Operating Conditions and Standards in Pneumatics
Operating Conditions and Standards in Pneumatics
Operating Conditions and Standards in Pneumatics
Standards in pneumatics
Standards also have great significance in nally as well as internationally. with dimensions, safety and quality.
pneumatics. Standards mean harmonisa- Standards in industry describe the state Festo has for many years been actively
tion (standardisation). Standardisation is of the art. They provide a common basis participating in the relevant national and
also the basis for the free trade of goods for the evaluation of technical aspects. international standards organisations.
and services between companies natio- Standards relevant for pneumatics deal
Water condensation
Water is always present in the air in the prevent corrosion damage in compressed
form of natural air humidity. During the air systems and prevents malfunctions in
cooling of compressed air, water is relea- the connected consuming devices.
sed in large quantities. Drying helps to
Oil contamination
Similarly, in the case of oil-free operating is not suitable for the lubrication of
compressors, oil aerosols present in the drives and can even lead to the clogging
drawn-in air also lead to a corresponding of sensitive parts.
residue of oil pollutants. However, this oil
Note The size of the service unit depends on compressed air should only be used
Equipment at an air branching/air distri- Further information system air consumption. Undersizing where it is absolutely necessary. Bran-
bution input should have a high flow Chapter 12 leads to pressure fluctuations and to re- ching modules between the individual
rate as it must supply the total air requi- duced filter service life. filter stages enable the user to tap off
rement. For reasons of economy, high quality compressed air of various qualities.
Nominal size
The nominal size provides information diameter of the orifice and is expressed provides a limited comparison between ducts, the standard nominal flow rate
about the smallest cross section in the in mm. This is a measurement that only different components. To compare pro- must also be considered.
main flow of the valve. It specifies the
The piston force F can be calculated from Piston force (final pressure) p = Operating pressure [bar]
the piston area A,
A the operating pressure d = Piston diameter [cm] ProPneu software tool for sizing is availa
p and the friction R using the following R = Friction ~10% [N] ble on DVD and at www.festo.com
formulae: d2 ⋅ π A = Piston area [cm²]
F = p ⋅ 10 ⋅ −R
4 F = Effective piston force [N]
p [bar]
∅ [mm]
F [N]
Given: Procedure: The selection of pneumatic drives is go- rous factors (lubrication, operating pres-
Load 800 N From F = 800 N go vertically upwards to verned primarily by the forces to be over- sure, back pressure, seal design, etc.).
Available system pressure 6 bar the point of intersection with the 6 bar come and the distances to be travelled. Back pressure generates a force which
line. The next largest piston diameter, A small percentage of the piston force is acts in the opposite direction and par-
To be calculated: 50 mm, lies between the lines for 4 and used to overcome friction, the remainder tially cancels out the effective force. Back
Required piston diameter 5 bar, which means that the operating is used to drive the load. pressure occurs in particular when ex-
Operating pressure to be set pressure should be set to approx. Only approximate values can be given, haust air flow controls are used or the
4.5 bar. since frictional force depends on nume- exhaust port is constricted.
F [N]
Given: Procedure: Due to buckling stress, the maximum The graph shows this relationship ba-
Load 800 N From F = 800 N go vertically upwards to permissible load for a piston rod with a sed on the following formula:
Stroke length 500 mm the point of intersection with the horizon- long stroke length is lower than the value
Piston diameter 50 mm tal line through l = 500 mm. The next lar- suggested by the maximum permissible π2 ⋅ E ⋅ J
FK =
gest piston rod diameter in the graph is operating pressure and piston area. This l2 ⋅ S
To be calculated: 16 mm. The standard cylinder load must not exceed certain maximum
Piston rod diameter DNC-50-500 with a piston rod diameter values. These depend upon stroke length FK = Permissible buckling force [N]
Cylinder type: Standard cylinder of 20 mm is suitable for this stroke and piston rod diameter. E = Modulus of elasticity [N/mm²]
length. J = Moment of inertia [cm$]
l = Buckling length
= 2x stroke length [cm]
S = Safety factor (selected value: 5)
l ~ 2 x stroke
The least satisfactory type of mounting
for this kind of stress is a swivel moun-
ting. The permissible load is higher for
other types of mounting.
