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ECE Control Systems (Question Bank) : Ans: (C)

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ECE Control Systems (Question Bank)

1 .Transient response in the system is basically due to

a) Forces
b) Friction
c) Stored energy
d) Coupling

Ans: (c)

2. Effect of feedback on the plant is to

a) Control system transient response

b) Reduce the sensitivity to plant parameter variations
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

3. Transfer function of a system is defined as the ratio of output to input in

a) Z-transformer
b) Fourier transform
c) Laplace transform
d) All of these

Ans: (c)

4. In an open loop system

a) Output control the input signal

b) Output has no control over input signal
c) Some other variable control the input signal
d) Neither output nor any other variable has any effect on input
Ans: (d)

5. Transfer function of a system can used to study its

a) Steady state behavior

b) Transient behavior
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

6. Electrical resistance is analogous to

a) Intertia
b) Dampers
c) Spring
d) Fluid capacity

Ans: (b)

7. Automatic control system in which output is a variable is called

a) Closed loop system

b) Servomechanism
c) Automatic regulating system
d) Process control system

Ans: (d)

8. Output of the feedback control system should be a function of

a) Input
b) Reference and output
c) Feedback signal
d) None of these
Ans: (b)

9. Steady state error is always zero in response to the displacement input for

a) Type 0 system
b) Type 1 system
c) Type 2 system
d) Type (N > 1) system for N= 0, 1, 2….N

Ans: (d)

10. Relation between Fourier integral and Laplace transformer is through

a) Time domain
b) Frequency domain
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

11. At resonance peak, ratio of output to input is

a) Zero
b) Lowest
c) Highest
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

12. 0 type system has

a) Zero steady state error

b) Small steady state error
c) High gain constant
d) Higher error with high K
Ans: (b)

13. If gain of the system is zero, then the roots

a) Coincide with the poles

b) Move away from the zeros
c) Move away from the poles
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

14. Settling time is inversely proportional to product of the damping ratio and

a) Time constant
b) Maximum overshoot
c) Peak time
d) Undamped natural frequency of the roots

Ans: (b)

15. If gain of the critically damped system is increased, the system will behave as

a) Under damped
b) Over damped
c) Critically damped
d) Oscillatory

Ans: (a)

16. If gain of the system is increased, then

a) Roots move away from the zeros

b) Roots move towards the origin of the S-plot
c) Roots move away from the poles
d) None of these
Ans: (c)

17. A low value of friction coefficient

a) Minimize the velocity lag error

b) Maximize the velocity lag error
c) Minimize the time constant of the system
d) Maximize the time constant of the system

Ans: (a)

18. Physical meaning of zero initial condition is that the

a) System is at rest and stores no energy

b) System is at rest but stores energy
c) Reference input to working system is zero
d) System is working but stores no energy

Ans: (a)

19. If overshoot is excessive, then damping ratio is

a) Equal to 0.4
b) Less than 0.4
c) More than 0.4
d) Infinity

Ans: (b)

20. For a desirable transient response of a second order system damping ratio must be between

a) 0.4 and 0.8

b) 0.8 and 1.0
c) 1.0 and 1.2
d) 1.2 and 1.4
Ans: (a)

21. For second order linear system, setting time is

a) 1/4 of the time constant

b) 1/2 of the time constant
c) 4 times the time constant
d) 2 times the time constant

Ans: (c)

22. System generally preferred is

a) Under damped
b) Critically damped
c) Over damped
d) Oscillatory

Ans: (a)

23. For unity damping factor, the system will be

a) Under damped
b) Critically damped
c) Over damped
d) Oscillatory

Ans: (b)

24. Second-derivative input signal adjust

a) Time constant of the system

b) Time constant and supress the oscillations
c) Damping of the system
d) Gail of the system
Ans: (b)

25. In the derivative error compensation

a) Damping decreases and setting time increases

b) Damping increases and settling time increases
c) Damping decreases and setting time decrease
d) Damping increases and setting time decreases

Ans: (d)

26. If for second order system damping factor is less than one, then system response will be

a) Under damped
b) Over damped
c) Critically damped
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

27. With feedback system sensitivity to parameter

a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Becomes zero
d) Becomes infinite

Ans: (a)

28. In a closed loop system, source power is modulated with

a) Error signal
b) Reference signal
c) Actuating signal
d) Feed back signal
Ans: (a)

29. With feedback system, transient response

a) Decays constantly
b) Decays slowly
c) Decays quickly
d) Rises fast

Ans: (c)

