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Question Paper Final June 2019

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F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2019
C E T - I YE A R
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Applied Mathematics Time: 3 Hrs.
1. Answer the following questions: (any 20) 2 x 20 = 40
a) Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 60, 75, 80, 90. k) Find the Interest when principal = Rs.12000,
Rate = 6% and Time = 3 ½ years.
5 3 2
  l) Add: 2p –7q+3r, 2q –3p+2r, 7r – 3q +4p
8 7 9 1
b) Simplify :  20 m) Divide : (2a 3 +a 2 – 5a - 4) by (2a +3)
5 3 2 4
 of n) Simplify: ( 2 – x ) ( 2 + x ) ( 4 + x 2 )
8 7 9
c) If (5a–2b) ‫( ׃‬2a+b) = (6a–b) ‫( ׃‬8a–b) find the o) If (a+b) = 7 and ab = 10, find value of (a–b)
value of a ‫ ׃‬b p) Expand : (5x – 3y) 3
1 1
d) If a ‫׃‬b ‫ ׃׃‬c‫׃‬d then prove that (2a+3b)(2c–3d) q) If (𝑥 + 𝑥) = 4 then find the value of (𝑥 2 + 𝑥 2 )
= (2a–3b)(2c+3d)
r) Find the value of : 5 -1 +5 0 + 5 1
e) Out of 40 students the average height of 24
students are 158 cm. and the rest of the s) If 5 2x+3 = 1 then x=____?
students’ height is 153 cm. Find the average t) Find the area of a Triangle, whose sides are
height of the 40 students.
a, b & c.
f) 0.00567 = _______%
u) Find the side of an equilateral triangle, whose
g) In a class of 60 students 45% are girls. Find
area is 81√3sq.cm.
the number of boys.
v) Find the perimeter of a semi-circle, whose
h) Find the number whose 2.5% is 15.
radius is 7cm.
i) Find the sell price, when cost price is Rs.750
w) Find the surface area of a cube, whose one
and profit is 14%.
edge is 4cm.
j) Find the sell price when Marked price
isRs.24500/- and discount is 12%. x) Find the surface area of a cylinder with 5cm
radius and 7cm height.
2. Solve the following problems: 3 x 10 = 30
i) If (2x 2 – 5y 2 ) ‫ ׃‬xy = 1 ‫ ׃‬3 then find the ratio of x ‫ ׃‬y.
ii) Two numbers are in ratio 3 ‫ ׃‬5. If 8 is added to each number, the ratio will be 2 ‫ ׃‬3. Find the numbers.
𝑎 𝑐 𝑒
iii) If 𝑏
= 𝑑 = 𝑓 prove that (b 2 + d 2 + f 2 )(a 2 + c 2 +e 2 ) = ( ab + cd + ef ) 2
iv) A class has 25 girls and 15 boys. If average weight of girls is 28kg and boys are 32kg. Then find the
average weight of the class.
v) Sumit got 447 marks and missed first division marks by 3 marks. If 60% marks is the first division
mark then what will be the full marks ?
vi) To sell a watch in Rs.460 Bivas loss 8%. Find the sell price of the same watch by which Bivas gain a
profit of 10%.
vii) Soni invest Rs.14000 at the rate of 4% per annum. Find the time when the amount become Rs.16240.
viii) A rectangular plot 20 m long and 14 m wide is to be covered with grass. A 2 m wideroad is there
around the plot. Find the area of the plot covered with grass.
ix) The circumference of a circle is 123.2 cm. Find the area of the circle.
x) The volume of a right circular cylinder is 616 cm 3 and its height is 16 cm. Find the surface area of
the cylinder.
* * * * *
F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2019
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Computer Fundamentals (Theory) Time: 3 Hrs.
1. Write the w ork (in one w ord) of the f ollow ing shortcut key : - [10 x 1 = 10]
a) Alt + F4 b) Ct rl + X c) Ctrl + J d) Ctrl + Z e) Ctrl + P f) Ctrl + S
g) Ctrl + A h) Ct rl + U i) Ctrl + O j ) Shift + H
2. Write the f unction of the given mouse actions: - [5 x 1 = 5]
a) Single click b) Double click c) Triple click d) Drag & Dr op e) Ri ght Click
3. Convert the f ollowing: - [2 x 2½ = 5]
a) (9C8) 1 6 to Binar y;b) (10011011101) 2 to Octal
4. Fill in the blanks ( Write f ull sentence to answ er): - [10 x 1 = 10]
a) _______ is a stor age device [Printer / DVD /Keyboard / Speaker]
b) Pen dri ve attached in _______ port at CPU [ALU / Serial /USB / Master ]
c) In Word 2007 _______ is the extension of file. [.docx / .ht ml / .doc / .xml ]
d) From _______ tab WordArt can be added. [Home / Insert / Mailing / View]
e) From _______ tab mail mer ge can be done. [Home / Insert / Mailing / View]
f) _______ colored underline is there for spelling mistake. [Blue / Green/ Red/ Black]
g) _______ virus infects boot recordsof hard disk. [wor ms/ boot/ mal ware/macro ]
h) _____ is an example of anti -virus. [Quick Heal / Troj an Horses / Windows 7/ Spyware]
i) Melissa is anexample of _______ virus . [wor ms/ boot/ mal ware/macro]
j ) ____ is effect ofvirus when attack in computer.[Slow run/ file size change /restart on own/ all of them]
5. Answ er (Just on the point) the f ollowing questions ( Any 10):- [10 x 3 = 30]
a) Gi ve the full for m of t he following : USB;LED; OMR.
b) What is mail mer ge ? How many files are required for mail mer ge ?
c) How will U create a table with 10 columns and 20 rows ?
d) Define the following: A4; Landscape ; Ari al.
e) How will U print a document ? What is print preview ?
f) Gi ve an example of subscript & superscript and explain the process to make it.
g) What is computer virus ?Name the various t ypes of virus .
h) What are virus can do ?
i) Describe Program virus .
j ) What is the full for m of Malware ?Define malware.
k) How will you protect your computer from vi rus attack ?
l) What is Troj an Horses ? Describe it.
6. Name t he f ollow ing Label : [10 x 1 = 10]

