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Add DPS P 102 5 Version 2018 1

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The following clauses will over-ride the provisions of Technical specification/NIT/e-


1) Clause No. 2 of e-DPS-P-102 version 2018-1 Section A is deleted.

2) Clause No. 7.2 of DPS-P-100 version 2018-1 Part A is deleted.

3) Clause No. 10 of DPS-P-100 version 2018-1 Part-A is modified as under:

10.1. The purchaser will without prejudice to the rights of the purchaser
invoke the following damages for extension of delivery date:

Sl. Delivery Period Liquidated Damages Rate per Maximum amount of

No week Liquidated damages.
Delivery period (as @ 0.5% of the value of
originally stipulated) Not delayed/undelivered 5% of the value of
exceeding one Year. portion of the stores, per delayed/undelivered
week or part thereof. portion of stores.

2 Delivery period (as @ 0.25% of the value of

originally stipulated) delayed/undelivered 5% of the value of
Exceeding one year portion of the stores, per delayed/undelivered
but not exceeding two week or part thereof. portion of stores.

3. Delivery period (as @ 0.1% of the value of 5% of the value of

originally stipulated) delayed/undelivered delayed/undelivered
exceeding two years. portion of the stores, per portion of stores.
week or part thereof.

10.2. Delivery Period means “The time from date of release of the contract to
the delivery date thereof”.
However, the payment of liquidated damages shall not in any way absolve
the contractor from any of its obligations and liabilities under the

4) Clause No. 7 in Part B of DPS P-100 version 2018-1 is deleted.

Add DPS-P-102-5 version 2018-1

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