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Control System MCQ

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Control System Objective Type Questions

1. In a force-voltage analogy, velocity is analogous to

a) Current c) charge
b) Inductance d) capacitance
2. The type 1 system has _________pole at origin
a) No pole c) Net pole
b) Simple pole d) double pole
3. Which of the following is the non-linearity caused by servomotor?
a) Static friction c) Saturation
b) Backlash d) None of these
4. A phase lag lead network introduces in the output
a) Lag at all frequencies
b) Lag at high frequencies and lead at low frequencies
c) Lag at low frequencies and lead at high frequencies
d) None of the above
5. First elements of Routh’s tabulation are 1,3,-2,4,5 means that there are
a) is one root in left half s plane
b) are two roots in left half s plane
c) are two roots in right half s plane
d) is one root in right half s plane
6. Determine C1/R and C2/R for the following system

a) 0,1
b) 1,1
c) 0,0
d) 1,0
7. For the characteristic equation s4+ks3+s2+s+1. Determine the range of k for stability.
a) k > 0
b) k > 1
c) k > 2
d) No value of k that allows system stability
8. Stepper motor find applications in
a) X-Y plotters
b) Numerically controlled machining equipment
c) Printers
d) All of the above
9. A lag compensator is essentially a
a) Low pass filter
b) High pass filter
c) Band pass filter
d) Either a) or b)
10. With feedback _________ reduces
a) System stability
b) System gain
c) System stability an gain
d) None of the above
11. Which of the following is a open loop control system?
a) Field controlled DC motor
b) Ward leonard control
c) Metadyne
d) Stroboscope
12. A position control system has unity feedback G(s) = 10k/s(1+0.1s). The value of
amplifier gain k so that when the input shafts rotates at ½ rpm, the steady state error is
0.2 will be
a) π/2
b) π/3
c) π
d) π/4
13. The root locus diagram of G(s)H(s) = 𝑠3 (𝑠+10)2 is



14. In a minimum phase system
a) All poles lie in the left half plane
b) All zeros lie in the left half plane
c) All poles lie in the right half plane
d) None of the above
15. Which control is also called rate control?
a) Proportional
b) Derivative
c) Integral
d) Proportional and derivative
16. The steady state error of a stable ‘type 0’ unity feedback system for a unit step function
a) 0
b) ∞
c) 1/(1+kp)
d) kp
17. for a second order system, the closed loop transfer function is T(s) = 9/(s 2+4s+9), the
settling time for 2% band in seconds is
a) 1.5
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
18. Phase margin of a system is used to specify which of the following?
(a) Frequency response
(b) Absolute stability
(c) Relative stability
(d) Time response
19. ____________technique gives quick transient and stability response
(a) Root locus
(b) Bode
(c) Nyquist
(d) Nichols
20. For the damping ratio value is equal to 0.6, the system is
a) Critically damped
b) Undamped
c) Underdamped
d) Overdamped
21. If Nyquist plot has a encirclement of (-1 + jo) point, the system is stable if
a) There are no poles of G(s) H(s) in right-half plane
b) There is one pole of G(s) H(s) in right-half plane
c) There is no zeros of G(s) H(s) in right-half plane
d) None of the above
22. The gain margin (in dB) of a system having the loop transfer function 𝐺(𝑠) 𝐻(𝑠) = 𝑠(𝑠+1)
a) 0
b) 6
c) 3
d) ∞
23. A system described by the transfer function (𝑠) = 1/(𝑠3+𝛼𝑠2+𝐾𝑠+3) is stable. The
constraints on 𝛼 and k are,
(a) 𝛼 > 0, 𝛼𝐾 < 3
(b) 𝛼 > 0, 𝛼𝐾 > 3
(c) 𝛼 < 0, 𝛼𝐾 > 3
(d) 𝛼 < 0, 𝛼𝐾 < 3
24. The characteristic polynomial of system is (𝑠) = 2𝑠5 + 𝑠4 + 4𝑠3 + 2𝑠2 + 2𝑠 + 1 . The
system is
(a) Stable
(b) Marginally stable
(c) Unstable
(d) Oscillatory
25. The unit-step response of a system starting from rest is given by 𝑐(𝑡) = 1 − 𝑒−2𝑡 for 𝑡 ≥
0 The transfer function of the system is
(a) 1/1+2𝑠
(b) 2/2+𝑠
(c) 1/2+𝑠
(d) 2𝑠/1+2s
26. In the signal flow graph shown in figure X2 = TX1 where T, is equal to

a) 2
b) 5
c) 5.5
d) 10
27. In the signal flow graph of figure the gain c/r will be

a) 11/9
b) 22/15
c) 24/23
d) 44/23
28. A system has fourteen poles and two zeros. Its high frequency asymptote in its
magnitude plot having a slope of:
(a) – 40 dB/decade
(b) – 240 dB/decade
(c) – 280 dB/decade
(d) – 320 dB/decade
29. The Nyquist plot for the open-loop transfer function G(s) of a unity negative feedback
system is shown in the figure, if G(s) has no pole in the right-half of s-plane, the number
of roots of the system characteristic equation in the right-half of s-plane is

