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CELL BIOLOGY (Cell : The unit of life)


1. The content of nucleolus is continuous with the rest of the nucleoplasm as -

(A) It is the site of active rRNA synthesis
(B) It is spherical
(C) It is membraneless
(D) It is associated with NOR of certain chromosome

2. Number of nucleolus in a nucleus is -

(A) Only one
(B) Many
(C) Dependent on number of SAT-chromosome
(D) One or more

3. Nuclear DNA exists as a complex of proteins called ______ that ______

condenses into ______ during
(A) Chromatids, chromosomes, cell division
(B) Chromosomes, chromatin, Interphase
(C) Chromatin, Chromosome, Interphase
(D) Chromatin, Chromosome, Cell division

4. Which of the following cell organelles is directly connected to the outer nuclear
membrane ?
(A) Mitochondria (B) Golgi body (C) ER (D) Chromatin

5. An organelle found in all eukaryotic cells during some portion of their lives is
the -
(A) Chloroplast (B) Nucleus (C) Flagellum (D) Centriole

6. Material of the nucleus is stained by -

(A) Acidic dye (B) Basic dye (C) neutral dye (D) iodine

7. For the study of structure of nucleus the best cell is -

(A) Cell in the interphase (B) Cell in the late prophase
(C) Cell in the divisional phase (D) Cell in the meiotic phase

8. Which one is correct about the nuclear membranes (NMs)

(A) Both the NMs are never fused
(B) Both the NMs are always parallel to each other and is never fused
(C) Both NMs are parallel to each other and fused to form nuclear pores at a
number of places
(D) Inner NM is attached with ribosomes

9. The nuclear pores are the passage for the movement of certain materials between
the nucleus and cytoplasm in
both the direction. Which one is correct about materials in their respective
(A) Proteins, enzymes into the nucleus (B) Ribosomal components out of the
(C) mRNA out of the nucleus (D) All

10. Actively functional nucleus shows -

(A) Large nucleolus, diffused chromatin and more nuclear pores
(B) Large nucleolus, diffused chromatin and no nuclear pores
(C) Large nucleolus, compact chromatin and many pores
(D) No nucleolus, diffused chromatin and small nuclear pore

11. Both the nuclear membranes are separated by ______ in perinuclear space

(A) 10 to 50A0 (B) 1 to 5A0(C) 10 to 50 nm (D) 1 to 5nm

12. Cells actively carrying out protein synthesis have -

(A) Smaller and single nucleolus
(B) Smaller and more numerous nucleoli
(C) Large and more numerous nucleoli
(D) Large and single nucleolus

13. Chromatin consists of -

(A) DNA only (B) DNA + Histones
(C) DNA + RNA + histones + Non-histones (D) Ribonucleoproteins only

14. The total length of DNA molecules of 46 chromosomes in a human cell is

about ______, where as a typical cell is 10 m in length -
(A) 2mm (B) 2cm (C) 0.2 mm (D) 2m

15. Part of chromosome after secondary constriction is called -

(A) Chromomere (B) Telomere (C) Satellite (D) Primary constriction
16. Structure which provides the shape to chromosomes as called -
(A) Centromere (B) Centriole (C) Satellite (D) Chromomere

17. Which of the following enzymes is absent in lysosome ?

(A) Lipases and proteases (B) carbohydrase
(C) Polymerases (D) Nuclease

18. Which of the following is incorrect about the microbodies ?

(A) They are present in bacteria (B) Minute, membrous vesicles
(C) They are present in plants and animals (D) They have various enzymes

19. The Golgi apparatus (Dictysome) -

(A) Is found in animal cells only (B) Is found in prokaryotes only
(C) Is the site of rapid ATP production (D) Packages and modifies proteins

20. Which one is the important site of synthesis of glycoprotein and glycolipid ?
(A) GB (B) RER (C) Lysosome (D) None

Answer Key (Level - I)

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B7. A 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. C
13. C 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. A19. D 20. A

1. To enter or leave a cell substances must pass through
(A) a microtubule (B) the Golgi apparatus
(C) a ribosome (D) the plasma membrane

2. Bacterial cell are prokaryotic ; in comparison to a typical eukaryotic cell they

(A) be smaller (B) have a smaller nucleus
(C) lack a plasma membrane (D) have fewer internal membranous compartments

3. Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function ?

(A) mitochondrion ... photosynthesis (B) nucleus ... cellular respiration
(C) ribosome ... manufacture of lipids (D) central vacuole ... storage

4. The term “nuclear envelope” is more correct than the term “nuclear membrane”
(A) The enclosure has pores which membranes do not
(B) The enclosure is made up of two membranes
(C) The chemical composition is inconsistent with cellular membranes
(D) None of the above. The two terms are perfect synonyms.

