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Technical Proposal

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Gas Supply Branch To GCIR North # 57, GCIR South # 58 &

GCIR New Plant # 59 0 05th July 2018






Sl NO Description
1 Project Execution Strategy
2 Project Description
3 Material Supply
4 East Gas`s Responsibilities
5 EPC`s Responsibilities
6 Exclusion from EPC scope
7 Organization Details
8 Manpower List
9 Equipment List
10 Project Master Schedule
11 Quality Control Procedure
12 HSE Procedure
13 List of Similar Past Experience
14 Safety Instruction
15 House Keeping

Gas Supply Branch To GCIR North # 57, GCIR South # 58 &

GCIR New Plant # 59 0 05th July 2018


East Gas Company LTD has planned to perform a pipeline extension project to 3 new
customers to supply natural gas. The three new gas supply branch customers are as follows:

 CID no. 57 GCIR North of East Gas Company Limited (EGCL

 CID no. 58 GCIR South of East Gas Company Limited (EGCL
 CID no. 59 GCIR New Plant

Currently, an existing gas supply network has been installed by East Gas Company Limited
(EGCL) to supply fuel gas (natural gas) for plants & factories in 2nd Industrial City,

EPC is fully committed to successfully complete this Project in the shortest possible time,
confident with the technical, operational, quality, safety and contractual requirements. The
basic frame work of our plan is founded on our extensive and recent experience on similar

Our management is fully aware of the various requirements to work in the Areas.

Following are the key areas, which have been taken into consideration to execute a
successful Project:

 Accurate resource estimation and effective planning to comply with the

overall project schedule.

 Provision of skilled professional Project Management and supervisory

staff having the knowledge and requisite experience to carry out project
works and capable of ensuring timely completion, organization for
maintaining highest quality of workmanship.

 Provision of all necessary resources including manpower, consumables,

tools & mobile equipment etc.
 Provision of all logistical support and documentation services to mobilize
and demobilize all such resources and to manage at site

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 Procure, construct, test and commission for the new gas supply branch line
to new three customers

 Mobilization
 Topographic surveys and other field reconnaissance required for proper construction of
the fuel gas (natural gas) pipeline system
 Excavate and expose the existing 4”-FW-005-3CS1P2 line for the construction of new
valve box (VB # 31)
 Construction of new valve box (VB # 31) to make the tie-in for CID 57 & CID 58
 Excavate around 800 meter to run underground pipeline & FOC to CID 57, 58 & CID 59
 Supply, fabrication & installation of underground 4” dia. Pipe about 341 meter length for
CID 57
 Supply, fabrication & installation of underground 4” dia. Pipe about 100 meter length for
CID 58
 Excavation and expose the existing 6”-FW-011-3CS1P2 line to make the tie-in for CID 59
 Supply, fabrication & installation of underground 4” dia. Pipe about 345 meter length for
CID 59
 The newly installed underground pipeline shall be made of carbon steel and shall be
protected from corrosion using fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coating system
 The newly installed underground pipeline shall be of existing impressed current cathodic
protection system.
 The other end of the pipelines will be tie – in to the aboveground interface tie-in upstream
flange of new EGCL Metering Skids at CID 57, 58 & CID 59.
 Construction of metering skid foundation, security fence with gates, structural supports,
sunshade foundation, pipe support & pipe support foundation.
 Metering skid’s communication link via new fiber optic cable (FOC) connection to
existing FOC network of EGCL
 Install and test one (1) new hot tap and stopple fittings. Assist Hot Tap vendor in
performing hot taps on 4”-FW-005-3CS1P2 mainline.
 Isolate all pipe line between existing valve box #22 downstream of ball valve inside valve
box #22 up to new temporary stopple fitting.
 Purge, inert and demolish portion of piping between tie-in #001 around 3.5 meters
 All welds shall be subject to 100% X-Ray and shall be performed by Saudi Aramco
approved Agency or as required by EGCL
 Magnetic Particle Testing and Liquid Penetrant Testing requirements for pressure
containing welds other than butt welds (including sockolets, weldolets and welding
 Hydro testing for the newly fabricated and installed line

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 Supply and installation of Electrical Control Panel inside the sunshade for Customer
ID#57, Customer ID#58 & Customer ID#59
 Supply & installation of area lighting pole for Customer ID#57, Customer ID#58 &
Customer ID#59 along with the foundation
 Precommissioning
 Commissioning
 Demobilization

Note: Standards, procurement, construction, testing, pre-commissioning & commissioning will be

done as stated in the construction scope of work PA4 – A – 767002.015-B

EPC will supply all Civil, structural, piping, instrumentation & electrical materials according to
the given MTO, SOW & IFC drawings


 East gas to provide temporary yard facility inside 2nd industrial city/ within the East gas
company premises.
 All supervision & witnessing of critical activities
 Arranging of manifesto to dump the excavated materials in the dumping area


 Construction of new gas supply branch to three customers CID no. 57, GCIR North, CID
no. 58 GCIR South & CID no. 59 GCIR New Plant


The following activities and Scope are excluded from EPC’S scope.

 Supply of any type of dewatering pumps


Organization for the Execution of this particular project

The proposed Organization team will be arranged based on the principle that EPC
will bring the best technology and execution capabilities to the benefit of the
project. Overall team for the execution of this project will be performed by
specially arranged project management team and under the leadership & direction
of EPC’s Project In charge.

The Project Team shall include the following;


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 Project Manager
 Site Supervisor
 Permit Receiver
 UT Inspector
 Document Controller
 Fire watch
 Painter
 Insulator
 Driver
 Semi-skilled labour
 Un-skilled labour


Trade Qty
1 Project In-Charge 1
2 Site Supervisor 1
3 Permit Receiver 1
4 UT Inspector 1
5 Document Controller 1
6 Fire Watch 1
7 Painter 1
8 Insulator 2
9 Driver 1
10 Semi-Skilled Labour 3
11 Un-Skilled Labour 3

Manpower available for the Project

EPC confirms that the key personnel are available to work on this particular project to
support the Schedule and will be assigned on a full time basis. However, EPC may
request NGDC to consider alternative candidates if nominated key personnel are not
available due to unforeseen reasons

Mobilization of the Required Personnel

The Project management team will be organized immediately after receiving the notice of
award from NGDC. The Project In-charge will map out the mobilization plan based on
the requirements of the project at early stage. Key personnel will be organized from the
list approved by NGDC. EPC will request a prompt kick-off meeting with NGDC at
EPC`s Home Office or NGDC Office to confirm various project procedures within 2
weeks after the issue of Notice to Proceed from NGDC. From this meeting, EPC expects
to agree with NGDC the list of priorities and requirements that need to be submitted or
complied with within the first weeks of the project schedule

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Sl No Type Qty Unit

1 Asphalt Cutter 1 Ea
2 Air Compressor 1 Ea
3 Jack Hammer 1 Ea
4 Generator 1 Ea
5 Flat - Compactor 2 Ea
6 Roller Compactor 1 Ea
7 Dump Truck 1 Ea
8 Safety related items 1 Lot
9 Hand Tools 1 Lot


1. Construction Schedule

EPC's proposed Project planning and scheduling system

is fully comprehensive and appropriate for the management and control needs of the
Project management team. The integrity of the various components of the plan is assured
by the active participation of discipline In-charges in its establishment. This includes
direct involvement for establishing activity logic sequences, durations, resources and
timing within the schedule ranges.

The system is based upon compatible monitoring and analyzing techniques applied at
appropriate level of the works to meet the required degree of control. Elements of the
monitoring system are structured or coded in such a way as to reflect the philosophy of
the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and to satisfy the control and reporting needs of
the project.

Detailed scheduled will be submitted after the job awarded

2. Mechanical Completion

EPC will schedule Complete Completion in such a way

that each corrosion monitoring location (CML) will achieve Ready inspection and for the
final inspection report from NGDC inspector.

3. Breakdown and Locations of All the Work Elements

The Project execution will be performed in sequences or simultaneously as follows:

Stage 1: Overall project planning, mobilization

Stage 2: Project activities such as excavation, UT test, restoration of insulation & reinstate

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the site to the original condition

Stage 3: Completion


 Introduction
This quality manual is a statement of the Organization, Policies, Objectives, Delegation and
Practices that Constitute the Quality Management System of Eastern Power Contracting Est. The
Quality System has been designed to comply with the requirement of ISO9001:2000

 Scope
The quality Manual defines responsibilities and directs the controls applied to the procedure
services provided by Eastern Power Contracting Est This extends to all people who have been
given responsibility for implementing and maintaining the Quality System as directed by this
Quality Manuel and associated Quality Assurance Procedures and Departmental work

 Purpose
 Formally document the policies, procedures and systems that are applied in the assurance of
product and service quality.
 Consolidate the Quality System to accommodate changes in staff and processes.
 Provide a documented reference for audit and performance measurement to identify
opportunities for improvement.
 Demonstrate to customers of Eastern Power Contracting Est the total commitment to Quality
and Service.

The policy of the company is to maintain an effective “Quality Management System” to ensure
that the required level of services excellence if achieved to meet the requirements of
ISO9001:2000, Project Specifications and this Company’s quality assurance manual.

The objective is to assure an effective quality system which is maintained, documented and
efficiently implemented in accordance with ISO9001:2000.This quality system incorporates

Company quality management policy, objectives, organizations and procedures associated with
all of the company activities. The maintenance and operations of the company quality system will
be the responsibility of all employees within the company. The company has nominated a
responsible Quality Representative.

The policy is fully endorsed on behalf of the company by the General Manger. Company’s
Management Team who will, by direction and example, ensure that this policy is understood,
accepted and implemented; throughout the organization. Total quality management involves
everyone within our Company. Quality initiatives are management led, by example.

1. To promote the total Quality Policy of Eastern Power Contracting Est.


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2. To ensure all plans are fully resourced for effective operations.

3. To encourage all personnel to actively contribute to ongoing improvement.
4. To encourage teamwork, provide coaching and leading by example.
5. To create a company and culture this will attract and keep the best people.
6. To establish partnership with customers & suppliers to ensure continuity of quality & service
from market led initiatives.
7. To treat everyone with total care and integrity, ensuring the long-term success of the

The General Manager has the overall responsibility of the quality of product and a service offered
by the Company. The General Manager is responsible for Management Review Meetings. The
General Manager delegates his responsibility through the management team who will ensure that
the Quality Policy is understood and implemented throughout the organization.

A Management Representative is appointed to act as the Company’s “Quality Representative”.

The Management Representative is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Quality
Management System. All management and supervisory staff have job descriptions, which are held
by the General Manager. These describe their quality-related responsibilities and accountabilities
and these may be added to within the Company’s procedures. In the absence of personnel for
whatever reason, a suitable deputy will accept their duties ensuring the continued smooth running
of the Company.


General: The management responsibilities are: The structure for reporting relationships and
interfaces within the company are shown in Appendix A. All resource requirements shall be
identified and provided on an ongoing basis. Job responsibilities/authorities are defined in the
Quality Manual, Procedures and Work instructions for key personnel. A Quality Representative
shall be nominated by management to maintain the Quality system; he shall be responsible for
maintenance of the system through instigation of surveillance and review meetings to ensure its

Management Review: This Quality Assurance Manual reference all activities, which made up
the companies quality system, responsibilities shall be clearly defined in the quality procedures. A
management review meeting shall be held at least annually which will assess adequacy of the
quality system. The management review shall be formally minted and controlled through a
prepared agenda, emphasizing - Customer complaints, Audit Review, Preventive Actions,
Safety, Training, Contract Review, Inspections & Testing, Purchase, Monthly Reports etc. Which
will include preventive actions using all available information as referenced in 4.14.The meeting
shall be attended by Managers and section heads and all elements of the agenda shall be
discussed. All actions required shall be placed on personnel who shall then accept responsibility
for the generation of new quality procedures or corrective actions which may have been raised at
previous audits or surveillances. In the event of difficulties

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Occurring in the quality system, ad-hoc meetings shall be arranged to assess and resolve these
difficulties. These meetings shall be conducted in the same manner as the formal review and
attended by appropriate personnel.

The company has based its quality around ISO9001:2000. The quality system has been
developed to produce an awareness that encompasses the elements in BS EN ISO 9002-1994 and
to provide a base from which to build on the efficiency of the quality system. The documents
which make up the quality system are defined at three levels:-

LEVEL 1 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL: The quality assurance manual covers all of
the elements, which make up the quality system. This manual incorporates the company policy
statement and adequately references quality procedures.

LEVEL 2 QUALITY PROCEDURES: The quality procedures have been generated as

flowcharts and as supporting documents to the quality manual. These procedures have been
developed after lengthy discussions with various discipline personnel involved in the day to day
running of that particular activity. For direct reference, the quality plan format is incorporated
within each procedure flowchart.


definitive methodology to carry out a particular task in a controlled manner.

The contract review shall commence at the contract award stage when the actual contract
document is reviewed against the inquiry and tender documents. Initially, the inquiry and tender
documents shall be reviewed by appropriate personnel who shall confirm proposed contract
conditions can be maintained, this consideration shall cover, equipment, resources and time

Upon receipt, the contract document shall be reviewed to ensure all terminology and any
ambiguities are clarified. Contract reviews are an ongoing process which continues throughout the
project. Any resulting changes shall be reviewed and distributed to relevant department heads as
per procedure records of reviews shall be maintained in the contract file as clarification that any
uncertainties have been verified and brought to a satisfactory conclusion.