30. Non-Linearity in the servo system due to saturation is caused by

a) Servo motor
b) Gear trains
c) Relays
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

31. In control system non-Linearity caused by gear trains is

a) Backlash
b) Dead space
c) Coulomb friction
d) saturation

Ans: (a)

32. Time sharing of an expansive control system can be achieved by using a/an

a) a.c. control system

b) analog control system
c) Sampled date control system
d) None of these
Ans: (c)

33. Differential is used in synchro differential unit for generators only

a) Indicating difference of rotation angle of two synchro generators only

b) Indicating sum of rotation angle of two synchro generators only
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

34. Microsyn is the name given to

a) Potentiometer
b) Magnetic amplifier
c) Resolver
d) Rotary differential transformer

Ans: (c)

35. Laplace transformer is not applicable to non-linear system because

a) Non-linear systems are time-varying

b) Time domain analysis is easier than frequency domain analysis
c) Initial conditions are not zero in non-linear systems
d) Superposition law is not applicable to non-linear system

Ans: (d)

36. Value of i(0+) for the system whose transfer function is given by the equation I(s) =
(2s+3)/((s+1)(s+3)) is

a) 0
b) 2
c) 1
d) 3

Ans: (b)

37. Liner differential transformer is an

a) Electromechanical device
b) Electrical device
c) Electromagnetic device
d) Electrostatic device

Ans: (a)

38. If transfer function of the system is 1/(TS+1), then steady state error to the unity step input is

a) 1
b) T
c) Zero
d) Infinite

Ans: (c)

39. Which of the following is not a desirable feature of a modern control system?

a) No oscillation
b) Accuracy
c) Quick response
d) Correct power level

Ans: (a)

40. Power amplification in a magnetic amplifier can be increased

a) By negative feed back

b) By positive feed back
c) With higher inductance of a.c. coil
d) None of these

Ans: (d)

41. Device used for conversion of coordinates is

a) Syschros
b) Microsyn
c) Synchro resolver
d) Synchro transformer

Ans: (c)

42. Friction coefficient is usually kept low to

a) Minimize velocity-lag error

b) Maximize velocity-lag error
c) Minimize time constant
d) Maximize speed of response

Ans: (a)

43. Most common use of the synchros is as

a) Error detector
b) Transmission of angular
c) Transmission of arithmetic data
d) For synchronization

Ans: (d)

44. To decrease time of the servomechanism

a) Decreases inertia of the system

b) Increases inertia of the system
c) Increases damping of the system
d) Decreases torque of the servomotor

Ans: (a)

45. If steady state error for type 1 system for unit ramp input is kept constant, then constant
output is

a) Distance
b) Velocity
c) Acceleration
d) Power

Ans: (b)

46. Servomechanism is called a proportional error device when output of the system is function

a) Error
b) Error and its first derivative
c) First derivative of error
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

47. For type 2 system, position error arises at steady state when input is

a) Ramp
b) Step displacement
c) Constant acceleration
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

48. Which of the following motor is suitable for servomechanism?

a) A.c. series motor
b) 1 ɸ induction motor
c) 2 ɸ induction motor
d) 3 ɸ induction motor

Ans: (c)

49. To decrease the number of system

a) First integrator and then differentiator is inserted

b) First differentiator and then integrator is inserted
c) Only differentiator is inserted in the forward path
d) Only integrator is inserted in the forward path

Ans: (c)

50. Servomechanism with step-displacement input is

a) Type 0 system
b) Type 1 system
c) Type 2 system
d) Type 3 system

Ans: (b)

51. If feedback is introduced in the system the transient response

a) Does not very

b) Decays very fast
c) Decays slowly
d) Dies off

Ans: (b)

52. Main difference between servomotor and standard motor is that

a) Servomotor has low inertia and higher starting torque
b) Servomotor has inertia low starting torque
c) Servomotor has high inertia and high starting torque
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

53. The frequency range over which response of the system is within acceptable units is called
the system

a) Band width
b) Modulation frequency
c) Demodulation frequency
d) Carrier frequency

Ans: (a)

54. Self balancing instrument uses

a) D.C. servomotor
b) A.C. servomotor
c) Tachometer
d) Magnetic amplifier

Ans: (b)

55. Lead compensation in the system add

a) Zeros
b) Poles
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

56. In type 1 system steady state acceleration error is

a) 0
b) 1
c) Infinity
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

57. Lead lag compensation improve

a) Transient response of the system

b) Steady state response of the system
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