5. A cell has mitochondria, ribosomes, smooth and rough ER, and other parts.
Based on this information, it could
not be
(A) a cell from a pine tree (B) a grasshopper cell
(C) a yeast (fungus) cell (D) a bacterium

6. Passage through pores in the nuclear envelope is restricted primarily to

(A) proteins, RNA, and protein-RNA complexes
(B) lipids and glycolipids
(C) DNA and RNA
(D) RNA and protein-carbohydrate complexes

7. Cell fractionation is the most appropriate procedure for preparing ____ for
(A) isolated cells which are normally found tightly attached to neighbouring cells
(B) cells without a functional cytoskeleton
(C) isolated organelles
(D) the basic macromolecules

8. Which of the following clues would tell you whether a cell is prokaryotic or
eukaryotic ?
(A) The presence or absence of a rigid cell wall
(B) whether or not the cell is partitioned by internal membranes
(C) the presence or absence of ribosomes
(D) whether or not the cell carries out cellular metabolism

9. Choose the correct statement(s) for active transport -

(A) It occurs against the conc. so it needs ATP
(B) A few ions transported by it
(C) Na+ / K+ pump is the example of active transport
(D) All

10. Cell wall is -

(A) Nonliving and impermeable (B) Nonliving, rigid and permeable
(C) Living and semipermeable (D) Living and selective permeable
11. Cell wall forms outer covering for plasmamembrane of -
(A) Only fungi (B) Only fungi and plants
(C) Only fungi, plants and bacteria (D) Fungi, bacteria, plants and animals

12. Which is not the function of cell wall ?

I. Provides shape to the cell
II. Protects the cell from mechanical damage and infection
III. Helps in cell to cell interaction
IV. Imbibes water
(A) Only V (B) Only IV
(C) Only II, IV, and V (D) None

13. Important site for formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids is

(A) Lysosome (B) Vacuole (C) Golgi apparatus (D) Plastid

14. Peptide synthesis inside a cell takes place in

(A*) Ribosomes (B) Chloroplast
(C) Mitochondria (D) Chromoplast

15. In eubacteria, a cellular component that resembles eukaryotic cell is -

(A) Cell wall (B) Plasma membrane
(C) Nucleus (D) Ribosomes

16. Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses etc. are used in genetic manipulation.
Bacterial plasmid is an
important genetic engineering tool. Which of the following statements about
bacterial plasmids is correct ?
(A) They are double-stranded circular nucleic acids
(B) They are recombinant proteins in the cytoplasm
(C) They are cell organelles that contain nucleic acids
(D) They are cell organelles that contain recombinant proteins

17. Which one of the following structures is an organelle within an organelle ?

(A) Ribosome (B) Peroxisome
(C) ER (D) Mesosome

18. Which one of the following cellular parts is correctly described ?

(A) Thylakoids - flattened membranous sacs forming the grana of chloroplasts
(B) Centrioles - sites for active RNA synthesis
(C) Ribosomes - those on chloroplasts are larger (80s) while those in the cytoplasm
are smaller (70s)
(D) Lysosomes - optimally active at a pH of about 8.5

19. The cell membranes of adjacent cells are fused at

(A) macula adherens (B) zonula adherens
(C) zonula occludens (D) nexus

20. Detailed structure of the membrane was studied after the advent of electron
microscope during
(A) 1930s (B) 1950s (C) 1970s (D) 1990s

Answer Key (Level - II)

1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. D
13. C 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. A19. C 20. B
1. Which one of the following organisms is not an example of eukaryotic cells
(A) Amoeba proteus (B) Paramecium caudatum
(C) Escherichia coli (D) Euglena viridis

2. Which one of the following is not considered as a part of the endomembrane

system ?
(A) Golgi complex (B) Peroxisome
(C) Vacuole (D) Lysosome

3. Of the following organelles, which group is involved in manufacturing

substances needed by the cell ?
(A) lysosome, vacuole, ribosome (B) ribosome, rough ER, smooth ER
(C) vacuole, rough ER, smooth ER (D) smooth ER, ribosome, vacuole

4. A cell has mitochondria, ribosomes, smooth and rough ER, and other parts.
Based on this information, it could
not be
(A) a cell from a pine tree (B) a grasshopper cell
(C) a yeast (fungus) cell (D) Actually, it could be any of the above

5. The electron microscope has been particularly useful in studying bacteria,

(A) electrons can penetrate tough bacterial cell walls
(B) bacteria are so small
(C) bacteria move so quickly they are hard to photograph
(D) with few organelles present, bacteria are distinguished by differences in
individual macromolecules.

6. Which of the following statements are true about Endoplasmic Reticulum ?

I. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum makes lipids
II. It is also called the control center of the cell
III. It processes carbohydrates
IV. It modifies chemicals that are toxic to the cell
(A) I, II and III (B) I, III and IV
(C) only I and IV (D) all are correct

7. Which of the following statements are true about Eukaryotes ?

I. They are cells with a nucleus.
II. They are found both in humans and multicellular organisms.
III. Endoplasmic reticulum is present in Eukaryotes.
IV. They have chemically complexed cell wall
(A) I, II and III (B) I, III and IV
(C) I, II and IV (D) all are correct

8. The DNA is located in the _____ of _____ .

(A) Cristae, mitochondria (B) Matrix, mitochondria
(C) Intermembrane space, mitochondria (D) Grana, chloroplast

9. RNA is found in all of the following structures except -

(A) Prokaryotic cell (B) Nucleus, chloroplast and mitochondria
(C) Vacuole (D) Ribosome, HIV, TMV

10. Which of the following cell organelle(s) is/are double membrane bound ?
(A) Nucleus (B) Chloroplast
(C) Mitochondria (D) All

11. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?

