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WET IC - Quality Month Inauguration-10864 PDF

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Name of the Project: Extension of Lake Victoria Pipeline Water Supply Project to Tabora, Nzega,
Igunga – Pkg II, Tabora, Tanzania
Larsen & Toubro Ltd – Shriram EPC Joint Venture, Tanzania (BU: Water International)
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The celebrations began with the L&T Anthem, Quality
Pledge, Flag Hoisting by the Wapcos & Project Management Team at the Kaze Hill Reservoir
location, in the presence of subcontractor representatives and workmen, followed by the inaugural
address from the Project Director - Mr. K. Gireesh, Dy. Project Director – Mr. P.A. Deshpande &
WAPCOS Consultants.

Significant events planned during the month:

 Quiz Competition on QA / QC, for the Staff & Subcontractors

 Slogan writing competition
 Quality Posters
 Training Programs
 Prize Distribution
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  
Date of inauguration: 01st November 2019 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

The Quality Month Celebration inaugurated by Mr. K Sivaramakrishnan  ‐  Cluster 
Head  (Sri Lanka) and welcome address by Mr. P Hari Prakash – Project Manager.  Site 
staff, Workmen, Project stakeholders graced the event followed by flag hoisting and 
Quality Pledge by Mr. Nishantha ‐CM & Mr. Sarath Wijesooriya‐ QCAM.   
Significant events planned during the month:   
Various Training program on Civil, M&E Works, quality awareness competitions on 
Posters, Slogan writing, Essay Writing, Quiz competition are Organized for Staff and 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  
GCWWMIIP ‐ Provision of New Gravity Sewers, Force Mains and Pump Stations for 
Kirulapone Catchment Area, Colombo Sri Lanka. 
Date of inauguration: 01st November 2019 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

The Quality Month function inaugurated by Mr. A.C Nayak ‐ Project Manager and 
welcome address by Mr. C Deepan – Cluster Quality Manager.  All Site staff, 
Workmen, Project stakeholders graced the event followed by flag hoisting and 
Quality Pledge by Mr. Md. Riskhan ‐ QCAM. 
Significant events planned during the month:   
Various Training program on Civil, M&E Works, quality awareness competitions on 
Posters, Slogan writing, Essay Writing, Quiz competition are Organized for Staff and 



Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome
address followed by flag hoisting by Mr. Wesley James & Mr. Martin Cornelissens
(Plant Superintendents) at project site office. Mr. Wesley James explained importance
of Quality in our day-to-day activity and its impact on final product. Mr. Prabhu
QA/QC delivered oath of Quality pledge and declared Quality Month agenda.

Significant events planned during the month: Training to Operation & Maintenance
team staff & operators on importance of predictive & periodic maintenance for liquid
& sludge line equipment’s, poster competition for workmen.

Name of the Project: Athikadavu-Avinashi Scheme

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The ceremony started with a brief welcome
address followed by quality flag hoisting by Chief Guest Mr. Mr. Sivalingam (SE) PWD,
Govt of Tamilnadu. Significance of Quality in our day to day activity and its impact on
final product, customer service & satisfaction was explained by Mr. Sivalingam (SE) PWD. The
meaning of quality work and its impact on end users of Athikadavu-Avinashi scheme project
was explained by Mr. Padnavis Ravi Kumar (PD) L&T WET. The initiative for maintaining
quality and celebration of quality month was highly appreciated by
Mr. Venkateswaran
Thirupathi (PM) L&T WET. The Quality pledge was taken for WET-IC which was delivered by
Mr. Manivannan. Announcement of events planned for the month and vote of thanks was
delivered by Mr. Murugan & Mr. Ulaganathan (QA/QC) L&T.

Significant events planned during the month: Poster Competition, Quiz

competition, Slogan Competition for Workmen, Staffs. Quality Training on Civil, Mechanical
works also planned throughout the month

Name of the Project: LE 190213 - Mukkombu Upper Anaicut, Trichy

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The celebration started with L&T Anthem at our
Site office on 02.11.2019. Then Mr. Sivakumar, AEE-PWD and Mr.Jeyaraman, AEE-
PWD, Govt. of TN hoisted Quality flag jointly. All the participants followed by special
lectures from guests and project manager took quality Pledge. Sweet distribution was
done among the workers.

Significant events planned during the month: Quiz Competition, Poster presentation,
Slogan competition, trainings and ATL courses.
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: COIMBATORE UGSS PHASE‐II 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month 2019 has inaugurated by CNCO‐
CLUSTER HEAD‐Mr.NSR Venkattesan along with TWAD OFFICIALS with digital lmap 
lighting and by hoisting the flag followed by the Quality Pledge taking ceremony.Cheif 
guests have expressed their satisfaction on the existing quality standards and 
practices and expressed their suggestions for further improvements. Function has 
been concluded with vote of thanks by Project Manager ‐Mr.Raja Suresh , followed 
by National Anthem. 
Significant events planned during the month:  
 Technical Trainings by DALMIA CEMENT 
 In House trainings on various work related activities for both staff and workmen. 
 Drawing Competition for school students. 
 Slogan Competition ,Drawing Competition  Writing Quiz Competition for staffs.  
 Refreshments such as Cricket Match for Staff , Volley ball match for workmen along with 
lunch arrangements. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Providing under Ground sewerage scheme to Tirunelveli municipal

corporation, Tamilnadu.

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: L&T Anthem, followed by Flag hoisting, Quality

pledge by invitees, staff & All workman, Special address given by Project Manager (Mr. S.
Venkatesh) in making awareness and importance of Quality work and explained how the
Quality plays a major role in the survival of the organisation business. Also, in part of
Quality theme enhancing quality systems through digitization, Cogniste digital app was
launched at this event. 

Significant events planned during the month: Site specific training Programme has

been planned for all workmen and staff, Quiz programs, Drawing Competition, Slogan
writing & Essay competitions for Staff & workmen.  

In part of Quality month theme‐ Cogniste digital app 
was launched.   Addressing the gathering by Project manager 

                                                Flag hoisting                                                      Quality pledge taken by the team                                

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the project: Providing Sewerage Collection System in Zone 2, 2A & 8 for
Vellore UGSS – Phase III in VCMC

Special invitees: Mr. R. Aravindan Project Manager

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome

address followed by flag hoisting in our Store Yard at Vellore UGSS Site.

Mr. R. Aravindan, Project Manager graced the occasion who hoisted the quality flag.

Special notes were given by key persons regarding the role of quality starting from

our day to day life. Quality pledge was taken for WET-IC which was delivered by

Mr. R. Nirmalan, Quality Manager. Declaration of the quality competitions were also

addressed to the gathering through him. Vote of thanks was delivered by

Mr. Elangovan, Admin.

Significant events planned during the month: Poster on Quality, Slogan writing,
Essay Writing, Quiz competition for Staff and work man.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Development of sewerage collection, Treatment and

Reuse system including operation and maintenance for Zone 1,2,3&Specified
area at Naya Raipur

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Inaugural function held on

06.11.2019 & 4.30 PM at NRDA UGDS Project. Inaugural function started
with our L&T anthem followed by welcome address and Quality flag hoisting
by Project Manager Mr. Umesh Kumar & Mr. Chaitanya, PMC-Team Leader.
Quality pledge was taken for WET-IC, which was delivered by Mr. Suresh M
(QA/QC). Special notes were addressed by PM Mr.Umesh Kumar regarding
the role of quality and inspiring words given by Mr. Chaitanya PMC-Team
Leader about Quality. Mr. Suresh M announced Various Quality competitions,
which will be conducted during Quality month and also delivered vote of
thanks to all. After that sweets & cool drinks distributed to all staff and

Significant events planned during the month: Poster on Quality, Slogan

writing, Essay Writing, Quiz competition, Training for Staff and workmen.


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Construction of Decentralized Sewage Treatment plants

and Providing Sewer Network System in entire Nellore Municipal Corporation.

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Inaugural function started

with a welcome address followed by flag hoisting in our Allipuram yard
Nellore UGDs Site. Mr. Dinesh S, BU EHS Co-ordinator graced the occasion by
hoisting the quality flag. Special notes were given by key persons regarding
the role of quality starting from our day to day life. Quality pledge was taken
for WET-IC which was delivered by Mr. K.SASHIKANTH, Quality in charge.
Declaration of the quality competitions were also addressed to the gathering
through him. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. SRIKRISHNAN
accounts&admin manager.

Significant events planned during the month: Poster on Quality, Slogan

writing, Essay Writing, Quiz competition for Staff and work man.



Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: (LE160605) Vijayawada Storm Water Drainage Project  
Details  of  the  Inaugural  ceremony:  The  Inaugural  function  started  on  4th  Nov  2019  with  a 
Welcome  address  by  Mr.  Narendrababu  Sunkara  (QA/QC  Engineer)  followed  by  flag  hoisting  at 
Workmen  camp.  Quality  Pledge  was  taken  by  Project  Team.  Mr.  S  Saravanan  (Project  Manager) 
graced the occasion, who has given key notes on Significance of Quality Month & importance of QMS 
&  Product  Quality.  Mr.  Sandeep  Char  (Planning  Manager),  Mr.  B  Srinivasa  Rao  –  Construction 
Manager & Mr. NS Srikumar (Manager – Admin) also delivered vital role of Quality in life and work. 
Mr.  Narendrababu  S  announced  about  the  Events  &  Competitions  planned  for  the  entire  Quality 
Month Celebration. Vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Prashanth KP (EHSO) 

Significant events planned during the month:  
1. Various trainings to all Staff and Supporting staff, workmen  
2. Competitions like Quiz, Volleyball, Slogans, Posters and Essay Writing  
3. Digital Awareness and Indore games to Workmen  



Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: BDA NPKL PKG-1 Project - Bangalore 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

Inaugural function was commenced with welcome address followed by L&T anthem. Quality
flag hoisting has been done by BDA client and consultants, followed by Quality Pledge.
Focus on product quality was addressed by Project Manager and affirmed to maintain
quality standards, ITPs and method statements as per the QMS set by the top

Significant events planned during the month:  

 Training programs on various activities / topics will be conducted which are

necessary for improvement of product quality.
 Organizing various competitions viz. Quiz, Poster painting, Slogan writing etc. for
staff, S/c supervisors & workmen to encourage them.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Providing under Ground Drainage facilities (Laterals) to RR

Nagar, Dasarahalli & Bommanahalli zones coming under 110 villages of BBMP. 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: L&T Anthem, Followed by Flag hoisting, Quality

pledge by invitees, staff & All workman, Special address given by Invitees & Motivation
speech has been given by Project Manager ( Mr.D. Sundararajan) how to promote quality at
work by enhancing quality systems through digitization to staffs and workmen’s. 

