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Report Submission

Roll no: 714ME4096

Under guidance of
Dr. Haraprasad Roy


Abstract wing UAV, flapping amplitude, flapping
Mechanism is the heart of the machine velocity, kinematic analysis, Multi Objective
which serves its purpose by converting input Genetic Algorithm.
motion to desired output motion. Flying
creatures are always being an inspiration to
Flapping Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
humans to fly efficiently and maneuver
(FWUAV) also called Ornithopter, is an
swiftly. Many researchers have invested
unmanned aerial vehicle which mimics the
their interest to exactly mimic the flying
birds’ flying characteristics by flapping its
motion but failed to do so because of many
wings. Such type of UAV has several
problems arise like complex kinematics,
advantages like short distance takeoff &
complex body structure, weight limitations
Landing, hovering over same sight and same
and many more. So, in quest of efficient and
height with great stability over fixed and
dynamic flapping of the wing, the proposed
rotary wing counterparts. It can be used in
Combined Crank Slotted Lever Four Bar
surveillance, inspection and military
Flapping Wing Mechanism is suitable to
applications. Simplest mechanism that can
tackle such problems. Such problems come
be used for flapping the wings is 4 bar
under Flapping Wing Unmanned Air
mechanism, in which four links are
Vehicle (FWUAV) domain. The present
connected by four revolute joints. Different
work proposed a mechanism which mimics
inversions like double rocker, double crank
the flapping motion of the birds. In this
and crank rocker mechanism of four bar
work, 3D modeling of the mechanism
mechanism are available to employ to get
followed by motion simulation using
desired flapping motion. There is a
commercial software is done. Kinematic
limitation in space inside body case of the
analysis of the mechanism is executed to
prototype and to compensate lower
predict the flapping amplitude, flapping
structural strength and stability. There is the
velocity and geometric parameters. Multi
introduction of combined crank slotted
Objective Genetic Algorithm is used for
lever- four bar flapping wing mechanism,
optimization of different parts and links of
which is the combination of crank slotted
the mechanism.
lever and four bar mechanism. The input is
Keywords: Combined crank slotted lever-
given from DC Geared Motor as rotation
four bar flapping wing mechanism, flapping
and output is taken as flapping amplitude by
the output link connected through various fabricated the flapping wings that hover
linkages. Existed mechanism mentioned in using 4 bar mechanism. Sandhya et al.
Pradhan et al (2017) had weight and (2015) had synthesised and analysed five bar
complex fabrication limitations identified, to mechanism for the development of flapping
rectify and implement it in future wing ornithopter. According to the pattern
counterpart. In order to avoid these of flapping motion, the mechanism had been
problems, there is a need to develop a developed as mentioned in Rehmat (2009)
combined crank slotted lever four bar and Nguyen et al. (2014). Flapping wing
flapping wing mechanism. Kinematic Micro air vehicle whose span had been less
analysis of the proposed mechanism along than 20 cm also demonstrated in Yang et al.
with optimization of various parts like gears, (2015). Other than 4 bar mechanism, various
link lengths, etc. by Multi objective Genetic mechanisms like Clap and Fling mechanism
Algorithm and in the last, the fabrication of (Phan et al. (2016) ) had been developed for
the optimized mechanism, which can be flapping wing domain. Widhiarini et al.
used for flapping wing UAV prototype. (2016) mentioned about the mechanism used
with autonomous flight control. Jeon et al.
Following findings are regarded as the clue (2017) had performed flexible dynamic

to flapping wing domain for developing analysis for link mechanism. Wang et al.

concept and tackling the knowledge required (2018) had shown the design which used the

to understand its complexity of making the wing swing and wing pitch for flapping

mechanism suitable for better mechanism. Wang et al. (2018) had

manoeuvrability. synthesised the mechanism using spatial

The simplest form of a mechanism is 4 bar RRR serial chain for the flapping wing

mechanism and this mechanism has UAV.