(A) Mitochondria, unless specifically stained are not easily visible under the
(B) Physiological activity of cells determines the number of mitochondria per cell
(C) Mitochondrion, a power house of cell has DNA, RNA, ribosomes and enzyme.
So it can survive outside the
(D) Mitochondria divide by fission

12. Based upon the type of pigment, plastids are of how many type ?
(A) 3 types (B) 4 types
(C) 2 types (D) 5 types

13. Chloroplasts contain -

(A) All types of pigments (B) Chl + Carotene + anthocyanine
(C) Chl + Carotenoids (D) Only Ch

14. In chloroplast, chlorophyll is present in -

(A) thylakoid (B) Stroma
(C) Outer membrane (D) Inner membrane of envelope

15. Stacks of vesicles in chloroplast form -

(A) Stroma (B) Thylakoid
(C) Grana (D) Oxysome

16. Extranuclear genes are found in -

(A) Lysosome and chloroplast (B) GB and ER
(C) Nucleus and mitochondria (D) Mitochondria and chloroplast

17. The number of chloroplast in each mesophyll is -

(A) 100 (B) 100 - 1000
(C) 20 - 40 (D) 104

18. In Chlamydomonas (a green alga) the number of chloroplast per cell is -

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 100 (D) 1000

19. The length and width of chloroplast is -

(A) 5 - 10 m, 1-4 mm (B) 50 - 10 m, 2-4 m
(C) 2 - 4 m, 5-10 m (D) 5 - 10 m, 2-4 m

20. In higher plants the chloroplast is -

(A) Spiral (B) Lens - shaped
(C) Cup shaped (D) Reticulate

Answer Key (Level - III)

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. B7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. A
13. C 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. A19. D 20. B


