Transmission Line MCQ 2
Transmission Line MCQ 2
Transmission Line MCQ 2
a. a short circuit
b. a complex impedance
c. an open circuit
d. a pure reactance
2. A (75 – j50)-Ω is connected to a coaxial transmission line of ZO = 75 Ω, at 10
GHz. The best method of matching consists in connecting
a. a short-circuited stub
b. an open-circuited stub
c. a quarter-wave line
d. a half-wave line
5. Short-circuited stubs are preferred to open-circuited stubs because the latter are
a. balun
b. broadband directional coupler
c. double stub
d. single stub of adjustable position
7. The main disadvantage of the two-hole directional coupler is
1. b. a complex impedance
4. c. a quarter-wave line
5. c. liable to radiate
6. c. double
7. d. narrow bandwidth
8. b. balun
1) What is the phase variation range for reflection coefficient in the transmission lines?
a. 0° to 90°
b. 90° to 150°
c. 0° to 180°
d. 90° to 360°
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: 0° to 180°
2) Which lossless element is inserted between source and load in addition to an ideal transformer in or
reduce the effect of reflection loss phenomenon by image matching?
a. Amplitude shifter
b. Phase shifter
c. Frequency divider
d. Voltage divider
Answer Explanation
3) For a transmission line with propagation constant γ = 0.650 + j 2.55, what will be the value of phase v
for 1 kHz frequency?
4) What would be the depth of penetration for copper at 2 MHz frequency with σ = 5.8 x 107?
a. 46.72 μm
b. 56.90 μm
c. 66.08 μm
d. 76.34 μm
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: 46.72 μm
5) Which parameter is much larger than the resistance at radio frequencies in RF circuits?
a. Inductive reactance
b. Capacitive susceptance
c. Shunt conductance
d. Series admittance
Answer Explanation
6) Which primary constant of transmission line is exhibits its dependency of value on the cross-sectio
of conductors?
a. Resistance (R)
b. Inductance (I)
c. Conductance (G)
d. Capacitance (C)
Answer Explanation
7) If the rate of attenuation is high for good conductors at radio frequency, where does an input wave g
reduced to?
a. Zero
b. Infinity
c. Minor proportion of its initial strength value
d. Major proportion of its final strength value
Answer Explanation
8) By which phenomenon does the energy transmission take place between the walls of the tube in
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Dispersion
d. Absorption
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: Reflection
9) Which type of transmission line/s exhibit/s less capacitance in comparison to underground cables?
a. Open-wire
b. Co-axial cables
c. Waveguides
d. All of the above
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: Open-wire
10) Which among the following is also regarded as Twin-lead transmission line?
a. Open-wire
b. Underground cable
c. Co-axial cable
d. Waveguide
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: Open-wire
10. The propagation constant of a transmission line with impedance and admittance of 9 and 16 respectively is
a) 25
b) 144
c) 12
d) 7
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Answer: c
Explanation: The propagation constant is given by γ = √(ZY), where Z is given by 9 and Y is 16. On substituting the given v
propagation constant will be γ = √(ZY) = √(9 x 16) = 12 units.
11. Find the characteristic impedance expression in terms of the inductance and capacitance parameters.
a) Zo = √(LC)
b) Zo = LC
c) Zo = √(L/C)
d) Zo = L/C
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Answer: c
Explanation: The characteristic impedance is given by the square root of the ratio of the inductance to the capacitance. Thu
√(L/C) is the required expression.
12. When a transmission line has a load impedance same as that of the characteristic impedance, the line is said to be
a) Parallel
b) Perpendicular
c) Polarized
d) Matched
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Answer: d
Explanation: When a transmission line load impedance is same as that of the characteristic impedance, the line is said to b
matched. In such cases, full transmission of power will occur, with minimal losses
1. Which of the following parameters does not exist in the transmission line equation?
a) R
b) Zo
c) ZL
d) Propagation constant
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transmission line equation consists of secondary parameters only, which are
derived from the primary parameters. The propagation constant, load impedance and the
characteristic impedance are related in the transmission line equation.
