Sensa Power Brochure LR
Sensa Power Brochure LR
Sensa Power Brochure LR
Monitoring / 01
Why Use Power Circuit Condition Smart Grid Solutions
Monitoring? Sensa recognizes that operators have several major
• Continually provide contingency data enabling concerns in managing strategic power-cable circuits
effective asset protection used in grid networks, particularly long distance
interconnectors and submarine cable installations.
• Enables proactive asset management and Through its power circuit monitoring systems, Sensa
connection with utility SCADA systems offers smart solutions which can be tailored to integrate
• Measures temperature trends and identifies hot with a wide variety of utility network topologies. Smart
spot locations systems design enables real time data to be made
available in a timely manner, to the relevant parties.
• Provides dynamic data for real-time thermal rating
• Identifies third-party interference and associated A Full-Range Monitoring System
problems Sensa offers a range of fibre-optic sensing solutions
• Provides real time system operating data over that can make multiple high-resolution temperature
cable lifetime measurements over a long range. We have developed
technology to provide even more comprehensive
condition monitoring for power cables with the addition
of the distributed vibration sensing. Our solutions provide
reliable, accurate, and repeatable measurements,
all in real time.
Sensa operates a policy of continuous product improvement and, therefore, reserves the right to change
specifications without notice. Images courtesy of Electroctech Enterprises LLC