1. In order to find out quickly whether the

cells are licing one must observe: -
(1) Cell sap
(2) Tonoplast
(4)Starch granules
2. Mitochondria are also called a : -
(1) Lipochondria (2) Sarcoplasm
(3) Chondriosomes (4) Microbodies
3. Which one is widely disiributed in a cell: -
(1) DNA (2) RNA (3) Plastids (4) Golgi
4. Maximum enzymes are found in: -
(1) Lysosomes (2) Microbodria
(3) Nucleus (4) E. R
5. Rough E. R. mainly responsible for: -
(1) Protein synthesis
(2) Cell wall formation
(3) Lipid syntesis (4) Cholesterol synthesis
6. Besides producing secretory vesicles, the
function of golgibody is: -
(1) Lysosome formation
(2) Fprmation of spindle fibers
(3) Formation of E. R. (4) All the above
7. The flat structures consisting of cisternae
and lying clode to nucleus are: -
(1) E. R. (2) Golgibody
(3) Mitochondria (4) Centrosome
8. Mitochondria supply most of the
necessary biological energy through: -
(1) Breaking down sugars
(2) Reducing NADP
(3) Oxidising Substeates of TCA cycle
(4) Breaking down proteins
9. Enzymes for ETS occur in (mitochondria) :
(1) Matrix (2) Outer wall
(3) Inner membrane
(4) Between inner & outer wall
10.Which cel organelle secretes zymogen
(1) Lysosomes (2) Golgibody
(3) Smooth E. R. (4) Sphaerosomes
11. Mitochodrial DNAis ;-
(1) Naked (2) Circular
(3) Double stranded (4) All the above
12. Which strctrues are responsible for lipid
synthesis respectively in plants and
animal cells: -
(1) Smooth E. R.
(2) Smooth and rough E. R.
(3) Smooth E. R. and sphaerosomes
(4) Sphaerosomes and smooth E. R.
13. Golgibody orginatates from: -
(1) E. R (2) Mitochondria
(3) Nucleus (4) Proplastid
14. Lysosomes are not helpful in : -
(1) Osteogenesis
(2) Cellular digestion
(3) Metamoprphosis in frog(4) Lipogenesis
15.Digestion of hormonal vesicle by lysosome
is called.
(1) Crinophagy (2) Heterophagy
(3) Autophagy (4) Autolysis
16. Acrosome of sperm is derived from: -
(1) Golgi vesicle (2) Lysosome
(3) Golgi tuble (4) Cisternae
17.Which cell organelle synthesises steroids:
(1) E. R (2) Golgibody
(3) Peroxisomes (4) Lysosomes
18.In mammals, the mitochondrial ribosomes
are : -
(1) 55s (2) 70s (3) 80s (4) 100s
19. Phospholipid synthetase enzyme occur in
(1) RER (2)SER
(3)Golgibody (4) Giyoxysome
20. Which of the following provides
mechanical support and shape to the cell:
(1) Golgi complex (2) Centrioles
(3) Lomasomes (4) W. R.
21. What would happen if lysosomes get
ruptured inside the cells, in which they are
present : -
(1) Cella will swell (2) Cells willl die
(3) Cells will shrink (4) Nothing would
22. Power house of cell is : -
(1) Nucleus (2) DNA
(3) Mitochondria (4) ATP
23. Mitochondria are site of respiration first
reported by kingsbury and supported by
Hogeboom Mitochondria are related with
the oxidation of :
(1) Carbohydrates (2) Fats
(3) Proteins (4) All the above
24. Elementary particles of mitochondria
are: -
(1) F1 particles (2) Ribosomes
(3) DNA (4) Lysosomes
25. Wher does TCA cycle takes place: -
(1) Cytoplasm
(2) Inner membrane of mitochondria
(3) Outer membrane of mitochondria
(4) Mitochondrial matrix
26. Peptidyl transferase enzyme found on: -
(1) Cyroplasm (2) E. R.
(3) Golgibody (4) Ribosomes
27. F1 –partuckes are composed of : -
(1) Pifment (2) ATP
(3) ATPase (4) FMN
28.Hydrolytic enzymes are abundantly found
in which cell organelles: - [RPMT-2004]
(1) Ribosome (2) Lysosome
(3) Oxysome (4) Endoplasic
29. Which of the following transport the cell
wall material from dityosome: -
(1) Micirotubules (2) Microfilanent
(3) E. R. (4) Microbodies
30. Which of the following sets of cell
organelles contain DNA: -
(1) Mitochondria , peroxysome
(2) Plasma membrane, ribosome
31. Semiautonomous cell organelle is : -
(1) Mitochondria (2) Ribosome
(3) Plasma membrane (4) Peroxysome
32. Golgibody is absent in : -
(1) Prokaryotes
(2) Mature mammalian R. B. C.
(3) Akaryotes (4) all the above
33. Which cell orgenelles release oxygen: -
(1) Mitochondria (2) Golgi-body
(3) Chloroplast (4) Ribosome
34. The presence of the mitochondria plant
was first demomstrated by : -
(1) Altmann (2) Kolliker
(3) F. Meeves (4) Hofmeisier
35. In which types of cell lysosomes are
abundantly found : -
(1) Storage cell (2) Glandular cell
(3) Phagocytic cell (4) Vascular cell
36. One of the following is present outside
the plasma membrane but inside the cellwall
(1) Sphaerosome (2) Peroxisome
(3) Lomasome (4) Golgi body
37. Lysosome containing bone cells are
called: -
(1) Osteo blast (2) Fibro blast
(3) Osteoclast (4) Condrioblast
38. Chemical modification of substance like
glycosidation of protein and lipid occur in:
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum(2) Golgi body
(3) Lysosome (4) Ribosome
39 The smooth E. R. is generally made up of
(1) Cisternae (2) Tubules
(3) Vesicle (4) All the above
40. Most of the cell –organelles are derived
from which strcture of cell: -
(1) Nucleus
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum
(3) Mitochondria (4) Chloroplast
41. Smooth E. R. of animal cell does not
synthesize: -
(1) Cholesterol
(2) Phosphlipid
(3) Saturated fatty acid
(4) Unsaturated fatty acid
42. Which of the following is known as :
System of membrane”
(1) Lysosome (2) E. R.
(3) Mitochondria (4) Chhloroplast
43. Oxysome of mitochondria are concerned
with : -
(2) Oxidative phosphrylation
(3) Photorespiration (4) Digestion
44. Ribophorin –I and II occur in the surface
of : -
(1) Rough E. R. (2) Smooth E. R.
(3) Golgi body (4) None
45. The term” Lipido chondria “ was
suggested for : -
(1) Mitochondria (2) E. r.