Q [l/cm]
Given: Procedure: The result in the example according The graph shows consumption based
Cylinder DNC-50-500 Starting from the selected piston diame- to the specifications is approx. on the formula:
Piston ∅ 50 mm ter, follow the horizontal line to the point 0.09 l/cm. This value is multiplied
Piston rod diameter 20 mm of intersection with the operating pres- by 50 cm stroke length, corresponding Q = π ⋅ (d1 2 − d2 2) ⋅ h ⋅ p ⋅ 10 −6
Stroke length 500 mm sure; then go to the lower scale and read to an air consumption for a single stroke
Operating pressure 4.5 bar the corresponding air consumption. The length of approx. 4.5 l. For the return
value thus obtained must now be multi- stroke, the piston rod volume must be Q = Air consumption per cm stroke
To be calculated: plied by the stroke length (in cm). deducted from the stroke volume [l]
Air consumption (a piston rod diameter of 20 mm means d1 = Piston diameter [mm]
0.014 l/cm stroke length. At 50 cm d2 = Piston rod diameter [mm]
stroke length, the corresponding air con- h = Stroke (a constant 10 mm
sumption is 0.7 l), which means the re- in this case)
turn stroke air consumption is 3.8 l. The p = Operating pressure, relative
air consumption for a double stroke is [bar]
8.3 l.
The air consumption values determined
in this way are only guide values – one
of the reasons for this is that, particularly
with high cycle speeds, pressurised
chambers are not fully exhausted, which
means that actual air consumption may
be significantly lower.
Air consumption represents a part of ope-
rating costs.
Result: Result:
• Zone classification • Equipment categories
• Temperature classes • Temperature classes
• Explosion groups • Explosion groups
• AAmbient
bi temperature • AAmbient
bi temperature
Zone Category
Festo’s product range for explosion protection includes products for equipment category II
Plug = Note
not requiring approval, The permissible technical catalogue
must satisfy defined data for the equipment in question as
requirements well as the warning notices and safety
information in the special documenta-
tion provided (including operating in-
structions, if applicable device docu-
ment) must be observed.
l id coilil = elec-
trical equipment
Festo AG & Co. KG adheres in principle to Most pneumatic products are not sub- 1. EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EC They must therefore also not be labelled
the applicable regulations. All informa- ject to any EC directive and consequently (as of 29.12.2009: 2006/42/EC) with the CE marking in accordance with
tion is based on the state of knowledge must not be labelled with the CE mar- Pneumatic products from Machinery Directive. Exceptions to this
today and is subject to change. We care- king. As things currently stand, products Festo AG & Co. KG are designed in com- are safety components. As of
fully follow any amendments/additions from the sales range of Festo AG & Co. KG pliance with the standards for pneumatic 29.12.2009, incomplete machines also
to these regulations and will produce our that are labelled with the CE marking are systems to ISO 4414 as well as EN 983 fall under the scope of application of the
products accordingly. subject to one or more of the following “Safety requirements for fluid systems Machinery Directive. These include
This guarantees that products from six EC directives in Europe. and their pneumatic components”. Our handling systems intended for installa-
Festo AG & Co. KG always comply with pneumatic products do not fall within tion in machines, for example. Incom-
the currently valid requirements. the scope of application specified in the plete machines are not labelled with the
EC Machinery Directive. CE marking. An installation declaration
is enclosed with these machines.
2. EC Directive on Electromagnetic Com- 3. EC Low Voltage Directive These products are labelled with the CE 6. EC Directive on Equipment and Pro-
patibility (2004/108/EC), including (2006/95/EC), including amendments. marking. The declaration of conformity is tective Systems intended for use in Po-
amendments. Since 01.01.1997, electrical and elec- included with the products. tentially Explosive Atmospheres - ATEX
The directive must be applied to our tronic products from Festo designated (94/9/EC). In force since 01.07.2003.
electronic and electronic/pneumatic pro- for use within specific voltage limits 5. EC Directive on Pressure Equipment The products offered by
ducts. This means that corresponding (50 … 1,000 V AC and 75 … 1,500 V DC) (97/23/EEC), including amendments. Festo AG & Co. KG which are intended for
products have had the CE marking since must be labelled with the CE marking. In force since 29.05.2002. use in potentially explosive atmospheres
01.01.1996 and the corresponding de- The corresponding declarations of con- The pressure vessels offered by and which have their own potential igni-
claration of conformity is available. For formity are available. Festo AG & Co. KG comply with the requi- tion risk comply with the requirements of
you, this means a guarantee that this rements of this directive. These pressure this directive. Products that are subject
equipment complies with the fundamen- 4. EC Directive on Simple Pressure Ves- vessels require CE marking above a cer- to this directive are correspondingly la-
tal requirements in industrial areas. The sels (87/404/EEC), including amend- tain pressure/volume product or pres- belled with the CE marking and identi-
use of this equipment in residential ments. sure/diameter product. fied in compliance with the directive. The
areas is restricted if no additional mea- In force since 30.06.1991. corresponding declaration of conformity
sures are taken to guarantee compliance The simple pressure vessels made from These products are labelled with the CE and the operating instructions are avai-
with the fundamental requirements of non-alloyed steel offered by marking. The declaration of conformity is lable.
