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Emtl CF

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1. Define dielectric constant, dielectric strength and relaxation time in
ANS: The dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) , is the ratio of the
permittivityof the dielectric to that of free space. D=
The dielectric strength is the maximum electric field that a dielectric can tolerate
orwithstand without breakdown relaxation time.
The equation shows that as a Tr
point of the material there is a decay of v. Associated with
the decay is charge movement from the interior point at which it was introduced to
the surface of the material. The time constant Tr(in seconds) is known as the
relaxation time or rearrangement time.
Relaxation time is the lime it takes a charge placed in the interior of a material to
drop to e-l =36.8 percent of its initial value.
Ans: A material is said to be linear if D varies linearly with E and nonlinear
) does not vary in the region being
considered and is therefore the same at all points (i.e., independent of x, y, z) are
said to be homogeneous. They are said to be inhomogeneous (or non-
atmosphere is a
typical example of an inhomogeneous medium; its permittivity varies with
altitude. Materials for which D and E are in the same direction are said to be
isotropic. That is, isotropic dielectrics are those which have the same properties in
all directions. For anisotropic (or non-isotropic) materials, D, E, and P are not
e has nine components that are collectively referred to as a tensor.
For example, instead of equation D=
For isotropic materials crystalline materials and magnetized plasma are
A dielectric material (in which D=
the applied E field, homogeneous if does not change from point to point, and
isotropic if does not change with direction.
The same idea holds for a conducting material in which J = E applies.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

unlike charges?
Ans: Coulomb's law is an experimental law formulated in 1785 by the French
colonel, Charles Augustine de Coulomb. It deals with the force a point charge
exerts on another point charge. By a point charge we mean a charge that is located
on a body whose dimensions are much smaller than other relevant dimensions.
For example, a collection of electric charges on a pinhead may be regarded as a
point charge. Charges are generally measured in coulombs (C). One coulomb is
approximately equivalent to 6 X 1018 electrons; it is a very large unit of charge
because one electron charge e = -1.6019 X 10~19C.
Coulomb's law states that the force F between two point charges Q1 and Q2 is:
Along the line joining them
Directly proportional to the product Q1 Q2 of the charges
Inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them
F= (KQ1Q2)/R2
Like charges (charges of the same sign) repel each other while unlike charges
The distance R between the charged bodies Q1 and Q2 must be large compared
with the linear dimensions of the bodies; that is, Q1 and Q2 must be point charges.
Q1 and Q2 must be static (at rest).
The signs of Q1and Q2 must be taken into account in eq.
Ans: The Del operator, written V, is the vector differential operator. In Cartesian

This vector differential operator, otherwise known as the gradient operator, is not
a vector in itself, but when it operates on a scalar function, for example, a vector
ensues. The operator is useful in defining
1. The gradient of a scalar V, written, as
2. The divergence of a vector A, written as
3. The curl of a vector A, written as X A
4. The Laplacian of a scalar V, written as V
Each of these will be denned in detail in the subsequent sections. Before we do
that, it is appropriate to obtain expressions for the Del operator V in cylindrical

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

and spherical coordinates. This is easily done by using the transformation
The gradient of a scalar field V is a vector that represents both the magnitude and
the direction of the maximum space rate of increase of V.

The following computation formulas on gradient, which are easily proved,

should be noted:

The divergence of A at a given point P is the outward(flux per unit volume as
the volume shrinks about P.

Where v is the volume enclosed by the closed surface S in which P is located

The divergence theorem states that the total outward flux of a vector field A
through the closed surface S is the same as the volume integral of the
divergence of A.


The curl of A is an axial (or rotational) vector whose magnitude is the
maximum circulation of A per unit area as the area tends to zero and whose
direction is the normal direction of the area when the area is oriented so as to
make the circulation maximum.
That is,

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Where, the area S is bounded by the curve L and an is the unit vector normal
to the surface S and is determined using the right-hand rule.
Stokes's theorem states that the circulation of a vector field A around a
(closed) path L is equal to the surface integral of the curl of A over the open
surface S bounded by L provided that A and X A are continuous on S.


Ans: Gauss's law states that the total electric flux through any closed surface is
equal to the total charge enclosed by that surface

Which is the first of the four The above

equation states that the volume charges density is the same as the divergence of
the electric flux density.
Gauss's law is an alternative statement of Coulomb's law; proper application of the
divergence theorem to Coulomb's law results in Gauss's law
The procedure for applying Gauss's law to calculate the electric field involves first
knowing whether symmetry exists. Once symmetric charge distribution exists, we
construct a mathematical closed surface (known as a Gaussian surface). The
surface is chosen such that D is normal or tangential to the Gaussian surface.
When D is normal to the dS = D dS because D is constant on the
dS = 0. Thus we must choose a
surface that has some of the symmetry exhibited by the charge distribution.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

1. State Biot- the expression for magnetic field intensity
at a point P due to line current element?
Ans: We limited our discussions to static electric fields characterized by E or D.
We now focus our attention on static magnetic fields, which are characterized by
H or B. There are similarities and dissimilarities between electric and magnetic
As E and E for linear material space, H and B are
related according to B = H.
Biot-Savart's law states that the magnetic field intensity dH produced at a point
P, as shown in Figure, by the differential current clement Idl is proportional to the
product Idl and the sine of the angle a between the clement and the line joining P
to the element and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance R
between P and the element.
That is,

It is customary to represent the

direction of the magnetic field intensity
H (or current I) by a small circle with a
dot or cross sign depending on whether H (or I) is out of, or into, the page.
Just as we can have different charge configurations, we can have different current
distributions: line current, surface current, and volume current. If we define K as
the surface current density (in amperes/meter) and J as the volume current density
(in amperes/meter square), the source elements are related as
Ans: Ampere's circuit law states that the line integral of the tangential
component of H around a dosed path is the same as the net current I enclosed by
the path.
In other words, the circulation of H equals Ienc; that is,

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Ampere's law is similar to Gauss's law and it is easily applied to determine H
when the current distribution is symmetrical. It should be noted that above
equation always holds whether the current distribution is symmetrical or not but
we can only use the equation to determine H when symmetrical current
distribution exists. Ampere's law is a special case of Biot-Savart's law; the former
may be derived from the latter.
By applying Stoke's theorem to the left-hand side of above equation, we obtain

This is the third Maxwell's equation to be derived; it is essentially Ampere's law in

differential (or point) form whereas eq. (7.16) is the integral form. Observe that
X H = J + 0; that is, magnetostatics field is not conservative
We now apply Ampere's circuit law to determine H for some symmetrical current
distributions as we did for Gauss's law. We will consider an infinite line current,
an infinitecurrent sheet, and an infinitely long coaxial transmission line.Infinite
line current, infinite sheet of current etc
Ans: Having derived Maxwell's four equations for static electromagnetic fields,
we may take a moment to put them together as in
TABLE shown below Maxwell's Equations for Static EM Fields

The choice between differential and integral forms of the equations depends on a
given problem.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Ans: Having considered the basic laws and techniques commonly used in
calculating magnetic field B due to current-carrying elements, we are prepared to
study the force a magnetic field exerts on charged particles, current elements, and
loops. Such a study is important to problems on electrical devices such as
ammeters, voltmeters, galvanometers, cyclotrons, plasmas, motors, and magneto
hydrodynamic generators. The precise definition of the magnetic field,
deliberately sidestepped in the previous chapter, will be given here. The concepts
of magnetic moments and dipole will also be considered.
There are at least three ways in which force due to magnetic fields can be
experienced. The force can be (a) due to a moving charged particle in a B field,
(b) on a current element in an external B field, or (c) between two current
A. Force on a Charged Particle
According to our discussion in Chapter 4, the electric force Fe on a stationary or
moving electric charge Q in an electric field is given by Coulomb's experimental
law and is related to the electric field intensity E as
Fe = QE
This shows that if Q is positive, Fe and E have the same direction.
A magnetic field can exert force only on a moving charge. From experiments, it is
found that the magnetic force Fm experienced by a charge Q moving with a
velocity u in a magnetic field B is
Fm = QuX B
5. Why are boundary conditions important?
Ans: When a free-space electromagnetic wave is incident upon medium
secondary waves are transmitted wave and reflected wave. The transmitted wave
is due to the E and H fields at the boundary as seen from the incident side. The
reflected wave is due to the E and H fields at the boundary as seen from the
transmitted side. To calculate the transmitted and reflected fields we need to know
the fields at the boundary.
These are determined by the boundary conditions

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


At a boundary between two media, mr, ers are different on either side. An
abrupt change in these values changes the characteristic impedance
experienced by propagating waves Discontinuities results in partial reflection
and transmission of EM waves. The characteristics of the reflected and
transmitted waves can be determined from a solution of Maxwell's equations
along the boundary.
The tangential component of E is continuous at a surface of discontinuity
Except for a perfect conductor, the tangential component of H is continuous at
a surface of discontinuity

The normal component of D is continuous at the surface of a discontinuity if

there is no surface charge density. If there is surface charge density D is
discontinuous by an amount equal to the surface charge density.
The normal component of B is continuous at the surface of discontinuity

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


For an insulator with no static electric charge rs=0

For a conductor all charge flows to the surface and for an infinite, plane surface is
uniformly distributed with area charge density rs
In a good conductor, s is large, D=eE 0 hence if medium 2 is a good conductor

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Ans: After Oersted's experimental discovery (upon which Biot-Savart and Ampere
based their laws) that a steady current produces a magnetic field, it seemed logical to
find out if magnetism would produce electricity. In 1831, about 11 years after
Oersted's discovery, Michael Faraday in London and Joseph Henry in New York
discovered that a time-varying magnetic field would produce an electric current.'
According to Faraday's experiments, a static magnetic field produces no current flow,
but a time-varying field produces an induced voltage (called electromotive force or
simply emf) in a closed circuit, which causes a flow of current.
Faraday discovered that the induced emf. Vemf (in volts), in any closed circuit is
equal to the time rate of change of the magnetic flux linkage by the circuit. This is
called Faraday's law, and it can be expressed as where N is the number of turns in the
circuit and V is the flux through each turn. The negative sign shows that the induced
voltage acts in such a way as to oppose the flux producing it. This is known as Lenz's
law and it emphasizes the fact that the direction of current flow in the circuit is such
that the induced magnetic field produced by the induced current will oppose the
original magnetic field.