(3) Golgi complex (4) Ribosome
46. The golgi components ara bound by: -
(1) Single unit membrane
(2) Double unt membrane
(3) Cisternae by single, tubules and
vacuole by double
(4) Cistrnae and tubules by single and
vacuole by double
47. During spermatoginesis golgi is thought
to be responsible for the formation of : -
(1) Tall (2) Myeloid piece
(3) Head (4) Acrosome
48. At whihch pH lysosomal enzymes remain
active: -
(1) pH -5 (2) pH -7 (3) pH -8 (4) pH—10
49. Synthesis of cellulose and hemicellulose
tade place in : -
(1) Micro bodies (2) Smooth E. R.
(3) Golgi complex (4) Lysosome
50, The cell organelles hacing abundance of
oxidizing enzymes is : -
(1) Golgi body
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum
(3) Centrioles (4) Mitochondria
51.In which part of mitochondria the enzyme
succinic dehydrogenase is present: -
(1) Outer membraane
(2) Inner membrane
(3) Matrix (4) Preimitochondrial space
52. Main function of golgi –complex is : -
(1) Fermentation
(2) Phosphorylation
(4)Packagingof materials for secretion
53. Pleomorphic cell organelles is : -
(1) Ribosome (2) Lysosome
(3) Chloroplast (4) Lucleus
54. Functional unit of protein synthesis is: -
(1) Dictyosome (2) Polyosome
(3) Peroxisome (4) Lysosome
55. Which of the following is a main source of
cellular membrane: -
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum
(2) Golgi body
(3) Mitochondria (4) Nucleus
56. Mitochondria are present in the : -
(1) Aerobic organism only
(2) Obligate anaerobic oranism
(3)Aerobicandobligate anderobic organism
(4) Angiosperm only
57. ATP ase activity occur in: -
(1) Head of F – particle
(2) Stalk of F-particle
(3) Base of F1 –particle
(4) All the above
58. Mark the lysosomal stabilizer: -
(1) Vitamin –K (2) Vitamin-A
(3) cortisone (4) Progesterone
59. The nuclear membrane originate fro: -
(1) E. R. (2) Golgi cisternae
(3) Golgi vesicle (4) Lysosome
60. T-tubules of muscles are modificatin of :
(1) E. R. (2) Golgibody
(3) Microtubules (4) Microtilaments
61 Cell organelle rich in hydrolases enzyme
is : -
(1) Mitochondria (2) Peroxisomes
(3) Glyoxysomes (4) Lysosomes
62. REE is well developed in cell engaged in
the synthesis of : -
(1) Steroids(2) Fats (3) Vitamin(4) Proteins
63.Which of the following prevents the
rupturing of lysosomal membrane: -
(1) Cholesterol (2) Vit. A
(3) Testosterone (4) UV-rays
64. Aerobic respiration is performed by: -
(1) Mitochondria (2) Chloroplast
(3) Ribosome (4) Golgibody
65. Mitochondria originated from: -
(1) Purple sulphur bacteria
(2) Cyanobacteria
(3 Mycoplasma (4) Virus
66. GERL concerned with the biogenesis of :
(1) Golgibody (2) E. R.
(3) Mitochondria (4) Lysosomes
67. Golgibody first observed by: -
(1) L. S>George (2) C. Golgi
(3) Parker (4) Kolliker
68. Which cell organelle oxidise maximum
type of respiratory s ubstrates: -
(1) Mitochondria (2) Lysosome
(3) Peroxisome (4) Chloroplast
69. Ground substance present inside the
mitochondria is called: -
(1) Stroma (2) Matrix
(3) Cell sap (4) Cytoplasm
70. Fat metabolism tskes place in: -
(1) Nucleus (2) Chlorplast
(3) Mitochondria (4) Glogibodies
71. Which cell organelles takes part in the
formation of lysosomes: -
(1) Irregular function of endoplasmic
(2) Storage of glycogen in lysosome
(3) Deficiency of vitamin E
(4) Hypersecretion of thyroid hormone
73. Suicide bags of cells are : -
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum (2) Lysosome
(3) Golgi bodies (4) Vacuoles
74.Osteogenesis and removal of dead cells are
function of : -
(1) Ribosome (2) Lysosome
(3) Cell membrane (4) Vacuoles
75. F1 subunit of oxysome is called: -
(1Head (2) Stalk (3) base (4) Filament
76. Three morphological forms of golgi
complex are: -
(1) Lamellae, tubules and vesicles
(2) Cisternae, tubules and vesicles
(3) Cisternae, tubules and lamellae
(4) Granum , thalykoids and vesicles
78. During germination which cell organelle
converts fatty acid into soluble
carbohydrate: -
(1) Per oxisome (2) Glyoxysme
(3) Sphaerosoes (4) Lysosome
79. Labilisers found ao membrane of
lysosome are: -
(1) Cortisone and cortisol
(2) Cholesterol and hrogesterone
(3) Testostrone and progesteron
(4) Cholesterol and progesterone
80. How many compoents present in fully
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5
81.The endoplasmic reticulum is present in:
(1) Nucleus (2) Chromosomes
(3) Nucleolus (4) Cytoplasm
82. Cellular furnaces of cells are-
(1) Chloroplast (2) Mitochondia
(3) Ribosome (4) Nucleus
83. Autodissolution and osteogenesis are
function of
(1) Golgibodies (2) Ribosome
(3) Lysosomes (4) Mitochondria
84. Semi autonomous cell organelles of cell
(1) Nucleus and chloroplast
(2) Chloroplast and mitochondria
(3) Vacuoles and golgi complex
(4) Ribosome and lysosome
85 . The name mitochondria was first given
by : -
(1) Robert Brown (2) Benda
(3) Altmann (4) L. S. Jorge
86. Cristae are found in: -
(1) Surface of grana
(2) Surface of plasma membrane.
87. A single unit membrane organelle is :
(1) Ribosomes (2) Mitochondria
(3) Chloropast (4) Lysosomes
88. Double layered organell are-
(1) Ribosones (2) Mitochondria
(3) Lysosomes (4) Centriole
89. Cisterne is found in-
(1) Only mitochondria
(2)Oniy Endoplasmic Reticulum
(3) Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi
(4) Only Golgi body
90. Substance which is synthesized in golgi
body is –
(1) Protein (2) Polusaccharides
(3) Fats (4) ATP
91. Which structure mainly maintains
composition of mitochondrial matrix-
(1) Outer membrane
(2) Inner membrane
(3) Both(1) &(2)
(4) Both membrane and Perimitochondrial