For all EPC projects a third party designer company will be assisting Eastern Power Contracting
Est and we will be aid them to get the Saudi Aramco, Sabic, SATORP, Ma`aden & SADARA
approval as Eastern Power Contracting Est is the key design controller.


All documents both internal and external relating to the requirements of the quality system shall
be controlled through documented procedure reviewed and approved prior to release. The
distribution of all documents shall be controlled and recorded to ensure that current revisions are
available at all locations required. “Superseded” documents shall be destroyed on receipt of new

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revision, should a “Superseded” document need to be retained for reference purposes it will be
clearly marked. “Superseded” so personnel are aware they are for “Information Only “All
documentation shall be reviewed and approved by the original organization and the nature of the
changes highlighted for every reference wherever practicable. Master registers shall be
maintained within quality assurance archives showing the current status of the documents at all

Purchasing of materials shall be strictly in accordance with documented procedures to ensure
correct data is included on purchase orders and only companies on the approved vendor register
are used. Purchase orders shall be clear and precise on the goods and certification required. The
content of the purchase order shall be checked by authorized for adequacy prior to dispatch.
Vendor selection will be carried out and performances will be monitored to assess their ability to
meet stipulated requirements including the quality system and any required Quality Assurance
Requirements, also quality of product, delivery and price. Were applicable prearranged quality
audits or verification inspection will be carried out at vendor premises to ensure product


All pipe work, civil & structural work will be inspected before and during installation, any
damage found will be reported to the client. All materials and equipment supplied by the
customer for use on the project shall be verified and subjected to the same control as items
purchased by Eastern Power Contracting Est. “Free Issue” items, which are damaged or do not
conform to project requirements shall be held in quarantine and reported to the customer. No item
shall be removed from quarantine or incorporated into the project without written permission
from the customer. The quality representative is responsible for reporting any deficiency or
discrepancy to the customer and recording the response.


Where traceability of a product is a project requirement, the item shall be identified by an agreed
pre-determined arrangement. Various methods may be used for identification and traceability
purposes, these can be color code, tagging, drawing, unique number or other classifications. The
extent of the traceability shall be documented after discussion with the customer prior to the start
of the project. Cords shall be maintained for all traceable items as defined in the quality
procedures. These records shall be comprehensive enough to ensure total traceability for the life
of the product.

All stage of process shall be controlled through documented procedures and work
Procedures/Method Statements. Activities shall be planned to ensure suitable manpower and
equipment is available for any particular application. Equipment maintenance shall be scheduled
and carried out on an ongoing basis Personnel shall attend awareness talks on the quality system
so they are aware of project requirement and who is responsible for what. Personnel are
encouraged to contribute to the quality system through discussions and practical suggestions for
improvements. In case of activities being classed as special process. They will be carried out by

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qualified operators, the appropriate parameters being monitored to ensure specified requirements
are met. Records shall be maintained as on ongoing activity throughout the life of the project and,
as evidence that all processes, personnel and equipment are qualified and approved.


Inspection and test requirements shall be determined through approved quality plans, procedures
or other agreed documented methods.

Documented procedures shall define control requirements form receipt through to final
inspection. The extent of inspection on receipt shall be as an absolute minimum a visual
inspection to ensure no transportation damage, quantities are correct and any identification marks
are apparent. In-process inspections and test shall be pre-determined through quality plans; all
stage inspections shall be verified as being successfully carried out and accepted prior to final
inspection. Final inspection and test shall be witnessed as being carried out to specified
requirements and accepted prior to release. Items shall not be released for dispatch until all
inspection and test activities have been confirmed and documentation complied and authorized.
Cords shall be maintained as evidence that all items have passed inspection and test to the defined
acceptance criteria.


Any inspection, measuring or test equipment required to give precise, accurate results shall be
calibrated to recognized standards or specifications. Equipment selected to verify the
conformance of a product shall be suitable to cover range and accuracy requirements. Any items
of equipment, which requires calibration, shall be calibrated by an approved laboratory, who shall
supply a certificate, signed by an authorized person to confirm conformance of the equipment.
Calibrated equipment shall not be adjusted in-house. Any equipment found to be outside of
calibration shall be returned to the laboratory or scrapped. The validity of previous inspection and
test results when the measuring and test equipment is found to be out of tolerance shall be
assessed. Tapes and rules shall not be subject to calibration but shall be checked periodically for
state and condition at prescribed intervals. Records shall be maintained of all inspection,
measuring and test equipment in the calibration system.


The inspection and test status of items in the process of being built into the product shall be
identified in accordance with approved project procedures. This identification shall be maintained
throughout all stages of manufacture, assembly and installation. The method of identifying the
inspection and test status many be, tagging, color code, test records, inspection records or other
suitably agreed methods. Records shall be maintained to verify any inspection authority that shall
be responsible for the release of the goods.



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To prevent non-conforming goods being inadvertently used in production, strict control shall be
exercised in accordance with documented procedures. Any goods that do not conform to project
requirements shall be clearly identified and where practical segregated from confirming items.
The proposed corrective action to rectify a non-conforming item shall be submitted to the
designated authority for review and approval. No corrective action shall be carried out until
written permission is obtained from the customer / designate authority. Records shall be
maintained to show how the non-conforming item shall be rectified to become acceptable and
denote the final as-built condition. All reworked non-conforming products shall be re-inspected in
accordance with the quality plan or documented procedures.


Corrective action requirements shall be controlled by requests made through the nominated
quality representatives. Procedures shall provide for identification of the non-conformance and
timely resolution through approved corrective action methods. The procedure shall provide for an
investigation into the cause of the non-conformance and identity of a corrective action to prevent
recurrence. The effectiveness of the action take shall be monitored through follow-up
surveillances. Process changes as result of the action shall be reflected in amendments to
procedures or work instructions. Customer complaints shall be processed to ensure that they are
brought to a documented conclusion. Any source of information to identify preventive action such
as processes, work operations, audit results, results records and customer complaints will be
reviews at Management Review meetings.


Any special handling or storage requirements shall be controlled through definitive instructions
either by manufacturer’s recommendation, customer imposed or past experience. Handling
equipment shall be assessed for suitability and checked for condition, e.g. slings, hooks; ropes etc.
Storage areas shall be selected taking into consideration environmental conditions and security.
Authorization for methods and personnel responsible for receipt and issue from stores area shall
be defined. Packing shall be carried out to ensure that protection and identification of the product
is maintained to specified requirement. Any marking methods employed shall be selected on the
basis that they are not detrimental to the goods. Preservation is not usually applicable to the
companies work scope. In the event that preservation of a particular product is necessary,
procedures shall be produced to cover this activity. Transportation methods shall be selected to
ensure no damage shall be incurred to the product during transport to its destination. Goods shall
be suitably packed where required to provide protection whilst in transit.


Quality records shall be complied to illustrate achievements with specified quality requirements
through a well-maintained and effective quality system. These records shall be legible, verified by
authorized personnel, and reference the product or activities to which they apply for easy
identification and filing. Storage and filing shall be carried out to approve procedures to ensure
the records are easily retrieved for reference purposes and in a suitable location, which shall
minimize possible deterioration through environmental conditions or loss. Minimum retention
periods shall be defined and specified to conform to contract or legal requirements. Any quality

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records, which are retained on computer, shall be controlled by a program, which facilities back
up and security.


Internal quality audits shall be carried out in accordance with a prepared audit schedule by an
auditor who is independent of the activity being audited. The schedule will be prepared and
approved after consultation with key personnel who are responsible for activities, which affect the
quality system. The program shall be reviewed annually and audit periods shall be determined on
the importance of the activity being audited. Should there be any reason to doubt the effectiveness
of a particular element in the system, ad-hoc audit may be initiated unplanned by the quality
department. The finding from the internal audits shall be documented and a report issued to the
audile. A proposed corrective action shall be submitted for approval in the event of any non-
compliance found. Any follow-up audits required to verify the successful implementation of a
corrective action shall be carried out where possible by the same auditor / audit team.

Management and supervision shall maintain a training program to ensure all personnel are fully
competent to carry out their assigned tasks. Periodic assessments shall be carried out by section
heads / supervisors to assess the requirements of individual training needs. Records of
assessments, training provided and identified training needs, shall be retained in the personnel
department, unless required by the client on a project or sire basis. Safety training is provided for
all personnel at commencement of contract. Records of which are available. Induction training on
quality and safety shall be given to all new starters. Records of attendees shall be retained.

Although servicing is not part of the Company’s scope at this time, if in the future servicing
becomes part of the scope a relevant procedure will be formulated.


The company strongly believes that it should maintain an effective loss prevention Management
program to cover avoidance of human injury, material damage, and loss of production and
protection of environment throughout all the company’s activities. The objective of this program
is to assure an effective health, Safety & environmental management system that is maintained,
documented and efficiently implemented. The Company’s Safety Manual incorporates the
Objectives, Organizations and procedures associated with all of the company‘s activities related
to this policy. This policy is fully endorsed on behalf of our Company. The maintenance and
operation of the Health, Safety & environmental Management system will be responsibility of all
employees within the company

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As the President of the Company, I accept the responsibility for the Health Safety and
Environmental Management during all our Company’s activities. I will discharge my
responsibilities through the Company’s management team who will, by direction and example,
ensure that this policy is understood, accepted and implemented, throughout the organization.

1. INTRODUCTION  To regularly monitor the application of

this procedure
 To provide whatever training is required
for fire teams and fire wardens
1.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE: The purpose
 To ensure that fire detection systems
of this manual is to provide all employees
provided are adequate and that regular and
working on any of company’s contract and
routine maintenance schedules are being
/or Projects with a procedure and
methodology for Safe working.
 To provide personnel who are responsible
for checking and maintaining fire
1.2.0 INSTRUCTIONS: Please see the
Scaffolding Manual, the coating Manual
The Office or General Services Coordinator
or the Forklift operator Training. Other
general works procedures are dealt with shall ensure the following:
here. The purpose of this procedure is to
highlight the fire hazards, precaution and  A written emergency plan encompassing
suppression facilities required for all all areas under his control and supervision
Company’s Contracts and /or Projects. is prepared,
This procedure must be applied to all  That an appropriate number of office staff
facilities including workshops, offices, are assigned with the responsibilities to act
temporary accommodation and as fire wardens, with the duties of
construction areas marshalling and controlling the evacuation
of premises,
2. FIRE PREVENTION &  That office staff ( in particular new staff )
PROTECTION are briefed and kept updated on fire and
The following instructions apply to the emergency response procedures, including
muster points,
precaution and arrangements necessary for
 Maintenance of an inventory of flammable
the protection of life and property on the
materials e.g. photocopier fluids, and
project. control of the minimum required ,
 Provision of lidded refuse containers for
2.2.1 Responsibilities
the safe disposal of aerosols which have
The HSE Manager has the following
contained flammable materials ,
responsibilities:  Ensuring that a clean desk policy is being
adhered to and that materials are not
 To ensure that the operations in this
allowed to accumulate by regular
procedure are known and followed by the
housekeeping , and check of the offices at
personnel with specified duties
the close of business,
 To assist with the development of the
written emergency plans

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 Daily checks of the office to ensure that  Battery recharging will be conducted in well-
walkways are not obstructed , carpet and ventilated areas, with no smoking signs and
other fittings are secure , fire doors kept fire extinguishers in place,
closed and that the means of escape are being  Areas around pedestal grinders and other hot
maintained , work type activities are kept fresh of
 Provision of metal filling cabinets for combustibles,
documents, stationary and other potentially  Paints are stored in a well ventilated area
flammable items, away from other combustible material like
 Liaise with the electrical / instrumentation scaffold boards,
services provider for the inspection , testing  That flammable liquids such as gasoline ,
and servicing of fire alarms , smoke detection diesel etc, are not cleaning purpose,
units etc,  Provision of adequate storage areas that are
 Kitchen areas are a particular location for fire located in places where exits, passageways
hazards and shall be monitored to ensure that and stairways are not adversely affected.
electrical fittings are being turned off after
use and do not present a fire hazard, 2.2.2 General Instructions
 Clear glass doors shall have the direction of The following general instructions shall be
opening e.g. Push / Pull and a warning strip followed and adhered to:
placed to prevent personnel running into
them,  Materials and equipment shall be maintained
 Training in the use of fire extinguishers shall in an orderly manner that reduces or prevents
be given and signs displayed highlighting the the possibility of fire spread,
emergency procedures.  Materials shall not be stored in a manner that
 Liaison will also take place with the HSE obstructs fire points, sprinkler heads, alarms,
staff for regular audits and inspections of the emergency exits, electrical panels and
office and surroundings areas including walkways.
muster points, external walkways etc.  Materials shall not be stored close to , or in a
specifically, manner that conceals, floor opening or hoist
 Ensure that personnel are informed not to ways,
interfere with fire detection equipment; That  Consideration shall be given to the fire
a ‘NO SMOKING’ policy applies in the loading imposed in an area by the placement
bedrooms areas of residential facilities , of materials
 Ensure that night security guards regular  Doors provided for emergency escape will
patrol the residential camp areas and ensure open outwards in the direction of travel
that fire has not broken out, security lights Equipment will not be fuelled while the
are operable and identify any other potential engine is running,
area or risk  “No smoking policy” will be applied. Provide
The Store Keeper shall ensure that the smoking areas away from the work site.
following control measures are in place; Smoking is prohibited whilst refueling
activities are taking place,
 That warehouse and yard facilities are  Incompatible materials will not be stored in
maintained in a neat and tidy manner and that proximity to each other,
waste oil, rags and other flammable materials The Warehouse In charge or Store- keeper
are removed at the end of each shift or as shall
 That warehouse personnel are instructed on  Take particular care when carrying out hot
the use of fire extinguishers, raising the alarm work operations in locations where
and fire hazards in the work place, combustibles may be present. This will

