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Humanoid Robots in Defence and Rescue Operations: Abstract

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 our B.S.F and army to survive in the

ABSTRACT: harsh conditions and guard borders.
 In cease fire on Jammu & kashmir
Advancement in Artificial Intelligence has borders, IED blasts every day we lose
proved that humanoid robots can be of great our soldiers.
use to society if they are embedded with  During floods, fire hazards,
proper software . radioactive disaster or earthquake it
becomes tough for NDRF teams to
In this paper we have come up with an idea of carry rescue operations and people
how humanoid robots can be used in defence die till help reaches out them.
and during disaster rescue operations .Though
In these scenarios if humanoid robots are
humans have better cognitive skills than robot placed under the control of defense or rescue
they cannot sustain extreme and harsh teams, it will save huge number of lives.
environment conditions such as radioactivity
temperature of -50⁰C at Siachen borders etc.
and even they are unable to carry out proper II. PREVIOUS WORK
rescue operations during calamities.
While there has been work on using
In all these emergencies if humanoid robots augmented reality for human -robot
replace human it can prove a boon to communication in India but there has been
mankind. little research into using augmented and virtual
reality for making use of robots in defense.
There has been implementation of Sparse
KEYWORDS: Distributed Memory (SDM) as a support for
vision and memory-based robot localization
Deictic,egocentric,allocentric,monorepellent,XL and navigation, including obstacle avoidance.
R-8 board,raspberry-pi,embodiment,actuator. The SDM is a type of associative memory
suitable to work with high dimensional Boolean
It was proposed by in 1980’s by P. Kanerva
Military robots are autonomous robots or and has been successfully used for vision-
based robot navigation.
remote-controlled mobile robots which can be The most prominent system currently used is
used in defense as well as rescue operations the unmanned aerial vehicle (IAI Pioneer and
during disasters. These humanoid robots are RQ-1 Predicator) which can be armed with air-
currently under development and many are to-ground missiles and remotely operated from
used in U.S military. In India controlling and a command center. Daksh-Remotely Operated
application of humanoid robots is far less Vehicle developed by DRDO: It is an
electrically powered and controlled robot used
explored. If humanoid robots are trained for
for locating, handling and destroying
hazardous objects safety.


defense and disaster rescue then it will create In this paper we integrated all the
a large difference in our military power as developments made in the domain of robotics
explained in the following scenarios: and tried to present a Humanoid robot which
can be used in defense. Language capable
 Thar desert in Rajasthan is the area robots interact with humans to make frequent
where we have a large border with reference to nearby objects, locations or
people. It will be advantageous if robots are
Pakistan. It becomes very tough for
targeted simultaneously with verbal and performs physical operation according to
description. its perspective. But it has low privacy.

Use of Egocentric, allocentric and multi- Allocentric Deictic Gesture: The allocentric
perspective DEICTIC gestures nature of this type of action is similarly
reflected in the manner in which it must be
executed. That is to gesture towards an object
O located at point 𝑃𝑂𝐻 =(𝑋𝐻, 𝑌𝐻 ,𝑍𝐻 ) within its
human teammates H’s coordinate frame, a
robot need not consider it’s own coordinate
frame at all, and may simply draw a circle
centered at pixel coordinates 𝑃𝑂𝐻 =(𝑃𝑂𝑥 𝐻 𝐻
,𝑃𝑂𝑦 )
after transformation from camera coordinates
to pixel coordinates.