Recall that we described an electric field as one in which electric charges experience
force. The electric fields considered so far are caused by electric charges; in such
fields, the flux lines begin and end on the charges. However, there are other kinds of
electric fields not directly caused by electric charges. These are emf-produced fields.
Sources of emf include electric generators, batteries, thermocouples, fuel cells, and
photovoltaic cells, which all convert nonelectrical energy into electrical energy.
Consider the electric circuit of Figure where the battery is a source of emf. The

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

electrochemical action of the battery results in an emf-produced field Ef. Due to the
accumulation of charge at the battery terminals, an electrostatic field Ee (= - V)
also exists. The total electric field at any point is E = Ef + Ee
Ans: In the previous section, we have essentially reconsidered Maxwell's curl
equation for electrostatic fields and modified it for time-varying situations to satisfy
Faraday's law. We shall now reconsider Maxwell's curl equation for magnetic fields
(Ampere's circuit law) for time-varying conditions.
For static EM fields, we recall that
But the divergence of the curl of any vector field is identically zero
Hence, -( .J
The continuity of current in equation however, requires that

Thus above two equations are obviously incompatible for time-varying conditions.
We must modify equation to agree with equation above. To do this, we add a term to
equation so that it becomes X H = J + Jd
Where, Jd is to be determined and defined. Again, the divergence of the curl of any
vector is zero. Hence:

This is Maxwell's equation (based on Ampere's circuit law) for a time-varying field.
3. Classification of mediums
Ans: Our first application of Maxwell's equations will be in relation to
electromagnetic wave propagation. The existence of EM waves, predicted by
Maxwell's equations, was first investigated by Heinrich Hertz. After several
calculations and experiments Hertz succeeded in generating and detecting radio
waves, which are sometimes called Hertzian waves in his honour.
In general, waves are means of transporting energy or information.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Typical examples of EM waves include radio waves, TV signals, radar beams, and
light rays. All forms of EM energy share three fundamental characteristics: they all
travel at high velocity; in travelling, they assume the properties of waves; and they
radiate outward from a source, without benefit of any discernible physical vehicles.
In this chapter, our major goal is to solve Maxwell's equations and derive EM wave
motion in the following media:
= 0, = o, µ=µo)
Lossless dielectrics ( = 0, = r 0,so, µ= µr µo, or < )
Lossy dielectrics # 0, = r o, µ= µr µo)
Good conductors ( = , µ = µr µo, or > )
Where, w is the angular frequency of the wave. Case 3, for lossy dielectrics, is the
most general case and will be considered first. Once this general case is solved, we
simply derive other cases (1,2, and 4) from it as special cases by changing the values
of , and µ. However, before we consider wave motion in those different media, it
is appropriate that we study the characteristics of waves in general.
Ans:A clear understanding of EM wave propagation depends on a grasp of what
waves are in general.
A wave is a function of both space and time.
Wave motion occurs when a disturbance at point A, at time to, is related to what
happens at point B, at time t > t0 A wave equation, partial differential equation of the
second order. In one dimension, a scalar wave equation takes the form of

Where, u is the wave velocity. Above equation is a special case in which the medium
is source free (pv, = 0, J = 0). It can be solved by following procedure,
E =f(z~ ut)
E+ = g(z + ut)
E =f(z~ ut)
E+ = g(z + ut)
=f(z- ut) + g(z + ut)

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Where f and g denote any function of z ut and z + ut, respectively. Examples of
such functions include z ± ut, sin k(z ± ut), cosk(z ± ut), and eJk(-z±u'\ where k is a
constant. It can easily be shown that these functions all satisfy above equation.
If we particularly assume harmonic (or sinusoidal) time dependence eJ0", becomes

Where, = /u and Es is the phasor form of E. The solution to eq. (10.3) is similar to
Case 3 with the time factor inserted, the possible solutions to above equation are
E = A sin ( - z)
This is a sine wave chosen for simplicity; a cosine wave would have resulted had we
taken the real part of above equation. Note the following characteristics of the wave in
It is time harmonic because we assumed time dependence ej " to arrive at
A is called the amplitude of the wave and has the same units as E.
( - z) is the phase (in radians) of the wave; it depends on time t and space
variable z.
, is the angular frequency (in radians/second); is the phase constant or wave
number (in radians/meter).
Due to the variation of E with both time t and space variable z, we may plot £ as a
function of t by keeping z constant and vice versa. The plots of E(z, t = constant) and
E(t, z = constant) are shown in Figure (a) and (b), respectively. From Figure (a),
We observe that the wave takes distance X to repeat it and hence X is called the
wavelength(in meters). From Figure (b), the wave takes time T to repeat itself;
consequently T is known as the period (in seconds). Since it takes time T for the wave
to travel distance X at the speed u, we expect = uT
But T = l/f, where/is the frequency (the number of cycles per second) of the wave in
Hertz (Hz). Hence, u = f
Because of this fixed relationship between wavelength and frequency, one can
identify the position of a radio station within its band by either the frequency or the
wavelength. Usually the frequency is preferred. Also, because

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



Ans:Wave propagation in lossy dielectrics is a general case from which wave
propagation in other types of media can be derived as special cases. Therefore, this
section is foundational to the next three sections.
A lossy dielectric is a medium in which an EM wave loses power as it propagates due
to poor conduction.
In other words, a lossy dielectric is a partially conducting medium (imperfect
dielectric or imperfect conductor) with =/0, as distinct from a lossless dielectric
(perfect or good dielectric)in which = 0.
Consider a linear, isotropic, homogeneous, lossy dielectric medium that is charge free
(pv= 0). Assuming and suppressing the time factor ej"', Maxwell's equations

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



Andy is called the propagation constant (in per meter) of the medium. By a similar
procedure, it can be shown that for the H field,
Equations two equations are known as homogeneous vector equations or
simply vector wave equations.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

1. Various types of TRANSMISSION LINES
Ans: Our discussion in the previous chapter was essentially on wave propagation in
unbounded media, media of infinite extent. Such wave propagation is said to be
unguided in that the uniform plane wave exists throughout all space and EM energy
associated with the wave spreads over a wide area. Wave propagation in unbounded
media is used in radio or TV broadcasting, where the information being transmitted is
meant for everyone who may be interested. Such means of wave propagation will not
help in a situation like telephone conversation, where the information is received
privately by one person.
Another means of transmitting power or information is by guided structures. Guided
structures serve to guide (or direct) the propagation of energy from the source to the
load. Typical examples of such structures are transmission lines and waveguides.
Wave guides are discussed in the next chapter; transmission lines are considered in
this chapter. Transmission lines are commonly used in power distribution (at low
frequencies) and in communications (at high frequencies). Various kinds of
transmission lines such as the twisted-pair and coaxial cables (thin net and thick net)
are used in computer networks such as the Ethernet and internet.
A transmission line basically consists of two or more parallel conductors used to
connect a source to a load. The source may be a hydroelectric generator, a transmitter,
or an oscillator; the load may be a factory, an antenna, or an oscilloscope,
Typical transmission lines include coaxial cable, a two-wire line, a parallel-plate or
planar line, a wire above the conducting plane, and a micro strip line. These lines are

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

portrayed in Figure. Notice that each of these lines consists of two conductors in
parallel. Coaxial cables are routinely used in electrical laboratories and in connecting
TV sets to TV antennas. Micro strip lines are particularly important in integrated
circuits where metallic strips connecting electronic elements are deposited on
dielectric substrates. Transmission line problems are usually solved using EM field
theory and electric circuit theory, the two major theories on which electrical
engineering is based. In this chapter, we use circuit theory because it is easier to deal
with mathematically. The basic concepts of wave propagation (such as propagation
constant, reflection coefficient, and standing wave ratio) covered in the previous
chapter apply here. Our analysis of transmission lines will include the derivation of
the transmission-line equations and characteristic quantities, the use of the Smith
chart, various practical applications of transmission lines, and transients on
transmission lines.
Ans: It is customary and convenient to describe a transmission line in terms of its line
parameters, which are its resistance per unit length R, inductance per unit length L,
conductance per unit length G, and capacitance per unit length C. Each of the lines
shown in Figure has specific formulas for finding R, L, G, and C. For coaxial, two-
wire, and planar lines, the formulas for calculating the values of R, L, G, and C of the
lines are as shown in Figure

The line parameters R, L, G, and C are not discrete or lumped but distributed as
shown in Figure. By this we mean that the parameters are uniformly distributed along
the entire length of the line.
For each line, the conductors are characterized by , and µ the homogeneous
dielectric separating the conductors is characterized by , and µ

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

G =/1/R; R is the ac resistance per unit length of the conductors comprising the line
and G is the conductance per unit length due to the dielectric medium separating the
The value of L is the external inductance per unit length; that is, L = Lext. The effects
of internal inductance Lm (= ) are negligible as high frequencies at which most
communication systems operate.
For each line,
3. transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave propagating along the line
Ans:let us consider how an EM wave propagates through a two-conductor
transmission line. For example, consider the coaxial line connecting the generator or
source to the load as in Figure. When switch S is closed, the inner conductor is made
positive with respect to the outer one so that the E field is radially outward as in
Figure b. According to Ampere's law, the H field encircles the current carrying
conductor as in Figure. The Poynting vector (E X H) points along the transmission
line. Thus, closing the switch simply establishes a disturbance, which appears as a
transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave propagating along the line. This wave is a
non-uniform plane wave and by means of it power is transmitted through the line.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


4. Lossless Line (R = 0 = G) and Distortion less Line {R/L = G/C)

Ans: A transmission line is said to be lossless if the conductors of the line are perfect
~ ) and the dielectric medium separating them is lossless ).For such a line, it
is evident R=0=G
This is a necessary condition for a line to be lossless. Thus for such a line

Distortion less Line {R/L = G/C)

A signal normally consists of a band of frequencies; wave amplitudes of different
frequency components will be attenuated differently in a lossy line as is frequency
dependent. This results in distortion.
A distortion less line is one in which the attenuation constant is frequency
is linearly dependent on frequency.


A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Note that
The phase velocity is independent of frequency because the phase constant /? Linearly
depends on frequency. We have shape distortion of signals unless a and u are
independent of frequency.
U and Zo remain the same as for lossless lines.
A lossless line is also a distortion less line, but a distortion less line is not necessarily
lossless. Although lossless lines are desirable in power transmission, telephone lines
are required to be distortion less.
5. INPUT IMPEDANCE of transmission line
Ans: and Zo, connected
to a load ZL as shown in Figure.