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include precautions such as inspection of the

surroundings area, removal of any
combustible materials, and protection by fire
blankets and provision of fire extinguishers.
 Compressed gas cylinders shall be closed
when not in use, stored and used in a upright
position ,have their protective caps fitted
when moving and transporting them (unless
by cylinder trolleys)
 Compressed gas cylinder shall be kept clear
of electrical equipment and cabling where
they may become part of an electrical circuit
 Gas cylinders shall not be taken into confined
spaces, and feed hoses and nozzles when
used in confined spaces shall be removed
when not in use.
 Oxygen cylinders shall be kept free oil and
 Valves wrenches shall be left in position on
the valve stem at all times when the cylinder
is in use.
 Fuel gas and oxygen hoses shall be clearly
distinguishable, in good condition and
secured properly .(Wire is not permitted )
 Cylinders shall be fitted with flash back
 Fire extinguishers shall be available before
hot work commences and persons trained in
their correct use.
Type of fire extinguisher


(normal color red) actuated By CO2 for use on
Class A fires, but not fires involving live
electrical Equipment. DRY POWDER
EXTINGUISHER (normal color blue) for
use on Class B and C fires and electrical fires
where contamination is not a Problem.
R (normal color black). For Use particularly
on fires involving electrical equipment where
Avoidance of damage by the extinguisher is
important. Not a very Effective extinguisher
in the open air CHEMICAL FOAM
EXTINGUISHER (normal color cream) for
use On Class B fires particularly where re-
ignition may be a problem.

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Class of Extinguishing
Combustible Materials
Fire Agent

Fires involving solid materials (organic) in which Water ,Foam, Dry

Class A combustion leads to the formation of glowing Powder
embers (wood, paper, upholstery etc)

CO2 , Foam or Dry

Class B Fires involving liquids or heat liquefiable solids,

Class C Fires involving gases Co2 or Dry Powder

Class D Fires involving metals Dry Powders

Storage of flammable materials like paints etc

 Storage of flammable and combustible liquids and gases shall meet NFPA 30 sect, 4-8.
 Area shall be posted with its contents and posted with signs “No smoking” or “No open
 No source of ignition shall be allowed within 15 meters of the storage area,
 Minimum of two Dry Powder fire extinguishers shall be available at the storage area. Area
shall be well ventilated.
 Area shall be secured and only authorized personnel allowed access.
 If electrical system is required it must meet requirements for hazardous locations.



The purpose of this procedure is to outline the requirements for managing and controlling
house-keeping operations during for all Company’s Contracts and Projects. These procedures
must be applied to all facilities including workshops, offices, temporary accommodation and
construction areas.

Housekeeping: The act of keeping the working environment cleared of all unnecessary waste,
thereby providing a first-line of defense against accidents and injuries.

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Housekeeping is the responsibility of all site personnel, and line management commitment
will be demonstrated by the continued efforts of supervising staff towards this activity.

3.3.0 Responsibilities

The HSE Manager ensures the following:

 That suitable arrangement, including subcontractors, is in place to maintain site tidiness to

a high standard.
 Will daily monitor site conditions and ensure that any remedial actions are implemented.
 Shall engage a separate employee, if necessary, to remove waste materials including
arrangements for Specialized or hazardous waste.
 Shall satisfy him that waste materials removed from site is reaching the landfill area or
incineration facility, and is not being ‘fly tipped ‘or causing environmental damage.
 Subcontractors, including their sub subcontractors are wholly responsible for the
maintenance of their area of site housekeeping. Specifically they must assign
responsibility within their organization for the control and elimination of waste materials
and monitor the arrangements in place for controlling housekeeping, for effectiveness.

These instructions shall apply equally to office, workshop, site or desert locations used by
consortium personnel or their contractors during the course of the project

 All emergency exit passageways, exits, fire –doors, break- glass alarm points, firefighting
equipment, first aid stations, and other emergency stations shall be kept clean ,
unobstructed and in good working order.
 All workers, accesses and means of escape shall be maintained clear of debris waste and
other rubbish , which shall be disposed of in segregated container for disposal
 All spillages of liquids especially of oily or greasy liquid shall be immediately cleared by
absorption in insert sand or other suitable materials, toxic, corrosive or other hazardous
liquids shall be cleared up in accordance with manufactures instructions or safety data
sheet. All materials used to mop up spills be immediately removed to a safe place and
stored in closed containers for safe disposal.
 Tools, equipment and raw materials at the workplace should be kept to a minimum
commensurate with efficient working practice. Finished work, tolls and equipment should
be removed as soon as possible to their defined storage area such that the workplace is
maintained clear.
 Common –sense and good working practice shall be employed when storing or placing
materials. Boxes, pallets or containers such that they do not pose a threat to workers from
lifting, tripping or blocking egress route. Offices shall be regularly tidied and cleaned
Laboratories and workshops shall be maintained clear of debris, waste and other rubbish,
which shall be disposed.
 Adequate time will be assigned to ensure that good housekeeping is maintained. This may
be carried out by the workers in a particulars office, workshop or site or, at the discretion
of the management, by a team of specialist cleaners.
 Any instance of poor housekeeping that results in the creation of a tripping, slipping or
fire hazard shall be immediately dealt with,

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 Materials shall be stacked or stored in a safe manner that prevents sliding, falling or
 When carrying out shuttering operations or any other activity that result in splinters, nails
or other sharp edges the activity will be controlled by removal or other method as
 Arrangement shall be on place to ensure that cable management is controlled and that
walkways /stairways are kept clear of temporary electric’s and hoses.
 Waste disposal containers shall be sited for food waste, and such areas as utilized for
eating shall be kept clean and tidy.
 Where materials are being removed from elevated structures proper arrangements shall be
in place e.g. Barriers, signs winches, hoists etc. to eliminate the risk of injury to personnel
working in the area.
 On a weekly basis, storage areas used for scarp trash and other waste will be removed
from the project areas and transported to approve dumping area.


4.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE; the purpose of this procedure is to outline the
requirements for the effective use of safety signs during for all company’s Contracts and/or

4.2.0 DEFENITIONS : The signs depicted in this procedure can be grouped as

prohibition, Warning, Safe conditions & fire

4.3.0 REFERENCE : The contents of this procedure are in accordance with British

4.4.0 The HSE Manager will be responsible for

 Ensuring that Supervisor and subcontractor management are familiar with this procedure.
 That signs and barriers are ordered in accordance with this procedure.
 Monitoring site conditions to ensure that signs and barriers are being erected as
appropriate to the conditions.
 Liaison with the commissioning team prior to start up on the requirements and ordering of
signs, warning tape, tags and barriers.

Supervisors and Foremen will be responsible for;


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 Identifying and ordering sufficient signs and barriers to control their areas of work.
Ensuring that signs and barriers are erected in accordance with this procedure.
 Provision of instruction s required.
 Ensuring that adequate barriers and signs are provided around areas where hazards may
 Plan and make adequate allowance for the provision of signs and barriers etc.
 Ensure that all items of commissioned and live plant are clearly indicated.

These instructions shall apply equally to office, workshop, site or desert locations

 All emergency exists passageways, fire doors first aid stations, eye wash stations
emergency muster point shall be highlighted with safety condition signs.
 Warning signs shall be erected and displayed for fires hazards, electrical equipment,
opening s, overhead working , noisy areas, and other hazards
 Mandatory signs shall be provided for enforcing the use of personal protective clothing
and equipment and providing specific instructions appropriate to the task condition.
 Prohibition signs will be displayed for restricting access or entry, no smoking areas, no
parking, and any other unauthorized acts.
 Fire signs shall be provided at areas where fire equipment has been sited e.g. fire
extinguishers, fire Points, fire blankets etc.
 Barriers and warning tape will be provided as appropriate, only fixed and solid barriers
will be used for edge protection on excavations, floor openings and penetrations.

4.5.1 Specifications
The following specifications shall be followed when ordering signs.

Prohibition Background color shall be white with black symbol, centrally Signs placed
and red

Mandatory Background color shall be blue, with a triangular warning symbol edged
with a black band. The text or symbol will be in black & centrally located

Warning Background color shall be yellow with a triangular warning symbol edged with a
black band. The text or oblong and green shall cover at least 50% of the sign.

Fire sign Background color shall be red with white symbol or text. The shape of the sign
shall be square or oblong.

Barriers Barriers tape shall be suitable for external use and maybe either;

 Fluorescent, orange or other high visibility color ( for traffic control)

 Red and white or yellow and red for general warning
 Hazards warning pennants
 Fixed barriers either constructed from scaffolding or timber shall be used in areas such as
exactions greater than 1.2 meters in depth or floor openings/ penetrations from where
persons may fall.

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4.5.2 site Perimeter and access point signs

Where practicable fencing and signs will be erected to contain construction areas with the
following signs erected;

 Authorized personnel only (Arabic &English)

 Hard hats to be worn
 Eye protection required Safety footwear.
 Drivers report to General Services Coordinator.
 Speed Limit.



This procedure has been developed to ensure that all site personnel on all Company’s
Contracts and/or Projects are provided with, and wear or hold, the appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves against work related hazards which may
endanger their health and safety. This procedure applies to all personnel employed by the
company and/ or Sub-contractor including all of their Sub- contractors.


Personal Protective Equipment is defined as equipment designed to be worn or held by

personnel to protect themselves against work related hazards which may endanger their health
and safety.

5.3.1 General requirements

Risks posed in any particular work activity shall be assessed, and adequate PPE selected in
accordance with the following criteria

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 Gives protection against risk(s) with out in itself leading to any increased risk is suitable
for the personnel involved in the work including correct fitting
 Is compatible with the work activity
 Complies with a recognized national or international standard of design or
construction(such as BS/ANSI/DIN/ISO/NIOSH)

All employees shall be provided with the necessary PPE, as defined above, for their particular
work activity. They hall also be provided with the necessary instruction and training in its
correct use. PPE and the necessary training course shall be supplied to the employee by or on
behalf of the employer.

All employees shall be held responsible for the proper care and use of any PPE supplied to
them. Employers shall replace, free of change to the employee, any PPE which becomes
deficient in any way through normal work usage or wear and tear shall include the period of
effective use specified by the manufacturer and requirements of basic hygiene standards

Supervisors of any work-site shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel on site are
trained in the use of, provided with , and wearing all PPE required for all particular activity
and environment of the work personnel not properly equipped, for whatever reason, shall not
start or continue working.

All employees shall wear the appropriate PPE supplied to then at all items while working at
their assigned tasks. Supervisors shall apply disciplinary action in accordance with contractor
procedure to any employee who fails comply.

5.3.2 Basic Personal Protective Equipment

Basic and minimum PPE requirement are defined as:

 Safety helmet of plastic construction, manufactured in accordance with

ISO 3873, BS 5240 or equivalent
 Safety footwear with steel toe protection manufactured in accordance with BS 953, DIN
4843 or equivalent and adequate for the place or work
 In addition to above, employers shall supply coveralls to employees working in
storerooms, workshops or work-sites in the open .Coveralls should have identification
name or logo of the employer displayed in a prominent place.
 The practice of wearing of logos of other company’s whether on coveralls should have
identifications name or logo of the employer displayed in a prominent place.
 The practice of wearing of logos of other companies, whether on coveralls or hard-hats, is
prohibited. this reduce the potential for confusion in emergency situations

Safety helmet, safety shoes and overall shall be worn within all industrial facilities and work
sites. These locations include, but are not limited to:

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 Whenever notices are displayed stating that such PPE shall be worn. Such notices shall be
in English or Arabic. Visual signs shall also be displayed (outline drawing of
hardhat/boots etc)
 Any production facility, inclusive of power plants and gathering stations
 All well locations inclusive of locations in preparation, drilling ,production and work-over
 All construction sites inclusive of construction repairs to existing buildings
 During all excavation work, inclusive if digging trenches, when working near excavating
equipment, or any work where the depth of excavation is such that materials could fall
into the excavation
 During pipeline operations
 While working with any machinery or equipment where a significant hazard of projection
of debris exists ( e.g. using portable power saws, heavy cutting machinery, etc)
 All abrasive blasting operations

The only exception to the above which is considered acceptable is that of welders when
actually welding and cutting, where the necessary eye shield or heat protective cap prevents
the use of a hard-hat

5.3.3 Eye and Face Protection

 Face/Head Protection scarves are only allowed if specify designed and worn in such a way
that there is no impairment of the wears vision
 All personnel shall wear safety glasses with side shields while on the construction sites
(100% eye protection).
 Work situations that require additional protection such as full-face shield etc., which
typically are:
o Grinding
o Blowing down with compressed air
o Spraying of abrasives
o Handing, using mix toxic or corrosive substances
Eye and face protection shall be manufactured in accordance with established national and
international standards such as:

 ISO 4849 / BS 2092 (Personal eye protectors)

 BS 2724 (Sun glare eye protection)
 ISO 4850 / BS 679 (personal eye protectors for welding filters)
 When working during the hours of daylight, employees should be provided with
sunglasses having a tint of 1.25 to 2 density. When working during the hours of darkness,
safety glasses shall be clear except for welders and fitters and their helpers. Contact lenses
are not approved for wear on the construction site
 In general eye and face protection shall be issued on a personal basis, exception to this
would be in case of fixed grinding, drilling or other rotating machines used by multiple

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users in a workshop. Personnel who require prescription glasses shall either be provided
with corrective safety lenses or the type of safety glasses that fit over prescription glasses.