the directive for residential areas. Festo AG & Co. KG comply with the requi- included with the products.
Solenoid coils are not affected by the rements of this directive. These air reser-
EMC Directive. voirs require CE marking above a certain Reservoirs made from stainless steel are
volume. subject to the Directive on Pressure
Equipment rather than the Directive on
Simple Pressure Vessels.
Product markings
See above
PWIS are substances that cause small Components used in the automobile in- substances contained in substances Products from Festo are free of paint-wet-
concave indentations at various points dustry, and especially in painting equip- and components with the naked eye, ting impairment substances as standard.
in the paint layer when surfaces are pain- ment, must be free of paint-wetting im- Volkswagen developed the testing stan- However, it is necessary to use grease
ted. pairment substances. dard PV 3.10.7. containing paint-wetting impairment
Silicone, fluoric materials, certain oils Because it is impossible to determine All products from Festo and the lubri- substances for some products for functio-
and greases may contain substances the level of paint-wetting impairment cants used in them undergo this test. nal and other reasons.
of this kind.
Code letters
IP International Protection
1 Protected against solid foreign mat- A probing object, a ball of 50 mm in diameter, must not enter or penetrate the enc-
ter, 50 mm and larger losure.
2 Protected against solid foreign mat- A probing object, a ball of 12.5 mm in diameter, must not enter or penetrate
ter, 12.5 mm and larger the enclosure.
3 Protected against solid foreign mat- A probing object, a ball of 2.5 mm in diameter, must not penetrate at all.
ter, 2.5 mm and larger
4 Protected against solid foreign mat- A probing object, a ball of 1 mm in diameter, must not penetrate at all.
ter, 1.0 mm and larger
5 Protected against dust The ingress of dust is not completely prevented. The quantity of dust that enters
must not impair the safety or satisfactory operation of the equipment.
6 Dustproof No ingress of dust.
1 Protected against water droplets Vertically falling droplets must not have any harmful effect.
2 Protected against water droplets Vertically falling droplets must not have any harmful effect when the enclosure is
at an angle of 15° either side of the vertical.
3 Protected against spray water Water sprayed at any angle of up to 60° either side of the vertical must not have
any harmful effect.
4 Protected against water splashes Water splashing against the enclosure from any angle must not have any harmful
5 Protected against water jets Water directed at the enclosure from any angle in jet form must not have any
harmful effect.
6 Protected against powerful water Water directed against the enclosure from any angle in powerful jet form must not
jets have any harmful effect.
7 Protected against the effect of brief Water must not enter the equipment in amounts that can have a harmful effect if
submersion in water the enclosure is briefly submerged in water under standardised pressure and time
8 Protected against the effect of conti- Water must not enter the equipment in amounts that can have a harmful effect if
nuous submersion in water the enclosure is continuously submerged in water.
The conditions must be agreed between the manufacturer and the user.
The conditions must, however, be more severe than code 7.
9K Protected against water from high- Water directed at the enclosure from any angle under high pressure must not have
pressure and steam jet cleaning any harmful effect.
Type 12 Type 13
For internal use; protection against dust, For internal use; protection against dust,
falling dirt and dropping non-corrosive splash water, oil and non-corrosive coo-
liquids. lants.
What do customers need to know about installing equipment in protection class III?
The electrical supply to the equipment count. Power sources are permitted if re- electromagnetic disturbances, equipo-
must only be provided by PELV circuits liable electrical isolation of the operating tential bonding and thus ensuring proper
to IEC/EN 60204-1. The general require- voltage to IEC/EN 60204-1 is guaranteed. functioning. They must be connected
ments for PELV circuits as per The earth terminals on the components, to the earth potential with low resistance
IEC/EN 60204-1 must be taken into ac- where available, are used for discharging (short lines with large cross section).