Significant events planned during the month: site specific training Programme has

been planned for all workmen and staff, Quiz programs, Drawing Competition, Slogan
writing & Essay competitions for Staff & workmen has been planned 

Inviting the chief guest from BWSSB                      Addressing the gatherings by Project manager 

                                                Flag hoisting                                                      Quality pledge taken by the team                                

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Bangalore Cluster office 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: L&T Anthem, Quality Pledge, Cluster head speech 
followed by team members speech and Sweet Distribution 

Significant events planned during the month: Quality Slogans, Quality posters 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality flag was hoisted by Project Head Mr. 
Jagaveerapandian P. The theme “Enhancing Quality system through Digitalization" 
was highlighted by QA QC In‐charge Mr. Vigneshwara B 

Significant events planned during the month: Training on Civil works, Pipeline MS, DI 
and HDPE during the month. Competitions to Staff and workmen: Poster painting, 
Essay writing, Slogan writing and QUIZ.  



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Providing Continuous Pressurized Water Supply to Tumkur 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Quality Month Celebration was inaugurated 
on 02.11.2019 starting with Quality pledge, Flag hoisting by the Project Manager    
Mr. N.Srinivasan followed by his address on importance of maintaining quality at site. 
Construction Manager Mr. S.Kumaresan and other staff member also addressed the 
gathering on improving quality at site. 
Significant events planned during the month: Quiz competition, Slogan Competition, 
Poster Competition and Training programmes for staff and workmen. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: ERODE WSS 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month inaugural function started on 01.11.2019 
by Chief Guests SE & AEE from TWAD by hoisting the Quality Flag, taking oath of quality pledge and 
PM, Section In charges given speech on Quality Month & it’s importantance. 

Significant events planned during the month: Various programs like Quiz and Quality test. 
Trainings for workmen & Staff regarding Formwork, Concreting, Finishing of Concrete as well as 
masonry and welding technology.  On 30.11.2019 valedictory function is planned by honouring the 





Special invitees: CONSULTANTS M/s TCE.

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Lamp ignition, Quality flag hoisting and Quality
Pledge. Speech by consultants, Project manager & Team, Sweet distributions.

Significant events planned during the month: Trainings, Quiz, and Poster and
Slogan competitions.



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: BHIMA LIS‐YADGIR 
Special  Invitees:  Mr. Kingshuk Biswas (PM-Bhima LIS), Mr. L. M. Nayak (EE- KBJNL), Mr.
Subash Chandra (AEE-KBJNL), Mr. Vinay Kumar (AE-KBJNL). 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Flag hoisting, taking Oath, quality speech, distribution
of sweets, announcement of various competitions like Quiz, Poster, Slogan, etc... 
Significant  events  planned  during  the  month:  Conducting the various training
programme Like QMS,QA/QC activities, civil works and pipe laying/welding works, various
competitions like Quiz, Poster, Slogan, etc.,



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: KPCL‐Water Supply Project, Ilkal 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

Flag hoisting by chief guest from KPCL, Mr.Hanumanthapa followed by Quality pledge. Welcome speech was 
given by QA/QC In charge. Addressing the gathering by  Mr. Malay Das, speech by Chief Guest, 

Significant events planned during the month:  

Training programs, Brainstorming and Knowledge sharing sessions in Civil and Mechanical works. 

Competition such as Quiz, Slogan writing and Posters making are planned. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The programme started with Quality Flag Hoisting 
followed by Quality Pledge and speech by Project manager and Site Incharges. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training programmes for Staff & 
Workmen. Competitions for Staff & Workmen. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Harappanahalli Lift Irrigation Scheme 
 Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome Speech, Flag Hosted, Quality 
pledge, Quality aspects, Quality aspects in native language,  Announcement of 
various competition for celebrating quality month, Thank you speech by JK and 
Sweet distribution 
Significant events planned during the month:  




                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: CWSS to NATHAM – DINDIGUL O&M 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Flag Hoisted by Project Manager, Taking 
the oath of Quality Pledge, Importance of QA/QC in Mechanical and Electrical 
Maintenance, Sharing the Knowledge in Quality of Work Procedures. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training Program in Electrical 
Maintenance, Condition Monitoring, Lubrication Concepts. Quiz program 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: O&M OF 2X800 MW PWS, YTPS, RAICHUR 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

O&M Incharge inaugurated quality month by flag hosting and  encouraged all to 
participate in all the events. Also described the importance of quality in all the activity 
carried out by us.     

Significant events planned during the month:  

1. Quality posters and banners, Essay writing, Slogan to be submitted within 

2. Training program to improve process quality. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: TTD O AND M 2017-19 

Details  of  the  Inaugural  ceremony:  Our chief guest Mr. T.Munirathnam, Asst.
Executive Engineer – TTD has inaugurated the quality flag and shared his
valuable experience.

Significant events planned during the month:  

1) Quiz Competition. 
2) Essay writing. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: CSTI‐Attibele 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: 

 Speech given by CSTI‐Principal about quality  
 Price distributed to Best Trainee 
 Flag hoisting 
 Quality pledge 
 Sweet distribution 

Significant events planned during the month:  

 Quiz competition. 
 Valedictory function 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Cluster Office BBCO‐WSD. 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inauguration was started by BBCO Cluster Heads 
Mr.K.Sesha Sai & Mr.Hariharan with a flag hoisting and followed by taking oath of Quality 
Pledge. All the staff attended the ceremony with enthusiasm and shared their opinions and 
importance of Quality implementation at Project Sites through Digitalization.  
Mr.K.Surendra(Cluster Quality Manager) addressed gathering and announced agenda for 
Quality Month celebrations planned at BBCO Cluster office. Mr.V.Ramanjaneyulu(DGM, 
QA/QC) expressed his thanks to the gathering and concluded Quality Month celebrations 
with sweet distribution. 

Significant events planned during the month:   

‐ 2 Nos. training programs by external faculty. 
‐ Internal training programs by BBCO team. 
‐ Quiz, Slogans and Posters completions. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inauguration was started by Mr.Karthikeyan,
Sr.Construction Manager with a flag hoisting and it is followed by our honorable
Construction Manager Mr. Thirumoorthi. All the staffs and employees were given
awareness about the importance of quality. The function was successfully completed with a
thanks giving note by Mr. M Murali.  
Significant events planned during the month:  

  Training Program on O&M Operations for staff and workmen  

   Various competitions like Quiz, Poster, Slogan writing are also scheduled.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: LE160815 (IWS to Greater Berhampur)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function was held at IWS to 
Greater Berhampur site on 01.11.2019 at 11.00am. Project Manager Mr. D Sandeep 
Reddy addressed the gathering. All staffs and workmen took Quality oath. Site QA/QC 
Mr. Satwata M Majumdar also addressed the gathering by announcing the various 
competitions to be held along with training program schedule for the month & 
expressed his thanks to the gathering and concluded Quality Month celebrations with 
sweet distribution. 
Significant events planned during the month: Training Programs, Poster on 
Quality, Slogan writing, Quiz competition for Staff and work man. 



Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: 05 No’s of Individual Rural Piped WS Scheme pertaining to

Balasore/Bhadrak/Keonjhar/Puri/Bolangir Districts.

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:

The inauguration ceremony was started with the Flag Hoisting, Quality Pledge and
welcome speech by our Hon’ble Project In-Charge Mr. Ravikanth Bollisetty. He has emphasised and
gave high importance to the use of digital apps for Quality control. Also 100% Digital RFI through
Cognisite to be used at site to avoid any re-work.

Mr.Ayush Kumar (Civil-Quality) gave equal importance to Quality and Safety, and there should be no
deviation in it. He has emphasised on customer satisfaction which could be achieved by maintaining
Quality and Safety in workplace.

Significant events planned during the month:

Training Programs, Poster on Quality, Slogan writing, Quiz competition for Staff and Workmen.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inaugural function was started on 1st Nov by
Executive Engineer Mr. Bhanja Kishore Manohari, with flag hoisting and was followed by
Quality Pledge. Our honourable Project manager Mr. R. Rajakumar who has given special
notes on importance of Quality and “Enhancing Quality Systems Through Digitalization”.

Significant events planned during the month:  Announcement of events like Posters, 
Slogan and Quiz Competition. Training has been arranged by QA/QC team on QMS, 
Digital initiatives, IS 456 requirements, Testing procedures for civil activities and 
welding procedures and NDT. 


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  Cuttack Water Supply Project 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

Flag hoisted by Construction Manager – Mr. Uma Kumar Chapara and the oath taking 
of Quality pledge took place which is followed by sweets distribution. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

Training programs, Quiz competition, Photography Contest – Best Quality Practices, 
Plot the IS Code Reference Contest, Best Skilled Workmen Awards, Best Digital 
Initiatives Implementation Award, ATL Champion award. 


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Water Supply and Distribution Network to GHMC, LE160006 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome speech followed by flag hoisting, 
Quality pledge, declaration of training & competitions and finally distribution of 

Significant events planned during the month:  

Training programmes for staff and workmen‐ Welding & NDT; factory visit; civil 
testing procedures; finishing works; housekeeping. 

Competitions – Quiz, slogan, posters etc. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Jharsuguda WSP 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
Quality month inauguration has been celebrated on 1st November for Jharsuguda 
WSP project. The ceremony has started with flag hoisting by project manager and 
quality pledge has been taken. Meeting has been conducted over the importance of 
quality with end note by PM as “Quality has the vital part in bringing pride to the 
company and nation. It can be achieved with dedication and self‐satisfaction towards 

Significant events planned during the month: 
 Slogan, Poster, Site and group Quiz. 
 Training programme for both staff and workmen on both mechanical and civil 
activities will be conducted.  
 Valedictory function.   
Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Water Supply to Karimnagar and other Municipalities 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  Date of inauguration celebrated on 01st Nov 2019
Flag Hoisted by Mr. Sampath Rao Dy. Executive Engineer followed by Quality month
theme 2019 explained by Mr. R Chandrasekhar Project Manager. 