58. If poles of the system are lying on the imaginary axis in s-plane, then system will be

a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable

Ans: (b)

59. If open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) H(s) = K/(S(1+T1 S)(1+T2 S)) then system
will be

a) Unstable
b) Conditionally stable
c) Stable
d) Marginally stable

Ans: (c)

60. According to Hurwitz criterion the characteristic equation s2+ 8 s3+18 s2+16 s + 5 = 0 is
a) Unstable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable

Ans: (a)

61. A system is called absolutely stable is any oscillations set up in the system are

a) Damped out
b) Self-sustaining and tend to last indefinitely
c) Negative peaked only
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

62. To increase damping of pair of complex roots compensator used is

a) Phase lag
b) Phase lead
c) Phase lag lead
d) One with 60° lead circuit

Ans: (b)

63. Best method to determine stability and transient response of the system is

a) Bode plot
b) Signal flow graph
c) Nyquist plot
d) Root locus

Ans: (c)

64. For type 3 system, lowest frequency asymptote will have the slop of
a) 15 db/octave
b) -16 db/octave
c) 17 db/octave
d) -18 db/octave

Ans: (d)

65. If poles of system are lying on the imaginary axis in s-plane, the system will be

a) Unstable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable

Ans: (b)

66. If a pole is added to a system it causes

a) Lag compensation
b) Lead compensation
c) Lead-lag compensation
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

67. The number of pure integrations in the system transfer function determine

a) Degree of stability
b) Stability of the system
c) Transient performance of the system
d) Steady state performance

Ans: (d)

68. For steady state transient improvement, compensator used is

a) Lead compensator
b) Lag compensator
c) Lead lag compensator
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

69. Which system conveniently see the impact of poles and zeros on phase and gain margin?

a) Root locus
b) Nyquist plot
c) Routh-Hurwitz criterion
d) Bode plot

Ans: (d)

70. Which gives the information between number of poles and zero of the closed loop transfer

a) Routh Hurwitz criterion

b) Bode diagram
c) Root locus method
d) Nyquist plot

Ans: (d)

71. Factor which cannot be can cancelled from numerator and denominator of G(s) E(s)

a) Bode plot
b) Nyquist plot
c) Higher frequencies
d) None of these

Ans: (c)
72. To study time delay of the system which of the following is used?

a) Nyquist plot
b) Bode plot
c) Routh Hurwitz method
d) Nicholas chart

Ans: (a)

73. Intersection of root locus branches with the imaginary axis can be determined by the use of

a) Polar plot
b) Routh’s criterion
c) Nyquist criterion
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

74. Closed loop ples are

a) Zeros of 1+G(S). H(s)

b) Zeros of G(s) H(s)
c) Poles of G(s) H(s)
d) Poles of 1 + G(s) H(s)

Ans: (a)

75. If gain is zero, then

a) Roots move away from zeros

b) Roots coincide with poles
c) Roots move away from poles
d) None of these

Ans: (b)
76. Maximum over shoot is the function of

a) Damping ratio
b) Natural frequency of oscillation
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Damped frequency of oscillation

Ans: (b)

77. If value of gain is increased, then roots of the system will move to

a) Origin
b) Lower frequencies
c) Higher frequencies
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

78. Feed back control system are basically

a) Low pass filter

b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Band stop filter

Ans: (a)

79. In root if 𝓴 is greater than critical value, then increasing 𝓴 will

a) Increase value of the real part of closed loop

b) Decrease value of the real part of closed loop
c) Not change value of the real part of closed loop
d) None of these

Ans: (c)
80. A liner system obeys the principle of

a) Homogeneity
b) Reciprocity
c) Superposition and homogeneity
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

81. Plot of the constant gain loci of the system is

a) Asymptote
b) Circle with centre at the origin
c) Parabola
d) Ellipse

Ans: (b)

82. If poles are more than zeros in G(S) F(S), then number of root locus segment is equal to

a) Number of poles
b) Number of zeros
c) Sum of poles and zeros
d) Difference of poles and zeros

Ans: (a)

83. In root locus technique, angle between adjacent asymptote is

a) 180°/(m + n)
b) 360°/(m + n)
c) 360°/(m - n)
d) 180°/(m - n)

