................................................................N-1
Model Implementation Conformance Statement
Data Mapping Specifications .........................................N-40
Index ......................................................................................... I

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual v

Using This Guide
This User Manual describes the installation and operation of the L-PRO line
protection relay. It is intended to support the first time user and clarify the de-
tails of the equipment.

The manual uses a number of conventions to denote special information:

Example Describes

Start>Settings>Control Panel Choose the Control Panel submenu in the Set-

tings submenu on the Start menu.

Right-click Click the right mouse button.

Recordings Menu items and tabs are shown in italics.

Service User input or keystrokes are shown in bold.

Text boxes similar to this one Relate important notes and information.

.. Indicates more screens.

Indicates further drop-down menu, click to dis-

play list.

Indicates a warning.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual vii

ASG - Active Setting Group

CCVT - Capacitance Coupled Voltage Transformer

CID - file extension (.CID) for Configured IED Description
CS - Control Switch
CT - Current Transformer

DCB - Directional Comparison Blocking

DCE - Data Communication Equipment
DIB - Digital Input Board
DIGIO - Digital Input/Output Board
DMDA - Dead Main Dead Aux
DMLA - Dead Main Live Aux
DSP - Digital signal processor
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment

GFPCB - Graphics Front Panel Comm Board

GFPDB - Graphics Front Panel Display Board
GPS - Global Positioning System

HMI - Human Machine Interface

ICD - file extension (.ICD) for IED Capability Description

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
IED - Intelligent Electronic Device
IP - Internet Protocol (IP) address
IRIG-B - Inter-range instrumentation group time codes

LE- Load Encroachment

LED - Light-emitting Diode
LHS - Left Hand Side
LMDA - Live Main Dead Aux

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual ix


LOCB - L-PRO Output Contact Board

LOP - Loss of Potential

MPB - Main Processor Board

MPC - Micro Processor

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller

POTT - Permissive Over-reaching Transfer Trip
PUTT - Permissive Under-reaching Transfer Trip
PT - Permissive Trip

RAIB -Relay AC Analog Input Board

RASB -Relay AC Analog Sensor Boards
RHS - Right Hand Side
RPCB - Rear Panel Comm Board
RTOS - Real Time Operating System
RTU - Remote Terminal Unit

SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SG - Setting Group
SIR ratio - Source Impedance Ratio
SOTF - Switch On To Fault

TT - Transfer Trip
TUI - Terminal User Interface

UI - User Interface

VI - Virtual Input

WI - Weak Infeed

x L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Version Compatibility
This chart indicates the versions of Offliner Settings, RecordBase View and
the User Manual which are compatible with different versions of L-PRO firm-
RecordBase View and Offliner Settings are backward compatible with all ear-
lier versions of records and setting files. Use RecordBase View to view records
produced by any version of L-PRO firmware and Offliner Settings can create
and edit older setting file versions.
Minor releases (designated with a letter suffix - e.g. v3.1a) maintain the same
compatibility as their base version. For example. L-PRO firmware v3.1c and
Offliner Settings v3.1a are compatible.

L-PRO 4000 Firmware/Software Compatibility Guide

L-PRO Setting
Compatible Offliner Settings ICD File Version
Firmware Version

v2.3 404 v2.3 or greater 2.0

v2.2 404 v2.3 or greater 2.0

v2.1a 403 v2.1 or greater 0.0

v2.1 403 v2.1 or greater n/a

v2.0 402 v2.0 or greater n/a

v1.0 401 v1.0 or greater n/a

Please contact ERLPhase Customer Service for complete Revision History.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual xi

PC System Requirements and Software
The minimum hardware requirements are:
• 1 GHz processor
• 2 GB RAM
• 20 GB available hard disk space
• USB port
• Serial communication port

Operating System
The following software must be installed and functional prior to installing the
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 or
• Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 32-bit or 64-bit
Relay Control Panel requires Windows XP SP3 (it will not work on earlier ver-
sions of Windows).

Software Installation
The CD-ROM contains software and the User Manual for the L-PRO Trans-
mission Line Protection Relay.
Software is installed directly from the CD-ROM to a Windows PC. Alterna-
tively, create installation diskettes to install software on computers without a
CD-ROM drive.
The CD-ROM contains the following:
• L-PRO Offliner Settings: Offliner settings program for the relay
• L-PRO Firmware: Firmware and installation instructions
• L-PRO User Manual: L-PRO manual in PDF format
• L-PRO Function Logic Diagram: diagram in PDF format
• Relay Control Panel: software
• Relay Control Panel User Manual: manual in PDF format
• USB Driver

To Install Software on the Computer

Insert the CD-ROM in the drive. The CD-ROM should open automatically. If
the CD-ROM does not open automatically, go to Windows Explorer and find
the CD-ROM (usually on D drive). Open the ERLPhase.exe file to launch the

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual xiii

PC System Requirements and Software Installation

To install the software on the computer, click the desired item on the screen.
The installation program launches automatically. Installation may take a few
minutes to start.
To view the L-PRO User Manual the user must have Adobe Acrobat on the
computer. If a copy is needed, download a copy at www.adobe.com.

Anti-virus/Anti-spyware Software
If an anti-virus/anti-spyware software on your local system identifies any of
the ERLPhase applications as a “potential threat”, it will be necessary to con-
figure your anti-virus/anti-software to classify it as “safe” for its proper oper-
ation. Please consult the appropriate anti-virus/anti-spyware software
documentation to determine the relevant procedure.

xiv L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
The L-PRO 4000 provides easy-to-use, state-of-the-art comprehensive dis-
tance and directional line protection for medium to extra-highvoltage transmis-
sion lines using communication-based schemes. It provides control,
automation, metering, monitoring, fault oscillography, dynamic swing record-
ing, event logging with advanced communications in a flexible cost effective
The primary protection is line protection with 5 zones of phase and ground dis-
tance functions – user-defined Mho or Quadrilateral shapes and communica-
tions based schemes (i.e. teleprotection or pilot schemes).
To provide a complete package of protection and control the relay supplies oth-
er functions such as:
• 1.0 to 1.3 cycle operation at 80% reach, ideal for EHV transmission line
• Ring bus capability – breaker failure and individual breaker monitoring
• 4-shot recloser with dead line/dead bus control and sync check
• Single pole and three pole trip and reclose
• 24 statements of ProLogic addresses special protection needs
• Power Swing Blocking / Tripping
• Load Encroachment
• Switch On To Fault function
• VT Supervision function
• CT Supervision function
• Over / Under Voltage functions
• 8 Setting Groups (SG) with setting group logic
• Back up Directional overcurrent and earth fault protection
• Over / Under / Rate of change of frequency devices
Relay Control Panel (RCP) is the Windows graphical user interface software
tool provided with all 3000, 4000 series and higher (new generation) ERL re-
lays to communicate, retrieve and manage records, event logs, fault logs, man-
age settings (identification, protection, SCADA etc.,), display real time
metering values, view, analyze, and export records in COMTRADE format.
In addition to the protection functions the relay provides fault recording (96
samples/cycle) to analyze faults and to review the operation of the overall pro-
tection scheme. The relay also has low speed swing recording which can be
used to analyze system stability. The triggers for fault recording are established

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 1-1

1 Overview

by programming the output matrix and allowing any internal relay function or
any external input or any GOOSE messaging input to initiate recording.

Bus 2 Bus 1

50 50 Rec.
LS 79-1,3
Σ 21P 21N 68 50/67 51/67 50N/

5 Zones 5 Zones Dead

50 79-1,3 Line
Rec. Pickup
52-1 CT
LS Rec.

27 59 59N 60 60 81 WI Rec. 25/27 Rec. 59 27

52-2 CTS /59

Swing Recording Fault Recording

6 Analog 9 External 14 Output Contacts Positive Sequence Voltage 6 Voltages
Line PT Current Inputs 1 Relay Inoperative Positive Sequence Current 12 Currents
Inputs Alarm Contact System Frequency Protection Elements
Real Power External Inputs
Optional I/O 11 External 7 Output Contacts Reactive Power Active Setting Group
Inputs Output Contacts

Figure 1.1: L-PRO Relay Function Line Diagram

50LS: Low set overcurrent

PL: ProLogic
WI: Weak infeed

1-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

1 Overview

1.2 Front View

1 2





(119) (150)

1. Front display of time, alarms and relay target

2. LEDs indicating status of relay
4 5 6 3
3. USB Port 150 for maintenance interface
4. Push buttons to manipulate information on settings, display and to clear targets
5. 11 Target Programmable LEDs
6. Ethernet Port 119

Figure 1.2: L-PRO Relay Front View (3U)

1 2






(119) (150)

1. Front display of time, alarms and relay target 4 5 6 3

2. LEDs indicating status of relay
3. USB Port 150 for maintenance interface
4. Push buttons to manipulate information on settings, display and to clear targets
5. 11 Target Programmable LEDs
6. Ethernet Port 119

Figure 1.3: L-PRO Relay Front View (4U)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 1-3

1 Overview

1.3 Rear View

9 10 11 12 13

7 External
48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 48 125 250

V 118 TX 119 RX TX 120 RX 122 123

Modem 100BASE- T FX 100BASE- T FX

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

8 Output NO NC
Contacts RELAY

200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
1A 5A 50Hz 60Hz
Main AC Line Currents Aux. AC Line Currents AC Current Inputs (Record Only) Aux. AC Volts Unused Main AC Volts Unused
15 I 1A I 1B I 1C I 2A I 2B I 2C I 3A I 3B I 3C I 4A I 4B I 4C VA VB VC N VA VB VC N

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Power Supply
48 to 250 Vdc
100 to 240 Vac
Made in Canada 336 337

14 14 16 17 18

7. Ports 100-117: 9 External Programmable Inputs

8. Ports 200-201: Relay inoperative contact
Ports 202-229: 14 programmable output contacts
Ports 230-235: Unused
9. Port 118: Internal modem
10.Port 119-120: 100BASE-T or 100BASE-FX Ethernet Ports
11.Port 121: External clock, IRIG-B modulated or unmodulated
12.Port 122: SCADA
13.Port 123: Direct/Modem RS-232 Port
14.Ports 324-327, 330-333: AC voltage inputs
15.Ports 300-323: AC current inputs
16.Ports 230-235, 328, 329, 334, 335: Unused
17.Ports 336-337: Power supply
18.Port with GND symbol: Chassis Ground

Figure 1.4: L-PRO Relay Rear View (3U)

1-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

1 Overview

8 9 10 11 12
V V V V V V V V V 121
External 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250 48 125 250
118 TX 119 RX TX 120 RX 122 123
Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Modem 100BASE- T FX 100BASE- T FX
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
48 V 48 V 48 V 48 V 48 V
125 V 125 V 125 V 125 V 125 V
7 External External
250 V 250 V 48 125 250 48 125 250 250 V 48 125 250 48 125 250 250 V 250 V 48 125 250 48 125 250 Output
Inputs 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Inputs 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Contacts

400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435

13 Output
9 10

200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
1A 5A 50Hz 60Hz
Main AC Line Currents Aux. AC Line Currents AC Current Inputs (Record Only) Aux. AC Volts Unused Main AC Volts Unused
I 1A I 1B I 1C I 2A I 2B I 2C I 3A I 3B I 3C I 4A I 4B I 4C VA VB VC N VA VB VC N

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Power Supply
48 to 250 Vdc
100 to 240 Vac
Made in Canada 336 337

19 14 15 16 17 18 20

7. Ports 100-117, 400-421: 20 External Programmable Inputs

8. Port 118: Internal modem
9. Port 119-120: 100BASE-T or 100BASE-FX Ethernet Ports
10.Port 121: External clock, IRIG-B modulated or unmodulated
11.Port 122: SCADA
12.Port 123: Direct/Modem RS-232 Port
13.Port 200-229, 422-435: 21 programmable output contacts
14.Port 324-327: AC voltage inputs
15.Port 328-329: unused
16.Port 330-333: AC voltage inputs
17.Port 334-335: unused
18.Port 336-337: Power supply
19.Port 300-323: AC current inputs
20.Port with GND symbol: Case ground

Figure 1.5: L-PRO Relay Rear View (4U)

AC Current and The relay is provided with terminal blocks for up to 12 ac currents and 6 phase-
Voltage Inputs to-neutral voltages.
Each of the current input circuits has polarity (•) marks.
A complete schematic of current and voltage circuits is shown, for details see
“AC Schematic Drawings” in Appendix I and “DC Schematic Drawings”
in Appendix J.

External Inputs The relay contains 9 (3U) or 20 (4U) programmable external inputs.

Output Relay The relay has 14 (3U) or 21 (4U) programmable relay contacts.

Relay If the relay is in self check program or becomes inoperative, then the Relay In-
Inoperative operative Alarm output contact closes and all tripping functions are blocked.
Alarm Output

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 1-5

1 Overview

1.4 Model Options/Ordering

The relay is available as a horizontal mount, for details see “Mechanical Draw-
ings” in Appendix G.
The relay is available with an optional internal modem card.
The two rear Ethernet ports can be ordered as one copper-one optical port or
both optical ports or both copper ports. These ports on the rear panel are avail-
able as either 100BASE-T (RJ-45) or 100BASE-FX (optical ST).
The Current Transformer (CT) inputs are 1 A nominal or 5 A nominal.
The external inputs are 48, 110/125 or 220/250 Vdc.
The system base frequency is either 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
The L-PRO 4000 is available in a standard 3U rack model or as 4U model with
an optional I/O board as described above.
All of the above options must be specified at the time of ordering.

1-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications
2.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses setting up and communicating with the relay including
the following:
• Power supply
• Inter-Range Instrumentation Group time codes (IRIG-B) time input
• Communicating with the relay using a network link, a direct serial link and
a modem link (internal, external)
• Using Relay Control Panel to access the relay’s user interface
• Using HyperTerminal to access the relay’s maintenance menu
• Setting the Baud rate
• Accessing the relay’s Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)

2.2 Power Supply

A wide range power supply is standard. The nominal operating range is 48 –
250 Vdc, 100 – 240 Vac, +/-10%, 50/60 Hz. To protect against a possible short
circuit in the supply use an inline fuse or circuit breaker with a 5 A rating. En-
sure that the chassis is grounded for proper operation and safety.
There are no power switches on the relay. When the power supply is connect-
ed, the relay starts its initialization process. See “Using the IED (Getting Start-
ed)” on page 3-1 for the start up process details.

Case Ground the relay to the station ground using the case-grounding terminal at the
Grounding back of the relay, for details see Figure 1.5: L-PRO Relay Rear View (4U) on
page 1-5.


Ground the relay to station ground using the case-grounding terminal

at the back of the relay, for details see Figure 1.5: L-PRO Relay Rear
View (4U) on page 1-5.

2.3 IRIG-B Time Input

The relay is equipped to handle modulated or unmodulated GPS satellite time
IRIG-B signals. The IRIG-B time signal is connected to the BNC connection
on the back of the relay. When the IRIG-B signal is provided to the relay the
IRIG-B functional Light-Emitting Diode (LED) comes on and the relay clock

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-1

2 Setup and Communications

is referenced to this signal. No settings are required to differentiate between

modulated or unmodulated signals; this is automatically detected by the relay.
Enable or disable the IEEE 1344 extension in the Relay Control Panel. The en-
abled mode allows the year to be received from the IRIG-B signal. If the avail-
able IRIG-B signal has no year extension, this setting should be disabled.

2.4 Communicating with the Relay Intelligent

Electronic Device (IED)
Connect to the relay to access its user interface and supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) services by:
• Front USB 2.0 interface (maintenance)
• 1 front and 2 rear Ethernet network links (user interface and SCADA)
• Direct serial link (user interface and SCADA)
• External or internal modem link (user interface only)
The relay has a front panel USB( Port 150) and 1 front Port 119 and 1 rear panel
Ethernet port 119 and 1 rear panel Ethernet Port 120 and 2 rear serial Ports 122
and 123) to provide direct access to its user interface and SCADA services.
The relay’s user interface is accessed through the Relay Control Panel.

2-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

2.5 USB Link

The PC must be appropriately configured for USB communication.

Port 150 - USB

Laptop PC

Figure 2.1: USB Link

USB Driver Installation

To create an USB link between the relay and the computer, first the USB driver
for the ERLPhase 4000 series device needs to be installed, as follows:
Unzip the file (can be obtained from ERL website):
In this case we assume you unzipped to the desktop.

In Windows XP or Windows 7
Connect a USB port of the PC to Port 150 (USB front) of the LPRO-4000.
The LPRO-4000 was already powered on.

In the window
“Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard”
“Can Windows connect to Windows Update to search for software?”
Check the option “No, not this time”.

In the window
“This wizard helps you install software for:”
“ERLPhase 4000 Series Device”
“What do you want the wizard to do?”
Check the option “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”.

In the window
“Please choose your search and installation options”
“Search for the best driver in these locations”

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-3

2 Setup and Communications

Uncheck the option “Search removable media (floppy, CD-ROM.)”.

Check the option “Include this location in the search”.
Browse for the following folder:

In the window
“Hardware Installation”
“The software you are installing for this hardware”
“ERLPhase 4000 Series Device”
“has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with
Windows XP” or “Windows can’t verify the publisher”
Hit Continue Anyway.

In the window
“Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard”
“The wizard has finished installing the software for”
“ERLPhase 4000 Series Device”
Hit Finish.

To verify the installation was successful, and to which comm port is the ERL-
Phase 4000 Series Device configured, do the following:
In Windows XP
Start > Control Panel->Performance and Maintenance->System >Hard-
ware > Device Manager > Ports
or (if using Control Panel’s Classic View)
Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware >Device Manager >Ports
In Windows 7 ‘small icons’ view, go to
Start>Control Panel>Device Manager>Ports.
Look for the port number associated to this device.
“ERLPhase 4000 Series Device”
Look for a COM#, where “#” can be 1, 2, 3, etc. Leave the default settings
for this port.
It is recommended to restart the PC after the USB driver installation.
The default baud rate for the relay USB Port 150 is 115200, however to double
check it login to the relay display and go to:
Main Menu > System > Relay Comm Setup

2-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

2.6 Network Link

PC with TCP/IP

Port 119 or Port 120

Network Port 119 - RJ-45

Figure 2.2: Network Link

Access both the relay’s user interface and DNP3 SCADA services simultane-
ously with the Ethernet TCP/IP LAN link through the network ports Port 119
and Port 120. The rear Port 119 and 120 are either 100BASE-T copper inter-
face with an RJ-45 connector or 100BASE-FX optical interface with an ST
style connector. Each port is factory configurable as a copper or optical inter-
face. The front Port 119 is 100BASE-T copper interface with an RJ-45 connec-
DNP3 SCADA services can also be accessed over the LAN, for details see
“Communication Port Details” on page 2-15.
Connect to the Ethernet LAN using a Cat 5 cable with an RJ-45 connector or
100BASE-FX 1300 nm, multimode optical fiber with an ST style connector.
By default, the Port 119 is assigned with an IP address of Port
120 is assigned with an IP address of If this address is not suit-
able, it may be modified using the relay’s Maintenance Menu. For details see
“Using HyperTerminal to Access the Relay’s Maintenance Menu” on page 2-

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-5

2 Setup and Communications

2.7 Direct Serial Link

Port 150 - USB
Port 123 - Serial

Laptop PC

Figure 2.3: Direct Serial Link

To create a serial link between the relay and the computer, connect the com-
puter’s serial port and Port 123 on the relay’s rear panel provided the port is
not configured for modem use.
The serial ports are configured as EIR RS-232 Data Communications Equip-
ment (DCE) devices with female DB9 connectors. This allows them to be con-
nected directly to a PC serial port with standard straight-through male-to
female serial cable, for pin-out details see “Communication Port Details” on
page 2-15. Rear Port 122 is for SCADA and Port 123 can be used for direct se-
rial access and external modem.

Ensure the relay port and the PC’s port have the same baud rate and
communications parameter, see “Maintenance Menu Commands”
on page 2-11.

2-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

2.8 Modem Link


Analog Analog
Port 123 - RJ-11 modem Telephone Telephone
Line Telephone Line

Desktop Computer

Figure 2.4: External Modem Link

Using an external modem, access the relay’s user interface through a telephone
link between the relay and the computer.
Connect the serial port on the external modem to the Port 123 on the relay’s
rear panel. Both devices are configured as RS-232 DCE devices with female
connectors, so the cable between the relay and the modem requires a crossover
and a gender change. Alternatively, use the ERLPhase modem port adapter
provided with the relay to make Port 123 appear the same as a PC’s serial port.
A standard modem-to-PC serial cable can then be used to connect the modem
and the relay. For pin-out details see “Communication Port Details” on page 2-
Connect the modem to an analog telephone line or switch using a standard RJ-
11 connector.
Configure the relay’s Port 123 to work with a modem. Log into the relay
through Relay Control Panel, go to Utilities>Communication and select port
123. Set the Baud Rate as high as possible – most modems handle 57,600 bps.
The Initialize setting allows the user to set the control codes sent to the modem
at the start of each connection session. The factory defaults are:
“M0S0=0&B1” for an external modem and “M0S0=0” for an internal modem.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-7

2 Setup and Communications


Analog Analog
Port 118 - RJ-11 modem Telephone Telephone
Line Telephone Line

Desktop Computer

Figure 2.5: Internal Modem Link

Access the relay’s user interface through a telephone link between the relay
and the computer using an optional internal modem. If the modem has been in-
stalled, Port 118 on the rear panel is labelled “INTERNAL MODEM.”
Connect the relay’s Port 118 to an analog telephone line or switch using a stan-
dard RJ-11 connector.
When an internal modem is installed, the relay’s Port 118 is used to interface
to the modem internally. Appropriate Port 118 settings are configured at the
factory when the internal modem is installed. The factory defaults are:
“M0S0=0&B1” for an external modem and “M0S0=0” for an internal modem.

2-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

2.9 Using HyperTerminal to Access the Relay’s

Maintenance Menu
This section describes how to configure a standard Windows VT-100 terminal
program on the PC for use with the relay.
The computer must be connected to the relay via the front USB port 150.
The relay is accessed using a standard VT-100 terminal style program on the
computer, eliminating the need for specialized software. Any terminal program
that fully supports VT-100 emulation and provides z-modem file transfer ser-
vices can be used. HyperTerminal, which is included in Windows XP and is
also available separately as HyperTerminal PE, is used here as an example.
Configure the terminal program as described in Table 2.1:Terminal Program
Setup and link it to the appropriate serial port, modem or TCP/IP socket on the

Table 2.1: Terminal Program Setup

Baud rate Default fixed baud rate 115,200 N81 (no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit).

Data bits 8

Parity None

Stop bits 1

Flow control Hardware or Software.

Hardware flow control is recommended. The relay automatically sup-
ports both on all its serial ports.

Function, arrow Terminal keys

and control keys

Emulation VT100

Font Use a font that supports line drawing (e.g. Terminal or MS Line Draw).
If the menu appears outlined in odd characters, the font selected is not
supporting line drawing characters.

To configure HyperTerminal follow these instructions:

In Windows 7 open HyperTerminal PE; in Windows XP go to
Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal
If “Default Telnet Program?” windows pops up,
Check “Don’t ask me this question again”
Hit No.
First time use of HyperTerminal will ask for “Location Information”.
Fill with appropriate information, e.g.:
“What country/region are you in now”
Choose “Canada”

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-9

2 Setup and Communications

“What area code (or city code) are you are in now?”
Enter “306”
“If you need to specify a carrier code, what is it?”
Enter “”, i.e. leave blank
“If you dial a number to access an outside line, what is it?”
Enter “”.
“The phone system at this location uses:”
Choose “Tone dialing”.
Hit OK.

First time use of HyperTerminal will show “Phone and Modem Options”.
Hit Cancel.

HyperTerminal will show initially “Connection Description”.

Enter a name for the relay, e.g: “LPRO4000”.
Hit OK.

In the window “Connect To”

“Connect using”
Choose “COM#”, where “#” was obtained previously in Section 2.5 USB
Link, after installing the USB driver.
Let’s assume in this case it is COM3.

In the window “COM3 Properties” choose:

Hit Apply then hit OK
At this time the connection should already be established.
Hit Enter in the terminal window.

2-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

Login as maintenance in lower case.

Figure 2.6: Maintenance Menu

Menu Commands 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are Port 150 access only.

Table 2.2: Maintenance Menu Commands

Modify IP address Modifies the LAN IP addresses, network mask, default gateway
and IEC61850 network port assignment.

View system diagnostic Displays the internal status log.

Retrieve system diagnos- Automatically packages up the internal status log plus setting
tics and setup information and downloads it in compressed form to
the computer. This file can then be sent to our customer support
to help diagnose a problem.

Restore settings (com- Use these commands to force the system back to default
mands 4, 5 and 6) values, if a problem is suspected due to the unit's settings,
calibration and/or setup parameters.

Force hardware reset Manually initiates a hardware reset. Note that the
communication link is immediately lost and cannot be
reestablished until the unit completes its start-up.

Network utilities Enters network utilities sub-menu.

Monitor SCADA Shows real time display of SCADA data.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-11

2 Setup and Communications

Table 2.3: Network Utilities Menu Commands

View protocol statistics View IP, TCP and UDP statistics

View active socket states View current states of active sockets

View routing tables View routing tables

Ping Check network connection to given point

Exit network utilities Exit network utilities menu and return to Maintenance Menu

2.10 Firmware Update

The relay has an update login that can be accessed by a connection through a
VT100 terminal emulator (such as HyperTerminal). This login is available
only from Port 150.
1. Use the terminal program to connect to Port 150.
2. Select Enter, the terminal responds with a login prompt.
3. Login as update in lower case.

The firmware update is used to update the relay’s software with maintenance
or enhancement releases. Please see the L-PRO Firmware Update Procedure
documentation that comes with the firmware update for instructions on how to
update the firmware on the relay.

2-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

2.11 Setting the Baud Rate

The baud rate is available on the LCD screen from the top level menu
selecting System then Relay Comm Setup.

Direct Serial For a direct serial connection, both the relay and the computer must be set to
Link the same baud rate.
To change the baud rate of a relay serial port:
1. The user needs to log into the relay as Change (any port) or Service (USB
port only) using RCP.
2. Then choose Utilities>Communication tab.

Modem Link Unlike a direct serial link, the baud rates for a modem link do not have to be
the same on the computer and on the relay. The modems automatically nego-
tiate an optimal baud rate for their communication.
The baud rate set on the relay only affects the rate at which the relay commu-
nicates with the modem. Similarly, the baud rate set in HyperTerminal only af-
fects the rate at which the computer communicates with its modem. Details on
how to set these respective baud rates are described above, except that the user
modifies the Port 123 baud rate on the relay and the properties of the modem
in HyperTerminal.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-13

2 Setup and Communications

2.12 Accessing the Relay’s SCADA Services

The relay supports DNP3 (Level 2) and Modbus SCADA protocols as a stan-
dard feature on all ERLPhase relays. DNP3 is available through a direct serial
link or the Ethernet LAN on top of either TCP or UDP protocols. The Modbus
implementation supports both Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) binary or ASCII
modes and is available through a direct serial link.
The relay’s Port 122 is dedicated for use with Modbus or DNP3 serial proto-
cols. Port 122 uses standard RS-232 signalling. An external RS-232<->RS-485
converter can also be used to connect to an RS-485 network.
For details on connecting to serial Port 122 see “Communicating with the Re-
lay Intelligent Electronic Device (IED)” on page 2-2 and “Communication
Port Details” on page 2-15.
The DNP3 protocol can also be run across the Ethernet LAN. Both DNP over
TCP and DNP over UDP are supported. For details on connecting to the Ether-
net LAN see “Network Link” on page 2-5.
Complete details on the Modbus and DNP3 protocol services can be found in
the Appendices, for details see “Modbus RTU Communication Protocol”
in Appendix E and “DNP3 Device Profile” in Appendix F

Protocol To select the desired SCADA protocol go to L-PRO 4000 Offliner SCADA
Selection communications section. Select the protocol and set the corresponding param-

Communication Port 122’s communication parameters are set in the L-PRO 4000 Offliner
Parameters SCADA communications section Both the baud rate and the parity bit can be
configured. The number of data bits and stop bits are determined automatically
by the selected SCADA protocol. Modbus ASCII uses 7 data bits. Modbus
RTU and DNP Serial use 8 data bits. All protocols use 1 stop bit except in the
case where either Modbus protocol is used with no parity; this uses 2 stop bits,
as defined in the Modbus standard.

Diagnostics Protocol monitor utilities are available to assist in resolving SCADA commu-
nication difficulties such as incompatible baud rate or addressing. The utilities
can be accessed through the Maintenance Menu Commands, see “Maintenance
Menu Commands” on page 2-11

2-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

2 Setup and Communications

2.13 Communication Port Details

Table 2.4: Communication Port Details

Location Port Function

Front Panel 119 RJ-45 receptacle, 100BASE-T Ethernet interface. Default IP =
Used for user interface access or SCADA access through Ether-
net LAN.

Front Panel 150 USB-B receptacle, High speed USB 2.0 interface
Used for user interface access
Default fixed baud rate 115,200 N81 (no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop

Rear Panel 118 RJ-11 receptacle, Internal modem interface.

Default Baud rate 38,400 N81 (no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit)

Rear Panel 119 Rear panel, RJ-45 receptacle or ST type optical receptacle (fac-
tory configured). 100BASE-T or 100BASE-FX (1300nm, multi-
mode) Ethernet interface. Same subnet as front panel port 119.
Used for user interface access or IEC61850/DNP SCADA access
through Ethernet LAN.

Rear Panel 120 ST type optical receptacle. 100BASE-FX (1300 nm, multimode)
Ethernet interface.
Used for user interface access or IEC61850/DNP SCADA access
through Ethernet LAN

Rear Panel 121 BNC receptacle, IRIG-B Interface. Modulated or un-modulated,

330 ohm impedance.

Rear Panel 122 RS-232 DCE female DB9.

Used for SCADA communication.
Default Setting: 19,200 baud O71 (odd parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop)

Rear Panel 123 RS-232 DCE female DB9.

Used for:
• User interface access through a direct serial connection.
• Default Setting: 9600 baud N81 (no parity, 8 data bits, 1
stop bit).
• User interface access through an external modem. The
optional ERLPhase Modem Adapter converts this port to a
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) to simplify connection to
an external modem.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-15

Table 2.5: Signal connections to pins on Relay Port

Signal Name Direction PC<-> Relay Pin # on the Relay Port

DCD  1

RxD  2

TxD  3

DTR  4

Common 5

DSR  6

RTS  7

CTS  8

No connection 9

Relay is DCE, PC is DTE.
Pins 1 and 6 are tied together internal to the relay.

Table 2.6: Cable Pin Connections

Male DB-9 Cable End for Relay Port Female DB-9 Cable End for Computer Port

Pin # on Cable Pin # on Cable

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9
2 Setup and Communications

Table 2.7: Signal name connections to pins on Modem Adapter

Signal Name Direction Modem <-> Relay Pin # on the Modem Adapter

DCD  1

RxD  2

TxD  3

DTR  4

Common 5

DSR  6

RTS  7

CTS  8

No connection 9

Relay (with modem adapter) is DTE, modem is DCE.
Pins 1 and 6 are tied together internal to the relay.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 2-17

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)
3.1 Introduction
This section provides information on the start-up sequence and ways to inter-
face with the relay. Descriptions of the Front Panel Display, Terminal Mode
and Metering Data are provided.

3.2 Start-up Sequence

When the power supply is connected, the following initialization initializing
sequence takes place:

Table 3.1: Initialization Sequence

TEST MODE — red LED on when power applied

RELAY FUNCTIONAL — green LED on within 5 seconds after power applied

TEST MODE — red LED off then on within 10 seconds

Front Display — on on within 20 seconds after power applied

TEST MODE — red LED off within 20 seconds after power applied

When the Relay Functional LED comes on, it indicates that the DSP is actively
protecting the system.
When the test mode LED goes off, the relay is capable of recording and com-
municating with the user.

3.3 Interfacing with the Relay

The following ways can be used to interface with the relay:
• Front panel display
• Terminal mode (for maintenance and firmware upgrade)
• Relay Control Panel

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 3-1

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

3.4 Front Panel Display

The front panel display is the fastest and easiest way of getting information
from the relay.

Display 16 LED Lights

6 Push Buttons USB Port 150

Ethernet Port 119

Figure 3.1: Front Panel Display

The display, the 16 LED lights and the 6 push buttons, provide selective infor-
mation about the relay.

LED Lights

Table 3.2: Description of LED Lights

Relay Functional Indicates when the relay is functional. When the Relay Functional
green LED goes on, the rear Relay Inoperative contact changes to
an open and the protective functions become functional.

IRIG-B Functional Indicates the presence of a valid IRIG-B time signal where the LED
is on.

Service Required Indicates the relay needs service. This LED can be the same state
as the Relay Functional LED or can be of the opposite state
depending on the nature of the problem.
The following items bring up this LED:
• DSP failure - protection difficulties within the relay.
• Communication failure within the relay.
• Internal relay problems.

Test Mode Occurs when the relay output contacts are intentionally blocked.
Possible reasons are:
• Relay initialization on startup
• User interface processor has reset and is being tested.
The user cannot communicate with the relay through the ports until
the front display becomes active and the TEST MODE LED goes
out. Normally, the red Target LED remains off after this start-up
unless the relay had unviewed target messages.

Alarm Occurs when an enabled relay function picks up.

The red Alarm LED should be off if there are no inputs to the relay.
If the Alarm LED is on, check the event log messages which are
available through the menu system.

3-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

Table 3.2: Description of LED Lights

Target LED Number Description (Default values)

1 Any device 21P trip operation (phase distance - 21P1, 21P2, 21P3,

2 Any device 21N trip operation (ground distance - 21N1, 21N2,

21N3, 21N4)

3 Any device 50 or 51 trip operation (phase overcurrent - 50 or 51,

neutral overcurrent - 50N or 51N, negative sequence overcurrent
46-50 or 46-51)

4 Any device 50BF trip operation (breaker failure - 50BF Main-1,

50BF Main-2, 50BF Aux-1, 50BF Aux-2)

5 Any device 81 trip operation (over/under-frequency - 81-1, 81-2, 81-

3, 81-4)

6 Switch On To Fault trip operation

7 Communication Scheme trip operation

8 Device 68 trip operation Power Swing trip

9 ProLogic 1 - 8

10 ProLogic 9 - 16

11 ProLogic 17 - 24

Target LED assignments are the default values but are configurable
by the user through the Offliner settings (output matrix configuration).

Push Buttons

Table 3.3: Identification of Push Buttons

Up, Down, Right, Left, Enter, Escape Used to navigate the front panel screens.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 3-3

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

Display The basic menu structure for navigation of the LCD screen is given below:

Table 3.4: Navigation of the LCD Screen

Main Screen

View / Change / Service : Choice Menu

Enter Password

Main Menu (V)

System (V)

Relay Identification (V)

Relay Comm Setup (V)


System Parameters

Record Length

Setting Group 1

Setting Group 2

Setting Group 3

Setting Group 4

Setting Group 5

Setting Group 6

Setting Group 7

Setting Group 8

Metering (V)

Analog (V)

Analog Inputs (V)

Line Quantities (V)

External Inputs (V)

Output Contacts (V)

Logic (V)

Logic Protections 1 (V)

Logic Protections 2 (V)

ProLogic (V)

Group Logics (V)

Virtual Inputs (V)

Records (V)

View Record List (V)

3-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

Table 3.4: Navigation of the LCD Screen

Fault Recording (C,S)

Swing Recording

Event Recording

Fault Log

Fault List

Event Log (V)

Event List

Utilities (V)

Setup (V)

Timeouts (V)

Time Settings (V)

Set Manual Time (V)

Set DST Time (V)

External Inputs (V)

Maintenance (V)

Output Contacts Control (S)

Virtual Inputs Control (C,S)

Setting Groups Control (C,S)

Erase (C,S)

Erase Records (C,S)

Erase Event Logs (C,S)

Network (V)

Network Protocol Stats (V)

Active Sockets (V)

Routing Tables (V)

Ping (V)

Logout (V)

Where the access levels required to access each are indicated by:
V: view
C: change
S: service
To login into the LCD menu structure, follow these steps:

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 3-5

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)



Figure 3.2: Main Screen

ERLPhase LPRO 4000 2011Aug06


Change - read/write
Service - full access

*passwords are case sensitive

*logins have an activity timeout of: 60mins

Figure 3.3: View / Change / Service: Choice Menu

Enter Password 2011Aug06



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - + =
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
Sp p q r s t u v w x y z , .
back select view

Figure 3.4: Enter Password

3-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

Main Menu 2011Aug06

Fault Log
Event Log

select view

Figure 3.5: Main Menu

In the Main Screen, hit Enter.

In the View / Change / Service: Choose Menu screen, choose desired access
level, hit Enter.
In the Enter Password screen, enter appropriate password, hit Enter on the re-
turn character (right bottom one)
The Main Menu screen should appear.
Note: The default passwords are (remove quotation marks)
View Access “view”
Change Access “change”
Service Access “service”

3.5 Terminal Mode

The terminal mode is used to access the relay for maintenance functions see
“Using HyperTerminal to Access the Relay’s Maintenance Menu” on page 2-
9 and “Firmware Update” on page 2-12.

3.6 Relay Control Panel

RCP is used for all user interface. A short description of the RCP configuration
to connect to a relay is given here. Please refer to the Relay Control Panel User
Manual for details.
Follow this sequence to configure RCP for USB link to the relay.
1. Execute.
Relay Control Panel.exe
2. Execute.
L-PRO 4000 Offliner.exe
3. Install Null Modem Driver.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 3-7

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

Please refer to the Relay Control Panel User Manual for details.
4. Run Relay Control Panel.
Go to:
Start > All Programs > ERLPhase > Relay Control Panel > Relay Control
First time RCP is run.
Hit Add New.
“Add New Relay”
Choose Communication > Direct Serial Link.
Hit Get Information From Relay.
Then RCP will communicate with the LPRO-4000 and retrieve in-
formation to fill required fields.
When this is done, hit Save Relay.
If the window “Relay already exists...” pops up, you may need to re-
name the relay changing the “Relay Name” in the “Relay Definition”
category, before saving.
After first time, in “Select Relay”, choose relay and hit Connect.
In “Relay Password Prompt”
Choose desired access level, enter appropriate password
Note: Default passwords are listed below (remove the quotation
View Access “view”
Change Access “change”
Service Access “service”
The basic structure of the Relay Control Panel information, including basic
actions available, is given below:

Table 3.5: Relay Control Panel Structure

View Change Service

Relay Control Panel

Records Trigger Fault Trigger Fault

Trigger Swing Trigger Swing

Trigger Event Trigger Event

Faults Erase Erase

Events Erase Erase


3-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

3 Using the IED (Getting Started)

Table 3.5: Relay Control Panel Structure




Logic 1

Logic 2



Group Logic



Unit Identification



Analog Input Calibration N/A N/A

External Input

Virtual Inputs N/A Latch/Pulse Latch/Pulse

Toggle Outputs N/A N/A Close/Open

Settings Group Save Save

Passwords N/A N/A


Present Settings (Get From


Saved Settings (Load to (Load to

Relay) Relay)

Notice that some options are not available (N/A) depending on the access level.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 3-9

4 Protection Functions and
Introduction ...... page 4-2
Protection and Recording Functions ...... page 4-2
21P Phase/21N Ground Distance ...... page 4-2
Load Encroachment (LE) ...... page 4-5
Relay Method of Memory Polarization ...... page 4-8
Relay Method of Memory Polarization ...... page 4-8
Ring Filter ...... page 4-9
Directional Element ...... page 4-10
Directional Element Outputs ...... page 4-12
21P and 21N Phase Selector ...... page 4-13
Capacitance Coupled Voltage (CCVT) Transformer on 21 Devices ...... page
68 Power Swing ...... page 4-17
Line Energization Supervision Logic ...... page 4-19
Switch On To Fault (SOTF) ...... page 4-20
Weak Infeed (WI) ...... page 4-22
25/27/59 Sync Check ...... page 4-23
79 Recloser ...... page 4-24
Summary of Trip and Reclose Schemes ...... page 4-28
59 Main/Auxiliary Overvoltage ...... page 4-28
...... page 4-28
60 Loss of Potential (LOP) ...... page 4-31
81 Frequency ...... page 4-34
50LS Overcurrent ...... page 4-35
50BF Breaker Failure ...... page 4-36
50/51/67 Phase Overcurrent ...... page 4-38
50N/51N/67 Neutral Overcurrent ...... page 4-40
46-50/46-51/67 Negative Sequence Overcurrent ...... page 4-41
Adaptive Additional Delay for 50 O/C Elements ...... page 4-42
Z Circle Trigger ...... page 4-43
Fault Locator ...... page 4-43
ProLogic ...... page 4-44
Group Logic ...... page 4-45
Communication-Aided Scheme ...... page 4-47
50/51N OC Carrier Start and Block Logic ...... page 4-47
Basic Logic ...... page 4-48
POTT Logic ...... page 4-49
DCB Logic ...... page 4-50
PUTT Logic ...... page 4-51
Recording Functions ...... page 4-51
Introduction ...... page 4-51
Fault Recording ...... page 4-51
Swing Recording ...... page 4-52

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-1

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Event Recording ...... page 4-52

Record Initiation ...... page 4-52
Record Duration and Extension ...... page 4-53
Record Storage ...... page 4-53
Record Retrieval and Deletion ...... page 4-53
Event Log ...... page 4-54
Fault Log ...... page 4-55

4.1 Protection and Recording Functions

Introduction This section describes the equations and algorithms of the relay protection
functions. All functions with time delay provide an alarm output when their
pickup level is exceeded.
The following functions are exceptions: 27 Auxiliary, 27 Main, 59 Auxiliary,
59 Main, 25/27/59 Sync Check, 50LS Main, 50LS Auxiliary, 50BF Main,
50BF Auxiliary, 81 Frequency and ProLogic elements.
A complete list of the settings and their range values can be found in “IED Set-
tings and Ranges” in Appendix B.

21P Phase/21N The relay 21P contains 5 zones of phase distance elements; all 5 zones of 21P
Ground can be set to either Mho or Quadrilateral type. Note that only one type can be
used at a time. The 21P can contain a mixture of Mho and Quadrilateral shapes,
for example the 21P1 and 21P2 can be set to a Mho characteristic and the 21P3,
21P4 and 21P5 could be set to a Quadrilateral characteristic.
The relay 21N contains 5 zones of ground distance elements; all 5 zones of 21N
can be set to either Mho or Quadrilateral type. Note that only one type can be
used at a time. The 21N can contain a mixture of Mho and Quadrilateral
shapes, for example the 21N1 and 21N2 can be set to a Mho characteristic and
the 21N3, 21N4 and 21N5 could be set to a Quadrilateral characteristic.
The Quadrilateral shape is parallel to the positive sequence line angle setting.
The user-defined Mho Characteristic Angle is not selectable when a Quadrilat-
eral characteristic for that particular zone is defined. All other settings are se-
lectable and user-definable.
Zones 3, 4 and 5 reach can be set in either forward direction or reverse direction
or offset as required. All the distance functions are set in secondary ohms. The
available range of impedance settings is based on the nominal current specified
when the relay was ordered. The impedance reach ranges are given in “21P
Phase/21N Ground Distance” on page 4-2.

4-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Zone 5

Zone 3

Zone 2
Line Z1

Characteristic Angle

Zone 1

Line Angle

Zone 4

Figure 4.1: Phase and Ground distance protection Mho relay characteristic

The shape of the phase and ground distance relays is adjustable. For the circu-
lar Mho characteristic shape, the characteristic angle is 90 degrees. Determine
this angle by drawing 2 lines from any point on the impedance locus to the di-
ameter of the characteristic. Produce a tomato-shaped characteristic by select-
ing an angle less than 90 degrees or a lens-shaped characteristic with angles
greater than 90 degrees.

Zone 5

Zone 3

Zone 2

Zone 1
Line Z1


Line Angle

Directional Element
Zone 4


Figure 4.2: Phase and Ground distance protection Quadrilateral Characteristics

The shape of the Mho characteristic means that significant extensions are made
to the relay characteristics in the R region of the R-X plane for ground faults.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-3

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Restrict the reach in the R region for the phase distance relays where load en-
croachment is an issue. The shaped Mho characteristic provides the best fit for
the application keeping the number of relay settings at a minimum and pro-
vides the benefits associated with the Mho characteristic.
The Mho characteristic used by the relay is developed by the classical ap-
proach using the measurement of the angle between 2 vectors.
These vectors are defined as:

A = I  Z set – V (1)

B = V ref (2)

I phase + K o  3I 0 (3)

V is the actual line voltage for ground distance relays or the actual line to
line voltage for the phase distance relay.
I is defined as above for ground distance relays or the line to line current for
phase distance relays.
Zset is the setting reach and Vref is a positive sequence memory voltage
stored within the relay.
Vref is the polarizing quantity for the Mho elements, and is more completely
described in “Relay Method of Memory Polarization” on page 4-8.
To make the reach of the ground distance relay relate to the line positive se-
quence impedance the classical Ko factor is used.
This factor is defined as

Z0 – Z1 (4)
K 0 = -----------------
3Z 1

The relay includes a directional element to supervise the phase (21P) and
ground (21N) Mho elements, for all five Zones (21P1 to 21P5 and 21N1 to
21N5). The directional element improves security of the Mho elements for re-
verse faults such as: bus faults, phase-phase faults during high load conditions.
The directional element does not supervise Zone 3, Zone 4 and Zone 5 ele-
ments if these zones are set as offset characteristic. The directional element is
described in “Directional Element” on page 4-10.

4-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Line angle Line angle Line angle

Circle (90°) Tomato (<90°) Lens (>90°)

Figure 4.3: Mho Characteristic Shapes

Load The load impedance may enter into the protection zones permanently or tem-
Encroachment porarily due to system condition. This is observed in very long lines or heavily
loaded medium lines will have issue. This is a normal load conditions and it is
not an abnormal/fault conditions. Therefore, the relay should not initiate any
trip command during this condition. The relay should identify properly wheth-
er the impedance entered into the protection zone is normal load condition or
fault condition.
This is distinguished by monitoring all phase-to-phase impedance values (i.e.
Zab, Zbc & Zca).If all the three phase impedances enter into the protection
zones with the limited load angle area, it is declared as a loading condition and
21P function is blocked. If only one of the phase-to-phase impedance enters
into the protection zones with the limited load angle area then this can be de-
clared as fault condition.
Generally, the three phase fault will not have any additional resistance compo-
nent other than the conductor resistance. Therefore, three phase fault will al-
ways have the fault angle as close to line angle only and it will not enter into
the loading area.
Figure 4.4: Load Encroachment (LE) Logic on page 4-5 shows how the LE
function works. Phase-to-phase current monitoring has been added to the logic
to ensure stable operation.

Figure 4.4: Load Encroachment (LE) Logic

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-5

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.1: 21P Phase Distance Element Settings

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5

Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa-
ble ble ble ble ble

Characteristic Type Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri-
lateral lateral lateral lateral lateral

Forward Impedance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Both
Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Forward Reactance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Quadrilateral
Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Reverse Impedance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Both

Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Reverse Reactance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Quadrilateral

Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Left Reach (R1) (Ohms 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 Quadrilateral
secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Right Reach (R2) (Ohms 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 Quadrilateral
secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Mho Characteristic Angle 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 Mho

Pickup Delay (seconds) 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 Both

Id Supervision (A second- 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 Both
ary) (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to
10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A)

Line Angle (degrees) 5.0 to 89.0

Setting is made in Line Parameters (Positive Sequence Angle)

Load Impedance (Ohms)

R (Ohms secondary) -150.0 to 150.0 Both

X (Ohms secondary) -150.0 to 150.0 Both

Load Encroachment Enable/Disable Both


Impedance (Ohms sec- 0.01 to 66.0 (5 A) Both

ondary) 0.05 to 330.0 (1 A)

4-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.1: 21P Phase Distance Element Settings

Upper angle (degrees) 90.1 to 179.9 Both

Lower angle (degrees) 180.1 to 269.9 Both


Impedance (Ohms sec- 0.01 to 66.0 (5 A) Both

ondary) 0.05 to 330.0 (1 A)

Upper angle (degrees) 0.1 to 89.9 Both

Lower angle (degrees) -0.1 to -89.9 Both

Table 4.2: 21N Ground Distance Element Settings

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5

Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa- Enable/ Disa-
ble ble ble ble ble

Characteristic Type Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri- Mho / Quadri-
lateral lateral lateral lateral lateral

Forward Impedance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Both
Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Forward Reactance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Quadrilateral
Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Reverse Impedance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Both

Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Reverse Reactance 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 0.00 to 66.00 Quadrilateral

Reach (Ohms secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.00 to 0.00 to 0.00 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Left Reach (R1) (Ohms 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 Quadrilateral
secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Right Reach (R2) (Ohms 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 0.05 to 66.00 Quadrilateral
secondary) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A) (5A)
0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to 0.25 to
330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A) 330.00 (1A)

Mho Characteristic Angle 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 70.0 to 140.0 Mho

Pickup Delay (seconds) 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 0.00 to 99.00 Both

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-7

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.2: 21N Ground Distance Element Settings

Id Supervision (A second- 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 Both
ary) (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to
10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A)

3I0 Supervision (A sec- 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 0.2 to 50.0 Both
ondary) (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to (5A) 0.04 to
10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A) 10.00 (1A)

Line Angle (degrees) 5.0 to 89.0

Setting is made in Line Parameters (Positive Sequence Angle)

Load Impedance (Ohms)

R (Ohms secondary) -150.0 to 150.0 Both

X (Ohms secondary) -150.0 to 150.0 Both

Relay Method of The 21P and 21N Mho/Quad elements use positive-sequence voltage, derived
Memory from a memory voltage, as the polarizing quantity. No user settings are re-
quired for the memory polarization functionality. Sufficient positive-sequence
voltage should be available during all fault events. However, during certain
fault events, especially 3-phase bolted faults near the line VT location, the pos-
itive-sequence voltage may be insufficient for correct operation. To ensure ad-
equate positive-sequence voltage exists for all fault conditions, the relay uses
a ring filter, implemented in software, to provide memory voltage as the source
for the positive-sequence voltage. This memory voltage lasts for approximate-
ly 150 cycles, even if all voltage inputs from the line VTs go to zero. A practi-
cal effect of using a memorized voltage is to expand the Mho characteristic by
the magnitude of the source impedance see “Effect of using Memorized Volt-
age on a 3-phase forward fault condition” on page 4-8. This expansion of the
characteristic ensures correct operation for zero voltage faults at the relay lo-
cation, and for forward capacitive faults.
No Memory
Line Z


Figure 4.5: Effect of using Memorized Voltage on a 3-phase forward fault condition

4-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Ring Filter The voltage memory in the relay uses a ring filter implemented in software.
The ring filter is a high-Q bandpass filter, with the frequency response centered
on the nominal system frequency. The effect of the ring filter is to retain some
voltage information for approximately 150 cycles, even if the measured system
voltage is severely depressed by a fault.

VA Ring Filter
VB Ring Filter Component Vpos_mem
VC Ring Filter Vpos_mem
correct? Vpolarizing

Component Vpos

Figure 4.6: Polarizing Voltage


Ring Filter
Memory Voltage

Figure 4.7: Effect of the Ring Filter

The ring filter is designed to adjust the center of the frequency response to ac-
count for small variations of the power system frequency. When the measured
voltage drops below 0.5 Vsec, the ring filter explicitly uses the nominal system
frequency as the center point of the bandpass filter. During this condition, or
when the system frequency varies widely or rapidly, as during out-of-step con-
ditions, the ring filter could provide an incorrect output. During these condi-
tions, the 21P and 21N Mho/Quad elements use the positive-sequence voltage
derived from the system voltage directly from the line VTs until the voltage
output of the ring filter is correct. If the measured positive sequence voltage is
below 1 Vsec, then the Mho/Quad elements use the positive sequence voltage
derived from the memory voltage

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-9

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Directional The relay includes a directional element that directly supervises the Zone 1 to
Element Zone 5 phase and ground distance elements, the 50/51/67, 50N/51N/67N, 46-
50/51/67 overcurrent elements, and the 50N/67F and 50N/67R elements in the
Communications Aided Tripping schemes. The directional element considers
negative-sequence impedance, zero-sequence impedance, or positive-se-
quence impedance, depending on relay settings and system conditions at the
time of the fault. The element declares a forward fault when the impedance de-
termined by the directional element is within 90° of the line impedance.