1 6


F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2019
T O OL & D I E – I Y E A R
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Applied Mathematics Time: 3 Hrs.
1. Answer the following questions: (any 20) 2 x 20 = 40
a) Find the H.C.F. and L.C.M. of 18, 27, 45, 96. l) Add: 3p –2q+5r,2r – 5p, 7q – 8r, and 4r
 3 3  3 13  +7p – 3q
b) Simplify :       
4 5  8 16  m) Multiply : (2a 3 + a 2 – 5a - 4) by (2a +3)

c) Ifa ‫ ׃‬b= 11 ‫ ׃‬3 the value of (15a–3b) ‫( ׃‬9a+5b)=? n) Simplify: 2 5 x 2 – 6 4 y 2

d) If a‫׃‬b ‫ ׃׃‬c‫׃‬d then prove that (ma+nb): b = o) If (a – b) = 5 and ab = 24, find value of (a+b)
p) Expand : (2p+3q) 3
(mc+nd): d.
1 1
e) The averageheights of 40 students are 158 cm. q) If (𝑥 − ) = 4 then find the value of (𝑥 2 + )
𝑥 𝑥2
Out of them the average heights of 24 students
r) Find the value of : 50 × 83 × 4−2
is 153 cm. Find the average height of the
restof the students. s) If a 5x-10 = 1 then x=____?
f) 7.75% = _______ (in fraction) t) Find the area of a Triangle whose base is12cm
g) India own 9 matches and lost 6 matches. What and height is 10cm.
u) Find the area of an equilateral triangle, whose
percent of matches did Indiaown ?
side is 18cm.
h) Find the number whose 5% is 30. v) Find the area of a rectangle, whose perimeter
i) Selling in Rs.4550 got 20% loss. What would is 196 cm and breadthis 38 cm.
be loss or gain by selling Rs.4825 ? w) Find the surface area of cuboids, whose length
j) Find the percent of discount when Marked 10 cm, breadth is 8cm and height is 4cm.
price is Rs.860/- and sell price is Rs.770/-. x) Find the volume of a cylinder with 5cm radius
k) Find the Interest when principal = Rs.10000, and 7cm height.
Rate = 4½% and Time = 5 years.
2. Solve the following problems: 3 x 10 = 30
i) If (4x 2 + xy) : (3xy – y 2 ) = 12 : 5, then find the ratio of (x+2y) ‫( ׃‬2x + y).
ii) If the angles of a triangle are in ratio 2 :3 : 4. Find the value of the angles.
𝑎 𝑐 𝑒
iii) If 𝑏
= 𝑑 = 𝑓 prove that (b 2 + d 2 + f 2 ) (a 2 + c 2 +e 2 ) = ( ab + cd + ef ) 2
iv) Atrain covered first 220 km in 4 hours next 140 km in 2 hours and last 240 km in 3 hours. Findthe
average speed of the train.
v) 40% of the populations of a town are men and 39% are women. If the number of the children is
12600, find the number of men.
vi) A person purchased a dozen of TV at Rs.20000 each and carrying cost to his shop was
Rs.25000. He sold 10 pieces of TV at Rs.25000 each and rest of two was at cost price. Find the
amount of loss or profit.
vii) Soniinvest Rs.14000 for 4 years. Find the rate of interest per annum when the amounts become
viii) If the diagonals of a rhombus are 8 cm and 6 cm , find its perimeter.
ix) The circumference of a circle is 123.2 cm. Find the area of the circle.
x) The volume of a right circular cylinder is 616 cm 3 and its height is 16cm. Find the surface area of
the cylinder.
* * * * *
F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2019
T O OL & D I E – I Y E A R
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Computer Fundamentals (Theory) Time: 3 Hrs.
1. Write the w ork (in one w ord) of the f ollow ing shortcut key: - [10 x 1 = 10]
a) Alt + F4 b) Ct rl + W c) Ctrl + R d) Ctrl + Z e) Ctrl + C f) Ctrl + S
g) Ctrl + V h) Ct rl + Ii) Ctrl + N j ) Shift + F
2. Write the mouse actions of f ollow ing w ork:- [5 x 1 = 5]
a) Select anything; b) Open a folder , c) Select whole paragraph at a ti me ,
d) Move an obj ect from one place to another , e) Open dropdown Menu.
3. Convert the f ollowing: - [2 x 2½ = 5]
a) (FAD) 1 6 to Binar y; b) (10011011101) 2 to Octal
4. Fill in the blanks ( Write f ull sentence to answ er): - [15 x 1 = 15]
a) _______ is an input device. [Plotter / Scanner / Sound Box / Hard disk]
b) _______ are the symbol on desktop. [Word art/ Clip art/ Icon / Text box ]
c) _______ is the bottom most bar of desktop. [Title bar/ Status Bar/ Task Bar/ Ribbon]
d) _______ display the li st of programs [ Icon / All Programs/ Control panel/ Start]
e) _______ is a pri mar y memor y. [Hard Disk/ Floppy Di sk/ RAM/ CPU]
f) In Word 2007 _______ is the extension of file. [.docx / .ht ml / .doc /.xml ]
g) From _______ ribbon WordArt can be added. [ Home / Insert / Mailing / View]
h) From _______ ribbon mail mer ge can be done. [Home / Insert / Mailing / View]
i) _______ colored underline is there for spelling mistake. [Blue / Gr een/ Red/ Black]
j) _______ is the combination of rows and columns. [Chart / Orientation/ Table/ Align]
k) _______ virus infects boot records of hard disk. [wor ms / boot/ mal war e/macro]
l) _____ is an example of anti -virus. [ Quick Heal / Troj an Horses / Windows 7/ Spyware]
m) Eek (b) is an example of _______ virus. [wor ms / boot/ mal war e/macro]
n) ____ is effect of virus when attack in computer. [ Slow run / file size change / restart on own / all of them]
o) Virus cannot effect _____ part of computer[ Hard disk / Me mor y / Keyboard / Program]

5. Answ er the f ollow ing questions: (any f ive) [5 x 2 = 10]

a) How will U open an existing document ?
b) Describe a Table with figure.
c) Explain mail merge.
d) Describe the uses of ‘START’ button.
e) Describe with figure ‘Subscript’ &’Superscript’.
f) Describe ‘Home’ tab.
g) Explain ‘Change Case’.