Significant events planned during the month: Various Training program ,Quiz

program planned to conduct, related to the site activities and Spot Document
verification planned exclusively for site execution engineers to bring enthusiasm in


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: LE180547 – Kendrapada Water Supply Project 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Flag Hosting & Sweet distribution. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training Programme on Construction 
practise, Quiz competition and QMS Awareness 


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: PWS project to 22 GPs of Champua block, 21 GPs of Jhumpura block, 25 GPs of 
Keonjhar block & 21 GPs of Banspal block in Keonjhar district
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
The inauguration ceremony was started with the Flag Hoisting, Quality Pledge and welcome speech 
by our Hon’ble Project Manager Mr. Eganath J. K. He has emphasised and gave high importance to 
the use of digital apps for Quality control. He also advised continuous training on weekly basis for 
digital app usage like Cognisite. 
Mr. Siva S (Mech‐Quality) has highlighted how proper communication and coordination can bring 
sustainable quality in workplace and product deliverables. He also put major thrust on improving 
product quality by internal trainings through site‐in charges to front line engineers and supervisors, 
religiously going through work processes, ITPs and SOPs for continual improvement of in process 
work; thereby reducing cost of poor quality to huge extent. 
Mr. Prithivi (Project in‐charge) gave equal importance to Quality and Safety; and there should be NO 
deviation in it. He has emphasised on customer satisfaction which could be only achievable by 
maintaining Quality and Safety in workplace.  
Significant events planned during the month: Training Programs, Poster on Quality, Slogan writing, 
Quiz competition for Staff and Workmen. 


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Providing Drinking Water to Habitations in Palair and Wyra segments of 
TDWSP in Khammam District   
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Mr.K.Srinivas Chief Engineer‐MB Grid Khammam and Mr. 
R.N.Murthy  –Deputy Executive Engineer, Mr. Chaitanya AE, Mr.D Selvamurugan‐Project Manager.  
The inaugural function was started with Mr. K.Srinivas ‐Chief Engineer with flag hoisting and it is 
followed by the presidential address by our project manager D. Selvamurugan and in charges 
RJS/KSP/ES/SGS & NVRK. Chief Guest expressed his happiness and he admired L&T for the 
exceptional Quality maintained during the whole execution of the project and he also added as 
Khammam project as one of the best in Mission Bhagiratha Projects. He congratulated for achieving 
regular water supply to 832 habitations. And also he recollected the successful completion of 
Hyderabad and Mumbai metro works with utmost quality and they shall be an icon for L&T In the 
coming years. 
Significant events planned during the month:  
Planned Training program with external agencies & internal knowledge sharing sessions by field staffs 
on various activities like: O&M maintenance, facility cleaning, and Functioning of Pumps and Motors, 
alignment technics, PQM Orientation, Pipe line rectification procedures for HDPE, and BWSC, PCCP 
pipes with mock drills, Competitions for Quality quiz, poster ,slogan and Essay writing competition. 
And also planned during the month to check Product quality for Palair and Wyra  segments. 


Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inauguration was started by Assistant Executive
Engineer Ms. Jyotsnamayee Marandi, with flag hoisting and was followed by a speech from our
honorable Project manager Mr. R.Rameshkumar. All the staffs and employees were given
awareness about the importance of quality and slogan “Enhancing Quality Systems Through

Significant events planned during the month:  

Training programs on different activities for Staff and workmen like

 Welding Processes and NDT, Welding Procedure Qualifications & Performance
 Laying, Jointing & Inspection of DI Pipes.
 Cracks & its remedies and concrete technology
 Concrete mix design as per IS 10262
Various competitions like Quiz, Poster, Slogan writing are also scheduled 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Nuapada Water Supply Project. LE180170 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Celebrations Started with Quality 
Pledge and Quality Flag was hoisted by Project Manager. QC Manager Mr Jagadish P 
addressed the stage and given speech on Quality importance and Quality related 
activities in the project and later speech by PM Mr Nagender P advised all to strive 
and maintain quality which reduces additional work and saves time. All the labour 
and employees have given refreshments. 

Significant events planned during the month: QC Manager informed that there will 
be seminar and quiz competitions for all employees. Skill development trainings will 
be conducted for workmen’s and top‐rated trade workers will be identified and will 
be awarded. Awards will be presented on Valedictory function on 30 Nov 2019 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 

Name of the Project: Cluster Office BBCO –Odisha.

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality month Inaugural function was held at BBCO
Cluster Office on 05.11.2019.Quality Month Inauguration starts with Flag hosting & lamp lighting by

chief guests and all staffs at BBCO took Quality oath. Cluster Head Mr. K.SESHASAI addressed the

gathering and Cluster Head (WW) Mr. K.HARIHARAN also addressed the gathering. All the staff

attended the ceremony with enthusiasm and shared their opinions and importance of Quality

implementation at Project Sites through Digitalization. Cluster Quality managers Mr. Surendra

Kasapu and Mr. Karthick Raja announced the various competition & training programme schedule

and Mr.V.Ramanjaneyulu expressed his thanks to the gathering and concluded Quality Month

celebrations with sweet distribution.

Significant events planned during the month: Internal &External Training programs &
motivation program for staff & workmen. Slogan & quiz competition. Innovative idea competition,

Best quality

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Name of the Project: Mega Lift Irrigation Project Cluster IV

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome
address by Mr. Amit Kumar Soni QA/QC followed by Quality flag hoisting. Flag hoisting
was done by Mr. Nagesh Chitilla (Construction Manager) and Mr. Arumuga
Sankarnarayanan (Construction Manager) also joined hands. Special notes were
given by key persons regarding the role of quality in our day to day life. Quality pledge
was taken by all the staffs. Declaration of the various events was also done. Vote of
thanks was delivered by Mr. Madhusudan Keshari QA/QC.

Significant events planned during the month:

1. Quality Quiz 2. Quality Slogan competition

3. Poster making competition 4. Extempore 5. Job specific training.


Name of the Project: MLIP CL IX ROURKELA

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome
address followed by flag hoisting at Jamsara PH. Mr. Shovan Naik & Mr. Shailendra from (PMC
WAPCOS) graced the occasion with their presence. Mr. Shailendra hoisted the quality flag.
Special notes were given by key persons including Planning In-charge Arul Gnanam & Ram
Naresh Yadav Const. Manager L&T regarding the role of quality starting from our day to day
life and what factors Quality automatically improves if we maintain quality in our works from
beginning. Quality pledge was taken for WET-IC which was delivered by Mr. Nikhlesh Kumar
QA/QC MLIP CL IX. Declaration of the quality competitions were also addressed to the
gathering through him. In the end Vote of thanks was given to all the attendees by Mr. Suman
Samal and sweets were distributed.
Significant events planned during the month: Training for staffs along with workers
specific to project is planned along with competition comprising painting, quiz and slogans
which will be held during the month.

Name of the Project: Mega Lift Irrigation Project –Cluster VI

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality month Inaugural function was started with
Welcome addressed by Mr. Venkatesan (Sr.CM MLIP CL-VI) at Padmamala II&III Site on 02/11/2019.
Quality pledge was taken by Staff and Workmen. Quality Pledge delivered by Mr. Michel Babu
(QA/QC). Quality flag hoisting by Mr. Ramesh Chandra Behara (D.E.E –DoWR) & Mr. Bharat Biswal
R.E PMC (TUV SUD) Special address was given by Client & Consultant. All the staffs were given
awareness about the importance of quality and instructed the Engineers to “Do it Right the First
time itself” and “Enhancing Quality System through Digitalization. Mr. Michelbabu (QA/QC)
Concluded the Inaugural function by Vote of Thanks to Chief Guest and briefed on Training Program
and Competition going to be conducted during “Quality Month” for all Staffs, Subcontractors and
Workmen and winners will be awarded on Valedictory function which will held on 30th Nov’2019.

Significant events planned during the month: Planned training programs and various
computations such as Quiz, Slogans, and Posters etc.

Name of the Project: MLIP CLUSTER VIII

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The programme started with welcome address
followed by Quality pledge, The flag hosting done by Project Manager Mr. S.Murali
and explained the importance of Quality to all staff and workmen, In charges Mr.
Ramamoorthy and Mr. Bidyut Dey shared their valuable thoughts regarding Quality to
be maintained during execution.

Significant events planned during the month:

 Training for Staff and workmen on Brick work and plastering, Pump erection,
Electrical works.
 Competition for staff and workmen like Quiz, Posters and Slogans.


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: FLAG HOISTING, QUALITY PLEDGE, SPEECH BY


Significant events planned during the month: TRAINING COMPETITION AMONG


Name of the Project: Mega Lift Irrigation Project, Cluster XII, Sundergarh - Odisha

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Inauguration Ceremony

Successfully Celebrated in Cluster XII, Sundergarh. The Programme Started
with Quality Pledge and Flag Hoisting by Chief Guest Superintending Engineer,
MLIP in the presence of our Project Head with all staff and workmen. Project
Stakeholders were conveyed their expectation and applauded L&T for inspiring
and motivating the workmen towards Quality at work by conducting this kind
of event. Client appreciated Larsen and Toubro Ltd. for their commitment
towards Customer delight by delivering high quality products and contribution
towards building the nation.
Significant events planned during the month: Various Training for staffs
along with workers specific to project is planned along with competition
comprising painting, quiz and slogans which will be held during the month of
November 2019.

Name of the Project: Execution of lift canal system of UIIP, Kalahandi

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Flag Hoisted by Executive engineer, DOWR
Mr. Prafulla Kumar Biswal followed by his speech regarding the importance of
quality work. Then quality pledge – Rajkishore Vishwakarma; Welcome address and
speech by K Ranga Rao. Inauguration speech – S Devanand (Project Director), S
Rajasekar (Construction Manager),

Significant events planned during the month: Various competitions such as Poster
competition, Slogan competition, Essay writing, Drawing competition and Quiz
competition planned during this month for staff and workmen. Also various training
programmes such QC tests for lab assistants and staffs and canal lining, concrete
works, formwork and reinforcement works for workmen.
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Cuttack waste water network

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome Address- P.Mahadevan-
Quality In-charge, Qlty flag hoisted by- Mr. Althaf Hussain- Project Head,
Mr. Manoj Rout- Project Manager & Mr Nagraj Sogale -Planning Manager.
Inaugural address by- Mr.Althaf Hussain & Quality Address by Mr. Manoj

Significant events planned during the month:

1. Activity wise training programme for staffs, Conducting pep-talks at all site
locations for workmen.
2. Qlty Drawings, Quality slogan, Quiz, Quality speech competitions for staffs
and workmen.