different inversions which are suitable for Kinematic analysis of the flapping wing

various practical applications. Madangopal domain had been mentioned in Carretero et

et al. (2005) designed a biological inspired al. (2000), Liu et al. (2015) and Negrello et

flapping wing mechanism employing 4 bar al. (2016). Ambekar (2009) had solved

mechanism, which opens the possibilities for many mechanism problems related to four

research in this stream. Similarly, Zbikowski bar and crank slotted lever mechanism to do

et al. (2005) had tabled a concept and kinematic analysis using analytical
approach, which is suitable for computation 2. Kinematic analysis is to be used to find
purpose also. out position, velocity, and acceleration of
In addition to mechanisms, derivation on the combined crank slotted lever four bar
design of spur gear with relevant parameters flapping wing mechanism.
given satisfying practical conditions had 3. Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm is to
been described and mentioned in Bhandari be carried out for finding the optimized
(2010). values to different parameters affecting the
Vanderplaats (2001), Ryan (2012), and Deb functionality of the mechanism.
(2012) had shown various optimization 4. Fabrication of the proposed optimized
techniques, out of which, multi objective mechanism.
genetic algorithm optimization has been
good choice to work on. Meanwhile, Van In this work, methodology is arranged
Truong (2018) mentioned about the according to the occurrence of its existence.

structural optimization for the flapping wing 1. 3D modeling of the Mechanism

micro air vehicle, which can be utilized for
the other mechanism also.


With recognition in research gap in literature

review, it is noted that the efficient
mechanism leads to efficient flapping
motion with great maneuvers. The Fig.No:1 combined Crank Slotted Lever
mechanism should be made such that the Four Bar Flapping Wing Mechanism
prototype of FWUAV mimics the bird 1.A. Working principle of the Mechanism
complex flying motion. In order to tackle A combined crank slotted lever four bar
that problem, following objectives are flapping wing mechanism as shown in the
followed as: above figure 1, in which a DC motor is
1. 3D modeling and Motion simulation of connected to Gear A powering the whole
the combined Crank Slotted lever - four bar mechanism. Gear A is meshed with Gear B
Flapping Wing Mechanism is required to and Crank is connected to the Gear B for the
check whether it will function or not. one side of the flapping wing.
Slider in slotted lever is responsible for the
rocker motion of the slotted lever.A 4-bar
mechanism is used here in which the slotted
lever is taken as input link. To the output
link of 4-bar mechanism, the flapping wing
is attached to suitable position. Thus, output
link exhibits rocker motion which due to
parallelogram mechanism (special type of 4
bar mechanism) in which lengths of the Fig.No 3: Spur Gear-A
opposite link are same and follows
Grashoff’s law.
Same will be followed for the wing
connected to gear C.

Fig No 4: Connecting Rod

Fig.No 5: Slotted lever

Fig.No 2: Spur Gear-B and C

Fig No 6: Slider

Fig. No. 8: Combined crank-slotted lever-

four bar mechanism

Mechanism having one sliding pair

Total no of joint =7
Total no of links =6
According to the Grublers Criterion , degree
of freedom of the mechanism can be found
out using the equation by :-
F  3  l  1  2 j  h
where ‘l’ is no the link =6 and ‘j’is the no
of joints =7

Fig.No 7: wing is connected with output  F  3(6  1)  2  7  0  1

link of a four bar mechanism Now finding displacement, velocity, and
acceleration diagram /analysis (Analytical
2. Kinematic Analysis of the mechanism approach):-
Given: r1, r2 , &1 , variable r3,2 & 3

Thus dividing equation (3) by (2) we will

r1 sin 1  r2 sin 2
3  tan 1( ) (5)
r1 cos1  r2 cos2
Also the loop closure equation for the
portion OO3TQ1
(Four bar mechanism):-
R7  R6  R4  R5
r7  r6e j6  r4e j4  r5e j5 (6)