2. For an infinite transmission line, the characteristic impedance is given by 50 ohm. Find the input
a) 25
b) 100
c) 2500
d) 50
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Answer: d
Explanation: From the transmission line equation, the infinite line will have an input impedance same
as that of the characteristic impedance. Thus Zin = Zo for l->∞. This shows that the line will be
matched. The input impedance for the given case is 50 ohm.
3. The best transmission length for effective transmission of power is
a) L = λ/4
b) L = λ/8
c) L = λ/2
d) L = ∞
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Answer: b
Explanation: Maximum transmission of power will occur, when the transmission line is matched. This
implies that the input and characteristic impedances are the same. This condition is possible for l =
λ/8 and l = ∞. Since l = ∞ is not feasible, the best option is l = λ/8.
4. When the length of the transmission line is same as that of the wavelength, then which condition
holds good?
a) Zin = Zo
b) Z = Zo
c) ZL = Zo
d) Zin = ZL
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the transmission line has a length same as that of the wavelength of the wave
propagating through it, the input impedance will be same as the load impedance. This is the case
where the wave is not amplified. The transmission line acts as a buffer.
5. The input impedance of a half wave transmission line with a load impedance of 12.5 ohm is
a) 25
b) 50
c) 6.25
d) 12.5
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Answer: d
Explanation: For a half wave transmission line L = λ/2, the input and the load impedances will be the
same. Thus for the given data, the input impedance will be 12.5 ohm.
6. The condition for a quarter wave transformer is
a) Zo2 = Zin ZL
b) Zo = Zin ZL
c) ZL2 = Zin Zo
d) Zo = Zin
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Answer: a
Explanation: The quarter wave transformer represents L = λ/4. In this case, the characteristic
impedance is the geometric mean of the input and load impedances. Thus Zo2 = Zin ZL is the
required condition.
7. Find the characteristic impedance of a quarter wave with input and load impedances given by 50
and 25 respectively.
a) 50
b) 25
c) 75
d) 35.35
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Answer: d
Explanation: For a quarter line wave, the characteristic impedance is the geometric mean of input
and load impedances. Thus Zo2 = Zin ZL. On substituting for Zin = 50 and ZL = 25, we get Zo2 = 50 x
25. The characteristic impedance will be 35.35 ohm.
8. Find the load impedance in a quarter line transformer with characteristic impedance of 75 ohm
and input impedance of 200 ohm.
a) 28.125
b) 12.285
c) 52.185
d) 85.128
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a quarter line wave, the characteristic impedance is the geometric mean of input
and load impedances. Thus Zo2 = Zin ZL. On substituting for Zo = 75 and Zin = 200, we get ZL =
Zo2/Zin = 752/200 = 28.125 ohm.
9. The reflection coefficient of a perfectly matched transmission line is
a) 1
b) -1
c) 0
d) ∞
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a perfectly matched line, maximum power transfer will occur. Losses will be minimal.
This implies unity transmission coefficient and zero reflection coefficient.
10. The purpose of the transmission line equation is to
a) Find primary parameters
b) Find secondary parameters
c) Find the reflection cofficient
d) Impedance matching
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Answer: d
Explanation: The transmission line equation is useful in finding the length of the line which gives
maximum power transfer. Thus it is useful for impedance matching.
11. The quarter wave transformer can be considered as a
a) Impedance inverter
b) Impedance doubler
c) Impedance tripler
d) Impedance quadrupler
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Answer: a
Explanation: A quarter wave transformer may be considered as an impedance inverter as it can
transform a low impedance into a high impedance and vice-versa.
12. Which transmission line is called as one to one transformer?
a) L = λ
b) L = λ/2
c) L = λ/4
d) L = λ/8
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Answer: b
Explanation: The half wave transformer line repeats its terminating impedance. In other words, when
l = λ/2, Zin = ZL. Thus it is considered to be one to one transformer
1. The characteristic impedance of a quarter wave transformer with load and input impedances given
by 30 and 75 respectively is
a) 47.43
b) 37.34
c) 73.23
d) 67.45
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Answer: a
Explanation: In quarter wave transformer, the characteristic impedance will be the geometric mean
of the input impedance and the load impedance. Thus Zo2 = ZIN ZL. On substituting for ZIN = 75 and
ZL = 30, we get the characteristic impedance as 47.43 units.