6. Write the answer of the following : (any f ive) [5 x 2 = 10]

a) What is virus ?
b) Give two wa ys to spread computer virus
c) Define malware.
d) What is macro virus ? Give examples.
e) How will you prevent your computer from virus attack ?
f) Define Trojan Horses.
g) Name the Virus whose example are following : ILOVEYOU; NetBus; Acid Rain.
C o m f u n / T / D I/ f i n a l 2 0 1 9
6. Write the name of the marked parts of the Desktop screen. [06 x1 = 06]



4. Write the meaning of following symbols? 09 x 1 = 09

2 3 5 6 7 8
F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2018
T O OL & D I E – I Y E A R
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Workshop Calculation & Science Time: 3 Hrs.

1. Fill the blanks ( Copy the sentence and answ er) [1 x 20 = 20]
a) 1mili meter = ______ meter
b) 1 Quintal = ______ gr ams.
c) 86400 seconds =______hours.
d) Newton is the unit of______
e) In SI system the unit of Temperature is ______
f) In SI system the unit of acceleration is ______
g) In BODMS rule, ‘D’ st ands for ________
h) ______propert y enable the metal to be draws into wire without rupture.
i) ______ is an Iron ore.
j ) ______ is the process of reduction of the iron ore to pi g iron.
k) ______ is the 99.9% pure iron.
l) ______elements is used for making filament of electric bulb.
m) ______ is the colour of copper.
n) Brass is an alloy of ______ and ______
o) Densit y = ______ / ______
p) The density of steel is ______
q) Velocity = ______ / ______
r) 1 Joule =______ er gs
s) Falling wei ght is the example of ______
t) For mula of Kinetic energy is _______

2. Solve t he f ollow ing problem :( Copy the problem and solve) [1 x 15 = 15]

a) Factor of 196 = _______ 16.8

j ) Convert into deci mal
14 1
b) Find the missing number : = × _____
24 12 k) If 14 ‫ ׃‬11 = 56 : x then x =______
c) 47160 + 1368.4 + 0.1 + 1.6901 + 134.276 = ______ l) 10 -3
= ______
d) 693.42 – 0.0254 =______ 3 4
m) (− 4) =______
e) 0.7 × 0.0002 = ______
f) 12543 ÷ 10000 = ______ n) √0.000121 = ______
3 7 o) 2 2 × 3 3 +5 2 = _______
g) 5 + 4 − 8= ______
7 16
h) 7 8 × 5 21 =______
i) Convert 24 1000into deci mal

3. Solve t he f ollow ing problem: [2 10 = 20]

1 1
3 135 2 1 3
a) 4 𝑜𝑓 5 ÷ (2 + )
75 47 7 11 22

0.36 ×0.012
÷ 0.12
7 X 32
c) Find the value of X from the gi ven fi gure 26.362
1 1 0 .6 2
d) Find the value of √(26)2 + (13)2 − 22
e) If A ‫ ׃‬B = 9 ‫ ׃‬12 and B : C = 8 ‫ ׃‬10 then what will be the A : B ‫ ׃‬C ?
f) If 15 wor kers can buil d a wall in 48 hours, how many wor kers will be required to do the
same j ob in 30 hours ?
g) Out of 45 kg of alloy 30 kg Copper, 10kg Zi nc and 5kg Lead are there. Fi nd the
percentage (%) of Copper, Zinc and Lead.
𝑥 − 2𝑦
h) Si mplif y :
𝑥 2 −2𝑥𝑦
i) If (7a 2 –5ab + b 2 ) = 91 and value of a = 5, then value of b = _____?
j ) If 15% of X is 12 then find the value of X..

4. Answ er the f ollow ing question: (any f ive) [5  3 = 15]

a) Gi ve the name of three Physical and three Mechanical properties.

b) Gi ve the differences between ferrous metals and Non -ferrous metal s.
c) Write the uses of:‘Copper’, ‘Steel’and ‘Aluminium’.
d) What is energy ? Write the name of the three for ms of Ener gy.
e) Write all the Newton’s law of motion.
f) Write the equations of motion under gravit y, when body moves upward.
g) A car is traveling with a speed of 72 km /h and its deceleration (a) is 5m/sec 2 . Calculate
the total distance to stop the car .
h) A stone is thrown vert ically upwards with a velocit y of 120 meter/sec. Deter mine the
maxi mum hei ght it wil l reach and the total ti me to come back on earth.
* * * * *
F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2018
T O OL & D I E – II Y E AR
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Computer Fundamentals (Theory) Time: 2 Hrs.
Attempt all question to answer. Write answer on question sheet by fill in gaps and make tike mark on
appropriate option also. Each question carries equal marks.
1. A computer system consists of __________ 12. ___________________softwareautomatically
and __________ components. correct spelling and grammar mistake.
a) Hardware/ Software b) Data/ Instruction a) Word Processing b) Spread sheet
c) Input /Output d) CPU / ALU c) Presentation d) DBMS
2. __________ performs entering data and 13. Through __________ you can communicate
instruction into the computer. with a person sitting thousands of miles away
a) Output b) Storage c) Input d) Memory. in seconds.

3. Double-clicking the left mouse button a) Internet b) E-Mail

_______file or folder. c)Mailmarge d) Website
a) Close b) Select c) Open d) Edit 14. __________Machines: The authorized
4. Printers, Screeners, and Fax Machines is the computer systemto the user for operating
example of __________device. banking truncation.

a) Output b) Input c) Storage d) None a) OMR b) OCR c) BCR d) ATM

5. Speakers and headphones are output devices 15. _________________ are used to analyses and
for __________signals. predict weather.

a) Audio b) Video c) Digital d) Analog a) Minicomputer b) Supercomputers

c) Microcomputer d) Mainframe computers
6. Example of Nonimpact printer is __________
printer. 16. ____________________ are one of the
operating system.
a) Laser b) Dot-matrix c) Line d) Daisywheel
a) Microsoft windows b) Microsoft Word
7. __________monitoris commonly used in
c) Microsoft Excel d) Microsoft Access
17. The _____________ is the main screen area
a) CRT b) LCD c) Both d) None
that will see after True On the computer.
8. A DVDs generally can hold __________ of a) Window b) Desktopc) Explorer d) Webpage
18. Any file delete form the hard drive will be
a) 4.7GB b) 8GB c) 4.7 MB d) 700 MB placed first in the _______________.
a) Recycle Bin b) Folder c) File d) Explorer
9. The __________ perfor ms mathematical,
logical, and decision operations. 19. __________ is small pictures that represent
files, folder, programs, and other items.
a) CPU b) UPS c) ROM d) ALU
a) WordArtb) ClipArtc) Icon d) Shapes
10. __________memory, which means that the
contents are erased when the computer is 20. Icons on __________bar are indicates
those programs are opened.
powered off.
a) Title b) Menu c) Status d) Task
a)Volatile b)Readable
c)Erasable d) Accessible 21. __________ bar at top of the windows
11. 1 Terabyte (TB) = __________ Gigabyte. displays the name of the currently selected
a) 1000 b) 1200 c) 1024 d) 980
a) Title b) Menu c) Status d) Task

