EPQ Survival Guide
EPQ Survival Guide
EPQ Survival Guide
Survival Guide
What to do first? 7
What to do next? 8
Handy Hints 11
Step 2: Researching 13
Step 4: Drafting 15
Step 5: Editing 16
Step 6: Referencing 17
Step 7: Presenting 19
Useful links 20
What is the Extended Project Qualification?
Independent learning;
Creative thinking;
Reflective learning;
Problem solving;
Effective participation;
Team working;
Structured writing;
Confident communication;
Use of Technology
Obtain, critically select and use information from a range of sources; analyse data, apply
it appropriately and demonstrate understanding of any relevant, connections and
complexities of the topic.
Select and use a range of skills, including new technologies, solve problems, take
decisions critically, creatively and flexibly, to achieve planned outcomes.
Evaluate outcomes both in relation to agreed objectives, as well as own learning and
performance. Select and use a range of communication skills and media to present
evidenced outcomes and conclusions in an appropriate format.
How should I choose a subject?
Choose a subject which you are interested in and enjoy.
It cannot be a specific area covered in any of your AS or A2 units. Think about how this
may help your university application or show a breadth of interest and knowledge.
Remember that a word limit of 5000 words is not very much – you will need to limit the
area you are investigating.
Think about how to formulate a question to research – be specific about what you want
to prove or find out – see the examples in the introductory presentation masterclass in
the Student’s shared drive under EPQ.
When is it due?
See the separate document (Timetable of key dates – Timetable for EPQ Y12) which is
available along with many other resources under the EPQ section of the Students shared
A project which consists solely of written work should be approximately 5000 words; for
example an investigation, exploration of a hypothesis or extended essay or academic
report. Projects where the majority of the evidence is provided in other formats should
include a report or record of work undertaken which is at least 1000 words.
Who will support me with the EPQ?
Mrs Sophie Matthews is the EPQ Centre Coordinator. She and other staff members also
act as EPQ Supervisors and are allocated Supervisor.
Your supervisor acts as a guide on the process of the EPQ, rather than as a guide on
the content. You can ask Heads of Department and other teachers for suggestions of
useful resources.
Teachers supervise Extended Projects if at all possible in their subject
area. There may be some students who will be supervised by someone
who teaches a similar subject to the one chosen for the project or who
has a personal interest in that area of study.
Supervisors will meet with each student to discuss the student’s initial
idea and how they intend to develop the project (action plan).
Supervisors will agree the project title and proposal and complete the
supervisor’s section in the Project Proposal Form for each learner.
The role of the supervisor is to act as a critical analyst of the work you
are doing, and comment on content, organisation and presentation of
the project. They are there to help and suggest, but not to do the
work for you
They will carry out a mid-term review and end-of project review with
each student and endorse each student’s Production Log by signing
the front page
Think: What areas are you interested in?
Think: Can you put together a title that will allow you to investigate and
access the higher-level concepts and skills in the learning outcomes and
assessment objectives (i.e. plan, research, analyse, evaluate and explain)
rather than simply describe and narrate?
Think: Is the title and proposed action plan clear and focused on an issue
which can be managed within the timescale, available resources and word
Think: Do the title and proposed action plan indicate that you will be
capable of investigating and researching the topic or carrying out the
activity or task independently?
Think: Is there a danger that you will be unable to approach the project
impartially and in a balanced way?
Once you have worked through the above stages, complete Page 5 of your
production log (record of initial planning) and arrange a meeting with your
supervisor to discuss it.
After this meeting you will be able to complete page 6 (project proposal
part A) and page 9 (planning review) if the Production Log.
Your Supervisor will then complete page 7 (project proposal part B) and the
Centre Coordinator will then approve the project area via page 8 (project
approval part C).
You are then ready to start the detailed research and drafting!
‘The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing’ - Walt Disney
Write down 3 things or ideas that interest you (e.g. ‘football’,
‘human rights’)
Now write down a reason why you are interested in the 3 things
you have chosen (e.g. ‘football’ – because you play it, ‘rights’
because you have talked about it in philosophy)
Now develop these ideas further.