Line Impedance

Line Z Angle


Figure 4.8: Fault Direction

The directional element in the relay is always enabled. The directional element
actually consists of 3 separate internal elements: a negative-sequence element,
a zero-sequence element, and a positive-sequence element. The negative-se-
quence and zero-sequence elements use directly measured currents and voltag-
es. The positive-sequence element uses directly measured current, and a
memory voltage from the ring filter. The sensitivity for the negative- and zero-
sequence elements may be set by the user, to correctly account for load condi-
tions and system configuration. Both of these elements may be disabled as
well. The positive-sequence element is always active.

4-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

3P Fault

N Minimum Sensitivity

Z2 Y V2 Y Y
ON I2 Forward


Y Y Y Directional
Z0 3V0 Forward
ON 3I0 Element

V1 (mem) Forward


Figure 4.9: Directional Element Logic

For 3-phase faults, the directional element will only use the positive-sequence
element. For all other faults, the directional element will consider, in order, the
negative-sequence calculation, the zero-sequence calculation, and the positive-
sequence calculation. The directional element will only move from one calcu-
lation to the next calculation if insufficient sequence voltages and currents ex-
ist to make a valid calculation.
The negative-sequence calculation determines the angle between the measured
negative-sequence impedance, and the positive-sequence line impedance angle
entered in settings. To perform this calculation, the default minimum amount
of negative-sequence voltage required is 0.5 V secondary, and the default min-
imum amount of negative-sequence current required is 0.2 A secondary.
The zero-sequence calculation determines the angle between the measured
zero-sequence impedance the zero-sequence line impedance angle entered in
settings. To perform this calculation, the default minimum amount of zero-se-
quence voltage (3V0) required is 1.0 V secondary, and the default minimum
amount of zero-sequence current (3I0) required is 0.2 A secondary.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-11

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

The positive-sequence calculation determines the angle between the measured

positive-sequence impedance (based on measured current, and the memory
voltage output of the ring filter) and the positive-sequence line impedance an-
gle entered in settings. To perform the positive-sequence impedance calcula-
tion, the directly measured positive-sequence current must exceed 0.2 A
secondary, and the memorized positive-sequence voltage must exceed 2 V sec-
There may be some rare circumstances where there may not be sufficient volt-
age or current, using the negative, zero, and positive sequence components, for
the directional element to make a valid directional decision. The most likely
circumstance where this may occur is a 3-phase bolted fault near the line VTs,
that is not cleared in an appropriate amount of time. It takes approximately 30
cycles, after the measured 3-phase system voltage drops to 0, for the ring filter
voltage to decay such that the Vpos_mem is less than 2 V secondary. For this
circumstance, or for any other fault case where there are insufficient sequence
component quantities for any of the directional calculations to operate, the di-
rection is set to “forward”. Setting the directional element to forward explicitly
sets the direction to forward for the distance elements, and for the 50N/67N-F
and 50N/67N-R elements in the communications aided tripping schemes (ef-
fectively blocking the 50N/67N-R element), and allows all other directional
controlled elements to operate non-directional.

Directional The output of the directional element asserts when the direction is determined
Element to be “forward”. This output is used internally by protection functions directly
supervised by the element, and is also available as the “Directional Element”
indication in ProLogic equations. The directional element also provides the
“Directional Valid” output for use in ProLogic equations. This output asserts
when any one of the active sequence impedance calculations has sufficient in-
put quantities to make a valid direction determination, regardless of the actual
direction. The “Directional Valid” output will always be asserted, except in the
rare case where system voltage has gone to 0 for more than 30 cycles, as pre-
viously described. The 2 outputs can be combined in a ProLogic equation to e
a secure reverse directional output from the relay, for example.

Directional Element
Reverse Fault
Directional Valid

Figure 4.10: Directional Element

Directional The default setting of the directional element in the relay should be correct for
Element most applications. The default settings enable both the negative-sequence and
zero-sequence calculations, with the minimum sensitivities as described. There
are some applications where it may be advisable to change the sensitivity
thresholds for the negative-sequence or zero-sequence calculations, or it may
be desirable to disable one or both of these elements.
Selecting “Directional Element Override Enabled” allows user settings for the
negative-sequence and zero-sequence directional elements.

4-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

The settings for the negative-sequence voltage sensitivity and negative-se-

quence current sensitivity should be normally higher than the maximum nega-
tive sequence quantities generated by unbalanced load. These settings should
also be low enough to maintain sensitivity for the minimum unbalanced fault,
in terms of negative sequence quantities.
The zero-sequence directional element can be used in many applications. How-
ever, where strong mutual coupling between parallel lines exist, the zero-se-
quence calculation must be disabled to prevent an incorrect directional
determination. The sensitivity settings should be low enough to permit opera-
tion during the lowest expected ground fault in terms of zero-sequence quanti-
ties expected during a fault, and high enough to allow for normal load

Table 4.3: Directional Element Settings

Override Enabled Enable/Disable

Negative-Sequence Enable/Disable

V2 Sensitivity Level (V secondary) 0.5 to 5.0

I2 Sensitivity Level (A secondary) 0.1 to 1.0 (5 A)

0.02 to 0.20 (1 A)

Zero Sequence Enable/Disable

3V0 Sensitivity Level (V secondary) 1.0 to 10.0

3I0 Sensitivity Level (A secondary) 0.2 to 2.0 (5 A)

0.04 to 0.40 (1 A)

21P and 21N The phase selector algorithm for the relay ensures that:
Phase Selector • 21N only trips on single-phase-to-ground fault, so as to prevent 21N from
false tripping for phase-to-phase-to-ground faults with arc resistance
• Supervise 21P for low Source Impedance Ratio (SIR) ratios and single-
phase-to-ground faults at 20% of line reach or below.

Algorithm Details
The phase selector uses a combination of positive, negative and zero sequence
current phasors to correctly determine the faulty phase. No user settings are re-
quired for the phase selector functionality. An OR function with angle checks
between I1 and I2 as well as the angle between I2 and I0. The OR function al-
lows the algorithm to adapt to various fault conditions and provide the correct
fault type. When energizing a line with a T-tapped load, the user may have sys-
tem conditions where no pre-trigger load current is available. Using positive
and negative sequence currents alone may cause an incorrect fault determina-
tion if the load current is significantly large enough to affect the total positive
sequence current, which includes both load and fault current. Our algorithm
overcomes this problem.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-13

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Angle Relationship of Positive and Negative Sequence Currents

The angle comparison scheme is used to determine the faulty phase and the
fault type. If the load current is subtracted from the total current (i.e. only fault
current is left for angle comparison), the positive sequence (I1) and negative
sequence (I2) current phase angle relations are listed in the following table:

Table 4.4: Angular difference between positive and negative sequence

currents for various faults


Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault

Angle Diff. between I1A and I2A 0 120 120 180 60 60


Angle Diff. between I1B and I2B 120 0 120 60 60 180


Angle Diff. between I1C and I2C 120 120 0 60 180 60


Phase Selector Criteria for I1 and I2

The following criteria is used to determine the fault type and phase:
AG Fault: AngleDiff_A<45.0 and AngleDiff_B >90.0 and AngleDiff_C >90.0
BG Fault: AngleDiff_B<45.0 and AngleDiff_C >90.0 and AngleDiff_A >90.0
CG Fault: AngleDiff_C<45.0 and AngleDiff_A >90.0 and AngleDiff_B >90.0
In the above criteria only one can become true at a time. They are used to su-
pervise 21N_A, 21N_B, 21N_C respectively.

Angle Relationship of Negative and Zero Sequence Currents

The angle comparison scheme is used to determine the faulty phase and the
fault type. The negative sequence (I2) and zero sequence (I0) current phase an-
gle relations are listed in the following table:

Table 4.5: Angular difference between negative and zero sequence currents
for various faults


Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault

Angle Diff. between I2A and I0 0 120 120 0 120 120


Angle Diff. between I2B and I0 120 0 120 120 120 0


Angle Diff. between I2C and I0 120 120 0 120 0 120


4-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Phase Selector Criteria for I2 and I0

The following criteria is used to determine the fault type and phase:
AG Fault: AngleDiff_I2_I0_A<25.0 degrees
BG Fault: AngleDiff_I2_I0_B<25.0 degrees
CG Fault: AngleDiff_I2_I0_C<25.0 degrees
Though AG type of fault will be declared for a BCG fault by the above angle
criteria between I2 and I0, the characteristic of AG impedance prevents AG
from tripping because the phase selector is used for supervision only, i.e. the
phase selector is not a tripping device.

Device 21P Supervision

A 21P supervision logic is formed based on the above Phase Selector Criteria.
The phase-to-phase distance element is only allowed to operate if the faulted
phase is not involved with the element:
21P_AB Supervision = Not AG Fault and Not BG Fault
21P_BC Supervision = Not BG Fault and Not CG Fault
21P_CA Supervision = Not CG Fault and Not AG Fault

The Start of the Phase Selector

The phase selector starts only when a fault occurs. The start definition is: if 3I0
is greater than the minimum of any enabled 21N zone’s 3I0 supervision level
setting, begin the phase selector algorithm.
A buffer is used to track the pre-trigger load current, which is subtracted from
the total current before checking the phase selector criteria.
During fault conditions the system frequency may change causing a drift in the
angle difference being calculated by the phase selector. The locked pre-trigger
load current vector is adjusted accordingly based on this angle difference be-
tween the pre-trigger positive sequence voltage and the positive sequence volt-
age during the fault. If the faulted positive sequence voltage shifts, the angle
difference is taken into account. (i.e. the same angle relationship remains along
the fault duration.)

Duration of the Phase Selector Supervision

The maximum blocking time to 21N for a phase-phase-ground fault is from 2.0
seconds to x seconds, where x is the maximum pickup delay in enabled 21P2
to 21P5, and then plus 8 cycles (8 cycles is the maximum breaker opening).
This ensures that if 21P did not trip on the phase-phase-ground fault for some
reason, 21N is allowed to trip on this fault after this maximum blocking time
delay has expired.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-15

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Ground Indicator in 21P Event Message

3I0 is checked against the minimum of the following settings:
• 21N1: 3I0 supervision when it’s enabled
• 21N2: 3I0 supervision when it’s enabled
• 21N3: 3I0 supervision when it’s enabled
• 21N4: 3I0 supervision when it’s enabled
• 21N5: 3I0 supervision when its enabled
• 50N Pickup level when it’s enabled
• 51N Pickup level when it’s enabled
• 50N_67F when it’s selected as Scheme_Only or both ProLogic&Scheme
When 3I0 exceeds the minimum of the above values, a ground indicator “G” is
put in the 21P event messages, e.g. “21P Trip ABG 123.1 km”

Capacitance When a fault occurs, especially on a line with high source to impedance ratio
Coupled (SIR), the CCVT secondary voltage can become quite different from the actual
system voltage varying in both magnitude and phase due to the transient re-
Voltage (CCVT)
sponse of the CCVT. This transient response can cause device 21 overreach
Transformer on significantly. A special CCVT transient compensation algorithm (Patent Pend-
21 Devices ing) has been included in L-PRO 4000 relay to address this issue.
The CCVT transient compensation algorithm uses a combination of techniques
with digital filters, vector averages and other means to rebuild the correct volt-
age from the transient distorted voltage waveforms. This combination of tech-
niques provides a secure method for detecting and correcting CCVT transient
phenomena. On one hand, it improves the reach accuracy of 21 devices dra-
matically during the period of the CCVT subsidence transient. On the other
hand, it will not sacrifice the relay operation speed very much. It does not add
any additional delay when the SIR is low (<1.2). In the worst case, it adds about
one cycle delay when the SIR is high (>15). For the operation time details, refer
to “IED Specifications” in Appendix A.

This compensation algorithm can be enabled or disabled through

settings. Note that this algorithm is applied to all 21 devices once it is
enabled. For the applications without CCVTs, this compensation al-
gorithm should be disabled so as to eliminate the possible additional
delay introduced by this algorithm.

4-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

68 Power Swing The Power Swing function can be used as a tripping or blocking function. This
function consists of 2 sets of inner and outer impedance Zones on the R-X
plane, for details see If the user selects Device 68 to block for Power Swing
conditions, the relay energizes the front panel alarm LED when the 68 ele-
ments are blocking. If the user selects the 68 to trip for Power Swing conditions
the relay energizes the front panel target light. on page 4-17. Set the Power
swing zones to different values and to have the Power Swing function operate
for different system conditions. The Power swing zones are quadrilateral char-
acteristic and the reactance lines with the same angle as the angle chosen for
the line positive sequence impedance. Outputs from the outer and the inner
power swing zones are available on the output matrix for use with other types
of Power Swing schemes or for monitoring.



Zone 5

Zone 3

R2 R1 R3 R4

Zone 2
Line Z1

Zone 1

Line Angle

Zone 4



Figure 4.11: Power Swing Characteristic

The basic Power Swing scheme looks at the positive sequence impedance of
the line with respect to the line loading. If the line loading causes the imped-
ance to cross the outer Zone, an Power Swing timer is started. If the impedance
does not cross the inner zone before this timer times out, the function produces
an output (either a block or trip whichever is set) when the impedance crosses
the inner Zone. The entire activity is supervised by an overcurrent function to
prevent undesired operations for impedances far from the origin.
The logic has a timeout feature that prevents the blocking function from oper-
ating for an indefinite amount of time. Device 68 functions as either a blocking
device or tripping device. The 68 Power Swing (68 Trip or 68 Block), 68 Inner
and 68 Outer Zone logic points are available in the output matrix. These logic
points are also logged as event messages in the event log, “Event Messages”
in Appendix D In addition, the outputs from the inner and outer Zones are
available for use with ProLogic to create any application scheme required.
If the user selects Device 68 to block for Power Swing conditions, the relay en-
ergizes the front panel alarm LED when the 68 elements are blocking. If the
user selects the 68 to trip for Power Swing conditions the relay energizes the
front panel target light.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-17

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Inner Blinder Alarm

Zpos X
Outer Blinder Alarm
Enable Setting
50 Ipos TB
0 68 Block Out of Step
50 3I0 68 Trip

Figure 4.12: Power Swing Function

Table 4.6: 68 Power Swing Function Details

Mode Block, Off, Trip

Zone Blocking

Zone 1 Blocking Enable/Disable

Zone 2 Blocking Enable/Disable

Zone 3 Blocking Enable/Disable

Zone 4 Blocking Enable/Disable

Zone 5 Blocking Enable/Disable

Out of Step Swing Timer 0.00 to 1.00 seconds

I1 Supervision 0.5 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.1 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

3I0 Blocking 0.5 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.1 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

Blocking Reset Time 0.25 to 2.00 seconds

Left Hand Side (LHS) Blinder

Outer (R1) -100.0 to R2 ohms secondary (5A)

-500.0 to R2 ohms secondary (1A)

Inner (R2) R1 to R3 ohms secondary

Right Hand Side (RHS) Blinder

Inner (R3) R2 to R4 ohms secondary

4-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.6: 68 Power Swing Function Details

Outer (R4) R3 to 100.0 ohms secondary (5A)

R3 to 500.0 ohms secondary (1A)

Top Blinder

Outer (X4) X3 to 100.0 ohms secondary (5A)

X3 to 500.0 ohms secondary (1A)

Inner (X3) X2 to X4 ohms secondary

Bottom Blinder

Inner (X2) X1 to X3 ohms secondary

Outer (X1) -100.0 to X2 ohms secondary (5A)

-500.0 to X2 ohms secondary (1A)

Energization Vpos - VposOld > 10 volts

Supervision VposOld < 30 volts Block all 21 devices

Logic 1 sec.
Ipos < 4% of Norminal Current
20 ms

Figure 4.13: Line Energization Supervision Logic

Note: Vpos is the present positive sequence voltage.

VposOld is the positive sequence voltage at two cycles before.

The Logic shown in “Line Energization Supervision Logic” on page 4-19 has
been introduced in order to prevent potentially erroneous operations of the 21
upon energizing of T-tapped transmission lines that have transformers connect-
ed and the PT connected on the line side of the breaker. This logic does not re-
quire any user setting.
In this logic, the present positive sequence voltage is compared with the posi-
tive sequence voltage of 2 cycles previously. In an energization situation, the
VposOld would be near zero V and the present Vpos would be approximately
the nominal. As time goes by the old Vpos gets updated with the nominal volt-
age and would eventually equal the present. When it gets within 10 V second-
ary the top input to the AND gate would reset, go to zero, and reset the blocking
The second input is the previous 2 cycle positive sequence voltage and has an
undervoltage setting of 30 V. This input goes high to block the distance relays
only if the positive sequence voltage from 2 cycles back was less than 30 V
(approximately 50% nominal), so, for a line that has been previously energized
and now experiences a fault, no distance relay blocking takes place.
The third input (the bottom one) produces an output only if the positive se-
quence line current is less than 4% nominal or 4.0% of 5 A secondary = 0.20

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-19

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

A secondary. If this current has been that low for the 1 second pickup time de-
lay this input to the AND gate would go high. For a de-energized line this input
would normally be high to allow the blocking scheme to operate if the other
two inputs are high. This input along with input two are present to help prevent
any distance relay blocking for a line that is in service and is now experiencing
a line fault.

Switch On To When energizing a line that has been out of service, the line may have a fault
Fault (SOTF) on it. If the line potential is derived from bus PTs, the distance relay function
acts normal and operates for any fault that exists when the line is energized. If
the line uses line PTs, the output of these line PTs is zero before energizing.
Because there is no memory voltage, operation of the line distance functions
may be undefined. To provide protection to detect faults when a line is first en-
ergized, the Switch On To Fault function (SOTF) is involved.

Figure 4.14: Switch On To Fault (SOTF)

The logic diagram, Figure 4.14: Switch On To Fault (SOTF) on page 4-20,
shows how the circuit actually works. The SOTF function has options as Close
Command or Status Monitoring.

4-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Close Command
This method can be applied where the relay can get the Breaker Close com-
mand from control panel manual close switch (TNC) or SCADA Close com-
mand. This Close command should reach the relay as an External Input or a
Virtual Input or ProLogics to initiate SOTF logic.
This method ensures that all the poles or any one pole are in dead condition for
more than the A1 timer by checking the current level (i.e. lower than 4% of
nominal), then it will enable the SOTF function.

Status Monitoring
This method can be applied where the relay can get Breaker status (52A). This
Breaker Status Monitoring signal should reach the relay as an External Input
or a Virtual Input to initiate SOTF logic.
This method will monitor all the pole statuses as well as each pole load current.
The SOTF function is enabled whenever current value is changing from 0 to
more than 4% of nominal or any pole Breaker status is changing from open to

Both options have a common Pick-up delay (i.e. timer B1), which will allow
to extend the SOTF function enabled up-to the desired settable duration. Typ-
ically, this timer value shall be equal to Zone 2 time delay setting.
During SOTF Enabled condition, if any 50 Trip or 50N Trip or Zone 2 (21N2
or 21P2) alarm picked up condition happens, then the relay will go for an in-
stantaneous 3-pole SOTF Trip.
In addition to the above options, the SOTF function has a second harmonic re-
straint logic which allows the line to be more easily energized if the line is T-
tapped with an online reactor or transformer. Energization of the line with the
T-tapped device results in second harmonics that allows the line to be ener-
gized. If a fault exists that exceeds the line high set overcurrent devices, the line
is allowed to trip.

Table 4.7: Switch On To Fault Settings

Switch On To Fault Enable/Disable

Breaker Signal Close Command/ Status Monitoring

Close Pulse EI1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24, VI1 to VI30 (This setting shall
be enabled when the Breaker signal setting is selected
as Close Command)

Pole Dead Pick-up Timer (A1, 0.0 to 999.9 Seconds (This setting shall be enabled
Pick-up timer) when the Breaker signal setting is selected as Close

Main Breaker Status EI1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24, VI1 to VI30 (This setting shall
be enabled when the Breaker signal setting is selected
as Status Monitoring)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-21

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.7: Switch On To Fault Settings

Aux Breaker Status EI1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24, VI1 to VI30 (This setting shall
be enabled when the Breaker signal setting selected as
Status Monitoring & ring bus configuration is enabled)

SOTF Enabled Duration (B1, 0.0 to 999.9 Seconds

Pick-up timer)

Device 50 Pickup 0.5 to 50.0 A secondary (5 A)

0.1 to 10.0 A secondary (1 A)

Device 50N Pickup 0.5 to 50.0 A secondary (5 A)

0.1 to 10.0 A secondary (1 A)

Second Harmonica Restraint Enabled/Disabled


I2/I1 Ratio 0.0 to 10.0

Weak Infeed Weak Infeed provides tripping if fault levels are too low to activate the distance
(WI) units. If enabled, this function sends a permissive trip signal even if the fault
level seen by the relay is very low as when the line breaker is open. The posi-
tive sequence and zero sequence voltage detectors allow the relay to echo back
a permissive signal to allow the end with fault current to trip quickly without
the need for an auxiliary b contact.

Table 4.8: Weak Infeed Settings

Weak Infeed Enable/Disable

Device 27 V1 Pickup 0.0 to 69.0 V secondary

Device 59 3V0 Pickup 0.0 to 100.0 V secondary

Zone 2/Zone 4 Reset Delay (TWD1) 0.02 to 0.20 seconds

Communication Cycle Reset Delay 0.02 to 0.20 seconds


Communication Reset Time Delay 0.02 to 1.0 seconds


4-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

25/27/59 Sync The relay can bring in voltages from both line and bus PTs. The Line Sync
Check Check function, if enabled, looks at the voltage steady state angle between the
line and bus PT voltage. If this angle is within a plus/minus specified value, (+/
- 1 to 50 degree magnitude range of setting available), the function enables a
definite time delay pickup (user-selectable 0 to 10 seconds) after which time
an output is produced.
The line sync reference voltage is taken from a bus source. The relay can bring
one single phase-to-neutral voltage. Logic within the relay allows the single-
phase quantity to be either A, B or C phase. All unused single-phase inputs
must be grounded for proper operation.
The Dead Main Live Auxiliary (DMLA), Live Main Dead Auxiliary (LMDA)
and Dead Main Dead Auxiliary (DMDA) logic functions use fixed values of
main and auxiliary positive sequence secondary voltages to determine the Sync
Check condition. The voltage is fixed at 20 V secondary, voltages below 20 V
are declared a dead state and voltages above 20 V are declared a live state.
When enabled, this function checks that the voltage angle between the line PT
and bus PT are within a specified value. Use this function to ensure that closing
a line to a system will result in acceptable power flow. The function uses pos-
itive sequence voltage, and therefore, can accommodate single-phase sources
as well as 3-phase sources. If a single-phase source is used, it must be connect-
ed to the corresponding phase designation on the relay input. For example: If
only a B-phase bus PT is available, it should be connected to the relay input B-
phase terminals. In this example, the voltage and angle limit is 20 degrees with
no pickup or drop out delay.
The Dead Main Live Auxiliary, Live Main Dead Auxiliary and Dead Main
Dead Auxiliary logic functions use fixed values of main and auxiliary positive
sequence secondary voltages to determine the sync check condition. The volt-
age is fixed at 20 V secondary. Voltages below 20 V are declared a dead state
and voltages above 20 V are declared a live state.

Table 4.9: 25/27/59 Sync Check Settings

25 Sync Check Enable/Disable

Maximum Voltage 60.0 to 138.0 V secondary

Minimum Voltage 40.0 to 69.9 V secondary

Angle Difference 1.0 to 50.0 degrees

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 seconds


Enable Dead Main Live Aux. (DMLA) Enable/Disable

Enable Live Main Dead Aux. (LMDA) Enable/Disable

Enable Dead Main Dead Aux. (DMDA) Enable/Disable

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-23

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

79 Recloser The relay provides single-phase tripping and reclosing and 3-phase tripping
and reclosing on the 4000 hardware platform.
The schemes available are user-programmable and consist of the following
user setting options:
• 3-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme
• 1-Phase/3-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme
Please note that the user can select only one scheme at a time, although the user
can change the scheme selected by using the setting groups within the setting

3-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme

This scheme allows the relay to 3 phase trip always (even if the fault is single
phase in nature) and reclose the 3 phases after a period of time. Up to 4 shots
of reclosing is possible, depending upon the user recloser settings. The recloser
logic control is capable of reclosing a single line breaker or two ring bus line
breakers in a variety of sequences. The breaker reclosing sequence refers to the
breakers as lead and follower breakers. The first breaker selected to reclose is
called the lead breaker and the second breaker that is reclosed is called the fol-
lower. The reclosing can be done with or without synch check supervision. The
output matrix is used to determine the inputs and the outputs to the 3-phase 79
recloser. The line breaker (s) is deemed to be open if the current through it is
below 4% of the nominal current rating. (For a 5 A rated relay, this is 0.2 A

3-Phase Reclose Timers

The lead breaker open interval times are settable for each reclosing shot (T1 to
T4) for the 3-phase recloser. The follow breaker open time interval is common
for each reclosure attempt. This follower breaker reclose time can be set to use
the 79 follower timer TF or the 79 reset timer TD. See L-PRO 4000 Function
Logic Diagram for details.

Lead or Follower Breaker Logic

The recloser setting options allow the lead breaker to be the main or auxiliary
breaker. The recloser automatically selects the follower breaker into the lead
position after the out of service time delay, TC is exceeded. If the follower
breaker is removed from service, after the out of service time delay, TC, there
is no further follower breaker reclose attempts. The breaker status is reset when
the breaker status changes to closed for at least 10 seconds, or if the relay pow-
er supply is toggled Off then On again. A breaker is considered to be closed if
the current measured through it is greater than 0.2 A secondary for a 5 A relay.
(4% In where In is either 1 A or 5 A)

External Reclose Blocking

The 79 also supports blocking from external devices via the output matrix and
the internal 79 Lockout indication. The user can control the 79 remotely or lo-
cally with external or virtual inputs.

4-24 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Lockout Indication
Lockout indication is provided for the lead and follower breaker. The lead and
follower lockout indication is set for a fixed time delay pickup of the close sig-
nal time (TP) plus 1.0 second. When the recloser goes to the lead lockout con-
dition, the breaker out of service timers are set to zero seconds and
automatically pick up. If the recloser is in the lead lockout state, the logic re-
mains in that state for setting (TD) seconds after the main or auxiliary breaker
is manually closed. The follower lockout condition occurs when the follower
breaker receives a close signal and the breaker remains open. If the recloser is
in the follower lockout state, the logic remains in that state for setting (TD) sec-
onds after the follower breaker is manually closed.

Table 4.10: 79 Recloser Settings

79 Recloser Enable/Disable

Number of Shots 1 to 4

First Reclose (T1) 0.1 to 999.9 seconds

Second Reclose (T2) 1.0 to 999.9 seconds

Third Reclose (T3) 1.0 to 999.9 seconds

Fourth Reclose (T4) 1.0 to 999.9 seconds

Close Time (Tp) 0.1 to 1.0 seconds

Lockout Time (TD) 0.1 to 999.9 seconds

Initiate Reset (TDI) 0.0 to 999.9 seconds

Recloser Mode Main only

Block Reset (TDB) 0.0 to 999.9 seconds

Follower Time (TF) 0.0 to 999.8 seconds

Breaker Out of Service (TC) 0.0 to 999.9 seconds

Follower Sequence Switch

Close after the Recloser Follower Time (TF) On/Off

Close after the Recloser Reset Time (TD) On/Off

Sync Control Enabled/Disable

The recloser provides flexibility with lead and follower breaker options. The
lead breaker is in the main or auxiliary position. This allows the user to control
the lead circuit breaker with complete Dead Main Live Auxiliary, Live Main
Dead Auxiliary, Dead Main Dead Auxiliary or Live Main Live Auxiliary su-
pervision (angle limit and voltage limit). The user also has the ability to control
the 79 remotely or locally with external or virtual inputs. The 79 recloser mon-
itors the breaker contact “a” status and automatically moves the follower
breaker into the lead position when the lead breaker is removed from service,

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-25

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

after an out-of-service time delay setting. For details of auto-recloser examples

see “L-PRO Setting Example” in Appendix L.

Sync Control
The flexibility provided with device 79 allows the user to control 1 or 2 circuit
breakers with complete Dead Main Live Auxiliary, Live Main Dead Auxiliary,
Dead Main Dead Auxiliary or Live Main Live Auxiliary supervision (slip fre-
quency). Sync control is provided on the lead breaker only, because the follow-
er breaker always recloses after the lead breaker has successfully closed.
ProLogic can be used to supervise follower breaker closing attempts if an ex-
ternal input is used to signal that the follower breaker has a valid sync check
signal from an external device (e.g. PLC).

Operation of the Relay with the Single-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme
This setting allows the relay to trip only the faulted phase if the fault is single
phase in nature, then initiate a reclose of that phase after a line dead time. The
reason for this is that many faults are transient in nature, such as those caused
by lightening. The trip of the faulted phase, and that the trip of the faulted phase
then reclosing it some time later, should in many cases allow the line to return
into service. The benefit of this scheme is that approximately one half of the
power flow on the line (before the fault occurs) can be sent down the line dur-
ing the open phase condition, promoting system stability and eliminating the
need to resynchronize the line.
It should be noted that employing this scheme means that the high voltage line
breakers must be capable of opening and reclosing in a single phase mode and
that additional equipment such as line and neutral reactors must be installed on
the line in order to allow the scheme to work correctly. A thorough systems
study on the line and surrounding equipment must be performed in order that
appropriate scheme settings be determined to obtain satisfactory performance
of this scheme.
In operation, the Single-Phase Trip Setting blocks 79-3 from any attempts to
reclose on a 3 Phase basis. If a single phase fault occurs on the line, the faulted
phase is identified and only that phase is opened. After a period of time as de-
fined by the pickup time of timer T1 in the single phase recloser 79-1, that
phase will be reclosed. If the fault starts as a single phase fault and then evolves
into a multiphase fault, or commutates to a different phase while the first phase
is open, the line will 3 phase trip and reclosing will be inhibited. If the first sin-
gle phase fault is detected, then reclosed upon, and if the fault persists, the line
will 3-phase trip and lockout. Timer TD5 dropout time determines how soon a
subsequent single line to ground fault can occur after the first one in order for
the line to attempt another single phase trip and reclosure. If a single phase
fault is detected and that phase opens but fails to reclose before timer TM times
out, the line will 3-phase trip and lockout. It is important therefore that timer
TM be set longer in duration than the single phase recloser time. Only one sin-
gle phase reclose is attempted. If upon reclosure the fault persists, before timer
TD5 has had a chance to dropout, the line will 3-phase trip and lockout. To get

4-26 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

the line out of a locked out state, the line must be manually reclosed and stay
in service for longer than the single phase lockout timer TD reset.
Protection functions that can initiate a single phase trip and reclose are defined
by the user in the output matrix setting screen. The user has full control to dic-
tate which protection functions should initiate the recloser logic. Time delayed
trips for instance may be considered backup functions where recloser initiation
is undesired. In this case these types of operations can be set to block any at-
tempted reclosures in any of the chosen reclosure schemes. These protection
functions can also be set to initiate transient fault or dynamic swing recordings
and breaker failure initiations on the output matrix as well.
During the single pole open condition while in the single pole tripping mode,
unbalanced line load current will create negative and zero sequence line quan-
tities. In order to override these unbalances, provisions have been made in the
relay logic to allow the user to apply modified protective relay settings to the
line protections that will be automatically applied while the line is in a phase
open condition. These settings can be determined through load flow and fault
study cases for the protected line. Once the line phase recloses, the protective
settings that have been modified will return to their original settings. In this
way, protection security can be maintained while the line goes through a single
phase trip and reclose operation.
The drawing for the single phase reclosing logic is shown on the L-PRO 4000
Function Logic Diagram.

Single-Phase/3-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme

With this scheme setting, the relay will trip and reclose a single phase for an
initial Single Phase fault and will trip and reclose for a Three Phase or multi-
phase fault. Only one attempt to reclose will occur if the fault is permanent in
nature before lockout will occur.
If sufficient time takes place between the first fault and subsequent new line
faults, as determined by the TD4 and TD5 dropout times, the protection will
try to keep the line in service by tripping and reclosing the line as required.
It should be noted that the relay has two types of reclosers, a single phase type
79-1 and a 3-phase type 79-3 recloser.
The single phase recloser has only one shot, determined by timer T1. This time
delay applies for both the Single Phase Scheme and for the Single Phase/Three
Phase Scheme settings.
The 3-phase recloser has a common setting for the first reclose of the Three
Phase or the Single Phase/Three Phase Trip and Reclose Schemes.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-27

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Summary of Three-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme Setting

Trip and Provides 3-phase tripping for any type of line fault with up to four (4) shots of
Reclose reclosure possible.
Single-Phase Trip and Reclose Scheme Setting
This scheme allows one shot of trip and reclose if the fault is single phase in
nature. Multiple Phase line faults will 3-phase trip and lockout. Single phase
faults occurring at a frequency less than TD5 reset time will result in 3-phase
trip and lockout after first attempted reclose.

Single-Phase/MultiPhase Trip Scheme Setting

An initial line fault will cause the line to either 3-phase trip or single phase trip.
If subsequent line faults occur before timers TD4 or TD5 reset, the line will 3-
phase trip and lockout.
For any schemes selected, if a line goes into the lockout state, only a successful
manual line reclose or a relay power supply reboot will reset the lockout logic.
The relay uses the current flow through a breaker to determine its status. If
measured current flow is less than 4% nominal current (0.2 A for 5 A relay) the
breaker is considered to be open.

59 Main/ The relay provides overvoltage protection from both the bus and line PTs.
Auxiliary These functions are definite time delay functions.
Gate Switch (Setting)
59 Va Main
59 Vb Main
59 Vc Main

Figure 4.15: 59 Main Overvoltage

The definite time delay main overvoltage function, similar to the undervoltage
function, looks at all 3 phase-to-neutral voltages. This function uses the RMS
voltages to make this determination of overvoltage and is settable to an AND
or OR logic.
The auxiliary overvoltage function operates exactly the same way as the main
overvoltage function except that it uses the voltages from the auxiliary PT in-

Table 4.11: 59 Overvoltage Settings

Main Enable/Disable

Gate Switch AND or OR

4-28 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.11: 59 Overvoltage Settings

Pickup 1.0 to 138.0 V secondary

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 seconds

Auxiliary Enable/Disable

Gate Switch AND or OR

Pickup 1.0 to 138.0 V secondary

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 seconds

59N Zero The relay provides Zero sequence overvoltage protection from line side PT.
Sequence The element operates on the residual voltage quantity 3V0. The element has
one DTL and one Inverse Time stage
The device 59N Inverse Time provides three IEC inverse time curve types,
three IEEE inverse time types of Zero sequence overvoltage protection and one
user defined curve .The equation and the parameters of device 59N are listed

T (3V0) =TMS (B+ (A/ ((3V0/3V0pickup) p -1)))

T (3V0) =TMS (TR/ ((3V0/3V0pickup) 2 -1))

Table 4.12: IEC and IEEE Curves

NO Curve Type A B P

1 IEC Standard Inverse 0.14 (Fixed) 0.00 (Fixed) 0.02 (Fixed)

2 IEC Very Inverse 13.5 (Fixed) 0.00 (Fixed) 1.00 (Fixed)

3 IEC Extremely Inverse 80.00 (Fixed) 0.00 (Fixed) 2.00 (Fixed)

4 IEEE Moderately Inverse 0.0104 (Fixed) 0.0228 (Fixed) 0.02 (Fixed)

5 IEEE Very Inverse 3.880 (Fixed) 0.0963 (Fixed) 2.00 (Fixed)

6 IEEE Extremely Inverse 5.67 (Fixed) 0.0352 (Fixed) 2.00 (Fixed)

7 User-defined 0.0010 to 0.0000 to 0.01 to 10.00

1000.0000 10.0000

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-29

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.13: Table 4.13: 59N Zero Sequence Overvoltage setting functions

3V0 Pickup Minimum level operates device 59N

Curve type Sets the type of inverse time curve

TMS Time scaling factor for inverse time curve

A, B, p Parameters for defining the curve

TR Factor for altering the reset time

Table 4.14: 59N Zero sequence overvoltage setting ranges

59N Inverse Time Delay Enable/Disable

Pickup (Volt) 5.00 to 150.00

Curve Type See Table 4.12: IEC and IEEE curves

TMS 0.01 to 10.00

A 0.0010 to 1000.0

B 0.0000 to 10.0

p 0.01 to 10.0

TR 0.10 to 100.0

59N Definite Time Delay Enable/Disable

Pickup (Volt) 5.00 to 150.00

Pickup Delay (Sec) 0.00 to 99.99

4-30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

27 Main/ The relay provides undervoltage protection from both the bus and line PTs.
Auxiliary These functions are definite time delay functions.
Undervoltage The definite time main undervoltage function looks at the phase-to-neutral
voltage of all 3 phases to determine an undervoltage condition. The fundamen-
tal RMS voltage is used for this calculation. If any of the phase-to-neutral volt-
ages is below the set value, the function starts the definite time delay timer. The
user can set this function to be an AND or OR logic.
The auxiliary undervoltage function operates exactly the same way as the main
undervoltage function except that it uses the voltages from the auxiliary PT in-

Gate Switch (Setting)

27 Va Main
27 Vb Main
27 Vc Main

Figure 4.16: 27 Undervoltage

60 Loss of
Potential (LOP) 27 VLa (0.75 pu fixed)
27 VLb (0.75 pu fixed) 168
27 VLc (0.75 pu fixed)
59 VLa (0.1 pu fixed)
59 VLb (0.1 pu fixed) 175 171
59 VLc (0.1 pu fixed)
176 0
dVpos/dt > 3V/cycle 173 174
dVpos/dt < -3V/cycle
0 5ms
ABS | dIpos/dt | > 0.1A/cycle 169
50 Ipos
50 3I0

50 ILA (4% I nominal)

50 ILB (4% I nominal) 170
50 ILC (4% I nominal)

Figure 4.17: Loss of Potential Logic

The relay distance elements (21P and 21N) are supervised by both instanta-
neous non-directional overcurrent and the loss of potential (LOP) logic to pre-
vent false trip due to the loss of potential, where the phase distance elements
are supervised by the delta current (i.e. Ia-Ib, Ib-Ic and Ic-Ia), and the ground
distance elements are supervised by both the phase current and the zero se-
quence (3I0) current.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-31

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

The loss of potential (LOP) function uses rate of change values for the positive
sequence voltage and current signal along with voltage and current supervision
to detect loss of potential conditions. This function operates very fast and been
field proven to block the distance elements during potential transferring be-
tween buses.
The function looks for a negative rate of change on the positive sequence volt-
age while determining if the positive sequence current is changing. A loss of
potential in itself should result in only a loss of voltage or a negative rate of
change of voltage. A fault results in a high rate of change of current as well. In
some rare cases there is a negative rate of change of fault current, therefore we
use an absolute rate of change of current. When the loss of potential condition
is detected, it is latched until all the 3-phase voltages are above 75% or a pos-
itive rate of change of voltage is detected. So the circuit detects a loss of poten-
tial that results in a voltage of less than 75%. Select positive and zero sequence
current blocking functions above the maximum load current, this ensures that
LOP does not pick up on fault.
A dropout timer has been added on the di/dt signal (in front of gate 169) to en-
sure that the di/dt signal will not reset earlier than the dv/dt signal. This change
improves the security of the algorithm in some particular fault situations.

Table 4.15: 60 Loss of Potential Settings

60 Loss of Potential Enable/Disable

I1 Blocking 0.5 to 50.0 A secondary (5 A)

0.1 to 10.0 A secondary (1 A)

3I0 Blocking 0.5 to 50.0 A secondary (5 A)

0.1 to 10.0 A secondary (1 A)

If this function is enabled and an AC Loss of Potential takes place, an output

contact can be closed.
Loss of potential causes an alarm and distance elements will be blocked. Pos-
itive and zero sequence current settings provided will block this function for
faults. If voltage goes below 75% nominal (49.8 V) and the currents obtained
do not exceed the settings, the loss of potential will be initiated.

Note that the positive and zero sequence current blocking level
should be set above the maximum line current. This function is fast
enough to provide blocking of the distance functions for schemes that
use bus potential inputs that are sometimes transferred without the
need for any external blocking inputs.

4-32 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.16: Logic Gates - Loss of Potential Logic

Logic Description (for details see Figure 4.17: Loss of Potential Logic on page 4-
Gate # 31)

167 When 50Ipos or 503I0 exceed their set point and go HIGH (1) it will invert and
block logic element 169.

168 When one of the phase-to-ground potentials falls below 0.75 pu, the logic ele-
ment’s output is HIGH.

169 To declare a LOP, this element must have a negative rate of change of positive
sequence voltage below or less than 3 V/cycle - AND - an absolute value of rate
of change of positive sequence current below or less than 0.1 A/cycle - AND -not
have a positive sequence load current (50 Ipos) above the setting.- OR - not
have 3 times zero sequence fault current (3Io) above the setting of 3Io.

170 LOP is declared by this logic element (logic HIGH) when any of the phase cur-
rents are above 0.2 A.

171 Has an output when o/p from 168 is HIGH - AND - o/p from logic 173 is HIGH -
AND - “NOT” logic 176 HIGH. (Positive sequence rate of change voltage is not
greater than 3 V/cycle and not 3 phase voltage greater than 0.1 pu).

172 Has an output when o/p from 170 is HIGH - AND - positive sequence rate of
change voltage is not greater than 3 V/cycle.

173 Has an output when o/p from 171 is HIGH - OR - timed o/p from logic 169 is

174 Has a Loss of Potential (LOP) output when o/p from 168 is HIGH - AND - o/p
from logic 172 is HIGH - AND - o/p from logic 173 is HIGH. The output is timed on
drop out. This output is sent to other elements of the relay to give indication and
block voltage elements, such as impedance from tripping falsely from loss of
potential condition.

175 Phase voltage AØ and BØ and CØ less that 0.1pu will have output HIGH.

176 Logic element 175 HIGH and positive sequence rate of change voltage is not
greater than 3 V/cycle - output HIGH, will invert into element 171 to Block tuning
171 off.

60 CT The relay provides CT secondary circuit supervision function for both main
Supervision and auxiliary CT’s. The element operates on presence of negative sequence
current Inps on main CT above the set vale and the absence of negative se-
quence voltage Vnps (below the set value, line PT) principle.
The auxiliary CT Supervision function operates exactly the same way as the
main CT Supervision function except that it uses the Inps current from the aux-
iliary CT in-puts.

Main CT Supervision Enabled T

Main CT Inps > Pickup
Main PT Vnps < Pickup O

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-33

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Figure 4.18: 60 CT Supervision

Table 4.17: 60 CT Supervision Settings

Main Enable/Disable

Inps Pickup 0.25 to 5.00 A secondary (5A)

0.05 to 1.00 A secondary (1A)

Vnps Pickup 7.00 to 110.00 V secondary

Pickup Delay 0.03 to 99.99 seconds

Auxiliary Enable/Disable

Inps Pickup 0.25 to 5.00 A secondary (5A)

0.05 to 1.00 A secondary (1A)

Vnps Pickup 7.00 to 110.00 V secondary

Pickup Delay 0.03 to 99.99 seconds

81 Frequency The relay has 4 frequency devices available. Each frequency element can be
set to operate either at a fixed level of under-frequency, a fixed level of over-
frequency, or at a rate of change level (df/dt). The df/dt function can be set to
operate for a positive rate of change or a negative rate of change. Each frequen-
cy element has a definite time delay setting to create a time delayed output. A
fixed level of positive sequence voltage of 0.25 pu provides an undervoltage
inhibit on each element

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 4.19: Frequency Fixed Level

df/dt (Hz/s)

Figure 4.20: Frequency Rate of Change

Table 4.18: 81 Over/Under Frequency Settings

Disabled/Fixed Level/Rate of Change

4-34 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.18: 81 Over/Under Frequency Settings

50.000 to 59.995 or 60.005 to 70.000 (fixed level)

-10.0 to -0.1 or 0.1 to 10.0 (rate of change)
0.05 to 99.99 seconds (fixed level)
Pickup Delay
0.20 to 99.99 seconds (rate of change)

50.000 to 59.995 or 60.005 to 70.000 (fixed level)

-10.0 to -0.1 or 0.1 to 10.0 (rate of change)
0.05 to 99.99 seconds (fixed level)
Pickup Delay
0.20 to 99.99 seconds (rate of change)

50.000 to 59.995 or 60.005 to 70.000 (fixed level)

-10.0 to -0.1 or 0.1 to 10.0 (rate of change)
0.05 to 99.99 seconds (fixed level)
Pickup Delay
0.20 to 99.99 seconds (rate of change)

50.000 to 59.995 or 60.005 to 70.000 (fixed level)

-10.0 to -0.1 or 0.1 to 10.0 (rate of change)
0.05 to 99.99 seconds (fixed level)
Pickup Delay
0.20 to 99.99 seconds (rate of change)

Four frequency elements are provided with adjustable definite time delays.
Frequency is determined from the main voltage input (3 phase voltage).

50LS The relay takes in currents from main, auxiliary CTs and 2 additional CT in-
Overcurrent puts, 50LS Input 3 and 50LS Input 4. These individual overcurrent devices can
be used with ProLogic to create logic. 50LS Input 3 and 50LS Input 4 are not
available in the Output Matrix.

50 I1a RMS T Low Set Overcurrent

50 I1b RMS
50 I1c RMS 0

Figure 4.21: Low Set Overcurrent

Table 4.19: 50LS Low Set Overcurrent Settings

Main (Input 1) Enable/Disable

Pickup 0.10 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 Seconds

Auxiliary (Input 2) Enable/Disable

Pickup 0.10 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 Seconds

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-35

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.19: 50LS Low Set Overcurrent Settings

Input 3 Enable/Disable

Pickup 0.10 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 Seconds

Input 4 Enable/Disable

Pickup 0.10 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 10.00 Seconds

50BF Breaker The Breaker Failure (BF) protection function detects breaker failures. There
Failure are 2 sets of breaker failure protection functions, 50BF Main and 50BF Auxil-
iary, one for each breaker. When breaker failure is initiated by a trip or other
internal logic (user-settable through the output matrix) and the breaker current
still exists, 2 timers (T1 and T2, user-settable) are started. When these timers
are timed out and if the current still exists (which indicates breaker failure), the
output of this function is set high. Use the 2 outputs of this function to trip an-
other trip coil or the next level of breakers, such as bus breakers.

Figure 4.22: 50BF Main Breaker Failure

Table 4.20: 50BF Breaker Failure Settings

Main Enable/Disable

Pickup Delay 1 0.01 to 99.99 Seconds

Pickup Delay 2 0.01 to 99.99 Seconds

Breaker Current Pickup 0.10 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

4-36 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.20: 50BF Breaker Failure Settings

Auxiliary Enable/Disable

Pickup Delay 1 0.01 to 99.99 Seconds

Pickup Delay 2 0.01 to 99.99 Seconds

Breaker Current Pickup 0.10 to 50.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 10.0 A secondary (1A)

Auxiliary (Input 2) Enable/Disable

External Single Phase 50BF Initiate


A Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24

B Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24

C Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24


A Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24

B Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24

C Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI 20, PL1 to PL24

The L-PRO breaker failure protection can be initiated by any protection func-
tion located within the L-PRO relay by initiating the BFI column in the Output
Matrix screen. When the breaker failure function is initiated this way several
modes of operation may occur.
1. If the 3 Pole tripping option for the relay is selected, initiation of the BFI
column in the Output matrix will result in 3 pole breaker failure initiation.
Output of the breaker failure function will then be a three pole output. The
3 pole BF initiation will occur regardless of the type of fault detected, sin-
gle phase or multi-phase fault.
2. If the 1 Pole (single pole) tripping option for the relay is selected, initiation
of the BFI column in the Output matrix will result in a 1 pole breaker fail-
ure initiation if a single phase trip by a protection function operates. If a
multi phase fault occurs, a multi-phase protection function will be initiated
and the BF initiation will be a 3 pole breaker failure. For this case all three
poles of the breaker will be checked to see if they open correctly. Breaker
failure operation will result in 3 pole backup breaker tripping just like the
single pole BF initiation.
3. If the 1/3 Pole Scheme tripping option for the relay is selected, the breaker
failure initiation will be a combination of (1) and (2) above, with single or
three pole BF initiation as required by the fault detection.
The breaker failure function can also be initiated by an input to one of the ex-
ternal inputs from an outside protective relay or by a ProLogic input. This input
can be a phase segregated input that can come from a single pole trip from an
external relay and is shown on the Scheme Selector screen.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-37

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

The breaker failure logic uses a current detector that is user settable in the 50BF
Setting screen to determine whether a pole is open or closed in the range of 0.1
- 50 A secondary. There are two (2) breaker failure functions available per line
breaker with adjustable pickup definite time delays from 0.01 to 99.9 seconds.
In any case, the output of the Breaker Failure function must be set to close out-
put contacts to perform its function. This is done by mapping the BF output to
the appropriate output contact in the Output Matrix screen.

50/51/67 Phase Phase Overcurrent provides backup protection to the line. The user can define
Overcurrent directional or non directional control on either 50 or 51 functions.
Device 51 provides 3 IEC inverse time curve types, 3 IEEE inverse time types
of overcurrent protection and one user-defined curve. The equation and the pa-
rameters of Device 50/51/67 are listed below.

Table 4.21: IEC and IEEE Curves

No Curve Type A B p TR

1 IEC Standard Inverse 0.14 0.00 0.02 13.5

2 IEC Very Inverse 13.50 0.00 1.00 47.3

3 IEC Extremely Inverse 80.00 0.00 2.00 80

4 IEEE Moderately Inverse 0.0103 0.0228 0.02 0.97

5 IEEE Very Inverse 3.922 0.0982 2.00 4.32

6 IEEE Extremely Inverse 5.64 0.0243 2.00 5.82

7 User-defined [0.001, 1000] [0.0, 10.0] [0.01, 10.0] 0.1, 100

The equation of Devices 50/51/67 is given in Equation (3 and 4) below. The

various parameters are defined in Table 4.22: 50/51/67 Phase Overcurrent Set-
tings on page 39.

For I > pickup (5)

T  I  = TMS B + ------------------------------------
I p
 ------------------ –1
 Pickup

For I < pickup (6)

T  I  = TMS -----------------------------------
I 2
 ------------------ –1
 Pickup

4-38 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.22: 50/51/67 Phase Overcurrent Settings

50 Enable/Disable

Directional Directional, non-directional or combined

Pickup 0.50 to 150.00 A secondary (5A)

0.10 to 30.00 A secondary (1A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 99.99 seconds non-directional

0.01 to 99.99 seconds directional

51 Enable/Disable

Directional Directional, non-directional or combined

Pickup 0.25 to 25.00 A secondary (5 A)

0.05 to 5.00 A secondary (1 A)

Curve Type For details see Table 4.21: IEC and IEEE Curves on page

TMS 0.01 to 10.00

A 0.0010 to 1000.0000

B 0.0000 to 10.0000

p 0.01 to 10.00

TR 0.10 to 100.00

Directional Angle Setting

Alpha -179.90 to 180.00

Beta 0.10 to 360.00

Phase Setting Multiplier for Single-Phase Open Pole Condition

50 Pickup Current Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

50 Pickup Time Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

51 Pickup Current Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

51 Pickup Time Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-39

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

50N/51N/67 Neutral overcurrent provides backup protection for line to ground faults. The
Neutral user can define directional or non directional control on either 50N or 51N
functions. 51N can also be configured for use in the communication scheme.
All the curve definitions are the same as the phase overcurrent except that this
function uses 3I0 rather than phase current. The equation is:

For 3I0 > pickup (7)

T  3I 0  = TMS B + ------------------------------------
 ------------------ p – 1
3I 0
 Pickup

For 3I0 < pickup (8)

T  3I 0  = TMS -----------------------------------
 ------------------ 2 – 1
 Pickup

All parameters for Equations 5 and 6 are defined in Table 4.23: 50N/51N/67
Neutral Overcurrent Settings on page 40.