2. The input impedance of a quarter wave line 50 ohm and load impedance of 20 ohm is
a) 50
b) 20
c) 1000
d) 125
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Answer: d
Explanation: The characteristic impedance will be the geometric mean of the input impedance and
the load impedance. Thus Zo2 = Zin ZL. On substituting for Zo = 50 and ZL = 20, we get the input
impedance as 502/20 = 125 ohm.
3. For a matched line, the input impedance will be equal to
a) Load impedance
b) Characteristic impedance
c) Output impedance
d) Zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: A matched line refers to the input and characteristic impedance being the same. In
such condition, maximum transmission will occur with minimal losses. The reflection will be very low.
4. The reflection coefficient lies in the range of
a) 0 < τ < 1
b) -1 < τ < 1
c) 1 < τ < ∞
d) 0 < τ < ∞
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Answer: a
Explanation: The reflection coefficient lies in the range of 0 < τ < 1. For full transmission, the
reflection will be zero. For no transmission, the reflection will be unity.
5. When the ratio of load voltage to input voltage is 5, the ratio of the characteristic impedance to the
input impedance is
a) 1/5
b) 5
c) 10
d) 25
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Answer: b
Explanation: From the transmission line equation, the ratio of the load voltage to the input voltage is
same as the ratio of the characteristic impedance to the input impedance. Thus the required ratio is
6. The power of the transmitter with a radiation resistance of 12 ohm and an antenna current of 3.5A
a) 147
b) 741
c) 174
d) 471
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power in a transmitter is given by Prad = Iant2 Rrad. On substituting Irad = 3.5 and
Rrad =12, we get Prad = 3.52 x 12 = 147 units.
7. The group delay of the wave with phase constant of 62.5 units and frequency of 4.5 radian/sec is
a) 13.88
b) 31.88
c) 88.13
d) 88.31
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Answer: a
Explanation: The group delay is given by td = β/ω. Given that β = 62.5 and ω = 4.5, we get the group
delay as td = 62.5/4.5 = 13.88 units.
8. The maximum impedance of a transmission line 50 ohm and the standing wave ratio of 2.5 is
a) 20
b) 125
c) 200
d) 75
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Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum impedance of a line is given by Zmax = SZo. On substituting for S = 2.5
and Zo = 50, we get Zmax = 2.5 x 50 = 125 ohm.
9. The minimum impedance of a transmission line 75 ohm with a standing wave ratio of 4 is
a) 75
b) 300
c) 18.75
d) 150
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Answer: c
Explanation: The minimum impedance of a line is given by Zmin = Zo/S. On substituting for Zo = 75
and S = 4, we get Zmin = 75/4 = 18.75 units.
10. The average power in an electromagnetic wave is given by
a) propagation constant
b) poynting vector
c) phase constant
d) attenuation constant
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Poynting vector is the cross product of the electric field and magnetic field
intensities. It gives the total power of an electromagnetic wave.
11. The transmitted power in a transmission line, when the reflection coefficient and the incident
power are 0.6 and 24V respectively, is
a) 15.36
b) 51.63
c) 15.63
d) 51.36
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transmitted power in terms of the reflection coefficient and the incident power is Ptr
= (1-R2)Pinc, where R = 0.6 and Pinc = 24, from the given data. Thus Ptr = (1- 0.62) x 24 = 15.36
12. The reflection coefficient of a short circuit transmission line is -1. State True/False.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a short circuit line, the losses are maximum due to heavy current flow. This leads to
less transmission and more attenuation. Thus the reflection coefficient is negative. R = -1 for short
circuit lines
11. The standing wave ratio of short circuited and open circuited lines will be
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) ∞
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Answer: d
Explanation: The transmission line will reflect high power when it is short or circuited. This will lead
to high reflection coefficient. Thus the standing wave ratio will be infinity for these extreme cases.
12. The current reflection coefficient of a line with voltage reflection coefficient of 0.65 is given by
a) 0
b) 0.65
c) -0.65
d) 0.35
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Answer: c
Explanation: The current reflection coefficient at any point on the line is the negative of the voltage
reflection coefficient at that point, i.e, -R. Given that the voltage reflection coefficient is 0.65, thus the
current reflection coefficient is -0.65.
