Emtl CF
Emtl CF
Emtl CF
This vector differential operator, otherwise known as the gradient operator, is not
a vector in itself, but when it operates on a scalar function, for example, a vector
ensues. The operator is useful in defining
1. The gradient of a scalar V, written, as
2. The divergence of a vector A, written as
3. The curl of a vector A, written as X A
4. The Laplacian of a scalar V, written as V
Each of these will be denned in detail in the subsequent sections. Before we do
that, it is appropriate to obtain expressions for the Del operator V in cylindrical
The divergence of A at a given point P is the outward(flux per unit volume as
the volume shrinks about P.
The divergence theorem states that the total outward flux of a vector field A
through the closed surface S is the same as the volume integral of the
divergence of A.
Where, the area S is bounded by the curve L and an is the unit vector normal
to the surface S and is determined using the right-hand rule.
Stokes's theorem states that the circulation of a vector field A around a
(closed) path L is equal to the surface integral of the curl of A over the open
surface S bounded by L provided that A and X A are continuous on S.
The choice between differential and integral forms of the equations depends on a
given problem.
At a boundary between two media, mr, ers are different on either side. An
abrupt change in these values changes the characteristic impedance
experienced by propagating waves Discontinuities results in partial reflection
and transmission of EM waves. The characteristics of the reflected and
transmitted waves can be determined from a solution of Maxwell's equations
along the boundary.
The tangential component of E is continuous at a surface of discontinuity
Except for a perfect conductor, the tangential component of H is continuous at
a surface of discontinuity
For a conductor all charge flows to the surface and for an infinite, plane surface is
uniformly distributed with area charge density rs
In a good conductor, s is large, D=eE 0 hence if medium 2 is a good conductor
Recall that we described an electric field as one in which electric charges experience
force. The electric fields considered so far are caused by electric charges; in such
fields, the flux lines begin and end on the charges. However, there are other kinds of
electric fields not directly caused by electric charges. These are emf-produced fields.
Sources of emf include electric generators, batteries, thermocouples, fuel cells, and
photovoltaic cells, which all convert nonelectrical energy into electrical energy.
Consider the electric circuit of Figure where the battery is a source of emf. The
Thus above two equations are obviously incompatible for time-varying conditions.
We must modify equation to agree with equation above. To do this, we add a term to
equation so that it becomes X H = J + Jd
Where, Jd is to be determined and defined. Again, the divergence of the curl of any
vector is zero. Hence:
This is Maxwell's equation (based on Ampere's circuit law) for a time-varying field.
3. Classification of mediums
Ans: Our first application of Maxwell's equations will be in relation to
electromagnetic wave propagation. The existence of EM waves, predicted by
Maxwell's equations, was first investigated by Heinrich Hertz. After several
calculations and experiments Hertz succeeded in generating and detecting radio
waves, which are sometimes called Hertzian waves in his honour.
In general, waves are means of transporting energy or information.
Where, u is the wave velocity. Above equation is a special case in which the medium
is source free (pv, = 0, J = 0). It can be solved by following procedure,
E =f(z~ ut)
E+ = g(z + ut)
E =f(z~ ut)
E+ = g(z + ut)
=f(z- ut) + g(z + ut)
Where, = /u and Es is the phasor form of E. The solution to eq. (10.3) is similar to
Case 3 with the time factor inserted, the possible solutions to above equation are
E = A sin ( - z)
This is a sine wave chosen for simplicity; a cosine wave would have resulted had we
taken the real part of above equation. Note the following characteristics of the wave in
It is time harmonic because we assumed time dependence ej " to arrive at
A is called the amplitude of the wave and has the same units as E.
( - z) is the phase (in radians) of the wave; it depends on time t and space
variable z.
, is the angular frequency (in radians/second); is the phase constant or wave
number (in radians/meter).