22. Copying folder or files from Keyboard: select 31. __________mention the size of page.
the folder or file then press _____________
a) Arial b) Narrow c) A4 d) Landscape
then press ______________.
32. Excel is a ___________________software.
a) Ctrl+X / Ctrl+V b) Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+V
c) Ctrl+L / Ctrl+J d) Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V a) Word Processing b) Spread sheet
c) Presentation d) DBMS
23. ____________ is a simple text editor for
Microsoft Windows. 33. In Excel add series of number, use the
a) Notepad b) Excel c) Paint d) PageMaker __________function

24. Select _____________from the menu bar a) Average b) SUM c) MAX d) MIN
to view how the worksheet will look
34. In Excel when we type in cell it comes to
before printing.
a) Zoom All b) Page setup
c) Print preview d) Select all a) Formula bar b) Text box c) Title bar
d) Menu bar
25. Combination of Row and Column is called
__________ 35. __________ is the pictorial compare between
data at Excel.
a) Table b) Text Box c) Chart d) Column
a) Picture b) ClipArt c) Graph d) SmartArt
26. _______________ is a decorative letter to
write special word. 36. Power point is a
a) ClipArt b) Shapes c) WordArt d) Text
a) Word Processing b) Spread sheet
27. _____________toolis set automatic serial
c) Presentation d) DBMS
37. In power point __________ is the short key for
a) Bullets b) Numbering
slide show.
c) Sort d)Multilevel
a) F7 b) F12 c) F5 d) F1
28. __________ is the name of font style.
38. Ctrl + J is the short key for _____________
a) Arial b) Narrow c) A4 d) Landscape
a) Center b) Save c) Copy d)Justify
29. __________underlineindicates the spelling 39. Ctrl + S is the short key for
mistake. __________document
a) Center b) Save c) Copy d) Justify
a) Blue b) Green c) Red d) Black
40. In MS - Office ______________ is a symbolic
30. ______________gives chance to make letter
with different address in MS–Word.
a) ClipArt b) Shapes c) WordArt d) Text
a) Mail Merge b) E-mail c) Gmail d) All
Answer Sheet
F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2018
T O OL & D I E - IIY E A R
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Computer Fundamentals (Theory) Time: 2 Hrs.
Attempt all question to answer. Write answer on question sheet by fill in gaps and make tike mark on
appropriate option also. Each question carries equal marks.
41. A computer system consists of hardware and 53. Through E-Mail you can communicate with a
software components. person sitting thousands of miles away in
a) Hardware/ Software b) Data/ Instruction
a) Internet b) E-Mailc)Mail marge d) Website
c) Input /Output d) CPU / ALU
54. ATM machines: The authorized computer
42. Input performs entering data and instruction
systemto the user for operating banking
into the computer. truncation.
a) Output b) Storage c) Input d) Memory. a) OMR b) OCR c) BCR d) ATM

43. Double-clicking the left mouse button 55. Supercomputers are used to analyses and
_______file or folder. predict weather.
a) Minicomputer b) Supercomputers
a) Close b) Select c) Open d) Edit
c) Microcomputer d) Mainframe computers
44. Printers, Screeners, and Fax Machines is the
56. Microsoft windows are one of the operating
example of device.
a) Output b) Input c) Storage d) None
a) Microsoft windows b) Microsoft Word
45. Speakers and headphones are output devices c) Microsoft Excel d) Microsoft Access
for audio signals.
57. The desktop is the main screen area that will
a) Audio b) Video c) Digital d) Analog see after True On the computer.
46. Example of Nonimpact printer is Laser printer. a) Window b) Desktop c) Explorer d) Webpage
a) Laser b) Dot-matrix c) Line d) Daisywheel 58. Any file delete form the hard drive will be
placed first in the Recycle Bin.
47. LCDmonitor is commonly used in laptops.
a) Recycle Bin b) Folder c) File d) Explorer
a) CRT b) LCD c) Both d) None
59. Icon is small pictures that represent files,
48. A DVDs generally can hold 4.7 GB of data.
folder, programs, and other items.
a) 4.7 GB b) 8 GB c) 4.7 MB d) 700 MB
a) WordArt b) ClipArt c) Icon d) Shapes
49. The ALU performs mathematical, logical, and 60. Icons on task bar are indicates those programs
decision operations. are opened.
a) CPU b) UPS c) ROM d) ALU a) Title b) Menu c) Status d) Task

50. Volatile memory, which means that the

61. Titlebar at top of the windows displays the
contents are erased when the computer is name of the currently selected folder.
powered off. a) Title b) Menu c) Status d) Task
a) Volatile b) Readable c)Erasable d) Accessible 62. Copying folder or files from Keyboard: select
the folder or file then press [Ctrl] + [C] then
51. 1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 Gigabyte.
press [Ctrl] + [V].
a) 1000 b) 1200 c) 1024 d) 980
a) Ctrl+X / Ctrl+V b) Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+V
52. Word Processing software automatically c) Ctrl+L / Ctrl+J d) Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V
correct spelling and grammar mistake.
63. Notepad is a simple text editor for Microsoft
a) Word Processing b) Spread sheet Windows.
c) Presentation d) DBMS a) Notepad b) Excel c) Paint d) PageMaker
64. Select print preview from the menu bar to view 73. In Excel add series of number, use the SUM
how the worksheet will look before printing. function
a) Zoom All b) Page setup
a) Average b) SUM c) MAX d) MIN
c) Print preview d) Select all
74. In Excel when we type in cell it comes to
65. Combination of Row and Column is called
formula bar.
a) Formula bar b) Text box c) Title bar
a) Table b) Text Box c) Chart d) Column
d) Menu bar
66. WordArt is a decorative letter to write special
75. Graph is the pictorial compare between data at
a) ClipArt b) Shapes c) WordArt d) Text
a) Picture b) ClipArt c) Graph d) SmartArt
67. Numbering tool is set automatic serial number.
76. Power point is a presentation software
a) Bullets b) Numbering c) Sort d) Multilevel
a) Word Processing b) Spread sheet
68. Arial is the name of font style. c) Presentation d) DBMS

a) Arial b) Narrow c) A4 d) Landscape 77. In power point F5 is the short key for slide