5.3.4 Respiratory Protection

Respiratory Protective Equipments shall be available to all persons who are exposed to any
situation in which there is a possibility to the atmosphere being or becoming deficient in
oxygen or containing any harmful substance, whether particle, dust mist, vapor or gas

 Work in containers or vessels where a danger of oxygen deficiency or harmful gases may
be present
 Work in shafts, sewer or enclosed septic tanks
 Grit or abrasive blasting operations
 Work in refrigeration plants where the danger of escape of refrigerant gas exists

5.3.5 Hearing Protection

 Hearing protection shall be made available to all workers exposed to noise levels of 85 dB
(A) or above. The selection of type of protection shall be in accordance with the type of
noise hazards and the work being performed.
 Protective devices shall be in conformance with BS 6344 “Industrial Hearing Protectors”
or equivalent.
 In all work environment where the noise level is at or above 85 dB (A), prominent signs in
English and Arabic shall be displayed indicating the need for ear protection. A visual sign
in the form of a line drawing of earmuffs shall also be displayed.
 In general, hearing protection worn frequently shall be issued on a personal basis, in
addition to personal issue it is recommended to leave suitable hearing protection by the
entrance into high noise level areas.

5.3.6 Hand and Arm Protection

Adequate hand and arm protection shall be available for all manual labor. The type of
protection worn shall be selected according to the hazards to be protected against. These
include but not limited to;

 Impacts, cuts ,abrasions and infections extreme temperatures

 Chemical, toxic, corrosive and other hazardous substances.
Hand and arm protection shall conform, where applicable to a recognized national or
international standard such as:

 BS 1651: Specification for industrial gloves

 BS 697 : specification for rubber gloves for electrical work
Hand and arm protective devices shall be regularly inspected and replaced when physically
damaged, or contaminated by substances ( such as grease, paints drilling fluids or chemical )
which might impair their effectiveness or safety.

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5.3.7 Body Protection

Adequate body protection such as special suits, aprons, leggings, etc., shall be provided for
any work that involves hazards. Specific and adequate body protection shall be supplied for
all work activities, which present these hazards, including but not limited to:

 Working in extremes of temperature, such as fire-fighting, heating furnace attendance,

working in refrigeration plants, etc.
 Welding, burning, cutting and grinding
 Handling or mixing of acids and other toxic , corrosive or hazardous chemicals
 Cleanup and disposal hazardous waste ( Asbestos, chemical, hydrocarbon, etc)
Body protective devices shall be manufactured to a manufactures to a recognized national or
international standard, such as:

 BS 1547 Specification for flame retardant industrial clothing

 BS 2653 Specification for protective clothing for welders
 BS 3314 Specification for protective aprons for wet work
 BS 3783 Specification for X-ray lead- rubber protective aprons
 BS 3791 Specification for clothing for protection against heat for Short periods
 BS 7182 Specification for air permeable chemical protective Clothing

5.3.8 Fully Body Safety harnesses &Safety harnesses and lifelines shall be provided,
worn and properly secured in all work situations where any of the following dangers exist;
 Falling from a height greater than 2m
 Succumbing to toxic atmospheres or oxygen deficiency
Such situations include, but are not limited to

 Working on scaffolding
 Work on any high structure, whether in construction or maintenance, including petroleum
processing plant
 Drilling rigs, storage tanks, etc.
 Work over water
 Rescue work, in firefighting, from high structures and from hazardous atmospheres Safety
belts shall not be used, only full body safety harnesses shall be used.
All such safety harness and lifelines shall be manufactures and inspected in conformance to a
recognized national or international standard such as:

 BS 1397 self –locking safety anchorage’s for industrial use

 ANSI A10-14 Requirements for Safety belts, harnesses, lanyards, and drop- lines for
construction and industrial use.



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The purpose of this procedure is to outline the requirements for Roads and Transport Safety
for all sites personnel on all company’s contracts and/ or Projects. The procedures applies to
all operations involving road or off road transportation


Transport refers to all vehicles, plant or equipment used to transport personnel or materials
with in Saudi. Roads on all routes used by transport, whether they be asphalted, gravel, sand
or dirt.


6.3.1 General Requirements

The company shall ensure that all vehicles shall be of adequate capacity and of a design
suitable for the work to which they allocated. The company shall appoint an authorized person
who shall assume the following duties

 Give overall direction and take responsibility for the application of this procedure
 Shall check the records at least once a month to verify that the system is working.

The company will appoint nominated persons authorized to approve travel arrangements that
shall have the following responsibilities:

 Check with the driver that the vehicle to be used is suitable.

 Ensure that the driver has undertaken his daily checks and cleared the vehicle from all
 Check distance involved and timing to ensure that the driver working hours are within limits.
 Maintain a record of the total number of journeys and an analysis of non- compliance events
 Ensure that the driver knows and understand the action to be taken in an emergency.
 Discuss the journey plan with the driver by way of a toolbox talk
 Check that the load is properly secured.
 Maintenance of a register that details the driver, purpose of the journey, mileage involved,
destination and timing, this will also be used for maintenance of statistical records.
 Notify at the point of departure when a driver, purpose of the journey, mileage involved,
destination and timing, this will also be used for maintenance, by contracting the
Transportation Department.

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 Initiating suitable procedures when the vehicles become due for maintenance by contracting
the transport Manager.

Driver responsibilities

 Take responsibilities for the vehicles, the load and passengers being carried
 Understanding of the travel arrangements and journey plan.
 Checking of the vehicles prior to start of the journey.
 Ensuring that all personnel in the vehicle are wearing seat belts
 Notifications of any difficulties or problems encountered en-route.
 At the destination to notify the concern person or department of his arrival
 Drivers shall not pick up unauthorized persons.


All personnel must hold an appropriate and Saudi Driving license for the vehicles or
equipment to be driven. The following general guidelines apply to the qualifications and
requirements for driving:

 Professional drivers shall undergo a medical examination and be certified fit before taking up
a driver’s job. Subsequently they shall receive a bi- annual medical and eyesight examination
by a qualified doctor.
Company personnel shall not drive on graded roads during the hours of darkness, expect
under the following circumstances:

 In response to an emergency.
 For operational purposes, Only if prior approval has been obtained from the project Manager
 Maximum driving time must be 10 hrs in a 12 hrs shift period, After 3 hours driving a
minimum of 15 minutes rest is needed

6.4.1 Vehicle Register Requirements:

 All vehicle movements shall be recorded in a register stating the vehicle type, registration
number, and driver’s name, number of passengers, Route details and planned stops.
 All vehicles convey movements/major loads etc. shall be coordinated with the Company
Transport Department and the requirements of their procedures shall be complied with.

6.4.2 Driver induction


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All drivers must attend and induction course before being allowed to operate or drive on
company business.

The general content shall include;

 Local driving conditions and attitude to driving

 Traffic regulations, site speed limits, roads signs and markings
 Government restrictions
 Risks of driving and common causes of accidents
 Accident black spots
 Precaution to be taken when back-filling and other site preparation activities.
 Defensive driving
 Journey management systems
 Fatigue and the effects of tiredness- Medication / drugs
 Vehicles design and limitations- Safety features
 Security of cargo and the transportation of goods
 Responsibility for the care and maintenance of the vehicle
 Emergency procedure and accident reporting
 Forklift drivers and Drivers for special vehicles must undergo a special training program
which is documented separately

6.4.3 Desert driving procedure

It is strongly recommended to maintain a driving speed of maximum 40 km/h on unfinished

surface access road for safety reasons. Prior to any of the road driving makes sure that;

 You have given the control room at Transport Department or your Section Head these details
a. Date and Time of departure
b. Name of driver and passengers
c. Vehicles type, registration and color
d. The route and destination of the journey
e. Estimated time arrival at your destination
 The vehicle must be in good condition throughout and before proceeding check that;
a. Your vehicle is four wheel drives & well provided for desert trip.
b. Good oil level
c. Full fuel tank
d. Good radiator water level
e. Tires in good condition (2 mm of minimum tread on tire ) and of proper air pressure Bear in
mind that soft sand tire pressure should be reduced to around 15 psi .Keep strictly to your
planned route using recognized tracks observing markers and any other landmarks on the
 Remember to check you have ;
a. Jack & Jack handle b. Wheel nut tool
c. Jack block d. Spare wheels

 Have the following items available:

a. Tow rope b. Hand lamp

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c. Spare fan belt d. Tool kit

e. Area Map f. Foot pump

g. fire extinguisher h. Radio

i. First Aid Kit j. Few pair gloves

k. Shovel l. Drinking water

 Desert survival kit complete with hand held flares, compass and insulated blanket (where
available )
 Always keep recognizing tracks and should you become lost follow your own tire tracks
backs to knows landmark
 Above all in the event that your vehicles does break down never attempt to reach any
location by foot, always stay with the vehicle unit help arrives
 During adverse weather conditions pull the vehicle over until the conditions improve.

6.4.4 Driving Vehicles and operating on Construction sites

 All cars and small trucks shall have a 2 kg ABC fire extinguisher.
 All equipment and internal combustion engines shall have 6 Kg ABC fire extinguisher
 Bi- directional equipment shall have an available alarm that can be heard above surrounding
 Speed limit for all vehicles and equipment on site is 20 Kmph.
 Equipment, operators shall have a Saudi license for agriculture and construction equipment,
which specifies the type of equipment they can operate.
 All glass shall be free of cracks and distortions
 Forklifts, cranes and other equipment operator shall receive additional training in accordance
with the company standard & Training requirements
 All equipment shall be as originally manufactured, only manufacturer- approved
modification may be made. all equipment must comply with Saudi Safety Requirements



To outline and define and H2S monitoring and control program that complies with the
requirements of the company and safeguards personnel working on company’s Projects and/or
Contracts. This Procedure will apply to all personnel working in areas where H2S is present or
who are performing works with H2S is present or who are performing work with H2S

Occupational Exposure Standards

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Limit at which there are no adverse effects to health

Short term Exposure Limits(STEL’s)

Limits at which a short term exposure of ten minutes are allowed without affecting the health of
the individual

7.3.0 REFERENCE AND GUIDELINES : Health and Safety Executive Publication EH4O.

The Project Manager shall be responsible for providing the following equipment;

 Sufficient numbers of H2S detection equipment, the type of equipment to be compatible and
approved by Company.
 Adequate calibration and test equipment, with spare parts that can be fitted on site. Sufficient
numbers of escape equipment as required by the numbers of person who may be exposed.
The HSE Manager will be responsible for;

 Ensuring that Supervisors and foremen management are familiar with this procedure.
 That any work carried out where the presence of H2S may occur is covered by this procedure.
 Monitoring site conditions and ensuring that persons who may affect by this procedure are
aware of the hazards and precautions to be taken.
 Arrange for the necessary training of personnel for testing , calibration and maintenance of
 Updating this procedure as necessary.
Supervisors will be responsible for:

 Ensuring that, when working in areas affected by the presence of H2S, the company site
representative has been consulted and that he s satisfied that all necessary precautions are in
 Planning the work, as far as practicable, to include contingency plan and arrangements.
 To provide sufficient signs, barriers and flashing lights as appropriate to the area
 Provision of instruction with regards to the hazards and arrangements in place

Prior to any being carried out an analysis shall be carried out to determine the levels of H 2S
present in the area

 All work will be covered by the permit to work system, which will state the frequency of
further tests
 Instruction in the wearing and use of escape sets shall be emphasized in the task team
 H2S is an explosive gas and all electrical equipment provided shall be low voltage and
intrinsically safe

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 Wind socks shall be positioned in conspicuous locations to indicate the direction and strength
of the wind
 The time – weighted average for H2S shall be 10 parts per million (ppm), with a short- term
exposure limit of 15 parts per million (ppm) for a maximum of 10 minutes duration. Portable
monitoring devices that are provided, for either personal or for an area, shall be calibrated to
alarm at 10 ppm

7.5.1 Emergency Procedure

Any emissions shall be corrected immediately and no person shall be allowed to enter an area,
personnel will take the following actions;

 Don’t panic
 Wear the breathing apparatus if available
 Evacuate the area in an upwind direction using the windsocks provided for reference
 Notify their supervision
 Stay in the area and act as a guide for other personnel responding to the situations

7.5.2 Acetylene, LPG and Flammable Gasses

 Prior to any use of flammable gasses, an analysis shall be carried out to ensure that all
equipment is in conditions, that there is adequate ventilation, and that fire lighting is at hand
 Flammable gasses that are used in confined space must have constant gas detection meter for
 MSDS should be on site safety talks given on all types of gasses to be used on the project
 Flammable gasses can also act as suffocating gas in very high concentration
 Evacuation should always be up wind if possible or cross wind depending on the situation.
 Even small amount of any gas should not be inhaled if possible

7.5.3 Nitrogen, Argon and other Suffocating Gasses

 Prior to use of any suffocating gasses an analysis shall be carried out to ensure that all
equipment is in good conditions, that there is adequate ventilation, and that fire fighting is at
 Suffocating gasses are used for welding operations, displacing oxygen in vessels etc
 Suffocating gasses can be explosive danger in extremely high heat
 Suffocating gasses can either be heavier then air or lighter.
 Many suffocating gasses are colorless, odorless and tasteless, making them extremely
 MSDS should be on site and receive before any use of a suffocating gas
 Evacuation of an area should always be up wind or cross wind depending on situation.