1. The power of the electromagnetic wave with electric and magnetic field intensities given by 12 and
15 respectively is
a) 180
b) 90
c) 45
d) 120
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Poynting vector gives the power of an EM wave. Thus P = EH/2. On substituting
for E = 12 and H = 15, we get P = 12 x 15/2 = 90 units.
2. The power of a wave of with voltage of 140V and a characteristic impedance of 50 ohm is
a) 1.96
b) 19.6
c) 196
d) 19600
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power of a wave is given by P = V2/2Zo, where V is the generator voltage and Zo is
the characteristic impedance. on substituting the given data, we get P = 1402/(2×50) = 196 units.
3. The power reflected by a wave with incident power of 16 units is(Given that the reflection
coefficient is 0.5)
a) 2
b) 8
c) 6
d) 4
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Answer: d
Explanation: The fraction of the reflected to the incident power is given by the reflection coefficient.
Thus Pref = R2xPinc. On substituting the given data, we get Pref = 0.52 x 16 = 4 units.
4. The power transmitted by a wave with incident power of 16 units is(Given that the reflection
coefficient is 0.5)
a) 12
b) 8
c) 16
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: The fraction of the transmitted to the incident power is given by the reflection
coefficient. Thus Pref = (1-R2) Pinc. On substituting the given data, we get Pref = (1- 0.52) x 16 = 12
units. In other words, it is the remaining power after reflection.
5. The incident and the reflected voltage are given by 15 and 5 respectively. The transmission
coefficient is
a) 1/3
b) 2/3
c) 1
d) 3
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Answer: b
Explanation: The ratio of the reflected to the incident voltage is the reflection coefficient. It is given by
R = 5/15 = 1/3. To get the transmission coefficient, T = 1 – R = 1 – 1/3 = 2/3.
6. The current reflection coefficient is given by -0.75. Find the voltage reflection coefficient.
a) -0.75
b) 0.25
c) -0.25
d) 0.75
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Answer: d
Explanation: The voltage reflection coefficient is the negative of the current reflection coefficient. For
a current reflection coefficient of -0.75, the voltage reflection coefficient will be 0.75.
7. The attenuation is given by 20 units. Find the power loss in decibels.
a) 13.01
b) 26.02
c) 52.04
d) 104.08
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Answer: a
Explanation: The attenuation refers to the power loss. Thus the power loss is given by 20 units. The
power loss in dB will be 10 log 20 = 13.01 decibel.
8. The reflection coefficient is 0.5. Find the return loss.
a) 12.12
b) -12.12
c) 6.02
d) -6.02
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Answer: c
Explanation: The return loss is given by RL = -20log R, where is the reflection coefficient. It is given
as 0.5. Thus the return loss will be RL = -20 log 0.5 = 6.02 decibel.
9. The radiation resistance of an antenna having a power of 120 units and antenna current of 5A is
a) 4.8
b) 9.6
c) 3.6
d) 1.8
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power of an antenna is given by Prad = Ia2 Rrad, where Ia is the antenna current
and Rrad is the radiation resistance. On substituting the given data, we get Rrad = Prad/Ia2 =
120/52 = 4.8 ohm.
10. The transmission coefficient is given by 0.65. Find the return loss of the wave.
a) 9.11
b) 1.99
c) 1.19
d) 9.91
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transmission coefficient is the reverse of the reflection coefficient, i.e, T + R = 1.
When T = 0.65, we get R = 0.35. Thus the return loss RL = -20log R = -20log 0.35 = 9.11 decibel.
11. The return loss is given as 12 decibel. Calculate the reflection coefficient.
a) 0.35
b) 0.55
c) 0.25
d) 0.75
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Answer: c
Explanation: The return loss is given by RL = -20log R. The reflection coefficient can be calculated
as R = 10(-RL/20), by anti logarithm property. For the given return loss RL = 12, we get R = 10(-12/20) =
12. Find the transmission coefficient of a wave, when the return loss is 6 decibel.
a) 0.498
b) 0.501
c) 0.35
d) 0.65
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Answer: a
Explanation: The return loss is given by RL = -20log R. The reflection coefficient can be calculated
as R = 10(-RL/20), by anti logarithm property. For the given return loss RL = 6, we get R = 10(-6/20) = 0.501.