Due to the variation of E with both time t and space variable z, we may plot £ as a
function of t by keeping z constant and vice versa. The plots of E(z, t = constant) and
E(t, z = constant) are shown in Figure (a) and (b), respectively. From Figure (a),
We observe that the wave takes distance X to repeat it and hence X is called the
wavelength(in meters). From Figure (b), the wave takes time T to repeat itself;
consequently T is known as the period (in seconds). Since it takes time T for the wave
to travel distance X at the speed u, we expect = uT
But T = l/f, where/is the frequency (the number of cycles per second) of the wave in
Hertz (Hz). Hence, u = f
Because of this fixed relationship between wavelength and frequency, one can
identify the position of a radio station within its band by either the frequency or the
wavelength. Usually the frequency is preferred. Also, because
Andy is called the propagation constant (in per meter) of the medium. By a similar
procedure, it can be shown that for the H field,
Equations two equations are known as homogeneous vector equations or
simply vector wave equations.
The line parameters R, L, G, and C are not discrete or lumped but distributed as
shown in Figure. By this we mean that the parameters are uniformly distributed along
the entire length of the line.
For each line, the conductors are characterized by , and µ the homogeneous
dielectric separating the conductors is characterized by , and µ
Looking into the line, the generator sees the line with the load as input impedance
Zin. It is our intention in this section to determine the input impedance, the standing
wave ratio (SWR), and the power flow on the line.
Let the transmission line extend from z = 0 at the generator to z = l at the load. First of
all, we need the voltage and current waves
Although above equation has been derived for the input impedance Zin at the
generation end, it is a general expression for finding Zin at any point on the line. To
find Zin at a distance l from the load we replace l by l'. A formula for calculating the
hyperbolic tangent of a complex number, required in above equation is found in
For a lossless line, , = j tan , and Zo = Ro, so above equation becomes
___________ 1
The voltage reflection coefficient (at the load)
Substitute the equation 1 and 2 into the equation 3
Hence we can get
L= (ZL-Z0)/ (ZL+ Z0)
The voltage reflection coefficient at any point on the line is the ratio of the
magnitude of the reflected voltage wave to that of the incident wave.
That is,
The current reflection coefficient at any point on the line is negative of the voltage
reflection coefficient at that point.
Just as we did for plane waves, we define the standing wave ratio s (otherwise
denoted by SWR) as
2. Maxima and minima has the input impedance Zin of the transmission lines
Ans: It is easy to show that I max = Vmax/Zo and Imin = Vmin/Zo. The input impedance
Zin in equation
Have maxima and minima that occur, respectively, at the maxima and minima ofthe
voltage and current standing wave. It can also be shown that
Zin max=Vmax/Imini=SZ0
3. Shorted Line (ZL = 0), Open-Circuited Line and Matched Line (ZL = Z0)
Ans: From known equation
L= 0 and S=1
That is, Vo = 0, the whole wave is transmitted and there is no reflection. The incident
power is fully absorbed by the load. Thus maximum power transfer is possible when a
transmission line is matched to the load.
4. What are points should be noted about the Smith chart:
At point Psc on the chart r = 0, x = 0; that is, ZL = 0 + j0showing that Psc
represents a short circuit on the transmission line. At point Poc, r and x = , or
Thus we may ignore the other outer scales and use the protractor (the innermost
scale) for all our dr and distance calculations.
Vmax occurs where Zin max is located on the chart and that is on the positive Tr
axis or on OPOC in Figure (a). Vmin is located at the same point where we have
Zin min on the chart; that is, on the negative Tr axis or on OP sc in Figure (a).
Notice that Vmax and Vmin (or Zin max and Zin min /4 (or 180°) apart.
The Smith chart is used both as impedance chart and admittance chart (Y =
1/Z).As admittance chart (normalized impedance y = YIYO = g + jb), the g- and b
circles correspond to r- and x-circles, respectively.
Ans: Prior to the advent of digital computers and calculators, engineers developed all
sorts of aids (tables, charts, graphs, etc.) to facilitate their calculations for design and
analysis. To reduce the tedious manipulations involved in calculating the
characteristics of transmission lines, graphical means have been developed. The Smith
chart3 is the most commonly used of the graphical techniques. It is basically a
graphical indication of the impedance of a transmission line as one move along the
line. It becomes easy to use after a small amount of experience.