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome
address by Mr. Sanapala Rakesh QA/QC followed by flag hoisting. Mr. Pankaj Biswas
(Manager-Network) and Mr. K.Anand (Admin & Accounts) who hoisted the quality flag.
Special notes were given by key persons regarding the role of quality starting from our day
to day life. Quality pledge was taken for WET-IC which was delivered by Mr. Sanapala Rakesh
QA/QC in English and Mr.Brijesh Kumar in Hindi. Declaration of the quality competitions
were also addressed to the gathering & Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Sanapala

Significant events planned during the month: Poster on Quality, Slogan writing,
Drawing and Quiz competition for Staff & workmen, Best workmanship.
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Cluster: Bhopal Cluster Office 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Celebration was inaugurated in the 
presence of Central Segment Head – Mr. S. Chandraeaswaran, Bhopal Cluster Head – Mr. 
Shaik Yesdani Ahmed and team members of Bhopal Cluster. Best performing sites in 
Cognisite Application were awarded (among BPCO): Seoni MVRWSS – Max. No. of RFI 
count; Tikamgarh MVRWSS – Highest Quality Effectiveness Rated site. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

Quiz Competition, Drawing Competition, Slogan Writing and Training Program on 
“Awareness about Quality and its Impacts on Negligence”. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
Quality Month Celebration - WET IC – November 2019

Date: 04 November 2019

Name of the project: Buxwaha Multi Village Rural Water Supply Scheme, Sagar, Damoh,

Special invitees:

 Mr. Pradeep Kumar Saxena, General Manager, MPJNM, PIU, Tikamgarh (Chief Guest).
 Mr. Mahendra Kumar Soni, Team Leader, TUV SUD, SQC Team, Tikamgarh.
 Mr. Abhay Dixit, Resident Engineer, TUV SUD, SQC team, Tikamgarh.

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:

 Flag hosted by Mr. Pradeep Kumar Saxena.

 Then Quality Pledge followed by safety pledge and L&T anthem had taken by all staffs and invited guests.
 Guest Address and welcome speech given by Mr. Ankit Issar. Followed by Motivation speech given by Mr.
Ritesh Sharma and Mr. Suresh S.
 Inaugural speech given by Mr. Mahendra K Soni followed by Mr. Pradeep K Saxena.
 Information or details of various upcoming event throughout the month, shared to all the audience and guest to
participate, which was shared by Mr. Swadhin Dibyajyoti.
 Sweet was distributed.

Quality Month Celebration - WET IC – November 2019

Date: 05 November 2019 

Name of the project: Damoh Multi Village Rural Water Supply Scheme, Damoh.  

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

 Flag hosted by Mr. D K Jain – GM MPJNM – PIU Damoh along with Project Manager  
Mr. Mahendran S. 
 Then L&T anthem was played, Quality Pledge and safety pledge had taken by all staffs 
and workmen. 
 Inaugural speech given by Mr. Mukesh Meena QA/QC In‐Charge followed by Mr. Rahul 
Rathod QA/QC In‐Charge. 
 Project Manager delivered a speech about Quality and its importance in work. 
 Sweet was distributed. 

Events planned: Quiz Program, Drawing Competition are planned as announced by Mr. Rahul 
Rathod QA/QC In‐Charge. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Indore UWSS           Date: 05‐11‐2019 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Celebration was inaugurated in the 
presence of Project Manager – Mr. Daugee Mudgal, Mr. Thayumanaswamy R and other 
project team staffs and workmen. After flag hoisting Quality Pledge was taken by all staffs 
and workmen. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

Quiz Competition, Drawing Competition, Slogan Writing and Training Program for 
workmen are planned in this month 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
Quality Month Celebration - WET IC – November 2019

Date: 04 November 2019 

Name of the project: Kundaliya Multi Village Rural Water Supply Scheme 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

 Flag hosted by Mr. Sisodiya – AGM MPJNM – PIU Rajgarh along with Project Manager  
Mr. P. Vishwanathan. 
 Then Quality Pledge and safety pledge had taken by all staffs and workmen. 
 Inaugural speech given by Mr. Manikandan Ganesan QA/QC In‐Charge. 
 Project Manager delivered a speech about Quality and its importance in work. 

Events planned: Quiz Program, Drawing Competitions and training programs for staffs and 
workmen are planned. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
Quality Month Celebration - WET IC – November 2019

Date: 09 November 2019 

Name of the project: Mohanpura Multi Village Rural Water Supply Scheme  

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

 Flag hoisting done by GM – MPJNM along with the Project Manager, followed by 
Quality pledge were taken by all staffs and workmen. 
 Project Manager – Mr. Sarkar B K delivered a welcome address to all the staffs and 
workmen gathered for the event. 
 Mr. Jagan Madhav N J delivered a speech on quality and its importance. 
 Quiz competition was conducted for all the staffs. 

Events planned: Drawing Competition, slogan writing and training programs on civil and 
mechanical activities are planned for workmen in this month. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
Quality Month Celebration - WET IC – November 2019

Date: 01 November 2019 

Name of the project: Payli Multi Village Rural Water Supply Scheme. 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

 Flag hosted, then Quality Pledge followed by safety pledge and L&T anthem had taken by all staffs and invited 
 Guest Address and welcome speech given by Mr. Animesh Samanta QA/QC‐Site. 
 Inaugural speech given by Mr. Satish Kr Jha.  
 Information or details of various upcoming event throughout the month, shared to all the audience and guest to 
participate, which was shared by Mr. Animesh Samanta.   
 Quiz competition was conducted for all staffs and workmen gathered. 

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  Chhatarpur Multi Village WSS Project, M.P. 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started on 5th Nov 2019 with

a welcome address by Mr. Sourav Moulick (QA/QC In-charge) followed by flag hoisting at
Intake Well area by Mr. Debnath Mondal (Project Manager). Quality pledge was taken by
all workmen & Staff.

Significant events planned during the month: Trainings planned on different

Mechanical & Civil works. Competitions like Slogan writing & Quiz Competition for Staff
& Workmen.



Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  Satna Multi Village WSS Project, M.P. 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started on 5th Nov 2019 with

a welcome address by Mr. Ritesh Kulshrestha (QA/QC In-charge) followed by flag hoisting
at WTP area by Elango A (Project Manager) and GM – MPJNM - PIU Satna. Quality pledge
was taken by all workmen & Staff. Special notes were given by Project Manager and all
section in-charges regarding the role of Quality starting from our day to day life and at

Significant events planned during the month: Trainings planned on different

Mechanical & Civil works. Competitions like Poster presentation, Slogan writing & Quiz
Competition for Staff & Workmen.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  Seoni Multi Village WSS Project, M.P. 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started on 7th Nov 2019 with

a welcome address by Mr. Naveen Kumar M (QA/QC In-charge) followed by flag hoisting
at WTP area by Mr. Harsha Vardhan M (Project Manager). Quality pledge was taken by all
workmen & Staff. Special notes were given by Project Manager and all section in-charges
regarding the role of Quality starting from our day to day life and at Work-fronts. Mr.
Naveen Kumar announced about the Events & competitions planned for the entire Quality
month Celebrations. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Amritesh Anand (Civil QC

Significant events planned during the month: Trainings planned on different

Mechanical & Civil works. Competitions like Poster presentation, Slogan writing & Quiz
Competition for Staff & Workmen.


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  Tikamgarh Multi Village WSS Project, M.P. 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started on 6th Nov 2019 with

a welcome address by Mr. VSA Srinivas (QA/QC In-charge) followed by flag hoisting at
WTP area by Mr. Suresh Kumar Komaragiri (Project Manager). Quality pledge was taken
by all workmen & Staff. Special notes were given by Project Manager and all section in-
charges regarding the role of Quality starting from our day to day life and at Work-fronts.

Significant events planned during the month: Trainings planned on different

Mechanical & Civil works. Competitions like Poster presentation, Slogan writing & Quiz
Competition for Staff & Workmen.



Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Cluster: Pune Cluster WSD

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: V. G. Pradeep, CH greeted all and
shared out of his few contributions: Cost savings in Chlorine procurement for
PAN India O&M projects and development of software for estimate of various
quantities, just on one click for Tender workings. Likewise, asked all Cluster
staff to get involved in various site activities and do further brainstorming to
arrive economical / innovative solutions etc. K.Parida- CAAM & Vikrant
Kumar, HR (W) suggested to form a Quality circle among cluster staff and
study the site activities to propose the right-way of performing various tasks to
improve Product Quality etc.

Significant events planned during the month: Quality Quiz & Quality
Slogan competition and Knowledge sharing by experts in their fields.

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Pune ESR & GSR Project 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome address was given by Mr. Aman Kumar 
(QA/QC In‐charge) on 4th Nov.Flag‐Hoisting was done by Mr. Ravi Raghav (PM). 
Motivational Speech @ Product Quality improvement was given by Mr. Debashish 
Datta (Const. Manager). 
Various events planned in this month was announced by Mr. Aman Kumar.   
Significant events planned during the month: 1. Trainings on Mix Design, Concrete & 
Finishing Works.  
2. Online Quiz Contest, Digital Poster Making. 
3. Cricket, Badminton & Carom Competitions. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Pune 24x7 Water Supply Project (Package I, II, III, V & VI), Pune 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started on 2nd Nov 2019 with a 
Welcome address by Mr. B. Siva Subramanian (QA/QC Engineer) followed by flag hoisting at Pune 
24x7 Project Office. Quality Pledge was taken by Project Team. Mr. Harshal Jagadale (Project 
Manager Package‐V) & Mr. Aashish Tekade (Project Manager Package‐I) graced the occasion, who 
had given Special notes on Significance of Quality Month and importance of QMS & Product Quality.      
Mr. Abhishek Singh (QA/QC In‐charge) announced about the Events & Competitions planned for the 
entire Quality Month Celebrations. 

Significant events planned during the month: Announcement of events likes Poster, Slogan 
& Quiz Competition. Special Events like Digital Man, Best Site QMS Implementation & Best Quality 
Awareness Workmen has been planned during the month. Special Training has been arranged by 
QA/QC Team on QMS, Digital Initiatives, Mechanical (Welding & NDT), HSC & Civil Activities.  



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Clusters: KKCO‐WW (LE17D087) & East‐WSD (LE19D063) 
Details of the Inaugural Ceremony: The inaugural Ceremony was graced by the Honourable 
presence of Cluster Head‐KKCO‐WW, Mr. MM Jaiswal. The programme started with Oath of Quality 
Pledge. Inspiring speech was given by CH about the importance of L&T Rich Heritage of Quality. It 
was followed by other staffs giving their insight about the importance of Quality.  