The transmission coefficient will be T = 1 –
R = 1-0.501 = 0.498.
1. The intrinsic impedance of a wave with electric and magnetic field of 10 and 8 respectively is
a) 1.6
b) 1.11
c) 1.25
d) 0.8
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Answer: b
Explanation: The intrinsic impedance of a wave is given by η = √(E/H). on substituting for E = 10 and
H = 8, we get η = 1.11 units.
2. The intrinsic impedance is defined as the ratio of the magnetic field to the electric field of the
electromagnetic wave. State true/false
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The intrinsic impedance is defined as the ratio of the electric field intensity to the
magnetic field intensity. It is denoted by η. It is a complex quantity.
3. The intrinsic impedance in free space is
a) 60π
b) 12π
c) 6π
d) 120π
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Answer: d
Explanation: The intrinsic impedance of the free space is the ratio of the permittivity to the
permeability. For air medium, the value is 120π or 377 ohm.
4. The propagation constant is a complex quantity. State true/false.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The propagation constant is a complex quantity. It is given by γ = α + jβ, where α is the
attenuation constant, a real value and β is the phase constant, a complex value.
5. Calculate the propagation constant of a wave with impedance and admittance given by 32 and 12
a) 19.6
b) 17.6
c) 15.6
d) 13.6
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Answer: a
Explanation: The propagation constant is given by γ = √(ZY), where Z is the impedance and Y is the
admittance. On substituting for Z = 32 and Y = 12, we get γ = 19.6 units.
6. The intrinsic angle is 250, find the loss angle.
a) 12.5
b) 50
c) 25
d) 75
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Answer: b
Explanation: The loss angle is twice of the intrinsic angle. It is given by δ = 2θn. On substituting for
θn = 25, the loss angle δ = 2(25) = 50 degree.
7. The standing wave ratio of the wave with maximum and minimum electric field intensities of 12
and 4 is
a) 12
b) 4
c) 3
d) 48
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Answer: c
Explanation: The SWR is defined as the ratio of maximum electric field intensities to the minimum
field intensities. It is given by S = EMAX/EMIN. Thus for the given data, S = 12/4 = 3.
8. The standing wave ratio of a wave travelling through two media having intrinsic impedances of 3
and 2 is
a) 2⁄3
b) 3⁄2
c) 1⁄5
d) 5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The standing wave ratio is given by the ratio of the intrinsic impedance of medium 1 to
the intrinsic impedance of medium 2. Thus S = η1/η2. On substituting for η1 = 3 and η2 = 2, we get
S = 3/2.
9. The reflection coefficient of a wave travelling through two media having electric intrinsic
impedances of 3 and 5 respectively is
a) 2
b) 8
c) 5⁄3
d) 1/4
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Answer: d
Explanation: The reflection coefficient in terms for intrinsic impedance is R= η2-η1/η2+η1. On
substituting the given data, we get R = 5 – 3/5 + 3 = 2/8 = ¼.
10. The reflection coefficient of a wave travelling through two media having magnetic intrinsic
impedances of 2 and 1 respectively is
a) 1⁄2
b) 1⁄3
c) 1⁄4
d) 1⁄5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The reflection coefficient in terms for magnetic intrinsic impedance is R = η1 – η2/η1 +
η2. On substituting the given data, we get R = 2 – 1/2 + 1 = 1/3.
11. The transmission coefficient of a wave travelling through two media having electric intrinsic
impedances of 3 and 2 respectively is
a) 2⁄2
b) 8⁄9
c) 4⁄5
d) 1⁄4
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Answer: c
Explanation: The transmission coefficient in terms for intrinsic impedance is R = 2η2/η2 + η1. On
substituting the given data, we get R = 2 x 2/2 + 3 = 4/5.
