21 Day Financial Fast Summary
21 Day Financial Fast Summary
21 Day Financial Fast Summary
This information is extracted from the Book The 21 Day Financial Fast by Michelle Singletary.
This includes:
No going to the mall, retain establishments, online or window shopping.
No restaurant, carry out or delivery meals including fast food and coffee.
No movies or purchasing gifts or gift cards.
No credit card or debit card use. Use cash only.
4 – Tithing Today Tithing is still applicable I will commit to tithing or recommit Tithing:
today. to tithing. o If you’re not a tither, make a list of the
reasons why you don’t tithe. Also, add up
all nonessential expenses you had in the last
month (e.g., cable, eating out, etc.) How
much are you spending on these? Then
16 – The Caregiver Cliff Millions of US households I will take some time to learn about Investigate when and whether long-term care
contain someone caring for long-term care insurance and begin insurance is right for you. Look for unbiased
an older relative or friend. planning for any caregiving information (not from someone or something
responsibilities that may fall to me. that will benefit from your choice), such as
articles from consumer groups, government
agencies, or news stories.
Complete the Daily Journal page.
Part Four: Fasting for Financial Peace
17 – Perpetual Peace Trust that God will bring I will identify at least one aspect of my Make a list of all your money worries; the issues
financial peace into your finances and decide today to stop that are robbing you of your peace.
life. stressing about it. Pick one thing from your list and pray about it.
Ask God to show you a way to experience
tranquility regarding the issue.
After you pray, do some research to determine
how you might resolve the concern you’ve
Complete the Daily Journal page.
18 – Broken Bonds It’s okay to embrace your I will stop worrying about not having What bonds (e.g., shopping) keep you from
wealth. enough money because God has so accepting God’s abundance in your life? Make a
richly blessed me. list of the things you can identify.
Commit to address at least one thing on your
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19 – Strengthen Stewardship The better I handle the I will sign a quitclaim deed Identify one area of your finances where you
money I have, the more I acknowledging that everything I have have been a good steward, but where there’s
may receive. belongs still room for improvement.
to God Determine what you can do to improve in that
Complete the Daily Journal page.
21 – Financial Freedom If you really want to know I promise to find at least one other On this last day of the fast, calculate how much
what you value, look at person to help go through the 21- you’ve saved by not spending during these last
where you spend money. day financial fast. twenty-one days.
Complete the Daily Journal page.