Table 4.23: 50N/51N/67 Neutral Overcurrent Settings

50N Enable/Disable

Directional Directional, non-directional, combined

Pickup (3I0) 0.25 to 50.00 (5 A)

0.05 to 10.00 (1 A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 99.99 seconds non-directional

0.01 to 99.99 seconds directional

51N Enable/Disable

Directional Directional, non-directional, combined or direction in scheme

Pickup (3I0) 0.25 to 50.00 (5 A)

0.05 to 10.00 (1 A)

Curve Type For details see Table 4.21: IEC and IEEE Curves on page 38.

TMS 0.01 to 10.00

A 0.0010 to 1000.0000

B 0.0000 to 10.0000

p 0.01 to 10.00

TR 0.10 to 100.00

Directional Angle Setting

Alpha -179.90 to 180.00

Beta 0.10 to 360.00

4-40 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.23: 50N/51N/67 Neutral Overcurrent Settings

Phase Setting Multiplier for Single Phase Open Pole Condition

50N Pickup Current Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

50N Pickup Time Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

51N Pickup Current Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

51N Pickup Time Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

46-50/46-51/67 Negative Sequence Overcurrent provides further backup protection for any un-
Negative balanced faults. The user can define directional or non directionall control on
either 46-50 or 46-51 functions. All the curve definitions are the same as the
Phase Overcurrent. The only difference is that this function uses the negative
Overcurrent sequence current (I2) rather than phase current. The equation is:

For I2 > pickup (9)

T  I 2  = TMS B + ------------------------------------
I 2 - p – 1
 -----------------
 Pickup

For I2 > pickup (10)

T  I 2  = TMS -----------------------------------
I2 2
 ------------------ –1
 Pickup

Table 4.24: 46-50/46-51N/67Negative Sequence Overcurrent Settings

46-50 Enable/Disable

Directional Directional, non-directional or combined

Pickup 0.50 to 50.00 (5 A)

0.10 to 10.00 (1 A)

Pickup Delay 0.00 to 99.99 seconds non-directional

0.01 to 99.99 seconds directional

46-51 Enable/Disable

Directional Directional, non-directional or combined

Pickup 0.50 to 50.00 (5 A)

0.10 to 10.00 (1 A)

Curve Type For details see Table 4.21: IEC and IEEE Curves on page

TMS 0.01 to 10.00

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-41

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.24: 46-50/46-51N/67Negative Sequence Overcurrent Settings

A 0.0010 to 1000.0000

B 0.0000 to 10.0000

p 0.01 to 10.00

TR 0.10 to 100.00

Directional Angle Setting

Alpha -179.90 to 180.00

Beta 0.10 to 360.00

Phase Setting Multiplier for Single Phase Open Pole Condition

46-50 Pickup Current Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

46-50 Pickup Time Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

46-51 Pickup Current Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

46-51 Pickup Time Multiplier 0.10 to 2.00

Adaptive The relay provides an adaptive additional time delay (maximum 16 ms) re-
Additional sponse to the 50 O/C elements to prevent operation during RFI testing with
minimal pickup set points and operation near pickup.
Delay for 50 O/C
Elements This adaptive delay is applied to: 50LS-1, 50LS-2, 50LS-3, 50LS-4, 50, 50N,
If the Pickup Delay setting (Tp) < 20ms AND Pickup Level setting <Inominal
(nominal current), an extra 8 ms delay is added. After this 8 ms timer expires,
if I < threshold, the second 8ms extra delay will be added in addition to the
original Tp. If I > threshold after the first 8ms timer expires, only Tp is used
for the delay. (Note Tp is the setting which is less than 20ms, could be 0ms).
The threshold is equal to 2*PickupLevel if pickup is between 40%*Inominal and
Inominal (i.e. between 2 A and 5 A for 5 ACT). The threshold is equal to
40%*Inominal if 2*PickupLevel < 40%*Inominal. The threshold is equal to Inom-
inal if 2*PickupLevel>Inominal

4-42 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Z Circle Trigger

Figure 4.23: Z Circle Trigger

Table 4.25: Z Circle Trigger Settings

Z Circle Trigger Enable/Disable

Positive Sequence Impedance 0.1 to 50.0 ohms secondary (5 A)

0.5 to 250.0 ohms secondary (1 A)

The Impedance Circle Trigger (Z Circle Trigger) triggers the relay to record on
a dynamic swing disturbance — only used to trigger a recording. This trigger
is usually set outside the last protection zone used and blocked during LOP

Fault Locator Whenever a fault occurs and the line trips, the fault locator calculates the fault
type and the distance to the fault. This information is available from the front
display of the relay or through Port 150, 123 or the SCADA port or through
Relay Control Panel software. Fault locator information can also be captured
optionally in event records. Fault locator can be enabled/disabled through set-
tings (system parameters).
The fault locator is initiated by the following logic:
• 21 Trip
• 50N Trip
• 51N Trip
• Scheme Trip
• 21 Alarm (configurable)
The relay fault locator uses the Takagi method of fault location. The imped-
ance calculated for a fault initiated by any of the above functions will be cal-
culated and compared with the line impedance to calculate distance to fault.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-43

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Mutual Compensation
The fault locator has the ability to take into account mutual compensation for
up to two lines in parallel with the protected line where the relay is applied.
The currents from the parallel line (s) is brought into the relay via spare current
inputs IA3 and IA4. The currents from up to two parallel lines can be added to
determine the parallel line 3I0 current. There are two possible ways to get the
parallel line 3I0 currents.
1. Connect all 3 phases of the first parallel line into the IA3 inputs. The currents
are recorded by the relay if a recording initiation occurs and are added by
the relay to obtain 3 I01 to be used in the line impedance to fault calcula-
tion. Alternatively, the neutral current from line 1 CTs can be connected to
IA3. This quantity is added with the other line 1 phase current inputs (which
are IB3 = IC3 = 0 since no connection is made) to obtain line 1 residual 3I0
current. If this is done, the individual line 1 phase currents is not recorded
by the relay.
2. Connect the currents from the second parallel line (if present) in a similar
way to that of line 1.

ProLogic ProLogic Control Statements

Using ProLogic, the relay can pick any of the protection functions, external in-
puts or virtual inputs and place them into Boolean-like statements. ProLogic
handles up to 5 functions to generate one ProLogic statement; 24 statements
are possible. The results from these statements are mapped to output contacts
using the output matrix.
The ProLogic control statements are used to create Boolean-like logic. The re-
lay can use any of the protection functions or external inputs combined with
logic gates to create a ProLogic control statement. The possible gates are AND,
NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, NXOR, and LATCH. The control can be time delay
pickup and or time delay dropout, and can drive the front panel target LED.
Twenty-four ProLogic control statements outputs are available and can be used
in the output matrix to customize the relay to specific needs. Inputs to ProLogic
are all the elements plus previous ProLogic statements for logic nesting usage.
The example, for details see Figure 4.24: ProLogic on page 4-44, shows A to
E inputs are status points of devices that are user-selectable. Each ProLogic
output can be given a specific name, pickup and reset time delay.

Op 1 Op 2

B Op 3

C Op 4

D Op 5


Figure 4.24: ProLogic

4-44 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Table 4.26: ProLogic Setting Functions

Name Give the ProLogic a meaningful name

Pickup Delay Delay time from pickup to operate

Dropout Delay Delay time from dropout to a ProLogic status

of low

A, B, C, D, E Relay elements as input statements

Operators Boolean-type logic gates

Group Logic Group Logic Control Statements

The relay has 8 Setting Groups (SG). The user can change all relay setting pa-
rameters except the physical connections such as input or output parameters in
each setting group. Setting group changes are performed by using any one of
the 16 available Group Logic statements per setting group. The Group Logic
statements are similar to the ProLogic statements with the following excep-
tions – the sole function is to activate one of the 8 setting groups and the pro-
cessing is in a slower half second cycle. Group Logic inputs statements are
driven from ProLogic or any external input or virtual input or from previous
Group Logic statements. Each Group Logic statement includes 5 inputs (with
Boolean statements), one latch state and one pickup delay timer. The Active
Setting Group (ASG) is viewed from the Terminal Mode, the front panel or
from a record stored by the relay, the ASG is stored with the record).

Group Logic Processing

The 16 Group Logic statements reside in a slower processing thread within the
relay protection algorithms. The processing cycle happens once every half sec-
ond (0.5 second). When using ProLogic statements remember that a latch or
dropout timer should be used if the initiating condition does not last at least 0.5
seconds. In the example following, we will create a definite pulse length using
ProLogic, for details see “L-PRO Setting Example” in Appendix L.

Default Setting Group

The relay uses Setting Group 1 as the factory default setting group and retains
the current active setting group in memory. This allows the relay to use the last
active setting group prior to interruption of relay power as the default setting
group following power up.

Change Active Group

The user can at any time change the active setting group. When initiating a set-
ting group change, this change takes precedence over an automatic setting
group change.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-45

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

The setting group can be changed using the Relay Control Panel, with either
Change or Service access level, using the following path:
Relay Control Panel > Utilities > Settings Group
In this tab, choose desired setting group number and hit Save.
The setting group can also be changed using the relay display interface, after
login in with the Change or Service access level, using the following path:
Main Menu > Utilities > Maintenance > Settings Group Control
In this screen, highlight the group number, and then hit Edit. Choose the de-
sired setting group number, and then hit Enter with the cursor in the return
character (bottom right).

Figure 4.25: Settings Group Control

Figure 4.26: Settings Group Control change

The protection processor does not have any interruption in service.

Automatic Settings Change

Relay configuration changes during a relay-initiated setting; change does not
disrupt the relay protection functions. Since the relay setting file does not

4-46 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

change, the interface processor uses the new setting group ancillary setting in-
formation at the same time as the protection processor switches to the new set-
ting group. An event is logged to show when the new setting group is in

4.1 Communication-Aided Scheme

The relay provides 4 communication aided tripping scheme options. Permis-
sive Over-Reaching Transfer Trip (POTT), a combination of POTT with Weak
Infeed (WI), Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) or Permissive Under-
Reaching Transfer trip (PUTT) are available to be used with external telecom-
munications devices for enhanced tripping of the protected line. The combina-
tion of phase distance, ground distance and neutral overcurrent elements
provide flexible setting options for the selected communication aided tripping
Logic for 2 communication receivers can be used for 3 terminal lines or if the
telecommunications use 2 separate communication channels. The user can set
the communications receivers to use one of 20 external inputs or one of the 24
ProLogic statements. The same input cannot be shared between the 2 commu-
nication receivers.
The output matrix is used to configure the communications scheme send (per-
missive trip or block), and the communications scheme trip (local tripping) to
any combination of the 21 available output contacts. The user-set dropout ex-
tension on output contacts is eliminated on any contact that is configured to op-
erate for the communication scheme send signal; The user can provide the
dropout time delay with timer setting TD3.
The communications aided tripping scheme options use the general distance
and overcurrent protection functions of the relay, along with directional over-
current elements specifically included in the scheme. These elements use the
memory polarization as described in the “Relay Method of Memory Polariza-
tion” on page 4-8 and the directional element as described in “Directional El-
ement” on page 4-10.

50/51N OC The carrier start logic is traditionally initiated by the Zone 2 distance elements,
Carrier Start but the relay provides 2 directional neutral overcurrent elements that can be
used in addition to the Zone 2 distance elements. The device 51N time over-
and Block Logic
current element, and the 50N/67F instantaneous overcurrent if enabled can be
configured to drive the carrier start logic. The 51N is configured in the 50N/
51N screen, while the 50N/67F is configured in the scheme selector screen,
both elements are forward directional elements.
The carrier block logic is traditionally initiated by the Zone 4 distance ele-
ments, but the relay provides one directional neutral overcurrent element that
can be used in addition to the Zone 4 distance elements. The device 50N/67R,
if enabled, can be configured to drive the carrier block logic. The 50N/67R is
configured in the scheme selector screen and is a reverse directional element.
The scheme selector can also be configured to enable the 50N/67F and 50N/
67R directional overcurrent elements as inputs to ProLogic statements. The

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-47

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

50N/67F element can be set to either forward directional or non-directional

when selecting the action, “ProLogic Only”.
If the pickup delay setting (Tp) < 9 ms, then 9 ms will be used for the delay.
Otherwise Tp will be used for the delay. This change is always applied regard-
less of the direction setting (Non-dir, FWD, REV) and the 3I0 pickup level.
Note: If the directional element cannot determine a valid direction, the direc-
tion is set to “forward”, the 50N/67F may operate, and the 50N/67R element is
blocked. See “Directional Element” on page 4-10.

Basic Logic The basic selection does not provide any communication-aided logic for local
or remote protections.

Receiver #1
Receiver #2 102 103

104 21-4 R 105
Receiver #1 0
Receiver #2 106
(If DCB shceme is TD2
selected, Zone 4 must TL2
be set reverse) 0

60 110 0
3ms 111
0 112
27 V1
59 V0 Weak Infeed Enable

Receiver #1
Receiver #2

51NAlarm 115
114 21-2 118

TL3, TD3 range: 0-1s


3I0 > Pickup
Forward 121
Non-directional 21N4
(+) 21N2
3I0 > Pickup TCB 21N1
Reverse 122 21P1

Figure 4.27: Communication-aided Scheme

4-48 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

POTT Logic The POTT logic is used for tripping schemes where the local end over-reaches
the remote end for forward fault conditions, for details see Figure 4.27: Com-
munication-aided Scheme on page 4-48. The local end sends a permissive trip
signal to the remote end when one of the forward directional elements operates.
The scheme send signal (permissive transfer trip send) is time delayed by timer
setting TL3; the local end is required to sense a forward fault for durations
greater than TL3. The local end does not produce a scheme trip output unless
the remote has detected a forward directional fault and sends the similar per-
missive trip signal to the local end. The local end senses a permissive trip re-
ceive signal and the scheme trip closes the output contacts and removes the
fault contribution from the local end. The remote end acts in a similar fashion
and the fault contribution is removed from the remote end.
Current reversal logic guards against incorrect permissive tripping for installa-
tions with parallel lines where one end of the un-faulted line is contributing
fault current and the other end of the un-faulted line is over-reaching and send-
ing a permissive trip signal. The local reverse directional elements are used
with the permissive receive signal from the remote end to form the blocking
logic. The blocking logic is time delayed by timer setting TL1; the local end is
required to sense reverse faults while receiving the remote permissive trip for
durations greater than TL1. The blocking logic continues to block the scheme
send and scheme trip signals when the reverse fault detection or permissive trip
receive signals go low. Timer setting TD1 determines the current reversal
block extension time.
For line terminals with a weak source, fault conditions could occur on the pro-
tected line where no elements operate at the weak source. Weak infeed (WI)
logic enables the relay to protect lines where one end of the line has no source
or has a very weak source. The WI scheme can only be enabled if the user has
selected the POTT scheme otherwise it is disabled. If enabled, the WI feature
enhances the POTT tripping logic.
WI enables the POTT scheme to quickly isolate line faults where one end of
the line has a high source of impedance.
During fault conditions where no weak source elements pick up the WI logic
echoes back the permissive transfer trip signal received by the weak source. If
a permissive transfer trip is received from the remote line end, AND 110, AND
111 and OR 115 echo a POTT signal back to the remote end. The permissive
transfer trip signal is required to last for durations greater than 20 ms. A 3 ms
time delay pickup and time delay dropout timer TWD2 determine the amount
of time between permissive transfer trip receive signals that the scheme echoes
back. If the permissive transfer trip receive signal is constantly high the WI
logic only echoes back for a time equal to TWD3 plus 3ms. If the PT signal
being received resets then starts up again, after timer setting TWD2, a new per-
missive transfer trip signal echoes back.
The WI logic blocks when forward or reverse faults are detected, the logic is
also blocked for a loss of potential condition. During a reverse or a forward
fault condition, the Zone 2, Zone 4, 51N, or 50N/67 elements could pick up. If
any of these functions pick up, they block the WI scheme by putting a high in-
put into inverted input of AND 110. The blocking condition is required last for

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-49

durations greater than 6 ms. The blocking logic continues to block the scheme
send and scheme trip signals when the fault detection or loss of potential sig-
nals go low. Timer setting TWD1 determines the block extension time. TWD1
should be set to coordinate with the communication-reset time of the PT signal.
It should be set greater than the time it takes for the remote end’s Zone 2 to re-
set and for the PT channel to reset.
Timer setting TWD2 should be set to a time that prevents chattering of the
communications channel. If TWD2 is allowed to reset before the remote end
(strong source) clears the fault and stops sending the permissive transfer trip
signal the WI echoes back another block of permissive transfer trip send.
The WI logic is also used to provide local tripping if both ends of the line are
to be isolated. The line voltages provide supervision with a positive sequence
under-voltage element (27V1) and a zero sequence over-voltage element
(59V0). If a permissive transfer trip is received from the remote line end, AND
110, AND 112, OR 113 and OR 119 provide a local tripping signal.

DCB Logic The DCB logic is used for tripping schemes where the local end over-reaches
the remote end for forward fault conditions, for details see Figure 4.27: Com-
munication-aided Scheme on page 4-48. Typically DCB is used when the com-
munications link may be disrupted during fault conditions, for example power
line carrier. The local end sends a block trip signal to the remote end when one
of the enabled reverse directional elements operates. The scheme send signal
(block trip send) is time delayed by timer setting TL3, the local end is required
to sense a reverse fault for durations greater than TL3. If one of the forward
directional elements operates the blocking logic does not operate. For forward
directional fault conditions the DCB logic is time delayed by timer setting TL2.
The forward fault condition has to last for durations greater than TL2. The local
end does not produce a scheme trip output if the remote has detected a reverse
directional fault and sends the similar block trip signal to the local end. The lo-
cal end senses a block trip receive signal and the scheme trip logic is disabled
with no intentional delay. Current reversal logic guards against incorrect local
tripping for installations with parallel lines where one end of the un-faulted line
is contributing fault current and the other end of the un-faulted line is reverse-
reaching and sending a block trip signal. The local forward directional ele-
ments are supervised by the block receive signal from the remote end to form
the blocking logic. The blocking logic reset is time delayed by timer setting
TD2; the local end is required to receive the remote block trip for durations
greater than 0 ms. The blocking logic continues to block the scheme trip signals
when the block trip receive signal goes low. Typically the block reset timer
TD2 is set longer than the forward directional elements reset time.
4 Protection Functions and Specifications

PUTT Logic The PUTT logic is used for tripping schemes where the local end under-reach
the remote end for close in forward fault conditions, for details see Figure 4.27:
Communication-aided Scheme on page 4-48. The local end sends a permissive
trip signal to the remote end when one of the forward directional elements op-
erates (Zone 1 distance elements). The scheme send signal (permissive transfer
trip send) is time delayed by timer setting TL3, the local end is required to
sense a forward fault for durations greater than TL3. The remote end does not
produce a scheme trip output unless a forward directional fault is detected and
the local end has sent the permissive trip signal. The remote end senses a per-
missive trip receive signal and the scheme trip closes the output contacts and
removes the fault contribution from the remote end. The remote end can act
quicker for fault conditions where the Zone 2 faults would be time delayed un-
less the close in fault condition was not transferred by the scheme send.

4.2 Recording Functions

Introduction The relay has high speed fault recording and logging functions to allow the
user to analyze faults and to review the operation of the overall protection
scheme. Slow speed swing recording can be used to analyze system stability.
If the relay has reached its recording capacity, new records overwrite the oldest

Fault Recording The relay provides DFR-quality fault recording, capturing input signal wave-
forms and external input states at a rate of 96 samples per cycle. Each record
also contains the timing of the internal logic produced by the relay (e.g. Device
51 trip). Obtain this information by uploading the records from the relay via
the Relay Control Panel file transfer process and view them with RecordBase
View software.
The quantities recorded are:
• 18 analog channels (6 voltages and 12 currents) @ 96 samples/cycle which
captures up to the 25th harmonic
• External inputs @ 1 ms resolution
• Protection element output signals @ 8 samples/cycle
• ProLogic signals @ 8 samples/cycle
• Active setting group

Parameters that are user-selectable with respect to recording transients:

• Record length (0.2 to 10.0 seconds => 12 to 600 cycles @ 60 Hz Base) with
automatic extension to capture successive triggers
• Recorder triggering by any internal logic or external input signal (e.g. 52 A)
• Pre trigger time configurable between 0.10 to 2.00 seconds

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-51

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Swing The relay records dynamic system responses allowing the user to analyze sys-
Recording tem stability and to provide a larger context for fault analysis. Swing records
contain positive sequence phasor measurements and system frequency calcu-
lated at a rate of 1 phasor per cycle. Swing records can extend to 2 minutes in
The quantities recorded are:
• Positive sequence impedance (magnitude)
• Positive sequence voltage (magnitude)
• Positive sequence current (magnitude)
• 3-Phase Reactive Power (Vars)
• 3-Phase Real Power (Watts)

Event The event recording provides permanent storage for the event log. The user can
Recording create an event record automatically or manually. When the event auto save is
enabled, an event record is created approximately every 250 events.
The user can initiate an event manually through the Relay Control Panel.

Record Recording can be initiated automatically by the relay when a fault or abnormal
Initiation condition is detected. Set the relay to initiate a fault record on activation of any
of its trip or alarm functions or on assertion of any external digital inputs.
The assignment of fault record initiation to the various relay functions is done
through the relay’s Output Matrix settings.
A recording can also be initiated manually through the Relay Control Panel.
The commands Trigger Fault, Trigger Swing and Trigger Event are available
under the following path:
Relay Control Panel > Records
Also the relay display provides the option to initiate Fault Recording, under the
following path:
Main Menu > Records > Fault Recording

A swing record can take a couple of minutes to produce due to the

long post-trigger time.

4-52 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

Record The length of each record is determined by the Record Length setting. Tran-
Duration and sient record lengths can be set between 0.2 and 10.0 seconds; swing record
lengths can be set between 60 and 120 seconds. Pre-trigger times are configu-
rable between 0.10 to 2.00 seconds for transient records and fixed at 30 sec-
onds for swing records and are included as part of the normal record length.
The relay automatically extends a record as required to capture consecutive
triggers that are close together. If a trigger occurs while a recording is in prog-
ress, the record is extended to include the full post-trigger time of subsequent
triggers, up to a maximum length —12.0 seconds for transient records; 180
seconds for swing records. If a trigger occurs before the end of a record caused
by a previous trigger, but too late to allow sufficient post-trigger time in a max-
imum extended record, a new overlapping record is created.
The normal record length settings are accessible under the Record Length
heading of the relay settings, and can be set with the Offliner Settings software.

Record Storage The relay compresses records on the fly, achieving a typical lossless compres-
sion rate of 4:1. As a result, the relay can store up to 75 x 2 second transient
records, or up to 75 x 120 seconds swing records, or a combination of 75 tran-
sient, swing and optionally event records. If the storage is full, new records au-
tomatically overwrite the oldest, ensuring that the recording function is always

Record A listing of stored records is available through the Relay Control Panel under
Retrieval and the Records > List menu. The listing transfers records to a connected PC and
deletes them from storage.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-53

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

4.3 Event Log

The relay maintains a log of events in a 250 entry circular log. Each entry con-
tains the time of the event plus an event description.
Logged events include trips, alarms, external input assertions plus internal
events such as setting changes. Phase information is included in event messag-
es where appropriate. For example, the event log entry for a device trip might
2010 Nov 21, 15:34:19.832: 51 on ABC Trip
The event log can be viewed in 2 ways:

Table 4.27: Event Log

Front Panel The front panel display shows events in abbreviated form (Trip
and Alarm events only).

Relay Control Panel The full event log is available through the Main Menu->Events of
the Relay Control Panel

SCADA The protocols included in the relay allow all the SCADA master
access to the event data from the relay (Trip and Alarm events

This display is a snapshot of the event list which must be manually

refreshed to display new events that occur while the display is up.

There is a list of Event Messages, for details see “Event Messages”

in Appendix D

4-54 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

4.4 Fault Log

The L-PRO stores a log of faults in a 100 entry circular log. Each entry contains
the time of the fault, fault type, faulted phase, fault quantities as per the below
table. Fault log will be triggered only for trip condition and it won’t log for an
alarm condition.

Table 4.28: Fault Log

Fault Type Fault Quantities

21P Phase Distance - Fault Location

- Fault Impedance Magnitude and Angle
- Main VA/VB/VC Phasors
- “Line” IA/IB/IC Phasors
- Frequency

21N Ground Distance - Fault Location

- Fault Impedance Magnitude and Angle
- Main VA/VB/VC Phasors
- “Line” IA/IB/IC Phasors
- Main Voltage Zero Sequence Phasor (3V0)
- “Line” Current Zero Sequence Phasor (3I0)
- Frequency

Distance Scheme Trip (POTT, - Fault Location

PUTT, DCB) - Fault Impedance Magnitude and Angle
- Main VA/VB/VC Phasors
- “Line” IA/IB/IC Phasors
- Main Voltage Zero Sequence Phasor (3V0)
- “Line” Current Zero Sequence Phasor (3I0)
- Frequency

59 Main Over voltage - Main VA/VB/VC Phasors

27 Main Under voltage

59 Aux Over voltage - Aux VA/VB/VC Phasors

27 Aux Under voltage

50LS Main - I1A/I1B/I1C Phasors

50LS Aux - I2A/I2B/I2C Phasors

50-67 Trip - “Line” IA/IB/IC Phasors

51-67 Trip

50N-67 Trip - “Line” Current Zero Sequence Phasor (3I0)

51N-67 Trip

46-50/67 Trip - “Line” Current Negative Sequence Phasor (3I2)

46-51/67 Trip

The fault log can be viewed in three ways:

• Relay Front HMI
• Relay Control Panel interface is in the Events tab

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 4-55

4 Protection Functions and Specifications

• 61850 SCADA protocol included in the L-PRO allow the SCADA client
access to Trip event data

4-56 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

5 Data Communications
5.1 Introduction
Section 5 deals with data communications with the relay. First, the SCADA
protocol is discussed, and it is then followed by the new IEC 61850 communi-
cation standard.
The SCADA protocol deals with the Modbus and DNP (Distributed Network
Protocol) protocols. The SCADA configuration and its settings are described.
The parameters for SCADA communications are defined using L-PRO 4000
Offliner software. Finally, details on how to monitor SCADA communications
are given for maintenance and trouble shooting of the relay.

5.2 SCADA Protocol

Modbus The relay supports either a Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII SCADA connec-
Protocol tion. Modbus is available exclusively via a direct serial link. Serial Modbus
communications can be utilized exclusively via serial Port 122 are an RS-232
DCE DB9F port located on the back of the relay. An external RS-232 to RS-
485 converter can be used to connect the relay to an RS-485 network. For de-
tails on connecting to serial Port, see “Communicating with the Relay Intelli-
gent Electronic Device (IED)” on page 2-2 and “Communication Port Details”
on page 2-15.
The data points available for Modbus SCADA interface are fixed and are not
selectable by the user. Complete details regarding the Modbus protocol emu-
lation and data point lists can be found in “Modbus RTU Communication Pro-
tocol” in Appendix E.

DNP Protocol The relay supports a DNP3 (Level 2) SCADA connection. DNP3 is available
via a direct serial link or an Ethernet LAN connection using either TCP or
Serial DNP communications can be utilized exclusively via serial Port 122.
Port 122 is an RS-232 DCE DB9F port located on the back of the relay. An ex-
ternal RS-232 to RS-485 converter can be used to connect the relay to an RS-
485 network. For details on connecting to serial Port, see “Communicating
with the Relay Intelligent Electronic Device (IED)” on page 2-2 and “Commu-
nication Port Details” on page 2-15.
Network DNP communications can be utilized via physical LAN Port 119 or
Port 120. Port 119 is available as a RJ-45 port on the front of the relay and as
an RJ-45 or ST fiber optic port on the rear. Port 120 located on the rear of the
relay is available as an RJ-45 or ST fiber optic port. DNP communications can
be used with multiple masters when it is utilized with TCP. For details on con-
necting to the Ethernet LAN, see “Network Link” on page 2-5.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 5-1

5 Data Communications

The data points available for DNP SCADA interface are user configurable.
Complete details regarding the DNP3 protocol emulation and data point lists
can be found in “DNP3 Device Profile” in Appendix F

SCADA The parameters for SCADA communications may be defined using L-PRO
Configuration 4000 Offliner.
and Settings If DNP3 LAN/WAN communications were chosen, the relay’s network pa-
rameters need to be defined. This is done via the Maintenance interface. Note
that this effort may already have been completed as part of the steps taken to
establish a network maintenance connection to the relay.
1. Establish a TUI session with the relay and login as maintenance. The fol-
lowing screen appears.

Figure 5.1: L-PRO 4000 System Utility

5-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

5 Data Communications

2. Select the first option by entering the number 1 followed by Enter. The fol-
lowing screen appears.

Figure 5.2: Change the network parameters as needed for the particular application

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 5-3

5 Data Communications

Offliner SCADA Details on using the Offliner software are available in “To Install Software on
Configuration the Computer” on page -xiii. Details on downloading a completed settings file
to the relay are available in “Sending a New Setting File to the Relay” on
page 6-6.
Open the Offliner application according to the instructions found in the indi-
cated section and highlight the SCADA Communication selection. The screen
appears as follows.

Figure 5.3: SCADA Communications

The configuration of SCADA communication parameters via the Offliner ap-

plication is very intuitive. Several settings options are progressively visible and
available depending on other selections. As noted before, there is no field to
configure the number of data and stop bits. These values are fixed as follows:
• Modbus Serial – 7 data bits, 1 stop bit
• DNP Serial – 8 data bits, 1 stop bit

5-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

5 Data Communications

Monitoring The ability to monitor SCADA communications directly can be a valuable

SCADA commissioning and troubleshooting tool. It assists in resolving SCADA com-
Communications munication difficulties such as incompatible baud rate or addressing. The util-
ity is accessed through the Maintenance user interface.
1. Establish a TUI session with the relay and login as maintenance.
2. Select option 9 by entering the number 9 followed by Enter. The following
screen appears.

Figure 5.4: Login Screen

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 5-5

5 Data Communications

3. Pressing the Enter key results in all SCADA communications characters to

be displayed as hexadecimal characters. Individual exchanges are separat-
ed by an asterisk as the following sample illustrates.

Figure 5.5: Hyperterminal

4. Press Ctrl-C to end the monitor session.

5-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

5 Data Communications

5.3 IEC 61850 Communication

The IEC 61850 The Smart Grid is transforming the electrical power industry by using digital
Standard technology to deliver electricity in a more intelligent, efficient and controlled
way. Embedded control and communication devices are central to this trans-
formation by adding intelligent automation to electrical networks.
The IEC 61850 standard defines a new protocol that permits substation equip-
ment to communicate with each other. Like many other well-known manufac-
turers, ERLPhase Power Technologies is dedicated to using IEC 61850-based
devices that can be used as part of an open and versatile communications net-
work for substation automation.
The IEC 61850 defines an Ethernet-based protocol used in substations for data
communication. Substations implement a number of controllers for protection,
measurement, detection, alarms, and monitoring. System implementation is of-
ten slowed down by the fact that the controllers produced by different manu-
facturers are incompatible, since they do not support the same communication
protocols. The problems associated with this incompatibility are quite serious,
and result in increased costs for protocol integration and system maintenance.

Implementation The L-PRO 4000 conforms to IEC 61850-8-1, commonly referred to as Station
Details Bus Protocol. Implementation includes the following documents (“IEC61850
Implementation” in Appendix N’ on page Appendix N-1):
• Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
• Model Implementation Conformance Statement
• Tissues Conformance Statement
All configurable IEC61850 parameters are available via the Maintenance in-
terface. Note that this effort may already have been completed as part of the
steps taken to establish a network maintenance connection to the relay.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 5-7

5 Data Communications

1. Establish a TUI session with the relay and login as maintenance. The fol-
lowing screen appears.

Figure 5.6: Maintenance Interface

2. Select the first option by entering the number 1 followed by <Enter>. The
following screen appears.

Figure 5.7: Change the network parameters as needed for the particular application

5-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

5 Data Communications

Note that unit’s IP address can be used on the IEC61850 client side for unique
unit identification instead of a physical device “PD Name”. The publisher con-
figuration is fixed and defined in the ICD file and available for reading to any
IEC61850 client. Subscriber functionality is also fixed and supported for the
Virtual Inputs only.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 5-9

6 Offliner Settings Software
6.1 Introduction
This section deals with the Offliner Settings software. The Offliner settings
software is used to create relay settings on a personal computer. Offliner pro-
vides an easy way to view and manipulate settings. Offliner supports all firm-
ware versions and has the capability to convert older setting versions into new-
er ones.
In this section, first, the Offliner features are presented. The menu and toolbar
are discussed and this is followed by a description of the Graphing and Protec-
tion functions.
Next, the Offliner features for handling backward compatibility with previous
software versions is described. Also described are methods of converting a Set-
tings File, sending a new Settings File to the relay and creating a Settings File
from an older version of the software.
Next, the RecordBase View and RecordGraph to analyze the records from a re-
lay are described.
This is followed by a lengthy description of the main branches from the Tree
View. This section provides all information for Identification, System Param-
eters, SCADA Communication, DNP Configuration, SCADA Settings sum-
mary, Record Length, Setting Groups, ProLogic, Group Logic, Output Matrix
and Settings summary.
Finally, a description of how the settings on the relay can be viewed through
the RecordBase View analysis software is provided.

Setting Tree Setting Area

Figure 6.1: Opening Screen

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-1

6 Offliner Settings Software

6.2 Offliner Features

Menu and The Offliner software includes the following menu and system tool bar. “Top
Toolbar Tool Bar” on page 6-2 describes the details.

Help - Help Topics

About L-PRO Settings

New Save Copy Undo Copy About

Open Cut Paste Copy Group Print Show or Hide
Graph Left-Hand Side

Figure 6.2: Top Tool Bar

Table 6.1: Windows Menu

Windows Menu Sub Menu Comment

Document Restore Restores active window to previous

Menu (Icon) size

Move Allows user to move active window

Size Allows user to resize active window

Minimize Makes the active window as small as


Maximize Makes the active window as large as


Close Closes the active Offliner setting docu-


Next Switches to the next open Offliner set-

ting file, if more than setting file is being

6-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.1: Windows Menu

File Menu New Opens up a default setting file of the

most recent setting version

Open Open an existing setting file

Close Closes the active Offliner setting docu-


Save Saves the active setting file

Save As Saves the active setting file with a new

name or location

Convert to Newer Convert an older setting version to a

newer version.

Print Prints graphs or setting summary

depending on active screen

Print Preview Provides a print preview of the setting


Print Setup Changes printers or print options

1-6 The six most recently accessed setting


Exit Quits the program

Edit Menu Undo Undo last action

Cut Cut the selection

Copy Copy the selection

Paste Insert clipboard contents

Copy Graph Copy the graph for the active screen to

the clipboard

Copy Setting Group Copy values from one Setting Group to


Window Cascade Cascades all open windows

Tile Tiles all open windows

Hide/Show Tree If this option is checked then the LHS

Tree view will be hidden

1-9, More Windows Allows access to all open Offliner set-

ting files. The active document will
have a check beside it

Help User Manual Displays the user manual

About Offliner Displays the Offliner version


New Create a new document. Create a new document of the most

recent setting version

Open Open an existing document. Open an existing document

Save Save the active document. Save the active document

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-3

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.1: Windows Menu

Cut Cut the selection. Cut selection

Copy Copy the selection. Copy the selection

Paste Insert clipboard contents. Insert clipboard contents

Undo Copy graph to clipboard. Undo last action

Copy Graph Copy the graph for the active screen to

the clipboard

Copy Setting Copy values from one Setting Brings up the Copy Inputs dialog box
Group Group to another.

Show/Hide LHS If this option is checked then the LHS

Tree Tree view will be hidden

Print Print active document. Prints Graphs or the setting summary,

depending on which seen is selected

About Display program information. Displays the Offliner version

6-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

6.3 Offliner Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts that Offliner provides.

Table 6.2: Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+N Opens up a default setting file of the most recent setting version

Ctrl+O Open an existing setting file

Ctrl+S Saves the active setting file

Ctrl+Z Undo

Ctrl+X Cut

Ctrl+C Copy

Ctrl+V Paste

Ctrl+F4 Closes the active Offliner setting document

Ctrl+F6 Switches to the next open Offliner setting file, if more than one setting file is being

F6 Toggles between the LHS Tree view and HRS screen

F10, Alt Enables menu keyboard short-cuts

F1 Displays the user manual

Graphing Grid On/Grid Off

Protection The graph can be viewed with the grid on or off by clicking the Grid On or Grid
Functions Off button. A right-click on the trace of the curve gives the user the x and y

This button will manually refresh the graph if it has been zoomed.

Print Graph
To print a particular graph, click the Print Graph button.

Zoom on Graphs
Graphs can be zoomed to bring portions of the traces into clearer display. Left-
click on any graph and drag to form a small box around the graph area. When
the user releases the mouse, the trace assumes a new zoom position determined
by the area of the zoom coordinates.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-5

6 Offliner Settings Software

To undo the zoom on the graph, click the Refresh button.

Displaying Co-ordinates
At any time the user may right-click on the graph to display the co-ordinates of
the point the user selected.

6.4 Handling Backward Compatibility

Offliner Settings displays the version number in the second pane on the bottom
status bar. The settings version is a whole number (v1, v2, v3, v4, etc.).
The Offliner Settings is backward compatible; open and edit older settings files
and convert older settings files to a newer version. Offliner settings handles
forward conversion only — it converts an older setting file to a newer setting

Converting a 1. Open the setting file to convert.

Settings File 2. In the File menu, select Convert to Newer... and then select the version x
(where x is the newer version). A dialog box pops up prompting Offliner
for a new file name. Use either the same file name or enter a new file name.
The conversion process inserts default values for any newly added devices
in the new setting file. When the conversion is complete, Offliner Settings
displays the new file.

Figure 6.3: Converting Setting Files

Sending a New 1. Make sure the settings version and the serial number of the relay in the set-
Setting File to ting file match. The relay will reject the setting file if either the serial
number or the settings version do not match.
the Relay

A “serial number discrepancy” message may appear. This is to en-

sure that the user is aware of the exact relay in which settings are
to be loaded. If this happens, check the relay serial number using
the terminal mode ID menu item. Type this serial number into the
L-PRO Serial No. box in the Identification tab display area of Offlin-
er Settings. Alternately the user may check the Ignore Serial Num-
ber check box to bypass serial number supervision.

6-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

2. Check the serial number and the settings version of the relay. The Device
Serial Number and Required Settings Version on the Identification screen
indicate the serial number and the settings version of the relay.

Creating a 1. Offliner Settings displays a default setting file on start up showing the set-
Setting File tings version in the bottom status bar. As an example L-PRO Offliner is
shipped with a set of default sample files of older settings versions. These
from an Older
sample files are “v1 sample.lps”, “v2 sample.lps”, “v3 sample.lps”, etc.
Version Each sample file contains default values of an older settings version. For a
new installation these sample files are placed in the default directory
C:\Program Files\ERLPhase\L-PRO Offliner Settings, or the user can
choose the path during the Offliner software installation. If an older ver-
sion of L-PRO Offliner was previously installed on the PC, then the default
directory may be C:\Program Files\APT\L-PRO Offliner Settings. Open a
sample file of the desired version. Use File/Save As to save the sample file
to a new file name. Then edit the setting file and the serial number, save it
and load it into the relay.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-7

6 Offliner Settings Software

6.5 RecordBase View Software

Figure 6.4: RecordGraph

Use RecordBase View and RecordGraph to analyze the records from a relay.
1. Set the receive directory on the terminal program to point to a convenient
directory on the PC’s hard disk or network. For example with HyperTer-
minal, select Transfer>Receive File to set the receive directory.
2. Select one or more records on the relay using the List function in the Ter-
minal Mode’s Records menu.
3. Initiate transfer of the selected records by selecting R on the keyboard.
4. Start the RecordBase View program and use the File>Open menu command
to open the downloaded record files located in the receive directory spec-
ified in step 1.

For further instructions refer to the RecordBase View Manual at the

back of the printed version of this manual.

6-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

6.6 Main Branches from the Tree View

This section will describe the tree view, which provides access to the various
setting screens. This section will not describe individual settings, but will pro-
vide a general description of where to find the individual settings. For a de-
tailed description of the individual settings see Chapter 4.

RHS - Information relating to specific menu Item,

LHS Menu Tree accessed by LHS menu or top tabs.

Standard I/O
Optional I/O

Unique relay serial Nominal System Nominal CT Sec.

number Frequency - set to Current - set to either
either 50 Hz or 60 Hz 1 A or 5 A

Figure 6.5: Relay Identification

In the LHS Menu Tree there are a series of menu headings that may have sub
menus associated with them. Clicking on an item in the left hand side tree view
will display its corresponding menu in the RHS view. Similarly, the user can
use the arrow keys to scroll through the menu tree.

The serial number of the relay must match the one in the setting file,
or the setting will be rejected by the relay. This feature ensures that
the correct setting file is applied to the right relay.

The user can choose to ignore the serial number enforcement in the
identification screen. The relay only checks for proper relay type and
setting version if the ignore serial number has been chosen.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-9

6 Offliner Settings Software

Identification The first screen presents all the menu items in the left menu tree. Access the
menu items by clicking the tabs at the top of the screen or the item on the left
menu tree.

Table 6.3: Identification


Settings Version Indicates the settings version number, fixed.

Ignore Serial Number Bypass serial number check, if enabled.

Serial Number Available at back of each relay.

Unit ID User-defined up to 20 characters.

Nominal CT Format 5 A or 1 A

Nominal System Frequency 60 Hz or 50 Hz

Standard I/O Indicates standard I/O values, fixed.

Optional I/O Not installed or 11 External Inputs, 7 Output Contacts.

Network Card Installed or Not installed

Comments User-defined up to 78 characters.

Setting Software

Setting Name User-defined up to 20 characters.

Date Created/Modified Indicates the last time settings were entered.


Station Name User-defined up to 20 characters.

Station Number User-defined up to 20 characters.

Location User-defined up to 20 characters.

Line User-defined up to 20 characters.

Important Note
Nominal CT Secondary Current can be set to either 1 A or 5 A.
Nominal System Frequency can be set to either 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
Ensure setting selection matches that of target the relay.

6-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

The serial number of the relay must match the one in the setting file,
or the setting will be rejected by the relay. This feature ensures that
the correct setting file is applied to the right relay.

Choose to ignore the serial number enforcement in the identification

screen by checking the Ignore Serial Number check box. The relay
only checks for proper relay type and setting version if the ignore se-
rial number has been chosen, requires relay firmware version 1.0 or

Analog Inputs

Figure 6.6: Analog Inputs

Analog Input Names screen identifies all the ac voltage and current inputs to
the relay. These names appear in any fault disturbance records the relay pro-

Table 6.4: Analog Inputs

Main Voltage LVA, LVB, LVC

Main Current LIA, LIB, LIC

Aux. Voltage BVA, BVB, BVC

Aux. Current IA2, IB2, IC2

Current IA3, IB3, IC3, IA4, IB4, IC4

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-11

6 Offliner Settings Software

External Inputs

Figure 6.7: External Inputs

External Input Names screen allows the user to define meaningful names for 9
external digital inputs. Meaningful names may include terms such as T.T.
(Transfer Trip) and P.T. (Permissive Trip).

Table 6.5: External Input Names

1 to 20 User-defined

Output Contacts

Figure 6.8: Output Contacts

The Output Contacts are also identified during the setting procedure using
meaningful names. The dropout delay time settings are made here.

6-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.6: Output Contact Names

Outputs 1 to 21 User-defined

Dropout Timer 0.00 to 1.00 s

Virtual Inputs

Figure 6.9: Virtual Inputs

Table 6.7: Virtual Inputs

Virtual Inputs 1 to 30 User-defined

The relay can control its internal functions and connected devices both
locally and remotely. Thirty general purpose logic points are accessible
via DNP3 and the TUI. The 30 virtual inputs are individually controlled
and include a set, reset and pulse function. The latch state is retained
during setting changes and relay power down conditions. The 30 virtual
inputs conform to DNP3 standards. Use the DNP3 functions such as
SBO (select before operate), Direct Operate, or Direct Operate with no
acknowledge to control virtual inputs.
Use virtual inputs to:
• control circuit breakers
• enable or disable reclosing
• enable or disable under-frequency load shedding

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-13

6 Offliner Settings Software

• change setting groups

• provide interlocking between local/remote supervisory control

Setting Groups

Figure 6.10: Setting Groups

Table 6.8: Setting Groups

Setting Groups 1 to 8 User-defined


Figure 6.11: System Parameters

Table 6.9: System Parameters

System Parameters

6-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.9: System Parameters

Base MVA 1.00 to 2000.00 MVA (primary)

Target Latching On (global) Enable/Disable

Phase Rotation ABC or ACB

Fault Location Display Enable/Disable

Aux Voltage Input 3-phase/1-phase

Fault Location Initiated by 21 Alarm Enable/Disable

CT Turns Ratio

Ring Bus Configuration (Aux. CT Line Enable/Disable


Main CT Turns Ratio 1.00 to 10000.00 (For protection and recording)

Auxiliary CT Turns Ratio 1.00 to 10000.00 (For protection and recording)

Current Input #3 CT Ratio 1.00 to 10000.00 (For Mutual compensation,

Recording and ProLogic Input)

Current Input #4 CT Ratio 1.00 to 10000.00 (For Mutual compensation,

Recording and ProLogic Input)

PT Turns Ratio

CCVT Transient Compensation on All 21 Enable/Disable


Main PT Turns Ratio 1.00 to 20000.00 (For Protection and Recording)

Auxiliary PT Turns Ratio 1.00 to 20000.00 (For protection and recording)


Line to Line Voltage 1.00 to 2000.00 kV (Primary)

Distance Units km or miles

Target Latching On
This option specifies whether the front Target LED is latched or not. Target
Latching on means that the target LED remains on after a trip until it is reset
through the front by Human Machine Interface (HMI). If the Target Latching
is set off the target light comes on during a relay trip and will reset.

Base MVA
The base MVA is used for recording purposes.

CT Turns Ratio and PT Turns Ratio

The CT and PT ratios are specified for the monitoring of analog inputs. All CT
and PT ratios are specified with a ratio relative to one. The line protection uses
the main current and the main voltage to operate. When 2 sets of CTs (main
and auxiliary) are used as line current input (e.g. ring bus application), the user
must enable ring bus configuration to configure the relay. If enabled, the cur-
rents from the 2 sets of CTs are added to the relay to form the line current. For

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-15

6 Offliner Settings Software

cases where voltage for line protection is obtained from bus PTs, the bus PTs
are connected to the main voltage inputs.

Auxiliary Voltage Input

If a single-phase source is used, it must be connected to the corresponding
phase designation on the relay input. example: If only a B phase bus PT is
available, it should be connected to the relay input B phase terminals. All un-
used single-phase inputs must be grounded for proper operation.


Figure 6.12: SCADA Communication

The relay has configurable SCADA communication parameters for both Serial
and Ethernet (TCP and UDP). For DNP3 Level 2 (TCP) up to 3 independent
Masters are supported.

6-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Configuration -
Point Map

Figure 6.13: Point Map

The relay has configurable DNP point mapping. On the Point Map screen, any
of the configurable points may be added or removed from the Point List by
clicking (or using the cursor keys and space bar on the keyboard) on the asso-
ciated check box. A green 'X' denotes that the item will be mapped to the Point
The list contains separate sections for Binary Inputs, Binary Outputs, and An-
alog Inputs. The list is scrollable by using the scroll control on the right hand

Configuration -
Class Data

Figure 6.14: Class Data

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-17

6 Offliner Settings Software

Class data for each DNP point can be assigned on the Class Data screen. Only
Points which were mapped in the Point Map screen will appear here. Sections
for Binary Inputs and Analog Inputs appear here; Binary Outputs cannot be as-
signed a Class. The list is scrollable by using the scroll control on the right hand
In addition to assigning a Change Event Class to each mapped point, most An-
alog Inputs can also be assigned a Deadband and Scaling factor.


Figure 6.15: SCADA Settings Summary

This screen provides a summary of the current SCADA settings as set in the
working setting file. This includes SCADA Communication parameters and (if
the SCADA mode is set to DNP) Binary Input, Binary Output, and Analog In-
put information including Deadband and Scaling factors.
This SCADA Summary screen is scrollable and can be printed.

6-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Record Length

Figure 6.16: Record Length

Table 6.10: Record Length


Fault Record Length 0.2 to 10.0 seconds

Prefault Time 0.10 to 2.00 seconds


Swing Record Length 60 to 120 seconds

Event Auto Save Enable/Disable

The relay has recording and logging functions to analyze faults and dynamic
swing, and to review the operation of the overall protection scheme.
This screen displays the record length for each of the two types of recordings
provided: fault and swing. Pre-trigger times are configurable between 0.10 to
2.00 seconds for fault records and fixed at 30 seconds for swing records and
are included as part of the record length.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-19

6 Offliner Settings Software

Setting Groups

Figure 6.17: Setting Groups Comments

The relay has 8 setting groups (SG). The user can change all relay setting pa-
rameters except the physical connections such as input or output parameters in
each setting group. Use any one of the 16 available Group Logic Statements
per setting group to perform Setting Group changes. The Group Logic state-
ments are similar to the ProLogic statements with the following exceptions, the
sole function is to activate one of the 8 setting groups and the processing is in
a slower half second cycle. Group Logic inputs statements can be driven from
ProLogic or any external input or virtual input or from previous Group Logic
statements. Each Group Logic statement includes 5 inputs (with Boolean state-
ments), one latch state and one pickup delay timer. View the active setting
group (ASG) from the Terminal Mode, from the front panel or from a record
stored by the relay (the active setting group is stored with the record).

6-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Line Parameters

Figure 6.18: Line Parameters

Table 6.11: Line Parameters


Line to Line voltage 1.00 to 2000.00 kV primary

Line Length (km/mile) 0.50 to 2000.00

Sequence Impedance

Positive Sequence Impedance (Z1) (ohm sec- 0.01 to 66.00 (5A)

ondary) 0.05 to 330.00 (1A)

Positive Sequence Angle (Z1) (deg) 5.0 to 89.0

Zero Sequence Impedance (Z0) (ohm) 0.01 to 300.00 (5A)

0.05 to 1500.00 (1A)

Zero Sequence Angle (Z0) (deg) 5.0 to 89.0


K0 Override Enable/Disable

K0 Magnitude 0.00 to 10.00

K0 Angle (deg) -180.0 to 180.0

Mutual Compensation

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-21

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.11: Line Parameters


KM1 Mutual Line 1 Enable/Disable

KM1 Magnitude 0.10 to 2.00

KM1 Angle (deg) -25.0 to 25.0


KM2 Mutual Line 2 Enable/Disable

KM2 Magnitude 0.10 to 2.00

KM2 Angle (deg) -25.0 to 25.0

Line Parameter Settings permit a parameter entry related to the line voltage,
CT ratio, PT ratio, line length, line secondary positive and zero sequence im-
The K0 factor used is a default factor based on the line parameters (K0 = [Z0 -
Z1] / 3Z1). The user can specify by selecting K0 Override Enable.