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The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps to be taken for evacuating personnel
working on company’s Projects and /or Contracts site The scope of this procedure is intended
to be for emergency attention only which must be followed up by action from qualified


Depending on the size of the site, the HSE Manager will set up a local Emergency Response
center in a local office. At small sites, where there are Medical/ Emergency Response centers
available, the procedures set up in these centers will be followed.

The indent controller will set up his headquarters in the Emergency Response Center nearest to
the scene of the emergency and control his team from there.


8.3.1 Introduction
Any emergency occurring at a site may cause serious injuries, loss of life, and extensive damage
to property. These situations may demand adequate rescue and relief measures to handle such
events quickly and effectively. The objective of this procedure is to reduce the severity of
loss and handle the situation in the best possible ways. It must be clearly understood that it is
not a substitute for maintaining good standard of health and safety requirements It is
therefore necessary to ensure that all personnel know what they have to do in the event of an
emergency. Through this procedure the responsibilities and duties of the key personnel and
of every individual shall be made clear. Testing of the system will be carried out by practical
training and a program of regular drills and exercises. The procedure, in addition to the duties
and responsibilities of the key personnel and individuals, shall describe the system of
Evacuation, Fire –fighting, Rescuing, Searching and Tacking other type of emergencies .It
shall also indicate the availability of facilities such as location of firefighting equipment,
assembly Points, exits and the procedure to take help from any outside agency in case of

8.3.2 Planning
The basic and essential feature of any emergency procedure is to analyze and plan for potential
risks. This includes:

 Establish and maintain effective communications.

a. Assessment of the risk by analyzing the size and nature of the hazards foreseen and the
probability of their occurrence. The events can be Fire Hazards causing serious burns to the
personnel or resulting in collapse of structures. Gas leakage’s causing toxic and fire hazards
Electrical or electric shocks or Medical emergency

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 Liaison with local emergency services and authorities.

a. Procedures: Raising the alarm b. Communications both within and outside
 Appointment of key personnel and specifying their duties and responsibility
a. Incident Controller b. Fire fighting crew c. Search party with its leader –
first –Aiders
a. Training and Rehearsal : Review and updating

8.3.3 Raising the alarm and communication

Communication is a critical factor in handling an emergency. To control the situation by the
earliest possible action, any employee must be able to act and raise an emergency alarm.

 Fire bells provided at different locations shall be used to raised the alarm
 At larger sites, the entire area will be sub- divided into different zones with each zone having
a color code. In this situation there may be more than one assembly point, which will be
color coded according to the color code of the area
 The assembly pints shall also be clearly indicated in the Site office with fire instructions and
plot plans
 On hearing an alarm all personnel shall vacate the work place. Before leaving the working
place the individual concern shall leave the work place as safe as possible like switching off
of welding machines, gas cylinders, running machines, gas burners, any electrical light or
appliance in their rooms.
 All personnel shall assemble at the assembly point according to the color code of his area of
 Fire- wardens shall provide guidance and assistance for mustering at the correct assembly
 While responding to a fire alarm, kitchen staff shall ensure that all burners and other fire
hazards have been turned off. Similarly other personnel in residence shall ensure that they
leave everything in their rooms in safe condition.
 All the members of respective teams shall report to their leaders
 The leaders shall take directors from the incident controller.

8.3.4 Duties and Responsibilities

Incident Controller

The Incident controller shall be identified with his name clearly displayed in the project office
and shall have the following responsibilities (the senior person present at the site of an
incident shall act as accident controller, until the incident controller can take charge);

 Shall take overall charge of any emergency or exercise

 Shall attend the site of an incident, assess the situation and issue direction to the concerned
parties and supervision of the emergency response team
 Ensure that massages have been communicated to the local authorities and the company
 Shall also account for all personnel and assign search /rescue teams in the event of a missing
 Ensure that any mutual aid agreements are followed and assistance is sought in time.

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 Inform the HSE Manager of the emergency at the earliest opportunities

 Co-ordination of the complete operation and returning of the service to their normal
operation on completion of required action for emergency.
Fire Fighting Party

 Fire fighting teams will be established and trained to deal with most eventualities.
 The incident controller shall appoint fire team leaders who will give direction to personnel
under his control. Personnel appointed will have had some training and where possible
previous experience in emergency response actions. All the members of the fire team shall
report to the fire team leader and shall work according to his direction. The operation on fire
Extinction shall be taken according to fire fighting Procedure laid for which training shall be
given at regular interval
 An electrician/instrument Technician will be included, where possible, as a member of the
fire squad with responsibility for the isolation of electrical power, if necessary. The
maintenance of fire fighting appliance shall be the responsibility of the Safety Advisor of the
area who shall make arrangement to recharge the used fire extinguisher or other equipment.
Search Party

Search Parties will be established and responsibilities assigned by the incident controller and
they will have following specific responsibilities:

 As soon as the evacuation alarm is sounded, they will check all areas to confirm that all the
employee have left the premises; if they find a victim they shall inform the leader of the
rescue team.
 The leader of the search team shall assist the incident controller by maintaining a muster
count and keep a record of all employees present. In the event of a no show ‘ they will alert
the fire-fighting party and rescue teams
Rescue Team/ First- Aid Team

 Rescue teams shall be fully trained in different rescue techniques and procedures e.g.
removing a victim from electrical sources, different types of handling techniques, the ABC if
first aid etc.
 The team shall be responsible for recovering a casualty and getting him to the Medical center
without aggravating his injuries
 The first-Aid team shall also assist the Male Nurse on duty in rendering medical aid to
injured parties. If nursing staff is not available the leader of the First Aid team shall take
charge by administering First Aid and sending him for further treatment to the Company
Medical Center
Incident Completion

All clear signals shall be sounded by the incident Controller following a thorough examination of
the area, initiated by the incident controller and other team leaders. The project Manager &
field HSE supervisor shall visit all locations to ensure that the duties assigned to the
responsible parties are understood and adhered to

General Consideration

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 Exercise in each facility shall be conducted at least once a month and the observation shall be
recorded. The report should be forwarded to the HSE Department and any remedial actions
required shall be identified.
 Emergency procedure shall be updated from time to time depending on the observation made
 Training shall be conducted on regular basis for the teams involved in the emergency
 Area plot plan shall be sited in conspicuous locations for the attention of each employee. This
layout plan shall clearly mark the alarm and fire points in the camp and in the industrial
 The location of the firefighting equipment shall be also very clearly marked on this plan.
 Hand operated sirens shall be installed and used in case of an emergency in the camp


8.4.1 HSE Manager

The HSE Manager is responsible for ensuring that provisions are in place for emergency
response, including;

 Muster points
 Arrangements, through site management for the resources for conducting head counts
 Identification and Mobilization of emergency response teams.
 Training of emergency response teams
 Setting up drills and exercises in co-ordination with emergency services
 Procurement of fire and medical equipment
In the event of any emergency the HSE Manager a member of the HSE department shall take the
following actions;

 Evaluate the scale of the incident and decide whether additional resources are required to
deal with it.
 Liaison with site supervision for withdrawing permits. Give direction to site emergency
response teams
 Liaise with site supervision for mobilization of any plant & equipment necessary to deal with
 Make safe the areas by installing barriers or other means of preventing unauthorized access.
 Prepare a full report.

8.4.2 Project Manager

The Project Manger shall support this procedure in the following manner;

 Provision of adequate resources in terms of personnel, time and finance for implementation
of the requirements for providing an emergency response service on site.
 Active participation in the scheduling and enactment of drills and exercises.
 Shall monitor the arrangement through the Safety Manager to satisfy Manager to satisfy them
that the services are satisfactory and adequate for the needs of the project.

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9.1.0 SCOPE AND PUPOSE: This Procedure has been developed to ensure that all site
personnel who will, or may, work at heights, do so in a safe manner.

9.2.0 DEFINITIONS: High structures refer to any permanent or temporary above ground
structure used by personnel for any purpose during the course of the construction works.

9.3.1 Personnel: Personnel shall be adequately trained and experienced in their work,
specifically as applied to operating above ground level. Supervisors, adequate in number,
training and experience shall be provided for the control of work above ground level. In order
to minimize exposure to risk, the minimum practical number of personnel shall be assigned
to the job. The operations above ground level shall be carried out in such a way that non-
involved personnel, in the vicinity of the activity, are not at risk

9.3.2 Personal Protective Equipment: All personnel working above ground level shall be
provided with, and shall use, appropriate personal protection including, but not limited to, the
relevant requirements of procedure ‘Personal Protection Equipment’.
9.3.3. Means of Access: Means of access to elevated areas shall be of an approved type, of
sound construction, suitable for the purpose and shall be used in a safe manner. Where the
means of access is of a mobile or portable type, it shall not be moved either mechanically or
manually, whilst personnel are upon it unless it is specifically designed and approved for the
carriage of persons All of accesses shall be kept clear of any loose articles e.g. tools,
equipment, scaffolding boards, etc. shall be removed or securely lashed down, prior to the
means of access being moved.

 Where personnel must transfer from/ to the means of access or from/ to the high structure,
the arrangements at the point of transfer shall be such that personnel are not at risk whilst
 The means of access shall adequate provide for safe means of egress, for all personnel, from
the high structure.

9.3.4. The High Structure: The integrity of the high structure shall be such that the required
operations can be performed safely. This includes, but is not limited to:
 The loading of the structure e.g. men, equipment and materials
 The environmental conditions,
 The forces imposed upon it by any means of access which is connected to it ,
 The forces imposed upon it by any lifting or winching operations in which the high structure
serves as an anchor point, counterweight or tie point.

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9.3.5. Pre- work checks : Before work commences, the supervisor in charge of the work shall
 That all necessary permits have been obtained
 That all necessary electrical, mechanical and process isolations have been positively carried
 That all static, moving ,lifting and anchoring equipment, integral to the means of access and
high structure, inclusive of those associated with the work task, are correctly fitted
conditionally sound and fit for the intended purpose
 That all personnel have been provided with the required personal protection That all
personal are briefed between member of the work team have been rehearsed and all
communication drills between member of the work team have been adequately rehearsed and
all communications equipment id functioning
 That suitable emergency transport is permanently available for use on site.

9.3.6. Working Practices

 Personnel shall not be permitted to climb whilst carrying tools or equipment, the only
exception being tools carried in a waist belt designed specifically for the purpose. Where
necessary, tools shall be hauled up and lowered in a suitable container, using a handling of
suitable size and condition.
 Electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic tools shall not be hauled up or lowered by their power
 All lifting operations shall be controlled by a supervisor, who shall ensure that safe lifting
practices are used at all times.
 During lifting operations, no person shall be positioned beneath the load, hoist or jib;
similarly, loads shall not be slewed over the heads of personnel.
 Where practicable, personnel shall not be assigned to work directly below the overhead work
positions or other persons. Where this is unavoidable, suitable precaution shall be taken.
 All personnel shall be tied off when not moving about the structure.
 Tools, equipment shall not be left lying around the structure. They shall be kept in such a
location that they do not represent tripping hazards and cannot fall or be knocked from the
 Where no catchments means is located below the work place, Safety lines shall be attached to
tools and equipment.
 All overhead work shall cease when wind speed reaches 40 km/h. the only exception being
such work which is intended to render the high structure or its means of access safe in spite
of such high wind speeds
 Any overhead work which, it is clamed, must be carried out during the hours of darkness
shall be subject to written authorization from the Project Manager. Such authorization shall
be inclusive of the required standard of illumination.
 When over head work is required on wet structures or their means of access, those facilities
shall be inspected by the project manger prior to job start.
 Where such facilities become we during the operation, work may continue only in order to
make the structure safe. Work shall then cease until inspection by the blocked off and any
carne jibs shall be tied down to their resting brackets.
 Where there is a risk to third parties, high visibility warning tape, notice boards and warning
lights shall be situated.

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10.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to outline the hazards
associated with noise and the preventative measures to be taken to reduce risk to health. It
covers all areas where the work is being carried out and includes consideration for adjacent
populated areas.