12. The transmission coefficient of a wave travelling through two media having electric intrinsic
impedances of 3 and 4 respectively is
a) 2⁄3
b) 8⁄9
c) 2⁄5
d) 6⁄7
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Answer: d
Explanation: The transmission coefficient in terms for intrinsic impedance is R = 2η1/η2 + η1. On
substituting the given data, we get R = 2 x 3⁄4 + 3 = 6/7.
1. The skin effect is a phenomenon observed in
a) Insulators
b) Dielectrics
c) Conductors
d) Semiconductors
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Answer: c
Explanation: The skin of the conductor allows a certain amount of electromagnetic power to pass
through it. This phenomenon is called the skin effect. This is the reason why, electromagnetic waves
cannot travel inside a conductor.
2. The skin depth is measured in
a) Meter
b) Millimetre
c) Centimetre
d) Micrometer
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Answer: d
Explanation: The depth to which the electromagnetic waves pass through the conductor is very
small. It is measured in μm.
3. The skin depth is calculated from the amplitude of the wave. State true/false
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The skin depth is the measure of the depth to which the amplitude of an EM wave will
reduce to 36.8% of its initial value. Thus it can be calculated if the initial amplitude is known.
4. The attenuation constant is 0.5 units. The skin depth will be
a) 0.5
b) 0.25
c) 2
d) 4
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Answer: c
Explanation: The skin depth is the reciprocal of the attenuation constant. Thus δ = 1/α. On
substituting for α = 0.5, we get δ = 1/0.5 = 2 units.
5. Calculate the skin depth of a conductor, having a conductivity of 200 units. The wave frequency is
10 GHz in air.
a) 355.8
b) 3.558
c) 35.58
d) 0.3558
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Answer: a
Explanation: The skin depth is calculated by δ = 1/√(πfμσ), where f is the frequency, μ is the
permeability and σ is the conductivity. For the given data, f = 10 x 109, μ = 4π x 10-7 in air and σ =
200, we get δ = 355.8 μm.
6. The effective skin resistance of a material with conductivity 120 and skin depth of 2μm is
a) 4.16 kilo ohm
b) 4.16 mega ohm
c) 41.6 kilo ohm
d) 41.6 mega ohm
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Answer: a
Explanation: The effective skin resistance is given by Rs = 1/δσ, where δ is the skin depth and σ is
the conductivity. For the given data, δ = 2 x 10-6 and σ = 120, we get Rs = 1/(120x2x10-6) = 4.16 kilo
7. The skin depth is used to find which parameter?
a) DC resistance
b) AC resistance
c) Permittivity
d) Potential
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since the skin depth varies for different frequencies, it can be used to calculate the
varying AC resistance for a material.
8. The relation between the skin depth and frequency is given by
a) Skin depth α f
b) Skin depth α 1/f
c) Skin depth α √f
d) Skin depth α 1/√f
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Answer: d
Explanation: The skin depth is given by δ = 1/√(πfμσ). Thus the relation between the skin depth and
the frequency is, Skin depth α 1/√f.
9. A perfect dielectric acts as a
a) Perfect transmitter
b) Perfect reflector
c) Bad transmitter
d) Bad reflector
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Answer: a
Explanation: A perfect dielectric acts as a perfect transmitter. In other words, a wave incident on a
perfect dielectric will transmit completely through it.
10. A perfect conductor acts as a
a) Perfect transmitter
b) Perfect reflector
c) Bad transmitter
d) Bad reflector
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Answer: b
Explanation: A perfect conductor acts as a perfect reflector. In other words, a wave incident on a
perfect conductor will be totally reflected back into the same medium. There will be no skin effect.
11. The resultant electric field of two components in the x and y direction having amplitudes 6 and 8
respectively is
a) 100
b) 36
c) 64
d) 10
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Answer: d
Explanation: The resultant electric field of two components is given by E = √(Ex2 + Ey2). For the given
data, the electric field will be E = √(62+82) = 10 units.
12. The skin depth of the wave having a frequency of 3MHz and a velocity of 12 m/s is
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6
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Answer: c
Explanation: The velocity of a wave is the product of the frequency and the skin depth. Thus v = f.δ.