Where, r and are the real and imaginary parts of the reflection coefficient F.
Instead of having separate Smith charts for transmission lines with different
characteristic impedances such as Zo = 60,100, and 120 ohm, we prefer to have just
one that can be used for any line. We achieve this by using a normalized chart in
which all impedances are normalized with respect to the characteristic impedance Zo
of the particular line under consideration.
For the load impedance ZL, for example, the normalized impedance ZL is given by
Normalizing and equating components, we obtain
Rearranging terms in eq
For typical values of the normalized resistance r, the corresponding centres and radii
of the r-circles are presented in Table. Typical examples of the r-circles based on the
data in TABLE Radii and Centres of r-Circles for Typical Values of r
| and s are related according to equation the s -circles are sometimes referred
- | varying linearly from 0 to 1 as we move away from the center
O toward the periphery of the chart while s
TOPIC2: Loading
1. Give the condition for maximum attenuation in transmission lines?
2. What is mean by line distortion in transmission lines?
3. What are various loads in transmission lines?
4. What is use of generalize transmission line equations?
5. What is maximum range of frequency transmission lines?
State the coulomb law and Point charges 1 mC and - 2 mC are located at (3, 2, -
1) and ( 1, 1, 4), respectively. Calculate the electric force on a 10-nC charge
located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field intensity at that point.
Ans: Coulomb's law Q1 and Q2 is:
1. Along the line joining them
2. Directly proportional to the product Q1Q2 of the charges
3. Inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them.
At that point,
2. Explain the Gaussian surface and find the point charge using Gaussian law?
Ans: The procedure for applying Gauss's law to calculate the electric field involves
first knowing whether symmetry exists. Once symmetric charge distribution exists,
we construct a mathematical closed surface (known as a Gaussian surface). The
surface is chosen such that D is normal or tangential to the Gaussian surface. When D
is normal to the dS = D dS because D is constant on the surface. When D
is tangential to the dS = 0. Thus we must choose a surface that has some
of the symmetry exhibited by the charge distribution. We shall now apply these basic
ideas to the following cases.
A. Point Charge
Suppose a point charge Q is located at the
origin. To determine D at a point P, it is easy to
see that choosing a spherical surface containing
P will satisfy symmetry conditions. Thus, a
spherical surface centred at the origin is the
Where, V23 is the potential at P2 due to Q3, Vl2 and Vl3 are, respectively, the
potentials at P1 due to Q2 and Q3. Adding above equations gives
Where, V1, V2, and V3 are total potentials at P1, P2, and P3, respectively. In general,
if there are N point charges, above equation becomes
Where, Qin is the total charge enclosed by the closed surface. Invoking divergence
Which is called the continuity of current equation? It must be kept in mind that the
continuity equation is derived from the principle of conservation of charge and
essentially states that there can be no accumulation of charge at any point. For steady
currents, dpv/dt he total charge leaving a
volume is the same as the total charge entering it. Kirchhoff's current law follows
from this.
Relaxation time is the lime it takes u charge placed in the interior of a material to
Drop to e l 36.8 percentage of its initial value.
The problem of finding the resistance of a conductor of non-uniform cross section can
be treated as a boundary-value problem. Using equation, the resistance R (or
conductance G = l/R)of a given conducting material can be found by following these
1. Choose a suitable coordinate system.
2. Assume VO as the potential difference between conductor terminals.
3. Solve Laplace's equation to obtain V. Then
determine E from and.
