Robots To The Rescue
Robots To The Rescue
Robots To The Rescue
Radiation-proof robot
helps at disaster site
In 2011, the world watched in horror as a disaster unfolded at the Fukushima
Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. When an earthquake and tsunami dealt a double
blow to the plant, safety measures failed. This resulted in explosions and a massive
release of radiation. Uranium fuel rods from three nuclear reactors literally melted,
burning through their containers and through the concrete floor.
For years, the exact location of the melted fuel from one of the reactors
remained a mystery. Teams could not get near enough to search. Radiation levels are
high enough to kill humans within seconds! Not only that, but the whole reactor is
submerged in seawater and filled with debris.
But in 2017, a remote-controlled robot called Mini Manbo entered the chamber and
found melted uranium. Mini Manbo’s features were designed for this task. These include:
• Components that can survive radiation that would kill humans and damage
most robots. Image credit: Toshiba
• Mechanical engineer
• Software developer
• Electrical engineer
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Myth and human
combine to save lives
Sometimes, robots have highly specialized What makes Centauro special is its
abilities humans lack. But when it comes to flexibility. Thanks to numerous actuators (or
interacting with the environment in diverse components that allow movement), Centauro
ways, humans have the edge. Our human can stand tall, duck low, climb stairs, move
bodies let us walk, crouch, clamber, move rubble, and operate tools. It also did pretty
objects, and use various tools. well in a karate chop demonstration, breaking
The Centauro system is a step toward a piece of plywood in two.
a search and rescue robot with the same As for future upgrades, the creators envision
general abilities. Named after the centaur, a operators using “a full-body telepresence suit”
mythological creature with a human torso to control Centauro. Operators will be in an
and the body of a horse, Centauro has two augmented-reality environment based on data
arms and four wheeled legs. collected from the robot’s sensors. !
Snake-inspired robot
helps rescuers in Mexico
Presenting the 2017 Ground Rescue Robot of the Year: Snakebot!
Engineers often take inspiration from the animal kingdom. Just like a real snake, Snakebot
has an incredible range of motion. This is thanks to actuated joints that bend and twist in
combination to move the robot. It can slither, roll, and even climb. Watching it coil its body to
climb up the inside of a drain pipe, you’ll get an idea of this robot’s amazing capabilities.
When Mexico City was struck by an earthquake, the Snakebot team was called to
the scene of a collapsed apartment building to help search for survivors. The machine
can enter areas that are too confined or too dangerous for humans or rescue dogs.
Image credit: Carnegie Mellon University
Though Snakebot didn’t find anyone, it proved its potential by performing well. !
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Foldable drones:
• Coast Guard
• National Guard
Robots are real, but Transformers are just fiction . . . right? Researchers at the
University of Zurich recently developed a drone that can change its shape mid-flight.
Why is this important? In disaster situations such as earthquakes, fires, and cave-
ins, rubble and collapsed structures can create tight spaces. But a drone searching
the area might be able to make it through those spots by compressing its shape.
The drone has four arms with a propeller on each. The arms can fold in close to the
body in different configurations.
Right now, the drone relies on a human operator, but eventually the creators hope
to program more autonomy into their drone. According to researcher David Falanga,
“The final goal is to give the drone a high-level instruction such as ‘enter that building,
inspect every room, and come back’ and let it figure out by itself how to do it.” !
Image credit:
University of Zurich
SySTEM Alert! | 3
Social media: A tale of cause and effect
If nobody is talking about it on the Internet, does it truly exist? Then, the volunteers were split into two groups, a
Social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram control group and an experimental group. The
give many users a rush and a feeling of being connected. control group was instructed to use social
But skeptics caution that too much social media might have media like normal for three weeks. The
downsides for our emotional health. experimental group was instructed to use
But is this true? Does anybody really know? Studies have tried less social media than normal.
to link social media use and unhappiness. Just because a study At the end of the study, Hunt
finds a link, it doesn’t mean social media causes unhappiness. found that those who had reduced
There is an old saying among mathematicians and scientists: their social media usage felt less
“Correlation is not causation.” For example, as more coats are depressed, anxious, and lonely
purchased, more hot cocoa is purchased as well. So, these two things than they did when the study
are correlated. But does purchasing a coat cause shoppers to purchase began. In short, this
cocoa? No! Both share the same common cause: cold weather. information goes a
Researcher Melissa Hunt set out to learn whether social way toward proving
media use really did cause unhappiness. Her team began by that excessive social
surveying 143 volunteers. They asked about their mood and the media usage can cause
amount of social media they used. This established a baseline. unhappiness. !
little bit of help from humans) analyzes pieces of music, finding these
patterns and learning from them. The program is then able to create
SY STEMALERT ! Tomorrow is almost here.
new music that uses these basic patterns. It can even mix and match Vice President, Education & Executive Editor:
patterns from different composers and different genres to Matt Frankenbery,
create music unlike any ever heard before.
Communications Manager & Editor:
Kulitta’s creator, Yale researcher Donya Quick, did not create
Tom Farmer,
this artificial intelligence to replace humans but to be a helpful
tool for them. ! Writer & Assistant Editor:
Cody White,
4. A search and rescue drone developed at the University of Zurich can change its shape
mid‐flight. What advantage does this provide?
A. It saves power.
B. It can disguise itself.
C. It can fit through tighter spaces.
D. It can be used in a Michael Bay movie.
6. What artificial intelligence system created pieces of music in the style of composer
Johann Sebastian Bach?
A. Kulitta
B. Watson
C. Deep Blue
D. HAL 9000
7. According to a recent study, how did reducing use of social media affect mood?
A. It increased depression, anxiety, and loneliness.
B. It decreased depression and anxiety but increased loneliness.
C. It decreased depression, anxiety, and loneliness.
D. It increased anxiety but decreased depression and loneliness.
8. What robot won the 2017 Ground Rescue Robot of the Year award?
A. Centauro
C. Snakebot
D. Mini Manbo
10. In the most dangerous regions of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, radiation
levels are high enough to kill humans within _______.
A. seconds
B. minutes
C. hours
D. days
Can you think of five jobs you believe will never be automated by robots or computers? If so, list them. If
not, explain why in a short paragraph.