Ans: (c)
84. For G(S) F(S) = (k(S+z))/(S+p), (z < p) the plot is

a) One pole on the imaginary axis

b) One zero on the right-hand side of the plane
c) One pole and one zero on the left-hand side of plane
d) 2 poles and 2 zeros on the left-hand side of plane

Ans: (c)

85. Frequency response mean

a) Transient response of a system to a sinusoidal input

b) Steady state response of a system to a sinusoidal input
c) Oscillatory response of a system to a sinusoidal input
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

86. Number of root-locus segment which do not terminate on the zeros is equal to

a) Number of poles
b) Number of zeros
c) Sum of poles and zeros
d) Difference of poles and zeros

Ans: (d)

87. Bode plot approach is applied to

a) Minimum phase network

b) Non minimum phase network
c) Any network
d) None of these

Ans: (a)
88. In a root locus plot, the increase in 𝓴 will

a) Increase damping ratio

b) Decrease damping ratio
c) Not change damping ratio
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

89. The type of transfer function used in Bode plot is

a) G(s)
b) G(j)
c) G(jw)
d) G(js)

Ans: (a)

90. In a root locus plot, increase in 𝓴 will

a) Increase overshoot of the response

b) Decrease overshoot of the response
c) Not change overshoot of the response
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

91. Bode analysis method can be applied

a) If transfer function has no poles and zeros on R.H. of s-plane

b) If transfer function has no poles on R.H. of s-plane
c) If transfer function has no zero on R.H. of s-plane
d) To all transfer functions

Ans: (a)
92. In a root locus plot, increase in 𝓴 will

a) Result in decrease in the damped and undamped natural frequencies

b) Result in increase in the damped and undamped natural frequencies
c) Not change the damped and undamped natural frequencies
d) None of these

Ans: (b)

93. Cut off is the slope of log-magnitude curve

a) At the start of curve

b) At the end of curve
c) Near the cut off frequency
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

94. Gain margin expressed in decibels is

a) Positive if Kg greater than 1 and negative for Kg less than 1

b) Negative if Kg greater than 1 and negative for Kg less than 1
c) Always zero
d) Infinity for Kg equal to 1

Ans: (a)

95. Bandwidth gives an indication of

a) Characteristic equation of the system

b) Speed of response of a control system
c) Transfer function of the control system
d) Transients in the system

Ans: (b)
96. Nyquist stability criterion requires polar plot of

a) Characteristic equation
b) Closed loop transfer function
c) Open loop transfer function
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

97. Cut off frequency is the frequency at which magnitude of closed loop frequency
response is

a) 1 db below its zero frequency

b) 2 db below its zero frequency
c) 3 db below its zero frequency
d) 4 db below its zero frequency

Ans: (c)

98. In Nyquist criterion roots of the characteristic equation are given by

a) Zeros of open loop transfer function

b) Zeros of closed loop transfer function
c) Poles of closed loop transfer function
d) Poles of open loop transfer function

Ans: (c)

99. For all frequencies, a unit circle in the Nyquist plot transformer into

a) Db line of amplitude plot in Bode diagram

b) 1 db line of amplitude plot in Bode diagram
c) Either (a) and (b)
d) None of these
Ans: (c)

100. Transfer founction, when the bode diagram is plotted should be of the form

a) (1+T)
b) (1+S)
c) (Ts)
d) (1+Ts)

Ans: (d)

101. For relative stability of the system which of the following is sufficient?

a) Gain margin
b) Phase margin
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Ans: (c)

102. Slope in Bode plot is expressed as

a) – 6 db/decade
b) – 6 db/octave
c) – 7 db/octave
d) – 8 db/octave

Ans: (b)

103. Polar plots for+ve and –ve frequencies

a) Are always symmetrical

b) Can never be symmetrical
c) May be symmetrical
d) None of these
Ans: (a)

104. Gain margin of a first or second order system is

a) Zero
b) 100
c) 1
d) Infinity

Ans: (d)

105. Frequency range over which response of the system is within acceptable limits is called

a) Modulation frequency
b) Demodulation frequency
c) Carrier frequency
d) Band width

Ans: (d)

106. By adding a pole at s = 0, Nyquist plot of the system will

a) Shift 90° clockwise

b) Shift 90° anticlockwise
c) Shift 180°
d) Not change at all

Ans: (a)

107. A complex-conjugate pair of poles near the jw axis will produce a

a) High oscillatory mode of transient response

b) Steady state mode of response
c) Sinusoidal mode of response
d) None of these

Ans: (a)

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