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05 - PAPER - Taher G - Investigation Performance Darieus VAWT

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) www.iosrjen.

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
Vol. 04, Issue 05 (May. 2014), ||V7|| PP 18-29

Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Taher G. Abu-El-Yazied, 2Hossam N. Doghiem*, 3Ahmad M. Ali, and
Islam M. Hassan
Department of Design and Production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo,

Abstract: - Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) were originally considered as very promising for various
reasons. There is now a resurgence of interests for VAWTs, in particular Darrieus turbines. Using modern
design tools and computational approaches, it is possible to increase considerably the performance of
traditional VAWTs, reaching a level almost comparable to that of horizontal axis turbines. Since VAWTs show
many specific advantages (compact design, easier connection to gears/generator, easier blade control if needed,
lower fatigue.), it is important to check quantitatively the efficiency of such turbines. In the present study, a
barrier has been designed to increase the performance of the Darrieus wind rotor. The effect of this barrier on
the rotor performance has been analyzed numerically; the barrier has been placed in front of the rotor.
Numerical analysis has been carried -out for Darrieus wind rotor (with and without barrier). The power
performance values of the rotor have been calculated by numerical analysis, and finally they have been
compared. The obtained results show that higher performance when using the rotor with barrier. Finite Element
analysis (FE) has been used as the Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software.

Keywords: - Aerodynamic, Barrier, Computational fluid dynamics, Darrieus turbine.

It is a well-known that wind energy is very important as one of clean energy resources, and wind
rotors are the most important of the wind energy. There are two different physical principles to extract power
from wind. The first of them is the airfoil drag method, and the second is the airfoil lift principle. The Darrieus
turbine is the most common VAWT invented in 1931 [1-7] on the basis of the second principle. A lot of
investigations aims to improve the performance of vertical axis wind turbine like Darrieus and Savonius by
increasing wind velocity. [5, 11-12]
The present work aims to study the effect of barrier on the performance of the Darrieus vertical axis
wind turbine through CFD simulations. In the present study, a barrier arrangement has been designed to deflect
the wind for the purpose of increasing the low performance of the Darrieus wind rotor. This arrangement is
both simple and cheap as it is composed of flat metal sheets. The effect of this barrier arrangement on the
power performances values has been analyzed numerically.


The speed ratio (λ) is defined as:

λ= ωR/U (1)
A relation between the azimuth angle θ, the angle of attack αand the speed ratio λ has been obtained from
the velocity triangle in Fig., this relation is as follow:
α= (2)

If the airfoil is set at an angle of incidence α in a fluid flow and according to the standard airfoil
theory, it will generate a lift force FL normal to the free stream and a drag force FD in the direction of the free
stream. These lift and drag forces can then be resolved to get the tangential force F T and the axial force FN as
shown in Fig.. The tangential force F T has the instantaneous responsibility of the torque and the power outputs
from the Darrieus turbine.

For a Darrieus rotor of height H, a wind of incoming velocity U, the mechanical power P and the mechanical
torque on the axis of a Darrieus turbine can respectively be written as follows:

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Cm= (3)

Cp = (4)

Where Cm and Cp are respectively the torque coefficient and the power coefficient, P is the mechanical power
extracted, ρ is the air density, A is the turbine swept area, R is radius of turbine and U is wind free stream
velocity. Power Coefficient depends on wind speed due to aerodynamic complexities of blade designs. [5]

Fig. Forces and velocities distribution on Darrieus rotor airfoil [5, 8, 9]


The aim of the present work was to numerically analyze the aerodynamic behavior of a three-bladed
Darrieus VAWT operating at different angular velocities for a constant wind speed of 9 m/s. The main
geometrical features of the tested rotor are summarized in Table.. The solidity parameter is defined as
Nc/2*Rrotor, as suggested by Strickland [8-9].Rotor azimuthal position was identified by the angular coordinate
of the pressure center of blade No. 1 midsection (set at 0.25*C for NACA 0021 airfoil), starting between the
2nd and 3rd Cartesian plane octants, as can be seen in Fig..

Fig. Azimuthal coordinate of blade midsection’s center of pressure.