Looking into the line, the generator sees the line with the load as input impedance
Zin. It is our intention in this section to determine the input impedance, the standing
wave ratio (SWR), and the power flow on the line.
Let the transmission line extend from z = 0 at the generator to z = l at the load. First of
all, we need the voltage and current waves

Although above equation has been derived for the input impedance Zin at the
generation end, it is a general expression for finding Zin at any point on the line. To
find Zin at a distance l from the load we replace l by l'. A formula for calculating the
hyperbolic tangent of a complex number, required in above equation is found in
For a lossless line, , = j tan , and Zo = Ro, so above equation becomes

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

The quantity in above equation is usually referred to as the electrical length of the
line and can be expressed in degrees or radians.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

1. voltage reflection coefficient current reflection coefficient and SWR
Ans: We now define L as the voltage reflection coefficient (at the load). L is the
ratio of the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load, that is, from the
known equations we can defined as

___________ 1

The voltage reflection coefficient (at the load)

Substitute the equation 1 and 2 into the equation 3
Hence we can get
L= (ZL-Z0)/ (ZL+ Z0)
The voltage reflection coefficient at any point on the line is the ratio of the
magnitude of the reflected voltage wave to that of the incident wave.
That is,

But z = l-l'. Substituting and combining with equation 1. We get

The current reflection coefficient at any point on the line is negative of the voltage
reflection coefficient at that point.
Just as we did for plane waves, we define the standing wave ratio s (otherwise
denoted by SWR) as
2. Maxima and minima has the input impedance Zin of the transmission lines
Ans: It is easy to show that I max = Vmax/Zo and Imin = Vmin/Zo. The input impedance
Zin in equation

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Have maxima and minima that occur, respectively, at the maxima and minima ofthe
voltage and current standing wave. It can also be shown that

Zin max=Vmax/Imini=SZ0

Zin mini=Vmini /Imax=Z0/S

3. Shorted Line (ZL = 0), Open-Circuited Line and Matched Line (ZL = Z0)
Ans: From known equation

Substitute shorted Line (ZL = 0) in the above equation we get

L= -
We notice from above Zin equation that Zin is a pure reactance, which could be
capacitive or inductive depending on the value of l.
Open-Circuited Line (ZL =
In this case, above Zin equation becomes
We notice that
Matched Line (ZL = Z0)
This is the most desired case from the practical point of view. For this case, Zin
equation reduces to Zin= Z0

L= 0 and S=1
That is, Vo = 0, the whole wave is transmitted and there is no reflection. The incident
power is fully absorbed by the load. Thus maximum power transfer is possible when a
transmission line is matched to the load.
4. What are points should be noted about the Smith chart:
At point Psc on the chart r = 0, x = 0; that is, ZL = 0 + j0showing that Psc
represents a short circuit on the transmission line. At point Poc, r and x = , or

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

ZL = = + , which implies that Poc corresponds to an open circuit on the line.
Also at Poc, r = 0 and x = 0, showing that Poc is another location of a short circuit
on the line.
A complete revolution (360°) around the Smith chart represents a distance of
/2on the line. Clockwise movement on the chart is regarded as moving toward
the generator (or away from the load) as shown by the arrow G in figure a and b
similarly, counter clockwise movement on the chart corresponds to moving
toward the load (or away from the generator) as indicated by the arrow L in
Figure. Notice from Figure (b) that at the load, moving toward the load does not
make sense (because we are already at the load). The same can be said of the case
when we are at the generator end.
There are three scales around the periphery of the Smith chart as illustrated in
Figure (a). The three scales are included for the sake of convenience but they are
actually meant to serve the same purpose; one scale should be sufficient. The
scales are used in determining the distance from the load or generator in degrees
or wavelengths. The outermost scale is used to determine the distance on the line
from the generator end in terms of wavelengths, and the next scale determines the
distance from the load end in terms of wavelengths. The innermost scale is a

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

protractor (in degrees) and is primarily used in determining 6^; it can also be used
to determine the distance from the load or generator. Since a A/2 distance on the
line corresponds to a movement of 360° on the chart, A distance on the line
corresponds to a 720° movement on the chart.720° (11.55)

Thus we may ignore the other outer scales and use the protractor (the innermost
scale) for all our dr and distance calculations.
Vmax occurs where Zin max is located on the chart and that is on the positive Tr
axis or on OPOC in Figure (a). Vmin is located at the same point where we have
Zin min on the chart; that is, on the negative Tr axis or on OP sc in Figure (a).
Notice that Vmax and Vmin (or Zin max and Zin min /4 (or 180°) apart.
The Smith chart is used both as impedance chart and admittance chart (Y =
1/Z).As admittance chart (normalized impedance y = YIYO = g + jb), the g- and b
circles correspond to r- and x-circles, respectively.
Ans: Prior to the advent of digital computers and calculators, engineers developed all
sorts of aids (tables, charts, graphs, etc.) to facilitate their calculations for design and
analysis. To reduce the tedious manipulations involved in calculating the
characteristics of transmission lines, graphical means have been developed. The Smith
chart3 is the most commonly used of the graphical techniques. It is basically a
graphical indication of the impedance of a transmission line as one move along the
line. It becomes easy to use after a small amount of experience.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

We will first examine how the Smith
chart is constructed and later employ
it in our calculations of transmission
line characteristics such as TL, s, and
Zin. We will assume that the
transmission line to which the Smith
chart will be applied is lossless (Zo =
Ro) although this is not
fundamentally required.
The Smith chart is constructed within
a circle of unit 1) as
shown in Figure. The construction of the chart is based on the relation in equation;
that is

L= (ZL-Z0)/ (ZL+ Z0)

Where, r and are the real and imaginary parts of the reflection coefficient F.
Instead of having separate Smith charts for transmission lines with different
characteristic impedances such as Zo = 60,100, and 120 ohm, we prefer to have just
one that can be used for any line. We achieve this by using a normalized chart in
which all impedances are normalized with respect to the characteristic impedance Zo
of the particular line under consideration.
For the load impedance ZL, for example, the normalized impedance ZL is given by
Normalizing and equating components, we obtain

Rearranging terms in eq

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


For typical values of the normalized resistance r, the corresponding centres and radii
of the r-circles are presented in Table. Typical examples of the r-circles based on the
data in TABLE Radii and Centres of r-Circles for Typical Values of r

Table are shown in above figure. Similarly

Below Table presents centres and radii of the x-circles for typical values of x, and
below Figure shows the corresponding plots. Notice that while r is always positive, x
can be positive (for inductive impedance) or negative (for capacitive impedance).
If we superpose the r-circles and x-circles, what we have is the Smith chart shown in
Figure On the chart, we locate a normalized impedance z = 2 + j, for example, as the

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

point of intersection of the r = 2 circle and the x = 1 circle. This is point P1in Figure
Similarly, z = 1 - 7 0.5 is located at P2, where the r = 1 circle and the x = -0.5circle
intersect. Apart from the r- and x-circles (shown on the Smith chart), we can draw the
s-circles or constant standing-wave-ratio circles (always not shown on the Smith
chart), which are centered at the origin with s varying from 1 to 00. The value of the
standing wave ratio s is
Below TABLE Radii and Centres of x-Circles for Typical Value of x

Determined by locating where an s-circle crosses the Tr axis. Typical examples of ^-

circles for s = 1,2, 3, and °° are shown in Figure

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


| and s are related according to equation the s -circles are sometimes referred
- | varying linearly from 0 to 1 as we move away from the center
O toward the periphery of the chart while s

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



TOPIC 1: Electrostatics fields
1. Give the expression continuity equation?
2. Give the expression for relaxation time?
4. Give the expression for the energy density for electrostatic fields?
5. Write boundary conditions for conducting media?
TOPIC 2: Convection, conduction and displacement current densities
1. Define convention current density?
2. Define conduction current density?
3. List the names of few conductors along with its conductivity?
4. Write boundary conditions for dielectric media?
5. Define poyssion and Laplace equations?
TOPIC 1: Magneto static fields
1. List any two differences between self and mutual inductance?
2. What is the Lorentz force equation for a DC charge?
3. Define magnetic vector potential and give the expression?
4. List the types of forces exerted by the magnetic field?
5. Define Biot Savart law and give the expression?
1. List the applications of amperes circuit law?
2. What is 2nd ?
3. What is 3nd equation?
4. Define magnetic flux density? Specify the units?
5. What is mean by transformer EMF?
TOPIC 1: EM wave characteristics
1. Give the expression for attenuation constant?
2. Give the expression for phase constant?

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

3. What is mean by homogeneous medium?
4. What is mean by isotropic medium?
5. What is mean by linear medium?
TOPIC 2: Reflection of Plane Wave
1. Give the expression for reflection coefficient for vertical polarization with
oblique incidence?
2. Give the expression for transmission coefficient for horizontal polarization
with oblique incidence?
3. Give the expression for reflection coefficient for normal incidence?
4. Give the expression for transmission coefficient for normal incidence?
5. What is mean by total internal reflection?
TOPIC 1: Transmission Lines-I
1. Define transmission line?
2. What are the types of transmission lines?
3. What are the primary parameters of transmission lines?
4. What are the secondary parameters of transmission lines?
5. What is the generalized equation of transmission lines?

TOPIC2: Loading
1. Give the condition for maximum attenuation in transmission lines?
2. What is mean by line distortion in transmission lines?
3. What are various loads in transmission lines?
4. What is use of generalize transmission line equations?
5. What is maximum range of frequency transmission lines?

TOPIC 1: Transmission Lines-II

1. Specify the relation between VSWR and reflection coefficient in
transmission line?
2. Give the expression for input impedance inters of reflection coefficient?
3. What is the use of impedance transformation?
4. What is mean by stub matching?

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

5. What are the advantages of stub matching?
TOPIC 2: Smith chart
1. What is the use of smith chart?
2. List the application of smith chart?
3. Explain how an open circuit line acts as a circuit element?
4. Explain how a short circuit line acts as a circuit element?
5. Explain the construction of smith chart?