Significant events planned during the month: Training Programmes on Topics related to 
Civil, Mechanical & O&M, Quiz Competion and Slogan Competition are planned during the month. 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Clusters: KKCO‐ East‐WSD (LE19D063) & WW (LE17D087) 
Details of the Inaugural Ceremony: The inaugural Ceremony was graced by the Honourable 
presence of Cluster Head‐KKCO‐WW, Mr. MM Jaiswal.  Cluster Head, WSD‐KKCO, Mr. Devasish 
Ghosh’s Special Message was passed on to the gathering.  The programme started with Oath of 
Quality Pledge. Inspiring speech was given by CH about the importance of L&T Rich Heritage of 
Quality. It was followed by other staffs giving their insight about the importance of Quality.  

Significant events planned during the month: Training Programmes on Topics related to 
Civil, Mechanical & O&M, Quiz Competion and Slogan Competition are planned during the month. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 



Dear All,
It gives me immense pleasure that the Quality
Month Celebrations have started. I could smell the festive air of
Quality surrounding all around the projects. This is the time to
revive ourselves of the spirit of Quality; first individually in our
respective roles and then collectively. Quality is the
responsibility of every employee. We have to be aware that
each one of us need to perform systematically in our designated
works and align ourselves to the common goals of our
Quality shall reflect in the way we work; the way we
communicate with the Client; the way we establish relationships
with internal and external Stakeholders. We need to improve
more and excel in these aspects.
We appreciate the Quality initiatives undertaken by the Quality
Department. And that this month, we all shall review; refresh
and revive of the status of Quality in our official daily
routines. Herewith, we request you to articulate the Spirit of
Quality in all our employees; strive to implement the System at
our Project Sites and Quality shall finally reflect in the Product.
We request all of you to inculcate and imbibe the Spirit of Quality
and let the Message cascade down the bottom line.

All the Best!

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


MESSAGE from K. ANAND, Quality Head – WSD - KKCO

Dear All,
We are happy to declare open the Quality Month
Celebrations for the year 2019. This is an
opportunity to remind, retrospect and revive
ourselves of the duty in our jobs. Our
organisation has provided us a beautiful management system to
put the business processes in the right place and in order. We
are being guided and driven by the system and procedures to
work in a proper way; in a collective way; and in a synchronised
way to achieve our organizational goals.
All of us as employees, have undertaken the works willfully and
it is incumbent upon us to follow the laid down system. Hence,
this is an obligation to implement and there is no option left out
for us. We have been advised to do things right for the first time
or else there is loss of time, money and reputation. And, which
we do not compromise at all.
We have to follow and implement what we are supposed to do
either in planning or execution or stores or any function what so
ever. We have to ensure that our projects meet the
requirements of the contracts and the standards. Let us all
organise and align ourselves in this direction.
Precisely, we call this as Quality.

Thank you.

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Hazaribagh Urban Water Supply Scheme (LE181157)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
 Quality flag hoisting,
 Taking oath of Quality Pledge,
 Awareness about importance of quality and celebration of month,
 Motivational speech by Project Manager Mr. SUBHANKAR SIL and other key persons,
 Announcement of various programme during quality month,
 Sweets and snacks distribution,

Significant events planned during the month:  
 Training programme for staffs & Workmen,
 Quiz competition for staffs,
 Slogan Competition for staffs , supervisors and workmen,
 Poster competition for staffs, supervisors and workmen,
 Award for best Quality conscious staffs & Workmen in Quality month: Civil work & Mechanical


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Design, Construction and Operation-Maintenance of Raw Water

Intake Well, Water Treatment Plant Raw and Clear Water Transmission Main for Mejia
and Gangajalghati blocks (LE190276)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
Mr. Jayaganthan A (Project Manager- Package 04)
Mr. J N Saha (Project manager-Package 03)
Mr. S Prakash (Construction Manager- Package 04)

Significant events planned during the month:  
1. Different training programmes on Civil & Mechanical works to revive the
knowledge of staff, supervisors & workmen.

2. Various competitions viz. Posters, Slogans, Quiz etc. for staff, S/c
supervisors & workmen.


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Design and Construction of Overhead Reservoir including Water Supply

Distribution Network and Metering Works in Mejhia and Gangajal ghati Blocks (LE 190279)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
Mr. Jayaganthan A (Project Manager- Package 04)
Mr. J N Saha (Project manager-Package 03)
Mr. S Prakash (Construction Manager- Package 04)

Significant events planned during the month:  
1. Different training programmes on Civil & Mechanical works to revive the
knowledge of staff, supervisors & workmen.

2. Various competitions viz. Posters, Slogans, Quiz etc. for staff, S/c
supervisors & workmen.



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Design and Construction of Intermediate Booster Pumping

Station, Ground storage reservoirs, Overhead reservoirs including water
distribution network and metering works in Indpur block including Secondary
Transmission mains in Indpur & Taldangra block (2A) (LE190278)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
Mr. Kishore Kumar Sarkar (Project Manager- Package 2A)
Mr. Sasikumar P S (Project manager-Package 2B)

Significant events planned during the month:  
1. Different training programmes on Civil & Mechanical works like
Concreting, Brick work, Plastering, Micro tunnelling, Compaction, DI Pipe
laying, HDPE Pipe laying, Hydro testing, Road restoration works and QMS
to revive the knowledge of staff, supervisors & workmen.

2. Various competitions viz. Posters, Slogans, Quiz etc. for staff, S/c
supervisors & workmen.



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Design and Construction of Intermediate Booster Pumping

Station, Secondary Transmission mains, Overhead reservoirs including Water
Distribution Network and Metering Works in Taldangra block (2B) (LE190280)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
Mr. Sasikumar P S (Project manager-Package 2B)
Mr. Kishore Kumar Sarkar (Project Manager- Package 2A)

Significant events planned during the month:  
1. Different training programmes on Civil & Mechanical works like
Concreting, Brick work, Plastering, Micro tunnelling, Compaction, DI Pipe
laying, HDPE Pipe laying, Hydro testing, Road restoration works and QMS
to revive the knowledge of staff, supervisors & workmen.

2. Various competitions viz. Posters, Slogans, Quiz etc. for staff, S/c
supervisors & workmen.


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: IIDW‐RANCHI SMART CITY PROJECT (LE190217) 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome Speech was given to the Guest (PMC 
and Client Officials), Project Manager – Mr. H.P.Singh Sir and Project Director – Mr. R. 
Baskar Sir. Then Flag hoisting ceremony was celebrated followed by Quality Pledge 
with all Staffs, Supervisors and Workers. Valuable Speech was given by Baskar Sir, 
H.P.Singh Sir on this occasion. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training Program on Scope and Key 
Aspect of Project, Precast Manhole Chambers Erection, Road Work, DI Pipe Laying & 
Jointing, Concrete Mix Design and Concrete Technology, Brickwork & Plastering, 
Quality Control at Construction Site, Electrical work, Quiz Competition to Site Staffs 
and Valedictory Function. 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Barrackpore Sewerage Integration Works (LE1160813) 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The programme started by Flag Hoisting jointly done by 
EE, KMDA ‐Mr D Ganguly & AE, KMDA‐Mr. A. Adhikary along with PM‐Mr. Amit Kar. Quality Pledge 
Oath was taken by all. On this occasion a Motivating Speech on “Continual Improvement in Quality” 
was addressed by EE‐KMDA, AE‐KMDA & PM respectively.

Significant events planned during the month: Knowledge Sharing Session, Quiz Competition 
for Staff & Workmen, Training for Staff & Workmen, Posters on Good Quality, Slogan Competition, 
Prize Distribution etc. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Beur Sewerage Network Project (LE170268) 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Inaugural ceremony started with flag hoisting, followed by 
Quality Pledge Oath. Construction Managers, Engineers & Supervisors highlighted the importance of 
Quality practices. Workmen also shared their views on Quality. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

1)Discussion on Method Statement & ITP, Lab testing procedure of various activities, Importance of 
QMS & QA/QC at site activities. 2) Training programme ‐Concreting works, Finishing works & Road 
Works. 3) Conducting various programmes & awarding prizes for the Best Performers. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Saidpur Sewerage Network Project (LE 180041) 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Ceremony was held at site office in presence of Staff 
Members. Flag hoisting was done by Mr. Santosh Kr. Pandey Sr. Construction Manager. Quality 
Pledge Oath was taken by all. Importance of the month was highlighted and events to be held 
during the month were announced. 

Significant events planned during the month: Slogan writing, Quiz competition, Workmen 
Skill tests, Extempore. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Patna Smart City Project (LE190233) 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The ceremony was conducted at the Labour camp. Flag 
hoisting was done by PM Mr. Shreeman Narayan followed by Quality Pledge Oath. On this occasion 
motivational speeches were given by PM, Construction Managers, QA /QC in charge & IR in charge 
respectively to the participants. 

Significant events planned during the month: Events such as Quiz, Slogans writing & Poster 
drawing competitions were announced. 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: O&M Bhatpara Sewer Network & treatment Facility (LE130108) 
Details  of  the  Inaugural  Ceremony:  Mr.  Sukumar  Ray  (Executive  Engineer,  KMDA)‐Special 
Invitee & Mr. Manoj Kumar Dash (Site In charge) hoisted the flag and inaugurated the Quality Month 
on 01 st Nov‐19. Quality Pledge Oath was taken by all Staff & Workmen present. 

Significant events planned during the month: Knowledge Sharing Session, Quiz Competition 
for Staff & Workmen, Training for Staff & Workmen, Poster Drawing & Slogan competition etc. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: O&M Gayeshpur Sewerage Network & Treatment Facility (LE 131205). 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  Mr. Dipanjan Ray (Site Engineer) & Mr. Dibyendu Ghosh 
(Chemist) hoisted the flag and inaugurated the Quality Month on 01  st Nov‐19. Quality Pledge Oath 
was taken by all staff & workmen present. 

Significant events planned during the month: Knowledge Sharing Session, Quiz Competition 
for Staff & Workmen, Training for Staff & Workmen, Poster Drawing & Slogan competition etc. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: O&M Kalyani Sewer Network & Treatment Facility (LE 140115) 
Details  of  the  Inaugural  ceremony:  Mr.  Akhil  Patra  (Site  Engineer)  hoisted  the  flag  and 
inaugurated the Quality Month on 01 st Nov‐19. Quality Pledge Oath was taken by all staff & workmen 

Significant events planned during the month: Knowledge Sharing Session, Quiz Competition 
for Staff & Workmen, Training for Staff & Workmen, Poster Drawing & Slogan competition etc. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Sone Kanhar Garhwa LIS (LE 190214) 
Details of the Inaugural Ceremony: The programme started with Quality Pledge, Flag 
Hoisting, Welcome Address & Safety Pledge. Importance of Quality was explained by PM, Key staffs. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training programmes on Welding process & 
Procedure, NDT, QMS requirement are scheduled on 07th & 8th Nov. Procedures of Civil Works, 
Concrete works are scheduled on 12 Nov. Training Programes on QA/QC & QMS importance, Risk 
Management are scheduled on 22nd Nov. Quiz, Slogans & Posters are scheduled on 26 & 28th Nov. 
Prize distribution and Valedictory function are scheduled on 30th Nov.  