10.2.0 DEFENITIONS: Noise is defined as unwanted sound, which at certain volume levels may
cause irreparable damage to hearing. Frequency is the pitch measures in Hertz, calculated
from the rate of pressure fluctuations of sound waves refers to a unit of sound pressure fed
into an electronic weighting network and providing an approximate sound level calculated
over the total frequencies. DB (A) refers to the characteristics of sound which are filtered to
replace the noise heard by the human ear. Attenuation is the reduction of noise achieved by
hearing protection, each type of ear protector should have attenuation tables which illustrate
the noise reduction at different frequencies .e.g. 30 dB(A) at 5,000 Hz

The HSE Manager must

 Ensure adequate supervision when planning the taking in to account the anticipated ‘noise
levels that persons under their control may be exposed to.
 Arrange for a noise analysis to take place, where any concern exists.
 Ensure that all employees are provided with adequate and suitable hearing protection for the
work being performed recognizing the attenuation factors of different ear protectors
 Advise on the procurement of hearing protection
 Shall carry out noise assessments where and when necessary, and produce noise contour
maps with octave band frequencies analyzed.
 Shall ensure that the appropriate sign are displayed for areas where high levels of noise exist.
 Prepare toolbox talk and other training material for briefing the workforce.


10.4.1 General
 The phenomena of noise induced hearing loss has only, relatively speaking, been recently
analyzed and understood. The causation factors of working in industries where high levels of
noise are generated are now clearly understood, and the long term consequence created from
working in such high risk environments placing greater levels of care on employing

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 The physiological damage of working in environments where high levels of noise exists can
be simply explained as the damage caused to the fine hairs in the Cochlea, part of the
hearing mechanism sited in the inner ear. These hairs are jointed to nerves transmitting the
sensation of hearing to the brain; prolonged exposure to high levels of noise will result in
auditory fatigue and eventual failure of function for those fine hairs. This may result in
temporary deafness called a ‘Temporary Threshold Shift’ or permanent dearness, which
includes the occupational illness of ‘Noise induced hearing loss’.

10.4.2 Action
 The action point for noise on all company contracts and /or projects is 85 dB (A). Noise
levels 85 dB (A) and over require provision of signs, mandatory hearing protection and an
analysis of the noise emissions.
 Under foreseeable working conditions, no person shall be exposed to steady noise levels
above 120 dB (A) irrespective of duration, or to impulse noise levels above 135 dB (A).
 Instance where personnel are exposed to high levels of noise will require screening to assess
if any impairment has occurred.
 In areas where noise may interfere with communications, suitable alternative arrangements
shall be in place for alerting the work parties in the events of an emergency

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The table below indicates Source of Sound

approximate noise values
associated with Sound
Pressure in dB

140 Jet aircraft at 30 meters.

130 Pain threshold / impact noise

125 Pneumatic breaker un-silenced

120 Dozer normal operation Pneumatic rock drills Scrapers

Dozer ripping Hand held disc cutter


Tracked loaders, Tipper truck unloading and leveling

Graders leveling ground

Wheeled excavator / loader, Compressors (3.5m3/min),

Road roller, Drilling into a concentrate beam, Diesel driven
generator for arc welding

Circular saws

Sound Pressure in dB Source of Sound

100 Batching plant

95 Concrete mixer, Loading /unloading scaffold materials

90 Electric drill under normal loading

85 The action point for mandatory hearing protection and signs

70 Noise limits for workshops and machinery buildings

11. HEAT STRESS This procedure establishers safety and health

guidance to prevent injury and suffering from
the effects of heat stress to personnel. This
11.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE procedure applies to all personnel, including

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subcontractors and visitors to company’s temperature rises so high that brain damage and
contract and /or project Sites death will result if the person is not cooled
Heat stress is usually the result of work being Symptoms Red, hot, dry skin, though the
performed at elevated temperature contributory person may have been sweating earlier; nausea;
factors may also include a decrease of natural dizziness; confusion; extremely high blood
body ventilation by protective clothing e.g. pressure, rapid respiratory and pulse rate;
chemical & impervious suits. unconsciousness
If the body’s physiological processes fail to Actions Casualty must be cooled down
maintain a normal body temperature because of and medical aid sought immediately with the
excessive heat, a number of physical reactions person transported to the site medical facilities.
can occur ranging from mild (such as fatigue,
irritability, anxiety, and decreased concentration
, dexterity, or movement ) to fatal. Because heat
11.4.2 Heat Exhaustion
stress is one of the most common and Heat exhaustion is a state of very definite
potentially serious illnesses that construction weakness or exhaustion caused by the loss of
workers encounter, in areas where high fluids from the body. This condition is much
temperature are normally encountered, regular less dangerous than heat stroke, but must be
monitoring and other preventative measures are treated early on to prevent eventual deterioration
vital. to heat stroke. Symptoms Pale, clammy, moist
skin, profuse perspiration, and extreme
weakness, Body temperature is normal, pulse is
11.3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES weak and rapid, and breathing is shallow. The
It is the responsibility of line Management and person may have a headache, may vomit, and
Supervision (contractors and Subcontractors) to may be dizzy.
ensure that personnel under their control are
educated in recognizing and understand the
treatment for the various forms of heat stress,
11.4.3 Heat cramps
and that supervision are actively monitoring the Heat cramps are caused by perspiration that is
work force for signs and symptoms of heat not balanced by adequate fluid intake. Heat
stress. cramps are often the first sign of a condition that
can lead to heat stroke. Symptoms: acute painful
spasms of voluntary muscles; e.g. abdomen and
11.4.1 TYPE OF HEAT STREE extremities

11.4.1 Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is acute and dangerous reaction to 11.4.4 Heat Rash
heat stress caused by a failure of the heat Heat Rash is caused by continuous exposure to
regulating mechanisms of the body, e.g. a heat and humid air and aggravated by chafing
breakdown of the employee’s temperature cloths. The condition decrease ability to tolerate
control system that causes sweating. Body heat.

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12.2.0 Definitions: Lumen is the unit used to

describe the amount of light emitted by a
11.4.5 Action source or received on a surface.
 Employees must have access to cool potable Lux is equivalent to one lumen per square meter
water at their place of work. Water coolers (Lx=Lumen/m2)
and cups will be provided for all crews.
 Shaded areas will be provided for rest
periods and instructions given to workers
that resting adjacent to or under plant and 12.3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES
equipment is strictly prohibited 12.3.1 HSE Manager
 First aid equipment provided on site will  Ensuring that Supervisors and Foremen are
include treatment for dehydration e.g. familiar with this procedure
electrolytes  That any work carried out during the night is
 Posters will be showed to the crew and covered by this procedure.
safety talks will be developed.  Monitoring site conditions and measuring
 All of the above heat stress conditions must the lighting provided to ensure it falls within
be reported to the medical center and treated the requirements
as soon as possible medical staff will send
regular communiqués on the subject of heat
stress and inform management of any 12.3.2 Supervisors and Fore
concerns  When occasions occur that require working
 The content of this procedure will be in the hours of darkness the Supervisor will
communicated and emphasized to site ensure that the Project Manager has been
supervision during training session and at informed and that he is satisfied that all
the company’s regular safety meetings. necessary precautions are in place.
 Plan the work as far as practicable to
eliminate the need for night working, but
12. NIGHT WORKING have contingency plans and arrangements in
place to carry out the work safely, if
 Provision of instruction particularly with
12.1.0 SCOPE AND PUPOSE regards to the movement of vehicles within
The general philosophy is to eliminated, where the areas of work.
possible, any work that continues into the hours  Ensuring that adequate barriers are provided
of darkness. With this in mind the purpose of around areas where hazards may exist, and
this procedure is to outline the requirements and that such hazards are clearly lit.
responsibilities for any work or activity that  Ensure that lighting provided is adequate
falls outside this general philosophy, whether and that personnel are not working in
programmed or otherwise. This procedure will
typically apply to emergency scaffolding or
other such activities experienced during the 12.4.0 INSTRUCTIONS
construction and phases of the Company’s  All points of exit, pathways and muster
contract and/or Project. points shall be clearly illuminated.
 Ladder accesses and egress shall be clearly
 Lighting equipment provided shall be 110
volts, and checked in accordance with
procedures for temporary electrics.

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 Where bayonet type light bulbs are used as volt single phase from a double- wound
stingers for illuminating passageways and transformer . Having the center tap of the
stairways, they shall be protected by cages. secondary winding earthed so that that the
Lights provided for this purpose shall be maximum voltage is only 35 volts.
sited to avoid glare and spaced to provide  All portable electric tolls must have pressure
adequate light for the areas covered. release switch (dead man) in operation. All
 The illumination shall be measured prior to cables and plug and socket connectors must
the work being carried out by a light meter be maintained in good condition. Cables
calibrated in Lux. must be effectively attached to the plug
 Tower lighting shall be sited that illuminates connectors by efficient cord grips to reeve
all parts of the area where the work is taking all strain on the flexible cable. Damaged
place. cables should be replaced at once; spliced
 Lighting provided shall be checked prior to cables are not allowed.
use to ensure they meet the requirements of
the Plant and Equipment procedure.
 Lighting in confined spaces shall be in 13.3.2 Portable Electric Drills
accordance with specifications.  Always provide a “starter” mark for the drill
 Generator provided shall be checked prior to point.
use to ensure they meet the requirements of  Always select correct bit for material being
the plant and Equipment procedure. drilled. If bit is long enough to pass through
 Cables employed for the purpose of materials, protect against damage and injury
temporary lighting shall be routed to ensure on the far side
that they do not present a trip hazards or  Small pieces of work should be clamped or
other obstruction. held down to prevent spinning by the drill
 Lighting poles and other metal parts shall be and a warning
earthed and the circuit fitted with residual  Care must be taken prevent sleeves and
current devices. other clothing from being wound around
drill. It is recommended that sleeves be
rolled up to above the elbow.
1. HAND TOOLS  Telescopic or similar guarding must be used
when operating a bench drill
13.3.3 Portable Electric Grinders
13.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE: The purpose  Grinder’s operators must be equipped with
of this procedure is to provide guidance for eye shields and these must be worn.
use of hand-tools at the company’s contracts  The wheel must be inspected and dressed
and/or Project Sites. regularly. Eye shields and respiratory must
be worn when dressing.
 A cracked stone may fly to pieces and
13.2.0 INSTRUCTIONS should be discarded
13.2.1 Electric tools  Tools rest should be used and adjusted
 Portable electric tools, when used in normal correctly. The rest should not be adjusted
conditions, should be the 110 volts type with when the grinder is in motion.
single –phases supply from a double- wound  Grinding wheels should have the same
transformer having the center tap of the maximum permissible working speed as the
secondary winding earthed so that the grinder or a higher safe speed.
maximum voltage to earth is 55 volts.
 Where the noise level exceeds 85 dB (A),
 Where more hazardous conditions exist, i.e., noise protection equipment shall be
where men have to work within boilers or provided to employees. Regularly inspection
metal tanks, the power supply, should be 50 and maintenance shall be carried out.

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13.3.4 Compressed Air tools  Jaw corrugation on Stilson wrenches must

 A variety tools, including hammers, drills , be kept sharp and clean , and handles and
saws and vibrators are powered by adjusting screws (on all wrenched ) must be
compressed air usually provided by a mobile kept in good conditions
or fixed compressor at or near the work-site. Wrenches should be placed on nuts with the jaw
All compressed air tools must have pressure opening facing the direction the handle will
release switch (dead man switch ) move. Pull not push.
 Proper fire precautions should be observed
in connections with the operations of 13.2.8 Screw Drivers
compressors; if housed in a closed building, Do not use a screwdriver as a chisel, pry-
adequate ventilation must be provided and bar, or for any other purpose than that
the exhaust taken to atmosphere intended.
 Air supply lines should be protected from  Keep tip ground properly, squared across,
damage by vehicles, materials etc, and and with square rather than tapered sides.
should be carried across walks and roads  Select the screwdriver to fit size of screw
overheads or in protected channel-ways being driven. Do not grind to a fine point to
 Supply hoses, pipes and couplings must be fit all sizes of screw.
inspected regularly and damaged items must  Handles should fit shank tightly
be promptly replaced or repaired. Air supply Keeps shank directly over screw being
hose carried overhead or vertically should be driven Do not lean on screwdriver, or push
supported with a messenger’s cable, with any more force than necessary to keep
bridging or otherwise. contact with screw properly piloted and
 It is not advisable to depend on an air hose fitted will draw itself in to proper position.
providing its own support over a long span.  Wood screws must not be hammered in to
 Noise may be a serious hazards (see noise place. Use insulated handle for electrical
procedure) works.
13.2.6 Hammers Files
 Points of clinched nails should be turned up  Files should be equipped with handle of
before drawing is attempted . When a nail proper size for file tang. Cut should be on
has been party withdrawn , a small block forward pass of file when teeth become
must be placed under the head of the clogged they may be cleaned with a file
hammer. card. Clogged teeth may cause a file to slip,
 The head of the hammer should be firm , the thus exposing hands to injury. The file may
shaft not split, the face true and not chipped be tapped into the handle by striking handle
 Hammers with metal handle shall not be on a flat surface.
permitted  The handle must not be driven onto the file
13.2.7 Wrenches with a hammer
Socket spanners, ring spanners, Tabular  When small objects are filled, they must be
spanners, Open-end spanners in that orders clamped securely. Or a vice used. Files must
are preferred to the use of wrenches must be not be used for ply –bars ,punches ,etc, as
used, select the right size and type for each file metal is usually very brittle and will
job snap
13.2.9 Pliers
 Do not extend the wrench handle with pipe  Pliers should be used only when no other
or other “cheaters” as jaws will spread. tool will do the job. Never use pliers as
 Pipe or Stilson wrenches should not be used wrenches.
as monkey wrenches.

