Cot 3
Cot 3
Cot 3
1. At your age today, what are
G10 – Platinum you going to do if your family
G10 – Gold who was well known became
G10 – Silver forgotten and receives
English 10 2. Are you just going to accept it
I. Objectives or will you fight for what you
A. Content Standard: truly deserve?
The learner demonstrates
understanding of how world literature and C. Abstraction
other text types serve as sources of wisdom in 1. Who are the characters in the
expressing and resolving conflicts among story?
individuals, groups and nature; also how to 2. What were the last word of
use evaluative reading, listening and viewing Keesh? Why did it require
strategies, special speeches for occasion, dignity and manhood to speak
pronouns and structures of modification. out?
B. Performance Standard: 3. What values did you learn
The learner skillfully delivers a speech from the story?
for a special occasion through utilizing 4. What is the author’s attitude
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and to the focal hero and his
ICT resources countrymen?
C. Learning Competency: 5. What do you think is the
EN10V-IIIf-13.9: Give expanded purpose of the author in
definitions of words writing this story?
EN10LT-IIIf-3.: Explain how the 6. Based on your
elements specific to a genre contribute to the understanding, what is the
theme of a particular literary selection story about?
Prepared by:
Geraldine D. Matias
Subject Teacher