For each of the 3 potential projects think and make a note of the
Finally, share your project idea with someone else and get
Last Year’s EPQ Titles
Would giving firearms to pilots prevent acts of terrorism?
How video games affect the behaviour of young children and teens
Will artificial intelligence supersede human intelligence in the next 100 years?
The summer holidays are a vital time to get the bulk of your research
done. It is incredibly difficult to complete the whole project in term-
time. Where are you going to find 90+ free hours of time during a busy
You are unlikely to change the world with your EPQ – you are not ex-
pected to write something totally original, just something new to you.
It should be on a topic that interests you, and that you want to find out
more about.
Follow the guidelines in the learning Log – remember that this forms a
central part of the marking and is not just an ‘add-on’.
Keep checking the assessment criteria to make sure that your project
will fulfil the requirements.
Stick to deadlines – they are there to help you keep on task and
complete on time.
Action planning
Scan reading:
• First flick through a textbook/article – scanning
• Look at the index
• Look at the headlines
• Look at the pictures
• Look at any summaries at the beginning or end of chapters
• Stop and glance at anything that interests you
Interrogate the author – ask questions as you are reading.
• How do I know this is true?
• If it is true, what else follows?
• Is the conclusion justified?
• What assumptions are being made?
• Is this fact or opinion?
• What’s the evidence? If it’s fact, is it always true? If it’s
opinion, can I trust the source?
• Can I think of any (better) examples to illustrate the argument?
• Is this logical?
• What personal opinion or conclusion can I draw from this? Is it
• What are the unique and new points?
• What is essential to know and what is just padding?
Organising the Project
The average professional writer spends 40% of his time on
research and planning, only 20% on actual writing and 40% on
revision and re-writing.
Writing tips:
1. Keep to the topic – what exactly is the question or issue that
you are addressing?
Start with the middle (the main part with all your key arguments):
Start to write with your organised plan in front of you.
Start with the middle – where you will be developing your arguments. Once
the middle is complete then you can finish off by writing a punchy opening
and a clever summary ending.
Decide what is the best order for your main points – remember to give
each new idea its own paragraph.
All work should be done on a computer so it’s easy to cut and paste and
move text around if necessary.
Write up each of the ideas from your mind map.
What next?
Sleep on it. When you read it again you will see points you missed or
things you could have explained better.
Some questions to ask yourself during the editing process:
It is crucial that as you are researching your project that you make a note
of the following information for every source you use:
Title or publication
Address of the website
Name of the author or editor
Page number
Publishers name
Date of publication or place of publication
This information will go into your bibliography, and will prevent you being
accused on plagiarism.
Footnotes – these are a way of allowing your reader to check your sources
for themselves. They are notes that appear at the foot of the page.
Footnotes should be used whenever you refer to the work of another
person. Everything that is not your own work must be referenced.
A bibliography is a list of all sources that you have used, referred to or
consulted during the course of compiling your Extended Essay. For
When citing a website you must specify: Site name, Homepage, URL, Date
viewed. For example:
Useful Links:
A very thorough and easy to understand webpage on bibliographies and
referencing from the University of Dundee.
A very thorough pdf on the Harvard style of referencing and bibliography
from the library of The University of Queensland, Australia.
Source: University library: Guide to the Harvard Style of Referencing, July 2008, Anglia
Ruskin University:
The presentation should be for a non-specialist audience and
use media appropriate to the type of project.
You will find useful information from the University of Hertfordshire on the
students P: drive under EPQ /Masterclasses folder.