The main features of the validation model are summarized in Table.. [14]

Table. Validation model main features. [8-9]

Drotor [mm] 1030
Hrotor [mm] 1414
n[-] 3
Blade profile NACA 0021
As [m2] 1.236
H wind tunnel [mm] 4000
W wind tunnel [mm] 3800
C[mm] chord length 85.8
Spoke-blade connection 0.25 c
[-] 0.25

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine


In the present study, Ansys Fluent 14.5 trade software has been used as one of the computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) package programs. By using it, the Darrieus wind rotor with and without barrier in the static
position has been analyzed from aerodynamic aspects. To do the numerical analysis in a shorter time, the model
has been formed to have two dimensions.
The unsteady flow is solved by using the Sliding Mesh Model (SMM). Ten complete revolutions are
often computed, using a calculated time-step for each tip speed ratio; the first revolutions is used to initiate the
correct flow solution, while the flow properties (in particular the power coefficient C p and the torque
coefficient Cm) are obtained by averaging the results during the last two revolutions. On a standard PC, one
evaluation (i.e., ten revolutions for one specific configuration) takes about 500 min of computing time.

Governing Equations
The fluid dynamics equations have their mathematical representations which can be employed
individually or in a group depending on the need of the desired output. Three basic principles which govern the
characteristics of the flow of any fluid are conservation of mass, momentum and energy. In present case, we
are dealing with the equation of continuity with the application of K-ɛ model. The Continuity Equation or
Conservation of Mass given by White (2005), for more general cases, the density "ρ"can vary in time "t" and in
space"x ,y ,z and velocity "u" components in each of the three coordinate directions , and the continuity
equation takes on the more familiar form as follows :

0 (5)
Navier-Stokes Equation for an incompressible flow given by White (2005), as follows:


In Eq. (6), the convection terms are on the left. The terms on the right hand side are the pressure
gradient, a source term; the divergence of the stress tensor, which is responsible for the diffusion of
momentum; the gravitational force, another source term; and other generalized forces (source terms),
respectively .Here f represents "other" body forces (per unit volume), such as gravity or centrifugal force and μ
represents viscosity. [10, 13]

Wind Tunnel as Open Domain Sub-Grid

As the aim of the present work is the simulation of a turbine operating in open field conditions and
because of the huge domain width necessary to avoid solid blockage, a domain size independence test is
performed for one geometrical configuration. Several different two-dimensional by using Gambit 2.4, to find
inlet and outlet boundary dimensions were respect to rotor radius.

Two symmetry boundary conditions were used for the two side walls. The circumference around the circular
opening, centered on the turbine rotational axis, was set as an interface, thus ensuring the continuity in the flow
field. A mesh was generated for the Wind Tunnel sub-grid, in order to reduce engineering time to prepare the
CFD simulations. Fig3 shows the main dimensions and the boundary conditions of the Wind Tunnel sub-grid

Domain Independent Test by Gambit 2.4

The appropriate size of the computational domain has been investigated. A computational domain of
increasing dimensions (square domain of size, suitably normalized by the rotor radius R, in this work, the ratio
between the square domain length and the rotor radius is 28, after different domain sizes ranging from 20R to
60Rperformed for one geometrical configuration “at TSR 2.62” as a domain size independent test lead to a
relative variation of the output quantity below 0.5 %., by using Gambit 2.4 for modeling and meshing and
Ansys Fluent 14.5 for CFD simulation.

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Fig.3Final scheme of geometry and boundary conditions for VAWT flow field simulation.

Mesh Independent Test by Gambit 2.4

Several different two-dimensional, unstructured grids of increasing density and quality, composed of
different mesh size ranging from 130,000 up to 550,400 cells are investigated. This test shows that more than
149,125 cells lead to a relative variation of the output quantity below 1.3%. After the appropriate size of the
computational domain has been investigated, mesh size equal to 149,125 cells used for our present validation

Turbulence Model Validation

The effect of the turbulence model is validated and shown in Fig5. These results give a good agreement
obtained between experiments and present CFD for the target function, Cp, when using the realizable k-ε turbulence
model. Same tendency has been observed for other studies, proving the interest of this model for fast CFD
simulations. This model is usually recommended for rotating bodies. The realizable k-ε model usually provides
improved results for swirling flows and flows involving separation when compared to the standard k-ε model. The
near-wall treatment relies on standard wall functions. The y+ values found near all walls are around 40 and fall
therefore within the recommended range for best-practice CFD (30 < y+ < 300). [10-13]
The two transport equations that need to be solved for this model are for the kinetic energy of turbulence, k,
and the rate of dissipation of turbulence, ε:


The quantities C1, C2, σk, and se are empirical constants. The quantity Gk appearing in both equations is a
generation term for turbulence. It contains products of velocity gradients, and also depends on the turbulent


Other source terms can be added to Equations (8) and (9) to include other physical effects such as swirl,
buoyancy or compressibility, for example. The turbulent viscosity is derived from both k and ɛ, and involves a
constant taken from experimental data, Cm, which has a value of 0.09:


Boundary Conditions
There are various boundary types available in FLUENT like pressure inlet, velocity inlet, mass flow
inlet, pressure outlet, pressure far-field, outflow, stationary wall, moving wall and axis. In this study, periodic
boundary condition is applied to set the airfoils rotating. Boundary conditions used for the present case have
been shown in Fig3.
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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

For this study a boundary pair of velocity inlet and pressure outlet is used. Pressure outlet boundary
condition is generally suitable for the simulation of airfoil related problems. Airfoils are considered to be a no
slip wall in reference to a moving fluid zone. The front of the domain was defined with boundary condition
Velocity Inlet, which allowed the magnitude of inlet flow and turbulent quantities to be specified. The turbulent
intensity of 0.1% and length scale of 0.005 m were applied to approximately account for the incoming flow
turbulence in the wind tunnel. The published measurements were carried out at the “Politecnico di Milano” in
Milan – Bovisa low turbulence wind tunnel. [8]

Problem Setup In Fluent

The present study involves the application of SIMPLE scheme. Among several special discretization
schemes available in FLUENT, Least squares cell based gradient with Standard pressure and second order
upwind scheme are found to be appropriate for the present study. Simulation begins with continues with the
second order, and among several Transient formulation available second order implicit are found to be
appropriate for the present work. Convergence criterion for the solution are set as 10-5. Currently, our area of
consideration is to determine the forces acting on each of the three rotating airfoils and to obtain an optimum
value of tip speed ratio which gives the maximum power output when wind passes the turbine at a speed of 9
m/s. In the present study Reynolds number is set as 0.553e06for a rotor diameter of 1.03 m. In the present case
Reynolds number based on rotor diameter (Re D) is given by [10, 13]:
. . 0.553 ∗ 10 (11)

Unsteady simulation involves time dependent calculations. Time step is calculated using speed of the rotor.
Maximum iterations per time step set 100 iterations. The effect of rotor angle step on power coefficient at TSR 2.62
are investigated, this test shows that one degree step lead to a relative variation of the output quantity below
0.35%. After the appropriate size of the computational domain has been investigated, so one degree found to be
appropriate for the present validation study, but for small error less than 2.3% between two degree step and one
degree step in value of power coefficient, two degree will be used to reduce computing time and cost for other
simulations for the present work.

Verification of the Simulation Results with Published Experimental Results

Numerical turbulence model have been validated by comparison with published experimental results
and CFD for an H-rotor Darrieus turbine [8-9]. The effect of the turbulence model is shown in Fig4. These
results give a good agreement obtained between experiments and present CFD for the target function, Cp,
when using the realizable k-ε turbulence model.

Experimental (M.R. Castelli et al.2011)

Present CFD model
CFD (M.R. Castelli et al.2011)
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
λ "TSR"

Fig.4 Validation of computational model, compared to publish experimental and CFD results for a
Darrieus turbine [8-9].

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

The optimal mesh configurations used in the CFD model of the single static airfoil were transferred into the
VAWT model with new boundary adaption (shown in Fig5). The total number of grids in the 2D VAWT model
was 149,125 cell.

Fig.5 Mesh distribution for VAWT flow field simulation.