69. Red underline indicates the spelling mistake. show.

a) Blue b) Green c) Red d) Black a) F7 b) F12 c) F5 d) F1

70. Mail Merge gives chance to make letter with 78. Ctrl + J is the short key for JUSTIFY

different address in MS–Word. a) Center b) Save c) Copy d) Justify

79. Ctrl + S is the short key for SAVE document
a) Mail Merge b) E-mail c) Gmail d) All
a) Center b) Save c) Copy d) Justify
71. A4 mention the size of page.
80. In MS - Office ClipArt is a symbolic picture.
a) Arial b) Narrow c) A4 d) Landscape
a) ClipArt b) Shapes c) WordArt d) Text
72. Excel is a Spread sheet software.

a) Word Processing b) Spread sheet

c) Presentation d) DBMS
F IN A L E X A M INA T IO N – J U N E 2019
T O OL & D I E – II Y E AR
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Workshop Calculation & Science Time: 3 Hrs.
Attempt all question to answer. Write answer on question sheet by fill in gaps and make tike mark on
appropriate option also. Each question carries equal marks.
1. Area of a cross-section A = 808.5 sq.cm. Inner 14. Calculate the force required to stop a train of
diameter d= 140 mm. Find out the Outer mass 2200kg in 45sec from a velocity of 60
diameter. km/h.

2. From 9m high pole, a wire tide on ground at a 15. Vector quantity possessed both ______ and
horizontal distance of 3m from foot of the ______.
pole. Find the length of the wire.
16. 1 H.P. (British) = ________
3. An alloy made of Tin, Antimony and lead at
the ratio 15 : 4 : 1. Find the quantity of Tin 17. The unit of power in M.K.S. system
when Antimony is 8 kg. is_______
a) dyne, b) joule, c) watt, d) H.P.
4. A driving pulley of 50cm dia. at 1000 R.P.M
is connected to a driven pulley of 5000 18. 20 Joules of work is done by an object in 5
R.P.M. Find the diameter of the driven pulley. sec. Its power is _______

5. The bearing bushes are made of _____ 19. 2 kg mass thrown horizontally and get the
a) Copper b) Brass speed of 15 m/sec. The kinetic energy is ____
c) White metal d) Gun metal.
20. Simplify: 2× 0.2 × 0.02 × 0.002 × 20
6. The property by which metal can be roll into
sheet is ____ 21. Find the value of : 10−6 × 1010 × 100
a) Elasticity b)Malleability 22. Factorize: 8𝑥 3 − 64𝑦 3 .
c) Ductility d) Tenacity.
23. If 642𝑥−5 = 4 × 8𝑥−4
7. Tungsten melts at _______ o C.
a) 3370 b) 1495 c) 6400 d) 320. 24. If x + y = 56 and x – y = 8 find the values of x
8. The product get from smelting in the blast and y.
furnace is _______
25. Area of parallelogram is = ________
a) Cast Iron b) Wrought Iron
c) Pig Iron d) Steel. 26. If the area of a square plate is 2025 sq.mm
then find the side.
9. Solder is an alloy of _______
a) Lead & Tin b) Tin & Zinc 27. Find the perimeter of a semi-circle whose
c) Lead & Zinc d) Copper & Zinc. radius is 14 cm.
10. Find the volume, when mass of Mercury 28. The area of a square is 9 sq.m. Find the
130gm and density 13.6gm/cc. diameter of the circle who takesmaximum
space in it.
11. In SI, unit of density is ________
29. Find the area of an equilateral triangle whose
12. An Aeroplane runs 700 m in10sec before take- perimeter is18 cm.
off on ran way. Find its acceleration.
30. Find the surface area of a box whose
13. Rate of change of position in particular dimensions are 20cm x 20 cm x 8cm.
direction is called _______
a) Acceleration b) Speed 31. Give the volume of a cylinder whose radius is
c) Velocity d) Retardation. 4cm and height is 7cm. P.T.O.
4 47. When two resistance 4Ώ and 6Ώ are
32. If sin 𝜃 = 5 , 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑑 cos 𝜃
conducted in parallel, resultant resistance is
33. Find the value of : Sin 45o /(Sin 267o + Cos2 67 o)

48. Batteries produce _______

34. A ladder lay on wall with 60 o angle. If the top
of ladder touch the wall at 6m high from
a) AC, b) DC, c) static, d)
ground then what be the length of ladder ?
49. Voltage ‘V’ in a circuit is equal to ____.
35. If sec ∅ = 2 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 ′∅′ .

a) I, b) I 2 , c) I/R, d)IxR.
36. If ‘load’ is in between ‘fulcrum’ and ‘effort’.
Thenthis type of lever is called ____.
50. Provide an alternative path for the fault
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Crank
current to flow known as _________
37. A crow bar, 3m long, lift 150kg by using
a) Circuit, b) Insulator,
30kg. Find the length of effort arm.
c) Earthing, d) Conductor
38. In a simple machine, 400kg load are lifted by
25 kg effort. If velocity ratio is 20,

39. Stair case is the example of _________.

a) Lever b) Screw Jack
c) Inclined Plane d) Pulley

40. – 40 o C = _____ o F

41. Radiation Pyrometer can measure ____ o C.

a) 300, b)1600, c) 2200, d) 3000.

42. Heat is the energy in transition which flows

by virtue of ____
a) Conduction, b) Convection,
c) Temperature Difference, d) Radiation.

43. Heat is measured by the _______ Instrument.

a) Thermometer, b) Calorimeter,
c) Barometer, d) Hydrometer.

44. By ________we can write, volume inversely

proportional with pressure.
a) Charle’slaw, b) Boyle’s Law,
c) Archimedes law, d) Newton’s law.

45. Unit of Electric current is _______

a) ampere, b) volt, c) ohm, d) e.m.f.

