This document discusses key concepts in research including the meaning of research, types of research based on purpose and data needed, and factors to consider in choosing a research problem. Research is defined as a systematic process of investigating a topic to establish facts and reach new conclusions. There are three main types of research purpose: descriptive, explanatory, and intervention. Research can also be qualitative, requiring non-numerical data, or quantitative, involving measurable data. Important considerations in choosing a research problem include relevance, interest, feasibility, researchability, and ethics. Variables, assumptions, scope and delimitations are also discussed.
This document discusses key concepts in research including the meaning of research, types of research based on purpose and data needed, and factors to consider in choosing a research problem. Research is defined as a systematic process of investigating a topic to establish facts and reach new conclusions. There are three main types of research purpose: descriptive, explanatory, and intervention. Research can also be qualitative, requiring non-numerical data, or quantitative, involving measurable data. Important considerations in choosing a research problem include relevance, interest, feasibility, researchability, and ethics. Variables, assumptions, scope and delimitations are also discussed.
This document discusses key concepts in research including the meaning of research, types of research based on purpose and data needed, and factors to consider in choosing a research problem. Research is defined as a systematic process of investigating a topic to establish facts and reach new conclusions. There are three main types of research purpose: descriptive, explanatory, and intervention. Research can also be qualitative, requiring non-numerical data, or quantitative, involving measurable data. Important considerations in choosing a research problem include relevance, interest, feasibility, researchability, and ethics. Variables, assumptions, scope and delimitations are also discussed.
This document discusses key concepts in research including the meaning of research, types of research based on purpose and data needed, and factors to consider in choosing a research problem. Research is defined as a systematic process of investigating a topic to establish facts and reach new conclusions. There are three main types of research purpose: descriptive, explanatory, and intervention. Research can also be qualitative, requiring non-numerical data, or quantitative, involving measurable data. Important considerations in choosing a research problem include relevance, interest, feasibility, researchability, and ethics. Variables, assumptions, scope and delimitations are also discussed.
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Practical Research 1 2.
Based on Purpose of the Research
a. Descriptive Research. Finds to answer to questions Meaning of Research who, what, when, where and how. It is used to describe characteristics of a population or Research is concerned with finding answers (Mason & phenomenon being studied. Bramble, 1989). It is a systematic, organized search for b. Explanatory or Correlational Research. It explains to knowledge or answers to questions. answer the relationship between two or more It is a systematic process of collecting and logically variables/factor or characteristics. analyzing information or data for some purpose c. Intervention or Experimental Research. It evaluates (Macmillan & Schumacher, 1989). the effect or outcome of a particular intervention or It is a process of obtaining knowledge through treatment. It studies the cause and effect relationship techniques, where truth, accuracy, validity, reliability, between factors on a certain phenomenon. and other criteria can be ascertained (Genato et al, 1993). 3. Based on Types of Data Needed It is a systematic inquiry geared towards providing a. Qualitative Research. Requires non-numerical information to solve problems (Emory, 1995). data which means that the research uses words It is a systematic and empirical approach to answering rather than numbers to express the results, inquiry questions. It is concerned with understanding or investigation regarding people’s thoughts phenomenon, within the context our theories and beliefs, feelings and views. experiences regarding the phenomenon (Beiger & b. Quantitative Research. It involves measurement Gail,1996). of data. Thus it presents research findings referring to the number of frequency of something What is Qualitative research? in numerical forms. (percentage, fractions, numbers. This is a research type that puts premium or high value on people’s thinking or point of view conditioned by Research Problem – is a general statement of an issue personal traits. meriting research or the general area of interest that the researcher would like to pursue. Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research Factors to Consider in the Choice of Research Problem Strengths It can be replicated or repeated in other contexts. 1. Relevant. The results of the study on a given problem should be of practical value to you and the significant It has a low degree of subjectivity. others in the field. This means that once the study had Its validity and reliability can be measured. been completed, its findings, conclusions, and It can make predictions based in numerical, recommendations can be used in improving practices quantifiable data. or solving identified difficulties. It provides findings that are generalizable to a large population. 2. Interesting. As the researcher, you need to consider your interest in the choice of a research problem. Weaknesses Interest counts a lot in the conduct of a study. If you It has less flexibility in terms of study design. are not interested on the topic, it will be difficult for you It lacks the ability to provide a comprehensive textual to put your heart and soul in it. description of human experiences. Responses of participants are strictly limited to what 3. Feasible. This means that a problem you are going to has been asked. These responses may not be work on can be completed without undue amount time, extensive in some cases. money or effort. Research feasibility also means that Numerical data may be insufficient in analyzing you have necessary competence or expertise to intangible factors, such as gender roles, socio- conduct the study of the chosen problem. economic status, and social norms of a given population. 4. Researchable. This means that the data can be It cannot adequately provide in – depth information collected to answer the problem that you posed. A necessary for describing and explaining a complex researcher, for instance who wants to prove the phenomenon. existence of God will definitely find it difficult to gather quantifiable data to answer the said problem. Types of Research 5. Ethical. A research problem is said to be ethical when it does not involve physical or psychological harm or 1. Based on Application of Research Method damage to human beings or organizations. In other a. Pure research – this type of research aims to words, a study on a particular topic should not put increase your knowledge about something. people or institutions in a bad light. (it deals with concepts, principles or abstract things) b. Applied research – designed to solve specific Identifying the Variables of the Study practical problems or answer certain questions. (it seeks to answer societal problems or To ensure objectivity in the study of an identified issues, finding ways to make positive changes in the problem, the researcher has to be clear as to what variables are society) to be examined or investigated. Variable – any element which can be measured for quantity or 4. The Library of the Department of Education, Culture quality. and Sports.
