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Aspartame and Its Effects On Health

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monitoring has an adverse effect on quality of life, with dations was supported by evidence from randomised
higher levels of distress, worry, and depressive trials.
symptoms, particularly if patients test more than once If the scientific evidence supporting the role of
a day.4 home blood glucose monitoring in type 2 diabetes was
The impact of home blood glucose monitoring in subject to the same critical evaluation that is applied to
type 2 diabetes was considered in an NHS health tech- new pharmaceutical agents, then it would perhaps not
nology assessment in 2000.5 Many studies identified have been approved for use by patients. For people
were poorly designed, lacked statistical power, and with diabetes controlled with diet and tablets,
were difficult to compare as the groups of patients glycaemic control could be monitored more cost effec-
were different and because glucose monitoring may tively by using glycated haemoglobin alone, measured
have been just one part of a multifactorial intervention at three to four monthly intervals. Common sense dic-
programme. A meta-analysis was performed on data tates that in some situations home blood glucose
from four studies in people with type 2 diabetes that monitoring is desirable, such as when systemic steroids
compared home monitoring of blood glucose or urine are prescribed or during pregnancy. However, we need
glucose with no monitoring. Glycaemic control (as to move away from consensus recommendations and
assessed by glycated haemoglobin) between the two perform large randomised trials examining the role of
groups was found to be no different. No difference was home blood glucose monitoring in type 2 diabetes. In
found in glycated haemoglobin in three studies that addition, new models of blood glucose meters need to
compared people who monitored blood glucose with be subjected to the same rigorous evaluation of cost
those who monitored urine glucose. Moreover, effectiveness as is applied to pharmaceutical agents.
individual studies did not provide evidence of other
Rebecca M Reynolds clinical lecturer
potential benefits such as reduction in episodes of
Endocrinology Unit, School of Molecular and Clinical Medicine,
hypoglycaemia or improvements in quality of life. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH4 2XU
The guidelines from the Scottish Intercollegiate
Guidelines Network offered no recommendations Mark W J Strachan consultant physician
about home blood glucose monitoring in type 2 diabe- Metabolic Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU
(mark. strachan@luht.scot.nhs.uk)
tes, concluding that there were no studies that had
adequately assessed the benefits of glucose monitoring Competing interests: None declared.
in glycaemic control.6 By contrast, the National
1 Diabetes UK. Home monitoring of blood glucose levels. London: Diabetes UK,
Institute for Clinical Excellence supported the use of 2003. www.diabetes.org.uk/infocentre/state/monitoring.htm (accessed
home blood glucose monitoring in type 2 diabetes,7 30 Jul 2004).
although it indicated that this should be taught only as 2 National Prescribing Centre. When and how should patients with diabe-
tes mellitus test blood glucose? MeReC Bulletin 2002;13(1):1-4.
part of “integrated self care” and “if the purpose . . . is www.npc.co.uk/MeReC_Bulletins/2002Volumes/vol13no1.pdf (accessed
agreed with the patient.” More recently, a multidiscipli- 30 Jul 2004).
3 NHS Modernisation Agency, Clinical Governance Support Team.
nary group of healthcare professionals published con- National diabetes support team. Leicester: CGST, 2003. www.
sensus advice on home blood glucose monitoring.8 cgsupport.nhs.uk/diabetes/The_NDST (accessed 30 Jul 2004).
4 Franciosi M, Pellegrini F, De Beradis G, Belfiglio M, Cavaliere D, Di Nardo
The group agreed that such monitoring was not B, et al. Impact of blood glucose monitoring on metabolic control and
required routinely in type 2 diabetes but suggested that quality of life in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 2001;24:1870-7.
5 Coster S, Gulliford MC, Seed PT, Powrie JK, Swaminathan R. Monitoring
people should monitor in special circumstances. These blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Health
included measuring blood glucose once a day during Technol Assess 2000;4(12):i-iv, 1-93.
6 Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Management of diabetes. Edin-
intercurrent illness, when oral hypoglycaemic treat- burgh: SIGN, 2001. www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/55/index.html
ment is changed, if systemic glucocorticoids are (accessed 30 July 2004).
7 National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Management of type 2 diabetes:
prescribed, and if post-prandial hyperglycaemia management of blood glucose. London: NICE, 2002. www.nice.org.uk/pdf/
occurs. Home blood glucose monitoring was also sug- NICE_INHERITEG_guidelines.pdf (accessed 30 Jul 2004).
8 Owens D, Barnett AH, Pickup J, Kerr D, Bushby P, Hicks D, et al. Blood
gested for patients taking sulphonylureas because of glucose self-monitoring in type 1 and type 2 diabetes: reaching a
the risk of hypoglycaemia. None of these recommen- multidisciplinary consensus. Diabet Primary Care 2004;6:8-16.