Name of the Project: 20 MLD CETP Dholera

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome
Note followed by flag hoisting at CETP Site. Mr Bishwanath Kumar (QA/QC) adorned
the occasion along with Mr Luva Harasukh. Mr. Bhogiram Bharti, who hoisted the
quality flag and took the Quality pledge along
along with his team of CETP Dholera. Mr
Bishwanath Kumar & team address Special notes for quality awareness and assuring
better quality management. Mr. Ramkishan Hegde (EE) gave his auspicious time for
this gleeful occasion and gave sparking speech regarding quality and its significance
and how imperative it is for our project. Vote of thanks was delivered by Bishwanath
Significant events planned during the month: Poster on Quality, Essay Writing, Quiz
competition for Staff and work man.


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome speech given by Mr. Jigar Lagowala
(QA/QC Manager) followed by flag hoisting. Quality pledge done by Mr. Krishna (Civil
Engg.). Gathering speech on Importance of Quality given by Mr. Romakant Shah
(Mech. Site In charge), Digital Implementation and Importance in Quality System
briefed by JL, Mr. Vismay Pandit (O&M In charge) mentioned about Memorable
Structures created with High Quality standards. At last vote of thanks given by JL and
sweet distributed.
Significant events planned during the month:
Training program - Welding, Pipe Laying processes, Electro-mechanical Operational
processes, Preventive Maintenance
Sessions and Competitions - Brain storming sessions, Quiz, Essay, Poster competitions

Sensitivity: Unclassified

Name of the Project: PIYAJ-UNAD PACKAGE-2

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inaugural function started at 9:00 AM with
welcome address followed by Flag Hoisting at PUPL Sadhuthala office, Visnagar by PM –
Mayur Derasari. Quality Pledge taken and delivered by Mannam Venkateswarlu. Importance
of Quality Implementation described by Project Manager to all Staff of L&T Construction.

Significant events planned during the month: Poster Competition, Quiz Competition,
Slogan Competition and knowledge sharing system for all staff and workmen.

Sensitivity: Unclassified

Name of the Project: KADANA LIS PACKAGE 2

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome address
by Mr. Deepak Kumar (Asst Construction Manager). Quality flag hoisting by Mr. Vipparti
Srinivasa Rao (Construction manager) & Deepak Kumar ( Asst. Construction Manager) ,
followed by L & T Anthem by all team members and Quality pledge was delivered by Mr. Rajat
Goyal (Asst. Construction Manager)

Significant events planned during the month:

Various competitions and seminars are planned to be organised as below:

1. Slogan Competition
2. Poster Competition
3. Quiz Competition for Workmen and Employees
4. Presentation Competition

Sensitivity: Unclassified


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: On 5th November, Inaugurated by Mr. Balaji R

(PM-DRPL) and Mr. Derasari Mayur Harendrabhai (PM-PUPL) by Hoisting the
Quality Flag. Hoisting followed by L & T Anthem and Quality pledge by all team

Significant events planned during the month: Quality Quiz and Quality Quotes

Sensitivity: Unclassified

Name of the Project: Kakrapar Gordha VAD LIS (LE170359)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inaugural function started on 7th Nov. 2019
with a welcome address by Mr Avinash Kumar Shah followed by a flag hoisting.
Quality pledge was taken by the entire project team. Mr D.N. Mishra (Project
manager) emphasizes on the importance of quality at our work sites to avoid rework
cost and loss of time. He also motivated the staff and workmen that their good work
and best practices will be acknowledged during this month. Vote of thanks was given
by Mr.Hiren Ladva followed by the announcement of the list of events planned in this
quality month.

Significant events planned during the month: Events like poster making, slogan and
quiz competitions will be held. Various training on Mechanical (Welding and NDT)
Civil (Best construction practices) activities will be carried out covering the important
aspects of both. Prize will be distributed to acknowledge the good work.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Name of the Project: SAUNI YOJANA Link-3, Package-3 O&M (LE140236)

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome speech given by Mr. Asharam Nagar
(Project Manager-SAUNI YOJANA Link-3, Package-3 O&M) followed by flag hoisting,
quality pledge, gathering speech on Importance of Quality, Digital Implementation
and Importance in Quality System briefed by ARN, mentioned about Memorable
Structures created with High Quality standards. At last vote of thanks given by ARN
and sweet distributed.
Significant events planned during the month: Training programme for staffs &
workmen-O&M work with quality & importance of quality, Quiz competition for
staffs, Motivational program for students in Govt. School-Shree Uttar Buniyadi
Vidhyalaya, Morthala-Thangadh, Award for best quality conscious staffs & workmen
in quality month: O&M work.
Photographs of program:

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Name of the Project: GUNJWANI LIS PROJECT

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural Ceremony of the Quality Month
commenced with Quality Pledge followed by the speech of our Project Manager
Mr.Shivaji Shankar Patil about digitalization theme & general awareness regarding

Significant events planned during the month:

1. Presentations
2. Quiz

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Name of the Project: 100 MLD SWRO DESALINATION PLANT

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome Speech is given by Mr. Dani Nirmal (
QMS Incharge) , Flag Hoisted by Mr Rajesh Madhaian ( Project Manager – L&T) & Mr
P P.Palanimurgan ( Deputy Project Manager – Tecton ), Quality Pledge Done By Mr.
Rahul Kumar ( Planning Engineer) Gathering Speech and Importance of Quality
Standard given by All the Staff who have participate in Quality function , During
Inauguration , Brief scope of project is given by Mr Rahul Kumar following by QMS
Orientation was given by Mr. Dani Nirmal

Significant events planned during the month: Session and competition - Quiz
competition and PPT Presentation for every staff

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use


Name of the Project: 25 MGD & 50 MGD Dahej GIDC O&M

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome speech given by Mr. Nayan Karmakar
(Site incharge-25 MGD O&M) followed by flag hoisting.Quality pledge, gathering
speech on Importance of Quality, Digital Implementation and Importance in Quality
System briefed by Mr.Ujjaval Yadav (Site Incharge-50 MGD O&M).
Significant events planned during the month: Training programme for staffs &
workmen-O&M work with quality & importance of quality.

Name of the Project: SAUNI YOJANA- L4P3 (LE140237) AND L2P4 ( LE170342)-O&M
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome speech given by Mr. Paramjeet ( Site In-
charge L4P3) followed by flag hoisting. Quality pledge delivered by Mr. Jayesh Thakor
(L2P4 - O&M) which is taken by all staff of L4P3- Sauni Yojana and L2P4- Sauni Yojana
O&M. Importance of quality procedures and enhancing of quality system through
digitalization is given by Mr. Paramjeet Singh. At last vote of thanks given by Mr.
Rohit Kumar Gupta (GET L2P4 O&M).

Significant events planned during the month:

Training Program: Preventive maintenance and SOP’s for operation of different


Session and competitions: Quiz, poster making with brain storming activities.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome address
followed by flag hoisting and Quality oath in site. Mr. Amit Kumar Singh Project manager of IWS &

WW-JJN project hoisted the quality flag and address the gathering about Quality importance, factors

affecting Quality, how to select right vendors/Sub-contractors and how to enhance the product

quality through digitalization. Construction managers regarding the role of quality in our day-to-

day works gave further, Special notes. Mr. Laxmikant Behera (QA/QC) delivered quality pledge

(WET-IC). Declaration of different competitions to be followed in Nov.-18 were announce by Mr.

Suresh Kakde (QAQC) & at the end; Vote of thanks was given by Mr. SureshK kakde. 

Significant events planned during the month: training program, quiz competitions for

staff and workman, poster competition for staff & workman and badminton match for




                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  SIKAR ALWAR BHIWDI CSP  
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:   Quality Inauguration Done on dated ‐ 4.11.2019 
, with Project manager Mr V.K Shukla ,& Consultant Mr Ramnath Yadav ,  Quality 
pledge &  Quality Awareness Speech also done By  Project manager  

Significant events planned during the month:  

‐Volly‐ ball tournament ‐ Table tennis, QUIZ Competition, Quality Lab training & Site 
quality Regarding Training also Plan in this month  

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Bharatpur Gangapur Hindaun sewerage project, Rajasthan 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The inaugural function started on 5th Nov 2019 
with a welcome address by Mr. Ujjal Khamrui (QA/QC Engineer for Hindaun site), Mr. 
Polu Ashok (QA/QC Engineer for Gangapur site), Mr. Akash S (QA/QC Engineer for 
Bharatpur site) followed by flag hosting. Quality pledge was taken by Mr. Karthikeyan 
S (Project Manager). Mr. Arvind Tomar (Nagar Nigam‐ Bharatpur) & Mr. Mahendra 
Singh Jatap (Nagar Parishad‐ Hindaun City) graced the occasion, who has given special 
notes on significance of Quality Month & importance of QMS & Product Quality. Mr. 
Ujjal Khamrui (QA/QC In‐charge) announced about the events & Competitions 
planned for the entire Quality Month Celebration. 
Significant events planned during the month: Announcement of events like Poster, 
Slogan, Cricket Tournament & Quiz Competition. Special Events like Best site QMS 
implementation, Best Quality Awareness Workmen has been planned during the 
month. Special Training has been arranged by QA/QC Team on QMS, Mechanical 
(Welding & NDT) and Civil Activities. 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Function started with L&T Anthem, Quality
pledge, Flag has been hoisted by Project Manager. Importance of quality for
timely & successful completion of project was discussed.

Significant events planned during the month:

Training and awareness session regarding BT & CC Road restoration, Sewerage
& Water pipeline laying work will be conducted. Quiz competition for Staff &
Supervisors and Sports & Slogan writing Competition will be organised.



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Integrated Infrastructure of ABD area for Udaipur City 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Inaugural ceremony started with Welcome
address by Deepak Singh. After that Flag hoisting, Quality pledge and L&T Anthem
done. Speech on Quality given by Client, PM, Construction Managers & Quality dept.
DS detailed about the functions and competitions to be held in entire month.
Inaugural ceremony ended by sweets distribution to all participants.

