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1.On which of the following factors does the sensitivity of a closed loop system to gain
changes and load disturbances depend?
a) Frequency
b) Loop gain
c) Forward gain
d) All of the mentioned
Ans: D

2. The transient response, with feedback system,

a) Rises slowly
b) Rises quickly
c) Decays slowly
d) Decays quickly

Ans: D
3.The second derivative input signals modify which of the following?
a) The time constant of the system
b) Damping of the system
c) The time constant and suppress the oscillations
d) The gain of the system
Ans: C

4.Which terminology deals with the excitation or stimulus applied to the system
from an external source for the generation of an output?
a. Input signal
b. Output signal
c. Error signal
d. Feedback signal
Ans: A

5. Which one of the following applications software’s is used to obtain an accurate root
locus for?
c) dBase
d) Oracle
Ans: B

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


6.Lenz devised a rule to find out direction of

a)current induced in a circuit
c)potential difference
d)flow of power in fuse
Ans: A

7. If P is the power of a star connected system then what will be power of an

equivalent delta connected system?

B. 3P
C. P/3
D. None of the above

Ans: A

8.The value of the capacitance depends upon the________________?

A.voltage applied
B. thickness of the capacitor plates
C. geometry of the capacitor
D. dinsity of the capacitor plates
Ans: C

9.increases the steady state accuracy.

(a) Integrator
(b) Differentiator
(c) Phase lead compensator
(d) Phase lag compensator


10.As a result of introduction of negative feedback

which of the following will not decrease ?
(a) Band width
(b) Overall gain

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


(c) Distortion
(d) Instability

Ans: A

11.is an open loop control system.

(a) Ward Leonard control
(b) Field controlled D.C. motor
(c) Stroboscope
(d) Metadyne

Ans: B

12.A control system with excessive noise, is likely to

suffer from
(a) saturation in amplifying stages
(b) loss of gain
(c) vibrations
(d) oscillations

Ans: A

13.Which of the following statements is correct for

any closed loop system ?
(a) All the co-efficients can have zero value
(6) All the co-efficients are always non-zero
(c) Only one of the static error co-efficients has a finite
non-zero value
(d) None of the above

Ans: C

14. Which distribution system is more reliable?

(a) Ring main system
(b) Tree system
(c) Radial system
(d) All are equally reliable

Ans: A

15.A transformer has negative voltage regulation

when its load power factor is-
(a) Zero
(b) Unity

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


(c) Leading
(d) Lagging

Ans: C

16. Permanent magnet is normally made of-

(a) Aluminum
(b) Wrought iron
(c) Cast iron
(d) Alnico alloys
Ans: C

17. In a crystal, an atom vibrates at a frequency

determined by
(a) the heat content of the crystal
(b) the temperature of the crystal
(c) the stiffness of the bonds it makes with neighbors

Ans: C

18. Due to which of the following factors the brush

wear rate is altered ?
(a) Speed of the machine
(b) Contact pressure
(c) Surface conditions of brush and commutator
(d) Excessive sparking
(e) All of the above

Ans: E

19. For 100% modulation, power in each sideband is ________ of that of carrier?
a) 50%
b) 70%
c) 60%
d) 25%

Ans: D

20. For 100% modulation, total power is?

a) same as the power of unmodulated signal
b) twice as the power of unmodulated signal
c) four times as the power of unmodulated signal
d) one and half times as the power of unmodulated signal

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


Ans: D

21. Induction generator

a) can not work in isolation
b) can work in isolation
c) should work in parallel with synchronous generators
d) any of the mentioned

Ans: C

22. If the residual flux is absent in the rotor iron of the isolated induction generator,
a) it will not run.
b) it will run as induction motor
c) it will burn the winding
d) it will not affect the characteristic of the generator

Ans: A

23. Voltage build up in an isolated induction generator depends on

A. Capacitor bank value
B. Residual magnetism of the rotor iron
C. Residual magnetism of the stator iron
a) A, B
b) A, B, C
c) B
d) A, C

Ans: A

24. Induction generator is self excited machine.

a) True
b) False

Ans: B

25.Which of the following parameters is not a primary parameter?

a) Resistance
b) Attenuation constant

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


c) Capacitance
d) Conductance

Ans: B

26. The lines having R, L, C distributed along the circuit are called
a) Lumped
b) Distributed
c) Parallel
d) Paired

Ans: B

27. The leakage current in the transmission lines is referred to as the

a) Resistance
b) Radiation
c) Conductance
d) Polarisation

Ans: C

28. When a transmission line has a load impedance same as that of the characteristic
impedance, the line is said to be
a) Parallel
b) Perpendicular
c) Polarized
d) Matched

Ans: D

29.Out of the following which one is not a unconventional source of energy ?