1. The main function of lysosome is :
(1) Sexual reproduction
(2) Extracellular digestion
(3) Inracellular digestion
(4) Both(2) and(3)

2. Which of the following maintens

continuity between the water and lipid
phase inside and outside the cell :
(1) Cell wall
(2) Lecithin
(3) Cell vacuole
(4) Cell membrane of woody plants
3. The membrane surrounding cell vacuole
is called
(1) tonoplast (2) Cell wall
(3) Plasma membrane (4) Cell membrane
4. The diagammatic representation of
chromosomes in known as :
(1) idiogram (2) karyotype
(3) holotype (4) nomotype
5. Thread like structure that are composed
of the nuclear DNA of eukaryotic cells
and are the carrier of genetic information.
These structure were known as
chromosomes. The term “ chromosome”
was given by :
(1) Waldeyer (2) Belbiani
(3) Purkinje (4) Sutton
6. Chromosomes, Present in prolonged
prophase in the salivary glands of
Drosophila are :
(1) Polytene chromosome
(2) B-chromosomes
(3) Lampbrush chromosome
(4) supenumerary chromososmes
7. Chromosomes at anaphase are of various
shapes due to position of :
(1) Setellie (2) Chromonem
(3) Centromere (4) DNA
8. The term ‘nucleosome’ was given by
oudet oline and olins called these particle
as ‘nu’ particles which histone is absent
in nucleosome :
(1) H1 (2) H2
(3) H3a (4) H4
9. Nucleosome given beaded appearance to
chromosome. They help in packing of
DNA in the chromosomes. A nucleosome
has : [UTTARANCHAL PMT 2006]
(1) about 2 turns of DNA
(2) 8 histone molecules of 4 types (2 mols
each of H2 a, H2 b, H3 and H4)
(3) 200 nitrogen base pairs
(4) all of the above
10.Salivary gland chromosome were
discovered by Balbiani (1881) from
salivary glands of larva of :
(1) Chironomous (2) Drosophila
(3) Silk worm (4) Lac worm
11.Is SAT chromosome, ST (Satellite) in
terminal part of chromosome beyond
secondary contraction. It contains :
(1) DNA (2) RNA
(3) repetitive DNA(4) None of the these
12.Material exchange through nucleopores
is faciliate by :
(1) Lamina propria (2) lipid layer
(3) Nucleoplasmin (4) Nucleoles
13. Centroide is :
(1) Microtubuler and membraneless
(2) Absent in Amoeba, red algae, bluegreen
algae, conifers and angiosperm
and made up of a peripheral double
(3) Basically locomotary and their role in
spindle formation is secondary
(4) All of the above
14.Association of a m-RNA with several
ribosomes is called :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) Polysome (2) Informosome
(3) Both(1) and(2 (4) None of these
15. G2 phase comes between :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) S and M pahse
(2) G1 and S phase
(3) S and D phase
(4) G1 and M Phase
16.Lampbrush chromosome is found in :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) Oocyte of amphibians
(2) salivary glande of mosquito
(3) Silk gland of silkworm
(4) None of the above
17. Prokaryotic ribosomes re :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) 50s (2) 60s
(3) 70s (4) 80s
18. Mesosome of prokaryotes perform
function similar to :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) Mitochondria
(2) Peroxysomes
(3) Lysosomes
(4) Ribosomes
19.RER is rough because of the present of
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) Volutin granules on its surface
(2) Ribosomes on its surface
(3) Lysosomes on its surface
(4) Mitochondir on its surface
20.Crossing over takes place between :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) 2 sister chromatids
(2) 2 non-sister chromatids
(3) 3 homologous chromosomes
(4) 4 non-homologous chromosomes
21.Cellular recognition is fasciliated by
components of plasmamembrane. These
components are generally :
[West Bengal 2007]
(1) Protein molecules alone
(2) Lipid molecules alone
(3) Both lipid and protein molecules
(4) Gylcolipids and glycoprotiens
22. The significance of meiosis lies in
[C. G. 2004]
(1) Maintaining constancy is the number
of chromosomes in an organism
(2) production of genetic variability in the
zpopulation of species
(3) Reduction of the diploid number of
chromosomes to haploid
(4) All of the above
23.Which among the following can be seen
only under the electron microscope :
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Chloroplast (2) Ribosome
(3) Leucoplast (4) Nucleus
24.A mature plant cell has :
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Cell wall and protoplasm
(2) Protoplasm and vacuole
(3) Vacuole and cell wall
(4) Protoplasm cell wall and vacuole
25. The larger sub-unit in 80 s ribosome
is : [C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) 50 s (2) 60 s (3) 40 s (4) Zero s
26. Golgi bodies are absent in
[C. G. PMT 200]
(1) Plants (2) Bacteria
(3) Animals (4)Eukaryotic cells
27.Endoplsmic reticulum is more developed
in : [C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Green cells (2) Young cells
(3) Mture cells (4) Bacteriophage
28. Mitochondria are related to :
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Prokaryotic cell (2) Plamids
(3) Prion (4) Virus
29. The main function of lyosomes in
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Digestion (2) Replication
(3) Translation (4) Translocation
30.Which of the following has a single
membrane :
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Ribosome (2) Peroxisome
(3) Nucleus (4) Cetnrosome
31. L-shaped chromosomes are called -
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Sex-chromosome (2) Acrocentric
(3) Telocentri (4)Sub metacenric
32 Pairing of homologous chromosomes
takes place in :
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Pachytene (2) Zygotene