To get δ, put v = 12 and f = 3MHz, we get δ = 12/(3×106) = 4 μm.
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Types of Transmission Lines”.
11. The characteristic impedance of the transmission line with R= 45 ohm and G= 0.45 mho is
a) 100
b) 1
c) 0.1
d) 10
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Answer: d
Explanation: The characteristic impedance in terms of R, G is Zo = √(R/G). On substituting for R =
45 and G = 0.45, we get Zo = 10 units.
12. The distortionless line is one in which the attenuation constant and phase constant are
independent of the frequency. State true/false.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a distortionless line, the attenuation constant is independent of the frequency and the
phase constant is linearly dependent of the frequency.
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Assessment Questions and Answers focuses on “Smith Chart”.
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Short
and Open Circuit Lines”.
11. The standing waves for open circuit current and short circuit voltage are the same. State
a) true
b) false
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Answer: a
Explanation: The open circuit current and short circuit voltage will be same for a transmission line.
The phase difference is λ/8.
12. The standing wave ratio for the maximum power transfer in a transmission line is
a) 1:2
b) 2:1
c) -1:1
d) 1:1
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Answer: d
Explanation: The load and the source has to be matched for maximum power transfer. This is
indicated by the ratio of 1:1
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Types of Waveguides”.
This set of Electromagnetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Properties of Waveguides”.
1. The waveguide is employed in the transmission lines, when operated at the range of
a) Hz
b) KHz
c) MHz
d) GHz
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Answer: d
Explanation: Waveguides are employed for effective transmission, when the lines carry
electromagnetic waves in the GHz range.
2. The cut off frequency for a waveguide to operate is
a) 3 MHz
b) 3 GHz
c) 6 MHz
d) 6 GHz
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Answer: d
Explanation: The cut off frequency of the waveguide is 6 GHz. This is the frequency at which the
waveguide will start to operate.
3. In rectangular waveguides, the dimensions a and b represent the
a) Broad wall dimensions
b) Broad wall and side wall dimension respectively
c) Side wall and broad wall dimension respectively
d) Side wall dimensions
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Answer: b
Explanation: In rectangular waveguide, the a parameter is the broad wall dimension of the
waveguide and the b parameter is the side wall dimension of the waveguide. Always, a > b in a
4. The Bessel function is denoted by
a) Jn(ha)
b) Jm(ha)
c) Jn(hb)
d) Jm(hb)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Bessel function is used in the circular waveguides. Normally Jn(ha) = 0. Here n is
the order of the Bessel function.
5. In a waveguide, always which condition holds good?
a) phase velocity = c
b) phase velocity greater than c
c) phase velocity lesser than c
d) group velocity = c
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Answer: b
Explanation: In air medium, the phase velocity is assumed to be the speed of light. For waveguides,
the phase velocity is always greater than the speed of the light.
6. The group wavelength is greater than the wavelength at any point. State true/false.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a waveguide, the phase velocity is greater than the velocity of light. Thus the group
velocity will be less. This implies the group wavelength will be greater than the wavelength at any
7. Find the group wavelength of a wave, given that the group phase constant is 6.28 units.
a) 2
b) 3.14
c) 6.28
d) 1
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Answer: d
Explanation: The group wavelength is given by λg = 2π/βg, where βg is the group wavelength of the
wave. On substituting for βg = 6.28, we get group wavelength as unity.
8. The phase velocity of a wave with frequency of 15 radian/sec and group phase constant of 2 units
a) 30
b) 15
c) 7.5
d) 2/15
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Answer: c
Explanation: The phase velocity of a wave is given by Vp = ω/βg. on substituting for ω = 15 and βg =
2, we get phase velocity as 15/2 = 7.5 units.
9. The modes in a material having a V number of 20 is
a) 20
b) 400
c) 200
d) 100
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Answer: c
Explanation: The relation between the modes and the V number is given by m = v2/2. Given that v =
20, we get m = 202/2 = 200 modes.
10. The number of modes is given as 50, find the V number.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 50
d) 2500
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Answer: b
Explanation: The relation between the modes and the V number is given by m = v2/2. Given that m =
50, we get v2 = 2 x 50 = 100. The V number is 10