To increase the rotor performance, it is important to prevent the negative torque that forms in the adverse
direction of the rotor’s rotating direction. A new design has been put forward for the purpose of increasing the
performance of the Darrieus wind rotor without making any modifications in its basic structure. To increase the
performance coefficients and the effects of the wind speed, a barrier arrangement has been placed in front of
the rotor as shown in Fig.6. So that it can prevent the negative torque that forms in the adverse direction of the
rotor’s rotating direction.
In this barrier arrangement, α-β represents the angles of curtain plates while ‘l1 and ‘l2 are the lengths of
barrier plates. Dimensions of 6 different curtain arrangements simulated are given in Fig. 7 Wind rotor cad
model with and without barrier

Table.2. Barrier arrangements have been designed as shown in Fig7 in such a way as to rotate by 360˚ around
the rotor.


Airfoils are considered to be a no slip wall in reference to a moving fluid zone. Barriers are considered
to be a stationary wall in reference to a moving fluid zone. A mesh was generated for the Wind Tunnel sub-grid,
in order to reduce engineering time to prepare the CFD simulations. In order to avoid negative pressure during
simulation, the ratio between outlet length form rotor center and the rotor radius is 60 as shown in Fig8.

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Fig.6 Design of the barrier arrangement placed in front of the Darrieus wind rotor

Fig.7 Wind rotor cad model with and without barrier

Table.2 Dimensions of the barrier arrangement.

Types of Barrier Distancel1 Distancel2 Height H Thickness

arrangement (cm) (cm) (cm) t
Barrier 1 200 250 145 4
Barrier 2 250 300 145 4
Barrier 3 100 150 145 4
Barrier 4 50 100 145 4
Barrier 5 50 50 145 4
Barrier 6 25 25 145 4

Fig.8 Scheme of geometry and boundary conditions for VAWT flow field simulation with barrier
in front of wind rotor.
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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Fig9 shows the mesh configurations used in the CFD model of the single static airfoil were transferred
into the VAWT model with new boundary adaption. The near-wall treatment relies on standard wall functions.
In this study realizable k–ɛ turbulence model has been used in the analysis of turbulent flow. The y+ values
found near all walls fall within the recommended range for best-practice CFD (30 < y+ < 300). [10-13]

Fig.9 Mesh distribution for VAWT flow field simulation at barrier 1 with α=45˚ and β =15˚

The unsteady flow is solved by using the Sliding Mesh Model (SMM). Ten complete revolutions are often
computed, in case of rotor with barrier about 1500 iterations in steady flow is solved first to initialize solution
to unsteady flow.


The power coefficients "Cp"have been found with different tip- speed ratios λ for the rotor with and
without barrier through numerical analysis made by using Ansys Fluent 14.5 program after validated by
comparison with published experimental results and CFD for an H-rotor Darrieus turbine as we discussed
above. It is seen both from the published experimental and the numerical analysis that the power coefficients
values at tip- speed ratio λ 2.62 (Fig4). The velocity and Pressure distributions obtained through numerical
analysis for rotor without barrier are given in Fig.10.

Fig.10 Velocity and Pressure distributions for the rotor without barrier at TSR 2.62 on rotor and around blade.

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

In the present study, to increase the performance of the Darrieus wind rotors, a barrier arrangement
formed from wind deflecting plates has been placed in front of the rotor so as to prevent the negative torque. In
doing so, the aim is to increase the speed of the wind entering the rotor and thus to improve its efficiency. To
analyze the effects of barrier angles (α and β), influential in the barrier design.
In the same way, numerical analysis have been made for different barrier angles (αand β). This
numerical analysis is made through Barrier1 (
Table.2). shows the a angle-related changes of the power performance “Cp” values obtained for the
Barrier1 through numerical analysis made at the values of different tip -speed ration “λ”. It is seen here that the
power performance values obtained for Barrier1 at β = 80˚ and α = 80 ˚ through numerical analysis are the
highest power performance value has been found. This analysis is shown in Fig11 and Fig12.The velocity and
Pressure distributions obtained through numerical analysis for rotor with barrier1 at α and β equal to 80 ˚ are
given in Fig13.

α=45, β=15 α=45, β=10 α=45, β=20

α=50, β=15 α=30, β=15 α=45, β=45

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

tip‐speed ratio λ
Fig.11Effect of both angles α and β on Power Coefficient Cp at different tip speed rations λ. (Angles α and β
will be taken lower than 45˚)

Then numerical analysis is made through Barrier1, Barrier2, Barrier3, Barrier4, Barrier5 and Barrier6 (

Table.2).The angles β = 80˚ and α = 80˚ are used for all barriers dimension’s .This analysis is shown in
Fig14.From this analysis as dimensions of barrier is higher as power performance values are higher.