4. Finally, obtain R as Vo/I.
Where, E is the electric field existing between the conductors and conductor 1 is
assumed to carry a positive charge. (Note that the E field is always normal to the
conducting surfaces.)We define the capacitance C of the capacitor as the ratio of the
magnitude of the charge on one of the plates to the potential difference between them;
that is,
4. Two charges 1C and -4C exists in air. What is the direction of force [ ]
a) Away from 1C b) Away from -4C c) From 1C to -4C d) From -4C to 1C
5. Find the force of interaction between 60 stat coulomb and 37.5 stat coulomb spaced
N [ ]
a) 8.15 b) 5.18 c) 1.518 d) 1.815
6. Find the force between two charges when they are brought in contact and separated by
4cm apart, charges are 2nC and - N. [ ]
a) 1.44 b) 2.44 c) 1.404 d) 2.404
8. Two small diameter 10gm dielectric balls can slide freely on a vertical channel. Each
ball is restrained from moving. [ ]
a) 0.5 b) 0.4 c) 0.3 d) 0.2
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b a b c d c b c d b
surface. What is the net flux crossing the surface----------------------------
5. -------------------
6. ---------------
7. The potential of a coaxial cylinder with charge density 1 unit , inner radius 1m and
outer cylinder 2m is (in 109)-----------------
8. Find the potential due to a charged ring of density 2 units with radius 2m and the
point at which potential is measured is at a distance of 1m from the ring-----------------
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gauss law cylinder Sphere 0 55 43.86 12.47 F/Q
Right hand Thumb Rule states that, hold the current carrying conductor in the right
hand such that the thumb pointing in the direction of current and parallel to the
conductor, then curled fingers point in the direction of magnetic lines of flux around
it. It is used to determine the direction of Magnetic field around a conductor carrying
a direct current.
4. What is Lorentz force equation?
Ans: Lorentz force equation relates mechanical force to the electrical force. It is given
as the total force on a moving charge in the presence of both electric and magnetic
5. Define Magnetic dipole moment.
Ans: The Magnetic dipole moment of a current loop is defined as the product of
current through the loop and the area of the loop, directed normal to the current loop.
Five marks question with answers
1. Explain Biot-Savart's law and magnetic field intensity in different current
Ans: Biot-Savart's law states that the magnetic field
intensity dH produced at a point P, as shown in Figure,
by the differential current clement Idl is proportional to
the product Idl and the sine of the angle a between the
clement and the line joining P to the element and is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between P
And the element that is,
Where, R = |R| and aR = R/R. Thus the direction of dH can be determined by the right
hand rule with the right-hand thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the right-
hand fingers encircling the wire in the direction of dH.
Just as we can have different charge configurations, we can have different current
distributions: line current, surface current, and volume current as shown in Figure. If
we define K as the surface current density (in amperes/meter) and J as the volume
current density (in amperes/meter square), the source elements are related as
Thus in terms of the distributed current sources, the Biot-Savart law as in above
equation becomes
Line current
Surface current
Volume current
Ampere's law is similar to Gauss's law and it is easily applied to determine H when
the current distribution is symmetrical. It should be noted that above equation always
holds whether the current distribution is symmetrical or not but we can only use the
equation to determine H when symmetrical current distribution exists. Ampere's law
is a special case of Biot-Savart's law; the former may be derived from the latter.
Comparing the surface integrals in above two equations clearly reveals that
Thus or
Since B = µH. above equation shows that the normal component of B is continuous at
the boundary. It also shows that the normal component of H is discontinuous at the
boundary; H undergoes some change at the interface. Similarly, we apply equation to
the closed path abcda of Figure where surface current K on the boundary is assumed
normal to the path. We obtain
This shows that the tangential component of H is also discontinuous. Equation (8.43)
maybe written in terms of B as
Which is the law of refraction for magnetic flux lines at a boundary with no surface
Where has been replaced by and S is the surface area of the circuit
bounded by the closed path L. It is clear from above equation that in a time-varying
situation, both electric and magnetic fields are present and are interrelated. Note that
dl and dS in above equation are in accordance with the right-hand rule as well as
theorem. This should be observed in Figure the variation of flux with time as
in above two equations may be caused in three ways:
1. By having a stationary loop in a time-varying B field
2. By having a time-varying loop area in a static B field
3. By having a time-varying loop area in a time-varying B field.
Each of these will be considered separately.
A. Stationary Loop in Time-Varying B Field transformer EMF)
This is the case portrayed in Figure where a stationary conducting loop is in a time
varying magnetic B field. Above equation
This emf induced by the time-varying current (producing
the time-varying B field) in a stationary loop is often
referred to as transformer emf in power analysis since it is
due to transformer action. By applying Stokes's theorem to
the middle term in above equation, we obtain
For the two integrals to be equal, their integrands must be equal; that is,
This is one of the Maxwell's equations for time-varying fields. It shows that the time
varying E field is not conservative.