Fig. No 9: displacement, velocity, and Separating real and imaginary parts and
acceleration diagram comparing:-
 r7  r6 cos6  r4 cos4  r5 cos5 (7)
A. Position Analysis:-
& r6 sin 6  r4 sin 4  r5 sin 5 (8)
Let O2P be the crank and Q be the point Dividing (8) by (7):-
(r4 sin  4  r5 sin 5 )
fixed on OR0 with which sliding point O2PP tan(6 ) 
(r4 cos 4  r5 cos 5  r7 )
is momentarily in coincidence.
 (r4 sin  4  r5 sin 5 ) 
 6  tan 1  
 (r4 cos  4  r5 cos 5  r7 ) 
The loop closure equation for portion O O2P
of mechanism:- Where  6 is the output link (angle)
R1  R2  R3   4  3
Which can be rewritten in complex polar
 (r4 sin 3  r5 sin 5 ) 
form as:- 6  tan 1   (9)
 (r4 cos 3  r5 cos 5  r7 ) 
r1e j1  r2e j2  r3e j3 (1)
 Squaring and Adding the equation (7)
Separating real and imaginary parts and &equation (8):-
r62   r4 sin 3  r5 sin 5    r4 cos 3  r5 cos 5  r7 
2 2
r1 cos1  r2 cos2  r3 cos3 (2)
 r62  r42 sin 2 3  r52 sin 2 5  2r4 r5 sin 3 sin 5 
& r1 sin 1  r2 sin 2  r3 sin 3 (3)  r4 cos3  r5 cos 5  r7  .  r4 cos 3  r5 cos 5  r7 
Squaring and adding equations (2) & (3)

 r3  r12  r22  2r1r2 cos(1 2 ) (4)

 r62  r42 sin 2 3  r52 sin 2 5  2r4 r5 sin 3 sin 5  So,
(r42 cos 2 3  r4 r5 cos 3 cos 5  r4 r7 cos 3 )    

 r  cos   r3 3 sin  3

r 3  vQ   2 
2 2

(r4 r5 cos 3 cos 5  r52 cos 2 5  r7 r5 cos 5 )  sin 3 

 
r7 r4 cos 3  r7 r5 cos 5  r72
r 2  r52  2r4 r5 cos(3  5 )  r72 
 r6   4  C. Velocity analysis for four bar
r7 r4 cos 3  r7 r5 cos 5  mechanism OQ1TO3

1 Using loop-closure equation (6) is

r  r  2r4 r5 cos(3  5 )  r7 
 
2 2 2 2
 r6   4 5 differentiating. Remembering that r4 , r5 , r6
 (10)
r7 r4 cos 3  r7 r5 cos 5
 
 and r7 are invariants with time being the link
lengths, differentiations gives:-
So r4  r6 & 5  180 / 0  r7  r6e j6  r4e j4  r5e j5 
B. Velocity Analysis:-  0  r6  j 6  e
 
 j6  
 
 r4  j  4  e j  r5  j 5  e

 j5

     
Differential equation (1) w r t time
(Note: r1, r2 , &1 are constant but r3,2 & 3 are (16)
  
variables.) Remembering that  4 ,5 & 6 represent
 

  
 angular velocities w4 , w5 and w6 of the link
0  r2  j  2  ei2   r3  ( j  3 )r3  e j3 (11)
    OQ1 , Q1T & TO3 .
Above equation (16) is rewritten using
Euler’s formula as
Separating real & imaginary parts &
    
   
 r6   6   j cos  6  sin  6   r4   4   j cos  4  sin  4  
r2  2 sin 2  r3 cos 3  r3 3 sin 3 (12)    
  
  
r5  5   j cos  5  sin  5 
r2  2 cos 2  r3 sin 3  r3 3 cos 3 (13)  
Comparing real and imaginary parts:-
   
To eliminate r 3 and multiplying equation r6 6 cos 6  r4 4 cos 4  r5 5 cos 5 (17)
(12) by sin 3 and equation (9) by cos 3 and   
r6 6 sin 6  r4 4 sin 4  r5 5 sin 5 (18)
 