(A) Tidal power

(B) Geothermal energy
(C) Nuclear energy
(D) Wind power.
Ans: C

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


30. Pulverized coal is

(A) coal free from ash
(B) non-smoking coal
(C) coal which bums For long time
(D) coal broken into fine particles
Ans: D

31.Heating value of coal is approximately

(A) 1000-2000 kcal / kg
(B) 2000-4000 kcal / kg
(C) 5000-6500 kcal / kg
(D) 9000-10,500 kcal / kg
Ans: C

32.Coal used in power plant is also known as

(A) steam coal
(B) charcoal
(C) coke
(D) soft coal.
Ans: A

33.Which of the following is considered as superior quality of coal ?

(A) Bituminous coal
(B) Peat
(C) Lignite
(D) Coke.

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


Ans: A
34.In a power plant, coal is carried from storage place to boilers generally by
means of
(A) bucket
(B) V-belts
(C) trolleys
(D) manually.
Ans: B

35.Equipment used for pulverizing the coal is known as

(A) Ball mill
(B) Hopper
(C) Burner
(D) Stoker.
Ans: A

36. Critical pressure of water is

(A) 1 kg / cm2
(B) 100 kg / cm2
(C) 155 kg / cm2
(D) 213.8 kg / cm2.
Ans: D

37.The efficiency of a thermal power plant improves with

(A) increased quantity of coal burnt
(B) larger quantity of water used
(C) lower load in the plant
(D) use of high steam pressures.

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


Ans: D
38.Steam pressures usually used in thermal power plants are
(A) 5 kg/cm2 to 10 kg / cm2
(B) 50 kg/cm2 to 100 kg / cm2
(C) 110 kg/cm2 to 170 kg / cm2
(D) 200 kg/cm2 to 215 kg / cm2
Ans: C

39.Which temperature for a lubricating oil will be lowest ?

(A) Flash point
(B) Fire point
(C) Pour point
(D) Boiling
Ans: C

40.Specific gravity of diesel oil is

(A) 0.84
(B) 1.14
(C) 2.7
(D) 3.8.
Ans: A

41. Which power plant has minimum operating cost?

a) Hydroelectric power plant
b) Thermal power plant
c) Nuclear power plant
d) Gas Turbine Power Plant
Ans: A

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


42. Which of the following have highest operating cost?

a) Hydroelectric power plant
b) Thermal power plant
c) Nuclear power plant
d) Solar electric power plant
Ans: B
43. Which of the following power plant have longest physical life?
a) Thermal power plant
b) Nuclear power plant
c) Hydroelectric power plant
d) Diesel power plant
Ans: C

44. When load factor and diversity factor increases ___________

a) cost of electricity decreases
b) cost of electricity also increases
c) cost of electricity remains same
d) cost of electricity increases exponential
Ans: A
45. Which of the following has highest diversity factor?
a) Domestic lightning
b) Commercial lightning
c) Industrial power
d) Domestic power
Ans: A

46.The cost of fuel transportation is maxmimun in........

A.Hydro-electric power plant
B.Steam power plant
C.Nuclear power plant
D.90% - 95%
Ans: B

47. Which of the following station is least efficient........

A.Nuclear power plant
B.Diesel power station
C.Thermal power station

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


D.None of the above

Ans: C

48.Stones are provided in the substation to:

a) To avoid fire accident by draining oil from transformer if leaks
b) To avoid growing of weeds and plants
c) To provide insulation
d) All the above
Ans: D

49.In order to improve the power factor ___ device is employed in the substation
a) Synchronous condenser
b) Synchronous reactor
c) Series Capacitors
d) None of the above
Ans: A
50. Which of the device is employed in substation to limit the short circuit current
in the power system:
a) Shunt condenser
b) Reactor
c) Series capacitor
d) Shunt capacitor
Ans: B
51. Which of the following busbar arrangement is generally employed in
distribution system:
a) One-and-half breaker arrangement
b) Main and transfer arrangement
c) Ring main distribution system
d) Single busbar arrangement system
Ans: C
52.Emulsifier protection is associated with:
a) Grounding protection
b) Dielectric strength protection of cables and conductors

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


c) Lightning protection
d) Fire protection
Ans: D
53.Squirrel cage induction motor has

a) Zero starting torque

b) Very small starting torque
c) Medium starting torque
d) Very high starting torque

Ans: B

54.The rating of the Transformer __ when the supply frequency is increased:

a) Remains unchanged
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) None of the above
Ans: B

55.Booster transformer should never:

a) Have fuse in the HV winding
b) Be left open circuited
c) Be left closed circuited
d) None of the above
Ans: B

56.In a transformer, with closed magnetic coupling between primary and

secondary __ will improve:
a) Efficiency
b) All day efficiency
c) Regulation
d) None of the above
Ans: C

57.An auto transformer is preferred over an ordinary two winding transformer due

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


a) Safety of operation
b) Availability of taps on secondary
c) Copper savings
d) All the above
Ans: C