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 Cutting pliers should be used only for maximum permissible speed marked on the
cutting soft metals , never hardened metals wheel.
or as nail pullers  It must be remembered that centrifugal
 Approved insulated pliers must be used for force, the ultimate cause of wheel bursts,
electrical work increases not directly with speed, but as the
13.2.10Wheel Barrows square of the speed. The speed at which the
 Hand –trucks & wheel barrows should be grinding wheel revolves, is, therefore,
selected for the job. Their frames should be extremely important
strong and straight 14.2.2 Flanges
 Wheels of hand –trucks and wheelbarrows  Every abrasive must be mounted between
should be strong and well secured to frame suitable flanges, which should be not less
.The bodies must be kept clean and free of than one third the diameter of the wheel.
jagged edges. Extreme are must be exercised The flanges should be recessed on the side
when using ramps and walks–ways. Careful next to the wheel, to ensure that clamping
planning of wheelbarrow traffic can avoid pressure is not exerted near the hole
accident and prove economical.  Flanges for wheelers with large holes should
not be recessed, but the corners of the wheel
seating should be undercut, so that the
14. ABRASIVE WHEELS corners of the wheels will not be subjected
to pressure. The inner(driving) flange should
be keyed , screwed, shrunk, or otherwise
secured to the spindle, and the flange
14.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE bearing surface should run true with the
The purpose if this procedure is to provide spindle.
guidance for use of abrasive wheels at the 14.2.3 Washers
Company’s Contract and/ or Project sites.  The purpose of washer to distribute the
clamping pressure evenly on the wheel, in
addition to the prevention of slipping with
less clamping pressure, washer tend to
14.2.0 INSTRUCTIONS reduce wear on the flanges.
14.2.1 General
 Selecting the correct wheel for the job is
equally important for efficient production 14.2.4 Starting New wheels
and for safety as a rough and ready rule. Soft  Before running the wheel, make sure the
wheels are more suitable for hard materials, guard is in proper adjustment.
and hard wheels for soft materials  If the machine is fitted with a work rest,
 With wheels of insatiable structure for the adjust this as possible to the surface of the
job, loading may result, i.e. the abrasive wheel; rotate the wheel by hand to make
wheel face becomes clogged with particles sure it is clear all the way round.
of the materials being ground .A wheel may  New wheels should be run free at full
also be too hard too fine; “glazing”. The operating speed for a short period before
operator is then tempted to press the they are used; during the trial run everyone
workspaces to hard on the wheels , causing stand clear.
it to break .The best policy in selecting 14.2.5 Guards
grinding plant is to consult manufactures of Guards have four main functions:
machines and abrasive wheels, and not to
experiment with out competent advice.  To contain the wheel parts in the event of a
 Before mounting the wheel, check that the burst.
speed of the spindle does not exceed the

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 To protect the wheel against inadvertent 14.2.9 Duties of Employed Persons: No

damage from shock, etc. employed person using as abrasive wheel
 To prevent, as far as possible, the operator shall will fully misuse or remove any guard,
coming into contact with the wheel. or willfully misuse any protection flanges to
 To prevent an over-size wheel being fitted other appliance provided in pursuance or the
Safe use of Guards Procedures or any rest for a work piece.
Every employed person shall make full and
 Guards shall be securely attached to the proper use of guards protection flanges and
body of the machine. other appliances provided in pursuance of
 For straight-sided wheels, the maximum these
angular exposure of the abrasive periphery Procedures, and of rests for work-pieces,
and sides shall not exceed 180 . and if the discovers any defected in the
 Guards for straight grinding machines shall same, shall forthwith reported such defected
be provided with a front curtain, which shall to the occupier manager, or other
be securely fastened to the body of the appropriate person.
 For cup wheels, the back face and periphery 14.2.10Eye protection: Person carrying out dry
shall be enclosed, and the guards shall be grinding operations, or truing or dressing an
adjusted to compensate for the wear of the abrasive wheel, must wear safety glasses
wheel. and full face shield and be protected by
 For depressed center grinding wheels, the suitable transparent screens
wheel shall have a maximum angular
exposure of 180o and the guard shall be so
located as to be between the operator and the 15. HSE MEETINGS
wheel during use.
 The clearance between the inside of the
guard and the periphery of the unused
wheel, shall be not greater than 5% of the 15.1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE
nominal wheel diameter This Procedure describes the HSE meeting held
14.2.6 Controls: Machines in which abrasive at site between the client and the company in
wheels are used must be provided with order to maintain good communications
efficient devices must be readily and with other and promote safety. It defines the
conveniently operated by the person using kinds of meetings and participants.
the machines.
14.2.7 Rest for Wheels : Where there is a rest
for supporting the work-piece, it shall at all
times while the wheel is in motion, be 15.2.0 GENERAL
properly secured and adjusted so as to be as The following regular meeting will be held at
close as practicable ( 3 mm) to the exposed the site
part of the abrasive wheel. Every rest must
be of substantial construction and properly  Pre- Bid HSE meeting
maintained.  Monthly HSE Committee meeting
14.2.8 Condition of Floors: The floor  Weekly General HSE meeting
surrounding every fixed machine or area  Foremen HSE meeting
where portable tools are being used, shall be
maintained in good and even condition. So
as far as practicable it will be kept clear of 15.2.1 Pre-bid meeting
loose material and prevented from becoming

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The procurement department will conduct a pre and hazard identifications and analysis
bid meeting with all prospective activities
Subcontractors, vendors or suppliers to
ensure their understanding of the HSE
programs requirements on the project. 15.2.3 Weekly General HSE Meetings
The HSE meetings shall be organized to
Based on the complexity or potentials hazards,
regularly monitor and report the implantation of
the HSE Manager (or Construction
the specific areas of the HSE Manual, to
Manager) may be elected to attend
promote the safety of persons working at site
More than one Pre- bid meeting any be and to ensure safety practices in order to avoid
conducted as necessary for a given service accidents, injuries and loss of property .It will
or product. be preceded by a site “ walk around inspection”
by all the participants to the meeting .these of
The agenda shall include; meetings will be held in each constructions site
.The field HSE Coordinator will co-ordinate
 Review of Contractor HSE program
 Chain of command for HSE issues this meetings .the Field HSE coordinator ,
 HSE requirements of the Subcontractor together with all Subcontractor’s HSE
,vendor or suppler Supervisors shall attend the meeting .Medical
 Subcontractor , vendor or supplier questions staffs , where applicable , should also attend.
 Other – generated issues.
The subjects of the meeting are as follows:

15.2.2 Monthly HSE committee Meetings  Any matters arising from the previous
The company shall initiate and maintain a HSE minutes.
committee with the primary mandate to  Action arising from the previous meeting
implement the HSE program quality  Precautions instructions to prevent accidents
injuries and the loss of property, and
assessment .The HSE committee shall
comments for actions to be taken by
include; Subcontractors.
 Instructions for fire prevention.
 Project Manager (Chairman )
 Review of any accidents/near misses and the
 Company’s HSE Manager (Secretary ) circulations of any learning points to avoid
 Company’s Fields HSE Coordinators recurrence of the same
 Representative of Clients – Construction  Discuss any other related matters in order to
Manager reduce or eliminate likely hazards and to
 Representatives of Subcontractor’s ( one for suggest remedial measures, for any
each area) potentially hazardous operations
 Representative of Subcontractor’s HSE  Follow up any action points arising from
Supervisor (one for each area) any audits/ inspections.
The HSE committee shall meet at least on a  HSE promotions methods, HSE awards,
monthly basis. safety campaigns, including recognition of
milestones and incentives.
Primary meeting agenda is the quality  Sub-Contractor HSE training programs
assurance assessment of site HSE activities  Daily “Tool box” meeting with sub-
with a special emphasis on the HSE meeting contractor’s work force –environment and
waste management.

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The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that

all incident /accident are reported in a logical
15.2.4 Foremen HSE meetings and consistent manner, to give guidance on the
preparation of Accident Reports and to capture
Regularly weekly meeting shall be held to brief all information necessary to identify the causes.
foremen on the HSE program and include their It is also to prescribe and implement suitable
involvement in it .The meetings shall provide a actions to prevent re occurrence of similar
mechanism for foremen to make their incidents. The procedure establishes a written
contribution to the HSE issues. method of investigation for.

The meeting is conducted weekly .special  Injuries , regardless of classification

meeting shall be held as required.  Non-injury incidents (near misses)
 Damage to property and equipment
The Subcontractors, HSE Supervisor shall incidents;
organize the meetings. He shall prepare an  Transport accidents, if they take place on the
agenda and a written summery of each meeting client’s premises or originate on the client’s
highlighting the major discussion items, and and/or directly contracted vehicles
 Any accidents/ incidents on any of the
unresolved issues. Both of them shall be sent to
company’s contract and/or project sites shall
the Contractor’s Field HSE coordinator for confirm to this procedure.

The Contractor’s Field HSE coordinator can 16.2.0 DEFENITIONS

attend the Foremen HSE meetings. Standing
items will be:
Incident Any unplanned occurrence which
 Answer obtained to questions unanswered at results in or could result in an injury,
last meeting. occupational health risk, equipment damage,
 Accident narrative reports, statistics and property loss, loss of business, or environmental
analyses. damage, leak or spill.
 Review of HSE program developments and
on-going items Accident is an unplanned, unwanted event that
 Foremen’s questions and points of view. may result in personal injury
 Planned safety, environment and health topic
relevant to current work. Near Miss An incident, which has resulted in
 Arrange for special meetings to be held as no injury, illness, and damage or product loss?
necessary, for example to brief foreman on
significant program developments. Basic cause: Technical reason for the incident
16. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATING & Factors: these are factors that contributed to the


Note: all accidents are incidents, all incidents
are accidents

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For the purpose of this procedure the accidents 16.3.2 Tripod accident Causation
as above defined are classified as follows; Sequences
 Breached Defense What last-minute measure
failed or was Missing?
 Unsafe Acts which acts or omissions led
Category 1 Fatalities /permanent total disability directly to the accident?
to person(s) involved. Damages in excess of US  Preconditions which states of mind or of the
$ 150.000(inclusive) to properties, plants etc; or system allowed the unsafe acts?
massive environmental impact  Latent Failures which underlying problems
led to the preconditions?
 Fallible Decisions Which decisions created
the latent failure?
Category II Serious injuries to person(S)
involved resulting in Permanent partial
disabilities as well as working day lost. Damage 16.3.2 Analysis Process
more than US $ 15,000 (inclusive) to properties, The following list summarizes the serious of
Plant, etc., or major environmental impact. steps in the analysis process and help to
build an accident investigation tree;

 Review accident report and broadly classify

Category III Restricted work cases, medical all items of Factual evidence into one of the
treatment cases (no lost time). Damage in excess five main levels
of US$ 500 (inclusive) to properties, plants, etc.,  Build accident investigation tree from
or minor environmental impact classified facts highlighting any lack of
 Identify breached defenses.
 Identify unsafe acts and categorize human
Category IV NO/slight injury or illness, first errors/ violations
aid case. Damage less than US$ 500 to  Determine preconditions surrounding each
properties, plant, etc. or no/slight environmental unsafe act.
impact  Identify the latent failures and categories in
to the general failure types
 Identify the decision behind the general
failure types
16.3.0 ESSENTIAL INVESTGATION  Seek out missing information and repeat the
PROCESSES process.
A form to establish investigation Tree is shown
as ‘Annex A’
16.3.1. Tripod investigation & Analysis
Tripod accident causation method helps to
determine root causes and weakness efficiently 16.4.0 INVESTIGATION
and quickly. This method may be used as
16.4.1 Purpose
decided by the Field HSE coordinator at the
 To identify the causes of accidents so that
scene of the incident action can be taken to prevent recurrence.
 To establish the fact surrounding the
accident so that the direct and indirect cost

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can be established. it may help to motivate  Investigation is one of the essential features
for preventions of litigation of effective Safety Management.
 To meet the relevant statutory requirements  The main objective is to prevent recurrence
on injury and accident reporting. of accidents by identifying deficiencies
Every incident should be investigated, although  Most accidents have more than one cause
the level of investigation and Detail of  The right approach to any accident is that it
investigation will vary and will depend on the could be an indication of deficiencies in the
actual or potential Injury, damage or loss. management of the operation
Following occurrence of any incident, an  Management commitment is best
demonstrated when a through and objective
investigation team must be set-up to start
investigations is carried out by capable
immediate investigation at the location of the investigator and prompt action is taken to
accident. Investigations committee with the correct deficiencies
following members;  Communications, within Organization and
other concerned and interested parties, the
lessons learned.
 Team leader : HSE Manager
 Team leader : Company Representative 16.4.2 Investigation Approach
 Team leader : Field HSE coordinator;
 Team leader : Project Manager
 Team leader : Field HSE Supervisor This approach is to be used by the investigation
 Team leader : Subcontractor committee at the scene of the incident as soon as
Representative possible after the incident At the initial stage the
 Team leader : Sub contractor HSE committee will gather and record all the facts,
Superintendent which may be of interest in determining cause,
they should avoid reaching all the facts, which
For any another incident, the Project Manager may be of interest in determining causes they
shall decide, if the investigation will be carried should avoid reaching conclusions too early in
out by a specific committee .This committee the investigation process, and base their results
shall be composed by ; on positive factual findings.