2. Which of the following cannot be computed using the Biot Savart law [ ]
a) Magnetic field intensity b) Magnetic flux density
c) Electric field intensity d) Permeability
3. [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) ½ d) ¼
4. Calculate the magnetic field at a point on the centre of the circular conductor of radius
2m with current 8A. [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
5. Find the magnetic field intensity at the centre O of a square of the sides equal to 5m
and carrying 10A of current. [ ]
a) 1.2 b) 1 c) 1.6 d) 1.8
7. The magnetic field intensity will be zero inside a conductor. State true/false.
a) True b) False
8. Find the magnetic field when a circular conductor of very high radius is subjected to a
current of 12A and the point P is at the centre of the conductor. [ ]
a) 1 c) 0 d) -
9. The magnetic moment of a field with current 12A and area 1.6 units is [ ]
a) 19.2 b) 12.9 c) 21.9 d) 91.2
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c c a b d a b c a b
9. Electric field will be maximum outside the conductor and magnetic field will be
maximum inside the conductor. State True/False----------------
10. Find the magnetic flux density of a finite length conductor of radius 12cm and current
3A in air( in 10-6 order)---------------
Answer key
3. Define a wave.
Ans: If a physical phenomenon that occurs at one place at a given time is reproduced
at other places at later times, the time delay being proportional to the space separation
from the first location then the group of phenomena constitutes a wave.
4. Mention the properties of uniform plane wave.
Ans: At every point in space, the electric field E and magnetic field H are
perpendicular to each other.
The fields vary harmonically with time and at the same frequency everywhere in
5. Define intrinsic impedance or characteristic impedance.
Ans: It is the ratio of electric field to magnetic field or It is the ratio of square root of
permeability to permittivity of medium.
Three marks question with answers
1. Define propagation constant.
Ans: Propagation constant is a co
2. Define skin depth
Ans: It is defined as that depth in which the wave has been attenuated to 1/e or
Approximately 37% of its original value
3. Define Poynting vector.
Ans: The pointing vector is defined as rate of flow of energy of a wave as it
propagates. P =E X H
Andy is called the propagation constant (in per meter) of the medium. By a similar
procedure, it can be shown that for the H field,
And gives
Where, c=3 X 108 m/s, the speed of light in a vacuum. The fact that EM wave travels
in free space at the speed of light is significant. It shows that light is the manifestation
of an EM wave. In other words, light is characteristically electromagnetic.
3. Explain the power and the poynting vector?
Ans: As mentioned before, energy can be transported from one point (where a
transmitter is located) to another point (with a receiver) by means of EM waves. The
rate of such energy transportation can be obtained from Maxwell's equations:
From equations
The above equation is referred to as Poynting's theorem. The various terms in the
equation are identified using energy-conservation arguments for EM fields. The first
term on the right-hand side of above equation is interpreted as the rate of decrease in
energy stored in the electric and magnetic fields. The second term is the power
dissipated due to the fact that the medium is conducting # 0). The quantity E X H on
the left-hand side of above equation is known as the Poynting vector in watts per
square meter (W/m2).
It represents the instantaneous power density vector associated with the EM field at a
given point. The integration of the Poynting vector over any closed surface gives the
net power flowing out of that surface.
Poynting's theorem stales that the net power flowing out of a given volume v equal
to the lime rate of decrease in the energy stored within v minus the conduction losses.
4. Reflection of a plane wave At normal incidence or
Reflection coefficient T and the transmission coefficient T
Ans: So far, we have considered uniform plane waves travelling in unbounded,
homogeneous media. When a plane wave from one medium meets a different
medium, it is partly reflected and partly transmitted. The proportion of the incident
wave that is reflected or transmitted depends on the constitutive parameters ( , µ)
of the two media involved. Here we will assume that the incident wave plane is
normal to the boundary between the media; oblique incidence of plane waves will be
covered in the next section after we understand the simpler case of normal incidence.
