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21 Day Financial Fast Summary

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21 Day Financial Fast

January 5th – 25th

This information is extracted from the Book The 21 Day Financial Fast by Michelle Singletary.

Our financial health is important. From a Biblical

perspective, how we manage our finances affects every
aspect of our lives. The Bible has over 2300 verses that deal
with finances. In fact, it is the most referenced topic in the
Bible. This makes sense since the leading cause of divorce is
financial stress.

The purpose of this financial fast is to help you gain a new

perspective on how you use money and gain a new level of
discipline in your use of credit. You will be encouraged to
keep a journal and create a budget so that you can become
a better steward of your finances.

As with most fasts, the first couple of days will be difficult.

It is a detoxification process as you learn to rely less upon
credit and debit cards. However, if you push through this Available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble
fast and embrace it, you will experience a new level of financial

Explaining the Fast

For 21 Days, you will refrain from any non-­­emergency or non-­­essential spending. An
emergency (or essential item) is defined as food, hygiene, school supplies, cleaning
supplies, medicine/medical supplies only.

This includes:
 No going to the mall, retain establishments, online or window shopping.
 No restaurant, carry out or delivery meals including fast food and coffee.
 No movies or purchasing gifts or gift cards.
 No credit card or debit card use. Use cash only.

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Day Main Point Pledge Daily Assignment
Part One: Why a Financial Fast
1 – 21 Days to Financial We need to be set free from For the next 21 days, I will be on a  Make a list of any potential obstacles that may
Freedom the bondage spending holds spending diet, I will not shop for prevent you from sticking to the fast and then
on our lives. anything except necessities. I will not decide how to eliminate them.
use my credit card. I will limit or  Complete the Daily Journal page.
eliminate the use of my debit card. I
will use cash for purchases that I will
make during the fast. In this way, I
will strive to break the chains that
keep me from achieving financial
2 – A Promise of Prosperity God promises prosperity To find the key to wealth, I have to  Review the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-
understand that prosperity comes 17) and ask yourself these questions:
with conditions. I must follow God’s o Have I broken this commandment in ways
will and Word for my life. that have left me broke?
o Have I ignored a commandment and been
robbed of financial peace?
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
3 – God’s Generosity To whom much is given, I will identify someone—a friend,  Think of at least one person who could use
much is required. family member, neighbor, or some help financially. Can you assist them in
coworker—who needs help either some small way?
with cash (I can afford to give away)  Complete the Daily Journal page.
or my time. I will use God’s generosity
toward me as an example of how to
be generous to others. As I prosper, I
will share my wealth with others.

4 – Tithing Today Tithing is still applicable I will commit to tithing or recommit  Tithing:
today. to tithing. o If you’re not a tither, make a list of the
reasons why you don’t tithe. Also, add up
all nonessential expenses you had in the last
month (e.g., cable, eating out, etc.) How
much are you spending on these? Then

Extracted from Michelle Singletary’s 21 Day Financial Fast 3

Day Main Point Pledge Daily Assignment
figure out how much your tithes would be
per month and compare this with the
money you spent on nonessentials.
o If you are already tithing, are you tithing
on your gross income? If not, take a look at
your discretionary spending and consider
cutting back so that you can tithe on the full
amount of your “increase”.
o If you already tithe on your gross
income, examine your offering or charitable
contributions to other organizations. Are
you giving as much as you can? Or are you
tithing to the penny, while grousing that you
can’t or won’t give another dime to anything
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
Part Two: Fasting for a Better Financial Life
5 – The Evils of Entitlement A sense of entitlement could Today, I’ll think about something in  Think of an occasion where you gave in to your
be getting in the way of God my life that I did or purchased that I sense of entitlement. How much did your sense
blessing you. now realize was giving into a sense of of entitlement cost you?
entitlement.  List at least three things that you are grateful
for. Then, in a specific prayer, give thanks to
God for those blessings.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
6 – You Can’t Buy Be content with what you Today, I promise I will not complain  Make a list of at least three things you’ve said
Contentment have. about anything I have. lately that express a lack of contentment. Then
ask God for forgiveness for not appreciating
what you have.
 Clean sweep: Pick a room, closet, dresser, or
toy bin and pull everything out. Sort everything
into three piles: keep it, trash it, or give it. (Tip:
Give or throw away everything you haven’t
used in the last year.)
 Complete the Daily Journal page.