Significant events planned during the month: 1) Quiz, Slogan & Poster

competition 2) Training program 3) Identification of workers & staff working with
proper standards and maintaining good quality at site. 4) Prize distributions



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Dungarpur Water Supply Project, Package 01 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Started with Flag hoisting by Project Manager, 
Took Oath of Quality Pledge & L&T Anthem , Importance of QMS explained by PM 
and other staffs, finally Sweets has been distributed to all staffs & labourer. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training program‐Importance of QMS 
and QA/QC at site activities; Welding process & NDT; Concrete works; Conducting 
Quiz, Slogan, Poster & Badminton competitions and awarding prizes for best 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

(LE‐180953, LE‐181015, LE‐181017) 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The ceremony commenced with flag hoisting by 
Mr.Gautam Lal Ninama (A.En‐PHED) & Quality Pledge delivered by Mr. Bhavik 
Prajapati & Mr. Peer Mydeen (QA/QC).  Speech on quality awareness was given by 
Mr. Viresh Gadpande (PM), vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Prashant Kumar Mishra 
followed by sweet distribution. 

Significant events planned during the month: Various training programme, events 
like slogan/ quiz competition/ sports shall be planned during quality month 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Jaipur Cluster Office (WET IC) 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  

Flag Hoisted : Mr. Lakshmanan Krishnaji Rao (SH‐NORTH‐WSD BU)  


Significant events planned during the month: Training programs, Group Discussion, 
Photogrphy contest on Quality, Quiz and Quality Puzzle.  

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: RRWS & FMP, NCDS-02, LE 170977, MAKRANA 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome Speech: - Dipak Kumar Purohit
Flag Hosting: - Hemkant Sharma, Quality Pledge: - Dipak Kumar Purohit

National Anthem, L&T Anthem, Addressing Speech: - Dipak Kumar Purohit

Inauguration Speech: - Hemkant Sharma, Declaration of Training & Competitions:

- Dipak Kumar Purohit, Vote of Thanks: - Dipak Kumar Purohit

          Significant events planned during the month:   

1. Training Programme: - Welding processes & NDT, Testing procedures for

civil work, concrete works, finish work for structures, inspection of incoming
materials, procedure for DI & HDPE pipe laying work etc.
2. Competitions for labour and staffs like Quiz, Peptalk, Posters, Slogan, etc.


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: RRWS & FMP Nagaur Package‐7 CDS‐04 Degana (LE170980)
Special invitees:  Mr. Sankar Lal Lohiya (Assistant Engineer) and Mr. Ramjas (Assistant Engineer)  
                         Public Health Engineering Department Govt. of Rajasthan. 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome address 
followed by flag hoisting, L&T Anthem and Pledge at CDS‐04 Degana Office. Mr. Sankar Lal Lohiya 
(A.E) and Arun Harsha (P.M) hoisted the Quality Flag. Special notes were given by key persons 
regarding the role of Quality starting from our day to day Work Activity. Quality pledge was 
delivered by Mr. Vikas Chaudhary. Mr. Ganesh Kumar Sundaray Declaration of the Quality Training 
competitions were also addressed to the gathering through him. Vote of thanks was delivered by 
Mr. Shiv Hari. 

Significant events planned during the month:  
 Training programme. 
 Quiz competition. 
 Poster & slogan Making. 
 Sports competition. 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: RRWS&FMP_CDS‐03, DIDWANA 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The ceremony is conducted at Koliya H/W 
inaugurated and Flag hoisted by the Project manager Mr. Dipen Kumar Patoliya and 
Mr. Gopesh Garg(SE,PHED Rajasthan).All the Staffs and workmen Attended the 

Significant events planned during the month: In This Quality month we are planned 
to Conduct Various training program and of various competition of Quiz, Slogan 
making, Poster Making. Also conduct Cricket match between staffs. Also, prize will be 
awarded for best performing staff, site and labours 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Jawai Cluster - IV, Drinking Water Supply Project, Sumerpur - Pali

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with flag hoisting by Mr. Krishna
Kumar C (Account Manager), Mr. Gopal Singh & Mr. Gokhale Baswal (AEN – PHED Project Division – I
pali), Quality Pledge by Mr. Ravi Shankar Ray (QA/QC) with all participants followed by L & T Anthem.
Special notes & Knowledge shared by special invites & key persons regarding the role of quality starting
from our day to day life. Mr. Akarsh announced the events planned during the month and announced the
various training programmes for different working locations & delivered vote of thanks to all paticipants
followed by sweets distribution.

Significant events planned during the month:  

 Training Sessions, Poster on Quality, Slogan writing, Quize Competitions & Various sports for Staff
& Workmen.


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

      Name of the Project: MOGA WSS PROJECT, MOGA PUNJAB 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural ceremony started with Flag Hoisting by
Sh. Iqbal Singh Gill (Client-Department of water supply and sanitation, Govt. of Punjab) and Project
Manager (Mr. Pratik Raj) followed by L&T Anthem & Quality Pledge .Event graced with motivational
words to encourage quality by key persons.
Significant events planned during the month: Trainings Programs, Games & Events.



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: BATLA HOUSE PROJECT 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: L&T Quality Month was celebrated at Batla House
Project on 01st November 2019. The event was inaugurated with a welcome speech by the
Project Manager Mr. J.R.Paliwal followed by flag hoisting and speech regarding the
significance of celebrating the Quality month. Finally, sweets were distributed to the staff
and labour. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

List of competitions conducted ‐ 1) Slogan 2) Poster 3) QMS Quiz 

List of training conducted ‐ 1) QMS  2) Road work 3) Concreate Work 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Construction of 318 MLD (70 MGD) WWTP at Coronation Pillar 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: L&T Quality Month was celebrated at Coronation
Pillar Project on 01st November 2019. The event was inaugurated with a welcome speech
by the Project Manager Mr. Vinod Sharma, followed by flag hoisting by Mr. R k Jain – TFL
Head and speech regarding the significance of celebrating the Quality month. Finally,
sweets were distributed to the staff and labour. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

List of competitions conducted ‐ 1) Slogan 2) Poster 3) QMS Quiz 

List of training conducted ‐ 1) QMS  2) Road work 3) Concreate Work 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: 477 MLD Chandrawal WTP ‐ Delhi 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: L&T Quality Month was celebrated at Chandrawal–
Pkg1 Project on 01st November 2019. The event was inaugurated with a welcome speech
by the Project Head Mr. Ajay Kumar Singhal followed by flag hoisting and speech regarding
the significance of celebrating the Quality month. Finally, sweets were distributed to the staff
and labour. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

List of competitions conducted ‐ 1) Slogan 2) Poster 3) QMS Quiz 

List of training conducted ‐ 1) QMS  2) Road work 3) Concreate Work 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Faridabad Smart City  
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Welcome notes, greetings and wishes addressed 
by Mr. Bharath QA/QC Manager. After quality pledge Flag hosting done By Mr. 
Pramodh Safety Auditor, Site Engineers Addressed workforce and explained about 
quality importance. 

Significant events planned during the month: Drawing competition, Quality slogan, 
Best Practices competition, best Housekeeping at site, best quality performer at site, 
Quality test material trainings at site lab, Selection and awarding prizes for best 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Kanpur Water Carrier System 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: 6th Nov 18 by Mr. Vilas Ramji Shinde & Mr. Ashish
Kumar Verma (Client-UPJN) 

Significant events planned during the month:  

Programme has started with L&T Anthem, Oath of Quality Pledge followed by PM and Client

speech. List of competitions & training planned during Quality Month 

1) Slogan 2) Poster 3) QMS Quiz 4) Best performer of Category wise 

1) QMS & PQM 2) Welding process, NDT and welding defects 3) MS & DI Pipe laying

L&T Anthem Oath of Quality Pledge

Inauguration Speech by PM Speech by Client - UPJN

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Development of It City & Aerocity Mohali, Punjab 
Details  of  the  Inaugural  ceremony:  Inaugural  flag  hoisted  by  Project  Manager  in 
presence  of  site  team  and  workmen.  Event  was  started  with  quality  pledge  and 
addressing by project manager who emphasized on avoiding the rework and to achieve 
customer delight.  

Significant events planned during the month: Training Programme, quiz competitions 
etc. were announced for workmen and staff and all actively participate in the month 
long celebration. 

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Moradabad Sewerage Scheme Phase‐I [58 MLD] 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome 
address and flag hoisting in STP Campus by Mr. Tarik Ali (AE) along with Mr. Sanjay 
Kumar Singh (PM L&T), Mr. Praveen Kumar Gupta (CM L&T), Mr. Gaurav Kumar (JE) 
and all staff who hoisted the quality flag. After that, Quality pledge was taken and key 
persons regarding the roles and necessity of quality at sites gave special notes. At 
last, program ending with sweet distribution. 
Significant events planned during the month: Training Program for staff & workman, 
Quiz competition for Staff & workman, slogan writing in quality and selection of 
workmen from each activity for working in good quality. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: WET‐IC, Faridabad campus  
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Inaugurated by Sri Dhanushkodi Kalirajan (Cluster 
Head – Faridabad Cluster SI BU). 

Significant events planned during the month: Training programmes, Quality Quiz, 
Slogan & poster competition. 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: MP Segment Office, Indore 

Details  of  the  Inaugural  ceremony:  Inaugural ceremony started with welcome speech
followed by L&T Anthem and Quality pledge. In continuation to the program, Segment Head
Mr. P. Sivakumar delivered his motivational speech followed by speech of Accounts & Admin
Head Mr. P Suresh and Mr. Shivaram T, JGM HR-HQ. Then Announcement done for various
significant events to be conducted during the month. The inaugural ceremony closed with
vote of thanks by Cluster Quality Team and sweet distribution. 

Significant events planned during the month: Quiz, Slogan, Essay writing, Poster

making, extempore & Photography competition to propagate quality. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:   

Started with welcome speech by Mr. Anuj Choudhary (QA/QC), followed by flag 
hoisting by Mr. Sunil Thakre (PM‐ALIS) and Quality pledge in English and Hindi. 
Speech about importance of quality was given by PM, CM & Senior execution staffs.  