Suppose that a plane wave propagating along the +z-direction is incident normally on
the boundary z = 0 between medium 1 (z <0) characterized by 1, 2 µ3)and
medium2 (z > 0) characterized by ( 2, 2, µ2) as shown in Figure In the figure,
subscripts r and t denote incident, reflected, and transmitted waves, respectively. The
incident, reflected, and transmitted waves shown in Figure are obtained as follows:
Incident Wave: (Ei, Hi) is travelling along +az in medium 1. If we suppress the time
factor ejwt and assume that
Reflected Wave:
(Er, Hr) is travelling along az in medium 1. If
Figure A plane wave incident normally on an interface between two different media
Where, Ers a has been assumed to be along ax we will consistently assume that for
normal incident
Ei, Er, and Et, have the same polarization.
Transmitted Wave:
(Et, Ht) is travelling along +az in medium 2. If
In above two equations, Eio, Ero, and Eto are, respectively, the magnitudes of the
incident, reflected, and transmitted electric fields at z = 0.
Notice from above figure that the total field in medium 1 comprises both the incident
and reflected fields, whereas medium 2 has only the transmitted field, that is,
E1 = Ei + Er H1 = Hi + Hr
E2 = Et, H2 = tr
At the interface z = 0, the boundary conditions require that the tangential components
of E and H fields must be continuous. Since the waves are transverse, E and H fields
We now define the reflection coefficient and the transmission coefficient from
Above two equations as
The above two equations are called the Fresnel's equations for perpendicular
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
c c a c c a c a b b
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vmax/Vmin true Conductors Micrometer R ac perfect r 0 polarization
The open two-wire line is the most popular at lower frequencies, especially for TV
application. Modern RF and microwave devices practice involves considerable usage
of coaxial cables at frequencies from about 10 MHz up to30 GHz and hollow
waveguides from 1 to 300 GHz.
A uniform transmission line can be defined as a line with distributed elements, as
shown in Figure.
(/m).Resistance is related to the
dimensions and conductivity of the metallic conductors, resistance is depended on
frequency due to skin effect.
In view of this, we will use circuit quantities V and / in solving the transmission line
problem instead of solving field quantities E and H (i.e., solving Maxwell's equations
and boundary conditions). The circuit model is simpler and more convenient. Let us
examine an incremental portion of length AZ of a two-conductor transmission line.
We intend to find an equivalent circuit for this line and derive the line equations.
Similarly, applying current law to the main node of the circuit in Figure b
Where, Vs(z) and Is(z) are the phasor forms of V(z, i) and I(z, t), respectively, from the
above two equations and above equation becomes
In the differential form of above two equations, Vs and Is are coupled. To separate
them, we take the second derivative of Vs in eq. above two equations so that we
Note that
1. The phase velocity is independent of frequency because the phase constant /?
Linearly depends on frequency. We have shape distortion of signals unless and u are
independent of frequency.
2. u and Zo remain the same as for lossless lines.
3. A lossless line is also a distortion less line, but a distortion less line is not
necessarily lossless. Although lossless lines are desirable in power transmission,
telephone lines are required to be distortion less.
Where V+, Vo-, Io+ and Io-are wave amplitudes; the + and signs, respectively,
denote wave travelling along +z and -z-directions, as is also indicated by the arrows.
Thus, we obtain the instantaneous expression for voltage as
Where, Ro and Xo are the real and imaginary parts of Zo. Ro should not be mistaken
for R while R is in ohms per meter; Ro is in ohms. The propagation constant and
the characteristic impedance Zo are important properties of the line because they both
depend on the line parameters R, L, G, and C and the frequency of operation. The
reciprocal of Zo is the characteristic admittance Yo, that is, Yo = 1/ZO
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a c a b a b d b c c
2. After what wavelength does the nature of graph get reversed for the input impedance
of open-circuited line____
3. What is the phase variation range for reflection coefficient in the transmission lines__
Answer key
5marks answer:
1. Derive the input impedance of transmission line
Ans: Consider a transmission line of length l, characterized by and Zo; connected to
a load ZL as shown in Figure a looking into the line, the generator sees the line with
the load as input impedance Zin. It is our intention in this section to determine the
input impedance, the standing wave ratio (SWR), and the power flow on the line.
