Lipon, Service Encounter of Domino
Lipon, Service Encounter of Domino
Lipon, Service Encounter of Domino
They provide both on the premises and off the premises service as well as they adopt E-selling.
Some service related terms and condition of Domino's Pizza Bangladesh:
Elements of
Physical Service
evidence encounter provider
Service provider: The service provider or employee is the other crucial human element in service
encounters. As a human being, he expects courtesy from customers and fellow employees, and
would like to be appreciated by customers and management.
Delivery system: Delivery system consists of equipment, supplies, processes, programs, and
procedures, as well as the rules, regulations, and organizational culture. Domino's Pizza
Bangladesh has a nice delivery system.
Physical evidence: Physical evidence includes all the tangible aspects of a service or service
organization a customer experiences. Backstage facilities, or facilities below the line of visibility,
are not considered part of physical evidence since they are not directly experienced by the
Types of Service Encounters of Domino's Pizza Bangladesh:
Their service encounter occurs every time a customer interacts with the service organization. There
are three general types of service encounters – remote encounters, phone encounters, and face-to-
face encounters. A customer may experience any of these types of service encounters in Domino's
Pizza Bangladesh.
Types of
Face-to-Face Phone
Encounters Encounters
Remote Encounter: Encounter can occur without any direct human contact is called as Remote
Encounters. Domino's Pizza Bangladesh serve their service on online request to the reasonable
remote area.
Phone Encounters: In many organizations like Domino's Pizza Bangladesh, the most frequent
type of encounter between a customer and the firm occurs over the telephone is called as phone
encounter. Almost all firms (whether goods manufacturers or service businesses) rely on phone
encounters in the form of customer-service, general inquiry, or order-taking functions.
Face-to-Face Encounters: A third type of encounter is the one that occurs between an employee
and a customer in direct contact is called as Face-to-Face Encounter. This is the main encounter in
Domino's Pizza Bangladesh as most of the customer take services at their shop.
Success factors of Domino's Pizza Bangladesh in service encounter:
Domino's Pizza Bangladesh focuses on customer satisfaction. They try to protect their brand by
compromising some value. In case of any service failure, Domino's Pizza Bangladesh follows the
Recovery Adaptability
Coping Spontaneity