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT




Two marks question with answers:

Ans: When the region contains charges poisons equation is used and when there is no

2. Define Vector field?

Ans: If a quantity which is specified in a region to define a field is a vector then the
corresponding field is called vector field.
3. State Divergence Theorem.
Ans: The integral of the normal component of any vector field over a closed surface
is equal to the integral of the divergence of this vector field throughout the volume
enclosed that closed surface.
4. State the conditions for a field to be a) solenoid b) rotational?
Ans: Divergence of the field has to be zero.
Curl of the field has to be zero.
5. Define point charge.
Ans: A point charge means that electric charge which is separated on a surface or
space whose geometrical dimensions are very small compared to other dimensions,
in which the effect of electric field to be studied.
Three marks question with answers
1. Define one coulomb.

Ans: One coulomb of charge is defined as the charge possessed by (1/1.602x10-9)

i.e. 6x1018number of electrons.
2. What are the various types of charge distribution? Give an example for each.
Point charge: Ex. Positive charge
Line charge: ex a sharp beam in a cathode ray tube.
Surface charge: ex the plate of a charged parallel plate capacitor
Volume charge: ex the charged cloud.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


3. Define electric flux density.

Ans: The net flux passing normal through the unit surface area is called electric flux
density. It is denoted as D. It has a specified direction which is normal to the surface
area under consideration hence it is a vector field.
4. State Law.
Ans: The electric flux passing through any closed surface is equal to the total charge
enclosed by that surface.
5. What is Gaussian surface? What are the conditions to be satisfied in special
Gaussian surface?
Obviously such a surface is a closed surface and it has to satisfy the following
The surface may be irregular but should be sufficiently large so as to enclose the
entire charge.
The surface must be closed. At each point of the surface D is either normal or
tangential to the surface. The electric flux density D is constant over the surface at
which D is normal.
Five marks question with answers

State the coulomb law and Point charges 1 mC and - 2 mC are located at (3, 2, -
1) and ( 1, 1, 4), respectively. Calculate the electric force on a 10-nC charge
located at (0, 3, 1) and the electric field intensity at that point.
Ans: Coulomb's law Q1 and Q2 is:
1. Along the line joining them
2. Directly proportional to the product Q1Q2 of the charges
3. Inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between them.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


At that point,

2. Explain the Gaussian surface and find the point charge using Gaussian law?
Ans: The procedure for applying Gauss's law to calculate the electric field involves
first knowing whether symmetry exists. Once symmetric charge distribution exists,
we construct a mathematical closed surface (known as a Gaussian surface). The
surface is chosen such that D is normal or tangential to the Gaussian surface. When D
is normal to the dS = D dS because D is constant on the surface. When D
is tangential to the dS = 0. Thus we must choose a surface that has some
of the symmetry exhibited by the charge distribution. We shall now apply these basic
ideas to the following cases.
A. Point Charge
Suppose a point charge Q is located at the
origin. To determine D at a point P, it is easy to
see that choosing a spherical surface containing
P will satisfy symmetry conditions. Thus, a
spherical surface centred at the origin is the

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Gaussian surface in this case and is shown in Figure
Figure Gaussian surface about a point charge.*-y
Since D is everywhere normal to the Gaussian surface, that is, D = Dr Ar applying
Gauss's law ( = enclosed) gives

3. Explain The Energy Density In Electrostatic Fields?

Ans: To determine the energy present in an assembly of charges, we must first
determine the amount of work necessary to assemble them. Suppose we wish to
position three point charges Q1, Q2, and Q3 in an initially empty space shown shaded
in Figure. No work is required to transfer Q1from infinity to Pl because the space is
initially charge free and there is no electric field [from equation, W = 0]. The work
done in transferring Q2 from infinity to P2 is equals to the product of Q2 and the
potential V2i a t P2 due to Q1.
Similarly, the work done in
positioning Q3 at P3 is equal
to Q3 (V32 + V31), where V32
and V31 are the potentials at
P3 due to Q2 and
Q1respectively. Hence the
total work done in positioning
the three charges is

If the charges were positioned in reverse order,

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Where, V23 is the potential at P2 due to Q3, Vl2 and Vl3 are, respectively, the
potentials at P1 due to Q2 and Q3. Adding above equations gives


Where, V1, V2, and V3 are total potentials at P1, P2, and P3, respectively. In general,
if there are N point charges, above equation becomes

4. Derive the continuity equation and relaxation time?

Ans: Due to the principle of charge conservation, the time rate of decrease of charge
within a given volume must be equal to the net outward current flow through the
closed surface of the volume. Thus current /out coming out of the closed surface is

Where, Qin is the total charge enclosed by the closed surface. Invoking divergence


Substituting, above equations gives

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



Which is called the continuity of current equation? It must be kept in mind that the
continuity equation is derived from the principle of conservation of charge and
essentially states that there can be no accumulation of charge at any point. For steady
currents, dpv/dt he total charge leaving a
volume is the same as the total charge entering it. Kirchhoff's current law follows
from this.
Relaxation time is the lime it takes u charge placed in the interior of a material to
Drop to e l 36.8 percentage of its initial value.

5. How to find the resistance and capacitance?

Ans: In previous the concept of resistance was covered and we
derived equation for finding the resistance of a conductor of uniform
cross section. If the cross section of the conductor is not uniform, above equation
becomes invalid and the resistance is obtained
from eq.

The problem of finding the resistance of a conductor of non-uniform cross section can
be treated as a boundary-value problem. Using equation, the resistance R (or
conductance G = l/R)of a given conducting material can be found by following these
1. Choose a suitable coordinate system.
2. Assume VO as the potential difference between conductor terminals.
3. Solve Laplace's equation to obtain V. Then
determine E from and.
4. Finally, obtain R as Vo/I.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

In essence, we assume Vo, find /, and determine R = Vo/I. alternatively, it is possible
to assume current /o, find the corresponding potential difference V, and determine R
from R = V/Io. As will be discussed shortly, the capacitance of a capacitor is obtained
using a similar technique
Generally speaking, to have a capacitor we must have two (or more) conductors
carrying equal but opposite charges. This implies that all the flux lines leaving one
conductor must necessarily terminate at the surface of the other conductor. The
conductors are sometimes referred to as the plates of the capacitor. The plates may be
separated by free space or a dielectric. Consider the two-conductor capacitor of
Figure. The conductors are maintained at a potential difference V given by

Where, E is the electric field existing between the conductors and conductor 1 is
assumed to carry a positive charge. (Note that the E field is always normal to the
conducting surfaces.)We define the capacitance C of the capacitor as the ratio of the
magnitude of the charge on one of the plates to the potential difference between them;
that is,

The negative sign before has been dropped because we are

interested in the absolute value of V. The capacitance C is a physical property of the
capacitor and in measured in farads (F). Using above equation, C can be obtained for
any given two-conductor capacitance by following either of these methods:
1. Assuming Q and determining V in terms of Q (involving Gauss's law)
2. Assuming V and determining Q in terms of V(involving solving Laplace's

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Multiple choices questions:

1. [ ]

a) Field strength b) Charge c) Permittivity d) Force

2. Coulomb law is employed in [ ]

a) Electrostatics b) Magneto statics c) Electromagnetic d) Maxwell theory

3. Find the force between 2C and -1C separated by a distance 1m in air [ ]

6 6 -6 -6
a) 18 X 10 b) -18 X 10 c) 18 X 10 d) -18 X 10

4. Two charges 1C and -4C exists in air. What is the direction of force [ ]
a) Away from 1C b) Away from -4C c) From 1C to -4C d) From -4C to 1C

5. Find the force of interaction between 60 stat coulomb and 37.5 stat coulomb spaced
N [ ]
a) 8.15 b) 5.18 c) 1.518 d) 1.815

6. Find the force between two charges when they are brought in contact and separated by
4cm apart, charges are 2nC and - N. [ ]
a) 1.44 b) 2.44 c) 1.404 d) 2.404

7. The Coulomb law is an implication of which law? [ ]

a) Ampere law b) Gauss law c) Biot Savart law d) Lenz law

8. Two small diameter 10gm dielectric balls can slide freely on a vertical channel. Each
ball is restrained from moving. [ ]
a) 0.5 b) 0.4 c) 0.3 d) 0.2

9. . A charge of 2 X 10-7 C is acted upon by a force of 0.1N. Determine the distance to

the other charge of 4.5 X 10-7 C, both the charges are in vacuum. [ ]
a) 0 .03 b) 0.05 c) 0.07 d) 0.09

10. For a charge Q1, the effect of charge Q2 on Q1 will be, [ ]

a) F1 = F2 b) F1 = -F2 c) F1 = F2 = 0 d) F1 and F2 are
not equal

Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b a b c d c b c d b

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



1. Divergence theorem is based on---------------------

2. The Gaussian surface for a line charge will be-----------------

3. The Gaussian surface for a point charge will be-----------------

surface. What is the net flux crossing the surface----------------------------

5. -------------------

6. ---------------

7. The potential of a coaxial cylinder with charge density 1 unit , inner radius 1m and
outer cylinder 2m is (in 109)-----------------

8. Find the potential due to a charged ring of density 2 units with radius 2m and the
point at which potential is measured is at a distance of 1m from the ring-----------------

9. Gauss law cannot be used to find which of the following quantity-----------------------

10. The electric field intensity is defined as.......................

Answer key

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gauss law cylinder Sphere 0 55 43.86 12.47 F/Q

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Two marks question with answers

1. What is Magnetic Field?

Ans: The region around a magnet within which influence of the magnet can be
experienced is called Magnetic Field.
2. What are Magnetic Lines of Force?
Ans: The existence of Magnetic Field can be experienced with the help of compass
field. Such a field is represented by imaginary lines around the magnet which are
called Magnetic Lines of Force.
3. State Stoke Theorem.
Ans: The line integral of F around a closed path L is equal to the integral of curl of F
over the open surface S enclosed by the closed path L.
4. Define scalar magnetic Potential.
Ans: The scalar magnetic potential Vm can be defined for source free region where J
i.e. current density is zero.
5. State Biot Savart Law.
The Biot Savart law states that, the magnetic field intensity dH produced at a
point p due to a differential current element IdL is,

Proportional to the product of the current I and differential length dL

The sine of the angle between the element and the line joining point p to the
element and Inversely proportional to the, square of the distance R between
point p and the element
Three marks question with answers
1. State circuit law.
Ans: The line integral of magnetic field intensity H around a closed path is exactly
equal to the direct current enclosed by that path.
2. Define Magnetic field Intensity.
Ans: Magnetic Field intensity at any point in the magnetic field is defined as the force
experienced by a unit north pole of one webber strength when placed at that point.
Unit: N/Wb.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

3. What is Magneto statics?
Ans: The study of steady magnetic field, existing in a given space, produced due to
the flow of direct current through a conductor is called Magneto statics.
Define Right hand Thumb Rule and where it is used?