Most common Classification of Variables. Citing Sources
1. Independent variable – is the variable that is Citing sources has two forms, these are: considered to affect the dependent variable or the presumed cause in experimental research. 1. In – text citation – which requires the researcher to 2. Dependent variable – is the variable examined for indicate the source of information within the body of the changes. Also considered as the presumed effect in text. The citation usually includes the last name of the experimental research. of the author and the year the sources was published. 2. Reference citation – which refers to complete Stating Assumptions in Research To enhance the understanding of the problem to be bibliographic information of the reference used. studied, the researcher needs to state his assumptions. An Reference citation usually appears at the end of the assumption in research is a statement the researcher will paper. The compilation of these references is known presume to be true, and will no longer be proven. Nonetheless, as the reference list. it has to be based on research problem. APA – American Psychological Association Writing the Scope and Delimitation MLA – Modern Language Association CMOS – Chicago Manual Style The scope and delimitation describe the parameters to which the study is set. It sets the boundaries of your research in terms of certain aspects. The components of the scope and Style Guides Disciplines delimitation include the following: APA business, education, social sciences, etc. Topic of the study; MLA English and some fields of hums. and arts Objectives of the study and the issues it will address; CMOS various disciplines, popularly used in history Time coverage of the investigation; Aspect APA System MLA System The locale or the area where the study will be Writing the Full name first, Full name first, conducted; Author’s Name then followed by followed by full Characteristics of the participants (age, sex, education, initials of first and first name, and socio-economic status, civil status, and other traits). middle name optional initial of the middle name Writing the Significance of the Study Writing the Title of Italicized title with Underlined or Another important component of the Introduction of the reading only the italicized title with your research is the significance of the study. This section material beginning word all content words details the contribution or benefit that your study provides to capitalized capitalized. different people and organizations, including the other sectors (exception: capital of the society. for every proper noun) Sources of Related Literature and Studies Writing the copy Written after the Written after the The sources of related literature and studies may right date author’s name publisher’s name. include the following: 1. Book, encyclopedias, almanacs, and other similar references. Important Skills in Drafting of Citing the Literature Review 2. Articles published in professional journals, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and other publications. Synthesizing. This involves the review of several 3. Manuscripts, monographs, memoirs, speeches, references from the related literature and studies that talk about letters, and diaries. the same subject and consolidating them into one cohesive text. 4. Unpublished theses and dissertations. 5. The Constitution, and laws and statues of the land. Note – taking. It involves writing information from a 6. Bulletins, circulars, and orders emanating from source text and integrating this information into your current government offices and departments, especially from study. the Office of the President of the Philippines and the Summarizing. Form of note – taking that involves Department of Education, Culture and Sports. 7. Records from schools, public and private, especially considering a lengthy piece of source material. reports of their activities. Paraphrasing. Form of note – taking that involves 8. Reports from seminars educational or otherwise. rewording ideas from the original text in a more detailed way. 9. Official reports of all kinds, educational, social, economic, scientific, technological, political, etc. from the government and other entities.
Generally, the sources of related literature and studies are
located in the following places: 1. Libraries, either government, school, or private libraries. 2. Government and private offices. 3. The National Library