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P-P Volts Division

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Peak to peak voltage is given by ________

Answer: d
Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, the peak to peak voltage is given by the relation,
Vp-p=number of units×(volts⁄division)
where, Vp-p is the peak to peak voltage.

The amplitude of voltage is given by the relation.

Answer: a
Explanation: In a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, the amplitude of voltage is given by the relation,
Vm = (V ⁄2)

where, Vp-p is the peak to peak voltage

Vm is the amplitude.

The R.M.S voltage is given by the relation

Answer: b
Explanation: The r.m.s value of voltage is given by the relation,
where, Vrms is the r.m.s value of voltage
Vm is the amplitude of the voltage.

What is the main advantage of using a digital storage oscilloscope?

One advantage of digital storage oscilloscopes over voltmeters is that they can show signals graphically,
allowing for a more intuitive visual diagnosis of the source of unexpected voltage.

What is a digital storage oscilloscope used for?

A digital storage oscilloscope (often abbreviated DSO) is an oscilloscope which stores and analyses the
signal digitally rather than using analog techniques. It is now the most common type of oscilloscope in use
because of the advanced trigger, storage, display and measurement features which it typically provides.
Which oscilloscope used in a digital storage oscilloscope?

The digital oscilloscope digitises and stores the input signal. This can be done by the use of CRT (Cathode ray
tube) and digital memory.
What is the advantage of digital storage oscilloscope over a CRO?

The advantage of the analog storage oscilloscope(cro) is that it has a higher bandwidth and writing speed than
a digital storage oscilloscope, being capable of operating speeds of about 15 GHz.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Questions :-1. What is a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)?

A CRO is an electronic device with a CRT as its main component and other associated circuits consisting of a power supply
unit, a sawtooth-wave generator, horizon and vertical amplifiers .

2. How is CRO superior to ordinary measuring instruments?

CRO is an electronic device that gives graphical representation of alternating quantities under examination. The CRO gives
very accurate measurements and is free from the errors introduced by the moving parts. It is also from damping
mechanisms and other inertia containing parts.

3. For Explain what vertical and horizontal plates are provide in a CRO?

Horizontal and vertical plates are provided between electron gun and screen to deflect the beam according to the input

4. For what a triggering circuit is provided in a CRO?

In a CRO, a triggering circuit is provided for synchronizing two types of deflections so that horizontal deflection starts at
the same point of the input vertical signal each time it sweeps.

5. What are the essential components of a CRT?

The essential components of a CRT are electron gun, focussing and accelerating anodes, horizontal and vertical deflection
plates, and evacuated glass envelope with phosphorescent screen.

6. What electron gun assembly is provided in CRT?

The sole function of an electron gun assembly in a CRO is to provide a narrow and sharply focused electron beam with is
accelerated towards the phosphor screen.

7. Why is the grid in a CRO provided with a hole in it?

The hole in a grid of a CRO is provided to allow passage for electrons through it and concentrate the beam of electrons
along the axis of the tube.

8. What is meant by the deflection sensitivity of a CRO?

The deflection sensitivity of a CRO is defined as the vertical deflection of the beam on the screen per unit deflecting

9. What is meant by the deflection factor of a CRO?

The deflection factor of a CRO is the reciprocal of the deflection sensitivity.

10. What is Astigmatism control?

Astigmatism control is an adjustment that will provide sharp focus over the entire screen.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Questions and Answers ::

11. What is graticule?

Graticule is a scale on transparent material that is fitted to the face of CRT for the purpose of measurement.

12. What is auadag?

Coating of a conducting material, known as aquadag, is provided over the interior surface of CRT in order to accelerate the
electron beam after passing between the deflation plates and to collect electrons produced by the secondary emission
when electron beam strikes the screen.

13. What is meant by retrace time?

Retrace time is the time required by the electron beam to return to its original position on a CRT screen after being
deflected to the right by a sawtooth waveform.

14. What is sweep time?

Sweep time is time duration during which the beam is swept from left to right on the screen of a CRT by the linearly
increasing sawtooth voltage.

15. What is a Lissajous pattern?

Lissajous pattern is a pattern that results from applying periodic signals to the deflection plates of a CRO.

16. How is focussing achieved?

Focussing is achieved by various sets of plated forming a sort of electronic lens. In general, there are three sets of plates.
Voltages at anode 1 and 2 are kept fixed while it is variable on the third anode. By varying the voltage on the third anode,
the spot may be focused.

What is the relationship between frequency and amplitude?