 (r2  2 ) cos(2  3 )  r3  3 (cos 2 3  sin 2 3 ) Linear algebraic equations in variables
  
6 & 5 to establish  6 by eliminating
 r  
 3   2  . 2 cos( 2  3 ) (14) 

 r3  unknown variables  5 equation (18) by

 cos 5 & equation (17) by sin 5 Subtraction
Put  3 in equation (13) ,
gives, {(18)-(17)}
  

  r6  6 sin  6 cos 5  r6  6 cos  6 .sin 5             
  r2   2  e j2   r3  e j3  2 j  r3  3  e j3
        
  
     

 4 4
r  cos  .sin   r4 4 sin  4 cos  5 
  j  r3 3  e j3  r3  3  e j3
 
4 5
   
 
 r6  6 sin( 6  5 )  r4  4 sin( 4  5 )
Separating out real & imaginary parts and
 r    sin( 4  5 ) 
6   4  4  
 r5   sin(6  5 ) 
   
 
(19) r2   2  cos  2  r3 cos 3  2  r3  3 sin 3
     
 4 3 
Again multiplying equation (17) by sin 6 &  r3 3 sin 3  r3 32 cos3 (22)
equation (18) by cos 6 and subtracting:
{(18)-(17)}    
 
 r2   2  sin  2  r3 sin 3  2  r3  3 cos 3 
 0  r4  4  sin  4 .cos  6  cos  4 .sin  6      
 

r5 5  sin  6 .cos 5  cos  6 .sin 5  r3 3 cos3  r3 32 sin 3 (23)
 
 0  r4  4 sin  4   6   r5 5 sin 5   6  
To eliminate terms involving r 3 , multiply
  r    sin( 4  6 )  equation (22) by sin 3 & (14) by cos 3 &
.  5   4  . 4   (20)
 r5   sin(5  6 )  subtract:
    
2  r3  3  sin 2 3  cos 2 3 
D. Acceleration analysis:-  r2   2  sin 3   2  
   
Differentiate equation (11) w r t time ( r2 is  r3 3
constant) so,
     2     2   
 r2  j  2    j  2   e j2   r 
2  2  sin      2  r3  3  cos 23 
     
   
3 2
3    (24)
  
        r3 
 r3  r3  j 3    j 3  r3   
  e j3  
      

 r3  j 3   r3  j 3  
     

(21) Substituting (  3 ) in equation (22):-
Now, the crank O2P revolves uniformly  r3 
2  0 ,   • 2 •• • •
 •  cos  

r 
 3 3 cos   r  sin   2 r 3  sin  - r2  2  2 
    
3 3 3 3 3 3

So  (25)
 cos  3 
 
 
Acceleration of the slider at P along slotted
multiplying equations 27 by
cos 5 &
lever = r3
equation (28)by
sin 5 and subtracting ((27)-
For Four bar mechanism OQ1TO3 ; (28))

Differentiating equation (16) with respect to

   
  r4  4  sin  4  5   
        
 r6  j6  e j6  r4  j4  e j4  r5  j5  e j5   
         2 
 1   r4  4  cos  4  5   
       2
       2
 6    
  j  4    j 4   r4 e j4   j 5    j5   r5 e j5 r6 sin( 6  5 )   2
               2  
  r5  5    r6  6  
      2  j6     
  j  6    j 6   r6 e  
     cos  6  5  
(26) (29)

Simplifying, using Euler’s formula, we have Similarly multiplying equation (28) by

sin 6 cos 5
 

  r4  4  sin  4
 & equation (27)by and subtract
  r4  4 2  cos  4 
   
 2    
   r6  6   r4  4  sin  4   6  

 r   sin 
  r5  5 2  cos  5
 5 5    
 
     2 

         5     r4  4  cos  4   6   
   r6  6  sin  6   r6  6 2  cos 6  r5 sin( 5   6 )    
      2   
 r5 5  cos 5   6  
  
