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Date: 16-12-2015 BIOLOGY-XI M.Marks. 75 Time: 2h 30m
Note:- Attempt any 10 Questions. All Questions carry equal marks:
Q#02 Write any one difference between:
(a) Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (b) DNA and RNA
Q#03 Define the following terms:
(a) Biochemistry (b) prion (c) Hydroponics
Q#04 Why RNA is known as carrier of information?
Q#05 Why lysosome commonly called sucide sac?
Q#06 Write the steps that take place during the formation of nucleotide?
Q#07 write the name of five kingdoms?
Q#08 Why algae previously placed in kingdom plantae?
Q#09 Why protoctista is consider as a polyphyletic group?
Q#10 Why enzyme are specific in nature?
Q#11 Enlist the name of diseases which are caused by lysosomal storage disorder in children?
Q#12 discuss in brief key and lock theory?
Q#13 In which type of cells smooth E.R is found abundantly?
Q#14 Why nostoc lives in colonial form?
Q#15 How many ways of Genetic recomination are present in bacteria?
Q#16 what is fit induced model?
Note:- Attempt any three questions. Draw the diagram where it necessary:
Q#17 Define plastid. Discuss chloroplast as energy converting organelle.
Q#18 what is enzyme? Discuss the characters, structure and function of enzymes
Q#19 What is virus? Describe the classification of virus on biochemical basis?
Q#20 Define bacteria? Classify bacteria on the basis of flagella and shape?
Q#21 (a) Discuss amino acid as a building block of protein?
Q#21 (b) Define Nucleus, its structure and function?

Date: 16-12-2015 Biology M. Marks: 25 Time: 25m
(SECTION A Multiple choice Questions)
Note:- Choose the most suitable option:
1. The unique process of photosynthesis occur bacteria without:
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen (c) Water (d) Hydrogen sulphide
2. The cell organelle which is involved in the manufacturing of material of cell wall and cell plate in
plants is:
(a) Ribosomes (b) E.R (c) Golgibodies (d) Lysosome (e) Plastid
3. A student using a light microscope observes a cell and correctly decides that it is a plant cell because:
(a) Ribosomes are visible (b) An endoplasmic reticulum can be seen (c) A cell membrane
is absent (d) It has a larger central vacuole (e) Centrioles are absent
4. The common feature in prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells generally have:
(a) A memberane bounded nucleus (b) A cell wall made of cellulose
(c) Ribosomes (d) Flagella or cilia that contain micro tubules
(e) Linear chromosomes of DNA and proteins
5. All of the following are typical componant of the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cell except
(a) Chlorestrol (b) Phospholipids (c) Integral protein (d) Cytochrome
(e) Glycoproteins
6. A biologist isolates numerous tiny, green pigmented cells from a sample of lake water. The cells
contain relatively amount green pigment, phycocyanin and lack a compact organized nucleus.
Electron microscopy will reveal that these cells also contain the following pairs of subcellular
(a) Chloroplast and mitochondria (b) Golgibodies and cell wall
(c) Ribosomes and Mitochodria (d Cell wall and chlorophyll
(e) Glycosome and chloroplast
7. The process in which protein is assembled at a ribosome is:
(a) Transcription (b) Translation (c) Transformatio (d) Ruplication
(e) Reverse transcriptase

From Question No. 8 to 9

Three different types of cell were observed under the microscope. The observation are summarized below
in the table

Cell type Nucleus Cell wall chloroplast

A No Yes No
C Yes Yes Yes

8. based on the information in the above mentioned table, which of the following is the most likely
classification of the cell type B.

(a) fungi (b) Plant (c) Bacteria (d) Animal

9. which of the following equations are able to run in the cell type A

I. 6 CO2+12H2O 12C6H1206+6H2O+6O2

II. H2O +light O2+ATP+NADH

III. C2O+2H2S (CH2O)n+H2O+2S

(a) I only (b) II only (c)I and III only (d) III only
10. linoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid and its content is highest in

(a) coconut oil (b) sun flower oil (c) cotton oil (d) mutton fat (e) mint oil

11. choose the group of phylogenic hierarchy, which is the most in common with one another.