Right hand Thumb Rule states that, hold the current carrying conductor in the right
hand such that the thumb pointing in the direction of current and parallel to the
conductor, then curled fingers point in the direction of magnetic lines of flux around
it. It is used to determine the direction of Magnetic field around a conductor carrying
a direct current.
4. What is Lorentz force equation?
Ans: Lorentz force equation relates mechanical force to the electrical force. It is given
as the total force on a moving charge in the presence of both electric and magnetic
5. Define Magnetic dipole moment.
Ans: The Magnetic dipole moment of a current loop is defined as the product of
current through the loop and the area of the loop, directed normal to the current loop.
Five marks question with answers
1. Explain Biot-Savart's law and magnetic field intensity in different current
Ans: Biot-Savart's law states that the magnetic field
intensity dH produced at a point P, as shown in Figure,
by the differential current clement Idl is proportional to
the product Idl and the sine of the angle a between the
clement and the line joining P to the element and is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between P
And the element that is,


Where, k is the constant of proportionality. In SI units, k = l/4 , so above equation


A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

From the definition of cross product, it is easy to notice that above equation is
Better put in vector form as

Where, R = |R| and aR = R/R. Thus the direction of dH can be determined by the right
hand rule with the right-hand thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the right-
hand fingers encircling the wire in the direction of dH.
Just as we can have different charge configurations, we can have different current
distributions: line current, surface current, and volume current as shown in Figure. If
we define K as the surface current density (in amperes/meter) and J as the volume
current density (in amperes/meter square), the source elements are related as

Thus in terms of the distributed current sources, the Biot-Savart law as in above
equation becomes
Line current

Surface current

Volume current

2. Explain the Ampere's Circuit law Maxwell's equation?

Ans: Ampere's circuit law states that the line integral of the tangential component of
H around a dosed path is the same as the net current Ienclosed by the path.
In other words, the circulation of H equals I enc; that is,

Ampere's law is similar to Gauss's law and it is easily applied to determine H when
the current distribution is symmetrical. It should be noted that above equation always
holds whether the current distribution is symmetrical or not but we can only use the
equation to determine H when symmetrical current distribution exists. Ampere's law
is a special case of Biot-Savart's law; the former may be derived from the latter.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

By applying Stokes theorem to the left-hand side of above equation, we obtain


Comparing the surface integrals in above two equations clearly reveals that

This is the third Maxwell's equation to be derived; it is essentially Ampere's law in

differential (or point) form.
3. Explain the magnetic force on a charged particle and Lorentz force equation?
Ans: the electric force Fe on a stationary or moving electric charge Q in an electric
field is given by Coulomb's experimental law and is related to the electric field
intensity E as Fe = QE
This shows that if Q is positive, Fe and E have the same direction.
A magnetic field can exert force only on a moving charge. From experiments, it is
found that the magnetic force Fm experienced by a charge Q moving with a velocity u
in a magnetic field B is Fm = QuX B
This clearly shows that Fm is perpendicular to both u and B.
From above two equations, a comparison between the electric force Fe and the
magnetic Force Fm can be made. Fe is independent of the velocity of the charge and
can perform work on the charge and change its kinetic energy. Unlike Fe, Fm depends
on the charge velocity and is normal to it. Fm cannot perform work because it is at
right angles to the direction dl = 0); it does not cause an
increase in kinetic energy of the charge. The magnitude of Fm is generally small
compared to Fe except at high velocities.
For a moving charge Q in the presence of both electric and magnetic fields, the total
force on the charge is given by F = Fe + Fm Or F = Q (E + u X B)
This is known as the Lorentz force equation.1 It relates mechanical force to electrical
force. If the mass of the charged particle moving in E and B fields is m, by Newton'
second law of motion

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

The solution to this equation is important in determining the motion of charged
particles in E and B fields. We should bear in mind that in such fields, energy transfer
can be only by means of the electric field.
4. Explain the magnetic boundary conditions in detailed?
Ans: We define magnetic boundary conditions as the conditions that H (or B) field
must satisfy at the boundary between two different media. Our derivations here are
similar to those in previous section. We make use of Gauss's law for magnetic fields

And Ampere's circuit law

Consider the boundary between two magnetic media 1 and 2, characterized,

respectively, by µ1 and µ2 as in Figure. Applying above two equations to the pillbox
(Gaussian surface)of Figure and allowing h > 0, we obtain

Thus or

Since B = µH. above equation shows that the normal component of B is continuous at
the boundary. It also shows that the normal component of H is discontinuous at the
boundary; H undergoes some change at the interface. Similarly, we apply equation to
the closed path abcda of Figure where surface current K on the boundary is assumed
normal to the path. We obtain

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


This shows that the tangential component of H is also discontinuous. Equation (8.43)
maybe written in terms of B as

In the general case, above equation becomes

Where, anl2 is a unit vector normal to the interface and is directed from medium 1 to
Medium2. If the boundary is free of current or the media are not conductors (for K is
free current density), K =0 and equation becomes


Thus the tangential component of H is continuous while that of B is discontinuous at

the boundary. If the fields make an angle 6 with the normal to the interface, equation
results in

While equation produces

Dividing above two equations gives

Which is the law of refraction for magnetic flux lines at a boundary with no surface

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

5. Explain the transformer and motional EMFs?
Ans: Having considered the connection between EMF and electric field, we may
examine how Faraday's law links electric and magnetic fields. For a circuit with a
single turn (N = 1) equation.
In terms of E and B, above equation can be written as

Where has been replaced by and S is the surface area of the circuit
bounded by the closed path L. It is clear from above equation that in a time-varying
situation, both electric and magnetic fields are present and are interrelated. Note that
dl and dS in above equation are in accordance with the right-hand rule as well as
theorem. This should be observed in Figure the variation of flux with time as
in above two equations may be caused in three ways:
1. By having a stationary loop in a time-varying B field
2. By having a time-varying loop area in a static B field
3. By having a time-varying loop area in a time-varying B field.
Each of these will be considered separately.
A. Stationary Loop in Time-Varying B Field transformer EMF)
This is the case portrayed in Figure where a stationary conducting loop is in a time
varying magnetic B field. Above equation
This emf induced by the time-varying current (producing
the time-varying B field) in a stationary loop is often
referred to as transformer emf in power analysis since it is
due to transformer action. By applying Stokes's theorem to
the middle term in above equation, we obtain

For the two integrals to be equal, their integrands must be equal; that is,

This is one of the Maxwell's equations for time-varying fields. It shows that the time
varying E field is not conservative.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Multiple choice questions

1. Biot Savart law in magnetic field is analogous to which law in electric field[ ]
a) Gauss law b) Faraday law d) Ampere law

2. Which of the following cannot be computed using the Biot Savart law [ ]
a) Magnetic field intensity b) Magnetic flux density
c) Electric field intensity d) Permeability

3. [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) ½ d) ¼

4. Calculate the magnetic field at a point on the centre of the circular conductor of radius
2m with current 8A. [ ]
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

5. Find the magnetic field intensity at the centre O of a square of the sides equal to 5m
and carrying 10A of current. [ ]
a) 1.2 b) 1 c) 1.6 d) 1.8

6. In a static magnetic field only magnetic dipoles exist. State True/False. [ ]

a) True b) False

7. The magnetic field intensity will be zero inside a conductor. State true/false.
a) True b) False

8. Find the magnetic field when a circular conductor of very high radius is subjected to a
current of 12A and the point P is at the centre of the conductor. [ ]
a) 1 c) 0 d) -

9. The magnetic moment of a field with current 12A and area 1.6 units is [ ]
a) 19.2 b) 12.9 c) 21.9 d) 91.2

10. The magnetization is defined by the ratio of [ ]

a) Magnetic moment to area b) Magnetic moment to volume
c) Magnetic flux density to area d) Magnetic flux density to volume

Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c c a b d a b c a b

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



1. The ratio of the orbital dipole moment to the orbital angular moment is given by-------

2. Find the force that exists in an electromagnetic wave-------------

3. The torque of a conductor is defined only in the case when-------------

4. Find the angle at which the torque is minimum----------

5. The magnetic moment and torque are related as follows-----------

6. Find the correct relation between current density and magnetization----------

7. The point form of Ampere law is given by-----------

8. The Ampere law is based on which theorem-----------

9. Electric field will be maximum outside the conductor and magnetic field will be
maximum inside the conductor. State True/False----------------

10. Find the magnetic flux density of a finite length conductor of radius 12cm and current
3A in air( in 10-6 order)---------------

Answer key

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Two marks question with answers

1. What is called attenuation constant?

Ans: When a wave propagates in the medium, it gets attenuated. The amplitude of the

per meter (NP/m). But practically it is expressed in decibel (dB).

2. What is phase constant?
Ans: When a wave propagates, phase change also takes place. Such a phase change is

3. Define a wave.
Ans: If a physical phenomenon that occurs at one place at a given time is reproduced
at other places at later times, the time delay being proportional to the space separation
from the first location then the group of phenomena constitutes a wave.
4. Mention the properties of uniform plane wave.
Ans: At every point in space, the electric field E and magnetic field H are
perpendicular to each other.
The fields vary harmonically with time and at the same frequency everywhere in
5. Define intrinsic impedance or characteristic impedance.
Ans: It is the ratio of electric field to magnetic field or It is the ratio of square root of
permeability to permittivity of medium.
Three marks question with answers
1. Define propagation constant.
Ans: Propagation constant is a co
2. Define skin depth
Ans: It is defined as that depth in which the wave has been attenuated to 1/e or
Approximately 37% of its original value
3. Define Poynting vector.
Ans: The pointing vector is defined as rate of flow of energy of a wave as it
propagates. P =E X H

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

4. State Poynting Theorem.
Ans: The net power flowing out of a given volume is equal to the time rate of
decrease of the energy stored within the volume- conduction losses
5. What are uniform plane waves?
Ans: Electromagnetic waves which consist of electric and magnetic fields that is
perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation and are uniform in
plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation are known as uniform plane
Five marks question with answers
1. Wave Propagation In Lossy(general) Dielectrics or
or simply vector wave equations
Ans: wave propagation in lossy dielectrics is a general case from which wave
propagation in other types of media can be derived as special cases. Therefore, this
section is foundational to the next three sections.
A lossy dielectric is a medium in which an EM wave loses power as it propagates due
to poor conduction.
In other words, a lossy dielectric is a partially conducting medium (imperfect
dielectric or imperfect conductor) with a = 0, as distinct from a lossless dielectric
(perfect or good dielectric)in which = 0.
Consider a linear, isotropic, homogeneous, lossy dielectric medium that is charge free
= 0). Assuming and suppressing the time factor ejwt Maxwell's equations.