(27) (30)
 ••
  •
  
&  r4  4  cos  4 -  r4  4 2  sin  4   3   4
     
 r   cos  -  r  2  sin 
•• •
&  4  3
 5 5 5 5 
 
5 5
 
      3. Gear design
  r6  6  cos 6   r6  6 2  sin  6
   
Given that
SUltimate tensile strength  37mpa ( PLA-Polylactic Acid )
from equation (27) and (28)are linear Density (PLA) =1.3 g/cm3=103×1.3 kg/m3

algebraic equations .in variables

 5  5 Limitation of gear design for dynamic load

and  6   6
condition (specially: Rapid prototyping
all other parameters like
  because of unavailability of ‘e’ {grade/error
4 ,5 ,6  both  5 &  6 can be solved Thus i.e. ep+eg}.{for PLA, ABS material }
 HD planetary geared motor=438 rpm,
29.5Ncm, 12V with encoder (Base motor: Sb  Beam strength of gear tooth(N)
6000 rpm, no load current =320 mA, Load  b  Bending stress( N / mm2 )
Torque =29.45N.cm, Load Current y  Lewis form factor
( for values of z we can findout values of y from table 17.3)
=1450mA, Stall Torque =231cm & Stall
Current =9.3A, weight = 448gm=0.448kg)
The design is safe if Sb  Pt

Properties of standard involute Teeth  S 

 fos   b 
 eff 
(in terms of Module ‘m’)
 S 
For Pressure angle= 20 where  Sb  ut 
 3 
Addendum=m  C  
& Effective load  Peff  =  S  .Pt 
Dedendum=1.25m  CV  
Clearance=0.25m  2M t 
where  Pt 
Whole depth =2.25m  d 
Total thickness =1.5708m
Velocity Factor
Fillet Radius =0.4m
Face width =width of the tooth (b)  CV  (if v<10 m/s)
3 v
1 d
Module (m)   6
p z CV  (if v<20 m/s)
Where p = diametral pitch 5.6
CV  (if 20>v m/s)
z= no of teeth 5.6  v

n   zg  Design of gear/pinion on the basis of

Gear Ratio (i )   p    
n material {(c material  Different}
 g   zp 
( Sb  y) , which will be deciding factor to
For pressure angle (α) =20
Zmin(Theoretical )=17 judge weaker gear/pinion, the weaker is
Zmin(Practical )=14 selected whose values is less and its
Beam strength criteria (The gear is treated as necessary to design the above weaker one.
a cantilever Beam)
Sb  m.b. b . y   dn 
v 3 
(in m/s)
 60 10 
Table No. 1 Parameters used in Gear Design
and their values calculated
1 Module m 1 1
2 Pressure α 20 20
3 No. of z 26 52
4 Reference d 26 52
5 Addendum ha 1 1
Fig.No 11: Plot between angular velocity of
6 Dedendum hf 1.25 1.25 the slotted lever and crank angle
7 Tooth h 2.25 1.25
Tip da 28 54
9 Root df 23.5 49.5
10 Center a 39 39
11 Tooth s 1.57 1.57


Fig.No 12: Plot between angular

acceleration of the slotted lever and crank

Fig.No 10: Plot between position of the

slider on the slotted lever and crank angle
Fig.No15: Plot between angular acceleration
Fig.No 13: Plot between orientation of the
of the output link and crank angle .
output link and crank angle

Based on the discussions above, some
conclusions are presented here:
1. Modeling and motion simulation of the
proposed mechanism using commercial
software has been observed.

2. Kinematic analysis has been carried out to

find out position, velocity, and acceleration
of combined crank slotted lever four bar
flapping wing mechanism.
1. Optimization of design parameters of the
mechanism using Multi Objective Genetic
Algorithm technique.
Fig.No 14: Plot between angular velocity of 2. Fabrication of the optimized mechanism.
the output link and crank angle


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Development of
The Mechanism





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