(3) Diplotene (4) None of these
33.How many meiotic division will be
necessary to produce two hundred pollen
grain [C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) 100 (2) 99 (3) 50 (4) 200
34. Who coined the term ‘chromosome’
[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Balbiani (2) Waldeyer
(3) Sutton (4) Purkinje
35.A chromosome having sub- terminal
centromere is called -[C. G. PMT 2004]
(1) Telocentric
(2) Acrocentic
(3) metacentric
(4)Sub - metacentric
36.Which is the character of mitosis
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Leptotene (2) Zygotene
(3) Pachytene (4) None of the above
37. How many types of ells are known :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) One (2) two
(3) Three (4) Four
38. In which mitosis does not-occur
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Green algae (2) Fungi
(3) Bacteria (4) Higher plants
39. A mature plant cell has :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Cell wall (2) Vacuole
(3) Protoplasm (4) All of the above
40. Repulsion of homologous
chromosomes takes place in :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Zygotene (2) Leptotene
(3) Diakinesis (4) Pachytene
41. In eukaryotic cell the type ribosome is
: [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) only 70 s (2) Only 80 s
(3) 70 s and 80 s both (4) Only 50 s
42. Synthesis on DNA takes place in ;
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) G1 (2) G2 (3) S (4) None of these
43.The genetic material of procaryotic cells
is celled : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Nucleus (2) Nucleolus
(3) Nucleoid (4) Centrosome
44.Which organelle of plant cells secretes
polysaccharide to make cell walls :
[C. G. PMT 200]
(1) Golgi-bodies (2) Lysosome
(3) Mitochondria (4) Chloroplast
45.RNA contains which of the following
base, in place of Thymine of DNA :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Thymine (2) Uracil
(3) Adenine (4) None of these
46.The main function of lysosomes is in :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Only intracellular digestion
(2) Only Extracellular digestion
(3)Both intracellulr and extracellular
(4) None
47.Eukaryotic cell has : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) One chromatin fiber
(2) Definite nucleus
(3) Incipient nucleus
(4) None of these
48.Four daughter cells formed after meiosis
are : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Genetically similar
(2) Genetically different
(3) Anucleate
(4) Multinucleate
49.The synthesis of lipids and proteins is
associated with : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Endoplasmic retculum
(2) Miochondria
(3) Chloroplast
(4) Lysosomes
50.Cell theory was proposed by
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Scheleiden and Schwann
(2) Watson and Crick
(3) Darwin and Wallace
(4) Mendel and Morgan
51.During meiosis the division of
centromere takes place in :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) First prophase
(2) First anaphase
(3) Second metaphase
(4)Second anaphase
52.Which one of the following is not found
in animal cell : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Nucleus (2) Golgi bodies
(3) Chloroplast (4) Mitochondria
53.Unit membrane consists of :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Lipid + Sugar+ Lipid
(2) Protein + Lipid + Protein
(3) Lipid + Protein + Lipid
(4) Protein
54.Principal constituents of chromosomes
are : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) DNA + Protein (2) DNA
(3) RNA (4) tRNA
55. Shape of chromosome is determined by
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Telomere (2) Centromere
(3) Chromomere (4) Centrosome
56.In a bacterial cell the respiratory
enzymes are found is : [C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Mitochondria (2) Chondrisome
(3) Mesosome (4) Centrosome
57.The cell wall of spirogyra is made up of
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Cellulose (2) Suberiun
(3) Lignin (4) Chitin
58.The main function of Golgi complex is :
[C. G. PMT 2005]
(1) Translocation (2) Phosphorylation
(3) Glyco-oxidation (4) Fermentation
59.In cell divisioin, spindle bifrses are made
up of protein : [JHARKHAND 2006]
(1) Myoglobin (2) tubulin
(3) albumin (4) myosin
60. Bulk of histome proteins systhesized in :
(1) G1-phase (2) G2-phase
(3) S-phase (4) G0-phase
61.Choose the incorrect match :
(1) Nucleus : RNA
(2) Lysosome : protein synthesis
(3) Mitochondria : respiration
(4) Cytoskeleton : microtubules
62.rough endoplasic reticulum is associated
with : [JHARKHAND 2006]
(1) fat synthesis
(2) steroid synthesis
(3) protein synthesis (4) all of these
63.Resolving power of electron microscope is
: [JHARKHAND 2006]
(1) 1 (2) 10 Å (3) 100 Å (4) 1000 Å
64.Number of Bar bodies in XXXXY is :
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
65.The study related to the structure and
function of a cell called as :
(1) Physiology (2) Cell biology
(3) Histology (4) Cellology
66.The longest phase of meiosis (I) is :
(1) metaphase I (2) prophase I
(3) anaphase I (4) telophase I
67.Flyid mosaic model was given gy :
(1) Knoll and Ruska
(2) Singer nd Ruska
(3) Singer and Nicolson
(4) bateson and Punnet
68.Colchicine prevents the mitosis of cell at
: [JHARKHAND 2005]
(1) Prophase stage
(2) Anaphase stage
(3) Metaphase stage
(4) Metaphase stage
69.The number of DNA in chromosome at
G2 stage [JHARKHAND 2006]
(1) One (2) Two (3) Four (4) Eight
70.The characteristic of blue-green algae is :
(1) DNA without histone