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
30. Consider the Bode magnitude plot shown in the figure. The transfer function H(s) is

a) (𝑠+10)/(𝑠+1)(𝑠+100)
b) 10(𝑠+1)/(𝑠+10)(𝑠+100)
c) 102 (𝑠+1)/(𝑠+10)(𝑠+100)
d) 103(𝑠+100)/(𝑠+1)(𝑠+100)
31. For the SFG shown below, determine the number of forward paths and loops are:

a) 2,6
b) 4,6
c) 6,2
d) 6,4
32. For a stable system,
a) Both phase margin and gain margin are negative
b) Both phase margin and gain margin are positive
c) Gain margin is positive and phase margin is negative
d) Gain margin is negative and phase margin is positive
33. In a second order system, peak overshoot is independent of
a) Damping factor
b) Natural frequency
c) Damping factor and natural frequency
d) None of the above
34. The number of stator field windings in an ac tachometer are
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
35. For the factor 1/(1+2jw), the corner frequency is
a) 0.5 rad/sec
b) 1 rad/sec
c) 2 rad/sec
d) 3 rad/sec
36. The transient response of a system is mainly due to
(a) Inertia forces
(b) Internal forces
(c) Stored energy
(d) Friction
37. The transfer function is applicable to which of the following?
(a) Linear and time-in variant systems
(b) Linear and time-variant systems
(c) Linear systems
(d) Non-linear systems
38. By which of the following the system response can be tested better?
(a) Ramp input signal
(b) Sinusoidal input signal
(c) Unit impulse input signal
(d) Exponentially decaying signal
39. In electrical-pneumatic system analogy the current is considered analogous to
(a) velocity
(b) pressure
(c) air flow
(d) air flow rate
40. Addition of zeros in transfer function causes which of the following?
(a) Lead-compensation
(b) Lag-compensation
(c) Lead-lag compensation
(d) None of the above
41. The first column of Routh table contains the following integers 2,4,-5,-3 no of roots having
negative real part is
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) none
42. A system has fourteen poles and two zeros. Its high frequency asymptote in its magnitude plot
having a slope of:
(a) – 40 dB/decade
(b) – 240 dB/decade
(c) – 280 dB/decade
(d) – 320 dB/decade
43. The phase shift of 1/s2 is
(a) 90
(b) -90
(c) 180
(d) -180
44. A system described by the transfer function (𝑠) = 1/(𝑠3+𝛼𝑠2+𝐾𝑠+3) is stable. The
constraints on 𝛼 and k are,
(a) 𝛼 > 0, 𝛼𝐾 < 3
(b) 𝛼 > 0, 𝛼𝐾 > 3
(c) 𝛼 < 0, 𝛼𝐾 > 3
(d) 𝛼 < 0, 𝛼𝐾 < 3
45. The Nyquist plot for the open-loop transfer function G(s) of a unity negative feedback
system is shown in the figure, if G(s) has no pole in the right-half of s-plane, the number
of roots of the system characteristic equation in the right-half of s-plane is
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
46. Consider the Bode magnitude plot shown in the figure. The transfer function H(s) is

(a) (𝑠+10)/(𝑠+1)(𝑠+100)
(b) 10(𝑠+1)/(𝑠+10)(𝑠+100)
(c) 102 (𝑠+1)/(𝑠+10)(𝑠+100)
(d) 103(𝑠+100)/(𝑠+1)(𝑠+100)
47. For the factor 1/(1+2jw), the corner frequency is:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 0.5
(d) 4
48. In bode diagram, the factor (jw)n in the transfer function gives a line having slope:
(a) 20dB/dec
(b) 20ndB/dec
(c) -20dB/dec
(d) -20ndB/dec
49. Phase margin of a system is used to specify which of the following?
(a) Frequency response
(b) Absolute stability
(c) Relative stability
(d) Time response
50. If the double pair of poles of a system lie on the imaginary axis on s-plane, system
will be
(a) unstable
(b) stable
(c) marginally stable
(d) none
51. If the single pair of poles of a system lie on the imaginary axis on s-plane, system will be
(a) Unstable
(b) Stable
(c) marginally stable
(d) none
52. The first column of Routh table contains the following integers 0,1,-2,-8 no of roots having
negative real part is
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) None
53. The damping factor of a system is unity, the system is
(a) Overdamped
(b) underdamped
(c) critically damped
(d) undamped
54. The phase shift of 1/s2 is
(a) 90
(b) -90
(c) 180
(d) -180
55. An automatic toaster is a example of
(a) Open loop
(b) closed loop
(c) partially closed
(d) any of the above
56. The impulse response of a LTI system is unit step, then its transfer function is:
(a) 1/s
(b) 1/s2
(c) 1
(d) 0
57. The no of stator windings in ac tachometer is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) none of these
58. For the factor 1/(1+2jw), the corner frequency is:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 0.5
(d) 4
59. In bode diagram, the factor (jw)n in the transfer function gives a line having slope:
(a) 20dB/dec
(b) 20ndB/dec
(c) -20dB/dec
(d) -20dB/dec
60. An increase in the gain of the system leads to
(a) Decrease in damping ratio
(b) increase in damping ratio
(c) constant damping ratio
(d) none of these

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