(a) member of the same kingdom (b) member of the same phylum
(c)member of the same order (d)member of the same species
(e)member of the same family
12. choose the correct statement about mitochondria

I. It is seen in constant motion

II. it is passed to young one only by mother.
III. it is commonly called the centre of aerobic respiration.
IV. it is semi-autonomous in the cell.
(a) I only (b) IV only (c) I and IV only (d) II, III, IV only (e)All are correct

13. The cemeting layer between two daughter cells is composed of

(a) Lignin (b) Cellulose (c)Hemicellulose (d)Calcium pecatate (e) Sodium Pectate

14. All theory of an enzyme which is depend upon the physical contact b/w the enzyme and substrate is:
(a) Fit induced model (b) Key lock theory (c) Enzyme substrat complex
(d) Lock substrate compex
15. Which of the following is a mode of genetic exchange within a bacterial population?
I. Transformation
II. Transduction
III. Transciption
IV. Conjugation
(a) Only I (b) Only II (c) Only III (d) I and II only (e) I, II and IV only
16. Choose the correct statement related to nucleic acid:

I. ATP is unstable molecule and it carry energy from place to place within cell
II. Nucleic acid acts as a store house and transmitter of genetic material.
III. Two nucleotides are linked by phosphate of each other
IV. Nitrogen bases in DNA encode all the information needed to synthesize proteins.
(a) All except I (b) All except II (c) All except III (d) All are correct
17. If enzyme concentration is low than substrate, pH and temperature values are constantly equal to
requirement then which of the following will increase rate of reaction.

(a) Increase in concentration of substrate (b) Increase on concentration of enzyme

(c) Increase in pH (d) Increase in temperature (e) Increase in water concentration
18. A lady Anuradha belongs to tribal areas she wear dark, full length garments and gets very little
exposure to sun light what will be wrong for her?

I. Vitamin D is not syntheaized within her skin cells

II. As servere complictions, she will develop weak and soft bones
III. Proteins are not synthesized within her skin cell
IV. Lipid compounds are formed by the conversion of cholestrol in her skin cells, whenever sun light
(a) II only (b) III only (c) All ecept III (d) All except II (e) IV only
19. Plasmid prsent in bacterial cell is:
(a) Linear double helical RNA molecule (b) Linear double helical DNA molecule
(c) Circuler double helical DNA molecule (d) Circular double helical RNA molecule
20. Choose the member of protista:
(a) Nostoc (b) Mushroom (c)Euglena (d) Yeast
21. The phages which show lysogenic cycle are known as:
(a) Lytic phages (b) Temperate phages (c) Virulent phage (d) Avirulent phage
(e) Bacterio phage
22. Virus with nucleic acid but without protein coat is:
(a) Virion (b) Viroid (c) Capsid (d) Prion
23. Identify A to C in the structure and choose the correct option accordingly.

A. head B. coller C. tail fibre D. injecting pin
A. head B. baseplate C. tail fibre D. coller
A. head B. sheath C. tail fibre D. baseplate
A. RNA B. sheath C. tail fibre D. baseplate
A. Genome B. coller C. tail fibre D. injecting pins
(24) Identify the structures and choose the options accordingly.

(A). A. . T.M.V B. . DNA C nerve fibre D. bacteria

(B). A. bacteria B. nerve fibre C. . DNA D. T.M.V
(C). A. T.M.V B. DNA C. nerve fibre D. bacteria
(D). A. T.M.V B. nerve fibre C. DNA D. bacteria
(E). A. bacteria B. . T.M.V C. nerve fibre D. DNA
(25) Identify A to C in the structure and choose the correct option accordingly.

(A). A. cristae B. matrix C. outer membrane

(B). A. matrix B. outer membrane C. cristae
(C). A. outer membrane B. cristae C. tail fibre
(D). A. outer membrane B. matrix C. cristae

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 14. 16. 17. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

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