46. Electricity flows in a circuit due to ____

a) Potential difference,
b) Viscosity,
c) Level difference,
d) Thermal conductivity.
C LA S S T E S T – J UN E 2018
T O OL & D I E – III Y E AR (3 R D S E M E S T E R )
Full Marks: 100 Sub: Workshop Calculation & Science Time: 3 Hrs.
Attempt all question to answer. Write answer on question sheet by fill in gaps and make tike mark on
appropriate option also. Each question carries equal marks.
1. The exterior angle of a triangle is _______ the 17. Find the weight of rectangular block of a cast
sum of the two interior opposite angles. iron casting of 250cm x 20cm x 8cm when
2. Two angles are said to be ________ if their density of cast iron is 7.8gm/cc.
sum is 90 o . 18. What is the section area of dovetail guide in
o o
3. The angle between 90 and 180 is known as cm 2 ?
_____ 20mm
4. The triangle having two sides are equal are m 40
40mm m
called ______ m
5. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 3 cm,
19. A ladder 2.5 cm long makes an angle of
4cm. and 5cm.
60 o with the ground. Find the height of the
6. Find the area of a sector of a circle with 2
wall where the ladder touches the wall.
angle, whose radius is 14cm.
20. In a right angle triangle ABC, C = 90 o . If
7. The area of a trapezium with 5cm and 7cm
AB = 50 mm and B = 75 o . Find the
parallel side with 4cm height.
remaining sides.
8. Calculate the area of a ringin cm 2 whose outer
sin 𝜃 + cos 𝜃 5 tan 𝜃 +1
21. If = , find the value of
and inner diameters are 250 mm and 110 mm sin 𝜃 − cos 𝜃 4 tan 𝜃 −1

9. The sum of the interior angles a pentagon is _____ 22. Find the value of ‘L’.

10. Volume of hollow cylinder is _______ when L

inner and outer radii are R 1 and R 2
11. Formula of Surface area of a cuboids are _______ m

12. The volume of hemisphere is _______ when m

diameter is 3 cm.
23. What is the angle of elevations of the sun
13. Find the volume of the given block.
when the shadow of a pole is √3 times longer
20 than the pole.
20 24. The speed of a car has increased from 25 km/h
10 100 to 40 km/h in one minute. Find its acceleration.
25. Find average piston speed (Vm ), when double
14. A square base prism having side 10cm and
stroke (s) = 65mm and speed (n) = 3600 rpm.
height is 8cm. Its volume will be ______
26. A stone falls freely due to gravitational
15. If a hole of 2cm radius is drilled lengthwise
acceleration and reaches ground in one
throughout a cylinder of radius 6cm and a
second. Find the distance it travels.
height of 15cm then the volume of cylinder
27. 200m long a train will cross an electric pole
after drilling is ______
with a speed of 80 km/h in _____ seconds.
16. Calculate the weight of steel ball whose
diameter is 21 cm and density is 7.8 gm/cc.
28. Radiation Pyrometer can measure ____ o C.a) TD3/FINAL/3ST2019

300, b) 1600, c) 2200, d) 3000

29. 32 o C = ______ K
30. Find out the total heat required to rise the
temperature of 25gm water by 10 o C.
31. The _______ process by which Heat transfer
from one place to another without any
a) Conduction, b) Convection,
c) Radiation, d) Vaporization.
32. When tensile stress is applied axially on a
circular rod _______ will happened.
a) diameter decreases b) Length increases
c) both a) and b) d) none of them
33. Tensile strain = ________ / _______
34. Young modulus = ________ / _______
35. Factory safety = ________ / _______
36. Axle shaft is the example of _______ stress.
a) Tensile, b) Compressive,
c) Shear, d)Torsional.
37. Hand pump is the example of _______ class
a) First, b) Second, c) Third, d) Crank.
38. In first class lever, how much Load can lift by
15N force where distance between fulcrum
and load is 50m and fulcrum and force point
is 255 m.
39. An effort of 25kg is applied to a simple
machine having velocity ratio of 4 and
efficiency 75%. Find out load lifted.
40. A weight moved a distance 7 cm by an effort,
which moved a distance 650 cm. Find velocity
---- 2-----
C LA S S T E S T – J UN E 2019
T O OL & D I E – III Y E AR (4 T H S E M E S T E R )
Full Marks: 70 Sub: Workshop Calculation & Science Time: 3 Hrs.
Attempt all question to answer. Write answer on question sheet by fill in gaps and make tike mark on
appropriate option also. Each question carries equal marks.
1. State the point ( –9 , 15) are in the _______ 15. _____ is a scalar quantity.
quadrant. a) Velocityb) Speedc) Accelerationd) Force
2. In graph x=5 is the parallel line of ____ axis.
16. In Ideal machines, mechanical advantage is
3. What will be the figure to plot the given _______ velocity ratio.
points and enclose them with line: (10, 2); a) Less than b) Equal to
(10, 8); (–2, 8) and (–2, 2). c) Greater than d) Not equal to
4. The point intersecting by two axes are called
17. Antimony is the example of _______ material.
5. Find the mean of the following: 4, 8, 12, 16, a) Ferromagnetic b) Paramagnetic
20, 24, 28, 32. c) Diamagnetic d) Nonmagnetic
6. The number of observation in a particular 18. Which is NOT the property of temporary
class is called _______ magnet ?
a) Width of class b) Class mark a) Strength can be varied
c) Frequency d) Strength of class b) Polarity can be changed
7. Prepare the frequency table for a hostel where c)magnetization can be controlled
minimum age is 11 year: 4 students are below d) N & S poles are always permanent
12 years, 7 students are below 15 years,18 19. Which is NOT the property of magnets ?
students are below 18 years, and 22 students a) Like poles repels each other
are below 20 years. b)Unlike Pole attract Each other
8. Prepare a BAR graph with the following: out c)Poles of magnets align with earth pole
of 100 marksDevidgot 75 marks, Moshi got 50 d) Any metal are effected by magnet
marks, Monoj got 90 marks and Akhtar got 40 20. Electro magnate are widely used to produce ____
marks. a) Electric b) Magnetic field
9. A force 50N is required to move a mass of c) Speed d) Electronics
40kg. Find the co-efficient of friction when 21. _____ is a liquid insulator.
1kg = 10N. a) Micab) Air c) Glass d) Resins
10. ______ frictionis the friction occurs when a 22. _____ is a fire-prof material used for panel
circular object round on a flat surface. board.
a) Sliding b) Limiting c) Rollingd) Static a) Micab) Enamel c) Asbestosd) Rubber
11. Friction is _______ over the area or shapes of 23. Which one is the quality of good Earthing.
connecting surface.
a)To be high electrical resistance
a) Dependent b)Supports b)To be low electrical resistance
c) Independent d) Over c)To be good Insulator
12. Frictional force acts _______ to the direction d) To be bad conductor
of motion. 24. The purpose of Earthing are ________
a) Towards b)Opposite a)To save life from danger of electrical shock
c) Sometime d) Anywhere b) To protect Machines under fault condition
13. The center of gravity of the plane figure is c)Save from lightning and short circuit current
called ______ d) All of them.
a) Centroid b) Centre c) Midpoint d) Median 25. A pulley of 150 mm diameter mounted on to a
14. The center of gravity of a triangle is at its ___ motor shaft runs at 1440 rpm. Determine the
a) Centre b)Base diameter of the pulley connected to a grinding
c) Medians d) on Diagonals wheel which runs at 2400 rpm. PTO
26. Gear, Belt, Pulleys are used for power ______ 36. Which is NOT the unit of Pressure
a) Transmission b) Exchange a) Newton /M 2 b) Barc) Pascal d) Dyne
c) Increases d) Decreases
37. The instrument is used to measure the pressure
27. _______ belt drive have one driven pulley and of liquid, steam or gas contained in vessel.
more than one driving pulleys. a) Voltammeter b) Ammeter
a) ‘V’ b) Simple c)Multiple d) Single c)Manometer d) Thermometer
28. Find the total length of the open belt required to 38. Air brakes on bushes, trucks and train are
connect two pulleys of diameter 28mm and some of the example of _______ system.
20mm. Where center to center distance is 65mm. a) Hydraulic b) Pneumatic
c) Electrical d) Mechanical
29. The process of changing the structure and 39. The pressure applied at any point in liquid at
properties by heating and cooling are called rest is transmitted equally in all direction is
_______ known as ________
a) Fusibility b) Tenacity a) Boyles law b) Charles law
c)Heat treatment d) Magnetized c) Pascal law d) Ohms’ law
30. ______ process is used to reduces the 40. Lift is one of the example of _______
brittleness. hydraulic system.
a) Annealing b) Normalizing a) Mobile b) Transfer
c)Tempering d) Case Hardening c)Stationary d) Rotary
31. ______process is used to add cutting ability. 41. Z 1 = 18 teeth and N 1 = 224rpm. If N 2 = 96 rpm
then Z 2 = ______ teeth
a) Annealing b) Normalizing
c) Tempering d) Case Hardening 42. Factory safety = ________ / _______
32. Stress formula is _____ 43. Axle shaft is the example of _______ stress.
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠−𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ a) Tensile, b) Compressive, c) Shear, d) Torsional.
a) 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑
b) 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 44. An effort of 25kg is applied to a simple machine
c) 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠−𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛d) 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ having velocity ratio of 4 and efficiency 75%.
33. Find the volume of the given block. Find out load lifted.
20 45. Find average piston speed (Vm ), when double
stroke (s) = 65mm and speed (n) = 3600 rpm.
46. A stone falls freely due to gravitational
10 100
acceleration and reaches ground in one second.
Find the distance it travels.
34. What is the section area of dovetail guide in
47. Radiation Pyrometer can measure ____ o C.a)
cm 2 ?
300, b) 1600, c) 2200, d) 3000
m 40 48. Find out the total heat required to rise the
m m temperature of 25gm water by 10 o C.
49. The _______ process by which Heat transfer
35. Find the value of ‘L’. from one place to another without any
L medium.
a) Conduction, b) Convection,
c) Radiation, d) Vaporization.
m 50. A ladder 2.5 cm long makes an angle of 60 o