The frequency is just the opposite; it's the number of wave cycles that are completed in one
second. Amplitude and wavelength are both measures of distance. The amplitude measures the height of the
crest of the wave from the midline. The wavelength measures the horizontal distance between cycles

Digital Storage Oscilloscope

What is digital storage oscilloscope?
Definition: The digital storage oscilloscope is defined as the oscilloscope which stores and analysis the signal
digitally, i.e. in the form of 1 or 0 preferably storing them as analogue signals. The digital oscilloscope takes an
input signal, store them and then display it on the screen. The digital oscilloscope has advanced features of
storage, triggering and measurement. Also, it displays the signal visually as well as numerically.

What is sampling rate?

Sampling Rate – For safe analysis of input signal the sampling theory is used. The sampling theory
states that the sampling rate of the signal must be twice as fast as the highest frequency of the input
signal. The sampling rate means analogue to digital converter has a high fast conversion rate.

Advantages of digital oscilloscopes

Write are the advantages of digital storage oscilloscope?
Digital oscilloscopes provide a large number of advantages over their analogue predecessors. Using he power of current day
digital processing techniques, the performance can be considerably enhanced.

 Storage capability: As the waveforms are stored in memory to enable them to be processed, modern digital oscilloscopes
are by their very nature also storage scopes and this enables even transient waveforms to be captured and displayed as
 Accuracy: Using digital technology, the accuracy of digital oscilloscopes is far higher than it was possible to achieve with
analogue scopes. Often digital markers can be placed on a waveform to measure the exact voltage at a particular point.
 Flexibility & functionality: Using digital techniques it is possible to programme in a very high level of functionality into a
digital scope.

Vertical controls:
 CH 1, CH 2, CH 3 & CH 4 MENU: Displays the vertical menu selections which move the
waveform vertically.
 VOLTS/DIV (CH 1, CH 2, CH 3 & CH 4): Selects vertical scale factors.

Horizontal controls:
 POSITION: Adjust the horizontal position of waveform. The resolution of horizontal control is a
time function.
 HORIZ MENU: Sets the horizontal position to zero.
 SEC/DIV: Selects the horizontal time/div(scale factor) which set the horizontal gain

Trigger controls:
The trigger determines at what time should Oscilloscope starts to acquire data and to a display a
waveform. The trigger must set properly other wise the wave form display is not stable and some
times the screen goes blank due to synchronization of trigger pulse.

CH1, CH2, CH3 & CH4: Input connectors for waveform display.


RUN BUTTON: With the help run and stop button the experimenter can stop the wave which
enhance the accuracy of fluctuating wave.
AUTO SCALE KEY:This button is used to automatic adjustment of waveform on display panel of
Digital storage oscilloscope is employed to measure:
 Voltage of the applied signal,
 Frequency of the applied signal,
 Time period of applied signal,
 Amplitude of applied signal,
 Average RMS value of applied signal, &
 Duty cycle of applied signal.

CURSORS KNOB- Push this knob select cursors from the menu, rotates the knob to adjust the
 selected cursor position.
 (Cursors) key- Press this key to open a menu that make experimenter to select the cursors
mode and
 source.
 (Meas) key- Press this key to access a set of predefined measurements

 The objective of observing a signal on the oscilloscope screen is to make voltage and time
 These measurements may be helpful in understanding the behavior of a circuit component, or the
circuit itself, depending on what has to be measure.
 The oscilloscope screen consist of the grids which can be external or internal to the screen of
CRO, which divides both the horizontal axis (voltage) and the vertical axis (time) into divisions
which will be helpful in making the measurements.
 These values are determined by two variables namely the time/div and the volt/div both of which
can be adjusted from the relevant buttons available on the front panel of the oscilloscope.

Measurement of A.C. voltage:

 Measurement of peak-to-peak voltage and peak voltage:
1. To measure the ac. voltage of sinusoidal waveform. The input ac. signal is applied from the signal
generator to a channel of CRO. The voltage/div switch (Y-plates) and time base switch (X-plates)
are adjusted such that a steady picture of the waveform is obtained on the screen.
2. The vertical height (l) that is peak-to-peak height is measured. When this peak-to-peak height (L)
is multiplied by the voltage/div (voltage deflection sensitivity ‘n’) we get the peak-to-peak
voltage (2Vo). From this we get the peak voltage (Vo). The rms voltage Vrms is equal to Vo/ 2.
This rms voltage Vrms is verified with rms voltage value, measured by the multimeter.
Measurement of D.C. voltage:
The trace(horizontal line) is adjusted such that it lie on the X-axis of the screen. The dc input voltage
to be measure is then fed to the input channel of the CRO in the dc mode. The shift of trace from the
horizontal line occurs which gives the measure of the magnitude of the dc voltage.