Source: http://www.rlf.org.uk/fellowshipscheme/writing/
(Sept 2010)
Appendix 1
EPQ AQA Production Log and Specification:
Appendix 2
The Assessment Criteria:
Appendix 3
Grade descriptors:
Grade A*
Students identify their project and produce an effective design and thorough plan. They carry out
their project in a highly organised fashion, showing excellent independent working skills and clear
evidence of responding very effectively to guidance given. They use a wide range of resources
critically, analyse data effectively and apply findings to good effect. They show clear links
between sources of information and the themes of their project and fully explore the complexities
of the topic. Problems and/or issues are identified, fully explored and addressed. Students select
and use a range of skills including, where appropriate, new technologies, to achieve high quality
outcomes that fully realise the intentions of the project and to draw conclusions. Students carry
out full, in-depth evaluations, showing a high level of insight into how they conducted their
project and the limitations of the resources at their disposal. They select and use a range of
communication skills to present outcomes and conclusions clearly, in an appropriate format with
excellent supporting evidence. Students show a deep and extensive knowledge of the project area
of study through their responses to questions.
Grade C
Students identity and design their project. They produce a plan that enables them to achieve the
overall objectives and to demonstrate some higher level organisational skills. They are able to
work independently in carrying out the project and respond to guidance given. Students use a
range of resources, analyse data and apply findings. They show links between sources of
information and the themes of the project and explore some complexities of the topic. Some
problems and/or issues are identified and addressed. A range of skills are employed and the
intended outcomes are generally achieved to a competent standard. In their evaluations, students
reflect effectively on the final outcome and on their strengths and weaknesses in carrying out their
project. They use a range of communication skills to clearly present outcomes and conclusions in
an appropriate format with sound supporting evidence. Students show a good knowledge of the
project area of study through their responses to questions.
Grade E
Students identify their project and produce a workable plan. They show some organisational skills
in completing the project. There is some evidence that they have responded to guidance given.
Students use a limited range of resources, analyse some of the data and apply findings. Some
links are made between the sources of information and the themes of the project. Students use a
range of skills to partially realise the intended outcomes. They give some thought to the way the
final outcomes have emerged and to their own strengths and weaknesses in carrying out their
project. Communication skills are used to present outcomes and conclusions with some
supporting evidence. Students demonstrate some knowledge of the project area through their
responses to questions.
Appendix 4
EPQ Timetable
Section of Candidate
Deadlines What you need to do to achieve your EPQ
log book to complete
Initial Planning
By end of
Put together your initial ideas for a project and get oral Record of initial ideas
feedback from your supervisor/form tutor p5
Research Period/Project Proposal Part A: Candidate
Research and develop your project ideas into a project proposal p6
March plan with a clear title and indication of the sources of
information you will be consulting in order to complete
your project.
Get feedback and approval from your supervisor. Part B: Supervisor
Mid-April (after (1st formal meeting with your supervisor) completes p7
Easter break) Part C: Coordinator
completes p8
Review your research and firm up your plans Planning review p9
Write a detailed plan of each stage involved in realising
your project. Get feedback from your supervisor. (2nd
formal meeting with supervisor).
Get working on your project and doing all the things you
have said you will do in your plan.
Mid Project Review Mid-Project Review
Record the successes, failures, developments changes p10
Mid- etc. mid-way through the realisation of your project.
September Update your project plan to reflect any changes you
have made. Get feedback from your supervisor.
(3rd formal meeting with supervisor).
October/ Keep working on your project so that it is completed by
November the deadline.
First draft completion
Mid-December Frist completed draft of written project to be submitted
to supervisor.
Feedback on draft project
Get feedback from supervisor. Take on board com-
January 2017
ments and complete your final project to be the
best of your ability.(4th meeting with supervisor)
Deadlines What you need to do to achieve your EPQ Section of Candidate log
book to complete
February End of Project Review Project Product Review
2017 You will discuss with your supervisor what still p11
needs to be done; begin planning your
presentation. (5th meeting with supervisor)
Mid-March Presentation Presentation record
2017 Share your project with others. Rehearse your part A p12
presentation and get feedback from your
supervisor. You will be asked questions related
to your project.
Present your project to a group of staff or Supervisor completes
students Presentation record
part B p13
End of Summary/ Reflection (200 words) Summary and reflection
March Write a summary of what your project is about p14
and your main conclusion.
Reflect on how well your project has gone, what
you have learnt, what you would do differently
All completed EPQ Projects (Candidate log,
written report, evidence of resources and
presentation) to be submitted to supervisors by
end of March.