Multi-Perspective Deictic Gesture: The multi-

Perspective Deictic reflected in such a way
that gesture towards an object O located at
point 𝑃𝑅 within its own perspective and at
pose 𝑃𝐻 within its teammate’s perspective
requires the robot to first calculate its own
pose from the perspective of its interlocuter.
The robot must convert the poses of both the
object and itself from its human teammate’s
coordinate frame to pixel coordination
,𝑃𝑂𝑦 ) (i.e. pixel coordinates of object
from human’s perspective)and 𝑃𝑅𝐻 = (𝑃𝑅𝑥 𝐻 𝐻
,𝑃𝑅𝑦 )
(i.e. the pixel coordinates of the robot from the
human’s perspective) in its human teammates
display, and then an arrow from 𝑃𝑅𝐻 to 𝑃𝑂𝐻 in
the display.
Figure1: Mixed reality DEICTIC gesture
Mixed reality deictic gesture is the integration
Using commercially available headset called of all three above mentioned categories thus
HTC Vive and VR gloves operator can gives more precision in locating object by robot
visualize robot through virtual interactive and accomplish task.
window and control robot. But there is a
problem that the team sitting in the virtual Because egocentric require gesturer to not
environment will have different view to the only be embodied and co-present but also to
object with respect to robot placed in the be able to take physical action in world. While
remote area. Therefore, use of mixed reality allocentric gesture helps in circling the location
deictic gesture can increase accuracy and of the referred object according to human
precision of the task carried out by robot under perspective. But it does not perform any
the control of its human teammates. physical action as it is not embodied. Multi-
perspective gesture is of low cost and produce
Let R be the robot and H be the robot’s human two perspectives and works according to
teammate. An object appearing to both R and human perspective. Moreover, it has high
H can be aid to be located at point 𝑃𝑅 ,in privacy.
robot’s coordinate frame and at point 𝑃𝐻 in
human’s coordinate frame. Suppose R wants Thus, the multi perspective deictic gesture is
to issue a deictic gesture to refer this object. the best which can be used to make humanoid
Note that unlikely in standard reality a robot robots to be substituted on border areas where
operating within mixed reality environment will army has to live in tough conditions and while
have access to perspective other than its own rescue operations. As the robot will work
i.e. perspective of its human teammates. according to the perspective of human team
who are monitoring it.
Egocentric Deictic gesture: In egocentric
gesture the robot points to the referred object
Figure2:Multi tasks carried out by humanoid
robots in defence. Figure3: Monitoring and controlling
of fire fighter robots
Use of Monopropellant Powered
Humanoid Robots Robots act as fire extinguisher{ fire fighting
robot}. It detects fire in disaster prone area. It
Actuator can be designed to provide energy to can be controlled using IOT. Camera and
self-powered robots. This helps robot to Raspberry Pi are added for better functioning
generate power for itself and charge itself, thus of the robot. Infrared sensors can be
increases its efficiency and long-lasting power embedded in robot to help it avoid obstacle
supply. and take a different path to target location.
Flame sensors can be used for detection of
Use of Light Sensors on Humanoid fire. XLR 8 is a microcontroller.
Robot can rotate actively while scanning for
Light sensors can be attached to robots so that fire. It is used in hazardous environment such
it can sense light at night time if some intruder as radioactive leakage. It takes many pictures
tries to cross border from other side .As the of fire places frequently and send it to central
light sensor gets activated it will send an alarm system.
to army sitting in the control rooms. This will
bring to their attention that someone tried to Cyclic diagram of humanoid robots during
cross border and they will give specific rescue operations
instructions to robots to either stop intruder
from entering inside or else kill him.

Robots can be used in disaster Whenever a disaster occurs at any place, the
management. sensors will send the signal to the antenna
and antenna will send the signal to indoor
monitoring systems which in response will
send the mini robots to the location in order to
track down and send signals about any of the
people who are alive but still are stuck in
between. The mini robots would have sensors
as well as cameras fitted to them so that they
can send the signal to the main monitor
whenever they find a person. The signal would
also consist of the live camera recording of the
place which would help the authorities to take human's life. This would also help save time
the required measures. and man power and also promote the usage of
artificial intelligence.
This can be followed by sending humanoid
robots to the location so that they can sense
the exact location of the victims and help them
to be rescued from the sight. After rescuing a
particular person from a location, a message
will be sent to the main monitor in order to
keep track of the number of people being
saved.This would help the people as robots
would be helping humans in saving other

Figure4: Cyclic diagram

In this paper we have presented a model in
which we have integrated all the existing works
and researches done in the domain of robotics
such that we can use them together to form a
humanoid robot which can strengthen defense
of our country and provide rescue during any
type of calamity where human aid can’t reach
at fast pace. In future work, we will plan to
expand this model to framework on a set of
case studies. We then plan to implement this
idea to form a working humanoid robot which
can hopefully be used for our countries
defense in near future.


1. Henry Admoni, Thomas Weng and

and Brian Sacassellati 2016.Modeling
communicative behavior for object
references in human-robot interaction.
In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA).
2. Tom Williams, Mirror Lab, Colorado
school of mines. A Framework for
Robot-based Mixed Reality Deixis
3. Dr. Alexander Kott, ARL Chief
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4. Mr.Prathamesh M.Oak,Mr. A.P.
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Engineering ,Bharti Vidyapeeth’s
College Of
on,Robotics and Mechatronics-
Introduction to Monopropellant
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5. Jordan Allspaw*,Jonathan
Roche*,Nicholas Lemiesz**,Michael
Yannuzzi*,Holly A.Yanco*
*University of Massachusetts Lowell

**Wentworth Institute of Technology

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