(2) Nucleus absent
(3) Nuclear membrane absent
(4) All of the above
71.Cell wall of a cell is removed, the
remaining is called : [Bihar 2005]
(1) Etioplast (2) Aleuroplast
(3) Amyloplast (4) Protoplast
72.Movement against concentration gradient
is called : [Bihar 2005]
(1) Osmosis (2)active transport
(3) diffusion (4) passive transport
73.Synapsis occurs in . . . . . phase of
meiosis : [Bihar 2005]
(1) Zygotene (2) Diplotene
(3) Pachytene (4) leptotene
74. Which one is present in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell :
[Bihar 2004]
(1) Ribosome (2) Mitochondria
(3) ER (4) Nucleus
75. Centromereisalso called :[Bihar 2003]
(1) Chromomere
(2) Secondary constriction
(3) Primary constriction
(4) Chromonema
76. In “ singer and Nicolson” model of
plasma membrane, the extrinsic proteins
are [Bihar 2002]
(1)Tightly associated with intrinsic
protein and can be easily separated
(2)Loosely associated with intrinsic
(3)Loosely associated with intrinsic
protein and can be easily separated
(4) Loosely associated with intrinsic
protein and can’t be easily separated
77.Ribosomes are associated with :
[Bihar 2002 ]
(1) RNA synthesis
(2)Protein nthesis
(3) Enzyme mobilisation(4) DNA synthesis
78.Which organelle is not found in an
animal cell : [Bihar 2001]
(1) Peroxysome (2) Ribosome
(3) Lysosome (4) None of these
79.Actin fibre is present in : [Bihar 2001]
(1) Cilia (2) Flagella
(3) Carbohydrates (4) Microfilaments
80.Carrier proteins are involved in :
[Bihar 2006]
(1) Transport of enzymes
(2) water transport
(3) Active transport of ions
(4) Passive transport of gases
82.The recent model fro plasma membrane
proposed by Siner and nicolson is :
[Bihar 2005]
(1) Molecular lipid model
(2) Lamellar model
(3) Unit membrane model
(4) fluid mosaic model
83.Significance of meiosis lies in :
[Bihar 2006]
(1)Reduction of chromosome number to
one half
(2) Maintaning constancy of chromosome
number during sexual reproduction
(3) Production of genetic variability
(4) All of the above
84.Function of mitochondria is :
[UP CPMT 2002]
(1) Excretion
(2) Respiration
(3) Digestion
(4) Excretion and respiration
85.Term basal body is associated with the
development of : [UP CPMT 2003]
(1) cilia and flagella (2) cell plate
(3) phragmoplast (4) kinetochore
86.Golgi body originates from :
[UP CPMT 2003]
(1) lysosome
(2) Endoplasmic reticulum
(3) mitochondria (4) cell membrane
87.Lipid molecules in plasma membrane are
arranged in which manner :
[UP CPMT 2003]
(1) scattered (2) series
(3) alternate (4) head parallel
88.Structure of nuclear membrance helps in
: [UP CPMT 2003]
(1) organisation of the spindle
(2) synapsis of homologous chromosome
(3) nucleo-cytoplasmic exchange of
(4) anaphasic separation of daughter
89.Hydrolytic enzymes are stored in :
[UP CPMT 2003]
(1) Golgi bodies
(2) Lysosomes
(3) Endoplasmic reticulum
(4) Mitochondria
90.Ribosomemayalsocalled :
[UP CPMT 2002]
(1) Microsome (2) Dictyosome
(3) Ribonucleoprotein (4) Oxysomes
91.Genes are present on :
[UP CPMT 2003]
(1) Chromosomes (2) Lamellae
(3) Plasma membrane (4) Mesosomes
92.The cromosome showing L-shaped
structure by the presence of centromere
is termed as : [UP CPMT 2003]
(1) Acentric (2) Metacentric
(3) Sub-metacentric (4) Telocentric
93.Chromosomes can be seen best during :
[MP PMT 2003]
(1) Prophase (2) Metaphase
(3) Anaphase (4) Telophse
94. What will be the gametic chromosome
number of a cell, if somatic cell have 40
chromosomes [MP PMT 2003]
(1) 10 (2) 20
(3) 30 (4) 40
95.Whocoined the term ‘cell’[MP PMT 2003]
(1) Purkinje (2) Robert Brown
(3) Robert Hooke (4) Hugo von Mohl
96.In which of the following stage
chromosomes are arranged at equatorial
plate : [MP PMT 2003]
(1) Anaphase (2) Metaphase
(3) Prophase (4) Telophase
97.During mitosis number of chromosomes
gets : [MP PMT 2003]
(1) Change
(2) No change
(3) May be change if cell is mature
(4) May be change if cell is immature
98.Chromosome having centromere in its
middle is [MP PMT 2005]
(1) Acrocentric (2) Telocentric
(3) metacentric (4) submetacentri
99.Single membrance bound is :
[MP PMT 2005]
(1) lysosome (2) Plastid
(3) nucleus (4) mitochondria
100.Which of the following do not possess
lipoproteinaceous membrane :
[MP PMT 2006]
(1) lysosomes (2) lomasomes
(3) ribosomes (4) sphaerosomes
101.In meosis chromosome number because
: [MP PMT 2006]
(1) Half of its parent chromosome
(2) Same at that of parent chromosome
(3) One fourth of its parent chromosome
(4) None of the above
102.Centrosome is not present in :
[MP PMT 2003]
(1) Cell of higher plants
(2) Cells of lower plants
(3) Cells of higher animals
(4) Cells of lower animals
103. Site of protein synthesis is :
[MP PMT 2005]
(1) Ribosome (2) SER
(3) Golgi bodies (4) Lysosome
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 1 3 3 4 1 1
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 1 3 1 2 2 4 4 24 2 2 2 1 1 2
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 4 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 2
Que. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 3 2 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 3
Que. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Ans. 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 1 1 3
Que. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans. 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 1 2 4 3 2 3
Que. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Ans. 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 1

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