Scheme Selector

Figure 6.19: Scheme Selector

6-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.12: Scheme Selector

Protection Scheme 1 Phase/3 Phase/1/3 Phase

1Ph Max Open Pickup Delay (TM) sec 0.100 to 5.000

1Ph/3Ph for 3Ph Dropout Delay (TD4) sec 0.100 to 999.000

1Ph/3Ph for 1Ph Pickup Delay (TL5) sec 0.100 to 5.000

1Ph/3Ph for 1Ph Dropout Delay (TD5) sec 0.100 to 999.000

Distance Scheme

Communication Scheme Selection Basic/POTT/PUTT/DCB

Communication Receiver1 EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Communication Receiver2 Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Scheme Send Pickup Delay (TL3) sec 0.000 to 1.000

Scheme Send Dropout Delay (TD3) sec 0.000 to 1.000

POTT Current Reversal Pickup Delay (TL1) sec 0.000 to 0.500

POTT Current Reversal Dropout Delay (TD1) sec 0.000 to 0.500

DCB Scheme Zone 2 Pickup Delay (TL2) sec 0.005 to 0.500

DCB Scheme Receiver Dropout Delay (TD2) sec 0.000 to 0.500

DEF Scheme

DEF Scheme Selection Disable/Permissive/Blocking

Communication Receiver3 Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

DEF Scheme Send Pickup Delay (TL6) sec 0.000 to 1.000

DEF Scheme Send Dropout Delay (TD6) sec 0.000 to 1.000

External Single Phase 50BF Initiate

Main A Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Main B Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Main C Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Auxiliary A Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Auxiliary B Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

Auxiliary C Phase Disabled, EI 1 to EI20, PL1 to PL24

50N-67F - Overcurrent Carrier Start

Action DEF Scheme Only/DEF & Dist

Scheme/DEF & ProLogic/DEF, Dist &

Direction Forward

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-23

6 Offliner Settings Software

Table 6.12: Scheme Selector

3I0 Pickup A 0.2 to 50.0 (5A)

0.1 to 10.0 (1A)

Pickup Delay sec 0.005 to 99.990

50N-67R - Overcurrent Carrier Block

Action Dist Scheme Only/ ProLogic only/

Dist & ProLogic

Direction Reverse

3I0 Pickup A 0.2 to 50.0 (5A)

0.1 to 10.0 (1A)

Pickup Delay sec 0.005 to 99.990

The relay supports a Basic (no communication), a Permissive Overreaching

Transfer Tripping (POTT), a Permissive Under-reaching Transfer Tripping
(PUTT) and a Directional Comparison Blocking Scheme (DCB).

Directional Element

Figure 6.20: Directional Element

Table 6.13: Directional Element

Directional Element Override Enable/Disable

Negative Sequence Directional Element Enable/Disable

V2 Sensitivity Level 0.5 to 5.0 Volts secondary

I2 Sensitivity Level 0.1 to 1.0 A secondary (5A)

0.02 to 0.20 A secondary (1A)

Zero Sequence Directional Element Enable/Disable

3V0 Sensitivity Level 1.0 to 10.0 Volts secondary

3I0 Sensitivity Level 0.2 to 2.0 A secondary (5A)

0.04 to 0.40 A secondary (1A)

6-24 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Protection Functions

Figure 6.21: Protection Functions

For a detailed description see “Protection Functions and Specifications” on

page 4-1


Figure 6.22: ProLogic

Apply ProLogic to multiple inputs to create an output based on qualified in-

puts. ProLogic enables up to 24 ProLogic control statements and programs
those logics to output contacts. The user can name the function being created

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-25

6 Offliner Settings Software

and set a pickup and dropout delay. Start with input A by selecting any of the
relay functions using the list for up to 5 possible inputs. Put these inputs into
AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, NXOR and LATCH logics by clicking on the
gate. Invert the input by clicking on the input line.
The output of ProLogic 1 can be nested into ProLogic 2 and so forth. If de-
scribed, the user can illuminate the front target LED on operation of this func-
tion by enabling this feature. The operation of the ProLogic statements are
recorded in the events logs.
The above is an example of a ProLogic application where an output is
produced if either of the line breakers is slow to open following a line
In this example current through the main and aux line breaker is present
as measured by the 50LS Main and the 50LS Aux functions after a
protection line trip as by Output Contact 14 and after the 0.50 ms (3
cycles) ProLogic 1 pickup time delay.

Group Logic
The 16 Group Logic statements reside in a slower processing thread within the
relay protection algorithms. The processing cycle happens once every half sec-
ond (0.5 s). When using ProLogic statements the user must keep in mind that
a latch or dropout timer should be used if the initiating condition does not last
at least 0.5 seconds.

6-26 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

6 Offliner Settings Software

Output Matrix

Figure 6.23: Output Matrix

The output contact matrix determines which function initiates which output re-
lay. All output relays have an individual user-selectable stretch time, except
those outputs identified as communication initiation outputs. They can have
their time delay characteristics changed. Functions also initiate recording as re-

For a particular function to operate correctly, it must be enabled and

must also have its logic output assigned to at least one output contact
if it is involved in a tripping function.

Print the entire output matrix by selecting Print under the File menu. This print-
out is produced on 2 pages.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-27

Settings Summary

Figure 6.24: Settings Summary

Select Settings Summary to view and print the relay settings in text form, for
details see “IED Settings and Ranges” in Appendix B.
6 Offliner Settings Software

6.7 Settings From a Record

The settings on the relay at the time of a recording are included in every record
and can be viewed through the RecordBase View analysis software. While
viewing a recording in RecordBase View, select the View Setting button to dis-
play the settings. RecordBase View will automatically launch L-PRO Offliner
to display the settings in summary form.
If the record contains Setting Groups, the Offliner displays all Setting Groups
in the summary. Bold text in the tree view indicates an active Setting Group
(the Setting Group used at the time the record was captured). The setting sum-
mary is read-only. To edit the setting file associated with the summary, the user
must use File/Save As to save the summary to a file. Then close the summary
screen and open the setting file for editing.

Figure 6.25: View Setting Summary in RecordBase View

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 6-29

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test
7.1 Introduction
The acceptance test section is a guide for testing any and all protection ele-
ments in the relay. These tests should be performed upon first delivery of the
relay, prior to applying in-service settings. Once in-service settings are applied,
ERLPhase recommends that the user test enabled functions to ensure the de-
signed application is fulfilled.
This section deals with the Acceptance Testing and the L-PRO Acceptance
Test Procedure.
First, the acceptance testing describes the test equipment requirements, calibra-
tion methods, testing the external inputs and testing the output relay contacts.
Next, a step-by-step test procedure for testing all the relay devices is outlined.

7.2 Acceptance Testing

ERLPhase relays are fully tested before leaving the factory. A visual inspec-
tion of the relay and its packaging is recommended on receipt to ensure the re-
lay was not damaged during shipping.

The electronics in the relay contain static sensitive devices and are
not user-serviceable. If the front of the relay is opened for any reason
exposing the electronics, take extreme care to ensure that the user
and the relay are solidly grounded.

Generally an analog metering check, as well as testing the I/O (External Inputs
and Output Contacts) is sufficient to ensure the functionality of the relay. Fur-
ther tests can be performed on delivery and acceptance of the purchaser’s op-
tion according to the published relay specifications in “IED Settings and
Ranges” in Appendix B.

Test Equipment • 3 ac voltage sources (variable frequency capability)

Requirements • 3 ac current sources
• 1 ohmmeter
• 1 - 125 Vdc test supply

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-1

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Set nominal CT secondary current to either 5 A or 1 A, and nominal

system frequency to either 60 Hz or 50 Hz. This example uses 5 A/
60 Hz.

Calibration The relay is calibrated before it leaves the factory; but if component changes
are made within the relay, the user may need to do a re-calibration.

Before beginning a new calibration, establish the accuracy of the

equipment being used.

To perform a calibration, the user must be logged into the relay using Relay
Control Panel at the Service access level to the front USB Port. Proceed to the
Utilities>Analog Input Calibrate. The Calibrate menu leads the user through
every analog input and prompts the user to apply the appropriate quantity.

Figure 7.1: Enter actual applied signal level

7-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Figure 7.2: Calibration error - out of range

For example, when selecting channel 16 to calibrate Main VA, the Applied
Signal check box will indicate the desired calibration of the relay. If a 69 V
phase-to-neutral quantity is applied to the back VA terminals, 69.0 V would be
indicated as the desired calibration. If a 69 V phase-to-neutral quantity is ap-
plied to the to the back VA terminals, 69.0 V would be indicated as the desired
In a similar way, the user needs to go through all 18 ac analog quantities and
provide the information about the injected calibration quantities. The user must
have a test source to perform this function. Only the magnitude of the analog
input requires calibration, not the angle.
When an analog input channel is calibrated, verify the quantity measured by
selecting the Metering menu and the Analog Quantity submenu. VA of the ac
voltage input is used as a reference quantity by the relay. Therefore, if it is ab-
sent, there is not a locked, valid relationship among all of the analog quantities.

Testing the To test the external inputs connect the relay using Relay Control Panel, Meter-
External Inputs ing>External. This screen displays the status of the Input and Output Contacts.
Placing a voltage of 125 Vdcnominal, (150 Vmaximum), to each of the external
inputs in turn causes the input to change from Low to High status. These inputs
are polarity sensitive and this screen has a 0.5 second update rate.

Testing the Test the output relays to verify their integrity using the Utilities>Toggle Out-
Output Relay puts. The output contacts are toggled from open to closed by pressing the
Closed button. Verify the output contact status using an ohmmeter. When ex-
iting this sub-menu, each contact status reverts to the open position.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-3

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

7.3 L-PRO Acceptance Test Procedure Outline

Devices to Test • 60 AC Loss of Potential
• 21P Phase-to-Phase Impedance
• 21N Phase-to-Neutral Impedance
• Load Encroachment
• Weak Infeed
• Switch On To Fault
• 68 Power Swing
• 27 Undervoltage
• 59 Overvoltage
• 50N/51N Neutral Overcurrent
• 50/51 Phase Overcurrent
• 46-50/46-51 Negative Sequence Overcurrent
• 50LS Low Set Definite Time Overcurrent
• 50BF Breaker Fail
• Example of Inputs 3 and 4 being used for Breaker Fail
• 81 Over/Under/Rate of Change of Frequency
• 25C Sync Check
• 79 Recloser
• 79-1-3 single pole trip device number

7-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Download 1. Browse to find the following Offliner Setting file

Acceptance “LPROaccTestsetting60hz” in C:\Program Files\ERLPhase\LPRO Offlin-
er Settings\.
Test File
2. Double-click the Setting file to open. Enter the serial number of the relay
being tested or check Ignore Serial Number checkbox.
3. Select File on the menu bar, then select Convert to Newer under its sub-
menu, select version 404.

Figure 7.3: Identification Serial Number Screen

4. Save the file.

5. Connect to the relay in Service or Change mode via the relay front port (Port
150) using the Relay Control Panel.
6. From the Main Menu double click on Configuration.
7. From the Configuration submenu select Import.
8. Browse to the converted acceptance test file and click on Open.
9. Select the file under Saved Settings list and click on the Load to IED button
on the right.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-5

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

About the The acceptance test setting file provided is not necessarily configured to a pro-
Acceptance vide a realistic setting example. Its configuration is intended to demonstrate
simple test methods for each relay element. Tests are organized to prevent in-
Test Setting File
terference of one protection element on the next within the relay for ease of
testing without using multiple setting files and minimizing the number of test
connection changes. All contacts in the relay will be tested if all elements in
this procedure are tested as written.
Testing all the elements is accommodated by using of the relay Setting Groups
(3 groups are used).
Setting Group 1 tests elements: 21P, 21N, 68, 60, Switch On To Fault, Weak
Setting Group 2 tests elements: 46-50/46-51, 50/51, 50N/51N, 27, 59, 50LS,
Setting Group 3 tests elements: 25/27/59 (Sync Check), 79, 81
The file demonstrates all types of impedance characteristics available in the re-
lay: circle, tomato, lens, Quadrilateral.
Virtual Inputs are used to perform some input functions and demonstrate their
In addition to, or exclusive of these tests, the user may wish to perform dynam-
ic simulation tests on the relay to verify the relay operates as per protection
scheme design using the settings that are applied for the particular line on
which the relay will be installed.

Impedance Characteristics Available in L-PRO (Mho and Quadrilateral)

Reactive (x)

Angle = 90 degrees


Resistive (R)

Figure 7.4: MHO Circle (Characteristic Angle = 90) Available for 21P and 21N

7-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Reactive (x)

Angle = 90 degrees


Resistive (R)

Figure 7.5: MHO Tomato (Characteristic Angle < 90) Available for 21P and 21N

Reactive (x)

Angle = 90 degrees


Resistive (R)
Reverse Directional

Figure 7.6: MHO Lens (Characteristic Angle > 90) Available for 21P and 21N

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-7

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Reactive (x)

Resistive (R)
Reverse Directional

Figure 7.7: Quadrilateral Available for 21P and 21N Only

Basic Testing Calculations

Nominal primary voltage = 230kV (1)

kV 230kV (2)
Nominal secondary phase-to-phase voltage = ---------------------- = ---------------- = 115V
PTRatio 2000

115V = 66.4V (3)

Nominal secondary phase-to-neutral voltage = -------------

kV - Nominal Primary Voltage
PT Ratio - Potential Transformer Ratio
Zero Sequence Impedance calculations for phase-to-ground impedance ele-
ment tests (using secondary Positive and Zero Sequence Line Impedances):

Z 1 = 5.9 80 =  1.03 + j5.81  (4)

Z 0 = 16.0 74 =  4.41 + j15.38  (5)

7-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Z0 – Z1
K 0 = ------------------
3  Z1
  4.41 – 1.03  +  j15.38 – j5.81  
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  5.9 80
3.38 + j9.57 10.15 70.52 (6)
= ------------------------------ = ---------------------------------- =  0.57 – 9.5 
17.7 80 17.7 80

Z1 - Positive Sequence Impedance
Z2 - Negative Sequence Impedance
K0 - Factor

The multiplier used to compensate phase-to-ground impedances:

1 + K0 = (1 + 0.57-9.5)
= (1 + 0.562 – j0.094)
= (1.562 – j0.094) = 1.5693.5

21N Reach Settings

Zone 1 Reach: Mho 4.72 
Zone 2 Reach: Quadrilateral X: 7.38 , R: 6.00 
Zone 3 Reach: Mho Forward 17.7 , Reverse 0.50 
Zone 4 Reach: Mho Forward 0.00 , Reverse 4.72 

Compensated 21N1 setting 4.72  (Zone 1 phase-to-ground compensated Mho


4.72 80  1.569 – 3.5 = 7.40 76.5 (8)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-9

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Compensated 21N2 Setting 7.38  (Zone 2 phase-to-ground compensated

Quadrilateral impedance):

Reactive: 7.38 80  1.569 – 3.5 = 11.58 76.5 (9)

Resistive: 6.0 0  1.569 – 3.5 = 9.41 – 3.5 (10)

The pure resistive component 9.41  cos  – 3.5  = 9.39 0 (11)

Compensated 21N3 (Zone 3 Phase-to-ground compensated impedance):

Forward: 17.70 80  1.569 – 3.5 = 27.76 76.5 (13)

Reverse: 0.50 – 100  1.569 – 3.5 = 0.78 – 103.5 (14)

Compensated 21N4 (Zone 4 phase-to-ground compensated impedance)

Forward: 0 (must be 0 for POTT Scheme) (15)

Reverse: 4.72 – 100  1.569 – 3.5 = 7.40 – 103.5 (16)

10 11 12 13 14

21 21P2 21P3 21P4 21N2 21N3 21N4 46-50 DLPU S Trip Send 68 68 IN 27/59
50BF- 60 50BF- 50BF- 50LS 50N 51N 81-1 46-51 25C 51 OUTER 27/59 Main
Main1 68 Aux1 Aux 2 81-2 81-3 50 PL1 Aux
50BF- 81-4
Main Line Currents Auxilliary Line Currents
Auxilliary Voltages Main Voltages Power
301 303 305 307 309 311
300 302 304 306 308 310 324 325 326 327 330 331 332 333 334 335

For Prot./Sync./Rec.

IA IB IC IN These Currents only VA VB VC VN

required for Ring Bus

Regulated Voltage and Current Source

Figure 7.8: Suggested Test Connections for Acceptance Tests

Where each test specifies Metering/Protection, view the following screen un-
der Metering>Protection in Relay Control Panel.

7-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Figure 7.9: Protection Functions Metering Screens

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-11

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

60 Loss of Settings
Potential (LOP) • Voltage = 0.75 per unit phase-to-neutral fixed (In this case minimum op-
Test erate = 0.75 per unit = 0.75 * Vnominal = 0.75 * 66.4 V = 49.8 V)
• I1 Blocking = 10.0 A (positive sequence current that blocks LOP if
• 3I0 Blocking = 1.0 A (zero sequence current that blocks LOP if exceeded)

27 VLa (0.75 pu fixed)

27 VLb (0.75 pu fixed) 168
27 VLc (0.75 pu fixed)
59 VLa (0.1 pu fixed)
59 VLb (0.1 pu fixed) 175 171
59 VLc (0.1 pu fixed)
176 0
dVpos/dt > 3V/cycle 173 174
dVpos/dt < -3V/cycle
0 5ms
ABS | dIpos/dt | > 0.1A/cycle 169
50 Ipos
50 3I0

50 ILA (4% I nominal)

50 ILB (4% I nominal) 170
50 ILC (4% I nominal)

Figure 7.10: Loss of Potential Logic (60)

60 Test Procedure:
1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
Monitor: 60 Alarm
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals:
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
3. Connect 3-phase current sources (0.5 A) to the relay terminals (must be
greater than 0.2 A (4% Inominal) to enable due to low set supervision, for
details see Figure 7.10: Loss of Potential Logic (60) on page 7-12).
Ph A: 300 – 301, 0.5 A 0
Ph B: 302 – 303, 0.5 A -120
Ph C: 303 – 304, 0.5 A +120
Observe: 60 Alarm = Low
4. Instantaneously reduce single-phase voltage to 48 V or less.
60 Alarm = High
Contact 2 Closed

7-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Testing the LOP I1 Supervision:

1. Restore 3-phase voltages to 66.4 V.
Observe 60 Alarm = Low
Contact 2 = Open
2. Increase balanced 3-phase currents to 10.1 A per phase.
3. Reduce single-phase voltage to 0.
Observe 60 Alarm remains low
Observe Contact 2 remains open
4. Reduce currents to 0.

Testing the LOP 3IO Supervision

1. Restore 3-phase voltages to 66.4 V.
Observe 60 Alarm = Low
Contact 2 = Open
2. Increase any single-phase current to 1.1 A.
3. Reduce single-phase voltage to 0.
Observe 60 Alarm remains low.
Observe Contact 2 remains open.
4. Reduce all sources to 0.
End of 60 test.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-13

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

21P1 Phase (Zone 1 Single-Phase Under Impedance Test tested as 3-phase fault)
Distance Test
• Positive Sequence Secondary Line Impedance (100% of line)= 5.9 
• Positive Sequence Line Angle = 80
• 21P1 = 4.72  (Maximum Reach = 80% of line at maximum torque angle
of 80)
• Time Delay = 0 (expect 1.3 cycles, 22 ms or less)
• Delta Current Supervision = 7.0 A (minimum phasor difference between
any 2 phases to allow 21P Trip)

Figure 7.11: Phase Distance Logic (21P)

Preliminary Calculations
Since this is a balanced 3-phase test, there is no Zero Sequence Current, so Z
is calculated as:

V Phase (17)
Z = ----------------
I Phase

Z - Phase Impedance
VPhase - Phase Voltage
IPhase - Phase Current

The minimum 3-phase current required is:

(Remember: IDelta is the phasor difference between any 2-phase currents; add
5% to ensure the Minimum IDeltaSupervision Logic is high for this test).

7-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

I DeltaSupervision  105 percent 7.0  1.05 (18)

I min = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- = ------------------------ = 4.24amps
3 3
Imin- Minimum Current setting
IDeltaSupervision - Phase difference between any 2-phase currents

21P1 Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
Monitor 21P1 Zone 1Trip
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
3. Connect 3-phase current sources (4.24 A lagging voltages by 80) to the
relay terminals:
Ph A: 300 – 301, 4.24 A 0
Ph B: 302 – 303, 4.24 A 
Ph C: 303 – 304, 4.24 A 
Observe 21P1 Trip = Low
4. Simultaneously reduce 3-phase voltages.
At 21.0 to 19.0 V (expect 20.0 V)
21 Trip = High (Note that Contact 1 will probably close earlier than
21-1 Trip going high, because Z2 and Z3 trip elements are mapped to
the same output contact, and the length of time this fault will be ap-

Testing the Zone 1 Phase Time Delay

1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on normally open Output Contact 1 (202 – 203).
2. Set timer to start from 3-phase amp current transition (i.e. current off to on).
3. Apply (keep on) balanced 3-phase voltages (20.0 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 20.0 V 
Ph B: 331, 20.0 V -120
Ph C: 332, 20.0 V +120
Ph N: 333
4. Apply 3-phase currents from 0 to 5.3 A to start the timer (this is 80% of
Zone 1 Reach = 64% of the line = 12.4 miles).

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Ph A: 300 –301, 5.3 A –-80

Ph B: 302 –303, 5.3 A – -200
Ph C: 303 –304, 5.3 A – +40
Expect operating time less than 1.3 cycles with CCVT algorithm dis-
End of 21P1 test.

21P2 Phase Zone 2 Phase Under Impedance tested as 2-phase fault

Distance Test
• Positive Sequence Secondary Line Impedance (100% of line) = 5.9  Pos-
itive Sequence Line Angle (Z1) = 80
• 21P2= 7.38  (Maximum Reach = 125% of line, 24.25 miles at maximum
torque angle of 80)
• Time Delay = 400 ms (expect 1.0 to 1.3 cycle additional delay due to in-
herent detection and contact times)
• Delta Current Supervision = 3.0 A (minimum phasor difference between
any 2 phases to allow 21P2 Trip)

This test example shows how to test for a phase-to-phase fault.

Determine the voltage and current quantities required to perform this test.

1. Determine the minimum current required (as per Idelta supervision setting).
2. Determine an appropriate fault voltage to use for the test.
3. Determine the 3-phase voltage phasors required to create the fault voltage.

1. Minimum current required for this test:

I delta Supervision Setting (the phasor difference of 2 phases) = 3.0 A. Cur-
rent is injected into polarity of B-phase and out of polarity of C-phase.
Therefore B-phase and C-phase currents are equal in magnitude but 180
out of phase.
The minimum delta current required = 3.0 A; add 5% to ensure supervision is

3.0  105 percent = 3.2 A (19)

Since B-phase = C-phase, actual minimum current required is equal to

7-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3.2 = 1.6 A (20)


2. Use the minimum test current to determine what voltage would be appro-
priate for this test.

V FaultMin (21)
Z = ----------------------------
2  I TestMin

From Equation (21) we can derive the formula:

V FaultMin = Z  2  I TestMin (22)

And using appropriate values, the Minimum Fault Voltage is

V FaultMin = 7.38  2  1.6 A = 23.6V (23)

VFaultMin - Minimum Fault Voltage
ITestMin - Minimum Fault Test Current

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-17

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3. Now determine the 3-phase voltage phasors.

Only B-C fault is shown here, but the same principle applies for A-B or C-
A faults.
Since neutral is not involved in this type of fault, the faulted voltage phasors
collapse toward each other along the phase-to-phase line.

120 deg


0 deg

-120 deg

Figure 7.12: Phasor Representation of an Ideal Phase-to-Phase Fault

The following tables show the voltages to inject for a variety of fault voltage
levels using 115 V secondary phase-to-phase nominal (66.4 V phase-to-neutral

Table 7.14: A-B Fault Voltage Injections

A-B Fault

(C-phase voltage = 66.4 V +120) The resultant angle of A-B voltage always = +30

% Reduction 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Fault V 103.5 V 92.0 V 80.5 V 69.0 V 57.5 V 46.0 V 34.5 V 23.0 V 11.5 V

Fault Volt Angle 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Voltage A=B 61.5 V 56.7 V 52.2 V 47.9 V 43.9 V 40.4 V 37.4 V 35.1 V 33.7 V

A Angle -2.7 -5.8 -9.5 -13.9 -19.1 -25.3 -32.5 -40.9 -50.2

B Angle -117.3 -114.2v -110.5 -106.1 -100.9 -94.7 -87.5 -79.1 -69.8

7-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Table 7.15: B-C Fault Voltage Injections

B-C Fault

(A phase voltage = 66.4 V) The resultant angle of B-C voltage always = -90

% Reduction 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Fault V 103.5 V 92.0 V 80.5 V 69.0 V 57.5 V 46.0 V 34.5 V 23.0 V 11.5 V

Fault Volt Angle -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90 -90

Voltage B=C 61.5 V 56.7 V 52.2 V 47.9 V 43.9 V 40.4 V 37.4 V 35.1 V 33.7 V

B Angle -122.7 -125.8 -129.5 -133.9 -139.1 -145.3 -152.5 -160.9 -170.2

C Angle 122.7 125.8 129.5 133.9 139.1 145.3 152.5 160.9 170.2

Table 7.16: C-A Fault Voltage Injections

C-A Fault

(B phase voltage = 66.4 V -120) The resultant angle of C-A voltage always = +150

% Reduction 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Fault V 103.5 V 92.0 V 80.5 V 69.0 V 57.5 V 46.0 V 34.5 V 23.0 V 11.5 V

Fault Volt Angle 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

Voltage C=A 61.5 V 56.7 V 52.2 V 47.9 V 43.9 V 40.4 V 37.4 V 35.1 V 33.7 V

C Angle 117.3 114.2 110.5 106.1 100.9 94.7 87.5 79.1 69.8

A Angle 2.7 5.8 9.5 13.9 19.1 25.3 32.5 40.9 50.2

For this B-C test a minimum fault voltage of 23.6 V is required as calculated
in “B-C Fault Voltage Injections, for details see Table 7.15: B-C Fault Voltage
Injections on page 7-19. Select the next highest voltage. In this case 34.5 V
(70% reduction) is used.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-19

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

The following formulae were used to calculate the voltages for the tables (they
may be used for any other desired fault voltage):

2 2 (24)
Test voltage magnitude = V Fault V Nominal
- +  ----------------------
--------------- -
 2   2 

VFault - phase-to-phase fault voltage
VNominal - phase-to-neutral nominal voltage

Test Phase Angle

Offset the nominal phase angles toward the other faulted phase angle by:

V Fault  (25)
60 – atan  ----------------------
V 

Example of this calculation using the 70% voltage reduction from the B-C
fault, for details see Table 7.15: B-C Fault Voltage Injections on page 7-19:
Phase B-C voltage angle = -90 with respect to A-N voltage phasor.
Fault Voltage = 70% reduction of phase-to-phase nominal

= 115V –  – 90  –  115V + – 90  70 percent  =  34.5V  – 90   (26)

2 2
Faulted Test Voltage Magnitudes =  34.5 66.4
---------- +  ---------- = 1399.8 = 37.4V (27)
 2   2 

Faulted Phase Angle = 60 – atan  ---------- = 60 – 27.5 = 32.5 (28)
 66.4

For B-C fault adjust Phase B angle toward Phase C angle and adjust Phase C
angle toward Phase B angle:
B Phase Angle = -120 - 32.5 = -152.5
C Phase Angle = +120 +32.5 = 152.5

7-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

A Phase Phasor = Unfaulted = 66.4 V 0
B Phase Phasor = Faulted = 37.4 V -152.5
C Phase Phasor = Faulted = 37.4 V +152.5

Connecting the Test Source for B-C Fault:

AC Current AC Voltages

+ +

330 331 332 333

Main Current Inputs Main Voltage Inputs

Figure 7.13: AC Connections to the relay for B-C (21P) Test

In summary for this example, inject Phase B to Phase C fault:

Line Impedance = 7.38 
Line Angle = 80
Fault Voltage = 34.5 V -90 using the calculated voltage phasors
Fault Current = greater than 1.6 A (-90- 80) = greater than 1.6 A -

21P2 Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
Monitor the following element for pickup: 21P2 Zone 2 Pickup.
2. Apply the following 3-phase voltages to the relay main ac V terminals:
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 37.4 V -152.5
Ph C: 332, 37.4 V +152.5
Ph N: 333
3. Connect variable single-phase current source (lagging phase-to-phase fault
voltage by 80) to the relay main line current terminals (Jumper Terminals
303 & 305):
Ph B-C: 302 –304, 1.5 A -170
Observe 21P2 Alarm = Low
4. Increase current.
At 2.23 to 2.45 A (expect 2.34 A):
21P2 Alarm = High
5. Turn off voltage and current sources.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

End of 21P2 test.

21N2 Ground Zone 2 Phase-to-Neutral Under Impedance

Distance Test
• Positive Sequence Secondary Line Impedance (100% of line) = 5.9 
• Positive Sequence Line Angle (Z1) = 80
• 21N2 = 7.38  (Maximum Reach = 125% of line at maximum torque angle
of 80) compensated as per 21N calculations to: 11.58  76.5
• Resistive Component compensated to: 9.41  -3.5
• Time Delay = 0 (expect 1.3 cycles, 22 ms or less)
• 3I0 Current Supervision = 1.5 A (minimum zero sequence current to allow
21N2 to operate)
• I Phase Current Supervision = 1.5 A (minimum phase current to allow 21N2
to operate)

21N# - Zan
50 Ia
50N 3IO
Directional Element N - Zone #
21N# - Zbn
50 Ib
139 141 0 TN#
50N 3IO 142 Out 1
Directional Element 60 4ms 0
21N# - Zcn
50 Ic Generic Phase Distance
140 Logic (# = any zone)
50N 3IO
Directional Element

Figure 7.14: Ground Distance Logic (21N)

This test demonstrates testing a single line (Phase A) to a ground fault.

Preliminary calculations
Since this is a single-phase test, use the compensated impedance value calcu-
lated above; the calculated fault impedance Zfault is:

V fault (29)
Z fault = --------------
I fault

7-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

The minimum single-phase current required is:

(Remember: Testing single-phase, so need to exceed the greater of Iphase and
3Io supervision settings; add 5% to ensure the minimum supervision logic is
high for this test):

IMin = (Greater of Iphase and 3Io Supervision)x105% = 1.5x1.05 = 1.58A

This element has been set for Quadrilateral characteristic.

21N2 Reactive Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
Monitor: 21N2 Zone 2 Pickup
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
3. Connect single-phase current source to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 300 –301, 1.58 A -76.5
Observe 21N2 Pickup = Low
4. Reduce Phase A voltage.
At 17.4 to 19.2 V (expect 18.3 V):
21N2 Pickup = High (After 400 ms: 21N2 Trip = High)

21N2 Resistive Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
Monitor: 21N2 Zone 2 Pickup
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
3. Connect single -phase current source to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 300 –301, 1.58 A +3.5
Observe 21N2 Pickup = Low
4. Reduce Phase A voltage.
At 15.6 to 14.2 V (expect 14.9 V).
21N2 Pickup = High
After 400 ms: 21N2 Trip = High

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-23

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Testing the Zone 2 Neutral Time Delay

1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on normally open Output Contact 1 (202 – 203).
2. Set timer to start from single-phase current transition (i.e. current off to on).
3. Apply the following 3-phase voltages to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
4. Apply single-phase current from 0 to 6.0 A to start the timer (95% of Zone
2 Reach = 119% of the line = 23.1 miles).
Ph A: 300 –301, 6.0 A -76.5
Expected operate time = (400 ms + 1.0 to 1.3 cycle) = 417 ms (± 2.5%)
Note: The zone timer starts when the fault is detected; the detection time +
inherent contact time = approximately 1.0 to 1.3 cycles after fault inception.

Testing Other Zones

Test all other zones (21P3-4) and (21N1 and 21N3-4) using the same process
as the 21P1, 21P2 and 21N2 zones, except that the user needs to substitute the
impedance and timing settings for those zones.
End of 21 tests.

Load Load Encroachment function operates based on the fact that all phase-to-phase
Encroachment impedances (Zab, Zbc and Zca) are within the limited load angle area.
Load Encroachment Test Procedure
1. Use the following load encroachment settings together with above 21P set-

Figure 7.15: Load Encrochment Settings

2. Apply the following 3-phase voltages to the relay main ac V terminals:

Ph A: 330, 62.0 V <0
Ph B: 331, 62.0 V <240
Ph C: 332, 62.0 V <120
Ph N: 333

7-24 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3. Apply the following 3-phase currents to the relay main ac current terminals:
Ph A: 300 – 301, 5.3 A <-30
Ph B: 302 – 303, 5.3 A <210
Ph C: 304 – 305, 5.3 A <90
4. Observe target Load Encroachment.
5. Disable Load Encroachment, repeat steps 2-3.
6. Observe 21P3 Alarm/Trip.
End of Load Encroachment test.

Weak Infeed Weak Infeed tripping operates on 4 basic conditions:

Test 1. Low Positive Sequence Voltage (27V1) or High Neutral Voltage (59V0)
2. No Zone 2 or Zone 4 reverse element picked up.
3. Loss of Potential (60) element dropped out
4. Permissive trip received from the remote end

21-2 6ms
21-4R TWD1

60 110 0
3ms TWD3
0 112
27 V1 Infeed
113 Enable
59 V0

Scheme Scheme
Trip Send

Figure 7.16: Weak Infeed Logic

For this test apply 0 voltage and 0 current to the relay with no prefault. This
causes the first 3 conditions to be met: (27V1, NOT (Zone 2 OR Zone 4R),
NOT Loss of Potential).
In this case a Virtual Input is set up to simulate the Permissive Trip Receive
contact via ProLogic.

Figure 7.17: Scheme Selector Settings (Offliner)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-25

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Weak Infeed Test Procedure

1. Activate this Virtual Input by accessing the Relay Control Panel’s Utilities
>Virtual Inputs.
2. Select Virtual Input 13 in the Virtual Input drop down list.
3. Click on the Pulse On button to execute the “PerTripRec Simulate” as
shown in the following screen shot.

Figure 7.18: Virtual Input Control

Observe Relay Target: “POTT Trip (WI): 0.0 mi.

Note: The 0.0 mi indicates that there was 0 impedance measured due to 0 line
voltage being applied.
End of Weak Infeed test.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Switch On To Switch On To Fault can be configured to operate based on two methods.

Fault Test 1. Close Command (Circuit breaker close pulse)
2. Status Monitoring (Circuit breaker status)

Figure 7.19: Switch On To Fault Logic

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Switch On To Fault Test Procedure for Close Command Method

Figure 7.20: Switch On to Fault setting for Close Command (Offliner)

1. Objective of this test is to observe the basic operation of the logic. The user
may disable 50, 50N, 21P2 and 21N2 functions.
2. Instantaneously, step single-phase current from 0 to 1.05 A to:
Ph-A: 300 – 301, 1.05 A<Any
External Input- 1 from Low to High.
Both inputs shall be changed at the same time. Analog input can be delayed by
1 – 3 cycles to simulate the delay in circuit breaker operation.
3. Observe target Switch On To Fault on A.
End of Switch On To Fault Close Command test.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Switch On To Fault Test Procedure for Status Monitoring Method

Figure 7.21: Switch On to Fault setting for Status Monitoring (Offliner)

1. Objective of this test is to observe the basic operation of the logic. The user
may disable 50, 50N, 21P2 and 21N2 functions.
2. During this test, the Main Breaker Status input (connected to EI-1) is used
activate the SOTF logic. Ring bus configuration shall be disabled to disa-
ble the Aux Breaker Status input.
3. Instantaneously, step single-phase current from 0 to 1.05 A to:
Ph-A: 300 – 301, 1.05 A<Any
External Input 1 from Low to High.
Both inputs shall be changed at the same time. Analog input can be delayed by
1 – 3 cycles to simulate the delay in circuit breaker operation.
4. Observe target Switch On To Fault on A.
End of Switch On To Fault Status Monitoring test.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

68 Power Swing (Set to trip for this test.)

• Outer Right Blinder = 17 ohm
• Outer Left Blinder = -17 ohm
• Inner Right Blinder = 13 ohm
• Inner Left Blinder = -13 ohm
• Top Outer Blinder = 27 ohm
• Top Inner Blinder = 18 ohm
• Bottom Inner Blinder = -18 ohm
• Bottom Outer Blinder = - 27 ohm
• Swing timer = 1.0 second
• I1 Supervision (positive sequence current) = 3.0 A
• 3I0 Supervision = 1.0 A
Note: Out of Step Blinders are Positive Sequence Impedance Quantities.

68 Inner Alarm Out 13

Zpos 68 Outer Alarm
Out 12
Enable Setting
50 Ipos
163 0 68 Block
50 3I0

165 Out 2
68 Trip

Figure 7.22: Power Swing (68)

Preliminary Calculations
Because this is a Positive Sequence Impedance, perform this test as balanced
3-phase, since this is the easiest way to obtain positive sequence. The calculat-
ed Z is:

V Phase (31)
Z = ----------------
I Phase

Z - Fault Impedance
VPhase - Phase Voltage
IPhase - Phase Current

The minimum 3-phase current required must be greater than the I1Supervision
Setting (3.0 A). Add 5% to ensure that the supervision is met:

7-30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

IMin = I1Supervision x 105% = 3.0 x 1.05 = 3.15A

IMin - Minimum Current
I1Supervision - Positive Sequence Supervision current setting

68 Outer Right Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
68 OutBlinder Alarm
Contact 12 with an ohmmeter
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
3. Connect 3-phase current sources (3.15 A in phase with voltages) to the relay
terminals: Ph A: 300 –301, 3.15 A 0
Ph B: 302 – 303, 3.15 A -120
Ph C: 303 –304, 3.15 A +120
Observe 68 OutBlinder Alarm = Low
Contact 12 = Open
4. Simultaneously increase (ramp up) 3-phase currents.
At 3.72 to 4.10 A (expect 3.91A):
68 OutBlinder Alarm = High
Contact 12 = Closed
End of 68 Outer test.

68 Inner Left Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Logic>Protection.
68 InnBlinder Alarm.
Output Contact 13 with an ohmmeter.
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals:
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3. Connect 3-phase current sources (3.15 A 180 from voltages) to the relay
Ph A: 300 –301, 3.15 A 180
Ph B: 302 –303, 3.15 A +60
Ph C: 303 –304, 3.15 A -60
Observe 68 InnBlinder Alarm = Low
Contact 13 = Open
4. Simultaneously increase (ramp up) 3-phase currents.
At 4.86 to 5.36 A (expect 5.11 A):
68 InnBlinder Alarm = High
Contact 13 = Closed

Testing the 68 Swing Timer Delay

1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on normally open Output Contact 2 (204 –205).
2. Test at impedance between Inner and Outer Right Blinders = 15 0
3. Set timer to start from 3-phase current transition (i.e. current off to on).
4. Apply (keep on) balanced 3-phase voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
5. Apply 3-phase currents from 0 to 4.43 A to start the timer.
Ph A: 300 – 301, 4.43 A 0
Ph B: 302 – 303, 4.43 A -120
Ph C: 303 – 304, 4.43 A 120
Expect operating time 1.0 second + inherent 1.0 to 1.3 cycle detection time.
Observe target: “Out Of Step: Trip”.
End of 68 Swing Timer test.

Change Setting For the next group of tests using the Acceptance Test file change to Setting
Group Group 2.
1. In Relay Control Panel access Utilities>Virtual Inputs.
2. Select corresponding virtual input for “Switch to SG2”.
3. Click on Pulse On button to execute the command.
4. The Active Setting Group will become Group 2.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

27 Settings
Undervoltage • Main: AND (3-Phase Undervoltage)
Test • Auxiliary: AND (Single-Phase Undervoltage; Only 1 phase is connected)
• Main and Aux Pickup: 30 V
• Time Delay: 0.01 second

27 Va main RMS
27 Vb main RMS 300
27 Vc main RMS Out 14
27 Main Undervoltage 0
3 Phases Connected

27 Va aux RMS
27 Vb aux RMS 302
27 Vc aux RMS
Out 13
27 Aux Undervoltage 0
1 Phase Connected

Figure 7.23: Undervoltage Logic (27)

27 Test Procedure
1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
27 Main U/V
27 Aux U/V
Monitor Output Contacts:
13 (27 Aux Trip)
14 (27 Main Trip)
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 324 and 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 327 and 333
27 Main U/V = Low
27 Aux U/V = Low
3. Reduce A Phase voltage.
At 31.0 to 29.0 V (expect 30 V):
27 Aux U/V = High
Contact 13 closed
27 Main U/V remains Low
Contact 14 open
4. With A Phase voltage still reduced, reduce B and C phase V:

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

At 31 to 29 V (expect 30 V):
27 Aux U/V = High
27 Main U/V = High
Contact 14 closed
End of 27 test.

59 Overvoltage Settings
Test • Main: AND (3-Phase Overvoltage)
• Auxiliary: OR (Single-Phase Overvoltage – 1 phase connected)
• Main and Aux Pickup: 72 V
• Time Delay: 0.05 second

59 Va main MS
59 Vb main RMS 296
59 Vc main RMS Out 14
59 Main Undervoltage 0
3 Phases Connected

59 Va aux RMS
59 Vb aux RMS 298
59 Vc aux RMS
Out 13
59 Aux Undervoltage 0
1 Phase Connected

Figure 7.24: Overvoltage Logic (59)

59 Test Procedure
1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
59 Main O/V
59 Aux O/V
Monitor contacts:
Output 13 (59 Aux Trip)
Output 14 (59 Main Trip)
2. Apply balanced 3-phase nominal voltages (66.4 V) to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 324 & 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 327 and 333
59 Main O/V = Low
59 Aux O/V = Low

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3. Increase A Phase voltage:

At 70.0 to 74.0 V (expect 72 V):
59 Aux O/V = High
Contact 13 = Closed
59 Main O/V remains Low
Contact 14 = Open
4. With A Phase voltage still increased, increase B and C phase V.
At 70 to 74 V (expect 72 V):
59 Aux O/V = High
59 Main O/V = High
Contact 14 = Closed
End of 59 test.

50N/51N Neutral Neutral Instantaneous and Time Overcurrent Test

• Both Directional
• 50N Pickup = 10.0 A
• 51N Pickup = 1.0 A
• Time Curve = IEEE Moderately Inverse
A = 0.0103
B = 0.0228
p = 0.02
TMS = 3.0

50N directional control If Directional or combined, T must be greater than 10 ms

286 0
Out 6
50 3IO

Timer is active, only if it's directional or combined

51N directional control

287 Out 7
51 3IO

Figure 7.25: Neutral Instantaneous and Time Overcurrent Logic (50N/51N)

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

50N and 51N Test Procedure

Note: with 0 voltage applied, the unit becomes non-directional (i.e. picks up in
both forward and reverse directions).
1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
51N Alarm
Output Contact 6 (50N Trip)
2. Apply single-phase current to the relay terminals as follows:
Ph A: 300 – 301, 0.5 A
3. Slowly ramp the current up.
At 0.95 to 1.05 A (expect 1.0 A):
51N Alarm = High
4. Continue to raise current.
At 9.5 to 10.5 A (expect 10.0 A):
50N Trip = High
Contact 6 = Closed
5. Turn current off.
51N Alarm = Low
50N Trip = Low

Timing Test
1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on Output Contact 7.
2. Set timer start from single-phase 0.0 A to 4.00 A transition (this equates to
4x pickup).

Time Delay (33)

= TMS  B + -------------------------------------
 I Multiple  – 1

0.0103 = 3  0.0228 + 0.0103 = 1.168s

= 3  0.0228 + -------------------
- ----------------
–1 0.0281

IMultiple -

3. Inject fault.
Observe Relay Target: “51N Trip”
End of 50N/51N test.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

50/51 Phase (Phase Instantaneous and Time Overcurrent) Test

Test Settings
• Only 51 Directional
• 50 Pickup = 15.0 A
• 51 Pickup = 1.5 A
• Time Curve = IEC Very Inverse
A = 13.5
B = 0.00
p = 1.0
TMS = 0.5

50P Directional Control If Directional or combined, T must be greater than 10 ms

284 0
Out 10
ILa RMS Select Maximum
ILb RMS Phase current for
50 Element
ILc RMS 51 Element
Timer is active, only if it's directional or combined

285 Out 11
51P Directional Control

Figure 7.26: Phase Instantaneous and Time Overcurrent Logic (50/51)

50 and 51 Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
51 Alarm.
Output Contact 10 (50 Trip).
2. Apply single-phase current to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 300 – 301, 0.5 A
3. Slowly ramp up the current.
At 1.43 to 1.58 A (expect 1.5 A):
51 Alarm = High
4. Continue to raise current.
At 14.3 to 15.8 A (expect 15 A):
50 Trip = High
Contact 10 = Closed
5. Turn current off.
51 Alarm = Low
50 Trip = Low

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

51 Timing Test
1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on Output Contact 11.
2. Set timer start from single-phase 0.0 A to 6.00 A transition (this equates to
4x pickup).
3. Inject fault.

Time Delay A
= TMS  B + ------------------------------------
 I multiple  – 1

13.5 = 0.5  0.00 + 13.5 = 2.25s

= 0.5  0.00 + -------------
- ---------- (34)
4 –1 3

Observe Relay Target: “51 Trip on A”

51 Directional Test

• 51 Settings as above
• Line Angle = 80 (i.e. current lags voltage by 80)
Note: Operating Range = ¬± 90 from line angle

51P Forward
51P Reverse
278 51P directional control
50P Forward
279 50P directional control
50P Reverse

Vpos Memory 51N Forward

ILpos REVERSE 280 51N directional control
51N Reverse
264 271
59 Vpos Main (2 volts RMS fixed)
50N Forward
265 Non-directional 272
50 ILpos (4% I nominal RMS fixed)
50N Reverse
281 50N directional control
46-51 Forward
282 46-51 directional control
46-51 Reverse
46-50 Forward

46-50 Reverse
283 46-50 directional control

Figure 7.27: Directional Element Logic

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

51 Directional Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
Monitor: 51 Pickup Alarm
2. Apply single-phase polarizing voltage to:
Ph A: 330 –333, 66.4 V 0
3. Apply single-phase current at line angle to:
Ph A: 300 –301, 2.0 A -80
Observe 51 Pickup Alarm = High
4. Slowly ramp the current phase angle in negative direction (i.e. more lag):
At -165 to -175 (expect -170):
51 Pickup Alarm = Low
5. Restore current to line angle (-80):
Observe 51 Pickup Alarm = High
6. Slowly ramp the current phase angle in positive direction (i.e. less lag):
At +5 to +15 (expect +10):
51 Pickup Alarm = Low
7. Turn off voltage and current sources.
End of 50/51 test.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

46-50/46-51 Settings
Negative • Directional
Sequence • 46-51 Pickup = 1.0 A
Overcurrent • Time Curve = IEEE Extremely Inverse
A = 5.64
B = 0.02434
TMS = 3.0

46-50 Directional Control If Directional or combined, T must be greater than 10 ms

288 0
Out 8
50 I2

Timer is active, only if it's directional or combined

46-51 Directional Control

289 Out 9
51 I1

Figure 7.28: Negative Sequence Instantaneous and Time OverCurrent Logic (46-50/

Note that positive sequence current (50ILpos), 4% of nominal current is nec-

essary to enable the directional element. This supervision can be seen on OR
265, for details see Figure 7.27: Directional Element Logic on page 7-38.
For this test inject only single-phase current. This method introduces an equal
proportion of positive and negative sequence current. This assures that there is
sufficient positive sequence current to enable directional control of the nega-
tive sequence element, if a polarizing voltage is also applied.
Positive sequence (I1), Negative Sequence (I2), Zero Sequence (3I0) are cal-
culated by using the following equations:

2 (35)
I A + aI B + a I C
I 1 = --------------------------------------- where a = 1 120

2 (36)
I A + a I B + aI C
- where a = 1 120
I 2 = ---------------------------------------

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3I o = I A + I B + I C (37)

IA - Phase A Current
IB - Phase B Current
IC - Phase C Current
Using Equation 6 notice that there is a need to triple the pickup setting current
on one phase to obtain the pickup value of negative sequence current.
For example injecting 1.0 A on Phase A only (Phase B = Phase C = 0), and with
no voltage applied, the 46-51 element becomes non-directional even though
the setting is directional:

2 (38)
1 + a 0 + a0 1
I 2 = ------------------------------- = --- = 0.33 A
3 3

46-51 Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
Monitor: 46-51 Alarm
2. Apply single-phase current to the relay terminals as follows:
Ph A: 300 – 301, 2.5 A
3. Slowly ramp the current up:
At 2.9 to 3.1 A (expect 3.0 A):
46-51 Pickup Alarm = High
4. Turn current source off.

46-51 Timing Test

1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on Output Contact 9.
2. Set timer start from single-phase 0.0 A to 12.00 A transition (this equates to
4x pickup).

Time Delay A
= TMS  B + -------------------------------------
 I Multiple  – 1

5.64 = 3.0  0.02434 + 5.64 = 1.201s

= 3.0  0.02434 + -------------
- ---------- (39)
4 –1 15

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3. Inject fault.
Observe Relay Target: “46-51 Trip”
End of 46-51 test.

Directional (see OR 265, for details see Figure 7.27: Directional Element Logic on page 7-
Element 38)
• Directional
Supervision • 50ILpos (Positive Sequence (I1) Low Set = 0.2 A fixed)
Threshold • 46-50 Pickup = 5.0 A
(50ILpos) Test
46-50 Directional Control If Directional or combined, T must be greater than
288 0
Out 8
50 I2

Timer is active, only if it's directional or com

46-51 Directional Control

289 Out 9
51 I1

Figure 7.29: Negative Sequence Instantaneous and Time OverCurrent Logic (46-50/

Test Calculations
The relay directional element has a fixed positive sequence current setting of
4% of Inominal that is used to supervise the directional control. If the positive
sequence current falls below 4% of Inominal, the directional control becomes
non-directional. So, for directional control of the 46 element, the following is
Negative Sequence Current (I2) greater than pickup AND Positive Se-
quence Current (I1) greater than or equal to 0.2 A (4% Inominal).
For this test inject a Reverse Negative Sequence fault:
With the I1 Directional Supervision threshold not exceeded, the directional
unit is disabled, therefore the directional element will be non-directional.
This means that the 46 element is able to operate in the reverse direction as
well as in the forward direction.
When the I1 Directional Supervision is exceeded, the 46 drops out as it has
now become Directional (forward) only.
Testing is accomplished by applying 3-phase balanced I2 quantities sufficient
to pickup the 46 element and then increasing the magnitude of any single-

7-42 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

For example, for our 46-50 pickup of 5.0 A, use I2 of 5.1 A. This is sufficient
I2 magnitude to solidly pickup the 46-50 element at the line angle. Note, that
the line angle is the Positive Sequence Forward Direction but is the Negative
Sequence Reverse Direction:
IA = 5.1 A -80
IB = 5.1 A +40
IC = 5.1 A +160
The symmetrical components using Equations 5 to 7:
I1 = 0
I2 = 5.1 A -80
3I0 = 0
Now vary single-phase current to obtain sufficient I1 to enable the directional
element (0.2 A).
Vary Phase A for this test.

Redefine the symmetrical components to determine test quantities.

Because IA will change, call it Inew.
IB and IC are equal, and do not change, so call them Iold.

I new – I old (40)

I 1 = -----------------------------

I A + IB + IC I new + 2 I old (41)

I 2 = --------------------------------------
- or I 2 = -----------------------------------
3 3

3I 0 = I new – I old (42)

Use the I1 formula to calculate Inew because we know the required value of I1
(0.2 A).
Iold - 5.1 A (I2 pickup plus margin)
I1 - |Inew - Iold|/3
0.2 - |Inew - Iold|/3
Inew = 0.6 + 5.1
Inew = 5.7 A

Directional Element 50ILpos Threshold Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
Monitor: 46-50 Trip
2. Apply single-phase polarizing voltage to the relay terminals:
Ph A: 330 – 333, 66.4 V 0

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

3. Apply 3-phase negative sequence currents to the relay terminals:

Ph A: 300 – 301, 5.1A -80
Ph B: 302 – 303, 5.1A +40
Ph C: 303 – 304, 5.1A +160
Observe 46-50 Trip = High
4. Slowly ramp up Phase A current to activate Directional Control:
At 5.67 to 5.73 A (expect 5.7 A):
46-50 Trip = Low
5. Turn currents off.
End of Directional 50ILpos Threshold test.