Aspartame and its effects on health

The sweetener has been demonised unfairly in sections of the press and several

he European population of 375 million Monsanto, the manufacturer of NutraSweet, will find a
consumes about 2000 tonnes annually of vast catalogue of frightening personal accounts attrib-
aspartame (NutraSweet, Canderel) an artificial uting multiple health disasters to exposure to
sweetener, which contains two amino acids—aspartic aspartame.1 Although no orchestrated public outcry
acid and phenylalanine.1 It is 180-200 times sweeter about aspartame has taken place, much sensationalist
than sucrose, and almost half a million extra tonnes of journalism has been published mostly on websites (for
sugar would therefore be needed to generate the same example, www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/). In con-
sweetness. Was the world screaming for all this trast, aspartame marketing implies that it embodies a
sweetness, and what has it done to us? Anyone healthy way of life and avoids obesity. Are these claims
BMJ 2004;329:755–6 searching the web on aspartame, launched in 1981 by of hazards and benefits supported by evidence?

BMJ VOLUME 329 2 OCTOBER 2004 bmj.com 755


Evidence does not support links between aspar- take unsweetened drinks may prefer them, which
tame and cancer, hair loss, depression, dementia, seems a better solution.12
behavioural disturbances, or any of the other Why has aspartame been demonised by the world’s
conditions appearing in websites. Agencies such as the press and countless websites? Monsanto was in the
Food Standards Agency, European Food Standards public eye, accused of enthusiastic dissemination of
Authority, and the Food and Drug Administration genetically modified plants and foods. People resent
have a duty to monitor relations between foodstuffs interference with foods, and synthetic food compo-
and health and to commission research when nents are regarded with suspicion. However, aspartame
reasonable doubt emerges. Aspartame’s safety was comprises just two amino acids (aspartic acid and phe-
convincing to the European Scientific Committee on nylalanine). Could this present a risk? Phenylalanine is
Food in 1988,2 but proving negatives is difficult, and it a natural amino acid, and is toxic only in patients who
is even harder to persuade vocal sectors of the public have phenylketonuria.
whose opinions are fuelled more by anecdote than by Food labelling of sweetener is contentious. Six arti-
evidence. The Food Standards Agency takes public ficial sweeteners are permitted in Europe, each with an
concerns very seriously and thus pressed the European acceptable daily intake. Consumers cannot be
Scientific Committee on Food to conduct a further expected to calculate cumulative daily intakes of each.
review, encompassing over 500 reports, in 2002. It con- Instead, manufacturers are encouraged to use cocktails
cluded from biochemical, clinical, and behavioural of sweeteners so it becomes difficult for anyone to
research that the acceptable daily intake of 40 mg/kg/ reach the acceptable daily intake of any sweetener
day of aspartame remained entirely safe—except for individually—adults need at least 10 cans of a drink
people with phenylketonuria.3 fully sweetened with aspartame alone to reach the
Does aspartame embody a healthy way of life and acceptable daily intake of 40 mg/kg/day. When using
avoid obesity? In most Western countries sugar combinations of sweeteners, even high level consumers
provides around 10% of total calories (about 200 kcal rarely exceed 10 mg/day. Intakes over 1g/day were
(837 kJ), or 50 g daily). If this were entirely replaced by needed to alter brain neurotransmitters and provoke
a non-nutritive, non-caloric sweetener such as seizures in monkeys, and randomised controlled trials
aspartame then obesity could indeed be vanquished— of high doses in humans have not shown any
assuming these calories are not replaced due to stimu- behavioural or other effects.13 14 The cynical conclusion
lation of appetite. We eat about 5 g aspartame annually, is that there is probably too much sweetness and never
equivalent to another kg of sucrose, whose 4000 kcal enough light, and the public probably needs protection
(16 740 kJ) could generate 0.5 kg gain in weight. But against misleading websites.
evidence that aspartame prevents weight gain or obes-