Taking the curl of both sides of 3rd of above equation gives

Applying the vector identity

to the left-hand side of above equation and invoking equations

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



Andy is called the propagation constant (in per meter) of the medium. By a similar
procedure, it can be shown that for the H field,

Equations two are known as homogeneous vector equations or simply

vector wave equations.
2. Propagation of plane waves in lossless dielectrics and in free space
Ans: In a lossless dielectric, we. It is a special case of that except that

Substituting, these into equations.

And gives

And thus E and H are in time phase with each other.

Plane waves in free space
This is a special case of what we considered in this case,

We substitute above equations into these


Either way, we obtain

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Where, c=3 X 108 m/s, the speed of light in a vacuum. The fact that EM wave travels
in free space at the speed of light is significant. It shows that light is the manifestation
of an EM wave. In other words, light is characteristically electromagnetic.
3. Explain the power and the poynting vector?
Ans: As mentioned before, energy can be transported from one point (where a
transmitter is located) to another point (with a receiver) by means of EM waves. The
rate of such energy transportation can be obtained from Maxwell's equations:

Dotting both sides of above two equations with E gives

But for any vector field A and B

Applying vector identity into above equation (letting A=H and B= E)

From equations

And the above equation will becomes

Rearranging terms and taking the volume integral of both sides,

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Applying the divergence theorem to the left-hand side gives

The above equation is referred to as Poynting's theorem. The various terms in the
equation are identified using energy-conservation arguments for EM fields. The first
term on the right-hand side of above equation is interpreted as the rate of decrease in
energy stored in the electric and magnetic fields. The second term is the power
dissipated due to the fact that the medium is conducting # 0). The quantity E X H on
the left-hand side of above equation is known as the Poynting vector in watts per
square meter (W/m2).

It represents the instantaneous power density vector associated with the EM field at a
given point. The integration of the Poynting vector over any closed surface gives the
net power flowing out of that surface.
Poynting's theorem stales that the net power flowing out of a given volume v equal
to the lime rate of decrease in the energy stored within v minus the conduction losses.
4. Reflection of a plane wave At normal incidence or
Reflection coefficient T and the transmission coefficient T
Ans: So far, we have considered uniform plane waves travelling in unbounded,
homogeneous media. When a plane wave from one medium meets a different
medium, it is partly reflected and partly transmitted. The proportion of the incident
wave that is reflected or transmitted depends on the constitutive parameters ( , µ)
of the two media involved. Here we will assume that the incident wave plane is
normal to the boundary between the media; oblique incidence of plane waves will be
covered in the next section after we understand the simpler case of normal incidence.
Suppose that a plane wave propagating along the +z-direction is incident normally on
the boundary z = 0 between medium 1 (z <0) characterized by 1, 2 µ3)and
medium2 (z > 0) characterized by ( 2, 2, µ2) as shown in Figure In the figure,
subscripts r and t denote incident, reflected, and transmitted waves, respectively. The
incident, reflected, and transmitted waves shown in Figure are obtained as follows:
Incident Wave: (Ei, Hi) is travelling along +az in medium 1. If we suppress the time
factor ejwt and assume that

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Reflected Wave:
(Er, Hr) is travelling along az in medium 1. If

Figure A plane wave incident normally on an interface between two different media

Where, Ers a has been assumed to be along ax we will consistently assume that for
normal incident
Ei, Er, and Et, have the same polarization.
Transmitted Wave:
(Et, Ht) is travelling along +az in medium 2. If


In above two equations, Eio, Ero, and Eto are, respectively, the magnitudes of the
incident, reflected, and transmitted electric fields at z = 0.
Notice from above figure that the total field in medium 1 comprises both the incident
and reflected fields, whereas medium 2 has only the transmitted field, that is,
E1 = Ei + Er H1 = Hi + Hr
E2 = Et, H2 = tr
At the interface z = 0, the boundary conditions require that the tangential components
of E and H fields must be continuous. Since the waves are transverse, E and H fields

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

are entirely tangential to the interface. Hence at z = 0, El tan = E2tan and H1tan =
H2tanimply that

From above two equations we obtain


We now define the reflection coefficient and the transmission coefficient from
Above two equations as




5. Reflection of a plane wave at oblique incidence at perpendicular polarization?

Ans: Based on these general preliminaries on oblique incidence, we will now
specifically consider two special cases: one
with the E field perpendicular to the plane
of incidence, the other with the E field
parallel to it. Any other polarization may be
considered as a linear combination of these
two cases.
Perpendicular Polarization
In this case, the E field is perpendicular to
the plane of incidence (the xz-plane) as shown in Figure. This may also be viewed as

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

the case where H field is parallel to the plane of incidence. The incident and reflected
fields in medium 1 are given by

While, the transmitted fields in medium 2 are given by

Notice that in defining the field components in above two

equations. Maxwell's equations are always satisfied. Again,
requiring that the tangential components of E and
H be continuous at z = 0 and setting dr equal to 6h we get

Expressing Ero and Et0 in terms of Eio leads to




The above two equations are called the Fresnel's equations for perpendicular

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Multiple choice questions:

1. Skin effect is proportional to [ ]
(A) Diameter of conductor (B) (diameter of conductor)1/2
(C) (Diameter of conductor) 2 (D) (diameter of conductor) 2.
2. In order to reduce skin effect at UHF [ ]
(A) Conductors are painted (B) conductors are anodized
(C) Copper lubes with silver plating (D) copper rods with silver plating
4. How is the relation between energy transfer and the electric and magnetic fields
specified? [ ]
A. By Poynting theorem b. By Stoke's theorem
C. By Helmholtz theorem d. By Lagrange's theorem
5. What would be the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) for a line with reflection
coefficient equal to 0.49? [ ]
a. 0.01 b. 2.12 c. 2.921 d. 3.545
6. The velocity and phase constant relation is given by [ ]

7. The unit of attenuation constant is [ ]

a) Decibel b) Bel c) Neper d) No unit

8. The reflection coefficient lies in the range of [ ]

b) -
9. The average power in an electromagnetic wave is given by [ ]
a) propagation constant b) poynting vector c) phase constant d) attenuation constant
10. Standing waves occurs due to [ ]
a) Impedance match b) Impedance mismatch c) Reflection d) Transmission

Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
c c a c c a c a b b

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Fill in the blanks:

1. Standing wave ratio is defined as the--------

2. The intrinsic impedance in free space is----

3. The propagation constant is a complex quantity. State true/false____

4. The skin effect is a phenomenon observed in----

5. The skin depth is measured in ---

6. The skin depth is used to find which parameter----

7. A perfect conductor acts as a-------

8. In free space, which parameter will be unity-------

9. The conductivity in free space medium--------

10. Electromagnetic waves ware transverse in nature is evident by---

Answer key

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vmax/Vmin true Conductors Micrometer R ac perfect r 0 polarization

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Two marks question with answers
1. Define the Transmission lines
Ans: Another means of transmitting power or information is by guided structures.
Guided structures serve to guide (or direct) the propagation of energy from the source
to the load. Typical examples of such structures are transmission lines
2. Define the Characteristic Impedance
Ans: If RF voltage V is applied across the conductors of an infinite line, it causes a
current I to flow. By this observation, the line is equivalent to impedance, which is
known as the characteristic impedance, Z0:
3. Define the Lossless Line?
Ans: A transmission line is said to be lossless if the conductors of the line are perfect
) and the dielectric medium separating them is lossless 0).
4. Define the distortion less Line
Ans: A distortion less line is one in which the attenuation constant is frequency
independent is linearly dependent on frequency.
5. Define the voltage reflection coefficient?
Ans: the ratio of the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load

Three marks question with answers

1. Define the current reflection coefficient?
Ans: The current reflection coefficient at any point on the line is negative of the
voltage reflection coefficient at that point.
2. Define the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)?
Ans: the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage

3. Define the standing wave ratio (SWR)?

Ans: the ratio of transmitted wave to the reflected wave
4. Write the formula of input impedance of lossy transmission line


A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


5. Write the formula of input impedance of lossless transmission line


Five marks question with answers

1. Explain the Transmission line parameters?
Ans: Transmission lines provide one media of transmitting electrical energy between
the power sources to the load. Figure shows three different geometry types of lines
used at microwave frequencies.

The open two-wire line is the most popular at lower frequencies, especially for TV
application. Modern RF and microwave devices practice involves considerable usage
of coaxial cables at frequencies from about 10 MHz up to30 GHz and hollow
waveguides from 1 to 300 GHz.
A uniform transmission line can be defined as a line with distributed elements, as
shown in Figure.
(/m).Resistance is related to the
dimensions and conductivity of the metallic conductors, resistance is depended on
frequency due to skin effect.

erial between the two conductors.

They are independent

related to the properties of the insulating material between them.

= Series inductance per unit length of line (H/m).

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

- Is associated with the magnetic flux between the conductors.

- Is associated with the charge on the conductors.