50BF (Breaker Settings

Fail) and 50LS
(Low Set
Overcurrent) • 50LS Pickup: 1.0 A,
Tests • Time Delay: 0.00 seconds
• 50BF Time Delay 1: 5.0 seconds
• 50BF Time Delay 2: 10.0 seconds

• 50LS Pickup: 1.0 A
• Time Delay: 0.00 seconds
• 50BF Time Delay 1: 5.0 seconds
• 50BF Time Delay 2: 10.0 seconds

Input 3:
• 50LS Pickup: 0.3 A
• Time Delay: 1.00 second
(50LS used with Virtual Input 3 to make Breaker Fail for Breaker 3)

Input 4:
• 50LS Pickup: 0.3 A
• Time Delay: 1.00 second
(50LS used with Virtual Input 4 to make Breaker Fail for Breaker 4)

Main and Aux. Breaker Fails are set to be initiated via the Output Matrix from
50LS Pickup (1.0 A Main and Aux and 0 time delay). Note: Requires a mini-
mum of 0.2 A on any phase to arm Breaker Fail.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Figure 7.30: Main Breaker Fail Logic (50BF)

50BF and 50LS Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
50LS Main
Output Contact 1 (50BF Main-1 Trip: A)
Output Contact 2 (50BF Main-2 Trip: A)
2. Apply single-phase current to the relay terminals as follows:
Ph A: 300 –301, 0.8 A
3. Slowly ramp the current up, at a rate of about 0.1 A per second:
At 0.9 to 1.1 A (expect 1.0 A):
50LS Main = High
5 seconds later, Output Contact 1 = Closed (50BF Main-1 Trip)
After an additional 5 seconds Output Contact 2 = Closed (50BF
Main-2 Trip)
4. Turn current off.
50LS Main = Low
Contacts 1 and 2 = Open
5. The same 50BF procedure may be followed on the auxiliary input by inject-
ing current into relay auxiliary current input, Terminals 306-307 and mon-
itor Contacts 3 and 4.

Testing Inputs 3 and 4 50LS Function

Inputs 3 and 4 50LS functions are used in a Breaker Fail Application using Pro-
The following screen shot shows the Logic being used to make a Breaker Fail
application from the 50LS using ProLogic.
ProLogic 1: This boolean equation used to initiate and operate as a Breaker Fail
for 52-3 (Input 3). Current above the 50LS threshold arms one input of the

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

AND gate. The initiate in this case is provided by Virtual Input 3 which will
latch until the current drops below the 50LS threshold.
Note: ProLogic 2 (not shown) is for 52-4 (Input 4).

Figure 7.31: Breaker Fail Created Using ProLogic

Input 3 Breaker Fail Test Procedure

1. Apply 0.31 A to the relay Terminals 312 – 313.
2. In Relay Control Pane access Utilities>Virtual Inputs.
Select Virtual Input 3 “Init BF 52-3”.
Pulse On
Observe after 1 Second: Target “Breaker Fail 52-3: PL1”.
3. Reduce current to zero.
4. Apply the same process to Input 4, Terminals 318 –319, using Virtual Input
4 “Init BF2-4”.
End of 50BF and 50LS tests.

For the next group of tests using the Acceptance Test file, change to Setting
Group 3.
1. In Relay Control Panel access Utilities>Virtual Inputs.
2. In the drop down list of virtual inputs, select the corresponding virtual input
to “Switch to SG3”.
3. Cursor over to Action and select Pulse On.
4. Click on Pulse On to execute this command, the Active Setting Group is
Group 3 now.

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7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

81 Settings
Overfrequency • 81-1 Pickup = 60.5 Hz Fixed Rate (50.5 Hz for 50 Hz Relay)
and • 81-1 Time Delay = 0.5 second
Underfrequency • 81-2 Pickup = 59.5 Hz Fixed Rate (49.5 Hz for 50 Hz Relay)
• 81-2 Time Delay = 0.5 second
• 81-3 Pickup = +1.0 Hz/second
• 81-3 Time Delay = 0.2 second
• 81-4 Pickup = -1.0 Hz/second
• 81-4 Time Delay = 0.2 second
Requires minimum of 0.25 per unit positive sequence voltage (fixed setting) to
enable the 81 element.

81-1 Freq or Df/Dt

81-1 Frequency 200 ms 304 Out 8
Vpos. > 0.25 PU 0

81-2 Freq or Df/Dt

81-2 Frequency T
200 ms 305 Out 8
Vpos. > 0.25 PU 0

81-3 Freq or Df/Dt

81-3 Frequency T
200 ms 306 Out 9
Vpos. > 0.25 PU 0

81-4 Freq or Df/Dt

81-4 Frequency T
200 ms 307 Out 9
Vpos. > 0.25 PU 0

Figure 7.32: Over/Under/Rate of Change of Frequency Logic (81)

81 Fixed Rate Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
81-1 Trip
Output Contact: 8
2. Apply single-phase nominal voltage to:
Ph A: 330 – 333, 66.4 V @ 60 Hz (@ 50 Hz for 50 Hz Relay)
81-1 = Low
81-2 = Low
3. Ramp up the voltage frequency.
At 60.499 to 60.501 Hz (50.499 to 50.501 Hz for 50 Hz relay):
81-1 = High

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-47

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

81-2 = Low
Contact 8 = Closed
4. Ramp down the voltage frequency.
At 59.501 to 59.499 Hz (49.501 to 49.499 Hz for 50 Hz Relay):
81-1 = Low
81-2 = High
Contact 8 = Closed
5. Turn voltage source off.

81 Rate of Change (df/dt) Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
81-3 Trip
Contact: 9
2. Apply single-phase nominal voltage to the relay terminals.
Ph A: 330 – 333, 66.4 V @ 60 Hz (50 Hz for 50 Hz Relay)
81-3 = Low
81-4 = Low
3. Ramp the frequency at a rate of +0.99 Hz/s for a duration of 2 seconds.
81-3 = Low
81-4 = Low
Contact 9 = Open
4. Restore nominal frequency.
5. Ramp the frequency at a rate of +1.01 Hz/s for a duration of 2 seconds.
81-3 = High
81-4 = Low
Contact 9 = Closed
6. Restore nominal frequency.
7. Ramp the frequency at a rate of -0.99 Hz/s of a duration of 2 seconds.
81-3 = Low
81-4 = Low
Contact 9 = Open
8. Restore nominal frequency.
9. Ramp the frequency at a rate of -1.01 Hz/s for a duration of 2 seconds.
81-3 = Low
81-4 = High
Contact 9 = Closed

7-48 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

81 Timing Test Procedure

1. Monitor (Timer Stop) on Output Contact 8 (81-1).
2. Set timer start on instantaneous frequency shift 66.4 V @ 60 Hz to 60.6 Hz
Expect time delay of 500 ms + approximately 1.5 cycle detection time.
3. Apply the frequency shift.
Confirm the expected time delay.
Target “81-1”
4. Move (Timer Stop) to Output Contact 9 (81-2).
5. Set timer start on instantaneous frequency shift 66.4 V @ 60 Hz to 59.4 Hz
Expect time delay of 500 ms + approximately 1.5 cycle detection time.
6. Apply the frequency shift.
Confirm the expected time delay.
Target “81-2”
End of 81 test.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-49

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

25/27/59 Sync Note: Three or four voltage sources are required for this test.
Check Test The relay will create the positive sequence sync check voltage out of the sin-
gle-phase auxiliary voltage input depending on which phase is injected.

• Maximum voltage: 70 V sec. (Maximum Positive Sequence voltage)
• Minimum voltage: 40 V sec. (Minimum Positive Sequence voltage)
• Angle Difference: 20 degrees
• Time Delay: 200 milliseconds
• Dead Main Live Aux. (DMLA): Enable
• Live Main Dead Aux. (LMDA): Enable
• Dead Main Dead Aux. (DMDA): Enable

27 Vmain (Positive Seq)

27 Vaux (Positive seq)
59 Vmain (Positive seq) 210 T
209 211
59 Vsync (Positive seq) 0

|VmainAngle-VauxAngle| < Setting

25 C (Sync Check) Enabled
52a Main
Dead Main-Live Sync Enabled 212 213 Out 10
52a Aux
27 Vmain (Positive Seq, 20 V Fixed) 214
59 Vsync (Positive Seq, 20 V Fixed) (+)
Live Main-Dead Sync Enabled 25ms
59 Vmain (Positive Seq, 20 V Fixed) 215 216 0

27 Vsync (Positive Seq, 20 V Fixed)

Dead Main-Dead Sync Enabled

27 Vmain (Positive Seq, 20 V Fixed) 218

27 Vsync (Positive Seq, 20 V Fixed)

Figure 7.33: Synchronism Check Logic (25/27/59)

7-50 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Sync Check Test Procedure

1. In Relay Control Panel access relay Metering>Protection.
25/27/59 Sync Check
Output Contact: 10
Observe 25/27/59 Sync Check = High (Proves DMDA with no voltage
2. Apply voltages to the relay main voltage input terminals sufficient to create
Vpos of 66.4 V.
If only 3 voltage sources are available:
Ph A: 330, 99.6 V 0
Ph B: 331, 99.6 V -120
Ph C: 332, not applicable
Ph N: 333
If 4 voltage sources are available:
Ph A: 330, 66.4 V 0
Ph B: 331, 66.4 V -120
Ph C: 332, 66.4 V +120
Ph N: 333
Observe 25/27/59 Sync Check = High (Proves Live Main Dead Aux (LM-
DA) with only line voltage applied)
3. Turn voltage off.
4. Apply single-phase nominal voltage (120 V) to the relay auxiliary voltage
input terminals.
Ph A:324, 120 V 25 (Note: 3x Minimum Voltage = 3x40 =120 V
this is for single-phase only)
Ph N: 327
(Short and ground unused Terminals 325 and 326)
Observe 25/27/59 Sync Check = High (Proves DMLA with only bus-
voltage applied)
5. Apply both sets of voltages to main and auxiliary inputs as detailed above.
25/27/59 Sync Check = Low
6. Simultaneously rotate the auxiliary voltage phase angle in lagging direction
(i.e. toward 0).
At 21 to 19 difference (expect 20):
25/27/59 = High
Contact 10 = Closed (after 200 ms)
7. Slowly ramp down the auxiliary voltage magnitude.
At 41.0 to 39.0 V (expect 40 V):
25/27/59 = Low

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-51

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Contact 10 = Open
8. Slowly ramp up the auxiliary voltage magnitude.
At 69.0 to 71.0 V (expect 70 V):
25/27/59 = Low
Contact 10 = Open
8. Turn all voltage sources off.
End of Sync Check test.

79 Recloser Settings
Test • Number of Shots: 4
• First Reclose (T1): 2.0 seconds
• Second Reclose (T2): 4.0 seconds
• Third Reclose (T3): 6.0 seconds
• Fourth Reclose (T4): 8.0 seconds
• Close time (Tp): 0.3 second
• Lockout Reset (TD): 12 seconds
• Initiate Reset (TDI): 1.0 second
• Sync Control: Enable
• Mode: Main then Aux.
• Block Reset (TDB): 1.0 seconds
• Follower Time (TF): 8.0 seconds
• Breaker Out Of Service (TC): 200 seconds
• Follower Sequencer: Close after Recloser Follower Time
• Main Breaker: EI1 [Breaker Status a]
• Aux Breaker: EI2 [Breaker Status a]
The following procedure allows the user to test the Main and Auxiliary 4-shot
reclosers, ending in 79 lockout.
The only test equipment required for this test is a 125 Vdc supply.
Output Contact 5 of the relay is used to simulate the Main Breaker “a” Contact
and Output Contact 6 is used to simulate the Aux Breaker “a” Contact.
The Main Breaker Status is monitored by External Input 1; and Auxiliary
Breaker Status is monitored by External Input 2.
Output 7 is used to simulate a protection operation. It supplies a trip command
via External Input 3 and initiates the 79 operation.
Connect a 125 Vdc supply to the relay output and input terminals as shown, for
details see Figure 7.34: Test Connections for 4-Shot Recloser Test on page 7-

7-52 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

OUT 5 210 OUT 6 212 OUT 7 214

125 (52a) (52a) (Trip)

211 213 215
100 102 104
_ Main Aux Trip and
Breaker Breaker 79
101 103 105
Status Status Initiate

Figure 7.34: Test Connections for 4-Shot Recloser Test

ProLogic equations are used to activate and supervise the 79 test functions.
Normally each of these ProLogic equations would not be set to target, but for
this type of acceptance testing, it is convenient for seeing operations as they

Details of ProLogic Equations for this 79 Test Example

ProLogic 1: This equation activates the reclose sequence. It sets the breaker
status (closes Out 5) via ProLogic 3.

Figure 7.35: Simulating Main Breaker Close Command using Virtual Input in ProLogic

ProLogic 2: This equation is used to reset the Main Breaker Status via ProLog-
ic 3 (Opens Out 5).

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-53

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Figure 7.36: Breaker Status Reset using ProLogic (Ext. Input 3 via Output Contact 5)

ProLogic 3: This equation is set from ProLogic 1 (Main Breaker Close Com-
mand) OR ProLogic 9 (Main Breaker Reclose). (Note that ProLogic 9 is
mapped to Out 14, so Out 14 is used to indirectly provide ProLogic 9 availabil-
ity to ProLogic 1 through 8.) ProLogic 9 changes the Main Breaker Status con-
tact (Out 5) and apply a trip signal via ProLogic 4. Reset occurs when ProLogic
2 (Breaker Status Reset) is activated.

Figure 7.37: Main Breaker Status

ProLogic 4: This equation applies the External Trip (Closes Out 7), 10 seconds
after the Breaker Status (ProLogic 3) goes high (i.e. Main Breaker Status =

7-54 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Figure 7.38: Using ProLogic to give Trip Command via External Input

ProLogic 5: This equation provides indication via the relay HMI display, that
the Recloser has locked out.

Figure 7.39: Recloser Lockout

ProLogic 6: This equation resets the 79 Lockout. It uses Virtual Input 1 “SCA-
DA Reset 79" to simulate a SCADA Lockout Reset command. In this case, this
is done by closing the Main Breaker Status (Out 5), then Auxiliary Breaker Sta-
tus (Out 6) to simulate main and auxiliary breaker closed status. This latching
function resets when the 79 Lead Lockout goes low.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-55

Figure 7.40: Using Virtual Input to simulate SCADA Recloser Lockout Reset

ProLogic 7: This equation is intended only for giving indication of when the
79 Lockout is reset.
This indication, along with ProLogic 6, proves the 79 Reset timer (TD).

Figure 7.41: Main Recloser Lockout Reset Indication

ProLogic 8: This equation closes Out 6 to simulate auxiliary breaker closed

status from SCADA breaker close command OR auxiliary recloser operation.
This latching function resets when an external trip is received.
7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

Figure 7.42: Auxiliary Breaker Close Command via Virtual Input

ProLogic 9: This equation closes Out 5 to simulate Main Breaker “a” contact,
and also closes Out 14 to provide feedback into Main Breaker Status ProLogic
3. This latching function resets when an external trip is received.

Figure 7.43: Main Breaker Reclose

79 Reset Procedure (perform this before beginning the 79 Test)

1. In Relay Control Panel Service level access Utilities>Virtual Inputs.
2. Select Virtual Input 1 (“SCADA LO Reset Ini”).
3. Pulse On (This simulates a “SCADA 79 Lockout Reset Command”.)
Observe the relay Target: “Init LO Reset VI: PL6”
After 12 Seconds, Target: “Main LO is Reset: PL7”
End of 79 Reset procedure.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 7-57

7 Acceptance/Protection Function Test Guide

79 Test Procedure:
1. Access Utilities>Virtual Inputs.
2. Select Virtual Input 2 (“SCADA Close Breaker 1&2”).
3. Pulse On (This simulates a SCADA Breaker Close command.)
Observe the relay actions on the relay HMI:
Main Breaker Close and Aux Breaker Close
After 10 Seconds: External Trip (Time delay of ProLogic4)
After 2 Seconds: Main Breaker Reclose (Shot 1, T1)
After 8 Seconds: Auxiliary Breaker Close (Shot 1, TF)
After 2 Seconds: External Trip (PL4 – TF)
After 4 Seconds: Main Breaker Reclose (Shot 2, T2)
After 8 Seconds: Aux Breaker Close (Shot 2, TF)
After 2 Seconds: External Trip (PL4 – TF)
After 6 Seconds: Main Breaker Reclose (Shot 3, T3)
After 8 Seconds: Aux Breaker Close (Shot 3, TF)
After 2 Seconds: External Trip (PL4 – TF)
After 8 Seconds: Main Breaker Reclose (Shot 4, T4)
After 8 Seconds: Aux Breaker Close (Shot 4, TF)
After 2 Seconds: External Trip (PL4 – TF)
After 1.3 Seconds: Recloser Lockout (1.0 seconds + Tp)

4. For detail of shot numbers, etc. observe the sequence of events by viewing
Main Menu>Events
5. To perform this test again, reset the Lockout as per 79 Reset Procedure
above, then repeat the 79 test procedure.
End of 79 test.

7-58 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

8 Installation
8.1 Introduction
This section deals with the installation of the L-PRO relay when first delivered.
The section covers the physical mounting, AC and DC wiring and the Commu-
nication wiring.

8.2 Physical Mounting

Standard 3U The relay is 3 rack units or 5.25 inches high and approximately 12.9 inches
deep. The standard relay is designed for a 19-inch rack. A complete mechani-
cal drawing is shown, for details see “Mechanical Drawings” in Appendix G
To install the relay the following is needed:
• 19 inch rack
• 4 - #10 screws

4U The relay is 4 rack units or 7.0 inches high and approximately 12.25 inches
deep. The relay is designed for a 19-inch rack. A complete mechanical drawing
is shown, for details see “Mechanical Drawings” in Appendix G.
To install the relay the following is needed:
• 19 inch rack
• 4 - #10 screws

8.3 AC and DC Wiring

For details see “AC Schematic Drawings” in Appendix I and “DC Schematic
Drawings” in Appendix J.

8.4 Communication Wiring

EIA-232 The relay’s serial ports (Ports 122 and 123) are configured as EIA RS-232 Data
Communications Equipment (DCE) devices with female DB9 connectors.
This allows them to be connected directly to a PC serial port with a standard
straight-through male-to-female serial cable. Shielded cable is recommended,
for pin-out see “Communication Port Details” on page 2-15.
An adapter is available for connecting an external modem to Port 123 for de-
tails see “Modem Link” on page 2-7.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual 8-1

8 Installation

RJ-45 There is one front 100BASE-T Ethernet Port 119 with RJ-45 receptacle. Use
CAT5 or CAT5e straight. The rear Ethernet Ports 119 and 120 may also be
configured as 100BASE-T Ethernet Ports.

Optical ST Port 119 and port 120 in the rear panel may be configured with ST style optical
connectors if desired. These are 1300 nm 100BASE-FX optical Ethernet ports.
The transmit and receive connections are indicated on the rear panel. Use stan-
dard multi-mode cables with ST connectors for this interface.

USB There is a standard USB-B connector on the front panel. This is a USB 2.0 Full
Speed interface and can be connected to a PC with a standard USB peripheral
cable (A style to B style).

RJ-11 The relay may have an optional internal modem. Connection to this is via the
relay’s Port 118 RJ-11 receptacle. A standard telephone extension cable is to
be used.

IRIG-B Wiring The relay accepts both modulated and unmodulated IRIG-B standard time sig-
nals with or without the IEEE 1344 extensions. The IRIG-B connector on the
back of the relay is BNC type.

8-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Model 4000 Specifications

Item Quantity/Specs Note


Nominal Frequency 50 or 60 Hz

Operate Time 1.0 to 1.3 cycles at 80% reach Including output relay operation

Power Supply 43 – 275 Vdc, 90 – 265 Vac Power Consumption: 25 – 30 VA (ac)

25 – 30 W (dc)

Memory Settings and records are stored in non-volatile Records are stored in a circular buffer

Protection Functions:

IEEE Dev. 21P-1, 2, 3, 4,5, 21N-1, 2, 2 x 3-phase voltage inputs for synchronizing Suitable for ring bus configurations and
3, 4,5, 27, 50BF, 50LS, 50/51/67, during reclosing integrated HV breaker auto-recloser
50N/ 51N/67, 46/50//51/67, 59,59N, 2 x3-phase current inputs for protection
60, 68, 79-1, 3, Sync Check, 81, Extra 6 currents used for recording and Pro-
Switch On To Fault, 60CTS, Weak Logic input
Infeed, Mutual compensation, vir-
tual inputs

ProLogic 24 statements per setting group 5 inputs per ProLogicTM statement

Group Logic 8 (16 group logic statements per setting group) 5 inputs per group logic statement


Transient (Fault) 96 s/c oscillography of all analog and external User-configurable 0.2 to 10.0 seconds
input channels Record length and 0.1 to 2 seconds
prefault length

Dynamic Swing 1 s/c phasor measurements of line positive User-configurable 60 – 120 seconds.
sequence V and I plus frequency Pre trigger time fixed at 30secs

Events 250 events circular log with 1ms resolution When event auto save is enabled, a
compressed event record is created
every 250 events.

Record Capacity 75 records of a combination of transient, swing

and optionally event records

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix A-1

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Model 4000 Specifications

Input & Output:

Analog Voltage Inputs Nominal Voltage Vn = 69 Vrms

2 sets of 3-phase voltage inputs Continuous rating over voltage 2x Vn = 138 Vrms
(6 voltage channels total) Maximum over-scale thermal rating 3x Vn = 207 Vrms for 10 seconds
Burden <0.15 VA @ 69 Vrms

Analog Current Inputs Nominal Current In = 1 Arms or 5 Arms

4 sets of 3-phase current inputs Full Scale/Continuous 3x In = 3 Arms or 15 Arms
(12 current channels) Maximum full-scale rating 40x In for 1 second symmetrical
Thermal rating 400 Arms for 1 second
Burden <0.25 VA @ 5 Arms

Amplitude measurement accuracy +/-0.5% for 54 to 66 Hz

+/-0.5% for 44 to 56 Hz

Analog Sampling Rate 96 samples/cycle for recording Records up to 25th harmonic

8 samples/cycle for protection

Burden Burden resistance: > 10 k ohms

External Inputs 9 isolated inputs (3U chassis) Optional 48, 110/125 or 220/250 Vdc
20 isolated inputs (4U chassis) nominal, externally wetted

Isolation 2 KV optical isolation

Output Relays (contacts) 14 programmable outputs (3U chassis) and 1 Externally wetted
relay inoperative contact (N.C.) Make: 30 A as per IEEE C37.90
21 programmable outputs (4U chassis) and 1 Carry: 8 A
relay inoperative contact (N.C.) Break: 0.9 A at 125 Vdc resistive
0.35 A at 250 Vdc resistive

Virtual Inputs 30 Virtual Inputs

Interface & Communication:

Front Display 240 x128 pixels graphics LCD

Front Panel Indicators 16 LEDs: 11 programmable, 5 fixed Fixed: Relay Functional, IRIG-B Func-
tional, Service Required, Test Mode,
Alarm Target (11 programmable)
Default assignments: Ground Distance,
Phase Distance, Phase Overcurrent,
Breaker Failure, Over/Under-Fre-
quency, Switch On To Fault, Communi-
cation Trip, Power Swing Trip, ProLogic
1 - 8, ProLogic 9 - 16, ProLogic 17 - 24

Front User Interface USB port and 100BASE-T Ethernet port Full Speed USB 2.0, RJ-45

Rear User Interface LAN Port 1: 100BASE Copper or Optical Copper: RJ-45, 100BASE-T
1300nm Optical: 100BASE-FX, Multimode ST
LAN Port 2: 100BASE Copper or Optical style connector

Two Serial RS-232 ports to 115 kbd modem Com port can support external modem

Internal Modem 33.6 Kbps, V.32 bis Optional internal modem

SCADA Interface IEC61850 (Ethernet) or DNP3 (RS-232 or Rear port

Ethernet) or Modbus (RS-232)

Time Sync IRIG-B, BNC connector Modulated or unmodulated, auto-detect

B003,B004,B123 and B124 Time Codes

Appendix A-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Model 4000 Specifications

Self Checking/Relay Inoperative 1 contact Closed when relay inoperative


Ambient Temperature Range -40°C to 85°C for 16 hours IEC 60068-2-1/IEC 60068-2-2
-40°C to 70°C continuous LCD contrast impaired for temperatures
below -20°C and above 70° C

Humidity Up to 95% without condensation IEC 60068-2-30

Insulation Test (Hi-Pot) Power supply, analog inputs, external inputs, IEC 60255-5, ANSI/IEEE C37.90
output contacts – 2 kVrms, 50/60 Hz, 1 minute

Electrical Fast Transient Tested to level 4 - 4.0 kV 2.5/5 kHz on ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1, IEC/EN 60255-
Power and I/O lines 22-4, IEC 61000-4-4

Oscillatory Transient Test level = 2.5kV ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1, IEC/EN 60255-

22-1, IEC61000-4-12 Level 3

RFI Susceptibility 10 V/m modulated, 35 V/m unmodulated ANSI/IEEE C37.90.2, IEC 60255-22-3,
IEC 61000-4-3 Level 3

Conducted RF Immunity 150 kHz to 80 MHz IEC 60255-22-6 / IEC 61000-4-6 Level

Shock and Bump 5 g and 15 g IEC 60255-21-2, IEC/EN 60068-2-27:

Class 1

Sinusoidal Vibration 10 Hz to 150 Hz, 1.0 octave/min, 40 sweeps IEC/EN 60255-21-1, IEC/EN 60068-26,
Class 1

Voltage Interruptions 200 ms interrupt IEC 60255-11 / IEC 61000-4-11


Weight 3U chassis - 9.55 Kg/21 lbs 32.0 lbs (4U chassis)

4U chassis - 11.9 kg /32 lbs 21.0 lbs (3U chassis)

Dimensions 3U chassis: 13.2 cm height x 48.26 cm width 5.2 height x 19 width rack mount x 12.9
rack mount x 32.8 cm depth depth
4U chassis 17.7 cm x 48.3 cm x 32.8 cm 6.93" x 19 x 12.9

Time Synchronization and Accuracy

External Time Source Synchronized using IRIG-B input (modulated In the absence of an external time
or unmodulated) auto detect source, the relay maintains time with a
maximum 90 seconds drift per year at a
constant temperature of 25C. The relay
can detect loss of re-establishment of
external time source and automatically
switch between internal and external

Synchronization Accuracy Sampling clocks synchronized with the time

source (internal or external)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix A-3

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Model 4000 Specifications

Overall L-PRO Accuracies

Current ±2.5% of inputs from 0.1 to 1.0 x nominal current (In)

± 1.0% of inputs from 1.0 to 40.0 x nominal current (In)

Voltage ± 1.0% of inputs from 0.01 to 2.0 x nominal voltage (Vn)

Impedance ±5.0% or 5 m of set value from 0.05 to 66.00 ohms secondary (0.25 to 330.00 ohms sec-
ondary, 1 A nominal)

Directional Phase Angle ±2.0° of set value of Positive Sequence Line Angle value from 25.0° to 89.0°

Frequency Elements ±0.001 Hz (fixed level)

±0.05 Hz (df/dt)

Sync Check Elements ±0.2 degrees

Timers ±3 ms of set value

Inverse Overcurrent Timers ±2.5% or ±1 cycle of selected curve

Definite Overcurrent Timers ±2.5% or ±1 cycle non-directional

±2.5% or ±1.5 cycle directional

Frequency Timer ±2.5% of set value plus 1.25 cycles to 1.75 cycles of inherent delay (fixed level)
at 2x pickup, error <40 ms (df/dt)
at 0.1 Hz/s above pickup, error <100 ms

Appendix A-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Model 4000 Specifications

Detailed Environmental Tests

Test Test Level
Type Test Test Points

FCC Part 15 RF emissions Enclosure ports Class A: 30 - 1000 MHz

Conducted emissions ac/dc power ports Class A: 0.15 - 30 MHz

IEC/EN 60255-25 RF emissions Enclosure ports Class A: 30 - 1000 MHz

Conducted emissions ac/dc power ports Class A: 0.15 - 30 MHz

IEC/EN 61000-3-2 Power line harmonics ac power port Class D: max.1.08, 2.3, 0.431.14, 0.3,
0.77, 0.23 A.... for 2nd to nth har-

IEC/EN 61000-3-3 Power line fluctuations ac power port THD/ 3%; Pst <1., Plt < 0.65

dc power port N/A

IEC/EN 61000-4-2 ESD Enclosure contact +/- 6 kV

IEC/EN 60255-22-2 Enclosure air +/- 8 kV

IEEE C37.90.3 ESD Enclosure contact +/- 8 kV

Enclosure air +/- 15 kV

IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Radiated RFI Enclosure ports 10 V/m: 80 - 1000 MHz

IEC/EN 60255-22-3

IEEE C37.90.2 Radiated RFI Enclosure ports 35 V/m: 25 - 1000 MHz

IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Burst (fast transient) Signal ports +/- 4 kV @2.5 kHz

IEC/EN 60255-22-4 ac power port +/- 4 kV

IEEE C37.90.1 dc power port +/- 4 kV

Earth ground ports +/- 4 kV

IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Surge Communication ports +/- 1 kV L-PE

IEC/EN 60255-22-5 Signal ports +/- 4 kV L-PE, +/-2 kV L-L

ac power port +/- 4 kV L-PE, +/-2 kV L-L

dc power port +/- 2 kV L-PE, +/-1 kV L-L

IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Induced (conducted) RFI Signal ports 10 Vrms: 0.150 - 80 MHz

IEC/EN 60255-22-6 ac power port 10 Vrms: 0.150 - 80 MHz

dc power port 10 Vrms: 0.150 - 80 MHz

Earth ground ports 10 Vrms: 0.150 - 80 MHz

IEC/EN 60255-22-7 Power frequency Binary input ports: Class A Differential = 150 Vrms

Common = 300 Vrms

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix A-5

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Model 4000 Specifications

Detailed Environmental Tests

IEC/EN 61000-4-8 Magnetic leld Enclosure ports 40 A/m continuous, 1000 A/m for 1 s

IEC/EN 61000-4-11 Voltage dips & interrupts ac power port 30% for 1 period, 60% for 50 periods

100% for 5 periods, 100% for 50 peri-


dc power port 30% for 0.1 s, 60% for 0.1 s,

100% for 0.05 s

IEC 60255-11 Voltage dips & interrupts dc power port 100% reduction for up to 200 ms

IEC/EN 61000-4-12 Damped oscillatory Communication ports 1.0 kV Common, 0 kV Diff

IEC/EN 60255-22-1 Signal ports 2.5 kV Common, 1 kV Diff

ac power port 2.5 kV Common, 1 kV Diff

dc power port 2.5 kV Common, 1 kV Diff

IEEE C37.90.1 Oscillatory Signal ports 2.5 kV Common, 0 kV Diff

ac power port 2.5 kV Common, 0 kV Diff

dc power port 2.5 kV Common, 0 kV Diff

IEC/EN 61000-4-16 Mains frequency voltage Signal ports 30 V continuous, 300 V for 1s

ac power port 30 V continuous, 300 V for 1s

IEC/EN 61000-4-17 Ripple on dc power supply dc power port 1000%

Note:The L-PRO 4000 is available with 5 or 1 amp current input. All current specifications change accordingly.

Appendix A-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix A IED Specifications

A.1 Distance Element Operating Time Curves at

Nominal Frequency
Figure A.1 through A.6 show operating times for the relay distance elements.
The diagrams show operating times at each test point including output contact
operate time.
Faults were applied at a location representing a percentage of the Zone 1 relay
reach setting.
Tests were performed for source impedance ratios (SIR) of 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, and
No pre-trigger load current or fault resistance was included. Operating times
are the same for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

L-PRO Phase Mho Operating Times

Phase-to-Phase Faults




1 SIR 30
Time (cycles)

SIR 10
0.6 SIR 0.1



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Fault Location (%of Z1 Reach)

Figure A.1: Phase Mho Operating Times Phase-to-Phase Faults

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix A-7

Appendix A IED Specifications

L-PRO Ground Mho Operating Times

Single Line-to-Ground Faults




1 SIR 30
Time (cycles) SIR 10
0.6 SIR 0.1



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Fault Location (%of Z1 Reach)

Figure A.2: Ground Mho Operating Times Single Line -to-Ground Faults

L-PRO Quadrilateral Operating Times

Single Line-to-Ground Faults




1 SIR 30
Time (cycles)

SIR 10
0.6 SIR 0.1



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Fault Location (%of Z1 Reach)

Figure A.3: Quadrilateral Operating Times Single Line-to-Ground Faults

Appendix A-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix A IED Specifications

A.2 Frequency Element Operating Time Curves

Figure A.4: Time delay Error at 0.2 seconds, Figure A.5: Time Delay Error at
1 second and Figure A.6: Time Delay Error at 10 seconds show operating times
for the relay frequency rate of change elements at different time delay settings
and rate of change settings.
The diagrams show operating times at each test point including output contact
operate time. Operating times are the same for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

Time Delay Error 0.2s






Delay error (ms)

105 0.1 Hz/s

1 Hz/s
90 10 Hz/s






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Hz/s Pickup Multiple

Figure A.4: Time delay Error at 0.2 seconds

Time Delay Error 1s






Time Delay Error (ms)

105 0.1 Hz/s

1 Hz/s
90 10 Hz/s






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Multiple of Hz/s Pickup

Figure A.5: Time Delay Error at 1 second

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix A-9

Appendix A IED Specifications

Time Delay Error 10s







Time Delay Error (ms)

0.1 Hz/s
1 Hz/s






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Multiple of Hz/s Pickup

Figure A.6: Time Delay Error at 10 seconds

Appendix A-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix A IED Specifications

A.3 External Input Pickup Filter

To guarantee security from spurious voltage pulses an external input pickup
filter setting has been introduced. This setting is made in Relay Control Panel
under, Utilities>Setup>External Inputs. The setting is an integer number rep-
resenting the number of samples in a packet of 12 that must be recognized by
the DSP as high before an External Input status is changed from low to high.
This will affect the pulse width required for the External Inputs to be detected.
Below is a table describing the pulse widths for possible and definite defection
for each setting.

Input Pulse Width required

Pickup Filter Input Pulse Width required for
for EI to be definitely
Count EI to be possibly detected

4 0.694 ms 1.215 ms

5 0.868 ms 1.563 ms

6 1.042 ms 1.909 ms

7 1.215 ms 2.257 ms

8 1.389 ms 2.604 ms

9 1.563 ms 2.951 ms

10 1.736 ms 3.299 ms

11 1.909 ms 3.645 ms

12 2.083 ms 3.993 ms

For a setting of 6, it will take between 1.042 and 1.909 ms for an External Input
to be declared as high. The default setting is 4.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix A-11

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges
B.1 Settings and Ranges
The Offliner software provides a means for the user to view and print a com-
pact summary of the settings defined in each Setting Group, for a given device.
The user can view the summary by selecting the Settings Summary option (last
item) under each Setting Group listed in the Offliner application.
The summary includes general data from the Relay Identification screen, as
well as all the user-defined names of inputs (e.g. current, voltage, virtual) and
control outputs, and Group Logic definitions. It also includes all the user-de-
fined settings along with their respective units and permissible value range.
The following pages illustrate the Settings Summary for Settings Group 1.

L-PRO Settings Summary - Setting Group 1 [Setting Group 1]

Name Symbol/Value Unit Range

Relay Identification

Settings Version 404

Ignore Serial Number No

Serial Number LPRO-4000-000000-01

Unit ID UnitID

Setting Name Default Settings

Nominal CT Secondary Current 5:00 AM

Nominal System Frequency 60 Hz

Standard I/O 9 External Inputs, 14 Output


Optional I/O Not Installed

Comments Comments

Date Created-Modified 10/29/2012 10:01

Station Name Station Name

Station Number 1

Location Location

Line D245

Analog Input Names

LVA Main Voltage A

LVB Main Voltage B

LVC Main Voltage C

LIA Main Line Current A

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-1

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

LIB Main Line Current B

LIC Main Line Current C

IA2 Aux. Line Current A

IB2 Aux. Line Current B

IC2 Aux. Line Current C

IA3 Current 3 A

IB3 Current 3 B

IC3 Current 3 C

IA4 Current 4 A

IB4 Current 4 B

IC4 Current 4 C

BVA Aux. Voltage A

BVB Aux. Voltage B

BVC Aux. Voltage C

External Input Names

1 EI Spare 1

2 EI Spare 2

3 EI Spare 3

4 EI Spare 4

5 EI Spare 5

6 EI Spare 6

7 EI Spare 7

8 EI Spare 8

9 EI Spare 9

Output Contact Names

Output 1 Out Spare 1

Output 2 Out Spare 2

Output 3 Out Spare 3

Output 4 Out Spare 4

Output 5 Out Spare5

Output 6 Out Spare 6

Output 7 Out Spare 7

Output 8 Out Spare 8

Output 9 Out Spare 9

Output Contact Dropout Timers

Output1 ( Out Spare 1 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output2 ( Out Spare 2 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output3 ( Out Spare 3 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output4 ( Out Spare 4 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output5 ( Out Spare 5 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Appendix B-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Output6 ( Out Spare 6 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output7 ( Out Spare 7 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output8 ( Out Spare 8 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Output9 ( Out Spare 9 ) 0.1 s 0.00 to 1.00

Virtual Input Names

VI 1 Virtual Input 1

VI 2 Virtual Input 2

VI 3 Virtual Input 3

VI 4 Virtual Input 4

VI 5 Virtual Input 5

VI 6 Virtual Input 6

VI 7 Virtual Input 7

VI 8 Virtual Input 8

VI 9 Virtual Input 9

VI 10 Virtual Input 10

VI 11 Virtual Input 11

VI 12 Virtual Input 12

VI 13 Virtual Input 13

VI 14 Virtual Input 14

VI 15 Virtual Input 15

VI 16 Virtual Input 16

VI 17 Virtual Input 17

VI 18 Virtual Input 18

VI 19 Virtual Input 19

VI 20 Virtual Input 20

VI 21 Virtual Input 21

VI 22 Virtual Input 22

VI 23 Virtual Input 23

VI 24 Virtual Input 24

VI 25 Virtual Input 25

VI 26 Virtual Input 26

VI 27 Virtual Input 27

VI 28 Virtual Input 28

VI 29 Virtual Input 29

VI 30 Virtual Input 30

Setting Group Names

Setting Group 1 Setting Group 1

Setting Group 2 Setting Group 2

Setting Group 3 Setting Group 3

Setting Group 4 Setting Group 4

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-3

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Setting Group 5 Setting Group 5

Setting Group 6 Setting Group 6

Setting Group 7 Setting Group 7

Setting Group 8 Setting Group 8

System Parameters

Base MVA 100 MVA 1.00 to 2000.00

Phase Rotation ABC

Aux Voltage Input Three Phase

Target Latching Enabled

Fault Location Display Enabled

Fault Location Initiated by 21 Alarm Disabled

Ring Bus Configuration (Aux CT Line Input) Disabled

Main CT Turns Ratio 240 :1 (Protection & Recording) 1.00 to 10000.00

Auxiliary CT Turns Ratio 300 :1 (Protection & Recording) 1.00 to 10000.00

CCVT Transient Compensation on All 21 Disabled


Current Input #3 CT Ratio 400 :1 (For Mutual Compensation, 1.00 to 10000.00

Recording & ProLogic Input)

Current Input #4 CT Ratio 500 :1 (For Mutual Compensation, 1.00 to 10000.00

Recording & ProLogic Input)

Main PT Turns Ratio 2000 :1 (Protection & Recording) 1.00 to 20000.00

Auxiliary PT Turns Ratio 2000 :1 (Protection & Recording) 1.00 to 20000.00

Line to Line Voltage 230 kV Pri 1.00 to 2000.00

Distance Unit Selection km/miles

Record Length

Fault Record Length 0.5 s 0.2 to 10.0

Prefault Time 0.2 s 0.10 to 2.00

Swing Rcd. Length 120 s 60 to 120

Event Auto Save Disabled

Setting Group 1 [Setting Group 1]

Setting Group Comments: Default settings

Line Parameters

Line Length 100 km 0.50 to 2000.00

Positive Sequence Impedance (Z1) 10 ohm 0.01 to 66.00

Positive Sequence Angle (Z1) 80 deg 5.0 to 89.0

Zero Sequence Impedance (Z0) 30 ohm 0.01 to 300.00

Zero Sequence Angle (Z0) 80 deg 5.0 to 89.0

K0 Override Disabled

K0 Magnitude 0.67 - 0.00 to 10.00

K0 Angle 0 deg -180.0 to 180.0

KM1 Mutual Line 1 Enabled

KM1 Magnitude 1 - 0.10 to 2.00

Appendix B-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

KM1 Angle 0 deg -25.0 to 25.0

KM2 Mutual Line 2 Enabled

KM2 Magnitude 1 - 0.10 to 2.00

KM2 Angle 0 deg -25.0 to 25.0

Scheme Selector

Distance Scheme selection Basic Basic/POTT/PUTT/DCB

Protection Scheme 3 Phase 3 Phase/1 Phase/1 or 3


1Ph Max Open Pickup Delay (TM) 2.5 s 0.100 to 5.000

1Ph/3Ph for 3Ph Dropout Delay (TD4) 25.000 seconds s 0.100 to 999.000

1Ph/3Ph for 1Ph Pickup Delay (TL5) 0.100 seconds s 0.100 to 5.000

1Ph/3Ph for 1Ph Dropout Delay (TD5) 25.000 seconds s 0.100 to 999.000

Communication Receiver1 EI 1 [EI Spare 1]

Communication Receiver2 <disabled>

Scheme Send Pickup Delay (TL3) 00.000 seconds s 0.000 to 1.000

Scheme Send Dropout Delay (TD3) 0.100 seconds s 0.000 to 1.000

POTT Current Reversal Pickup Delay (TL1) 0.000 seconds s 0.000 to 0.500

POTT Current Reversal Dropout Delay (TD1) 0.100 seconds s 0.000 to 0.500

DCB Scheme Zone 2 Pickup Delay (TL2) 0.050 seconds s 0.005 to 0.500

DCB Scheme Receiver Dropout Delay (TD2) 0.100 seconds s 0.000 to 0.500

DEF Scheme Selection Disabled

Communication Receiver3 <disabled>

DEF Scheme Send Pickup Delay (TL6) 0.1 s 0.000 to 1.000

DEF Scheme Send Dropout Delay (TD6) 0.2 s 0.000 to 1.000

External Single Phase Receiver1 <disabled>

External Single Phase Receiver2 <disabled>

External Single Phase Receiver3 <disabled>

External Single Phase Receiver4 <disabled>

External Single Phase Receiver5 <disabled>

External Single Phase Receiver6 <disabled>

50N-67F - Overcurrent Carrier Start

Action <diabled>

Direction Forward

3I0 Pickup 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

Pickup Delay 0.02 s 0.005 to 99.99 seconds

50N-67R - Overcurrent Carrier Block

Action <diabled>

Direction Reverse

3I0 Pickup 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

Pickup Delay 0.02 s 0.005 to 99.99 seconds

52 - Breaker Status

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-5

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Main Breaker EI 3 [EI Spare 3]

Aux. Breaker <disabled>

Directional Element

Directional Element Override Disabled

Negative Seq. Directional Element Enabled

V2 Sensitivity Level 0.5 V 0.5 to 5.0

I2 Sensitivity Level 0.2 A 0.1 to 1.0

Zero Seq. Directional Element Enabled

3V0 Sensitivity Level 1 V 1.0 to 10.0

3I0 Sensitivity Level 0.2 A 0.2 to 2.0

Protection Summary

21P, Zone 1 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 8.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 10.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 10.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0.00 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21P, Zone 2 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 12.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0.5 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21P, Zone 3 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 15.00 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21P, Zone 4 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 0.00 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 2.00 0.00 to 66.00

Appendix B-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Left Reach (R1) 5.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 5.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21P, Zone 5 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 20.00 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

Load Encroachment Disable

LHS Impedance 12.0 0.01 to 66.0

LHS Upper angle 150.0 90.1 to 179.9

LHS Lower angle 210.0 180.1 to 269.9

RHS Impedance 12.0 0.01 to 66.0

RHS Upper angle 30.0 0.1 to 89.9

RHS Lower angle -30.0 -0.1 to -89.9

21N, Zone 1 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 8.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 10.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 10.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0.00 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21N, Zone 2 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 12.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0.5 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21N, Zone 3 Disabled

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-7

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 15.00 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21N, Zone 4 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 0.00 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 2.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 5.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 5.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

21N, Zone 5 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 20.00 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 5.00 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15.00 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90.0 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1.0 0.2 to 50.0

68 Off

Power Swing Block/Trip

Power swing timer 0.05

3I0 Blocking 2.5 A

Blocking Reset Time 2.00 s

LHS Outer (R1) 27.0

LHS Inner (R2) 18.0

RHS Inner (R3) 18.0

RHS Outer (R4) 27.0

Top Outer (X4) 27.0

Top Inner (X2) 18.0

Appendix B-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Bottom Inner (X2) 18.0

Bottom Outer (X1) 27.0

Switch-On-To-Fault (SOTF) Disabled

Breaker Signal Close Command

Close Pulse EI 1 [EI Spare 1]

Pole Dead Pickup 0.2 s

Main Breaker EI 1 [EI Spare 1]

Aux Breaker <disabled>

Enable Duration 0.2 s

50 Pickup 2.5 A

50N Pickup 2.5 A

I2/I1 Pickup 0.2

Weak Infeed Disabled

27V1 Pickup 51.0 V

59 3V0 5.0 V

25 Sync Check Disabled

Frequency difference Disabled

Frequency difference 0.01 Hz 0.010 to 2.000 Hz

Dead Main Live Aux (DMLA) Disabled

Live Main Dead Aux (LMDA) Disabled

Dead Main Dead Aux (DMDA) Disabled

79-3Ph Recloser Disabled

Initiate Reset (TDI) 0.1

Block Reset (TDB) 0.1

79-1Ph Recloser Disabled

Initiate Reset (TDI) 0.1

Block Reset (TDB) 0.1

59 Main Disabled

Default Gate OR

Default pickup value 5.0 s

Gate switch option AND/OR

59 Aux Disabled

Default Gate OR

Default pickup value 5.0 s

Gate switch option AND/OR

59N Definite Time Delay Disabled

59N Inverse Time Delay Disabled

27 Main Disabled

Default pickup value 25.0 V

Pickup delay 5,00 s

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-9

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

27 Aux Disabled

Default pickup value 25.0 V

Pickup delay 5,00 s

60 Disabled

I1 Blocking 7.5 A

3I0 Blocking 1.0 A

60 CTS Main Disabled

60 CTS Aux Disabled

81-1 Disabled

Default pick 57.600 Hz Fixed level/Rate of change

81-2 Disabled

Default pick 57.000 Hz Fixed level/Rate of change

81-3 Disabled

Default pick 61.800 Hz Fixed level/Rate of change

81-4 Disabled

Default pick 62.400 Hz Fixed level/Rate of change

50LS Main (Input 1) Disabled

Pickup value 50.0 A

Pickup delay 1.00 s

50LS Aux (Input 2) Disabled

Pickup value 50.0 A

Pickup delay 1.00 s

50LS Input 3 Disabled

Pickup value 50.0 A

Pickup delay 1.00 s

50LS Input 4 Disabled

Pickup value 50.0 A

Pickup delay 1.00 s

50BF Main Disabled

Main pickup delay 1 0.200 s

Main pickup delay 2 0.200 s

Main Breaker current pickup 1.00 A

50BF Aux Disabled

Main pickup delay 1 0.200 s

Main pickup delay 2 0.200 s

Main Breaker current pickup 1.00 A

50 Disabled

51 Disabled

50N Disabled

51N Disabled

Appendix B-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

46-50 Disabled

46-51 Disabled

21P - Phase Distance: Zone 1

21P - Zone 1 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 8 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 10 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 10 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

21P - Phase Distance: Zone 2

21P - Zone 2 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 12 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

21P - Phase Distance: Zone 3

21P - Zone 3 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 15 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

21P - Phase Distance: Zone 4

21P - Zone 4 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 0 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 2 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 5 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 5 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-11

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

21P - Phase Distance: Zone 5

21P - Zone 5 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 20 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Delta Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

Load Impedance (common for 21N, 21P, and


Load Resistance (R) 20 ohm -150.0 to 150.0

Load Reactance (X) 15 ohm -150.0 to 150.0

Load Encroachment Disable

LHS Impedance 12.0 ohm 0.01 to 66.0

LHS Upper angle 150.0 deg 90.1 to 179.9

LHS Lower angle 210.0 deg 180.1 to 269.9

RHS Impedance 12.0 ohm 0.01 to 66.0

RHS Upper angle 30.0 deg 0.1 to 89.9

RHS Lower angle -30.0 deg -0.1 to -89.9

21N - Ground Distance: Zone 1

21N - Zone 1 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 8 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 10 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 10 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

21N - Ground Distance: Zone 2

21N - Zone 2 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 12 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 0.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

Appendix B-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

21N - Ground Distance: Zone 3

21N - Zone 3 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 15 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

21N - Ground Distance: Zone 4

21N - Zone 4 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 0 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 2 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 5 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 5 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

21N - Ground Distance: Zone 5

21N - Zone 5 Disabled

Type Quadrilateral

Forward Reach 20 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Reverse Reach 0 ohm 0.00 to 66.00

Left Reach (R1) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Right Reach (R2) 15 ohm 0.05 to 66.00

Mho Char. Angle 90 deg 70.0 to 140.0

Pickup Delay 1.5 s 0.00 to 99.99

Phase Current Supervision 0.2 A 0.2 to 50.0

3I0 Supervision 1 A 0.2 to 50.0

68 - Power Swing Block/Trip: Zone 5

Mode Off

Zone 1 Blocking Disabled

Zone 2 Blocking Disabled

Zone 3 Blocking Disabled

Zone 4 Blocking Disabled

Zone 5 Blocking Disabled

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-13

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Out of step Swing Timer 0.05 s 0.00 to 1.00

I1 Supervision 10 A 0.5 to 50.0

3Io Blocking 2.5 A 0.5 to 50.0

Blocking Reset Time 2 s 0.25 to 2.00

Top Blinder - Outer (X4) 27 ohm 18.0 to 100.0

Top Blinder - Inner (X3) 18 ohm -18.0 to 27.0

Bottom Blinder - Inner (X2) -18 ohm -27.0 to 18.0

Bottom Blinder - Outer (X1) -27 ohm -100.0 to -18.0

LHS Blinder - Outer (R1) -27 ohm -100.0 to -18.0

LHS Blinder - Inner (R2) -18 ohm -27.0 to 18.0

RHS Blinder - Inner(R3) 18 ohm -18.0 to 27.0

RHS Blinder - Outer(R4) 27 ohm 18.0 to 100.0

Switch-On-To-Fault (SOTF) Disabled

Enable Duration 0.2 s 0.0 to 999.9

Breaker Signal Close Command

Close Pulse EI 1 [EI Spare 1]

Pole Dead Pickup 0.2 s 0.0 to 999.9

Main Breaker EI 1 [EI Spare 1]

Aux Breaker <disabled>

Enable Duration 0.2 s s 0.0 to 999.9

50 Pickup 2.5 A 0.5 to 50.0

50N Pickup 2.5 A 0.5 to 50.0

I2/I1 Pickup 0.2 - 0.0 to 10.0

Weak Infeed Disabled

27 V1 Pickup 51 V 0.0 to 69.0

59 3V0 Pickup 5 V 0.0 to 100.0

Zone2/Zone4 Reset Delay (TWD1) 0.1 s 0.02 to 0.20

Comm. Cycle Reset Delay (TWD2) 0.05 s 0.02 to 0.20

Comm. Reset Time Delay (TWD3) 0.15 s 0.02 to 1.00

25/27/59 - Sync Check

25 Sync Check Disabled

Maximum Voltage 70 V 60.0 to 138.0

Minimum Voltage 40 V 40.0 to 69.9

Angle Difference 20 deg 1.0 to 50.0

Pickup Delay 0.1 s 0.00 to 10.00

Frequency Difference Disabled

Frequency Difference 0 Hz 0.010 to 2.000

Dead Main Live Aux. (DMLA) Disabled

Live Main Dead Aux. (LMDA) Disabled

Dead Main Dead Aux. (DMDA) Disabled

Appendix B-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

79-3Ph - Recloser

79-3Ph Disabled

Number of Shots 1

First Reclose (T1) 1 s 0.1 to 999.9

Second Reclose (T2) 5 s 1.0 to 999.9

Third Reclose (T3) 10 s 1.0 to 999.9

Fourth Reclose (T4) 20 s 1.0 to 999.9

Close Time (Tp) 0.2 s 0.1 to 1.0

Lockout Reset (TD) 25 s 0.1 to 999.9

Initiate Reset (TDI) 0.1 s 0.0 to 1000.0

Sync Control Disabled

Recloser Mode Main Only

Block Reset (TDB) 0.1 s 0.0 to 999.9

Follower Time (TF) 5 s 0.0 to 24.9

Breaker Out of Service (TC) 50 s 0.0 to 999.9

Follower Sequencer Switch Close after the Recloser Fol-

lower Time (TF)