Let the transmission line extend from z = 0 at the generator to z = l at the load. First of
all, we need the voltage and current waves in equations.
Where, equation
Has been incorporated to find Vo+ and Vo-, the terminal conditions must be given For
example, if we are given the conditions at the input, say
Vo= V(Z = 0), Io= I(z = 0)
If the input impedance at the input terminals is Zin, the input voltage Vo and the input
current Io are easily obtained from Figure (b) as On the other hand, if we are given the
conditions at the load, say
On the other hand, if we are given the conditions at the load, say
VL= V(z = l), IL = I(z = l)
Substituting these into equations VS(z) and IS(z) gives
Next, we determine the input impedance Zin = Vs(z)/Is(z) at any point on the line. At
the generator, for example, equations VS(z) and IS(z) yield
We, get
Although above equation has been derived for the input impedance Zin at the
generation end, it is a general expression for finding Zin at any point on the line. To
find Zin at a distance V from the load as in Figure a, we replace l by l'. A formula for
calculating the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number, required in above equation.
is found in.
For a lossless line, = j , = j tan , and Zo = Ro, so above equation becomes
The Quantity electrical length of the line
and can be expressed in degrees or radians.
We now define TL as the voltage reflection coefficient (at the load). TL is the ratio of
the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load, that is,
Substituting V~ and VQ m eq. (11.30) into eq. (11.35) and incorporating VL = ZJL
2. Derive the reflection coefficient and voltage reflection coefficient of transmission
Ans: and Zo; connected to
a load ZL as shown in Figure a looking into the line, the generator sees the line with
the load as input impedance Zin. It is our intention in this section to determine the
input impedance, the standing wave ratio (SWR), and the power flow on the line.
Where, equation
Has been incorporated to find Vo+ and Vo-, the terminal conditions must be given. For
example, if we are given the conditions at the input, say
Vo = V(Z = 0), Io= I(z = 0)
On the other hand, if we are given the conditions at the load, say
VL= V (z = l), IL = I (z = l)
Substituting these into equations VS(z) and IS(z) gives
Next, we determine the input impedance Zin = Vs (z)/Is (z) at any point on the line. At
the generator, for example, equations VS (z) and IS (z) yield
We, get
Although above equation has been derived for the input impedance Zin at the
generation end, it is a general expression for finding Zin at any point on the line. To
find Zin at a distance V from the load as in Figure a, we replace lby l'. A formula for
calculating the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number, required in above equation is
found in.
Showing that the input impedance varies periodically with distance l, from the load
the in above equation is usually referred to as the electrical length of the
line and can be expressed in degrees or radians.
We now define L as the voltage reflection coefficient (at the load). L is the ratio of
the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load, that is,
Substituting Vo+ and Vo- equation into above equation and incorporating VL = ZLIL
Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d a b d b d d a c b
2. The characteristic impedance of a quarter wave transformer with load and input
7. The Smith chart is graphical technique used in the scenario of transmission lines.
State true/false_________
10. Moving towards the clockwise direction in the Smith chart implies moving_____
Answer key
port Attenuators, which are designed to absorb some of the EM power passing
through it and thereby decrease the power level of the microwave signal
The use of microwaves has greatly expanded. Examples include telecommunications,
radio astronomy, land surveying, radar, meteorology, UHF television, terrestrial
microwave links, solid-state devices, heating, medicine, and identification systems.
We will consider only four of these.
1. Telecommunications: (the transmission of analog or digital information from one
point to another) is the largest application of microwave frequencies. Microwaves
propagate long a straight line like a light ray and are not bent by the ionosphere as are
lower frequency signals. This makes communication satellites possible. In essence, a
communication satellite is a microwave relay station that is used to link two or more
ground-based transmitters and receivers. The satellite receives signals at one
frequency, repeats or amplifies it, and transmits it at another frequency. Two common
modes of operation for satellite communication are portrayed in Figure.