Measurement of frequency:
 Using time-period:
Suppose that the time period of the input signal is T. As we know frequency is the reciprocal of time
Then, the frequency of the signal =1/T
Comparison between DSO and CRO?

What is the use of IC8038 wave form generator?

This is the Mini function generator circuit using ICL8038. (Precision Waveform
Generator/ Voltage Controlled Oscillator). It will generate output 3 waveform, Sine wave
signal, triangle, and square wave signals.

Why use it?

the picture more clearly
It is so nice sound. But some said that It sounds distorted in power amplifier.
It must not change frequency and waveform of that sound.
The function generator is a great helper.

Product high accuracy sine, square,

triangular, sawtooth and pulse waveforms with a minimum of
external components.

Give the frequency (or repetition rate) from 0.001Hz to more than 300kHz using either
resistors or capacitors.

Have frequency modulation and sweeping with an

external voltage.

• Low Frequency Drift with Temperature . . . . . 250ppm/oC
• Low Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% (Sine Wave Output)
• High Linearity . . . . . . . . . . .0.1% (Triangle Wave Output)
• Wide Frequency Range . . . . . . . . . . . .0.001Hz to 300kHz
• Variable Duty Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% to 98%
• High Level Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTL to 28V
• Simultaneous Sine, Square, and Triangle Wave
• Easy to Use – Just a Handful of External Components

ICL8038 Pinout
Want to use it? We need to know pin connection. Or we called pinout.

Basic circuit
The output of this circuit is quite realistic in the waveform. And we will suggest a 2
model include
(1.) the basic model

(2.) the improved performance model, we can customize even more.

Audio and video connectors
Communication Equipment & Broadcasting Equipment considered specialized transducers that convert RF fields into AC
line signals or vice versa. Dish antennas are used at microwave frequencies, in wireless data applications, satellite
communications and other high bandwidth microwave applications. RF frequency converters are integrated component
assemblies required for converting microwave signals to lower/intermediate or higher frequency ranges for further
processing. RF test equipment generates test signals or analyzes transmitted signals from RF components or equipment.
Frequency and signal analyzers display unprocessed signal information like voltage, power, period, wave shape, sidebands,
and frequency. These Communication Equipment & Broadcasting Equipment provides a clear and precise window into the
frequency spectrum. Signal generators are used to test and align all types of transmitters and receivers, and measure
frequency. They use AC energy, audio frequency and radio frequency to function.

Introduction: The various types of equipments used in the field of communications and broadcasting are in the
form of cabinets closed on all sides by metal plates. The input-output connections, Auxiliary inputs and outputs
and other connections to the equipment are brought out in the form of connectors mounted normally on the rear side
of the equipment.

The use of such connectors makes it easy to remove equipment or replace the equipment whenever necessary. The cable
connections can easily be changed to other equipments when cables and equipments are provided with connectors. Also
the use of such connectors are helpful in making firm and reliable connections. In addition, in many cases the usage of
connectors helps for fool proof operation avoiding errors due to wrong connections
Audio Connectors

RCA plug and sockets

The RCA plugs can also be used with video cables (RG58/59)

Phono jacks are generally

used wherever more flexibility in operation is required. For

example in patch panels where the inputs and outputs of

various equipments are available these phono jacks are useful as patch chords for connecting the equipments.RCA sockets
(female) are available in different styles

What are the different types of audio jacks?

Audio Connectors. There are a variety of different audio connectors available. The most common types are
3-pin XLR, RCA, and 6.5mm TRS plugs (also known as ¼" jacks).
What are the different types of audio connectors?
Analog Audio Connectors:

 RCA Connectors: ...

 XLR Connectors: ...
 XLR Male: This is used to connect a variety of hardware inputs.
 XLR Female: It is used to connect a microphone and a variety of hardware inputs.
 TRS: It is used to connect both input and output devices.
 ¼” Audio Connectors: ...
 S/PDIF: ...
What are audio connectors?
Audio connectors. ... RCA connectors, also known as phono connectors or phono plugs, used for analog or
digital audio or analog video. Speakon connectors by Neutrik for loudspeakers. Phone connector also known as tip-ring-
sleeve (TRS) or tip-sleeve plug, phone plug, jack plug, mini-jack, and mini-stereo.
What are the five common audio ports?
Audio Connection Cables, Jacks and Ports for Your Comcast Equipment

 Optical.
 Coaxial.
 RF Coax.
 A/V Jacks.
 Analog Audio (RCA) – Two Speakers.
 Digital (Compressed) – Five Speakers.
What is the audio jack called?

