Student Housing Using Cargo Containers: Adaptability of Containers For Use in Student Housing in The Indian Context
Student Housing Using Cargo Containers: Adaptability of Containers For Use in Student Housing in The Indian Context
Student Housing Using Cargo Containers: Adaptability of Containers For Use in Student Housing in The Indian Context
Reusing and recycling of materials is considered as an important value in Sustainable Design and
Architecture that has prolonged among many historical ages, from reuse of stone, wood, and marble.
The previous decades witnessed the use of many materials in creating spaces that can host various
functions. From re-use of paper, till reusing steel shipping containers, various attempts have been
made to explore the possibilities, opportunities and examples of creating many functions, projects, or
even large buildings been constructed using shipping containers. The wide increase of these
applications leads to the emerging of a type of Architecture called Containers Architecture. This paper
is an attempt to explore Adaptability of Containers for use in Student Housing in the Indian Context,
by studying different opportunities of reusing these steel boxes, that are usually supposed to be left
unused or expensively reprocessed in a complicated manufacturing process that not only costs money
but also consuming energy. This Research Paper aims to create knowledge in student housing using
Shipping Containers to hosts different functions & human activities, not only on the scale of an
individual building but also on a larger scale that can help in creating a campus that is structurally
stable & safe, environment friendly, with very high capabilities of achieving aesthetic values that can
be utilized by students. Going through this study, it will explore & analyze some projects and case
studies from many points of views, Geometrically, Architecturally, Structurally and Environmentally.
Shipping container architecture could be defined as that type of architecture that is generally
characterized by the re-use of steel shipping containers as a structural element and Architectural
envelope that can host a specific function or a human activity. Often this type of architecture is termed
Cargotecture, a blend of conventional architecture and containers. The applicable of Cargotecture has
greatly expanded in the recent times in credit to their strong plating, inexpensiveness, and widespread
obtainability. It was noticed recently that many people were building their houses using shipping
containers for their low environmental impact in comparison to traditional houses made with brick
and reinforced concrete, taking into consideration the short time required to erect a building in this
way, with future possibilities of moving these buildings to other locations or adding extra spaces or
Pune City in recent times has become one of the most important educational hubs of India. As the
institutions expand a greater number of students are drawn in, creating a problem for accommodation
and housing. Recent times Pune has experienced a hype in the monthly rents due to the increase in
students occupying housing units near institutes due to shortage of accommodation On Site in
Campus. Shipping Containers is an efficient alternative for this problem as they are reused
(Environment Friendly), handed over (Pocket Friendly), Stackable (Design Friendly). Student housing
does not need to be permanent as the occupant using the space rents it for a couple of months.
Research in Architecture 2019: Regional conference on Research In Architecture 2018-19, D Y Patil School of
Architecture, Charoli Bk via Lohegaon, Pune
Containers can provide a temporary yet stable structure which can be placed where ever needed,
minimum labor, fast completion and efficiently functioning. The methodology used for this research
focuses on studying structures which are presently constructed and functioning, detailed study about
the sun path and wind direction in Pune, strategies for maintaining microclimate within a unit, and
design parameter for designing a single unit of container housing. Questionnaire survey was
conducted among the students to study their understanding about housing and need in particular to
be full filled for the same.
Storage Order:
Containers on a global scale are constructed with
their frames intended for stacking in a
standardized manner. It is not possible for
containers to be stacked in any other manner
other than the standardized norm. This is
Figure 1 Image Showing Various Parts of Shipping because the frames are meant to stack in a
Containers universal alignment with no other locks
emplaced to facilitate an alien alignment.
Research in Architecture 2019: Regional conference on Research In Architecture 2018-19, D Y Patil School of
Architecture, Charoli Bk via Lohegaon, Pune
create not only functional spaces, but also
4. Orientation of structure depending on various configurations of architectural programs
the Sun Path and Wind Direction of or functions, that vary from a very simple
Pune residential unit, to a small office building
extending to a shopping mall, or a cultural
Location – Pune center, that hosts bigger number of users. Many
Latitude –17 °N attempts have been done globally to create
Longitude –73° 5'E interesting architectural spaces, that can be
Altitude – 564 m constructed in a relatively short interval of time,
Climate Zone - Hot Dry with a reasonable cost. Possibilities are extended
Min. Comfort Temperature – 22 C also to compose livable urban spaces, that can be
Max Comfort Temperature – 28 C easily constructed and relevantly in a low budget
within a short time, in addition to the flexibility
and possibility of been reconstructed in other
locations or sites. Containers architecture is not
a rigid type of construction of buildings or spaces
configuration, although it’s based on the
modularity of volumes, yet many examples
showed a wide range of varieties in spaces
externally and internally.
Research in Architecture 2019: Regional conference on Research In Architecture 2018-19, D Y Patil School of
Architecture, Charoli Bk via Lohegaon, Pune
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[4] ASTM Shipping Container Standards and Related Technical Material, 5th edition, ASTM, 2007.
[6] Brody, A. L., and Marsh, K, S., "Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology", John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
[7] Myers, Steven Lee, "From Soviet-Era Flea Market to a Giant Makeshift Mall". The New York Times,
Research in Architecture 2019: Regional conference on Research In Architecture 2018-19, D Y Patil School of
Architecture, Charoli Bk via Lohegaon, Pune
Research in Architecture 2019: Regional conference on Research In Architecture 2018-19, D Y Patil School of
Architecture, Charoli Bk via Lohegaon, Pune