Michael E J Lean professor
ity is generally inconclusive,4 5 although in children, the
Catherine R Hankey lecturer, University Department of
consumption of sugar sweetened soft drinks relates
Human Nutrition
notably to increasing obesity, whereas increasing “diet”
Division of Developmental Medicine, University of Glasgow, Royal
drinks or fruit juice is inversely related to weight gain.6
Infirmary, Queen Elizabeth Building, Glasgow G31 2ER
Dietary recommendations for the management of (mcmn1h@clinmed.gla.ac.uk)
diabetes conclude that up to 10% of total energy can
Competing interests: None declared.
safely come from sugars but that artificial sweeteners
may help avoid weight gain.7 8 When sugar is consumed
as a sweetener it is chemically identical with the sugar 1 Aspartame Information Center. www.aspartame.org/ (accessed 28 Jul
found in fruits, which we are promoting keenly, and its 2 European Commission. Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-
metabolic effects are no different if consumed in reason- General, Scientific Committee on Food. Opinion of the scientific committee
on food: update on the safety of aspartame. SCF, 10 December 2002. http://
able amounts even by people with diabetes.8 Most europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sc/scf/index_en.html (accessed 17 May
evidence points to fat as the main dietary culprit in 2004).
3 Navia JM. Carbohydrates and dental health. Amer J Clin Nutr 1994;
obesity, and one counterargument to the use of artificial 59:719-27.
sweetener instead of sugar includes evidence that high 4 Tordoff MG, Alleva AM. Effect of drinking soda sweetened with
aspartame or high fructose corn syrup on food intake and body weight.
sugar diets tend to be lower in fat.9 Displacing saturated Amer J Clin Nutr 1990;51:963-9.
fat would offer particular advantages by reducing risk of 5 Drewnowski A. Review: intense sweeteners and energy density of foods:
implications for weight control. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999;53:757-63.
heart disease.10 Carried to extremes, large amounts of 6 Ludwig DS, Peterson, Gortmaker SL. Relation between consumption of
sucrose will increase triglycerides, a key component of sugar sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective,
observational analysis. Lancet 2001;357:505-8.
the metabolic syndrome, and turn the tables back 7 Nutrition Sub-Committee, British Diabetic Association. Dietary recom-
towards promoting heart disease. Its fructose compo- mendations for people with diabetes. An update for the 1990’s. J Hum
nent is responsible for this hazard.11 Nutr Diet 1991;4:393-412.
8 Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group (DNSG) of the European
Artificial sweeteners are promoted to prevent den- Association for the study of diabetes. Recommendations for the
tal caries, as sugars form the main substrate for mouth nutritional management of patients with diabetes mellitus. Eur J Clin Nutr
bacteria. However, avoiding sugar does not reduce 9 Bolton Smith C, Woodward M. Dietary composition and fat to sugar
dental caries dramatically in regions with high levels of ratios in relation to obesity. Int J Obes 1994;18:820-8.
10 Puska P, Vartiainen E, Tuomilehto J, Salomaa V, Nissinen A. Changes in
caries.3 The dominant factors are fluoride deficiency premature deaths in Finland: successful long-term prevention of cardio-
and prolonged exposure to sugar between meals. If vascular diseases. Bull WHO 1998;76:419-2.
11 Hollenbeck CB. Dietary fructose effects on lipoprotein metabolism and
children consume sweetened drinks between meals or risk for coronary artery disease. Am J Clin Nutr 1993;58:800s-809s.
suck on sweet foods, resulting in prolonged periods of 12 Birch LL. Development of food preferences. Annu Rev Nutr 1999;19:41-62.
13 Wolraich ML, Lindgren SD, Stumbo PJ, Stegink LD, Appelbaum MI,
exposure to sugar, then replacing the sugar with artifi- Kiritsy MC. Effects of diets high in sucrose or aspartame on the
cial sweeteners in such products has some rationale. behaviour and cognitive performance of children. N Eng J Med
Children exposed to heavily sweetened foods develop 14 Butchko HH, Stargel WW. Aspartame: scientific evaluation in the
a “sweet palate,” but those who take the plunge and postmarketing period. Reg Toxic Pharma 2001;34:221-233

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