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Day Main Point Pledge Daily Assignment
7 – The Benefits of A budget is your roadmap to I will be diligent and develop a budget  Begin putting together a budget. (A sample
Budgeting prosperity. so that every penny I earn has a worksheet is provided.) Aim to complete
purpose. budget by the end of Day 11.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
8 – The Salvation of Saving There is a great reward in I will commit today to set aside a  Saving:
saving. percentage of every paycheck for my o If you’re not regularly saving money, make a
savings. commitment to save at least 5 percent of
every paycheck.
o If you’re already saving, consider increasing
the amount you are putting aside.
 List the things you would like to do with the
money you save. Then post the list somewhere
you’re likely to see it for continued motivation
to save.
 Complete the Net Worth Statement worksheet.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
9 – Diversification Delivers Understand that when you I will examine my investments to  Investing:
invest, you put your money make sure I’m well diversified. o Review your investment statements –
at risk. including your retirement account and
children’s college fund. Is all your money in
one or two baskets or have you invested in
various asset classes?
o If you’re not investing, make the
commitment today to begin investing for
your future (e.g., 401K, IRA, etc.)
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
10 – Marrying Your Money Together as one, you can I will work with my spouse to develop  Financial Partnership:
become better stewards of a set of rules to govern how we o If you are married (or engaged), work
your money handle our money together. together to come up with at least ten “House
Rules” to handle your money as a couple.
Then once, you’re in agreement, put them
on paper and keep handy for future
o If you’re not married, make a list of the
financial qualities you’d like to have in a
mate. Then create a list of the financial

Extracted from Michelle Singletary’s 21 Day Financial Fast 5

Day Main Point Pledge Daily Assignment
issues you have and would like to improve
upon before getting married.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
11 – Leave a Legacy of Good Train your child to be a I will show my child by example what  Estimate the amount of time you’ve spent with
Money Sense good money manager. it means to be a good steward over your children at the mall/shopping and
money. compare with the amount of time you’ve spent
talking to them about budgeting, saving, or
 Come up a creative way to talk to your children
(or a friend or relative’s children) about money.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
Part Three: Fasting to Avoid Financial Drama
12 – The Devil is in the Debt Debt is dangerous. I will complete a debt reduction  List every creditor, bank, relative, or field you
worksheet. owe money; be sure to include how much you
owe each. Total the debt.
 Use the Debt Dash Plan worksheet to come up
with a strategy for paying off your debt.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
13 – The Curse of Credit Credit is dangerous. I will review my credit card  Pull out your credit card statements for the last
statements going back at least 3 three months (leading up to the fast.) Write
months and examine my spending on down the total you spent each month
my credit and debit cards.  Really think about your credit card purchases,
even if you pay off the bill every month. Would
you make these same purchases if you were
limited to cash?
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
14 – Cosigning is Crazy It is stupid to cosign. I will not cosign with anyone other  If you’ve cosigned and the person didn’t pay
than my spouse. But if I decide to and now you are harboring ill will, pray today
cosign for someone, I will make sure I for God to remove your anger. Find a way to
can afford to pay the debt in full forgive the person for hurting you financially.
should the person default on the loan.  Make a promise to yourself that if you area ever
asked to consign and you are intent on doing
the deal, you will at least ensure that you could
handle the payments or payoff should the
primary borrower fail to pay.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.

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Day Main Point Pledge Daily Assignment
15 – Guard Against Greed Greed blocks your path to I will take an inventory of what I own  Think about at least two decisions you have
prosperity. so that I can guard against wanting made that could be traced to greed. How much
more I will be on the lookout for did these decisions cost you?
things that pull me in the direction of  Complete the Daily Journal page.

16 – The Caregiver Cliff Millions of US households I will take some time to learn about  Investigate when and whether long-term care
contain someone caring for long-­­term care insurance and begin insurance is right for you. Look for unbiased
an older relative or friend. planning for any caregiving information (not from someone or something
responsibilities that may fall to me. that will benefit from your choice), such as
articles from consumer groups, government
agencies, or news stories.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
Part Four: Fasting for Financial Peace
17 – Perpetual Peace Trust that God will bring I will identify at least one aspect of my  Make a list of all your money worries; the issues
financial peace into your finances and decide today to stop that are robbing you of your peace.
life. stressing about it.  Pick one thing from your list and pray about it.
Ask God to show you a way to experience
tranquility regarding the issue.
 After you pray, do some research to determine
how you might resolve the concern you’ve
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
18 – Broken Bonds It’s okay to embrace your I will stop worrying about not having  What bonds (e.g., shopping) keep you from
wealth. enough money because God has so accepting God’s abundance in your life? Make a
richly blessed me. list of the things you can identify.
 Commit to address at least one thing on your
 Complete the Daily Journal page.
19 – Strengthen Stewardship The better I handle the I will sign a quitclaim deed  Identify one area of your finances where you
money I have, the more I acknowledging that everything I have have been a good steward, but where there’s
may receive. belongs still room for improvement.
to God  Determine what you can do to improve in that
 Complete the Daily Journal page.

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Day Main Point Pledge Daily Assignment
20 – Relationships Rescued Taking a break from I will call a close relative or friend  Think about all the people who are important to
consumption can help you with whom I have exchanged gifts in you. Have you spent more time shopping for
focus on the most important the past and come up with an these people than spending quality time with
relationships in your life. agreement that on the next birthday, them? If you have, call one close relative or
anniversary or holiday, we will not friend and agree that on the next special
spend money on each other but spend occasion where a gift may be expected, you will
time with each other instead. not spend money on each other but instead
spend time with each other.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.

21 – Financial Freedom If you really want to know I promise to find at least one other  On this last day of the fast, calculate how much
what you value, look at person to help go through the 21-­­ you’ve saved by not spending during these last
where you spend money. day financial fast. twenty-one days.
 Complete the Daily Journal page.

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