79-1Ph - Recloser

79-1Ph Disabled

Number of Shots 1

First Reclose (T12) 1 s 0.1 to 999.9

Close Time (Tp) 0.2 s 0.1 to 1.0

Lockout Reset (TD) 25 s 0.1 to 999.9

Initiate Reset (TDI) 0.1 s 0.0 to 1000.0

Recloser Mode Main Only

Block Reset (TDB) 0.1 s 0.0 to 999.9

Follower Time (TF) 5 s 0.0 to 24.9

Breaker Out of Service (TC) 50 s 0.0 to 999.9

Follower Sequencer Switch Close after the Recloser Fol-

lower Time (TF)

59 - Overvoltage

59 Main Disabled

Gate Switch OR

Pickup 70 V 1.0 to 138.0

Pickup Delay 5 s 0.00 to 10.00

59 Auxiliary Disabled

Gate Switch OR

Pickup 70 V 1.0 to 138.0

Pickup Delay 5 s 0.00 to 10.00

59N - Zero Sequence OverVoltage

59N Definite Time Delay Disabled

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-15

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Pickup 10 V 5.00 to 150.00

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.00 to 99.99

59N Inverse Time Delay Disabled

Pickup 10 V 5.00 to 150.00

Curve Type IEC standard inverse

TMS 1 - 0.01 to 10.00

A 0.14 - -

B 0 - -

p 0.02 - -

TR 13.5 - -

27 - Undervoltage

27 Main Disabled

Gate Switch AND

Pickup 25 V 1.0 to 120.0

Pickup Delay 5 s 0.00 to 10.00

27 Auxiliary Disabled

Gate Switch AND

Pickup 25 V 1.0 to 120.0

Pickup Delay 5 s 0.00 to 10.00

Loss Of Potential Alarm (60)

60 Disabled

I1 Blocking 7.5 A 0.5 to 50.0

3I0 Blocking 1 A 0.5 to 50.0

60 CT Supervision

60CTS Main Disabled

Inps Pickup 1 A 0.25 to 5.00

Vnps Pickup 7 V 7.00 to 110.00

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.03 to 99.99

60CTS Aux Disabled

Inps Pickup 1 A 0.25 to 5.00

Vnps Pickup 7 V 7.00 to 110.00

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.03 to 99.99

81 - Over/Under Frequency Fixed level/Rate of change

81-1 Disabled

Pickup 57.600 Hz [50.000, 59.995] or

[60.005, 70.000]

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.05 to 99.99

81-2 Disabled

Pickup 57.000 Hz [50.000, 59.995] or

[60.005, 70.000]

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.05 to 99.99

Appendix B-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

81-3 Disabled

Pickup 61.800 Hz [50.000, 59.995] or

[60.005, 70.000]

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.05 to 99.99

81-4 Disabled

Pickup 62.400 Hz [50.000, 59.995] or

[60.005, 70.000]

Pickup Delay 2 s 0.05 to 99.99

50LS - Low Set Overcurrent

50LS Main (Input 1) Disabled

Pickup 50.00 A 0.10 to 50.00

Pickup Delay 1.00 s 0.00 to 10.00

50LS Auxiliary (Input 2) Disabled

Pickup Fixed level/Rate of change A 0.10 to 50.00

Pickup Delay 1.00 s 0.00 to 10.00

50LS Input 3 Disabled

Pickup 50.00 A 0.10 to 50.00

Pickup Delay 1.00 s 0.00 to 10.00

50LS Input 4 Disabled

Pickup 50.00 A 0.10 to 50.00

Pickup Delay 1.00 s 0.00 to 10.00

50BF - Breaker Failure

50BF Main Disabled

Pickup Delay 1 0.200 s 0.01 to 99.99

Pickup Delay 2 0.200 s 0.01 to 99.99

Breaker Current Pickup 1 A 0.10 to 50.00

50BF Auxiliary Disabled

Pickup Delay 1 0.200 s 0.01 to 99.99

Pickup Delay 2 0.200 s 0.01 to 99.99

Breaker Current Pickup 1 A 0.10 to 50.00

50/51/67 - Phase Overcurrent

50 Disabled

Directional Control Directional

Pickup 50 A 0.50 to 150.00

Pickup Delay 1 s 0.01 to 99.99

51 Disabled

Directional Control Directional

Pickup 7.50 A 0.25 to 25.00

Curve Type IEC STD Inverse,


TMS 1 - 0.01 to 10.00

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-17

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

A 0.14 - -

B 0 - -

p 0.02 - -

TR 13.5 - -

Directional Angle Setting

Alpha 0 - -179.9 to 180.0

Beta 180 - 0.10 to 360.0

50 Pickup Current Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

50 Pickup Time Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

51 Pickup Current Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

51 Pickup Time Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

50N/51N/67 - Neutral Overcurrent

50N Disabled

Directional Control Directional

Pickup 5.00 A 0.25 to 50.00 A

Pickup Delay 1.00 s 0.01 to 99.99

51N Disabled

Directional Control Directional

Pickup 1.0 A 0.25 to 50.00 A

Curve Type IEC STD Inverse,


TMS 1 - 0.01 to 10.00

A 0.14 - -

B 0 - -

p 0.02 - -

TR 13.5 - -

Directional Angle Setting

Alpha 0 - -179.9 to 180.0

Beta 180 - 0.10 to 360.0

50N Pickup Current Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

50N Pickup Time Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

51N Pickup Current Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

51N Pickup Time Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

46-50/46-51/67 - Negative Sequence Overcur-


46-50 Disabled

Directional Control Directional

Pickup 2.50 A 0.50 to 50.00 A

Pickup Delay 1.0 s 0.01 to 99.99

46-51 Disabled

Directional Control directional

Appendix B-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Pickup 1 A 0.50 to 50.00 A

Curve Type IEC STD Inverse,


TMS 1 - 0.01 to 10.00

A 0.14 - -

B 0 - -

p 0.02 - -

TR 13.5 - -

Directional Angle Setting

Alpha 0 - -179.9 to 180.0

Beta 180 - 0.10 to 360.0

46-50 Pickup Current Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

46-50 Pickup Time Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

46-51 Pickup Current Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

46-51 Pickup Time Multiplier 1 times setting 0.10 to 2.00

Z Circle Trigger

Swing Trigger Disabled

Positive Seq. Impedance 20 ohm 0.1 to 50.0

ProLogic 1 [ProLogic 1]

[ProLogic 1] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 2 [ProLogic 2]

[ProLogic 2] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-19

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 3 [ProLogic 3]

[ProLogic 3] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 4 [ProLogic 4]

[ProLogic 4] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 5 [ProLogic 5]

[ProLogic 5] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Appendix B-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 6 [ProLogic 6]

[ProLogic 6] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 7 [ProLogic 7]

[ProLogic 7] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 8 [ProLogic 8]

[ProLogic 8] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-21

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 9 [ProLogic 9]

[ProLogic 9] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 10 [ProLogic 10]

[ProLogic 10] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 11 [ProLogic 11]

[ProLogic 11] Disabled

Appendix B-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 12 [ProLogic 12]

[ProLogic 12] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 13 [ProLogic 13]

[ProLogic 13] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-23

ProLogic 14 [ProLogic 14]

[ProLogic 14] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 15 [ProLogic 15]

[ProLogic 15] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 16 [ProLogic 16]

[ProLogic 16] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 17 [ProLogic 17]

[ProLogic 17] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 18 [ProLogic 18]

[ProLogic 18] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 19 [ProLogic 19]

[ProLogic 19] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-25

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 20 [ProLogic 20]

[ProLogic 20] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 21 [ProLogic 21]

[ProLogic 21] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 22 [ProLogic 22]

[ProLogic 22] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Appendix B-26 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 23 [ProLogic 23]

[ProLogic 23] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

ProLogic 24 [ProLogic 24]

[ProLogic 24] Disabled

Pickup Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Dropout Delay 0 s 0.00 to 999.00

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 1 [Group Logic 1]

[Group Logic 1] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-27

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 2 [Group Logic 2]

[Group Logic 2] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 3 [Group Logic 3]

[Group Logic 3] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 4 [Group Logic 4]

[Group Logic 4] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 5 [Group Logic 5]

[Group Logic 5] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 6 [Group Logic 6]

[Group Logic 6] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 7 [Group Logic 7]

[Group Logic 7] Disabled

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-29

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 8 [Group Logic 8]

[Group Logic 8] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 9 [Group Logic 9]

[Group Logic 9] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Appendix B-30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Group Logic 10 [Group Logic 10]

[Group Logic 10] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 11 [Group Logic 11]

[Group Logic 11] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 12 [Group Logic 12]

[Group Logic 12] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-31

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 13 [Group Logic 13]

[Group Logic 13] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 14 [Group Logic 14]

[Group Logic 14] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 15 [Group Logic 15]

[Group Logic 15] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Appendix B-32 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

Group Logic 16 [Group Logic 16]

[Group Logic 16] Disabled

Setting Group to Activate none

Pickup Delay 0 s 0 to 999

Operator 1

Input A <Unused = 0>

Operator 2

Input B <Unused = 0>

Operator 3

Input C <Unused = 0>

Operator 4

Input D <Unused = 0>

Operator 5

Input E <Unused = 0>

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix B-33

Appendix B IED Settings and Ranges

Appendix B-34 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix C Hardware Description
The relay is a complete line distance protection relay package designed and
manufactured with high quality features and recording components. The fol-
lowing information describes the main hardware components of the relay:

Main Processor The MPB has two processor sub-systems which control the operation of the en-
Board (MPB) tire relay: the DSP processor and the control processor. The DSP sub-system
interfaces to the RAIB, the DIB and the OCB and manages the protection fea-
tures of the relay. The control processor manages the user interface and system
control features of the relay. Both subsystems operate independently of each
other and will continue to function even if the other sub-system fails.
The MPB provides the following functionality:
• DSP processor subsystem which interfaces to the RAIB, the DIB and the
OCB and manages the protection features of the relay, with:
• The floating point DSP to provide fast capture and manipulation of
• RAM and reprogrammable non-volatile Flash memory. Allows oper-
ation independent of the control processor and supports field software
• A control processor subsystem which manages the user interface and sys-
tem control features of the relay, with
• RAM and reprogrammable non-volatile Flash memory. Allows oper-
ation independent of the DSP processor and supports field software
• Settings and recordings stored in non-volatile memory.
• Runs a Real Time Operating System (RTOS).
• Provides Ethernet ports and RS-232 ports for modem, SCADA, COM
and USB interfaces.
• A time synchronism processor with automatic detection of modulated and
un-modulated IRIG-B
• A high speed link is provided between the DSP and control processor sub-
• Sophisticated fault detection and “watchdog” recovery hardware
• The MPB also provides the power supply for the entire unit. The power
supply operating range is 48-250 Vdc, 100-240 Vac, +/-10%, 50/60 Hz.
This wide operating range provides easier installation by eliminating pow-
er supply ordering options

Digital Input This board provides 9 digital input channels. Inputs are optically isolated, ex-
Board (DIB) ternally wetted, and factory preset to the customer’s requested voltage level of
48, 110/125 or 220/250 Vdc. This board interfaces to the MPB.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix C-1

Appendix C Hardware Description

Rear Panel The RPCB provides the relay with two RS-232 ports (Ports 122 and 123,
Comm Board DB9F), IRIG-B time synchronization input (Port 121, male BNC), internal
(RPCB) modem connection (Port 118, RJ-11) and two Ethernet ports (Ports 119 and
120, RJ-45 or 100BASE-FX MM 1300nm ST, depending upon order specifi-
cation). The RPCB interfaces to the MPB. Port 119 is the exception in that it
interfaces to the GFPCB where it shares an internal switch with the front panel
LAN port. The switch then interfaces to the MPB.

Output Contact The LOCB provides 14 normally open contact outputs for relaying, alarms and
Board (LOCB) control. It also provides one normally closed output contact for relay inopera-
tive indication. This board interfaces to the MPB.

Digital Input/ The DIGIO provides 11 digital input channels. Inputs are optically isolated, ex-
Output Board ternally wetted, and factory preset to the customer's requested voltage level of
(DIGIO) 48, 110/125 or 220/250 Vdc. The DIGIO also provide 7 normally open contact
outputs for relaying, alarms and control. This board interfaces to the MPB.

Relay AC Each relay has 3 RASBs. Two RASBs have 3 voltage transformer inputs and
Analog Sensor 3 current transformer inputs while the third RASB has 6 current transformer
Boards (RASB) inputs. These boards provide 12 current and 6 voltage ac analog measurement
inputs. The RASBs interface to the RAIB.

Relay AC The RAIB provides the analog to digital conversion of the 12 ac analog current
Analog Input inputs and the 6 ac analog voltage inputs. The sample rate is fixed at 96 sam-
Board (RAIB) ples/cycle. Each channel is simultaneously sampled using 16-bit analog to dig-
ital converters. The digitized data is sent to the MPB for processing and
implementation of the protection algorithms.
• A time synchronism processor with automatic detection of modulated and
un-modulated IRIG-B
• A high speed link is provided between the DSP and control processor sub-
• Sophisticated fault detection and “watchdog” recovery hardware
• The MPB also provides the power supply for the entire unit. The power
supply operating range is 48-250 Vdc, 100-240 Vac, +/-10%, 50/60 Hz.
This wide operating range provides easier installation by eliminating pow-
er supply ordering options

Graphics Front The GFPCB provides the front panel USB and Ethernet ports, the front panel
Panel Comm status LEDs and interfaces the MPB to the FPDB. The MPB controls the state
Board (GFPCB) of the LEDs.

Graphics Front The GFPDB provides the 240x128 monochrome graphics front panel display
Panel Display and the keypad. The keypad is used to navigate the menus on the display to
Board (GFPDB) control relay operation by a local user.

Appendix C-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix D Event Messages
The following is a list of event messages that are created in the relay for events
including trips, alarms, external input assertions, and internal events such as
setting changes. This list is referred to from multiple places in this manual.

L-PRO Event Messages

Event Log Message Notes

21P1 ABC 12.3km:Trip The possible phase information for 21P1–21P5 will be:
21P2 ABC 12.3km:Trip • AB
21P3 ABC 12.3km:Trip • BC
21P4 ABC 12.3km:Trip • CA
21P5 ABC 12.3km:Trip • AB, BC
• AB, CA
• CA, BC

21N1 AG 12.3km:Trip The possible phase information for 21N1–N5 will be:
21N2 AG 12.3km:Trip • AG
21N3 AG 12.3km:Trip • BG
21N4 AG 12.3km:Trip • CG
21N5 AG 12.3km:Trip • ABG

21P2 ABC 12.3km:Alarm The possible phase information for 21P2–21P5 will be:
21P3 ABC 12.3km:Alarm • AB
21P4 ABC 12.3km:Alarm • BC
21P5 ABC 12.3km:Alarm • CA
• AB, BC
• AB, CA
• CA, BC

21N2 AG 12.3km:Alarm The possible phase information for 21N2–N5 and 50N/51N will be:
21N3 AG 12.3km:Alarm • AG
21N4 AG 12.3km:Alarm • BG
21N5 AG 12.3km:Alarm • CG
51N AG 12.3km:Trip • ABG
50N AG 12.3km:Trip • BCG

46-51: Trip

46-50: Trip

51 ABC:Trip The possible phase information will be:

50 ABC:Trip •B
• AB
• BC
• CA

51N: Alarm

46-51: Alarm

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix D-1

Appendix D Event Messages

L-PRO Event Messages

51 ABC: Alarm The possible phase information will be:

• AB
• BC
• CA

Impedance Circle Trigger

68 Power Swing: Trip Trip or Alarm based on 68 mode setting

PUTT 12.3 kM: Trip

DCB 12.3 km: Trip

POTT 12.3 km: Trip

POTT (WI) 12.3 km: Trip Weak Infeed (WI) is not available unless POTT is selected.

PUTT: Send

POTT: Send

POTT: Send (WI) Weak Infeed (WI) is not available unless POTT is selected.

DCB: Send

Switch On To Fault ABC The possible phase information will be:

• AB
• BC
• CA

ProLogic Name: PLn ProLogic outputs names are user assigned

Extern Input Name: EIn: High External input names are user assigned

Extern Input Name: EIn: Low External input names are user assigned

Virtual Inputs: EIn: High Virtual Inputs are user assigned

Virtual Inputs: EIn: High Virtual Inputs are user assigned

Output Contacts: EIn: High Output Contact Names are user assigned

Output Contacts: EIn: High Output Contacts names are user assigned

60 LOP ABC: Alarm The possible phase information will be:

• AB
• BC
• CA

68 Inner Blinder: Alarm

68 Outer Blinder: Alarm

Com-Aided (Z2,Wi): Send Scheme types: WI, Z2, Z2 & WI, Z2 is Zone 2 POTT and WI is
Weak Infeed

27 Main ABC: Trip The possible phase information will be:

27 Aux. ABC: Trip •B
• AB
59 Main ABC: Trip • BC
• CA
59 Aux. ABC: Trip • ABC

50LS Main ABC: Trip

50LS Aux. ABC: Trip

Appendix D-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix D Event Messages

L-PRO Event Messages

252759 Sync Check: Armed

50BF-1 Main ABC:Trip The possible phase information will be:

50BF-2 Main ABC:Trip •C
• AB
50BF-1 Aux ABC:Trip • BC
• CA
50BF-2 Aux ABC:Trip • ABC

81-1: Trip

81-2: Trip

81-3: Trip

81-4: Trip

79 Initiated: High Recloser is initiated.

79 Lead Lockout: High Recloser shot count has expired and reclosing attempts are

79 Follow Lockout: High Follow breaker has failed to reclose.

79 Main Reclose: shot n Recloser Main circuit breaker close attempt where n equals the
shot count.

79 Follow Reclose: shot n Recloser Aux. circuit breaker close attempt where n equals the
shot count.

79 Block: High Recloser is blocked by an external signal.

Self Check: DC Ch.n: Alarm Continuous dc level on Ch. n, where n = 1 to 18.

Self Check: DC Alarm Reset Continuous dc level, condition has reset.

Self Check: DC Ch.n: O/P Block Continuous dc level on Ch. n, where n = 1 to 18. Relay is blocked.

New Settings loaded, Active group n. Where n = 1-8

New Setting Loaded

Manual Settings Load request, activate SGn Manual or user-initiated settings change.

Manual Settings Load request completed Completion of user-initiated settings change.

Changed Active Group from x to y This happens when relay changes setting group. Automatic group
Logic n logic initiated setting group change

User changed Active Group from x to y This happens when the relay changes setting group. User initiated
setting group change

Unit Recalibrated

Unit restarted

User logged In

Note: For either of the above cases the DSP controller functions con-
tinue with normal auxiliary relay outputs provided that DSP failure or
Self Check Fail: Block has not occurred.

Self Check Fail The DSP has an algorithm that detects continuous dc levels on the analog in-
due to DC puts and initiates alarms and relay output contact blocking when the measured
Offset Detector dc level exceeds the Alarm or Block level. The Alarm level is intended to pro-

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix D-3

Appendix D Event Messages

vide an early indication of a problem. The Block level blocks the relay from
false-tripping by preventing any output contact from closing. The Relay Func-
tional LED turns off, but the protection functions will operate normally, with
the exception that the output contacts will not be allowed to close. The Relay
Inoperative contact will close for a Block condition. The following table de-
scribes all the Alarm/Block indication functions

Action Condition

Alarm Block

Relay Functional LED off X

Service Required LED on X X

Self Check Fail Signal high X X

Relay Inoperative Contact closed X

Output Contacts held open X

Event Log Message X X

Status available through SCADA X X

The Self Check Fail signal, which is available in the Output Matrix, TUI me-
tering and SCADA, can be used to signal an alarm. Note that if this signal is
mapped to an output contact, the contact which it is mapped to will only be
closed for an alarm condition. If the relay is in the Block condition, the Relay
Inoperative contact must be used to signal an alarm.
The status of the Self Check Fail is available through the SCADA services pro-
vided by the relay. The digital signal Self Check Fail will indicate that DSP has
detected a continuous dc level and the analog metering value Self Check Fail
Parameter is used to indicate which condition, Alarm or Block. The failure
types and which analog values they are associated with are described in the ta-
ble below. Both signals are available in DNP and Modbus.

Point Value Condition

0 Normal

1 Alarm

2 Block

3 Alarm has evolved to block

The Alarm condition is allowed to reset if the continuous dc level drops below
the pickup level. The Block condition has no reset level. If power is cycled to
the relay it will go into its normal state until the continuous dc level is detected

Appendix D-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix D Event Messages

Self Check Fail appears as “Aux. Failure Alarm” in the settings ver-
sions before V 10.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix D-5

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication
All metering values available through the terminal user interface are also avail-
able via the Modbus protocol. Additionally, the Modbus protocol supports the
reading of unit time and time of the readings and provides access to trip and
alarm events, including fault location information. All metering readings can
be frozen into a snapshot via the “Hold Readings” function (see Force Single
Coil function, address 0).

Read Coil Status (Function Code 01)

Channel Address Value

Hold Readings 1 0: Readings not held 1: Readings held

Reserved 257 Reserved Reserved

Output Contact 1 513 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 2 514 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 3 515 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 4 516 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 5 517 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 6 518 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 7 519 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 8 520 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 9 521 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 10 522 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 11 523 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 12 524 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 13 525 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 14 526 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 15 527 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 16 528 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 17 529 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 18 530 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 19 531 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 20 532 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

Output Contact 21 533 0: Contact Open (inactive) 1: Contact Closed (active)

21P1 Trip 769 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21P2 Trip 770 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21P3 Trip 771 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21P4 Trip 772 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

51 Trip 773 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50 Trip 774 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N1 Trip 775 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N2 Trip 776 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N3 Trip 777 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N4 Trip 778 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

68 Power Swing 779 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Z Circle Trigger 780 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

51N Trip 781 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50N Trip 782 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix E-1

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Read Coil Status (Function Code 01)

46-51 Trip 783 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

46-50 Trip 784 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Deadline Trip 785 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Comm Scheme Trip 786 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Comm Scheme Send 787 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

60 Alarm 788 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21P2 Alarm 789 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21P3 Alarm 790 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21P4 Alarm 791 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N2 Alarm 792 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N3 Alarm 793 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

21N4 Alarm 794 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

51 Alarm 795 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

51N Alarm 796 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

46-51 Alarm 797 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Self Check Fail 798 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic1 799 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic2 800 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic3 801 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic4 802 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic5 803 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic6 804 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic7 805 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic8 806 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic9 807 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic10 808 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

68 OutBlinder Alarm 809 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

68 InBlinder Alarm 810 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

27 Main Trip 811 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

27 Aux Trip 812 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

59 Main Trip 813 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

59 Aux Trip 814 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50LS Main 815 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

25/27/59 Sync Check 816 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50LS Aux 817 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 1 818 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 2 819 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 3 820 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 4 821 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 5 822 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 6 823 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 7 824 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 8 825 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 9 826 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 10 827 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 11 828 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 12 829 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 13 830 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 14 831 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 15 832 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Group Logic 16 833 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

79 Initiated 834 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

79 Blocked 835 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Appendix E-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Read Coil Status (Function Code 01)

50BF-1 Main 836 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50BF-2 Main 837 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50BF-1 Aux 838 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50BF-2 Aux 839 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

79 Main Reclose 840 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

79 Aux Reclose 841 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

79 Lead Lockout 842 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

79 Follow Lockout 843 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

81-1 Trip 844 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

81-2 Trip 845 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

81-3 Trip 846 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

81-4 Trip 847 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

50BF Initiate 848 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic 11 849 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

ProLogic 12 850 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Read Input Status (Function Code 02)

Channel Address Value

External Input 1 10001 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 2 10002 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 3 10003 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 4 10004 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 5 10005 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 6 10006 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 7 10007 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 8 10008 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 9 10009 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 10 10010 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 11 10011 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 12 10012 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 13 10013 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 14 10014 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 15 10015 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 16 10016 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 17 10017 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 18 10018 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 19 10019 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 20 10020 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 1 Change of state latch 10257 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 2 Change of state latch 10258 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 3 Change of state latch 10259 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 4 Change of state latch 10260 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 5 Change of state latch 10261 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 6 Change of state latch 10262 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 7 Change of state latch 10263 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 8 Change of state latch 10264 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 9 Change of state latch 10265 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 10 Change of state latch 10266 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 11 Change of state latch 10267 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 12 Change of state latch 10268 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix E-3

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Read Input Status (Function Code 02)

External Input 13 Change of state latch 10269 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 14 Change of state latch 10270 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 15 Change of state latch 10271 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 16 Change of state latch 10272 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 17 Change of state latch 10273 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 18 Change of state latch 10274 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 19 Change of state latch 10275 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

External Input 20 Change of state latch 10276 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 1 10513 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 2 10514 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 3 10515 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 4 10516 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 5 10517 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 6 10518 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 7 10519 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 8 10520 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 9 10521 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 10 10522 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 11 10523 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 12 10524 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 13 10525 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 14 10526 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 15 10527 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 16 10528 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 17 10529 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 18 10530 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 19 10531 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 20 10532 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 21 10533 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 22 10534 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 23 10535 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 24 10536 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 25 10537 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 26 10538 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 27 10539 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 28 10540 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 29 10541 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Virtual Input 30 10542 0: Off (inactive) 1: On (active)

Appendix E-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Read Holding Registers (Function Code 03)

Channel Address Units Scale

L-PRO Clock Time (UTC). Read all in same query to ensure consistent time reading data

Milliseconds Now 40001 0-999 1

Seconds Now 40002 0-59 1

Minutes Now 40003 0-59 1

Hours Now 40004 0-23 1

Day of Year Now 40005 1-365 (up to 366 if leap year) 1

Years since 1900 40006 90-137 1

Sync’d to IRIG-B 40007 0: No 1: Yes 1

Time of Acquisition (UTC). Read all in same query to ensure consistent time reading data

Milliseconds Now 40008 0-999 1

Seconds Now 40009 0-59 1

Minutes Now 40010 0-59 1

Hours Now 40011 0-23 1

Day of Year Now 40012 1-365 (up to 366 if leap year) 1

Years since 1900 40013 90-137 1

Sync’d to IRIG-B 40014 0: No 1: Yes 1

Offset of UTC to IED time. 40015 2’s complement half hours, 1

North America is negative

Channel Address Units Scale

Line Va Magnitude 40257 kV 10

Line Va Angle 40258 Degrees 10

Line Vb Magnitude 40259 kV 10

Line Vb Angle 40260 Degrees 10

Line Vc Magnitude 40261 kV 10

Line Vc Angle 40262 Degrees 10

Line Ia Magnitude 40263 A 1

Line Ia Angle 40264 Degrees 10

Line Ib Magnitude 40265 A 1

Line Ib Angle 40266 Degrees 10

Line Ic Magnitude 40267 A 1

Line Ic Angle 40268 Degrees 10

I2a Magnitude 40269 A 1

I2a Angle 40270 Degrees 10

I2b Magnitude 40271 A 1

I2b Angle 40272 Degrees 10

I2c Magnitude 40273 A 1

I2c Angle 40274 Degrees 10

I3a Magnitude 40275 A 1

I3a Angle 40276 Degrees 10

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix E-5

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Channel Address Units Scale

I3b Magnitude 40277 A 1

I3b Angle 40278 Degrees 10

I3c Magnitude 40279 A 1

I3c Angle 40280 Degrees 10

I4a Magnitude 40281 A 1

I4a Angle 40282 Degrees 10

I4b Magnitude 40283 A 1

I4b Angle 40284 Degrees 10

I4c Magnitude 40285 A 1

I4c Angle 40286 Degrees 10

Bus Va Magnitude 40287 kV 10

Bus Va Angle 40288 Degrees 10

Bus Vb Magnitude 40289 kV 10

Bus Vb Angle 40290 Degrees 10

Bus Vc Magnitude 40291 kV 10

Bus Vc Angle 40292 Degrees 10

Not used 40293

Not used 40294

Not used 40295

Not used 40296

Not used 40297

Not used 40298

Not used 40299

Not used 40300

Not used 40301

Not used 40302

Not used 40303

Not used 40304

PosSeq Frequency 40305 Hz 100

P 40306 MW 10

Q 40307 Mvar 10

Pos Seq Voltage 40308 kV 10

Pos Seq Current 40309 A 1

Active Setting Group Number 40310

Ia summated Magnitude 40311 A 1

Ia summated Angle 40312 Degrees 10

Ib summated Magnitude 40313 A 1

Ib summated Angle 40314 Degrees 10

Ic summated Magnitude 40315 A 1

Ic summated Angle 40316 Degrees 10

Self check fail parameter 40317 N/A 1

Read Input Register (Function Code 04)

No input registers supported. Response from IED indicates “ILLEGAL FUNCTION.”

Appendix E-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Force Single Coil (Function Code 05)

Only the “hold readings” coil can be forced. When active, this coil locks all coil, input and holding register readings simultaneously
at their present values. When inactive, coil, input and holding register values will read their most recently available state.

Channel Type Address Value

Hold Readings Read/Write 01 0000: Readings update normally (inactive)

FF00: Hold readings (active)

Preset Single Register (Function Code 06)

Channel Address Value Scaled Up By

Event Message Control (See below for details of use)

Refresh event list 40513 No data required N/A

Acknowledge the cur- 40514 No data required N/A

rent event and get the
next event

Get the next event 40515 No data required N/A

(without acknowl-

Event Buffer Size 100

Self Check Fail 40317 N/A 1


Diagnostic Subfunctions (Function Code 08)

Return Query Data (Subfunction 00) This provides an echo of the submitted message.

Restart Comm. Option (Subfunction 01) This restarts the Modbus communications process.

Force Listen Only Mode (Subfunction 04) No response is returned. IED enters “Listen Only” mode. This
mode can only be exited by the “Restart Comm. Option” com-

Report Slave ID (Function Code 17/0x11)

A fixed response is returned by the IED, including system model, version and issue numbers.

Channel Type Bytes Value

Model Number Read Only 0 and 1 0xFA0 = 4000 decimal

Version Number Read Only 2 and 3 Version number

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix E-7

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Report Slave ID (Function Code 17/0x11)

Issue Number Read Only 4 and 5 Issue number

• The L-PRO IED model number is 4000.

• Version and issue will each be positive integers, say X and Y.
• The L-PRO is defined as “Model 4000, Version X Issue Y”

Accessing L-PRO Event Information

All L-PRO detector event messages displayed in the Event Log are available via Modbus. This includes fault location information.
The following controls are available.

Refresh Event List (Function Code 6, address 40513): Fetches the latest events from the relay's event log and
makes them available for Modbus access. The most recent event becomes the current
event available for reading.

Acknowledge Current Event and (Function Code 6, address 40514): Clears the current event from the read registers and
Get Next Event places the next event into them. An acknowledged event is no longer available for reading.

Get Next Event (Function Code 6, address 40515): Places the next event in the read registers without
acknowledging the current event. The current event will reappear in the list when Refresh
Event List is used.

Size of Current Event Message (Function Code 3, address 40516): Indicates the number of 16 bit registers used to contain
the current event. Event data is stored with 2 characters per register. A reading of zero indi-
cates that there are no unacknowledged events available in the current set. (NB. The
Refresh Event List function can be used to check for new events that have occurred since
the last Refresh Event List.)

Fault Location Event (Function Code 3, address 40517): Identifies fault location events. These events are identi-
fied by “FL” in this register. Non-fault location events contain “” in this location.

Read Event Message (Function Code 3, addresses 40518 – 40570): Contains the current message. Two.
ASCII characters are packed into each 16 bit register. All unused registers in the set are set
to 0.

Fault Information – Type (Function Code 3, address 40571): If the current event is a fault location event, this register
contains the type of fault.
The following type bitmap:
0x0001 – Phase A
0x0002 – Phase B
0x0004 – Phase C
0x0008 – Ground
Any number of the flags may be set for a given fault. If the relay could not determine the
fault type, then the register will not have any flags set and will read 0x0000.

Fault Information – Fault Dis- (Function Code 3, address 40572): If the current event is a fault location event, this register
tance contains the distance to the fault. It is scaled up by a factor of 10. The units are the same as
the units set in the relay configuration.

Fault Information – Time of Fault (Function Code 3, addresses 40573 to 40576): If the current event is a fault location event,
these registers contain the time of the fault in seconds since 1970. Each of these 16-bit reg-
isters contains an 8-bit portion of a 32-bit time value. Register 40573 contains the upper
most 8 bits, and register 40576 contains the lowest 8 bits.

Appendix E-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix E Modbus RTU Communication Protocol

Modbus Event Message Example

“FL2000Sep21 20:16:16.966 21P1 AB 1.0 km: Trip”

Register Value Meaning

High Byte Low Byte

40516 0x00 0x1B Event text size = 27 (0x1B hex)

40517 0x46 0x4C ‘FL’ - Fault locator event

40518 0x32 0x30 ‘2’, ‘0’

40519 0x30 0x30 ‘0’, ‘0’

40520 0x53 0x65 ‘S’, ‘e’

40521 0x70 0x32 ‘p’, ‘2’

40522 0x31 0x20 ‘1’, ‘<sp>’

40523 0x32 0x30 ‘2’, ‘0’

40524 0x3A 0x31 ‘:’, ‘1’

40525 0x36 0x3A ‘6’, ‘:’

40526 0x31 0x36 ‘1’, ‘6’

40527 0x2E 0x39 ‘.’, ‘9’

40528 0x36 0x36 ‘6’, ‘6’

40529 0x20 0x32 ‘<sp>’, ‘2’

40530 0x31 0x50 ‘ 1’, ‘P’

40531 0x31 0x20 ‘1’, ‘<sp>‘

40532 0x41 0x42 ’A’, ’B’

40533 0x20 0x31 ’<sp>’, ’ 1’

40534 0x2E 0x30 ’.’, ’0’

40535 0x6B 0x6D ’K’, ’m’

40536 0x3A 0x20 ’:’, ’<sp>’

40537 0x54 0x72 ‘T’, ‘r’

40538 0x69 0x70 ‘i’, ‘p’

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix E-9

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile
Device This document shows the device capabilities and the current value of each pa-
Properties rameter for the default unit configuration as defined in the default configura-
tion file.

If configurable,
1.1 Device Identification Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.1.1 Device Function: ○ Master ○ Master

● Outstation ● Outstation
1.1.2 Vendor Name: ERLPhase
Power Technolo-

1.1.3 Device Name: L-PRO 4000

1.1.4 Device manufacturer's NA

hardware version string:

1.1.5 Device manufacturer's NA

software version string:

1.1.6 Device Profile V1.1, March 20,

Document Version 2013

1.1.7 DNP Levels Supported Outstations Only

for: Requests and Responses
 Level 1
 Level 2
Level 3

1.1.8 Supported Function  Self-Address Reservation

Blocks:  Object 0 - attribute objects
 Data Sets
 File Transfer
 Virtual Terminal
 Mapping to IEC 61850 Object Models defined in
a DNP3 XML file

1.1.9 Notable Additions: • Start-stop (qualifier codes 0x00 and 0x01), limited
quantity (qualifier codes 0x07 and 0x08) and indi-
ces (qualifier codes 0x17 and 0x28) for Binary In-
puts, Binary Outputs and Analog Inputs (object
groups 1, 10 and 30)
• 32-bit and 16-bit Analog Inputs with and without
flag (variations 1, 2, 3 and 4)
• Analog Input events with time (variations 3 and 4)
• Fault Location information as analog readings
• Event Log messages as Object groups 110 and

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-1

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.1 Device Identification Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.1.10 Methods to set  XML - Loaded via DNP3 File Transfer

Configurable  XML - Loaded via other transport mechanism
Parameters:  Terminal - ASCII Terminal Command Line
 Software - Vendor software named
L-PRO Offliner
 Proprietary file loaded via DNP3 file transfer
 Proprietary file loaded via other transport mech-
 Direct - Keypad on device front panel
 Factory - Specified when device is ordered
 Protocol - Set via DNP3 (e.g. assign class)
 Other - explain _________________

1.1.11 DNP3 XML files RdWrFilenameDescription of Contents Not supported

available On-Line:
 dnpDP.xml Complete Device Profile
 dnpDPcap.xml Device Profile Capabilities
 dnpDPcfg.xml Device Profile config.
  _____*.xml ___________________

*The Complete Device Profile Document contains

the capabilities, Current Value, and configurable
methods columns.
*The Device Profile Capabilities contains only the
capabilities and configurable methods columns.
*The Device Profile Config. Values contains only the
Current Value column.

1.1.12 External DNP3 XML Rd WrFilenameDescription of Not supported

files available Off-line: Contents
  dnpDP.xml Complete Device Profile
  dnpDPcap.xml Device Profile Capabilities
  dnpDPcfg.xml Device Profile config.
  _______*.xml ___________________

*The Complete Device Profile Document contains

the capabilities, Current Value, and configurable
methods columns.
*The Device Profile Capabilities contains only the
capabilities and configurable methods columns.
*The Device Profile Config. Values contains only the
Current Value column.

1.1.13 Connections  Serial (complete section 1.2)

Supported:  IP Networking (complete section 1.3)
 Other, explain ______________________

Appendix F-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.2 Serial Connections Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.2.1 Port Name Port 122

1.2.2 Serial Connection  Asynchronous - 8 Data Bits, 1 Start Bit, 1 Stop Not configured L-PRO Offliner
Parameters: Bit, No Parity for DNP
 Other, explain - Asynchronous with selectable

1.2.3 Baud Rate:  Fixed at _______ Not configured L-PRO Offliner

 Configurable, range _______ to _______ for DNP
 Configurable, selectable from 300, 1200, 2400,
9600, 19200, 38400 and 57600
 Configurable, other, describe_______________

1.2.4 Hardware Flow Control  None

(Handshaking): RS-232 / V.24 / V.28 Options:
Describe hardware sig- Before Tx, Asserts:  RTS
naling requirements of  DTR
the interface. Before Rx, Asserts:  RTS
Where a transmitter or  DTR
receiver is inhibited until Always Asserts:  RTS
a given control signal is  DTR
asserted, it is consid- Before Tx, Requires: Asserted Deasserted
ered to require that sig-  CTS
nal prior to sending or  DCD
receiving characters.  DSR
Where a signal is  RI
asserted prior to trans-  Rx Inactive
mitting, that signal will Before Rx, Requires: Asserted Deasserted
be maintained active  CTS
until after the end of  DCD
transmission.  DSR
Where a signal is  RI
asserted to enable Always Ignores:
reception, any data sent  CTS
to the device when the  DCD
signal is not active  DSR
could be discarded.  RI
Other, explain ____________
RS-422 / V.11 Options:
Requires Indication before Rx
Asserts Control before Tx
Other, explain ____________
RS-485 Options:
Requires Rx inactive before Tx
Other, explain ____________

1.2.5 Interval to Request Link  Not Supported

Status:  Fixed at_________ seconds
 Configurable, range _____ to ______ seconds
 Configurable, selectable from __,__,__ seconds
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.2.6 Supports DNP3  No

Collision Avoidance:  Yes, explain ______________________

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-3

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.2 Serial Connections Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.2.7 Receiver Inter-  Not checked

character Timeout:  No gap permitted
 Fixed at _____ bit times
 Fixed at _____ ms
 Configurable, range ____ to ____ bit times
 Configurable, range ____ to ____ ms
 Configurable, Selectable from __,__,__bit times
 Configurable, Selectable from ___, ___, ___ ms
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain ____

1.2.8 Inter-character gaps in  None (always transmits with no inter-character

transmission: gap)
 Maximum _____ bit times
 Maximum _____ ms

Appendix F-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.3 IP Networking Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.3.1 Port Name Port 119 and 120 Network

1.3.2 Type of End Point:  TCP Initiating (Master Only) Not configured L-PRO Offliner
 TCP Listening (Outstation Only) for DNP
 TCP Dual (required for Masters)
 UDP Datagram (required)

1.3.3 IP Address of this L-PRO Mainte-

Device: nance utilities

1.3.4 Subnet Mask: Not set L-PRO Mainte-

nance utilities

1.3.5 Gateway IP Address: Not set L-PRO Mainte-

nance utilities

1.3.6 Accepts TCP  Allows all (show as *.*.*.* in 1.3.7) Limits based on L-PRO Offliner
Connections or UDP  Limits based on an IP address an IP address
Datagrams from:  Limits based on list of IP addresses
 Limits based on a wildcard IP address
 Limits based on list of wildcard IP addresses
 Other validation, explain_________________

1.3.7 IP Address(es) from L-PRO Offliner

which TCP Connections
or UDP Datagrams are

1.3.8 TCP Listen Port  Not Applicable (Master w/o dual end point) 20,000 L-PRO Offliner
Number:  Fixed at 20,000
 Configurable, range 1025 to 32737
 Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.3.9 TCP Listen Port  Not Applicable (Outstation w/o dual end point) NA
Number of remote  Fixed at 20,000
device:  Configurable, range _______ to _______
 Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.3.10 TCP Keep-alive timer:  Fixed at ___________ms Disabled L-PRO Offliner

 Configurable, range 5 to 3,600 s
 Configurable, selectable from ___,___,___ms
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.3.11 Local UDP port:  Fixed at 20,000 20,000 L-PRO Offliner

 Configurable, range 1025 to 32737
 Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Let system choose (Master only)

1.3.12 Destination UDP port  None NA

for initial unsolicited null  Fixed at 20,000
responses (UDP only  Configurable, range _______ to _______
Outstations):  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-5

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.3 IP Networking Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.3.13 Destination UDP port  None 20,000 L-PRO Offliner

for responses:  Fixed at 20,000
 Configurable, range 1025 to 32737
 Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Use source port number

1.3.14 Multiple master  Supports multiple masters (Outstations only) Method 1 (based L-PRO Offliner
connections If supported, the following methods may be on IP address)
(Outstations Only): used:
 Method 1 (based on IP address) - required
 Method 2 (based on IP port number) -
 Method 3 (browsing for static data) - optional

1.3.15 Time synchronization  DNP3 LAN procedure (function code 24)

support:  DNP3 Write Time (not recommended over LAN)
 Other, explain _________________________
 Not Supported

Appendix F-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.4 Link Layer Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.4.1 Data Link Address:  Fixed at______ 1 L-PRO Offliner

 Configurable, range 1 to 65519
 Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.4.2 DNP3 Source Address  Never

Validation:  Always, one address allowed (shown in 1.4.3)
 Always, any one of multiple addresses allowed
 (each selectable as shown in 1.4.3)
 Sometimes, explain________________

1.4.3 DNP3 Source  Configurable to any 16 bit DNP Data Link NA

Address(es) expected Address value
when Validation is  Configurable, range _______ to _______
Enabled:  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.4.4 Self Address Support  Yes (only allowed if configurable) NA

using address 0xFFFC:  No

1.4.5 Sends Confirmed User  Always L-PRO Offliner

Data Frames:  Sometimes, explain _____________________ (to disable, set
 Never Data Link Time-
 Configurable, either always or never out to 0)

1.4.6 Data Link Layer  None 500

Confirmation Timeout:  Fixed at __ ms
 Configurable, range 0 to 2,000 ms
 Configurable, selectable from____________ms
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain _______________________

1.4.7 Maximum Data Link  Never Retries 3

Retries:  Fixed at 3
 Configurable, range ________ to _______
 Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.4.8 Maximum number of  Fixed at 292 292

octets Transmitted in a  Configurable, range ________ to _______
Data Link Frame:  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
 Configurable, other, describe______________

1.4.9 Maximum number of  Fixed at 292 292

octets that can be  Configurable, range ________ to _______
Received in a Data Link  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
Frame:  Configurable, other, describe______________

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-7

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.5 Application Layer Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.5.1 Maximum number of  Fixed at 2048 2048

octets Transmitted in an  Configurable, range ________ to _______
Application Layer  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
Fragment other than  Configurable, other, describe______________
File Transfer:

1.5.2 Maximum number of  Fixed at ___________ NA

octets Transmitted in an  Configurable, range ________ to _______
Application Layer  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
Fragment containing  Configurable, other, describe______________
File Transfer:

1.5.3 Maximum number of  Fixed at 2048 2048

octets that can be  Configurable, range ________ to _______
Received in an  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
Application Layer  Configurable, other, describe______________

1.5.4 Timeout waiting for  None 2,000 ms

Complete Application  Fixed at 2,000 ms
Layer Fragment:  Configurable, range _______ to _______ms
 Configurable, selectable from ___,___,___ms
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain _______________________

1.5.5 Maximum number of  Fixed at 16 16

objects allowed in a  Configurable, range ________ to _______
single control request  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
for CROB (group 12):  Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain _______________________

1.5.6 Maximum number of  Fixed at _ Analog Outputs

objects allowed in a  Configurable, range ________ to _______ not supported
single control request  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
for Analog Outputs  Configurable, other, describe______________
(group 41):  Variable, explain _______________________

1.5.7 Maximum number of  Fixed at __ Data Sets not

objects allowed in a  Configurable, range ________ to _______ supported
single control request  Configurable, selectable from ____,____,____
for Data Sets (groups  Configurable, other, describe______________
85,86,87):  Variable, explain _______________________

1.5.8 Supports mixing object  Not applicable - controls are not supported Analog Outputs
groups (AOBs, CROBs  Yes not supported
and Data Sets) in the  No
same control request:

Appendix F-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

1.6 Fill Out The Following

If configurable,
Items For Outstations Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.6.1 Timeout waiting for  None 5,000 ms

Application Confirm of  Fixed at 5,000 ms
solicited response  Configurable, range _______ to _______ms
message:  Configurable, selectable from ___,___,___ms
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain _______________________

1.6.2 How often is time  Never needs time

synchronization  Within ______ seconds after IIN1.4 is set
required from the  Periodically every _______ seconds

1.6.3 Device Trouble Bit  Never used

IIN1.6:  Reason for setting: Unable to access requested
data or execute CROB, assuming a valid
request has been received

1.6.4 File Handle Timeout:  Not applicable, files not supported

 Fixed at______ ms
 Configurable, range _______ to _______ms
 Configurable, selectable from ___,___,___ms
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain _______________________

1.6.5 Event Buffer Overflow  Discard the oldest event

Behaviour:  Discard the newest event
 Other, explain _________________________

1.6.6 Event Buffer • Single buffer for the Object Groups 2 and 32, size
Organization: 200.
• Separate buffer for the Object Group 111, size
• Separate buffer for the Fault Locator events, size

1.6.7 Sends Multi-Fragment  Yes

Responses:  No

1.6.8 DNP Command  Assign Class Not supported

Settings preserved  Analog Deadbands
through a device reset:  Data Set Prototypes
 Data Set Descriptors

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-9

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

1.7 Outstation Unsolicited If configurable,

Capabilities Current Value
Response Support list methods

1.7.1 Supports Unsolicited  Not Supported NA

Reporting:  Configurable, selectable from On and Off

Appendix F-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

If configurable,
1.8 Outstation Performance Capabilities Current Value
list methods

1.8.1 Maximum Time Base NA, not synchro-

Drift (milliseconds per nized by DNP

1.8.2 When does outstation  Never NA

set IIN1.4?  Asserted at startup until first Time Synchroniza-
tion request received
 Periodically, range ____to____ seconds
 Periodically, selectable from ____,____,___
 Range ____to____ seconds after last time sync
 Selectable from___,___,___seconds after last
time sync
 When time error may have drifted by range
____to____ ms
 When time error may have drifted by selectable
from ____,____,___

1.8.3 Maximum Internal Time NA

Reference Error when
set via DNP (ms):

1.8.4 Maximum Delay NA

Measurement error

1.8.5 Maximum Response 100 ms (for the L-PRO Offliner

time (ms): case all sup-
ported points
mapped to the
DNP point lists)

1.8.6 Maximum time from NA

start-up to IIN 1.4
assertion (ms):

1.8.7 Maximum Event Time- • 0.1736 ms for

tag error for local Binary 60Hz sys-
and Double-bit I/O (ms): tems
• 0.2083 ms for
50 Hz sys-

1.8.8 Maximum Event Time- • 0.1736 ms for

tag error for local I/O 60Hz sys-
other than Binary and tems
Double-bit data types • 0.2083 ms for
(ms): 50 Hz sys-

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-11

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Capabilities and The following tables identify the capabilities and current settings for each
Current DNP3 data type. Each data type also provides a table defining the data points
Settings for available in the device, default point lists configuration and a description of
Device how this information can be obtained in case of customized point configura-
Database tion.