α=45, β=45 α=90, β=90 α=70, β=70

α=60, β=60 α=80, β=80 α=85, β=85

3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
tip‐speed ratio λ

Fig.12 Effect of both angles α and β on Power Coefficient Cp at different tip speed rations λ. (Angles α and
β will be taken upper than 45˚)

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Finally numerical analysis is made through different positions of Barrier1 as shown in Fig15. The
angles β = 80˚ and α = 80˚ are used for all barriers dimension’s .This analysis is shown in Fig16. From this
analysis position A will be the more effective position on power performance value.

Fig13 Velocity and Pressure distributions for the rotor with barrier at TSR 4.5 on rotor and around blade.


A barrier arrangement, which is a simple wind deflector, has been designed and placed in front of the
rotor to prevent the negative torque and also to increase the velocity of the wind entering the rotor for the
purpose of increasing the performance of the Darrieus wind rotor in the present study. A comparison between
the results obtained through published experiments and numerical analysis has shown that the rotor with
barrier can provide a better performance than the rotor without barrier. In the rotor with barrier, the best torque
values have been obtained with the Barrier 2, which is the longest one. On the other hand, it has been indicated
by numerical analysis that the best performance for wind rotor is obtained at α = 80˚ and β = 80˚. In addition to
this analysis, it has been indicated by numerical analysis that the best performance for wind rotor is obtained
when barrier put before wind rotor in the side ends as in position A. The published experimental and numerical
results are much close to each other in case of wind rotor without barrier has indicated that the choices of
model, method and algorithm used in the numerical analysis are proper for the study.
For future work, mechanical analysis will be made through wind rotor after put barrier in front of wind rotor
and study stress distribution and vibration on blade after increase pressure on blade and optimize the thickness
of blade using Ansys workbench 14.5.

Barrier1 Barrier2 Barrier3

Barrier4 Barrier5 Barrier6

2 3 4 5 6
tip‐speed ratio λ

Fig.14 Effect of both barrier dimensions on Power Coefficient Cp at different tip speed rations λ. (Angles α and
β will be taken 80˚)

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Fig.15 Different Positions of Barrier1 relative to wind rotor (Angles α and β will be taken 80˚)

positon A positonB positon C


3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
tip‐speed ratio λ

Fig.16Effect of barrier position on Power Coefficient Cp at different tip speed rations λ. (Angles α and β will
be taken 80˚)

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Investigation of the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
A: projected area of rotor (DH), m2 Apendix
ω: angular speed, 1/s
Cp: power coefficient (P/ [1/2rAU3]) Sdomain:[mm2] computational domain section
Cm: torque coefficient (T/ [rR2HU2]) Wdomain: [mm] computational domain width
C: blade chord, m Wwind tunnel:[mm] computational domain width,
D: turbine diameter (2R), m validation model
FL: lift force, N Hdomain: [mm] computational domain height
FD: drag force, N Hrotor:[mm] rotor height
FT: tangential force, N Hwindtunnel: [mm] computational domain height,
FN: axial force, N validation model
FR: resultant force, N μ: Viscosity (kg/m s)
H: blade height, m Vtest section:[m/s] mean wind velocity at rotor test section
N: rotational speed of rotor, rpm V∞: [m/s] unperturbed wind velocity at computational
n: number of blades domain entrance
P: output power (2πNT/60), W w :[m/s] relative wind velocity at blade position
R: radius of turbine, m k :kinetic energy of turbulence
T: output torque, Nm ε :the rate of dissipation of turbulence
U: mean wind velocity in axial direction, m/s ReD:[-] blade Reynolds numbers
u: peripheral velocity of the blade, m/s Ux:[m/s] absolute wind velocity at blade position,
α: angle of attack, (˚) component along x axis
σ: solidity, (nc/2R) Uy:[m/s] absolute wind velocity at blade position,
λ: TSR tip-speed ratio, (uR/U) component along y axis
ρ: density, kg/m3
θ: azimuth angle, (˚)
Ut:[m/s] blade tangential speed at blade position

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