Audio jacks are found on many types of audio equipment and musical instruments that accept external sound sources. In
a car or truck, an audio jack, also called a "media jack" or "auxiliary (AUX) jack," is a mini-phone socket that connects any
portable music player to the vehicle's amplifier and speakers.

Are audio and video RCA cables are same ?

In most cases there is really no difference between the cables as the only difference is the signal that they actually carry. A
good example of this is the RCA cable. The RCA cable is typically composed of 3 cables that would carry 1 for video and
2 for audio (left and right channels).

Best RCA Audio Cables of 2019

 Mediabridge ULTRA RCA Subwoofer Cable.

 KabelDirekt (3 feet) 2 x RCA Male.
 UGREEN 3.5mm to 2RCA Audio Auxiliary.
 Hosa CMP-159 3.5 mm TRS Cable.
 Fosmon A1602 3-Way Audio RCA Switcher.
 Hosa CPR-202 Dual TS to Dual RCA.
 AudioQuest - Sydney RCA-TO-RCA.
 Useful Item Guide. Value For Money.

XLPE Means (Cross-linked polyethylene )

XLPE Cable has a high chemical resistance and moisture resistance. XLPE Cable can be used at high temperatures and
high voltage applications.

Difference between XLPE Vs PVC

XLPE is Cross-linked Polyethylene.. ... XLPE Cables have higher current rating and longer service life compared to PVC
Cables. Under short circuit condition, this cable can withstand up to 250ºC temperature compared to 160ºC for PVC
cables. It also has higher overloading capacity under emergency conditions.


XLPE cable has high electric strength,mechanical strength,high-agcing resisting,environmental stress resisting anti-
chemical corrossion,and it is simple construction,using convenient and higher operating of long term temperature.It can be
laid with no drop restriction.

All of our XLPE/PVC Cables have flame resistant crosslinked polyethylene insulation and a flame resistant and
sunlight resistant Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) jacket. XLPE/PVC Control Cable is unshielded and has excellent sunlight and
weather resistance, as well as good abrasion and chemical resistance.

Thermoplastic material is softened by heating and can be shaped, with the shape then maintained by cooling. ... PVC
and XLPE materials which have been cross-linked to make them thermoset materials also have enhanced resistance to
temperature, improved dielectric strengths and resistances to certain chemicals.
What is a BNC cable?

BNC Cables are a type of coaxial cable that use the BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman) connector which is a common type of
RF connector. BNC cables are usually used with: Amateur radio antennas. Avaiation electionics. Test Equipment.

BNC cable working

Interface specification
It features two bayonet lugs on the female connector; mating is fully achieved with a quarter turn of the coupling
nut. BNC connectors are used with miniature-to-subminiature coaxial cable in radio, television, and other radio-frequency
electronic equipment, test instruments, and video signals.

Is BNC same as coax

BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman) RF connectors make it easy to connect coaxial cables with radio-frequency equipment like
radios and TVs, composite video on commercial video devices, and ethernet networks. ... And they come in handy when
you need to combine them with, say, an RCA connector on the end of the coaxial cable.

Do BNCcables carry power?

Each one has its benefits. Such would include the fact that the RJ-45 cables we introduced today are able to carry power,
video and audio all under one line while BNC cables are only good for power and video.

What are BNC cables used for?

A BNC barrel connector allows connecting two cables together. BNC connectors can also be used to connect some
monitors, which increases the accuracy of the signals sent from the video adapter.

What cables use BNC connectors?

t has different applications according to the type of the connector. RG-59 coaxial cable are used to transmit video signals
from a CCTV camera to the monitor room. RG-59 coaxial cables use 75 Ohm BNC connector. RG58 coaxial cable use 50
Ohm BNC connector and it has wide range of applications due to its performance.

What is a DVI cable used for?

DVI-D cables are usually used for connecting a digital LCD monitor to a computer's video card. ... For CRT monitors with a
VGA connection, you'll need a DVI-A cable, which will carry the DVI signal to the analog display. DVI-I cables are used
to transmit an analog or digital signal to a computer.

DVI cable means

A. DVI stands for Digital Visual Interface. DVI cables are used to connect a video signal from computers to LCD monitors,
HDTV displays, projectors, and cable boxes

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