Naturally, a relatively long piece of line would contain identical sections as shown.
Since, these sections can always be chosen to be small as compared to the operating
wavelength. Hence the idea is valid at all frequencies. The series impedance and the
shunt admittance per unit length of the transmission line are given by:
Z = R_ + J_L_
Y = G_ + J_C_
The expressions for voltage and current per unit length are given respectively by
equations (1) and (2):
dV(z)/ (1)
dI (z)/ (2)
Where, the negative sign indicates on a decrease in voltage and current as zin creases.
The current and voltage are measured from the receiving end; at z = 0 and line
extends in negative z-direction. The differentiating equations,(3) and (4), associate the
voltage and current:
2. Derive the Transmission line equations
Ans: As mentioned in the previous section, a two-conductor transmission line
supports a TEM wave; that is, the electric and magnetic fields on the line are
transverse to the direction of wave propagation. An important property of TEM waves
is that the fields E and H are uniquely related to voltage V and current I respectively:

In view of this, we will use circuit quantities V and / in solving the transmission line
problem instead of solving field quantities E and H (i.e., solving Maxwell's equations
and boundary conditions). The circuit model is simpler and more convenient. Let us
examine an incremental portion of length AZ of a two-conductor transmission line.
We intend to find an equivalent circuit for this line and derive the line equations.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Figure a: Distributed parameters of a two-conductor transmission line.

From Figure a, we expect the equivalent circuit of a portion of the line to be as in
Figure b. The model in Figure b is in terms of the line parameters R, L, G, and C, and
may represent any of the two-conductor lines of Figure a. The model is called the L-
type equivalent circuit; there are other possible types. In the model of Figure b, we
assume that the wave propagates along the +z-direction, from the generator to the

Figure b: L-type equivalent circuit model of a differential length z of a two-

conductor transmission line.
By applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the outer loop of the circuit in Figure b, we


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Taking the limit of above equations z -> 0 leads to

Similarly, applying current law to the main node of the circuit in Figure b


>0, above equation becomes

If we assume harmonic time dependence so that

Where, Vs(z) and Is(z) are the phasor forms of V(z, i) and I(z, t), respectively, from the
above two equations and above equation becomes

In the differential form of above two equations, Vs and Is are coupled. To separate
them, we take the second derivative of Vs in eq. above two equations so that we

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



By taking the second derivative of Is in above two equations, we get

3. Derive the velocity and characteristic impedance in lossless transmission line?

Ans: A transmission line is said to be lossless if the conductors of the line are perfect
) and the dielectric medium separating them is lossless 0).
For such a line, it is evident R=G=0
Substitute this in following equations


4. Derive the velocity and characteristic impedance in distortion less transmission

Ans: A signal normally consists of a band of frequencies; wave amplitudes of
different frequency components will be attenuated differently in a lossy line as is
frequency dependent. This results in distortion.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

A distortion less line is one in which the attenuation constant is frequency
independent is
linearly dependent on frequency.
From the general expression for a
distortion less line results if the line parameters are such that R/L=G/C
Thus, for a distortion less line,


Showing that a does not depend on frequency whereas 0 is a linear function of

frequency. Also



Note that
1. The phase velocity is independent of frequency because the phase constant /?
Linearly depends on frequency. We have shape distortion of signals unless and u are
independent of frequency.
2. u and Zo remain the same as for lossless lines.
3. A lossless line is also a distortion less line, but a distortion less line is not
necessarily lossless. Although lossless lines are desirable in power transmission,
telephone lines are required to be distortion less.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

5. Derive the characteristic impedance Zo of the transmission line?
Ans: The solutions of the linear homogeneous differential
equations and

Are similar to namely,


Where V+, Vo-, Io+ and Io-are wave amplitudes; the + and signs, respectively,
denote wave travelling along +z and -z-directions, as is also indicated by the arrows.
Thus, we obtain the instantaneous expression for voltage as

The characteristic impedance Zo of the line is the ratio of positively travelling

voltage wave to current wave at any point on the line.
Zo is analogous to , the intrinsic impedance of the medium of wave propagation. By
substituting equations VS(z) and IS(z) into following equations and equating
coefficients of terms e z and e- z we obtain


Where, Ro and Xo are the real and imaginary parts of Zo. Ro should not be mistaken
for R while R is in ohms per meter; Ro is in ohms. The propagation constant and
the characteristic impedance Zo are important properties of the line because they both
depend on the line parameters R, L, G, and C and the frequency of operation. The
reciprocal of Zo is the characteristic admittance Yo, that is, Yo = 1/ZO

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Multiple choice questions:

1. For a distortion-less transmission line [ ]
(A) R/L = G/C (B) RL=GC (C) RG=LC (D)RLGC=0
2. What would be the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) for a line with reflection
coefficient equal to 0.49? [ ]
a. 0.01 b. 2.12 c. 2.921 d. 3.545
3. Which primary constant of transmission line is exhibits its dependency of value
on the cross-sectional area of conductors [ ]
a. Resistance (R) b. Inductance (I)
c. Conductance (G) d. Capacitance (C)
4. Which of the following parameters is not a primary parameter? [ ]
a)Resistance b)Attenuation constant c)Capacitance d) Conductance
5. The networks in which the R, L, C parameters are individually concentrated or
lumped at discrete points in the circuit are called [ ]
a)Lumped b)Distributed c) Parallel d) Paired
6. The lines having R, L, C distributed along the circuit are called [ ]
a)Lumped b)Distributed c)Parallel d) Paired
7. Which primary parameter is uniformly distributed along the length of the
conductor? [ ]
a) G b) C c) L d) R
8. The primary parameter i.e. associated with the magnetic flux linkage [ ]
a) R b) L c) C d) G
9. The leakage current in the transmission lines is referred to as the [ ]
a) Resistance b) Radiation c) Conductance d) Polarisation
10. Find the characteristic impedance expression in terms of the inductance and
capacitance parameters [ ]
b) Zo = LC d) Zo = L/C

Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a c a b a b d b c c

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Fill in the blanks:

When a transmission line has a load impedance same as that of the characteristic

impedance, the line is said to be_____

2. After what wavelength does the nature of graph get reversed for the input impedance

of open-circuited line____

3. What is the phase variation range for reflection coefficient in the transmission lines__

4. Identify the secondary parameter from the options given below____

5. The condition for a quarter wave transformer is-_____

6. The reflection coefficient of a perfectly matched transmission line is___

7. The purpose of the transmission line equation is to___

8. The quarter wave transformer can be considered as a_____

Which transmission line is called as one to one transformer____

10. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is normally chosen to be_____

Answer key

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Two marks question with answers
1. Define the Brewster angle?
Ans: When there is no reflection (Er = 0) and the incident angle at which this takes
place is called the Brewster angle
2. What is other name of Brewster angle?
Ans: The Brewster angle is also known as the polarizing angle because an arbitrarily
polarized incident wave will be reflected with only the component of E perpendicular
to the plane of incidence.
3. Transmission lines are commonly used as?
Ans: Transmission lines are commonly used in power distribution (at low
frequencies) and in communications (at high frequencies).
4. Various types of Transmission lines?
Ans: Various kinds of transmission lines such as the twisted-pair and coaxial cables
(thin net and thick net) are used in computer networks such as the Ethernet and
5. Formulate the input impedance of lossy and lossless transmission line?

Three marks question with answers

1 Define the Shorted transmission line?
Ans: when the transmission line is connected to load ZL= 0 (zero impedance) is called
shorted circuited transmission line

2 Define the open circuited transmission line?

Ans: when the transmission line is connected to load ZL is
called open circuited transmission line
3. Define the matched transmission line?
Ans: when the transmission line is connected to load ZL= Zo (characteristics
impedance) is called matched transmission line

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

4. Formulate the Shorted circuited transmission line?

5. Formulate the open circuited transmission line?


5marks answer:
1. Derive the input impedance of transmission line
Ans: Consider a transmission line of length l, characterized by and Zo; connected to
a load ZL as shown in Figure a looking into the line, the generator sees the line with
the load as input impedance Zin. It is our intention in this section to determine the
input impedance, the standing wave ratio (SWR), and the power flow on the line.
Let the transmission line extend from z = 0 at the generator to z = l at the load. First of
all, we need the voltage and current waves in equations.

Where, equation

Has been incorporated to find Vo+ and Vo-, the terminal conditions must be given For
example, if we are given the conditions at the input, say
Vo= V(Z = 0), Io= I(z = 0)

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Figure a: input impedance due to a line terminated by a load;

(b)Equivalent circuit for finding VO and Io in terms of Zin at the input
Substituting these into equations V(z) and IS(z)results in

If the input impedance at the input terminals is Zin, the input voltage Vo and the input
current Io are easily obtained from Figure (b) as On the other hand, if we are given the
conditions at the load, say

On the other hand, if we are given the conditions at the load, say
VL= V(z = l), IL = I(z = l)
Substituting these into equations VS(z) and IS(z) gives

Next, we determine the input impedance Zin = Vs(z)/Is(z) at any point on the line. At
the generator, for example, equations VS(z) and IS(z) yield

Substituting in above two equations and utilizing the fact that

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



We, get

Although above equation has been derived for the input impedance Zin at the
generation end, it is a general expression for finding Zin at any point on the line. To
find Zin at a distance V from the load as in Figure a, we replace l by l'. A formula for
calculating the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number, required in above equation.
is found in.
For a lossless line, = j , = j tan , and Zo = Ro, so above equation becomes

The Quantity electrical length of the line
and can be expressed in degrees or radians.
We now define TL as the voltage reflection coefficient (at the load). TL is the ratio of
the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load, that is,
Substituting V~ and VQ m eq. (11.30) into eq. (11.35) and incorporating VL = ZJL
2. Derive the reflection coefficient and voltage reflection coefficient of transmission
Ans: and Zo; connected to
a load ZL as shown in Figure a looking into the line, the generator sees the line with
the load as input impedance Zin. It is our intention in this section to determine the
input impedance, the standing wave ratio (SWR), and the power flow on the line.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Let the transmission line extend from z = 0 at the generator to z = l at the load. First of
all, we need the voltage and current waves in equations.

