Rescue Robot 2
Rescue Robot 2
Rescue Robot 2
Abstract - Rescue Robots play an important role Most victims in 9/11 died due to the delay of
during rescue missions in disasters such as 9/11, which assistance. In such conditions, the victims’ locations
caused more than 2,000 deaths and thousands of injuries. and conditions were difficult to determine by rescue
However, tele-operating rescue robots are unable to crews. Several researchers and academic staff,
perform their tasks constantly due to the limitation of
consequently, have paid more attention in conducting
current wireless communication technology. Therefore,
rescue robots with the capability of performing their tasks research to develop rough terrain robots, especially for
autonomously during temporarily lost connections to the rescue missions. Such rescue robots are able to perform
control base would be ideal. This paper introduces our their tasks in high-risk and dangerous places. The
development of a semi-autonomous rough terrain robot robots are able to supply images of the environment
for rescue missions. The robot’s hardware components, and specify victims’ locations to the robot operators at
system architecture, and software architecture are the control base outside the wrecked area.
described in order to provide a general overview of our
robot. An alternative and comprehensive map-generating B. Related Work
algorithm is presented and discussed. Finally,
experimental setup and results from a testing arena are To develop a rescue robot, the key features worth
reported. considering are mobility and map generation. Sheh [1],
for example, was interested in increasing the mobility
Index Terms – rescue robot, rough terrain robot, semi-
of a robot. A toy “Tarantula” was modified to be a
autonomous robot, mobile robot, path planning, SLAM
rescue robot called “The Redback.” The robot had
improved mobility because of its small size and light
I. INTRODUCTION weight. S. Thrun and his co-workers [2] introduced the
FastSLAM algorithm (A Factored Solution to the
A fully autonomous rescue robot with capabilities of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem) to
self-navigating, victim searching and rescue-plan help increase its accuracy in map generation.
generating would be an ideal for everyone involved
with search and rescue actions. Rescue robots sometimes work as a group robot.
Vargas and his colleagues [3] constructed three
A. The Statement of Problem cooperative mobile robots capable of detecting
casualties in disasters. From another perspective, Birk
Disasters (both natural hazards and man-made
and his colleagues [4] developed a rescue robot to
catastrophes) have brought loss, grief, and starvation to
examine a collapsing building in city areas and find
survivors. An example of a deadly natural calamity was
victims. Vincent and Trentini [5] introduced a robot
the Great Chilean Earthquake, which took place in
which was able to understand obstacle shapes and was
Spain in May 1960; roughly 5,000 people died from
able to climb over them rather than avoid them by
both earthquake and resulting Tsunamis. In May 2008
applying image segmentation and shape detection
more than 50,000 Chinese citizens lost their lives, and
over 20,000 people were missing as a result of the
massive devastative earthquake. Man-made disasters In contrast with manually controlled robots,
are also an important motivation, such as the grievous autonomous rescue robots must decide their travel
incident happening in USA on 11 September 2001 paths in many circumstances which direct them to
(9/11). reach and gain victim information. This requirement
leads several researchers to develop intelligent terrain
A. Hardware Components
B. System Architecture TABLE I
This subsection describes the system architecture of the
Components Brand and Version
Tehzeeb robot (Fig. 5). A PIC micro-controller is used Servo Motor GWS S666/STD
to control and interact with the manipulator, heat DC Motor Tormax
sensors and carbon dioxide detectors, as a low-level Microcontroller PIC 18F2331
controller. The PIC micro-control, then, communicates ARM 7 (LPC 2103)
to the master controller, where an ARM7 controller is Encoder Yaskawa model 200 ASKS 5VM
Compass ADX-CMPS03
used. The ARM7 master controller is also responsible
Accelerometer Parallax Memsic 2125
for controlling and interacting with several devices, Motor ZGB70-60SRZ-1
such as, front and rear arms, robot driving system, Heat Sensor Thermopile Sensor SMTIR 990 2S1L
accelerometer, electronic compass and encoders. The
Carbon dioxide TGS 4161
master controller, then, connects to an on-board laptop Detector
via USB port. Laser Range Finder Hokuyo URG-04LX
USB Cameras Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000
Note book Compaq
the on-broad computer and apply a remote-desktop to Polar and Cartesian coordinate to represent landmarks
demonstrate the laptop screen on the monitor of the gaining from this relatively maximum twice derivative
computer station. value feature.)
x = step, y = distance
The information about distances and angles to f (x) = 2 u
obstacles obtained from the Hokuyo laser scanner is
crucial for constructing maps. The strategy that we
apply to complete this is alternative and
comprehensive; it is comprised of an algorithm to
select and recognize landmarks from each scan, a
procedure to match landmarks to the previously Fig. 7 The robot moves straight forwards through the three
collected ones, and a method to localize itself while junctions
exploring an unseen region.
Our robot was demonstrated and we observed its
performances in five perspectives during participating
in a robot competition, “Thailand Rescue Robot
Championship 2007” (the arena for this competition
was presented in the Fig. 13.) The robust mechanical
structure and mobility of the robot was examined by
letting it travel along various paths: a rough and
dangerous step field, which is risky for the robot to
Fig. 11 Graphs of distances and steps plotted in the Polar
coordinate and graphs of double derivatives and steps displaying break and out of order (as illustrated in Fig. 14), and
landmarks at their peaks. the smoother region. While the robot was surveying,
the environmental information was used to determine
path and to search for victims, so cameras and sensors
were tested. The software for robot’s control, robot’s
status display, and map generation were monitored.
The experiment indicated that the mechanical structure
of our robot was not robust enough in the severely
uneven environment, so material and design were
necessary to be changed and improved. The software
for map generation was also incomplete and essential
to be added a module to cope with the error
V. DISCUSSION [3] A. E. M. Vargas, K. Mizuuchi, D. Endo, E. Rohmer, K.
Nagatani, and, K. Yoshida, “Development of a Networked Robotic
To be a complete mobile rough terrain robot, we have System for Disaster Mitigation –Navigation System Based on 3D
to modify our robot mainly in two major parts. Firstly, Geometry Acquisition-,” Tohoku University, Japan
its mechanic designs and implementation have to adjust [4] A. Birk , H. Kenn, S. Carpin , and, M. Pfingsthorn, “Toward
to make it more robust in difficult environment. Autonomous Rescue Robots,” First International Workshop on
Secondly, the software that is responsible for map- Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to Migrate Earthquake Disaster,
generating and path-planning have to improve and add July 5th, 2003.
other procedures to make the robot become truly [5] I. Vincent and M. Trentini, “Shape-shifting Tracked Robotic
autonomous. Vehicle for complex terrain navigation,” Defence R&D Canada,
Technical Memorandum, DRDC Suffield TM 2007-190, December
[1] R. Sheh, “The Redback: A Low-Cost Advanced Mobility
Robot,” the University of New South Wales, Sedney, Australia [6] A. Birk , H. Kenn, “A Rescue Robot Control Architecture
ensuring Safe Semi-Autonomous Operation,” , {Robocup}-02:
[2] M. Montemerlo, S. Thurn, D. Kooler, and, B. Wegbreit, Robot Soccer World CupVI, Springer, INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST,
“FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization February, 2004
and Mapping Problem,” Proceedings of the AAAI National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2002. [7] J. Pellenz, “RoboCup 2008- RoboCupRescue Team
resko@UniKoblenz”, University of Koblenz-Landua, Germany,