Check List may be useful but limitations should

also be understood.
 Team leader : Field HSE Coordinator
 Team leader : Project Manager ; The committee shall evaluate:
 Team leader : Discipline Superintendent;
 Team leader : Field HSE Supervisors;
 Team leader : Sub contractor  The potential severity based on company’s
Representative definitions
 Team leader : subcontractor HSE  Probable frequency of recurrence.
Superintendent  Whether the act of negligence causing the
accident was recognized and tolerate or was
not recognized at all until the time of
Some important Features;
 Evaluation for conditions supervision,
inspection and audit.

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9. Improper placement of individual

9.Radiation exposure
The committee shall be as accurate as possible
in identifying causes. The concern Supervisor 10. Improper position for task
shall ensure that all the required photographs 10.Temperature extremes
and initial statement are recorded in the initials
visit whenever possible. 11. Servicing equipment in operation
11.Ventilation inadequate

12. Horseplay or other non work related activity

16.4.0 IDETIFYING CAUSES 12.Ventilation inadequate

13. under influence of alcohol, drugs,

16.5.1 Immediate causes medication

13. Other identified features

Unsafe Acts Unsafe conditions
14. Other 14.

1. Operating Equipment without authority

1. Inadequate guards or barriers Note Unsafe act should describe the acts or
omissions, which led directly to the incidents
2. Failure to warn or educate Unsafe conditions should describe the situations
2. Inadequate/improper protective ,systems equipment or any other attribute that
equipment should have been provided to prevent the
3. Failure to secure

3. Defective tools equipment or

16.5.2 Basic Causes

4. Operating outside of design limitations

The precondition that led to the unsafe act or
4. Congested or restricted areas of condition may include, but not limited to, the
work following;

5. Removing a safety device  Failure t reacts to an unusual situation

5.Inadequate warning systems (training of new procedure, personnel,
equipment, process, and /or material.)
6. Using defective equipment
6.Chemical hazards
No instruction provided or available
7. Not wearing personnel protection equipment
 Failure to correct existing situations.
 Instruction /training inadequate or not
8. Improper lifting technique understood.
8.Noise exposure  Supervisor failed to tell why.
 Supervision failed to listen

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 Duties and task not clear  Lack of requirement to have task set I proper
 Pressure of immediate tasks procedure
 Responsibility not clear or understood Conflicting targets –caused by
 Too many decision makers giving
instruction  Conflict between production and safe
 Authority inadequate to manage the working practices
situation  Conflict between financial priorities and
 Decision exceeds authority safe working practices
 Decision avoidance  Conflict between social and domestic
 Instruction failed to produce desired result priorities on safe working practices
 Subordinates failed to use initiative  Conflict between individual priorities and
safe working practices
 Morals, tension and stress causing
Communication –difficult caused by
 Job descriptions not adequate  Languages problems cultural barriers
 Honest error ,wrong action taken  Lack of clear lines of communication
 Lack of co-ordination/team work  Inadequate feedback (e.g. toolbox talk)
 Poor cooperation  No standardization of information formats
 Faulty inspection and maintenance
 Lines of communication overloaded
 Poor work control /co-ordination leading to Hardware –quality, availability of tools and
poor site conditions
equipment caused by
 Work load too much /too little
 Staff shortage high turnover /absenteeism.  Inadequate specification of equipment
 Personality type e.g. impulsive ,excitable  Wrong components purchased /used
,lazy etc  Equipment may be not available learning to
 Poor work habit ,taking short cuts, careless improvisation
with tools  Defective equipment
 Work assignment –unsuited for the  Age of equipment compared to life
particular individual expectancy
 Inadequate delegation or development or Design – inadequate design criteria of plant
and equipment caused by
 Health and impairment of the individual
 Domestic or other external influence 
Design not fully understood to operate
16.5.3 Root Causes safely
The General Failure types found in the incident  Poor specifications leading to substandard
causation chain can be listed follows; materials and inherent weakness in the
Procedures:  Specification not completed with
Environmental conditions – A situation that may
 Inadequate quality of existing procedures
regarding application, availability , realism influence the individual or the work place
and understanding caused by caused by
 Inadequate team that developed the
procedure  Poor moral ,this can be caused by a number
of situation e.g. unfair enforcement of rules
 Inadequate feedback about procedure
,weak disciplines ,, rule changes etc
 Inadequate indexing or filing system
 Physical deterioration , caused by working
 Personnel not informed about procedure.
long hours , subject to undue pressure etc

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 Emergency of unusual situation with staff Financial and other constraint during design
unable with staff unable to cope or respond phase.
 Information not correct or supplied  Poor discipline and enforcement
 Circumstantial factors such as domestic The root causes listed above have been
pressure, homesickness etc.. identified as the general and latent failure
 Poor co-ordination between department attributable to organization that lead to
causing interface problems accidents. If should be noted that these failure
Training –shortcomings in skill and
are generally the result of policy decisions and
knowledge caused by
where possible these should also be identified
 Ineffective pre-employment selection and form part of any action taken to remedy the
 Prior education not compatible with job causation factors
 No structures planning of training programs A contract may be under bid to the point where
 No assessment of training effectiveness insufficient allocations of resources results,
 Ineffective training or training not leading to the incident
appropriate for the personnel it is aimed at
 Housekeeping and other site conditions that 16.5.0 IDENTIFYING CAUSES
may influence acts and omissions. Based on the accident classification, the
Organization – shortcoming in the structure of reporting activities are summarized in the table
the organization leading to inadequate operation below.
of a company or project caused by

 Inadequately defined departments or part of

the organization. Unclear accountability
,responsibility or delegation structures
 Inadequate definitions of objectives and co-
ordination of project and task Frequent
reorganization of departments
 Too much bureaucracy and rigidity
Maintenance – Inadequate protection of
employees and the environment

 Inadequate planning , controlling , execution

and recording of maintenance programs
 Shortage of maintenance personnel.
Financial or time constraints.
Defenses- Inadequate protection of employees
and the environment against hazardous
situations caused by :

 Lack of standardization (lay out and displays

 Ergonomic consideration ,human limitations
e.g., size and strength of the individual
 Inadequate communication between design
and the user ,allowing substandard
conditions to remain unchecked

Gas Pipeline Distribution Network & Pipeline

Validation Project 0 31st Oct 2017

Category of Originator Addressee Timeliness Reporting

AII Sub-Contractor Company Immediately Verbal
I-II Company Client Immediately Verbal
III-IV Company Client Immediately Verbal
I Sub – Company Within 24 hours Written Report
II Sub contractor Company Within 48 hours Written Report
III-IV Sub-Contractor Company Within 48 hours Written Report
I Company Client After receiving Written report
II Company Client Within 72 hours Written Report
III-IV Company Client Within 72 hours Written Report

The written investigation report (Annex D) prepared by the Investigation committee shall contain
the following issues.

 Incident summery (briefly describe the incident )

 Root Cause (event drawn from the facts that caused the accident
 Injury /Damage Report (Annex B: C)
 Initial Findings
 Path Forward (Corrective Disciplinary Action )
 Closure (Execution of path Forward)

Disciplinary Action

If disciplinary action is deemed necessary , the site Manager and Sub contractor representative of
the employee(s) involved , shall decide what the disciplinary action will be and shall inform the
HSE coordinator of any such decision prior to informing the employees(s)

17. Welding & Cutting

Welding and cutting can produce hazards such as sparks, spatter,

radiation (infrared, ultraviolet, and blue light), slag, heat, hot metal, fumes and gases, and even

Gas Pipeline Distribution Network & Pipeline

Validation Project 0 31st Oct 2017

electric shock. Since these hazards may cause burns, injury, or death, it is important to wear
proper PPE at all times.


Wear a helmet with filter lens and cover plate that complies with ANSI Z87.1 for protection
from radiant energy, flying sparks, and spatter.


Wear a fire-resistant welder’s cap or other head covering under your helmet. It will protect your
head and hair from flying sparks, spatter, burns, and radiation


Select boots that meet the requirements of ASTM F2412 and ASTM F2413 (or the older ANSI
Z41 which has been withdrawn).


Always wear dry, hole-free, insulated welding gloves in good condition. They will help protect
your ands from burns, sparks, heat, cuts, scratches, and electric shock.


Wear oil-free protective clothing made of wool or heavy cotton. Heavier materials work best.
They are harder to ignite and resist wear and damage

18. Crane & Fork Lift

We EPC will planned to use crane or Forklift as the rigging devices at
[Client Site] for lifting and moving materials. [EPC]'s policy is to maintain a safe workplace for
our employees; therefore only qualified and licensed individuals shall operate these devices. The
safety rules and guidance is applied to all operations at [Client] that involve the use of cranes
and forklift.
Safety Department is responsible for

Gas Pipeline Distribution Network & Pipeline

Validation Project 0 31st Oct 2017

 Conducting training for all Crane & Forklift Operators

 Issuing licenses to Crane and Forklift Operators
 Periodically verifying monthly test and inspection reports.
General Rigging Safety Requirements
Only select rigging equipment that is in good condition. All rigging equipment shall be inspected
annually; defective equipment is to be removed from service and destroyed to prevent
inadvertent reuse. The load capacity limits shall be stamped or affixed to all rigging components.
[EPC] policy requires a minimum safety factor to be maintained for wire rope slings. The
following types of slings shall be rejected or destroyed:
Nylon slings with
 Abnormal wear.
 Torn stitching.
 Broken or cut fibers.
 Discoloration or deterioration.
Wire-rope slings with
 Kinking, crushing, bird-caging, or other distortions.
 Evidence of heat damage.
 Cracks, deformation, or worn end attachments.
 Six randomly broken wires in a single rope lay.
 Three broken wires in one strand of rope.
 Hooks opened more than 15% at the throat.
 Hooks twisted sideways more than 10deg. from the plane of the unbent hook.
Alloy steel chain slings with
 Cracked, bent, or elongated links or components.
 Cracked hooks.
Shackles, eye bolts, turnbuckles, or other components those are damaged or deformed.
Hand Signals
Signals to the operator shall be in accordance with the standard hand signals unless voice
communications equipment (radio or equivalent) is used. Signals shall be discernible or audible
at all times. Some special operations may require addition to or modification of the basic signals.
For all such cases, these special signals shall be agreed upon and thoroughly understood by both
the person giving the signals and the operator, and shall not be in conflict with the standard

Gas Pipeline Distribution Network & Pipeline

Validation Project 0 31st Oct 2017

[EPC] Safety Department shall maintain records for all cranes, forklift and rigging equipment.


Period of
Sl No Contract No Work Description Client Name
EPC supplied manpower, equipment, tools, and
supervision for the pipe line validation services part Will Provided
1 Jan-12 4500681374 during the emergency shutdown in SADAF MTBE T/A on Request

EPC supplied manpower, equipment, tools, and Will Provided

2 Jan-12 10545700 on Request
supervision for the pipe line validation services in Saudi
Aramco, Abqaiq
EPC supplied manpower, equipment, tools, and
supervision for the pipe line validation services part Will Provided
3 Mar-12 8102343.3 on Request
during the emergency shutdown in Saudi Aramco,

EPC. Supplied manpower and equipment & tools Will Provided

4 Aug-13 00334/625 supervision for pipe line validation services in Sipchem on Request
BDO plant in Jubail.

March EPC supplied manpower, equipment, tools, and Will Provided

5 10100490 on Request
2014 supervision for the pipe line validation services in
Saudi Kayan, Jubail 2014
EPC supplied manpower, equipment, tools, and Will Provided
6 Apr-15 10100419 supervision for the pipe line validation services in on Request


 During execution of the job all measure shall be adopted to ensure safe working.

 Client site management system (latest revision) will be implemented.

 All personnel involved will use necessary PPE as required.

 The workers will be made aware of safety requirements related to this activity through
daily, weekly and monthly toolbox and safety talks.

Gas Pipeline Distribution Network & Pipeline

Validation Project 0 31st Oct 2017

 The safety notice board will be installed.

 All equipment will be inspected by HSE prior to start work

 All safety measures shall be adopted prior to expose the pipe line

 During transportation of equipment it shall be properly supported and tied on the


 Ensure that equipment’s & barricades are properly wedged or blocked to avoid rolling
while shifting from one location to another.

 Access and good housekeeping should be maintained during the work.

 Waste Management should be strictly followed to keep the job site neat and clean


Housekeeping will be carried out on daily basis to maintain cleanliness at working area


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