2.1 Single-Bit Binary Inputs If configurable,

Static (Steady-State) Group Number: 1 Capabilities Current Value
Event Group Number: 2
list methods

2.1.1 Static Variation reported  Variation 1 - Single-bit Packed format

when variation 0  Variation 2 - Single-bit with flag
requested:  Based on point Index (add column to table

2.1.2 Event Variation  Variation 1 - without time

reported when variation  Variation 2 - with absolute time
0 requested:  Variation 3 - with relative time
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.1.3 Event reporting mode:  Only most recent

 All events

2.1.4 Binary Inputs included  Always L-PRO Offliner

in Class 0 response:  Never
 Only if point is assigned to Class 1, 2, or 3
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.1.5 Definition of Binary  Fixed, list shown in table below Complete list is L-PRO Offliner
Input Point List:  Configurable shown in the
 Other, explain_____________________ table below;
points excluded
from the default
configuration are
marked with ‘*’

1. Binary Inputs are scanned with 1 ms resolution.

2. Binary Input data points are user selectable; the data points avail-
able in the device for any given Binary Input point selection can be
obtained through the L-PRO Offliner software (see SCADA Setting

Appendix F-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Default Class Name for Name for

Name Assigned to Events State when State when Description
(1, 2, 3 or none) value is 0 value is 1

0 External Input 1 1 Inactive Active

1 External Input 2 1 Inactive Active

2 External Input 3 1 Inactive Active

3 External Input 4 1 Inactive Active

4 External Input 5 1 Inactive Active

5 External Input 6 1 Inactive Active

6 External Input 7 1 Inactive Active

7 External Input 8 1 Inactive Active

8 External Input 9 1 Inactive Active

9 Virtual Input 1 1 Inactive Active

10 Virtual Input 2 1 Inactive Active

11 Virtual Input 3 1 Inactive Active

12 Virtual Input 4 1 Inactive Active

13 Virtual Input 5 1 Inactive Active

14 Virtual Input 6 1 Inactive Active

15 Virtual Input 7 1 Inactive Active

16 Virtual Input 8 1 Inactive Active

17 Virtual Input 9 1 Inactive Active

18 Virtual Input 10 1 Inactive Active

19 Virtual Input 11 1 Inactive Active

20 Virtual Input 12 1 Inactive Active

21 Virtual Input 13 1 Inactive Active

22 Virtual Input 14 1 Inactive Active

23 Virtual Input 15 1 Inactive Active

24 Virtual Input 16 1 Inactive Active

25 Virtual Input 17 1 Inactive Active

26 Virtual Input 18 1 Inactive Active

27 Virtual Input 19 1 Inactive Active

28 Virtual Input 20 1 Inactive Active

29 Virtual Input 21 1 Inactive Active

30 Virtual Input 22 1 Inactive Active

31 Virtual Input 23 1 Inactive Active

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-13

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

32 Virtual Input 24 1 Inactive Active

33 Virtual Input 25 1 Inactive Active

34 Virtual Input 26 1 Inactive Active

35 Virtual Input 27 1 Inactive Active

36 Virtual Input 28 1 Inactive Active

37 Virtual Input 29 1 Inactive Active

38 Virtual Input 30 1 Inactive Active

39 Fault Information Available 1 Inactive Active

40* External Input 10 1 Inactive Active

41* External Input 11 1 Inactive Active

42* External Input 12 1 Inactive Active

43* External Input 13 1 Inactive Active

44* External Input 14 1 Inactive Active

45* External Input 15 1 Inactive Active

46* External Input 16 1 Inactive Active

47* External Input 17 1 Inactive Active

48* External Input 18 1 Inactive Active

49* External Input 19 1 Inactive Active

50* External Input 20 1 Inactive Active

51 21P1 Trip 1 Inactive Active

52 21P2 Trip 1 Inactive Active

53 21P3 Trip 1 Inactive Active

54 21P4 Trip 1 Inactive Active

55 51 Trip 1 Inactive Active

56 50 Trip 1 Inactive Active

57 21N1 Trip 1 Inactive Active

58 21N2 Trip 1 Inactive Active

59 21N3 Trip 1 Inactive Active

60 21N4 Trip 1 Inactive Active

61 68 Out of Step 1 Inactive Active

62 51N Trip 1 Inactive Active

63 50N Trip 1 Inactive Active

64 46-51 Trip 1 Inactive Active

65 46-50 Trip 1 Inactive Active

66 SOTF 1 Inactive Active

67 Distance Comm Scheme Trip 1 Inactive Active

Appendix F-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

68 Distance Comm Scheme 1 Inactive Active


69 60 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

70 Self Check Fail 1 Inactive Active

71 27 Main Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 27 Main A, B

and C Trip

72 27 Aux Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 27 Aux A, B and

C Trip

73 59 Main Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 59 Main A, B

and C Trip

74 59 Aux Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 59 Aux A, B and

C Trip

75 50LS Main 1 Inactive Active OR of 50LS Main A, B

and C Trip

76 50LS Aux 1 Inactive Active OR of 50LS Aux A, B

and C Trip

77 50BF-1 Main 1 Inactive Active

78 50BF-2 Main 1 Inactive Active

79 81-1 Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 81-1 OF, UF

and FRC Trip

80 81-2 Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 81-2 OF, UF

and FRC Trip

81 81-3 Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 81-3 OF, UF

and FRC Trip

82 81-4 Trip 1 Inactive Active OR of 81-4 OF, UF

and FRC Trip

83 ProLogic1 1 Inactive Active

84 ProLogic2 1 Inactive Active

85 ProLogic3 1 Inactive Active

86 ProLogic4 1 Inactive Active

87 ProLogic5 1 Inactive Active

88 ProLogic6 1 Inactive Active

89 ProLogic7 1 Inactive Active

90 ProLogic8 1 Inactive Active

91 ProLogic9 1 Inactive Active

92 ProLogic10 1 Inactive Active

93 ProLogic11 1 Inactive Active

94 ProLogic12 1 Inactive Active

95* Output Contact 1 1 Open Closed

96* Output Contact 2 1 Open Closed

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-15

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

97* Output Contact 3 1 Open Closed

98* Output Contact 4 1 Open Closed

99* Output Contact 5 1 Open Closed

100* Output Contact 6 1 Open Closed

101* Output Contact 7 1 Open Closed

102* Output Contact 8 1 Open Closed

103* Output Contact 9 1 Open Closed

104* Output Contact 10 1 Open Closed

105* Output Contact 11 1 Open Closed

106* Output Contact 12 1 Open Closed

107* Output Contact 13 1 Open Closed

108* Output Contact 14 1 Open Closed

109* Output Contact 15 1 Open Closed

110* Output Contact 16 1 Open Closed

111* Output Contact 17 1 Open Closed

112* Output Contact 18 1 Open Closed

113* Output Contact 19 1 Open Closed

114* Output Contact 20 1 Open Closed

115* Output Contact 21 1 Open Closed

116 ZCircle Trigger 1 Inactive Active

117 21P2 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

118 21P3 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

119 21P4 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

120 21N2 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

121 21N3 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

122 21N4 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

123 51 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

124 51N Alarm 1 Inactive Active

125 46-51 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

126 68 OutBlinder Alarm 1 Inactive Active

127 68 InBlinder Alarm 1 Inactive Active

128 25/27/59 Sync Check 1 Inactive Active

129 50BF-1 Aux 1 Inactive Active

130 50BF-2 Aux 1 Inactive Active

131 50BF Initiate 1 Inactive Active

132 79 – 3 Phase Initiated 1 Inactive Active

Appendix F-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

133 79 – 3 Phase Blocked 1 Inactive Active

134 79 – 3 Phase Main Reclose 1 Inactive Active

135 79 – 3 Phase Aux Reclose 1 Inactive Active

136 79 – 3 Phase Lead Lockout 1 Inactive Active

137 79 – 3 Phase Follow Lockout 1 Inactive Active

138 79 – 1 Phase A Main Reclose 1 Inactive Active

139 79 – 1 Phase B Main Reclose 1 Inactive Active

140 79 – 1 Phase C Main Reclose 1 Inactive Active

141 79 – 1 Phase A Aux Reclose 1 Inactive Active

142 79 – 1 Phase B Aux Reclose 1 Inactive Active

143 79 – 1 Phase C Aux Reclose 1 Inactive Active

144 79 – 1 Phase Lead Lockout 1 Inactive Active

145 79 – 1 Phase Follow Lockout 1 Inactive Active

146 79 – 1 Phase Initiated 1 Inactive Active

147 79 – 1 Phase Blocked 1 Inactive Active

148 1 Phase Open Timeout 1 Inactive Active

149 1 Phase Fault Lockout 1 Inactive Active

150 3 Phase Fault Lockout 1 Inactive Active

151 1/3 Phase Fault Lockout 1 Inactive Active

152 DEF Scheme Trip 1 Inactive Active

153 DEF Scheme Send 1 Inactive Active

154 ProLogic13 1 Inactive Active

155 ProLogic14 1 Inactive Active

156 ProLogic15 1 Inactive Active

157 ProLogic16 1 Inactive Active

158 ProLogic17 1 Inactive Active

159 ProLogic18 1 Inactive Active

160 ProLogic19 1 Inactive Active

161 ProLogic20 1 Inactive Active

162 ProLogic21 1 Inactive Active

163 ProLogic22 1 Inactive Active

164 ProLogic23 1 Inactive Active

165 ProLogic24 1 Inactive Active

166 IRIG-B Signal Loss 1 Inactive Active

167* 27 Main A Trip 1 Inactive Active

168* 27 Main B Trip 1 Inactive Active

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-17

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

169* 27 Main C Trip 1 Inactive Active

170* 27 Aux A Trip 1 Inactive Active

171* 27 Aux B Trip 1 Inactive Active

172* 27 Aux C Trip 1 Inactive Active

173* 59 Main A Trip 1 Inactive Active

174* 59 Main B Trip 1 Inactive Active

175* 59 Main C Trip 1 Inactive Active

176* 59 Aux A Trip 1 Inactive Active

177* 59 Aux B Trip 1 Inactive Active

178* 59 Aux C Trip 1 Inactive Active

179* 50LS Main A 1 Inactive Active

180* 50LS Main B 1 Inactive Active

181* 50LS Main C 1 Inactive Active

182* 50LS Aux A 1 Inactive Active

183* 50LS Aux B 1 Inactive Active

184* 50LS Aux C 1 Inactive Active

185* 81-1 OF Trip 1 Inactive Active

186* 81-1 UF Trip 1 Inactive Active

187* 81-1 FRC Trip 1 Inactive Active

188* 81-2 OF Trip 1 Inactive Active

189* 81-2 UF Trip 1 Inactive Active

190* 81-2 FRC Trip 1 Inactive Active

191* 81-3 OF Trip 1 Inactive Active

192* 81-3 UF Trip 1 Inactive Active

193* 81-3 FRC Trip 1 Inactive Active

194* 81-4 OF Trip 1 Inactive Active

195* 81-4 UF Trip 1 Inactive Active

196* 81-4 FRC Trip 1 Inactive Active

197 21P5 Trip 1 Inactive Active

198 21N5 Trip 1 Inactive Active

199 21P5 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

200 21N5 Alarm 1 Inactive Active

201 59N Def Trip 1 Inactive Active

202 59N Inv Trip 1 Inactive Active

203 59N Def Alarm 1 Inactive Active

204 59N Inv Alarm 1 Inactive Active

Appendix F-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

205 60 CTS Main 1 Inactive Active

206 60 CTS Aux 1 Inactive Active

207 Load Encroachment 1 Inactive Active

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-19

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

2.2 Binary Output Status

And Control Relay
Output Block If configurable,
Binary Output Status Group Number: 10 Capabilities Current Value
Binary Output Event Group Number: 11 list methods
CROB Group Number: 12
Binary Output Command Event Object
Num: 13

2.2.1 Minimum pulse time  Fixed at 0,000 ms (hardware may limit this
allowed with Trip, further)
Close, and Pulse On  Based on point Index (add column to table
commands: below)

2.2.2 Maximum pulse time  Fixed at 0,000 ms (hardware may limit this
allowed with Trip, further)
Close, and Pulse On  Based on point Index (add column to table
commands: below)

2.2.3 Binary Output Status  Always

included in Class 0  Never
response:  Only if point is assigned to Class 1, 2, or 3
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.2.4 Reports Output  Never Not supported

Command Event  Only upon a successful Control
Objects:  Upon all control attempts

2.2.5 Event Variation  Variation 1 - without time Not supported L-PRO Offliner
reported when variation  Variation 2 - with absolute time (See Note 2
0 requested:  Based on point Index (add column to table below)

2.2.6 Command Event  Variation 1 - without time Not supported L-PRO Offliner
Variation reported when  Variation 2 - with absolute time (See Note 2
variation 0 requested:  Based on point Index (add column to table below)

2.2.7 Event reporting mode:  Only most recent Not supported L-PRO Offliner
 All events (See Note 2

2.2.8 Command Event  Only most recent Not supported

reporting mode:  All events

2.2.9 Maximum Time  Not Applicable 10 s

between Select and  Fixed at 10 seconds
Operate:  Configurable, range ______ to ______ seconds
 Configurable, selectable
 Configurable, other, describe______________
 Variable, explain _______________________
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.2.10 Definition of Binary  Fixed, list shown in table below Complete list is L-PRO Offliner
Output Status/Control  Configurable shown in the
relay output block  Other, explain_____________________ table below;
(CROB) Point List: points excluded
from the default
configuration are
marked with ‘*’

Appendix F-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

1. Binary Outputs are scanned with 500 ms resolution.

2. Events are not supported for Binary Outputs (group 10), but most of Binary
Output points can be mapped to Binary Inputs (group 2) with full Event and Class
Data support. See L-PRO Offliner/DNP Configuration/Point Map screen for com-
plete point lists and configuration options.
3. Virtual Inputs (default Binary Output points 94-123) can be used to control re-
lay output contacts. See L-PRO Offliner/Setting Group X/Output Matrix screen
for configuration options.

4. Binary Output data points are user selectable; the data points available in the
device for any given Binary Output point selection can be obtained through the
L-PRO Offliner software (see SCADA Setting Summary).

Default Class
Supported Control Operations Assigned to Events
(1, 2, 3 or none)
Cancel Currently Running Operation
Direct Operate - No Ack

Name for Name for

Name State when State when Change Command Description
value is 0 value is 1
Latch Off / NUL
Pulse On / NUL

Latch On / NUL

Direct Operate
Point Index

Count > 1
Pulse Off


0 Output contact 1 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

1 Output contact 2 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

2 Output contact 3 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

3 Output contact 4 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

4 Output contact 5 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

5 Output contact 6 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

6 Output contact 7 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

7 Output contact 8 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

8 Output contact 9 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

9 Output contact 10 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

10 Output contact 11 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

11 Output contact 12 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

12 Output contact 13 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

13 Output contact 14 - - - - - - - - - - - Open Closed None None

14 Virtual Input 1 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

15 Virtual Input 2 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

16 Virtual Input 3 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

17 Virtual Input 4 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

18 Virtual Input 5 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-21

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Default Class
Supported Control Operations Assigned to Events
(1, 2, 3 or none)

Cancel Currently Running Operation

Direct Operate - No Ack
Name for Name for
Name State when State when Change Command Description
value is 0 value is 1

Latch Off / NUL

Pulse On / NUL

Latch On / NUL

Direct Operate
Point Index

Count > 1
Pulse Off

19 Virtual Input 6 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed
at 1 s

20 Virtual Input 7 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

21 Virtual Input 8 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

22 Virtual Input 9 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

23 Virtual Input 10 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

24 Virtual Input 11 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

25 Virtual Input 12 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

26 Virtual Input 13 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

27 Virtual Input 14 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

28 Virtual Input 15 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

29 Virtual Input 16 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

30 Virtual Input 17 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

31 Virtual Input 18 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

32 Virtual Input 19 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

33 Virtual Input 20 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

34 Virtual Input 21 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

35 Virtual Input 22 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

36 Virtual Input 23 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

37 Virtual Input 24 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

38 Virtual Input 25 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

39 Virtual Input 26 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

40 Virtual Input 27 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

41 Virtual Input 28 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

42 Virtual Input 29 Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

43 Virtual Input 30 Y Y Y Y - Y - - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed

at 1 s

44 Get Next Fault Y Y Y Y - Y - - - - - Inactive Active None None Pulse duration fixed
Event at 1 s

45* Output Contact 15 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

Appendix F-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Default Class
Supported Control Operations Assigned to Events
(1, 2, 3 or none)

Cancel Currently Running Operation

Direct Operate - No Ack
Name for Name for
Name State when State when Change Command Description
value is 0 value is 1

Latch Off / NUL

Pulse On / NUL

Latch On / NUL

Direct Operate
Point Index

Count > 1
Pulse Off

46* Output Contact 16 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

47* Output Contact 17 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

48* Output Contact 18 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

49* Output Contact 19 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

50* Output Contact 20 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

51* Output Contact 21 - - - - - - - - - - - Inactive Active None None

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-23

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

2.3 Analog Input Points If configurable,

Static (Steady-State) Group Number: 30 Capabilities Current Value
Event Group Number: 32
list methods

2.3.1 Static Variation reported  Variation 1 - 32-bit with flag

when variation 0  Variation 2 - 16-bit with flag
requested:  Variation 3 - 32-bit without flag
 Variation 4 - 16-bit without flag
 Variation 5 - single-precision floating point with
 Variation 6 - double-precision floating point with
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.3.2 Event Variation  Variation 1 - 32-bit without time

reported when variation  Variation 2 - 16-bit without time
0 requested:  Variation 3 - 32-bit with time
 Variation 4 - 16-bit with time
 Variation 5 - single-precision floating point w/o
 Variation 6 - double-precision floating point w/o
 Variation 7 - single-precision floating point with
 Variation 8 - double-precision floating point with
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.3.3 Event reporting mode:  Only most recent

 All events

2.3.4 Analog Inputs Included  Always

in Class 0 response:  Never
 Only if point is assigned to Class 1, 2, or 3
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.3.5 How Deadbands are  A. Global Fixed L-PRO Offliner

set:  B. Configurable through DNP
 C. Configurable via other means
 D. Other, explain ________________________
 Based on point Index - column specifies which
of the options applies, B, C, or D

2.3.6 Analog Deadband  Simple

Algorithm:  Integrating
simple - just compares the difference from  Other, explain __________________________
the previous reported value

2.3.7 Definition of Analog  Fixed, list shown in table below Complete list is L-PRO Offliner
Input Point List:  Configurable shown in the
 Other, explain_____________________ table below;
points excluded
from the default
configuration are
marked with ‘*’

Appendix F-24 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

1. Analog Inputs are scanned with 500 ms resolution.

2. Nominal values in calculations for the following table are based on 69V sec-
ondary voltage * PT ratio for voltage channels, and either 1 A or 5A secondary
current * CT ratio for current channels dependent upon the format of CT installed
in the L-PRO.

3. Analog Input data points are user selectable; the data points available in the
device for any given Analog Input point selection can be obtained through the L-
PRO Offliner software (see SCADA Setting Summary).

4. When a fault location event is available, Binary Input Fault Information Avail-
able (default point index 39) is asserted while there are still fault location events
in the buffer (size 100). When a Pulse or Latch is received for the Binary Output
Get Next Fault Event (default point index 44, previous state is not important),
NOTES fault event information is put into the Analog Inputs. If there is no fault location
event available when the Binary Output is pulsed, the fault type is set to zero.

Not all fault location events are reported trough DNP. In a burst of fault locations
from a fault, only the first processed event is available through DNP, all other
events within the following 100 ms interval are ignored. Outside 100 ms from the
processed fault location event, the system accepts another fault location event
and performs the same filtering. In addition, only fault location events generated
by trip elements are available.

The following bitmap id used for the fault information Type points:

0x0001 Phase A
0x0002 Phase B
0x0004 Phase C
0x0008 Ground

Transmitted Valuea Scalingb

Point Index

Default Class
Assigned to Multiplier Resolutionc
Minimum Maximumd (default/ (range))
Offset Units (default/ Description
(1, 2, 3 or none) maximal)

0 Line Va Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

1 Line Va Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

2 Line Vb Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

3 Line Vb Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

4 Line Vc Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

5 Line Vc Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

6 Line Ia Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

7 Line Ia Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

8 Line Ib Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

9 Line Ib Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-25

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Transmitted Valuea Scalingb

Point Index

Default Class
Assigned to Multiplier Resolutionc
Minimum Maximumd (default/ (range))
Offset Units (default/ Description
(1, 2, 3 or none) maximal)

10 Line Ic Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

11 Line Ic Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

12 I2a Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

13 I2a Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

14 I2b Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

15 I2b Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

16 I2c Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

17 I2c Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

18 I3a Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

19 I3a Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

20 I3b Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

21 I3b Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

22 I3c Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

23 I3c Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

24 I4a Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

25 I4a Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

26 I4b Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

27 I4b Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

28 I4c Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

29 I4c Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

30 Bus Va Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

31 Bus Va Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

32 Bus Vb Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

33 Bus Vb Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

34 Bus Vc Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

35 Bus Vc Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

36 Pos Seq Fre- 2 0 Configurable 0.01 / (0.001 - 1.0) 0.0 Hz 0.01 / 0.001

37 P 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 MW 0.1 / 0.00001

38 Q 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 Mvar 0.1 / 0.00001

39 Pos Seq Voltage 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 kV 0.1 / 0.00001

40 Pos Seq Current 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

41* Line Za Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 Om 1.0 / 0.01

42* Line Za Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 degrees 0.1 / 0.01

43* Line Zb Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 Om 1.0 / 0.01

44* Line Zb Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 degrees 0.1 / 0.01

45* Line Zc Magnitude 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 Om 1.0 / 0.01

46* Line Zc Angle 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 degrees 0.1 / 0.01

47* Not used 2 0 0 1.0 0.0 NA NA Retained for legacy applica-


48* Not used 2 0 0 1.0 0.0 NA NA Retained for legacy applica-


49* Not used 2 0 0 1.0 0.0 NA NA Retained for legacy applica-


50* Not used 2 0 0 1.0 0.0 NA NA Retained for legacy applica-


51* Not used 2 0 0 1.0 0.0 NA NA Retained for legacy applica-


52* Not used 2 0 0 1.0 0.0 NA NA Retained for legacy applica-


53 Active Setting 2 1 8 1.0 0.0 NA 1.0

Group Number

Appendix F-26 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Transmitted Valuea Scalingb

Point Index

Default Class
Assigned to Multiplier Resolutionc
Minimum Maximumd (default/ (range))
Offset Units (default/ Description
(1, 2, 3 or none) maximal)

54 Fault Information - none 0 65,535 1.0 0.0 NA 1.0 See description below on
DNP Time (High 16 how to access Fault Informa-
bits) tion.

55 Fault Information - none 0 65,535 1.0 0.0 NA 1.0

DNP Time (Middle
16 bits)

56 Fault Information - none 0 65,535 1.0 0.0 NA 1.0

DNP Time (Low 16

57 Fault Information - none 0 Configurable 0.1 0.0 Configura- 0.1

Fault Distance ble

58 Fault Information - none 0 15 1.0 0.0 NA 1.0


59 Ia Summated Mag- 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01


60 Ia Summated 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

61 Ib Summated Mag- 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01

62 Ib Summated 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

63 Ic Summated Mag- 2 0 Configurable 1.0 / (0.01 - 1000) 0.0 A 1.0 / 0.01


64 Ic Summated 2 -18,000 18,000 0.1 / (0.01 - 1.0) 0.0 Degrees 0.1 / 0.01

65 Self check Fail 2 0 65,535 1.0 0.0 NA 1.0

66 S 2 0 Configurable 0.1 / (0.00001- 1.0) 0.0 MVA 0.1 / 0.00001

a. The minimum and maximum transmitted values are the lowest and highest values that the outstation will report in DNP analog input
objects. These values are integers if the outstation transmits only integers. If the outstation is capable of transmitting both integers
and floating-point, then integer and floating-point values are required for the minimums and maximums.
For example, a pressure sensor is able to measure 0 to 500 kPa. The outstation provides a linear conversion of the sensor's output
signal to integers in the range of 0 to 25000 or floating-point values of 0 to 500.000. The sensor and outstation are used in an ap-
plication where the maximum possible pressure is 380 kPa. For this input, the minimum transmitted value would be stated as 0 /
0.0 and the maximum transmitted value would be stated as 19000 / 380.000.
b. The scaling information for each point specifies how data transmitted in integer variations (16 bit and 32 bit) is converted to engi-
neering units when received by the Master (i.e. scaled according to the equation: scaled value = multiplier * raw + offset). Scaling
is not applied to Floating point variations since they are already transmitted in engineering units.
c. Resolution is the smallest change that may be detected in the value due to quantization errors and is given in the units shown in the
previous column. This parameter does not represent the accuracy of the measurement.
d. Maximal values are calculated as (2 * Configured Nominal / Multiplier) for voltage channels and as (40 * Configured Nominal /
Multiplier) for current channels (see Note 2 above for the nominal definitions).

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-27

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

2.4 Octet String Points If configurable,

Static (Steady-State) Group Number: 110 Capabilities Current Value
Event Group Number: 111
list methods

2.4.1 Event reporting mode *:  Only most recent

 All events

2.4.2 Octet Strings Included  Always

in Class 0 response:  Never
 Only if point is assigned to Class 1, 2, or 3
 Based on point Index (add column to table

2.4.3 Definition of Octet  Fixed, list shown in table below

String Point List:  Configurable (current list may be shown in table
 Other, explain Used for Event Log access as
described below

* Object 110 and 111 are Octet String Object used to provide access to the
Event Log text of the relay. Object 110 always contains the most recent event
in the relay. Object 111 is the corresponding change event object.
As stated in the DNP specifications, the variation of the response object repre-
sents the length of the string. The string represents the ASCII values of the
event text. The first two characters in the string can be used to quickly identify
fault location events. Fault locator events begin with the characters "FL"
(0x46, 0x4C hex). The following example shows a fault distance event re-
turned through either of the octet string objects:
Event Message:

FL2000Sep21 20:16:16.966: 21P1 AB 1.0km: Trip

DNP Octet string object components:

0x46 0x4C 0x32 0x30 0x30 0x30

0x53 0x65 0x70 0x32 0x31 0x20

0x32 0x30 0x3A 0x31 0x36 0x3A

0x31 0x36 0x2E 0x39 0x36 0x36

0x20 0x32 0x31 0x50 0x31 0x20

0x41 0x42 0x20 0x31 0x2E 0x30

0x6B 0x6D 0x3A 0x20 0x54 0x72

0x69 0x70

Appendix F-28 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Implementation The following implementation table identifies which object groups and varia-
Table tions, function codes and qualifiers the device supports in both requests and re-
sponses. The Request columns identify all requests that may be sent by a
Master, or all requests that must be parsed by an Outstation. The Response col-
umns identify all responses that must be parsed by a Master, or all responses
that may be sent by an Outstation.

The implementation table must list all functionality required by the device wheth-
er Master or Outstation as defined within the DNP3 IED Conformance Test Pro-
cedures. Any functionality beyond the highest subset level supported is
indicated by highlighted rows. Any Object Groups not provided by an outstation
or not processed by a Master are indicated by strikethrough (note these Object
Groups will still be parsed).

Request Response
DNP Object Group & Variation
Outstation parses Outstation can issue

Group Var Function Codes Function Codes

Description Qualifier Codes (hex) Qualifier Codes (hex)
Num Num (dec) (dec)

1 0 Binary Input - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

1 1 Binary Input - Packed format 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

1 2 Binary Input - With flags 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

2 0 Binary Input Event - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
07, 08 (limited qty)

2 1 Binary Input Event - Without time 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
07, 08 (limited qty) 130 (unsol. resp)

2 2 Binary Input Event - With absolute 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
time 07, 08 (limited qty) 130 (unsol. resp)

2 3 Binary Input Event - With relative 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
time 07, 08 (limited qty) 130 (unsol. resp)

10 0 Binary Output - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

10 2 Binary Output - Output Status with 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
flag 00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

12 1 Binary Command - Control relay 3 (select) 17, 28 (index) 129 (response) Echo of request
output block (CROB) 4 (operate)
5 (direct op)
6 (dir. op, no ack)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-29

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Request Response
DNP Object Group & Variation
Outstation parses Outstation can issue

Group Var Function Codes Function Codes

Description Qualifier Codes (hex) Qualifier Codes (hex)
Num Num (dec) (dec)

20 0 Counter - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response)

7 (freeze)
8 ( freeze noack)
9 (freeze clear)
10 (frz. cl. noack)

20 1 Counter - 32-bit with flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

20 2 Counter - 16-bit with flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

20 5 Counter - 32-bit without flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

20 6 Counter - 16-bit without flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

21 0 Frozen Counter - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all)

21 1 Frozen Counter - 32-bit with flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

21 2 Frozen Counter - 16-bit with flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

21 9 Frozen Counter - 32-bit without flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

21 10 Frozen Counter - 16-bit without flag 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

22 0 Counter Event - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all)

07, 08 (limited qty)

22 1 Counter Event - 32-bit with flag 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)

130 (unsol. resp)

22 2 Counter Event - 16-bit with flag 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)

130 (unsol. resp)

30 0 Analog Input - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

30 1 Analog Input - 32-bit with flag 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

30 2 Analog Input - 16-bit with flag 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

30 3 Analog Input - 32-bit without flag 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

30 4 Analog Input - 16-bit without flag 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)
00, 01 (start-stop)
07, 08 (limited qty)
17, 28 (index)

32 0 Analog Input Event - Any Variation 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
07, 08 (limited qty)

32 1 Analog Input Event - 32-bit without 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
time 07, 08 (limited qty) 130 (unsol. resp)

32 2 Analog Input Event - 16-bit without 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
time 07, 08 (limited qty) 130 (unsol. resp)

32 3 Analog Input Event - 32-bit with time 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
07, 08 (limited qty)

32 4 Analog Input Event - 16-bit with time 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)
07, 08 (limited qty)

40 0 Analog Output Status - Any Varia- 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response)

Appendix F-30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix F DNP3 Device Profile

Request Response
DNP Object Group & Variation
Outstation parses Outstation can issue

Group Var Function Codes Function Codes

Description Qualifier Codes (hex) Qualifier Codes (hex)
Num Num (dec) (dec)

40 2 Analog Output Status - 16-bit with 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)


41 2 Analog Output - 16-bit 3 (select) 17, 28 (index) 129 (response) Echo of request
4 (operate)
5 (direct op)
6 (dir. op, no ack)

50 1 Time and Date - Absolute time 2 (write) 07 (limited qty = 1) 129 (response)

51 1 Time and Date CTO - Absolute time, 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)
synchronized 130 (unsol. resp) (qty = 1)

51 2 Time and Date CTO - Absolute time, 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)
unsynchronized 130 (unsol. resp) (qty = 1)

52 1 Time Delay - Coarse 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)

(qty = 1)

52 2 Time delay - Fine 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)

(qty = 1)

60 1 Class Objects - Class 0 data 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)

60 2 Class Objects - Class 1 data 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)

60 3 Class Objects - Class 2 data 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)

60 4 Class Objects - Class 3 data 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 17, 28 (index)

80 1 Internal Indications - Packet format 2 (write) 00 (start-stop) 129 (response)

(index = 7)

110 0 Octet string 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)

111 0 Octet string event 1 (read) 06 (no range, or all) 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)

No Object (function code only) 13 (cold restart) 129 (response)

No Object (function code only) 14 (warm restart) 129 (response)

No Object (function code only) 23 (delay meas.) 129 (response)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix F-31





Figure G.1: Mechanical Drawing (3U)

L-PRO 4000 User Manual

18.547 .212

17.953 .215




(119) (150) (typ)
Appendix G Mechanical Drawings

X (typ)

Appendix G-1

Appendix G-2
Appendix G Mechanical Drawings




Figure G.1: Mechanical Drawing (4U)

L-PRO 4000 User Manual


18.547 .212







(119) (150) (typ)

X 6.500

48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 121
External 118 TX 119 RX TX 120 RX 122 123
Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Modem 100BASE- T FX 100BASE- T FX

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

Figure H.1: Rear Panel – 3U Chassis


L-PRO 4000 User Manual

Contacts RELAY
INOPERATIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contacts 9 10 11 12 13 14

200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
1A 5A 50Hz 60Hz
Main AC Line Currents Aux. AC Line Currents AC Current Inputs (Record Only) Aux. AC Volts Unused Main AC Volts Unused
I 1A I 1B I 1C I 2A I 2B I 2C I 3A I 3B I 3C I 4A I 4B I 4C VA VB VC N VA VB VC N

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Power Supply
48 to 250 Vdc
100 to 240 Vac
Made in Canada 336 337
Appendix H Rear Panel Drawings

Appendix H-1
Appendix H-2
Appendix H Rear Panel Drawings

48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 121
External 118 TX 119 RX TX 120 RX 122 123
Inputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Modem 100BASE- T FX 100BASE- T FX

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
48 V 48 V 48 V 48 V 48 V
125 V 125 V 125 V 125 V 125 V
External 250 V 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 250 V 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V 250 V 250 V External 48 125 250 V 48 125 250 V NO NO NO NO NC NO NC NO NC NO NC Output
Inputs 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Inputs 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Contacts

Figure H.2: Rear Panel – 4U Chassis

L-PRO 4000 User Manual

400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435


Contacts INOPERATIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contacts 9 10 11 12 13 14

200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
1A 5A 50Hz 60Hz
Main AC Line Currents Aux. AC Line Currents AC Current Inputs (Record Only) Aux. AC Volts Unused Main AC Volts Unused
I 1A I 1B I 1C I 2A I 2B I 2C I 3A I 3B I 3C I 4A I 4B I 4C VA VB VC N VA VB VC N

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Power Supply
48 to 250 Vdc
100 to 240 Vac
Made in Canada 336 337

Bus A
Line Breaker
A Line CTs Protected Line
B 52-1 B

Line Breaker

Aux AC

Figure I.1: L-PRO AC Schematic

Main AC

L-PRO 4000 User Manual

Bus A Bus B
IA 1 IA 1 IB 1 IB 1 IC 1 IC 1 IA 2 IA 2 IB 2 IB 2 IC 2 IC 2 IA 3 IA 3 IB 3 IB 3 IC 3 IC 3 IA 4 IA 4 IB 4 IB 4 IC 4 IC 4 VA VB VC N Spare VA VB VC N
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333
Appendix I AC Schematic Drawings

Main AC Aux AC CT Input #3 CT Input #4 Aux Main

Line Currents Line Currents AC Volts AC Volts
AC Current Inputs

1. CT inputs 1 to be used for protection and for recording of the protected line.
2. CT inputs 2 can be used for second set of line currents for ring bus applications.
3. CT inputs 3 and 4 can be used for mutual compensation, recording other AC currents.

Appendix I-1
4. AC Aux Voltage inputs used for line sync and over/under protection, main AC voltage inputs used for line protection.
Appendix J DC Schematic Drawings

Relay Standard Output Relay Contacts (All Chassis)


200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228
NC Out1 Out2 Out3 Out4 Out5 Out6 Out7 Out8 Out9 Out10 Out11 Out12 Out13 Out14
+ 336
201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229
Optional Output Relay Contacts (4U Chassis)
- 337

422 424 426 428 430 432 434

Out15 Out16 Out17 Out18 Out19 Out20 Out21
423 425 427 429 431 433 435


Standard External Inputs (All Chassis)

+ 100 + 102 + 104 + 106 + 108 + 110 + 112 + 114 + 116

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 101 - 103 - 105 - 107 - 109 - 111 - 113 - 115 - 117

Optional External Inputs (4U Chassis)

+ 400 + 402 + 404 + 406 + 408 + 410 + 412 + 414 + 416 + 418 + 420

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- 401 - 403 - 405 - 407 - 409 - 411 - 413 - 415 - 417 - 419 - 421

1. IRIG-B and comm ports shown separately on L-PRO rear panel layout drawing.
2. All output relays can be programmed to operate on any relay function.
3. All outputs are rated tripping duty, interrupting via breaker aux "a" contact

Figure J.1: L-PRO DC Schematic

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix J-1

Appendix K Function Logic Diagram
Diagram in plastic sleeve.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix K-1

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example
Protection, The relay does not block any protection functions or external inputs during the
Timers and I/O setting save or active group change, but the external output contacts are reset
Status for one cycle.
The relay applies the setting parameters, resets all protection functions, resets
all timers and continues to process the protection algorithms but does not apply
any action to the output contacts for one cycle. For close-in (heavy) fault con-
ditions that occur at the time of a setting change the relay performance has a
maximum increase in output delay of one cycle. For light fault conditions the
relay performance does not have a noticeable change. There is normally a one
cycle decision making process of operating time. When the relay algorithms
determine that a fault is present, tripping will occur after a one cycle delay. It
will take an additional 3 ms to actually close the output tripping contacts.

Latch Status The relay does not reset any ProLogic, Group Logic or Virtual Input latch func-
tions during the setting save or active group change. Retaining latch status al-
lows the relay continuous access to specific latched logic states. This is useful
when the relay has ProLogic, Group Logic or Virtual Input functions used to
block protection or ancillary functions for specific operating conditions.

Event Status The relay resets all the events that are currently high and reports states of all
Reset the events that remain high after a setting change.

Viewing Active To view the active setting group and status of the group logic functions in real
Setting Group time via the TUI, enter the Metering/Logic/Setting Group menu choice. To
view a snapshot of the group logic data, enter the Settings/Active Group menu

Front Panel The front panel display along with the front panel control buttons allow the
Active Setting user to access metering and setting functions within the relay.
Group The front display also allows the user to reset the LED target lights that will
occur if a relay trip occurs. The front display will go dark and reset if no user
interaction has taken place for a period of time. Pressing any of the front panel
control buttons brings the front panel to life.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-1

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

L.1 Switching Setting Groups

The user can program a total of 16 Group Logic statements per setting group
to cause a setting change from one group to another. Create settings using the
Offliner setting software or by using the Terminal Mode.
Some common uses for setting groups might be cold load pickup, Zone 1 and/
or Zone 2 reach extension for phase and ground distance elements, zero
sequence source increase or decrease.
An example of pulsing an external input and an example of a solid initiate to
activate setting group changes are shown below.

Using One Use one external input connected to a SCADA output contact to toggle be-
External Input tween 2 or more setting groups. In this example we connect external input one
to Toggle (EI 1) to the SCADA control output contact and switch between group 1 and
Setting Group group 2. If the user wanted to switch through all setting groups, group logic 2
would switch to setting group 3, and so forth. If the contact input to switch set-
ting groups becomes welded shut or the SCADA system has a problem, the re-
lay will only switch to the new logic and stay in that logic until the input has
been de-energized for the ProLogic pickup delay, which was set to 10 seconds.

Setting Group 1 – Logic Statements

When setting group one becomes active either through a setting group change
or is the default group after relay power up, ProLogic 9 becomes high after the
10.00 second delay, if EI 1 is low. ProLogic 9 is set for a 0.26 second dropout
time; to be used with ProLogic 10 dropout timer allowing for the slower pro-
cessing thread where Group Logic is processed and providing a definite timed
pulse to the group logic.

Figure L.1: ProLogic 9

Appendix L-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Prologic 10 has no intentional delay and becomes high for the combined drop-
out time of ProLogic 9 and 10 equalling 0.52 seconds.

Figure L.2: ProLogic 10

Group Logic 1 is used to switch to the new setting group; there is no intentional
delay. The user can also provide 4 additional logic inputs to be used to provide
qualifiers before switching setting groups. The example uses a ProLogic state-
ment and an external input as qualifiers, see example “Using ProLogic to Qual-
ify Group Logic Statements” in Appendix L’ on page Appendix L-8.

Figure L.3: Group Logic 1

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-3

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Setting Group 2 – Logic Statements

When setting group 2 becomes active either through a setting group change or
is the default group after relay power up, ProLogic 9 becomes high after the
10.00 second delay, if external input one is low. The example shows ProLogic
9 set for a 0.26 second dropout time to be used with ProLogic 10 dropout timer
allowing for the slower processing thread where Group Logic is processed and
providing a definite timed pulse to the group logic.

Figure L.4: ProLogic 9

Prologic 10 has no intentional delay and becomes high for the combined drop-
out time of ProLogic 9 and 10 equalling 0.52 seconds.

Figure L.5: ProLogic 10

Group Logic 1 is used to switch to the new setting group; there is no intentional

Figure L.6: Group Logic 1

Appendix L-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Using Three Three external inputs connected to an 8 position selector switch. The output
External Inputs contact is used to build a truth table to toggle between 8 setting groups. In this
to Toggle example we connect EI 1, EI 2, and EI 3 to the selector switch output contacts.
Setting Group

Input States Setting Group to Activate

EI 3 EI 2 EI 1

1 0 0 0 Setting Group 1

2 0 0 1 Setting Group 2

3 0 1 0 Setting Group 3

4 0 1 1 Setting Group 4

5 1 0 0 Setting Group 5

6 1 0 1 Setting Group 6

7 1 1 0 Setting Group 7

8 1 1 1 Setting Group 8

Setting Group 1…8 – Logic Statements

The following Group Logic statements are entered into each of the 8 setting
When the selector switch is rotated to the appropriate position the correspond-
ing setting group becomes active. Each setting group logic can have a specific
time delay pickup setting. The user can also provide 2 additional logic inputs
in each statement to be used to provide qualifiers before switching setting
groups. We are using a ProLogic statement and an external input as qualifiers,
see “Using ProLogic to Qualify Group Logic Statements” in Appendix L’ on
page Appendix L-8.

EI 1 low, EI 2 low, and EI 3 low

Figure L.7: Group Logic 16

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-5

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

EI 1 high, EI 2 low, and EI 3 low

Figure L.8: Group Logic 15

EI 1 low, EI 2 high, and EI 3 low

Figure L.9: Group Logic 14

EI 1 high, EI 2 high, and EI 3 low

Figure L.10: Group Logic 13

Appendix L-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

EI 1 low, EI 2 low, and EI 3 high

Figure L.11: Group Logic 12

EI 1 high, EI 2 low, and EI 3 high

Figure L.12: Group Logic 11

EI 1 low, EI 2 high, and EI 3 high

Figure L.13: Group Logic 10

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-7

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

EI 1 high, EI 2 high, and EI 3 high

Figure L.14: Group Logic 9

Using ProLogic Select from any available ProLogic inputs to make specific blocking logic to
to Qualify be used as a qualifier for any group logic decisions. In this example we use ei-
Group Logic ther the zone 1 or zone 2 phase distance elements or the communications trip
Statements or the communications send or the Power Swing outer blinder alarm to drive
the Block Group Logic statement. There is no intentional pickup delay and 0.5
second drop-out delay to hold the block on after the block condition has reset.

Figure L.15: ProLogic 8

Appendix L-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

L.2 79 Auto-recloser Examples

The user can program up to 4 shots or reclose attempts with the 79 function,
with various lead and follow breaker options. Create settings by using the Of-
fliner settings software or by using the Relay Control Panel.

79 Recloser

Figure L.16: 79 Recloser

Setting the recloser is all done in one screen.

In our example we are using one shot with an open interval of 10 seconds (T1)
for the Main circuit breaker and a follow interval of 5 seconds (TF) for the aux-
iliary circuit breaker. This means that 10 seconds after both breakers open the
main breaker will attempt to reclose and 5 seconds after the main breaker has
closed the auxiliary breaker will attempt to close. The main and auxiliary close
signal time is set to last for 0.5 seconds (TP). When the recloser receives an
initiation signal that signal will stay high for an additional time of 1.0 seconds
which allows the recloser to seal-in (TDI).
We are not using sync control is this example. If sync control was necessary
the user only has to enable sync control and then set the appropriate settings in
the 25/27/59 screen. For example if Dead Main Dead Auxiliary was selected
the recloser would be blocked unless both main and auxiliary voltages are be-
low 20 V (positive sequence).
The recloser mode setting is related to the Ring Bus Configuration (auxiliary
CT line input) and must match the breaker configuration in the system param-
eters screen.

Figure L.17: Invalid Action

Most protection schemes require the ability to block the 79 when certain events
happen. In our example we are using Virtual Input 7 (VI 7) to block. The 79
blocking is set to last for an additional time of 1.0 seconds (TDB).

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-9

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

79 initiation is done by simply setting the desired function in the output matrix.

Figure L.18: Output Matrix

The 79 can also automatically move the follow breaker into the lead position
if the lead breaker has been out of service for an extended period of time. The
out of service indication is also used to prevent reclosing attempts to the main
or auxiliary breaker. In our example a breaker has to be opened and stay open
for a time of 120.0 seconds (TC).
The 79 can also be configured with the follow breaker switch setting. In this
example we are using the TF follow time of 5.0 seconds for the 2nd breaker
open interval. The user can use the recloser reset time of TD by selecting the
“close after recloser reset time” setting.

Figure L.19: Breaker Status

52 - Breaker Status can use any external input or ProLogic statement. The re-
closer does not have to be enabled for this logic to work. The 2 circuit breakers
cannot share the same input.

Appendix L-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Figure L.20: Invalid Selection

Test Examples to test the 79 functions using Virtual Inputs and ProLogic to simu-
Configuration late the reclose initiation and breaker contact “a” status are shown below.
Virtual Inputs are multi-use logic points that are accessed remotely via SCA-
DA control and/or locally via the Terminal User Interface (TUI).
We will set up 6 virtual inputs to trip and close each breaker and to initiate the
79. External inputs to provide the breaker “a”, trip, close, and initiate signals
can be used, but using virtual inputs and ProLogic testing is quicker and does
not require an external dc supply or relays to simulate the circuit breakers.

Virtual Inputs The Virtual Input (VI) names are used for descriptive purposes. This name will
appear in the event log when the logic point becomes active. The relay supports
2 circuit breakers and in this example we will name the main circuit breaker
52-1 and the auxiliary circuit breaker 52-2. Virtual Inputs 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be
used as Control Switches (CS) for tripping and closing while Virtual Input 7
will be used to enable or disable the 79. Virtual Input 5 is used to trip circuit
breakers 52-1 and 52-2, and to provide recloser initiation. Virtual Input 6 is
used to provide recloser initiation without any tripping (used to help test logic)

Figure L.21: Virtual Inputs

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-11

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Main and ProLogic statement 1 and 3 are used to provide a common tripping logic point
Auxiliary Circuit for the circuit breaker this is analogous to creating a dc trip bus to gather the
Breaker Trip trip and no reclose or trip and reclose signals. VI2 and VI4 are (VI2 for main
Logic and VI4 for auxiliary) the trip and no reclose while VI5 is the trip and reclose
(common to main and auxiliary) signal.

Figure L.22: ProLogic 1 – 52-1 Trip

Figure L.23: ProLogic 3 – 52-2 Trip

Appendix L-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Circuit Breaker ProLogic statement 2 and 4 are used to provide a simulated logic point for the
Simulator Logic circuit breaker contact “a” status. The output of this logic is used as the input
for the 52 - Breaker Status (see 79 Recloser Settings). The 79 Main Reclose
logic point and VI1 provide the close signal ProLogic 1 provides the trip signal.
The pickup and dropout time delays are used to simulate breaker tripping and
closing times.

Figure L.24: ProLogic 2 – 52-1 “a” Status

Figure L.25: ProLogic 4 – 52-2 “a” Status

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-13

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Testing the 79 1 Apply the previous settings to the relay.

Recloser 2 Set PL9 to:

Figure L.26: ProLogic 9 - TP Start

3 Set PL10 to:

Figure L.27: ProLogic 10 - TP End

Appendix L-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

4 Set PL6 to:

(used for monitoring purposes)

Figure L.28: ProLogic 6 - not 79 Lockout

5 Clear the event log.

6 Check the metering screen for ProLogic. 52-1 and 52-2 should be low.

Figure L.29: ProLogic status for 52-1 and 52-2 are low

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-15

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

7 Check the metering screen for Protection. All 79 logic points should be low.

Figure L.30: Protection Metering Screen

Appendix L-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

8 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and “close” 52-1 and 52-2 using the Pulse
On action for the Virtual Input 1 and Virtual Input 2. This will activate Pro-
Logic 2 and 4.

Figure L.31: Control Virtual Input '52-1 Close 52-CS' to 'Pulse On'

9 Check the event log for VI1 and VI3 along with PL2 and PL4.

Figure L.32: '52-1 a status: High 'and '52-2 a status: High'

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-17

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

10 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “Manual 79 I” using the Pulse
On action for the Virtual Input 6. This will initiate the recloser but no action
will be taken because the circuit breakers remain closed.

Figure L.33: Pulse On 'Manual 79'

11 Check the event log and confirm there was no reclosure action.

Figure L.34: 79-3Ph Initiated: High

Appendix L-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

12 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “52-1, 52-2 Trip&79I” using
the Pulse On action for the Virtual Input 5. This will trip both breakers and
initiate the reclosing sequence.

Figure L.35: select 52-1, 52-2 Trip&79I using the Pulse On action

13 Check the event log and confirm that 52-1was the first breaker and 52-2
was the second breaker. Check open interval time and follower time, the
close pulse can be measured from the time between PL9 and PL10 going
• T1 - Open interval time equals time from 79 Initiate event to 79 Main
Reclose (shot 1) event.
• TP - Close pulse time equals time from TP start: PL9 event to TP end:
PL10 event.
• TF - Follow breaker time equals time from 52-1 “a” status: PL2 event
to 79 Au Auxiliary Reclose (shot 1) event.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-19

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Figure L.36: Main and Aux Recloser operating sequence events

14 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “52-1 Trip 52-CS” using the
Pulse On action for the virtual inputs. This will trip breaker 52-1 and after
timer TC, 52-2 (follow breaker) will move into the lead position.
15 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “52-1, 52-2 Trip&79I” using
the Pulse On action for the virtual inputs. This will trip breaker 52-2 and in-
itiate the reclosing sequence.
16 Check the event log and confirm that only 52-2 breaker reclosed and was
in the lead position. Confirm that 52-1 breaker did not receive any reclose

Appendix L-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Figure L.37: Only 52-2 breaker reclosed and was in the lead position

17 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “52-1 Close 52-CS” using the
Pulse On action for the virtual inputs. This will close breaker 52-1 and after
a fixed delay of 10.0 seconds breaker 52-1 will move back into the lead po-
sition and 52-2 (follow breaker) will move back into the follow position.
18 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “52-1, 52-2 Trip&79I” using
the Pulse On action for the virtual inputs. This will trip both breakers and
initiate the reclosing sequence.
19 After 52-1 closes and before 52-2 closes select “52-1, 52-2 Trip&79I” us-
ing the Pulse On action for the virtual inputs. This will trip breaker 52-1 and
cause a lockout alarm to be generated and block the follow breaker reclose
20 Check the event log and confirm the 79 Lead Lockout event and that there
was no follow breaker reclose attempt.
• 79 Lead Lockout - The time equals time from 79 Initiate event to 79
Lead Lockout event (approx. TP + 1.0s).

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-21

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Figure L.38: 79-3Ph Lead lockout event log

21 Go to the Control Virtual Inputs and select “52-1 Close 52-CS” using the
Pulse On action for the virtual inputs. This will close breaker 52-1 and after
a fixed delay of TD seconds the recloser will reset.

-aided Tripping
L-PRO #1 L-PRO #2
1 2

3 4

Figure L.39: Current Reversal Logic example

Appendix L-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Current The relays are installed and provide line protection by the tripping Breaker #1
Reversal Logic and Breaker #2 respectively. A ground fault occurs at location F in the parallel
Example line. Initially, 21N2 of L-PRO #2 picks up and sends a permissive transfer trip
signal to L-PRO #1. Since L-PRO #1 detects a reverse fault (21N4 picks up),
it neither trips the breaker nor sends a permissive transfer trip signal. When
breaker #3 opens due to a zone 1 trip, the current reversal condition occurs on
L-PRO #1. If the 21P2 on L-PRO #1 operates, and if the received permissive
transfer trip signal from L-PRO #2 still exists the POTT scheme on L-PRO #1
will trip breaker #1. To prevent this unwanted tripping on the parallel line, the
relay has current reversal logic. The relay current reversal logic prevents the
false trip during this current reversal condition. Gate #116 of the functional
logic diagram and timer TL1 and TD1 stretch the zone 4 logic and block the
POTT scheme from tripping the breaker or sending the transfer trip signal to
the remote end.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-23

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

Communication The basic selection does not provide any communication-aided logic for local
-aided Tripping or remote protections.
Scheme Timer
Receiver #1
Receiver #2 102 103

104 21-4 R 105
Receiver #1 0
Receiver #2 106
(If DCB shceme is TD2
selected, Zone 4 must TL2
be set reverse) 0

60 110 0
3ms 111
0 112
27 V1
59 V0 Weak Infeed Enable

Receiver #1
Receiver #2

51NAlarm 115
114 21-2 118

TL3, TD3 range: 0-1s


3I0 > Pickup
Forward 121
Non-directional 21N4
(+) 21P4
3I0 > Pickup TCB 21N1
Reverse 122 21P1

Figure L.40: Communication-aided Scheme

Appendix L-24 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

L-PRO Scheme Timers Summary

Table 1.3: DCB Scheme Timers

Timer Considerations

TD2 Upon receipt of a Blocking Signal at the local end from the remote end, TD2
extends the Blocking Signal to prevent a Scheme Trip.
The Blocking Signal should be extended by:
Time for the local 21-2 to de-assert (~1 cycle) – Blocking Signal Channel
Reset Time (i.e. the time for the removal of the Block to propagate from the
remote end to the local end) + Security Margin*.

TL2 Delays the local 21-2 from producing a Scheme Trip for at least as long as it
would take a Blocking Signal to arrive from the remote end.
Should be set longer than the remote end 21-4R (OR 50-67R) detection
time (~1 cycle) + Blocking Channel Time + Security Margin*.

Table 1.4: POTT Scheme Timers

Timer Considerations

TL1 TL1 is intended for Parallel Line applications**:

Delays or prevents scheme trip upon detection of a current reversal at the
local end.
Time Delay should be set to less than: Remote End 21-2 Detection Time
(~25msec) + Total End to End Channel Time

TD1 Also for Parallel Line Applications**:

Extends current reversal blocking of the Scheme Trip and Send.
Should be set such that it will not block the local relay if the fault becomes
forward and internal. However it needs to be set long enough to allow the
permissive trip from the remote end to de-assert in the event that the
remote fault reverses (remote external reverse fault).
So, set local TD2 to: Remote 21-2 Reset Time + Channel Reset Time +
Security Margin*.

Table 1.5: Scheme Selector Timers

Timer Considerations

TL3 Local fault duration must be greater than this time in order to produce a
Scheme Send.
POTT and PUTT = Permissive Trip
DCB = Block Signal (derived from 21-4R (OR 50N-67R) AND NOT 21-2)

TD3 Stretches the Scheme Send signal to ensure that it's received by the
remote end relay. Set longer than the channel pickup delay.

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix L-25

Appendix L L-PRO Setting Example

* Security Margin = 0.5 to 1 cycle or a percentage of total expected time to account for errors in
scheme timing assumptions.
** Parallel Line applications: fault contribution can come from unfaulted line appearing as a Zone
2 fault at one end and zone 4 reverse fault at the other end. Depending on the location of the fault
on the faulted line and which breaker clears first, the current may change direction and the 2 ter-
minals on the unfaulted line may change state from forward to reverse and reverse to forward.
The unfaulted line contribution may come either end on a networked system.

Appendix L-26 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix M Failure Modes

Inputs DSP MPC
Laptop or Remote
Digital Signal Micro-
Processor Processor

Watchdog Watchdog

System Self- Comm Self- System
Fail check Fail check Fail
Fail Fail

M.1 Actions
A - DSP System Failure
The Relay Functional LED changes from green to off. The Master Relay is de-
energized. Two of its contacts open, disconnecting power to the other auxiliary
relays. A separate contact labeled “Relay Inoperative” on the rear panel closes
to activate a remote alarm.
The watch-dog repeatedly attempts to re-start the DSP for diagnostic purposes.
The Relay Functional LED stays off and the relays remain de-energized, even
for a successful re-start. Only a power-down/power-up cycle will reset the
LED to green and re-energize the relays.