Where, equation

Has been incorporated to find Vo+ and Vo-, the terminal conditions must be given. For
example, if we are given the conditions at the input, say
Vo = V(Z = 0), Io= I(z = 0)

Figure a: input impedance due to a line terminated by a load;

(b) Equivalent circuit for finding VO and Io in terms of Zin at the input.
Substituting these into equations VS(z) and IS(z)results in

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

If the input impedance at the input terminals is Zin, the input voltage Vo and the input
current Io are easily obtained from Figure (b) as On the other hand, if we are given the
conditions at the load, say

On the other hand, if we are given the conditions at the load, say
VL= V (z = l), IL = I (z = l)
Substituting these into equations VS(z) and IS(z) gives

Next, we determine the input impedance Zin = Vs (z)/Is (z) at any point on the line. At
the generator, for example, equations VS (z) and IS (z) yield

Substituting in above two equations and utilizing the fact that


We, get

Although above equation has been derived for the input impedance Zin at the
generation end, it is a general expression for finding Zin at any point on the line. To
find Zin at a distance V from the load as in Figure a, we replace lby l'. A formula for
calculating the hyperbolic tangent of a complex number, required in above equation is
found in.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

For a lossless line, = j , = j tan , and Zo = Ro, so above equation becomes

Showing that the input impedance varies periodically with distance l, from the load
the in above equation is usually referred to as the electrical length of the
line and can be expressed in degrees or radians.
We now define L as the voltage reflection coefficient (at the load). L is the ratio of
the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load, that is,

Substituting Vo+ and Vo- equation into above equation and incorporating VL = ZLIL

4. Explain the step to solve the single stub-matching?

Ans: Goal: Design a single-stub matching network such that
Convert the load to a normalized admittance: Yl=g+jb
towards generator until yA = 1 + jb A

that of the transmission line and determines d

stub 3) Find y stub = -jbA on Smith Chart
Transform y towards
load until we reach PSC (for short-circuit
stub) or POC (for open-circuit stub)
This cancels susceptance from (2) and
determines LSTUB
Find yL
Transform yL to yA=1+jbA
Find y STUB = -jbA
Transform y STUB to PSC (or POC)

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

There is a second solution where the
Circle and g=1circleintersect. This is also a
solution to the problem, but requires a longer d
STUB and L STUB so is less desirable, unless
practical constraints require it.
Find yL
Rotate towards generator until intersection
with g=1 circle (d STUB)
Find b STUB
Read off b A
Rotate towards load until stub termination is reached (LSTUB)
5. Explain the Steps to Solve a Double-Stub Matching Problem?
Goal: Design a double-stub matching network such that YIN, A = Y0 1
Convert the load to a normalized admittance: yL=g+jb
towards generator by distance d A to reach yA
= gA + jbA 3)
Draw auxiliary circle (pivot of g=1 circle by distance dB)
Add susceptance (b) to yA to get to y IN, A on auxiliary circle. The amount of
susceptance added is equal to Bs A, the input susceptance of stub A.
Find y SA = -jb SA Determine LA by transforming y
towards load until we reach PSC (for short-circuit stub) or POC (for open-
circuit stub).
Transform y IN, towards generator by distance dB to reach
yB on auxiliary circle. The susceptance of yB (bB) is equal to b SB, the input
susceptance of stub B.
Find = -jb SB Determine LB by
load until we reach PSC (for short-
circuit stub) or POC (for open-circuit
To solve a double-stub tuner problem:
Find the g=1 circle. All possible

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

solutions for yB must fall on this circle
Rotate the g=1 circle a distance dB towards the load.
These are the values at the input to the
A junction that will transform to the g=1
circle at junction B
Find yA on chart
Rotate along the constant g circle to find
the intersection with the rotated
g=1circle. The change in b to do this is
the susceptance at the input to the stub
at junction A
To find the admittance at junction B (yB) rotate IN,A towards the generator by dB If
right, this will intersect the g=1 circle.
Read off the value yB for bB. This is b SB for the stub at junction B
Calculate the length of the B stubby rotating towards the load from b SB to the
appropriate stub termination (PSC or POC)
Calculate the length of the A stub in the same way starting from BSA
Similar to the single stub network, there are multiple lengths for the stubs that will
There is a range of yA that cannot be matched Irregard less of the short/open stub
properties, we will never intersect the rotated g=1 circle.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Multiple choice questions:

1. The constant x-circles of Smith chart becomes smaller due to increase in the
value of 'x' from [ ]
a. b. c. d.
2. According to Smith diagram, where should be the position of reflection
coefficient value for a unity circle with unity radius? [ ]
A. On or inside the circle b. outside the circle
c. Both a and b d. None of the above
3. For a matched line, the input impedance will be equal to [ ]
a) Load impedance b) Characteristic impedance c) Output impedance d) Zero
4. Identify the material which is not present in a transmission line setup [ ]
a) waveguides b) cavity resonator c) antenna d) oscillator
5. The Smith chart is a polar chart which plots [ ]
a) R vs Z b) R vs Znorm c) T vs Z d) T vs Znorm
6. The best stub selection for the transmission line will be [ ]
a) Series open b) Series short c) Shunt open d) Shunt short
7. The open circuit impedance of the transmission line is given by [ ]
a) ZOC lb) ZOC = = d) ZOC = -j Zo cot

8. The short circuit impedance of the transmission line is given by [ ]

a) ZSC b) ZSC = - c) ZSC d) ZSC = -j Zo cot

9. The open circuit line will have a reflection coefficient of [ ]

a) 0 b) 1 c) -1
10. The short circuit line will have a reflection coefficient of [ ]
a) 0 b) 1 c) -1

Answer key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d a b d b d d a c b

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT


Fill in the blanks:

1. If the quarter line is short-circuited, then it acts as ______

2. The characteristic impedance of a quarter wave transformer with load and input

impedances given by 30 and 75 respectively is____

3. For a matched line, the input impedance will be equal to______

4. Given that the reflection coefficient is 0.6. Find the SWR_____

5. Find the reflection coefficient of the wave with SWR of 3.5_____

6. The Smith chart is a polar chart which plots_____

7. The Smith chart is graphical technique used in the scenario of transmission lines.

State true/false_________

8. The Smith chart consists of the constant______

9. The circles in the Smith chart pass through which point_______

10. Moving towards the clockwise direction in the Smith chart implies moving_____

Answer key

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT



A: Micro waves
Besides wave propagation, transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas, there are
several other areas of applications of EM. These include microwaves, electromagnetic
interference and compatibility, fibre optics, satellite communication, bio
electromagnetic, electric machines, radar meteorology, and remote sensing. Due to
space limitation, we shall cover the first three areas in this chapter: microwaves,
electromagnetic interference and compatibility, and fibre optics. Since these topics are
advanced, only an introductory treatment of each topic will be provided. Our
discussion will involve applying the circuit concepts learned in earlier courses and the
EM concepts learned in earlier chapters.
At the moment, there are three means for carrying thousands of channels over long
distances:(a) microwave links, (b) coaxial cables, and (c) fibre optic, a relatively new
technology, to be covered later.
Microwaves are EM waves whose frequencies range from approximately 300 MZ
TO 1000 MZ.
For comparison, the signal from an AM radio station is about 1 MHz, while that from
an FM station is about 100 MHz The higher frequency edge of microwaves borders
on the optical spectrum. This accounts for why microwaves behave more like rays of
light than ordinary radio waves. You may be familiar with microwave appliances such
as the microwave oven, which operates at 2.4 GHz, the satellite television, which
operates at about4 GHz, and the police radar, which works at about 22 GHz.
Features that make microwaves attractive for communications include wide available
band widths (capacities to carry information) and directive properties of short
wavelengths. Since the amount of information that can be transmitted is limited by the
available band-width, the microwave spectrum provides more communication
channels than the radio and TV bands. With the ever increasing demand for channel
allocation, microwave communications has become more common.
A microwave system1 normally consists of a transmitter (including a microwave
oscillator, waveguides, and a transmitting antenna) and a receiver subsystem
(including a receiving antenna, transmission line or waveguide, microwave amplifiers,
and a receiver). A microwave network is usually an interconnection of various

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

microwave components and devices. There are several microwave components and
variations of these components. Common microwave components include:


e sections, which may be straight, curved or twisted

port Attenuators, which are designed to absorb some of the EM power passing
through it and thereby decrease the power level of the microwave signal

coupling signals between them

lators which allow energy flow only in one direction
irculators, which are designed to establish various entry/exit points where power
can either be fed or extracted

The use of microwaves has greatly expanded. Examples include telecommunications,
radio astronomy, land surveying, radar, meteorology, UHF television, terrestrial
microwave links, solid-state devices, heating, medicine, and identification systems.
We will consider only four of these.
1. Telecommunications: (the transmission of analog or digital information from one
point to another) is the largest application of microwave frequencies. Microwaves
propagate long a straight line like a light ray and are not bent by the ionosphere as are
lower frequency signals. This makes communication satellites possible. In essence, a
communication satellite is a microwave relay station that is used to link two or more
ground-based transmitters and receivers. The satellite receives signals at one
frequency, repeats or amplifies it, and transmits it at another frequency. Two common
modes of operation for satellite communication are portrayed in Figure.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

The satellite provides a point-to-point link in Figure (a), while it is being used to
provide multiple links between one grounds based transmitter and several ground-
based receivers in Figure (b).

(a) Point-to-point link via satellite microwave

(b) Broadcast link via satellite microwave

B: Electromagnetic interference and compatibility

Every electronic device is a source of radiated electromagnetic fields called radiated
emissions. These are often an accidental by-product of the design.

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

Electromagnetic interference (KMI) is the degradation in the performance of a
device due to the fields making up the electromagnetic environment.
The electromagnetic environment consists of various apparatuses such as radio and
TV broadcast stations, radar, and navigational aids that radiate EM energy as they
operate. Every electronic device is susceptible to EMI. Its influence can be seen all
around us. The results include "ghosts" in TV picture reception, taxicab radio
interference with police radio systems, power line transient interference with personal
computers, and self-oscillation of a radio receiver or transmitter circuit.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is achieved when a device functions
satisfactorily without introducing intolerable disturbances to the electromagnetic
environment or to other devices in its neighbourhood. EMC2 is achieved when
electronic devices coexist in harmony, such that each device functions according to its
intended purpose in the presence of, and in spite of, the others. EMI is the problem
that occurs when unwanted voltages or currents are present to influence the
performance of a device, while EMC is the solution to the problem. The goal of EMC
is to ensure system or subsystem compatibility and this is achieved by applying
proven design techniques, the use of which ensures a system relatively free of EMI
problems.EMC is a growing field because of the ever-increasing density of electronic
circuits in modern systems for computation, communication, control, etc. It is not
only a concern to electrical and computer engineers, but to automotive engineers as
well. The increasing application of automotive electronic systems to improve fuel
economy, reduce exhaust emissions, ensure vehicle safety, and provide assistance to
the driver has resulted in a growing need to ensure compatibility during normal
operation. We will consider the sources and characteristics of EMI. Later, we will
examine EMI control techniques

A.SAIDA Assistant Professor ECE DEPT

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