58. The harmonic currents in a power transformer does not cause increase in:
a) Secondary voltage
b) Core loss
c) Copper loss
d) Magnetic interference with protective relays
Ans: A
59.In conversion of 3-phase to 2-phase supply with T connection, the
transformation ratio of the teaser will be__ times to that of main transformer:
a) 1.732
b) 1.15
c) 0.866
d) Unity
Ans: C
60.Two transformers of identical voltages but different capacities are operated in
parallel, for satisfactory load sharing:
a) Impedances should be equal
b) Per unit impedance must be equal
c) per unit impedance and X/R ratio must be equal
d) Impedance and X/R ratio must be equal
Ans: C
61.The cell which is used as standard cell is:
a) Dry cell
b) Solar cell
c) Mercury-Cadmium cell
d) Zinc-Carbon cell
Ans: C
62.The emf of a primary cell depends upon the:
a) Physical dimension of the cell
b) Nature of the electrolyte
c) Nature of the electrode
d) Both (b) and (c)

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


Ans: D
63.The law that finds application in electrolysis is:
a) Faraday's law
b) Coulomb's law
c) Ohm's law
d) Lenz's law
Ans: A
64.Electrostatic type instruments are mainly used for measurement of:
a) Heavy currents
b) Low currents
c) Low voltages
d) High voltages
Ans: D
65.Which of the following instruments have least torque/weight ratio:
a) Dynamometer type
c) Attraction type moving iron
d) Repulsion type moving iron
Ans: A
66.Which of the following bridge is frequency sensitive:
a) Wheatstone bridge
b) Maxwell bridge
c) Anderson bridge
d) Wien bridge
Ans: C
67.Earth wire or ground wire is made of:
a) copper
b) aluminium
c) iron
d) galvanized steel
Ans: D
68.Average resistance of human body is:
a) 500 ohms
b) 1000 ohms
c) 1500 ohms
d) 2000 ohms
Ans: B
69.Ground resistance should be designed such that:
a) grounding resistance should be as low as possible

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


b) grounding resistance should be as high as possible

c) grounding resistance should be always zero
d) none of the above
Ans: A
70.When earth fault occurs:
a) voltage potential at the earth mat increases due to grounding
b) voltage potential at the earth mat decreases due to grounding
c) voltage potential at the earth mat remains zero irrespective of fault
d) none of the above
Ans: A
71.Factors on which soil resistance depends:
a) depth of the electrode
b) moisture
c) Nacl
d) all the above
Ans: D
72.Junction breakdown occurs:
a) With forward bias
b) With reverse bias
c) Under high temperature condition
d) Because of excess heating of the diode
Ans: B
73.In the depletion region in the P-N junction there are:
a) No charges
b) No current
c) No mobile charges
d) No electron
Ans: C
74.For highly doped diode:
a) Zener breakdown is likely to take place
b) Avalanche breakdown is likely to take place
c) Either (a) or (b) can take place
d) Neither (a) nor (b) can take place
Ans: A
75.Tunnel diode is a:
a) Power diode
b) Has light doping
c) Has heavy doping
d) Is a reverse recovery diode
Ans: C

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


76.LEDs are fabricated from:

a) Silicon
b) Germanium
c) Si or Ge
d) Gallium arsenide
Ans: D
77.When is the Ferranti effect on long over head lines experienced?
a) The lines are lightly loaded
b) The lines are heavily loaded
c) The lines are fully loaded
d) The power factor is unity
Ans: A
78.Transmission efficiency of transmission line increases with the:
a) Decrease in power factor and voltage
b) Increases in power factor and voltage
c) Increase in power factor and decrease in voltage
d) Increase in the voltage but decrease in the power factor
Ans: B

79.Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer consists of:

a) Control and arithmetic logic unit and primary storage
b) Control, clock and ROM
c) Control, clock and RAM
d) Control, ALU, RAM and ROM
Ans: A
80.Floppy disc is a:
a) ROM
b) Fast storage
c) Flexible storage
d) Permanent storage
Ans: C
81.A micropocessor consists of:
a) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
b) Memories
c) Input / Output devices
d) All the above
Ans: A
82.The term 'Operating System' means:
a) A set of programs which helps to display
b) A set of programs which helps to control computer working

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


c) Set of programs which helps to convert high level instructions to machine level
instructions and vise-versa
d) None of the above
Ans: B
83.Which of the following is not a magnetic memory:
a) Flip-flop
b) Tape
c) Drum
d) Disk
Ans: A
84.ROM has a:
a) Decoder followed by encoder
b) Multiplexer followed by decoder
c) Demultiplexer followed by an encoder
d) None of the above
Ans: A

COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf


COMPILED BY: Engr.Muhammad Bilal Ashraf

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