m with the ground. Find the height of the wall

where the ladder touches the wall.

*****2 *****
76. The ore of Aluminium is ______.
51. 127cm = _______ inches 77. What is the product of mass of a body and the
52. 2.5 tonnes = _______ kg. acceleration due to gravity?
53. 1m 3 = _______ liters a. Force b. Work c. Weight d. Energy
54. One calorie = _______ Joule 78. Calculate the force required to give a mass of
55. 30 O C = _______Fahrenheit. 15kg acceleration of 5m/sec 2 .
56. 1 degree = _______ radian
a. 45 Nb. 55 Nc. 65 Nd. 75 N
57. Which one is the greatest fraction among
them: 5/12, 4/9, 4/6, 3/8. 79. A tank weighing 30kg contains 20litres of oil
58. 1/10 4 = ________ decimal. of specific gravity 0.8. Calculate the weight
59. Simplify : (6.40.085) /(0.0017 16) of the tank with oil.
60. A cricket player scores 53, 39, 0, 100 and 80. Give an example for conversion of energy
from Kinetic to heat ______.
58runs. Find his average run rate.
61. Calculate the square root of 3364. a. Heat due to applying Break of carb. Telephone
62. The comparison by division of two similar c. Electric motor d. Photo electric cell
quantities is called _________. 81. The unit of energy in S.I. system is ____.
63. If A: B = 12 : 15 and A:B:C = 4:5:6 then
a. Erg b. Calorie c. Joule d. Kilowatt hour
B:C = _______
64. The ratio of length and breadth is 6 : 4. If 82. Potential Energy of a body is the energy due to its :
area of the rectangle is 1176 cm 2 , find out a. motion b. accelerationc. velocity d. position
length. 83. A car moving with a velocity of 50km/h is
65. Z 1 = 18 teeth and N 1 = 224rpm. If N 2 = 96 rpm brought to rest in 45 seconds, the retardation
then Z 2 = ______ teeth. is.__a. 0.57m/s 2 b.0.48m/s 2 c. 0.30m/s 2 d.
60𝑥 8 𝑦 4 𝑧 4 0.28m/s2
66. Divide : 84. Stress formula is _____
4𝑥 2 𝑦 3 𝑧 2
67. In a lot there are 60 nuts. In that 6 nuts 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠−𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
a. 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑
b. 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
rejected. Calculate percentage of rejected.
𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
68. (7a 2 - 5ab+b 3 )= 91 and value of a= 5 then find c. 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠−𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 d. 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
value of b =____.
85. Commercial unit of electric energy is _____
69. The value of x 0 = _____.
70. Grey cast iron has : a. watt second b. watt minute
a. High compressive strength c. watt hour d. kilowatt hour
b. Low compressive strength 86. Specific heat of water is ____
87. Heat energy is converted into mechanical
c. High tensile strength
energy in _____
d. Low tensile strength
71. Which one of the following properties is a. Steam engine b. Electric fan
most essential for the metals to process of c. Induction stove d. Lamp
casting, brazing and soldering? 88. Radiation pyrometer is used to measure
temperature up to ____
a. Fusibility b. Malleability
a. 1000 o c b. 2000 o c c. 3000 o c d.4000 o c
c. Tenacity d. Plasticity
89. The exterior angle of a triangle is ______
72. Name the furnace which is converting molten
then each of the interior opposite angle.
pig iron into steel ?
a. Greater b. Lessc. Equal d. Not Equal
a. L.D. converter b. Bessemer converter
c. open-hearth furnace d. Induction furnace 90. If x, y, z are sides of a triangle, then
a. (x – y) > z b. ( y – x) > z
73. Chain, hooks, wires can be made easily by: c. z > (x + y) d. y < (x +z)
a. Pig iron b. cast iron c. wrought iron d. steel
91. ______triangle has t wo sides are equal.
74. Solder is an alloy of :
a. lead & tin b. tin & zinc a. Equilateral b. Scalene c. Right dd. Isosceles
c. lead & zinc d. copper & zinc 92. The ______ angle is m ore than 90 O and
75. Carbon content is maximum in ______. less than 180 O
a. Pig iron b. cast iron c. wrought iron d. steel a. Reflex b. Acute c. Obtuse d. Straight
93. In a right angled triangle ABC, B = 90 O 112. The height of equilateral triangle of side
Then 3 √3
‘a’ be – a. √ 𝑎 b. 𝑎 c. ½ a d.
4 2
a. AC = AB – BC
2 2 2 2
b. AC = AB +BC 2 2