B – DSP Self-Check Fail

The Self Check Fail output can be assigned and used in ProLogic statements
and the Output Matrix.
The Relay Functional LED changes from green to off. The Master Relay is de-
energized. Two of its contacts open, disconnecting power to the other auxiliary
relays. A separate contact labeled “Relay Inoperative” on the rear panel closes
to activate a remote alarm.
For B - If Self Check Fail: Block occurs, the Relay Functional LED changes
from green to off. The Master Relay is de-energized. Two of its contacts open,
disconnecting power to the other auxiliary relays. A separate contact labeled
“Relay Inoperative” on the rear panel closes to activate a remote alarm.
There are two possibilities for DSP Self Check Fail, either Alarm or Block.
Both are related to the dc offset on a channel which should not occur with prop-

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix M-1

Appendix M Failure Modes

er calibration. Alarm just drives the optional output contact but Block causes
the Relay Functional LED to go out and the relay to be unable to drive any out-
put contact.

C – DSP- Micro Processor (MPC) Comm Failure, or D - MPC Self-

Check Fail
The Service Required LED changes from off to red.

E – MPC System Fail

The Test Mode LED changes from off to red until the MPC has rebooted. The
watchdog will continue to attempt to re-start the MPC several times. After
multiple failed attempts, the Service Required LED changes from off to red.

Appendix M-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation
N.1 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
Introduction This specification is the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
(PICS) and presents the ACSI conformance statements as defined in Annex A
of Part 7-2 of the IEC 61850 standard specifications.

ACSI basic conformance statement

The basic conformance statement shall be as defined in Table N.1: Basic Con-
formance Statement.

Table N.1: Basic Conformance Statement

Server/Publisher Remarks

Client -Server Roles

B11 Server Side (of two-party-applica- c1 YES


B12 Client Side (of two-party-application- NO


SCSMs supported

B21 SCSM:IEC 61850-8-1 used YES

B22 SCSM:IEC 61850-9-1 used NO

B23 SCSM:IEC 61850-9-2 used NO

B24 SCSM: other NO

Generic Substation event Model(GSE)

B31 Publisher side O YES

B32 Subscriber Side YES

Transmission of Sampled value model (SVC)

B41 Publisher side O NO

B42 Subscriber side - NO

c1 - Shall be ‘M’ if support for Logical-device model has been declared

O - Optional
M - Mandatory

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-1

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

ACSI models conformance statement

The ASCI models conformance statement shall be as defined in Table

N.2: ACSI models Conformance Statement.

Table N.2: ACSI models Conformance Statement


If Sever side (B11) supported

M1 Logical Device c2 YES

M2 Logical Node c3 YES

M3 Data c4 YES

M4 Data Set c5 YES

M5 Substitution O YES

M6 Setting group control O NO


M7 Buffered report control O YES

M7-1 Sequence – number YES

M7-2 Report-time-stamp YES

M7-3 Reason-for-inclusion YES

M7-4 Data-set-name YES

M7-5 Data-reference YES

M7-6 Buffer-overflow YES

M7-7 Entry id YES

M7-8 Buf Tm YES

M7-9 IntgPd YES

M7-10 GI YES

M8 Unbuffered report control O YES

M8-1 Sequence – number YES

M8-2 Report-time-stamp YES

M8-3 Reason-for-inclusion YES

M8-4 Data-set-name YES

M8-5 Data-reference YES

M8-6 IntgPd YES


Logging O NO

Appendix N-2 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Table N.2: ACSI models Conformance Statement

M9 Log control O NO

M9-1 IntgPd NO

M10 Log O NO

M11 Control M NO

If GSE (B31/B32) is supported

M12-1 EntryID

M12-2 DataReflnc

ACSI service conformance statement

The ASCI service conformance statement shall be as defined in Table

N.3: ACSI service Conformance Statement.

Table N.3: ACSI service Conformance Statement

Services AA: Server/ Remarks

TP/MC Publisher

Server (Clause 6)

S1 ServerDirectory TP M YES

Table N.4: Application association (Clause 7)

S2 Associate M YES

S3 Abort M YES

S4 Release M YES

Table N.5: Logical device (Clause 8)

S5 Logical Device Directory TP M YES

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-3

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Table N.6: Logical Node (Clause 9)

S6 LogicalNodeDirectory TP M YES

S7 GetAllDataValues TP M YES

Table N.7: Data (Clause 10)

S8 GetDataValues TP M YES

S9 SetDataValues TP O YES

S10 GetDataDirectory TP M YES

S11 GetDataDefinition TP M YES

Table N.8: Data Set(Clause 11

S12 GetDataSetValues TP M YES

S13 SetDataSetValues TP O NO

S14 CreateDataSet TP O NO

S15 DeleteDataSet TP O NO

S16 GetDataSetDirectory TP O YES

Table N.9: Substitution (Clause 12)

S17 SetDataValues TP M YES

Table N.10: Setting group control (Clause 13)

S18 SelectActive SG TP O NO

S19 SelectEdit SG TP O NO

S20 SetSGvalues TP O NO

S21 ConfirmEditSGvalues TP O NO

S22 GetSGvalues TP O NO

S23 GetSGCBvalues TP O NO

Appendix N-4 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Table N.11: Reporting (Clause 14)

Buffered report control block(BRCB)

S24 Report TP c6 YES

S24-1 Data-change(dchg) YES

S24-2 qchg-change(qchg) NO

S24-3 Data-update(dupd) NO

S25 GetBRCBValues TP c6 YES

S26 SetBRCBValues TP c6 YES

Unbuffered report control block(URCB)

S27 Report TP c6 YES

S27-1 Data-change(dchg) YES

S27-2 qchg-change(qchg) NO

S27-3 Data-update(dupd) NO

S28 GetURCBValues TP c6 YES

S29 SetURCBValues TP c6 YES

c6 – shall declare support for at least one(BRCB or URCB)

Table N.12: Logging(clause 14)

Log Control block

S30 GetLCBValues TP M NO

S31 SetLCBValues TP M NO


S32 QueryLogByTime TP M NO

S33 QueryLogAfter TP M NO

S34 GetLogStatusValues TP M NO

c7- shall declare support for at least one(query log by time or Query LogAfter)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-5

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Table N.13: Generic Substation event model(GSE) (


S35 SendGOOSEMessage MC c8 YES

S36 GetGOReference TP c9

S37 GetGOOSEElementNumber TP c9

S38 GetGoCBValues TP O YES

S39 SetGoCBValues TP O YES


S40 SendGSSEMessage MC C8 NO

S41 GetGsReference TP C9 NO

S42 GetGSSEElementNumber TP C9 NO

S43 GetGsCBValues TP O NO

S44 SetGsCBValues TP O NO

c8- shall declare support for at least one(Send GOOSE Message or Send GSSE Message)
c9- shall declare support if TP association is available

Table N.14: Transmission of sampled value model(SVC) (Clause 16)

Multicast SVC

S45 SendMSVMessage MC C10 NO

S46 GetMSVCBValues TP O NO

S47 SetMSVCBValues TP O NO

Unicast SVC

S48 SendUSVMessage TP C10 NO

S49 GetUSVCBValues TP O NO

S50 SetUSVCBValues TP O NO

C10- shall declare support for at least one(Send MSV Message or Send USV Message)

Appendix N-6 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Table N.15: control (17.5.1)

S51 Select TP O NO

S52 Select with value TP O NO

S53 Cancel TP O NO

S54 Operate TP M NO

S55 Command-Termination TP O NO

S56 Time Activated-Operate TP O NO

Table N.16: File Transfer (Clause 20)

S57 GetFile TP M YES

S58 SetFile TP O YES

S59 DeleteFile TP O YES

S60 GetFileAttributeValues TP M YES

Table N.17: Time(5.5)

T1 Time resolution of Internal clock 10 (1 msec) Nearest negative

power of 2 in sec-

T2 TimeAccuracy of Internal clock 10 (1 msec) T0






T3 Supported Time Stamp resolu- 10 (1 msec) Nearest value of 2**-

tion n in seconds accord-
ing to

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-7

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

N.2 Model Implementation Conformance Statement

This specification is the Model Implementation Conformance Statement
(MICS) and presents the top-level IEC 61850 data model that has been imple-
mented. The definitions of all used Logical Nodes and their associated Com-
mon Data Classes, components and associated enumerated values are also
included for completeness.
The reader is expected to be conversant with the terminology presented within
the IEC 61850 part 7 series of specifications.

To provide comprehensive details of the standard data object model elements
supported by the device. The MICS is conformant to the devices associated
ICD (Substation Configuration Language) file, according to part 6 of the IEC
61850 standards. The layout of the presented tables within this document is
conformant to the part 7 series of the IEC 61850 standard specifications with
the following exceptions:
• The "Trigger Options" field is not presented
• The "M/O" field is not present as the definitions are as deployed within the
• An additional column "X" is used to signify custom attributes

Logical Device Definitions

This IEC 61850 server device contains one Logical Device. Logical Device
contains a data model built from instances of specific Logical Nodes and must
consist of at least an instance of the LPHD Logical Node (which is responsible
for providing physical device information) and an instance of the LLN0 Logi-
cal Node (for addressing common issues across the Logical Device).
The IEC 61850 data model is contained within the Logical Devices detailed in
the table below. All LNs are categorized according to the following table to en-
sure that data model variables in them have respective scope of data informa-

Table N.18: Logical Devices

Logical Device Comment / Usage

Protection Protection Domain

Measurements Measurements Domain

System System Domain

Records Records Domain

Appendix N-8 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Table N.18: Logical Devices

VirtualElements Virtual Elements Domain

IEC 61850 Logical Device Data Model

The IEC 61850 Logical Device top-level data model consists of instances of
Logical Nodes. The data model name for a Logical Node instance is construct-
ed from an optional prefix (known as the wrapper), the Logical Node name,
and an instance ID (or suffix).

LD LN Instance LN Type Description

























D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-9

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation




































Appendix N-10 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

















Logical Node Definitions

The definition tables for each of the Logical Nodes in the top-level data model
are presented in the following sub-sections.
The following table presents a summary of the Logical Node templates used
across the
Logical Devices within the overall IEC 61850-product data model:

LN Type LN Class Name Space

LPHD1 LPHD IEC61850–7–4: 2003

LLN0 LLN0 IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PDIS1 PDIS IEC61850–7–4: 2003

RSYN1 RSYN IEC61850–7–4: 2003

RREC1 RREC IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PTOV1 PTOV IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PTUV1 PTUV IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PTOF1 PTOF IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PTUF1 PTUF IEC61850–7–4: 2003

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-11

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

PFRC1 PFRC IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PIOC1 PIOC IEC61850–7–4: 2003

RBRF1 RBRF IEC61850–7–4: 2003

PTOC1 PTOC IEC61850–7–4: 2003

MMXU1 MMXU IEC61850–7–4: 2003

GGIO1 GGIO IEC61850–7–4: 2003

GGIO2 GGIO IEC61850–7–4: 2003

GGIO3 GGIO IEC61850–7–4: 2003

GGIO4 GGIO IEC61850–7–4: 2003

GGIO5 GGIO IEC61850–7–4: 2003

RDRE1 RDRE IEC61850–7–4: 2003

Logical Node: LPHD1

Description: Physical Device Information
LN Class: LPHD

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

PhyNam DPL_1_PhyNam Device Physical Name Plate

PhyHealth INS_1_PhyHealth Physical Device Health

Proxy SPS_1_Proxy Indicates if this device is proxy

Logical Node: LLN0

Description: Logical Node 0
LN Class: LLN0

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Appendix N-12 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: MMXU1

Description: Measurements
LN Class: MMXU

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

TotW MV_1_TotW Total Active Power (Total P)

TotVAr MV_1_TotW Total Reactive Power (Total Q)

TotVA MV_1_TotW Total Apparent Power (Total S)

TotPF MV_1_TotW Average Power Factor (Total PF)

Hz MV_1_TotW Frequency

PPV DEL_1_PPV Phase to Phase Voltage

PhV1 WYE_1_PhV1 Phase to Ground Voltage

PhV2 WYE_1_PhV1 Phase to Ground Voltage

A1 WYE_1_PhV1 Phase Currents

A2 WYE_1_PhV1 Phase Currents

W WYE_1_W Phase Active Power (W)

VAr WYE_1_W Phase Reactive Power (Q)

VA WYE_1_W Phase Apparent Power (S)

Z WYE_1_W Phase to Ground Impedance (Z)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-13

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: PDIS1

LN Class: PDIS

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str

Op ACT_1_Op

PoRch ASG_1_PoRch

PhStr ASG_1_PoRch

GndStr ASG_1_PoRch

DirMod ING_1_DirMod

PctRch ASG_1_PoRch

Ofs ASG_1_PoRch

PctOfs ASG_1_PoRch

RisLod ASG_1_PoRch

AngLod ASG_1_PoRch

TmDlMod SPG_1_TmDlMod

OpDlTmms ING_1_OpDlTmms

PhDlMod SPG_1_TmDlMod

PhDlTmms ING_1_OpDlTmms

GndDlMod SPG_1_TmDlMod

GndDlTmms ING_1_OpDlTmms

X1 ASG_1_PoRch

LinAng ASG_1_PoRch

RisGndRch ASG_1_PoRch

RisPhRch ASG_1_PoRch

K0Fact ASG_1_PoRch

K0FactAng ASG_1_PoRch

RsDlTmms ING_1_OpDlTmms

Appendix N-14 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: RSYN1

LN Class: RSYN

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Rel SPS_1_Proxy

VInd SPS_1_Proxy

AngInd SPS_1_Proxy

HzInd SPS_1_Proxy

SynPrg SPS_1_Proxy

DifVClc MV_1_TotW

DifHzClc MV_1_TotW

DifAngClc MV_1_TotW

DifV ASG_1_PoRch

DifHz ASG_1_PoRch

DifAng ASG_1_PoRch

LivDeaMod ING_1_OpDlTmms

DeaLinVal ASG_1_PoRch

LivLinVal ASG_1_PoRch

DeaBusVal ASG_1_PoRch

LivBusVal ASG_1_PoRch

PlsTmms ING_1_OpDlTmms

BkrTmms ING_1_OpDlTmms

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-15

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: RREC1

LN Class: RREC

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Auto SPS_1_Proxy

Op ACT_1_Op

AutoRecSt INS_1_PhyHealth

Logical Node: PTOV1

LN Class: PTOV

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str Start

Appendix N-16 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: PTUV1

LN Class: PTUV

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str Start

Op ACT_1_Op Operate

Logical Node: PTOF1

LN Class: PTOF

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str Start

Op ACT_1_Op Operate

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-17

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: PTUF1

LN Class: PTUF

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str Start

Op ACT_1_Op Operate

Logical Node: PFRC1

LN Class: PFRC

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str Start

Op ACT_1_Op Operate

Logical Node: PIOC1

LN Class: PIOC

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Op ACT_1_Op Operate

Appendix N-18 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: RBRF1

Description: Breaker Failure
LN Class: RBRF

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

OpEx ACT_1_Op Breaker Failure Trip (external trip)

Logical Node: PTOC1

LN Class: PTOC

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Str ACD_1_Str Start

Op ACT_1_Op Operate

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-19

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: GGIO1

Description: Fault location
LN Class: GGIO

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Ind1 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind2 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind3 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind4 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind5 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind6 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind7 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind8 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind9 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind10 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind11 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind12 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind13 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind14 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind15 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind16 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind17 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind18 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind19 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind20 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind21 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind22 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind23 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind24 SPS_1_Proxy

Appendix N-20 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: GGIO2

LN Class: GGIO

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Ind1 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind2 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind3 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind4 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind5 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind6 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind7 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind8 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind9 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind10 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind11 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind12 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind13 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind14 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind15 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind16 SPS_1_Proxy

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-21

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: GGIO3

LN Class: GGIO

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Ind1 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind2 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind3 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind4 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind5 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind6 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind7 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind8 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind9 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind10 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind11 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind12 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind13 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind14 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind15 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind16 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind17 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind18 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind19 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind20 SPS_1_Proxy

Appendix N-22 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: GGIO4

LN Class: GGIO

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Ind1 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind2 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind3 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind4 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind5 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind6 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind7 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind8 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind9 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind10 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind11 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind12 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind13 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind14 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind15 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind16 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind17 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind18 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind19 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind20 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind21 SPS_1_Proxy

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-23

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node: GGIO5

LN Class: GGIO

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_1_Mod Mode

Beh INS_1_Beh Behaviour

Health INS_1_PhyHealth Health

NamPlt LPL_1_NamPlt Name Plate

Ind1 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind2 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind3 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind4 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind5 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind6 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind7 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind8 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind9 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind10 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind11 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind12 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind13 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind14 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind15 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind16 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind17 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind18 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind19 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind20 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind21 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind22 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind23 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind24 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind25 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind26 SPS_1_Proxy

Appendix N-24 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Ind27 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind28 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind29 SPS_1_Proxy

Ind30 SPS_1_Proxy

Logical Node: RDRE1

LN Class: RDRE

Attribute Attr. Type Explanation T X

Mod INC_Mod_Inst Mode

Beh INS_Beh_Inst Behaviour

Health INS_Health_Inst Health

NamPlt LPL_1_Inst Name Plate

RcdTrg SPC_1_RcdTrg

RcdMade SPS_1_Proxy

FltNum INS_1_IntIn

RcdStr SPS_1_Proxy

Common Data Class Definitions

The definition tables for each of the Common Data Classes used in the Logical
Node definitions are presented in the following sub-sections.
From an application point-of-view the data attributes of a Common Data Class
are classified according to their specific use. The characterization of data attri-
butes, and the services that they support/provide, will be through the use of
'Functional Constraints'. The Functional Constraints are specified by the table

FC Name Semantic Source Definition

BR Buffered Reports IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

CF Configuration IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

CO Control IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

DC Description IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-25

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

EX Extended Definition IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

GO GOOSE Control IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

GS GSSE Control (UCA2GOOSE) IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

LG Logging IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

MS Multicast Sampled Value Control IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

MX Measurands (Analogue Values) IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

RP Unbuffered Reports IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

SE Setting Group Editable IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

SG Setting Group IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

SP Set Point IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

ST Status information IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

SV Substitution Values IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

US Unicast Sampled Value Control IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

XX Data Attribute Service Parameters IEC 61850 – 7 - 2

Common Data Class: DPL_1_PhyNam

Description: Standard Device Name Plate
CDC Class: DPL

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

Vendor VisString255 DC

hwRev VisString255 DC

swRev VisString255 DC

serNum VisString255 DC

Model VisString255 DC

Appendix N-26 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: INS_1_PhyHealth

CDC Class: INS

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

stVal Enum ST Health

q Quality ST

t Timestamp ST


subVal Enum SV Health

subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Common Data Class: SPS_1_Proxy

CDC Class: SPS

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X


q Quality ST

t Timestamp ST



subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-27

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: INC_1_Mod

CDC Class: INC

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

stVal Enum ST Mod

Q Quality ST

T Timestamp ST

ctlModel Enum CF ctlModel


subVal Enum SV Mod

subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Common Data Class: INS_1_Beh

CDC Class: INS

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

stVal Enum ST Beh

Q Quality ST

T Timestamp ST


subVal Enum SV Beh

subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Appendix N-28 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: LPL_1_NamPlt

CDC Class: LPL

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

Vendor VisString255 DC

swRev VisString255 DC

d VisString255 DC

configRev VisString255 DC

ldNs VisString255 DC

Common Data Class: LPL_2_NamPlt

CDC Class: LPL

Attribute Type FC Enumeration X

Vendor VisString255 DC

hwRev VisString255 DC

d VisString255 DC

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-29

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: MV_1_TotW

CDC Class: MV

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

mag AnalogueValue_1 MX

Q Quality MX

T Timestamp MX


subVal AnalogueValue_1 SV

subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Common Data Class: CMV_1_phsAB

CDC Class: CMV

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

cVal Vector_1 MX

Q Quality MX

T Timestamp MX

ctlModel ctlModelEnum CF

subEna Enum SV

subVal Vector_1 SV

subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Appendix N-30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: DEL_1_PPV

CDC Class: DEL

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

phsAB CMV_1_phsAB

phsBC CMV_1_phsAB

phsCA CMV_1_phsAB

Common Data Class: WYE_1_PhV1

CDC Class: WYE

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

phsA CMV_1_phsAB

phsB CMV_1_phsAB

phsC CMV_1_phsAB

neut CMV_1_phsAB

Common Data Class: WYE_1_W

CDC Class: WYE

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

phsA CMV_1_phsAB

phsB CMV_1_phsAB

phsC CMV_1_phsAB

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-31

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: ACD_1_Str

CDC Class: ACD

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

general BOOLEAN ST

dirGeneral Enum ST dir

q Quality ST

t Timestamp ST

Common Data Class: ACT_1_Op

CDC Class: ACD

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

general BOOLEAN ST

q Quality ST

t Timestamp ST

Common Data Class: ASG_1_PoRch

CDC Class: ASG

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

setMag AnalogueValue_1 SG

Appendix N-32 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: ING_1_DirMod

Description: Protection Activation Information
CDC Class: ING

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

setVal Enum SG DirMod

Common Data Class: SPG_1_TmDlMod

CDC Class: SPG

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X


Common Data Class: ING_1_OpDlTmms

CDC Class: ING

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

setVal INT32 SG

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-33

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Class: INS_1_IntIn

CDC Class: INS

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X

stVal INT32 ST

Q Quality ST

T Timestamp ST


subVal INT32 SV

subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Common Data Class: SPC_1_RcdTrg

CDC Class: ING

Attribute Type FC Enumeration Comment X


Q Quality ST

T Timestamp ST

Oper SPCOperate_1 CO

ctlModel Enum CF ctlModel



subQ Quality SV

subID VisString64 SV

Appendix N-34 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Common Data Attribute Type definitions

Common data attribute types, known herein as components, are defined for use
in the Common Data Classes defined in the sections above.

Component: Vector_1
Comment: Complex Vector (w.r.t. Floating Point Magnitude and Angle val-
Parent Type: Vector

Attribute Type Enumeration Comment X

Mag AnalogueValue_1 The magnitude of the complex


Ang AnalogueValue_1 The angle of the complex value

(the unit is degrees)

Component: AnalogueValue_1
Comment: General Analogue Value (w.r.t. Floating Point Value)
Parent Type: AnalogueValue

Attribute Type Enumeration Comment X

F FLOAT32 Floating point value

Component: Originator
Comment: Originator Value
Parent Type: Originator

Attribute Type Enumeration Comment X

orCat Enum orCat

orIdent Octet64

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-35

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Component: SPCOperate_1

Attribute Type Enumeration Comment X


Origin Originator

CtlNum INT8U

T Timestamp


Check Dbpos

Enumerated Type Definitions

The following sub-sections specify the enumerations that are associated to
some Common Data Class attributes. The definition of the enumerations is ac-
cording to IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-4 unless otherwise stated.

Enumerated type: AutoRecSt

Description: Auto-Reclose Status

Ordinal Semantic

1 Ready

2 InProgress

3 Successful

Appendix N-36 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Enumerated type: Beh

Description: Behaviour

Ordinal Semantic

1 on

2 blocked

3 test

4 test/blocked

5 off

Enumerated type: Mod

Description: Mode

Ordinal Semantic

1 on

2 blocked

3 test

4 test/blocked

5 off

Enumerated type: Health

Description: Health

Ordinal Semantic

1 Ok

2 Warning

3 Alarm

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-37

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Enumerated type: dir

Description: Direction

Ordinal Semantic

0 unknown

1 forward

2 backward

3 both

Enumerated type: ctlModel

Description: Control Model

Ordinal Semantic

0 status-only

1 direct-with-normal-security

2 sbo-with-normal-security

3 direct-with-enhanced-security

4 sbo-with-enhanced-security

Appendix N-38 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Enumerated type: orCat

Description: Originator Category

Ordinal Semantic

0 not-supported

1 bay-control

2 station-control

3 remote-control

4 Automatic-bay

5 Automatic-station

6 automatic-remote

7 maintenance

8 process

Enumerated type: DirMod


Ordinal Semantic

1 NonDirectional

2 Forward

3 Inverse

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-39

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

N.3 Data Mapping Specifications

L-PRO Logical L-PRO logical device identification
Device L-PRO 4000 has the following IEC 61850 logical devices defined in its ICD
• LPROMeasurements
• LPROProtection
• LPROSystem
• LPROVirtualElements

L-PRO Logical Nodes

The following table 1 defines list of logical nodes (LN) of the L-PRO logical
Logical node names are shown without preceding logical device name for bet-
ter readability

Table N.19: L-PRO Logical Nodes

LN Spec
LD Name LN Name LN Description Protection Comments

LPROMeasurement MMXU1 Measurement Metering data 3 phase measurement informa- MMXU1


LPROProtection PDIS1 Distance Dev 21P1 Zone 1 phase PDIS1

LPROProtection PDIS2 Distance Dev 21P2 Zone 2 phase PDIS2

LPROProtection PDIS3 Distance Dev 21P3 Zone 3 phase PDIS3

LPROProtection PDIS4 Distance Dev 21P4 Zone 4 phase PDIS4

LPROProtection PDIS5 Distance Dev 21N1 Zone 1 ground PDIS5

LPROProtection PDIS6 Distance Dev 21N2 Zone 2 ground PDIS6

LPROProtection PDIS7 Distance Dev 21N3 Zone 3 ground PDIS7

LPROProtection PDIS8 Distance Dev 21N4 Zone 4 ground PDIS8

LPROProtection RSYN1 Synchronism-check Dev 252759 RSYN1

or synchronizing Sync Check

LPROProtection RREC1 Auto reclosing Dev 79 Main Reclose RREC1

LPROProtection RREC2 Auto reclosing Dev 79 Auxiliary Reclose RREC2

LPROProtection PTOV1 Overvoltage Dev 59 VA –Main Voltage PTOV1

Appendix N-40 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

LPROProtection PTOV2 Overvoltage Dev 59 VB –Main Voltage PTOV2

LPROProtection PTOV3 Overvoltage Dev 59 VC –Main Voltage PTOV3

LPROProtection PTOV4 Overvoltage Dev 59 VA –Auxiliary Voltage PTOV4

LPROProtection PTOV5 Overvoltage Dev 59 VB –Auxiliary Voltage PTOV5

LPROProtection PTOV6 Overvoltage Dev 59 VC –Auxiliary Voltage PTOV6

LPROProtection PTUV1 Undervoltage Dev 27 VA –Main Voltage PTUV1

LPROProtection PTUV2 Undervoltage Dev 27 VB –Main Voltage PTUV2

LPROProtection PTUV3 Undervoltage Dev 27 VC –Main Voltage PTUV3

LPROProtection PTUV4 Undervoltage Dev 27 VA –Auxiliary Voltage PTUV4

LPROProtection PTUV5 Undervoltage Dev 27 VB –Auxiliary Voltage PTUV5

LPROProtection PTUV6 Undervoltage Dev 27 VC –Auxiliary Voltage PTUV6

LPROProtection PTOF1 Overfrequency Dev 81-1 Dev 81-1 can operate as PTOF PTOF1
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTOF2 Overfrequency Dev 81-2 Dev 81-2 can operate as PTOF PTUF2
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTOF3 Overfrequency Dev 81-3 Dev 81-3 can operate as PTOF PTUF3
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTOF4 Overfrequency Dev 81-4 Dev 81-4 can operate as PTOF PTOF4
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTUF1 Underfrequency Dev 81-1 Dev 81-1 can operate as PTOF PTUF1
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTUF2 Underfrequency Dev 81-2 Dev 81-2 can operate as PTOF PTUF2
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTUF3 Underfrequency Dev 81-3 Dev 81-3 can operate as PTOF PTUF3
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PTUF4 Underfrequency Dev 81-4 Dev 81-4 can operate as PTOF PTUF4
or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PFRC1 Rate of change of Dev 81-1 Dev 81-1 can operate as PTOF PFRC1
frequency or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PFRC2 Rate of change of Dev 81-2 Dev 81-2 can operate as PTOF PFRC2
frequency or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PFRC3 Rate of change of Dev 81-3 Dev 81-3 can operate as PTOF PFRC3
frequency or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-41

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

LPROProtection PFRC4 Rate of change of Dev 81-4 Dev 81-4 can operate as PTOF PFRC4
frequency or PTUF or PFRC (one type of
protection at a time)

LPROProtection PIOC1 Instantaneous over- Dev 50LS Ia –Main Current PIOC1


LPROProtection PIOC2 Instantaneous over- Dev 50LS Ib –Main Current PIOC2


LPROProtection PIOC3 Instantaneous over- Dev 50LS Ic –Main Current PIOC3


LPROProtection PIOC4 Instantaneous over- Dev 50LS Ia –Auxiliary Current PIOC4


LPROProtection PIOC5 Instantaneous over- Dev 50LS Ib –Auxiliary Current PIOC5


LPROProtection PIOC6 Instantaneous over- Dev 50LS Ib –Auxiliary Current PIOC6


LPROProtection RBRF1 Breaker failure Dev 50BF Main-1 RBRF1

LPROProtection RBRF2 Breaker failure Dev 50BF Main-2 RBRF2

LPROProtection RBRF3 Breaker failure Dev 50BF Auxiliary-1 RBRF3

LPROProtection RBRF4 Breaker failure Dev 50BF Auxiliary-2 RBRF4

LPROProtection PTOC1 Time overcurrent Dev 50/67 Phase overcurrent PTOC1

LPROProtection PTOC2 Time overcurrent Dev 51/67 Phase overcurrent PTOC2

LPROProtection PTOC3 Time overcurrent Dev 50N/67 Neutral overcurrent PTOC3

LPROProtection PTOC4 Time overcurrent Dev 51N/67 Neutral overcurrent PTOC4

LPROProtection PTOC5 Time overcurrent Dev 46-50/67 Negative sequence overcurrent PTOC5

LPROProtection PTOC6 Time overcurrent Dev 46-50/67 Negative sequence overcurrent PTOC6

LPROSystem GGIO1 General process I/O ProLogic1-24 Prologic status under GGIO1

LPROSystem GGIO2 General process I/O Group Logic1- Group Logic status GGIO2

LPROSystem GGIO3 General process I/O External input 1 External input status GGIO3

LPROSystem GGIO4 General process I/O Output contact Output contact status GGIO4

LPROVirtualEle- GGIO1 General process I/O Virtual inputs 1- Virtual input status GGIO1
ments 30

LPROVirtualEle- GGIO2 General Process I/O Virtual Inputs 1 Virtual input incoming controls GGIO2
ments – 30

LPROVirtualEle- GGIO3 General Process I/O Virtual Inputs 1 Virtual input outgoing controls GGIO3
ments – 30 (Currently not support)

Appendix N-42 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Node Specifications

The following sections provide detailed spec information on the L-PRO logical
device and logical nodes as defined in the “L-PRO Logical Nodes”
in Appendix N’ on page Appendix N-40.
Common Logical Node information is not shown in the following Logical
Node descriptions. Only the data provided from the L-PRO application to the
IEC 61850 stack are described.

Logical Device: LPROMeasurement

This section defines logical node data for the logical node MMXU1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROMeasurement.

Data Name Description

MMXU1.MX.TotW.mag.f Total active power (P)

MMXU1.MX.TotVAr.mag.f Total reactive power (Q)

MMXU1.MX.TotVA.mag.f Total apparent power (S)

MMXU1.MX.Hz.mag.f Frequency

MMXU1.MX.PhV1.phsA.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Main VA)

MMXU1.MX.PhV1.phsA.cVal.ang.f Phase voltage (Main VA)

MMXU1.MX.PhV1.phsB.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Main VB)

MMXU1.MX.PhV1.phsB.cVal.ang.f Phase voltage (Main VB)

MMXU1.MX.PhV1.phsC.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Main VC)

MMXU1.MX.PhV1.phsC.cVal.ang.f Phase voltage (Main VC)

MMXU1.MX.PhV2.phsA.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Aux VA)

MMXU1.MX.PhV2.phsA.cVal.ang.f Phase voltage (Aux VA)

MMXU1.MX.PhV2.phsB.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Aux VB)

MMXU1.MX.PhV2.phsB.cVal.ang.f Phase voltage (Aux VB)

MMXU1.MX.PhV2.phsC.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Aux VC)

MMXU1.MX.PhV2.phsC.cVal.ang.f Phase voltage (Aux VC)

MMXU1.MX.A1.phsA.cVal.mag.f Phase voltage (Main IA)

MMXU1.MX.A1.phsA.cVal.ang.f Phase current (Main IA)

MMXU1.MX.A1.phsB.cVal.mag.f Phase current (Main IB)

MMXU1.MX.A1.phsB.cVal.ang.f Phase current (Main IB)

MMXU1.MX.A1.phsC.cVal.mag.f Phase current (Main IC)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-43

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

MMXU1.MX.A1.phsC.cVal.ang.f Phase current (Main IC)

MMXU1.MX.A2.phsA.cVal.mag.f Phase current (Aux IA-2)

MMXU1.MX.A2.phsA.cVal.ang.f Phase current (Aux IA-2)

MMXU1.MX.A2.phsB.cVal.mag.f Phase current (Aux IA-2)

MMXU1.MX.A2.phsB.cVal.ang.f Phase current (Aux IA-2)

MMXU1.MX.A2.phsC.cVal.mag.f Phase current (Aux IA-2)

MMXU1.MX.A2.phsC.cVal.ang.f Phase current (Aux IA-2)

MMXU1.MX.Z.phsA.cVal.mag.f Phase impedance

MMXU1.MX.Z.phsA.cVal.ang.f Phase impedance

MMXU1.MX.Z.phsB.cVal.mag.f Phase impedance

MMXU1.MX.Z.phsB.cVal.ang.f Phase impedance

MMXU1.MX.Z.phsC.cVal.mag.f Phase impedance

MMXU1.MX.Z.phsC.cVal.ang.f Phase impedance

Logical Device: LPROProtection

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS1 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS1.ST.Str.General Start (21P1 Trip)

PDIS1.ST.Op.General Operate (21P1 Trip)

Appendix N-44 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS3 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS2.ST.Str.General Start (21P2 Pickup/Alarm)

PDIS2.ST.Op.General Operate (21P2 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS3 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS3.ST.Str.General Start (21P3 Pickup/Alarm)

PDIS3.ST.Op.General Operate (21P3 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS4 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS4.ST.Str.General Start (21P4 Pickup/Alarm)

PDIS4.ST.Op.General Operate (21P4 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS5 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS5.ST.Str.General Start (21N1 Trip)

PDIS5.ST.Op.General Operate (21N1 Trip)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-45

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS6 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS6.ST.Str.General Start (21N2 Pickup/Alarm)

PDIS6.ST.Op.General Operate (21N2 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS7 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS7.ST.Str.General Start (21N3 Pickup/Alarm)

PDIS7.ST.Op.General Operate (21N3 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PDIS8 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PDIS8.ST.Str.General Start (21N4 Pickup/Alarm)

PDIS8.ST.Op.General Operate (21N4 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node RSYN1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RSYN1.ST.Rel.stVal Release (252759 Sync Check:

Armed )

Appendix N-46 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node RREC1of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RREC1.ST.Op.general Operate (79 Main Reclose)

RREC1.ST.AutoRecSt.stVal Auto Reclosing Status (79 Main


This section defines logical node data for the logical node RREC2of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RREC2.ST.Op.general Operate (79 Aux Reclose)

RREC2.ST.AutoRecSt.stVal Auto Reclosing Status(79 Aux


This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOV1of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOV1.ST.Str.General Start (59 Main Trip Phase A)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOV2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOV2.ST.Str.General Start (59 Main Trip Phase B)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-47

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOV3of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOV3.ST.Str.General Start (59 Main Trip Phase C)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOV4of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOV4.ST.Str.General Start (59 Aux Trip Phase A)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOV5of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOV5.ST.Str.General Start (59 Aux Trip Phase B)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOV6 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOV6.ST.Str.General Start (59 Aux Trip Phase C)

Appendix N-48 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUV1of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUV1.ST.Str.General Start (27 Main Trip Phase A)

PTUV1.ST.Op.General Operate (27 Main Trip Phase A)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUV2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUV2.ST.Str.General Start (27 Main Trip Phase B)

PTUV2.ST.Op.General Operate (27 Main Trip Phase B)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUV3of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUV3.ST.Str.General Start (27 Main Trip Phase C)

PTUV3.ST.Op.General Operate (27 Main Trip Phase C)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-49

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUV4of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUV4.ST.Str.General Start (27 Aux Trip Phase A)

PTUV4.ST.Op.General Operate (27 Aux Trip Phase A)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUV5of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUV5.ST.Str.General Start (27 Aux Trip Phase B)

PTUV5.ST.Op.General Operate (27 Aux Trip Phase B)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUV6 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUV6.ST.Str.General Start (27 Aux Trip Phase C)

PTUV6.ST.Op.General Operate (27 Aux Trip Phase C)

Appendix N-50 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOF1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOF1.ST.Str.General Start (81-1 Trip)

PTOF1.ST.Op.General Operate (81-1 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOF2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOF2.ST.Str.General Start (81-2 Trip)

PTOF2.ST.Op.General Operate (81-2 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOF3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOF3.ST.Str.General Start (81-3 Trip)

PTOF3.ST.Op.General Operate (81-3 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOF4 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOF4.ST.Str.General Start (81-4 Trip)

PTOF4.ST.Op.General Operate (81-4 Trip)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-51

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUF1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUF1.ST.Str.General Start (81-1 Trip)

PTUF1.ST.Op.General Operate (81-1 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUF2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUF2.ST.Str.General Start (81-2 Trip)

PTUF2.ST.Op.General Operate (81-2 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUF3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUF3.ST.Str.General Start (81-3 Trip)

PTUF3.ST.Op.General Operate (81-3 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTUF4 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTUF4.ST.Str.General Start (81-4 Trip)

PTUF4.ST.Op.General Operate (81-4 Trip)

Appendix N-52 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PFRC1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PFRC1.ST.Str.General Start (81-1 Trip)

PFRC1.ST.Op.General Operate (81-1 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PFRC2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PFRC2.ST.Str.General Start (81-2 Trip)

PFRC2.ST.Op.General Operate (81-2 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PFRC3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PFRC3.ST.Str.General Start (81-3 Trip)

PFRC3.ST.Op.General Operate (81-3 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PFRC4 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PFRC4.ST.Str.General Start (81-4 Trip)

PFRC4.ST.Op.General Operate (81-4 Trip)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-53

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PIOC1 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PIOC1.ST.Op.General Operate (50LS Main Alarm – Phase A)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PIOC2 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PIOC2.ST.Op.General Operate (50LS Main Alarm – Phase B)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PIOC3 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PIOC3.ST.Op.General Operate (50LS Main Alarm – Phase C)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PIOC4 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PIOC4.ST.Op.General Operate (50LS Aux Alarm – Phase A)

Appendix N-54 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PIOC5 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PIOC5.ST.Op.General Operate (50LS Aux Alarm – Phase B)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PIOC6 of the L-PRO
logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PIOC6.ST.Op.General Operate (50LS Aux Alarm – Phase C)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node RBRF1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RBRF1.ST.OpEx.General Operate (50BF Main-1 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node RBRF2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RBRF2.ST.OpEx.General Operate (50BF Main-2 Trip)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-55

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node RBRF3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RBRF3.ST.OpEx.General Operate (50BF Aux-1 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node RBRF4 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

RBRF4.ST.OpEx.General Operate (50BF Aux-2 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOC1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOC1.ST.Str.General Start (50 Trip)

PTOC1.ST.Op.General Operate (50 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOC1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

• PTOC1.ST.Str.General • Start (51 Alarm)

• PTOC1.ST.Op.General • Operate (51 Trip)

Appendix N-56 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOC3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOC3.ST.Str.General Start (50N Trip)

PTOC3.ST.Op.General Operate (50N Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOC4 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOC4.ST.Str.General Start (51N Alarm)

PTOC4.ST.Op.General Operate (51NTrip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOC5 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOC5.ST.Str.General Start (46-50 Trip)

PTOC5.ST.Op.General Operate (46-50 Trip)

This section defines logical node data for the logical node PTOC6 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROProtection.

Data Name Description

PTOC6.ST.Str.General Start (46-51 Alarm)

PTOC6.ST.Op.General Operate (46-51Trip)

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-57

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Device: LPROSystem

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROSystem. This logical node presents L-PRO ProLogic

Data Name Description

GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 1

GGIO1.ST.Ind2.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 2

GGIO1.ST.Ind3.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 3

GGIO1.ST.Ind4.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 4

GGIO1.ST.Ind5.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 5

GGIO1.ST.Ind6.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 6

GGIO1.ST.Ind7.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 7

GGIO1.ST.Ind8.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 8

GGIO1.ST.Ind9.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 9

GGIO1.ST.Ind10.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 10

GGIO1.ST.Ind11.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 11

GGIO1.ST.Ind12.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 12

GGIO1.ST.Ind13.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 13

GGIO1.ST.Ind14.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 14

GGIO1.ST.Ind15.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 15

GGIO1.ST.Ind16.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 16

GGIO1.ST.Ind17.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 17

GGIO1.ST.Ind18.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 18

GGIO1.ST.Ind19.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 19

GGIO1.ST.Ind20.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 20

GGIO1.ST.Ind21.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 21

GGIO1.ST.Ind22.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 22

GGIO1.ST.Ind23.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 23

GGIO1.ST.Ind24.stVal General indication (binary input) – ProLogic 24

Appendix N-58 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROSystem. This logical node presents L-PRO Active
Setting Group Number.

Data Name Description

GGIO2.ST.IntIn.stVal Integer status input

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROSystem. This logical node presents L-PRO External

Data Name Description

GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 1

GGIO3.ST.Ind2.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 2

GGIO3.ST.Ind3.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 3

GGIO3.ST.Ind4.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 4

GGIO3.ST.Ind5.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 5

GGIO3.ST.Ind6.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 6

GGIO3.ST.Ind7.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 7

GGIO3.ST.Ind8.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 8

GGIO3.ST.Ind9.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 9

GGIO3.ST.Ind10.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 10

GGIO3.ST.Ind11.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 11

GGIO3.ST.Ind12.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 12

GGIO3.ST.Ind13.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 13

GGIO3.ST.Ind14.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 14

GGIO3.ST.Ind15.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 15

GGIO3.ST.Ind16.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 16

GGIO3.ST.Ind17.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 17

GGIO3.ST.Ind18.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 18

GGIO3.ST.Ind19.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 19

GGIO3.ST.Ind20.stVal General indication (binary input) – External Input 20

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-59

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO4 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROSystem. This logical node presents L-PRO Output

Data Name Description

GGIO4.ST.Ind1.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 1

GGIO4.ST.Ind2.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 2

GGIO4.ST.Ind3.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 3

GGIO4.ST.Ind4.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 4

GGIO4.ST.Ind5.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 5

GGIO4.ST.Ind6.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 6

GGIO4.ST.Ind7stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 7

GGIO4.ST.Ind8.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 8

GGIO4.ST.Ind9.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 9

GGIO4.ST.Ind10.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 10

GGIO4.ST.Ind11.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 11

GGIO4.ST.Ind12.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 12

GGIO4.ST.Ind13.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 13

GGIO4.ST.Ind14.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 14

GGIO4.ST.Ind15.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 15

GGIO4.ST.Ind16.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 16

GGIO4.ST.Ind17.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 17

GGIO4.ST.Ind18.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 18

GGIO4.ST.Ind19.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 19

GGIO4.ST.Ind20.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 20

GGIO4.ST.Ind21.stVal General indication (binary input) – Output Contact 21

Appendix N-60 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

Logical Device: LPROVirtualElements

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO1 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROVirtualElements. This logical node presents L-PRO
Virtual Inputs Status.

Data Name Description

GGIO1.ST.Ind1.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 1

GGIO1.ST.Ind2.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 2

GGIO1.ST.Ind3.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 3

GGIO1.ST.Ind4.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 4

GGIO1.ST.Ind5.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 5

GGIO1.ST.Ind6.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 6

GGIO1.ST.Ind7.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 7

GGIO1.ST.Ind8.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 8

GGIO1.ST.Ind9.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 9

GGIO1.ST.Ind10.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 10

GGIO1.ST.Ind11.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 11

GGIO1.ST.Ind12.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 12

GGIO1.ST.Ind13.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 13

GGIO1.ST.Ind14.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 14

GGIO1.ST.Ind15.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 15

GGIO1.ST.Ind16.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 16

GGIO1.ST.Ind17.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 17

GGIO1.ST.Ind18.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 18

GGIO1.ST.Ind19.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 19

GGIO1.ST.Ind29.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 20

GGIO1.ST.Ind21.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 21

GGIO1.ST.Ind22.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 22

GGIO1.ST.Ind23.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 23

GGIO1.ST.Ind24.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 24

GGIO1.ST.Ind25.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 25

GGIO1.ST.Ind26.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 26

GGIO1.ST.Ind27.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 27

GGIO1.ST.Ind28.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 28

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-61

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

GGIO1.ST.Ind29.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual input 29

GGIO1.ST.Ind30.stVal General indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 30

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO2 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROVirtualElements. This logical node presents L-PRO
Virtual Inputs Control.
This Logical Node is used for the L-PRO GOOSE Subscription configuration.
The L-PRO will subscribe for the data mapped to the Logical Node GGIO2 of
the Logical Device LPROVirtualElements as defined in the current CID file;
the stVal changes of the subscribed data will initiate actions as defined in the
Output Matrix configuration for the L-PRO Virtual Inputs and will modify the
ProLogic function states in case mapped Virtual Inputs are used as ProLogic

Data Name Description

GGIO2.ST.Ind1.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 1

GGIO2.ST.Ind2.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 2

GGIO2.ST.Ind3.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 3

GGIO2.ST.Ind4.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 4

GGIO2.ST.Ind5.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 5

GGIO2.ST.Ind6.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 6

GGIO2.ST.Ind7.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 7

GGIO2.ST.Ind8.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 8

GGIO2.ST.Ind9.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 9

GGIO2.ST.Ind10.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 10

GGIO2.ST.Ind11.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 11

GGIO2.ST.Ind12.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 12

GGIO2.ST.Ind13.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 13

GGIO2.ST.Ind14.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 14

GGIO2.ST.Ind15.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 15

GGIO2.ST.Ind16.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 16

GGIO2.ST.Ind17.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 17

GGIO2.ST.Ind18.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 18

GGIO2.ST.Ind19.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 19

GGIO2.ST.Ind20.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 20

Appendix N-62 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

GGIO2.ST.Ind21.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 21

GGIO2.ST.Ind22.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 22

GGIO2.ST.Ind23.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 23

GGIO2.ST.Ind24.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 24

GGIO2.ST.Ind25.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 25

GGIO2.ST.Ind26.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 26

GGIO2.ST.Ind27.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 27

GGIO2.ST.Ind28.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 28

GGIO2.ST.Ind29.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 29

GGIO2.ST.Ind30.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 30

This section defines logical node data for the logical node GGIO3 of the L-
PRO logical device LPROVirtualElements. This logical node presents L-PRO
Virtual Outputs Control.

Data Name Description

GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 1

GGIO3.ST.Ind2.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 2

GGIO3.ST.Ind3.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 3

GGIO3.ST.Ind4.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 4

GGIO3.ST.Ind5.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 5

GGIO3.ST.Ind6.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 6

GGIO3.ST.Ind7.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 7

GGIO3.ST.Ind8.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 8

GGIO3.ST.Ind9.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 9

GGIO3.ST.Ind10.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 10

GGIO3.ST.Ind11.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 11

GGIO3.ST.Ind12.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 12

GGIO3.ST.Ind13.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 13

GGIO3.ST.Ind14.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 14

GGIO3.ST.Ind15.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 15

GGIO3.ST.Ind16.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 16

GGIO3.ST.Ind17.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 17

GGIO3.ST.Ind18.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 18

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual Appendix N-63

Appendix N IEC61850 Implementation

GGIO3.ST.Ind19.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 19

GGIO3.ST.Ind20.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 20

GGIO3.ST.Ind21.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 21

GGIO3.ST.Ind22.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 22

GGIO3.ST.Ind23.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 23

GGIO3.ST.Ind24.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 24

GGIO3.ST.Ind25.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 25

GGIO3.ST.Ind26.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 26

GGIO3.ST.Ind27.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 27

GGIO3.ST.Ind28.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 28

GGIO3.ST.Ind29.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 29

GGIO3.ST.Ind30.stVal General Indication (binary input) – Virtual Input 30

Appendix N-64 L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30


Numerics F
21P phase distance 4-2 fault locator 4-43
25/27/59 sync check 4-36 Front display 3-1
46/50/51/67 negative sequence front display 3-2, 3-4
overcurrent 4-41 Front view 3-1
50/51/67 phase overcurrent 4-38
50BF breaker failure 4-36
grounding 2-1
50LS low set overcurrent 4-38
group logic 4-45, 6-26, L-8
50N/51N/67 neutral overcurrent 4-40,
6-25 H
59 overvoltage 4-28 HyperTerminal 2-9
60 loss of potential 4-43, 6-25
68 out of step 4-43 I
79 recloser 4-24 identification 6-10
81 frequency 4-34 inputs
81 over/under frequency 6-25 external 1-5
IRIG-B time 2-1
A IRIG-B 3-2
ac and dc wiring 8-1 IRIG-B time input 2-1
Alarm 3-2
analog input 6-11
LED lights 3-2
B line parameters 6-21
backward compatibility 6-6
Base MVA 6-15
maintenance 2-17
Baud rate
direct serial link 2-13 maintenance menu 2-17
modem link 2-13 mho
characteristic shapes 4-3, 7-6
C phase and ground 4-3
calibrate 7-2 modem link 2-13
calibration 7-2
circuit breaker simulator L-13
Offliner settings 3-1, 6-1
direct serial link 2-6 output contact 6-12
modem link - external 2-7 output matrix 6-27
modem link - internal 2-8 output relay contacts 1-5
network link 2-9
relay 2-2
communication-aided scheme 4-47,
line 6-21
system 6-14
creating a setting file from an older physical mounting 8-1
version 6-7 POTT logic L-24
CT turns ratio 6-15 power supply 2-1
D ProLogic 6-25
DCB logic 4-50 protection functions 4-2, 6-25
dead line pickup 4-20 graphing 6-25
display 3-4 PT turns ratio 6-15
PUTT logic 4-51
E PUTT scheme 6-24
external input 6-12

D02706R02.30 L-PRO 4000 User Manual I


R view settings 6-28

recloser L-9 virtual inputs 6-13, L-11
duration and extension 4-52, 4-53
initiation 4-52 weak infeed 4-22
length 6-19 weak infeed logic 4-51
storage, retrieval and analysis 4-53
RecordBase View software 6-8
recording 4-51
swing 4-52
Relay functional 3-1, 3-2
accessing 2-14
communication parameters 2-14
diagnostics 2-14
protocol selection 2-14
scheme selector 6-22
Service 3-2
setting group
change 7-32
setting groups 6-14, 6-20, L-2
start-up 3-1
Switch On To Fault (SOTF) 4-20
system parameters 6-14
system requirements 3-xiii
hardware 3-xiii
operating system 3-xiii

Test mode 3-1, 3-2
21N2 ground distance 7-22
21P1 phase distance 7-14
21P2 phase distanc 7-16
25/27/59 sync check 7-50
27 undervoltage 7-33
46-50/46-51 negative sequence
overcurrent 7-40
50/51 phase overcurrent 7-37
50BF breaker fail 7-44
50LS low set overcurrent 7-44
50N/51N neutral overcurrent 7-35
59 overvoltage 7-34
60 loss of potential 7-12
79 recloser 7-52
81 overfrequency 7-47
81 underfrequency 7-47
dead line pickup 7-27
directional element 7-42
external inputs 7-3
output relay contacts 7-3
weak infeed 7-25
tool bar 6-2
version descriptions 2-xi

II L-PRO 4000 User Manual D02706R02.30

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