Significant events planned during the month:  

1. Quiz, poster, slogan& extempore competition for staffs   
2. Site quality award for site engineers  
3.  Site quality award for subcontractor  
4. Quiz,  poster & games for workmen  



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: LE160552, Bansujara Major Irrigation Project, Tikamgarh. 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  Inaugural ceremony started on 04‐11‐2019 at khargapur 
Office with a welcome speech by Mr. Kumar Abhishek (QA/QC Manager). Flag hoisting done by Mr. 
Pradeep Kumar Parida Sir (Project Manager) and oath taken for Quality Pledge in presence of BMIS 
team.  Mr. Pradeep kumar Parida Sir addressed all employees regarding importance of Quality Month 
& QMS. He emphasized for the implementation of digitalisation in Enhancing Quality systems at our 
office and sites. Mr. Kumar Abhishek highlighted agenda of Quality Month Celebration Nov‐2019 & 
emphasized BMIS team about awareness and commitment to Quality in daily life. 

Significant events planned during the month:  Training on QMS, Basic welding techniques, 
Digital Initiatives & Procedures, WPS/PQR/NDT techniques, HDPE & Electro‐fusion welding, MS Pipe 
laying.  Quiz  Competition.  Slogan  &  Posters  Competition,  Valedictory  Function  (Involvement  of 
Customer, Distribution of Prizes for winners in competition & Distribution of Sweets to all). 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:  Chhaigaonmakhan LIS [LE160884] 
Details  of  the  Inaugural  ceremony:  Mr. Debarshi Maity, Project Manager
Chhaigaonmakhan LIS, Mr. Lakhan Singh Solanki, Executive Engineer and Mr. Suresh Kumar
Atulkar, SDO, N.D. Quality Control Division No. 1, NVDA, Sanawad, Khargone (MP).  
Significant events planned during the month: Inauguration for Quality Month Jointly
with NVDA officials, Flag hosting, Taking oath of Quality pledge, L&T Anthem, Speech

Quality importance, Continuous improvements, Sweet distribution and Announcement

event agenda for the month Nov- 2019: Trainings, Poster, Slogans, Quiz and prize




                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Kundalia Irrigation Project‐ Left Bank 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Inaugural ceremony started with welcome speech 
followed by flag hoisting, L&T Anthem and Quality pledge. In continuation to the programme KIP‐LB 
Project Manager Mr. Nickson Solomon J delivered his speech followed by the speech of Mr. 
Narayan Singh (Sub Engineer, MP Water Resources Department) . Then Announcement done for 
various significant events to be conducted during the month. The inaugural ceremony closed with vote of 
thanks followed by sweet distribution to all workmen and staffs. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training programmes, Quiz, poster, slogan 
competitions, and quality walk downs, award distribution. 


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Kundalia Irrigation Project‐Right Bank 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Inauguration done on 2nd of Nov., Flag hoisted by 
Project manager, Quality Pledge taken by All Staff and Informed about Importance of 
Quality in Daily Work life and expectation and needs of quality. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training Programme for MS Pipe 
Manufacturing, Laying, NDT requirements, Concrete work and QMS.Slogan and Quiz 



Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use 
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Narmada – Kshipra Multipurpose Project 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: All staffs of NKMP, Dewas gathered to make a splendid 
Inaugural of Quality Month Celebration. Mr. Suryakanta Padhi (QA/QC) greeted the gathering. Marking the 
start of Quality Month celebration, Mr. Krishna Agrawal (Project Manager‐Mechanical) hoisted the Quality 
Flag and addressed the gathering denoting the importance of Quality, which provides proof to the product 
and customer satisfaction. Mr. Soumitra Mukhopadhyay (Construction Manager‐Civil) addressed the 
gathering denoting the effective implementation of Procedures/ITP and work methods. 

Significant events planned during the month:  

1. Training to all Engineers and workmen for both civil and Mechanical works

2. Competition like Quiz, Slogan, and Posters has been conducted for both
Engineers & Workmen



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

     Name of the Project:  Surya Water Supply Scheme 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  The Inaugural function started on 04th Nov
2019 with L&T Anthem and Quality oath taken by Mr. Abhishek Verma, Asst.
Manager-QA/QC along with all the staff. Welcome Speech given by Mr.
Muralidharan, Sr. Engineer- QA/QC. Mr. Abhishek Kankan, DGM- Tunnelling works
hoisted the quality flag and addressed importance of the Quality to be maintained
during construction and followed by two more Senior Staff Mr. Subrata Setua,
Construction Manager (Mech) & Mr. Rabindranath Chauhan, Construction Manager
(Civil) .

Finally Mr. K Ramanjaneyulu, Manager-QA/QC, thanked all the senior staff for their
valuable speech given during Quality Month Celebration and asked the staff &
workmen to implement the Quality Systems strictly in our Project. Announcement of
various competitions are addressed for the whole month to be celebrated and asked
actively participate in all the competitions and make this celebration grand success.

 Significant events planned during the month: Training Programmes, Online

Quiz, Slogan write up, Posters making and Housekeeping etc.

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 





Details of the Inaugural ceremony:

Invited as Chief Guest Mr. H.R.Chouhan, Superintendent Engineer of NVDA hoisted the Quality Flag.

Mr.S.K.Tandon, EE of NVDA and Mr.T.Shivaram, JGM- HQ Participated in the ceremony.

Mr.S.Kumaresan, Project Director, talked about digital implementation to maintain high Quality system.

Quality In-charge and all PMs shared their views on Quality importance in their respective fields.

Significant events planned during the month:

 Quality Awareness Training programs by engaging all our staffs.

 Specialized Agencies product demonstrations and Presentation to all our staffs / sub-contractors.
 Various Quality competitions to create Quality awareness.
 Selection and awarding prizes for best Quality performers.

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 


SCHEME (LE180449)
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:

 Quality month November 2019 was inaugurated with full joy on 01-11-2019 at site
main office Khandaurapur, Function was chaired by Project Manager
Mr. S. M. Parab who inaugurated Quality month by Quality flag hoisting along with
department heads followed with quality pledge and L&T anthem.
 Project manager and Departmental heads gave their valuable experience and
knowledge on importance of quality and requirement of quality awareness to
executives and workforce.
 Quality Month schedule and training plans was read out and competitions for
workmen was informed, Quality posters and banners was launched by electrical in
charge to respective front line heads.
 A step towards green planet, Tree saplings was planted at site location by L&T
employs and workmen. Sweets and snacks was distributed to everyone in the

Significant events planned during the month:

1. QMS Orientation.
2. Guest lecture on HDPE laying.
3. Civil Formwork training.
4. Guest lecture on civil work (Admixture)
5. Quality based Quiz competition.
6. Slogan, Poster, Essay competition for engineers and workmen.

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Hyderabad Segment office-WET IC, SI BU 

Details of the Inaugural ceremony: The Inaugural function started with a welcome
address by K. Kamaraj- Segment QAQC Manager at Main conference hall. Continued
with that Quality Pledge was taken by all Segment Staff’s. Special notes were given by
Mr. P.R Hari Krishna- Segment Head regarding “ENHANCING QUALITY SYSTEMS
THROUGH DIGITALIZATION”. Segment QAQC elaborated the events planned during
the quality Month and ceremony closed with vote of thanks 

Significant events planned during the month: Effective Training programs on Civil &

Mechanical Activities, Slogan, Posters, and Quiz competitions, Technical training
Program on testing of Materials, Factory Visit – Manufacturing of Valves for Segment

                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project:   Infrastructure Works In Bidkin 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony:  
Quality month inaugural ceremony conducted on 04.11.2019, the event started with 
gathering address by Mr.Devan & Mr. Ramesh followed by Quality pledge and flag 
hoisting by Mr.PV Rao (PMNC), Mr. Mukesh Singh (PD) & Mr. Ajay Rai (PM). 

Significant events planned during the month:  
Training by internal & external faculties on various technical topics, Competition to 
site engineers on specific topics like “Identifying critical issues at field and Solution for 
the same”, etc.. Frequent quality pep talks across all the site locations, quality walk 
down with PMNC, etc..  



                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: VSP Reservoir 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Celebration was inaugurated at
VSP Reservoir Project on 6th November 2019 with Flag hoisting by Mr. P Muthu
Pandian – Project Manager. Quality pledge oath by Mr. Mohan R (QA/QC) and
Project Manager addressed the gathering and urged all to reaffirm ‘Enhancing
Quality Systems Through Digitalization’. 

Significant events planned during the month: Training programs planned

individual activities for Staff, S/C supervisor and Workmen.  
 QMS & QA/QC Activities.
 Method statement implementation.
 Road Works.
 Finishing works

Various competitions like Quiz, Poster, Slogan writing & Sports for
staff & Workmen.


                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: LE180549‐IETP-HPCL, VIZAG. 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Quality Month Celebration was inaugurated at
IETP-VRMP-HPCL Project on 5th November 2019 with Flag hoisting by Mr. RS
Prasad –Sr.DGM (EIL) & Mr. P Muthu Pandian – Project Manager. Quality
pledge oath by Mr.Mohan R (QA/QC) and Project Manager addressed the
gathering and urged all to reaffirm ‘Enhancing Quality Systems Through

Significant events planned during the month: Training programs planned

individual activities for Staff, S/C supervisor and Workmen.  
 QMS & QA/QC Activities.
 Method statement implementation.
 Concrete, Shuttering & Reinforcement Works.
 Tank Fabrication, & Erection, & Piping Fabrication & Erection.
 Welding & Gas cutting works.

Various competitions like Quiz, Poster, Slogan writing & Sports for
staff & Workmen.
                                       QUALITY MONTH INAUGURATION - 2019 

Name of the Project: Sri Komaravelli Mallanna Sagar Reservoir Project – Reach 2 
Details of the Inaugural ceremony: Conducted at L&T camp office, kolgur.  Chief guest: 
Mr.Sathyavaradan reddy – EE I&CAD Dept., Team members Started with Lamp ignition 
and it’s followed with flog hoisting, Quality pledge, L&T anthem and the ceremony was 
continued  with  speech  by  chief  guest,  Mr.Viswanatham‐PM  L&T,  Mr.Sureshkumar‐
QAQC L&T. Function completed with Sweet distribution and vote of thanks. 

Significant events planned during the month: Telangana I&CAD Department Technical 
Experts  invited  to  conduct  the  training  for  L&T  team  members,  sub‐contractor 
supervisors. Events planned in 1st week‐ Earth dam embankment formation methods 
and  procedures,  2nd  week‐  Filter  media  Design,  laying  &  testing,  3rd  week‐  QC 
Testing’s lab and field, 4th week‐ competition for Staffs, Sub Contractor Supervisors 
and Workmen’s (Slogan, Quiz, and Drawing). 



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