c. AC 2 = AB 2 BC 2 d. AC 2 = BC 2 –AB 2 3
√ 𝑎
94. If a + 1/a =6 find the value of (a 2 +1/a 2 )
113. What is the formula for the volume of a
95. Factorize : x 4 – 81
96. 64 2 x – 5 = 48 x – 4 find the value of ‘x’
2 1
97. Solve:


=0 a. 3
𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ b. 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ c. 3 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎd. 2𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
2 3 4
98. 3 trainees made 126 components. ‘A’ makes 2 114. In a lever a load of 10 kg are in between
times that of ‘B’ and ‘C’ makes ½ of what ‘B’ fulcrum and effort. If the distance between
makes. Find the components made by each of load & effort is 60cm and load & fulcrum is
them. 25cm then what is the value of effort.
99. Find the factors of ‘x’ when x 2 – 7x + 10 = 0. 115. In ___lever effort is in between load &
100. l + h = 360cm and l – h = 10cm find l &h. Fulcrum. a. 1 st type b. 2 nd type c. 3 rd type d.
𝑥 𝑦 𝑥 𝑦
101. + = 5, − = 1Find the value of ‘x’ & ‘y’. Crank type
3 2 2 3
102. Density of copper is _______ kg/m 3 116. _______ are the example of 2 nd order
lever. a. fire tong b. nut cracker c.
a. 19320 b. 8930 c. 2712 d. 7850
plier d. balance.
103. ______ is used to measure Sp.gravity of a 117. Heat gain by a body = _____ x _____ x
liquid ____
a. Barometer b. Lactometer 118. In a graph point (4,–6) lies on the____ quadrant
c. Galvanometer d. Nicolson Hydrometer a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th.
104. A load of 1000kg is lifted by a simple 119. Static friction is ______ friction
machine. If the effort applied is 100 kg a. Limiting b. Rolling c. Dynamic d. Sliding
calculated the mechanical advantage.
120. Graphite is a ________ lubricant.
105. The velocity ratio of a simple machine is
a. Liquid b. Solid c. semi solid d. Semi
20. If an effort of 25 kg lifts a load 400kg then
find efficiency.
106. If sin θ= 3/5 then tan θ = _____ 121. An example of insulator is ______
a. 3/4 b. 4/3 c. 4/5 d. 5/4 a. Copper b. Silver c. Rubber d.
107. A ladder leans on a wall making 60 O with
the ground. If the foot of the ladder is 5 meters 122. Earthing wire or ground wire is made of
away from the wall find the ladder length. ____
108. Heptagon has _______ sides. a. Copper b. Aluminium c. Iron d. Galvanize
109. If the area of a trapezium is 0.207m 2 , Steel
height is 592mm and one side of parallel sides 123. One atmospheric pressure is equal to ___ of
is 490mm, then what will be the length of mercury
another side.
a. 0.76 cm b. 0.076 cm c. 76 cm d. 7.6 cm
110. Find the area of a rhombus whose
diagonals are 16 cm and 12 cm. 124. Absolute temperature calculate in term of
111. Calculate the area of a circular ring if D = _____
38 mm. and d = 32 mm. a. Celcius b. Fahrenheit c. Kelvin d. Reumer
Sel f - E mp lo y me n t Re sear ch I ns ti t ut e, M irp ar a.
Seco nd T er mi na l E xa mi na tio n – Feb r uar y 2 0 1 9
C E T – IYear
F ul l M ar ks : 5 0 S ub : Wo r k Sho p P ra ct ic a l ( Th eo ry ) T rad e: Ca rpe ntry T i me : 1 H rs.

1. Name the following items and write use of it: 5 x 2 = 10

a) b) c)

d) e)

2. Give two general precautions for Carpentry works. 4

3. Draw and describe any two of the following: 3x2=6

a) Try square; b) Rip Saw; c) Ball hammer; d) Chisel.

4. Draw and describe any one joint of the following: (Mention Tools, Materials and Process) 10
a) T–Lap Joint b) T–Bridle Joint

Practical file: 20 Marks Field Work: 50 Marks


Sel f - E mp lo y me n t Re sear ch I ns ti t ut e, M irp ar a.
Seco nd T er mi na l E xa mi na tio n – Feb r uar y 2 0 1 9
C E T – IYear
F ul l M ar ks : 5 0 S ub : Wo r k Sho p P ra ct ic a l ( Th eo ry ) T rad e: Ca rpe ntry T i me : 1 H rs.

1. Name the following items and write use of it: 5 x 2 = 10

a) b) c)

d) e)

2. Give two general precautions for Carpentry works. 4

3. Draw and describe any two of the following: 3x2=6

a) Try square; b) Rip Saw; c) Ball hammer; d) Chisel.

4. Draw and describe any one joint of the following: (Mention Tools, Materials and Process) 10
a) T–Lap Joint b) T–Bridle Joint

Practical file: 20 Marks Field Work: 50 Marks


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